#Nara is sick as hell
woadfriedrice · 8 months
If I had a nickel for every time Kristen Applebees said a girl had a dog’s name in junior year, I’d have two nickels!
Which isn’t a lot…
My girlie is really radiating the hostility with that insult 😂🥲
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lexsssu · 9 months
Again (Uchiha Sasuke)
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TAGS: Sasuke/F!reader, yandere, obsession, dirty thoughts, breeding kink, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Kaa-chan told me to remind you to eat and to give you this! She said it’s your favorite.”
Gingerly taking the bento being offered to him, something flickered within Sasuke’s lone visible eye which disappeared almost as soon as it appeared. Even without opening it, he was already sure of its contents. 
You were the one who made it after all.
“Please give her my thanks when you get home. I’ll drop this off myself once I’ve cleaned it,” the Uchiha makes sure to use his left hand as he receives the lunch box, a small shiver running down his spine as a brief image of you happily preparing this meal for him appears in his mind’s eye.
“Will do, Oji-san! And thank you again for today’s training session. Please come visit us at home whenever you can. Kaa-san always looks forward to your visits. She always says you don’t visit enough,” Shinachiku’s soft laughter reminds Sasuke of how much he takes after you than Naruto.
From the shade of green in his eyes, to the way his smiles aren’t as blinding as Naruto’s and yet exudes the same strength and softness yours does. Shinachiku Uzumaki is his father’s son, but no one can ever deny that he is also his mother’s child.
He could’ve been your child.
All of them could have been yours.
If only you hadn’t been so weak.
If you simply had the power…then perhaps she’d have been yours.
Not Naruto’s…YOURS!!!
When both he and the young genin separate for the night, him to his lively home filled with the happiness and laughter of family, Sasuke on the other hand retreats to the lonely Uchiha compound. He is all too used to the dreary atmosphere of the place he once called home, his steps never faltering as he entered the main house’s kitchen and sat himself at the dining table.
Inside the 3-layer bento were several onigiri with various fillings, namely umeboshi, salmon, and bonito flakes. A tomato salad that definitely was one of your own homegrown ones (because he has never seen, smelled, and tasted any tomatoes more delicious than yours). The tomato soup was still warm and felt even warmer as he ate it as slowly as he could, savoring the myriad of flavors contained in such a seemingly simple dish. 
Though he wasn’t fond of sweets, the avenger couldn’t ignore the slice of strawberry shortcake you packed for him. The first bite of cake reminded him of the sweetness of the youth he spent with you despite his hyperfixation on killing his own brother at the time.
If he’d known the truth that early on then perhaps he wouldn’t have wasted all his time chasing after Itachi.
Naruto wouldn’t have had the chance to take you for himself if Sasuke understood that you were worth much more than his misguided revenge. 
Even though Naruto left for training with Jiraiya, the blonde was more than happy to regale him with tales of how the two of you would do your best to send each other letters despite how they constantly went from place to place. Somehow, you always found yourself to him, and he to you.
It made Sasuke sick.
Don’t even get him started on all the flies that buzzed around you while he and Naruto were gone.
Despite most of the original rookies having settled down, the Uchiha was very much aware of how these same men gravitate towards you before Naruto went and made his formal claim. 
That know-it-all Nara, the arrogant Hyuga, even Gaara of the Sand were almost always seen around you.
Hell, even that damned swordsman from Kiri who’s now currently its Mizukage was too close to you. Don’t even get him started on Haku who’d more or less become your guard dog ever since you saved both him and Zabuza all those years ago during that mission in Wave. 
As much as he despised their attentions on you, he knew deep inside of him that all of them saw the very same thing in you that drew them all in like moths to a flame. 
And he HATED it.
Hated that they all coveted you when none of them deserved to have you.
Sasuke’s last thought as he closed his eyes was that of you.
Always YOU.
The Sakura blooms you gifted him smelled so nice…It was a good thing he placed them on his bedside table, because he could close his eyes and pretend that it is the scent of your hair. 
He could pretend that it is his hands that run across the soft pink strands as you sleep.
He could pretend that he is the one who feasts upon your delicious cunt each night. His cock forcing your soft and pliant walls open again and again as your nails drag across his back, leaving angry red lines that serve as proof of how much he pleasured you. That it is his potent seed that fills your womb to the brim, globs of semen dripping from your pussy as he makes sure to pour loads and loads of his love within you.
Wouldn’t that be perfect?
Not only will he revive the Uchiha clan, but knowing that you carried his seed and nurtured them within you…he could burst from happiness just from the mere thought of it.
Sasuke falls into a deep sleep, soothed by the images of a reality that could have been.
“Even though Sensei told us not to have breakfast, I still think the last thing we should do is train on an empty stomach. So I made us all some breakfast and even lunch!” 
Sasuke is once again presented with a bento filled with onigiri, but this time the hands holding onto the container were more slender as slim digits softly yet firmly gripped the lunch box. 
“I’m not sure which filling you prefer, but I have different fillings with me so you can choose which one you like best,” ever the thoughtful person you were, you selflessly offered the last Uchiha the food despite how antisocial he’d been towards you despite the time you’d spend together as classmates at the academy.
In his first life, Sasuke simply scoffed at your attempts of kindness towards him. Batting you off at every opportunity as he believed himself above such camaraderie when his only goal in life was to enact his revenge.
Not anymore.
Without saying anything, the raven-haired preteen grabbed the Okaka rice ball just before Naruto could take it.
“Hey, what’s the big idea, teme?! I was gonna get that one!”
“...Tch. Then you should’ve been quicker, dobe.”
“Why you little…!”
The sound of your tinkling laughter and Naruto’s disgruntled mumbling was music to his Sasuke’s ears.
He may have managed to get you the first time around, but not this time.
Uchiha Sasuke didn’t know who or what had flung him back into the past, but Indra knows he won’t ever make the same mistakes he did before.
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tokidokitokyo · 3 months
Japanese Prefectures: Kantō - Kanagawa
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
神 かみ、かん~、こう~、シン、ジン、かな gods, mind, soul
奈 いかん、からなし、ナ、ナイ、ダイ Nara
川 かわ、セン stream; river
県 ケン prefecture
関東 かんとう Kanto, region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures
Prefectural Capital (県庁所在地) : Yokohama (横浜市)
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Kanagawa Prefecture is located just south of Tokyo. It is home to many day trip destinations from Tokyo, including the cities of Kamakura and Hakone. The prefectural capital of Yokohama on the Pacific coast is Japan's second largest city and its major port, including many multicultural influences such as a China Town and the Minato Mirai building. The port areas are also major centres of bonito and tuna fishing. Inland, Kanagawa has a flourishing agricultural area producing flowers and dairy products for the Tokyo market.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット The Great Buddha of Kamakura - 鎌倉大仏
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The Great Buddha of Kamakura (source)
At the Buddhist temple Kotoku-in (高徳院) in Kamakura stands the 11-metre tall 13th-century bronze statue of Amida Buddha. Initially housed in a wooden hall, it was restored in the Edo period (1603-1868) after being damaged over the years by typhoons and earthquakes and now towers over the grounds of the temple. The Great Buddha of Kamakura is the second largest seated Buddha in Japan.
After you visit the Great Buddha, you can also find other Zen Buddhist temples, which are among the oldest and most beautiful in the country, and most in walking distance from each other. Enoshima and the Kamakura beaches are also nearby.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Kuro-tamago (Black eggs) - 黒卵 (くろたまご)
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Kuro-tamago or Black eggs (source)
It may seem strange, but this popular souvenir from the Owakudani (大涌谷 or Great Boiling Valley) in the resort town of Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture gets its distinctive black color from being boiled in natural hot spring water for 60 minutes at a temperature of 80°C, then steamed at 100°C for 15 minutes in steel baskets over natural hot spring water. The natural hot spring water contains sulfur and iron, thus turning the egg shells black. The Kuro-tamago, or Black Eggs, have a slight sulfur smell (although the whole valley has this smell so you might not notice). They are safe to eat and are said to add 7 years to your lifespan! (You shouldn't eat more than two at one time though, as the lifespan elongating effects will then be nullified, or you might just feel slightly sick).
Owakudani is an active volcanic valley that is known to locals as Jigokudani (地獄谷 or Valley of Hell) due to the sulfurous volcanic gasses and steam from the natural hot spring waters. There are many resorts nearby in Hakone which tap into these natural hot springs. The valley was formed due to the last eruption of Mt Hakone about 3,000 years ago. On clear days, you have a great view of Mt Fuji. There is also a ropeway that will take you over the active volcanic area, but sometimes it can be closed when the volcanic activity picks up and the volcanic gasses increase, so check before you visit.
Kanagawa Dialect・Kanagawa-ben・神奈川弁
Kanagawa-ben is a basket term used to describe the dialects spoken in the prefecture, but there is no single unified dialect.
1. うんめろ unmero very, a lot
うんめろ美味しい (unmero oishii)
Standard Japanese: たくさん、とても (takusan, totemo)
とても美味しい (totemo oishii)
English: very, a lot
very delicious
2. あんきだ anki da I'm relieved, it's a relief
おめーらガ、みんなこどまーでけーからあんきだなー (omeera ga, minna kodomaa dekei kara anki da naa)
Standard Japanese: 安心だ (anshin da)
お前の家は、みんな子どもが成長しているから安心だな (omae no ie wa, minna kodomo ga seichou shite iru kara anshin da na)
English: I'm relieved
It's a relief because all the children in your home are growing up well
3. あっちかし・こっちかし (acchikashi, kocchikashi)
椅子を並べるのはこっちかし? あっちかし? (isu o naraberu no wa kocchikashi? acchikashi?)
Standard Japanese: あちら側・こちら側 (achiragawa, kochiragawa)
椅子を並べるのはこちら側? あちら側? (isu o naraberu no wa kochiragawa? achiragawa?)
English: that side, this side
Should I arrange the chairs this way? That way?
4. うっちゃる (uccharu)
ゴミをうっちゃる (gomi o uccharu)
Standard Japanese: 捨てる (suteru)
ゴミを捨てる (gomi o suteru)
English: to throw away
Throw away your trash
5. かったるい (kattarui)
遠くて歩くのかったるいな (tookute aruku no kattarui na)
Standard Japanese: 面倒くさい、だるい (mendoukusai, darui)
遠くて歩くのだるいな (tookute aruku no darui na)
English: bothersome, tiresome
It's so far that it would be a pain to walk there
More Kanagawa dialect here (Japanese site).
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shima-draws · 10 months
Hiiii I come bearing another OC design WIP, this time it’s YA BOY, the one and only protag boy (from this post!)
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He’s a darkness/dragon elemental, the black on his hands and arms is permanent and happened due to an incident in his childhood. He was a bit self conscious of the way his arms looked at first but now he’s totally chill with it (and. When he uses his powers dragons scales sprout on his arms and glow and it’s sick as hell.) He is everything to me and I would die for him and he doesn’t even have a name. WHICH IS WHY I’m letting you guys pick since I’m settled on an “N” name but I’m indecisive <3
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Kurama: whenever your mother went to someone’s house she brought a bottle of something to drink for the hosts. It’s the polite thing to do.
Naruto: Oh! That makes sense :)
Kurama: Are you sure? If you have any questions, ask before I fall asleep again.
Naruto: I mean could I bring two bottles? Just in case?
Kurama: Yes you can. Your mother did it often when there was a large amount of people in attendance, so I don’t see why you couldn’t gift two bottles.
Naruto: Thank you 🦊!
—————————-Later that Day——————————
Naruto: Hello, Choji’s mom and Choji’s dad! I brought you flowers and two bottles to drink!
Choji’s mom who legit has no name: Oh you didn’t have to dear! Come in, come in! I can get Shikaku to open the bottles up for us adults, Kami knows he drinks enough.
Naruto: there’s no alcohol in it so Shika and Choji can have some too :)
Shikaku: what is it? There’s no label on either of them…
Shikamaru coming in a clocking the green bottle: is that what I think it is?
Naruto: yup!
Shikamaru: Dad, give it
Shikaku hesitantly hands it over: the hell is it?
Shikamaru: *already chugging it*
Naruto: I made smoothies for some of the deer in the forest of death as a sorry for killing their friends, but Shika really likes them too! He always drinks a bunch when I make them so I started bringing him some and thought you’d want some too. That’s why I brought the second bottle! Only fair since I already got the Akimichi a bear earlier.
Shikaku: you…got them the bear. The seven foot bear they’re roasting on spit over there?
Naruto: Oh yeah! I’m even going to make Choji a blanket or a coat out of the pelt! Haven’t decided yet.
Shikaku reaching for the other deer smoothie bottle: bottoms up!
Shikamaru being more on the herbivore side than Naruto is so Naruto spends hours quizzing Kurama on foods that deer like that are also safe for humans because his friends are delicate and squishy and can’t even eat a raw egg with the shell because they could get sick (he still has to find a solution for this. The crunchy is very nice and he thinks choji would like it more than chips)
Shikamaru has a slight rivalry with some of the deer because they fight over the smoothies whenever Naruto makes them.
Choji is definitely more interested in meat than Shikamaru is, but Naruto has to spend forever learning how to cook it. Kurama always thought it was boring so he didn’t really pay much attention when his mom or Mido did it so he’s mostly just there for moral support and to remind him to “NOT THROW WATER ON A GREASE FIRE YOU IDIOT!”
The adults are split on how to feel on Naruto. The Akimichis adore this feral little fox child. The Nara’s are hesitant but intrigued (it’s not often that an entire child can hunt down a fully grown bear after all and why does Naruto even have those skills this young? Isn’t anyone feeding him?). The yamanakas just wish that he and Ino would stop hissing at each other like cats as they think the kids could all get along rather well if they found some common ground.
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Paring: Bully Shikamaru x gyaru reader
Warning: EXTREME NSFW, bullying elements, dark content , porn, black mail,male receiving, mean Shikamaru, bathroom sex, semi public sex,under age sex,name calling, dirty talk, cursing,long-ish, grammar misspellings, cream pie.
Note:I posted this on accident there will be heavy changes
"Sorry I didn't hear you.. what did you just say...." You said to the boy infront of in a broken voice, not believing the words that fell out his mouth, that had enough weight to crush the ground and your thinking.
Shikamaru smirked at this with an evil smirk and narrowed eyes as he opened his mouth to repeat his words. "You heard me you whore, I said I know about how you were and mistake" he said as his eyes lit up like a light with amusement.
Your heart sank to the floor as you thought to yourself nobody but Shikamaru would somehow and someway find out about this.
Shikamaru Nara was your bully. He was by two years your senior, he vapes. He and his group of friends always teased you whenever they got the chance.
It all started last term when they were vaping in the bathrooms and all the people in the bathrooms that period of the day were called to the office and if nobody said anything everyone would get a pink slip you not wanting to get a pink slip told which resulted in them all getting in trouble and had to go on the school stage trying assembly and parents being called.
After that they bullied you all the time especially him. They would make fun of the way you dressed and called all kinds of names
"Hey look it's the crybaby"
"She's trying so hard she's such a pick me"
"fatherless behivour"
"She thinks that she's all that just because she's dresses like that"
"All that makeup she wears is probably to cover up all her ugly ness"
Just anything to get under your skin even going as far to tripping you in the hallways when you're just passing through trying to get to class, hell Shikamaru would even go as to rising your skirt in the damn halls.
But this was way too far especially for him to have found out about this and now black mailing you was something entirely different.
I mean yeah they would mark up your desk and locker but this was way too far especially for Shikamaru.
You quickly shaked your head and breathed out before carefully opening your mouth that was now dry "What are you talking about Shikamaru, if this is another attempt of trying to mess me it's-" you were cut off by him "Stop lying Y/N I heard you're parents said it themselves trying parents day. I was passing by your homeroom where I over heard how your parents were teen parents and had you on accident." He said with a mocking grin as he locked eyes with you his hands in his pocket as he leaned against the wall.
"What do you want Shikamaru....?" you said in a small voice, not wanting to say it but have to. I mean what would happen if word got out about this? .You already have them down your throat already. Imagine what would happen if the school found out.
With a chuckle Shikamaru leaned off the wall and walked up to you. Only inches way from you as you backed away from him only a little bit. "What I want..." he said coldly with half lidded eyes as he walked up to once more and looked down at you and whrisped close to your ear "I want you to let me fuck you silly until you walk with a limp and then?...I wanna fuck you all while I record you and every little detail and nosie you make when you suck me off dry as I fuck your throat raw" he said with a wicked smile all while keeping eye contact.
What a sick fuck.
You gave him a shocked look not expecting that answer "W-what no way are you nuts!, I-im not doing that especially when we're in schoo plus I thought you hated me and all!"you exclaimed shocked and a bit embarrassed of the such dirty and sick words he used.
"Well then I guess I'll just tell everyone that-" "No wait I'll do it Shikamaru just please don't tell anyone, but on one contion you can't record me" you said cutting him off. He grinnied almost freakishly at you almost as if knowing you'll do it.
"Okay fine then, come on let's go to the boys bathroom, and another thing just because I enjoy seeing you suffer and bully you doesn't mean I don't find you less unattractive" he said pushing passed you to go through the door your heart pounding as you followed him through.
"Ladies first" Shikamaru said as he held the boys bathroom door for you as he looked back at you. You gave him an uneasy look before going in him yelped as you felt him smack your ass on the way in. You looked at him hard as he came in the and chuckled before going to the last bathroom stall and opening the door and made a signaling to you to come over and here is where you two were going to do it.
You slowly made you were towards him before going inside and he then came in and locked the door behind him, the sound of the door locking sending shrivers down your spine.
As you turned to face him, you felt him grab your wrist and pulled you into his tight embrace as he then wrapped a arm around waist and smashed his lips onto you as he then grabbed your plush ass and squeezed it before slapping it making you jump a bit more into him.
You wanted to push him off but quickly remembered what was at risk and decided to let him continued even tho you didn't like it tho. "Aww come on don't make it seem like it's all that bad now, think about ALL the pleasure you're little cunny is going to get from being fucked by my cock in just a few moments."he said seeing how displeased you were by the whole situation.
He began rubbing his body against her making her let out an uncomfortable whine as he continued his arms still with grip.
"And how much enjoy it's going to bring me after I see how much of a slut you actually are and a whiny cunt you'll be as I fuck into you so hard when I'm done with you you'll be walking with a limp as my cum run's down inbetween your thighs" he carried on only making you more uncomfortable.
He then turned you around and pressed your body up against the stall door as he pressed against your body trapping you under his weight. "Hey! hey! what the hell do you think you're doing don't press me up against the door it's gross!" you said desperately trying to put as much distance between you and the cold stall door.
That only made him press into you more, you rolled your eyes as you continued trying to keep distance between you and the nasty stall door,'typically Shikamaru always trying to mess with me I should expect something like this from him honestly'.
Finally having enough you shouted "Damnit Shikamaru stop it already!" You said getting tired of Shikamaru's and his shit. This outburst only earned you a twisting grin from him as he roughly snapped his hips into your back side."I think you're forgetting you're place in this situation you pest of a woman so let me remind you...." Shikamaru said, his hand reaching down under your skirt and ghosted his fingers over thick thighs.
You jumped at the feeling, earning a snicker from the sleezy bastard. "I haven't even properly started as yet and your jumping, hahaha. You're sooo pathic....., but sooo pretty....". He said in a vemon tripping tone that made shivers once more.
His long thin fingers then actually touched your thighs as he rubbed up and down them "Wow Y/N I always knew that your thighs were soft but not this soft" he praised. "Oh shut up already and stop touching my damn thighs, and hurry up already let's just get this over with it's done enough I'm doing this with someone like you....." You said bitterly only wanting to end this as fast as possible.
"Awww and I thought for a moment you actually wanted it there but alright fine just wanted to have a little fun before we started, also what did I told you of speaking to me like that huh?..... you hard headed bitch.." Shikamaru said the last part through his teeth as he then slapped your ass the sound echoing through the bathroom as you let go a whine in this discomfort once more at the unwanted feeling.
"But fine your right tho I'll give you that, let's start now shall we~" he then reached up into your skirt and sneaked his finger into your shorts before in one smooth motion pulling it down completely with your panties until they reached you mid knee.
You then heard the sound of him unbuckling his pants as you shut your eyes tight getting ready for what's to come. "Are you ready for me to split you in have with my dick?, for me to fuck out every one of your brain cells in the pretty little head of your's...? to be screaming out bloody murderer as my cock brings to a mind blowing orgasm?" He said chuckling as he stroked his length in his hands.
"Your sick..." You admitted, it was true Shikamaru could be such a sick bastard at times, he was a sharp tongue devil that was what he was alright.
Shikamaru frowned at this before roughly grabbing your hips and and lining himself up with you before roughly slamming into you. You screamed in pain at this."And your a mistake" he whrisped in your ear."Also just because this is your first means that I'll go easy, this is punishment for speaking back to me got it,so be the good little whoring slut you can be and keep quiet because if someone comes in were both dead".
He said as he leaned over pressing aginast her back as he continued his rough pace as his hands digged into your hips that were sure to bruise, your sweater around your waist falling off from just how rough he was going.
"Slow down!" You said moaning loudly just wanting for him to slow down his thrusts, not being able to take such rough cock as your face was pressed into the cold stall door.
"Shut up you good for nothing bitch!" Shikamaru hissed as he began going faster than he already was. "Shikamaru I'm being serious your tearing me!" You warned him as tears steamed down your face ruining your makeup that had already been pressed against the door leaving make stains.
"Does it look like I give a rat's ass Y/N?....also, what did I say about speaking?" He thrusted forward, quite hashly. It wasn't long before Shikamaru found himself getting closer to the edge.
"I-IM sorry!" you apologized just wanting for him to slow down,"I'm sorry who?" He asked contuinlessly thrusting in and out.
"Im sorry sir-ahhh!" you cut off moaning louder as he
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sen-no-kotowari · 8 months
JP Server 3rd Anniversary Theme Song "Shake It Up!!" Lyrics Translation
Hello! In celebration of "Sands of Wrath" patch in the JP servers, here is my fan lyrics translation of the 3rd Anniversary Theme Song "Shake It Up!!" This was first announced during the 3rd week of last December with a small teaser and being released on the 24th of December as a christmas present to all the players (≧▽≦) You can listen to the song over on the JP Server's official YT page.
Lyrics translation is on the cut down below (*‘ω‘ *)
Song Title: Shake It Up feat. Cerberus Unit Sung by: Noctis (CV: Konishi Katsuyuki) Lyrics, Composition, Arrangement: Mellowcle (Merokuro) Guitar: C'Na (CNaQe) Sax: Bobet
降り立つthree獰猛なtrick 裏じゃblacksheep?Do you wanna be? 冗談だけにfreeしておきなWe are Cerberus
Oritatsu three doumou na trick Ura ja blacksheep? Do you wanna be? Joudan dake ni free shiteoki na We are Cerberus
Party of three, that's some sick trick Are they blacksheeps? Do you wanna be? We're only free when we go crazy―We are Cerberus
恐れる『V』から『21.2.3』『N』さあぶち壊せ 逃げ出したきゃほら 逃げろrun away
Osoreru "V" kara "21.2.3" "N" Saa buchi kowase Nigedashitakya hora Nigero run away
From the Lady V, Tweeny-one count to 3, Ya boy N's kickin' ass Better skedaddle, it's time to run away
誰にも縛られないMy way 三つの道が交差するPoint Ay yo what you gonna do? 一切合切 背負わないでMy style 貫いていく未来は何だって構わない
Dare ni mo shibararenai My way Mitsu no michi ga kousa suru Point Ay yo what you gonna do? Issai gassai Seowanai de My style Tsuranuiteiku mirai ha nandatte kamawanai
Ain't nobody out there can hinder my way All three roads are gonna gather at one point Ay yo what you gonna do? This whole shtick of turning my back ain't my style I won't give a damn to a future that ain't worthwhile
始めようNuisanceのParty かけろIntenseなMusic だけどNon-senseな奴は いらないぜBaby 誰に何を言われたって 止められないGoin' crazy Tonight Shake it up, Shake it up, Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Hajimeyou Nuisance no Party Kakero Intense na Music Dakedo Non-sense na yatsu ha Iranai ze Baby Dare ni nani wo iwaretatte Tomerarenai Goin' crazy Tonight Shake it up, Shake it up, Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Let's start this nuisance of a party Turn up that intense music But those folks full of nonsense ain't worth mentioning, baby Who cares what anybody says? We ain't gonna stop goin' crazy tonight Shake it up, Shake it up, Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Bang!
周りを気にしてビクビクすんのは性に合わないぜ 気に入らねえなら壊せ Bang! Bang! Bang! Drop it! (Drop it! ) Warning! (Warning!) 火傷する前にほら
Mawari wo ki ni shite biku biku sun no ha shou ni awanai ze Ki ni iranee nara kowase Bang! Bang! Bang! Drop it! (Drop it! ) Warning! (Warning!) Yakedo suru mae ni hora
Matching the mood, trembling all scared of my surroundings sure ain't suiting my style Ya don't like it? Then go smash it! Bang! Bang! Drop it! (Drop it! ) Warning! (Warning!) 'fore you regret playin' with fire
誰にも奪えないMy life 三つの意志は自由に飛んで Ay yo what you gonna do? 一体全体 どこで何したって 気にしないで Dance in the dark 踊り明かそう
Dare ni mo ubaenai My life Mitsu no ishi ha jiyuu ni tonde Ay yo what you gonna do? Ittai zentai doko de nani shitatte Ki ni shinai de Dance in the dark Odoriakasou
Ain't nobody can rip me off my life Flyin' high and free are three forces Ay yo what you gonna do? Just where the hell did we do to get all that? Let it slide, just keep dancin' in the dark 'til we see the light of day
始めようNuisanceのParty かけろIntenseなMusic 始めようNuisanceのParty 無駄なNo chanceやめて 欲望のままに 突き進んだってOK 気の向くままAll day きっと 痛みは消えないから
Hajimeyou Nuisance no Party Kakero Intense na Music Muda na No chance yamete Yokubou no mama ni Tsuki susundatte OK Ki no muku mama All day Kitto Itami ha kienai kara
Let's start this nuisance of a party Turn up that intense music Stop wasting any chances, it's all right to be greedy Stop at nothing, it's okay Just go be yourself all day I know 'cuz the pain of our scars won't fade away
くだらない毎日に興味などないから 周りの奴らは気にしない 止められない
Kudaranai mainichi ni kyoumi nado nai kara Mawari no yatsura ha ki ni shinai Tomerarenai
A mind-numbing, washed out daily life is something I'd rather brush aside So go look past them scrubs 'round ya 'cuz they sure ain't gonna stop us here
始めようNuisanceのParty かけろIntenseなMusic だけどNon-senseな奴は いらないぜBaby 誰に何を言われたって 止められないGoin' crazy Tonight 見てな It's show time
Hajimeyou Nuisance no Party Kakero Intense na Music Dakedo Non-sense na yatsu ha Iranai ze Baby Dare ni nani wo iwaretatte Tomerarenai Goin' crazy Tonight Mite na It's show time
Let's start this nuisance of a party Turn up that intense music But those folks full of nonsense ain't worth mentioning, baby Who cares what anybody says? We ain't gonna stop goin' crazy tonight Look at that, it's show time
始めようNuisanceのParty かけろIntenseなMusic 無駄なNo chanceやめて 欲望のままに 突き進んだってOK 気の向くままAll day きっと Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Hajimeyou Nuisance no Party Kakero Intense na Music Muda na No chance yamete Yokubou no mama ni Tsuki susundatte OK Ki no muku mama All day Kitto Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Let's start this nuisance of a party Turn up that intense music Stop wasting any chances it's all right to be greedy Stop at nothing, it's okay Just go be yourself all day I know we'd Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Shake it up, Shake it up Shake it up!! Bang! Bang! Bang!
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ruija · 1 year
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Lol, sorry for the radiosilence. The entire month of May has been nuts for me. 
Started with renewing a contract at my shitty retail job, and despairing over it. Ended with getting hired as a freelance Colorist to work on an animated movie. It’s only until August, so not a long term employment but HOO BOY, I WILL TAKE IT! Sayo-fucking-nara retail work, hopefully this will open doors for more work in the creative industry.
Things this month included, but I was too lazy to draw; Getting contacted to discuss the possibility of me taking part in a reality-tv show. I was invited to an interview on the same day I received the job offer from the animation studio. Absolutely bonkers. I declined the TV-thing in favor of taking the animation gig.
My retail-boss tried to power trip me by refusing to give me sick leave, when I was too ill to work. They sure picked a great timing to be an ass, because the next day I walked in with a letter of resignation. One of the most satisfying moments of my life. I still cackle when I think about it. They DID NOT see that coming lmao.
Last couple weeks have been busy. Had to work both jobs due to the resignation period of my previous job. But on Sunday I was officially released from retail hell!
Special mentions go to; having to rush and get myself a new desktop PC, cause my laptop had trouble running the animation program. And seeing Game Grumps live show in Helsinki. It was so special to me<3
Anyway! New work is exciting and I feel like things are gonna settle down soon. Hopefully I’ll have time to draw for fun then!
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Aaaaaaaahhhh I'm so excited for this episode! I've been waiting for it to come home from war for what felt like months. 😭
The spec in villains applies *GASP*
Lmaooooo the tone of Lex's voice when he's describing what Neil's sire made him do while they couldn't see him is so funny.
Poor Fester, he really thought being friends with Neil would make his life awesome because he knows the coterie, but his life just sucks now.
Wowwowowowwowow wait what?? Like it was all fun and games when we were all speculating what Neil's deal was and people said hey what if Neil just isn't Neil but actually Neil's sire. But now that Lex is talking about it I'm not giddy about it anymore. 😭
Wtf is going on with Neil's aura??? What the hell????? Uhoh. This is not good.
Lmaooo histrionic Britta. 😂 I know this is bad, but it is also very funny. Like this is exactly not what we need right now.
"I got boiled" idk why that made me laugh so much.
Neil and his sire talking.
Question if the spread of cain is so bad and he wants to cleanse it, why did his sire make Neil? Isn't that spreading it more?
Wynn and Neil. He doesn't even hear her saying she can hear him he is too panicking. You guys keep making me cry.
"Wynn, I'm worried I can't say no to him." "I know, so say yes to me."wtf??? 😭😭
Don't say Britta's self control is 0 so casually!!😂
Neil is Draining Wynn's willpower hard!
And now Wynn has to choose???
Neil is leaving AGAIN?!?!?
Oh thank god. I was gonna say. He cannot bail rn, that would be insane.
He's still running???? Son of a bitch!!
Finger nails? What? I mean sure I guess. I would have gone with fists maybe.
But the way she describes her relationship with Neil. 😭😭
He's fucking LEAVING. God fucking dammit.
Noooooooooo he didn't even let himself finish the thought I really love you???? What the fuuuuck.
The way Rebecca describes Britta's frenzy is so so good.
So far this combat has just been vampires sucking on necks lol.
Neil calling his sire 'sire' in the way he does. Woooof.
WHAT????!!!? 11 YEARS. Uhm..... Regression, WHAT THE FUCK???? Why has it been Wynn bullying time for like days on end now? 😭 Plz stop. It's too much. My poor bbgirl. She deserves a fucking break.
Not the 'daddy' in a very much not funny, but very sad way.
Fuck the way Wynn tried to quell, and failed because she couldn't grab Britta. Nothing is going her way.
.... He focuses and nothing happens? It's because of nyx right???? Because he's immune to derangements.
Hey!! Sire of Neil don't tell him not to be with his friends. I mean torture him psychologically sure, gaslight and girl boss him, but I need with the fam.
Britta is going to be killing her first mortal by draining them from blood and she's gonna be very upset about it.
Ohhhhhhhhhh valediction. That is cool!!!
No not the fucking PLAINTIVE 'sire?' god fucking dammit Neil. 😭
Fuck yes!!!! Wynn quell her!!!
Oh thank god, we cannot have Britta also lose humanity today.
(what if Wynn goes back to her 7 year old self and sees Miles and just runs up to him and his him and cries)
Poor Fester though. This guy also deserves a break.
Wow Fester hot damn. Don't get me wrong your kidnapping ways are very effective, but also this is fucked up.
Wynn immediately also thinking of Miles. I see you.
Oh Lex! Why do I feel the only reason you are so generous with this mucisian is because their medicine plan will absolutely fail.
It's so funny, because I was so worried about Miles, but everything what just happened it's like not that big of a deal anymore. When it totally is!!!
I'm sorry but the image of Miles and Johnny looking at each other through a glass door because Miles is very sick and contagious makes my fanfic heart swoon. I really needed that, thank you.
The "I know you can handle it." though 😭
Oh no Wynn, you should so young and lovely and scared. I just wanna give you a big hug.
The entire coterie is gonna see Nara again before Neil! 😂😭 Truly we are being fucked with.
Yessss as Miles and Wynn talking. They're such weirdos. I love how they talk, it's so emotionally stunted.
Oofffff Wynn saying it instead of them about the musician.
Johnny talking to Britta is always so good and always so father/daughter coded. It's so good.
The most polite Johnny has ever been is asking Britta to turn of her majesty.
Lmao Johnny immediately making the two mortals cry.
Johnny making them less likely to be intimidated is very sweet.
Lol Britta being hurt by Johnny's look of anger. Oh boy.
This episode..... What the fuck???
Also are we going to start and finish every season with Neil being abducted/gone? I mean end s1, beginning s2 end s2 begin s3 and now end s3?
Is Neil gonna buy up to humanity 6 just for him to lose it because of his fucked up sire?
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oolong-strawbby · 6 months
I always wondered how my slapdash, dawn-written, hot take essays would get high marks from my english and literature teachers.
It wasn’t until I entered college, helped correct my friends’ and classmates’ essays, that I realised that the reasons why my teachers seemed so relieved when it came to me.
The bar is so low it’s not even off the ground.
When it’s bad, it is so so horrific.
No shit. These essays are not even being re-read by the student writing it themselves. They’re made for an audience of no one. By teens who had to get up, bleary-eyed, at the crack of dawn while juggling assignments from 7-8 other subjects.
I only wrote like that because I had fun writing. Other people would rather die than go through that again in their 20s.
I guess the difference is that quality suffers when what you do is treated more of an obligation. And you, the worker, some product on a shelf, replaceable as the last.
Those Japanese or Thai artisans you respect soooooo much are only able to put their utmost bussy into every facet of their craft because they are making an active choice to pursue it in an era that disregards high quality, in exchange for slop funnelled out as inhumanly fast as possible.
Laud all you want at the overworked barista or teacher because “hey even if you aren’t being paid well, take some pride and do your job well” in lieu of the sweet old Mexican cochineal bug farmer, or the wise calligraphy ink craftsman in Japan’s Nara prefecture.
(yes I have been watching Business Insider channel)
In another life, those coworkers you only know in short glimpses would’ve also liked to be a lovely mentor whose students show obvious progress, or just puts care into whatever shit they like, because they have the time and ability to support themselves.
Capitalism. Yeah that’s pretty much it. It’s been a while since I short circuited back to that lmao,
My boyfriend realises this too. How he saw this metal craftsman sitting on a street in Thailand at night just tinkering with these beautiful, delicate, monstrously difficult sculptures that engulfed the size of his torso, and knew the guy wasn’t even doing it to be paid. He’d just be doing it anyway.
And I told him, how sad it is, that we don’t have that same kind of artisan culture here in Singapore, where someone makes it their life, hell, their family’s trade, to just be good at one thing.
That one thing could either be food, art, tools, growing things, getting materials.
Nature is reduced to a mere concept here.
The lines of hands are not welcome here, instead lined with wire. It’s all wrapped in artifice and hubris. No wonder my friends are so sick of this country.
But if we do have remnants of that culture, it’s all from our elders who descended from China or our neighbours.
We do not cultivate the love of craft.
Or autismos. Oh thank god for them. Autists are universally the only vanguards of culture left. So intensely concentrated with this obsessive drive to catalogue, create and crack solutions to the most minute issues, that they are our modern artisans.
All culture trickles down from them now. Too bad their interests take them usually to just obsessing over locomotives, internet memes, or the average children’s programme.
Oh and being the backbone of Wikipedia in the form of unpaid investigative journaling and editing.
Supremely invaluable to the human race for that. Plus data/record keeping.
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kumamoto-division · 13 days
As the darkness of the night came to visit the city of Kumamoto, soon the magician and lead actor of “Starless Theater” who had just arrived home after work happened to find a mysterious package dropped in front of his doorstep.
Curious as to who was daring to challenge an information broker like him by finding the location of his home, Kunio decided to investigate the package first and then discovered that inside the package was nothing but a very fantasy and steampunk-looking opera house music box with a slightly crumpled note attached along.
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“Howdy ‘Hollow’ kiddo,
This silly me believes it has been a while since the last time we spoke, hasn’t it? Guess it couldn’t be helped since life has been busy as of late, but hmm~ What’s this~? Looks like you have some kind of unexpecting omen paid a visit to your life when I’m not looking. Oh my, my, my~ Even this all-knowing watchcat is still baffled by how this all happened. Anyway, let me say an early congratulations to you and Natsume forthat good news who has yet to bestow upon your family.
Good luck to you guys then… But don’t you forget to be a good example to your little one, alright?
Curiouser and curiouser,
No confidential person would like to address their name, you know.”
"tsk... Cheshire"-Kunio hummed after recognize from who is the gift. Of course he was not bother for that,he already met the purple-haired informant,his worry was because ...
"how the hell he found out Natsume's pregnancy?"-the actor-magician thought but that isn't a great surprise after all
Shaking his head Kunio read the card again and the part of congratulations
"be a good ejemple for the little one"-Kunio smile with more joy. He think in his excuse of parents, contrary to them and their abuse againts him (and despite his great fear) Kunio have in mind the goal be the greatest father for that child growing inside his warlock husband's womb (besides the plan of Stella Maris and help Tomi to get revenge in the future)
Thinking about that Kunio see his birthday gift better,the steampunk opera house-theme looked perfect in his eyes,humming the gray-haired enters to his home announcing he has arrive...just to be received for silence
Frowing, Kunio go to the living room with a sudden feeling of worry and fear "¿Natsume felt sick or something bad did happened to him as I was out?!"...the reaper's human vessel was almost scared but them he looks around him and his concerns are calming by the sight infront of him
There in the couch lay Natsume,the warlock was awake but looked sleepy almost closing his eyes when Kunio approaches to him and knee before the fortune-teller
"welcome home,love"-Natsume whispered and sit in the couch. smiling happily when Kunio take his hand and kiss it affectionately to then kiss his still-flat stomach over the sweather
"I'm glad of finally be with you two,my beloveds"-Kunio said with a warm smile and take sit by Natsume's side. The red-haired rest his head over Kunio's shoulder when he notice the music box and hummed "what's that?"-he asked curiously and Kunio giggle
"a birthday gift from certain Nara's cat...he also said us "congratulations" for the baby, not ask me how he found out"
Natsume hummed as a melody sounds from the music box,cooing him as a sweet lullaby till he fall asleep and Kunio sweetly kiss his husband's head, feeling the little presence growing inside of Natsume. Smiling to himself Kunio hugg Natsume more close to him in a protective way
"i'm going to be the best father for our son or daughter, Nat-chan, It's a promise"
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an-theduckin · 18 days
OKOKOK SO uh did you saw that one edit of my cat I made ?
Anyway if not here it is
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At first I only did it bc I was bored but then I lost control and she became an oc so HERE'S MOCO!! (I'll make an actual drawn ref sheet soon lol)
the lore is a bit messy for now, only started thinking about it in science class two hours ago I'm making up most of this shit while I'm writing this lol but here's what I got so far:
Humanity (in like the future) realized they fucked up earth beyond repair so they build a whole ass planet far away but then they realize having to take "care" of a whole planet isn't easy so they build a robot to do it for them, they give the robot a big room in the center of the earth where it do everything and it never saw the sun in real life (bc ofc imma traumatize theses guys to hell<3)
Meanwhile in the past (??) while the human are still on a spaceship to find where they gonna build they're planet, one of the windows get a lil fucked up and open accidentally, they close it before any bad damages happen but Moco, one of the emotional support pets get sucked into space
Then bc of some space science idk I'm not a NASA scientist and does science even matters when your main character is a cat with butterfly wings and goat horns Moco spend way less time into space than time actually pass. Like for her it feels like a few days but for the humans on their planet it feels like thousands of years yk yk
fast forward even on their new planet the humans fuck up Again and this time they all die, leaving Nara alone for idk how many fucking years (oh uh Nara's the robot btw)
Moco crash on the planet and Nara can speak to her through radio stuff around the planet and she guides her through it so she doesn't die (and totally doesn't get gay for her who said that)
THENN Moco is an idiot so she still die but turns out Nara can control time (only on the planet) and make it go back so Moco lives again (she doesn't make humanity live again because Turns out! Robots they build actually have a consciousness but they didn't realized it so Nara literally spend 50k+ years alone and is traumatized!)
rest is basically Moco finds how to get to Nara "office" (?) and helps her with her mental health and they gay and yeah I didn't thought of that part much for now but HEY! Gay alien cats!!
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buddhiststudy-nmrk · 2 months
Vice President Tsuji’s Guidance at Nara, Feb.20, 1991
First, I would like to talk about the attitude of chanting to the Gohonzon. The Gohonzon exists inside of a butsudan (an altar), but the life condition of Buddhahood, called Nam-myoho-renge-kyo exists within each on of us. It hasn't any shape or color. It is not in the form of a mandala or the Gohonzon. However, it definitely does exist within each of us. Feelings of happiness, suffering, and joy, all emerge from within our lives.
We don't know exactly where in our bodies that this Buddhahood emerges from, but it does emerge from within our lives. This is called "Hossho-no-Entei" (Nam-myoho-renge-kyo deeply underlies life). We must chant to the Gohonzon with the strong conviction that Buddhahood, as big as the universe, will emerge from the depths of our life. The Lotus Sutra teaches that Buddhahood and hell exist within us and all the feelings including happiness and sadness also exist within ourselves. However, the teaching of non-Buddhists states that you will go to a Pure Land of Perfect Bliss, upon your death. However, the Buddhahood that exists within us cannot be manifested without an external stimulus. This is why we chant to the Gohonzon, which exists outside of us. The Gohonzon in the butsudan is the stimulus, while the Buddha nature inside is a cause. This is the relationship of cause and stimulus (or dependent origination). Unless we have the cause within us, no outside stimulus will be able to manifest this Buddhahood within us. The life condition which appreciates the beauty of Mount Fuji exists within us, not on Mount Fuji. The purpose of doing Gongyo is to have the outside Gohonzon stimulate the one within.
"Neither the pure land nor hell exists outside ourselves, both lie within our hearts. Awakened to this truth, one is called a Buddha, deluded about it, one is a common mortal. The Lotus Sutra awakens us to this reality." As this Gosho passage states, the Lotus Sutra teaches Nam-myoho-renge-kyo exists within ourselves.
Even though Buddhahood exists inside of us, if you were chanting to the Gohonzon with the attitude of a beggar, asking the Gohonzon to "give me", you are childish as far as your practice is concerned. You are still not sure that you have Buddhahood inside of you and you are still seeking something from the outside. This is why you are not receiving as much benefit as you should. You must chant to the Gohonzon with a confidence that the Gohonzon will emerge from within yourself. Chant to the Gohonzon with a joy that your heart will be filled with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. This is what the Gosho states.
"Never seek this Gohonzon outside of yourself. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." This teaches us that it is meaningless to chant to the Gohonzon if you are seeking the Gohonzon outside of yourself. If you truly feel so gracious, happy and overwhelmed you heart will be filled with joy. This is what we call "the palace of the ninth consciousness", "enlightenment" or "attaining enlightenment as a common mortal". This is known as "Shoshin Kyokaku" or "Sokushin Jobutsu" in Japanese.
Once we understand this, there will be no Buddha that is sick. When you strongly believe this, you can overcome your sickness. With this type of conviction, Buddhahood emerges from within and your life magnetizes happiness. If you wish for money, money will come around. If you wish for a house, the house will come around and you will be able to find a nice house. If you are unemployed, you will be able to find a new job. You have the life condition within yourself, which when activated, magnetizes whatever you desire. In the Gosho, the passages, "within our own hearts" and "within the mortal flesh" are used. "Within our own hearts" means our hearts, and "within the mortal flesh" means our bodies.
Our hearts and bodies are filled with the sins and negative karma which we made in the past. But the extent in realizing that you are able to manifest the same life condition as the Gohonzon, with the very same sinful heart and body depends on your faith. Once Nam-myoho-renge-kyo emerges from within you, it will soak through your life. When it soaks in the head, wisdom will flourish; a slow learner will be able to learn better; a brain tumor will disappear and a nervous breakdown will be cured. When it is soaked into the eyes, eyesight will be gained back. Ear and nasal problems will vanish. When it is soaked into the chest, cardiac insufficiency will be cured. When soaked into the abdomen, tumors, and uterine and rectum cancer will be cured. When the tips of the hands and toes are soaked, rheumatism and arthritis will be cured. Leukemia will be cured when blood vessels are soaked. When Nam-myoho-renge-kyo emerges from within yourself, you must soak it into yourself, This is what is meant when the Gosho says, "Arouse deep faith and polish your mirror night and day. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo". When you are chanting daimoku of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, you are polishing your life. If you are not chanting as if polishing your life, your life condition won't be polished as much. When polished, it will shine. It will show outwardly - your face will look healthy and will glow. You must chant daimoku as if the daimoku were soaking deeply into your bones. If you chant to the Gohonzon and your health does not improve, then there is something wrong with your attitude. You are neither soaking daimoku into yourself nor polishing yourself with it.
Your attitude of Gongyo may be something like, "Let's do gongyo and get it over so that we can do something else". This is definitely not the way to do gongyo nor to receive any great benefit. You must soak yourself and thoroughly polish every part of your body with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo from the inside of your head, to your throat, chest, abdomen, blood vessels, to the tips of your toes. The process of polishing from the inside of your life is gongyo. There is no excuse if your attitude in front of the Gohonzon is like "Let's finish gongyo so that we can watch TV or go to bed early". You must do gongyo as if savoring and appreciating the tastes of a gourmet meal. This is what "shiki-ko-mi-mi" (perfect in color, fragrance and flavor means in the Sutra. "Even as foolish as I am, I can still become wise and gain wisdom. Thank you very much Gohonzon". "By polishing my chest, breast cancer will disappear". Simply by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo I can become a Buddha". "Thank you very much, I will polish my live condition to the best of my ability". By having feelings of overwhelming gratitude as mentioned above, tasting gongyo and daimoku, polishing yourself from the tips of your hair down to your toes with daimoku, your whole body becomes Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and you become a happy and joyful child of the Gohonzon
However, we cannot realistically become Nam-myoho-renge-kyo itself, therefore. We use a mirror because we cannot actually see our face. We use the mirror to see our face so we can clean our face. Likewise, we chant to the Gohonzon to polish ourselves from the inside. In order to polish ourselves from the inside, we enshrine the Gohonzon in an altar. Your gongyo must be done in such a way that Nam-myoho-renge-kyo will be deeply soaked into every corner of your life. The more sincerely you do gongyo, the greater the benefit you will receive. Your willingness to tackle your study or shakubuku will naturally increase. People who are not performing a sincere gongyo or daimoku are unable to do shakubuku no matter how hard they try. "My friend doesn't know he has the Mystic Way within himself. What a pity! Somehow, I would like to tell him about it. I want him to chant, to the Gohonzon with gratitude so that he can receive 100% benefit!" Shakubuku is telling your friend about true Buddhism with such a sincere and beautiful attitude. By doing shakubuku in this manner, the Gohonzon promises that we, from the tip of our hair to our toe nails, we can become daimoku and our life condition will be as great as the Gohonzon's. The Gohonzon wants us to share the same life condition just as parents wish to give all their assets to their children. The Gohonzon's assets are as big as the universe and lasts eternally. This is what "Nyorai Chiken Kodai Jinnon" in the Sutra means. The wisdom of the Buddha is all encompassing and profound, meaning that this wisdom penetrates the entire universe and encompasses past, present and future. To eternally enjoy the benefit as big as the universe is called "Ichinen Sanzen".
When you manifest the highest life condition of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, it will penetrate in to the 300 worlds. This is more important and is, therefore, called 'Ichidaiji' (one great thing). The word 'Ichidaiji' is now commonly used when an emergency comes up, but the word originated from the Lotus Sutra. In the Lotus Sutra, 'Ichidaiji' means "Your life is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo itself. Your head represents 'Myo' (mysticism); the throat is 'ho' (law); the chest is 'ren': (Lotus); the abdomen is 'ge': (flower); and the legs are 'kyo' (sutra). Your body is the five-story pagoda which consists of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo." Realizing this truth itself is enlightenment. On the contrary, not realizing it is a delusion. Even though you chant to the Gohonzon, you are deluded because you cannot realize the existence of the Buddha within yourself. The Gosho explains the meaning of "Ichidaiji" as follows: "Your head represents "Myo"; the throat is 'ho'; the chest is 'ren'; the womb is 'ge'; and the legs are 'kyo'." The five foot body of ours is indeed, the manifestation of the five characters of the Mystic Law "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo". This is most important. We must chant daimoku, keeping in mind that your head is 'Myo' and chant daimoku as if you are cleaning your brain.
Because slander created while practising previous religions has passed down to us from our ancestors the negative karma from the slander still exists within our lives. This is why you may suffer from nervous breakdowns, cancer or rheumatism. You are carrying karma created from within a seven generation period. Since the karma from deceased family members remains with you, you may become ill even though you may be practising sincerely. In the Gosho it states, "The worst sin of all will bear suffering not only on yourself, but also on your children, grandchildren, and on to the seven generations to come. So does the greatest fortune. The greatest, benefit Mandgalyayama received, in believing the Lotus Sutra, was that not only he, but his father and mother were also able to become Buddhas. All fathers and mothers of seven generations into the past, as well as seven generations still to come, will be able to become a Buddha."
The worst cause is to slander True Buddhism. Slander is an offence of the law of life. When you break the federal law or violate the traffic regulations, you must pay a fine, or your driver's license may be suspended. Whether you know the law or not, you will still be charged with the offence. Likewise, whether you know it or not, if you commit a violation of the law of life, you will receive retribution. Since we all have freedom of religion, we won't be punished if we choose a slanderous teaching to believe in, but we cannot avoid receiving a repercussion that effects our life negatively. What kind of retribution do we get? If you believe in God, or follow the teachings of a faith healer, you will likely have a nervous breakdown, or a problem related to the nervous system. The retribution of slandering the Lotus Sutra will appear as an illness of the internal organs, including high blood pressure, the liver, the heart, the kidneys, rheumatism, diabetes and asthma. These illnesses are due to insulting and slandering the Lotus Sutra.
Problems involving the nervous system includes depression, mania, schizophrenia, epilepsy, tinnitus, as well as children who display the life condition of anger and refuse to go to school are due to the effect of following the teachings of a faith healer. The Kansai area has the largest number of faith healers and has many shrines and temples of heretical sects. At Mt. Hiei and Mt. Kono snakes as well as foxes are the objects of worship. The negative karma created while practicing these slanderous teachings has been soaked into one's life and has the same effect as having a snake inside of him. However, when one chants abundant daimoku and soaks daimoku in one's self, your daimoku becomes like a lion who goes on patrol through the whole body with Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and eats all the germs, just like a lion catching rabbits or sheep. The power of daimoku exterminates all germs of negative karma and enables one to become healthy.
You are bearing the effects of the worst sins created not only by yourself, but also the sins made during the seven generations of both your father and mother's families, and if you are married, that of your spouse as well. If you were not practising True Buddhism and had a child, the child would be full of negative karma, like a filthy rag full of germs.
However, we have daimoku to clean ourselves. We must polish ourselves and therefore, we should chant as if we were scrubbing our lives hard with daimoku. First, we should apologize to the Gohonzon for our ancestor's slanders. "Please forgive them. Please forgive us." or, "My family practised the Zen sect (Shingon, Nembutsu, other Nichiren sects, etc.) and I am very sorry." "My current problem is due to my own karma as I was born into this slanderous family." Apologize to the Gohonzon from the bottom of your heart with this type of sincere attitude. This is what is called Zange-Zaimetsu" (repentance and diminishing sins). You must do this first, and secondly, make a determination such as, "I will exert my best for Kosen-rufu, not only for my own sake, but for the sake of my ancestors. Therefore, please forgive the slander that my family has made." "I'll become the best group leader in the whole country, I promise. Therefore, let me overcome my illness." Thirdly, pray for your personal wishes, (i.e. "Please help my child recover from his illness." "Please let my family become harmonious." "Let us become financially secure.")
Repentance comes first, (repentance in Buddhism is making a realization and taking full responsibility for one's own circumstances without judgement of others), determination second and personal wishes third. Remember to chant sincerely (i.e. be honest and true to yourself). You must manifest the outside Gohonzon in the altar and within yourself. Polish your life condition to become Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. When your head becomes "myo" and the throat becomes "ho", the great benefit of the Gohonzon will emerge.
The greatest fortune of all is to become a Buddha, and furthermore, the Gohonzon makes it possible for even your father and mother to become Buddhas as well. This great fortune will be shared with seven generations of both past and future. There is no need to be afraid of the negative karma accumulated from seven generations of the past. The slander accumulated by the 100 generations make 100 rivers. A believer of True Buddhism alone can make an ocean. You should chant to the Gohonzon as if I'll enlighten all my deceased family. I'll work hard for kosen-rufu and for the past of my ancestors. Therefore, please let me regain my health." If your prayer is sincere, a series of benefits like a tidal wave will reach all the way up to the first generation. You become the upper part of the river. But once you quit practising, your ancestors become the upper part of the river, and all of the negative karma will flow down to you. When your practice is strong, you will be able to enlighten your ancestors as well as your future descendants. Therefore, it makes everything different depending upon whether your conviction is strong, or whether you will become the upper of lower part of the river. When your faith is strong, you can change your karma. This is what "Ichidaiji" means. Ultimately, you must ready yourself with daimoku, and you must ready yourself with gongyo. Rather than performing morning and evening ceremoniously or obligatorily, your gongyo must be powerful enough to ready yourself and to diminish all slander your deceased family had made.
In the Gosho, it states "This is the actual high sanctuary of true Buddhism. Not only will the people of the three countries and the entire world come here to make amends and eradicate their past misdeeds, but Bonten, Taishaku and the other gods will also be present." You must make an apology to the Gohonzon such as, "I've made slanders without realizing it. I am very sorry." The Daishonin does not mention about benefits in that Gosho passage. Once you diminish your slander by offering sincere zange every daimoku you chant will bring benefit.
The Gosho states, "when it snows, the sky is so white and cannot be dyed. When lacquered in black, it cannot be dyed white again. But people's hearts are easily changed. Their hearts can be dyed by good and you are dyed by the slanderous teachings of Shingon, Zen, and Nembutsu, you will definitely fall into hell. When you are dyed by the Lotus Sutra, you will surely become the Buddha." If you support and help temples of Zen and Shingon sects or recite the name of Amida you will surely fall into hell. You'll suffer because you are soaked with the slander. You are dyed by the slanderous teachings. But we do have Nam-myoho-renge-kyo within us now. Just let the power of the Gohonzon flow through your bodies. First soak Nam-myoho-renge-kyo into your head. The benefits of the Gohonzon are so great it includes "Sokushin Jobutsu" (attaining enlightenment as common mortals) as well as reviving. The Sutra states, "Shin-ne-ren-bo", meaning yearning for the Buddha. We must hold a feeling of yearning for the Gohonzon within our hearts. It as if you love the Gohonzon so much that it is like seeing your sweetheart. On the other hand, it is not the way to do gongyo if your attitude is, "I don't feel like doing gongyo, but I'll do it because I have to", or "It is troublesome to do gongyo." If your feel troublesome, you won't have a date, however, you have a date because your date makes you feel happy. Likewise, what "Shin-ne-ren-bo" means is that you chant to the Gohonzon as if seeing your lover makes you feel happy. When you do gongyo in such a manner, you are doing a perfect gongyo. It states in the Gosho, "As you crave food when hungry, seek water when thirsty, long to see a lover, beg for medicine when ill, or as a beautiful woman desires powder and rouge, so should you put your faith in the Lotus Sutra. If you do not you will regret it later.” Recently, President Ikeda stated the following Gosho passage when he gave guidance that would enable us to pursue our faith without regrets. "Do not spend this life in vain and regret it for ten thousand years to come." He said that in order for us to spend our lives without any regret, we must practice our faith without any regrets
We will still receive benefit when we do morning and evening gongyo, but it is not perfect unless we feel joy and realize we are Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and the time we sit in front of the Gohonzon to do gongyo should be the happiest moment of our lives. As mentioned in the Gosho, "As you crave food when hungry," means to chant to the Gohonzon as you would want food when hungry. "seek water when thirsty," means to chant to the Gohonzon with the gratitude you would experience when a glass of water would make you happy when thirsty. "long to see a lover," means that your life condition becomes Nam-myoho-renge-kyo when you long for the Gohonzon as you would long for your lover with the feeling of "Shin-ne-ren-bo". "beg for medicine when ill" means that you treasure the Gohonzon as you would treasure medicine when you are sick. Faith is not some sort of supernatural power, therefore, take medicine when you have diarrhea or have a cold. "as a beautiful woman desires powder and rouge" means never to forget about the Gohonzon as a woman never forgets to carry her makeup.
Why does the Gosho say the "you should put your faith in the Lotus Sutra. If you do not, you will regret it later."? Because, we still have negative karma accumulated from past slanderous teachings. Once our life is purified, chanting only one daimoku will make it possible for us to attain enlightenment. Therefore, we cannot say that one daimoku or one million daimoku is enough for one to attain Buddhahood. The power of 30 minutes of daimoku is greater than 10 hours of daimoku if your passion longing for the Gohonzon is greater during the 30 minutes. This is because daimoku is being soaked through your bones. It's no good to do gongyo and chant daimoku with an attitude of "Oh, we still have 8 hours left to chant. Who decided we should chant 10 hours of daimoku anyway?"
Rather than doing 10 hours of daimoku unwillingly, I believe it has greater meaning if we chant, even only for an hour, with appreciation that your whole body, even the bones are becoming Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and with a strong determination that you are making a cause for kosen-rufu, not only for your sake, but for the sake of your ancestors.
As the Gosho states, "if dyed by the slanderous teachings of Shingon, Zen, and Nembutsu, you will definitely fall into hell. But dyed by the Lotus Sutra, you will definitely become a Buddha." The Buddha is the one equipped with a complete set of tools necessary for happiness. Therefore, the Buddha does not have financial problems, problems with children nor illnesses. Sick people will become healthy. Poor people will become wealthy. Families will be harmonious. Having a complete set of tools to become happy is called becoming a Buddha. Everything is joyful. You are happy when awake, you are happy when asleep, even happy when you are dead. You are happy at every moment. This is what "joraku Gajo" means and also this is what we call "Buddhahood" within us. Jo-eternity raku-joy, ga-true self and jo-purity.
Appreciating that you are in the position to make positive causes for kosen-rufu here in Nara prefecture where it is still filled with slanderous teachings, you will be able to change poison into medicine. The greatest misfortune will turn into the greatest fortune. I sincerely hope that each of you will do a perfect gongyo with the most joyful attitude and establish Nara as the land of the Buddha.
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lavender-long-stories · 4 months
✿ Monday Sneak Peaks ✿
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The Best Revenge Chapter 22 ShikaHina ✿ Ongoing
“Hinata Hyuga?” They both turned to a man in a suit holding a stack of papers. “Nara.” Shikamaru corrected. The man just held out the stack of papers to her. Hinata took them, and the man disappeared. She turned the stack right side up so she could read them. Shikamaru hovered over her shoulder to see. “What is it?”  “It’s a court summons,” Hinata explained.
Better Late Chapter 03 SasuHina ✿ Ongoing
As the seat beside him was filled he glanced over to see who he was going to be spending the day with and was surprised to see Hinata tucking her hair behind her ear. “What did you do to deserve to get stuck here?”  “I volunteered,” Hinata told him.  “Why the hell would you sign up for this?” Sasuke wondered.
Red Memories Chapter 37 SasuHina ✿ Completed
“Sasuke,” Hinata called in an unnervingly calm voice as she stepped into the kitchen. She had one hand on her side and the other bracing against the wall. Her face was forced into a position that was hiding pain and also unnervingly calm and controlled. “I think I am in labor.” What? He hadn’t been in here for long. “…but you’re not due for another week.” Sasuke put the plate down. Hinata's face twisted as she braced, her hand on the wall curled into a fist as she winced. “I think the baby is coming early, and the contractions are coming closer together than Sakura-chan said to expect them. I think this baby is coming now.”
Lighthouse Chapter 7 KisaHina ✿ Ongoing
The rooster crowing brought her attention to the window. “He’s awake.” Hinata hummed happily. He wondered if she would ever get sick of hearing him cry all day. Kisame thought about it. She had legs. She could walk right outside. “I guess that you can go out and see them now whenever you want.” Her eyes lit up with guarded interest, and he tilted his head toward the door. “Go on.”
A Kiss Between Strangers Chapter 14 GaaHina ✿ Ongoing
Hinata squeaked as something colder than the air was touched to her face.  Sasuke snorted, holding a grape soda in front of her face. “I thought you could use this.” Hinata sighed and took it. “Yes, actually.”
Riding Hearts Chapter 17 Akatsuki x Hinata ✿ Ongoing
Deidara stood up high on his tiptoes on the bar stool.  “Shouldn’t you use a ladder?” Hinata asked from below him, with one hand on the barstool and one on his leg.  “I don’t have one up here.” Deidara strained to put up the lights up where he wanted them. “And Sasori gives me a lecture every time I borrow the one in the shop, and I really don’t want to hear it today.”
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The last chapter of Red Memories is finally out! If you liked it and haven't read Lavender Memories, I think you would like that one, too.
Some other things that have come out in the last week, in case you missed them.
SasuHina Month Day 4: Summer & Winter | Festival Confessions ✿ One Shot
SasuHina Month Day 5: Create & Destroy | Charms ✿ One Shot
SasuHina Month Day 8: Hidden & Seen | Gullible ✿ One Shot
SasuHina Month Day 9: Kind & Cruel | Skipped ✿ One Shot
SasuHina Month Day 10: Rain & Shine | Shelter ✿ One Shot
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All Stories ✿ Completed Stories ✿ One Shots
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cosmixsky · 1 year
a far away nara
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warning: kissing,CUSSING,18+,very spesific
the most beatiful girl in the nara clan woke up one night and went outside it was dark and the stars were shining she sat ontop of the roof for hours looking at the stars till morning came she wiped her eyes and yawned loudly as her lovely friend boruto walked over and yelled in her face "temaru !!! wake up" as the girl began to hold her had up as high in the air as she could her dad stopped her "tch.....no no no dont try me little girl im not in the mood" temaru sighed and alked out of the room as a little murmur could be heared if you listened close enough temaru ran out of the village furious " IM SICK AND TIRED OF BORUTOS SHIT!!!! HE CANT GIVE ME A BREAK SOMETIMES LIKE LITTLERY MAN SHUT THE HELL UP YOU GIVE ME MIGR-" temaru was walking so fast she ran into someone as she looked up to see a dark haired red eye uchiha she fell to the ground and the tall hot boy looked down at her and laughed " take a picture it last longer" as he held out his hand for her to grab she got up by herself thanks but im ok her hair was a mess and her clothes were covered in mud as another uchiha came over to the teen boy and said "come on its time to go" both temaru and the boy locked eyes as the boys father pushed him "w-wait w-whats ur name!" temaru asked "oh that my name is-" the boy was cut off by his father (ill make a part two im kinda getting bored okrrr)
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
I have an au similar to your una sibling au but instead it goes like this
Giornos mom just abandons him after moving to italy and donatella finds him. Despite already struggling to raise one child on her own like hell is she just gonna leave this child, so giorno get adopted by her.
Girono and trish are raised side by side, trish knows about giornos stand but cant see GE and while giorno can see him he doesnt know what stands are and they believe Gold to be some kind of spirit. When thier mother gets sick Gio tries to heal her with his stand but outside of being able to alleviate her pain she is still dying.
When she dies trish and giorno are both devastated and then suddenly these strange men come to take trish away. Oh hell no. Gio insists that they have to take both of them. The gang knows Trish is the bosses daughter and they have no clue who gio is so they refuse to take him.
When they try to take trish by force. Gio reveals his stand and fights them almost killing bruno. So the relent and they take gio with them. So now trish has the body guard team plus an extremely protective brother.
(Gios personality is a bit different than canon Since he was mostly raised by donna who always loved and supported him he is a bit more social and in the beginning since he doesnt like or trust brunos team he is very aggressive towards them. (He eventually get close to them, surprisingly nara was the first to get his favor)He wanted to kill the boss since he tried to kill his sister. It true he doesnt like drug trade but he hadnt really considering the mafia route)
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Y e s s s s s s s s
Just. Giorno being absolutely F E R A L in this AU. He is not going to let anyone harm a single hair on Trish’s head, he doesn’t give a fuck about who they are or what gang they’re a part of, he’s going to show them just how creative he can get with his Stand
and if Donatella just. Kinda picked him up, it would make sense for the members of Passione sent over to not fully know who he is because from a legal and “official” stand point, he would have no ties whatsoever to Donatella.
The people coming for Trish are going to be in for a big surprise when they find a very pissed off blonde child ready to beat the shit out of them.
And…… honestly I can see this going two ways. Both with Passione caving into Gio’s demands. Because they either fight and 1) realize they can’t actually beat this kid and let him come along or 2) Giorno sets up a massive forest around their house so the people literally can’t get anywhere close without setting off the Damage Reflection aspect of Golden Experience and they let him come along after that
Or who knows. Maybe both.
And what if through all of it….. nobody has any fucking idea who this blonde kid is. The know his name is Giorno, he has a very powerful Stand and he’s really really protective of Trish, and that’s kinda it. They don’t know if he’s a lover, a sibling, a really close friend or anything else, and Gio sure as hell ain’t telling
There’s also the whole aspect of Giorno being protective because by all means….. these people just fucking kidnapped him and his sister. He has no idea who they are, just that Trish’s dad is apparently a mafia boss and wants to meet her. Gio however thinks this is sus as fuck and no way in hell is he letting her get dragged off to meet this random guy by herself, so you bet he’s going to join Bucciarati and Trish on the island
As for a name to tag the AU….. how about Golden Guardian
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