#Onsite chaire massage
lemmetreatya · 2 years
head builder!polnareff whos serious about his job and makes sure his men’s work ethic is top-par. head builder!polnareff who treats all his clients with utmost respect unless it’s you. head builder!polnareff who wolf-whistles at you once you pass by underneath the scaffolding of the new build. head builder!polnareff who yelps and hollers for you to “give him some eye candy” despite him knowing you’re the site manager. head builder!polnareff who confuses the other builders about why usually stoic and serious you is so lenient with the man.
head builder!polnareff who you light heartedly flip off from below because he’s normally a crass man — which you know — he’s been one of your most stable and reliable construction contractor for years. but one day you buy head builder!polnareff up on that offer as he pops his into your portable onsite office to piss you off.
head builder!polnareff would be a spluttering mess as you kneel onto your office floor behind your desk and slowly run your mouth up and down the shaft of his cock. head builder!polnareff would have one hand cupping your cheek whilst his other arm lays over his eyes.
just as head builder!polnareff is about to cum, one of his men walk in to ask where you are, something about clearing off time. head builder!polnareff; with his face beet red and clearly dishevelled tries his best to act natural — despite unnaturally sitting in your office chair and looking like he was about to explode. but as you continue to suck at his cock whilst also massaging at his balls, head builder!polnareff is unable to contain his orgasm from pushing over him.
“t-t-t-t-they said they’ll— fuck!”
head builder!polnareff thrashes himself face forwards onto your desk as he cums down the canals of your throat, a suppressed groan leaving his mouth as tries his best to shoo off the builder who’s highly concerned for his sudden reaction.
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airanddust · 1 year
Eight days in Tokyo
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After three years we finally made it to Japan. Back in 2020, Robert and I originally planned to visit Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, and then you-know-what came along. Fast-forward to this year, when, while checking my airline miles, I found I had enough to book us (awful, but virtually free) roundtrip economy tickets for an eight-day trip to Tokyo—so we went for it in mid-September.
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Note to self: wait until REAL autumn to go to Japan. I’m pretty sure I got heat exhaustion during our trip. The humidity was suffocating and made the real temp feel like 99º F and was severely tiring. 
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Where we stayed
We stayed at the Dormy Inn Korakuen in Bunkyo City, right by the Tokyo Dome. It was reasonably priced in a quiet part of town. They sold me on the amenities, which included an onsite onsen—accompanied by a yogurt drink in the morning or ice cream bar at night—along with free ramen in the evenings, a massage chair (which we discovered far too late), and an extensive manga library.
We got a double room, and while I was preparing for it to be incredibly tiny based on what I’d heard about Japan hotel rooms, it wasn’t quite as small as I expected and held all our things with room for us to still move around. 
What we planned
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Months ago we started compiling a Google map of all the places we wanted to go, made a reservation at a mini pig cafe, and bought a three-attraction pass using Klook primarily to visit Tokyo DisneySea. (There is apparently no other way for foreign tourists to get Disney tickets unless you have a Japan mailing address.) We later added the Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise and TeamLab Planets, which meant we had four scheduled events and were free to explore the rest of the time. 
What we did
Day 1: travel day
From Narita airport we took the Skyliner to connect to another train to our hotel, which took over an hour and a half, but actually longer than that overall because the ticketing was confusing and we were jet lagged.
Finally we figured out we needed both a Suica card (which you can use on almost every train) and a dedicated Skyliner ticket to get to Tokyo proper. From there we used Google Maps, our most trusted ally, to navigate to Bunkyo City.
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The trains in Japan are clean and efficient and most stations play cheery recordings of bird songs. People line up in orderly fashion to board. The thing that most stood out to me, being from Seattle, is that there was not a hint of urine in any of the station elevators or hallways. Every place we went felt safe even at night. The trains seemingly go everywhere in the city and they’re easy to use with Google Maps, which even tells you which car to board for the best transfer. 10/10.
Day 2: Bunkyo City, Toshima City, and Harajuku
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We got breakfast at 7-Eleven, which carries all manner of food and drink and even blenders to make your smoothie and a microwave to heat up whatever food you bought. We accidentally ate in without telling the cashier. (Turns out you pay 10 percent tax to dine in vs 8 percent to take out, which we didn’t realize because the sign was in Japanese in the back of the seating area.) In addition to food, konbini stores like 7-Eleven also have fax machines, ATMs, and the ability to replenish your Suica card, which is something we did a lot. 
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After our 7-Eleven experience we explored the manic overwhelm that is the 24-hour mega-mart Don Quixote, grabbed some pastries at BOU’LANGE, and walked around Koishikawa Korakuen garden to take pictures. 
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We rode the train north to the Sunshine City Mall where we hit the Pokémon Center and Gashapon Ikebukuro, the world’s largest capsule toy store.
We noticed a bunch of teenagers crowding around the mall’s central atrium and found out it was because a K-pop band called CIX was about to perform. We were going to stick around to see how it went until we found out there was an aquarium on the roof (?!?) and went there instead. We saw rare Baikal seals, which are the only mammals that live in Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest body of water in the world, along with river otters, penguins, pelicans, sharks, and a bunch of other fish. 
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That night we had a reservation at MiPig Cafe Harajuku where we got to hang out with baby pigs for about 40 minutes. (We booked an hour, but their system is such that you spend about half an hour sitting on the floor, then the rest of the time getting up to leave and checking out.)
One little pig fell asleep on me before another one came over to bully him off my lap. The staff explained many of the pigs are siblings, and there are lots of rivalries. Sure enough, we saw the same pigs start fights multiple times while we were there. It was adorable but also left me wondering what happens to the pigs after they grow up…? Maybe I shouldn’t think about that.
Day 3: Yokohama
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We took the world’s longest train ride (only slightly exaggerating) to Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise, which is kind of like a distributed theme park on an island about an hour and a half outside the city. 
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We saw a SeaWorld-style show with beluga whales and dolphins and wandered labyrinthine hallways of aquariums. I rode a dinky little roller coaster called Surf Leviathan while Robert went to the Umi Farm, where he caught a sea bream they then cooked and served him. 
A dolphin at the up-close-and-personal FUREAI Lagoon chucked a basketball to me—I was so surprised—and after I threw it back, he chose Robert next and then continued down the line of people standing along the wall. 
We had yakiniku at Satsuki in Bunkyo City that night, up three flights of tiny stairs in a cramped building that was very cozy. 
Day 4: Shibuya + Ginza
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We headed over to Shibuya and popped out of the subway right into a festival at Shibuya Crossing, then traversed the famous crossing for ourselves. 
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We made our way to Flipper’s for soufflé pancakes (well worth the hourlong wait) before nearly sweating to death walking through Yoyogi Park to Meiji Jingu, a shrine where we accidentally crashed not one but two weddings. At this point it was so hot I didn’t think I could make it to the next train station. The humidity was demoralizing. 
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We hit up Ginza next and walked around what felt like a never-ending indoor mall, then got custom-printed drinks at Nissan Crossing. I got the chocolate latte and Robert ordered the lemonade and both were delicious. 
The flagship Muji store had been on our list for a while and we were excited to check out all seven floors (plus hotel and food?!?) but it turned out three floors were closed for renovation, so we didn’t get to witness all of the store’s glory. Probably for the best because we ended up bringing home an extra suitcase of souvenirs anyway. Instead we got in line at Tsuru TonTan Udon Noodle Brasserie for dinner, which took over an hour. The udon was decent but I probably wouldn’t return. 
Day 5: Tokyo DisneySea
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We went to Tokyo DisneySea, which we thought would be less crowded on a Monday than a weekend, but it was so busy I can’t imagine how bad it would have been on a weekend. It was also so hot there were announcements about taking breaks and drinking water, which I’ve never heard at a theme park before, even having grown up in Florida. At one point I couldn’t even muster up the energy to move across a sunny walkway—I had to stop and sit for a few minutes before my body would let me go on. 
Many hours were spent in line for Indiana Jones, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and 20,000 Leagues of the Sea, and our feet paid the price. I’m not a huge fan of Disney rides—I appreciate the theming, but the thrill level isn’t there for me—so I don’t think they were worth waits of that length, but I’m still glad I rode them since these rides are Tokyo-specific. I heard someone compare Tokyo DisneySea to Universal and it did feel more like that than a typical Disney park. The seaside theming and landscaping is really on point. 
Day 6: Akihabara + Ueno
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On Tuesday we explored Akihabara and Ueno, where I’m pretty sure I got heat exhaustion because I was tired and confused and barely able to finish sentences. After taking a break I was ready to give it another shot. Ueno is stuffed with signs, shops, souvenirs, and shrines, and was probably the biggest sensory overload of the trip for me. 
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We stopped at Pastel Caffe for honey toast and a caramelized banana parfait that revitalized me for our self-guided tour of Ueno Park and the Shinobazunoike Benten-do temple, where a lady randomly approached us and proceeded to, uh, bless us?
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After being…blessed?…we went to Monster Hunter Cafe, which Robert had been wanting to check out after a renewed interest in their mobile game. The city’s many vending machines already had me hooked on strawberry milk but Monster Hunter’s version took it to another level (or maybe it was the heat exhaustion 😅). 
Ueno boasts a great many souvenir stalls and brightly lit claw game shops, where Robert won an Oshi No Ko stuffed character. He also ran into a guy from the States who asked for a picture together since they were both wearing LA Rams gear. 
Day 7: Ginza + Bunkyo City + TeamLab Planets
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On our last full day, we got reservations at the six-seat Michelin-starred ramen shop Chukasoba Ginza Hachigou (h/t Koes!). You line up at nine a.m. to get tickets for a timed entry, then return at the time they assign you. While we waited for our slot we ventured over to Roar Coffeehouse; Ginza’s Pokemon Center; a shopping mall; and Ginza Petit Custa. When we returned to Chukasoba, we were served the chef-recommended "ravioli" ramen we'd ordered earlier. I'm no food expert but the ramen was pretty dang good. 
With souvenirs piling up (cough Pokemon Center cough) we needed a suitcase to take back home, so we went by Ginza Karen (which, to my disappointment, was not staffed entirely by Karens), apparently a well-known luggage store. We settled on a Japanese-made bright yellow roller bag. 
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That night I wanted to ride the Thunder Dolphin coaster that was basically across the street from our hotel, but, true to its name, it was closed due to thunderstorms so instead we went up to the neighboring Bunkyo Civic Center observatory (for free!) to take in nearly-360-degree views of the city. 
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We shopped for some more souvenirs and Japan-specific skincare products at good ol’ Don Quixote before grabbing the abalone course at Grow in Bunkyo City, which was delicious. I wish we’d had time to finish the entire course but, alas, we had to miss the garlic rice and dessert because otherwise we’d have been late for our TeamLab Planets reservation. 
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Speaking of TeamLab Planets, I wasn’t sure what to expect because reviews were mixed, but it was a fun experience. It bills itself as an interactive art museum, and most of the exhibits offer completely unique experiences that will never be recreated. In the koi room you wade through knee-deep water while virtual fish swim around you in real-time projections that are based on your movement and the amount of people in the room. Our favorite was the flowers in space projection, another unique exhibit where it feels like you’re floating through a universe of flowers and butterflies.
Our last stop was Lawson’s for plane snacks and a final serving of strawberry milk, because I’m addicted and convenience stores back home are trash compared to Japan’s.
Day 8: back to the States
Our flight home from Haneda was delayed because…drumroll, please…the captain forgot his ID in his hotel room back in Tokyo. Our completely full plane waited on the tarmac for over an hour as some hapless soul fought traffic to retrieve the captain’s passport before we were allowed to leave. I guess on the bright side, the timing meant we got to see a Pokémon-themed plane as we taxied off, so there’s that.
Tokyo was a feast for the senses and I can’t wait to go back and explore more of Japan (although first I need to learn more than two Japanese words). I already miss the convenience stores, vending machines, trains, and bathrooms—seriously, they’re next level.
Random observations
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Generally, walk on the left side of the sidewalk/escalator/etc
DOWNLOAD GOOGLE TRANSLATE! I mean, unless you are fluent in Japanese…
Don’t go in the summer unless you want to get heat stroke
Despite the heat, people mostly wear pants, dresses, and skirts, and everyone dresses much more formally than they do in the States (particularly in Seattle)
Almost no one wears sunglasses—I saw maybe three other people wearing them the whole time, and one of them was a tourist
There’s no tipping in Japan, but there is a two percent tax difference between dining in and taking away
You can apparently only pay cash to reload your Suica card…? Or at least, that was our only option
No one locks up their bikes—it was a shock to see dozens of bikes just sitting around freely, because bike theft apparently isn’t a thing there
There are actual telephone booths around the city
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happieroutside · 9 months
Shifting to Spring Full Day Retreat
Join us for a full day gathering where we’ll be active, mindful, and intentional. We’ll spend the day together at a gorgeous location in Midcoast Maine (location varies by season) and offer activities for rejuvenation, connection, and intention setting. You’ll have time to connect with both yourself and other folks while you’re with us. This is not a silent retreat.
We will head to the hills for a walk in the Camden Hills State Park to get our blood moving, our limbs stretched out and exercised, and our spirits connected to nature. Be sure to bring footwear appropriate for the day!
Two opportunities to practice mindful meditation will be offered. Beginners and experienced mindful folks are welcome to participate in these guided activities, and no prior experience is necessary. Some of the time will be spent sitting, and some will include mindful movement.
Tapping into our creativity is a wonderful way to connect with our truest intentions. We’ll get our creative juices flowing with a couple of art and craft projects, themed to Intention.
We will have opportunities for personal reflection, for “me” time, as well as facilitated discussion and themed activities.
A local professional massage therapist will be onsite to give you a much-needed chair massage,! There is an extra cost involved, and we’ll give you a chance to sign up after registration.
A morning snack, full lunch, and afternoon nibbles are all included. Let us know your food needs and we’ll make sure you’ve got delicious options available!
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vivitherapy · 1 year
Tips To Organize Onsite Massage Therapy In Victoria At Workplace
Onsite massage is a popular massage therapy at workplaces. Many organizations have no idea where to start and the right way to conduct it. On site massage therapy in Victoria is advantageous to provide employees with good health. Moreover, when you want to conduct successful onsite massage therapy at the workplace, things must be preplanned, like what therapy will be performed, the structure of the therapy day, needed equipment, and more.
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How To Conduct Massage Therapy At the Workplace?
When onsite massage therapy is needed in an organization, many things must be planned for a successful therapy day at the workplace. Below are some tips to follow for an organization's onsite massage therapy.
1. Structure The Therapy Day
When you are going to start a day for On site massage therapy in Victoria at your workplace, you must structure the day properly, like when the therapy session will start, time duration for a single session per employee, select therapy person to person, and more.
2. Get Idea About Office Massage
Usually, a massage therapist comes to the place about half an hour before starting the therapy session and gets familiarized with the day's structure. An office person may meet them, explain where to start the session, and hand over the list of bookings. The therapist starts giving therapy to employees. The therapist may ask the employees about their issues and apply the particular massage therapy.
3. Equipment For Therapy
You must know what equipment will be used for the therapy session. What equipment the therapist will bring along, and what you will have to buy? Usually, for chair massage, a therapist brings the chair with them, or in case they may ask you to have your one. The same will be applied to other therapies accordingly. Remember to sanitize the equipment the therapist will bring and also sanitize when one session is done with one employee for another one.
4. Space For The Therapy
In the case of a chair or relaxation massage at your location in Victoria, a client will have to provide a room for a meeting or an open space where treatment can be done peacefully and with privacy. You also may consult the therapist about the size of the room for therapy so that no disturbance may occur during massage.
5. The Therapist Must Be Certified & Insured
Before finalizing any therapist, ensure the therapist has the certification so you may be sure that the therapist is qualified and will provide safe treatment. Also, the therapist must be a professional, have enough experience in acupuncture therapy in Victoria and other therapies, and be a good practitioner in multiple therapies.
Conduct An Onsite Massage Therapy For Your Well-Being! Onsite massage therapy is popular amongst people, especially in the workplace. But before conducting any onsite massage therapy, you must be prepared with plans for organizational therapy. In case you need an On site massage therapy in Victoria, you may contact Vivi Therapy. They provide various massage therapies such as acupuncture & TCM, cupping therapy, athletic therapy, and many more. You may have any therapy they provide according to your health issues.
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anniejames864 · 1 year
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If you’re looking for Wellness Webinars in The Claddagh, then contact Office Kneads Galway - Corporate Wellness Services. They specialise in providing mobile and onsite chair massage services, creating a stress-free oasis right at your workplace. Visit-
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Our next Onsite Chair Massage course @londonschoolofmassage is coming up on Sunday. There’s still places available, you can book now - On Site Chair Massage Course (CThA, FHT & IICT Accredited) 9.30am - 5.00pm Sunday, 12 February 2023 London School of Massage 455 Caledonian Rd, London N7 9BA https://bit.ly/2HptVQT (at London School of Massage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXoJUcoLC5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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m4hfmassage · 2 years
M4hf offers workplace massage events, trade show massage, backstage massage, health fair massage, office massage therapists, Organic supplements and employee wellnes programs.
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massagebydesignca · 2 years
Massage by Design San Diego
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Our Chair Massage Therapy service offers wellness solutions with customized services for recurring onsite chair massages, special events, and industry-specific events with chair massages. Recurring onsite chair massage is available weekly, monthly, quarterly, or as often as you desire.
Contact Us:
Massage by Design San Diego
Address: 2567 Grandview St, San Diego, CA 92110, USA
Phone: (866) 629-7352
Website: https://massagebydesign.net/sandiego/
External Links: 
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frankjerry311 · 2 years
Information On Couples Massage Therapy
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Our profession cannot decide what to call it:
Onsite Massage, Chair Massage or Seated Yoga and massage. But Seated Massage has made a very impactful statement using the massage profession in the last twenty years.
Don't limit yourself to be able to one involving marketing for your day spa business any. The more types of avenues you explore extra people you'll have reach. Consider doing a cleanse where your target companies are and do it. Advertise simply about anywhere that people will listen including the radio, billboards, bulletin boards, mail them postcards, and the newspapers.
If get children, good for you even more helpful to plan your trip well.
Kids have buy items enjoy themselves, so include them typically the preparation work. Ask your children where they are going to go or what they would like to do around the trip. You would be surprised how they may come at the some great ideas that even you can love.
A few days before you depart - 72 hrs or so - understanding the reasons time difference between your home and your destination. Begin to live a lot of as possible in accordance with time of your destination. Moment meals and go to bed according towards the times of the destination. May even spot career need to use two watches as you attempt this. Eventually this practice will limit the impact of jet lag when you land.
Australia gave us Forster's Beer and Crocodile Dundee, but they did not stop right now there. After dominating the leisure and entertainment worlds, they tackled air travel. Qantas is the national airline of Australia and rivals every airline on the modern world in terms of the service you obtain from the flight attendants and aviators. But the food they serve, extending its love to coach customers, is cuisine. They are rated in the top airports 출장마사지 available in arriving and departing on instance.
The Aussie's have made air travel a pleasure again.
Never carry packages or luggage further person, especially at airports, bus depots or across border determines. If you get caught with something illegal calm find yourself facing the death fee.
Take your needs and your budget into consideration before ingesting only alive foods marketing working day spa. You are able to you can actually reach people be evoking an emotional response their own store. Going to a day spa is a goody for someone so guaranteed that they realize all for the benefits that barefoot running has obtainable them.
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Corporate Office Chair Massage | NYC Chair Massage
Looking for Onsite Corporate Chair Massage Programs and Events? Golden Touch Fitness provides Corporate office Chair Massage Therapy at Offices in New York City.
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larimarmassage-blog · 5 years
Think of Reflexology Body Massage Atlanta Therapist to Calm Your Mind & Reflexes
Is your mind getting stressed with so much over thinking? Whether it is your career, office work, or any personal reason; you can still come out of daily tiresome loads by looking for remedies. One of the most relaxing and pleasurable experiences is getting a whole reflexology body massage Atlanta. All the built up stresses, anxieties, tensions melts away as the massage is performed. When people think of massage, they think of therapists who work them step by step with their reflexes and calming of mind. Here, in this blog there is something very special about a massage from the trained experts.
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Therapy running less a dollar
Another effective alternative to a massage therapy is the corporate chair massage. Now, interestingly, most people think of massage chair as a luxury however the impression many have is that massage chairs are expensive. And they are right if you only look at the price tag and not the lifetime value of the massage chair. This indeed is the most efficient treatment available and runs as less as a dollar a day without any tip needing.
Massage techniques that work well
Further, many think massage just massage your back, but is actual practice, this performs the whole body massages. The features that is added here increases every year and the programs keeps getting more varied including lots of techniques and tricks. Here, the more complimentary function is been added like lower body traction that expands the ligaments and muscles of the lower body. The back massage roller contains more fingers like things that replicate the hand movements.
Here how it ends!
So, the technology keeps coupled and advanced with software that produces more different types of massage therapies. In case you have never tried a reflexology body massage Atlanta, you definitely should. Many get surprised at how efficient it delivers and with technology keep getting advanced; you can see the chairs getting added with new features that are available today. This will help you change your attitude and get your body reinvigorated.
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localizee · 3 years
I work with groups of up to 30 people. If your employees are experiencing tension in their shoulder and back muscles, then chair massage would be the perfect solution to help keep your employees happier and more focused.
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happieroutside · 9 months
Creating Intention Full Day Retreat
Join us for a full day gathering where we’ll be active, mindful, and intentional. We’ll spend the day together at a gorgeous location in Midcoast Maine (location varies by season) and offer activities for rejuvenation, connection, and intention setting. You’ll have time to connect with both yourself and other folks while you’re with us. This is not a silent retreat.
We will head to the hills for a walk in the Camden Hills State Park to get our blood moving, our limbs stretched out and exercised, and our spirits connected to nature. Be sure to bring footwear appropriate for the day!
Two opportunities to practice mindful meditation will be offered. Beginners and experienced mindful folks are welcome to participate in these guided activities, and no prior experience is necessary. Some of the time will be spent sitting, and some will include mindful movement.
Tapping into our creativity is a wonderful way to connect with our truest intentions. We’ll get our creative juices flowing with a couple of art and craft projects, themed to Intention.
We will have opportunities for personal reflection, for “me” time, as well as facilitated discussion and themed activities.
Ever wanted to try cold dipping? Well, this is your chance! Dip into the revitalizing Atlantic Ocean. Our winter location allows us to then go straight into the hot tub, or inside to a cozy warm house! If it’s not your thing, but you like cheering others on - you will be much loved for that, too.
A local professional massage therapist will be onsite to give you a much-needed chair massage,! There is an extra cost involved, and we’ll give you a chance to sign up after registration.
A morning snack, full lunch, and afternoon nibbles are all included. Let us know your food needs and we’ll make sure you’ve got delicious options available!
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
asra, julian, and muriel with an apprentice who does aerial silks? (*´˘`*)
Here we go! Everything is PG, you’ll have to forgive my tumblr text abilities :)
If your skills as a magician do not impress Asra nearly enough, then your prowess with the silks does. Seeing you so confident, relying on strength and determination whilst hanging tens of feet in the air amazes Asra to no end.
Of course, there are times he fears you falling, but that is part of the allure. Watching you, as he hangs of the edge of his seat, makes Asra love watching you all the more.
The shop is too small to practice in, but often Asra will find you stretching in preparation for a new move and may or may not make a cheeky comment that will make your face go red.
You practice at the theatre a lot of the time, whenever he can make it Asra will be there right by your side helping in whatever way he can.
Asra is very encouraging, he wants to see you flourish and progress. Asra will keep it light though; he knows pressure can make you stress out and that would most likely cause an injury.
You are notorious for winding yourself after a fall, luckily Asra is instantly by your side helping to get you through the shock. That feeling of the air being punched out of you? Not great. But Asra is there, reminding you how to breathe and thank goodness for that.
If you are not too injured, he will laugh whilst helping you up and asking if you are okay.
The first bad injury was a gash to the head, thankfully Asra was there. Pressing a cloth to your wound and asking you questions about who you were and where you are, whilst his magic knits your wound together. Naturally Asra was worried, but your care comes first and fixing you was more important than anything else. After healing you, Asra took you home and watched you throughout the night. Just in case you got a concussion…
During a show:
You are always able to get Asra a front row seat and most of the time he takes them, bringing your favorite flower to toss onto the stage. But Asra equally loves watching from backstage, with a flower to give directly to you.
When he is watching a performance you never cease to amaze him, gliding through the air like a bird or twisting into the fabric, almost the way Faust climbs trees. Asra is entranced.
After a show:
Will always have a flower to give to you.
As the two of you walk back home Asra will snake an arm around your waist and tell you how well you did, most of the time this ends in a kiss.
Snacks will be waiting, and a massage is in order.
Trying silks out:
Asra is willing to give it a shot, and damn…
He is such a fast learner! You are amazed, but to be honest not surprised. Asra is the most skilled person you have met; it stands to reason he can pick something up so quickly.
Asra is no showoff, but the way he moves, it’s like he’s been doing it his whole life.
You quickly race to join him; it is almost like a dance the way you weave yourselves together like a pair of courting swans. It ends sooner than you would like after Asra gives you a rare smirk after grazing his lips over yours and winding down to the floor.
Preferred moves/style:
More than anything Asra loves the practice sessions.
Watching the way your face screws up in concentration, or the gentle way you maneuver yourself in the air when a new move comes into play.
Most of all Asra loves it when you invite him to sit in the hammocks or swings way up in the air. The both of you talk for hours just sitting there, the rest to the performers complain when you take up so much practice time, but up there time melts away.
He is astonished, being a bit of a showman himself Julian finds the concept fascinating. He’s climbed plenty of ropes and rigging on Mazelinka’s ship, but never did he think of it as a possible art form.
He immensely enjoys watching you, but as a natural worrier Julian insists, he is always there to watch after you. Will put everything on hold just to make sure you are safe, including his own wellbeing.
On late night practices you find him hunched over sleeping in a chair, most of the time you can’t bear to wake him so you lay out a crash mat and pile up the blankets before pulling him off the chair and sleeping with him in the empty theatre.
Julian gets under your feet a lot of the time, both metaphorically and literally. Although he means well, he can be a bit distracting ensuring a crash mat is always under you and he is ready to attend to whatever need you have.
Within reason you like to tease him, going as high as you can and tumbling down towards him before stopping inches from his face as you hang upside down (Spider-Man style). It never fails to shut him up when he is rambling about safety because he knows this move is a shut up, everything is under control.
He is worried for good reason, if you practice too long there are blisters on your hands and if you slip and try to counterbalance a rope burn or a twisted ankle/wrist will most likely need his attention.
Dr Devorak is on the case! With minor injuries he will generally scold you, prompting a laugh at the best of times. A lot of the time though when an injury is enough to reduce to tears, he will take you up in his arms and fix you up before cuddling you to near death.
The worst injury? A broken ankle, you remember blacking out from the pain and waking to Julian cradling your head trying to wake you up. His general scolding tone wavering slightly, it was a bad break. But you know you’re in the best hands and although it was the most painful experience ever you were very glad he is always there for you.
During a show:
He is sometimes in the crowd whistling and cheering, looking at you with the most lovestruck face you have ever seen.
Sometimes he will be backstage, not only to cheer you on, but also as the onsite medic. Not that he minds, it just means he gets to see you sooner after the show. Generally, he is holding out a glass of water before you even need to ask.
After every show he will spin you about and kiss you exclaiming how well you did.
After a show:
Could he do any better?
A nice warm bath with plenty of soaps and shampoos, he does everything to help you wind down. Making tea, coffee or hot chocolate and fixing up a generous meal.
All the while complimenting the moves he loved.
He will carry you up the stairs and into bed kissing you as much as you desire and exclaiming how talented and wonderful you are until he is blue in the face.
You fall into a quiet restful cuddle until you both drift off to sleep.
Trying out silks:
He’s climbed ropes before, but this? Impossible, he is almost too lanky and tall to do anything.
He just cannot get it; it is genuinely hilarious, but you appreciate the effort.
In the end he purposefully gets himself tangled up and puts on a seductive pose; “I seem to be helplessly tangled up, I do hope no one takes advantage of my precarious predicament!”
You cannot help but tease him like that, jokes on him though. Most of the time he gets himself genuinely stuck.
Preferred moves/style:
Death defying drops always leave him speechless and on the edge of his seat.
Julian equally loves the low sweeping moves you use to wind around and tease him, a game of catch the apprentice is always in order.
Worried a lot of the time, you are high up and have almost no safety measures. He is bound to be nervous despite trying hard not to look it.
Will 100% be ready and willing to dive to catch you.
Despite the worry Muriel admires the dedication and resilience you show. Compared to him you may not look nearly as strong, but he is aware that the determination you show makes you stronger than any physical strength.
Practice is a lot easier for him to watch, you have mats to land on and others to help you through the moves.
He wants to be supportive, enough that he decided to set up dangling silks from the largest tree he could find near his hut.
Muriel always makes sure you do not try anything you’re not ready for, even if he has to restrain you in a bear hug.
The fact that he is so tall is helpful, if you ask, he will help you prepare for a move. A lot of the time you end up standing on his shoulders whilst tying knots.
During a show:
An actual performance sets him on edge for sure. The crowd watching you sets him on edge, although it is nothing like the gladiator fights, he does not like the hungry gaze’s onlookers give your lithe form.
You never push him into going to your performances, but he always shows up, generally backstage out of view or even in the rafters of the theatre. Any chance you get you smile at him and although you cannot make out his features for the lights shining in your eyes, he always smiles back.
After a show:
After watching a performance Muriel will escort you back home as you critique your form and moves as he silently listens. He hates it, you are an excellent performer. 
“I could have done better, that...” “You were beautiful,” he blurts out, giving you pause as a blush draws to your cheeks.
His compliments, though few and far between are very much appreciated.
When you arrive back at the hut the two of you will drift off to sleep in front of the fire.
An injury caused by aerial silks will leave him very worried, he is no stranger to an injury and makes quick work in patching you up. Often muttering to himself whilst doing so, you understand his concern, but it comes with the territory.
The herbs he gathers generally do the job with minor injuries; Muriel has after one occasion made a habit of kissing any bruises you get. Which often makes the both of you blush like idiots.
A major injury is something Muriel has always dreaded, so when you break a few ribs after a fall he gently scoops you up and does his best to fix you, sending Inanna to find Asra (or even Julian) to come and help. He’s had broken ribs before and knows they hurt a lot, so he does anything to make you comfortable. The guiltily look on his face sends your own guilt to stab you in the heart.
Doing something else takes his mind off it, a lot of the time you tell funny jokes and stories to make him cast you that soft smile.
Trying silks out:
His curiosity soon gets the better of him, whilst you are out getting supplies, he walks over to the silks hanging from the trees. Amazed that you can actually hold onto them whilst moving, he is wondering if he could do what you can, he’s certainly got the muscle for it.
Testing the silk in his hands he winds a leg around the silk and tests himself pulling upwards and into the air. He can hardly believe how difficult such a simple move is, then you appear from nowhere and startle him. Thudding to the ground, you can only chuckle softly as he looks bewildered toward you. “If you wanted to have a go you should have let me know!”
Preferred style/moves:
A move that proves the strength you have never fails to impress Muriel, the roll up being the one that most astonishes him.
Thinking his blush is cute you have created several slow dances to impress him. He won’t admit it, but he loves it, it makes him feel special.
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COMING VERY SOON... Okay I know 2023 isn’t over yet but I’ve had lots of requests about which courses I’m teaching over the next few months @londonschoolofmassage. Here’s my schedule for the beginning of 2023. 2023 January 15-01-23 - 17-01-23 Indian Head Massage - https://bit.ly/2PkTbrs 23-01-23 - 26-01-23 Thai Massage Diploma - http://bit.ly/2wYsrY4 February 04-02-23 – 05-02-23 Tok Sen Massage - https://bit.ly/3vxiA5v 11-02-23 Table Thai Massage - https://bit.ly/2x1W0Fj 12-02-23 Onsite Chair Massage - https://bit.ly/2HptVQT March 11-03-23 Emergency First Aid at Work - https://bit.ly/3rcwcVi Check out http://www.londonschoolofmassage.co.uk for full details (at London School of Massage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmN-ySyooP3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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livinglikearoyal · 5 years
Love on a Schedule | Namjoon
Summary: You were able to join the boys on their trip to New Zealand and comfort Namjoon when he is unable to enjoy the trip due to stress. 
Inspired by Bon Voyage S4 : E6 when Namjoon decided to forgo cycling to work and the anonymous request “I was just wondering if I could request a Namjoon/reader oneshot based on the lyric “let them be them, let us be us” from Love Maze.”
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Director Junsoo to camp. Namjoon has decided to return to the campsite. Please ensure that the cameras around the site are ready for his arrival. No personnel is required to remain onsite other than camera op one. Once again, Namjoon will be returning to the campsite for the afternoon. Once the site is prepared, no personnel required to remain besides camera op one.
The rise in volume signals the departure of the staff that remained at the cabins for the day. Quiet murmurs spread throughout the common room as the men and women that expected to have the afternoon off to rest and prepare for the rest of their trip find this time put momentarily on hold. 
Director Hyangmi veers away from the small group heading toward the door when she sees you standing near the front desk, holding your coffee mug. Moving to meet her halfway, you prepare to ask your question when she interrupts.
“You want to go, don’t you.” It was a statement and not a question. It seems as if she has gotten to know you well as that is exactly what you want. Her face is stern for a moment before it breaks into a small smile. “Give it an hour or so for the camera op to get some footage for the broadcast. After that, you can head that way. While the camera op is there be sure…”
“To remain inconspicuous. The camera shouldn’t see or hear me. Understood!” You give an exaggerated salute. 
The director shakes her head as she chuckles, “I’m glad you were able to come along this time, Y/N. We’ll be back shortly.” 
You return to your seat near the fireplace and continue to eat your previously forgotten lunch as your mind wanders.
Namjoon has been having a rough time lately. The month-long break was meant to be a time for the band and company members alike to recharge and refocus themselves: go on trips, visit friends and family, eat whatever they want, sleep the day away. While on paper and in the headlines this seems like a fantastic idea, for a person like Namjoon, it was a struggle. He had been working almost without pause for nearly ten years. His love and dedication to his work is something that he takes pride in, even when it is at its most challenging. So to have a month where the expectations are not for him to produce content but to stay out of the studio, it caused its own form of anxiety for Namjoon. While you weren’t able to be with him due to your own job, you know that he tried the normal vacation things: trips to other countries, countless museums, walks with his dog and bike rides along the river, dinners with his family. He did all of that. He enjoyed all of that. However, at the end of the day, he felt like he was neglecting what he should truly be doing. 
You were able to join Namjoon for the last week of his vacation. He treated you to a trip that you had been wanting to take for as long as he could remember and ended it with a couple of nights spending time with both of your families. While you had been able to see his internal conflicts during the countless video calls you had with him and you tried to cheer him up, it was during this week when he opened up about how he struggled with the break. He confessed that he felt the stress building and almost guiltily showed you the notebook of lyrics, ideas, and deadlines he just couldn’t help but put into writing throughout the month. 
Now, you were allowed to follow the boys to New Zealand and spend some more time with Namjoon, albeit interrupted time. You have to respect the filming schedule for Bon Voyage. Essentially if there is a cameraman around–you should not be seen or heard. This is when BTS having seven members comes in handy. When some of the members go on an excursion or begin to do something ridiculous, that is when you and Namjoon can have some time to yourselves.  The crew usually goes to the bare minimum shortly after dinner so you can usually spend some time with the entire group at that point as well. Otherwise, it was very hit and miss. With that being said, you were provided lodging in the cabins near the campsite and got to see the beauty of New Zealand while spending time with your boyfriend so you can’t complain too much. At all, really.
Coming back to reality, you notice that over an hour has passed. You grab your bag and stop by the kitchen before heading toward the star of your daydreams.
You see the camera operator leaving the RV as you make it to the campsite. He nods to you in acknowledgment and holds the door open, gently closing it once you are safely on the interior steps. 
Namjoon doesn’t initially notice your appearance. His hands are in his hair, leaning over his notebook like a desperate college student trying to block out the nonexistent library noise after a regretful night of partying before an exam. You can hear faint sounds coming from his earbuds and can see the tension radiating off of his frame. 
It isn’t until you place the steaming mugs that you brought along with you onto the table that he registers that he has a visitor. 
“Thanks,” he says while scratching out something in his notebook.
Looking up for the first time, his surprised look quickly fades to one of curiosity.
“Filming is over for a while. I got here right as he left.”
“I didn’t even see him leave.”
“Understandable. You were really focused.”
“How’d you know…”
“Everyone knows your here this afternoon, Joon. They announced it over the walkies. The director said they’d only film you for about an hour.”
“Ahh, yeah. I messed up their afternoon off.” He tosses the pen he has been writing with onto the table and leans his head back. 
“That’s not it. They know you.”
He opens his eyes to look at you in question. When you don’t respond, he sighs and finally takes a drink from his mug. 
“Have a seat?” 
You run your hand lightly through his hair before settling onto the bench across from him. You grab a book from your bag before taking a sip from your own mug and making yourself comfortable. 
“You’re not going to tell me to stop working?”
“Would it help if I did?”
A pause. “Probably not.” 
“Then no, I won’t.” You smile softly at him. “I’ll just read a little bit while you work. Maybe I can even help you think of a word or something when you can’t quite think of how you want to say it.” 
You take another sip of your drink before opening your book. The smile that Namjoon sends your way goes unnoticed by you.
After finishing a couple of chapters in your book, you stretch and take in your surroundings. Your feet have found their way onto the bench across from you so that your lower legs are resting against Namjoon’s thighs. Observing the man in question, he is in an almost identical position as he was when you entered the RV. You spend some time watching him: the tapping of his fingers against his head or paper, his grip on the pen, his mouth forming unknown words. Only after he lets out several frustrated sighs do you nudge him with your feet to capture his attention. He looks up and removes one of his earbuds; eyebrow raised in question.
“What about a change of scenery?” 
“What do you mean?”
“Why don’t we take this outside? The sunshine and view might help your ideas flow better. It is starting to get kind of stuffy in here anyway.”
He looks around reluctantly, “We could open the windows?”
He sighs. “Alright. It wouldn’t hurt to stretch a little bit anyway.”
Grabbing your book and a blanket from the bed, you take his unopened water bottle and lead the way out of the RV. You glance around the campsite and find the perfect spot to sit. The two of you take your time walking the short distance to the pair of chairs set up near the lake, where you lay the blanket out in front of both of them. 
“Lay down.” You point to the blanket.
“Y/N, I didn’t know…”
“Don’t make it weird. Just lay down, please?” 
He grins and lays down on his back after setting his notebook, phone, and pen safely in one of the chairs. 
“Roll over.”
You sit down next to him as he does so before saying, “Oh, so you aren’t going to make that rated R?” 
He chuckles and a smile comes to your face when you see his entire body shake because of this.
“Take a bit of a break, Joonie,” you say. “Stretch out and relax for a few minutes.” 
He lays his head on his arms and looks at you with a smile. 
“That sounds good.”
“Hmmm,” you respond before kneeling and beginning to massage his back and shoulders. 
“That feels good.”
The next fifteen minutes are spent with his eyes closed and your hands working their magic on the tension in his back and neck. The only sounds that can be heard are that of the surrounding wildlife and the occasional gasp or groan as you hit a particularly tender spot. You are content to continue for quite a while longer when you notice that his eyes are open and you can see the thoughts forming.
“I’m sorry.”
“What for?” 
“For this.”
Your hands stop their ministrations and you sit back so you can look at him better.
He sighs and sits up as well.
“We can rarely spend time together. And whenever we can spend time together, my mind is elsewhere. That isn’t fair to you. Everyone else can go to dinners together whenever they want, stay at home to watch movies, spend birthdays at amusement parks. But you’re stuck with me, an idol that can’t be seen in public even if he had the time and energy to go out. A songwriter that sucks at putting his thoughts into words. A stressed workaholic that can’t find a balance between home and work, even after a decade. A boyfriend that can’t treat his girlfriend like they do in movies.” He grimaces. “We have to love on a schedule. And when we do find the time, it seems like you are always taking care of me. I’m sorry.” 
It takes a moment for all of that to sink in. In that moment, Namjoon seems to shrink into himself and looks down at his hands. 
You place a hand over his and use your other hand to guide his chin upward to look at you, finally resting it on his cheek. The unshed tears in his eyes are mirrored in your own.
“Namjoon, you have nothing to apologize to me for. I enjoy taking care of others. That’s why I do what I do for a living. The fact that I have this amazingly strong, ambitious, and responsible boyfriend that allows me to take care of him, makes me feel important. Special. We all have a lot on our plates and you are no different. The amount of expectation and responsibilities that you have is unreal. You have so many upcoming projects to balance along with the responsibilities of being a leader and brother to the guys. But you manage it and you succeed more times than not. And the amazing thing about you is that you take those times that you don’t succeed and create the most beautiful and inspiring work from it, whether you share it with the public or not.”
A tear falls as he shakes his head. 
“You are one of the most important people in my life, Joonie. Of course, I want to take care of you. Of course, I’d love if we could be together at all times of day and have that typical fairytale romance. But you know what? I absolutely adore what we have. It gives us both the opportunity to flourish in our own independence while also having the comfort of knowing that the other is just a phone call away. That distance…that makes times like this even more sweet and memorable. This relationship has not only brought me you, my prince charming, but it has also brought so many more people into my family. The guys and crew feel like my brothers and sisters. I hope that my family and friends are the same for you?”
He nods.
“So what if we can’t have dinner in the same room every night. So what if we don’t spend our birthdays together at arcades or amusement parks. That is what everyone else does. Let them be them. Let us be us. I absolutely love every single moment we have spent together. Every single trip. Every word. Every touch. It doesn’t matter if we are somewhere extraordinary like this or on different sides of the globe, speaking through the phone. I’ve loved it all. You are home to me.”
You kiss him gently on the lips.
“I love you. I love you the most.”
“Y/N, I…” Namjoon tilts his head like he can’t figure out what to say before he moves forward, capturing your lips in his once again.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Your smile is reflected on his face as you scoot to sit between his legs and lean into him. His arms come to wrap around you and he leans his chin on your shoulder. The two of you sit looking at the gorgeous scenery for an unknown period of time, sharing gentle kisses and touches, whispered promises. 
“You know, you can go ahead and work on your music if you want to. I’ll stay,” you say softly after you give him a kiss on the cheek.
“You sure?”
“Hmmm. If there is ever a time when I want or need your undivided attention, I will let you know. Just like I hope you would let me know. Right now though, I just want to be around you. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing.” 
“Alright.” He places a kiss on your temple before untangling his limbs from yours to stand up and retrieve his supplies. He soon returns, handing you the book you had been reading before laying down on his stomach and getting to work. You watch him for a few moments before making yourself comfortable, using his back as a pillow. You let out a contented sigh when you feel his back move slightly, signaling that he has started to write.
You’ll have to be sure to thank Director Hyangmi when you get back to the cabins for having the crew avoid filming near the lake once everyone returned. 
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