ship-o-rama · 3 months
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Name: Narada (alternate) Affiliation: Romulans, None Years: 2387, 2233-2258 Captain: Nero, James T. Kirk, Nyota Uhura
Background: Paths diverged from the original Narada when it the space-time tunnel took it to the mirror universe linked with the universe created by the original Narada time travel. It also arrived in 2233 and also engaged and destroyed the (I.S.S.) Kelvin. The ship and crew became prisoners of the Klingons and spent the next 20+ years at Rura Penthe. The Klingons learned nothing.
In 2258, Commander James T. Kirk, Commander Scott and Dr. McCoy left the Enterprise at the tail end of the Klingon surrender in a pair of shuttlecraft with assault teams and took control of the Narada.
Kirk had already pried the ship's secrets out of the remaining Narada crew and executed Nero himself for the death of his father. Kirk took command of the ship, with Leonard McCoy and Scotty in tow, and intercepted the I.S.S. Enterprise, which had been busy mopping up the war with the Klingons at Qo'noS. There, he reveal the full extent of his betrayal to Spock when Chekov, Sulu and Uhura all beamed to the Narada. As he was boasting to Spock about his Ultimate Plans, Uhura secretly beamed Spock aboard before Narada destroyed the Enterprise.
Kirk contacted Senator Pike and let him know he planned to destroy Vulcan in the name of the Imperium, which was now himself.
Thru the ships databanks Kirk knew that Nero awaited the reopening of the space-time tunnel that brought him there. The Narada made the rendezvous and the anomaly spit out the Jellyfish and another version of Spock Prime.
Scotty cracked the code surrounding Red Matter and it was immediately used on Vulcan. Kirk beamed down to the Katric Ark to gloat to those working there. Then the attack stopped, Uhura having taken control of Narada, killing Scotty. Spock and Spock Prime beamed down to Vulcan to give Kirk a chance to surrender and when he didn't, Spock killed him. Spock was intent on preserving the Terran-Vulcan alliance while Uhura took the ship to Earth to show them a new future.
Appeared in Star Trek: Ongoing Vol. 4, IDW Comics
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 year
Narada: Dammit, Hermes! Hermes: What?! It wasn’t me! Narada: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Loki! Loki: Not me either. Narada: Oh…Then who set the house on fire? Seth: *whistles*
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ncc-60205 · 3 months
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【commission】 battle at Bassen Rift
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raine-hearts-art · 1 year
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@trektober-challenge Day 5: Ship Evacuation- USS Kelvin on stardate 2233.04
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defconprime · 5 months
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haribolnamaste · 9 days
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Nanda Maharam comforts little Krishna
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harekrishna108 · 1 year
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Sri Narada said: “As soon as I began to meditate upon the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead with my mind transformed in transcendental love, tears rolled down my eyes, and without delay the Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna appeared on the lotus of my heart.”~Srimad Bhagavatam 1.6.16
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prabhupadadasi · 5 months
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tvam — your goodness; paryaṭan— traveling; arkaḥ — the sun; iva— like; tri-lokīm — the three worlds; antaḥ-caraḥ — can penetrate into everyone’s heart;vāyuḥ iva — as good as the all-pervading air; ātma — self-realized; s��kṣī — witness; parāvare — in the matter of cause and effect; brahmaṇi — in the Absolute;dharmataḥ — under disciplinary regulations; vrataiḥ — in vow;snātasya — having been absorbed in; me — mine; nyūnam — deficiency; alam — clearly;vicakṣva — search out.
Like the sun, your goodness can travel everywhere in the three worlds, and like the air you can penetrate the internal region of everyone. As such, you are as good as the all-pervasive Supersoul. Please, therefore, find out the deficiency in me, despite my being absorbed in transcendence under disciplinary regulations and vows.
Śrimad-Bhāgavatam 1.5.7
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jayshrisitaram108 · 2 years
भगवान श्रीराम जी के श्री मुखसे संतो के गुण गान
༼नारद राम संबाद का कुछ अंश༽
संतन्ह के लच्छन रघुबीरा कहहु नाथ भव भंजन भीरा
सुनु मुनि संतन्ह के गुन कहऊँ जिन्ह ते मैं उन्ह कें बस रहऊँ
हे रघुवीर! हे भव-भय (जन्म-मरण के भय) का नाश करने वाले मेरे नाथ! अब कृपा कर संतों के लक्षण कहिए! (श्री रामजी ने कहा-) हे मुनि! सुनो, मैं संतों के गुणों को कहता हूँ, जिनके कारण मैं उनके वश में रहता हूँ
षट बिकार जित अनघ अकामा अचल अकिंचन सुचि सुखधामा
अमित बोध अनीह मितभोगी सत्यसार कबि कोबिद जोगी
वे संत (काम, क्रोध, लोभ, मोह, मद और मत्सर- इन) छह विकारों (दोषों) को जीते हुए, पापरहित, कामनारहित, निश्चल (स्थिरबुद्धि), अकिंचन (सर्वत्यागी), बाहर-भीतर से पवित्र, सुख के धाम, असीम ज्ञानवान्‌, इच्छारहित, मिताहारी, सत्यनिष्ठ, कवि, विद्वान, योगी
सावधान मानद मदहीना धीर धर्म गति परम प्रबीना
सावधान, दूसरों को मान देने वाले, अभिमानरहित, धैर्यवान, धर्म के ज्ञान और आचरण में अत्यंत निपुण,
दोहा :
गुनागार संसार दुख रहित बिगत संदेह तजि मम चरन सरोज प्रिय तिन्ह कहुँ देह न गेह
गुणों के घर, संसार के दुःखों से रहित और संदेहों से सर्वथा छूटे हुए होते हैं। मेरे चरण कमलों को छोड़कर उनको न देह ही प्रिय होती है, न घर ही
चौपाई :
निज गुन श्रवन सुनत सकुचाहीं पर गुन सुनत अधिक हरषाहीं
सम सीतल नहिं त्यागहिं नीती सरल सुभाउ सबहि सन प्रीति
कानों से अपने गुण सुनने में सकुचाते हैं, दूसरों के गुण सुनने से विशेष हर्षित होते हैं सम और शीतल हैं, न्याय का कभी त्याग नहीं करते। सरल स्वभाव होते हैं और सभी से प्रेम रखते हैं
जप तप ब्रत दम संजम नेमा गुरु गोबिंद बिप्र पद प्रेमा
श्रद्धा छमा मयत्री दाया मुदिता मम पद प्रीति अमाया
वे जप, तप, व्रत, दम, संयम और नियम में रत रहते हैं और गुरु, गोविंद तथा ब्राह्मणों के चरणों में प्रेम रखते हैं उनमें श्रद्धा, क्षमा, मैत्री, दया, मुदिता (प्रसन्नता) और मेरे चरणों में निष्कपट प्रेम होता है
बिरति बिबेक बिनय बिग्याना बोध जथारथ बेद पुराना
दंभ मान मद करहिं न काऊ भूलि न देहिं कुमारग पाऊ
तथा वैराग्य, विवेक, विनय, विज्ञान (परमात्मा के तत्व का ज्ञान) और वेद-पुराण का यथार्थ ज्ञान रहता है वे दम्भ, अभिमान और मद कभी नहीं करते और भूलकर भी कुमार्ग पर पैर नहीं रखते
गावहिं सुनहिं सदा मम लीला हेतु रहित परहित रत सीला
मुनि सुनु साधुन्ह के गुन जेते कहि न सकहिं सादर श्रुति तेते
सदा मेरी लीलाओं को गाते-सुनते हैं और बिना ही कारण दूसरों के हित में लगे रहने वाले होते हैं हे मुनि! सुनो, संतों के जितने गुण हैं, उनको सरस्वती और वेद भी नहीं कह सकते
छंद :
कहि सक न सारद सेष नारद सुनत पद पंकज गहे अस दीनबंधु कृपाल अपने भगत गुन निज मुख कहे
सिरु नाइ बारहिं बार चरनन्हि ब्रह्मपुर नारद गए ते धन्य तुलसीदास आस बिहाइ जे हरि रँग रँए
शेष और शारदा भी नहीं कह सकते यह सुनते ही नारदजी ने श्री रामजी ��े चरणकमल पकड़ लिए दीनबंधु कृपालु प्रभु ने इस प्रकार अपने श्रीमुख से अपने भक्तों के गुण कहे भगवान्‌ के चरणों में बार-बार सिर नवाकर नारदजी ब्रह्मलोक को चले गए तुलसीदासजी कहते हैं कि वे पुरुष धन्य हैं, जो सब आशा छोड़कर केवल श्री हरि के रंग में रँग गए हैं
जय श्री राम🏹ᕫ🙏
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Narada Muni and his curse
Narada Muni was cursed by Prajapati Daksha that, although he has facility to travel anywhere in the universe, he will not be able to stay in one place for long. However, this is not the real reason. It is only the external reason.
Pure devotees of Lord are above any such considerations of boon and the curse. They freely travel anywhere and everywhere. The real reason why Narada Muni travels across the realms of the universe is given in Srimad Bhagavatam
janasya kṛṣṇād vimukhasya daivād adharma-śīlasya suduḥkhitasya anugrahāyeha caranti nūnaṁ bhūtāni bhavyāni janārdanasya
‘’O my lord, great philanthropic souls travel everywhere on behalf of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to show compassion to the fallen souls who are averse to the sense of subordination to the Lord Krishna.’’- S.B. 3.5.3
In the words of Narada Muni himself,
deva-dattām imāṁ vīṇāṁ svara-brahma-vibhūṣitām
mūrcchayitvā hari-kathāṁ gāyamānaś carāmy aham
‘’I (Narada Muni) travel, constantly singing the transcendental message of the glories of the Lord, vibrating this instrument called a vīṇā, which is charged with transcendental sound and which was given to me by Lord Kṛṣṇa.’’- Srimad Bhagavatam 1.6.32
Thus, Narada Muni travels everywhere so that he can preach the glories of Krishna and revive the conditioned souls from the deep slumber of material life.
nārada muni, bājāy vīṇā 'rādhikā-ramaṇa'-nāme nāma amani, udita haya, bhakata-gītā-sāme
‘’When the great soul Narada Muni plays his vina, the holy name, Radhika-raman, descends and immediately appears amidst the kirtan of the Lord’s devotees.’’-Narada Muni Bajay Vina, Gitavali
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getthatball · 3 months
Narada Michael Walden Divine Emotions
Because I went down the 80s rabbit hole again and found this semi-hit by Narada Michael Walden from 1⃣9⃣8⃣8⃣. He really should have had more hits, but found greater success as a producer. #DivineEmotions
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therxtking · 4 months
MOTHER MODE ENGAGED. Narada is pretty sure she has one of these in her mental Rolodex of forms. Giant rat, different giant rat, giant rat with horns…oh, yeah, this one should work. The shift is fluid and she almost falls on her face with the change in her center of gravity (and her hyperfocus on the pup), but the end result is a big, strong, mostly red doe with a silky coat and telltale mismatched eyes. She holds out her paws, trying to coax the little fluffball to her.
“Oh, come here, little thing…where’s your mother?”
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This is ALSO not mamma! The pup stumbles over as he turns and starts crawling away, hiccuping sobs between high pitched alarm squeaks, calling for mom.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 year
Narada: Yo is Seth sleeping or dead? Hermes: Hopefully dead, I hated his guts. Loki: Yeah, so did I. Seth: Okay first of all, fuck you-
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therealadwarren · 5 months
Eagle's Path (1987)
David Lanz & Paul Speer
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ganeshaspeaksonline · 7 months
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defconprime · 2 years
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Narada sketch card by Chris Meeks
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