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Enja, Aimaina Rakuen, A Foggy Paradise, Qualia, Cinderella Girl, Tokyo Sounan, NO SENKYO NO LIFE, Japanese Film Trailers
Welcome to the third and final trailer post of the week. You can find the first trailer post here and the second trailer post here. This week, I wrote about the Shinji Somai film Typhoon Club being released on Blu-ray by Third Window Films. Expect a review on the day of its release. I’m back on films and watched a lot of European works this week. They included Last Year in Marienbad (1961)…
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#A Foggy Paradise#Aimaina Rakuen#Cinderella Girl#Enja#Japanese Film Trailers.#NO SENKYO NO LIFE#Qualia#Tokyo Sounan
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5 2023 J Dramas I look forward to
1. Dai Byoin Senkyo
A thriller about a hospital being taken over by a gang wearing devil masks, starring Musashi Saburo as a police officer trying to save the hostages within a time limit and Higa Manami as a medical staff helping him (probably, based on her instagram photo wielding a gun). Looks like a good thriller to watch after having a Alice in Borderland hangover.
2. Ninja ni Kekkon wa Muzukashii
A romance drama about a husband who works a delivery man and a wife who works as a pharmacist, while secretly being ninjas without the other knowing. The wife belongs to the Koka Ninja while the husband belongs to the Iga Ninja. It is a matter of time before they know the truth. Sounds similar to the drama Caution Hazardous Wife where the couple are secret agents.
3. The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House
Based on the manga and anime, Maiko-san Chi no Makanai-san (Kiyo in Kyoto) comes the next anticipated Netflix drama after First Love Hatsukoi. A slice of life drama about two best friends from Aomori Prefecture that came to Kyoto to become Maiko. While one of them has the talent to be one, the other doesn’t but she discovers that her talent lies in her delicious home style cooking!
4. Call Me Chihiro
Another Netflix slice of life drama starring Kasumi Arimura (Rurouni Kenshin The Beginning) which is about Chihiro who moves to the small seaside town to start over a new life running her own bento shop and forget her past of being a prostitute. She meets new people and customers who talk to her about their lives and problems which cause her to overcome her own loneliness.
5. A2Z
An Amazon Prime drama. No plot is being revealed yet but I’m happy enough to see my favourite actress, Kyoko Fukada returning!
#Dai Byoin Senkyo#musashi saburo#higa manami#ninja ni kekkon wa muzukashii#nanao#suzuki nobuyuki#the makanai cooking for the maiko house#kiyo in kyoto#maiko-san chi no makanai-san#nana mori#natsuki deguchi#call me chihiro#kasumi arimura#a2z#kyoko fukada#japanese thriller#japanese drama#j drama#jdrama#dorama#japan#asian drama#2023 drama#my watch list#caution hazardous wife#alice in borderland#first love hatsukoi#rurouni kenshin
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#301: No Senkyo(Election), No Life (2023)
"No Senkyo(Election), No Life" is a Japanese documentary film. It's closely covered a man who works as a freelance writer specializing in elections.
The film was so great. I was not interested in elections that much before watching it. However, the film told me about interest in elections. In that sense, the film was worth watching. It's not only that. The writer's way of covering candidates for elections was brilliant. Overall, the film is a must-see for everyone.
(Japanese title: "NO 選挙,NO LIFE") (10 out of 10)
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元記事: 10th Years “Tomodachi Life” (& My blogs) https://hakoniwa-h.tumblr.com/post/751331018186899456/
本当は6月6日にやりたかったのですが、ご存じの方はご存じの通り、私のPCが壊れまして、現在になりました。 最初の方は『10周年目のトモダチコレクション新生活』を翻訳したものなので後半部分…■Supplementary information(補足情報)からの翻訳+日本向けのニュースリンクを加筆したバージョンになります。
— — — ■Supplementary information(補足情報) この記事を書いた2023年4月18日は日本で地方選挙を前にしていた時期でした。 ・統一地方選 2023 – NHK https://www.nhk.or.jp/senkyo/database/touitsu/ (実は2022年11月にしんぶん赤旗が裏金問題をスクープしていたのですが、統一選挙まで各方面の新聞が裏金問題について報道していないというメディア問題も抱えています)
・日本人の同性カップル、カナダで難民認定 「迫害に根拠ある恐怖」 https://www.asahi.com/articles/ASS5L2F7MS5LUTFL002M.html ・Colabo’s Fights against Sexual Exploitation and Misogyny in Japan Today https://kyeol.kr/en/node/541 ・【弁護団声明】Colabo関係者及びColabo弁護団に対する攻撃についての弁護団声明 – Colabo公式 https://colabo-official.net/seimei230920/ ・デマを流布し、1億円超のカンパを集め収益化 女性支援団体Colaboが会見で被害を訴え - 生活ニュースコモンズ https://s-newscommons.com/article/352 (補足:生活ニュースコモンズとは https://s-newscommons.com/about)
ご存じだとは思いますが、『Tomodachi Life』発売前の2014年5月に、ゲーム内で同性婚ができないことが大きなニュースとなりました。正直に申し上げて、当時の私はLGBTQ+問題についてほとんど理解しておらず、なぜこれがこれほどの怒りを引き起こしたのか、完全に理解していませんでした。日本人のほとんどが同じように感じていたと思います。
日本は(よくも悪くも)外圧に弱い国です。東京五輪で森喜朗元首相が性差別発言をした時も、世界中の女性が立ち上がったおかげで、ようやく彼を倒すことができました。悲しいことに、日本の女性参政権は彼の年齢よりも短いのです。 (森喜朗 1937年生まれ 日本女性参政権(婦人参政権) 1945年) 日本のフェミニストコミュニティやLGBTQ+コミュニティにアクセスしている人は少なく、かなり疲弊しているのが現実です。
(追記 2024/05/26 読み返していて時系列の混乱があることに気づきました。2017年に世界的ハッシュタグ運動「#Metoo」が起こり、伊藤詩織さんの事件や報道に衝撃を受けました。少しずつ女性たちの告白が積み重なり、私も何か発信したいと思いながら、自分の思いを言葉にできずにいました。それをきっかけにフェミニズムに関する本や記事をたくさん読みました。その中で、石��優実さんの「#Kutoo」(2019)が始まり、フラワーデモ、ある大学教授による公開差別とそれに関連する訴訟などが取り上げられました) ※さらなる補足なのですが、これは『鎌倉殿の13人』を降板した歴史研究家とそれらに関する対女性研究家たちによる裁判&この件で誹謗中傷されていた女性研究家が新たな誹謗中傷に遭い、その新たな誹謗中傷をしていた人物を別な形で訴えた件に関してです。
もう少しだけ言わせてください。 世界中で起こる様々な困難(注:日本語は曖昧に暈してしまう部分があるので、ハッキリと書きます。ガザ地区のこと、ウクライナ侵攻、各地の紛争、貧困、格差、差別、目をそむけたくなるさまざま)に苦しむ人が多い社会は、私たちにとっても、Miiにとっても生きにくい社会であるということです。わたしはこの小さな島に住むカワイイ住民たちのためにも、生きやすい社会になってほしいと思います。
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Magazines BOMB! September 1983 issue(BOMB83) Gakushū Kenkyūsha 1983 DUNK July 1985 issue(DUNK85) Shūeisha 1985 DUNK October 1985 issue(DUNK8510) Shūeisha 1985 BOMB! October 1985 issue(BOMB85) Gakushū Kenkyūsha 1985 DUNK December 1985 issue(DUNK8512) Shūeisha 1985 Myōjō February 1986 issue(Myōjo) Shūeisha 1986 Gorō No.13 1986(Gorō) Shōgakukan 1986 Emma August 20 1986 issue(Emma) Bungeishunjū 1986 DUNK September 1986 issue(DUNK86) Shūeisha 1986 DUNK April 1987 issue(DUNK87) Shūeisha 1987 BOMB! April 1990 issue(BOMB90) Gakushū Kenkyūsha 1990 Treasure Girls November 1998 issue(TreasureA) Core Magazine 1998 Shūkan Bunshun August 2001 issue(Bunshun) Bungeishunjū 2001 Treasure Girls September 2005 issue(TreasureB) Core Magazine 2005 Flash November 19, 2019 issue(Flash) Kōbunsha 2019
Videos All Night Fuji High School Girl Special Episode 2(Special) Fuji Television 1985 Yūyake Nyan Nyan April-June 1985 DVDs(DVD) Fuji Television 2004
Books poisonous sting talk(Talk) Ōta Publishing 1984 Mysterious girl named Matsumoto Koyuki(Mysterious) Shōgakukan 1986 Dangerous Onyanko Club(OnyankoA) Fusōsha Publishing 1986 The White Paper on Onyanko Club(OnyankoB) Fusōsha Publishing 1987 Let's pass the rumors!(Rumors) JICC Shuppankyoku 1989 The reading book on Entertainment Industry Scandals(Geinōkai) Takarajimasha 1997 Focus: Behind the Scoops(Focus) Shinchōsha 2001 Onyanko Club and eternal group idols(OnyankoC) Takarajimasha 2003 The Sealed Songs Compendium(Songs) Sansai Books 2007
URLs Wikipedia Yoshino Kayoko(Wiki Yoshino) https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%90%89%E9%87%8E%E4%BD%B3%E4%BB%A3%E5%AD%90&oldid=37231840 The worst punk among the Onyanko members…the main culprit of the smoking photo scandal(TV Enokida) https://datazoo.jp/tv/%E7%88%86%E5%A0%B1%EF%BC%81THE+%E3%83%95%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%87%E3%83%BC/1120125 The tumultuous life of the legendary Onyanko ace who was fired for smoking. Kokushō Sayuri is in tears(Sponichi) https://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/news/2016/06/03/kiji/K20160603012713240.html It has been 35 years since the fateful day. What they "destroyed" and what they "left behind" with their great achievement(Prime) https://www.jprime.jp/articles/-/18707 Earnest consideration of the economic effects of idols and fan psychology(Style) https://style.nikkei.com/article/DGXMZO11922610Q7A120C1000000/ Summer Tree Road~In a small corner of Kamifukuoka(Kamifukuoka) http://blog.livedoor.jp/meckey_no2/archives/cat_354835.html Street Corner Opera in Odawara(Odawara) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdUbEvwndrg Former Onyanko Club member Enokida Michiko's current situation. what's she doing now? The truth about the scandal that forced her dismissal(Enokida) https://www.so-net.or.jp/2360/ Wakō City Councilor Election(Election) https://go2senkyo.com/local/senkyo/20916 Yūyake Nyan Nyan(Nyan) https://tv.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/natsutv/1019303191/ 【Smoking Group】The Members of Onyanko Club that didn't have a graduation ceremony 【Teramoto Gomioka】(2ch1) http://tv11.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/kyon2/1110831779/ Talk about the less than thread-worthy Onyanko members here 2(2ch2) https://tv10.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/kyon2/1111035363/ 【Onyanko Club】Nagata Ruriko 【Membership number 18】(5ch1) https://egg.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/kyon2/1468937195/ Thread requesting permission for Nagata Ruriko to use the footage (net) http://bbs.2ch2.net/test/read.cgi/onyanko/063033209/ What's the current status of all 54 members of "Onyanko"!? 13-29(Current) https://taishu.jp/articles/-/45735 Where's Ruriruri-sama (Ruri) https://web.archive.org/web/20030305115208/http://www2d.biglobe.ne.jp/~tis/panic/cgi-bin/board/board.cgi?board=bbs&page=1 Yoshino kayoko and Tomoda Mamiko beautiful onyanko girls that no one knows about https://onyankosmile.hp.peraichi.com Profiles of the members of the Smoking Group(in Japanese) https://zawazawa.jp/bkz5ak1bszinqmim/topic/5 Onyanko Club Questions and Answers Board(Board) https://web.archive.org/web/20031128181621/http://www2d.biglobe.ne.jp/~tis/panic/cgi-bin/board2/board2.cgi/q_and_a/?page=2#topic90 Choose either one(One) https://web.archive.org/web/20040803134728/http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~onyanko/panic/cgi-bin/erande.cgi Takabe Tomoko is currently working as a mental health professional! Images and details of the Nyan Nyan scandal!(Site) https://www.smile-life-can.site/takabetomoko-gennzai/ The Tragic Consequences of the Leak of Takabe Tomoko's Nyan Nyan Photo(Takabe) https://news.livedoor.com/article/detail/18236046/ The legendary final episode of a drama that achieved monster ratings(Asagei) https://www.asagei.com/excerpt/16969 For those who want to take a step forward(Ippo) http://www.companytank.jp/interviewer_eye/vol5/ The Sakura Wars Creator, The Young Idol And The Rumored Sleepover(Kotaku) https://kotaku.com/the-sakura-wars-creator-the-young-idol-and-the-rumored-5662671
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BLCD 2021: December Releases
✓ - have
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)
🙏 - dying for
1. Ikigami to Donor 💡
Release Date: 2021/12/03 (moved from October)
Cast: Nakajima Yoshiki x Saitou Souma
“Your blood and flesh, all of it is mine.” An ikigami and a healer, together their souls support each other, blooming into love…
In the distant future, ordinary teacher Yoshino learns that he is a “donor” for the strongest species, the “ikigami.” These warriors are tasked with protecting the country. “The unique ability of a donor is to use their bodily fluids to heal ikigami.” Yoshino learns this fact and is shocked. Thus, Yoshino is forced to live with Kidou… At first, he is like a beast, demanding Yoshino’s bodily fluids, but slowly, the underlying loneliness begins to show…
“Someday, if I met a donor, could they come to love me? That thought is the only reason I survived…”
2. Shangri-la no Tori II 🙏
Release Date: 2021/12/10
Cast: Matsuda Kenichiro x Nakajima Yoshiki
Synopsis: Adaptation of the sequel of the same name.
3. Torokeru Kuchibiru more melty ✘
Release Date: 2021/12/20
Cast: Furukawa Makoto x Okitsu Kazuyuki
Synopsis: Torekeru Kuchibiru 2: Electric Boogaloo
Comment: Who the fuck keeps on asking for more Takasaki Bosco? I just wanna talk.
4. Old-fashioned Cupcake with Capuccino ?
Release Date: 2021/12/22
Cast: Azakami Youhei x Okitsu Kazuyuki
Synopsis: I’m Trying To Act 60 When I’m Only 40 2: Electric Boogaloo
Comment: The way my face lit up and fell when I saw Youhei x Okitsu again before realizing it was OFC.
5. Bokura no Koi to Seishun no Subete case: 05 Senkyo-sen no Bokura ✘
Release Date: 2021/12/24
Cast: Komada Wataru x Tamaru Atsushi
Synopsis: Hotaka Nishino lived a typical highschool life devoid of too much interaction with his peers due to his shyness. One day, his friend from junior high, Kazuomi Moroi, decided to nominate him in the school elections with himself. His relationship with Kazuomi, which usually only called for greetings when they met, begun changing as the elections commence.
6. Kisu de Tokashita Sono Ato ni ✘
Release Date: 2021/12/24
Cast: Nakazawa Masatomo x Shigamatsu Chiharu *debut for Chiharu
Synopsis: Aise Hiro, a freshman in college, lives with his friend’s older brother, Onozawa Mizuki, at his parents’ request. Onozawa-san looks to be ideal husband material, considering his good looks and his job as an accountant. Everything seems to be going pretty smoothly as Hiro has a good relationship with Onozawa-san. However, there is one problem — Hiro is gay and Onozawa-san is his first love!
Just when he thought that nothing else could go wrong, Onozawa-san catches him masturbating while sexting. Fearing the worst, Hiro mentally prepares himself but is met with a proposition instead: “If you’re that frustrated, won’t you be pretend lovers with me?”
7. Neko to Spica 🙏
Release Date: 2021/12/24
Cast: Takeuchi Eiji x Sakakihara Yuki *THE GODS HAVE LISTENED IN 2021!!!
Synopsis: Salaryman Kawamura Kouta hates troublesome things. The only exception is the black stray cat that likes to sit in front of his apartment. One day he stumbles upon a black-haired boy who seems to have replaced his favourite cat. When the boy collapses in front of Kouta, he decides to take him in on a whim. What will happen to Kouta‘s trouble-free everyday life?
Comment: I mean, it is borderline furry-shota, but I’m gonna have to take any Takeuchi Eiji and Sakakihara Yuki I can get ‘cause I don’t have a choice. sobsobsob
I’m actually sad that there’s not much to December this year unlike last year.
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My Anime List Updated 15.12.19
1. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R1 2. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 3. Sword Art Online 3. Sword Art Online 2 4. Saikano 5. Sakuraso no Pet na Konojo 6. Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun 7. Hakkenden Touhou Hakken Ibun 2 8. Fairy Tail 9. Susei no Gargantia 10. Steins;Gate 11. Mirai Nikki 12. Attack on Titan 13. Elfenlied 14. Fate/Zero 15. Fate Stay Night 16. Amnesia 17. Aquarion Evol 18. Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sou Desu yo 19. Soul Eater 20. Air 21. Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai 22. Vampire Knight 23. Vampire Knight Guilty 24. Ai Yori Aoshi 25. Ai Yori Aoshi: Enishi 26. DearS 27. Hataraku Maou-sama! 28. Diabolik Lovers 29. Diabolik Lovers More, Blood 30. Fullmetal Alchemist 31. Ao no Exorcist 32. Shakugan no Shana 33. Death Note 34. Karneval 35. Deadman Wonderland 36. Strike the Blood 37. Blaze Blue 38. Nagi no Asukara 39. Machine-Doll wa Kizutsukanai 40. Tokyo Ravens 41. White Album 42. Highschool of the Dead 43. D-Frag 44. Pupa 45. Nobunaga the Fool 46. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 47. Clannad 48. Clannad After Story 49. Kamigami no Asobi 50. Blade & Soul 51. Ef: A Tale of Memories 52. Ef: A Tale of Melodies 53. Suki-tte Ii na yo 54. Bokura ga Ita 55. NANA 56. Kimi ni Todoke 57. Special A 58. Gokukoku no Brynhildr 59. Myself;Yourself 60. Itazura na Kiss 61. No Game;No Life 62. True Tears 63. Kaicho wa Maid-sama 64. Chihayafuru 65. Chihayafuru 2 66. Tonari no Kaibutsu 67. Earl and Fairy 68. Uto no Prince-sama Maji Love 1000% 69. Uto no Prince-sama Maji Revolution 70. Hatenkou Yuugi 71. Skip Beat 72. Chobits 73. Toshokan 74. Guilty Crown 75. Ouran Highschool Host Club 76. Kuroshitsuji 77. Kuroshitsuji 2 78. Lovely Complex 79. Pandora Hearts 80. School Days 81. Inu x Boku SS 82. Toradora 83. Fruits Basket 84. Sankarea 85. Golden Time 86. Angel Beats 87. Brothers Conflict 88. Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! 89. Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren 90. Kamisama Hajimemashita 91. Kamisama Hajimemashita 2 92. Nanatsu no Taizai 93. Akatsuki no Yona 94. Kanon 2006 95. Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Kyouya 96. Noragami 97. Noragami Aragoto 98. Otome Youkai Zakuro 99. Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo 100. Dungeon ni Daei o Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka 101. Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru 102. Tokyo Ghoul 104. Tokyo Ghoul 2 105. Log Horizon 106. Log Horizon 2 107. Subete ga F ni naru 108. Owari no Seraph 109. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru 110. Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku 111. Hiiro no Kakera: Tamayori Hime Kitan 112. Hiiro no Kakera Dai Ni Shou 113. Shokugeki no Souma 114. Shokugeki no Souma: No no Sara 115. Hakuouki: Shinsengumi Kitan 116. Hakuouki: Hekketsu-roku 117. Akane-Iro ni Somaru Saka 118. Amagami SS 119. Ao Haru Ride 120. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 121. Spice and Wolf 122. Spice and Wolf 2 123. Shinsekai Yori 124. KanColle 125. Hotarubi no Mori e 126. Junjou Romantica 127. Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru 128. Dance with Devils 129. High School Star Musical 130. One Punch Man 131. Kyoukai no Kanata 132. Hyouka 133. Ano Hana 134. Gosick 135. Denetsu no Yuusha 136. Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic 137. Magi: The Kingdom of Magic 138. Kuroko no Basket 139. Kuroko no Basket 2 140. Kuroko no Basket 3 141. Plastic Memories 142. Akagami no Shirayuki 143. Free! 144. Free! Eternal Summer 145. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai 146. Nisekoi 147. Nisekoi 2 148. Kokoro Connect 149. Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry 150. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo 151. Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 152. Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2 153. Re:Zero 154. Hatsukoi Monster 155. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge 156. Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next 157. Fukigen na Mononokean 158. Princess Lover! 159. Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru 160. ReLIFE 161. Accel World 162. Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu 163. Higashi no Eden 164. Higashi no Eden I 165. Higashi no Eden II 166. Paradise Kiss 167. Erased 168. Watashi ga Motete Dousunda 169. Uto no Prince-sama Maji Love Legend Star 170. Magic-kyun! Renaissance 171. Bloodivores 172. Romeo x Juliet 173. Orange 174. Ao no Exorcist 2 175. Ao no Exorcist 3 176. Masamune-kun no Revenge 177. Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei 178. Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou 179. Nijiiro Days 180. Norn9 181. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 182. Kuzu no Honkai 183. Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate 184. Arata Kangatari 185. Sakamichi no Apollon 186. Gurren Lagann 187. Kiznaiver 188. Parasyte 189. Another 190. Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha. 191. Charlotte 192. Quan Zhi Gao Shou 193. Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e 194. K-Project 195. Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara 196. Monster Mosume 197. Konbini Kareshi 198. Violet Evergarden 199. Chouyaku Hyakuninisshu Uta Koi 200. Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi 201. Nil Admirai 202. Shokugeki no Souma: San no Sara - Tootsuki Ressha-hen 203. Wotakoi 204. Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai 205. Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi 206. Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria 207. Itsudatte Bokura no Koi wa 10 Centi Datta 208. 3D Kanojo 209. Phantom in the Twilight 210. Free! Dive Into The Future 211. Rurouni Kenshin 212. Granblue Fantasy 213. Devils Line 214. Oreshura 215. Saiunkoku Monogatari 216. Saiunkoku Monogatari S2 217. Bleach 218. Naruto 219. The Rising of the Shield Hero
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K so i was watching a video that like, resumed the plot of an anime (this anime being koi to senkyo to chocolate) in 5 minutes
I watched and it was a nice anime, a tad bit confusing but nice anyway
Then i said: hm thats confusing lemme watch that again
And then
Holy fuck
I physically felt the pain of the anime, holy shit, my heart just sank while i kept muttering "whatwhatwhatWHAT" while i put my hand on my chest to see if it still was beating
And then to put the cherry on the top
A single god damn tear ran down my face
I never felt so damn DISTRESSED in my entire internet dwelling life
10/10 gonna watch the dang anime
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Hi hope you all enjoyed my edit 😄 recommend 🎧 full blast 🔊😂 like, comment, share, • • Anime: Haiyore Nyaruko-San Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai Mahou Sensou • • Music: ZHU & Tame Impala - My Life (AWAY Remix) • • #haiyorenyarukosan | #koitosenkyotochocolate | #daitoshokannohitsujikai | #mahousensou | #anime | #anime🌸 | #animelove | #animeword | #animevideos | #animevines | #animemusicvideo | #amv | #amvs | #edits | #music | #remix |
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Everlasting Flower: The Library (1)
Hey there, remember this fic universe? Yes, it’s back! I still need to write the rest of this story, I’m still sorting my ideas, and school’s going to kick my ass soon. However, here’s the beginning of something everyone has been dying to read, and it’s taken me ages between the writer’s block and my own indecision. I first wanted to tell the story of the setting first, but screw it. I hope you guys love it! I’ll try to have the second part done as soon as I can. There was too much going on, which is why I stopped it here.
Everlasting Flower (masterpost, tag, AO3 series) is an AU in which Ouryuu allowed Zeno’s blood to give Kaya a kind of immortality.
Chapter summary: In which Yoon’s day goes splendidly until Zeno introduces his wife in the vaguest, most confusing manner. It happens between the Lush Forest arc and the Sei arc.
Also of interest for @akayona-prompts‘ prompt, “How about Kaya meeting the Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch?”
"Hey! Zeno brought an elderly lady!"
It was not an old lady at all. His hands were on the shoulders of a girl that looked just a little older than Yoon. Probably around Yona's age, or Shin-ah and Hak's at most. She didn't seem fazed by Zeno's stupid joke. At least the rest of the group looked as mortified as Yoon felt.
"Zeno-kun, that's only cute when it's the other way around," Jae-ha said, and then he turned to the girl. "I apologize on his behalf."
"Oh, that's okay!" she beamed. "I thought it was funny, actually!"
Yoon had seen so many sightings in their journey, but this was the most beautiful place he had ever seen in his whole life.
His feet moved on their own towards the nearest shelf. With reverence, his fingers reached to the tomes and stroke their rugged spine. The old smell of paper and parchment and ink rushed in and brought him to the first time Ik-soo gave him a book. He put the memory aside and squinted his eyes to read the faded titles. It seemed to be the foreign literature section since he was unfamiliar with the characters. That only made him more excited. What other wonders awaited him in the other identical shelves that filled the large hall?
He blinked out of his blissful trance to see the others. Zeno was containing his laughter, but everyone was in awe as well. Even Hak, who didn't seem to be a book lover, and Shin-ah, who was barely learning how to read, seemed impressed. Jae-ha looked almost as delighted as Yoon. Kija eventually called them to a wall with a cry that made a woman behind a desk make a "shhhh" noise with pursed lips.
"S-sorry," he apologized with a bow. "Everyone, look at this mural!"
The seven gathered next to Kija and examined it. The painting depicted five men. Their faces weren't in detail, the style being minimalist and focused more on the clothing and hair. The central figure, with the fanciest outfit, had an abundant mass of crimson locks that swayed in the air. It was much longer, but it was just like Yona's in an obvious glaring way.
No one said who they were aloud, but the subject was obvious from their hair colors. Zeno's golden mane was also spot on, and his art double was shorter than his companions.
"Were they...?" Kija began, one of his sharp nails pointing at a muscular white-haired man with an equally clawed white hand.
"Yup, they looked like that," Zeno nodded with a nostalgic smile. "I described them to the artist."
"It's a beautiful piece of art," Jae-ha said.
"Zeno didn't commission it. A librarian from long ago had the idea and I just went along with it. Of course, other representations of the Dragon Warriors are more popular, but this one's the best to me. Liberties are to be expected though, after the centuries."
Yoon glanced at Yona. Her expression was hard to figure out. She never talked about how she felt in regard to being a dragon god king's reincarnation. And it was her late father, that neglectful king Il whom Yoon disliked so much in the past, who had told her the myth of Hiryuu. How did that mural make her feel? Before he could think about it more or even ask her, she looked away and smiled at Zeno.
"Should we continue, Zeno?" she whispered. That's right, they had come to Senkyo on his request! The oldest of them had been the one to guide them into the building. And even though Yoon was itching to check out the rest of the bookshelves, they were still carrying their travel bags on their backs.
"Yup, sure!"
He took them to the series of desks where the shush had come from. A sturdy and stern lady in her fifties looked at them, squinting. She was probably near-sighted, Yoon assumed.
"Hello!" Zeno greeted with a huge smile, not caring about the silence he was breaking. He took out his medallion from his robes' pocket to show it around. "Long time no see, Miss."
The woman's eyes widened but she didn't lose her cool demeanor. "Lord Ouryuu, welcome," she whispered with a tinge of fervor. "How fortunate to see you again in my lifetime."
"Oh, come on, you're still pretty young," he chuckled, "and it's probably only been like seventeen years at most?" That amount seemed oddly specific to Yoon, but he bit his tongue and tried not to linger on theories of international wars or newborn princesses.
"It's fortunate regardless. Speaking of fortune, Lady Hummingbird has been expecting you."
"Ah, is that so?" Zeno's eyes lit up. "Good, I should meet with her. When did she arrive?"
"A week ago."
"Oh, okay. Where is she right now?"
"Hold on a second. Mai-chan, is the Lady in the back room?"
"No, ma'am," said a girl carrying books to a shelf, "I saw her going out. She said she was going to the marketplace for the afternoon."
"Thanks!" Zeno bowed to the women. "Everyone, let me take you to our room!"
"Our room?" Shin-ah cocked his head.
"Wait, we're staying here?" Yoon almost jumped with excitement. "Are the librarians fine with it?"
"Yup, yup." Zeno shook a hand. "This belongs to the city now, but my wife was the owner of this place at some point. The attic is still free for us to use."
"Wait, really?"
"Remember what I told you guys? Ouryuu doesn't have a village... but he has a headquarters on top of a library!"
Maybe it was the desire to read talking but, for the first time ever, Yoon thought Zeno was really cool.
They ascended the stairs carefully, with Zeno chatting in the front and answering to Kija and Yona's questions. Yoon had stopped paying attention, his mind still in the main hall with its many bookshelves. They finally reached a door that was precariously dancing on its hinges, not too hard to open and not even locked.
"Ah, loose again," Zeno shrugged and made a gesture towards the passageway. "Anyway, make yourselves comfy!"
Yoon's first impression was that it was unusually clean. Not a single cobweb. His finger swept through the surface of one of the many wooden crates and chests that laid anywhere, in search of dust. Just some specks, but not the coat of filth he would have expected in Zeno's territory. Perhaps the librarians maintained the tidiness for him, or it had been that Hummingbird person. His eyes inspected the back of the attic: only one bed, an old desk cluttered with writing utensils and trinkets and a flowerpot, and even more bookshelves. Light shined through a window between the desk and the bed.
"If we move these crates," Yoon said, "we could camp in the middle of the room tonight."
"Allow me," Kija smiled and set himself to work. Hak, Jae-ha, and Shin-ah joined him after setting their bags on the floor. Yona insisted to drag the smaller chests towards a wall. Zeno just looked around as he sat on the edge of the double bed, unhelpful. Normally Yoon would have disapproved, but... he figured being there shouldn't be easy for his friend. With curiosity, the boy stopped the supervision and approached the bookshelves. He couldn't silence the gasp in his throat.
Most of the books were medicine-related textbooks. He even saw the book Ik-soo had found among them. His urge to read was rising again, more powerful than ever. Forget the chests, this was the real treasure of the room! Before he knew it, one treatise on wound care was in his hands. That wasn't very polite; they probably were spares from the library's collection.
"Zeno... may I...?"
"Hmmm?" Zeno tilted his head and grinned when he saw the book. "Oh, sure! I mean, none of those are Zeno's but I'm sure my wife wouldn't mind at all! Knock yourself out!"
A weight like a stone sank inside Yoon's stomach. He would read that book senselessly whenever they had some free time regardless, but there was a tinge of guilt for reminding Zeno once again of his spouse, for remembering the reason they were there. He nodded with respect.
Once they had set their belongings, Zeno got up with a hop.
"Alright! I have to go to the marketplace. You guys don't have to come with Zeno if you don't want to. Feel free to rest here! We'll be back soon!"
Wait, Yoon pondered. What about his wife?
"Oh right, Lady Hummingbird?" Jae-ha asked. Zeno's smile got wider. Yoon had forgotten about the message from the librarian. Of course a living friend would get priority over a tomb.
The boy looked at the book in his hands. Then he stared at his travel satchel. Argh, why did he have to be so responsible?
"Tsk, guess I'm going to the marketplace," Yoon sighed. "We're short on money so we should sell some of my medicines while Zeno talks to this person." He noticed that his friends were raising eyebrows. "I know, I know, it's a pain but I can read these books later! This has more priority."
"Aww, Yoon!" Yona beamed at him. "We'll help you out."
"He's going to force us anyway," Hak shrugged.
"You got that right," Yoon said as he crossed his arms. "And you're helping too, Zeno. Don't think you're getting free from it just because you're respected in this town."
"Fiiiiiiiine~. I know just the best customer," Zeno smirked.
As they galloped downstairs and into the street again, leaving the bookshelves and Hiryuu's mural behind, Yoon thought once more about Zeno's insistence to go to this city.
The flames of the campfire flickered and danced in front of Zeno's eyes, as warm as the hearts of the kids, as warm as the stew in their bowls. Their playful voices and the sounds of crickets made music with the burning wood. Such a peaceful supper, such a peaceful night. He was as content as his own stomach. He —and Kaya— had called plenty of people their family over the millennia, but these were the ones he had been waiting for. It had been worth it, absolutely, especially now that they knew who he was.
"So where should we go now?" the Lad asked, always responsible.
"I don't know," the Miss said after slurping the remaining broth in her bowl. "Now that Shin-ah recovered, it's alright if we take the road again, right?"
Seiryuu shrank further inside his fur, avoiding their stares. His hand toyed with the squirrel's little ears with a nervous tremor. That ghost of his ancestor had been a naughty boy, but thankfully none of them held a grudge against him for possessing their little brother.
Zeno looked above. It had only been a new moon recently, so he could only see a thin silver slice of the growing moon above them. He made a quick, unsure calculation, as he usually did when he and his beloved traveled on separate ways: He last kissed Kaya after the others left Awa, right? There was a full moon back then. Yes, it should be time now, or perhaps one month short? Whatever, just as well.
"Hey..." he said, still staring at the moon, nocturnal breeze caressing his hair. "If we don't have a destination, could we... stop by Senkyo next? There's something important Zeno needs to do."
"Senkyo?" he heard several voices murmuring in confusion. He looked down, back to them.
"Where is that?" asked Hakuryuu.
"Northeastern Water Tribe, I think," the Mister said. "Near the Wind Tribe outskirts."
"Ah!" the Lad gasped, stars in his eyes. "Isn't that the city with the library?! Ik-soo has told me about it!"
"Library?" the Miss blinked.
"Yes! The place is famous because it has the only public library in Kouka! Anyone can go there and read their books! I've always dreamed about going there!"
"I've heard of it too," Ryokuryuu grinned, "and I wouldn't mind taking a look either."
"But what business can Zeno have there?" The boy stroke his chin. "Unless... are we going to research about the Sword and the Shield from the Prophecy? Is there a clue there? Is it time?"
"What?" Zeno laughed. "No, there's no such books or parchments for that! At least that I know of!"
The Lad and Hakuryuu seemed disappointed.
"Then why are we going there?" the Miss asked. "It must be important if Zeno asks us to go."
"Well, kinda," he nodded. He thought about Kaya and her sweet face, as bright as the firelight in the night. He couldn't help but soften his grin into a tender, nostalgic smile. "Hmmm, how should I explain it?" Saying that he must get his woman to drink a few drops of his blood every four moons at most would be too weird. He took a cuter, more sensible approach. Gave it the relaxing effect the city had on Kaya whenever they took a break from their trips. "Senkyo... is my wife's resting place, see? I want you guys to meet her. I know she'll be so happy to have all of us visiting!"
The silence would have been deafening if not for the crickets.
"Oh," the princess finally broke it with a sad smile of her own. "Yes, of course. We'd love to meet her, Zeno."
"It'll be an honor," Hakuryuu agreed.
Was it his impression or was there pity in their eyes? How come? Had they realized he had been apart for a few months from his wife and they felt bad for him? That was really sweet of them. Three or four months were nothing to him and Kaya, but a lot happened to normal mortal people in such a short time so it could be considered an eternity to them.
Oh well, they were going to stop being sad once they met her!
Zeno walked around the maze of market stands and dodged every person in the crowd after some quick scrutiny. This commercial area wasn't as massive as the Wanderer's Market they had visited before, and it had much less foreigners, but there were still plenty of people transiting. As the town was in the limits between two tribes, their trade system had prospered for reasons beyond the helpful allure of its famous library.
He finally caught sight of a familiar hairstyle from the distance. It was, no doubt about it, her short dark brown hair bouncing as she walked. He also recognized the casual kimono she was wearing.
She turned and indeed, it was her. She quickly made her way with a pleased expression that was as cute as always. He met her with a hug and a squeeze. The scent of earth, herbs, and jasmine on her were so comforting. They were home.
"Sorry I kept you waiting."
"It's alright," she smiled, "the situation lately has made traveling a bit hard. And I'm sure you guys were pretty busy!"
"You have no idea," Zeno smirked as he let go.
"Um, did you come alone?" She looked around them.
"Nah, I brought everyone. They set up a stand and they're selling medicine. Need some supplies? Because we reaaaally need the money!"
"I was gonna shop before leaving town but I can take a look. I don't want this old man of a husband and his happy hungry bunch to starve, after all."
Zeno raised his brow. He was almost certain he hadn't mentioned their little bandit group on the letter he left for her, so that meant she had heard about it and figured it was them. As expected from Kaya!
"It's a good name for a group, right?" he beamed. "Luckily we're much less hungry now but we'll appreciate your patronage."
"Then let's go!" she said as she took his arm and pulled him forward.
"Wait, wait, wrong direction," he managed to say. She stopped dragging him and let him lead the way. "Old ladies these days are so pushy."
"Hahaha, I was pulling, not pushing. These robes," she touched the sleeve of the arm she was clinging to. "Are the orange and off-white ones dirty or...?"
"Oh, Zeno!" she sighed. "They had lasted so long and they were so pretty!"
"All clothes that can be worn will return to the Heavens."
"Did you tell them before...?"
She stopped walking. Zeno could feel the sweat on his forehead.
"Zeno, no!"
"I didn't know how to..." He scratched his cheek. "This seemed easier... Waiting until I had a chance to protect them... Being warriors and all."
She let go of his arm. The look in Kaya's eyes was the usual 'I can't leave you unsupervised' disappointed glance of a wife she had mastered skillfully. After shaking her head, her eyes were closed, the pout was gone, and a cheery big smile replaced it. Uh oh.
"No hugs for the rest of the day, no dessert tonight, and you're apologizing to them for making them cry." Zeno bit his lower lip and grazed skin with his dragon fangs. There she was, hitting right were it hurt. She softened her grin. "Should we meet them now?"
It had been a good day for Yoon. Senkyo's open marketplace was quite decent for business and Hak's charisma had been bringing clients to his blanket on the ground. The young ladies brought by him were less aggressive than in other markets, too. He was certain he would amass enough money for rice, salt, and the currently coveted fabric —for a new tent and Zeno's new need for spare outfits, which was becoming more than a pain. At this rhythm of self-destruction, he would have to get him a full store-made set of robes in the next city. That if they could afford it.
Speaking of the devil, or more like the dragon, Yoon heard the deceivingly youthful voice of Zeno, which made him turn.
"Hey! Zeno brought an elderly lady!"
It was not an old lady at all. His hands were on the shoulders of a girl that looked just a little older than Yoon. Probably around Yona's age, or Shin-ah and Hak's at most. She didn't seem fazed by Zeno's stupid joke. At least the rest of the group looked as mortified as Yoon felt.
"Zeno-kun, that's only cute when it's the other way around," Jae-ha said, and then he turned to the girl. "I apologize on his behalf."
"Oh, that's okay!" she beamed. "I thought it was funny, actually!"
"Anyway, here she is!" Zeno announced. "She's the special meeting!"
"Huh?" Yona blinked. "Ah, then is she Lady Hummingbird?"
"Ahahaha, you heard the nickname the librarians gave me? They like to make everything poetic." The girl bowed. "My name is Kaya, and it's very nice to finally meet Zeno's family!"
Everyone introduced themselves. She made a good first impression. Even Shin-ah, despite his introverted ways, seemed more at ease with her than, for instance, with Lili or any of their new friends during their journey. She just exuded a comforting, sweet aura very similar to Zeno's.
"I'm also here to buy some stuff." She knelt next to Yoon. "Zeno told me you make medicine. May I see?"
Yoon nodded and showed her his wares with seasoned experience. She picked the anti-inflammatory, the fever medicine, the cough drops, and the pain killers... and she asked at least three units of each. He just stared in horror.
"I-Is that for someone in particular?"
"What? No, no, no. Hasn't Zeno told you? I'm a healer."
Zeno hadn't told them anything at all about her, but Yoon wasn't going to tell her that. In fact, their mutual friend had wandered off to look for real elderly ladies to bring as customers.
"Oh! Thank goodness, I was getting worried about a person needing all of these at once."
"Haha, it's okay!" She took out her purse. "I usually make my own medicines with herbs from the road like you, but I'm going to Sensui next and I need all the extra supplies I can get." Sensui, huh? Yoon thought. She's probably going to treat the nadai victims, then. Yona seemed to read his mind.
"Ah, is it for nadai?"
"Yeah, they're looking for doctors for the nadai clinics. In fact, if you guys also have some spare ingredients for sale I'd love to buy them as well."
"I'll see what I can do," Yoon said. "I can't really give you everything I have because these rare beasts could get sick or wounded any time now."
"Ah, then it's okay," Kaya said. She opened one of the little bags to examine the goods. "Just the medicines are fine. By the way, is this recipe from Doku's handbook?" Yoon's eyes widened and his cheeks blushed. How could she tell the author of his treasured book just like that? "It is? I can tell by the gingery smell. It's a good formula."
"Yeah, so far it hasn't let me down."
"Want a secret? Add valerian to the mix. Just half a petal is enough. It doesn't cancel the effects and it just enhances the sedating agents."
"T-That's actually a great idea!" Yoon agreed.
"It makes the patient drowsier though, so you might want to warn them to take it better at night or when they're not going to do anything important."
"Thanks for the tip! That makes sense." It felt great to talk to an intellectual peer around his age with similar interests. More customers arrived, so Yoon sadly couldn't talk to Kaya until they were gone. Ao had positioned on Kaya's shoulder and she giggled as she pet the squirrel.
"Were you guys traveling around the Fire Tribe by any chance? I went to this little village full of soldiers to help with the plague, and they kept talking about a cute, talented boy healer called Yoon."
"That was definitely our Yoon," Yona clapped.
"Well, I'd say I'm more handsome than cute," he dismissed the compliment, cheeks and ears on fire.
"Or both," Kaya giggled some more. He thought those two girls together were about to kill him, but nothing prepared him to Jae-ha pulling him aside to talk in private, men only according to him. Kija hovered around but didn't form part of the two-person circle.
"Yoon-kun, you're red. Is it me or Kaya-chan is flirting with you?"
"...What?" Yoon just stared at him in disbelief. "Can't people just call me handsome without you assuming weird things?"
"She was paying a lot of attention to you ever since Zeno brought her."
"Because they're both healers, Jae-ha!" Kija intervened. "I'm with Yoon here. She's just being really friendly and having fun since they have a lot in common."
"You two know nothing about women. In any case just let me tease the boy in peace, Kija-kun, and let him do whatever he wants."
So he admits he's teasing, Yoon sighed and turned back to the stand. Of course Kaya was cute and she seemed very compassionate and smart and capable. She was much better than any good-for-nothing man who wanted to marry him because he cooked well. But it was a silly notion... they were both traveling and they had their priorities sorted out. As he sat down, she greeted him by waving her hand, and then she went back to talking to Shin-ah and Yona. He had no time to have a crush on anyone! Not even on someone this lovely!
Jae-ha let him work for a few minutes before making his relentless attempts more public.
"Kaya-chan," he said as he put his arm around her shoulders. "I'm just curious here. What would you say is your type of man?"
Everyone in the stand, even Yona and Shin-ah who hadn't heard the conversation, just glared at him. Kaya restrained a chuckle.
"Is this flirting? Because Zeno warned me this might happen with you."
The man immediately removed his arm and shook his head with a nervous smile, after muttering a couple of nos.
"Well," she poked at her own chin with her index finger," it's not like it matters much because I'm taken, but okay. Someone who's kind and sweet. I prefer soft faces on the cute side rather than manly handsome ones. Smaller built, not overly muscular or tall." Damn, that seemed targeted at Jae-ha's type. She continued. "Oh, and I prefer men who are older than me! A bit of an age difference if possible." And that... seemed targeted at Yoon, a fifteen year-old boy.
A specific image of a middle-aged short man with a belly and already balding, came to Yoon's mind. She certainly had strange tastes.
"I-Is that so?" Jae-ha kept grinning despite everything, his frown tense.
"Yeah! So you guys are all really pretty but too young for me."
"No one has asked you that," Kija sighed.
"So like my father," Yona murmured, deep in thought.
"Nah, I don't think so..." Kaya shrugged, perhaps too certain. Did she know it was King Il? What had Zeno, or perhaps even that idiot second Kan son, told her about them? Oh, that town and the knowledgeable librarians and Zeno suddenly having a more tangible life was making Yoon a bit too paranoid.
"Zeno and the Mister are back with someone in need!" Indeed, they were escorting an old man with arthritis who could barely walk. Yoon attended to him, glad to have a distraction. Kaya turned to Zeno, who crouched between her and Yona as if he had been working hard at all.
However, that man was the last client they got as the marketplace was about to close. The sun still hadn't begun to go down but guards were asking all stands to wrap it up.
"Ah, I guess we came too late," Yoon lamented. He packed his things and counted the coins. He found they had earned a good amount in the end, enough for their shopping list and any unexpected expenses in the near future. All and all, he was more than content. Books! Conversations! Money! An excellent day!
An excellent day that would soon turn for the bizarre.
"Let's go back! There's still daylight so I might be able to read something!" Yoon turned on his heels and started walking forward in big strides, with everyone following behind him.
"The Lad is looking forward to it!" Zeno laughed.
"Where are you going now, Kaya?" Yona asked. "We're off to the library."
"I'm going there as well!"
"You must frequent it a lot if the librarians gave you a nickname," Jae-ha said.
"I wouldn't say that. I don't go there a lot but it's the place where I come to rest every now and then, and a bit of a storage room. Sort of like my headquarters?"
'Headquarters'...? That word again. 'Rest' also rang a bell. Yoon stopped and looked back at Kaya. He looked down, and everyone else did with him.
Kaya was holding Zeno's hand.
Wait a second.
"You said you were taken, right?" Jae-ha said.
"Cute faces," said Yona.
"...Kind and sweet," Shin-ah said.
"Not too tall and not too muscular," Kija said.
"Older men and an age difference...!" Yoon said. The mental image of the balding man broke into pieces, to be substituted by a cute eternal seventeen year-old. No way. That's two thousand years old! That's way too much of an age difference, don't you think?!
Besides, wasn't his wife...? No, they were mistaken and she...? No way.
Kaya stared back in surprise and then she glanced at Zeno. She seemed more heartbroken than angry.
"Zeno, could it be? You didn't...?"
"I did!" he cried immediately. "I'm sure I did! That's why I brought them!"
"I thought they knew but..." Her hand released his and she met his eyes. "Then, how much did you tell them about me?"
He sighed. "I was waiting for them to ask me things about you, but they... never did."
"Oh no, don't drag us into your lovers' quarrel," Hak raised his hands, deadpan.
"I did think they were being a bit unexcited and distant..." Kaya pouted, looking like she wanted to cry. "I wondered if I had said something wrong or they were too weirded out."
Zeno made an attempt to pacify her worries with the palms of his hands in a 'stop' sign.
"Zeno..." Kija started, frowning. "If we're here to visit your... I mean, does that mean Kaya is...?"
"Well, yeah? I said she was the special meeting we're here for? Who did you think she was?"
"L-Let's start again, and you're grounded for three more days now." Kaya sighed, her hands laced behind her back. "Hello, everyone. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My name's Kaya and I'm Zeno's wife."
The confirmation of something they had already figured out didn't stop them all from gaping at her, flabbergasted, their pupils small from the revelation.
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Lance N' Masques >Summer 2015< Charlotte Overlord Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Prison School Rokka no Yuusha Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Himouto! Umaru-chan Gakkougurashi! Durarara!!x2 Ten Aoharu x Kikanjuu Okusama ga Seitokaichou! Jitsu wa Watashi wa Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan Working!!! Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Gatchaman Crowds Insight >Spring 2015< Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Owari no Seraph Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Kekkai Sensen Plastic Memories Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo Nisekoi: High School DxD BorN Arslan Senki Grisaia no Rakuen Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me Triage X Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu Etotama Re-Kan! >Winter 2015< Tokyo Ghoul √A Death Parade Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Durarara!!x2 Shou Shinmai Maou no Testament Absolute Duo Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ Isuca Dog Days'' >Fall 2014< Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Nanatsu no Taizai Akatsuki no Yona Trinity Seven Amagi Brilliant Park Log Horizon 2nd Season Grisaia no Kajitsu Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken World Trigger Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle Donten ni Warau >Summer 2014< Tokyo Ghoul Sword Art Online II Akame ga Kill! Aldnoah.Zero Ao Haru Ride Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Rail Wars! Tokyo ESP DRAMAtical Murder Hanayamata >Spring 2014< No Game No Life Black Bullet Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Mekakucity Actors Date A Live II Hitsugi no Chaika Gokukoku no Brynhildr Akuma no Riddle Blade & Soul >Winter 2014< Noragami Nisekoi Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren D-Frag! Witch Craft Works Mahou Sensou Seitokai Yakuindomo* Tonari no Seki-kun Nourin Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. Maken-Ki! Two SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation >Fall 2013< Log Horizon Kyoukai no Kanata Golden Time Strike the Blood Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru Tokyo Ravens IS: Infinite Stratos 2 Outbreak Company Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. White Album 2 Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Walkure Romanze >Summer 2013< High School DxD New Blood Lad Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi Gatchaman Crowds Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: In the Distance, That Day, When the Star Became Music... >Spring 2013< Shingeki no Kyojin Hataraku Maou-sama! Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Date A Live Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W >Winter 2013< Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? Maoyuu Maou Yuusha Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru Chihayafuru 2 GJ-bu Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke Senran Kagura >Fall 2012< Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Btooom! K Zetsuen no Tempest Sukitte Ii na yo. Kamisama Hajimemashita To LOVE-Ru Darkness Code:Breaker Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne! >Summer 2012< Sword Art Online Kokoro Connect Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica Arcana Famiglia Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Dog Days' Hakuouki Reimeiroku >Spring 2012< Hyouka Accel World Sankarea Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Acchi Kocchi Medaka Box >Winter 2012< Another Inu x Boku SS High School DxD Black★Rock Shooter Ano Natsu de Matteru Zero no Tsukaima F >Fall 2011< Mirai Nikki Guilty Crown Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Chihayafuru Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! Shakugan no Shana III Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon Maken-Ki! >Summer 2011< Mayo Chiki! Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! Blood-C Kamisama no Memochou Dantalian no Shoka >Spring 2011< Steins;Gate Ao no Exorcist Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Deadman Wonderland Nichijou Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II Dog Days Tiger & Bunny Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Seikon no Qwaser II Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku >Winter 2011< Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? IS: Infinite Stratos Beelzebub Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) Yumekui Merry >Fall 2010< Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. Toaru Majutsu no Index II Motto To LOVE-Ru Sora no Otoshimono: Forte Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge Hakuouki Hekketsuroku >Summer 2010< Highschool of the Dead Shiki Seitokai Yakuindomo Sekirei: Pure Engagement Strike Witches 2 >Spring 2010< Angel Beats! Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Kiss x Sis Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou Arakawa Under the Bridge Working!! Hakuouki Mayoi Neko Overrun! >Winter 2010< Durarara!! Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Katanagatari Omamori Himari Seikon no Qwaser Ladies versus Butlers! >Fall 2009< Kimi ni Todoke Sora no Otoshimono Kämpfer 11eyes >Summer 2009< Ookami to Koushinryou II Princess Lover! >Spring 2009< Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Pandora Hearts Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity Shangri-La Natsu no Arashi! Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S >Winter 2009< Asu no Yoichi! >Fall 2008< Toradora! Clannad: After Story Toaru Majutsu no Index Rosario to Vampire Capu2 Vampire Knight Guilty ChäoS;HEAd Tales of the Abyss Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Kurozuka >Summer 2008< Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo Sekirei Strike Witches >Spring 2008< To LOVE-Ru Kanokon Blassreiter >Winter 2008< Ookami to Koushinryou Rosario to Vampire >Fall 2007< Clannad Shakugan no Shana II Rental Magica >Summer 2007< School Days Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Zombie-Loan >Spring 2007< Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Claymore Kaze no Stigma Lucky☆Star Lovely★Complex Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica >Winter 2007< None >Fall 2006< D.Gray-man Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori >Summer 2006< Zero no Tsukaima >Spring 2006< Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Black Lagoon Witchblade >Winter 2006< None >Fall 2005< Shakugan no Shana Blood+ Jigoku Shoujo Karin >Summer 2005< None >Spring 2005< The Law of Ueki >Winter 2005< Air >Fall 2004< None >Summer 2004< Elfen Lied >Spring 2004< None >Winter 2004< None >Fall 2003< None >Summer 2003< None >Fall 2001< Hellsing >Summer 2001< Shaman King >Spring 2001< Run=Dim
>Unorganized and Old< ♚ Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke❧ ♚ Absolute Duo❧ To Love Ru Darkness ♚ ♚ Dogs Days ❧Akame ga Kill ♚ ♚ Hitman Reborn❧ Date a Live ♚ Black Rock Shooter / BRS❧ Black Butler ♚ Kamisama Hajimemashita / Kamisama Hajimemashita Season 2 ♚ Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu❧ Sankarea ♚ Unlimited Fafnir❧ Disgaea❧Hagure Yuusha no Estetica ♚ Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World ♚ Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou❧ Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ♚ Kaze no Stigma❧ Koihime†Musou❧ Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no ♚Kyoukan ♚❧ The Bridge to the Starry Skies ♚Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
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Nippon Ichi Software has announced Tsuihou Senkyo, or Exile Election, a new adventure game for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu.
First teased last week, Famitsu reports that the game is set in a closed amusement park where an “election” in which life and death hangs in the balance will begin. The game features 12 characters and a unique mascot character named Alice. Development is currently 90 percent complete.
Update 6:40 a.m.: Exile Election will launch in Japan on April 27 for 6,980 yen on PlayStation 4 and 5,980 yen on PS Vita.
The game starts when a mysterious mechanical doll named “Alice,” who calls itself the administrator, proposes a type of killing each other known as discussion. The player will challenge a death game swirling with schemes and expectations.
The protagonist’s name is Motomu Ichijou (voiced by Yoshitaka Yamaya). He is Misai Ichijou’s older brother, who always keeps calm, even in strange situations.
These are the rest of the characters:
Alice (voiced by Hiromi Igarashi)
Maa Houshi (voiced by Yurika Endo)
Misai Ichijou (voiced by Marika Kono)
Minoru Himeno (voiced by Nao Shiraki)
Yuuru Himeno (voiced by Natsumi Fujiwara)
Michimune Ishidou (voiced by Tomoki Inoue)
Hakushuu Izumi (voiced by Shun’ichi Toki)
Raijin Ayara (voiced by Taku Yashiro)
Aasha Tademiya (voied by Risae Matsuda)
Kaasha Tademiya (voiced by Satsumi Matsuda)
Shihori Yurizono (voiced by Ayaka Imamura)
Issei Ninjouji (voiced by Kengo Kawanishi)
Here is the staff:
Producer: Moto Sugunuma
Director: Akihiro Arahori
Character Designer: Namanie
Scenario: Maoto Nishikawa
(Names are subject to change until we have official readings.)
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3rd part of my anime list
Next part from my anime list from 41 to 60.
Kishin Houkou Demonbane
Kiss x Sis
Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate
Madan no Ou to Vanadis
Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!!
Masamune-kun no Revenge
Masou Gakuen HxH
Mirai Nikki (2011)
Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin
New Game!
No Game No Life
Okusama ga Seitokaicho!
Omamori Himari
Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne
Ore ga Ojou-sama Gakkou ni „Shomin Sample” Toshite Gets-Sareta Ken
Owari no Seraph
Owari no Seraph: Nagoya Kessen-hen
Princess Lover!
Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Re: Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu
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NIS Announces 'Exile Election' Game for PS4/PS Vita
NIS Announces 'Exile Election' Game for PS4/PS Vita
Adventure game features 12 characters, life-or-death election
Japanese video game company Nippon Ichi Software announced on Tuesday that it will release Tsuihō Senkyo (Exile Election), a new adventure game for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, on April 27. Video game news website Famitsu posted a preview image of this Thursday’s Weekly Famitsu Magazine, which will formally introduce the…
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NIS announces Exile Election for PS4, PS Vita
Nippon Ichi Software has announced Tsuihou Senkyo, or Exile Election, a new adventure game for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, in the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu. First teased last week, Famitsu reports that the game is set in a closed amusement park where an “election” in which life and … http://internationalnewslive.com/nis-announces-exile-election-for-ps4-ps-vita/
from WordPress https://internationalnewsliveblog.wordpress.com/2017/01/10/nis-announces-exile-election-for-ps4-ps-vita/
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