spinnysocks · 2 months
look at them.
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sillies. /affectionate
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yourworstnightmare76 · 6 months
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I was trying to decide should I draw Kung Fu Panda fanart or my original character, and ended up drawing these three out of nowhere.
It was four years since the last time I drew anything related to The Lion Guard...
I still stand by this headcanon; where Mzingo and Mwoga adopted and raised Janja.
Kinda inspired by posts by @spinnysocks
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leopardsealz · 6 days
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my mzingo design! he is a lappet-faced vulture
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krueger4eva · 1 year
Random The Lion Guard Headcanon
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Sometime after the finale, Janja and Jasiri officially become soulmates. Soon, the Outlands will have a King…once he’s ready of course.
Janja made a promise to himself to never take for granted the second chance he was given and how Jasiri inspired him and his clan. Although he’s still rough around the edges, Janja tries his best to be a loving boyfriend, a good friend and overall a better hyena.
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Even though not all the Outlanders have completely sided with Jasiri and her new title, Mzingo eventually warmed up to his new Queen after the initial hesitation. He is now happy to serve and report to Jasiri whenever she needs. Janja couldn’t be happier that these two are closer now.
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While he was a pup, Janja’s mother was the leader of her clan and had a fierce reputation across the Savannah. She was everything Janja hoped he could ever be: cunning nature, a skilled hunter, and an infectious sense of humor.
Sadly, his mother, along with several clan members, passed away when he was still so young. In this wake of tragedy, Mzingo and his parliament were there to assist the orphaned hyena pups. These vultures were close friends to the deceased hyena elders, so they took it among themselves to help the remaining clan raise the pups, including Nne, Tano, Cheezi, Chungu, and Janja.
Even though it was never said out loud, it was no secret to anyone that Janja was Mzingo’s favorite.
The son he always wanted.
Now, Jasiri and her clan were added to their family.
Sometimes, Janja, Jasiri, and Mzingo would choose to go on hunts or trips with just the 3 of them so they could talk and share with each other. These were moments that Janja would treasure most.
Then, one day…Janja was out of commission due to an injury, so for the next couple of weeks, Jasiri and Mzingo had to go on an important mission without him.
After his wounds have healed, Janja is surprised to discover that his lovely mate and his favorite vulture had a successful mission with no casualties.
Even though he’s glad that no one was hurt, Janja couldn’t help but notice on how their trip went so well, while the ones that the THREE of them went on usually had a disaster in each one?
Soon, after overhearing some gossip among the Outlands and some quiet introspection, Janja realized the common denominator responsible for the change in outcome— HIM!
It’s obvious to anyone who him that Janja was an (INCREDIBLY) inept villain. Whether when he was the leader or a follower, Janja, and by extent, his fellow hyenas, would screw things up. Due to his pride and shortsightedness, Janja has suffered one failure after another…
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…and another
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…and another
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….and a…well you get the point.
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To sum up, changing his moral compass does not make him a more competent hyena.
Poor Janja wonders that maybe Jasiri is REALLY the child that Mzingo wants.
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The child that his mother should’ve had instead.
What if he doesn’t belong in this family?
What if he serves no purpose to this clan?
Could he ever ….
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….make his mother proud?
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devilsrecreation · 5 months
How many TLG Outlander incorrect quotes have I done? Here’s more anyway
Sumu: I know over 200 ways to kill a man
Kuumwa: You could glue an open jar of rats to his face and then blowtorch the other half of the jar so the rats have to eat their way out through his face :)
Sumu: …..201
Kenge: I know over 200 ways to kill a man
Sumu: You could glue an open jar of rats to his face and then blowtorch the other half of the jar so the rats have to eat their way out through his face
Kenge: …..201
Cheezi: On the count of three, what's your favorite cake? One, two, three-
Cheezi and Chungu, in unison: Chocolate cake peanut butter frosting with chocolate chunks!
Goigoi: Our turn, Sumu! One, two, three- vanilla!
Sumu, deadpan: I've never had cake, what is cake.
Mzingo: Looking left cause you don’t treat me right
Janja: Looking right because you left
Reirei: Looking up cause you let me down
Kiburi: Looking down cause you fucked up
Jasiri: What is wrong with you guys
Janja: Hah! 69! You know what that means?
Cheezi: What?
Mzingo: That you're a child.
Sumu: Can I be frank with you guys?
Goigoi: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Chungu: Can I still be Chungu?
Tamka: Shh, let Frank speak.
Kenge: Why are Shupavu and Njano sitting with their backs to each other?
Sumu: They had a fight.
Kenge: Then why are they holding claws?
Sumu: They get sad when they fight.
Janja: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Chungu: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Cheezi: I got distracted about halfway through.
Nne, as Tano nods: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
(Royal Mjuzi au)
Kiburi: Are we really going to let Nduli keep Mwamba?
Neema: We kept Tamka.
Jasiri: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Mzingo: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Kiburi: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Janja: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Reirei: My moral code, is that you?
Jasiri: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
Tamka: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Wakali: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Neema: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Nduli: I joined in on the dumb stuff.
Janja: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Reirei: Janja no.
Kiburi: Mistlefoe.
Reirei: Please stop encouraging him.
Ucheshi: If you had to choose between Makuu and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?
Kiburi: That depends, how much money are we taking about?
Makuu: Kiburi!
Ucheshi: 63 cents.
Kiburi: I'll take the money.
Makuu: KIBURI!!!
Kiburi: I trust Janja.
Reirei: You think he knows what he’s doing?
Kiburi: I wouldn't go that far.
Janja: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Reirei: Alright.
Janja: TraitorSayWhat?
Kiburi: Excuse me?
Janja: What?
Janja: No wait-
Goigoi: Reirei, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Reirei: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Goigoi: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask one of the kids.
Chungu: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Cheezi: That would suck cuz you can’t microwave metal
Janja: Good morning to everyone except these two furbrains
Ucheshi: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.
Makuu: I almost died.
Kiburi: That... was my favorite memory.
Reirei: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Janja: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Jasiri walks in*
Janja: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
Janja: I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Jasiri: Hi.
Janja: *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Kiburi: I'm not doing too well. 
Pua: What's wrong? 
Kiburi: I have this headache that comes and goes. 
*Makuu enters the room* 
Kiburi: There it is again.
*Kenge and Sumu are planning to break in somewhere*
Sumu: We need to distract the guards.
Kenge: Right.
Sumu: What are we gonna do?
Kenge: I'm going to break their elbows while you poke their eyes.
Sumu: Deal.
Human/Zootopia-esque au: trying to use the family/Kiburi’s computer
Dogo: “Password clue: Favorite child”? Oooh, ah, ouch…sorry, sis. This is awkward *types in their name, but gets denied* What?!
Kijana: Really??? *starts dramatically crying tears of joy* This moment is so much bigger than me! I would like to thank my parents and my manager— *gets denied*
Tamka: “Password clue: Best friend”? Oooh, ah, ouch…sorry, man. This is awkward *types in their name, but gets denied* What?!
Nduli: Really??? *starts dramatically crying tears of joy* This moment is so much bigger than me! I would like to thank my parents and my manager— *gets denied* Aw :(
The Outlanders trying to draw Jasiri:
Janja: I think I made one eye bigger than the other
Mzingo: I was going for a feeling
Reirei, with a perfect drawing: Honestly, I can’t even draw a circle
Kiburi: *shows his picture*
Janja: Okay Kiburi, you just drew yourself
Kiburi: I like me
Jasiri: Dammit, Janja!
Janja: What?! It wasn't me!
Jasiri: Sorry, force of habit.
Dammit, Mzingo!
Mzingo: Not me either.
Jasiri: Oh... Then who set the Outlands on fire?
Njano: *whistles*
Janja: We need to get through this locked door. Reirei, give me your credit card.
Reirei: Here.
Janja, pocketing it: Thanks. Kiburi, kick down the door.
*The group is getting into the car*
Janja: I’m driving.
Cheezi, out of view: Shotgun!
Chungu, turning to face Cheezi: Aww! But you had it on the way here-
Everyone except Cheezi: WOAH-
Cheezi, holding a shotgun: No! I found a shotgun! And I want the front seat! *Pumps gun*
Fuli: What do you think Bunga will do for a distraction?
Kion: He’ll probably make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.
*Explosions and several car alarms go off*
Kion:....Or he could do that.
Goigoi: And now it’s time for... WHAT’S. IN. TAMKA’S MOUTH?
Never try this game. Ever
Tamka: Agahhhagg
Nduli: oh oh oh! It’s those napkins from that one chicken wing place!
Tamka: Uh uh
Chungu: Oh! It’s the entire country of China!
Tamka: *spits the thing out* No! It’s a piece of dental cotton!
Cheezi: From five weeks ago?
Tamka: Uh huh!
Cheezi: And now it’s time for Janja’s poetry beat
Janja: Eh, I don’t wanna
Chungu: But it’s your thing!
Janja: No, it’s not!
Cheezi: Yeah, it is. That’s why it’s called “Janja’s”, emphasis on “Janja’s” poetry beat!
Janja: Why don’t one of you do it this time?
Chungu: You don’t like my poetry!
Janja: Sure, I do! Come on
Chungu: Okay.
I sat down on the ground today
Baobab ball I was to play
But instead of rolling north or south
How’d it end up in my mouth?
Janja: You’re right. That sucked
Chungu: Will Shakespeare my butt
Kiburi: (on one line) Hello?
Tamka (on the other line): Hey, what’s up?
Kiburi: I need a little help, can you come over?
Tamka: I can’t. I’m buying clothes
Kiburi: Alright, well hurry up and come over here
Tamka: I can’t find ‘em...
Kiburi: What do you mean you can’t find them?
Tamka: I can’t find them, there’s only soup
Kiburi: ...What do you mean “There’s only soup”
Tamka: It means there’s only soup
Kiburi:Well, then get out of the soup isle!
Tamka: Okay! You don’t have to shout at me! (walks into another isle) There’s more soup
Kiburi: What do you mean there’s more soup?!
Tamka: It means there’s just more soup
Kiburi: Go into the next isle
Tamka: (goes into the next isle) There’s still soup!
Tamka: I’M AT SOUP!
Tamka: FUCK YOU!!!!!
Kenge: I’m not worried about silly things like labels. Animals can call me whatever they want. They could even call me little…..
(Nduli leans in towards a sleeping Tamka)
Nduli: Tamka..Tamka...Tam-zebra.
Tamka: (wakes up) Gimme the leg! I want the leg!
Makuu and Ucheshi: (staring into each other’s eyes)
Kiburi: (rips the leg off of a kill)
Makuu: We’re having a moment
Kiburi: I’m having a snack
Goigoi: The good news is I named my nickel “Phillip!”
Janja: What’s the bad news?
Goigoi: It’s a girl nickel! :D
Cheezi: But it was a shiny nickel!
(Hodari saves Njano’s life)
Njano: Bro... 🥺
Hodari: Bro... 🥺
Kenge: Can you guys stop making out and go get the chimps?!
Neema: [Could I give Tamka a -2?]
Tamka: For what?
Neema: [Just for being you]
Jasiri: You assaulted a 94-year old animal!
Kenge: He sassed me
Mzingo: Ooh, you have some pie! Would you mind if I have a piece?
Janja: Uh, sure. (gives Mzingo a piece of pie)
Mzingo: Can you pass the cool hwhip?
Janja: What’d you say?
Mzingo: You can’t have a pie without cool hwhip!
J Cool hwhip?
M: Cool hwhip, yeah
J: You mean cool whip
M: Yeah, cool hwhip
J: Cool whip
M: Cool hwhip
J: Cool WHip
M: Cool hwhip
J: You’re saying it weird! Why’re you putting so much emphasis on the h?
M: What are you talking about? I’m just saying cool hwhip! You put cool hwhip on pie. Pie tastes better with cool hwhip
J: Say “whip”
M: Whip
J: Now say “cool whip”
M: Cool hwhip
J: Cool WHIP
M: Cool hwhip
M: Cool hwhip
Actor AU: Deleted scene with Scar and Jasiri
Director: Action!
Scar: Are you saying I’m stupid?
Jasiri: No…
Scar: Do I look. Stupid. To you?
Jasiri: *starts laughing* I’m sorry 😂😂
(Cut to next take)
Scar: Are you saying I’m stupid?
Jasiri: *starts wheezing* I’m sorry! *recomposes herself* I got it. No no, just do it again. I’m fine
(Cut to next take)
Scar: Are you saying I’m stupid?
Jasiri: *pointing* YES! *laughs*
Scar: This is the fifteenth take, I cannot work like this. I will be in my trailer…
Jasiri: I need a break
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dawn-sunlight · 3 months
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I want to talk about these two for a second, specifically my thoughts about how they were after Scar's backstabbing of the hyenas
On the one hand, there's Janja. He knows Scar tried to burn him and his hyena clan, not even for actual betrayal, just for Janja THINKING about whether to join Jasiri. Something he'd actively tried to keep from his clan. And they're the ones that got caught in the trap while he escaped. If the Guard hadn't figured out a way to escape the lair, Scar would have failed to kill the one actually having traitorous thoughts but succeeded in killing his clan who had no idea of any of this. His clan would have paid for his "mistake". And this probably haunts Janja. And I see Janja as someone who takes loyalty very seriously(I disregard Janja's New Crew entirely because pretty much nothing in that episode makes any sense with what we've seen in pretty much every other episode), which was one of the reasons he was having such a hard time choosing a side. He couldn't just backstab Scar like that. After all, Scar actually cared about them, he was actually trying to help them which was more than anyone else had tried to do for them. So when Scar told Janja that Kion was powerful enough to destroy him, Janja felt incredibly bad for seriously considering switching sides just that morning. Scar could be destroyed and he was over here thinking of backstabbing him. So he decided not to do it. And then Scar double crossed him. In addition, if Janja defected to Jasiri's side, it would screw over the rest of Scar's army, and he might bicker and fight with them and partake in power squabbles among them but he was still loyal and couldn't bring himself to do that to the army. And after Scar tries to burn him and his clan, he no longer can say whether the rest of the army would give him that courtesy. He doesn't know whether Scar consulted the rest of them, or how much they know about what happened. He's sure the skinks and Ushari knew. Scar always told them everything. And at the end of the day he wasn't too surprised even if the betrayal still stung(because they had still been teammates at the end of the day); they had never had a good relationship. But the other three leaders? Sure, Kiburi and him had a strained relationship, but they had fought together in the army since pretty much the beginning. Reirei and him always fought in petty squabbles, but they'd also had each other's backs when it counted. And Mzingo? The thought that he had been in on it was what really hurt, because Janja could at least understand it if the other two had known. He couldn't do that with Mzingo. So he needed to know.
On the other hand, there's Mzingo. Scar had only told him that they would burn the royal family and the Guard, and that Janja and his clan would make sure the Guard was in the right place for the plan to work. And after Janja defected, Scar told the army that Janja had betrayed them by allying with Jasiri and, by association, the Pridelanders. When Janja asked him if he had known about the murder attempt, if Mzingo had been in on the plan, Mzingo was horrified. He hadn't known Janja had been backstabbed like that. That the fire he'd been told to drop on Pride Rock, that he'd been told was for the royal family and the Lion Guard, was also for the hyena he saw as his son. He hadn't known, and to make matters worse, he had believed Scar when Scar painted Janja as the one who was the backstabber. And Mzingo feels so incredibly guilty because he should have realized something was up, that Janja must have had a reason for joining up with the Pridelanders, but he believed Scar instead, who almost succeeded in having Janja killed.
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tired-lamb · 25 days
rahm!! hello!!! what do you think of the vultures aka mzingo's parliament? they can be a lil silly :3 /genq
hullo!!!! apologies for the last response,, had to take a while for this one and a couple of others fhdkjd
they are so so silly /pos. who let them be like that. whose idea was it to make them be like an Actual parliament because that person deserves a raise!!!! Genuinely tho I wish we had more scenes of them. I’d have loved to see a whole episode focusing on Mzingo’s parliament, honestly! haven’t got much thoughts/hcs for em but I’m willing to consume anything of them :3. I think they have a lot of potential to be good comedic characters in the show, instead of just some vilains we see every once in a while. overall kinda upset at how underdeveloped they are, like if I’m not wrong we don’t even get to see/know why Mzingo and his parliament joined Scar’s army. it’s just “oh outlanders lol put em in scar’s army.” would be fun to see them interact with other outlanders like the crocs and jackals too!!! lovely characters whom I vv much appreciate and cherish
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mizimugrove · 5 months
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handfulofmuses · 6 months
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Whenever he is focused on you like that you are pretty much screwed.
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spottedmischief · 5 months
ah wait
reirei's pain over losing her kids to the hyenas
good times
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handsomethrowrug · 4 months
Janja had been putting this off for as long as he could, but there was no running away from Scar (stationary though he is), his mistake would come to light sooner or later. Better himself than Ushari or Mzingo, he supposed.
He gulps as he walks towards the fiery apparition of a king long past, "So, uhh... me and the boys might've ran into some... complications." he's grinning awkwardly in an attempt to soften the blow. (from Janja @/mizimugrove)
Janja was late. That was never a good sign. Not only that, none of the skinks had provided an update on his whereabouts. If Janja was hiding from him, then there would need to be a good explanation for it - aside from "we failed again".
By the time Janja did arrive at the volcano, the sun was beginning to set. The spirit was rather frustrated, but kept it bottled up... For now.
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"Good to see you're still alive, Janja." Not that he expected this Guard to actually take drastic measures against the Outlanders. If his spirit form had pupils, he would be rolling them at Janja's indirect admission of failure.
"Very well. Start from the top. What precisely happened this time?"
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spinnysocks · 3 months
mzingo would make dad jokes to janja. not just any dad jokes, he'd make up vulture or hyena related ones himself. mwoga always laughs while janja has an unamused child/teenager face
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jouniorkid · 2 years
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Full 3pc cotton kabisa nguo kutoka Taiwan 🇹🇼 bei 55,000 ziko chache kabisa wai mzingo uko store za moto #0788254898 https://www.instagram.com/p/CofEjbqtauC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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krueger4eva · 1 year
Janja’s Lament, Part 1
In several parts, I am going to present numerous screenshots of a roleplay story that I collaborated with a couple of friends called “Janja’s Lament”. It’s a story idea I proposed in a Lion King/Lion Guard Discord server I joined a while ago. With their permission, I would like to share these amazing moments with all of you! ❤️🦁
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((To be continued…))
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devilsrecreation · 8 months
Aiight, so a little update on this post: I decided that despite my lack of knowledge and experience on writing original songs (I usually write parodies lol), I’mma try to write Kiburi’s hypothetical verse in “Run this Dump”. I think his verse would sound something like this:
(spoken) Okay, if we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do this my way
Yeah, I’m gonna run this dump
Starting with today
Cuz I’m running it the crocodile way
You guys are rocks, I’m a star shinin’ bright
And no offense, but you really can’t fight
I’ll run it by training you, I ain’t no amateur
Since all I see here are weak clumps of fur
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jansiricave · 3 years
Reformed Villains Society (Introduction and 1st meeting)
Dhahabu: Welcome to reformed villains society! I am in charge. Janja is in charge if I die, and Makuu is in charge if both of us die! Janja: Right. Makuu: I suppose...wait, why am I the third in line? I reformed before Janja did! Janja: ... Dhahabu: You bring up a good point, Makuu. Plus, Janja is kind of dumb. Okay, Makuu, you’ll be the second in line and Janja can be the third in line. Reirei: What about me? Dhahabu: What about you? Reirei: Why am I not in the line? Mzingo: Or me? Dhahabu: Because as far as I am concerned, you aren’t really reformed. You only switched sides after Scar’s defeat, whereas we *points to Janja, Makuu and herself* did it before that. And Mzingo had to be coerced into accepting Jasiri’s leadership. Cheezi: So...er...what do we do in this ‘society’? Dhahabu: Good question. I should list some ground rules. 1. You must respect the Circle of Life. 2. No stealing food without permission from the royal family 3. Do at least one good deed per day. Makuu: Yeah, we can do that. Janja: We can indeed.
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