free-my-mindd · 5 months
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It’s very valid
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there is NEVER a WRONG or BAD REASON to reject somebody. saying "NO" can NEVER make you a bad person or a bigot. harassing somebody for having sexual boundaries puts you on the side of RAPISTS.
I better not see any "but-" or "well-" or i'll go ballistic on your PRO-RAPIST ANTI-BOUNDARIES ASS
if you can't say "no means no, even if he identifies as a yes" then you're pro rape.
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nothing0fnothing · 10 months
Not letting your daughters develop a creep alarm is abuse.
Not teaching your daughter to uphold her boundaries when men make her feel uncomfortable is abuse.
Insisting your daughter be polite to creepy family members is abuse.
Expecting your daughter to cuddle and kiss family friends she barely knows is abuse.
You know one day you will be sending an eighteen year old girl into a world full of rapists, weirdos and creeps. You are intentionally training her to ignore her instinct to pull away from these men and intilling one where she puts male comfort over her own safety.
You know that dangerous men take advantage of the way women are socialised to be polite at all costs, to never even give a man a hint that they think he's a little bit creepy, and you are teaching her to behave in exactly the way these men look for in a mark.
She will go to college one day. Just her and 10,000 20 year old men. Do you really think the purity culture narrative you have instilled in her is going to protect her if she's drunk at a party and is starting to feel unsafe, when you've taught her that her saftey comes second to male comfort?
She will have a job one day. How hard do you think it's going to be for her to navigate creepy advances in a professional setting if you've taught her she's being rude when she so much as tells a man he's making her uncomfortable?
You have 18 short years to instill into her a sense of caution and a firmness in her boundaries that for the rest of her life the society she lives in will try to beat out of her. You know she won't learn it later if you don't teach her now.
You're intentionally setting her up for an adult life of silently witnessing her own abuse, why? So you don't have to have a slightly awkward conversation about no meaning no with another grown adult? So your perfectly obedient child can be used as an entertainment accessory at family gatherings? I'd genuinely like to know what the reasoning is to intentionally endanger your child by teaching her to be perfect prey to violent men for the rest of her life.
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littlekittykatxxxx · 2 months
to the guy in my dms, when I say to stop what you’re doing because I didn’t like the things you were saying and it made me uncomfortable I expect you to stop. Yet you continued to carry on and completely ignore my request.
I’m a person at the end of the day and what you were saying was just hurtful and not even remotely close to any of the kinks we were discussing.
Fuck you!
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viceandmature · 1 year
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Sex Education Season 2 / Good Omens Season 2
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radifemsara · 3 months
My advice to young women is (because older women already know this from experience): Never be nice to men, Don't treat them like decent human beings, because whenever you do, they assume you want to sleep with them
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chicaotaku17 · 4 months
PLEASE BE CAREFUL, I received this messages from this account. The screenshot speaks for itself
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strawberrypinky · 1 year
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~ just because recent events have called for this again ~
read my psa on consent (in fanfiction) HERE
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menagerie-politics · 3 months
"kill all men" is a disgusting message that doesn't actually contribute to feminism. Yes, all men benefit from the patriarchy, but NO, not all men should be killed or jailed just because most rapists and criminals are men. You cannot say "But if it's not all men then it's their friends" as if all men intentionally work together to hurt women. That's just not true. And you don't know everything your friends do, so don't expect the same from men (although yes, men should be taught to shut down sexist jokes and behaviors when they see it in their friend groups). Stop trying to justify it, even if it's a joke, it reduces men to their gender and supports violence on that basis. Any message that generalizes people for things they cannot control, and uses that generalization to justify violence will NEVER actually promote equality. I want to end the system; not the people. Free the oppressed; not eliminate the privileged.
It's not "kill all whites" it's black lives matter.
It's not "straights are sinful" it's love is love.
"Kill all men" doesn't focus on women, so why is it so prevalent in feminist spaces. Is kill all men the world you want to move towards? I cannot speak for all feminists, but I want a world where women get treated with respect they deserve as humans, simply because as humans, that is the default. I want a world where equality knows no gender. I want a world where empowered women get to empower the world. I want KAM as an idea to die out and I want "my body is my choice" to become as obvious a statement as "the sky is blue". I want "my place is wherever I go" to be so normal that it's redundant to say it. I want a world where "no" has no rebuttals, and that is simply a fact of life. I want a world where safe spaces are unnecessary because everywhere is safe. But until we get there, I want my message to tell the world exactly what I want. "Kill all men" isn't doing anything helpful, it's just helping feed the demonization of feminist movements. We should be focusing our energy on uplifting women and making sure abusive men are held accountable for their abusive actions.
And side-note in case terfs find this: I've lived most of my life with society assuming I'm a woman and treating me accordingly. I've been affected by misogyny (and misogynoir) for most of my life, and I've read books and taken classes on the oppression of women both in the past and present. I have researched the history of feminist movements in multiple parts of the world. I lived it, I've learned it, and I will not let anyone invalidate my knowledge or experiences.
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axiseart · 1 year
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"NO" means "NO".
I've been watching Miraculous again (because, why not?) and i feel like we haven't talked enough about this scene between Ladybug and "Adrien" in the Félix episode:
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This scene could have happened between any other characters and wouldn't be less empowering, but the message conveyed here is even more powerful because it happened between Ladybug and (who she thought was) Adrien.
It's always easier to push someone away when the person is a complete a**hole, but even if the guy is your crush, even if he's the most awesome and sweetest guy in the world and you're in love with him, you shouldn't be afraid to ask for respect.
"NO" means "NO".
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
It boggles my mind that some of y'all in this day and age still can't seem to grasp that someone else's boundaries aren't about you, that another person's consent isn't decided by you.
Doesn't matter what your intentions are. Means nothing if you think what you're doing is right or good or helpful. No means no, and saying "I don't want you to do this to me/take this from me" is anyone's right. You can pro choice until the cows go home but how much are you for autonomy when you can't even take a simple "no" for an answer?
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classycookiexo · 2 years
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purity-in-heart · 7 months
Ffs people
I know we're on the internet, I know we normally can't see the other person's face, but they're still people! Male and female users alike should still be respected. So show some restraint or be patient. Don't be rude, don't be demanding, and make sure you're not saying something so sexual that it's discomforting. Even if there's a small chance you'll cross the line with what you say, think on it or don't do it at all. It's not difficult. I just ran into at least three or four posts addressing overly sexual asks or replies and DMs by an audience member who is so impatient or out of patience that he got mad, when it's not somebody refusing to take 'no' for an answer - Which is another issue, btw; NO MEANS NO. It's commonsense, just be respectful and open-minded. And accepting 'no' as a response is the most basic form of commonsense, I shouldn't have to explain this! I'm being nice, here. I'm literally exercising respect and open-mindedness right now, because I could easily call you specific people idiots or cowards, but I'm not, because you're people, too, and I'm considering the possibility that insulting you will just make you wanna tune out without learning from your mistakes first. The worst thing I can say right now is the truth that I've seen people on here, especially, leave because of the pressure brought by people who have no patience or others who tell female users about their shlong just because they're female or based on their content. Is that what you really want? Is risking or overstepping one's boundaries really worth it?
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p1325 · 8 months
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msweebyness · 5 months
MiracOlympus- An Unpleasant Encounter
This is a short that takes place back in the young gods’ teenaged years, based on a moment from the second episode of the Gods School web series. But with a much more insidious context… @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Just as a reminder:
Marc- Persephone
Mylene- Demeter
Lucien- Zelus
Down in the fields around Olympus, a duo of divine siblings were picking various different crops for the feast that would take place later that night.
Marc laughed at the silly joke Mylene had just told, before he spotted some lovely Narcissus flowers growing in a grove nearby. Thinking they would be wonderful to decorate the tables, he turned to his sister.
“Hey, Sunflower, I’m gonna go pick some of those flowers in that grove to put in the centerpiece vases!”, he told her, picking up his basket and standing to leave.
“Okay, Poppy, just stay close!”, the goddess of the harvest answered with a smile, before turning back to her work.
With that, Marc made his way toward the shady grove, and began picking flowers. Gathering narcissus, wild roses, and daisies for the centerpieces, he was unaware of a pair of sharp eyes watching him…
But when he had moved fairly deep into the grove, sufficiently out of his sister’s sight, he heard a familiar voice that made his blood go cold speak to him.
“Hello, little flower.”, and Marc went rigid, turning toward the voice in a defensive stance.
“You’re not supposed to be anywhere near Olympus, Lucien. Leave now.”, he said sharply, though he couldn’t keep the tremble out of his voice, much to his dismay.
“Oh, why the cold reception, my lovely little blossom. I came all this way just to see you, after all.”, Lucien said coolly, moving out of the shadows with a serpentine grin.
“No one wants you here, least of all me! Get out of here, and for the hundredth time, leave me alone!”, Marc demanded, his hand moving toward his pocket, ready to grab the dog whistle that Nathaniel had given him, which would summon Baark to his side in an instant.
But Lucien didn’t back down, only moving closer to Marc. He reached out and cupped his cheek, making the raven-haired god shudder with revulsion.
“Come now, you don’t want me to leave.”, he purred as he leaned in so his face was only an inch or so from Marc’s, “You can’t deny what’s between us, little flower…”
Marc stiffened and quickly shoved him away, fixing him with a dagger-sharp glare.
“There is nothing between us!”, he snapped, “I love Nathaniel, and only him! And I want NOTHING to do with you!”
Lucien scowled at the mention of the redhead, and grabbed Marc’s wrist in a tight grip, pulling him in close.
“Don’t mention that name. That twerp has no place ruling over an entire domain.”, the vile god snarled, “And you shouldn’t be wasting your time on him.”
“Don’t you dare insult him! Let me go!”, Marc hissed, trying to pull himself free from Lucien’s grip. He quickly thrust his other hand into his pocket, fingers closing around the dog whistle.
However, before Lucien could make any other moves, Marc sent a prayer of thanks to the Fates as he heard his sister’s footsteps approaching, as Mylene called out for him.
“Marc? Poppy? Where are you?”
Quickly, Lucien shapeshifted into a hawk and hid in a tree, just as Mylene pushed through the cover of leaves and emerged in the grove.
“Oh, there you are! Let’s go, I think I have everything I need!”, she said, holding up her basket of grains and the like, before she noticed her brother’s disheveled state, “Poppy…are you okay?”
Straightening up, he managed to give her a smile, “Y-yeah, Sunflower, I’m fine. The, uh, the pollen is just…really thick back here.”, he quickly said, adding a sneeze for good measure.
“Well, come on, let’s get you back to Olympus for some fresh air.”, Mylene said, as Marc retrieved his basket of flowers. And with that, the two siblings flew back toward the mountain peaks, with Marc sending a cold glare back to the hawk still in the grove.
A few moments later, the hawk transformed back into a young god, glaring up at the peaks of Olympus, where he was no longer welcome…not noticing the ground giving an angry rumble below him.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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