#Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me
13as07 · 6 months
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Weekend #2
(Neji Hyuga & Shikamaru Nara)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to unknown. Again I couldn't find the source, I'm sorry]
Requested by: xxziggy
Word Count: 3,415
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
I just realized this is the second FWB story I've put Shika in. Our poor man.
Love Triangle
Name Calling: Pet, Princess
Second part is a Neji half-smut so beware :)
Fingering (Female Receiving)
Teacher/Student Roleplay (for like two paragraphs)
Voice Kink
Verbally Fighting
"Hey, Pet?" Shikamaru's voice calls out, followed by the sound of the zipper of the tent Ino and I are sharing being pulled down. "Are you ready to meet up with everyone?" He asks, eyeing the swimsuit he never got the chance to see.
"Ya, are you ready?" I ask back, grabbing the beach bag before crawling out of my tent. Once I'm out and standing straight again, I fix the cover I've wrapped around my hips.
Shika hums a soft yes, his eyes trailing over my fingers as I fix the knot. "Let's go," he murmurs, gripping my wrist before he leads me forward. His hand slips into mine, toying with my fingers as we head towards the beach. "Hey?" He peeps up a few steps away from the start of the sand.
"Hey, what?"
"Come here," he mutters, tugging me toward him by our joint hands. I'm pressed against Shikamaru, his free hand sliding up to cup my neck before his lips brush against mine. His kisses are hungry and quickly get rougher the longer he kisses me.
"Hey," I giggle, gently pushing him away from me. "You know the rules. No conjugating on the friends’ weekend."
"Ya, I know," he grumbles, pecking my lips again before turning back to tugging me forward. "A kiss or two won't hurt though," he mutters, jumping down the small edge from the forest grass to the sand of the beach.
"I guess so," I mutter, jumping down the edge too, Shika's hands holding my waist on my way down. 'Hello's are thrown our way by our friends as we walk across the beach. Ino and Choji wave us over their spot, getting an eye roll from Shikamaru. "Come on, stop being so boring," I tease, taking over the tugging as I beeline for our friends.
"Ino!" I cheer, racing forward to gushing over her swimsuit. "You are looking so hot."
"Bsh, this old thing?" She says, fake coyness in her voice. "I just got it off the Clarence rack last season. Look at you though! Hot damn, mamas!"
We both giggle, getting groans from the other half of our little group. "Can we just go swimming now? That's the whole point of this trip," Choji teases, standing up from the sand to stretch. "Aside from the s'mores of course."
"Of course," the three of us mock, following after the large man.
When we get to the dock, Choji races forward, jumping into the lake and making a huge splash. Ino dives in after him, her jump a lot more majestic than Cho's. "Alright, our turn," Shikamaru says, taking hold of me, and hoisting me up before I can stop him. He jumps off the deck, tumbling the two of us off the deck.
"Shika!" I shriek, gripping his shoulders and taking a deep breath before I'm pulled under. The water envelopes us as we sink, the strands of our hair tangling together as we slowly float back up to the surface.
My head breaks the water surface first giving me the chance to catch my breath first. "Meanie!" I giggle, splashing him when he breaks the water’s surface too.
"'Come on, stop being so boring'," he teases, splashing me back before he swims towards me. "Come here," he grumbles again, wrapping his arms around my waist and tugging me against him again.
Shikamaru situates us, letting himself float on the water's surface with me sat on him like a surfboard. "What are you doing?" I ask, squeezing his sides with my thighs as my hands rest on his chest. I paddle my legs in the water, slowly shifting us around the lake.
"I'm going to take a nap," he murmurs, letting his eyes fall closed.
"Shika!" I whine, splashing him again. "We're supposed to be swimming."
"We are swimming," he answers, splashing me back. "Just relax, Pet. We can waste energy paddling around later. You should take a nap too."
I grumble but give into Shika's plans, leaning my head back with my thighs squeezed tighter. As I sink into a half float, I let my upper body rest in the water like he's doing.
In my upside-down sight, I catch a glimpse of Neji and Lee on the beach. Neji's sights are set on us, his face scrunched up as he looks our way. Jealousy or is Lee annoying him? It has to be Lee, Neji doesn't take me as the jealous type.
"Nara-Chan?" Neji's voice echoes from outside my tent, getting me a teasing look from the girls. "Are you still awake?"
"Yes, I am. Give me a second," I answer, shooting a look at them to knock it off before I unzip the tent.
He pops his head in, a huge smile on his face as he looks at me. "What are you girls up to?"
"Playing a game of poker, a game I'm winning by the way," Tenten taunts enjoying her victory streak and pulling mumbles from the other girls in the makeshift room. "How about you, Nej? What are you up to?"
"I came back to see if Nara-Chan wanted to go on a walk," he answers, focus turned toward me again. "Would you like to go on a walk?"
"Sure Neji," I say, my heart fluttering a bit. We haven't had any alone time since we got here and it would be nice to finally have some. A string of teasing noises spill from the girls as I climb out of the tent, making me roll my eyes. "Hey Nej," I greet once I'm out, climbing to my feet.
His hands shoot down, clinging to my elbows and helping me to my feet. "Hello, Nara-San."
"Would you stop calling me that?" I tease, enjoying the feeling of his hands on me.
     "I suppose I could call you something else. I will have to think about it though," he mutters, eyebrows pressed together in thought. "As for now, let us go on our walk." His arm slides into mine, hooking us together as we start our stroll away from the army of tents.
Our walk is sweet, the two of us walking in silence and enjoying the scenery. Soon the forest gives way to the beach again, a soft yellow of light poking into the night sky a few yards ahead. "Neji," I murmur, my senses heightening at the thought of someone else being around.
"Calm down, Princess."
"Princess?" I ask, the nickname catching me off guard.
"I set us up a spot to enjoy some time together," he explains, blowing off my question.
"Did you?" I ask, letting him lead me forward. He hums a yes, helping down the split between the forest and the sand of the beach. "That's so sweet Nej!" I coo, the little scene he set up falling into view.
A small fire burns, with a blanket laid out in front of it. Pillows and rose petals are littered across the blanket, adding to the romantic star-gazing spot. "Do you like it?" He asks, shifting behind me with his hands softly resting biceps.
"I love it! It's so sweet," I praise, leaning against his chest. After a beat, I take hold of his hand and race forward, sliding a bit in the sand. "How'd you manage all of this? Hasn't Lee been attached at your hip all day?"
"Lee helped me set it up," Neji explains, his hands gripping mine to help me onto the blanket. "He wants 'a full report of the night' when I get back," he adds, sinking to the ground as well.
"A 'full' report?" I tease, adjusting some of the pillows before I lay down. My fingertips got with some of the petals, enjoying how soft and smooth they are.
"Yes," he answers shortly, lying down next to me. "Lee is a bit invasive."
"He's just excited for you," I murmur, letting my eyes jump around the sky, lazily counting the stars.
We fall quiet again, enjoying our star gazing before Neji's voice rings out again. "Are Shikamaru and you something? I feel like I'm intruding."
"No, we're not together," I answer, my hand sliding over the blanket in search of his. When I find Neji's hand, I tangle our fingers together.
"Then what is going on between you two?" He asks, squeezing my hand gently a couple of times.
"Sometimes we just... help each other out... with... our needs."
"Is that so?" He asks, the sound of his head turning against the fabric of the pillow following his question.
I turn my head towards him, squeezing his hand in return. "Ya, that's so," I mutter, looking into his white eyes. "Does it bother you?"
"No, Tenten and I do the same thing on occasion." Neji's eyes jump around me before settling on my face again.
     "Oh ya?"
     "Yes, does that bother you?" He asks, a flicker of concern flashing across his face.
     "No, Nej, I'm not that sallow. I just assumed you were a virgin," I giggle, a string of laughter falling from me because of my honesty.
     "I am not a virgin! I have... been with a woman," he huffs out, cheeks turning red as he turns his head back toward the sky.
     "I don't believe you," I poke, turning toward the stars too. "I think you're a virgin that doesn't know what he's doing."
     "I know what I'm doing," he grumbles, squeezing my hand again. "I know what I'm doing," Neji repeats, now squeezing my hand in repeat.
     "Ya? Prove it. You won't though, I know you won't," I taunt, turning my head again as I let out another round of laughs.
     His voice and squeezing stop before his movements pick up. Neji turns over, the hand not wrapped up in mine slides into my hair, clinging to it as his head moves forward. His lips crash against mine, a bit unbalanced with nervousness for a moment before we fall into a pattern.
     "That..." I start to mutter when he pulls away, my eyes hazily opening to look at a red-faced Neji. "Proves nothing."
His lips purse together as he scans me again. "You are a very attitude-filled person," he mutters, shifting again so he's hovering over me, legs tangled with mine and hands pressed on either side of my head. "But that is alright. It is part of what attracts me to you."
This time it's my face going red as I turn my sights away from him, a smile breaking out on my face. Damn it, Neji, why do you have to be so straight-forward about everything?
"Well that's good," I peep out, slowly focusing back on the man hovering over me. "What else attracts you to me?" I ask, letting my hands wander over his sides.
We're both still in our swim attire, Neji in his swim trunks and a t-shirt, and me with a pair of shorts and my swim bottoms underneath, an open sweatshirt covering my arms and leaving nothing but my bikini top. It's pretty generic rom-com beach wear if I think about it.
"Aside from your attitude, you are also pretty, and nice, and devoted to your work, and good to the people of the village, and get along with Hinata," Neji starts, peppering kisses to my neck after every compliment that spills from her.
"Well... pretty beside the bruise Shikamaru seems to have left you," he mutters, tapping his nose against it before shifting further down my body. "You are very vocal too, at least when you're with close friends," Neji continues, now peppering kisses across the exposed parts of my breasts. "Are you vocal during other times as well?" He asks, head tilling up to lock eyes with me as his fingers toy with the elastic band of my swim bottoms. "Shall I test it out? After all, a virgin like me could use the experience."
Cocky little shit. I go for cocky little shits. "Well..." I stumble out, clinging to the material of his shirt as I get turned on by his soft touches. "Who... who am I to deny an eager student?"
Neji smiles at me softly, pecking my lips as his hand slowly snakes down to my bottoms undoing my shorts before continuing his trail down. He finds my clit almost instantly, rubbing slow circles into the material it's still hidden under. His mouth stays busy with softly sucking on my neck. "Ya... ya, okay," I mumble, fingers digging into the loose material of his shirt. "Defiantly not a virgin."
He chuckles softly, stamping a kiss to my temple before shifting towards my ear. "I told you, but you wanted proof, so I'm giving you proof." Neji's fingertips shift, slowly crawling down before dipping into me.
"Neji," I breathe out, my hands climbing up from his sides to bury themselves into his hair. I toy with it, trying my best not to tug or pull on it as his fingers curl inside me before being pulled out and thrust into me again.
"Princess?" He hums, lips brushing against my jaw now that he's gotten bored of my neck.
      "Aren't you like... like... like a goodie two shoes? A... a... 'follow all... all the rules' guy?" I stumble out, squeezing his arm between my thighs as my orgasm quickly builds.
     My movements don't go unnoticed, Neji's fingers move faster, his thumb moving around before tapping against my clit. "Neji," I whine again, tugging on his hair this time.
     "Princess," he says softly, a gentle smile on his face as his tilted head looks at me. "Yes, I am a bit of a rule follower. I don't think a tad of conjugating will hurt anything though."
     I tug on his hair again, the sound of his voice adding to my quickly building orgasm. "Keep... keep talking," I mutter, using my grip on his locks to tug him closer to me.
     Neji's head settles against mine, lips brushing against my ear as he talks. "Is that what does it for you Princess? My voice? Do you like hearing me talk to you?” He softly taunts, his smile present in his tone. “I’m glad because I like hearing your pretty voice too. I like seeing the way your beautiful face shifts in pleasure. I like seeing arousal in your pretty eyes. I look seeing your chest pump up and down with your breaths. I like - ”
He cuts himself off, my next praise falling silent as I let out a pitched whine, my pussy clenching around his fingers as I ravel undone. “Neji,” I hiss, tugging on his hair as if he could get any closer to me. “Neji, Neji, Neji,” I call on repeat, my voice a whine as I cling to him.
“Calm yourself, Princess. You are alright,” he soothes, rubbing my clit a time or two more before pulling his touch away from my cunt. His hands settle on my bare sides, rubbing circles into my skin as he litters my stomach with kisses. “You made such pretty voices,” he coos, his mouth jumping past my chest to press another kiss to my lips. “Focus on the stars, count them as you breathe, Princess,” he gently orders, tipping my head back before littering my neck with fresh lingering kisses.
One, I count to myself, eyes settling on a star. Two, I continue letting out a shaky breath. Three, Neji is now softly sucking on my skin again, enough to make it tingle but not enough to leave a mark. Four.
Shikamaru's eyes keep fluttering from Ino to Neji and me walking back to the clearing we've set up camp at. He's not paying attention to the lecture about paying attention Ino is giving him.
Neji's arm which was loose around my hips is no longer loose. His hold is tight, pushing me against his side as we finish the short walk back to Ino's and my shared tent.
"Where have you been?" Shika asks, cutting off Ino's lecture.
"I already told you, she went on a walk with Neji. Do you ever listen when I talk?!" Ino complains, even more huffy at Shikamaru.
"To be fair," Choji says around a mouth full of chips, head poking out of our tent. "If you didn't complain so much, we all would listen to you more." Cho doesn't help the situation, but he does shift Ino's focus from lecturing Shika to lecturing himself.
Shikamaru ignores her, eyes cast at me in their 'I'm waiting for an answer' way; dark and slightly slit with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Like Ino said, Neji and I went on a walk."
"You were gone for an hour. That's a long walk," he grumbles, eyes slitting some more as he noses around the situation.
"We star gazed for a little while. What are you, my dad?" I snip, glaring back at him, mimicking his stance.
"No, but I am your friend, and at the very least your chief. It's my job to care about your safety. You shouldn't be out for so long while it's dark out." Our staring contest continues for a beat or two before Shika's eyes jump towards Neji. "I don't like you taking her out and about so late."
"She's a grown woman. She can make her own decisions. It's not like I dragged her out of her tent and used my legal standing to force her along," Neji shoots back, poking at Shika's 'I'm your chief' argument chip. "It just so happened she chose to go on a walk with me."
"Don't think you're special because she went on a walk with you," Shika hisses, arms falling to his sides as he takes a step forward. "She would have gone on a walk with anyone. Hell, even if annoying ass Lee asked she would have said yes."
"Alright, that's enough," I pipe up, moving out of Neji's grasp to gently shove Shika back the step he took. "Maybe let's not insult Lee since he didn't do anything wrong. Since no one did anything wrong," I look up at Shikamaru during my last sentence, eyebrows raised in an attempt to remind him of his place. "Just a nice reminder boys. I'm single. Do not have a boyfriend. No girlfriend in sight. Haven't been asked on a date in like two years. As single as a person can be."
After my little rant, I grab a hold of Ino, shoving her into our tent before I duck in behind her, zipping it up after myself. The two boys outside continue to argue, comments about my 'honor being taunted and rumors growing' thrown by Shika and comments about 'abuse of power and feeling intimidated' being thrown by Neji.
"Well this is entertaining," Choji says, shifting his bag of chips closer to me. I shoot him a glare but do take a handful. "Who are you going to choose?"
"Neji, duh," Ino butts in, rolling her eyes at our friend as she gets comfortable on her makeshift bed. "He's from a top clan, not to mention he's pretty high up on the ranks in said clan. Plus he's so sweet and soft-spoken. Neji is the smart choice."
I settle on my makeshift bed, leaning on Choji since he's taking up most of the space. "Absolutely not," he says, plopping another bunch of chips into my hand. "Ya, Neji is all like badass and cool or whatever, but Shikamaru is better."
"Shikamaru?" Ino asks, lifting an eyebrow as she gets up, walking across the small space to join me leaning against Choji. "The man that is bored of everything but still somehow complains about even more, is better... than Neji?"
"In this situation, ya. He knows her better than Neji. They grew up with the same culture, same traditions, same childhood, same memories. That's something Neji can learn but never truly understand as Shika can. I think you should choose Shikamaru," Cho says, focusing on me during his last sentence.
"I don't know," I mutter, snapping my eyes closed. "I think I need to sleep on it." For the next two years or however long it takes this to blow over, I mentally add. What the hell am I going to do? Why did it have to all bubble over on our friends’ weekend? This trip is supposed to be about relaxing. I sure as hell was relaxed about twenty minutes, and I sure as hell am not relaxed now.
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redybearsent · 24 days
Paper Mario: the Heirlooms of Doom (Extras 1)
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Here´s a little continuation to the Paper Mario: the Heirlooms of Doom concept I made a while ago, I added lore for some new and already known characters and the way the play a role on the story! This is first part of two extras for the concept.
Princess Peach: "Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom (You know her).
Once again kidnapped by Bowser, will try to uncover the mysteries of
the Heirlooms and aid Mario on his journey by sending letters to him. And yes, she´ll have her own playable intermissions just like in TTYD."
Luigi: "The green brother himself! He'll try to help his brother on his mission by gathering clues and "trying" to solve stuff before him.
As well as Peach, he'll have his own playable intermissions! (Imagine Bowser´s intermissions in TTYD but instead of playing like Bowser you play like Luigi)"
Bowser: "The King of the Koopas is back at being the quote on quote main antagonist of the story. With the help of his new acquaintance, Cordelia, he'll use the power of the Heirlooms to bring havoc wherever he comes across. "Today, the Mushroom Kingdom, tomorrow, the entire World!" And don´t worry, he´ll switch sides eventually in the same fashion he has done in past games, just give the plot some time... "
Cordelia: "A mysterious puppet with knowledge on the dark arts and the power of the 6 Heirlooms of Doom. Everything about her is unknown, she's a shady character with the power to turn everyone on her puppets
with her strings. This mysterious witch seems to have a relation to Orbert and the mystery of the Heirlooms..."
Bowser Jr. & Kamek: "Bowser's head honchos when it comes to bringing trouble to Mario and co. They'll try to stop you every now and then, being a recurring mini bosses."
Kammy Koopa: "Former crooked witch of Bowser's army (She´s back!). She's been retired since a couple games ago. She'll aid Peach at
traversing Bowser's Castle since she doesn't fully trust on Cordelia... "Now, now sweetie, leave me alone, it´s gonna be my nap time soon" "
Check out the Deviantart post:
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Technical Information
Name: Silvia Schlummern
Japanese: シルビア・シュルマーン (Shirubia shurumān)
Quote: "Hope to find the cure instantly, and no more nightmares to me."
Age: 16 y.o
Birthday: February 28th
Star Sign: Pieces
Height: 159 cm
Race: Human (Probably fairy or else)
Species: Unknown
Homeland: Flutterville Meadow
Unseen parents (haven't been met yet)
Annabelle Paragon (Adoptive mother)
Nicknames / Aliases:
Vivi / Vee (by her mother Annabelle)
Princesse endormie (by Rook Hunt ; means "sleeping princess")
Otter (by Floyd Leech ; as Silvia had sudden fell asleep on the water before and was discovered that her body floating on)
Tiny baby (by Lilia Vanrouge; due to her appearance is a little similar to Silver, plus they both also often get dozing that could be come from a curse)
Loser / Monster / Crybaby (by bully from her past)
School Facts and Fun Facts
Dorm: Aquadormancy
Occupations: Student
Animal caretaker (Part-time)
Best Subject: Animal Care | Self-defense
Worst Subject: History Magic | Marathon Runs
Club: Magic Light Club
Dominant Hand: Both (right-handed the most)
Favorite Colors:
Favorite Food: Chocolate chip cookies | Sushi
Least Favorite: Greasy food
Likes: Her adoptive mother, her friends, being loved, peace, soft blankets, plushies, cotton-made pillows and cushions, napping (often), fairy tales, story of the Sleeping Princess, medieval dresses, her animals friends, flowers and plants, strolling in the forest, singing, dancing, daydreaming, picking berries, horseback riding, sweet dreams, her pet kitten, daydreaming
Dislikes: Her friends being mistreated, being abandoned, being mocked, called as monster or loser, being alone, napping (often), losing her loved ones, horrors, overprotective, isolation, being ignored, being treated like a child, loud noises, interrupted her from sleep, nightmares, Jennifer (often to be hated)
Hobbies: Strolling in the forest, singing, dancing, napping, picking berries, pranking on her friends, reading books about fairytales and happiness
Talents: Dream manipulation, flower arranging, sewing, baking, making soft pillows and cushions
Characters Inspired
Silvia was inspired by
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Piff (Winx Club / Pop Pixies)
Belphgor (Obey Me!)
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tinylaneblog · 4 months
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Fatherhood. It's a word that evokes images of strong, silent protectors, playful roughhousing, and cheesy dad jokes. Especially for those embarking on this wild adventure for the very first time? You question your every move, worried that one wrong step could mess up this tiny human you're responsible for.
Let's dive into the heart of fatherhood, exploring the incredible journey, sharing heartwarming stories, tackling the inevitable challenges, and offering tips.
The Journey of Fatherhood: More Than Just Bibs and Bottles The journey of fatherhood begins long before your child is born. It's a series of small decisions, big hopes, and a growing anticipation for the unknown. And then, in a flurry of tiny fingers and that first unforgettable cry, your life is irrevocably changed. Fatherhood is a path of growth where you learn as much about yourself as you do about your little one. It's a dance of love!
Get ready for a challenging but beautiful journey. The journey of fatherhood is nothing short of a rollercoaster. One moment, you're holding your tiny miracle, marveling at their perfect little fingers and toes, the sweet scent of their skin, and the way they instinctively curl into you. The next, you're covered in poop, stumbling through a midnight diaper change, and wondering how you'll ever survive on this little sleep. But then, through the haze of exhaustion, comes that first gummy smile, the first time they grab your finger with surprising strength, the first time they look into your eyes with pure, unadulterated love. In those moments, you realize through the sleepless nights, the endless laundry, and the occasional (okay, frequent) meltdowns, an overwhelming sense of love, purpose, and joy makes it all worthwhile.
Real Dads, Real Stories, Real Talk Forget the picture-perfect Instagram posts and the idealized images of fatherhood. Let's hear it from the guys on the front lines, who aren't afraid to get honest about the ups and downs of being a new dad. Yes, we are talking about real daddies who have seen it all and still reeling from the experience! Below are a few excerpts from birth fathers who have offered first-time father stories - a realistic yet surreal experience for them!
Rajesh, father of two
"I thought I knew what tiredness was before kids, but I was wrong. Sleep deprivation is real! But even when I'm under stress, one look at my son's face makes it all worth it."
Karthik, a new dad to an adorable princess
"I'm not going to lie; it's a major adjustment. I used to be spontaneous, but now everything revolves around nap schedules and diaper changes. But watching my daughter grow and learn makes me realize how precious this time is."
Pradeep, father of twins
"Having twins is like being in a perpetual state of bewilderment, and they are constantly spitting up - imagine several diaper changes, baths, and nap times - it's exhausting! It's the toughest thing I've ever done but also the most rewarding!" These stories, filled with raw honesty and heartfelt emotion, remind us that fatherhood is a universal experience that brings us together through shared joys and challenges.
First-Time Father Advice: Down to Earth Wisdom
So, what can you expect as a new dad? Here are a few nuggets of wisdom from those who have been there, done that, and bought the oversized "World's Best Dad" mug: Embrace the Chaos
Fatherhood is messy, unpredictable, and often downright chaotic. But it's also gratifying. Let go of perfection and embrace the beautiful mess that is your new life.
Ask for Help
You don't have to do it all alone. Support is out there, whether it's a listening ear, a helping hand with chores, or someone to watch the baby while you shower.
Prioritize Self-Care
Getting caught up in the whirlwind of fatherhood and neglecting your needs is easy. But taking care of yourself is essential for being your best dad. Make time for activities you enjoy, get enough sleep (as much as possible!), and don't be afraid to ask for a break when needed.
Connect with Other Dads
Talking to other fathers can be a lifeline, especially during those challenging first few months. Join a dad support group, chat with friends who are also dads, or talk with another dad at the park. Sharing your experiences, fears, and triumphs can be incredibly cathartic and reassuring.
Celebrate the Small Victories
Fatherhood is a series of milestones, both big and small. Celebrate each one, whether it's your baby's first smile, steps, or simply surviving a particularly tough day. Remember, every little step is a victory on this incredible journey.
Parenting Tips for New Dads: From Bottles to Bonding
One of the most rewarding aspects of fatherhood is building a bond with your child. This connection starts when they're born and continues to grow and deepen throughout their life. It's a dance of shared moments, silent understanding, and the pure magic of unconditional love. Here are a few simple ways to foster that special bond:
Skin-to-skin contact
Strip down to your bare chest, lay your baby against your skin, and let them feel your warmth and heartbeat. This simple act releases oxytocin, the "love hormone," in both you and your baby, strengthening your connection.
Talk, sing, and read to them
Your voice is a source of comfort and security for your baby. Engage them in conversation, even if it's just gibberish at first. Sing them silly songs, read them bedtime stories, or narrate your day as you do your routine.
Get down on the floor and let your inner child out. Play peek-a-boo, make silly faces, tickle their toes, or build a tower of blocks to knock it down. Playtime is not just fun; it's crucial for your baby's development and your bond.
Strap on a carrier and take your little one on an adventure. The closeness of babywearing allows you to bond while giving you the freedom to move around and get things done. Plus, it's a great way to soothe a fussy baby. Alternatively, you can try swaddling your baby. Swaddling helps create a soft cocoon and an ensconced feel for your baby. A well-swaddled baby can sleep fuss-free and right in your arms, thus strengthening the bond between you and your munchkin.
Alternatively, you can try swaddling your baby. Swaddling helps create a soft cocoon and an ensconced feel for your baby. A well-swaddled baby can sleep fuss-free and right in your arms, thus strengthening the bond between you and your munchkin.
Bath time
Make bath time a special ritual. Sing songs, blow bubbles, and let them splash around. The warmth of the water and the sound of your voice will create a sense of security and trust.
Be present
In this age of constant distractions, consciously put away your phone, turn off the TV, and be present with your baby. Please give them your undivided attention, listen to their coos and gurgles, and let them know they are your world's most critical person. Partners in Parenthood: Supporting Each Other Through the Journey
Fatherhood is a team effort. Partners play a crucial role in supporting new dads as they navigate the challenges and joys of parenthood. It's about working together, lifting each other, and creating a loving, nurturing environment for your little one. There's something compelling about connecting with other dads who are going through the same experiences. Dad support groups offer a judgment-free zone to share your worries, ask questions, and learn from each other's successes and failures. Here are a few ways partners can provide support:
Offer encouragement and reassurance
Let your partner know that you appreciate their efforts and that they're doing a great job. A simple "I love watching you with the baby" can go a long way in boosting their confidence.
Give them space to bond with the baby.
Encourage your partner to spend quality time with the baby, develop their unique parenting style, and create special rituals and routines.
Be understanding and patient
Remember that fatherhood is a learning process that takes time, patience, and a lot of trial and error. Understand your partner's struggles, offer support and encouragement, and celebrate their successes.
Communicate openly and honestly
Talk about your fears, hopes, and dreams for your family. Share parenting responsibilities, and don't hesitate to ask for help when needed.
To read more click here : https://www.thetinylane.com/blogs/news/celebrating-first-time-fathers-tips-and-stories-for-new-daddies
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cherokeegal1975 · 1 year
Johnathan was a family man and cargo runner and had no interest in getting entangled in royal affairs. So, when a deposed and fleeing princess arranges a meeting to give him a package to keep safe, he was reluctant to take it. But she convinced him to hide the royal seal until she needed it back despite himself. Unknown to him, she had also ticked him into carrying another precious cargo. When Johnathan learns of the trick, he’s furious. When he confronts the princess about it, he learns it’ll be impossible to return it before it’s appointed time. Then she tells him of an unbreakable bond between them and ends a long search for someone he had lost as a boy. So, instead of revenge, he does what he can to help her. He must also avoid capture; the King would execute Johnathan if he ever found out about his secret cargo.
I did everything for this audiobook. I had no help and it was super hard to finish. Would love your honest feedback. Please give it some time, there's more than a half hour of story here. I notice that most people only listen to the first half hour and then never come back. It's a full-blown novel and the story will take time to build. Ages 15 and up will have no problem with this book, but I recommend headphones if anyone else is in earshot, especially if you make it to chapter five. I didn't have time to draw more illustrations for it, so the four or five there is all you got and they're all no more than PG rated. This story was inspired by an online dumpster dive I did some years ago. Worth exploring, but I didn't like what most people did with the mpreg genera, so I decided to do my own version. Basically, I wanted to test my writing skills with this one. This book is available on Kindle and paperback on Amazon, so you can just read my book if you want to. I even recently updated the cover art and the synopsis for it.
Update exclusively for Tumblr, 10/15/2023: I am sick, I am bored. I really want to earn some honest feedback. Preferably some in depth comments if possible. I really want to know what you think. I've got about six days before I can go to the dentist to get this infected tooth removed and it really hurts. The painkillers I'm taking are giving me some unpleasant side effects, but my mouth and the whole side of my head hurts too much for me to stop taking them. Between the negative side effects of the drugs and the pain, I'm feeling quite ill and drained of energy. And yet, I'm expected to work as if nothing is wrong and I don't get a choice about it. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to get a much needed nap...if I can sleep. All this has been making it hard for me to get some rest even at night. The very same painkillers that are making me sick don't always work to keep my pain at bay either. I rarely get any feedback for my books and of the two novels I have written, this one sells the most often when I do make a sale on Amazon. Anyway, I could use some cheering up. If you buy my book and write your very honest feedback on Amazon I'd love that too. Every comment is deeply cherished and I can potentially learn something useful from them as well.
This is the link to my book on Amazon:
Unexpected Cargo: Smith, Meriah: 9781537355238: Amazon.com: Books
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kaalavg · 6 years
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Hoy película  :D
Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari
Ancien y el mundo mágico
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hateshinai · 6 years
彼女は逃げ出そうと風のごとく階段を駆け下りた.| [ Hirune Hime: Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari - NAPPING PRINCESS ] |
eugene cam - sensations (w/ jamvvis)
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anine-news-daily · 6 years
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Napping Princess If you’re looking for a film that will jolt you back to the days of make believe then I can honestly say that this one’s for you. The story itself centers around a girl named Kokone Morikawa whom we quickly discover has dreams about a near future Japan with mystical qualities. Further, the entire society revolves around the making and driving of cars and the insistence upon the citizens of continuing to buy the latest models within a certain amount of time. In her normal like Morikawa is attempting to complete her school work along with selecting a college to attend. Upon the arrival of her childhood friend Morio she begins to notice strange things occurring around her. She must do all she can to understand why these events are occurring and convince her childhood friend that what she is experiencing is the real deal. The Characters The way in which we are introduced to each of the characters is superbly well done. You get to approach things through the eyes of Morikawa and in so doing you can better understand why she acts the ways she does toward others. Gradually as the story goes on you begin to learn more about the people around her and it helps to slowly connect the dots as the story moves along. At no point do you feel like you are gaining more information then Morikawa herself has about the situation and in this way the story keeps you interested and wanting to know more right up until the very end. While each of the main characters has a considerable amount of depth to them it is worth noting that even the most minor of characters share a part in helping the story to progress. It is through the interactions with more minor characters that we learn more about the main characters themselves and it is almost as if they are letting their guard down around those that they do not know quite as well. One thing that becomes rather evident right away when watching the film is the level of detail that went into showcasing the emotions of each one of the characters. It is clear from the very start that the animators spent a lot of time studying human body language and it allowed them to create as true to life reactions from characters as you are probably going to see anywhere. At no point do you feel like the emotions seem fake and they do a good job of showing each character involved in a particular situation so that you get the full scope of emotion as well as a better idea about how each character handles particular situations. You get to see each character mature emotionally in their own way and you get to see the direct effect that Morikawa has on everyone that she is associated with. The Animation When you have this feeling that you are right there with the characters you know that the animators have done a good job of conveying the environment with which they are in. Throughout each scene you could tell that they took great care in creating the most natural light possible and that they went to great lengths to capture the environments effect on each one of the characters within a particular scene of the film. I really liked the way that they panned to the clouds and to the plants around the area to give you the true scope of the kind of weather that was surrounding the characters and they used light and shadow in a way that it really helped to showcase a temperature change within the environment. They did a terrific job of mimicking facial expression and body language and I didn’t feel at any point that either of the two didn’t match the type of emotion that was being implied. It’s not easy meshing two different worlds together in a way that it seems believable and yet they were able to do that. Not only that, but they did a fantastic job of creating smooth transitions between the dream world and reality to ensure that you were immersed within the film itself and not feeling as if you were suddenly pulled away from a particular storyline. Rating 10/10 I can’t really knock this film at all. I went into it thinking a particular thing and was pleasantly surprised with the direction to which it was taken. The story is rather complex in nature and yet it was paced in a way that you could easily follow along and understand the overall situation right with the characters. I quite like the idea of not being to far ahead of the characters understanding of it all because it allows you to be in the moment. When you add to that world class animation and storytelling it’s hard not to enjoy it. It’s a story that connect with all of us and brings us back to those times within our childhood where we could imagine anything with ease. I highly recommend this one and hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
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manga-meow · 3 years
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ljaesch · 7 years
Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me Manga Ends
Kadokawa’s Comic Newtype online manga platform has published the final chapter of Hana Ichika’s Napping Princess: The Story of the Unknown Me (Hirune Hime – Shiranai Watashi no Monogatari) manga. Yen Press will publish the final chapter in English on December 8, 2017. The second compiled volume will ship in Japan on December 9, 2017. The manga, which adapts Kenji Kamiyama’s Napping Princess film,…
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thedevilsmemes · 3 years
                         Change pronouns as / when needed to preferred pronoun.
“I do not do justice, I do damage. I do not do empathy, I do damage. I do not do forgiveness, I do damage. I do not do mercy, I do damage.”
“Like, you can boss me around in sexual situations but you better not try to tell me what to do in regular life.”
“I’m fine, I’ve had worse.”
“I’m meaner than my demons.”
“If I cannot bend Heaven, I will raise Hell.”
“Well, aren’t you a little ray of pitch black?”
“He was like a storm.”
“You want to play dirty? Fine, let’s play dirty!”
{ feels an emotion. } “Who the fuck authorised this?!”
“What the fuck? What the fuck is this? What the fuck?”
“Judge if you want. We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.”
“Goddamn right you should be scared of me.”
“They wanted a monster; I decided to give them one.”
“Seduce and destroy.”
“What the fuck is intimacy? How does that work? Letting… people be close to you? What the fuck?”
“You couldn’t kill me if you tried for one hundred years.”
“I’ll do this my way.”
“I am severely emotionally unstable.”
“What, from the bottom of the heart, the fuck?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t take any orders. I barely take suggestions.”
“I send my best regards from Hell.”
“I like my coffee how I like myself: Dark, bitter and too hot for you.”
“Me and God, we don’t get along.”
“Be brave, Angel.”
“Self care is drinking three pots of coffee and getting into a knife fight with God.”
{ takes gulp of vodka straight from the bottle } “My day was fine.”
“Have I stabbed you? No. Then I am being nice.”
“Holy Shit! I’M the demon living in my house.”
“Sir, that’s my emotional support knife collection.”
“I want an ancient elaborate dagger with my name engraved into the blade as a gift. The only romantic gesture.”
“ ‘Are you a top or a bottom?’ I'm a threat!”
“Stop being so defensive! I’m just trying to hit you with weapons.”
“The more knives you have the more valid you are.”
“She’s strong but she’s exhausted.”
“She loves moonlight and rainstorms and so many other things that have soul.”
“My darling, you can’t see it can you? How like the moon you are. Both of you so timid in yourselves; hiding pieces from the world. Then, there are those rare moments when you are both full, and it becomes hard to look away. You are beautiful.”
“Calm her chaos but never silence her storm.”
“She wears strength and darkness equally well. That girl has always been half Goddess, half Hell.”
“She has been through Hell, so believe me when I say, fear her when she looks into the fire and smiles.”
“She’s proof that you can walk through Hell and still be an angel.”
“She is both hellfire and holy water. And the flavour you taste depends on how you treat her.”
“Even the mountains can not hold all you have been carrying.”
“Storm with skin.”
“She’s thunderstorms”
“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
“Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.”
“You have a heart of gold.”
“Butterflies are the Heaven-sent kisses of an angel.”
“She who is brave is free.”
“Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.”
“Shut up. I wear heels bigger than your dick.”
“Girls who run in heels should be feared.”
“Family is everything to me.”
“She’s an old soul that believes in chivalry, romance, and love.”
“I hate getting flashbacks from things I don’t want to remember.”
“I run on coffee and grace.”
“I’m glad I’ve got boobs… the last thing I need is people making eye contact with me.”
“Tell me to put on my big girl panties one more time… and I’ll take off my thong and strangle you with it!”
“Please read all my posts in a sarcastic tone. You know, for full effect.”
“I have one nerve left and you’re dry-humping it, go away.”
“If I offend you, cry me a river. I’ll bring snacks and a raft. I will literally float down your tears, eating chips and working on my tan.”
“When she is happy, she can’t stop talking. When she is sad, she doesn’t say a word.”
“Music becomes my best friend when nobody else understands me.”
“Act like a lady, think like a boss.”
“I know I have friends but I feel I have no one to talk to about the shit that goes on in my head.”
“She was special. She combined a mean angel and a kind devil.”
“So much pain for someone so young.”
“She’s one of a kind.”
“Red lips and wine sips.”
“Brave girl, it’s time to love again.”
“She is intelligent.”
“Sometimes, when I say ‘I’m okay.’ I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, ‘I know you’re not.’ ”
“Because I’m not the kind of girl guys fall in love with.”
“I fear I will spend my life, waiting for a love story that doesn’t exist.”
“You’re a woman, use it; bring every man you meet to his motherfucking knees.”
“She denies it but, the truth is, she’s falling in love with him.”
“Hearing your heels click on the floor sounds like power.”
“She loves deeply, regardless of the love she gets back in return and it’s both her biggest strength and biggest weakness…”
“Experience raised her. Hurt taught her. Neither defined her.”
“She was not fragile like a flower was, she was fragile like a bomb.”
“Life is short; make every hair flip count.”
“I’ve always been someone who looks ‘too deep’ into something or someone. That’s because I realised from a young age that there’s always more than what meets the eye.”
“If I say ‘first of all’ Run away because I have prepared research, data, charts, and will destroy you.”
“Underestimate me, that’ll be fun.”
“You think I’m sarcastic? You should hear what I don’t say!”
“She’s a combination of sensitive and savage.”
“Stay classy, sassy and a bit bad assy.”
“She’s battling things her smile will never tell you about.”
 “Ain't you ever seen a princess be a bad bitch?”
“I was told I was dangerous… I asked why? They said ‘because you don’t need anyone.’ That’s when I smiled.”
“She’s been through hell and came out an angel. You didn’t break her darling, you don’t own that kind of power.”
“Watch me. I will go to my own sun and, if I am burned by the flames, I will fly on scorched wings.”
“Her messy hair is a visible attribute to her stubborn spirit. As she shakes it free, she smiles, knowing wild is her favourite colour.”
“She’s strong. But in the back of her mind she doesn’t think that she was meant to be this strong for this long. And she wonders if there is a man out there, somewhere, who understands this.”
“She’s not for everyone and she knows it. People find her different and strange. She dances in the rain, she laughs when she cries and loves through her pain. People fear the unknown and they never knew a girl like her.”
“Don’t tell a girl with fire in her veins and hurricane bones what she should and shouldn’t do. In the blink of an eye, she will shatter that ridiculous cage you attempt to build around her beautiful bohemian spirit.”
“You provoke her until she roars and then get upset at her for becoming the monster you created.”
“Rip out his ego with your fresh nails.”
“She isn’t the sunrise; she’s the fucking sun.”
“You can’t touch a woman who can wear pain like the grandest of diamonds around her neck.”
“Watch your tongue around her. She will bear her fangs and tear you apart with all the grace of a Queen.” 
“If you won’t embrace her madness, then you’ll never taste her magic.”
“Beauty may be dangerous but intelligence is lethal.”
“She is water. Powerful enough to drown you, soft enough to cleanse you, deep enough to save you.”
“Heavy is the crown and yet she wears it as if it were a feather. There is strength in her heart, determination in her eyes and the will to survive resides within her soul.”
“I wish that I could say that I am a light that never goes out, but I flicker from time to time.”
“Spoil me with loyalty. I can finance myself.”
“Shoutout to all the people with brown hair and brown eyes! We basic as fuck but we cute!”
“I feel a nap coming on.”
“Is horny an emotion?”
“I just really like thigh-highs.”
“Even though she looks innocent, she is really a perverted demon.”
“She didn’t sob or wail. Her pain was horribly discreet but as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound.”
“I don’t rise from the ashes, I make them. I’m the whole fucking fire.”
“Beautiful but destructive.”
“I’m aiming for the ‘she’s a badass and cute as hell but I wouldn’t touch her without asking’ look.”
“Loving me must be so fucking hard and I’m so sorry.”
“Some women are lost in the fire. Some women are built from it.”
“You glow differently when you’re actually happy.”
“She’s magic, that one.”
“Kicked out of Hell.”
“Red hair: the crown you never take off.”
“You’ve got a fire inside.”
“She doesn’t need a warrior, she is one. What she needs is a devout heart, and strong arms to hold her after her battles are won.”
“You are the love that came without warning: You had my heart before I could say no.”
“You want battle? I’ll give you war.”
“True evil is, above all things, seductive.”
“The Devil’s got nothing on me, my friend.”
“Haven’t I fallen far enough?”
“I’m not like them, but I can pretend.”
“I don’t like being told what to do.”
“Now I grow wings and rage, and learn how to kill.”
“Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.”
“Though she be little, she be fierce.”
“I know what this is; It’s just myself, talking to myself, about myself.”
“You underestimate my power.”
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pinkykitten · 4 years
the princess and the villager
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- anonymous what up oreostars, if this isn't too specific i was wondering if u could write a one-shot about sokka (atla) noticing he's in love with reader when he sees her playing around with some kids and maybe confessing? i love a fluff lmao
pairing: sokka x female! reader words: 1,691 genre: fluff, comedy, one-shot, romance, requested
a/n: i hope this is what u meant lol, he has been my childhood crush so this ignited a flame again hehe, also pls check out my oc of atla named jia.
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“And the beautiful princess was caught by an ugly witch. Since the princess was the most stunning girl in all the land, the witch wanted that beauty for herself. She was going to cook the girl in a stew and eat her all up.”
They all gasped.
“But the villager boy wanted to save the princess so he went after her. He saved the princess and they lived happily ever after. What she doesn’t know is the princess saved the villager boy when she said I do,” Sokka smiled wide as he looked in the distance to see you helping the older folks fish. You were his princess and he was your villager boy. Seeing you at his home made him feel the butterflies in his stomach and his cheeks grow hot. He had always had a crush on you ever since he said hi. He felt like you were the only one that understood him and made him feel like he could do anything. He trusted you with everything. 
In the tent, all the children circled around Sokka as he told his fairytales. It was their favorite time to listen to princesses and princes and dream in their tiny, wild, minds their imaginations. A child raised her hand. Curiosity gleaming in her eyes. 
With some teeth missing, the little girl said, “Sokka, who is that princess you’re talking about?”
Sokka stumbled over his words. Why was her nervous about this question this little brat asked? It was only a child! 
“That’s because Sokka has a crush,” one boy stuck his tongue out, disgusted. The little girl chuckled, twisting her hair, in love with the romance. 
“No I don’t,” Sokka argued back to a short 5 year old. He was ready to lay hands on a child. “It’s just a story, that’s it.” He stomped his foot.
“Sure,” the little boy rolled his eyes. “I might have been born at night but not last night.”
Sokka eyed him up and down, “you sure about that.”
“Hey guys! What’s going on over here?” You shook from the cold, blowing hot air into your hands. 
The little boy was about to say something but Sokka covered his mouth with a hard slap. His voice was muffled by Sokka’s glove as Sokka chuckled nervously. “The kids were just leaving. These little joy’s.” He gritted his teeth, eyeing the kids. “They are getting a little tired, they may need to take naps.”
All the kids whined and complained. “Well, I have an idea. I was going to say how about I teach the kids how to make the bracelets with those colorful beads. I think they would really like it.”
The kids fist bumped and cheered. “I don’t know, they might eat the beads,” Sokka replied. 
Everyone paused and glared at Sokka. 
“I think they’ll be fine,” you kneeled down in the snow, in front of the little girl. “What do you think?”
The little girl giggled, “I want to do blue because that’s the princess favorite color.”
Sokka almost shouted at the kid but you gave him a questioning look, “what princess? What is she talking about?”
Sokka knew your favorite color was blue and he had told the kids that. I guess they figured out that you were his crush. He needed to think again whenever he spilled the beans about his love for you. “I don’t know,” Sokka pushed the kids out of the tent. “These kids I think have been eating too much fish.”
“You kids go on ahead to the tent, I’ll be with you all in a second,” you warmly smiled. You pulled on Sokka’s sleeve and Sokka felt he was about to melt all the snow there from his body heat. “What’s up with you? You seem so squirmy today.”
“It’s nothing, might be I’m constipated.” Sokka blinked wildly. Why did he say that? He needed to learn to shut his mouth and not say everything that came at the top of his head. 
Suddenly, you bent over, laughing hysterically at his reply. “Sokka I love you so much.” You patted his shoulder. 
Sokka gave a stupid, love-struck grin. It sucked though that it was a I love you but in the friend zone. 
As your beautiful e/c eyes looked into Sokka’s, Sokka couldn’t help but feel such an overwhelming amount of love for you. You were a little wet from the snow and waves and seeing you in that state made Sokka question how could you get even more beautiful. It was something impossible but you made it possible. He compared you to a flower in at all times a flower was beautiful so were you. He chuckled as he saw sprinkles of snow laying atop your head and nose. How could you be so cute?! Sokka pulled you closer and flicked the snow off your head and rubbed it lightly off your nose. Your eyes landed to where his hand was at, cross-eyed, unknown to you. Sokka smiled seeing how adorable you were. You were like his little snow angel. “You got some snow on you.” He brushed it off and tickled your nose. You hated your nose but to Sokka it was perfect. “There we go,” he said as he got the rest off. 
You played with your fingers, trying to look everywhere else except at him. “Thank you.” Your body wiggled from the cold air and you wrapped your arms around your body to keep you warm. “It’s so chilly.”
“Here, I got you,” Sokka brought you to him and embraced you into his warmth. “Is this better?”
You hummed lightly at how soft his furs were and the warmth that held onto you. You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling. He smelled so heavenly even though Katara can argue with that. She always said how he smelled like he hadn’t taken a shower in years but to you he had his own distinct smell that comforted you. 
“Um Y/N, are we going to do the bracelets?” One child came in, grossed out by your interaction. 
Startled, you kicked Sokka away and ran to the tent, shouting on your way, “who’s ready kids!”
Sokka fell back onto the snow, rubbing his behind. 
The kid laughed, “she got you good.”
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“Oh that’s lovely sweetheart,” you praised the young girl as she added different shades of blue to her bracelet. It was such a blessing to you to interact with all the children. They made you laugh, smile, act and think like a kid. You felt you could do anything when you were with them. 
“H-how about mine?” One of the kids lifted his up. “It’s all the colors of poop.”
“Oh,” you had a loss for words. “How pretty.”
A child raised his hand in the air. 
“I gotta go pee.”
“Oh dear,” you couldn’t help but chuckle. What you didn’t know was far away Sokka couldn’t help but see how you were with the children. He imagined himself if you and him were together. You would be the best mother ever and he day dreamed you with his children and how amazing that life would be. He felt he would be the luckiest guy on earth. How understanding you were with these children and patient made him think about his mother. Your elegance, grace, beauty, and how loving you were reminded him of his mother. He felt if his mother were here right now, she would be proud of him. Seeing you play with the kids and make them smile made him love you even more, if that was possible. He knew what he had to do that day, he just had to do it in a certain, special way. 
Sokka saw you stood up and take one of the kids away, probably he had to go pee. Now was his chance. Sokka sprinted to the kids tent and sat with them. 
“What are you doing Sokka?”
“Alright kids I’m gonna say this once and only once. I want to ask Y/N to be my girlfriend.”
The little girl gasped, “you are going to confess your love to Y/N?”
“Actually, yes, wow you’re good. I need you’re guys help though. Think you can help me?”
The little girl smirked and crossed her arms, “we thought you’d never ask.”
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“I feel better.” The boy came running to you. 
“You are too much,” you patted his shoulder as you two made it back to the tent. As you rounded the corner everyone yelled out surprise. 
“What?” They gave you a jump scare. Sokka was standing in the middle of the group of kids. His smile was wide and you looked above him to see a banger with black paint on it. You looked to see that the children must of made this because they had black paint all over them. The little girl ran to you and handed you the bracelet. Your eyes made their way to what it said on the banner and you read it out loud, “Y/N,” the children all started trying to stifle their cute giggles. “I love you with all my heart, will you go on a date with me?”
Your mouth dropped open, shocked. You made your way to Sokka, grabbing his arms. “Did you make this?” 
Sokka put his forehead against yours, “yeah. You’re my girl. I can’t help it, I’d fallen in love with you. You’re so amazing and you’ve made me see how incredible this world can be. When I’m with you, I feel like I can do anything. I am such an idiot for not asking you this earlier but will you be my girlfriend Y/N-” Sokka was cut short because you pulled his furs to you, joining your lips with his. You kissed him passionately, so much that his leg lifted up full of bliss. 
“So is that a yes?” He had on a goofy grin.
You kissed his forehead, “absolutely.”
All the kids groaned, some gagged, the little girl fawned at the love she saw. 
“Wait,” the pee pee boy stopped the celebration. “So you’re saying this whole surprise wasn’t for me?”
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a/n: that kid is so me omg, he is such a mood. reading other ppls fanfics tho inspire me and help me to not get writers block so i got some inspiration from my recent readings. 
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ariel-seagull-wings · 3 years
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@superkingofpriderock​ @princesssarisa​ @sunlit-music​ @mademoiselle-princesse​ @amalthea9​ @anne-white-star​ @lioness--hart​ @theancientvaleofsoulmaking​ @astrangechoiceoffavourites​ @parxsisburnixg​ @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark​ @filmcityworld1​
I made a ranking for Cinderella. Is fair that i make one for her greatest love. What is interesting about Cinderella’s Prince is that, in contrast to Cinderella, who is more of a character defined by her resilient hard work, kindness, romanticism and dreams of a better life, he is more of a simbolic reward for her to win, with makes him a blank slate that gives total freedom to screenwriters, directors and animators imaginations, but over the years adaptations have shown some comonalities: sometimes he is a classical brave hero, sometimes he is a lovely bumbling dork, sometimes he is just a hedonist concerned with his own fun, but at the end of the day, they all fall in love with the honest and good hearted heroine. And tonight, i will share my favorite takes on the man who catchet Cinderella’s and, by extension, our hearts.
12º Tony Oliver as the Prince in Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics (1989)
There is a Prince who just wants his Dad to stop meddling with his personal life. Specially when it comes to making a ball despite the fact that he doesn’t know how to dance. But thankfully for him, while trying to escape trough the gardens he literary stepped over onto a napping Cinderella, who promptly teached him how to dance, and how to love.
11º Florian Bartholomäi as Prince Viktor in Sechs Auf Einen Streich (2011)
This Prince can’t hit a target with his arrows to save his life, and isn’t particularly excited to have the responsabilities of a King. But he is kind and humble to help Cinderella to catch back some lost piglets in the woods, even if it means getting dirt in the mud, and for her and the audience, sometimes that is enough.
10º Jimmy Smits as Prince Felipe in Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales For Every Child (1995)
A Prince who admits that he isn’t fit for battlefield and would rather spend time chilling in the Palace’s dance floor. What it’s not to love about him?
09º  Pavel Trávnícek as the Prince in Three Wishes for Cinderella (1973)
The original Slacker Prince, who is constantly running away from studying with his tutor to go hunting in the forest. He looks chill enough to accept handing over the actual role of ruller to a wise Prime Minister.
08º Masami Kikuchi as Prince Charles in Cinderella Monogatari (1996)
A Slacker who has to learn about dealing with the consequences of his actions! Charles prefers a hundred times to go out fencing than to studying Power and Politics, and wears his best friend’s Alex clothes to pretend that he is page and go out stealing the grapes of his own family vines. But when Cinderella is unfairly framed by the grape robbery, Charles has to slowly understand that not everything is fun and games, and that he has to think in doing something for the well being of others, providing a good character arc about maturity and responsability.
07º Dougray Scott as Prince Henry in Ever After: A Cinderella Story (1998)
Another Prince who has to go trough a character arc, this time about letting go of his prejudices. Henry first runs in the heroine Danielle while running away from an arranged marriage that his parents are trying to push over him. He falls in love with her when she presents herself as the noble lady Nicole and the two share heroic adventures, but eventually the masquerade will have to be broken, and Henry must decide: will his class prejudices win over him, or will he accept Danielle for who she trully is and assume the love he has for her to the world?
06º Matthew Broderick as Prince Henry in Fairy Tale Theater (1985)
The adorkable Prince who gaved a second ball to see his mysteryous beloved lady again and conquered her hearth with melon balls. Three word describe him: Himbo! Himbo! Himbo!
05º Stuart Damon as Prince Chistopher in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1965)
The veteran warrior hero who after having many adventures rescuing damsels and slaying dragons and evil sorcerours, is getting ready to settle down in a calm, domestic family life. When i watch Damon’s Prince Christopher, i feel that his shoulder will be a strong source of support and comfort to Cinderella after all she went trough, and that’s what makes me to want so much for him to get together with her.
04º Paolo Montalbán as Prince Christopher in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (1997)
While Stuart Damon was a strong Prince with lots of world experience and confidence, Paolo Montalbán was a young man that, instead of being known as a travelling dragon slayer and damsel rescuer,had the feeling of falling in love itself be his greatest adventure. Because of that, i felt that as a romantic partner, he was in a more equal footing with his version of Cinderella, portrayed as another young lady that was about to discover the world, and the two found the perfect companion in each other for their emotional journey. Plus, it helps the higher ranking that after this 1997 TV Movie production, Montalbán retook the role of Prince Christopher in the 2000 stage production known as The Enchanted Edition. Is he or not the definitive face for this musical version of the character at this point?
03º Richard Chamberlain as Prince Edward in The Slipper and The Rose (1976)
He can sing, he can dance, he has a happy musical number about pondering his mortality in his family’s mausoleum, he helps his best friend getting together with the girl he likes, he fights with his father for the right to marry whoever he wants for love. Chamberlain gaved a very energetic an fun performance to the one of the most idealistic and romantic encarnations of Cinderella’s Prince, and for this he earns the number three spot in this ranking.
02º Michael Wilding as Prince Charles in The Glass Slipper (1955)
After spending years studying in London, Paris and Rome, Prince Charles returns to his father’s small principality to reconect with his people and prepare to become the next rulling Duke. One day, walking in the woods, he remembers that he didn’t knew what sorrow was until one day when he was eight years old and saw a poor five year old girl of sad rebellious eyes crying and running in despair for the loss of her mother. By the force of destiny, he finds that same girl as a grown woman and despite her initial rejection of his polytiness as mockery, he insists in being her friend, presenting himself as Son of the Cook at the Palace of the Duke and teaching her to dance. One day, Charles that he is falling for the sad girl and kisses her, but she runs away, afrayed of being loved. And he melancholicaly sits at the piano to sing, reflecting about how her sad eyes and explosive rebellious temper, instead of repelling, atract him to her, and he asks himself how to make her thrust him.
For being this kind, perfect friend, this version was originally going to be my number one. Until he got surpassed by...
01º  Aleksey Anatolyevich Konsovsky as the Prince in Zolushka (1947)
This is a colorfull russian feature film adaptation of the Charles Perrault version of the fairy tale. One of the highlights of this adaptation is how it combines its visuals with good dialogues, where the characters talk honestly about their feelings. Thanks to that, it is one of the first adaptations to explore the Prince as human being, instead of treating him as a simple trophy. We first see him sitted at the ball, looking bored, trowing a paper plane onto the Stepmother to amuse himself. And then, he is called by his father to receive the new guest of unknown identity, and smiling in awe he says to his father that he cannot speak at her vision. A magician makes a spell for the guests to spent time in their dream lands, and the Prince gets alone with the unknown lady in a beautifull garden, asking what counsel would she give to a friend of his who likes a lady but doesn’t know how to tell her. He gets to sing to her. Back at the ball room, during their dance he guesses that she would like some ice cream, and he goes far as to select fourty different flavours, but when he arrives, the lady says goodbye and that she must go away, but he begs her to stay, declaring his love for her. When she is gone, leaving a glass slipper behind, he admits to have felt ofended with her running from him, but still wants to get reunited with her, going in the next morning to a search in the woods, where he hears a beautifull singing voice: the voice of his mysteryous beloved from the ball, to whom he promisses going in the most difficult quests, if they mean he will earn her love.
Prankster, wish guesser, shy, proud, and, above all, romantic, Aleksey Anatolyevich Konsovsky’s performance is historically significant in reaching the right balance of making the Prince the perfect man of Cinderella’s dreams, while also being palpably human, and that is why he is my number one portrayal of Cinderella’s Prince.
Honorable Mention: Robert Westenberg in Into the Woods (1987), The Triplets version (1998).
This list is dedicated to the memory of Libuše Šafránková (7 June 1953 – 9 June 2021)
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Strings Pt.1
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Pairing: Rosalie Hale x Fem!OC
Summary: in which the true queen of vampires found love when she least expected. 
Warnings: ...Light Angst? Slowburn and mentions of death,trauma and depression
Timeline: Breaking Dawn - Post-Twilight
Word count: 1,683
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧   ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧   ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Patriarch of the Olympic Coven certainly didn’t expect a visit from an old friend, much less a forgotten queen on the time of their distress trying to save their coven from the selfish hands of Aro Volturi. 
“Greetings Carlisle. It has been a while, hasn’t it?” The violet-eyed vampire smiled.
“M-My Queen! I-” Carlisle stutters, still stunned by shock and confusion.
“No need for such formalities. We’re friends, are we not?” The dark-haired queen smirked.
“Of course. May I ask, How are you here?” 
“ Ah, Dear Carlisle. The years seem to blur doesn’t it? Forgot about me already?”
“It’s...been awhile.” The queen hummed at Carlisle’s response.
“You’re dreaming, Carlisle. Still aware of the fact that I can manipulate your body to sleep? Let’s cut to the chase, Your family is getting worried with the sight of you passed out on the couch. I’ll be sending my representatives over to you as addition to your witnesses. I am aware of your...agreement with the shifters. And I demand that they return to me in one piece. Understood?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Carlisle grinned
“Very well. They will explain once they get there. I wish you the best of luck. Carlisle Cullen.” 
And with that, Carlisle’s eyes fluttered open, refocusing on his wife’s worried eyes, he smiled gently.
“I’m fine, my love. It appears that we have more visitors coming.” He grinned 
“Witnesses? But how? More importantly, Who?” Edward questions
“Are we just going to ignore the fact that Carlisle just took a nap?” Emmett wailed while tossing his mate, Maggie, over his shoulders.
Carlisle sighed at his son’s antics before speeding out of the room, only to come back with an antique looking box. He gestured for them to sit down.
“I think it’s time that I tell you a story...” Carlisle breathed in an unneeded breath, allowing himself to recollect his memories from centuries ago.
“...Anastasia Thorne. Also known as Anastasiarine Maximilliene Rolinde-Thorne.” He starts, voice wavering as he smiles
“She’s also known as The Ghost Queen, Of Volturi and of every other vampires that there are. There were rumours that she was the first ever vampire to walk in these lands and that we came from her. She never really did confirm that fact, whenever I ask her of it, she only laughs and dismissed it with a joke.” Carlisle’s eyes seem to stare into the distance, reminiscing the olden days. He pulls out a couple of pictures, all containing the same woman.
‘Gorgeous’ was the first word that popped on Rosalie’s mind. And soon she wonders what would happen if she ever meets the said Queen. But she immediately dismisses the thought.
The Cullens, besides Carlisle of course, merely looks at each other in silence, urging Carlisle to continue.
“She was many things when she was still young. A Princess, A Queen, A Knight, A Doctor, A Philosopher, A Genius, She was even a pirate once. Above all, She was a paradox. Unpredictable and Bipolar. Always lived in isolation, I do not know how she manages that but she did. Only comes out of her own tower when needed. She was the one who thought me how to feed on animals, did I ever tell you that?” he asked. They all shook their head no.
“Huh, It must have slipped my mind” 
“My, Carlisle. You must be getting old.” An unknown voice suddenly pops out of nowhere.
They all swerved their head to where the unknown voice came from and there stood two figures. Two women to be exact.
“Don’t tease him. 3 decades is a long time.” The other slaps the other.
“I’m sorry for being rude, barging into your home like this. Anastasia was quite insistent on us helping you,” The figure in a green cloak grins
“My name’s Veronica. And this is Amore. We are here to help you.” Veronica smiles gently.
“How...” Emmett gapes
“How did we not hear you? How do I not hear you?” Edward asked, baffled
“Teleportation is the strangest thing isn’t it? It also risks losing a couple limbs.” Amore deadpans
“You... have a pulse.” Bella suddenly blurts out
Amore and Veronica looks at each other before chuckling. 
“Ah, we can never escape a newborn’s ears. Yes we have a pulse. Yes we are hybrids as well, just not the same as your daughter.” Vero smiles gently
“Uh-huh. We were witches. Salem witches to be exact. We escaped death when some random vampire bit us the day we were supposed to be burned. Somehow our genes as witches halted the venom from fully consuming our body, so when we awoke, we quickly learned we have every strength yet none of the weaknesses of a vampire.” Amore explains.
“What do you mean?” Esme asks
“Well, for one, we don’t sparkle.” Veronica giggles
“Two, we still bleed. but our blood isn’t appetizing. I’ve been told my blood smells like trash...” Amore grimaces “...I don’t know if that was a compliment or an insult.”
“And three. We still have our witchy abilities.” Veronica finalizes, holding Amore’s hand
Amore then furrows her brows as if threatened and offended. 
“Mind reader. Whatever your name is, our goal isn’t to hurt your daughter. If it was, My head would already be a decor on our Queen’s Palace. So don’t poke around.” Amore pointedly looks at Edward who tenses in shock 
“Amore. Behave. Now where is the hybrid?” Veronica curiously asks
A shy Renesmee pokes her head out of Bella’s legs, Veronica immediately coos.
“Awwee~ Rey, Look! She’s so cute~” The redhead fusses over a now blushing Renesmee
“You’re overwhelming her.” Amore pulls Veronica from her collar away from the hybrid child. “...Behave.” Amore smirks
Amore crouches down to Renesmee’s height and smiles. Staring at each other as if silently communicating then, Renesmee lifts her hand up to touch Amore’s cheek. She looks forward, in a daze then grins wildly, snapping back to reality.
“You have an amazing gift, Little Cullen. Very pretty too. Would you want me to show you mine?” Amore asks, to which Renesmee nods rapidly, already warming up to the visitors, much to Jacob’s distaste.
“Great, More Leeches.” Jacob glares when he steps into the living room, where he found his imprint near a vampire. 
“Too Close” He thinks, shifting into a defensive position while trying not to shift into his wolf.
“Hmm, and here I thought Renesmee couldn’t be more special.” Veronica giggles.
“Calm yourself down, shifter. I don’t want to hurt your imprint.” Amore rolls her eyes, then smiles at Renesmee. 
The opens her palms and there lies a mixture of purples, blues, pinks, blacks and whites. The universe is displayed in Amore’s hands, Swirling around as if creating a new planet.
“Illusion is tricky, therefore, only those who believe shall see it.”  Amore closes her palms and ruffles the child’s hair. 
“Coooooool.” Emmett gapes in amazement.
“Very well, shows over. Wolfie, be a dear and take your imprint on a date, will you?” Amore looks at Jacob with a serious glint in her eyes
Rosalie had to quiet her snort when Amore called Jacob, wolfie. She dislikes shifters with a passion, they stink and is very dangerous. Edward merely smirks at his sister before gulps due to Esme’s glare.
“Stay out of my head!.” Rosalie screamed in her head, making him wince.
As soon as the both of them ensured the child and it’s imprint is out of earshot, Their auras changed into a much more serious and sinister one. Frowns prominent on their faces.
“As we’ve said before, our abilities as witches remained even in this immortal form, but along that, we also attained gifts. Amore being the gift of illusion and Mine being knowledge. I know everything. I’m basically a much more reliable and attractive internet. Although I couldn’t see the future as your dear Alice, Once she gets her vision, it adds to my knowledge bank. Therefore, I have knowledge on the outcome of this battle. And it’s not good.” Veronica glares at the floor, silently seething. The once cheerful and happy woman, turned into an angry blob of mess.
“Aro is as insufferable as ever, He wishes to destroy your coven. He merely needs his evidence and he has been waiting a long time for this. He wouldn’t back down easily. As much as we want to help you, we can’t be seen in your thoughts. Or that will ruin the balance of the worlds. We trust in Alice’s plan, You should too.” Amore seriously states, rubbing her mate’s back
“We need your consent. You all have to trust us. I know it’s not easy, us popping into your lives and all. We must mask your thoughts, One where your memories and thoughts of us are hidden from Aro.” Veronica smiles gently, slowly calming down.
“They’re telling the truth” Maggie, The resident lie detector confirms.
“You may discuss it among yourselves.” Veronica drags Amore away.
Rosalie frowns, Trust doesn’t come easy. Do these strangers seriously ask for her trust without them earning it? That was absurd in her book, the last time she trusted someone on a whim, it caused her demise. Her frown deepens when an unknown feeling bubbles up deep in her. She’s confused, she was confused on as to why she felt jealous, envious. Was it their beauty? No, it wasn’t that. Rosalie knew, even though she was only ever been with men, she knew that she found women attractive, although never really caring about it since they had to come and go. she was offended when people misinterpreted her longing looks as glares of envy, she was only admiring after all. Was it that they found each other then? No, it was something deeper. She was jealous of them for something. Something she doesn’t know. And she hated that. She snarled at them then speeds away to the comfort of her room, without listening to her coven, missing the knowing smirks of both Veronica and Amore. They looked at each other then nodded with grins on their faces.
Yep. They were definitely meant for each other.
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courtlyharlequin · 4 years
A Spring Without You
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Warning(s): gender neutral reader, reader death mention, suicide mention, angst, grief, post-death scenario
Summary: One year. One year since that fateful day yet Leona Kingscholar finds himself unable to move on from you, his dearly beloved as the snow melts and the buds bloom into blossoms.
A/N: Uwahhh! New blog alert! This is my debut fic hehehehe. Well, on Tumblr anyway. This was a self indulgent fic but I hope you enjoy regardless ! Shoot me a request to help me start up this blog >~<
They say that spring is the season of new beginnings. They say that the colder the winter, the warmer the spring. They say that a life without love is a year without spring. The latter holds true for Leona Kingscholar.
Spring has officially sprung in Twisted Wonderland. The botanical garden is lush with foliage and flowers in full bloom. On any normal day, Leona would have claimed the area as a napping spot. But these days were far from normal. He could not bear to see the sight of the garden— the garden where he met you. Leona could not bear the sight of any viridescent foliage, really. He avoided the greenhouse at all costs. Anything and everything related to the garden painfully reminded him of you.
You who had stepped into his darkness and not only accepted his inner demons, but also made acquaintance with them. You who had shed light into his abyss of ugly emotions. Emotions like jealousy and sadness meant nothing when he was with you. Your naive nature was endearing; it was refreshing compared to from all the things Leona experiences. Your smile was blinding. You who had thawed the winter’s frost in his heart and embraced it with the mellow tenderness of springtime. You were the sun, so pure and full of life. What’s more is that you adore spring for the sole reason of flowers. You loved them. Perhaps more than him— not that he was willing to admit it. But for Leona, he loved you more than anything in the world. He loved you as much as you loved Eastertide— if not more. He loved how you lit up his monochrome world, how flowers were only beautiful if you were dressed in them. He loved your unconditional love. Since when had he received such an endless stream of affection and affirmation? It was a flurry of positive yet unknown emotions. Everytime he was with you, he would feel it. It was as if a surge of flower petals engulfed him in their intoxicatingly sweet scent.
Just like that day. The memory of you frolicing a vast flower field haunts Leona to this day. One year ago, you smiled. You smiled for the last time that day.
Your laughter rings in Leona’s ears every now and then. You were unusually giddy that day, having the gall to drag him through the mirror to an undisturbed meadow tucked away behind a range of rolling hills. His nose was immediately flooded with a soft fragrance. His eyes were met with thousands of flower buds, ready to bloom in the next few days. Some had already bloomed. He stood with his mouth agape only to become the subject of your teasing.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”  you asked before taking his hands to, quite literally, waltz among the budding florets.
It was surreal. You were a hopeless-beyond-help romantic and Leona would occasionally indulge in your cliche fantasies. Because he found it charming. Because he loved you. Because never wanted his own darling princess to come to anything but a happily ever after. Because being with you was like a fairytale, a daydream that Leona hoped to never wake from. But as they all say, all good things must come to an end.
Those days were gone. The days where you gifted him with dozens of flower crowns, the days where the two of you would dilly dally in the garden, the days where he kissed you slowly to awaken you from your slumber just to make you feel like the love you two shared was true love. They were all ignorant bliss. They had painstakingly passed. Summer’s heat was unbearable, but winter was the worst. The season brought harsh chills along with a sense of numbing anguish. Winter rendered everything he learned and loved about you meaningless. When the snow finally melted, his heart was encased in frost once more. Nowadays, Leona finds himself bedridden and cold without the warmth of his sun yet time still flies, waiting for no one. Spring was coming.
Leona was blind. You- his beloved, his darling, his princess- was just as broken as he was. You were lonely, feeling incompetent as the significant other of prince. He should have picked it up sooner. There was rarely ever the occasion where he asked you if you were alright. Your worst moments were dealt with elsewhere and rarely did you ever dare to trouble him with your own feelings. If he was simply a better partner, if he had put more effort into keeping up with his half of the relationship, then perhaps you would still be here as the person who broke his walls, lit up his world, and ignited so many foreign feelings within his heart. If he had taken one moment, just one, to ask: “how are you?”, would have it been any different? You always asked him. You always listened to him, but he had never done the same.
Was it because he found it to be a hassle? Not quite. Leona certainly did not find your sporadic story times troublesome. He found them amusing. You always get worked up over the silliest of things. You were like a child. Leona could not fathom at the thought of someone so vivacious having their own inner demons. The idea shook him to the core.
He frowned at the thought. Was the reason why he ever asked you: “how are you?” was because he was afraid to face the monsters in your head because he had his own? And that they were larger than his own? Leona grunted in annoyance. The fragments of you left inside his mind were all so vivid. It’s as if you were still there. Still happy.
What were your final moments like before you breathed your last breath in that same flower field that you both waltzed upon? Did you show him that field for him to find your lifeless body on a bed of your favorite flowers days later? Are you truly that cruel? These conclusions gnaw at his head while his own heart throbs with a feeling that can only be known as regret. The heavy weight of guilt keeps Leona forever awake, tired and too tiring. He sprawled across his sheets, sighing pensively. You plague his dreams, claiming his peaceful pastime of napping as your own. There was no joy in the things he enjoyed. Napping was a death wish and not even Cheka was able to raise his spirits.
A tired, sleep deprived Leona is an irritated Leona. Even Ruggie had kept his distance from him. Or is it the other way around? Leona kept to himself these days. Even Idia Shroud leaves his room more than Leona now. Though if one were to ask Ruggie to see Leona, the perfect is miraculously absent from the scene every time.
Today was a grim day with many inconveniences. Everywhere Leona went to escape his visitors reminded him of you. With nowhere to find peace and quiet, as his bedroom is occupied with unwanted visitors and his alternative hiding spots leaving a bittersweet taste in his mouth, he sought out the garden. The time felt right. It was spring. You always loved this time of year. Perhaps he would love it this time around too.
As soon as he stepped foot into the greenhouse, his nose was flooded with a soft fragrance. His eyes were met with a small patch of flowers. He did not know their genus, but he knew that you would have been all over these twigs by now. His gaze lingers on the tiny field. These blossoms were sickening. Their pungent, poignant perfume was suffocatingly saccharine. Leona crouched before them.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” a voice said.
His ears twitched at the sound, turning his neck around at an inhumane speed. A click of his tongue followed shortly in suit.
“What are you doing here?” Leona snapped.
“I-I mean- I tend to the garden occasionally… since y/n would be kind of sad if the flowers wilted…” Epel trailed off, clutching a tray of seedlings closer to his chest.
Sad? You… would...be sad? That’s so typical of you. It humors him. His attention turns to the patch. It looks like Epel had planted daisies. Leona smirked, thinking that this was surely something you would gush to him about for hours. The first day of spring, huh. The season of new beginnings. Was it though? He felt as if he took a thousand steps backwards. He lost it all during the vernal season, the time of year you loved most. He never understood how much he needed you to breathe, to live, to enjoy all the little things in the world. Why did he have to begin without you? A spring without you is unimaginable.
His heart aches, but… you would be sad, wouldn’t you? You would be sad if you saw him in this state then proceed to tell him to cheer up. Maybe drag him to another flower field? Would you cry for his sake once more? He was still mourning but, knowing you, you would want him to move on— not wanting to burden him for any longer.  
With all of these thoughts festering and swelling inside his head, Leona Kingscholar cried for the first time since your death. It was the most gruesome, most anguished, hysterical roar he had ever produced. It echoed throughout the garden.
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The Divine Beast
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A/N: Everything in this story time-wise or travel I have spent doing in the game so it could be as accurate as possible. The photo above and on other Chapters of this story - when they are posted are drawn by the lovely @coconut-mocha. 
Chapter 1 - To Hyrule Castle
Darkness, 10,000 years passed with nothing but darkness to show for it. Not a dream to be had besides the replaying of memories until they became nothing more than a distorted, distant lie. The feelings of happiness, anger, sadness, and love all sunk into the void of her mind as Alyss lay motionless, frozen in time, on a stone slab in a cold, damp cave. Visions of a familiar darkness, a sick and malicious darkness, filled her mind destroying anything she ever held dear. Villages and homes she used to recognize became desolated and desecrated by this malicious evil as faces – both new and old – were distorted to the point Alyss couldn’t recognize them anymore. 
After years of torment at the hands of an unknown evil Alyss found herself standing in the middle of Hyrule Field. She watched as the guardians she vaguely remembered turned and wrought havoc upon all of the Kingdom. She watched as people grabbed their families and tried to escape, the last of the Hylian race trying to save itself from total annihilation. She heard the torturous beeps of the guardian’s laser beams, she heard the screams of the desolation around her, yet when she tried to call out to those around her to warn them she found that her voice was silent. She was powerless to do anything but sit and watch as Hyrule ceased to exist and a large cloud of malice followed a beast around Hyrule Castle. Alyss felt terror strike from her head to her feet at the beast’s enormous, blood curdling roar. She watched as a guardian seemingly aimed it’s beam at her, unsure of whether or not the beam was meant for something behind her. She closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable. After a few moments of nothing happening Alyss opened her eyes, but instead of a guardian all she saw when her eyes focused on the darkness was damp cave walls. 
The cool damp air of the cave ravaged her body as Alyss tried to suck oxygen into her screaming lungs. Panic slowly left her body as the soft sounds of a village going about it’s daily life and the loud roaring of a waterfall caressed her ears reminding her that everything was okay. Very carefully this girl pushed herself up by her hands, testing her ability to move after what felt like a really long nap. Thanking Hylia that her muscles had not degenerated, Alyss sat up and looked around. 
There wasn’t much to see in the small damp cave she resided in for Hylia knows how long except a small chest. Swinging her legs over the edge slowly she tested her leg's strength by slowly standing up. Once she was comfortable with standing Alyss took her first step of the past 10,000 years and – only losing her balance a couple of times – she made it to the chest. There she found some gemstones, rupees, and a brittle scroll. None of this interested Alyss so shutting the chest she made her way down the hall of the cave. It wasn’t long until the smallest rays of sunlight pierced the darkness Alyss had lived in all those years, and it wasn’t long after that that she found herself staring into a wall of an angry – yet peaceful – waterfall. 
This new sensation scared her enough to force her backwards where she stepped on her soft, tangled hair and fell to the hard and unforgiving ground. After taking a moment to regain her equilibrium Alyss performed a once over on her body. Only when she was comfortable there were no cuts or bleeding she stood back up and continued on. Being very careful not to touch the falling water, Alyss looked over the edge of the waterfall to see nothing but a large pool of water. Looking back, she found herself wondering if she could return back to the stone slab she woke up on and go back to sleep, but with a shake of her head she turned back to the water, took a deep breath, and dived straight in.
The chill of the water embraced her body like a hug as she plunged into the depths of the waterfall’s basin. Alyss found herself swimming away from the waterfall without fully realizing what she was doing. It turns out that her survival instincts hadn’t completely dissipated and she had some form of basic survival knowledge. Her thoughts were cut short when her lungs screamed for oxygen as intensely as they had when she first awakened on the stone slab, and she found herself pushing herself towards the surface. When she broke the water, she found herself staring at a gigantic wall of stone supporting a large house made out of a dark wood. Alyss looked around for options but it was either follow the river and see where it took her or climb the gigantic stone wall and she wasn’t too keen on climbing right now. 
Moving her arms under the water was a struggle the further she got from her starting point, and it took a good bit of willpower to keep pushing, but eventually she came upon land. Pulling herself up onto the shore slowly she sputtered for air and tried to catch her breath. As the top half of her body laid on the warm and welcoming grass of the land Alyss scanned the small village. It was peaceful and quaint. Children ran about freely, playing without a care, while others tended to their gardens, livestock, and other duties. In a way it made Alyss want to start crying, but before she could humor that emotion her vision started going blurry making it hard to see the figure that blocked out her view of the sun as she passed out.
The moon was at its peak in the sky by the time Alyss woke back up. This time she did not lay on a hard slab of stone in her torn and frayed clothes, but instead she woke up in a robe made of thin purple cloth on a soft bed of straw. Opening her eyes just enough to see in the candle lit room of the small, one roomed, hut Alyss saw a petite framed woman with long silver hair sitting next to the only table in the home. She had the clothes Alyss was wearing before in her small, fragile looking hands and was seemingly working to fix them. Alyss rolled her head back to the middle of the pillow she rested on and stared at the ceiling trying to piece together something, anything, of what happened to put her in this situation. Only bits and pieces came to her mind, most of them in the form of feelings, of Princess Zelda ordering for her to be locked away. 
‘Guess they thought I’d never wake up…’ she thought to herself bitterly but before any more thoughts could be had a weak voice called out to her. 
“Oh, you’re awake! I am happy to see you are alright.” Alyss watched as the younger woman put down her needle, thread, and the fabric to stand up and walk slowly over to the bed. “When the town guards found you passed out in the town’s lake they brought you to me to make sure you were alright before assuming the worst.” The fragile sounding woman reached over to the end of the bed and grabbed a worn cloth full of what Alyss assumed to be water. Wringing it out and placing it upon Alyss’s forehead to wipe away sweat or clean her face, Alyss did not know, before continuing. “I am the town healer, my name is Lasie. Might I know your name?” 
Alyss turned to look at the woman named Lasie. At the moment her purple eyes met Lasie’s golden ones something inside of her felt like it clicked. She didn’t know what it was but the feeling was not a pleasant one as the fire-like pain that shot through her skull forced her hand up to try and make the pain stop. This, of course, worried the town healer as she hadn’t seen any kind of cause for this young woman’s head to hurt so suddenly. 
“I’m sorry. Please, rest while you can,” she stood up and bowed to Alyss. “My questions are not of concern for I have already sent word to Lady Impa about your discovery. Please save your strength until they arrive.” Before Alyss could respond with anything, Lasie had run out the door into the night to do only Hylia knows what. This was somewhat of a relief to Alyss as the departure of the town healer made her headache lessen to a small, dull thud. 
Alyss wasted no time once Lasie left in standing up and heading out the door into the cool night air. It was silent compared to the hustle and bustle of earlier that day and for that Alyss was kind of thankful. Taking a few methodical steps, she made her way to a railing and looked out over the town. The railing had a direct view of the large house in front of the waterfall she found herself behind when she woke up. The moon was directly located above the waterfalls and just looking at it’s silver beauty took Alyss’s breath away. She hadn’t seen the moon in Hylia knows how long and the sight literally brought tears to her eyes. 
“It’s a beautiful night isn’t it?” A man spoke beside her, making Alyss jump and quickly wipe away the lone tears that had fallen. Her head snapped to the side and looked at him inquisitively. She had not seen someone that bore the logo of the Sheikah in quite some time and the sight of another Sheikah made her smile. “That’s a beautiful smile you have there. It almost rivals the sight of the full moon.” The man spoke gently, making his way closer to Alyss. 
Letting her guard down for a second the young woman turned to look back at the luxurious moon, nodding as she agreed with him. Little did she know that the young man reached behind his back to a curved dagger he kept hidden. The beauty of the moon lured Alyss to it, completely unaware that someone was about to end her life. 
“You know what else is beautiful,” the man continued in that same dulcet tone he had the entire time he was talking to her as he placed the dagger firmly into his right hand. Lifting it up slowly and silently, his gaze became one of sickening happiness at the event that was about to occur. Before Alyss could ask what or turn around he continued in a much more desperate tone, “the praise that Master Kogha will give me one he learns that I have wiped out the myth of the fifth Divine Beast!”
In the flash of an eye the curved dagger was flying towards the neck of the young woman. Everything that happened next occurred in slow motion to her. She turned just enough to spot an arrow running it’s way into the hand of the man behind her causing him to scream out in pain and drop the dagger. Turning completely around, Alyss saw five horses galloping down the slope of the hill, people had started to emerge from their huts to see what the commotion was, but all Alyss saw was a young man dressed as knight cutting down the man who had tried to assassinate Alyss. 
The rest of the company dismounted their horses and ran up to Alyss as she stared at the lifeless, blood-stained body of the man who tried to slay her. Her eyes were wide and her legs started to quake from the shock of the events. Her legs started to give out on her, but Alyss felt a pair of strong arms reach out and grab her, holding her up enough to help her get to a nearby bench where she could sit down. “Are you ok?” The person who kept her from falling asked. 
Alyss looked up slowly so her purple eyes could meet his… goggles? Looking up past his goggles she saw a large poof of hair on top of the man’s head which wasn’t as nearly weird to her as the double axe shape on the back of his head. It wasn’t until the man was saying “yoo-hoo” and waving his hand in front of her face jovially that she shook herself out of her stupor and nodded. 
“Oh Robbie, leave the poor girl alone,” a high and happy female voice sounded from the other side of the man named Robbie. “she’s obviously been through enough!” A young woman with a magenta streak on the right side of her head popped up from behind the man and threw an arm around his shoulders. Once the woman got a good look at Alyss she tilted her head in confusion. “Hang on…” she took a step closer to Alyss to where she was practically in her face and put her fingers under her chin. “I’ve never seen you around here before. You’re very clearly a Sheikah as Robbie, my sister, and I, but I would remember a Sheikah with purple eyes. How odd…” 
“Can you tell us your name?” Robbie questioned standing up and crossing one arm over his body and letting the other rest on it so he could also hold his chin with his fingers. This seemed to have gathered the attention of the other three members of their party. Alyss watched as they all turned to look at her, but there was one group member in particular that immediately made her blood boil. 
Jumping to her feet, she backed as far away as she could from Zelda and pointed a shaking finger at her face. “Traitor!” She cried out in a small, crackly voice that sounded as though it hadn’t been used in a millennium. She didn’t stop backing up until she stepped on her hair and whipped her head backwards causing her to let out a shriek and fall to the ground. 
Everyone standing witness to the scene felt the tense air about them when Link, the short knight, jumped forward in case he needed to protect the princess. They looked to Princess Zelda to see what she would do in this case only to see that Zelda was smiling. She pushed past Link and approached the girl on the ground who was trying to escape again. “Why do you state that I am a traitor?” She asked, standing over her. 
Princess Zelda wasn’t trying to be intimidating, but from Alyss’s perspective the Princess looked as menacing as she did before she shut her away in that cave. “Get away from me,” she growled, some purple smog escaping her nostrils as she breathed out. This caught the attention of everyone but nobody said anything about it. No one dared to breathe too loud. Alyss watched with threatening eyes and an increasing breathing rate as the Princess leaned down to her level. This time, Alyss was not playing. Her ingrained fear and hatred for this woman was too much. “I said get AWAY,” she screamed at her. The skin around her eyes started to seemingly break. The texture had turned into a reptilian type of scale while her breathing turned more and more purple by the second. By the time Zelda had stood back up and allowed Link to drag her away from the woman, Alyss was emitting enough smog to engulf her body. 
Her eyes focused on Zelda behind Link for a bit until she was content that the Princess would not advance further, only then did she allow her head to fall. Silver hair hiding her face as the purple smog started to evaporate and disappear from around her. “Don’t touch me Princess Zelda,” she whispered, shocking everyone that she knew her name. “The face of the one who locked me in that hell is not one I will ever forget.” Slowly raising her head to look at the Princess, Alyss felt herself starting to crack. The pain, the torment, the loneliness that she felt all those years with nothing but bad memories replaying in her head, like a broken record, had started to seep through. 
Impa slowly approached Alyss making sure her actions were known by the woman. “Please come with us. We can take you to the castle and try to figure out where to go from here.” She paused when Alyss looked at her quickly. Impa knew she had to be cautious from this moment on. “Let us take you to the castle," she started back. "We have been working on recovering the Divine Beasts and Guardians to fight Calamity Ganon, so I’m sure we can figure something out to help you.”
Alyss furrowed her eyebrows and stood up slowly. “Recovering the Divine Beasts and Guardians? What do you mean recovering?” She looked down at the hair that graced her heels, the robe she was in and how tattered her previous clothes were. In remembering that scroll that looked as though it would break if someone touched it the pieces started to click into place. Slowly she looked back up and at each and every one of the people in front of her in horror. “How… How long was I gone?” 
Princess Zelda, despite Link trying to push her back behind him, stepped forward just enough to make it known that she was about to speak. Despite the earlier aggression, this woman intrigued her and she wanted – no needed – to know more about her. “What is the last thing you remember before I placed you into your proverbial hell?” 
Alyss took a good look at the Princess before responding to the Princess’s question, “we were preparing to attack Calamity Ganon. I was created to help in that purpose, but…” Alyss looked away unable to face the memories that caused her deep slumber, but in making eye contact with Robbie she forced herself to continue. “… I malfunctioned. The Princess sealed me away and focused her attention on the other Divine Beasts.” Clenching her fists to her chest, Alyss closed her eyes, “I failed.” 
Robbie slowly approached Alyss and held his hand out for her to take. The night had started to turn into early morning and with the long ride from Hateno Village to Kakariko Village everyone was tired. “It’s been a long night for everyone here and I think some rest would do everyone here good.” He smiled welcomingly at Alyss trying to help her feel more at ease with their company and show that they aren’t hostile. 
It took a minute but eventually Alyss’s small hand met Robbie’s larger one to show him that she trusted him enough to take her somewhere to rest. Robbie beamed as he looked at the rest of the company, “well let’s get to it then!”
The sun was high in the sky before anyone woke up the next day but Alyss was the absolute last to rise from her slumber. When she had risen she saw that the clothes she had been wearing the previous day were laid out for her on a nearby table with a note that mentioned they were from Lasie. Making a mental note to herself to thank her at a later date, Alyss looked at the clothes laid out for her. The white robe she had been wearing when she left the cavern had been repaired and fashioned to look more like modern Sheikah clothes by adding a dark red ribbon along the hem and open v neck collar. Red ribbons adorned the sleeves of her newly repaired robe while the sleeves themselves were open from the shoulder to the red ribbon. 
Alyss picked up the turtleneck, tank top, tunic and changed into it quickly before anyone walked back into the open room. Slipping on the matching blue fingerless gloves Alyss slipped the freshly repaired robe over her head and grabbed the thigh high socks lying underneath it. Sitting on the bed Alyss placed her foot on the nearby table, thanking Hylia that her blue tunic was shorts instead of a skirt, and slid the black thigh-high up her leg slowly so as to not rip the gentle fabric. When she was done pulling it up her leg she laid back on the bed for a second to contemplate whether she actually wanted to go through the process again with the white thigh-high. During her thought process, the door to the inn opened up to reveal Robbie. 
Alyss turned her head to the side to properly look at him and saw that he had his arms crossed over his chest and a light smile gracing his face. “Good morning sunshine, need some help with the other stocking?” When Alyss shook her head no and sat up to start sliding the other stocking up her other leg she could feel Robbie’s eyes on her as he continued talking. “Well, in any case, Impa would like me to take you to her.” He walked closer to Alyss and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I know you’re scared but please try to be accepting of the situation. You can’t exactly go back in time to the past but remember you're not alone.” He smiled a warm smile when Alyss looked up at him in surprise and continued, “now come on. Let’s go see Impa.” 
It didn’t take long for Alyss and Robbie to meet with Impa as the house she resided in overnight was not far away from the town’s inn. Impa and Purah made it a point to help Alyss shape her hair while teaching her how to put it up the way that the Sheikah do. By the time the women were finished with her hair Alyss had been fully updated on the events of the past few years. It was a lot of overwhelming information for the Sheikah and she didn’t know where to begin on processing it. All she felt was a major storm cloud looming in her heart threatening to spill over and drown her in sadness. 
Alyss didn’t really put up much of a fight after last night in doing what the Princess and her friends said to do. She was an outcast in this world so she might as well roll with it. Alyss mounted the horse she was given by the current Sheikah leader and headed out of Kakariko Village to Hyrule Castle with the rest of the company. The ride out of Kakariko Village and through the country gave Alyss time to think about everything that had changed since she was put into that cavern. Kakariko Village rang a bell in her mind but she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was vastly different when she lived there with her parents versus the version she saw today, yet if anyone asked her how it looked or where it was located she wouldn’t be able to say for sure. The same went for the country around the trail they followed. None of it looked familiar and the unfamiliarity of the land did nothing to quell Alyss’s feeling of being an outcast in this world. 
The company traveled in silence with Impa, Purah, and Robbie leading and Princess Zelda and Link behind her. The moon had started to rise, but no one was quite tired yet since they had slept in so late from the previous night’s events. Once again Alyss found herself staring at the only piece of home she could find. The silver beauty of the nearly full moon made her wish that she could pick up and fly off into the sky away from this foreign world she was doomed to live in. It wasn’t until the moon was high in the sky that the company decided to stop and rest for the evening. Everyone unmounted their horse’s before leading them to a safe area of the field to graze and sleep for the night. 
Alyss laid out the soft blankets she was given to create a sort of bed and sighed. She didn’t notice that as she let her hair down to be more comfortable she was approached by none other than the knight himself. Not turning to face him, Alyss moved her blankets back and sat down underneath them, rubbing her face with her hands.
Link watched as she settled into her makeshift cot before setting the plate of food he had made in front of her. Alyss stared at the bowl of pumpkin stew in front of her flabbergasted. She looked up to see that the knight had already turned to join the others by the fire where they were talking and laughing with one another. A quick moment of contemplation ran through her mind as she tried to make up her mind on how she wanted to act. Did she want to be the person who shunned people she barely knew, or did she want to try and make the best of a bad situation and use these people to help her figure stuff out? 
With a small sigh and a quick glance at the moon, Alyss grabbed the bowl of pumpkin stew and stood up. The smell of the stew hit her nostrils almost immediately which made her stomach growl loudly. Apparently sleeping in a cave for goddess knows how many years would make you famished. Forgetting all about the knight nearby who was watching her put the bowl to her lips with secret satisfaction, Alyss took a large mouthful of the creamy soup. The soup was the perfect balance of fortified pumpkin, goat butter, milk, and wheat and it brought back memories of her time with the beloved Rito friends she had. The thought was bittersweet as she thought back on the times she would sing with them in their choirs, enjoy their cooking, and the way that her friends would allow her to ride on their backs to the hot springs where they would relax their cares away. These thoughts, mixed with the pumpkin stew, made her heart ache for moments like that again. 
Licking the excess soup off of her lips, Alyss looked up to the company of friends gathered by the warm fire. Ever so slowly she walked up to the fire and cleared her throat, catching the attention of everyone there. “Can I join you,” she asked hesitantly as her eyes drifted back towards her feet. In looking at the ground Alyss didn’t notice everyone at the fire smile happily at her question. 
“We would be delighted to have you join us,” Princess Zelda said in a cheery tone of voice. She motioned for Alyss to take a seat in between her and Link and watched as the young woman sank to the ground staring into her bowl. 
“Alyss,” the Divine Beast muttered almost too quietly for anyone to hear her. Lifting her head to look Robbie and Purah in the eyes, “you asked me yesterday what my name is. It’s Alyss.” 
There was a comfortable silence for a second as everyone let this new act of trust coast through their bodies, but it didn’t last long as Purah held her hands in front of her and shook them happily. “Oh my goddess does that mean you trust us?” She was looking right at Alyss who scratched the back of her head sort of awkwardly. 
“Now Purah we shouldn’t scare her with questions like that. Let’s just be grateful that we now know her name, although I can’t help but feel like I’ve heard of that name somewhere…” Impa scolded her younger, more eccentric sister. 
Alyss watched with wide eyes as they quickly were thrown into a heated discussion that only siblings would understand. To her sides Link and Zelda and Robbie were laughing at their antics causing her to smile for the first time in a long time. Alyss finally felt that maybe there was a small glance of hope for this world she was thrown into. 
They arrived at Hyrule Castle’s town late the next day which was a relief to everyone in the company except Alyss. Alyss was riding between Link and Robbie as they led their horses at a slow pace through the town so as to not disturb the hustle and bustle of the town’s businesses. “You know,” she started off staring at the majesty of the looming castle. “The castle was only one room and as I got older it was nothing but a few more rooms connected together.”
Link turned his head to signify that he was listening, the hustle of the town not really worrying him since Hyrule Guardsmen were posted all over town to keep the peace if necessary. He was curious about her past but before he could make any sort of gesture towards her to keep her talking about it, Robbie looked over and continued the conversation. “Really? This must be a pretty big shock then to see the castle in all its glory. I wonder,” he continued. Alyss turned to him curiously as his tone had become a more serious one. “Just how old are you? The castle has been this way for thousands of years.”
The rest of the ride was silent as Alyss herself didn’t even know the answer to that question. Once back at the castle everyone dismounted and handed their horses off to the castle stable hands. The King - which Alyss had learned was named King Rhoam - had met with everyone to learn of the happenings in Kakariko Village. They told him of the Yiga Clan making an appearance, how Alyss was found, and her reaction to the Princess. King Rhoam hadn’t seemed super surprised but he definitely didn’t expect that the validity of her story was too accurate. He didn’t really ask Alyss many questions beyond where she woke up before ordering his Knights to go to the village and search the area she was found for anything that could provide an answer. In the meantime he ordered Alyss to be placed in a guest room and closely watched. 
This is how Alyss found herself laying on the large, fluffy bed staring at the ceiling of her room. The room she was trapped in had many bookshelves full of books, a decent sized desk, and different odds and ends in decorations, but she was bored. There wasn’t much she could do as the books were in a language she could only partially understand and the window was too small for her to crawl through, yet large enough to let in a decent amount of light. Once the moon had appeared over the horizon, Alyss started to think about going to bed when her thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock at her bedroom door. She eyes the door before standing up and heading to it. When she opened the door, she expected to see a Hyrule Guard bringing her something, since that’s really the only visitor she has gotten over the past few days, but she was surprised to lay eyes on Robbie. 
“Hello,” she said a little curtly, eyeing him up. She was a little pissed off that she was trapped in this goddess forsaken room for so long, but her curt attitude didn’t really seem to bother Robbie as he just smiled at her. “Can I help you?”
“Well, I brought you some lunch and some news,” Robbie spoke, stepping into the room and placing the silver tray down on the desk on the other wall. He turned around sassily and placed his hands on his hips to look at the woman who had moved back to laying down and staring at the ceiling. She was silent and didn’t really acknowledge him which bothered Robbie a little but he didn’t let it get to him. Moving to the other side of her bed, he sat on the edge and laid down beside her to also stare at the ceiling. “What are you looking at?” 
Alyss cut her eyes at Robbie and sighed in irritation. “Can we get this over with please? I’ve been stuck in this room for days, alone, so if you don’t mind I would prefer to continue to be alone please. Thank you.” She rolled onto her side to face away from Robbie as to hide her saddened face. Unknown to literally everyone, she was having quite a hard time adjusting and being trapped in the one place she had all of her bad memories wasn’t making it any easier. Fighting back tears as her mind raced, she listened to Robbie sit up on the bed. She didn’t feel his weight leave the bed so she assumed he was looking at her. Rolling back to look at him, she was taken off guard by the fact he was removing his goggles. 
“Are you alright,” he asked furrowing his eyebrows. His eyes were surprising to Alyss as they were a deep red and she was kind of expecting them to actually be his goggles at this point. When Robbie asked her this question, Alyss tried not to let her emotions get the best of her. She barely knew this man and the question was a little more personal than she wanted to get into at this point. She nodded her head and turned to face the other side of the room again. 
“Ok…” Robbie said a little thrown off that she was so standoffish, but in a way he understood. She has been locked up for goddess knows how long and thrown into this strange new world. He continued cautiously, making sure to monitor her bodily expressions for any signs of discomfort. “Well, the news I have to tell you is that I have been given permission to take you home.”
Alyss turned quickly to him and glared, “excuse me?” 
Robbie held his hands up in defense and backtracked realizing what he had said. “Let me explain, it’s nothing weird I promise.” Robbie continued when Alyss slowly turned her head back to its previous position. He laid back down on the bed and continued talking. “Well, some guards came back with some interesting finds. They found a chest full of ancient looking material, a curious gemstone, and a very brittle scroll.” Robbie paused for a second for Alyss to respond but when he got nothing he continued. “You see, the scroll was written about you, but it was a little hard to decipher as the ancient language was lost to us long ago. It said that you were an experiment of the Royal Court gone wrong.”
Alyss’s entire body stiffened at Robbie’s words. Her memories of her life played through her mind in a hazy, theatrical way as she listened to his recount of the letter. 
“Princess, she’s awake,” a female voice called out. Alyss could hear bits and pieces of the conversation between the Princess and this other voice. The world was dark and her entire body burned. What had happened to her? 
Alyss groaned and turned her head as the sunlight streaming through the room lit up the dark vision she was having. When the blurry images focused, Alyss saw a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a long, silken, blue robe. The triforce adorned the middle of the golden belt wrapped around her waist making it no mistake that this was none other than Princess Zelda. 
“Hello there, do you know who you are?” 
Alyss had been training all morning with Sheikah warriors to hone her new skills and test out her latest power, poisonous smog. Alyss watched as the newest hoard of Bokoblins came running at her. With a smirk, Alyss took a deep breath in and focused on connecting with her inner rage. Once the red bokoblins were close enough to touch her, Alyss exhaled hard surrounding the monsters with a dark purple smog. It didn’t take long before Alyss heard the Bokoblins make a choked screaming noise and a bunch of thudding. Opening her eyes, Alyss saw the Sheikah warriors standing there, some shocked and others recording the results. Looking down, Alyss’s eyes widened as they found themselves staring at a pile of at least thirty bokoblins dead on the ground. She noticed that with that last breath, her skin around her eyes was tight and incredibly dry feeling. Reaching up slowly she found that her once soft skin was now the skin of a reptile akin to a Lizalfos. 
“You have to continue training Alyss for the good of the Kingdom” Princess Zelda hollered after the Divine Beast as the latter stormed through the Castle. “You have to aid us in sealing away Calamity Ganon!”
Alyss had been having a hard time controlling her emotions as of late during training and it scared her. Never before has she lost her ability to calm down and now here she was trying not to lose her shit at someone bumping into her. Princess Zelda came on the scene when Alyss lost control of her emotions and body, almost murdering the poor woman with her own hands that had turned to talons and the same reptilian skin she’d come to expect. When the Princess called her name, Alyss did not answer. Purple smog flowed out of almost every pore of her body as her feet left the ground, dragging the poor choking woman with her. Her hair had started to form it’s way around her body and to the top of her head as Alyss lost herself to her anger.
Zelda had managed to stop Alyss from killing the poor servant woman by summoning her sacred bow and shooting an arrow into Alyss’s shoulder blade forcing her to drop the woman. As her anger faded into pain, Alyss’s body and mind slowly changed back to normal. When Alyss came to she looked at her hands, tears starting to roll down her face at what she had almost done. “I’m a monster,” she whispered, running away to be chased by the Princess.
The four divine beasts, besides Alyss, were up and running. Vah Medoh, Vah Rudania, Vah Naboris, and Vah Ruta, they had their Champions to pilot them, and Alyss was doing well when it came to her training. She had been able to control her levitating and smog to use them sparsely outside of combat, but her guardian beam was the newest thing she had to focus on. It wasn’t until a few weeks later that the disaster that forced Zelda to seal her away would occur. 
On that fateful day, Alyss stood in the small Sanctuary of the castle listening to the King ramble on and on in an update of the land. Alyss was drifting off where she sat until she heard faint noises, whispers and murmurs of terrible things to become and all the death and destruction the voice would bring. Looking to both of her sides where the other Champions sat, she saw that none of them were trying to get her attention in the slightest.
Alyss tried to shake the voice out of her head, but the more she tried to resist it, the quicker it got louder and became multiple voices, making it harder for her to ignore it. Alyss covered her ears trying to drown out the incessant whispers of doom, but soon it became too much. A loud, shrill scream erupted out of her mouth and her eyes became wide with panic, unknowingly scaring everyone in the room into a stunned silence. The Sanctuary had turned into a decrepit, broken down wreck while the bodies of everyone standing in that room littered the floor in a giant pool of blood. 
Intense panic, fear, and anger at seeing her loved ones dead on the ground sent Alyss into a blind rage she couldn’t control. She couldn’t recognize the people in front of her who were still very much alive and trying to calm her down. She didn’t feel her hair grow longer and longer while two thick portions of hair floated to the top of her head to create horns. Her breathing had become more and more ragged, slowly replacing the oxygen in the room with smog. With tunnel vision, Alyss looked around at the dead people as they slowly rose up from the pools of their own blood. “Stay away,” she screamed, which let out a beam of blue light from the horns on her head which barely missed the King. She felt people using rope to grab her and push her down to the ground which she barely recognized as her Sheikah brethren doing their best to subdue her.
“Seal her away,” was the last thing she clearly heard coming from Princess Zelda before a bright white light knocked her unconscious. 
“Robbie,” Alyss pleaded gently for him to stop talking. She had curled up into a small ball at the memories flooding back to her, the tears which were threatening to fall out of her eyes before were now freely falling down her cheeks. Alyss didn’t have to look over to see that Robbie noticed her pained state and had sat up. “I can’t hear anymore of this. If I lose control again-” she whispered shakily, holding her unsteady hands up in front of her face disgusted as though they were covered in blood. 
“Lose control again? What do you mean?” Robbie asked, placing a small supportive gesture to Alyss’s shoulder that caused her to flinch. 
“I’m a monster,” she whispered, horrified.
“Nonsense,” Robbie scoffed, unable to believe that this girl they had just found could have done anything terrible enough to be called a monster. He watched as she sat up slowly. She was shaking as though she had just spent the night in the Hebra Mountains with nothing but a thin layer of clothes. Her purple eyes were wide and full of fear at whatever memory was flashing in front of them. She stared at the edge of the bed just past him and continued to torture herself. Robbie watched as her skin crinkled and turned into scales, the nails that were digging into her arms, as she held herself, turned into large talons that drew blood from her porcelain skin. He watched as her hair started to float and her eyes turned into slits. He had to hold back his excitement as he made mental notes of her sudden changes and what could have potentially caused them how he knew he had to help her. 
Leaning over, Robbie grabbed Alyss’s shoulder and pulled her roughly into him. He wrapped his arms around her scaly skin, ignoring the cuts he received from it, as he gave her the only thing he could think of, a hug. Robbie felt her tense up at the sudden contact, but it wasn’t long before the open skin showing through his v-neck outfit started to feel little droplets of water. He felt her skin turn back to its former texture as she allowed herself to relax in his arms and release her emotional distress in the form of loud sobs. “I promise you’re not alone anymore,” he whispered to her, gently running his palm up and down her small, shaking back. “Come with Purah and I. Let us help you figure out what went wrong and what we can do to make it right. You’re not a monster,” he leaned back and smiled at Alyss gently. 
Alyss nodded slowly as she searched Robbie’s eyes for any sign of insincerity and malice, but when she found none her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. “Stay with me please. Don’t let me be alone,” she whispered in a plea. 
Robbie smirked and threw his hand up to point into the air. “Oh yeah,” he shouted, making Alyss giggle at his eccentric and slightly ridiculous way of agreeing. Pulling the bands and sticks out of his and her hair to make both fall to their natural length, Robbie wasted no time in laying her back down cuddled up in his arms, whispering promises of a better future until she fell fast asleep. 
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