Oh please put him in the band ninja sex party! he'd fit right in.
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For their 15 year anniversary, Ninja Sex Party has reportedly invited Eddie Munson and the rest of famed metal band Corroded Coffin into the recording studio.
The comedy duo has released three cover albums already, each aptly titled Under the Covers, and this once-in-a-lifetime collaboration is no different, as it's rumored to be metal covers of NSP's own songs in addition to NSP’s already releasing Masterstrokes album.
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touhoutunes · 19 days
Title: min~眠~ (Sleep)
Arrangement: NSY
Vocals: 茶太
Album: Sally
Circle: サリー
Original: Youkai Girl at the Gate
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miraku128 · 2 years
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2023.02.16 東京旅行三日目Part4 LIVE結束後的西友聚會。💋🧡 演唱會結束之後,跟大家事前約好集合,雖然搞錯方向但還是順利跟大家碰面。😊😊 這次終於跟住在高雄的@only_nsy碰到面了,同樣住在台灣但是因為基隆跟高雄一個台灣頭一個台灣尾,又碰到疫情,我也都沒機會到高雄玩,結果我們第一次見面竟然是在日本也是挺有趣的。🤣🤣 人數到齊之後去找店吃飯,去了一間御好燒的店,大家聊天聊得很愉快,之後瘋瘋因為趕地鐵先走,剩下我們5個人繼續聊,不過之後結帳發現這間店實在太坑了,店員態度也不太好,有無言到。🥺🥺 不過還是蠻開心能跟大家見面的,感謝。🙏🙏 最後回飯店還是要拍拍這天買到的戰利品,還有謝謝@_annie244_幫忙買的章魚燒皮皮跟@carcarmemo幫忙買的炸蝦皮皮。😎👍 #Nissy #にっしー #西島隆弘 #Lippy #リッピー #皮皮 #NEP #Nsy #NissyEntertainment #NissyEntertainment4thlive #西友 #西ヲタさんと繋がりたい #西ヲタ #東京旅 #東京旅行3日目 #時間差投稿 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2SYE-BIpk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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buckingham-ashtray · 2 months
to me one of the funniest things in asip is definitely when sherlock brought the man previously from his flat to the crime scene without even introducing him except for emphasizing "he's with me" and gavin lestrade was trying to decide whether a) if sherlock has really gone round the bend and decided to take a hostage to keep as a pet and he should save this man from sherlock or b) if this man is even more of a dangerous sociopathic nutter than sherlock and he should lock him up and save london from this man
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mariocki · 16 days
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New Scotland Yard: Point of Impact (1.1, LWT, 1972)
"I thought they'd lumber you with it."
"Did you, why?"
"It's a touchy one, isn't it?"
"There's a policeman involved."
"Yeah, unpleasant."
"You were bound to get it."
"Thank you."
"Would've never happened at all if it hadn't been for that blasted Law and Order Brigade turning up on the scene, bloody reactionaries."
"Look, spare me the catchphrases, will you? I don't understand what half of them mean, I don't suppose the people who bandy them about do either."
"Well, I happen to know what a reactionary is."
"Good. You must explain it to me in great detail. Some other time."
#new scotland yard#point of interest#lwt#1972#classic tv#tony wharmby#don houghton#john woodvine#john carlisle#bryan marshall#barry warren#claire warren#shirley cain#brian rawlinson#norman jones#basil henson#mel martin#nicholas young#recently trawling a certain You based Tube‚ i stumbled across a user who has uploaded great swathes of old telly‚ to my delight. a lot of#it I've already seen or even own‚ but finding NSY was huge: I've wanted to watch this for a while but the discs are frustratingly hard to#come by at a reasonable price since Network (rip in our hearts forever) went under. so i guess this is my viewing for the near future‚#before a copyright strike inevitably gets them pulled (and i don't think it's every episode that's available either). the series starts#promisingly‚ eschewing a safe and steady introduction for an altogether more challenging issue based ep; a man has died during a scuffle#between socialist protesters and rightwing counter protesters‚ apparently killed by a police officer. our leads must investigate whilst#balancing the difficult tightrope of public opinion‚ avoiding either a whitewash or an unjust persecution. it's heavy‚ polemical stuff but#the script works hard to maintain balance and present nuance‚ with idealists and extremists on either side (and Woodvine's senior copper#stubbornly sticking his feet in the center). it's still copaganda of course‚ but intelligently done nonetheless#we don't learn a great deal about our two leads at this point‚ but their relationship certainly seems spiky (Carlisle is given to making#leaps of deduction and announcing moral absolutes where Woodvine is almost frustratingly impartial to the extreme). plus nice to see#familiar faces like Marshall‚ Jones and Warren among the supporting cast. a very promising opener
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vendettavalor · 22 days
// rewatched S.teven U.niverse for nostalgia/to understand what about this show made the fandom so feral and now im fighting demons not to add new muses from it-
// also I’m binging castlevania so someone stop me from adding muses from that too-
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stiltonbasket · 6 months
honestly, the real reason Jin Ling and Nie Shiyong keep having babies is that Jin Ling loves to cuddle small kids/baby tigers and Nie Shiyong thinks that it's cute.
It's also because Nie Shiyong and Jin Ling are both orphans whose parents were murdered when they were babies. They were not expecting to deal with that past trauma all over again when Jin Hong was born; but eventually, they decided that they were going to have a large, loving, happy family at all costs. ;-;
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thatoneguywhowho · 11 months
this remind you of something? :)
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charlemane · 2 years
reading The Big Sleep and it is so evident that Raymond Chandler had never been in a physical altercation with a pissed-off gay man. that's why i've started this indiegogo campaign to build a time machine! with your help, we can fix this problem today!!!*
*okay, the definition of 'today' is gonna get kinda weird once we switch the indiegogo time machine on, but listen, those are nuances we can deal with after we've sent our gayest warrior-priest to 1938 to curbstomp Raymond Chandler
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fmarkets · 6 months
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Nortech Systems Incorporated Boosts Earnings with $1.80 Million in Tax Provisions https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=NSYS&date=2024-03-20232353&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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touhoutunes · 3 months
Title: 馬と骨 (Horse and Bone)
Arrangement: NSY
Vocals: IZNA
Album: 悦楽バージン
Circle: 東方事変
Original: Tomboyish Girl in Love
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miraku128 · 2 years
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2023.02.16 東京旅行三日目Part1 東蛋排週邊。😎💋 一早的早餐是在唐吉訶德買的草莓歐蕾跟超大甜甜圈。(這好吃耶!🥰💖) 大約在日本時間早上7點半去東蛋,看前面已經至少有100人以上,然後開始漫長的等待,當中有很想上廁所的時侯,還好後頭的 本粉絲人不錯幫我顧位子還幫我顧東西。😊🧡 早到因為冷到快邊凍乾了,發現溫度才3度真的是冷到滑手機都不行了,(雖然當中太陽有照射一下,但是還是冷)然後看到現場賣週邊的Staff集合還有組等身大的立牌。😆😆 等到差不多10點半左右,開始起身動了,沒想到我開始冷到發抖了,這時真的後悔沒帶2nd的毯子了,拿到購入券到買週邊我都還在發抖的狀態。😓😓 到離開才舒服一點,開心買到棉花糖皮皮,本來還想買CD拿限定IC卡貼紙的但是還是算了,就看看然後也看看NEP攤位,哈哈沒有機會當介紹人帶人入會不然就有皮皮的介紹限定卡片拿了。😅😅 #Nissy #にっしー #西島隆弘 #Lippy #リッピー #皮皮 #NEP #Nsy #NissyEntertainment #NissyEntertainment4thlive #東京ドーム #東京旅 #東京旅行3日目 #時間差投稿 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZHiwkB1-f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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irinka299 · 2 years
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raina-at · 4 months
It’s not too much of an exaggeration to state that one of the most significant saving graces of John’s life is his ability to sleep anywhere. An unstable childhood, 24-hour shifts at the hospital and military service have turned John into an all-weather-all-conditions sleeper. He can sleep sitting up. He can sleep at any time of day or night. He can sleep on the floor, on sofas, on planes, on trains, in cars. He can even power-nap on the tube and never miss his stop. 
It’s a life skill that comes in very handy when your life partner is Sherlock Holmes. 
It’s not that Sherlock never sleeps. It’s more that he doesn’t seem to have a circadian rhythm to speak of. He does things in the order they occur to him, and whether it’s ten in the morning or ten at night doesn’t seem to matter to him too much. 
This means John has fallen asleep on stake-outs, at NSY (by now he’s pretty sure there’s not a piece of furniture at the Yard he hasn’t drooled on at some point), in jail cells, in dark alleys, on rooftops, on park benches, against trees, in pubs, in museums, and one memorable occasion a walk-in closet in Westminster Hall. 
These skills come in especially handy once he’s a father. He’s fallen asleep with Rosie somewhere on his person so often, it’s frankly ridiculous. He even admits that the times he’s fallen asleep standing up with Rosie strapped to his chest in her baby carrier are, unfortunately, non-zero. 
It doesn’t help that John has never been the best sleeper when he’s actually lying in a comfortable bed, alone, in the dark, in silence. He’s been plagued by nightmares all his life, and the irregular hours he’s kept since he became an adult have fucked up his circadian rhythm almost to Sherlock’s level. It also doesn’t help that the two people John would literally die for, who share his bed most often, are both terrible co-sleepers. Sherlock comes to bed whenever, wraps himself around John, hogs the blankets, snores, changes position, talks in his sleep, then gets up two hours later when he gets bored of sleeping. Rosie turns into all limbs when you share a bed with her, kicking and throwing elbows like a trained street fighter, and for all that she’s so small, she’s a world-class blanket thief. She gradually steals all the blankets, then drops half of them on the floor on the far side of the bed. John inevitably wakes up every time she kicks him, and he always wakes up freezing. John goes back to sleep fine, but it isn’t exactly restful. 
The thing is, John isn’t as young as he used to be. And while he can still sleep anywhere and through anything, he feels it on the day after. 
Case in point, he and Sherlock actually went to bed at a reasonable hour last night—age is mellowing out Sherlock’s circadian rhythm somewhat, or just makes it harder for Sherlock to ignore it— but Sherlock got up around two and came back with an armful of fussy five-year-old. He put her down between them, got in bed on his side and both of them went right back to sleep, Rosie drooling on John’s shirt, Sherlock snoring loudly. Every time John drifted off, Rosie kicked him, or elbowed him, or Sherlock muttered something in his sleep.
John finally gave up and went to sleep on the sofa. He slept fine, but the sofa is old and lumpy. Which is why he’s in the kitchen at 5:30 am, with a kink in his neck, a child-foot-sized bruise forming on his thigh, a monster headache and the largest coffee mug they own filled to the brim.
He sips the coffee and scrolls through his phone as the paracetamol does its work.
Then he goes into the bedroom to get his clothes.
Sherlock is sprawled on his stomach, shirt askew, hair a wild mess. Rosie’s lying practically on top of him, drooling all over his back. The blankets are on the floor, most of the pillows are strewn around the bed. Sherlock is snoring loudly. Rosie moves a bit and kicks the last pillow to the floor.
John bites down on a laugh and snaps a picture of the two of them. Then he picks up the blankets and tucks them around the sleeping pair, knowing it’s an exercise in futility, and drops kisses on one tousled dark head, and one blonde one.
Then he grabs a pillow from the floor and an extra blanket from the closet, curls around Sherlock’s other side, and goes right back to sleep.
Tags under the cut as always, please let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged.
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @jrow @peanitbear @jolieblack @meetinginsamarra @helloliriels @keirgreeneyes @lisbeth-kk @friday411 @givemesherbet-blog-blog @weeesi @thalialunacy @thegildedbee @dapetty @salmonsown
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
a-Lan is teaching all the other baos her chaotic bao ways? the tiger baos now want to eat snacks at 3 am, and the yunmeng baos are putting ducks in all the beds.
Nie Shiyong: Why are you asking me for snacks? Go outside and catch mice if you're hungry. ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌
The tiger baos, who were expecting delicious homemade morsels like the ones A-Lan gets: ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Meanwhile, Jin Ling has been pinned down under his wife's paw so he doesn't run off to make tastier snacks for his tiger babies. Nie Shiyong wants the baos to stay in the family cuddle pile all night without getting up to steal food, so they'll just have to go back to sleep. 😤
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helloliriels · 2 months
Retirement Looks Good on You
by helloliriels
"So ... John and Sherlock, they retired!" Lestrade's face was lit up with pride.
Sally Donovan eyed him askance.
"Yeah! Can you believe it?! Only 37 and 45 and they're retiring!" he whistled, smiling softly, a twinge of jealousy in his voice as he nudged her. "Never thought I'd see the day!"
"Neither did I ..." she looked at her screen again in disbelief. "What did you say they were doing now ... ?"
Lestrade didn't seem to notice the true query in her voice.
"Beekeepers!" Lestrade took a swig of his coffee, "in Sussex or some such ..."
"Beekeepers ... ?" Sally's face had gone pale. The printout from NSY just kept growing ...
"The pair of 'em! Beekeeping he said! ... Must be nice. The soft buzzing. The pretty flowers. Pulling honey from all those little boxes they keep 'em in-" Lestrade was still blustering on ...
Sally Donovan's curse cut him short, and he flinched as she swivelled the screen around to show him what she was seeing ...
"How the hell ... ?"
"Holy mother of God ..."
Lestrade dropped his coffee. Someone had included footage on the latest report.
"Sir ... that ... doesn't look like retirement."
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