#Nack rants
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inbetweenknacksandnooks · 4 months ago
Just started the newest ZZZ special episode and... it's giving me 2nd-hand rage.
You know how in cartoons (usually comedy ones) a character will have a bunch of garbage happening around them, but they're not mad because they feel like they 'shouldn't be', so you, as the viewer, get mad for them.
Anyway that's how I feel about Yanagi's story so far.
Yanagi is essentially raising 3 children in the form of her colleagues.
Soukaku is mildly forgivable, only because my personal headcanon is that her mental growth has been stunted one way or another, and it's revealed why Yanagi takes care of her in Yanagi's teaser. So I can forgive that well enough.
But Miyabi is a different case. It's stated that she passed on all the paperwork to Yanagi, and constantly tries to get out of meetings. I know that meetings and paperwork is unpleasant, but you're the CHIEF ffs! Take some responsibility!
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While Zhu Yuan had boundaries in the workplace, such as not working overtime when her job was done, Yanagi seems to have the opposite
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Miyabi doesn't seem to stop or suggest stopping this kind of thing to keep her health intact either!
Harumasa isn't as bad as Miyabi, but he's not great either, as he constantly wants to slack off whenever possible.
This is the equivalent of having to do a group project with 3 unmotivated people that want to dilly-dally and sidetrack every possible conversation to avoid doing work, and ultimately, you have to take on the whole damn thing by yourself.
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I'm not trying to say that the rest of Section 6 don't love or care about Yanagi at all, they obviously do, and if Yanagi had a heart attack from underlying cardiovascular disease (due to her immense work stress), the three would likely visit her hospital bed (if she was still alive, anyway, since women die from heart attacks more frequently, and she's often left either on her own, or with what is basically an incompetent child who wouldn't know the first thing about strokes or those kinds of problems)
But I don't think Miyabi would learn that this toxic asf work environment is the thing killing her, and would go back to not caring about Yanagi staying late after the first month or two of the incident.
I think the thing that peeves me the most, is how all three of them act like whiny children with Yanagi around.
As I mentioned, Soukaku is mostly excusable, since she has stunted mental growth.
But fucking Miyabi, crying about not wanting to attend a meeting, or Harumasa who faked a fucking stomachache to skip work?!
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This is your job, not Elementary School! I hope one of your vacation days were snatched!
I make a big deal out of this, because I don't think that anyone should have a parent-child relationship with their colleagues, unless there is an underlying condition wherein you are the person's caretaker (Soukaku)
I would never want a parent-like relationship with a spouse, nor one with a friend. Hell, I don't need a parent-like relationship at all, since I'm an adult.
Likewise, a child's parent shouldn't be a bosom buddy.
I might just be projecting a little bit, or getting too personal, because I never want to have kids ever, and I've seen people with this kind of lifestyle where they baby everyone around them, and get fucked with little-to-no freetime, heightening blood pressure due to stress, and a lot of pent-up feelings because they can't communicate to their friends, because they treat their friends as children, and their friends treat them as a parent.
Anyways, I'm not very far into the Special Episode, so maybe Yanagi snaps somewhere or has an emotional breakdown where Section 6 (specifically Harumasa and Miyabi) can see how much Yanagi is doing, and they help to rectify this, by eventually creating a much better workplace to live in.
A lifestyle like this can't go on forever, and I hope the negative effects are shown.
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lunastars21 · 5 months ago
Welp, today is one year since Sonic superstars came out,
so for this special day I’ll finally put all my thoughts in this blog, so I can finally put this gosh darn game behind me! XD, so read if you like and enjoy the ride!
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My (Hopefully) last Superstars Rant:
Well, this is it. Today is Sonic superstars first anniversary, and unlike the two classic games before it, this one doesn't come with a plus version at all. To say I'm not surprised is an understatement.
Now before we start let me get some things out of the way, First of all: This is MY OPINION on the game, if you like it that's fine, if you hate it that's fine too! I just want to get my thoughts out now and finally bury this game into the ground where it can stay there, alright! Second of all, I have no hatred for Trip, I may sound like I hate her, but I do think she is really neat and fun to play as and I hope she returns in future classic titles.
Now with that out the way let's begin:
I became obsessed with Fang the Sniper/Hunter on August 15, 2022 (yes, I remember the exact date), and when I finished reading all the information, one thing was clear to me.
Okay, I'm NEVER seeing him again
Pretty simple mindset I gave myself because of a few reasons!
1. He's a classic character, so he isn't allowed in modern with cool cutscenes nor voice acting
2. He hasn't had a big appearance since sonic the fighters and only had a cameo in mania
3. What kept him relevant was Archie, and that got canceled in 2017, so his only hope was idw. But they only do classic for anniversary specials, so once again, nothing for a good while anyway
All of it was clear to me that Sega wasn't going to use him, nor Bean or Bark. So I immediately adopted them as any fan who has been waiting for their return for over 20 years would, I gave them headcanons and their own story, Because if sega wouldn't, I will!
..and then Jun 8, 2023 arrived during a direct. Sonic superstars was revealed, and Fang would return in it. A coincidence I got into him a year before his return!? I dunno! But I thought it was a blessing in disguise! I was excited about it! October 17th was gonna be the best day of my life, I thought.
I was there for the comic short, I was there for the trio of trouble animation, and I was planning to buy his miniseries books once they were READY in January! I was prepared to give my full support so Fang could have more appearances just like Mighty and Ray! Hell, even hearing that Sonic Superstars takes place BEFORE Sonic Adventure gave me hope that if this game does well! They'll finally put classic characters in modern, this is where the barrier was and if Fang could break it! That would be awesome! I had my hopes way too high, and that was my mistake.
October 17th finally arrives and I buy the digital deluxe version, giving sega 70 smackeroons for the art book mostly and to support my jerboa in his career.
And then I played the game. It took probably 3 to 4 days to finish all the stories. My pros about it! Mostly great stages and atmosphere, I love the little cutscenes that were in, the controls were okay, and Trip as a playable character was fun to play as! Basically, being a better knuckles and Amy combined, the emerald powers could use work, but overall, I thought it was a neat idea to have these gems show they weren't useless on their own! This game has a ton of potential with all the ideas they were cooking with!
And uh
That's about it
Now for why you're probably here and why I'm writing this to begin with
The cons..
First off,
I have mixed feelings about Fang's theme in this game, it's groovy at first but then when we get to the part the song usually drops and goes into an absolute banger, it LOOPS early and doesn't play the part! My favorite part of his theme is CUT OFF from the song! Making it shorter and more annoying! And I can only listen to it maybe 2 times before I get sick of it!
Listen to the srb2 version that is more of a banger.
Another Con is the lack of story! I KINDA get the idea of what's going on, but where is this STUPID EGG FROM, HOW DID IT GET UNLEASHED? There's no cutscene that shows Eggman or Fang opening it up! It just spawns on its own and then gets sealed away, fucker doesn't even have a name it's just DARK DRAGON. Also the animation in this game that's 2D went down in quality compared to its trio of trouble short! What happened!? And why does Fang have SHREK EARS, just remove the tube's, don't give him earholes its fine! It's not supposed to make sense anyway!
Also, Trip's story is the same as knuckles, she's the last of her kind in an isolated island because her people fucked with the emeralds, she's now it's quote on quote guardian and she gets tricked (more like forced) by Eggman and Fang to be their tour guide through the islands untill she meets sonic and defeats them together, Lack of FIGHTING sonic because despite the game calling her an antagonist she doesn't really do shit against the heroes at all. But she's BASICALLY knuckles but a shy girl. We got this story before man, come on.
Okay, got the small points out the way, now for the spotlight of the hour..
Why the fuck does this game market Fang when he RARELY SHOWS UP!
This game went full force on marketing for Fang when it was announced, he got a mini comic explaining why he's there, he got an animated short, he got a miniseries announcement, HE FINALLY GOT A MINI FIGURE! He had comics in super fast friends that were going on at the time! And other official art from the main account!
But when you play the game, yes he shows up in cutscenes, but you only face him off 3 times and TWO OF EM ARE OPTIONAL, you have no choice but to play level sonic to run away from him, but the golden capital Boss fight (which is really time consuming) can be skipped via a glitch, and you DON'T have to fight him In trip's story if ya don’t want too, ya could just play and finish the main story and put it on the shelf bam boom ya done!
“But I wanna fight the dragon”
Not worth it, it's a pain in the ass like the other boss fights. So in reality if you skip golden capital and never play trip's story, you fight Fang
And it's not even a fight you just run away from him!
This game was fully marketed for him, and he only made ONE ACTUAL SHOWING, and that's it! He doesn't have an ending cutscene. He doesn't show up at all during or after the dark dragon fight. He just vanishes. The End.
When I finished the game, I was absolutely pissed about it. I gave Sega 70 dollars to show my support, and he only showed up for a few minutes, and then he peace sign vanished. Ya wanna stay with him for 2 hours? Play his final boss fight because that's how long it took me to beat him.
Speaking of, I actually had a more annoying time with the Eggman final boss than Fang's. The second phase of eggmans was always buggy with me and kept killing me, at least with Fang my deaths were more of my mistake than a bug and his ending blow with his nose made me actually laugh because I didn't expect it and found it funny, and his boss theme is a banger too. (So that's a plus)
Another fault with Fang is the scene after his golden capital fight, where Trip stands up to him after he kicks Her in which the whole Fandom started calling him an abuser (even tho she has armor on so it shouldn't even do much) and now it's all over his god damn wiki, doesn't help his miniseries supports that now more too. And I know, people will love a genuine asshole character, but what bothers me is that
He is just EGGMAN 2.0 IN THIS GAME
Who else mistreats their allies, eggman
Who else builds a giant robot of themselves, eggman
Who else runs away when things get dire, EGGMAN
The only difference between them is that Fang is still greedy, but they are basically the SAME CHARACTER HERE.
I thought this game would go a different direction for him because the animated short and Fang's big break have the same morals.
Learning from your mistakes.
In both stories, Fang struggles against a giant animal ( the giant flicky and giant snake), but once he calms himself down or remembers a past experience, he focuses and defeats the foe! Both stories show how smart Fang can be if he puts his mind to it, and he is not called a hunter for nothing!
So I thought superstars would do the same thing in that scene in golden capital Zone, Fang would realize he is out numbered, his robot isn't done and Trip moved to the hero side, taking all the emeralds he had. at that point, it wouldn't be worth it, especially if Eggman already paid him in advance, and team up with the heroes instead to save his own hide. At the start of the game, Fang ALREADY got what he wanted. He could leave if he wanted to. Those stories showed Fang was smarter than he seemed, but instead in this FUCKING GAME he doesn't do that! He still goes in the UNFINISHED ROBOT and gets one shot by Trip.
I get that at the end of the day he's still an antagonist, BUT PREVIOUS STORIES SHOWED ME HE WASN'T THIS STUPID, SO FUCKING WHY.
This continues in his miniseries! Doesn't wanna go back for Bark, wastes TWO ISSUES searching for an 8th Emerald and getting nothing, and the 4th he separates from bark and bean because of his stupidity Not learning at all to be grateful or show any remorse, which is fine if people like him that way it's cool, but once again that just makes him EGGGGMMMMAAAAAN.
What I found cool about Fang is that he could be NEUTRAL! he'd be an enemy of sonic in triple trouble, but then the next beats up eggman and saves the world in sonic the fighters, and even fights THEN TEAMS UP with sonic at the end of the season of chaos special.
It was clear to me that fang can be a bad or good person as long as it benefits HIM. So him jumping in that Mech and kicking Trip DIDN'T benefit him at all, and losing Bean and bark didn't either because them not being there leads to his fate in superstars.
You can like the hooligans being together or not, but the whole thing stands, these boys were last seen in archie together, which got canceled and didn't show up again till season of chaos. At this point, specifically archie fans, WE GOT ATTACHED TO THEM as a team, we saw them up there with the other teams! And I got an entire discord server to prove it!
So, just splitting them up like that is a stab in the gut. That despite all of the waiting, sega decided to listen To fucking 2, 3, or more people (no offense to you) who hated team hooligan to seperate them and blame it all on fang.
Which by the way Bean ANNOYED me in the miniseries, and not in a good way, him and Fang arguing EACH issue was getting on my nerves, issue 3 being the best of the whole thing because they RARELY argued in that one. That issue showed the potential of the Hooligans and how good they worked as a team. AND SEGA THREW IT OUT THE WINDOW!!!! FUCKING GENIUSES HERE.
Plus they could've EASILY left In issue 2 if they could separate the side cars from the Queen since they could already LATER ON in issue 4. (Bean and Bark ya both fuckin stupid ya not escaping my wrath either I'm ANGY
I Still love yall tho)
I'm fine with Fang being a jerk, But there should be a limit and getting him to “abusive Level” isn't it, despite issue 3, I wasn't happy or laughing as I thought I would for the game or miniseries, Because the hooligans are like looney tunes for me, when I see them, I wana laugh and have a good time. Not be depressed. And I know people like when Fang is cool and serious, I do too, but he was also made to be funny. If you want a 100% serious character, Shadow is RIGHT THERE.
Superstars was marketed for Fang fans. Everything related to it was, it was SUPPOSED to be his grand return. But no, it's a lie. This game was made so you could feel bad for Trip and like her. Fang was just a tool used to lure people to the game and love this lizard. That's all it was. He was just bait, so once Trip got the fans sega wanted, they would throw him away into the vault again, but this time with no Bean, no Bark, not even a bloody popgun, they just left him there to suffer.
That's how I view sonic superstars, a game baited to classic sonic fans, making it seem like an old character's return, when in reality, it's to get people to like Trip, a new character. Who won't even fucking show up till a new classic sonic game comes out or a new anniversary special.
That's why I find it so frustrating, and no matter how much I try, I won't be able to fully like this game because of this information, HELL SHE GOT A FULL SUPER FORM! NOT EVEN AMY, TAILS, NOR KNUCKLES GOT THAT SHIT.
They just got “Super powers” ooOoOo
Bullshit, and the fact your friends can't play as the same character in their levels sucks, Kirby easily did it for magolor, but nope! Ya gotta play level sonic with one player as your friends watch.
Anyway, I think that's everything. Thanks for reading this far. Once again this is just my opinion, I wanted to finally let that all out as for certain there's no plus adaptation for this, and that I want to finally forget this game, I already made a fanfic chapter doing it my way to satisfy how this story actually ends while being consistent. And maybe Fang will get another chance in another 20 years. But until then, I'll enjoy the small moments that did make me smile in that game and his miniseries, like him using an ice sword or having a big mech, and if you actually Enjoyed the game and everything it came with, and still love Fang despite it all, good for you! I'm glad you still like fang, whether he's good, bad, or neutral in your book! All I care about is that you like him, so thank you. :] but I'm fairly certain. Rarely any Sonic fans will celebrate its anniversary. If anything, mostly Trip fans will as it's her birthday.
Cough if you want a better 2D game with more playable characters and a good story with great music.
Play Mario Wonder
Or play the new mario party! That's out today! ^^
Okay, have a nice day <333
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knizuu · 10 months ago
When 2 ain’t enough ya gotta have // PT 3 OF LOOKING AT FANG’S STORY // SPOILERS BTW
Wawa first of all, hi!!! If you don’t get what I’m talking about:
This is my original rant with Superstars included! [Check out the other reblogs too if ya want =w=]
And This should be about the start of the Fang miniseries!!
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There’s some things I said on discord already related :]
Sooooo….you might’ve noticed the fact Team Hooligan is kindaaaaa not a thing anymore :’]
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Anyways efkjwghrj, my main point is that he got left because Fang was IGNORANT
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Now I don’t wanna say he’s thinking he has more power, because Fang knows DARN WELL he doesn’t have the skill compared to Bean or Bark. He isn’t strong enough, he isn’t crazy enough, he’s defined by what he NEAR to, like his Marvelous Queen. “Ignorance is bliss” and I think he embodies this idea to the extent of how awful it can be in the long run.
Oh ye the Marvelous Queen? Da she?
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Fang ABSOLUTELY is caring of Marvelous Queen, heck, even more publicly shown rather than Bean or Bark. Now ye he could just not CARE about Bean or Bark but that’s just a lie. Even at the worst, he NEEDED fighters near him to help his journey. That’s just how it is to me :]
But I think what makes Marvelous Queen so much more valuable is the point I already shared: It’s what defines him. It’s what brings the power to HIM ONLY. With Bean and Bark, it makes TEAM HOOLIGAN look good. With the Marvelous Queen, FANG’s impressive. Because it’s such a great device Fang uses perfectly. So it means SO MUCH to him if he had the Marvelous Queen by his side.
…Which is sad, if you know the fact the Marvelous Queen EXPLODED IN HIS DUCKING FACE [Trip I love you but ARHGHHGHJG-
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Oooh so if you know me, there’s been two other pictures like this. One being of him thinking “WHERE’S BEAN AND BARK?” and the other more so “I cannot be a failure AGAIN.” This one is…a lil new to me for some reason but I’ll still use it!
Ok well the first one was the “WHERE’S BEAN AND BARK?” Which goes great with dis one! Both are worried about WHERE Bark and Bean are because they’re supposed to be there for Fang. Like always.
In the last one, he’s just…alone, with no one he’s really thinking about probably BECAUSE he doesn’t want to think about Team Hooligan.
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Yknow cuz if I was in his raggedy shoes, I’d ALSO feel pretty put down from two hooligans who now seem to be judging me! It’s understandable! What he’s so ignorant about is the fact he CARES about these goobers. Yes he uses them to get paid and shiz but he’d also had GREAT chemistry with them!! They were a solid team who just had FUN for darn sakes!
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But perhaps he’s getting too stuck in the comfort. Bean doesn’t have the calm social skills and Bark is practically ignored. They’re a strong unit but not mentally!! You have a good soul being pushed aside, an emotional help who’s getting mad, and an insecure leader who’s getting pissy.
This isn’t who they USED to be, heck the reasons as to what changed kinda boggled me. But I DO understand how
Fang felt like he was going through more trouble with Bean and Bark, hence he didn’t even BOTHER to ask them to come back
He cares about his self worth more than his team, because he doesn’t want to be a failure. He wants to gain money and power so he’s strong.
Because of 2, he’s forgetting he truly loves his team. That they actually help him throughout his journeys but he’s taking them for granted. I guess he sees the Marvelous Queen as ALL. HE. NEEDS.
aight so we all getting this?? Ok ok
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Ok ok just a lil note before a bigger notice-he DOESS say his team mates’ names for alert. But in one of my older posts, I still do believe when Fang’s first confused where his team is, that he’s saying their names out of fear. Because now he’s scared. [in that past moment]
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Ahme kewhbfe this was from the new sonic channel art!! [it might not be too new now ASHFVGWR]
Ya see how the first image tells their relationship? How Fang is…[gasp/silly] INSIGHTFUL??? This may not mean much but the fact I brung up him being ignorant for so long-this is new
Because I thought Fang didn’t care for Trip AT ALL when Superstars first came out-then I saw the pancake image and went “Oh ok so he does like Trip in the sense she is caring and loyal” and this…OH WOWHW HWOH OHWIDWH THIS
It’s only the English translation, but “I wonder what Fang thinks when he sees Trip, who obeys without giving up…” IS SUCH A STRONG MYSTERY
Like ye, what *DEOS* HE THIJNK?? [what does he think pft]
Personally, I think he’s reminding himself of his team and Marvelous Queen
But what’s so special about her is that she isn’t doubtful to Fang as much as Bean and Bark. Yknow cus Bean and Bark has more of their own identity and sternness. And with the Marvelous Queen, heck she can’t speak a word! She’s just the product of what Fang needs to win a battle or win some cash. Trip is like the cheap Walmart version of a Marvelous Queen. But instead of being perfectly one noted as Fang’s helper, she’s clumsy. Though it seems Fang is not TRULY mad about that. Because he’s being respected, saluted, and seen for the wonder he is-/lyrics sorry I love the lion king sm
So…I think he’s gaining more control! I think with a newbie gal such as Trip, he’s getting more insightful on how he acted or acts now. From Superstars/Trio of Trouble, he’s anxious and passionate for being a successful man. But in here, which is supposed to be before Superstars, he’s extremely cocky and forgetting social queues. And for Fang’s Big Break, well I say it does seem like a break! From just…being Fang and not Team Hooligan, Fang’s a lot less crazy or extreme. He’s more calm and collected. Maybe it’s the fact he got too comfortable with being the leader in Team Hooligan. Got too ignorant and was left with no one at the end. Now he’s learning. All anew! With Superstars, he’s grown to a new light. Trip seems to have left a mark! She made Fang more insightful but of course at the expense of Fang losing himself. [As in, the Marvelous Queen]
So I wonder where Fang will go now!! Will he get with Bean and Bark again?? Will he learn to be a better jerboa?? If Trip and Fang really get their new adventures…could we learn more? Ig we’ll never know until there’s more content. At least it’s exciting!
I just hope wherever Bean and Bark are, that they aren’t too mad at Fang. Maybe the separation is what heals them? Because at the core, they’ll ALL unstable. Darn it, Sega, give us more Hooligan content!!/silly but yeh!
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waywardsou2 · 7 months ago
My mum: Why do you hoard so much junk?
Me in my head: because if I don't hold onto physical momentos I'll forget who I am and what I've done. All the moments that make me me will disappear and with it so will I. I'll die. The first step to dying is being forgotten, if I don't have physical things to remember and be remembered by I'll be forgotten. I'll be lost before I'm even dead. Any trace of me will disappear before I'm even really gone.
Me to her: I just like cool nick nacks
(Can you tell I'm having a crisis)
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barsikscorner · 1 year ago
So I watched the Fang stuff and...
Yeah idk what I was expecting, all the previous material (recent comics and the animation) doesn't reflect Fang's game portrayal at all. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed.
He's the haha funny villain that's treated like a brat and gets no development, which is sad because the potential is right there... But Trip got development at the cost of his character instead. He didn't even have that big of a role other than for Trip to get sick of him and kick his butt, he doesn't even have an end cutscene. He doesn't even get anything special, his presence is minor, he could have been replaced by Eggman and things would have been the same. He gets like 2 boss battles both at the end neither of which feel warranted and aren't unique to him, he's just Eggman 2.0., every other boss battle is either Eggman or a big robot.
If you want positive Fang representation, you won't find it here. He doesn't have good character moments and doesn't get an ending, any ending, he just gets his butt kicked and launched at the screen smash bros style.
I'm not saying the game is bad as I haven't played it myself, but Fang and his story were the one thing I was looking forward to and unfortunately it's not what I was hoping for.
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horrorwebs · 2 years ago
i hate my best friend earlier i was like "im scared that this guy likes me bc he said something that i would only say to people who i like, but i recognize thats its a normal ass thing to say anyway and i rationally know he does not like me, but still, my brain decided to play with that concept and made me have a terrible nightmare the other night about it and now im subconsciously scared that he will like me ( with the underlying concept of "i am scared of men")" and shell go ohohioo what if youre projecting and its actually YOU that likes him. ????? bitch did you not hear the part about having a dream where he abused me or ...?sometimes being asexual is a nightmare nobody gets it
#and i have actually considered that btw.! and no i dont like him. if i like anyone its someone else entirely.and i dont like them either so#but she did not get it for the most part which i understand my feelings are unconventional and irrational and hard to follow. but i am#quite literally scared of the concept. of a man liking me. of this guy specifically bc we are good friends why ruin it!but just guys in gen#and i dreamt he abused me.....#literal nightmare i woke up scared and confused all bc my brain hates ne#anyway. she wants to have a gotcha moment so bad#like i said before. no its not about projecting and being scared of liking him#its about being scared that someone who i care about sees me in a way i dont and demands things from me i am not willing to give#+ someone being intimidating by having more experience compared to my 0 amount#+ feeling a bit intimiddated that my new friend group will find me immature as i am the youngest one#theres a lot of complicated feelings and a lot of confusing things bc of my asexuality but she sometimes doesnt get it#its not rly about liking him. also if i do in the future i wont really give myself a headache about it ive decided to stop worrying#about things like that it never helps.#anyway this is the friend i was hopelessly in love with and i can safely say i am over her now [tangent]#anyway. idk. sometimes i feel so stupid but this fear was idk a bit more than justa silly highschool 'what if i like them'and more#'what if the people i meet want to take advantage of me and i cant learn to say no' + 'what if i have a way of self sabotaging perfectly#good friendships by implanting irrational fears into them via dream' ?#you know. a bit more heavy#idk if anyone reads my rants id you doo cool thanks but whatever this is my diary maybe i should go nack to the psychologist idk#spikeposting
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cacklefrendly · 2 years ago
i went to a local board game cafe today. highlight was being welcomed in, the guy leaning in to look at All of my sister's pins on her denim jacket, and saying "Oh yeah, you BELONG here" with a tone that in any other circumstance would be equivalent to calling her a raging lesbian. 100/10 we're making plans to go there regularly
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mademoisellekalopsia · 3 months ago
Downtown Pub
|| A Wee Bit of Imagination || || CONTENT WARNING || Fast hiccups Mentions of cordial/liquor Mention of food indulgence Occasional use of Profanity Case from offscreen continuous gulp A bit of playful banter Light romantic gestures A few teasing moments
To pass the night away after an upsetting turn of events of a date night, instead of lounging oneself in their condominium, drowning themselves in food indulgence as they have done in the past, why not have a small drink downtown and confess to the bartender, casually involving and overwhelming them to a converse about one's troubled evening? For instance:
"They didn–HNK'MRK!...Huck! even m-MK! make the effort. What a dick. Mmm-H'MUCK!-uh."
A sniffled their dry nose, feigning an upset expression, rubbing their eyes with the heel of their hand, a slight pout evident on their face. Their back slumped forward, their free hand on their drink. Not of a potent beverage, just a light cordial to keep themselves from unleashing a faux tear flood.
In front of them, aside from the rows of beer bottles and liquor, the bartender was polishing glasses clean. Their eyes remained on their calloused hands wiping each and every glass, but their ears were open, listening to A in their discourse, more so of a rant.
A was a bit bothered by it, but, so long as the bartender's presence is there, their conversation may carry on. They do not see any means of stopping coming from the bartender, so A continued with a feigned somber tone in their voice.
A sigh-hiccuped, groaning as they try to sit upright, yet they felt another jostle in their chest and their middle torso popped out quickly. The sensation was sudden, taking in every bit of thump from the back of their throat and the jerk of their head pulling back. Their case was truly putting up quite a racket in their system.
They lean closer to the bartender, a hand propped up to rest on their chin, the other drumming their fingers subtly on the smooth table. A swallowed a hiccup before speaking to continue their ranting.
"Y–HMP!–you know–"
"No, I do not know." Replied the bartender in a gruff voice, cutting A on their words.
How rude, but it was meant to imply a literal response that the bartender does not know...whatever A is about to mention. All to lighten up the mood a bit.
The bartender lift the glass in their hand to a light, reflecting its shards, checking for any residue for thorough cleaning.
A lightly thumped a fist on the table, feigning a whine.
"Let me finish! Hup!-ngh…"
The bartender gave an apologetic nod for the tease under their nonchalant expression, gesturing for A to continue.
"N-HCKL!-not one ca-ULK! call from them, and I sta-YID!HCK'LP! stayed patient. We were ERK!HUCKLE!-mmm…suppose to go-HOCK!-mmm, pardon…go out HI'UPK! and go for a HULK!-for a-HRK! a-MRK'HMPK!—"
They let a double hiccup pass first, rubbing their chest as it jostled once more. Their case was suddenly telling to shut their yapping for a minute, ending to a quick-paced case.
HUCK!-UHK…Mmmuh-HNK!Hirk!-ooh fuck-MRK! Fudge th-NGK! this-MIG'KLP!-Mmk-Mk!-M'MUGK!-UCK!HUCK!HUCKLE!-HhhULKP!
A tried to suppress it down a notch, but to no avail, trying to let out a groan, if they could.
The bartender took notice, subtly and casually pouring them a glass of lemonade. Pushing it in front of A, A looked at the glass for a moment, grumbling at the kind offer they didn't ask or needed.
Okay, perhaps they do need it a bit, the case was going around town as they thought. A took the glass in their hands, feeling the condensed moist from the coldness of the ice in it.
A spoke once more, clearing their throat mid-sentence.
"Go FURK!…MHM!-Mk'uh! for a food trip. They know HUP!-how much—I am fo-UCK!-fond HUM-MIGK!HIGK! with culinary dishes and s—nacks—"
A silent-dragging hiccup ending with a double shook their chest, leaving them to soothingly rub it with their hand in response.
"And we don-MMK!-t even need to-HhhOOP! go out to buy d–rinks. HMPK!-uh! My beloved MRK! make-ULP! such…good driiiiiii–ICK'LP!–nnnksss."
A dragged the last word with a hiccup interrupting midway. They plop their head down on the table, their body shaking from the case ever so noticeable in front of the bartender. They muttered words to express their feigned frustration in a whispered tone.
"Jerk. HMP!-Uh! MRK! Bitch. Forget-me-nots, they say-HUCK!-mmm."
Their groan and words was cut off when they heard the bartender clear their throat. It was deep, catching their attention immediately.
A shifted in their seat, looking up to the bartender in front of them. Nice-looking person, with their apron on, weary, yet calm expression, they wouldn't want anything than to be there for their customers, especially the regulars who gave nothing but good moments of laughs, camaraderie, and just needed someone to listen to their rants and such.
The bartender gave a chided look for their use of profanity that was uncalled for, yet their eyes filled with endearment.
A gave a slight pout, but turned away with an apologetic nod in return for their "uncalled for" manners.
The bartender smiled softly, a genuine hand touching A's as they gave a reply, settling down the glass they were cleaning for a while.
"I love you for being here, dearest. And you did insist that you will be coming here instead since I'll be busy tonight. We can hang out here as it's your favorite pub spot and…"
Before they even continued, A brought a finger over their lips to stop them promptly. Not asking to be exposed right then and there.
After that playful banter, the bartender dropped the act, alongside A, still jerking in their seat as the succession lingered to a more slow yet deep pattern of a case. The bartender felt sympathy for their beloved.
"Yeah, yeah. Huck!Hhhuck! I kn—ow. I know-HMK!-uh...hhhUP! Ugh-crap." A uttered in return.
"I'm doing my best to meet up with you earlier and I did say I could only give out texts, so I can't call you. But, I suppose it's not much of a reason to not tend to you for this date night. My apologies."
The bartender sincerely spoke, kissing A's hand with sympathy and genuine guilt in their eyes and voice.
Despite the terrible event of a date night, A appreciated their moment together in the pub more than going out alone when they are already in their favorite place to hang out with their beloved.
A brought a hand to their beloved bartender's cheek, grazing their thumb as they spoke through the case.
"I find this-MRK! m-more MMK-HMK! to my liking-HIGK!-mmm. Excuse me for URK! this." A chuckled softly, a faint flush on their face for having an obnoxious case for the night.
But the bartender didn't mind it at all, shaking their head to dismiss it. In fact…
"I find them quite endearing, my dear. But perhaps drink the lemonade, you look like you're dying every second in your seat."
The bartender chuckled softly, a rumbling on their chest that brough A to flush. A brought an innocent, yet firm punch on their beloved's chest, huffing an air out.
"Shush you-HUCKLE!-mmhmm!" A cleared their throat.
But in the end, they followed their beloved's words, taking in small sips in hopes for their case to rest or simmer down to spend the night with their spouse with a couple of drinks to toast made by theirs truly. Sneak in some cuddles and comfort whilst they are both at it, why not?
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hallucinateonpaperspines · 1 year ago
cybertronians aren't aware what Guardians are, are they ?
Not really, no.
Truth, especially historical truths, can be very easily twisted and diluted over time. Partly because of the whole "winners write the history books" but also because there are so many facets to events and people that fade with witness's memories or as generations pass by. Sometimes it's because one piece of the story seems more important, or it serves an agenda, sometimes it's because there's no one left to tell the forgotten pieces, and sometimes it's simply due to improper record keeping that details are lost and stories skewed ever so slightly. And none of this is ever really a constant phenomenon, those alterations occur depending on the situation and the people, so different groups may have different versions of the same story but still miss key or minor details.
Slightly depressing and fascinating, there will always be a foundational truth to history, a fact of what actually happened, but so much of the why, the reasonings, the details of the mundane can be forgotten and left to speculation. You'll never truly know, because you'll never be there and experience it for yourself.
Kudus to the monuments and graves and imprints that people have left behind. Complaints scrawled into books. Building projects dedicated to great loves. Skeletons surrounded by nit-nacks that mattered to the deceased. Faded etchings of names on stone that have lasted where the memory has not. Fragments of lives that we can only speculate on and stories we can only guess at a few chapters of.
Ehem... weird rant aside, the same principle also applies to the Guardians in OT&T. They're a people who hail from the very earliest part of Cybertron's history, a very controversial and secretive piece of it even if they were important. Every bot has a different idea and awareness of what a Guardian is but none of them know the truth of it.
Bulkhead as a construction worker, a laborer, would not have received any education pertaining to Cybertron's history, and as a lower-level mid-classer, there wouldn't be much mingling between higher-level elite or low-class superstition. He knows the basics, Primes are leaders appointed by Primus, but he knows nothing about Guardians.
Bumblebee is a war frame forged during the early days of the conflicts that would become the Great War and was never meant to be anything but an enforcer for the council or a scout. Usually, he would also not know anything beyond the basics, other than an awareness of the vacant High Protector role, but he is aware that mythic beings would be the ones to claim that title through Ratchet.
Arcee, assigned as a caretaker and teacher on pre-war Cybertron is aware of the basics. The Primes, the Council, and the several Lord High Protectors emerging every few centuries alongside a 'false' prime and served as global military commanders. She knows nothing about Guardians.
Ratchet as a doctor catering to the elites, including several politicians, could mingle with such minds and accompanying ideas. Throw in a chatty archivist apprenticed to the great Alpha Trion, and Ratchet arguably knows more than some of the more educated High Caste. He is well aware of the politics involved, of how a legitimized Prime can overturn The Council and supplant them if so desired. He knows that for a prime to legitimize themselves to the stagnant populace is to embody traditional examples provided by the original 13. And that, outside of bearing a prime-only relic, the easiest way for a potential prime to be legitimized is by partnering with a High Protector. A mimicry of the myths of the 13 and their Guardians, a symbol of the modern ideal of guardianship, a Prime must have a Protector. A nod of respect to Cybertron's origins, a mark of strength, and a promise that their leader's spark would extinguish before harm would befall Cybertron. Its a political statement and the Guardians are simply the long forgotten origins of it.
Optimus Prime knows that the Guardians are not a myth, that they existed and were real. He knows they were gifts from Primus. Relics of potential. He knows that High Protector was a singular title for one selected Guardian per prime among the masses. He knows that every true Prime has a Protector, and the Protector could be the key to everything. He does not know where they originate from. He does not know who they are. He did not know they could be children. He does now- He does not know where his promised Guardian is.
Airachnid hails from a heavily organic colony world. Other than being notably pacifist, written off for being beastformers, her people also were heavily superstitious story keepers. Some collected stories of the future, prophecies of the ancients and of their own seers, others cultivated and preserved tales from the past. The tales of ancient revolts and monsters among them. Airachnid nows the Gaurdians as rarities and creatures of great value. She knows stories of them being organics that house silver internals, sparks that burn bright but burn short, prey to be wielded and displayed. She knows a new Guardian has appeared somehow, and she sees a prize worthy of her hunt. A truly endangered species and something to steal from the Prime.
The Vehicons know nothing. Nothing at all about the Guardians, but they're hearing a lot about JA332's "Spawn of Unicron"
Megatron knows that he should have been Optimus' Lord High Protector. An equal and respected leader. He knows stories of Guardians from his time in the pits. Tales he heard alongside retellings of Megatronous' strength and follies. Stories of a long-dead race that rose against the Primes and lost. Of creatures that predacons bowed to, servants that tied themselves to their masters, how a few foolish slaves Guardians stood against the wise and benevolent rule of their superiors, and how a race was wiped out for it. He heard tales that the Cataclysm did not come from the stars but from the scorned. Of slaves driven made and turned into sparkeaters. Of living relics that were trapped and suffered. Megatron knows which stories he believes. He named himself for the Fallen for a reason.
Makeshift, Breakdown, Knockout, and Wheeljack don't know anything and they don't care to know anything more. They've got better things to do, reclaiming their dignity/squishing an organic, getting that new buffer for someone special/working on exposure therapy, providing exposure therapy/showing off their lustrous finish at the races, and tinkering with grenades/regular facetime with Bulk and Miko, like winning a damned war.
Starscream knows the myths, he just doesn't believe them. If he must listen to a sparkling story he would prefer Vosian tales instead.
Soundwave has a collection of historical manuscripts, stories, and theories at the tip of his digits. He hasn't had a need to examine them. Yet.
None of them would think a human would be a Guardian- not at the beginning.
The Shadow knows. Time has not diluted his memory.
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inbetweenknacksandnooks · 7 months ago
Gosh, I swear, everytime I look at Ellen, I think, "Mid. I feel nothing towards this character."
But then I hear her voice and see her mannerisms, and I just think, "heehee, silly disaster shark!"
She's starting to grow on me a bit, not to a favorite character extent, but to the point where I want to get more interactions with her.
(P.s: don't have her, but with ZZZ first rolled out, I legit thought about rolling for her, since her Roaming Mode was, and still is, INCREDIBLY fun!)
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lunastars21 · 5 months ago
Coming soon today
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knizuu · 1 year ago
Ok ok ok, WE BACK AND CHATTIN’. TIME TO GRAB POPCORN OR WATER IDK TO ENJOY MY RANT <33 +uhh warning ig: get ready for BEEG over analyzation lol 
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Notice the color used on the arrows? Symbolizing yellow and red? If you see this conversation as a mockin’ful, you can relate the meanings. If used negatively [seems fitting for this scene], you get this: Yellow meaning cowardice, and red meaning warning. 
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Honestly, this is VERY fitting, knowing how scared Fang is in Fang’s Big Break. The amount of fear he gets in Superstars as a whole really makes you worry for him. Bean is pretty explanatory, he’s “getting tired of Fang’s antics”. Reason for Bark not having the arrow, I'm not sure, possibly because he’s not verbally arguing, or he’s not as mad as the others. Either way, I think Bark is just more caring about the situation. With this hypothetical situation, I think Fang is just scared that he’ll be alone. So he turns reactive in the face of a jerky persona. For Bean, he’s gaining more independence. I know this rant isn’t about ‘im but I really do realize how much Bean is getting as a character. He’s speaking more, asking the questions, getting sassy more on screen. 
Okay, now let’s get into connecting Fang’s Big Break with Fang the Hunter. I’m claiming that FTH is before FBB, because I’m sure that’s the motion for it. Looking at the images below, don’t they look similar? Somewhat? Now I want you to mash those frames up, with the speech including the thoughts.
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“Bean?! Bark?!” [Get your act together! You’re repeating your past mistakes! You’re better than this! You have to be!] Both are in distress, and it shows how much content is missing from the cover [saying that Fang is just what he shows to be]. And even if both situations are VERY DIFFERENT: See how that helps my case even more. In FTH, he’s with his crew and now they’re gone. Of course he’s gonna yell out for them, that’s the first instinct. This is expected, if you lost the people near you, of course you’re gonna call for ‘em. Nothing deep is seen here, but for the right image, I differ. I say it over and over again, but he really is trying to be better. The context is, he’s on a hunt and he angered a bird who now is chasing him along with crushing his cork gun. A big difference between the situations is that he STARTED alone compared to becoming alone. With no one else in his mind, he’s gonna worry for himself. But he isn’t getting mad about being alone [at least, from what’s written], he’s not yelling for help, he has only himself to talk to. And what does he notify himself? “Get your act together”. He’s trying to stop his mistakes, whatever that may be. 
Let’s use that past sentence, and although it ails Hooligan fans [INCLUDING ME AHHHHHH </3], let’s imagine Bean, Bark, and Fang harshly separated. If you put that hypothetical with Fang’s thoughts, you can imagine he’s telling himself to stop being careless.+SINCE I’M STILL MAKING THIS HAPPY, THIS HYPOTHETICAL DEF HAS BEAN AND BARK COMING BACK <33
From sources, people push others away so that they won’t get hurt. Well, you could use that to correlate with Fang’s behavior. 
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This is what Sega calls him, a jerk, “our favorite jerky jerboa!”, even in Archie, “And a total jerk”. This actually lines up with pushing others away, making this term more seemingly true. Going to the main point, you can see why Fang would want to stop acting this way. It led him to be alone, without “his boys”, without the zaniness that his gang brings him. It’s not the same anymore. (this is where I insert my shipping blast btw)
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 In Superstars, this is correct! We don’t see Bean or Bark, we’re introduced to Trip [a WHOLE NEW gal], Fang is working very close to Eggman, and heck, his tech got upgraded.
*okay rando thing: In FTH, he wishes the Marvelous Queen gets the upgrades she needs to take Sonic down. In Superstars, he gets more than that, he gets his own robot ALONG with tons of upgrades for the MQ…if FTH is before Superstars, would he feel achievement? Somehow? +yknow, until it blows up [yeh, i'm not joking] 
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BACK TO LE COMIC, …oh ye I technically went over everything. Or at least, what goes into his mentality,..UHH
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Let’s look at Trip rq. Trip the Lizard gets an entire arc in Superstars! Her dynamic between her and Fang is simple, Trip tries to help or Trip tries to do what Fang says and Fang just relents and belittles her. Once Trip gets kicked by Fang, [Trip had to gull to stop Fang] she gains her heroism and sides with Sonic. Fang gets defeated by her anddddd ye that’s the last of Fang in that story. Now, I'm gonna show how sweet she was, even if Fang wouldn’t return the respect. 
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I know Sonic Channel isn’t usually taken as canon, but like SHE GIVES HERSELF THE BAD PANCAKE, LIKE AWHH<33 And she doesn’t give up when given commands, tho that can be because she’s verbally forced to. And in the left image, Fang isn’t mad or annoyed about her behavior. Obviously it’s a calm setting, +he’s getting something good. Gosh, he looks surprised, or a little concerned,  because “Why is she still being like this after the stuff I push her through?” It’s not new to him though, it’s like Bean and Bark all over again. They stick together through many things. But the more he doesn’t let others in his life, he’ll just get hurt more and more. This is where I'd say Fang should try to listen to himself, “Get your act together” “You’re better than this”, but in the sense he should open up, that he should be more emotional and let his mind speak. I think that explains why he’s unlikable to some, he’s just reacting madly with no reason. And if I were to find a reason, it’d be because he’s not getting what he deserves, a close bond. And bringing up the sad fact, if he doesn’t let himself be himself, he’s not going to get what he needs. I swear, he’s regretting his choices, but it seems like he’s gone far. Trip could’ve helped but she moved sides. In FTH, Bean and Bark are staying, and I can only hope it STAYS.THAT. WAY. Cause like, Team Hooligan has been together for SO LONG, Bean and Bark are having fun with Fang, and Fang is leveled out with Bean and Bark. 
Ngl, this is supposed to be a “This is why the way he is” more than “He’s justifiable”, but I think my rant could give new insight as to why he’s not a horrible character. Especially when there’s so many others already avoiding an unlikable Fang, Fang Gang being my prime example :] cause we love the silly jerboa! We don’t STOP loving him, and we make sure of that. <33
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theventriloq1st · 6 months ago
Hello Hello, I am The Ventriloquist. You may call me The Puppeteer, Puppeteer, Ventriloquist, etc. I will not be sharing any affiliations to any other social media, but if we become close I may share my discord if I trust you. My follow/like interactions are from a main blog that does not talk about my puppetum stuff. If I want to be mutuals or follow you for puppetum/agalmatophilia content I will measage you privately about it. I ask that you do not publicly interact with that account when referring to puppetum/agalmatophilia stuff or this account.
I am autistic, 18, and identify as POSIC / Objectum and have Agalmatophilia. My pronouns are it/he. I take a particular liking to puppets, particularly the dummy variety, but have a few one off interests in others as well.
This blog is 18+, as I am an adult who may like to create suggestive content. It will be adequately tagged as #suggestiventriloquism.
I may open my asks for requests and asks some time.
For now, here are some current characters I am interested in.
Slappy the dummy (Goosebumps), bothmovie and television vers.
Mr. Wood (Goosebumps)
Mortimer Handee, (Hello Puppets series)
Nick Nack (Hello Puppets series)
Billy/Jigsaw (Saw series)
Spamton (Deltarune)
Sun/Daycare Attendant (FNAF)
Dolores (The Umbrella Academy)
Some tags I will post
#ventriloquistic (art posts)
#ventriloqannons (headcannons/theories)
#suggestiventriloquism (suggestive/18+ content)
#ventriloquistrebloggery (content I find interesting and related enough to reblog here.)
#ventriloquistrants (general postings and rants)
#ventriloquistselfships (self shippings)
#theventriloq1st (general posts of mine.)
More may be added as needed
My DMs are open unless otherwise specified!
I don’t bite (very hard)
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dreamsausage · 5 months ago
Weird dream
Me n my family went to a big shop with lots of toys and nick nacks in it. I got a little gachapon toy doggy thing and mum and dad put it in their bag whole discussing what they were getting.
Discovered a small food stand but when we got close it was suddenly outside and chucking it down with rain. We all ordered food and discovered the hygiene and customer service were a bit shit (I spotted dad putting a burrito together on th e muddy floor at one point) but the food was great.
Sudden change to me on the bus with boj. Riley shows up with someone who is meant to be her mum? And we all sit together at the back. Unsure of the amount of time that passes but Riley, her mum and my sister all get off together and a different lady gets on who I apparently know. Some weird guy comes on and starts ranting down the phone or something about a load of random shit and being misogynistic. He gets off the bus and everyone goes "well he was a bit horrible" but the girl next to me reacts a bit strangely.
Cut to us in her car driving down a path in a forest at night. She pulls into a layby and spies on this weird guy, who's talking again to someone else. Apparently they talked him into flirting with a high status girl in the neighbourhood. We're in the front facing away from him but we hear him approaching and then running away again, then saying to his friend "you didn't tell me you guys are into silvers! Do you really like to skirt up swords?" I have no idea what this means. The girl has no idea either and asks me to Google it, but while I'm doing that, the guy's argument gets bigger and he might have hit his friend? Then he turns around and starts calling after the girl in the car, apparently her name was Ladea?
He kept shouting for her to slow down so he can talk to her but she turned the car around and tried to take a shortcut back across to the road, but she drove right into a pond and the car started filling with water. The guy climbed into the pond and opened both the doors on the right, but only went to help her and completely ignored me. She told him off for ignoring me and he got a bit grumpy about it but he picked me up and carried me over to a stump to sit on, then went back for her. I wasn't scared, just really weirdly sad. I started crying. I could hear the two of them talking before I woke up. I wasn't crying in real life, and wasn't really sad when I woke up.
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crunchity-munchity · 4 years ago
👁👄👁 I went to bed yesterday with the impression that ot would be a new and better day but no u guess not
You ever have where you get kinda bad news and you don't think much of it untill a little later, yeah, let's just say its a little hard to focus on class work rn
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thewelllitweenie · 2 years ago
The main bits I like are, the snobby aread aren't in the central square of the city which is a fun mix of shit. So let's have a rundown based on what I can remember right right now having lived there but since moved. Also assume there's bars, clubs or little shops shatter shot everywhere and my memory sucks.
Along the top part or north terrace. You've got the new hospital, the train station, a (my) university, the old hospital and the botanical gardens. So far so good, classic CBD shenanigans. On the eastern most edge is/was a nice cocktail bar right on the corner.
Right hand side or conveniently we have east terrace which does go all the way down, getting mixed up with Hutt street along the way. So here the parklands properly abut up to the city edge, it's also where the adelaide fringe festival has two of its bigger venueesque areas The Garden Of Unearthly Delights and Gluttony which pop up for the festival and both house a bunch of tent venues, stages and little stalls for food, nick nacks and bars you get the picture. Also actual east terrace mostly bars and clubs plus my old place. Hutt street going further south is a kind of restaurant strip with a couple of regular shops, offices, library branch and some housing. Pretty sure east terrace the road kinda zigzags on the outside edge all the way down now I go back and think about how south is laid out.
At the bottom south terrace! This fucker goes across the whole bottom edge, and fucked if I can really remember much. Oh the parklands there have a lot of playing fields and stuff for sports and schools. There's a hospital and associated clinics along the way, a couple hotels, pretty sure there's a school and a building holding the offices for a telecommunications company. The western edge is a mystery to my memory but I'm sure I'll remember as soon as I post this stupid rant.
West terrace, lots of through traffic because adelaide is a real north-south oriented piece of shit. Bunch of fast food places and misc commercial offices and I aam pretty sure a momunment mason workshop for headstones because west terrace also has a big fuck off cemetery.
Generally my experience was the posher parts of the CBD werr as you went north aand east with rougher areas more west and south. However this is not consistent by any stretch. And right near the middle is the part I miss most often about adelaide and that's the central market but I'm done with this rant.
So i dunno, visit very compass arranged Adelaide CBD. It's been so long I couldn't reccomend anything because I have no clue what's still there.
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Oh so many reasons to enjoy this image and find amusement in it.
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