#NYC chair massage
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Rejuvenate and Relieve Stress with Chair Massage Pit Stop
At Chair Massage Pit Stop in Buffalo, NY, we provide targeted therapies to alleviate #stress and tension quickly. Our hot bamboo treatments deliver precise relief, similar to hot stone therapy, while our Primal Reflex Relief technique releases deep-seated trigger points and joint tension. In just 20 minutes, our chair #massages leave you rejuvenated and ready to tackle life’s challenges. With our Refuel Massage Membership, enjoy ongoing #relaxation, adaptable sessions, and exclusive benefits tailored to your needs.
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kneadmassagenyc · 2 years
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Get a professional Swedish massage in NYC
Make sure that you check the certificate and experience of the professional before scheduling a Swedish massage in NYC. Also, taking a look at the review section will be helpful to understand if the professional will actually be able to offer you the best services. Do not hesitate to compare the cost of the services of multiple therapists so that you are able to save some money. There are numerous things you need to consider before booking a service. This will make the experience the best, and you will enjoy the massage time in the right way. To avoid the complication of going through the lengthy process of research, you can directly connect with Knead NYC for the best help.
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Here is my piece of air travel advice having had flights canceled on me after long delays two times this year:
The VERY MINUTE you get a notice that your flight is delayed, call the airline and get in line for a call back from an agent. The wait is always a few hours, so by the time you get the call you'll have more information. They can book you on another flight without losing your spot on your current flight, so you'll have a leg up on everyone else. Don't bother with the app, don't get in physical line for the help desk rebooking.
We were delayed from 625 to 830, then 915, then 950. We were in line on the jetway at 940 and a gate agent came running through SHOUTING, "You need to hurry up, your crew times out at 10:15 and the doors have to be shut by then. You have to get every person on the plane and shut the doors by 10:15 or the flight is canceled." Everyone BOOKED IT and we were seated and the doors were shut and the engines were running at 9:57. At 10:03 the pilot came on and said there was a maintenance issue and we waited 10 more minutes and he finally said this plane couldn't fly but it was fine bc they had another plane and we would just get off the plane and reboard that one. BUT THAT WAS A LIE BC THERE WAS NO CREW.
And he told us to wait at the gate instead of going to the rebooking agent!! The gate agent was like, the pilot lied! there are planes but no crews! GO GET IN LINE TO BE REBOOKED! We went and got in line to be rebooked but also called and signed up for a call back and stood there trying to figure out what to do for 90 minutes (I tried to rent a car and 5 of us -- me, my friend, and three strangers we embraced to have a planes trains and automobiles cross-country adventure-- were going to group together and drive, my friend's husband booked us refundable tickets out of CONNECTICUT on TUESDAY, etc.) Finally we gave up and headed to a hotel and my friend got a call from a representative as we were walking to the taxi line who was able to book us through Dayton Ohio the next day. But like, if we had called to rebook AS SOON AS WE WERE DELAYED, we'd still have had to spend the night in NYC but we wouldn't have had to spend the day in Dayton, we'd have been booked on one of the direct flights.
Anyway that's my advice. Don't wait in line, don't delay calling, just get on the phone the first minute you can.
That's all bye bye Dayton Airport is bad but there is a free massage chair.
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fletchervanhall · 4 months
Big Talks | Flavier
Featuring: Fletcher Van Hall & Xavier Mitchell; mentions of other Van Halls and Mitchells. Location: Millennium Hilton Hotel; NYC, NY Time Frame: Early morning, April 26, 2024 Notes: Flavier have an important talk, the same morning that this took place. @xaviernottheprofessor
Waking up with the biggest smile on his face, Xavier’s immediate reaction was to wrap his arms around Fletcher but to his surprise, he wasn’t in bed with him. He rubbed his eyes and reached for his glasses before reaching for his phone and when he read his boyfriend’s text message, he smiled and stretched his arms. He had a slow day considering he’d be performing tomorrow which would give him and Fletcher time to be touristy. Xavier stood up as he checked his emails and made sure he had finished his work. He had one meeting in a couple of minutes and he figured he had enough time before Fletcher got back. Feeling a little sore but in the best way, Xavier practiced a few yoga poses before throwing on a t shirt and joining the quick Zoom call. Once he had finished, he looked at the time, getting slightly worried that his boyfriend was still out. Maybe it was just a busy morning at the store. He waited, wanting to take a shower with Fletcher and not alone and as he was about to text him, Xavier heard the door and smiled. “Hey! I was getting worried. Packed store?” He went to help Fletcher with the drinks and pressed a kiss against his lips. He noticed something off almost immediately and looked up at him. “Everything okay?”
Despite his best efforts, Fletcher was still fuming from the encounter with Gerry. He'd stopped in the hotel lobby and set the bagels and drinks down to flex and straighten his fingers about a dozen times over. On impulse, he reached for his pho
ne to call his uncle now, but somehow, amidst his upset, remembered the 3 hour time difference and the likelihood that Drew was probably still asleep. So, after a few more deep, deep breaths, Fletcher picked up the breakfast items and strode to the elevators. Once he reached Xavier's hotel room, he arranged everything to one hand and opened the door with the key card. His expression was stony even though he'd wished it was calm and relaxed like it'd been when he left. He returned Xavier's kiss with little gusto and said, "No, not really," about the bagel shop being packed. He'd let Xavier take the drink tray and then set the bag of bagels down so he could pull his hoodie off. Tossing it to a chair, Fletcher stepped out of his shoes and sat down on the bed, running a hand down his face in an effort to wipe the tension away. "It will be. I'm just pissed. Kinda." He didn't even know how to start this conversation considering he never talked about his parents with anyone. He didn't even talk about them with Drew anymore.
"You should have your coffee before it gets cold. It should still be close to hot at least. And there's bagels in the bag. We've never had 'em together before so didn't know what you'd like and got a few different ones." Half naked in just his sweats, Fletcher leaned forward with his elbows on his thighs and his forefingers deliberately pressed against the corners of his eyes. "I know I should tell you what's up. I just don't know how." He sighed, almost never being one at a loss for words.
Xavier set the drinks on the table but kept his gaze on Fletcher. Something was definitely off about the other. "Well, that's good. Friday mornings shouldn't be too bad and rush hour is basically over." This was all filler conversation, of course. Xavier hoped Fletcher would take a moment to shake off what was bothering him enough to talk about if he needed to. When Fletcher said he was pissed, it got Xavier's attention. He could care less about the coffee, especially with how bothered and annoyed his boyfriend looked. "Alright, just take your time." He walked over to Fletcher and sat beside him, letting his hand settle on the other's back to massage small circles. "Don't worry about the coffee. I'll put it in the microwave if it gets too cold. I'm more worried about you."
Xavier glanced over to the bag of bagels and a small smile appeared on his face. He was grateful that Fletcher had gotten them breakfast. "Thank you. I like all bagels so I'm sure they're all great." He watched Fletcher, his smile slowly fading. Whatever was bothering his boyfriend, it was serious and he hated seeing him like this. "Whatever it is, I'm here to listen. Judgement-free zone and with an open heart and mind." He leaned in to press a kiss against Fletcher's temple. "What's going on?"
He nodded, hearing but not fully listening to Xavier's comment about the busyness of the morning. And shortly after he felt Xavier approach, he moved his fingers from his eyes, rubbing them slightly to help clear his vision. He brought a hand down to rest on Xavier's thigh and finally said, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just..." He trailed off and leaned into Xavier's words of comfort. His shoulders slowly rose and fell, and his back expanded and contracted as he drew in a deep breath and sighed it back out, deciding to start somewhere and just go with it.
"I've never told you about... my parents. And it was on purpose because they're mostly irrelevant in my life now. Drew talks to them from time to time and that's about as much of a tie to them as I still have. They seem to have no real problem being a brother or a sister-in-law but being a parent? That was too much for them to handle. I was too much for them. They had me when they were close to 40 and back then, they were the oldest parents of anyone my age. I was born here, in New York, and I had a lot of energy as a kid. Like most kids. And like most kids, I wanted to ask every question that came to my mind which exhausted and annoyed them. I wanted to go everywhere and do everything. They didn't." He thought back for a moment, remembering times where he argued with both of his parents until his dad shut the entire conversation down--usually with threats of a belt whooping. He remembered them arguing with each other about him and on rare occasion, one of them was in support of him being who he was.
"But neither of them could really be parents. It just became more and more obvious as I got older. And when they couldn't take it anymore, they sent me to live with Drew. There's an age gap between him and my-... than Gerry." He wouldn't call the man his father. Not out loud and not in his head if he could help it. "At first it was just during the school year and I'd come back home during the Winter and Summer breaks. And then, after a few years, it was permanent. They didn't want me getting my hopes up of coming back to New York for good anytime soon, which at the time, was what I wanted." He cracked a brief, mirthless half-smile Xavier's way, "So when I say I was a little shit to Drew when I was a kid, now you know why. He was kinder to me and more patient with me than my parents ever were, but I didn't want to be in California with him. I wanted to be back home. It didn't make sense then but it was what I'd wanted. And when that wasn't an option to even come visit, I got angry. I acted out at home--namely towards my idiot cousins who resented me being there. And I acted out at school, got into trouble for it and acted like I didn't care. I'd cuss out my parents if they tried calling to talk to me, so eventually, they stopped trying. First Gerry. And then Shirley." He took another deep breath and balled his fingers into knuckle-white fists. "I hadn't seen or heard from either of them directly since high school. Drew tried to keep me in the loop on their lives but he learned pretty quick that I didn't wanna hear about them.
"But he must've talked to Gerry recently because the old man knew I was in town. And he knew I was here because I ran into him when I was coming back with breakfast."
Xavier shook his head in response to never being told about Fletcher's parents. There were a lot of conclusions that Xavier had made on his own based on conversations with Drew and things he had picked up along the way but nothing seemed concrete and he figured, it was a topic Fletcher didn't like to dive into. The mere fact that Drew was constantly praised and given credit for Fletcher's upbringing and the man he is today was enough evidence that Fletcher's parents weren't people worth mentioning and the more Xavier listened, the more he realized that was correct. It saddened him knowing his parents didn't want him and had made a big effort to push Fletcher away. No kid deserved that no matter the intention. Even if sending Fletcher to Drew was best for him, it didn't mean that as a boy he didn't feel neglected. Xavier listened intently, his heart hurting for Fletcher and the little boy that once existed and was forced to live a different life. While Drew was an angel and did right by Fletcher, he still had to go through the feeling of not being wanted or loved. He was starting to understand the barriers and walls that his boyfriend sometimes held up.
Learning that Fletcher was from New York wasn't so much a surprise. There were certain times that Xavier had picked up on an accent but didn't really think much of it. He continued massaging his boyfriend's back as his gaze remained fixated on Fletcher's eyes. When he had mentioned that he had run into Gerry, Xavier frowned and shook his head. He couldn't imagine what that encounter was like. "You wanting to be here as a child does make sense. This is what you knew and no matter how terrible your parents made you feel, they were still your parents and at that age, there was some part of you that wanted to belong to them. Also, this was your life. I'm sorry that this all happened to you but I'm so glad that Drew had the patience and love to give that they did not."
"That was all you really needed at that time. Like you said, you were like most kids full of energy and wanting to do things. None of that was your fault. I empathize with them maybe feeling older or too old to do it but that's life. There were other ways to go about things and you were the child not them. However they wanted to go about it, they didn't handle things the way a parent should. You didn't deserve that. You got a little surprise with Phoebe and you are about the age your parents were when they had you and you stepped up for that baby by yourself. I know you have a giant village behind you but you made that decision on your own. That's what I mean by that. You have given Phoebe a chance and that makes you --you're not your parent's child. Whatever your father said to you or tried to tell you, if it was negative which by the looks of things, it was--well then...fuck him. He has no right to come into your life so many years later and try to fuck you over." He kept massaging his back. "Do you want me to go saran wrap his toilet? I can change your mom's shampoo and add Nair or something?" He sighed. "Tell your inner child that you're incredibly loved and wanted."
When Fletcher paused to let Xavier take everything in, he wasn't the least bit surprised to find his boyfriend not only empathizing but coming to his defense for the way he was brought up and how his parents went about things. He gave Xavier's thigh a gentle squeeze, and then a low, "Sweetheart," as Xavier kept going. And then he turned his head to look directly at the younger man. "X." Taking a beat, he raised a hand to the back of Xavier's neck and leaned over to kiss his forehead. "Thank you. I know. And believe me when I say that I've already worked through a lot of this. Drew's a great mentor, plus I've gone to therapy before and I've had a long time to come to terms with how things turned out. Yeah, once in a while I get worried when I think about how I'm forty and Phoebe's not even one yet, but it's okay. Deep down, I know it's okay and that if I fear anything now--you know, aside from that typical parental fear of fucking up your kid--I only worry about missing important things later in her life. But I'm making the best of all the time I have with her. I know damn well I'm not and never will be anything like my parents when it comes to her or any kids in my life. Trust me, if you had seen me when I found out April was having my baby and nearly cost me the chance at being her father?" He shook his head and resumed looked to the floor. "It wasn't a pretty side of me. I'll leave it at that."
He reached for Xavier's hand that had been rubbing his back and held it in his instead. "I don't want you to do anything to them. I don't even want you to meet them. It'd be an honor they don't deserve." Fletcher squeezed his boyfriend's hand and said, "I just wanted you to know what I hadn't told you before, and what I don't really tell anyone for that matter, so you'd understand why I was pissed because yeah, I did run into Gerry just before coming back up here." After another deep breath, he went on with a sense of finality in his voice. "He came by to be nosy among other things. Nothing innocent or polite about it either, and without flattening him on the sidewalk, I told him he can go back to staying the hell outta my life." He wasn't interested in giving a play-by-play of the conversation with Gerry or what the older man said and almost said since it was what pissed him off to begin with.
"Thinking about you, Drew and the kids was what kept me from probably getting arrested on battery charges this morning," he admitted, giving Xavier a sideways glance to take in his reaction to this admission. And then he reminded, "I just... wanted you to know what happened. And to say sorry for the delay with breakfast. I was planning to be back before you woke up. Let the coffee smell wake you and all."
He could hear Fletcher saying his name probably in an attempt to get Xavier to stop fretting and to listen to him but Xavier was too wound up. In fact, the more he built himself up, the more he wanted to reassure his boyfriend that was amazing and all the positive things he had learned about him over the last couple of months. It had felt like someone had pushed a knife into him when he heard of what Fletcher had dealt with as a child. "yeah?" He was just getting started but listened as Fletcher continued. "That's good." It gave him some satisfaction hearing that his boyfriend had already worked through a lot of the trauma inflicted on him. "Well, I'll just have to keep you healthy so you don't miss too much and you're here for all the important things." In his mind, there was a strong emphasis on him being one of the people to keep Fletcher healthy for his daughter. Xavier didn't mean to be presumptuous. If anything, he was being hopeful. He rubbed the back of Fletcher's head, letting his fingers run through his dark tresses. "You two are so lucky to have each other. I am so glad you both got the chance to be in each other's life." He didn't want to think of Fletcher being in a state that wasn't a 'pretty side'. Xavier had become extremely protective.
When Fletcher took his hand, he smiled softly, chuckling a bit at the thought of doing anything to Fletcher's parents. "Just say the word, okay?" He'd never hurt anyone. Most people would probably say he's incapable but thinking of Fletcher having to deal with his parents again especially knowing his father was unkind made his blood boil. "Thank you for telling me. No secrets here, okay? Whatever you or I have to say to each other, we should feel like we can in a non-toxic, loving way." He squeezed Fletcher's hand lovingly. Hearing that thinking about him, Drew and the kids anchored Fletcher made him smile again. "Well, good. We need you here and now in some orange jumpsuit. It'll drown you out..." Xavier chuckled, moving his hand over his face. "Nothing to be sorry about. That's incredibly sweet of you though." He leaned in to kiss Fletcher's cheek. "I am so proud of you for not decking your dad and for being you and for telling me all of this. I know it wasn't easy."
He gave a smile that didn't touch his eyes when Xavier spoke of keeping him healthy. He'd been working on it already with smoking less weed to be mentally present, and drinking less. And although it wasn't as frequent as before, he was back to going to the gym. His boyfriend's support meant a lot to him. He murmured a, "Thank you, sugar," to himself and lowered his head to rest on Xavier's shoulder.
"Sure thing," Fletcher told him, shutting his eyes as more calm came over him, the more he stayed close to Xavier. "No secrets," he echoed. "Like I said, it just wasn't something I talk about. Drew and I don't even talk about them together anymore. But you know all the significant parts of my life now." His eyes opened as he let out a small, short chuckle. "No, I won't land myself in an orange jumpsuit. Not on purpose anyway." Fletcher lifted his head in time to receive Xavier's kiss to his cheek. In turn, he lifted their joined hands and kissed the back of his boyfriend's. "It wasn't. But you needed to know. I love you for listening, and for caring so much about me." As he tenderly released Xavier's hand, he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and held him tightly. He loved him for so much more than that but in the moment, it was what he'd said.
Xavier loved the new nickname. Sugar and sweetheart were words he loved hearing it come from Fletcher. Gently, he placed his head on top of his boyfriend's and smiled. "Anytime, mon cher. I'll take care of you." He'd be sure never to let Fletcher down in that promise.
"I know. It was just not relevant. Drew probably wants there to be some sort of relationship between you and your parents. Thank you for telling me. And good! I'll bail you out every time but let's not." Xavier teased with a soft chuckle. He leaned into the embrace and wrapped his arm around Fletcher, attacking the side of his face with a few kisses. "You can't blame me. I'm a sucker for you." He murmured against Fletcher's cheek and then pressed his forehead against his temple. "You're so special, Fletcher." Xavier didn't have to say the rest of the sentence but he hated that his boyfriend's parents couldn't see that. 'Want me to get your bagel ready?" He kissed Fletcher's temple. "Are you originally from Manhattan or somewhere else?"
"I'm sure Drew wants that. He's a good person like that but it's not going to happen. And I'm gonna talk with him about not sharing all my business with them anymore. I used to not care but after today, no more." He knew Drew would respect those wishes, especially if Fletcher repeated even half of what little Gerry had said. He smiled a little more genuinely for the first time since returning to the hotel room, thanks to Xavier's words and affection. He held his boyfriend for a while longer and then drew back, kissing him on the lips for a moment. And then he pulled apart with a small shake of his head, "It’s okay, I got it. Actually, why don't you tell me what you want and I'll bring you breakfast in bed?" He pecked Xavier's lips and then stood, grabbing the coffee cups to heat up for the both of them. As he fiddled with the microwave, he said, "I was born in The Bronx and my parents moved to Manhattan when I was two." He opened the bagel bag and said, "There's just plain cream cheese and then with the bagels, I got plain, everything, sesame and blueberry."
“He really is a good person.” Xavier agreed with that statement knowing that Drew probably wanted to aid in Fletcher and his parents talking again. “But I am proud of you for wanting to place some boundaries and I know Drew will be receptive and understanding of that. Quite frankly, your parents don’t deserve knowing the happenings in your life especially with your dad trying to come at you.” He returned the kiss and was glad to see Fletcher come down from his initial anger. Gerry didn’t deserve an ounce of it. When his boyfriend stood up to prepare the bagels and heat up their coffee, he smiled, pushing himself back on the bed. “Ooo la la breakfast in bed. And they say romance is dead.” He chuckled, and reached for Fletcher’s hand to kiss it before he went off to get breakfast ready. Xavier listened as he spoke with a small smile on his face. “The Bronx! Ohhh that explains the toughness. I went to the Bronx last year for a show and it the crowd was tough but in the end they had the best laughs, I swear.” Xavier listened to the options with a grin. “Sesame please. What is your favorite kind of bagel?”
Fletcher knew Drew had good intentions but if Fletcher had the chance to do a trip like this again, he'd have to make it clear to Drew that he didn't want or need either of his parents seeking him out in the city. He'd nodded in agreement with Xavier and had taken another deep breath before kissing him, quietly thankful that the anger he'd felt had dissipated. Xavier had a lot to do with that, he was sure of it. He'd gotten up but paused and looked back at his boyfriend just as his hand was kissed. His eyes said the 'thank you' that his mouth didn't need to voice, just before he resumed readying their breakfast. He chuckled at Xavier's reaction to him being born in The Bronx and joked, "Yeah that's it. They baptize all the babies born there in toughness water, found only in that borough." Taking out the plastic knife and the semi-sliced sesame bagel, he sliced it in half all the way and then opened one of the cream cheese cups to smear on both halves. "Damn, yeah that doesn't surprise me that you won the crowd over in the end. Or were you at that show as part of the audience?" He lightly closed the two halves back on themselves and left it on a napkin while returning to the microwave to take out their coffees and fix them how they both liked theirs. As he did so, he said, "No surprise here but I'm an equal everything bagel fan. Best of all worlds." He set his coffee down in exchange for Xavier's bagel and napkin, and walked over to the bed to present him with his breakfast. "So I guess we'll both be guilty of getting seeds in the bed." He smirked a little and went back to fix up his own bagel and then join his boyfriend, sitting next to and facing him--one leg bent and resting on the bed while the other hung over the edge--and knowing that any mess would be easy enough to brush away or shake off of the bed linens.
Xavier watched as Fletcher prepared his bagel, chuckling at the thought of babies being baptized in 'toughness water'. "I wouldn't be surprised if any of that were true but it all makes sense now. Look at me dating a Bronx boy. What I've learned in my time in New York City is that you're not really from New York if you're from upstate. Bronx people are tough as nails and they have the best Dominican food. Brooklyn is great for authentic Italian and people who think they're tough but are sawft." Xavier chuckled as he tried to imitate the accent. "Queens people are pretty friendly and if you want a good diner, that's where to go and finally Manhattan has some fancy folks who love a good slice of pizza and wine. And we don't talk about Staten Island. Did I get that right?" Xavier smirked and then nodded at Fletcher's question. "I was doing some standup. It's been a long time since I've done any but when I had the chance, it was a lot of fun." He listened to Fletcher with a smile on his face. "Good choice. I like them all but Sesame Seed is a fan fave. Oh, why thank you, sir." He grinned at Fletcher as he took the bagel from him. "It's alright. When do we get to do this anyway?" He took a bite of his bagel and chewed as he happily sat beside his boyfriend. He sincerely hoped that his run-in with his father hadn't ruined the good time they were having. "Mm, this is so good. Nothing like a New York bagel that's for sure."
Fletcher listened to Xavier while he worked on the breakfast. He chuckled a little bit, "Yeah, I mean geographical stereotypes are a thing. But they exist because there's some level of truth to them." Once he had his own bagel together, he grabbed his coffee, added several packets of sugar and a couple cream cups, and then brought his breakfast over. He sipped on the hot beverage after making himself comfortable, and then said, "Yeah we never do. But we should start trying to make it a thing. Maybe on Sundays." Phoebe wouldn't allow herself to be left out but if they were up early enough, they could possibly get away with a cup of coffee in bed together. He set the cup down on the ground beside the bed and then bit into his bagel, feeling like he was biting into an old memory. He enjoyed it and the bites that followed, and then licked a couple of poppyseeds from his lips. "This is nice." He eyed Xavier for a moment and then leaned forward to peck his lips a few times. "Mmm, and so's this." Stealing one more kiss, he sat up a little straighter and took another bite of his bagel. "Thank you for being the best boyfriend in this relationship." He winked, knowing Xavier was likely to argue and then picked up his cup for another drink of his coffee.
"Amen to that." He licked the cream cheese off his thumb and took another bite of his bagel. Xavier set the bagel down on his thigh and reached for his coffee, blowing on the lid and smiling at the warmth sitting between his hands. "I like that idea. Making Sunday morning breakfasts our thing sounds nice. That would mean more sleepovers which I'm always down for." He smiled at his boyfriend. They had already discussed seeing each other more especially now that Xavier would have more time. They were both going to work on accessibility for their children so they could do a week on and off here and there at each other's home and he loved the idea. Xavier chuckled at the kisses and licked his lips after Fletcher stole another kiss. He then leaned in for another, swiping his tongue against the corner of his boyfriend's lips. "You missed a seed." He sat up and reached for his bagel again. "Don't start that..." His smile grew as he pulled a piece off to toss into his mouth. "You just want to fight so you can have your way with me after. I'm on to you." He then took another sip of his coffee. "Not that I'm complaining but I think we're both pretty solid in this relationship mister let me surprise Xavier with a trip to New York City." He set the half of the bagel that was left and his coffee on the end table and shifted to face Fletcher. "And knowing what I know now about you and your past and the memories that come with being here and you still came here to see me and surprise me to not only see me but tell me you love me..." His gaze lingered. "Well, I'm sprung. If that wasn't already obvious. I could do this for a very, very long time."
"More sleepovers was always the plan, right?" Fletcher took another bite of his bagel while thinking about them alternating time in each other's homes. He thought about Drew and how a change of environment was good for him. He had his physical therapy appointments, and he was extremely fond of his garden. Fletcher would make sure Drew still got to come back to tend to it whenever they were staying at Xavier's. It might not be a long term plan but it was what he and Xavier were going to explore soon. After a few kisses, he'd taken another bite of bagel and lightly smirked as Xavier came close to his face, expecting another kiss and ending up pleasantly surprised by the quick lick. He smiled and sipped his coffee, only to raise both of his brows in faix innocence, "What?" only to listen to Xavier call him out on exactly what he was doing. "I'm just telling the truth is all. Sheesh. Bite a guy's head off why don't ya?" He grinned a little and set his cup back down, along with what was left of his bagel. After seeing that Xavier's hands were free, Fletcher drew his leg up on the bed and shifted so that he was situated in between Xavier's legs. "I had a compelling reason for coming here. You were more than enough for me to return." His eyes were on his boyfriend's and his hands were running up Xavier's arms as he spoke to him. And then he kissed his forehead and trailed slow kisses to his jaw, neck and throat as he muttered, "Now when you say you could do 'this' for a very, very long time..." Fletcher nuzzled his love's neck while guiding his hands back down Xavier's arms and threading their fingers together. And then he raised his head to meet his gaze again. "Tell me what you mean, exactly."
"Sure are." Xavier was looking forward to this new step in his relationship with Fletcher. Being home meant spending more time with his kids and friends and hopefully his family in London too. He was excited about seeing his boyfriend more often and getting to know Drew better. Xavier had already promised to help Drew with his garden whenever he had a chance and he also wanted to get the opportunity to watch Phoebe grow. It would be an adjustment but he knew it would be for the best for everyone. His kids already adored Fletcher, Emiliana, and Drew and Xavier wanted to see more of that flourish. He grinned at his boyfriend's coy behavior, wondering if he'd ever stop falling in love with him. Was it a perpetual thing? Would he always find new reasons why he keeps falling for the other? Was that the norm when it came to being in love? It sounded almost childish in his head but the questions still existed. He'd never felt this way not even for people he swore he'd marry as a teenager. Everything seemed like child's play in comparison. It was exhilarating and quite frightening. He'd do it all for Fletcher. He'd fight his demons, yell at his probably very terrifying father, help raise his child, and install every necessary accessible feature for Drew in his house and in the Van Hall's. He'd do it out of love and appreciation. He'd fallen harder than he expected. "Just being observant." Xavier laughed but his eyes remained softened as his gaze fixated on his boyfriend. Fletcher's gentle touches and kisses relaxed him, turning him into a puddle of putty. A content sigh escaped his lips as he enjoyed the kisses against his skin. Xavier closed his eyes as he smiled when he felt Fletcher's lips against his throat. It was one his weak spots and his boyfriend knew that. He'd already lost his train of thought but recovered the moment Fletcher looked up at him again. He laughed, bowing his head bashfully before raising his gaze again. There were many ways he could answer such a simple question. "This. For starters, all of that." He couldn't help but laugh again at how little sense his answer made. "Everything. Us, this, life. I could do life with you for a very, very long time." Xavier took one hand so that he could cup Fletcher's face. His thumb grazed the grooves of his nose and then his cheekbones, settling at the apple of his cheeks. "Sleepovers, finding new places to fuck, making you laugh, making you happy. Taking away the bad shit and parking it elsewhere in return for a lot of good shit. You marking me with your bites and scratches and yes, tattoos." He leaned in to kiss him. "Waking up next to you, breakfast together, Drew telling me stories, the kids making fun of their very much in love dad, Phoebe laughing at my jokes that she doesn't understand. I think she thinks my face is just funny." He kissed Fletcher's temple and then nuzzled his face for a bit. "I don't want to do this with anyone else. I'm reaalll good here."
A throaty chuckle rose from Fletcher when he heard Xavier's answer to his question. And he continued to listen to him. His words penetrated his heart and pumped it up to where it filled his rib cage. He rested into Xavier's hand on his cheek and met his kiss. The way Xavier described their relationship and their lives together--the way their families were melding so beautifully together really had been such an incredible thing. "Funny because I don't want you to do this with anyone else either." Grinning softly, Fletcher's arms slipped around Xavier to hold him close, and then his lips relaxed as he let out a content sigh. "I'm good here too. I love you so much, it's wild. And I love the life we're building together. Everything you said about us and our families? That's exactly how I feel. You, Winter and Henry make my life better. I know you all do that for Phoebe and Drew too. And I know Emiliana loves and adores all of you too." He kissed Xavier's shoulder and then lifted his head, loosening his hold a bit to meet Xavier's eyes again. "But I love and adore you the most. I don't have the poetic words that you do but I'm glad you kissed me that night at the gala. You put yourself on my mind from that night, on, and you planted yourself in my heart."
This closeness to Fletcher felt right. Xavier had always wanted this with someone even when he joked that he didn't before going on the island. He had admired his friend's relationships, seeing how happy everyone was and how they all supported one another. To have one of the only relationships that had failed out of his reality television stint stung and while he wasn't purposely looking for someone when he decided to kiss Fletcher, he was glad he did. Thinking back on it, he couldn't remember why he felt bold enough to do it. For whatever reason, it made sense. "Good. I'm yours for as long as you'll have and want me." Hearing that Fletcher loved him again and again and with such confidence and conviction made his heart soar. He felt mushy all over and was glad that he had succeeded at making Fletcher feel better. "I love the life we're building together too. I know it's been a short couple of months but it feels longer yet not. I love the feeling of being comfortable with you and still having the opportunity to learn new things about who you are. I end up falling in love with all of you and I've never felt that way about anyone before." He laughed softly and shook his head before pulling his boyfriend in for a tight embrace. "You say I'm the poetic one. I told you, I think I've had a crush on you for a while now probably before that boo bash if I'm being honest. I don't know what gave me any courage to kiss you that night but I had to. I'm glad I did too." He pulled back and smiled at Fletcher. "I said for a very, very long time. I mean forever. I know that's a scary thought but that's how I feel and hopefully, that's how it'll be." It was a tiny promise that could be translated into many things. Xavier wasn't trying to frighten Fletcher or talk about major future life plans but he simply wanted it known that no one else could exist for him or take Fletcher's place.
Fletcher listened to Xavier some more and gladly returned the embrace when he was pulled toward his boyfriend. Loving his daughter and his uncle had been one thing. Falling in love with Winter and Henry had been special. But finding love with Xavier was something else indescribable, even though he'd tried putting it to words just a moment ago. While they were close, he'd kissed him on his neck again and then met his eyes again once Xavier pulled back. He smiled lazily as he told him, "And you're still the poetic one here. One of these days I'm gonna pay you a compliment or just say something flat out true about you and you'll accept it for the truth that is is." He stole a peck on Xavier's lips and then listened to him some more. His heart leapt in his chest while he threaded their fingers together. His gaxr turned languid as he echoed, "Hopefully, that's how it'll be." He gently squeezed their interlocked fingers and leaned in to rest his forehead to his boyfriend's for a bit of comfortable silence. When he spoke up again, Fletcher had tilted his head and nuzzled his nose along Xavier's cheek. "I hope you're done with your breakfast because I really want to make love to you right now." They'd done tons of fucking the previous day (and night) but he wanted to go slow and be more attentive to Xavier's entire body than usual.
He never wanted to hear of anyone hurting Fletcher again and while that was a naive thought, Xavier knew that just meant he was hopelessly in love with his boyfriend. Knowing that the conversation that had started sour was turning into something positive and loving gave him relief and made him happy. He wanted nothing more than to kiss Fletcher everywhere, thank him a million times for surprising him in New York City, for getting them breakfast, for letting Xavier in. That meant more to him than anything else. "I do accept it I just want it known that you're also those things and I love you for it." So much had changed for him in a year. He had left a toxic relationship, had fostered the most incredible children, and was now promising forever to a man he had kissed impulsively one night. He closed his eyes when Fletcher nuzzled his cheek and he smiled softly at the intimacy. He wondered for a few seconds what that'd be like. Making love sounded so beautiful coming from his lips. "I'm done with breakfast." He grinned at his boyfriend, having searched for something sweet or adorable to say and coming up with nothing. Instead, Xavier leaned in to kiss Fletcher's cheek before murmuring. "I love you." He kissed his earlobe and then whispered, "Je t'aime" before cupping his face and pulling him down on top of him.
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shadowarq · 20 days
Experience Luxury and Wellness with Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC
In the fast-paced environment of New York City, the need for relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care has never been more essential. Whether you're an athlete seeking recovery, a busy professional in need of stress relief, or a couple looking to reconnect, Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC is here to cater to your needs. With services ranging from Couples spa experiences in Midtown NYC to Sports massage near me NYC, we’re dedicated to offering a sanctuary of peace in the city that never sleeps.
Why Choose Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC?
At Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC, we understand that every client is unique. That’s why our massage therapists are trained to offer personalized treatments that address your specific needs. Located in the heart of New York City, our luxurious spa setting provides a serene escape from the hustle and bustle, allowing you to unwind and recharge.
We specialize in a variety of massage therapies, including deep tissue sports massage in Manhattan and hot stone massages for couples in NYC. Our commitment to using high-quality oils and techniques ensures that you leave feeling both physically and mentally rejuvenated.
Couples Spa Midtown NYC: Reconnect and Rejuvenate Together
In today’s hectic world, finding quality time to spend with your partner can be challenging. What better way to reconnect than with a Couples spa experience in Midtown NYC? At Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC, we offer tailored packages designed to enhance your relationship through shared relaxation and stress relief.
Our couples massages are more than just a luxurious experience—they are a way to bond, relax, and rejuvenate together. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary, or simply need a break from daily stressors, our couples massages, including Couples hot stone massage NYC, provide the perfect opportunity to reconnect in a tranquil environment.
Hot stone massages are particularly popular among couples, as the warm stones help to ease tension and promote deep relaxation. The combination of soothing heat and skilled massage techniques works wonders in relieving stress and enhancing emotional well-being.
Deep Tissue Sports Massage Manhattan: Elevate Your Performance
Athletes and active individuals understand the importance of recovery. Whether you’re training for a marathon, hitting the gym regularly, or dealing with a sports-related injury, a deep tissue sports massage in Manhattan can be a game-changer. At Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC, our skilled therapists are trained in sports massage techniques that target deep muscle layers, helping to relieve tension, reduce inflammation, and speed up recovery.
Deep tissue sports massages are designed to address the specific needs of athletes by focusing on areas of the body that are overused or stressed from repetitive motions. This type of massage is not only beneficial for injury prevention and recovery but also for improving overall performance. By increasing circulation, enhancing flexibility, and reducing muscle soreness, a sports massage can help you achieve your fitness goals more effectively.
Office Massage Services 10001: Wellness at Work
The modern work environment can be stressful, especially in a fast-paced city like New York. Long hours, tight deadlines, and constant screen time can lead to physical discomfort and mental fatigue. That’s where our office massage services in the 10001 area come in.
At Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC, we believe that wellness should be accessible, even at work. Our office massage services are designed to bring relaxation and relief directly to your workplace. Whether you’re looking to boost employee morale, reduce stress, or promote a healthier work environment, our skilled therapists can provide on-site chair massages that target common areas of tension, such as the neck, shoulders, and back.
Incorporating regular office massages into your workplace can lead to numerous benefits, including increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a more positive work atmosphere. Our office massage services are convenient, customizable, and tailored to meet the unique needs of your team.
Sports Massage Near Me NYC: Convenience and Quality
When searching for a Sports Massage Near Me NYC, convenience and quality are key factors. At Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC, we make it easy for you to access top-notch sports massage services, no matter where you are in the city.
Our central location in Midtown Manhattan allows us to serve clients from all over the city, providing expert massage therapy that’s just a short distance away. Whether you’re looking for a quick recovery session during your lunch break or a more extensive treatment after a long day, our therapists are here to accommodate your schedule.
In addition to sports massages, we offer a variety of other services, including deep tissue, Swedish, and hot stone massages, ensuring that you can find the perfect treatment to suit your needs.
Benefits of Regular Massage Therapy
Regular massage therapy offers numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. From relieving muscle tension and improving circulation to reducing stress and enhancing mental clarity, massage therapy is a holistic approach to wellness that can improve your quality of life.
Some of the key benefits of regular massage therapy include:
Stress Relief: Massage therapy helps to lower cortisol levels, which can reduce stress and anxiety.
Pain Management: Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain or recovering from an injury, massage therapy can help to alleviate discomfort and promote healing.
Improved Flexibility: Regular massage can help to improve flexibility and range of motion, making it easier to stay active and prevent injuries.
Enhanced Sleep Quality: Massage therapy can promote relaxation and improve sleep patterns, helping you to feel more rested and rejuvenated.
Boosted Immune System: By reducing stress and improving circulation, regular massage therapy can help to strengthen your immune system and keep you feeling your best.
At Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC, we believe in the power of regular massage therapy as part of a comprehensive wellness routine.Whether you're celebrating a milestone or simply want to unwind with your partner, our spa offers the perfect escape. Book your appointment today and experience the ultimate in relaxation and connection with Knead Bodyworks Massage NYC.
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reservedpolishedblog · 3 months
Relaxation at Your Doorstep: The Unwavering Benefits of At-Home Massage Services!
Imagine this: You walk into your house exhausted from a really long and tiring day at work, searching for relaxing elements, and suddenly the doorbell rings. You go up to the door and open it to find out your pre-scheduled mobile massage NYC service professional is right out there. Wouldn’t you think of thanking the stars and your wisdom that made you sign up for a reservation? We know for a fact that you would hop onto the chair and allow the trained professionals to take away your stress.
Why don’t we look at the unwavering benefits of hiring an at-home massage and self-care service in detail? You just might find undeniable reasons to schedule a session for yourself after all.
Personalized services specifically tailored to meet your requirements
At-store massage services often offer pre-designed packages that may not cater to your specific needs. This approach causes inconvenience in times when you need targeted massage therapy or prefer longer massage duration. Unlike the traditional standardized spa services, at-home spa and massage services have flexible self-care plans. At reputable at-home massage services, you can opt for specific services that you primarily require and pay accordingly.
This is where convenience meets the comfort of home
Most of us have often wished for a way to get a relaxing massage without the hassle of traveling to a spa. Looks like all our wishes have finally been answered. You can now book an at-home massage and self-care service with just a few clicks. All you have to do is hop on to the webpage of the best mobile chair massage NYC service, book the pampering service as per your needs, sit back, and let them find you.
Booking group sessions made seamless
You must remember the days when you and your friends or family used to plan a day out merely to treat themselves to premium spa services. Imagine reliving the same experience and turning it into a little at-home gathering. With mobile massage and self-care services, you can schedule relaxing group sessions or corporate wellness events at highly attractive prices. You’ll be surprised to learn about the price structure of such specialized mobile services.
About Reserved + Polished:
Reserved + Polished is the leading mobile massage and self-care service that specializes in offering attractively priced massage, nail, and mobile facials NYC. Reserved + Polished employs exceptionally skilled and highly trained individuals to ensure offering second-to-none customer satisfaction at all stages. Look no further for specialized at-home self-care services.
Visit https://reservedpolished.com/ and contact the experts now.
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3XLuCK4
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
Stars and stripes
January 31st, 2009
So we’ve been in the mighty U S of A for nearly two weeks now and it feels like the time has come to update you guys on some Los Camp! touring antics…the crazy rock n’ roll lifestyle we lead…ahem. Also, today is one of the longest travel days of the tour and boredom inevitably leads to blogging (and daydreams about Marks and Spencers food at petrol stations, god you bastards are lucky). First of all we were going to do a completely hand-drawn picture blog, but we have a short attention span so we gave up, but one has made it in as proof of our good intentions. So going back to the beginning…
We flew into the bright lights of NYC to be greeted by our lovely tour manager Joe…complete with jaunty cap (oh how we’ve missed that cap), fancy tour itineraries and personalised baseball card laminates.
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It has to be said, the initial delight of having a laminated baseball card with our names on it has kinda worn off - me and Ellen have had some pretty confused looks from bouncers when trying to get into our own shows by waving our laminates at them. I guess they kind of have a point.
But yeah, New York was awesome as always; we only got to spend a day there but we experienced some new places in Brooklyn:
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Gareth got excited about some glorious vegan-friendly fudgy cake, me and Ellen got excited about the chance to raid through Beacon’s closet, everyone else was probably excited for some other reason…more importantly though, we went bowling.
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And I’m not mature enough not to gloat about winning, so woohoo (I, Ellen, would like to now point out that I may have come last, but it was my choice to fail so dismally). I think the boys are recovering slowly but surely. We played an instore at Soundfix, and then raced across to Habouken where Titus Andronicus were playing with Vivian Girls. Sadly, our poor little jetlagged selves couldn’t handle a late night so we had to leave promising the Titus boys plenty of future partying on tour.
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So the first proper show was at Baltimore…this is what it looked like from where Ellen was standing:
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She drew it whilst playing bass and juggling with knives. It was our first chance to hang out a little with the Titus boys; the start of something beautiful.
In Carborro we celebrated Tom’s birthday:
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there was cake, animal birthday candles, an on-stage birthday singalong…everything to make him feel every part the birthday boy. He loved it:
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We played 3 shows in Florida, where the tour motto of Bromance was born after Titus and the boys shared a hotel room for the night. We can’t elaborate on what happened, but how about we just all let our imaginations do the work.
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While we were in Tampa, Gareth spent the whole day on a mission to claim the top 3 places on “Puzzle Bobble” leader board, only to be creamed by a local after her first go on it.
The Bottletree in Birmingham was one of the prettiest venues we’ve ever played, and had an amazing array of things to keep us amused in the backstage area: rubiks cubes, massage chairs, Connect 4, ‘The Complete Guide to Erotic Cinema’, Rosie O’Donnell’s biography, Hulk boxing gloves, an ataris, some lint.
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Then we played a show in Memphis where the crowd were probably the best we’ve ever had. That made us happy. The next day we realised two of our glock beaters had mysteriously disappeared…So we’re going to go ahead and throw it out there that perhaps they may be somewhere in Memphis… Of course it could just be that we lost them. We’re pretty scatty. Either way: Glock Beaters Number 11 and 12 (average lifespan is 3 months) we miss you.
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We had some time off in New Orleans so we all got up to some interesting things:
Todge had a cheeseburger for breakfast. Ellen got her hair done so now she’s a bit ginger. I’m talking her through it. I went to a Voodoo temple and got some blessed “success” oil. Me and Ellen dabbed some on yesterday, so I’m sure success is imminent. Ollie and Tom sampled the local doughnuts, bought some postcards, did some laundry. Gareth found a vegan friendly cafe. Neil found a burger place. We all tried typical Creole cuisine which was yummy and then we might have had some group outings to establishments on Bourbon Street. We probably watched some Family Guy somewhere along the way.
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[Your favourite bloggers on Bourbon Street]
To sum up we’ve learnt some important lessons so far:
1. Pickled products are the height of popularity…some “favourites” we’ve come across are pickled pigs feet/noses and pickled sausages
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2. Eric from T.A. can solve any rubiks cube 3. Barely Legal>Big Daddies>Little Darlings 4. Which venues can cater for vegans. 5. No one leaves N.O.L.A. with any dollar bills left in their wallet. 6. I (Ellen) am fairly certain I am not a cylon. But I can’t be sure.
The audiences have been amazing throughout, thank you lovely people for coming and making us feel welcome and liked.
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Lots of love, Aleks and Ellen xxx
somewhere along the way this happened...
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Find the Best Pedicure near Me
Getting a pedicure goes beyond just making your toes look good—the treatments come with a number of health and aesthetic benefits. To help you find the best salons to pamper your feet, Booksy has compiled a list of top-rated businesses with authentic customer reviews.
This clean nail salon is known for its nontoxic products and 8-free polish. The East Williamsburg location has a relaxing vibe and delicious citrus tea.
Co-founders Nadine Abramcyk and Adair Ilyinsky saw a gap in their hometown of New York City, where nail salons seemed to be a bit hit-or-miss in terms of providing clients with an experience they could relax at and trust in. They decided to combine their expertise in nail care with a clean beauty philosophy and create Tenoverten, a chic yet natural line of polishes that also includes salon tools and hand-and-nail care products.
Their nail polish is free of 8 chemicals, including dbp, formaldehyde, toluene, camphor, xylene, and triphenyl phosphate, so it doesn't harm your nails or the environment. The brand's cuticle oil and other products are equally as effective and less-toxic, and they use a range of clean ingredients that leave nails and hands nourished and smooth.
Ladybird Nail + Spa
Ladybird is located in the cozy downtown area of Jersey City, and they are known for their quality work. They also offer a wide range of other services, from hair to lashes. You can book your appointment online or walk-ins are welcome.
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This upscale salon is the place to go if you want to get a best pedicure near me that will leave you feeling like a queen. The salon is decorated with sofas for pedicure chairs and reclaimed wood benches, making the experience feel more luxurious than usual. They also use a fresh set of tools for each client, following all the necessary sanitation protocols to ensure safety and cleanliness.
Their service is a bit more pricey than some of the other options, but they are worth it for their attention to detail and customer satisfaction.
Joy Nail Salon
This beauty spot has a modern feel that reflects the beauty services they offer. They work with high-quality products to provide clients with a luxurious and relaxing experience. They also offer a variety of nail art services to add some color and personality to your nails.
Many of the nail polishes used in this salon are free of traditional toxins that are both dangerous for your health and terrible for the environment. This is one of the few salons in the city that prioritizes conscious products, so you can rest assured knowing you’re doing your part to help the environment while looking fabulous. This salon offers a wide range of pedicure cost options, so you’ll be sure to find something that suits your needs. Plus, you can enjoy a soothing massage while you’re getting your nails done.
Simply Polished
If you’re a fan of a relaxing afternoon and gorgeous nails, this nail salon is the place
for you. The salon has high standards and provides customers with a safe environment. Its staff also follows strict hygiene standards.
The salon offers many different types of pedicures. These include regular pedicures, spa pedicures and gel manicures. A regular pedicure includes a foot soak, cuticle work and nail shaping. It also includes a massage and the application of polish.
Many people also choose to get a specialty pedicure. These usually come in a package, but can be added on to a regular or spa pedicure. These include chocolate pedicures, which use a cocoa scrub and lotion, margarita pedicure Berwick, which have lime salt and lotion and champagne pedicures, which have grape seed scrubs and lotion.
SoHo Nail
Known for legit works of art that you won't stop taking pictures of, this boutique nail salon is the NYC go-to spot for trendy gel nail designs. It has more of a studio than spa vibe (it offers only manis, no pedis) and you choose your manicure design from the curated look book.
If you prefer the low-key comfort of a spa, Bushwick fave Local Honey is your place. They do it all (waxing, massages, nails) and even produce their own line of nontoxic, 8-free polishes.
A-listers are regulars at this upscale SoHo nail salon, which specializes in custom, one-of-a-kind gel art and nails that last (using Apres Gel X). This salon also sells a collection of the nail art and charms you can use to create your own signature look.
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adventurefitdojo01 · 1 year
Fitness Center Near Me of Adventure Fit Dojo
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Fitness Center Near Me of Adventure Fit Dojo
Whether you're looking to improve your climbing skills or are simply interested in staying healthy, the fitness center near me of Adventure Fit Dojo can help you achieve your goals. They offer training programs for all levels, including one-on-one coaching sessions with head coach Jimmy Webb and other climbers.
Download the FitOn app to watch live-streaming classes and join multi-workout challenges. You'll find everything from yoga to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), barre, boxing, and Pilates workouts.
Chelsea Piers Fitness
Chelsea Piers Fitness is a state-of-the-art fitness center with an indoor track, 75 ft pool, sports courts, and waterfront sundeck. It's also got some pretty cool perks like an artisanal cafe and shared spaces for working out and socializing.
It's no wonder that Chelsea Piers is a popular destination for celebrities, such as Blake Lively, Emily Blunt and Ryan Reynolds. It's one of the city's most inspiring fitness centers, with a wide array of state-of-the-art equipment and studio-quality classes.
It's also home to some of the city's most lauded sports and entertainment facilities, such as the golf club, the Field House and the Sky Rink. Located on Piers 59, 60 and 61 in Manhattan's Hudson River waterfront, Chelsea Piers is an excellent place to spend some time and work out, especially in the summer.
VITAL Brooklyn
If you're a climber or a fitness junkie, VITAL Brooklyn is the place to go. This massive 45,000-square-foot space in a former warehouse in Williamsburg offers year-round bouldering, classes, and a rooftop cafe with stunning views of the Manhattan skyline.
The West Coast-based company has opened four locations in California and Washington state, so it's not surprising that they're taking on the NYC market with this new spot. Owners Sacher and Nam Phan say Brooklyn's climbing community is well-established and passionate, so they saw it as a great fit for their new venture.
The team at Vital rehabilitated the historic warehouse, which had been a soda factory and metal warehouse, into a gym with colorful plywood-and-steel climbing walls and urban greenspace. The building's century-old brick and plaster were left exposed while bright pops of color and black and white murals add visual interest to the space.
Edge Fitness
Edge Fitness, a gym near me of Adventure Fit Dojo, is a top-notch gym with great equipment and group classes. The best part is that it’s also affordable.
The club’s premium amenities include a premium sauna, state of the art locker rooms, showers, and changing areas, as well as massage chairs. Each location also features a private women’s training room, complete with cardio machines, weights, and benches.
There are a wide variety of group exercise classes at Edge, including strength groups that make use of barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells to challenge every muscle group in the body. Another popular class is Edge Strong, which is a circuit-based workout taught by Edge personal trainers.
Aside from these group exercise classes, Edge also offers a variety of other amenities such as a state-of-the-art movie theater that screens new releases and classics each month. This is a great way to get in your cardio and have fun at the same time.
Alpine Climbing Adventure Fitness
Alpine Climbing Adventure Fitness is a unique climbing gym that offers personalized fitness training, for mind, body and soul. They offer climbing classes and equipment rentals for climbers of all levels.
They also have a full health center and a yoga studio, which is included in their membership fee. The facility has a large bouldering area, tall walls and a speed wall.
In addition to being a great way to stay fit, climbing can also be a great way to connect with nature. You'll meet other climbers and build relationships that can help you on your climbs, both indoors and out.
You can go climbing with a guide, or take a class to learn the basics. It's a great way to improve your strength and endurance, and prepare for long approaches.
Adventure Fit Dojo
Address : 183 HWY 50, Suite E, Zephyr Cove, Nevada 89448
Phone : (530) 314-3195
Website :  [email protected]
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anitosoul · 3 years
tripreport.012: Receptors
drench me in serotonin!! 🎊
Key Inspirations:
@afffirmations (Instagram Account)
Massage Chairs (Activity)
House music (Genre)
Jayda G – “Both of Us” (Song)
How To with John Wilson (TV Show)
Boiler Room – Streaming From Isolation (Music)
Watching DJ sets on YouTube (Activity)
Getting vaccinated (Activity)
Working outside (Activity)
Bringing someone flowers (Activity)
House parties with your closest friends (Activity)
Mix-Tape Exhibit at Factory Obscura OKC (Activity)
Hyperpop (Music Genre)
Receptors Tracklist A-Side
Jamie xx, Young Thug, Popcaan – I Know There’s Gonna Be (Good Times)
Rihanna – Kiss It Better (KAYTRANADA Remix)
SG Lewis, Robyn, Channel Tres – Impact
Deaton Chris Anthony, Clairo, Coco & Clair Clair – RACECAR
Calvin Harris, Frank Ocean, Migos – Slide
SZA, Calvin Harris – The Weekend (Funk Wav Bounce Remix)
Jessie Ware – Soul Control
Roisin Murphy – Murphy’s Law
Peggy Gou – Starry Night
Yaeji – Raingurl
Jayda G – Both of Us
Park Hye Jin – Beautiful
Receptors Tracklist B-Side
Kanye West – Fade
Love Regenerator, Steve Lacy – Live Without Your Love
Tame Impala – Glitter
Caribou – Never Come Back
Drake – Nice For What
Shygirl – TASTY
Dua Lipa – Don’t Start Now
Ty Dolla $ign, FKA twigs, Skrillex, Kanye West – Ego Death
Danny L Harle – 1UL
food house, Gupi, Fraxiom – Thos Moser
Charli XCX – Focus
DJ Koze – Pick Up
In early 2021, one of my new lockdown hobbies was watching DJ sets on YouTube as a way of recreating the energy of the club. When I first moved to NYC, my tastes opened up to dance music as I gained exposure to rave culture. I remember the first time I went to a Mister Sunday party at Nowadays in October of 2019 when my friend Holden invited me to check it out–it was a grey, dreary day, and I’ll never forget walking through Green-Wood Cemetery to get there. I was already in a weird headspace dealing with some mistakes I made earlier that weekend, but I figured at the very least I’d go to hang out and vibe to music. That Mister Sunday was the first time I realized the magic of the club as a healing space. On the dance floor, my only focus was on moving my body and experiencing the music. I was able to process my thoughts and feelings in a way that was indescribable. I recently read an article about this concept, which is called Dance Movement Therapy, which I recommend if you’re interested to learn more.
One of the major aspects of life that I missed from during lockdown was seeing live music, especially in a club setting. I would watch Kaytranada and Yaeji Boiler Room sets and fantasize about seeing them in a dark, sweaty club somewhere in Bushwick. Being in that atmosphere and dancing with friends was one of the few things I was genuinely looking forward to, and when the vaccines became available, that possibility became real again.
After a year of socializing almost exclusively through a screen, the prospect of being able to hang out in-person was unbearably exciting. When my friends and I were all vaccinated, a few of us decided to get together and have our first proper party in a year: we hung out all night at a friend’s house, listening to music and dancing. It was the most fun we’d had in so long, so we decided to make it a full-fledged party and ran it back later that month. We invited more friends and had each person send three songs for a mega playlist so everyone would hear songs they love. We themed the party after the @afffirmations instagram page, posting print-outs of the images all over the house. We even had a massage chair and everything. It was all about good vibes: it was simultaneously a commemoration of the year we all went through and a celebration of the possibilities of the future. It was an acknowledgement that this new beginning could only come after the difficulties of the past year. For me, it was also a goodbye to the period of my life I spent building the cabin and living in Tulsa again. If this month was a tarot card, it would be the Tower: an ultimate release of all of the pent-up energy from a year of minimal socialization through reconnection with my best friends. 
Each song on this mix simply makes me feel good. I’d listen to these tracks when I needed energy on a run or just as a mood booster. Looking back at this month, it’s cool to see that this foreshadowed my eventual foray into DJing. I had no idea at the time, but this was the beginning of my progression from making playlists for a house party with my closest friends to eventually crafting DJ sets for events that I co-programmed with friends in NYC. I guess those affirmations actually worked!
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kneadmassagenyc · 2 years
What is the cost of a corporate chair massage?
The demand for chair massage has increased greatly. This is because of the benefit it provides to the people. The companies are now considering using the same in the office to help employees improve efficiency. They have a permanent therapist available in the office to ensure the employees can take the massage as and when required. Also, you can choose to schedule the therapy for yourself at home.
 But in this case, you will be the one paying for the massage.
When talking about the cost of the service will vary based on different factors. For instance, if the therapist works permanently, the cost can be a bit high. However, if you wish to schedule the corporate chair massage for yourself, then the cost will be around $100 to $200. Remember, a cost comparison will be helpful for you to find someone who can provide the desired service but at an affordable rate. You should not hesitate to enquire about the experience as this is the key to getting the best services possible now. If you wish to overcome the complications and have a relaxing time with the massage, then you can consider contacting Knead NYC to get help. They have got the best therapist available to them. They understand different types of massage techniques and can provide you get relaxation. Besides, the cost of their service is affordable, which makes it absolutely worth consulting them for support. Connect with them to enquire about the essential information. Visit http://kneadnyc.com/ to know more.
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kneepaindoctor · 2 years
What Are the Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Knee Pain?
Knee discomfort is one thing that can make moving around difficult. Millions of people seek knee pain treatment new york from their doctors each year. Thankfully, you can take action to ease discomfort and resume movement. In this article, you will learn about the lifestyle changes you should make along with knee pain treatment financial district.
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  Your doctor will take care of all your orthopedic requirements, including knee discomfort, shoulder problems, and more, whether you're an adult, teen, or child.
What is Knee pain?
Most people don't consider their knees till they suffer from discomfort or pain. Still, these large hinge joints accomplish a lot, allowing us to do everything from standing and walking to running and jumping. Muscles, Bones, tendons, and ligaments work together to keep them stable. Still, with so many moving parts, things may go wrong due to knee injury, and arthritis, infections.
  If you feel no comfort after a few days, you must schedule an appointment with your doctor. For severe discomfort, for example, if your leg buckles underweight or your knee is dislocated, getting a medical evaluation immediately is crucial. In that condition, no lifestyle can save you from discomfort and pain.
Lifestyle changes for knee pain
In contrast, some cases of knee pain can lead to procedures like infection, stem therapy, and even replacement or surgery. However, some lifestyle changes can lessen the chance of injury. For example:
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PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation)
When an injury occurs, your doctor recommends 'PRICE' to relieve your condition. Also, you should take a break from exercise or activity to prevent further damage and speed up healing.
  This word means protection, resting, icing, compressing, and further elevation can decrease the inflammation and swelling with ice and wrap with the bandage. You should raise your legs higher than your heart whenever possible to help better circulation and lessen swelling.
Get moving
Exercises like walking, swimming, water aerobics, biking, and yoga can strengthen your leg muscle and make you less susceptible to injury. Also, it supports your knee and improves the health of the cartilage.
Good diet and weight management
If you weigh an extra pound, that puts excess weight and strain on your knee joints. It can increase inflammation and burning sensation throughout the body, including your knees. A diet with fruit, vegetables, and fiber can help with obesity, and you should keep your body healthy.
Proper Body posture and movement
Many everyday actions can affect your knee pain. When you are sitting on chairs and couches that can shink into and strain your knees to rise out of, you should choose supportive shoes with good arches to prevent knee issues. While standing, take breaks for 5 minutes to keep going away from becoming stiff and painful. If you aren't comfortable with this, visit knee pain treatment specialists Fidi for proper treatment and diagnosis.
Complementary and alternative medicine
Massage with essential oils such as ginger and orange can help you with knee pain. Acupuncture may also be beneficial if you are experiencing osteoarthritis in the knees.
You should consider lifestyle changes along with medical treatment to improve your knee pain. Therefore you should consider visiting a knee pain treatment nyc to know what is best for your knee pain.
Article Source : https://www.healthandhealthytips.com/what-are-the-lifestyle-changes-to-relieve-knee-pain/
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foxilayde · 2 years
Okay wait on the the topic of bad American accents--
Not to be a hater, Domhnall Gleeson is a great actor, but my mans does not sound like he's from fucking Los Banos or whatever. The insistent awkwardness was very on brand though. Eyyyo I ain't never met anyone I liked from the Silicon Valley. And yes, I always assumed the first scene took place in the silicon valley. It wasn't Portland, the chairs weren't impractical enough. I said that as a joke, but actually, Portland tech companies are so weird. I was once forced to tour a Portland encryption company and all of the chairs were fucked in the head. But there were rooms in the building that were just fucking empty rooms with a massage chair in the middle. I don't know how to feel about that to be honest. Also there were these free food closet thingys and all they had in them were those quest protein bars which are a bottom tier protein bar, tbh. Also, when I said Los Banos I just meant that as a general term for a suburb next to San Jose, but I think it's so fucking funny that someone thought it was a good idea to name a city Los Banos.
Caleb is from the East Coast! He and Ava talk a little bit about it in the film. the BlueBook headquarters are in NYC. But honestly I agree that Domhnall’s accent is a C+ at best. I watched that series he did recently with Steve Carell, and watching it— I’m just sitting there fighting for my life to retain the suspension of disbelief with him over pronouncing his “r”s
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reservedpolishedblog · 6 months
Self-Care During Pregnancy: How Prenatal Massage Can Support Expectant Mothers
Bringing a new life into this world is a magical journey filled with lots of emotions and physical changes. But let’s be real – this path is filled with a rollercoaster of emotions and changes that are hard to tackle. This makes self-care an absolute necessity during the pregnancy journey. One way to pamper yourself during this special journey is through prenatal mobile massage near me. Let’s look into the benefits of this massage and how it can help you handle the complexities of your pregnancy journey.
Relieving the Aches and Pains of Pregnancy
An immediate benefit of prenatal massage is its ability to relieve the physical discomforts associated with pregnancy. Prenatal massage can help you relieve pain caused by swollen ankles, back and joint pain, and other kinds of pain that are a result of carrying a baby inside your body. Prenatal massage can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed.
Promoting Emotional Well-being
Pregnancy hormones can lead to a lot of mood swings, anxiety, and even depression during the hard months of pregnancy. Prenatal massage can provide a supportive environment to unwind and release tensions. The gentle touch of a skilled therapist can help promote better feelings and overall well-being.
Enhancing Circulation and Reducing Edema
As the baby grows, your body can undergo significant changes, including increased blood volume and pressure on blood vessels. This can lead to swelling, particularly in hands, feet, and ankles - a common condition in pregnant women. Also known as edema. Prenatal chair massage NYC is proven to improve blood circulation, helping pregnant women feel better by reducing swelling and promoting the elimination of excess fluid in the body.
Preparing for Labor and delivery
Labor and delivery are perhaps the most physically demanding and challenging times during a pregnancy. Prenatal massage can help prepare the body for this time with its relaxation-promoting process that reduces muscle tension and improves flexibility. Some massage techniques can target specific areas associated with labor, such as the lower back, hips, and legs that are crucial to support childbirth.
About Reserved + Polished:
Reserved + Polished is a firm offering luxurious in-home massage services in New York City. It specializes in prenatal care, sports recovery, and corporate wellness spa services. Reserved + Polished works with skilled therapists who bring the spa experience to your doorstep. With multiple spa and massage services options, you can find personalized treatment options with exceptional services.
Book your massage now by visiting https://reservedpolished.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/3TSDhH5
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Corporate Office Chair Massage | NYC Chair Massage
Looking for Onsite Corporate Chair Massage Programs and Events? Golden Touch Fitness provides Corporate office Chair Massage Therapy at Offices in New York City.
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stevetonyweekly · 3 years
SteveTony Weekly - October 3
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Happy Sunday!! Here’s what I’ve been reading this week. As always, leave your fic authors some love if you read and enjoy their stories! 
And for my friends on Twitter--STW is there now, with the weekly list and daily spotlights! 
**Indicates my recent favs 
Happy Ending by Robin_tCJ (No Powers AU/28K)
Steve is a mobile massage therapist, and Tony is a stressed billionaire. What could go wrong?
 A Thousand Kisses Deep by laireshi (Multiverse/3.5K)
Steve doesn't seem too happy when Steve Rogers of Marvel Ultimate gets transported into their universe. He seems even less happy when Tony and the new Steve get closer to each other.
Logical Fallacies by laireshi (Jealous Steve/1.5K)
“I thought you were dating Clint,” Steve said, and Tony dropped the screwdriver.
***Aesthetic Appreciation by theappleppielifestyle (Fluff/2k)
“Nice shirt, Stark.”
It’s Natasha, sounding strangely- smug, maybe?- for reasons Tony doesn’t much care to know.
“I know,” Tony says, not opening his eyes. He tilts his head back, lets out a satisfied sigh and rearranges himself on the chair. The sun climbs another inch of his abs when his shirt rides up with the motion.
Today’s a good day, Tony thinks contentedly, and continues sucking lazily on the popsicle.
(Or, Tony wears a crop top. Steve, among other people, notices.)
***Green Is Not An Attractive Color by KandiSheek (Jealous A/B/O/7.8K)
Omegas can sense when they've met a potential mate. Alphas can not. Which is why Steve is very aware of the chemistry between him and Tony while the alpha remains blissfully unaware. This type of compatibility is incredibly rare, so it's a shame that Tony is just as much of a prick as Fury's report made him out to be. Honestly Steve is glad he dodged that bullet.
Or so he thinks.
***Small Weird Love by haemodye (Tentacle Porn/13k)
When a magical mishap results in Tony swapping his legs for tentacles, he's absolutely mortified. How is he supposed to face Steve? Steve can't possibly want him like this. Right? Right…
A Second Chance by orphan_account (De-aged fic/5.4k)
During a battle with Loki, Tony is being his usual snarky self. After hitting a raw nerve, Loki decides to take his revenge.
Sometimes a Fantasy by Politzania (Porn Identity/28k)
Steve works mornings at a coffeeshop in a downtown NYC skyscraper. He’s got a slight crush on one of the customers who stops by for his daily dose of caffeine. Not that Steve would have a chance with the genius playboy (straight - SO straight) billionaire philanthropist, of course.
But Steve also moonlights as a phone sex operator, working for Fury Enterprises. Anthony, an older guy still more or less in the closet and just starting to explore his bisexuality, becomes one of Steve’s steady clients. Along with the steamy scenarios they play out, they actually get to know one other. Cue the identity porn with Steve's two worlds colliding (eventually)
***now I worship a celestial sun by haemodye (Tony is under a spell/19k)
The thing that gets Tony the most is how long it takes him to notice.
Not Steve, or even the other Avengers, but Tony himself. It takes Tony almost two whole weeks to figure out that he’s unable to disobey a direct order from Steve, which just- what the hell is that? What happened to the days when he flew off the handle, unable to play well with others, a notorious wild card?
“God, don’t tell me I’m getting old and predictable,” he says, rubbing a hand over his forehead. And then, “Fuck.”
A mostly-comedic farce involving: 1 obedience spell, 2 pining Avengers, 1 long-suffering Sorcerer Supreme, and 1 single, extravagant Saint Patrick's Day float.
***Indecent Proposal by sabrecmc (Movie Fusion/75k)
One million dollars for one night. That could change your life.
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