#Nanao was so fine too
kyokutsu-sama · 1 year
New episode is out 🔥
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lordartsy · 2 years
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so it started with me listening to a band called Zombie
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gaoau · 3 months
i've been thinking a lot about Suo and i need it to stop, so i wanna analyse him a little bit and say things into the void. normally i like to psychoanalyse characters in fics but i've seen that side of the fandom and i do NOT wanna go there, so i'm saving myself by pulling the same thing i did with Nanao ig.
disclaimer: this isn't necessarily a theory about his backstory as much as it is what i personally wanna see happen. see, if i were writing him, i'd do very specific things that could go in various directions, but since i am not, unfortunately, writing him and he's not my character to fuck with, all i can do is yap. which, also, probably won't be very eloquent.
manga spoilers for literally the whole manga up to date btw.
i don't think we won't be getting a backstory on him, to be honest. with a character like him, yeah, the mystery is part of the charm, and having this much anticipation can suck ass if once the secret gets revealed, it doesn't stick the landing. but i doubt Nii Satoru doesn't have something planned for him. why would bro be leaving Suo's room illustration out of the fanbook if there wasn't something there to talk about? what is in his room to talk about? but that's not what this is about.
anyway i'm gonna be so fr Suo's built like a dog. he's clearly full of shit, and yknow, that's fine, good for him, but there are things that are so painfully obvious he's just straight up lying about. after his fight with Kanuma, which is deadass the first time we see him fight, he says he "doesn't usually get so emotional," which ?? shut the fuck up? that's not true.
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i know a liar when i see one. we've seen him fight five times? six if i wanna be generous; in three of those he got crazy emotional (Kanuma, keel, and Endo), and just a tiny bit miffed with the gymnast guy idr his name fuck that freak. which, listen, to be fair, if someone touched a single hair on Nirei's head in front of me, real me too i'd kill a guy. but look me in the eye lil bro don't lie to me. real talk, though, he was more than ready to kill the keel dude, and was going to. he wanted to. he was shaking while Sakura held him back, don't play with me. he wasn't gonna stop just cause someone was interjecting.
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bro was itching to kill, side-eyeing Sakura, spitting snark cause how's the hot-headed mf who jumps head-first into a brawl without a second thought staying more rational than him, the rational one? Sakura's talking to him the same way i talk to my dog after she tries to kill my cat. i'm ngl my dog has better self-restraint than this kid. he also just straight up xd's his way out of it? like "oh whoopsies! mb gang! i was just feeling silly goofy! 🤪" like he forgets he's not supposed to glare at people with murder in his eyes.
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speaking of murder! this is where i want him to have killed someone before Bofurin. he's, like, 15? so there's not much time to work with, but the same way Kaji was going feral at idk 8 years old, i can see a world in which Suo actually went overboard when he was a younger kid. (i'm not saying this is what things are pointing at, but i want this to be the case. i would do this myself.)
he is emotional, i don't think that's up for debate. i understand why he gets so emotional and i do think it's very noble and cool and swag of him, that's a good person, somewhat, he cares about his friends and it pisses him off when they get hurt. i fuck with that. that's great, get him an ice cream (if he even eats fucking weirdo). but why are we acting like "i am chill ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ" when, clearly, that's not true?
here's where his teacher comes in. for how much grief i'm giving him, i don't think he's all lies at all. i don't think him liking Nirei and Sakura enough to not only speak highly of them, but also fuck a guy up for them, is a lie. i think he is as kind as Umemiya describes him to be, cause honestly, if Umemiya says someone is kind, then they probably are.
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i don't think this is necessarily fake as much as i think it's borrowed. it's learned behaviour. it's teachings passed down to him by his teacher. it's discipline. it's not something that comes naturally to him, but it is something a person he respects and looks up to taught him, so he tries to live by it. he's very clearly been disciplined, probably got beaten into the ground by his teacher, got his ass handed to him again and again and again until he sharpened his reflexes and learned how to control himself in a fight.
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he talks a lot about adulthood, talks a lot about maturing, talks a lot about self-control and whatnot. which, by the way, this is a child? lil bro you're fifteen go play on your switch idk. but i'd like to think this comes from someone telling him, "hey, what you did was not okay. you have a lot of strength and you're not an animal. use it wisely so you can one day grow into a proper adult." solely cause i want him to have killed someone. that's all i want.
i think it would make sense, really. how funny would it be if he was living similarly to Sakura? i've seen people headcanon him as a rich kid, but he lies a lot, and i wouldn't put it past him to be living in a sad, lonely one-room apartment. there's a billion ways things could be done with him. maybe his parents didn't care to try disciplining him, maybe he grew up with no parents at all. he has a short fuse, that's easy to tell, even if he acts like he's got everything under control. it's a very Suzuri type of situation, so maybe it's not the direction Nii Satoru is gonna take things, but one can dream.
as for the eyepatch, i haven't really thought much about it. the way i see things, he's gotta come from a neglectful background, so losing an eye would make sense. or maybe he did it himself, i'd love to see that (i would do that with a character like this if he was mine). if his eye is even missing at all, cause all things considered, it might be sort of just a way to give himself a handicap to remind himself not to go overboard.
which, circling back to the self-restraint thing, i like to think that's the reason he doesn't really use much excessive force. not to say he doesn't kick and punch, cause lil bro packs a mean punch, but he doesn't gravitate to hitting people. he's usually using his opponent's weight and momentum against them, which is why i was decently surprised when i saw him grab the keel dude and wind back to bash his face in. he's not violent, until he lets go of what little self-restraint he has, and then he is. it's values and principles that come from someone else telling him how to behave, except he still struggles to hold himself back.
to put it in simple terms, if he were my character, this is what i would do. i'd have him kill someone by going overboard as a kid, have him be taken in by this teacher, have him disciplined and clean his act up by beating his ass, and then have him parrot all these teachings at people he meets later. cause that's essentially what he's doing, he's just repeating things someone else told him. what does bro know about being an adult he doesn't even pay taxes go do your trig homework. but he tries, and you can tell he's trying, even if it doesn't come natural, he cares about his friends and he cares about becoming a better person, he's just a little too quick to snap.
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you know what i mean? he cares about Nirei in particular, he loves Nirei, he tries to learn from Nirei. (guys i love Nirei i wont shut the fuck up). but fr, he's got that Nanao complex where he instigates things or sets things into motion and doesn't quite participate. he watches from the back, for better or for worse, but he doesn't necessarily involve himself in things. he keeps a distance. he feels like the other side to Sakura's coin sometimes, learning about people and how warm they actually are. he's all prim and proper and nonchalant, but he recognises he's no match for Sakura and maybe even Nirei. after all, it's always Nirei the one grabbing both of them by the arm and dragging them places.
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he talks so big and maturely about not meddling too much with people who can't quite handle friendship yet, and then goes "!" when Nirei tells him "? fuck are you talking about? that's the more reason to teach Sakura about friendship." it's the look on his face after Nirei, despite Suo's long-winded and logical argument, goes to Kotoha and insists they help Sakura anyway. he's learning from Nirei too. also Nirei's crazy endearing so real me too but that's beside the point.
i don't think these parts of him are fake, but they might just be artificial. he's still integrating them into his own person and making them his, but he still slips here and there. he's not quite there yet. i hope he killed someone when he was 8yo. that's all thank you for reading thumbsup
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hotwaterandmilk · 1 month
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Just a reminder that the first volume of Nanao Tomo's The Hachioji Speciality: Tengu's Love comes out in English from Yen Press this week. I already double-dipped on the Japanese volumes, but I'm going back for more with the English volume too.
While a lot of series captivate me with their plot, Hachioji Meibutsu: Tengu no Koi grabbed my attention with its beautiful retro-tinged art and has continued to hold my interest with its atmosphere.
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So why is this series such a highlight in the current ASUKA magazine lineup? I've tried to breakdown my thoughts (albeit sleepily) on why I like this title and why other readers might be keen to give it a shot now that it's enjoying an English-language release.
The series description from Yen Press describes the series as follows:
"Can a determined tengu bride change a lonesome bachelor’s ways? Well, it’s not like he’s got much of a choice— ’cos she’s already moving in! Young systems engineer Kotarou has had to make his own way in life. Nothing remains of his early childhood before he was orphaned—nothing except his grandparents’ antique house in Hachioji and memories of Hime, the winged spirit girl he’s come to dismiss as a youthful flight of fancy. But after his return to Hachioji and reunion with Hime, it becomes impossible to deny the existence of his fine, feathery friend—especially given that she’s declared they’re getting married at second sight!"
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Which makes it sound like you're signing up for a typical 90s-style magical girlfriend series and, well, to an extent you are. Hime is beautiful, powerful and innocent in the ways of the human world. Kotarou on the other hand is somewhat average, cynical human who now finds himself saddled with an otherworldly bride. Hijinks ensue!
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What I think helps Tenkoi differentiate itself from other series with similar setups (aside from the stunning art) is that it gives both the reader and the characters time to breathe, to be in each other's company, and exist without needing constant jokes. There's this ancient peace to Hime's village and a gentleness in her exchanges with Kotarou, even as a gaggle of her relatives argues around them.
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Even the gag moments have a beauty and sense of pacing about them that's hard to find these days. We actually get the space to see Hime interact with the vacuum, for example. What so many titles might have condensed into 3 panels at best is expanded here, allowed to sit, presented to us for enjoyment. I just love that about Tenkoi, there is no real rush even when the series is moving Hime and Kotarou's relationship forward.
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There's a willingness in Tenkoi to sit with difficult moments, mundane moments, humorous moments and moments of affection. To let each have its time to unfurl, to let us savour them all.
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There's also an appreciation of the Hachioji region and the way the local population interact with the natural and spiritual world despite being in a suburban location (though this comes up a bit more by the second volume).
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Another thing I like is that while there are a few gags about Kotarou being entranced by and touching Hime's wings (which she says are off-limits) overall Kotarou is a decent guy. While initially unsure about the situation he supports Hime in leaving the village for her own sake, aiming to empower her rather than to score himself a tengu bride. While at one point in the first volume he gets frustrated by just how hard it is to hide a lively tengu from the world, he soon sees the error in his ways and again pledges to support Hime in whatever she chooses to do.
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It's just nice to see a male lead who can be wrong, admit he was wrong, and strive to make things right with the people around him in such a mature way? He sleeps on it and is like fuck, I was an asshole my life is better with her in it and immediately gets his shit together. Some leads can go dozens of volumes without figuring out that much so it was nice to see that corner turned early on in the series.
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I should mention that food is an important part of how love is expressed in this series and a big part of how Hime begins to learn about the human world, so if food is a major trigger for you then Tenkoi might be best avoided. However, there are minimal other warnings I can think of for those considering starting the series (aside from consent being established regarding Hime's wings).
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Tenkoi is still ongoing in ASUKA (which is published bi-monthly these days) so there's only two print volumes right now. There's enough little moments in this lushly rendered and atmospheric supernatural love story that it could go for many years at its current clip, but whether that happens remains to be seen.
Right now though I enjoy Tenkoi for being a simple story told well and with heart. If you're not looking for major plot innovation and are happy to just spend time in the presence of these characters experiencing simple joys in Hachioji, then this is a title I recommend.
(Also Hime is super cute, I adore her.)
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Nanao Taichi - Translation [SR] Purple Fiancée (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
*door opens*
Taichi: Do you have a minute, Azuma-san?
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Azuma: My, it’s puppy-kun.
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Taichi: Ah, Yuki-chan’s here too.
Yuki: Azu-nee let me try out the skin care products he bought.
Taichi: Ooh, gotcha. I’ll come back again in that case!
Yuki: No, it’s fine. We were just chatting.
Azuma: Did you need something from me, puppy-kun?
Taichi: So the thing is, the role I’m gonna play in Autumn troupe’s next play is Olivia who’s a mature and sexy woman. I came here since I thought it’d be nice if you could give me some acting advice or other tips.
Azuma: I see. Well, I do know someone among my acquaintances who’s mature and sexy just like you’re looking for… I think I could offer you some tips on how to act. If you’re alright with me, I’ll teach you.
Yuki: Perfect timing. I’ll help out too. I was just thinking I’d like to make a sexy costume.
Taichi: Are you sure! Thanks, you two! I’ll do my best. I’m counting on you!
Taichi: (It's been a few days since I first got their advice, but thanks to Azuma-san's gentle guidance and Yuki-chan’s slightly strict coaching…) (I think I'm gradually getting better at acting mature and sexy!) (I wonder what they’re gonna teach me today? Hehe, I’m actually kinda excited~.)
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Taichi: Thanks for waiting!
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Yuki: He’s finally here.
Azuma: We’re ready over here.
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Taichi: Woah, you’ve placed so many shoes out! What are we doin’ today?
Yuki: I’m thinking of giving Olivia boots with heels for her outfit.
Taichi: Heels! That sounds mature and sexy alright!
Yuki: Doesn’t it? While ease of movement is important, I also want to consider how it looks. So, I’d like to test out how high we can make your heels.
Taichi: I see…!
Yuki: By the way, Azu-nee prepared all theses shoes for us. Thanks, Azu-nee.
Taichi: That’s Azuma-san for you…! I appreciate it!
Azuma: Fufu, you’re very welcome. I’m glad to help.
Yuki: Now then, try putting on the shoes with the shortest heels first.
Azuma: We’ll start from 1cm.
Taichi: You got it.
Yuki: Also, walk like you did during “Last Runway”.
Taichi: Like this? This one’s a piece of cake!
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Yuki: Ok. Wear the 2cm heels next.
Taichi: Like this, right? This one’s no sweat either!
Azuma: Both his walk and posture look nice.
Yuki: Let’s keep going. These are up next.
Yuki: Alright, next are the 6.5cm heels.
Taichi: Woah. These are pretty high… Here goes…
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Azuma: The way he stands is a bit unstable compared to the previous shoes.
Yuki: Strut your stuff.
*walks and wobbles*
Taichi: Oh god…!
Yuki: He started shaking after just a few steps.
Azuma: These might be tough, hm?
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Taichi: I-I’m gonna do it! I can do it if I practice…! No matter how much it takes for Yuki-chan’s vision of Olivia’s costume…!
Yuki: We’re not going further than this. It’s not going to look good.
Taichi: No way…
Azuma: I know how you feel, but you'll be in trouble if you force yourself to wear them and get hurt.
Yuki: I’ll go with 5cm. Olivia’s boots will be easy to move in while also looking nice.
Azuma: I also think that height looks the most flattering when you stand and walk.
Taichi: …You think so?
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Azuma: Your posture is going to deteriorate if it doesn’t suit you or if you’re not used to the height of the heel. I think this height is just right for you, puppy-kun.
Yuki: These fit the best for Taichi’s Olivia.
Taichi: I see… I agree. Thanks so much, you two! I'm gonna wear the 5cm heels to look more presentable, pretty, and feminine… I’m gonna do my best to practice how I move!
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unohanadaydreams · 2 months
If captains were days of the week, which ones do you think they’d be?
This is so up my alley tbh.....hyper specific and weird headcanons, my beloved.
Byakuya Kuchiki. He is the master of viewing every day as just another day. While lesser men are oozing into work with their brain cells still marinating in last night's sake bender, he is hours deep into the kind of paperwork that dries out your retinas on contact. Also I think he gets bored without work (and prefers Gotei 13 work to the Noble shenanigans he has to face raw on the weekends). He's just that kind of guy.
Toshiro Hitsugaya. With a lieutenant like Rangiku to wrangle into the week, he only hits his stride after he's successfully hunted her down and ensured the weekly planner is in her room, in her hands, on her favorite couch, and tucked into her obi. Which naturally eats up a lot of his Monday. His daily nap is extra satisfying on Tuesdays, too.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi. Not only has he been able to measure out where both the 12th division and R&D are on the various juggling acts constantly at work, but now he gets to see how well they keep those projects flying (and bitch when they don't do so well <3). Also, I'd like to think this is the day they publish the new scientific studies & dissertations in the Seireitei and he gets to spend the rest of the week picking them apart (or admiring his work).
Shunsui Kyoraku. Shunsui loves a good game. I think the suspense of 'can I make it till the end of the week and successfully avoid the majority of my responsibilities yet again' is part of his joy in doing it. Also Nanao hasn't gone full nuclear yet, which she will when Friday hits and she doesn't have the minimum amount of paperwork that absolutely must be notarized over the weekend or the Gotei 13 will let something or other lapse that Shunsui doesn't think is that important, honestly.
Tetsuzemon Iba. He has spiritually checked out this entire day because he's using it to fine tune the particulars of the next Men's Association Meeting & plan what details he's going to be leaving out when he gives his weekly visit to Komamura. Obviously he needs to ensure his captaincy is viewed in the best light. And also run his MA game plans by a willing ear.
Kensei Muguruma. The entire week is being sloughed away with every meal he preps in his expensive living world kitchen that he held Urahara at fist point to transfer over free of charge. There's not lieutenant bragging about getting fleeced over a guitar case. There's no editing nightmare that takes two straight days to untangle because two offices can't fucking communicate. It's just him and the food talking.
Isane Kotetsu. Her only day off. She swears she's not going to take over someone's shift on Saturday like the last week or the week before that, but she folds every time. She's starting to think she's developing a complex. Turning in a to a workaholic or something. She and Nanao are starting to relate a bit too much on how many hours they clock each week.
But then Sunday shines down upon her, a beautiful ray of freedom. She even refuses to heal her sister when Kiyone inevitably gets some minor wound or scrape from all her unfocused hyperactivity. But does promise to book her an appointment for the next day.
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shanksbaby · 2 years
Shunsui Kyoraku x quiet!reader - headcannons
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you and he are like night and day: you couldn't be more different. While he is so outgoing, he would always talk (and if he talks to Nanao for her he will talk too much), relaxed. . . you, on the other hand, are reserved and speak very little, indeed sometimes you don't speak at all if you are in a public place or you are with a person with whom you do not have a close relationship.
this feature has caused you many problems, and you are always frustrated because you cannot communicate what you want.
as much as it may seem otherwise, he actually understood you from day one, not forcing bondaries. Slowly you felt comfortable with him, it's not something that magically happened but something that happened gradually. Now he is besides your boyfriend also the person to confide in, your best friend.
Shunsui, knowing about your speech difficulties, always tells you that when you need something he will do it for you.
he's always kind and caring, he checks on you to make sure everything is fine, when there's something that's clearly bothering you, he invites you to tell him about it. But he will never force you to talk to someone who is a stranger to you \ with whom you are not in a close relationship: he knows that it would only create further distress for you.
so he's willing to be your only listener,you are not a burden to him, and reassures you whenever you tell him he might not be interested in talking about you.
indeed he loves hearing you talk, he would love for you to raise your voice a little because sometimes he doesn't hear you but he knows that this is your tone and you are perfect like this <3
"I want to go home, Shunsui… This place is too overwhelming, please"
" Sure, sweetheart. Let's go home "
he is so understanding that sometimes you wonder if you deserve such a guy. Sometimes you think maybe he'd be better off without you but you're selfish enough to stay with him. You would never be able to leave him, you don't know where you would find the strength to do it.
even if you don't see him, you do a lot for him too. You always prepare lunch and dinner for him, if he doesn't wake up early for work (it happened twice actually, all the others it was Nanao who dragged him out of bed) you also prepare him a good breakfast.
you also like to cook cakes for him, especially for his birthday <3
and when he comes back from work tired, you always take care of him. You prepare him a hot bath with the salts he likes and you always give him head massages, because he often comes back with a bad headache if it's been a busy day.
in bed when he's tired you're the big spoon, but usually he's the one
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meenatranslates · 10 months
[SSR] Taichi | Demon of Hell
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"Welcome to Hell. What sin have you committed to come here? Well, whatever it is, you're going to atone for it." Related event: Hell's Hot Springs Village
To Remove the Demon's Horns - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
―Taichi’s House (Day)―
Taichi: Look at these~! They’re photos of the hot springs that we went to for our training camp!
Mirai: Wow, so many pretty hot springs!
Masato: I wanna go too!
Taichi: We should visit there with the whole family next~.
Masato: Huh? You’re wearing a weird outfit here.
Taichi: Oh, we had a play while we were there, and I performed wearing that. I played a demon role so there are horns on my head!
Masato: You’re right! They look cool...!
Mirai: You look really good with them, Oniichan! Both the horns and outfit!
Taichi: Hehe, thank you!
Mirai: All the people who watched your play must be lucky~. I wanted to see this cool-looking Oniichan acting.
Masato: Me too!
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Taichi: Aww, that makes me so happy...!
I’ll make sure to show you if there’s another chance then.
Sakyo: Alright, I guess that’s all the work for today.
Izumi: Seems so! Thanks for the hard work, Sakyo-san! Should I brew some tea?
Sakyo: Sorry, but I have plans that I must attend to after this.
Izumi: Is that so.
...Ah, I think I’m going to reorganize the storage room. It seems like we’ve got more stuff in there before I know it.
Sakyo: Just let Matsukawa do that.
That guy’s always come up with excuses to get out of cleaning the storage room.
Izumi: That’s not true. I’ll have you know that he helped me out the other day.
Sakyo: Even so, it’s always you who do it every time.
Izumi: Well, I just think that those who can when they can, should do it. I have some time after this, so it should be fine...
Taichi: Ah, Director-sensei and Sakyo-nii! Oh no, did I interrupt your work!?
Sorry! I’ll leave right away after I grab a drink!
Sakyo: Hold on, Nanao. Are you free right now?
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Taichi: Eh? Uhh, well, I am... Why do you ask?
Sakyo: She’s planning to reorganize the storage room. Help her out if you’re free.
It’s unfortunate that I can’t lend a hand since I have something to do later on.
Taichi: Sure, I can do that!
Izumi: Oh, you don’t need to! I’ll be fine on my own...
Taichi: But won’t it be tough if you need to carry something heavy? I’ve got some time anyway, so let me help you!
Izumi: Well, thanks, I appreciate that. I’ll count on you then, Taichi-kun!
To Remove the Demon's Horns - Part 2
―Storage Room―
Taichi: Should I put the box here?
Izumi: That’s a pretty old-looking box. What’s inside?
Taichi: Let’s see... Looks like some assorted props. They’re all stuff that I’ve never seen before.
Ah, I spotted some demon’s horns! They look like the ones I wore at the training camp!
Izumi: They really do! But I wonder when these were used...?
Taichi: Hmm... They look pretty worn out, so maybe the first generation used them?
Izumi: That’s plausible...
Taichi: Speaking of horns, I showed the photo of me as a demon during our training camp to my younger siblings.
They both said they wanted to see it with their own eyes! I was so happy at that time~.
Izumi: Fufu, I hope they can one day.
Taichi: Yeah! Ma-kun especially likes the horns.
I know! How about I send him a picture of me wearing these?
Izumi: Haha, that’d be nice! I hope he’ll be happy with that.
Taichi: I hope so! Now then...
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...Hm? Hmm??
Izumi: What’s wrong?
Taichi: I had a weird feeling just now... Like, it kinda feels like they penetrate into my head somehow...?
Izumi: What?? How about you try taking them off?
Taichi: Right. ...Wait, huh? HUH!?
I- I can’t get them off...!
Izumi: That can’t be...! Can I try pulling them?
Taichi: Please do!
Izumi: Here I go... Hngh-!
Taichi: Ow, ow, ow! That hurts~!
Izumi: Does this mean... they’re stuck to your head...?
Taichi: Uueeh, I think so... But normally, it’s not possible for this to happen, right...?
Izumi: Hmm...
―Lounge (Night)―
Banri: ...So, you tried putting on the horns at the storage room, and then suddenly you couldn’t get them off at all.
Taichi: Huhuu, it’s like they’re part of my head now~! I’m not gonna be stuck looking like this forever, am I?!
Omi: Hmm, there must be a way we can fix this.
Izumi: If only we could know the cause, or at least the reason...
Taichi: Me and Director-sensei have been thinking, but we couldn’t come up anything...
Sakyo: You sure about that? Maybe you did something bad, and that’s your punishment for it.
Taichi: Ehh!? That can’t be it! I’m sure that-!
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Azami: Sounds like you know something.
Taichi: Urk-!
Uhh, you see... I accidentally dropped a bundle of receipts from the table...
I hurriedly put them back in date order before Sakyo-nii came back, but I somehow got them all wrong...!
Sakyo: I did think it was weird that the dates were all over the place when they weren’t a few moments ago... So it was your doing.
Taichi: Wahhh, I’m sorry~! I didn’t mean to~!
Juza: He tried puttin' them right again, so can’t say that’d be the cause.
Taichi: Juza-san...!
Omi: Still, this reminds me of the Jiangshi incident. (1)
Taichi: Oh, the one when I got possessed by a Jiangshi ghost...
Banri: Well, this time’s better than that.
Azami: How‘d you resolve it back then?
Izumi: If I recall correctly, Muku-kun used the amulet that he made on Taichi-kun, and then he was back to normal again.
Juza: Yeah. Try askin’ for his help again this time.
Taichi: You’re right! Okay, I’m heading to his room now!
Izumi: (Everyone is so calm and composed... I guess since bizarre occurrences happen a lot in this dorm, they’ve become immune to them...)
[1] Referring to Taichi's SSR "What's Wrong with Being a Ghost"
To Remove the Demon's Horns - Part 3
―Room 202 (Night)―
Muku: Your horns look really cool...!
Taichi: Hehe, you think so?
...Wait, no! That’s not what I came here for! Mucchan, can you think of any solutions for these?
Muku: Horns that won’t come off... Hmm...
Taichi: Maybe I’m cursed or something...
Muku: Ah...! If it really is a curse, then I think I figured out how to dispel it!
Though it’s just based on a manga I’ve read...
Taichi: You serious?! I don’t care if it’s from a manga, please tell me...!
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Muku: Okay, so... There’s a chapter in which the main protagonist got a bit carried away and thus they were inflicted with a cursed tail that couldn’t be removed no matter how hard they tried.
Taichi: No way, that’s like how I am right now...! So what happened next?!
Muku: The protagonist did some research and found that they needed to accumulate good deeds to break the curse.
And so, they did many acts of kindness for other people. In the end, the curse was lifted, and they finally got the tail removed!
Taichi: For other people... Kindness... I get it now!
Muku: Well, it’s still just a manga after all, so I don’t know if it would have any effect on your horns or not...
Taichi: It’s more than enough! Thanks, Mucchan!
I’ve got no other clues anyway, so I’ll try out the methods that you told me just now~!
―Lounge (Evening)―
Izumi: (I messed up at work today...)
(They told me not to worry about it, but I might not be able to assist other theatre companies like this...)
Taichi: Oh, you’re back! Welcome home, Director-sensei!
Izumi: I’m home... Your horns are still on your head, I see.
Taichi: They are~. I tried following Mucchan’s advice and did lots of good deeds...
For the whole day, I’ve been helping other members, picking up trash, and many other things. But they don’t seem to work at all~...
Izumi: Is that so...
Taichi: ? ...Director-sensei, did something happen to you today?
Izumi: Eh...?
Taichi: I mean, it’s fine if nothing happened!
I just thought that you look less cheerful than you usually do...!
Izumi: Oh... It’s written all over my face, isn’t it. That’s a bit embarrassing.
Taichi: So I was right then. You don’t need to tell me about it if you don’t wanna.
Izumi: ...Thank you. I actually made a mistake while I was helping out with other theatre company and that made me feel a bit upset.
I mean, I did think of reflecting on it and improving myself since it’s true that I slipped up, so...
Taichi: Hm~... You’re bound to feel down if you made a mistake, be it big or small...
But! I think you’re amazing!
Izumi: Eh?
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Taichi: Cuz like, you’re not just feeling upset about it, you actually tried to reflect on it and improve yourself.
That part of you makes me think you’re super cool! I respect you a lot for that!
Izumi: Thank you, Taichi-kun. I’m kinda embarrassed hearing you have that much respect for me, which I think is a bit exaggerated, but... I do feel happy.
Taichi: No, no, I’m not exaggerating-.
Izumi: ...Hm!? Oh my gosh, Taichi-kun! You don’t have the horns anymore!
Taichi: Wait, really!?
You’re right, it’s not there...! Does that mean they’ve disappeared...?
Izumi: I-I guess...? It vanished when I looked away for a second...
Taichi: Why suddenly though...?
Izumi: Hmm...
Maybe it’s because you accumulated good deeds for helping others all day today...
And what triggered it to disappear was when you encouraged me. ...I genuinely felt happy with your words earlier.
Taichi: Hehe, I’m glad I was of help to you!
🌸 Choice 1: I feel better!
Izumi: Not only that, but I’m feeling better more than I usually am! Taichi: Really? That makes me happy too! I’ll do all I can to cheer you up, so if you ever feel down again, just call me! I’ll rush over to you, anytime and anywhere~! Izumi: I think I’ll do that. I’ll be counting on you when that time comes!
🌸 Choice 2: Was I of help?
Izumi: If the horns disappear because you cheered me up, would that mean I was a bit helpful to you? Taichi: It’s “not a bit” for me! I’m sure it’s all thanks to you that they’re gone now! Izumi: Then maybe it was a good thing that I got upset from a mistake I did at work today. No wait, making a mistake is really not a good thing...! Taichi: Director-sensei...! Such a great positive thinking! Honestly, I’ve got nothing other than respect for your thoughts and actions! Izumi: Haha, you’re praising me too much. But still, thank you.
Taichi: Anyway, I’m glad I’m free from the horns now~!
I seriously thought I’d never get to take them off ever again... I’m gonna have the other Autumn Troupe members to take a look at me later.
Izumi: Haha, I agree. It seems like they’re gone now, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Taichi: Yeah! Well, besides that, I’ve asked them for help with the horns, so I wanna give them a status update.
Muku also helped me once again, so I gotta buy lots of chocolate as thanks for him!
Story Clear!
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From Afar
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Prompt: text messaging
Rating: K/General
Setting: Starts off in Full Bringer arc, carries on into the ten-year time skip.
Synopsis: In which Toshiro and Momo start texting.
AN: we’re almost at the end of @yearoftheotpevent's challenge! This time, I went for something so different from anything I’ve written before (in terms of format anyway). I took a section from my earlier post, but everything else is completely new. Note that the names for Hitsugaya switch in each section to indicate who’s point of view the messages are being viewed from.
I hope you enjoy it!
Hinamori: Hey Shiro-chan! ヾ(•ω•`)o Text me back so I know that this worked. Hitsugaya: It’s Captain Hitsugaya. Also, you missed a ’,’. Hinamori: Good, it worked!
Hinamori: Also, you don’t have to grammatically correct in text, Shiro-chan.
Hinamori: How was your day? Hitsugaya: It’s CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA, Hinamori. My day was fine. What about you? Hitsugaya: Also, I didn’t mean those capitals because I was angry, just emphasizing the point. Hinamori: I know (❁´◡`❁) My day was great! I found the fourth volume of the Crimson Chrysanthemum saga while I was on my break!! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Hitsugaya: Also, Captain Hirako and I got all of our paperwork done before the end of the week ( •̀ ω •́ )✧ He’s got this new CD from the World of the Living and I think it helped me focus. Hitsugaya: That’s good. I’m glad you found that book, I knew it was important to you. Hinamori: What did you do today? Hitsugaya: Mostly reviewing reports. In my break, I started work on a new sculpture. Hinamori: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) Hitsugaya: I wasn’t done. Hinamori: Sorry!! m(_ _)m It’s just you didn’t text for a while after your last message. Hitsugaya: There’s a time limit? Hinamori: Not really, but there’s an assumption that if you don’t message after a certain time period it means you’re waiting for the person to respond or you’ve left the phone. Hitsugaya: What’s the time period? Hinamori:…It depends?? Hitsugaya: Why are there so many vague rules around this?! Hinamori: You’ll get it in no time (✿◠‿◠) I’m so glad you decided to start texting, we can talk to each other more regularly now!
Hitsugaya: We’ll see, I may end up not liking this.
Hinamori: One step at a time! Anyway, tell me more about your day!
Shiro-chan: Is now an okay time to text you?
Hinamori: Hi Hitsugaya-kun! ヾ(•ω•`)o
Hinamori: Yes, it is.
Shiro-chan: Is Matsumoto with you?
Hinamori: No, but she came by earlier with the paperwork.
Shiro-chan: At least she did that.
Shiro-chan: Any idea where she’s gone to?
Hinamori: Do you have her contact details? You could just text her directly.
Shiro-chan: I’m not going to do that.
Hinamori: Why not? (´・ω・`)?
Shiro-chan: Because I’ll never hear the end of it from her.
Hinamori: What do you mean?
Hinamori: Are you still there?
Shiro-chan: Yes.
Hinamori: Sorry m(_ _)m It’s just that you didn’t text anything back for a while. It’s okay, you don’t have to elaborate. I could text her if you want? ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Shiro-chan: Don’t bother.
Hinamori: Maybe she’s with Nanao-san. I heard they were going to go over some Women’s Association planning.
Shiro-chan: I will never understand why you’re all so secretive about your activities.
Hinamori: We’re not secretive!
Shiro-chan: Shouldn’t you be doing work?
Hinamori: I could be saying the same for you too!  ̄へ ̄
Hitsugaya:  Is now an okay time to text you?
Hinamori: Sorry for the late reply!! m(_ _)m Yes, it is.
Hitsugaya: Did I leave my bento box in your office?
Hinamori: I was wondering who it belonged to! Yes, it’s here.
Hitsugaya: I’ll come around to collect it in an hour.
Hinamori: Take your time! Was it from your lunch with Captain Hirako?
Hitsugaya: Yes.
Hinamori: Sounds like it was productive according to the Captain O(∩_∩)O
Hitsugaya: If you call playing music and deliberately signing your name backwards productive.
Hinamori: ^_^|||
Hinamori: He’s a good captain.
Hitsugaya: I’ll be over soon.
Hinamori: Look what I found!! q(≧▽≦q)
Hitsugaya: You can send pictures on these?
Hinamori: Of course! Didn’t Rangiku-san tell you?
Hitsugaya: She still doesn’t know I’m texting.
Hinamori: Really, what’s the harm in telling her?
Hitsugaya: Don’t go there.
Hinamori: …All right.
Hinamori: Anyway, what do you think? Aren’t they cute?!
Hitsugaya: Are they meant to look like cats?
Hinamori: Yes!! I really like the orange one, it’s so sweet looking (≧∇≦)
Hitsugaya: It’s not all about the look, Hinamori. Can they actually spin?
Hinamori: Want me to by them and you can find out? (o゚v゚) o
Hitsugaya: No, I outgrew spinning tops years ago. I’m not a child anymore!
Hinamori: It’s okay to still have hobbies from when you’re a child, Hitsugaya-kun.
Hinamori: But if you’re sure, then I’ll leave them (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Hitsugaya: There’s nothing stopping YOU from buying for yourself or someone else.
Hinamori: You’re the only person I still know who used to play with them, and I don’t know how they work.
Hitsugaya:…I’ll show you.
Hinamori: (⊙ˍ⊙)
Hinamori: Really?!
Hitsugaya: Don’t tell anyone.
Hinamori: I won’t! Even though there’s no shame in it!
Hinamori: I’m buying them! *: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Hinamori: Thank you, Shiro-chan!!
Hitsugaya: Why are you thanking me? We don’t even know if they spin.
Hinamori: We will next time we have a lunch break together!
Shiro-chan: Is now an okay time to text you?
Hinamori: Yes, it is. Also, you don’t have to ask me that every time, you can just text me whenever and I’ll answer when I can *^____^*
Shiro-chan: Noted.
Shiro-chan: I can’t see you today, we’ve got business to take care of in North 58th District.
Hinamori: That’s okay!
Hinamori: Good luck with your work! (❁´◡`❁)
Shiro-chan: Thank you.
Hinamori: I have some reports you need to authorize. Is it okay if I come by now?
Hinamori: Shiro-chan?
Hinamori: I can come by with them tomorrow, they’re not urgent (*^_^*)
Hinamori: Is something wrong?
Hinamori: Oh, how did that happen?!
Hinamori: I’m sorry, Shiro-chan!! (>人<;) I shouldn’t have messaged you!
Shiro-chan: Also, sorry for all the capitals.
Hinamori: Rangiku-san just messaged me about it. She seems really ecstatic about this!
Shiro-chan: I’m going back in and stopping her right now.
Hinamori: It’s not her fault, please don’t be mean to her!
Hitsugaya: I just reread your message from two days ago. Did you still need me to authorize those reports?
Hinamori: Hitsugaya-kun! Yes, actually. I can come over now if you have time (・ω・)b
Hitsugaya: Not yet, Matsumoto is on her way out. I don’t want her here to bug us about texting.
Hinamori: Ah, she already spoke to me about it at our Women’s Assoication meeting yesterday.
Hitsugaya: Not in front of everyone else I hope!
Hinamori: No! Just the two of us. Honestly, would it be so shameful for everyone to know you’re texting? Most Shinigami I know do.
Hitsugaya: It’s unbecoming of a Captain to engage in frivolous things so often.
Hinamori: Well, we don’t text that often, and you text far less than Captain Hirako.
Hitsugaya: Of course he does, I’d expect that from him.
Hinamori: What does that mean?! (゚ д゚ )
Hitsugaya: Matsumoto just left. You can come over now.
Hinamori: I’m on my way ε=┏(・ω・)┛
Hinamori: But don’t think I’ll forget what you just wrote!
Hinamori: On second thought, I just ran into Rangiku-san. It seems she was aware of these reports already and was coming to get them?
Hitsugaya: Did she read my texts?!
Hinamori: No, she didn't. Captain Hirako mentioned them yesterday at the Lieutenant and Captain's meeting.
Hitsugaya: Why didn't she tell me about them?
Hinamori: Apparently you were really busy with reports and trainign schedules, so she thought to not add this on to your work until you had more time.
Hitsugaya: Wait, are you texting in front of her right now?!
Hinamori: ^^;
Hinamori: I mean, she knows now...
Hinamori:...She wanted me to send this.
Hitsugaya: Why did you take a picture with her? Tell her to get back here right now!
Hinamori: She's on her way.
Hinamori: Good luck with your mission tomorrow!
Shiro-chan: You heard?
Hinamori: Abarai-kun told me. I hope everything goes well with Kurosaki-san.
Shiro-chan: I’m certain it will. Kuchiki will be giving him his powers back. We're just there to observe and defend in case of threats.
Hinamori: Ah, that makes sense!
Hinamori: I have to get back to work. Have a good day! (✿◠‿◠)
Hitsugaya: I need an opinion.
Hinamori: Hi Hitsugaya-kun! ヾ(^∇^) Sorry for the late reply, I was finishing up some orientation with the new recruits. Did you still need a second opinion?
Hitsugaya: Yes.
Hitsugaya: What do you think of this artwork?
Hinamori: o(*°▽°*)o
Hinamori: You sent a picture!
Hitsugaya: It's not a big deal.
Hinamori: I guess not, it's just you haven't done that up until now ^^;
Hitsugaya: Matsumoto and Minagawa (our third seat) have said we need more artwork in the division. Obviously not in the training rooms, but perhaps the library or main office. What're your thoughts on this one?
Hinamori: It's beautiful! ♡(ŐωŐ人) Is it watercolour?
Hitsugaya: I think so. It's of a valley in the southern Second District, we have juristiction over it so I thought it was appropriate. Do you think it would fit in the main barrack's hall?
Hinamori: Yes!! It could be near the entrance!
Hitsugaya: Minagawa said the same thing.
Hitsugaya: All right, I'll go buy it tomorrow.
Hinamori: How exicting!! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Hinamori: I need to get back to the office, Captain Hirako and I need to finish off some reports.
Hitsugaya: He better be helping you with those.
Hinamori: He is, and if he isn't, I can do them! ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ
Hitsugaya: There's no excuse!
Hinamori: I can call him back at anytime if he's not there.
Hitsugaya: You're showing your Tiger of Paperwork side, Hinamori.
Hinamori: I bet you're laughing right now ( •̀ - •́ )
Hitsugaya: I won't say.
Shiro-chan: Happy birthday, Hinamori.
Hinamori: Thank you, Hitsugaya-kun!! (●’◡’●)
Shiro-chan: I can’t come see you today, but I’ll try in the next few days.
Hinamori: You don’t have to, I understand that you’re busy right now ^_^
Hinamori: We should really visit the Junrinan some time.
Hitsugaya: This seems out of the blue.
Hinamori: Ah, sorry! m(_ _)m
Hitsugaya: What made you think of that?
Hinamori: I just realised it’s been a while.
Hitsugaya: You’re right, it has been.
Hinamori: Maybe we could go some time next week?
Hitsugaya: At this stage, June 14 works best for me. It seems to be when I’ll have a proper break.
Hinamori: I can make that work! See, texting is good for organising things like this!
Hinamori: I’m excited now!ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
Hitsugaya: We’ll see, but I’ll aim to keep it free.
Hinamori: Are you on your way?
Hitsugaya: On my way to what?
Hinamori: Sorry!! I was meant to text Rangiku-san. It’s for the emergency Lieutenant’s meeting.
Hitsugaya: She’s on her way.
Hinamori: Thank you.
Hitsugaya: I'm about to go into the Captain's meeting, I'm turning this off.
Hinamori: Okay, same. Stay safe.
Hinamori: Hitsugaya-kun, are you all right?
Hinamori: I heard from the Captain what happened.
Hinamori: Text me when you can.
Hinamori: I’m sorry, it’s been a two days and I haven’t heard from you.
Hinamori: I want to come and see you, but everything is in chaos here. It seems to be that way for everyone.
Hinamori: If that’s why you haven’t texted back, that’s okay. I was just worried after what Captain Hirako told me. What the Quincy did to you and the other Captains is unforgivable. Please let me know if there’s any the Captain and I can do to help.
Hinamori: I hope you’re okay
Shiro-chan: I’m sorry, I only just saw your messages.
Shiro-chan: I’m fine.
Hinamori: Thank goodness! I was trying to find time to come over and see you.
Shiro-chan: You don’t have to, it sounds like you have a lot happening.
Hinamori: It feels disrespectful to text you about what happened.
Shiro-chan: We don’t have to discuss it now.
Hinamori: If you’re sure.
Shiro-chan: I really am fine. I’m focused on training my zanjutsu right now.
Hinamori: I’m glad to read that. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.
Shiro-chan: There’s no need, but thank you. I need to get back to training soon.
Hinamori: Do your best!
Hinamori: Hey, Shiro-chan, are you awake right now?
Shiro-chan: It’s Captain Hitsugaya.
Shiro-chan: Why are you still up?
Hinamori: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have sent anything. Please ignore my message.
Shiro-chan: It’s fine. Why did you text me?
Shiro-chan: You’re breaking the ‘texting rules’, Hinamori. Are you still there?
Hinamori: Haha, sorry. I guess it’s no use.
Shiro-chan: Why are you up?
Hinamori: It’s hard to sleep right now.
Hinamori: It’s strange, I just remembered were planning to visit the Junrinan on June 14. That was three days ago…I almost feels like I jinx us by suggesting it.
Shiro-chan: Don’t be silly, that had nothing to do with the invasion.
Hinamori: I know you’re right. I guess I’m trying to make sense of all of this. So much has happened.
Hinamori:I just can’t help but be vigilant.
Shiro-chan: It’s understandable, but you need your sleep.
Hinamori:The Quincy could show up at any moment. Don’t you think about it too?
Shiro-chan: Yes.
Hinamori: Is that why you’re up too?
Shiro-chan: It’s mainly paperwork.
Hinamori: Why are doing paperwork at this hour?
Shiro-chan: It needs to be done. We’re falling behind.
Hinamori: …Do you need some help with it?
Shiro-chan: You should sleep.
Hinamori: You should too, but it looks like neither of us are going to.
Shiro-chan: You don’t have to help.
Hinamori: I want to.
Hinamori: I can be over there in 20 minutes.
Shiro-chan: Only if you’re sure.
Hinamori: Thanks for walking me back!
Hitsugaya: Why are you texting? You should be asleep now!
Hinamori: I’m about to go, just wanted to thank you.
Hinamori: And also thank you for the tea and for hearing me out too, I think both helped to calm me down a little.
Hitsugaya: It’s not a problem. Thank you for helping with the reports, I can help with some of yours.
Hinamori: There’s no need. Good night! (*^▽^*)
Hitsugaya: Goodnight, Hinamori.
Shiro-chan: I had to get a new denreishinki, my last one was broken at some point during one of the battles in the war.
Hinamori: Shiro-chan! That’s a shame, now you don’t have our text history! ╥﹏╥
Shiro-chan: It’s not a big deal.
Hinamori: I guess not, but I like to look back and have memories of those times.
Shiro-chan: We didn’t really text that much, so the history wouldn’t be that extensive.
Shiro-chan: I think I can understand, even so. I no longer have that picture you took.
Hinamori: You mean the one of Rangiku-san and I?
Hinamori: Here!
Shiro-chan: Thanks.
Hinamori: I didn't realise you liked it (´• ω •`)
Shiro-chan: It's not a bad picture. I was used to having it there on my denreishinki, I guess.
Hinamori: That's so sweet, Shiro-chan! (≧▽≦)
Shiro-chan: Captain Hitsugaya!
Hinamori: We should take a picture together too (●'◡'●) If you want to, that is.
Shiro-chan: I'll think about it. As is, we won't have time right now.
Hinamori: How have you been?
Shiro-chan: Busy with planning the reconstruction of the districts under our jurisdiction.
Hinamori: Same here, its so much work.
Hinamori: I guess we won’t be seeing each other for a while.
Shiro-chan: Yes.
Hinamori: Good thing we started texting before all of this!
Shiro-chan: It is proving to have it’s uses.
Hinamori: See! I told you you’d come around! ^_^
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thefinalcinderella · 2 years
Tsurune Book 3 Chapter 1 -  Eccentrics (Part 2)
Kuon Takumi making a strong argument for bringing back the guillotine~~
The translation notes in this chapter...bro...if anything doesn’t make sense, please let me know
Glossary here
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. Sessha (拙者) is an archaic pronoun used by samurai
2. The Sanjuusangen-dou is a Buddhist Temple in Kyoto
3. A kamidana is a miniature household altar
4. These are puns (thanks Seiya). In Japanese, it’s “待つだけうめえ” which also sounds like “松竹梅”, which are pine, bamboo, and plum. The other one is 六つのひょうたんで無病息災”. The 無病 (mubyou) also sounds like “six gourds.”
5. Rokumeikan was a symbol of Westernization during the Meiji period, commissioned for the housing of foreign guests
6. Haikara refers to dressing in the Western style especially during the Meiji era. Haikara-san refers to the protagonist of the shojo manga series, Haikara-san ga Tooru, who wears a blue hakama, arrow-patterned kimono, and a large ribbon in her hair.
7. The text in my book reads ポールダンス which means pole dancing but I’m pretty sure it’s actually referring to ballroom dancing
8. Kuon’s name contains the character for beauty, 美
Previous | Next
First target/Oomae: Onogi Kaito (second year) - seven hits
Second target /Nakamae: Yamanouchi Ryouhei (second year) - six hits
Third target/Naka: Takehaya Seiya (second year) - eight hits
Fourth target/Ochimae: Kanbayashi Hikaru (first year) - six hits
Fifth target/Ochi: Narumiya Minato (second year) - seven hits
Reserve: Kisaragi Nanao (second year) - five hits
                Himuro Arata (first year) - five hits
Everyone’s gazes were focused on the ochimae. A reality that no one had ever expected was there.
Kanbayashi pressed Tommy-sensei for an answer.
“I really can’t be one of the starters! I’m okay today, but I fall apart when it comes to an actual match. Kisarag-senpai, please replace me!”
“No, no, no. This is a good chance for you to get used to real matches. I plan on snatching a regular spot, so don’t let your guard down, Kanbayashi.”
Nanao and Kaito went to the azuchi to clean up. The two of them efficiently put things away. After their underclassmen left, Nanao muttered, “...Maybe I should have touched Minato’s forehead too.”
Kaito flicked Nanao’s forehead.
“Ow! What did you do that for, Kacchan?”
“Shut up, don’t make such an ugly face.”
“What are you talking about, I’m not the ugly one here.”
Nanao flicked Kaito’s forehead back, and the two of them ended up falling on their behinds.
Seiya, watching from the shajo, sighed.
“What are they doing over there?”
Ryouhei was hanging over his mop.
“Those cousins really do get along.”
Nanao would never say this to Seiya and Ryouhei, but he was stunned when he was dropped from the regular lineup. Even though the five of them couldn’t even do taihai in sync together a year ago, through daily practice, training camps, and competitions, they were able to become true comrades. They learned that the bow wasn’t something you drew on your own. But if he mentioned that he was shaken, he wouldn’t be supporting the newcomer Kanbayashi on joining the regular lineup. As a senior, he had to avoid that.
Masa-san was next to Minato, who was watching Nanao and Kaito. 
“Don’t worry, Minato. Nanao will be fine.”
“I know.”
Minato took off the bowstring from his bow and put it in his bow case.
The awkward singing of the cuckoo from this morning had become somewhat better.
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Deep in the mountains, sprouts could be felt on the ridgelines, and wild hares were twitching their noses. Schools of small fish swam by, perhaps lured by the murmuring of the streams of melted snow.
Shuu was alone in the open-air bath. He fully stretched his arms and legs in the water. His eyes feasted on the greenery, his ears were intoxicated by the melody of the water, and his nose was stimulated by the scent of the trees. How wonderful nature was.
In the bath next to him, the twin brothers were shivering.
“It’s so cold, Sen-nii,” Manji said.
“Endure it, endure it,” Senichi answered.
“Shuu went in there with a completely calm look on his face earlier, you know? Look at him.”
Spring arrived later in the mountains than in the lower regions. In some places, the snow hadn’t yet melted.
“Sen, Man. You have to enter a cold bath while exhaling. Alternating hot and cold baths is a part of yoga, and it’s effective in keeping your head cool and your feet warm, as well as creating a relaxed upper body and a stable lower body.”
“Training, that’s what training is!”
When they heard Shuu say it was time to switch baths, Senichi and Manji jumped out of their bath with cries of “Hyaah!” They rushed into the steamy open-air bath. Shuu didn’t move at all, leisurely soaking his body in the cold water.
Hearing that Shuu was going to his villa, the twins forced themselves along. They were excited to see how luxurious it would be in the mountains owned by the Fujiwara family, but it was a hermitage-like house with only one attendant—the elderly butler, Toujou.
Senichi and Manji also finished up with cold water and rehydrated after getting out of the bath.
In actuality, Kabashima and Yushima, third-years at Kirisaki High School, and the graduates Motomura and Sase were also with them. The four of them had already left the baths and were relaxing in the living room.
“Please chew and enjoy your food thoroughly.”
Dinner was Toujou’s home cooking. Because food native to the south cooled the body and lowered immunity, local outdoor-grown vegetables were plentifully used. It was a very gentle flavor. They joined hands to thank Toujou, the farmers, the sun, the rain, and the earth.
“It’s so good. Motomura, make this next time,” Sase said.
“Understood. However, you should prepare the ingredients.”
Motomura went to a local national university, and Sase went to a private university in Tokyo, but they still saw each other often.
Feeling cleansed both physically and mentally, the twins picked up their phones. Kabashima frowned when he saw that.
“You guys are still on your phones even here? Go on a phone fast.”
“Huh? But isn’t there a TV there? We were thinking of watching Yotube.”
In perfect synchronization, Senichi and Manji pointed to the spot where there was a large monitor set up. This was where Shuu studied the shooting forms of different people.
“You can watch Yotube there too. Everyone, go and rest. I’m going to make a bonfire in the yard.”
“A bonfire!? How far does your garden go? And by yourself? That can wait until next time. Let’s do something we can only do now.”
At Yushima’s urging, Shuu took a seat.
On the screen were two boys dressed in orange kyudo wear.
They were Asahina and Eddie from the kyudo Yotube channel, “Yumihiki Douji.” It was launched a year ago, and the name came from an Edo-period mechanical doll. It was created by the scientific engineer, Tanaka Hisashige, and it was a doll that repeated the advanced movements of taking an arrow from a quiver, nocking it on a bow, and shooting it.
If Asahina had to be described in one word, it would be Tokyoite. Although he didn’t come from a family that had been in Tokyo for three generations, he was friendly and good-natured, and his hair was red, almost pink in color.
Eddie was an American with his blond hair tied in a ponytail and a Japanese mother. He was studying abroad in Japan because he became addicted to period dramas. He spoke fluent Japanese and he used “sessha” as his personal pronoun. (1) He often did strange poses.
Asahina made a gesture of drawing a bow.
“Hey, guys~ Today’s ‘Where’s the Common Sense!’ is ‘Secret Girlfriend.’ We’re going to introduce our girlfriend, or rather, our senpai, or rather, the mastermind behind this whole thing, let’s go!”
“I ain’t a mastermind, I’m your coach.”
“Tsucchi-dono is a rather good-looking girl, but she has a ferocious personality, that she does,” Eddie said.
“Shut it, and stop speaking so weirdly.”
Asahina and Eddie’s showy and light-hearted banter was their selling point. They talked about jokes and materials that had to do with kyudo and actually demonstrated shooting. The editing was well-done, and the way they put in pauses and onscreen text was superb.
What surprised the twins in today’s video was that these two Yotubers were high school second-years, just like them. They thought they were university students because they uploaded every Tuesday and Friday evening. Apprently, they started this channel as part of an information studies class. While many high schools nowadays prohibited the posting of images and videos on social media that could allow people to identify the name of the school, it was rare that this was done under the guidance of the school.
Tsucchi, a.k.a. Coach Tsuchiya, mentioned that she won a student tournament in her third year of university.
Footage from the first shakai was shown. Everyone was dressed in kimonos, and Asahina, Eddie, and Tsucchi shot at the targets one after another as they stood in front of them. Combined with their bright furisode kimonos, it was as though flowers were scattering everywhere.
Shuu marveled at them.
“The coach’s habit of drawing while looking at the arrow shaft bothers me, but her vertical line is good.”
“Is it okay to wear any kind of kimono for kyudo?” Senichi and Manji asked.
“Kimono has rules. The first formal dress for men is the kuro-habutae with five family crests, for married women the kuromesode, and for unmarried women the furisode. For formal occasions in Kyudo, plain kimono in any color other than black and with a single crest should be worn in order to avoid patterns. Some say that during the Edo period, commoners were so poor that black kimono were used for both weddings and funerals, while others say that with the introduction of Western culture during the Meiji period, black formal wear was adopted. Either way, the period in Japan’s history when black was considered the highest and most formal color was short, and there were some archers who even argued against it.”
Motomura took over the conversation.
“I’ve heard that judoka are given red and white belts when they hold the rank of 6-dan to 8-dan, and in Ogasawara-ryuu, purple is said to be the color for those of high dan.”
“Because of the development of kimono culture in Japan, accessories like those in other countries didn’t develop. Japanese companies rank among the top long-lived companies in the world, but there are few long-established leather goods stores. Why did the ancient Japanese try to avoid the shedding of blood? It’s because they were afraid of retaliation from the dead—curses. For that reason, they tried to settle matters by discussion as much as possible.”
“Even if we triumph by touting justice, misfortunes can still happen to anyone. If the wind changes direction, good and evil can be reversed. When that happens, there’s no escape in an island country that is surrounded by the sea on all sides. When you think about, it’s easy to understand why the Japanese value harmony.”
Sase fanned himself with a pink fan.
“There’s other things to value, isn’t there? Let’s watch Noririn’s morning routine.”
In a sense, they all held respect for Sase, who always had the idol Noririn’s goods in hand. However, if things continued as they were, this would become Sase’s one-man show.
Motomura bluntly changed the subject.
“The long-range archery at Kyoto’s Sanjuusangen-dou (2) is in the recommended videos. Sase, you mentioned before that you wanted to try participating in it.”
“Noririn… Poor me. Well, it’s fine. There’s so many people that want to participate that now only new adults that are higher than 1-dan and those with titles such as hanshi and kyoushi can enter.”
“Fujiwara-kun, you’re 2-dan, aren’t you? Are you planning to take the 3rd dan this year?” Motomura asked.
“Yes. Minato and I are taking it as disciples of the Saionji school.”
“‘School’ sounds kinda cool,” Senichi and Manji said as the ending music for “Yumihiki Douji” played behind them. The characters overlapped. At the phrase, “On the next ‘Where’s the Common Sense,’ it’s ‘Shooting targets in the dark.’ Shuu's eyes half-closed. 
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A figure emerged from the morning mist.
Nanao opened the door to the kyudojo.
After putting down his bag and uniform jacket, he replaced the water of the sakaki on the kamidana. (3) He entered the shajo and put on a muneate over his shirt and put on his yugake.
All he heard was the chirping of a little bird. It was perched on a stewartia tree branch. Perhaps it had only just left the nest, as its feathers were puffed out, and its young features and round cheeks were adorable. It was fed beak-to-beak by another bird.
“It’s not like me to come here earlier than everyone else and do morning practice. Why did they have to decide the regular lineup with a surprise test?”
It sounded even more futile when he said it aloud. He was fully aware that it was just an excuse. If he wasn’t able to do something on a regular basis, he wouldn’t be able to do it in a competition. For little birds, everyday was a competition from the time they were eggs. They couldn’t say, “I’m just practicing today, so please don’t attack me.”
What was I doing, saying, “Let’s stand on that stage again this year with the five of us.” So lame.
He watched a lot of kyudo videos. All of them were enjoyable and knowledgeable. There were some points that applied to him, so he decided to give them a try. After that, his number of hits decreased.
The other day, Masa-san told him that there was too much force in his right hand. When he drew his bow, the arrow head pointed upward and it became parallel at kai. Since the left and right weren’t equally apart, his hit rate was also reduced.
In front of the makiwara, he drew his bow while looking at his reflection in the mirror.
Yunde senkou—pushing first and pulling later. Reciting that in his mind didn’t work. He pulled out the arrow stuck in the makiwara, bowed, opened his legs, drew his bow, and released his arrow. He endlessly repeated this.
He was completely oblivious to the presence of Kaito, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, outside the kyudojo. The other members of the club weren’t sure when to enter the hall.
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After school that day.
When Nanao stepped into the kyudojo, he found Kanbayashi and Ryouhei sitting side by side. They were looking at each other’s hands.
“Yamanouchi-senpai, your under-glove has a really fun design. Is that a rabbit running on top of waves?”
“It’s nice, isn’t it? My grandma gave it to me. It’s called a ‘nami-usagi,’ and since rabbits live on the moon and bounce around, they’re said to be an animal of longevity and making great strides forward. This one is a fukura suzume, a puffed-up sparrow. I heard that sparrows peck at misfortune. I have some under-gloves that are a little too small for me, so I’ll give them out to everyone.”
Kanbayashi received an under-glove with a turtle design, and Keyaki received one with a sparrow design. The two first-years had only used plain white gloves before, so they felt as if they had level-upped somehow.
The other members of the club also gathered around in interest. Kyudo wear consisted of a white upper wear and black or navy-blue hakama, so this kind of modest fashion was fun for archers.
Minato also peered at Ryouhei’s hands.
“The most famous Japanese design is pine, plum, and bamboo. The three of them can endure the cold, so they’re called the Three Friends of Winter. Pine is for longevity, bamboo is for the growth of children, and plum is for good fortune.”
Seiya took this opportunity to reel off his specialty.
“When you’re made to wait a long time at an eel restaurant, you’re told, ‘it takes a while for it to taste good.’ Six gourds for good health.” (4)
In front of his proud-looking friend, Kaito wasn’t amused at all.
“…Seiya’s dad jokes were a traditional Japanese art form.”
“What was that about me, Kaito?”
“Nothing at all.”
Next to Seiya, who had an eerie pattern behind him and whose glasses were shining, Nanao safely passed his hand through a frog-patterned under-glove.
It took some time for the first-years to hold a bow, but the hard struggle of handling an unfamiliar tool continued. First, it was hard to take the bowstring with a yugake-covered right hand. You had to raise the entire bow as well, which was even more difficult. It was impossible not to grip it, and it was barely possible to keep the arrow nocked on the string from falling off.
Makuuchi, where the arrow pierced the curtain hanging over the azuchi.
Hakiya, where the arrow swept across the ground and didn’t reach the target.
There was an array of the conditions typical of beginners, including sore muscles in both arms, blisters on the palms, and scraping on the base of the left thumb known as the yamakura. Nanao felt nostalgic. They’re just like me back then.
Suddenly, Keyaki bent down. His right arm was swelling red. His bowstring had struck his arm when he was shooting.
Masa-san brought over a wet towel.
“Let’s cool it down right away. Don’t worry, it won’t leave a scar.”
“…Okay, sir.”
“There are four possible causes. One, your left shoulder is too forward and your right shoulder is too drawn back. Two, your grip is bad. Three, you can’t do the rotation of your left and right hands. Four, you’re double-jointed. Keyaki, the spot between your elbow and wrist is hit, so I’m thinking that the reason is the first one.”
“You know the reason just from seeing where I was hit?”
“Pretty much. Make the line of your shoulders parallel with the arrow. When you draw the bow, don’t put all your force into your left shoulder, move to the daisan stage with your right elbow still tense, and pull your bow apart with the feeling of bringing the force to your hips.”
Since the fear of “what if I get hit by the string again” would induce slack in his body before the release, a supporter was placed on Keyaki’s left arm. Masa-san put his hands on his bow helped him part it. After taking a step back, he told him, “Release the string straightforwardly. Flick your thumb.” The arrow flew straight toward the target, and there was the sound of a matooto.
“…That was the first time I hit a target!”
“You’re happy, aren’t you?”
Kanbayashi and other first-year students ran over to Keyaki, who couldn’t hide his joy. Seeing them, Nanao got fired up again.
“Masa-san, please take a look at my shooting as well.”
“Okay. In the textbook, it says that ‘For uchiokoshi, the arrow is always almost horizontal, and parallel to the body.’ That ‘almost horizontal’ part is called mizunagare, meaning that the arrow should be at an angle where a drop of water on the shaft should slowly run to the tip of the arrow.”
Nanao let out an exhale.
“Lower your shoulders and raise your bow while inhaling. After you finish raising your bow, exhale, and then part your bow while inhaling.”
After he continued to open up his body like that, his arrow flew sharply. It hit the target at nine o’clock.
“Mm, that’s good.”
“Huh? Now I’m suddenly able to hit. My yugake feels kind of good. Maybe it’s thanks to the lucky under-glove Ryouhei gave me.”
“That might be the case. There are preferences to the thickness of an under-glove, and there are people who decide to use a specific one for matches. My master named his arrows and said something about Jirou curving right, which made me laugh.”
“I might have been overloading myself with too much information and made myself confused instead.”
“If you ever get confused, go back to the textbook. It’s a book compiled for fifth-dan and renshi after all. Very important things are written in a simplified manner to the point where they can’t be cut down any further. That makes it a difficult book for beginners, though.”
When he found his rhythm, he wanted to shoot more and let his body learn. After Nanao landed four hits, the Nanao Fan Club, which was watching him from outside the kyudojo, erupted into applause.
Nanao waved at them with a “Merha!”
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The cherry blossoms were in leaf, contrasting beautifully with the red brick school building. Students were coming and going, and the arched windows reflected the blue sky and white clouds.
Applause sounded from the detached kyudojo.
At Kirisaki High School’s kyudo club, the third-years Motomura, Sase and the others had retired, and the club was welcoming new students. What was different from previous years was the unexpectedly high number of people who wanted to join the club. It was no exaggeration to say that all of them were fans of Shuu, Senichi and Manji.
A young lord sitting in a tall chair, and the twin boys flanking him—
This was the poster advertising the kyudo club’s program, “The Sound of Civilization and Enlightenment—Rokumeikan Café,” (5) which was only displayed at last year’s cultural festival. There was also a version with a boy in Western-style clothing and a girl in hakama, Haikara-san style. (6) The images that Sase had jokingly created became viral in an instant, and the limited entrance exam slots for Kirisaki High School became even more limited. Among those who had overcome the difficult obstacles, there was one who was particularly ardent.
Kuon Takumi.
A visitor from fairyland.
His skin was so white and translucent that pale veins could be seen beneath it. He had long eyelashes, dewy eyes, a small and red mouth, and elegant curled hair. He looked like an antique doll made by a top craftsman.
A female club member spoke to him with flushed cheeks.
“Kuon-kun, I have a very precious photograph. Would you like to see it?”
It was a group photo of ten students from Kirisaki High School and Kazemai High School taken after last year’s Inter-High, and it showed Shuu leaning forward with Ryouhei’s arm around his shoulders.
Kuon’s face scrunched up at seeing the phone screen that was offered up to him.
“…How disgusting. Can you put that away?”
“Eh? O-Okay. Everyone’s having tea after practice. Would you like to join us?”
“Hmph, I’d prefer that an average person like you wouldn’t speak to me so familiarly.”
The girl stood there, dumbfounded. Her friend, who was accompanying her, was covering her mouth with her hand. She was an only daughter who was carefully raised like a princess. She was bewildered by those words she had never heard before, and her brain was unable to process them.
Since this exchange was witnessed, his popularity with his fellow first-years had been poor. Even his seniors were having a hard time dealing with him. However, there was no way a petit, arrogant, and beautiful boy would be left alone, and a group of fans had already been formed around him in school.
On that day, more than a hundred members of the club met in the kyudojo. They were divided into three groups to go through their respective training regimens. The third-years practiced in front of the targets, and the second-years practiced in front of the makiwara and took care of the first-years.
Shuu and the twins, Senichi and Manji, also coached the first-years as their seniors. In addition to practicing the Eight Stages of Shooting with rubber bows and drawing empty bows, they also conveyed the first-years the unique customs of Kirisaki Academy, an integrated middle and high school. For those enrolled in high school, it was an unknown world. They couldn’t stop feeling thrilled and excited, wondering if they would be able to fit in.
Senichi and Manji enrolled in high school. They were very well-received when they spoke with hand and body gestures based on their own experiences. For instance, about how after hearing stories about the Seven Mysteries of Kirisaki Academy, such as the tanuki family living in the corner of the tennis court for generations, or a cough coming from an empty classroom, Kabashima and Yushima summoned them to the science lab and scared them conversely. Once, as a welcome ceremony for newcomers, they had a quiz to find out what was inside the takoyaki. The winner was awarded a giant Noririn cushion, Sase’s top bias, and the first-year winner, who lived in the dorm got into a heated argument with his roommate over where to keep the cushion.
Although they kept a respectful distance from Shuu, who was the picture of a young lord, the first-years were attracted to the easygoing twins and formed a circle around them. There were even those who said that they felt blissful just from listening to the conversation between Shuu and the twins. They chatted so much that they ended up getting scolded by Kabashima, the new club president.
Kuon was outside the circle. He was among the minority of first-years who had kyudo experience and was practicing in front of the makiwara. He was small, but he had a dignified yugamae and a beautiful form. His arrows also headed directed at the makiwara. Was a whim of the god of the bow that his personality and shooting ability didn’t match? Like a peacock who wandered into a flock of sparrows, he walked around kicking the little birds about.
When he found Shuu, who had finished instructing the first-years and left the scene alone, Kuon put down his bow and arrows and rushed over to him. His long eyelashes were moist and his fingers were clasped together as though in prayer.
“Fujiwara-senpai, are you in good humor today? I am extremely delighted to be able to have the honor of your acquaintance.”
“I don’t need to be spoken to formally. Excessive embellishment just gets into the way.”
“You don’t have to be so modest, senpai. Someone will come to pick me up later. Why don’t you come to another kyudojo? I have invited an eminent teacher, so I would very much like you to watch my shooting.”
“If you have a teacher, you don’t need me. If you still want me to watch you, I’ll do it when everyone’s together.”
“Are you saying that you can’t give special treatment only to me? The members here are all lower class. A noble personage such as you shouldn’t bother to pay attention to them.”
“There are no upper- or lower-class archers. You are obsessed with something that is make-believe. The Sugawara brothers are excellent archers.”
“The Sugawara senpais are…well, I won’t argue with you on that. They have exceeded the passing grade for the time being. You are a noble personage. Please go forward on the right path.”
Shuu didn’t answer him.
There was the sound of the wind. His hair swayed, and he turned his back on Kuon and walked away.
Senichi and Manji were in the shade of a tree. The twins had noticed Kuon following after Shuu and went after him as well.
Senichi frowned.
“Are you alright, Shuu? Did he do something to you? Which era did he time travel from? Damn it, I’m not leaving your side from now on.”
Manji put his elbow on Senichi’s shoulder. He put his weight on it, as though to crush him.
“I thought Sen-nii’s Shuu-love was bad enough, but in Kuon’s case, it goes too far, or rather, it’s way too bad.”
“Don’t use that ‘Shuu-love’ expression. Don’t worry, Manji, I love you too.”
“Stop it, Nii-chan!”
“Cry, scream, and beg for forgiveness!”
In front of the two who had turned into a boke and tsukkomi routine, Shuu could only laugh quietly.
――Kuon, huh.
Shuu murmured in his mind.
Why would someone with such high self-esteem butter up to me? I can optimistically interpret this as an acknowledgement of my abilities, but there must be some other purpose. I can transparently see something other than admiration. Even if he himself intends to hide it, he can’t erase the hints drifting around him. I don’t like that kind of gaze, but there are many like it. In a way, I’m used to them.
What he couldn’t get used to was another gaze. A look that couldn’t be considered to be a part of this world, that took you to another world.
How many times had he almost fell to his knees?
How many times had he wanted to steal it away?
Recalling those clear green eyes, Shuu closed his eyes.
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Late April.
The internal selection was being held for Kirisaki High School’s second successive Inter-High championship.
In the team competition, there were seven members for both the boys’ and girls’ tournaments, including five starters. All competitors except beginners would shoot ten shots, and the top seven with the most hits would be selected to the team. The method was a group of five, two sitting shots and four standing shots twice.
The number of participants this time was sixty-eight, and they were divided into the two kyudojos. The first five were first-year boys. The oomae, Kuon, lined up at the entrance in the toriyumi posture.
The toriyumi posture was the stance where one stood straight with the bow and arrows in both hands, and both hands should have the thumbs touching the hard lumps of the hipbones. The bowstring was removed from the bow, and the uwahazu, or upper part of the bow, should be kept about ten centimeters above the floor. There were two ways to shoot: Reisha-kei, which used itsukebushi (holding the arrows by the shaft ten centimeters from the arrowhead), and musha-kei, where one held the arrows by the arrowhead. Kirisaki followed the former, while the twins followed the latter.
At the signal to start, the white tabi socks stepped forward.
Kuon hit his target right from the start, and the calls of “Yes!” echoed. The following second, third, and fourth shots all missed, but all five boys landed hits for their second round. Applause erupted for the kaichuu, and the coach didn’t look dissatisfied either.
Senichi and Manji leaned forward.
“Sen, don’t you think this year’s first-years are amazing?”
“There are also students from the middle school, after all.”
On the display board next to the target-watching area, “〇’s” and “x’s” were used to indicate hits and misses, which were then entered into a computer by the record keeper. A red flag was put up when the shooting in both the first and second kyudojos were over. The officials then entered the azuchi to confirm the results. The results were read aloud.
“For the first kyudojo, the oomae has a kaichuu, the second, third, and fourth has hit half, and the ochi has a kaichuu.” The results were read out in that way, and then all the archers went to retrieve their arrows together.
All the first-years had finished their two rounds, and a total of fifteen students—six girls, nine boys—achieved a kaichuu. Now it was the second-years’ turn. All eyes were on Shuu and the twins.
Shuu gently lowered his eyelids and faced the target with half-open eyes. He raised his bow. His straight back and supple arms looked like that of a leader in a ballroom dancing pair. (7) Of course, his partner was the bow.
He felt the bow’s presence, he heard the bow’s voice, and he was led to where the bow wanted to go. His elegant and refined movements created a new tradition in high society. It was a powerful piece of modern art. A work of art that emphasized the spirit of experimentation and attempted to break away from the traditional art forms of the past. The more they danced, the livelier they became, surpassing the entire venue.
The twins’ shots that followed were contemporary. The two were fugitives, rebels of the times. Their father was a vassal who was imprisoned for counseling a statesman, and his family was taken hostage. His children became the twin knights, clad in the colors of the sun.
You people who turned a blind eye, you masses who kept silent, gaze at us in wonder.
Send up the signal fire! The fighters who flied the flag of rebellion offered their own bodies. Bodies in motion. Arms that burst open. The arms that once again sprouted up and down and left and right would be the phoenix that resurrected even after death.
It was now shooting in standing form, and it was Kuon Takumi’s turn again. His shots were like classical ballet. When the drop curtain rose, the principal stood there in the spotlight, dancing to the solemn music of the orchestra. Only beautiful limbs that were possessed from birth could dance on this stage. Before technique and skill, only heaven-sent raw material was allowed. Arms and legs so thin they looked as if they might snap, a supreme work of art in which all unnecessary things had been chipped off. The white bird left for the sky.
Kabashima and Yushima, who were now third-years, were not to be outdone either.
From their powerful stances, they lifted their bows and went to snatch their matooto. A career meant months and years. It didn’t mean accumulating years just for show. After everyone finished shooting, the team members were announced.
 First target/oomae – Kabashima Umetarou (third-year) – Ten hits
Second target/nakamae – Sugawara Senichi (second-year) – Nine hits
Third target/naka – Sugawara Manji (second-year) – Nine hits
Fourth target/ochimae – Kuon Takumi (first-year) – Nine hits
Fifth target/ochi – Fujiwara Shuu (second-year) – Ten hits
Reserve – Yushima Kaoru (third-year) – Eight hits
Reserve – Ishizaka Kazuomi (third-year) – Eight hits
 Kuon smiled daringly.
“Sugawara-senpais, you have the same number of hits as me. Therefore, there’s no need for me to take you seriously. I will prove that I should be the one standing next to the Young Lord.”
Senichi and Manji exclaimed at the same time.
“Huh!? What are you talking about?”
“Somebody, please attach a target to the azuchi. Sugawara-senpais, I propose a long-range shooting match.”
Kabashima and the other club members were also interested in this competition. They wanted to know the true abilities of the ones who pined for the Young Lord, Shuu. With the coach’s permission, the three decided the shooting order. Each of them was given one arrow. The one who hit closest to the center would be superior.
Perhaps the unsettling presence summoned them. Thick clouds quickly covered the sky, and as soon as the three lined up in front of the target, it began raining heavily. The officials at the target station also withdrew to avoid the rain.
Senichi went before the target first, and Manji stood at his back. The rain made it difficult to see, and Senichi’s hakama was heavy with water. He took more time than usual to carefully draw his bow. The sound of the rain drowned out his tsurune, but the arrow hit one of the outer black rings at three o’clock.
Next was Manji. His eyelashes were wet from the splashing water. His grip on his bow was poor thanks to the humidity. He lifted his bow and brought the tip of the arrow close to the target. The target fell over his left arm, and when he overlapped the target with the yazuridou, the arrow was hastily released—unfortunately. He stepped back without changing his expression.
Kuon stepped forward to face the target. He raised his chin slightly, raised his bow, and narrowed his eyes. He blinked once, and the arrow raced to the target. His arrow pierced the center white, almost right in the middle.
The target official, holding an umbrella, brought back the three arrows at different heights.
The arrow that flew the highest was returned to Kuon’s hand. The second to Senichi, and the last one to Manji.
After exiting the shajo, Kuon put down his bow.
“It seems that the long-distance match wasn’t needed. The shooting of the younger brother was a fluke. Well, the Sugawara-senpais came from commoners with no history, so it was to be expected.”
“You should know better than to underestimate people, you know? Our father is a successful man who made his company big in his own lifetime.”
“So he’s an upstart?”
“He’s an entrepreneur!”
Senichi flapped his hands.
“Manji, stop it. You can’t reason with people who are completely out of touch and can’t upgrade their knowledge.”
Kuon argued him down.
“I’m out of touch? I can’t upgrade? Your idiocy knows no bounds.”
Furthermore, he strode over Manji’s bow and stepped in front of Shuu.
“My parents told me that I have grown up beautifully, just as the characters in my name implied (8), but in front of you, Fujiwara-senpai, I am nothing. You are the genuine article.”
“Are you a genuine archer?”
“Of course. I just proved it.”
“I do not straddle over man or bow. I don’t call those who treat tools roughly archers.”
After saying that, Shuu left.
Kuon cursed him in his mind.
What, he thinks I’m going to be humiliated by something as trivial as that? After I praised him so extravagantly?
Kuon had a plan to take over the title of “High School Archer Shuu” after his name became well-known throughout the country.
You must shine even brighter.
After you’re deliciously finished up, I’m going to devour you from your head.
Kuon traced his bottom lip with his tongue.
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kyokutsu-sama · 10 months
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My wife, My everything
"The storm inside him was over, now all that was left was the comfort of being in the arms of his beloved" Tw: Nsfw content, angst/confort Author's note: Soo, I'ts been raining where I live again and it gave me some quitet and a bit of angst vibes. Long live rainy days💙. I written some scenarios like this one and I will post them later (I'm already writing one for Jushiro too).
It was past midnight and you were still in the bedroom waiting for shunsui but he still hadn't arrived and you were starting to get worried about his delay. He didn't usually take that long to come home unless he had gone somewhere but he used to let you know before he left so you wouldn't be worried, but he hadn't that night. You tried to go to the places where he used to go but no one had seen him. Your heart was only relieved when you went to the first division office and found him with his arms crossed on top of the table and his head in the middle of them hiding his face. You looked at him for a moment and you could see that he wasn't well, the empty drink bottles beside the table also cleared your doubts about what had happened.
"Shunsui? Is everything alright with you?"You crouched down next to him passing your hand over his back trying to get some response out of him
"Did you come to see me Y/n-chan ? I'm sorry for making you worry" His voice sounded like a distant and deep whisper
"It's okay, you were taking so long and since you hadn't said anything I came looking for you. What happened here?"
"Don't worry flower, I was just finishing some things but I already was on my way"He lift his head and looked at you with a sleepy face and a melancholy look
"...finishing some things, he say..." you thought after seeing the empty bottles next to him
"Have you been crying?"You put your hands up to his cheeks as you noticed his slightly dry and red eyes
"No, I'm fine. I probably ended up being careless with the drink again. Nanao will kill me if she finds out that I'm drinking at work" He laughed trying to hide it but you weren't convinced
"Come with me, I'll take you home. You don't look well at all "You tried to help him get up from the chair
He had some difficulty standing up straight so he leaned on you so he could walk straight. You opened the door and walked out with him leaning on you until you got home.
Already after you got home, you took him to the bedroom and sat him on the edge of the bed, you sat down next to him looking at his face that looked so haggard and melancholic. His eyes were blank and his face expressionless, you had never seen him like this before.
"Do you want to tell me what happened to you?"
"I don't want you to be sad Y/n-chan"He looked at you and gave you a slight smile
"I won't, I promise. Please tell me what you're feeling?"
"I'm not feeling good, not good at all. I just wish I had some company to drink with again, like old times"You realized at that moment that he was referring to the loss of his loved ones. "You know, I don't like to cry especially when you're around, a woman as beautiful as you shouldn't carry the pains of a man like me"
"Don’t say that, I promised to stay by your side and help you with these heavy burdens. You don't deserve this, you've been very strong all this time and you need someone by your side to support you and I'm that person, I'm your wife, don't forget about me"You said holding his hands
"I know my flower, but I just don't want you to suffer too, this pain is not something easy to bear"
"I know, but you don't have to keep everything to yourself. It destroys you and leaves you like this, and I don't like seeing you with a sad face. Come here"You pulled him into a hug putting his head next to your chest while you ran your fingers through his brown and wavy strands
You felt his body get lighter after a while, he seemed calmer now and the sparkle in his eyes was slowly returning. You couldn't help but give a little smile after seeing that he were feeling better, even though he was still feeling that pain in his chest. You just wanted to see him smile again
"Are you feeling better now ?"
"Yes, much better. Your chest really works miracles”He said in his usual perverted way
"You really don't change, even though you're suffering you don't miss an opportunity to make one of your jokes" You pushed him away from your chest
"But I'm praising you"
"Praising me? Oh shut up"You slap him on the shoulder and he laughed
You calmed the chaos in his heart and it was you he needed at that moment. Even though he lost a lot of people, life put you in his path with a purpose and that purpose was to help him be strong and smile again.
"Oh my, look at your clothes, take them off"
"Are you trying to start something Y/n?"He gave you a mischievous smile
"No, you just smell like booze and your clothes too"You sighed as you waited for him to take them off
"Fine, I'll do it now"He said starting to undress
You saw him taking off piece after piece and you reached out to take them. When you were turning to go put them in the laundry basket, you felt his hand grab you and turn you towards him to bring his lips together with yours. You were taken by surprise because of the sudden movement, your body fell apart in his arms and you ended up dropping his clothes on the floor. You placed your hands on his face and kissed him back slowly and passionately.
You couldn't tell if he was being overcome by drink or something else but when you looked into his eyes you saw more than just simple desire, you saw need and passion.
"I need you so much my flower"He whispered against your lips
"Shunsui I.."
You wanted to speak but he kissed you again making you forget anything else you were going to say at that moment. You ran your hands along his arms and then over his shoulders to steady yourself as you jumped into his lap. His hands held you and led you to the bed.
"I love you so much...you make me feel like this"He said as he brushed his lips over your neck
Your breathing started getting uneven and your body was starting to heat up. He took off the fabric that was covering your naked body and couldn't help but curl his lips in a smile after seeing the way you looked so perfect and the way you look at him as if you were telling him to continue what he was doing. He felt so good to have you and when he was drinking he didn't hold back especially when you were around him and even when you scolding him for drinking so much, he he thought you were perfect. It wasn't the first time the two of you had been in such a scenario, but it was the first time he'd admitted he wasn't well. He always remained calm and rarely spoke of his sorrows, as he did not want others to suffer too. As his wife, you learn how to read in his eyes what he was feeling, it was difficult at first but over the years you managed to better understand what his good days and his bad days were.
He started to trailed his lips down your neck to your collarbone as he lifted his gaze to meet any expression on your face. He continued to taste your skin until his lips reach between your thighs. The little stubble hairs scratched the skin on the inside of your thigh as he kissed your skin and down to your folds, you felt a shivers as he placed a kiss on your little bud. 
He wrapped his arms around your thighs keeping you closer to his face, you moaned when you felt his lips leaving wet kisses on you. You held onto his brown strands as you rubbed your hips lightly against him, your back arched and you rolled your eyes in pleasure. His tongue in you was more than enough for you to feel your body give in to the desire and make you come, your vision was blurry and you could feel small drops of sweat falling down your forehead. Your legs tremble as his touch rushes in and you come moments later.
He leaned over you and kissed you, his lips felt so soft and full of love. You could taste the yourself and the sake he had drunk, you placed your hands on his cheeks as you followed his lips over and over again.
"You make me feel so good"You whispered between the kiss
"No... it's you, it's you that makes me feel good, my dear"He tasted your lips again and again while his hands roamed your body
He moved away from you for a moment so that he could remove the last piece of clothing he had left and he approached you again. He hugged your body close to his to keep you as close as possible so he could feel every corner of you as he filled you slowly. You ran your hands over his back digging your nails in here and there as you moaned his name in his ear and told him not to stop. He kissed your temple and held one of your thighs as he moved in and out of you. He wasn't being too fast or too slow, a balanced and intense pace was what made you arch your back and hold onto his shoulders.
"You are so perfect my dear y/n..."He whispered close to your ear
You felt a little tear poking out of the corner of your eye that was the response to all that emotion and his care for you. He looked at you and wiped it with his thumb and then kissed your forehead.
"I love you so much"You whispered as you felt another tear fall down your eye
He smiled and kissed you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer. You needed him like he needed you, it was mutual and unbreakable.
You felt your insides tighten and your legs tremble and that's when you felt it coming.
"Come to me love"He said kissing your neck feeling your fluids drain out
You tipped your head back and moaned his name as you felt him come inside you shortly after. Both eyes met and you could see he looked much better now than before, your love colored his gaze.
"Are you feeling better my love?"You asked
"Yes. Thank you for everything Y/n-chan"He said showing his bright smile
"I love seeing that smile of yours, it makes me so happy too. Don't stop smiling my love"You ran your hand over his face
He held your hand and kissed it and then kissed your lips gently.
"Can I lie down on your chest, again?"He asked smiling at you
"You can, but don't you dare make any jokes of yours"You warned and he laughed
"Don't worry, I'm just going to get some sleep. I think I've had enough for today"
"Yeah, you're right"
He laid his head on your chest and you hugged him as you ran your fingers through his hair. You watched him as he fell asleep and soon after you fell asleep too.
"The storm inside him was over, now all that was left was the comfort of being in the arms of his beloved"
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
I know you’re on team renruki all the way (I am too!) but I was curious if you had other characters in mind who you’d think would match up well with renji romantically. Kind of like a backup ship? :)
I used to have a lowkey fondness of Renji/Orihime, primarily because they are both people who put everyone before themselves, and that's a ship dynamic that's very appealing to me. I sometimes think that if Renruki had not been canon, I might have gone deeper down this rabbithole, altho I think it more likely that I probably just wouldn't have ended up writing any Bleach fanfic at all. (I did write one, ages ago). Since that time, however, I have written so much Renruki fanfic that focuses on the depth and breadth of their relationship to the point where nothing else comes close for me. I have also enjoyed the occasional RenIchi content (not so much b/c I'm into it, but because the RenIchi people are really talented), but I always get the same hang-up of it's just not Renruki. I used to have more tolerance for non-Rukia Renji ships, but I've gotten less flexible about it over time, I guess.
That being said, I often enjoy seeing Renji get paired up with other people in non-endgame ways. He's an easygoing guy and fun to be around and also really good looking, so I don't think he lacked for companionship during his separation from Rukia. (Note: I don't think either of them were celibate during that time, and I don't regard this as being "unfaithful." It was 40 years, Renji had no idea if his plans were ever going to pay off, and they are both pragmatists.) At the same time, I think there's this level at which he is just not emotionally available, because he's still hung up on her. I actually think that it is the nature of Soul Society that relationships are ephemeral by default. Shinigami live until they get killed, which could be a really, really, really long time, and marriage and children aren't necessarily the goal unless you're in the succession line of a noble family. It's funny to think about, to me, the idea of dating someone for a couple of hundred years, but not really be serious about it. It lasts while it lasts, y'know?
Anyway, here are some Renji-hookup scenarios I enjoy, in order of how much I enjoy them. (if you're wondering why there are no captains on this list, it's because power-imbalances in relationships are a huge turn-off to me)
Shuuhei. Extremely Renji's type. Also very easy-going and a good friend. Shuuhei has baggage, sure, but the Rukia-thing doesn't particularly intersect with any of his own baggage. Just two hot guys, drinking, smooching, writing copy for the Seireitei Comm and tooling around on the motorbike.
Nanao. I think he would be really into the sexy librarian thing she has going on. I think she would appreciate that he has more going on in the brains department than it would appear. The fact that he's hung up on an old flame is fine, since she's cursed to kill anyone she marries. They have incredibly hot sex. Truly spectacular.
Rangiku, but strictly friends-with-benefits. The benefits are really good tho.
I am not immune to a really angsty fanfic where he hooks up with Momo.
I think that in his Squad 11 baby days, he had the most gruesome crush one person has ever had on another on Ikkaku (who is 1000% taken, which might be Part of It). I hope you just full-body shuddered. I'm obsessed with this, though, sorry, not sorry.
I read a fanfic once that was really pre-relationship IkkaYumi, but there was an extended period of Yumichika and Renji hooking up and I think about this more than I should??
Akon. Why not? His horns are cute.
Because it feels like an omission, I want to say for the record that I wish all the love to the Izuru/Renji shippers, but I am not for it, because I think their mental unwellnesses intersect in a way that makes them really great and supportive as friends but would turn bad quick in an intimate relationship. (I realize one could spin this for the angst, but this is not the kind of angst I enjoy)
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rinusagitora · 1 year
I'll be the villain you blame.
Fandom: Bleach Characters: Momo Hinamori, Sousuke Aizen, Nanao Ise, Izuru Kira, Shuuhei Hisagi, Renji Abarai Pairings: badship AiHina, minor RenShuuKiraHina Words: 2.5k Summary: A study in invisible labor, gender inequity, & rage. Warnings for abusive relationships, cannibalism, & mild gore. AO3: works/50610688 A/N: I forgot what list I used for this & can't keep a schedule worth shit, so I'm just posting it now lmao I used various black metal, In This Moment, & Otep songs as inspiration. There are so many good ones.
"What do you mean you won't make dinner?"
It's not a question, but a demand for a damn good answer. Momo is elbow-deep in a wash basin bubbling with soap and waterlogged shitagi. Sweat pours down her sides from her pits.
"I have shit to do," he replies.
Her teeth grind. "And I don't?"
"You're washing laundry."
Thank you, Captain Obvious, and here she thought her hands were cramping from doing nothing.
"These stains are going to take hours getting out," she says, "so unless you want dingy laundry or dinner late, I need you to make us some food."
"I'm going to an Association meeting. I'll be eating there."
Momo's seen the Shinigami Men's Association. It's an excuse for officers to goof off.
"Okay. And what am I going to do for food after washing the laundry? It's going to be late when you finish."
Sousuke rolls his eyes. He doesn't even shut the door behind him when he fucks off.
It's times like these Momo wants to take his skin and put it through a wash cycle while he cries for help from their bed. See how he likes it.
Momo ought to, at least, lock the door behind him. He'll have to sleep on the engawa and explain to a passerby why that it. Briefly, it makes her smile thinking of it. My wife locked me out because I'm a piece of shit who dicks around while she scrubs my house clean. What a bitch, right?
It's pipe dreams. Even if someone catches him sleeping on the engawa, he'll make her look like a hysterical cunt.
He's home at three. Wakes her up to regale her with the fun he had while the Men's Association sang songs around a campfire.
Momo groans. "Honey, I need some sleep before we go into work."
He snorts. "You've slept for hours."
She really hasn't. There's maybe four hours under her belt. The bottoms of his socks took hours to whiten completely. Part of her was tempted to leave it, but picturing her husband in gray laundry just reminded her how bad his feet smell, and she couldn't bring herself to neglect it the way he's able to.
"I'm really tired, Sousuke, laundry took forever."
His face scrunches. "God, is it such a chore for you to listen to me?"
Momo wants to laugh, but knows it would start an argument she's much too tired for. "Fine. Go on."
She tries to sleep while he blathers, but he doesn't stop talking until the blue light of morning peeks through their window.
Sousuke takes a sick day. If Momo joins him, nothing will get done in the office, and he'll bitch about it for days like it wasn't something avoided easily enough by just having made dinner.
Nanao sometimes visits during lunch breaks. Momo thinks their friendship spawned of their mutually useless men. Her uncle can't even be bothered to wear socks or spit out poisonous reeds he chews on.
At least his feet don't smell as bad.
"Oh my god, you look exhausted."
Momo hums. "Sousuke was out late and woke me up when he came home. I couldn't go back to sleep."
"On a work night?" Nanao says while she scowls.
"It was a Men's Association gathering."
"Well, that's stupid," she says while unpacking bento. "I brought goodies, though, if you'd like to take a break."
The smell of soup and steak wafts to Momo and it makes her misty-eyed. When is she ever cared for? How long have she and Sousuke been married, and what has he done for her?
Momo wracks her brain while she and Nanao eat but can't think of a single chore he's done, or even a single thank you he's uttered.
All she wants to do is sleep when she comes home, but Sousuke has other plans.
"The irori is full," Sousuke says. Sure enough, the pot is laying on coals. "I have some paperwork to finish. Can you clean it out before dinner?"
Momo's teeth grind. "What's this paperwork?"
"November's budget."
"Wasn't that due yesterday?" she says.
"Yeah, but I was busy,"
"Busy goofing off with the Association members."
Sousuke scowls. "Can you just clean the fucking hearth?"
Her teeth grind. "Fine. Please run a bath for me."
"I told you, I have to do the budget."
"The budget that was due yesterday. Yesterday, which you spent hours goofing off during, instead of working."
"Will you stop nagging me?" he snaps. "Just clean the fucking irori."
Momo takes a deep breath. There's a beat of silence between them. "I'll clean it... please run me a bath so I can wash off when I finish."
"I just told you I'm fucking busy," Sousuke says.
Another beat of silence. "You can't take ten seconds to turn a fucking faucet?" she says.
"You can run it yourself. You're a big girl."
She curls her fists and utters a long groan. Her teeth grind. A headache radiates into her skull. "Indeed. I'm also a big girl who hasn't slept since three in the morning, am very tired, and would like a bath after cleaning the irori. I'm fairly certain your budget can be turned in twenty seconds later than it would be without you running a bath for me."
"What the fuck is this martyr act about? Seriously, you're behaving as if I've shot you."
"I don't know how to explain it anymore clearly than I have already!" she snaps. 
"You haven't explained shit, Momo!" he returns with equal vitriol. "You're blathering on about nonsense like I'm some fucking criminal. What the fuck is wrong with you tonight?"
Something inside Momo snaps like a dry twig.
"You fucked around last night instead of doing the budget, and now it's overdue, then you woke me up, chat for hours about how much fun you had procrastinating the budget so I've gotten no sleep, then you called off work because you fucked around too late to get any meaningful sleep before we're supposed to go to work, which left me to pick up your slack, and when I come home utterly exhausted, you can't even bother to turn a faucet for me while I get filthy cleaning out the motherfucking hearth. Is that fucking clear enough, Sousuke?"
His hands slam on his desk and he flies to his feet. It rattles Momo like he's going to hit her. "I don't have to fucking listen to this shit, Momo. I'm your superior officer and you will treat me with respect I'm owed."
"You're my husband! You asked me to marry you because you loved me!" Her scream is so shrill that she wonders if the windows will shatter in its wake. It would be nice to be validated. To have some fucking control. To turn Sousuke into a pin cushion of glass shards. Maybe then he'll listen. Maybe he'll tiptoe around her instead and give into her whims so she can fucking rest.
He spits on her instead.
The glob of saliva and mucus rolls down her cheek. It leaves a trail like a snail. She's stunned while he storms out. It's like there's a delay between her and reality. Like time decompresses. When it returns to normal, there's an explosion.
Momo throws her fist into the wall. It gives underway. She's bleeding and full of splinters when she frees herself but can't bring herself to give a flying fuck. Instead, she storms out like Sousuke, hearth be damned.
She needs a fucking drink.
She doesn't even know the name of the bar she storms into. Momo thinks she scares the bartender because he doesn't make a peep when she asks for a pitcher of beer, just places it in front of her a few moments later. She doesn't even use the provided glass and tips it into her open mouth instead. Some of it dribbles onto her collar but she doesn't fucking care because it doesn't even begin to wash down her outrage.
Beer goes down the wrong tube when she hears her name. Izuru takes a seat like nothing happened. For a moment, his fair face has semblance to the wall she put her fist through, and her brain feeds her an image of his skull exploding around her right hook. It makes Momo want to throw up.
Izuru pats her back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
"No, it's fine, I'm just a little absent-minded because I haven't slept well."
Momo hates that she's making excuses, that she's covering for her husband, but she isn't sure she has it in her to be told she's making mountain out of mole hills, even if it's by a dear friend.
"I can tell," he says. "Hey, Abarai and Hisagi are with me, why don't you drink with us? It's been awhile."
Momo kind of doesn't want to, but isn't able to concoct a reasonable excuse to decline, so she follows Izuru to their booth.
"Hey, it's been awhile," Shuuhei says while she slides into the booth next to Renji. "How's it going?"
"Fine," she fibs politely, then sips beer like she isn't a ravenous, vexed alcoholic.
Renji looks her over but he doesn't say anything. Momo wonders if he's clocked her exhaustion. He's always been good at reading people.
Shuuhei laughs. "Good to hear. We thought something was wrong when we saw you pounding your drink."
Momo groans. "It's fine. My husband and I just got into an argument and I wanted to blow off some steam."
"Makes sense," Renji replies. He reaches under the table and rubs her leg. It makes her head fall onto his shoulder. For now, she'll chalk it up to exhaustion.
"Marriage seems... hard," Izuru says.
"I can imagine so," Shuuhei says.
"It's just..." Momo trails off. She pinches her sinuses so she doesn't start bawling her eyes out. "I just don't get why he can't do simple things. Like, I was cleaning the irori when I asked him to run me a bath, but he threw a tantrum over it for some reason."
Part of her expects them to shrug it off, to call her hysterical, but Izuru says, "I don't understand why that would be a chore for him."
"Thank you," she says with wry laughter.
"Yeah, it's not hard," Renji agrees.
Momo takes another drink. "I'm sure all couples argue about chores." She hates herself more for bitching about him and then covering for him. It feels wishy washy. It feels like malicious lies.
"Sure, but... I don't know. It doesn't seem hard to just run a bath while you clean," Izuru replies.
It's times like these Momo wishes she married Izuru. It makes her sad she thought poorly of Izuru's intentions. For now, she'll chalk it up to exhaustion, like the day dream she has of being facedown in her pillow with Izuru's fist around her neck while he rails her slick pussy.
She laughs. "I thought so too. Alas, I'm the insane one asking for a simple favor."
"Why'd you even marry him?" Shuuhei asks. "He's unpleasant to be around as, like, a whole. He's pedantic."
"He was different not too long ago." Alas, this is her punishment for fucking her superior. Blow up the relationship and the squad blows up. Her career blows up. Everything blows up. The shrapnel will only go into her face, and he'll be unscathed, even if she screams about his incompetence from the rooftops.
Momo should've fucking married Izuru. He isn't an asshole even if he doesn't put his socks in the hamper.
In the lulls of her contributions to their conversation, Momo daydreams of each of them kissing her sore limbs and making love to her. Of being passed around them. She doesn't say anything even after taking her home around eleven. It's later than Momo would've liked but she didn't really want to escape their company after Izuru bought them a round of tequila shots. They took her home because she could hardly walk between exhaustion and intoxication.
Momo knows she passed out the second she covered herself in her quilt, but it's like she hasn't slept a wink when Sousuke shakes her awake and kisses her.
She's expecting an apology, but then he unties his obi. He's hard.
He's an asshole and expects her to fuck him at three in the morning when she's exhausted and angry. Somehow, his sobriety makes her even angrier, like this shit would be better if he was wasted.
Momo throws a right hook into the center of his face. Bones crunch under her fist, like the wall, and he squeals like a stuck pig.
"You wanna fuck after everything you said?" she screams in disbelief. "You can't even be bothered to fucking apologize?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Sousuke howls while he clutches his face. He's like a petulant child. It makes her cunt recede into her pelvis.
"What's wrong with me? It's four in the morning! I haven't slept hardly five hours since yesterday morning, but you wake me up after a huge fight when I'm utterly fucking exhausted to fuck me like you weren't a raging fucking asshole earlier!
Sousuke doesn't get a word in before Momo is on her feet and knees him. He's pushed into a fetal position, grunting and crying, and it's oil on fire.
"You're the most neglectful fucking asshole I know!" she screams. "You can't do anything! You're seriously a fucking baby and you expect me to fucking spoon feed you! If I wanted to marry an infant, I would've robbed a fucking cradle!"
Magic coils in her hands. Her rage is consistently underestimated, the same as her labor is unappreciated and unreciprocated. She could spend months cleaning his home-- his home, because it's not hers, its not theirs, she's just a maid-- without so much as a thank you or a finger lifted to help.
It coalesces as fire in her palms. It barrels into Sousuke's face and roasts his hair and his skin. The smell is acrid, but there's no air for him to scream. She can see him trying to but all it's doing is burning his insides. There isn't enough oxygen to scream, not when its eaten by fire.
Sousuke wheezes when the fire stops. Momo assumes his vocal chords are fried. It's pathetic and blissful. 
Momo recenters and sends fire to his crotch. She'll find better cock.
She's quite bedraggled and the floor is blackened once she finally finishes. Sousuke's top layers are charred to shit. The smell of burnt hair is long gone, and there's just the smell of seared meat now.
It makes her belly rumble.
There's the issue of the body, of course, and the most horrific epiphany occurs to her while her chest heaves.
He can't make dinner. Why can't she make him into dinner?
Momo sends a courier to Izuru, Renji, and Shuuhei inviting them over for dinner when she goes to work in the morning. She sliced Sousuke's buttocks and thighs into steaks, rubbed them with chilis and spices, and served them over potatoes, onions, and asparagus. There isn't a clean plate in the house before the night ends. They even help with the dishes.
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jujumin-translates · 2 years
Event | the Rad Red | Epilogue: Longing Red
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Tenma: …
Taichi: Ten-chan, c’mere~…
Taichi: Saved a spot for you over on the edge here…
Tenma: Sorry about that. Hey, what’s with your voice?
Taichi: I gave it my all singing at yesterday’s finale and kinda wrecked my voice~...
Tenma: Yeah, that’s inevitable if you do that…
Tenma: Here, try this, it's good on the throat. I carry it all the time.
Taichi: Huh~, honey? I’ll give it a try.
Taichi: …
Taichi: Hm? Huh?
Taichi: This really is good!
Tenma: Still doesn’t mean you should be pushing yourself too hard.
Taichi: Thanks for the pro tip, Ten-chan!
Tenma: The live music at the end of the Autumn Troupe play was really good. It really raised the quality of the show overall.
Tenma: It’s amazing that you were able to perfect the band to that level, and I think that you were only able to get the best out of it because you were the lead, Taichi.
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Taichi: Ehehe, thanks!
Tenma: I went with the rest of Summer Troupe to see it and Yuki praised it too. Kazunari and Kumon were making a huge fuss while being all emotional over the whole thing.
Tenma: Muku said some of the band stuff reminded him of a guy from a shoujo manga and Misumi was completely fixated on the guitar picks being triangles.
Taichi: Ahaha! I’m glad you all liked it!
Tenma: It was different to see you with black hair instead of red hair, Taichi. But I don’t think it had anything to do with the difference in flashiness.
Tenma: It had more to do with seeing how amazing your presence was when you were leading the band with your passion for music.
Taichi: Ten-chan…
Taichi: (I’m glad that Ten-chan, of all people, recognized that.)
Taichi: (I used to just dye it from black to red to compete with Ten-chan when he was starring in all those drama shoots…)
Taichi: (I don’t need to do that anymore. Now it’s purely just my identity.)
Taichi: Have you ever wanted to change your hair color from what it is now, Ten-chan?
Tenma: My hair color?
Tenma: I’ve never really thought about it because I’m happy with the way it is now…
Tenma: But I’d change it to whatever color I’d need it to be for a role. That’s just an actor’s nature, y’know?
Taichi: …Yeah!
Taichi: (That’s right… I’ll keep dyeing my hair to be the “Taichi Nanao” I wanna be.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Azami: Wrapping up the play run at this place again, huh.
Omi: We came here for the 8th performance too, didn’t we?
Director: We’ve been coming here so often…
Banri: We’re like regulars, aren’t we?
Juza: Coulda gone to Zen-san’s restaurant…
Taichi: We get to eat a whole Manchu-Han Imperial Feast when we come here, so why wouldn’t we!
Rento: Well, s’not like we get Chinese food often so, I’m all for it.
Manager: That’s right~. Plus, we can eat here without worrying about the price and Furuichi-san’s gaze~.
Azami: Knew it was just because of the budget.
Sakyo: Just shut up and eat.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: Are you gonna drink, Juza-san? I heard that the fruit wine here is really good~.
Juza: Nah, I shouldn’t, if I drink too much I’ll get drunk…
Taichi: It’ll be fine~!
Azami: Why are you trying to get him drunk?
Taichi: I wanna see the Juza-san who praises me for the performance!
Azami: You’re just greedy.
Rento: Uuuue… Truly a god of all gods! I’m in the presence of a god of arrangements!
Director: So this is what Rento-san is like when he’s drunk.
Omi: His baseline adoration had gone up to a whole other level.
Rento: How are you able to make arrangements like a god!?
Manager: Ahaha, they’re really not that good~.
Rento: You are THE god…!
Banri: Whatcha drinking, Sakyo-san?
Sakyo: Since we’re here, might as well try some Chinese alcohol.
Banri: Never heard of it before.
Sakyo: The alcohol content is high, so drink it in moderation.
Manager: Furuichi-saaan! Pleeeease listen to Kinozaki-kun about all my accomplishments! And please give me a raise!
Sakyo: Haah? Tch, I’m coming over by you now, don’t yell.
Banri: …Whoa, damn this is strong.
Taichi: Is it good, Ban-chan?
Banri: Hm? Ain’t bad.
Taichi: Whoa…
Banri: Don’t start askin’ me questions like you’re one of my relative’s kids or somethin’.
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Taichi: Ahaha!
Taichi: I’m really glad we were able to make the best song ever for this. And it’s all thanks to you, Ban-chan.
Taichi: It was fun to hang out in the studio like that. It was like we were real teenagers in a band.
Banri: I really thought the lyrics you wrote were legit good, Taichi.
Banri: As for the play, I really liked the surprisingly subtle emotions you had.
Banri: When you played Daichi, I thought you had really detailed facial expressions when we faced each other on stage.
Banri: Even from a production standpoint, I loved seeing you take on the challenge of playing a role that was super different from your usual self.
Banri: I guess there’s just some roles that only you can play because of what you’ve been through.
Taichi: Hehe, I’m happy to hear that from you, Ban-chan~.
Rento: Y’all put on a great live and performance!
Rento: Not to mention that the godly arrangement, the melody, and the lyrics were all great! It’s a sound that y’all could’ve only created ‘cause of who you are now.
Taichi: Thanks!
Banri: I learned a little bit about composing from this, so maybe I’ll be able to look into it more with Rento-san for the next performance.
Rento: Lookin’ forward to it!
Rento: Ooh, you’re drinkin’ some good alcohol there. This one’s good too~.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Juza: Fuu…
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Omi: Did you drink too much?
Juza: Nah, but I ate too much.
Banri: Every time we come here, you always eat too many sesame dumplings.
Juza: Shut it. This time I had more annin tofu.
Banri: Pft… Hahahaha! So you had even more than usual. Fuckin’ dumbass. Hahaha!
Taichi: Ban-chan seems to be more giggly than usual.
Omi: He must be drunk.
Sakyo: As I figured, the Chinese alcohol was too strong for Settsu.
Taichi: This kind of Ban-chan is interesting too.
Director: Banri-kun has a high tolerance, so it’s rare to see him drunk.
Director: When you turn 20, you’ll be able to make a toast with Sakyo-san and the others who can drink, Taichi-kun.
Taichi: That’s true~... Man, I feel a little older just think~ing about it!
Director: Ahaha, is that so?
Taichi: When I first joined the troupe, Sakyo-nii seemed way more mature than me and also seemed more distant from me, but…
Taichi: My impression of him has changed since we’ve been on stage together a lot and gotten to know each other more.
Taichi: But there is one think that I’ve always admired about Sakyo-nii and the other Autumn Troupe members ever since the first performance.
Taichi: Everyone has their own passionate feelings inside that are burning like a bright red flame.
Taichi: The bright red color that I love so much is also the color that each and every Autumn Troupe member has.
Director: Red is the color of Autumn Troupe, huh? I guess it really is.
Director: (I’ve had this thought before, but Taichi-kun really is becoming a more and more wonderful young man by the day.)
Director: (I’m looking forward to seeing him grow up to be just as wonderful of an adult as he is now, with that same bright red hair.)
Taichi: I wonder if I’d be more popular if I became a man who looks hella fine drinking.
Director: I’m glad to see that same Taichi-kun-like way of thinking hasn’t changed at all.
Taichi: Popularity is one of my most important motivators after all!
[ ⇠ Previous Part ]
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Takato Tasuku - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Tsumugi: Umm… clothes of mine that even Tasuku can wear…
Tasuku: Man, we should have checked in advance if you have anything that fits me.
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Tsumugi: Ah. You can fit in this though, can’t you?
Tasuku: That short-sleeved shirt, huh… yeah, probably.
Tsumugi: It might be a little cold, but will it work?
Tasuku: Yeah, it’ll be fine.
Tsumugi: As for the pants on the bottom…
Tasuku: Just give up.
Tsumugi: …I can’t argue with that.
Tasuku: I’ll just borrow the shirt on top.
Tsumugi: Wow, nice. I think it looks good on you.
Tasuku: Should I start now?
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Tsumugi: Fufu, I can’t wait.
Tasuku: “…Alright, shall we go up to here for today?”
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Tsumugi: (I assume this is me when I’m doing my home tutoring job…)
Tasuku: “I’m going to grade your work now, alright? Yes, correct… this one as well… great.” “You’re nailing the things I taught you. You’re working really hard!”
Tsumugi: (I see, so that’s how I teach.)
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Tasuku: “I’m home.”
Tsumugi: (And now… I think the scene changed to me arriving home. He’s holding a box in his hands. Could that be…)
Tasuku: “As an occasional reward for working hard at my job… time to dig in.”
Tsumugi: (The contents of the box… they really are egg sandwiches.)
Tasuku: …And scene.
*clap, clap, clap*
Tsumugi: Ahaha, that’s Tasuku for you. I never thought I’d be able to watch myself like this.
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Tasuku: You while you’re acting, or you when you’re tending to the flowers… There were several sides of you that I wanted to portray. But then I saw how you were with Nanao the other day and I thought I would go with how you teach. Your teaching methods at the dorm are all I know… However, I figured that by seeing your interactions with others, you might be able to view yourself more objectively.
Tsumugi: …Yes, I agree with you. I was able to feel the daily joy of seeing students’ growth all over again. I thought I was quite fond of both my home tutoring job and overseeing everyone’s studies at the dorm as well. The egg sandwich part was a bit embarrassing though…
Tasuku: I saw you bought them the other day, and I remembered that you do things like that sometimes.
Tsumugi: You could have let that part slide. Anyways, we have to take your polaroid too.
Tasuku: …Can you really take it properly?
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Tsumugi: Don’t worry about it. Come on. You went out of your way to buy them, so have an egg sandwich.
Tasuku: Sure…
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Tsumugi: How does it look?
Tasuku: …It’s tilted.
Tsumugi: J-just this amount is fine, isn’t it…?
Tasuku: Well, you did take it. I doubt this much will be a problem.
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shuubaehisagi · 1 year
Current Gotei 13 Play 'Among Us'
Just something random I thought while me and our cosplay group were talking about some amogus jokes.
Komamura: I am the impostor.
Iba: Captain Komamura is not the impostor!
Komamura: It's fine, Tetsuzaemon. I cannot bear having to deceive our friends for the sake of winning a game.
Iba: C-CAPTAIN...!!!!
Shinji: But that's the point of the game?
Momo: Ssshh, don't ruin their moment, captain.
Momo: *sees dead Shinji*
Momo: GASP! *calls for emergency meeting*
Rose: What?
Kira: What?
The game eventually turns into an argument between Momo and Kira until they are both ejected.
Shūhei: Man, this feels awfully familiar.
Kensei: *is killed*
Shūhei: I-I'm sorry, captain!!!!!
Shūhei: I-It's not like I like stabbing my captains, too! It just happens!
Shūhei: I'm sorryyyyyy!!!
Shūhei: Oh it's just Rangiku.
Shūhei: ...wait.
Shūhei: *gets killed*
Rangiku: Easy win~
Kensei: Serves you right.
Kyoraku: *already knows who the impostors are but doesn't say anything. He would give hints during emergency meetings tho*
Kyoraku: *also pretty good at playing impostor until Nanao or Ukitake finds out*
Yachiru: *gets lost*
Yachiru: *has too much fun going through the vents*
Nanao: ...I think I found our impostor.
Kenpachi: *gets lost*
Kenpachi: *challenges everyone to a fight*
Kenpachi: What the heck, I'll just cut up everyone I see! The last man standing is not the impostor!
Ikkaku: I don't think that's how you play it, captain...
Soi Fon: Shinji Hirako is the impostor.
Shinji: Ehhh. What makes you say that?
Soi Fon: Your way of assassinating and trying to cover up your crime are lame!
Soi Fon: No, wait -- all of you are bad at this!
Soi Fon: Except maybe for the Head Captain because he's sly. But he's being lenient at times. You shouldn't do that!
Kyoraku: Uh... Thanks?
Yoruichi: Soi fon, chill, it's just a game!
Mashiro: *has been in game for seventeen hours*
Kensei: So that's what you've been doing at work, huh?
Kensei: Starting tomorrow, you're banned from using your phone at work!
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