#Mystic rambles
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foggymyst · 18 hours ago
Got some spirals for my vamp induction, pick your favorite and I'll use it
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And feel free to reblog with any other spiral you want to be used for this, preferably red/black color scheme as I'll probably stick to red fonts instead of my usual colors of blue, pink, and purple lol
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authormorgmigs · 1 month ago
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Happy Aquarius Season ♒️
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morganandtheemorgana · 1 month ago
Forgot to mention this but when it came to acknowledging the one major flaw in the franchise given rather be taken seriously, it’s more on the woman of Chucky mainly Nica and Tiffany being shoehorned toward the campy side of the series right rather than the serious side as they’re not taken seriously, meanwhile Andy and Chucky (plus Jake, sometimes) are taken more seriously at best even if the writers try to strive away little attention to them and focusing on the campy Tom and Jerry hijinks of Nica and Tiffany treating them like a joke.
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voloslovelydivinity · 2 months ago
legendary shenanigans
Not me realizing that ever since I could remember i was obsessed with legendary pokemon ever since I was little bitty along with Glitch pokemon but thats a different story) 9999.99% chance I pretended to be all of these pokemon at some point. (Mostly Lugia and Giratina are what I remember being the most)
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Volo's face rn due to me not sleeping
Lugia(and the legendary bird trio) and Suicune were my first(Pokemon 2000 is a huge memory of mine and watching amvs of suicune and Lugia on early 2000s youtube along with many super mario 64 story/bloopers series)
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Then 90% of the sinnoh myths and legends. (Mostly arceus, shaymin, Darkrai and Giratina)(not me forming a kintype with Giratina ever since platinum (my fave pokemon game next to PMD:EOS and Pla) first came out and ofc I remember the arceus trading card fiasco. Used to have a little arceus figure and tons of other sinnoh pokemon figures, posters and plushies. I nearly gave my childhood friend a headache due to me obsessing over buying a giratina origin form plushie. And ofc my childhood crush on Cynthia makes too much godamn sense nowadays)
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then unova came around and Reshiram + N stole my heart and my braincells along with virizion and Cobalion. But Reshiram tho stuck with me due to its awesome cry ingame and battle theme)
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And now it comes full damn circle decades later with a merchant man who strikes up my obsession and connection with Giratina and Arceus😭 and legendary pokemon in general. I feel like a kid again sometimes reading the guidebooks for every speck of info about said pokemon. Binge watching the movies (mostly the sinnoh ones) and playing Mystery Dungeon to fuel my otherkin fantasies
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And real world mythology/lore and Revelations(that book in the bible yeah that one was the most interesting to me as a kid, now it makes more sense on why! Lets say mythology whether real or fantasy is a huge part of my life always.
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mystical-cryptid · 3 months ago
I must ramble about an AU idea I had in my head.
[SPOILER WARNING FOR MY FRIEND!! They haven't seen the movies yet.]
Also warning for canon divergence/serious piece of media turning unserious for the sake of self indulgence OOC ideas.
Basically, Mark Hoffman, Amanda Young, and Lawrence Gordon never became apprentices for John Kramer. He never recruited them after their designated traps. (Zepp most likely takes Amanda's place in being the loyal apprentice in this AU.)
The three are just survivors of the Jigsaw Killer's games that won their tests. This AU is mainly centered towards Mark Hoffman and his colleagues in the police department. If any one you have seen "Dexter", this AU is basically like that.
Tapp is the Department Dad figure, and Sing's his favorite child /HJJJ. Hoffman and Rigg are best friends, and have been since the academy. Mark is the quiet guy that the rest of the group besides Fisk and Tapp get weirded out by, but they invite him to the group events since he is Rigg's friend.
But Mark has a secret. He wouldn't have been tested by the Jigsaw Killer if he didn't have it.
In this AU, Angelina is alive. That night, Mark had a bad feeling, so he went over to Angie's apartment. That's when Seth Baxter was in the middle of attacking Angie, and was about to murder her, but Mark intervened when he kicked the door open.
Mark nearly plummeted Seth to death, but he was stopped by Angie. Seth got arrested and was on trial. Seth got a hefty sentence, but Angie wasn't quite the same again. Five years later, Seth is released from prison on a technicality.
Mark, not wanting Seth to get near Angie, decided to take matters into his own hands. Seth dies in the Pendulum Trap he constructed, then he gets tested by Kramer, who was not pleased to receive credit for a work he didn't make.
This area in the AU gets kinda murky. I don't know if Mark gets tested by a modified version of the shotgun trap, or the bear trap. And I'm not sure how Kramer just lets Mark go. Closet thing I got is Kramer was like "If you can free yourself this trap before the timer runs out, I will leave you alone."
So Mark survives the trap, and lives to not tell the tale. He bears a secret he can never tell anyone, not even his own sister. Speaking of Angie, she's doing sort of alright in this AU, but the trauma from her ex boyfriend has scarred her, and his death wasn't any consolation. The guilt eats away at Mark once a while, but he doesn't regret putting Seth down.
But the antics of the department cops (need a nickname for them) softens the blow of the angst. This AU is not as dark and grisly as the actual SAW franchise, I just wanted a funny lil AU with Mark and his coworkers that never really get talked about. Like "Dexter", I like the dynamic of a secret killer surrounded by coworkers in law enforcement, and those coworkers don't really find out because of the antics.
Now I just had the thought of Matt Gibson in a role like Doakes in "Dexter".
Oh, Mark Hoffman and Peter Strahm still get together! Idk how, but they do find each other!
Anyway, yee, that's it! I plan on making content for this AU, idk when, but soon! See ya!
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mysticdoodlez · 2 years ago
Noah is a goddamn eldritch god, cuz how else is that man freakishly tall and can summon the voice of Chthulhu from that frame.
Man is Nyarlathotep, I swear.
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In which April introduces the four turtles to a new interest, Donatello is tired, and they all get to be happy and (mostly) carefree for once. Definitely not a recipe for chaos.
Read it now on AO3! 💚🩵
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shahinelected · 1 month ago
🇦🇿 Yaponiyada yaşanmış paranormal hadisə!
🇺🇸 A paranormal event that happened in Japan!
🇷🇺 Паранормальное событие, произошедшее в Японии!
🇹🇷 Japonya'da yaşanan paranormal bir olay!
#shahinelected #japan #yaponiya #japonya #япония #паранормальное #paranormal #paranormalactivity #мистика
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lara-cairncross · 3 months ago
take so good im posting it here too
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mysticfoxdesigns · 8 months ago
The sailors say when the storms roll in, a mysterious giant robot appears. Guiding lost ships back to shore, and then disappearing once more into the mist.
Everyone thinks that it is just a sea tale, a message of hope for when sailors are stuck in storms. Come on, a giant robot that takes ships back to shore? That's science fiction.
But what if it wasn't a story.
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authormorgmigs · 14 days ago
means releasing resistance.
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morganandtheemorgana · 22 days ago
Chucky reddit and twt is kinda annoying given the toxic positivity for the series with a partial bit of me thinking they think of us here on this side as that of a “hatedom”.
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xaytheloser · 1 month ago
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something something Witch of Justice shitposting
(redo of an old outdated version of this meme I did last year haha now its more lore accurate :) )
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mystical-cryptid · 3 months ago
Watching SAW X for the first time. All I know is that John is PISSED and that my pookie Hoffman is in here somewhere (and Amanda!!)
Anyway, PIECES! ✌️
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caseybobava · 22 days ago
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oh yeah. it’s all coming together.
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lych33dragoncookie · 10 days ago
Oh, and by the way, I am positively LOSING MY SHIT about this.
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Yes, yes, it's concept art, hell his design here is still slightly different to the final one, but
This has me giddy with the thought of what it implies. Sure, those implications have a chance of no longer being canon, but i would prefer if they were, honestly. They're. All. His. Puppets. In the end, they're all still not as important as he is to himself, they're still not as "real" as he is. But that's obviously not the end of it, there's more here!! There absolutely is! They may be puppets, but the big difference is they're dolls. They're no paper cutouts, they're not wooden puppets, they're dolls. They're just that bit more lively, more distinctly themselves, there's an air that they're regarded as more important than the rest of his puppets. They're still merely caricatures of the people they're based on, they're still just a part of his play for him to control, but they're his dolls. His little troupe.
A troupe that could never, ever be as important as he is. He is still the center of attention, the ringleader, the storyteller, and they're all merely characters for him to string along; but, who's to say they're not his favorites? His favorite little puppets, who he knows and recognizes the intricacies of very very well, who he most likes stringing along and watching play along.
Yet, still puppets nonetheless. They could never be him. They could never be as important as he is. No matter how much he likes his little dolls.
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