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#ramblings#please god SOMEBODY TALK TO ME ABOUT ALL MY MIKEY IDEAS#I HAVE SO MANY#how does one make friends in this fandom i need to infodump to somebody in an obscure discord server before i go insane#the potential of his mystics oh my god there’s so many good stories that could arise#I need rise to get more seasons just so they can play around with Mikey’s powers#THEY CAN LITERALLY CROSS TIMELINES AND DIMENSIONS WITH HIS PORTALS#ITS THE PERFECT SETUP FOR A CROSSOVER WITH ANOTHER ITERATION#OR JUST SOME REALLY COOL EPISODE IDEAS#PLEASE#I BEG OF YOU#GODS OF ANIMATION#ok I’m done now
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Ghost Of a Chance. Chapter 1
A Ghost of a Chance!: The Ghost Queen's Slaughter!
~Amity Park- Three years ago~
The town of Amity Park, a town tied to the paranormal. Ghosts from other dimensions have invaded the living plane of existence time and time again. Most are just relatively normal people. While others are, for lack of a better term Supervillains. Because of the influx of evil ghosts, one young hero fought to keep the peace.
Danny Fenton was just fourteen when his parents built a very strange machine. The Ghost Portal, It was designed to view a world unseen. During its test run, it failed to activate and it was left to collect dust in its parent's lab.
One day on a dare from his friends made him put on a Jumpsuit and go inside it. "I still think this is a REALLY bad idea, Sam! Have you ever even seen The Fly?" Danny tells her before he accidentally presses the On button, activating the portal with him inside with the help of this horrifyingly dangerous design flaw. With a bright green glow, Danny's screams in agony. His friend Tucker holds Sam back when she tries to run in and get Danny out. "NO STOP IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!!" Tucker screams at her.
"LET ME GO TUCKER If We Don't DO ANYTHING DANNY IS GOING TO DIE!!" Sam screams as she kicks Tucker in the stomach. He drops to the floor with the wind knocked out of him. A changed Danny stumbles out, staggered by the experience. His black hair is now snow white and his blue eyes now glowing green. The white/Black jumpsuit had its colors inverted.
After that Life changing day, Danny gained the abilities of a ghost. While learning his new abilities became a hero. At one point even saved the earth with every ghost he ever fought.
~Three years Later~
After fighting ghosts for three whole years, Amity Park has had ghosts become an everyday part of life. With Danny becoming a literal symbol of Ghost and Humans working well together, Ghost has been given rights as citizens. Some of Danny's old enemies gave up antagonizing humans and got real jobs.
Sidney Poindexter got his GED and became an Anti-bully activist. He actively reduced bullying in schools by telling kids how he took his own life because of it.
The Hothead Ember Mclain made it big as a legitimate performer with a record deal. She may even be going platinum soon.
Hell, even The Box Ghost got a job with FedEx.
One day, Danny was out buying new college prep books when he spotted another one of his old enemies in the coffee shop, looking depressed. Desiree the wishing ghost is waiting for her coffee, dressed in a suit. She appears worried about something, checking her watch.
"Oh boy this can't be good." He mumbled to himself, trying not to draw her attention. He starts to feel sorry when she pays for her coffee. A heartbroken Desiree just stares blankly at her phone. Soon she spots him in the distance and politely waves while grinding her teeth. "Fantastic, My date stands me up and now I have to deal with the Phantom boy!"
"Oh man, I'm so going to regret this later." He awkwardly waves back at her before gesturing to her he is leaving. Danny walks away with a sigh of relief. "Talk about awkward running into a former enemy!" Without paying attention he bumps into Desiree. "Ahem!"
Danny would have jumped in shock if his Ghost Sense didn't already let him know she was right in front of him. Desiree looks down at him with her arms crossed. "What do you want, Phantom?" An enraged scowl on her face before she notices the books in his hand. "Oh, you didn't come for me!" She calms down a bit and even laughs. "Forgive me, I've not been in the best of moods."
Danny laughs, nearly dropping his books. "I was just as surprised to see you, Desiree! I almost went ghost like the old days out of habit." The former adversaries laugh at the whole situation. "So how are you, Desiree? By the get up I'm assuming you've gone legit like a lot of other ghosts."
"Yes I passed the bar exam and I'm now a lawyer." She clarifies with pride written on her face. "I happened to order two coffees and my date decided not to show up, care to join me?"
Both of them return to the coffee shop and have a friendly conversation, like the hostilities of their past is now gone."Your date sounds like a real dumbass to stand you up. So you chose to be a lawyer? I have to admit I never saw that one coming. The Box Ghost working at FedEx I saw a mile away, but this takes me by surprise." The ghost boy admits to her.
"In the last three years, I've tried many different jobs but being a Lawyer had the most appeal, so I committed to law school. Getting a GED was the First real challenge because the last time I had a formal education was two-thousand years ago. " She points at Danny's books while taking a sip. "So how about you Phantom? You look like you are getting serious in your studies in these peaceful times."
"I want to be an astronaut one day and with the lack of Ghost fighting, I've had more time to study for it. Good riddance too, I never really liked all the non-stop fighting anyway. Like the first time we fought, You kicked my butt big time before I made a wish."
"I hope one day my wishes can come true," Desiree mumbled to herself with some regret. "The one thing I can never have."
"Your own Kingdom if I remember that gypsy's story right." Danny muses out loud. Desiree shakes her head with a sad look on her face.
"That was just a superficial legend, not the real story. What I really wish for is something I never had."
~Fenton labs~
Four years after Danny got his powers from the ghost portal, the constant battles always took their toll on him every time but he always bounced back. From the Box ghost to the former ghost King, he always came back stronger. However, he might have his hands full this time. His many enemies began the unthinkable. They somehow found a way to make his ability to feel the incoming presence of another ghost useless. Under the command of the new Ghost Queen, they went after his friends and family one by one.
Wave after wave of the Ghost Queen's minions worn the now eighteen-year-old ghost boy down. Soon he was overpowered by her most fearsome henchmen, Beaten to the point he could not fight back.
He is on his knees in a Burning laboratory as his two most powerful foes looming above him. The Fright Knight, the spirit of Halloween and an evil older copy of himself from another timeline called Dark Danny. "Games over kid it's been over before it even began!" His evil parallel self-boast. Dark Danny lifts Danny by the neck, strangling his younger self while charging up a blast in his other hand. Danny is too beaten and bloody to fight back. "Time to DIE!!"
Danny almost gets blasted through the stomach before the Fright Knight cuts Dark Danny's arm off. "Her Highness the Queen ordered us to bring him to her alive!!" The Knight snarls at his partner. An enraged Dark Danny throws a swing before the Fright Knight has a blast aimed at his head. "And I've been given the freedom to eliminate you if I see fit!"
Dark Danny stops baring his teeth at the knight and regains his cool. "You know, I liked it better when you served me in my timeline." He drops Danny and reattaches his arm.
A terrified Danny tries to crawl away but is too gravely injured to get far. "D-Danny?" His sister Jazz is buried under rubble, in tears and reaching out to him as she bleeds out. Dark Danny picks Jazz up off the ground by the hair. A sadistic smirk on his face as he looks down at Danny. "Hello sis, miss me?" Jazz spits blood in his face as a last act of defiance. "Go To Hell!"
"You're already here Jazz, and you are about to meet the devil herself?" He puts her in an ectoplasmic bubble along with Danny. "Lucky for you, she did say to bring at least one living family member."
He waves his hand to make a Ghost Portal.
~Ghost Zone~
The two villains enter it, on the other side is a massive palace in the Ghost Zone. Various ghosts and humans on their knees in the throne room. A ghostly servant blows a horn, "Presenting The new Ghost Queen! Her Highness Queen..." A tall busty woman with an hourglass figure walks down a dark corridor, her red eyes shine in the darkness before she enters the light. Her skin is brown with glowing veins marks all over her arms, veins that change between red blue yellow and green. "...Desiree!"
The (Former) Wishing Ghost sets on her new throne, giving Danny a lustful leer. "Bring him closer and release him." She orders her henchmen, her eyes never leaving the ghost boy. Dark Danny makes his Ecto-Bubble vanish, he kicks his younger counterpart towards the foot of Desiree's throne. The barely conscious Danny can't keep his eyes open as The Ghost Queen gingerly caresses his face. "And I had this grand speech planned and you deliver him to me almost dead!?"
Dark Danny laughs smugly with fangs before a look of rage takes over him. He is looking at his hand as he is being removed from existence in green fire. "We had a deal! I give you what you want, you give me what I want!", He screams.
Desiree picks Danny up bridal style, her expression is cold as she glares at Dark Danny. "Your results are unsatisfactory, enjoy existing no more." Dark Danny disappears, vanishing within the flames.
~Hours later~
Danny wakes up in a large bed with all his injuries healed. "Where am I?!" He gets out of the bed only to fall on his face, his legs feel like jelly. "Oh great, I'm in enemy territory and I can't walk or go ghost!" Arms wrap around him as a pair of soft lips kissed him on the cheek. He spots the Ring of Rage on her finger. He sees Desiree's new look like she is almost human again. The flaming crown of her head gives him a clue, much to his horror.
"The numbness will subside in time, but you need to rest," Desiree whispers into his ear, her embrace getting tighter when Danny struggles to get loose. "Desiree, is this really you? What did you do to yourself!?"
She puts him back in the bed. Danny then remembers Jazz was with him. "Jazz, what did you do to her?!", He shouts at her.
"Healed up and resting in another room. As for what I did to myself..." She puts her right hand up to Danny so he can see the glowing Ring. "...I transcended beyond a ghost or my original humanity, with the power of the former ghost king's ring and crown."
Danny looks at her with abstract terror. "You took those from him?! Do you have any idea what those can do?! If your not careful you can destroy the whole ghost zone and the earth along with it!"
"Worth the risk, I am making an empire, one where ghosts and Humans can be equals. I'm just about finished all I need now is..." Queen Desiree forces him down onto the bed, She Kisses Danny while holding him down. She moans loudly, forcing her tongue down his thought. "...a king to rule beside me!~"
All Danny can say is a flat, "W-What the fuck!? Those things are making you crazy!" His eyes were wide with shock and confusion. "What does this have to do with me anyway?!"
Desiree while still on top smiles warmly, laying next to him. "It's Very simple Danny.~" Her voice is sweet, yet has an undertone of insanity. "You and I marry then rule a glorious empire as Husband and Wife."
"I'm a little young for you, don't you think? I only just turned eighteen." He asks Desiree with a sliver of fear.
Time is frozen in place and when it starts Danny is gone. "Oh, no Worries Your of age now. Wait..." The Ghost Queen looks around the room before flinging into a rage. She fires a blast that destroys a wall. "Clockwork!"
Queen Desiree flies out so fast she makes a sonic boom.
~Clockwork's Realm~
Clockwork the master of time opens up a portal in time. A weakened and injured Danny has a Time medallion on him. "If you wish to Save all of the creation, go now!" The normally calm Master of time screams in panic.
Danny limps into the Time portal and in a flash of light is gone. "DANNY!!!" The Ghost Queen screams blows open the wall. *BOOM!* She conjures skeletal arms to bind Clockwork and depower him. "Clockwork Your queen has questions regarding her consort! Return him to me and I'll show you mercy and even forgive your crimes!"
"Danny is already gone and you can't get to him. You may be seemingly omnipotent with the power of the Ghost King but even You have no power over time!" Desiree blasts him into oblivion, leaving no trace of Clockwork. With a snap of her finger, The Fright Knight is Summoned.
"Follow Danny and bring him to me no matter the cost!"
"At once your majesty!" Her knight with his orders enters the portal.
Queen Desiree descends into maniacal laughter. "I will have you, Danny! Even if I have to rip apart time and space! So I wish it so shall it be!!"
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Is it only Silver’s design that you dislike or is there something you don’t really appreciate about his character as a whole?
It’s two things, really. The first one really is just his design. He looks so stupid.
His weird chest hair that wraps all the way around his neck, his two gigantic quills in the back, his “head dress” in the front, it’s all bad.
The other thing is I hate they keep bringing him back, and with increasingly little explanation. Silver is from a future timeline that doesn’t even exist anymore, and the fact he can freely jump between the future and the present means that Chaos Control Time Travel is still a known ability and can be used to jump to literally any point in time to fix any problem. Nothing matters. If anything goes wrong, they can just jump through a portal and change the past. But they don’t.
Heck, similar to how Classic Sonic is now from “another dimension,” I believe they’ve tried to spin it as Silver being from another dimension, too, since his original timeline is gone from this universe now. If Chaos Control can cross dimensional barriers, why is Classic Sonic’s goodbye in Sonic Forces meant to be sad? Why is anything about a multiverse or time travel treated so casually? Why is Silver even PRESENT for Sonic Forces? Why does any of this timeline matter to him anymore?
Silver’s constant presence represents HUGE PROBLEMS these games refuse to address and it kind of makes him the poster child for everything wrong with how Sega handles the Sonic franchise these days.
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World Swapping Finale
Summary: (Bucky x Fem!Reader) When a hard-core MCU fan travels into the events of Captain America: Civil War, she has to balance keeping the Avengers from tearing apart, and a growing adoration of the deadly Winter Solider.
Warnings: cursing as always, angst Black Panther Spoilers, some Infinity War references
A/N: This is the final part! This had been such a fun series to write, so please enjoy! This series was my heart and soul, literally, I felt a very deep connection with it, and I want others to as well so please reblog, so it gets spread, I hope the ending was as good as the story was ;)
Please enjoy and please please leave feedback!! ;)

Taking a deep breath, you walked the pathway up to the tower’s front. Passing by a window, you saw Tony and Rhodey walking by. A grin spread onto your face, leaning towards the window, and give it a sharp couple raps. Startling Tony and Rhodey, they both looked up quickly ins surprise, but their jaws both dropped when they realized who they were looking at. They ran to the front door, and you walked over so when they opened it, you had the biggest shit eating grin on your face.
“Guess who’s back?!” you exclaim, opening up your arms.
Tony rushed forward, pulling you into a hug, “What the fuck are you even doing here?!?” Pulling back, you have Rhodey a quick hug.
“Well, I’ll explain everything, but first you still have those Avengers chocolate bars here? I’ve been craving one since I left and they don’t have them in my old world!”
You sat everyone down in the tower and explained what had happened. Described how when you got back an seen the Black Panther movie you decided you wanted to come back. Tony had asked when you had gotten all buff, and with a smirk explained your extracurriculars during your two months away. Even told Nat, you were excited to spar her again, and see if she saw improvement.
Tony had also began to explain what had been going on since you disappeared. Apprently, time passed differently between your two worlds so while you were only away for 2 months, time had passed for 2 years here. So lots had happened while you were away, describing Peter’s whole homecoming fiasco in detail. Peter was a jumping ball of excitement when he talked his homecoming dance, describing how he saved the day. Tony, all the while, was smiling proudly, like the dad he was.
Clearing your voice, you finally asked what had been at the front of your mind sense you stepped into the portal.
“Where’s Bucky?” Everyone went silent, shifting in their seats slightly. Looking around the room, you asked again, “Guys, why isn’t Bucky here?”
Nat cleared her throat, “Well, the thing is, you had told T’Challa about Wakandan technology, and when Barnes went through a rough patch after you left, T’Challa had offered to help him with Shuri.”
“Wait,” your cheeks getting warmer, “He went to Wakanda? Did he get better? I had watched a scene in Black Panther where Shuri had taken him out of cryo, is he out yet?”
Steve let out a soft chuckle, “Slow down, Y/N, one question at a time. We don’t have much time to visit Wakanda a lot, but the last time I was there Bucky was still in cryo.”
“Okay, so he’s gonna get better, good. Good.” a smile grew on your face, with the thought of a happy Bucky, an image of Bucky in the after credit scene growing in your head. “Do you think, Steve, that you could take me to Wakanda? So I could see him, even if he’s still only in cryo?”
A smile grew on his face, “Yeah, I haven’t seen him in a while, a quinjet could get us there in a couple hours. Who wants to tag along?”
“Oh Mr. Stark! Mr. Stark, can I go?! Please please please?!” Peter asked, jumping up in excitement.
“Ha, no. You have school tomorrow so that’s a big fat nope, kid.” Tony responded, patting Peter on the shoulder. “Steve, Y/N, you guys go on ahead, tell Buck I say hi.”
“Haha funny Tony. See you later.” Steve replied, giving a small glare at him. The two of you got up and headed off to Wakanda.
The quinjet ride took a couple hours, but it was just you and Steve talking, filling the silence with a growing friendship. He described Bucky back in the 40’s and how he was such a lady’s man. How he would be Steve’s little guardian, how every time kept Steve’s crazy ass in check every time he might go off the rails. Then he talked about their time in the war, as the Howling Commandos.
You smiled along, absorbing all the details he described, Obviously, you knew the outlines of their lives, through the movies, but all these small details Steve described, it made them so much more than just a character. They were real person. It made you have the biggest smile possible on your face the whole ride there.
After going through the bubble that protected Wakanda, Steve landed the quinjet on a landing pad. After just watching Black Panther, entering Wakanda was so much more powerful. You jaw was wide open when you stepped out to be greeted by T’Challa and Shuri. Gasping, you pointed at Shuri, “Oh my God, that’s Shuri. Literal best Disney Princess ever!” whispering under your breath to Steve who was walking next to you, causing him to laugh. Walking up to T’Challa, and Shuri, you gave T’Challa a hug, saying how you missed him, and glad he could get through his Wakandan war, explaining how when you were back in your world you had seen the Black Panther movie.
Shuri gasped, “This was the lady you were talking about, brother?! The crazy one with the movies?”
“Speak lightly, sister, she probably saved my life, and many others with her knowledge.”
You chuckled, “Yup, that’s me, I am most definitely the one with the movies. I, for one, am a very big fan of yours. You are a genius!”
“Wait, I take it back, anyone who thinks I’m a genius must not be crazy!” Shuri said with a smile, extending a handshake.
“Well, Y/N, you traveled across dimensions to see Sergeant Barnes again, so I won’t keep you from him any longer. I’ll lead the way for you to see him.”
As T’Challa was leading the way, he didn’t go into the building, but was, rather walking into the direction of a nearby lake.
“T’Challa? Why are we going this way, isn’t the cryo chamber in the building?” Steve asked, confusion flashing across his face.
T’Challa, looked back, and said, “Indeed, Captain, the cryo chamber is that way, but the Sergeant Barnes is not.” with a smirk, he continued, “We have woken the soldier. He is sleeping off the cryo freeze in medical tent over there.” pointing towards a small group of huts on the shore of the lake.
Your heart sped up with the idea of Bucky being awake, within your grasp. When you had heard he was frozen again, you heart sank, not knowing when you would be able to talk to him again, but settled on just seeing him. Now, he was going to be awake, and you would be their when he did.
Shuri saw the look in your eyes and nudged you, “Go, wake him up already. He’s been so mopey since he got here and he’s slept enough.”
Nodded, you started to run, not caring if they kept up with you. Once you got to the tent, you froze. Slowly, you peeled back the tent, to reveal a sleeping Bucky. Walking softly, you gently sat on the side of his bed, your eyes soaking in every aspect of Bucky. The way his hair had such a soft look to it, a length you hadn’t seen before. Or the majestic robing he had one. Or the black and gold metal arm he had. Grinning, you recognized it from the Infinity War promos, proud that you had somehow affected the timeline enough to change this one detail. Who knows maybe you affected the Marvel timeline enough so Thanos wouldn’t even come.
Your attention came back to Bucky when you heard a soft inhale of breath. He was stirring. You slowly, reached a hand up, and brushed a piece of hair off his forehead, and heard a sigh come from Bucky. A smile came to your lips, and continued to slowly stroke his hair, easing him into consciousness.
His eyes fluttered open, and a lazy smile grew, “Oh look, my sweet angel is here”
You moved your hand to hold his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb, “Bucky, it’s me Y/N, I’m back” you whispered softly.
“Y/N, I know, my angle.” he said slowly and softly, still droizy, and eyes fluttering open and shut. Now you were suspecting he was still highly foggy and not completely off whatever they put into him to sleep. “Oh, how I’ve missed you. Y/N, my angle, I wished we could have seen each other again. I never got to say what I wanted.” With that you realized, that he thought he was dreaming, not knowing this was real.
“Buck, I’m here. You’re awake, I’m actually back” you said, trying to convince the half drugged super soldier that you were real.
Slowly, consciousness seems to soak back into his eyes, and they widened in realization. Lifting a hand up, he caressed your face, and you leaned into it, kissing his open palm. “Y/N?”
“Yeah, Buck. It’s me.”
He sat upright, crushing you into a tight hug, pulling you on top of him. It seemed like forever, of the two of you soaking each other up, holding the other in their arms. All to quickly Bucky pulled back, and held your face in between his hands.
“Y/N, what are you doing here? How are you here?!”
With a sheepish smile, you looked down, breaking eye contact, “Well, I uh, forced a couple of sorcerers to bring me back, because, I well, missed you a little too much for my liking.”
Looking up, you saw a smile spread on his face, making his crystal blue eyes sparkle even more. This was always when you thought he was most handsome, whenever you saw him smile, whether it was in the movies or here. It was that smile.
“I missed you a lot too, but I didn’t cross any dimensions by highjacking a couple sorcerers.”
“Yeah, well, I missed you, and I, uh, there’s something else.” you say with a small smile.
A knowing smirk appeared on Bucky’s face, “And what might that be?” he whispered, leaning forward.
You leaned in closer, whispering back, “Well, through some crazy adventures, I think I’ve fallen in love with this dark and brooding ex assassin, who’s actually a big fluff ball once you look past his hard exterior. Ever heard of him?”
Even softer, with his lips just slightly below yours, “I don’t think I have, doll.” A smile appeared on your lips, right before Bucky’s lips crashed to yours. The second his lips touched yours you knew you were done for. Everything that you had worked so hard for the past few months had been for this moment. To be with Bucky. All the fighting, and the watching and shooting, all the stress and bruises, was all washing away with the way Bucky’s lips captured yours. The kiss was filled with passion, evidence of the long waiting of both people for this to happen.
When Bucky pulled back, all to quickly, in your opinion, he leaned his forehead against yours and chuckled. “I love you, I love you so much"
Pulling him closer, you gave his forehead a kiss, “I love you too Buck”
After Shuri cleared him, explaining how she gotten rid of his trigger words, you, Bucky, and Steve, flew back to the tower. The next two days consisted a lot of hanging out with Bucky, going on little dates, and trying to educate him on modern tech. Just goofing around, you made social network accounts for him, already making some for yourself with the new Stark phone you got. Bucky immediately took to Snapchat, constantly sending you snaps whenever you weren’t together. Steve was happy, never seeing him this happy since before Hydra.
You had kept that promise with Nat, and showed what you had learned while you were away. She was impressed to say the least, and said that you would make a great Shield agent. Bucky was a little apprehensive, but knew that you were strong enough.
When you finally had settled in, you pulled out the bag of personal stuff you brought through the portal. Inside, was all the DVD’s you had of all the released Marvel movies. You had everything up to Ragnarok, and talked to everyone, asking if they wanted to join in a marathon. Of course everyone said yes, wanting to pretty much watch their very own home videos. Even the out of the tower Avengers like Peter, Clint, and Scott came for some of them.
It was a crazy experience, watching these movies with the actual characters, and you were secretly hoping that you were messing up this universe too much by it. You had done warnings before each movie, briefly describing each possibly triggering or uncomfortable scene in each movie.
Your favorite thing to do during this, was the gauge the reactions of the Avengers during specific scenes. During Iron Man 3, you watched Steve and how he reacted, wanted to see what he got from it, seeing if he got more of Tony’s viewpoint of the world. Afterwards you had seen Steve go up to Tony and say something, casing the two to hug tightly, and you to smile, glad that these were helping.
It was when you put the disk of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, during the second day of the marathon that you started to doubt if it was a good idea. Bucky had come up from behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle, looking at the case in your hands. He had whispered in your eye that he would be fine watching it, but you told him “I don’t know if I can anymore. Not after knowing you”
He reassured you, and after some turmoil you put it in. Whenever a specific scene would come up, such as the torture scenes or really anything with Bucky as the Winter Soldier, you would squeeze his hand so tight, just to remind yourself that he was here with you, and to remind him you were there with him.
It had taken a couple of days, but you had finally reached Ragnarok. You were extremely glad that everyone had watched them, you felt everyone had a much better understanding of everyone else’s point of views. Knew exactly what each person had gone through, and now now exactly what would have happened if you hadn’t stopped the civil war.
It was a couple days later when it happened. You had Bucky’s head in your lap, playing with his hair, while having game night with some of the Avengers, when Breaking News flashed on the T.V. The was some sort of a big space ring in the middle of New York, somehow it appeared out of nowhere. You gasped, recognizing it from the Infinity War trailer, “Thanos” you breathed out.
Turning to everyone, “Guys, that’s Thanos. He’s here.”
Tony, standing up and calling his suit, “Y/N, start briefing us on this dude.”
A small smile grew on you face, seeing Bucky dash up and start getting his weapons. You knew that Thanos was powerful, the trailers shown as much, but you were hopeful. You felt that with your knowledge, and a united Avengers team, and a healed Bucky by your side, Thanos’s defeat was possible.
Standing up, you looked around the room. Everyone was ready, no one was scared. You made eye contact with Bucky and he smiled, grabbing your hand in his.
Turning to Tony, you heard the phrase that would get you through this.
World Swapping Tag List: *Closed*
@reclusive-chicken-nugget @hopelesslywaitingforfood @torntrashbag@jamesbuckybananabarnes @weclassygirlsuperwholockian5ever@dylanshales @endofthefuckingfangirl@whovianwriter @lokiplaysow@thegngerthatwaited @othersillyfangirlpurplekitten30@stuckygrief@seilamigliorcosacheabbiamaivisto@slytherinbithc@josislifehotcheetosandsalsa @thewhinersoldier@sakurashortstack @himynameistroxa @mad1020-blog @nico-tefa@sergantbarnesbitch@buckyhoneyno @hellaoppa @ask-psycho-dragon @eccentric-impulses @captainboomerangsunicorn @starbabyultra @ccold-as-icegrrrrr-argh @ms-betsy-fangirl@nerdyalienhybrid1987 @nina-winchester4life @le-roman-rose@jamyyboii @myfuturisticallysteadycollector @funny-little-fangirltiffanypooh@gravity-9-8
Permanent Taglist: *Open*
#mcu#marvel#bucky barnes#bucky x reader#avengers#winter solider#avenger x reader#sebastian stan#infinity war#marvel imagine#sebastian stan x reader#bucky barnes x reader#bucky imagine
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I know nobody here’s surprised by The Flash constantly undervaluing Cisco’s powers, intelligence or story potential, but like, its not even in regards to the Flash he’s got so much wasted potential....its the whole DCTV universe.
Like, his power to portal to other realities is literally what they’ve used to bridge multiple Earths in past crossovers or major storylines, but c’mon Berlanti and Co....stop looking at that in terms of a plot device to service other characters and look at it as a story vehicle for Cisco and literally EVERY OTHER STORY YOU’RE ITCHING TO TELL.
I mean, you guys have been adding a DC show a year to the CW lineup because there’s so many characters and premises you want to play with from the comics, but bottom line, the CW only has so many hours of television to fill. Sooner or later you’re going to run out of room.
Cisco is literally your answer to all of that.
Set him loose in the DCTV multiverse and he can go to any Earth, be part of any comic book storyline. Come up with a basic premise to explain why he’s roaming the multiverse instead of sticking around Earth-1′s Star City (like just off the top of my head, say Cisco’s show starts with some mysterious figure informing him that alternate versions of his brother Dante are being targeted on every other Earth, and when he understandably sets out to figure out why, he’s led to evidence that there’s an ‘extra’ Dante out there in the multiverse somewhere....and it might actually be the original Dante from Earth-1, snatched out of the original timeline before Flashpoint retroactively erased the present day version of him from reality, and BAM, there’s your premise, cue Cisco world-hopping in search of clues to who took Dante from Earth-1 before Flashpoint erased him and why, like, they have plans for Cisco and his powers and want Dante as leverage, idk, I’m spitballing here work with me.)
ANYWAY. Point is, instead of monster/villain of the week format, you’ve got Earth of the week format. Literally ANY DC superhero, villain or side character can star in an episode of VIBE, whenever you come up with a pitch for a DC character you’re just dying to use and the CW’s like sorry, we have no room to give them their own show or add them to our already crowded ensembles.
And the best part is it NEVER has to contradict the movies or ruin the possibility of adding that character to another DCTV show later down the line when they do have room....because with all the other ways you guys have played fast and loose with time travel and multiple Earths already, it’s the easiest thing in the world to make up some reason for why a character looks different on different Earths. The actor you get to play Ted Kord on Earth-25 in an episode of VIBE doesn’t have to be the actor you hire to play him as a series regular if you ever add him and Booster Gold to one of the Earth-1 shows....just handwave that cascading probabilities/choices somewhere in the past of Earth-25 resulted in a different person marrying into his family line and thus he has the same name and grew up in the same area in both realities but with different genes. Look, whatever. It’s alternate realities. None of us CARE how all that is ‘supposed’ to work, its not like your take on time travel makes any more sense.
Cynthia’s still his star-crossed lover, sometimes enemy, sometimes ally, as some mysterious benefactor employs her to alternately help or hinder Cisco from week to week and Earth to Earth (just give her a different codename already plz). Any of the other DCTV shows’ characters can guest star as the alternate version of themselves in an episode here or there, other dimension-hopping characters like Black Siren could become regular companions for Cisco for their own reasons.
And aside from all the potential for stories for Cisco, from a purely business standpoint, this show would let you do SO MUCH. The CW or WB overseers aren’t sold on your pitch for a new character you want to add to ARROW, FLASH, SUPERGIRL, etc? Test them out as a guest star on VIBE first, see how audiences like them and if the reaction’s what the CW wants, you can then introduce their Earth-1 counterpart in whatever show you were looking to do that. Want to revisit a dead or departed fan-favorite when their actor’s schedule or plot logistics don’t allow for them to show up in LEGENDS? They can go to VIBE. Want to use a DC character who can’t be worked in to another show b/c of long range plans for that character elsewhere? They can guest star on VIBE. Want to revisit a storyline you wanted to take a different direction on one of your other shows but couldn’t at the time because of actor availability, coordinating with other shows or WB or CW mandate required you make a certain creative choice? Have Cisco visit an Earth where events of that storyline played out differently.
The potential is both macro and micro. You can have episodes where Cisco portals to an Earth where things are fundamentally different on a global scale, like a zombie apocalypse happened ten years ago and he’s got to help a group of survivors make it to a legendary sanctuary. You can have episodes where he visits an Earth that looks exactly like that of the other shows....except maybe its one where it was Kal-El’s clone Superboy in the pod at the end of Supergirl’s S1, not Mon-El, and Cisco teams up with Conner Kent for an episode. Or an Earth where Oliver, Barry, Kara or the Legends DIDN’T manage to defeat their villain at the end of a season and shows the aftermath of what kind of world would have resulted from the hero of that show losing in a season finale instead.
He can face literally any villain in the entire DC arsenal, without you having to justify a way to work that villain into a show’s overall mythology or season long arc. He can team up with any hero to ever appear in a DC comic, and you can worry about recasting that hero later if you ever get around to using an Earth-1 counterpart. Hell, he can portal back to Earth-1 to catch up with his friends and casually name drop all these other superheroes they’ve never heard of....and he can literally pop back to that Earth to recruit that hero for help in the annual DCTV crossover events.
He can visit worlds where Atlantis flooded most of the Earth in WWIII or where Amazons are invading New York b/c that Earth’s Lena Luthor stole some legendary artifact from Themyscira. He can be his own worst enemy when running into versions of himself that make Reverb look like a sweetheart, or have “It’s A Wonderful Life” style episodes that show him what a world looks like where he chose a different career path, or didn’t impact a certain person’s life in the way he did on his own Earth.
All the story possibilities that LEGENDS’ time travel premise gave that show are amplified by a factor of 1000 here because with Cisco dimension hopping, you don’t have to worry about time travel logic or the consequences of things unfolding so differently it’d dramatically alter the rest of your shows. You’re not limited by creating ‘what-if’ premises that have to be undone by the end of the episode in order to line up with what actually happened on ARROW or FLASH.
And at its core, regardless of all the other opportunities a Sliders-style alternate reality show called VIBE would provide for your other shows....at the end of the day, you still have the compelling saga of a superhero who saves an entire world each episode but keeps going week after week, because what really drives him is his quest to find the brother that was taken from him by some time travel, reality-altering loophole that meant he never got to say goodbye.
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The Esoteric Significance of our Moon and the Matrix Control System
“I must now make a statement which will introduce you to a concept which was, until comparatively recently, one of the deepest secrets of the esoteric Schools: In some ways, the Moon is the greatest problem of esoteric lore. The Moon is not at all what it appears to be.”
- "The Zelator" by Mark Hedsel
This is a note on the esoteric significance of our moon and how lunar phases correlate with hyper dimensional attack and the matrix control system. Much of this knowledge has been suppressed or corrupted/distorted.
The moon has tremendous influence on humanity in ways the vast majority has no awareness of. During any full/new moon, portals and dimensions open up, making it easier for hyper/inter-dimensional beings to cross realm boundaries. This ties into what Gurdjieff meant by stating that humanity is "food for the moon". I caution to engage in any form of moon rituals without understanding the "topic of all topics" (i.e. the hyperdimensional control of humanity) and how the moon relates to it.
My own observations, experiences and research into the occult significance of the moon has been recently confirmed by a shamanic/psychic healer woman I've been working with over the past year and learned a lot from.
One of the very interesting things she said is that many people engage in "Black Magic" involuntarily when participating in Full Moon/New Moon rituals, despite their well meaning intentions, possibly creating "traps of agreement" and openings/portals for negative entities to come through (posing as "positive" ones), especially when worshiping the moon (given away their power), or attempting to "channel" or connecting to/calling in anything (entities angels, guides) outside themselves. Taking mind expanding drugs/"medicine plants" during these transits is also not recommended.
Another shaman I had worked with in the past cautioned not to do any "medicine" ceremonies during a full moon. Ties into the neo-wicca/pagan practices and distortion of these rituals as well, including the corruption of astrology. Lack of awareness of the Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System when practicing occult rituals is just asking for trouble, kinda like playing hyperdimensional Russian roulette. Knowledge protects. Ignorance endangers.
What follows are a few quotes and excerpts from various resources relating to the esoteric significance of our moon and how lunar phases correlate with hyper dimensional attack and the matrix control system. They also confirm my own research and experiences:
-------------- “Everything living on Earth, people, animals, plants, is food for the moon. All movements, actions, and manifestations of people, animals, and plants depend upon the moon and are controlled by the moon. The mechanical part of our life depends upon the moon, is subject to the moon. If we develop in ourselves consciousness and will, and subject our mechanical life and all our mechanical manifestations to them, we shall escape the power of the moon.” - G.I. Gurdjieff
"[...] I realized Gurdjieff was being completely literal when he said we are food for the moon. Anyone who becomes aware of the lunar influence will see how people all around sway to the lunar influence like reeds to the breeze. Twice a month, what I term the “Matrix Control System” opens its maws and draws in a torrent of emotional energy from all those susceptible to the lunar influence. So what exactly is the relation between the Matrix and the moon? The archetypal correspondences were discussed earlier. As for the technical relation, I have concluded that the gravitational interaction between earth, moon, and sun causes cyclical variation in the separation between dimensions and densities. Just before and after a new or full moon, the dimensional veil is thinnest and hostile forces from other realms, including the astral and hyperdimensional realms, have an easier time penetrating into the physical plane.
The thinning of dimensional separation has two main consequences. First, as mentioned it is easier for beings to cross realm boundaries. Hostile entities require less energy to breach the realm of their targets, or stated another way, metaphysical defenses against physical and psychic violence tend to wane around such times. But on a positive side the thinning also supports personal expansion into new realms of being, thus the new moon is said to be a good time for starting new projects and manifesting intent through the principles of reality creation.
Second, because other realms become temporarily more accessible, occult practices become more effective. Invocations, psychic warfare, scrying and remote viewing are assisted during such times. This most greatly assists those darker forces who rely upon remote viewing of probable futures and psychic attacks to stalk and ambush their prey. But once again on a positive side the intuitive faculties are heightened and more technical forms of divination like scrying gain accuracy.
Concerning strictly the negative aspects of new and full moon energies, there is a qualitative difference. New moon energies tend toward implosion while full moon is characterized by energy of explosion. Whereas the new moon tends to induce oversensitivity, dissatisfaction, and depression, the full moon energies amplify overreaction, violence, and outright lunacy. It is esoteric fact that the moon rules over the imagination, and both during full moon and new moon windows the imagination is particularly prone to being misapplied, meaning misunderstandings, false suspicions, and unfounded worries increase. But whereas the new moon exacerbates introspective turmoil, full moon externalizes the trouble. [...]
It is no secret that hyperdimensional attacks, which are acts of spiritual warfare, are directed at a target’s weakest spots at the weakest moments. That is simply a matter of efficiency and logistics. Astrology is an important part of determining this timing because the realm dynamics between attacker and target are greatly influenced by celestial alignments. Different alignments impress upon a given location different spectra of vibrations which in turn resonate corresponding elements within the souls of individuals in the vicinity; the manner in which they vibrate pulls from reality a corresponding set of experiences and learning lessons. Certain vibrations correspond to learning lessons involving confrontation, violence, and attack, and it is when these vibrations are strongest for an individual that astral and hyperdimensional attackers find it easiest to fulfill their role in his experiences. A more thorough explanation can be found on my website in an article titled "Realm Dynamics". While certain lunar alignments exacerbate certain mechanical tendencies which in turn can create emotional turmoil, I have found that the moon’s primary function during such times is merely to open a window between the darker realms and this world. Whether this window of opportunity is actually utilized depends on the individual in question and whether the attackers have the necessary interest and resources. In other words, the turbulent experiences that may arise during critical lunar days are not necessarily deterministically created by the moon, rather the moon opens a window during which intelligent forces can, at their own discretion and choice of timing, initiate an episode of feeding or sabotage.
The reason I say this is because through certain means already described I can detect well in advance of a lunar influence period what plans for sabotage are already in the works. There is an active intelligence behind many of these episodes, presumably non-human as evidenced by the periodic abduction and posthypnotic programming of key individuals who will take part in the next disturbance. Or, in the days preceding a sabotage attempt coinciding with a lunar window, one will experience increased precognitive indicators like ear ringings and deja vu, respectively signifying monitoring attempts and timeline editing by hyperdimensional forces.
There are a variety of reasons why some people seem to experience the lunar influence more than others.
First, active targeting plays a large part in the worst of the trouble, those who are not targeted will not experience much trouble other than some crankiness between themselves and others.
Second, where the moon is placed in one’s natal chart (what the lunar configuration was at moment of birth) may play a role in how strongly its mechanizing influence trespasses into one’s emotional and psychological states. Different people have different natal charts and will thus be influenced to different degrees.
Third, although this is speculative, I suspect geographic latitude factors into how strongly one falls within the earth-moon energy conduit; because the moon orbits around the earth’s equator with a maximum eight degree deviation north or south, those nearer to the equator will be more deeply caught up in the gravitational line of tension between earth and moon while those in the higher latitudes might experience the lunar influence more weakly.
And fourth, the lower one’s soul frequency, the greater one’s mechanical tendencies, and the less esoterically developed one is, the greater the lunar effect. It would take fission from the base matters of the soul and fusion of the nobler qualities to gain victory over the lunar influence within oneself, and great wisdom and compassion to handle whatever disruptions may arise among others. In fact, it is toward this end that the moon can actually catalyze our progress by making us aware of our weaknesses." - from "Food for the Moon" by Tom Montalk http://montalk.net/matrix/114/food-for-the-moon ------------------
"After ten months of observation back in 2004, I concluded that moon phases and periods of hyperdimensional attack are highly correlated, enough so that one can predict them.
They tend to occur within three days of a full moon, three days of a new moon, and within one day of lunar perigee or apogee. Based on this, it sounds like the entire calendar would be filled, but that is not so because each has different intensity, and the intensity varies within the active period. For example, the third day prior and after a full moon is more conducive to trouble than the others; perigee and apogee do more to amplify these.
What do I mean by “hyperdimensional attack”? First let me say that ‘attack’ isn’t the best word since it implies victimization. Better words would be “testing” or “challenge” or “initiation” — but these can be euphemistic considering the source and intent of these “greetings” are to put targets out of commission or worse, weaken and inevitably replace/reprogram their souls into service to STS forces.
But as far as this research note is concerned, the term “hyperdimensional attack” refers to cunning operations by negative fourth/fifth density entities to pre-emptively sabotage spiritually progressive individuals and groups in 3D. This is done by attacking the weakest persons at the weakest spots at their weakest moments. These forces have at their disposal limited time travel capability, the ability to abduct and hypnotically program key individuals for later triggering, and are by nature able to foresee our future probability vectors and analyze where the necessary critical points are located.
[...] The reasons are less important than the results – I am absolutely convinced of a correlation between lunar influence and hyperdimensional interference. How do I know it’s actual interference and not just the chaos caused by natural lunar astrological factors? Because these involve clever orchestrations that are clearly set up in advance; the way they play out is too organized to be dismissed as chance.
Certain moon phases give hyper-D attackers an upper hand, but you knowing about this fact puts them in a hard spot: they can surprise you by attacking during a non-lunar day and suffer the weakened energetic conditions, or they can go ahead and attack during a lunar day but suffer complications from you expecting it.
By knowing cycles, one can become free of them. See if the moon chart correllates with anything in your life – if so, you can know what days to be extra alert. And remember, alert does not mean paranoid. As the C’s warned, paranoia will destroy ya. But what can be predicted can also be controlled. In this case, through awareness between myself and a few others, we have been able to head off one attack attempt – that was an act of using cycles and knowledge of precursors to win the battle before it began. The dark works in darkness, and shining the light of awareness into these dark paths renders them useless as sneak attack routes.
Defense involves donning protection by upping one’s emotional frequency, “creating” reality by intending that all goes well, and increasing awareness by expecting attack and knowing how to counter modes of attack. Most of this is covered in The Art of Hyperdimensional War. The rule of thumb is this: if you can guess an attack method before ‘they’ have a chance to pull it off, they will call it off and try another until the window of opportunity closes. Awareness “heads off” such possibilities before they manifest. Expect the unexpected." - from http://montalk.net/notes/moon-cycles
--------------- "‘Now we must touch upon the connection between the Moon and clairvoyancy. We must do this because one of our members has — wisely or unwisely — become involved with mediumistic groups.’
‘It is important that we set out very clearly the dangers inherent in opening the soul to such activities. It is not for me to forbid such activity. I have no power to forbid, and would relish no such power. Much as I would wish to protect you, I cannot. The best I can do is make the dangers clear to you. After that, your beliefs and your conduct remain your own.’
He looked around at our faces, as though to indicate that he had arrived at the most important point of the evening.
‘And so now we must look at an esoteric truth which touches on the very edge of what is permissible. What I have to say will be greatly disturbing for many people of modern times. It will disturb, because it is generally taken for granted that clairvoyancy, mediumship and spiritualistic activity are somehow linked with Spiritual development, and consequently of benefit to mankind.
Unfortunately, this is far from the truth. A vast amount of our modern so-called “Spiritualist” literature pertains to channelling and clairvoyancy which is far from beneficial for the development of mankind. Indeed, not to mince words, I should tell you that it is distinctly harmful.
‘I must now make a statement which will introduce you to a concept which was, until comparatively recently, one of the deepest secrets of the esoteric Schools: In some ways, the Moon is the greatest problem of esoteric lore. The Moon is not at all what it appears to be.
‘At the end of the last century an astounding revelation was made, as a result of dissent among members of secret Schools. Information, hitherto guarded jealously by the most enclosed of the inner Orders, was made public. The secrets disclosed pertained to a far deeper level of knowledge than has hitherto been made exoteric by the Schools — even in this enlightened age.’
‘Our purpose here is not to document how so deep an esoteric idea was made public — or even to assess whether it was wise for this idea to be brought out into the open. All this has been dealt with in the literature — and if any of you wish to follow this up, I will give you a few titles later.
‘In a nutshell, what was made public during this conflict in the Schools was the truth that our Moon is a sort of counterweight to another sphere, which remains invisible to ordinary vision. This counterweighted sphere is called in esoteric circles the Eighth Sphere.
‘We must be careful with these words, for, in spite of what I have just said, this region is not itself a sphere, nor is it a moon. Even to locate it behind the physical Moon is not correct, for in the Spiritual realm spaces and distances are different. The truth is that this Eighth Sphere does not pertain to anything we are familiar with on the physical plane, yet we must use words from our own vocabularies whenever we wish to denote its existence. Were we to use a word which fits most appropriately this Sphere, then we should really call it a vacuum. Certainly, vacuum is a more appropriate term than sphere, for the Eighth Sphere sucks things into its own shadowy existence.
‘This Sphere is lower in the scale of being than the Seventh Sphere (which is the Earth). It acts as a sort of demonic conduit to suck into its maws certain degenerate Spiritual forms on the Earth. It is a shadow Sphere, controlled by shadow beings. However, the fact that they are shadow beings should not lead us to demote or underestimate their capabilities and intelligence. In many respects they are more intelligent than Man, for they are not limited by the power of love, as is Mankind.
‘The operation of this Eighth Sphere is complex. Its denizens — those shadowy beings for whom it is home — wish to people their Sphere with humanity, or (more accurately) with human souls. Towards this end, it has erected what we might call terminals on the Earth: these terminals are soul-conduits, which will suck into the lower Sphere a certain form of materialized Spiritual energy that is engendered on the Earth plane. The most usual circumstances where this materialization or engendering takes place is in seances, and in other localities wherein human beings attempt to meddle — against the cosmic law — with the lower Etheric planes.’ "
- from "The Zelator" by Mark Hedsel
-------------- "The heat of the Sun warmed my skin and sank into my muscles and bones. As the fiery pulsations of light radiated from the star, I harmonized my breath, my entire existence, with its rhythm, which drew me into its furnace of cosmic comprehension. When there was no differentiation between the limits of my body-mind and the radiant matrices of solar light, I entered its labyrinth of lens-like crystalline chambers and returned to that from which I came. Quenched in this reunion, I moved beyond the Sun and found the container of my consciousness floating above it in a silence that was absolute. I drifted in a sea of potentiality. There was neither the passage of time nor the absence of its passage.
A starry display before me, I beheld the courtship of creation between the Sun and Earth. Liquid gold fractals of geometric energy formed an unremitting arid endless transmission of light-code Intelligence pulsing in orgasmic spherical waves from the Sun, generating the photonic matrix of creation, cascades of primal data rippling out to Earth's bio-spheric aura. A responsive shiver of energy emanated from Earth, an egg-like receptive embrace which integrated the electric seed impulse of the Sun's attentions, a womb from which all cosmological solar transmissions were birthed into time and space.
This sacred communion formed interference patterns of geometries that nested seamlessly, morphing, birthing ever more dense fields of manifestation. The life mandate, entering the bio-spheric membrane of Earth, descended into the crystallization of matter, translating light's subtle impulse as life forms that walk, fly and swim, clothed in fur, feather and skin... trees, flowers and shimmering wings; Earth interpreting the love from her Sun as the living poetry of form and feeling, color and sound. Into the ratio of this symbiotic relationship was the peripheral but essential influence of other planets through whose presence within this solar system the symbiosis of evolution was coded. It was then that I felt the discordance.
It reminded me of every negative response, thought or feeling that I had ever experienced within the scope of my life as a Human. I felt from behind me in the shadows of space, a transmission; a contorted mutant influence. Its invasive presence permeated the sacred communion I had witnessed, downgrading the resonant tantric harmonic created by the two potencies of creation transmitted and received by Earth and Sun to that of a lesser frequency, disrupting the sacred order of evolutionary embryogenesis, and instead, birthing a deformed fetal paradigm, creating a field of diffracted frequency around the planet in which all living units of circuitry collectively transmitted the electromagnetic consensus of a mortal realm, a cocoon of belief in which the dormant immortality of Humanity never finds its wings, but dies over and over again. I understood that this imposter within our solar system has brought death to Earth, showing only one face, keeping its dark side in the shadows. Its ultra-magnetic field instigates the dualistic infrastructure of conflict that has, in the living memory of Humanity, torn the world apart. It stabilizes the genetic mutation of the divine blueprint of all life forms on Earth, perpetiiating the disconnection of core circuitry that would allow for the reciprocal communion of life with the Source of its Creation.
This congenital disconnection has spawned a devastating spiritual chasm to be filled with innumerable erroneous concepts of God, creating a deeply rooted mycelium of deception in the Human psyche. The transmission of this synthetic and heartless presence never misses a beat, but transmits its mutant message relentlessly and remorselessly in the disease, suffering and death it has catalyzed since it was placed within Earth's orbit. It is the grand deceiver in the sky. It is our moon." - Juliet J. Carter, Worldbridger
--------------- "The Moon is... * An object that, when it is in 'full bloom', creates the need for police and ambulance services to increase the number of 'on duty' personnel due to the massive upsurge in violent and destructive behaviour that occurs;
* An object that has caused indigenous cultures around the world to create special ceremonies for its presence - not to celebrate it, but to protect themselves from its dark influence;
* An object that is so not a part of of this planet's natural history that civilizations around the world have recorded, both in written and oral traditions, "a time before" its arrival here, and that it was drawn into Earth's orbit by 'the chariots in the sky';
* An object whose origins have been extensively-theorized about by mainstream researchers, only to have all three of the most prominent ones completely fail to find even a smidgen of scientific consensus;
* An object that is far too large, too close and too light for a planet of Earth's size, with an unlikely orbiting rotation - to say nothing of the fact that a planet like Earth (which possesses a weak gravitational field) shouldn't even draw in a moon-satellite to begin with;
* An object whose unnatural distance from the Earth's surface just so happens to perfectly eclipse the Sun (our planet's source of life-giving photonic information) - not just once or twice a year, but on a daily basis;
* An object that NASA (through observing asteroid and other missile impacts on the moon's surface) has discovered is a hollowed-out ("inside-out") structure that seems to possess metallic ('ringing') qualities;
* An object that only shows the planet one face, instead of rotating like naturally-occuring orbiting satellites do;
* An object that, if anything, prevents the Earth's inhabitants (plant, mineral, insect, animal, mammal) from fully-receiving, absorbing, translating, and utilizing the entire spectrum of the Sun's frequencies - acting an energetic 'firewall';
* An object that keeps the the Earth's orbits around the sun in an elliptical orbit - the same kind of orbit that it has around the Earth - which leads to the infamous 'wobble' and subsequent Milankovitch cycles which have caused massive upheavals with regard to planetary climate events such as the last Ice Age;
... so I'm being told that this object, this false satellite, this un-natural invader, this manipulator of consciousness, is somehow connected in any way to Gaia's innate wisdom and beauty, that it is somehow an avatar/symbol of feminine/goddess energy (gotta love patriarchy!), that its influence over the female reproductive cycle is a natural and positive event, that it is a synergistic aspect of our planet's holistic biosphere to which we might offer up intentions and prayers of manifestation, that it is somehow a part of our lives that is to be worshiped or appreciated in a way that gives it power and influence?
Sorry folks, but that strikes me as the very definition of....(wait for it)...Lunacy. *drops mic, walks off stage*"
- Tim McClew
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Austin Kingsley: Star Prodigy — Episode 1, “Saving Alexandria,” Part 5
Sept. 8, 1987.
The first day of school.
“Your dad seems like a really great guy,” Mitzi Klingfeld smiled sadly, as she dabbed discreetly at her mascara-lined eyes with a tissue from the office desk Austin Kingsley had unearthed and proceeded to partly stock up for her at the Bookhouse.
“Both my parents were good people,” Austin agreed briskly, as he loaded the desk with both heavy bound volumes, complete with clasp locks, and string-tied loose-leaf binders, so overstuffed and barely organized their pages threatened to spill out.
“It's okay to cry, you know,” Mitzi sniffled and chuckled all at once, with a mix of gentle chiding and encouragement. “I didn't even know the guy, and I've been bawling my eyes out over here.”
“You actually sound like my father right now,” Austin sighed, offering her a tired smile of his own. “He used to tell me the same thing. And I absolutely agree; there is no shame whatsoever in shedding tears, if it helps heal your hurts. The problem is, it doesn't do anything for me.”
Mitzi blinked with disbelief. “So, you're telling me you've never cried?”
“I didn't say that,” Austin rushed to correct her. “What I am trying to say … is that I haven't cried since my mother died, when I was 13 years old.”
Mitzi gaped at this admission. “But … I mean … what happened?” was all she could think to ask.
“She was conducting covert scientific research of some kind,” Austin threw himself into unfastening the supple leather covers, and spreading open the wrinkled handwritten pages, “right here in the Bookhouse. It was dangerous enough that she didn't even tell my father, probably because she knew he'd plead with her to stop, for safety's sake alone. And … there was an explosion. A pretty big one. You can still see some stray scorch marks, on exposed sections of the concrete.”
Mitzi squeezed his shoulder. “I'm sorry.”
Austin squinted quizzically at her. “Why? It wasn't your fault.” He shook his head, as if to clear it. “Anyway, I must have cried for something like three days after she died, but once I finally got to the point where my body literally could not sustain the physical effort of crying any longer, I realized that my mother was still just as dead, and I still felt just as badly about that fact.”
“So, you really haven't cried, in all the years since?” Mitzi fixed him with a pitying gaze.
Austin's brow furrowed in confusion at her reaction. “If it doesn't bring back who or what I've lost, and it doesn't even make me feel better, then please tell me, what exactly is the point of the exercise?”
Mitzi's jaw dropped, but she nonetheless managed to hold herself back from passionately hashing out the issue on the spot. “To be continued,” she instead declared firmly, shutting her eyes tight as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Moving on to more productive topics, you and your dad called it the Star Point Portal. Does that mean that he got, like … whoosh, transported into outer space?”
“To another planet, you mean?” Austin checked, before shrugging and settling on a grudging nod, as he pored over the sea of text laid out before him. “That's my leading theory, albeit mostly by default. He made a handful of scattered notations about what he termed an 'Otherworld,' in quotation marks, possibly named Thel … or Quadris, or Aurica, or Eldebran … maybe even Aetheria,” he pointed to different pages for each one, “but even those are ambiguous about whether it's simply another world, or possibly even in a different dimension —”
“How are you not able to narrow down your search any further than that?” Mitzi's exasperation at last overwhelmed her patience. “With all these books in front of you —”
“In case you hadn't noticed, we left the realm of legitimate archaeology behind a while ago,” Austin countered, with a measure of peevishness to match her own. “We're now squarely within the realm of myths and legends. Any remotely credible accounts concerning the Star Point Portal simply state, straight out, that it cannot, does not and should not exist.” His shoulders slumped. “Besides, my father's notes don't tell me anything he didn't already tell me himself. There's speculation that the Star Point Portal enables not only interstellar travel, but could also allow entry into alternate timelines, perhaps even parallel universes.”
“The ancient Egyptians couldn't have built something that sophisticated, could they?” Mitzi guessed.
“The ancient Egyptians were perfectly capable of building the pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza all on their own, without any extraterrestrial intervention,” Austin assessed, “and indeed, I'd suggest that's precisely why they were contacted, but no, something as advanced as the Star Point Portal was well beyond their grasp.”
Mitzi wheeled the nearest whiteboard next to the desk, flipped it over to its blank side, and started scribbling notes of her own on it with a dry-erase marker. “So, this Star Point Portal … beams your dad up to 'Otherworld,' maybe?” she collected her thoughts, more for her benefit than his, as the words she wrote mirrored those she muttered aloud. “Another planet, or different dimension … question mark?”
“What is this, that you're doing here?” Austin wondered, echoing her earlier question to him.
Mitzi rolled her eyes, without slowing her cursive loops. “You're so much like my daughter, it kills me. You're both geniuses, but neither one of you has got common sense enough to keep all those details straight in your heads by diagramming them out. At least she has the excuse of still being a kid.”
As Mitzi's felt-tip pen squeaked out the words, “Star Point Portal built by … WHO?”, Austin took up an eraser pad and a magic marker of his own, to replace the word “WHO?” with “Ancient Astronauts.”
“Aliens?” Mitzi asked aloud, as she wrote the word at the end of the whiteboard sentence, complete with question mark.
Austin recapped his pen, and raised his hands in helpless resignation. “Again, that'd be my best-guess hypothesis, but … my father always referred to them as Ancient Astronauts, and regardless of whomever or whatever they were, I tend to agree with my father, that they were drawn to Earth by the intelligence that the ancient Egyptians demonstrated, through the peerless precision of their architecture.”
“Okay, so, the Ancient Astronauts built the Star Point Portal, which they left behind with the ancient Egyptians,” Mitzi summed up, drawing an arrow from “Ancient Astronauts” to “Ancient Egyptians” on the whiteboard, “and when you and your dad dug it back up last month, the Star Point Portal zapped your dad into … parts unknown,” she circled a trio of question marks, reading “???” on the board.
“That's … about the size of it, yes,” Austin ran his hands through his hair, until his fingers interlaced at the back of his neck.
After Mitzi had replaced her own marker on the whiteboard tray, she stopped short, struck by a sudden thought. “Oh my God,” she gasped, her hands rushing up to her mouth, “you had to come back home without your dad, and then try to explain to everyone what had happened. You couldn't tell anyone the truth, because nobody would have believed a sci-fi story like that —”
“And even the least discerning ones among them could easily tell that the explanations I was supplying were far from the truth,” Austin flashed a rueful smirk. “I'm not an especially gifted liar, so my obvious dissembling, about my suspiciously missing father, gave the Van Dorens all the justification they needed, to argue that the Athenæum would be in better hands with their family steering its course.”
Austin wandered back to the desk, planted his hands on the desktop, and stared down wearily at the piles of pages that covered its surface. “Five pyramid-shaped segments, which come together to form the five-pointed star at the heart of the Star Point Portal,” he repeated his father's words, before pushing himself away from the desk. “I've tried opening the Ouroboros on my own, hooking myself up to it, like I was jump-starting a car battery, but without that key … even with me and my father working together, it took us forever to find the hidden entrance to the Hall of Records beneath the Sphinx. The window of the Harmonic Convergence had nearly closed by the time I finally located the Ouroboros.”
Mitzi snorted mirthlessly. “And here I thought the Harmonic Convergence was just another Woodstock, for New Age gurus to wave their cleansing crystals over each other.”
“My parents tried to explain Woodstock to me,” Austin rubbed his bleary eyes, “but I suspect it's the sort of historic event that only makes sense if you've lived through it.”
“Oh, honey, you're so young,” Mitzi couldn't resist giggling. “Speaking as someone who was actually old enough to have lived through it, it never made any sense to me, then or now.”
Austin cocked his head curiously to one side. “How old are you?”
Mitzi slapped his shoulder, hard. “RUDE! You don't ask a lady her age! How would you like it if I asked you YOUR age?”
“I'm 24,” Austin responded by reflex.
“Yeah, well, I'm thirty-niii — I mean, what I meant to say was, I'm … almost 30, so I'm, like … 29?” Mitzi ventured tentatively, after her initial series of stumbles.
Austin narrowed his eyes skeptically. “Hm. That'd make you the same age as Nora, then. Funny; you seem younger than her.”
“Oh, really?” Mitzi resisted the impulse to preen, biting her lower lip to keep from beaming openly, even as her attempt at pursing her lips broke into a huge, goofy grin that spread all across her face.
“Are you okay?” Austin asked, out of what sounded like equal amounts of clinically scientific curiosity and earnest concern for her welfare. “You appear to be … blushing —”
“No, yeah, sorry,” Mitzi cleared her throat and inhaled sharply, straightening herself up and crossing her arms over her broad chest in mild embarrassment. “So, what I'm hearing is, you're gonna have to hunt down all five of these ancient artifact thingamajigs, and that's gonna take some time.” Here, she adopted the same professional tone to which she'd been subjected by so many workplace motivational speakers. “So, in the meantime, as long as you're gonna be spending all that time searching anyway, why not make that time work for you?”
Now Austin was finally, fully lost. “I … am not sure that I follow.”
Mitzi slid her smaller hand into his gentle grip, and led him out onto an open space on the concrete floor. “Austin, you can literally spin planets out of pennies,” she laughed, raising his arm so she could twirl in place while still holding his hand. She then grabbed both his hands, and tugged him closer to her. “Have you even bothered to try and figure out how many other powers you might have?”
Austin's expression grew more confident, as he was able to return to more comfortably familiar footing. “Actually, I've been using an updated version of my father's old Quest Tracker computer, to keep track of all the abilities I seem to have manifested so far,” he pointed to the large upright metal ring, taking the lead in their dance by tugging Mitzi with him, while he took a few steps toward the assembly, until he was near enough to scoop up the Ouroboros from the floor.
Mitzi tested the granular texture of the carved stone relic with her fingertips, jerking her hand away when its neon yellow light trails pulsed in response. “So, when this whatsit opened, during the Harmonic Convergence, it basically bathed you in, like, cosmic rays?”
“That's about as accurate an explanation as any I've been able to come up with,” Austin admitted, with a self-effacing grin. “You're not a half-bad scientist, Mitzi Klingfeld.”
“You really do mean that, don't you?” Mitzi brushed his floppy bangs back from his eyes, momentarily taken aback by the sincerity of his compliment. “It's not just a line, or a come-on.”
Austin winced apologetically. “I recognize those are probably idiomatic phrases, but … I can't parse their meanings from the context provided.”
Mitzi patted Austin's cheek. “Never mind. It doesn't matter. What does matter, Mister Kingsley,” she took hold of his wrist, and lifted his arm to bring the Ouroboros to eye-level between them, “is what you learned about your powers, through your mad science experiments. So spill.”
Austin took a deep breath. “In simplest terms, it appears my exposure to the extraterrestrial energies released by the Star Point Portal … has altered my relationships with matter and energy,” he struggled to summarize his findings, as Mitzi spotted the pattern behind his fidgety habit of tapping each of his fingertips, twice in a row, against the flat of his thumb, in a repeating sequence. “It's … difficult to get much more specific than that, except to point out how the potential applications of such powers are obviously profound, even if my current capacity to tap into those powers seems severely limited. Because unfortunately, this,” here, he briefly waved the Ouroboros, the wrist-twisting gesture reminding Mitzi of a tambourine player, “didn't come with an instruction manual.”
“But even if you didn't have bona fide superpowers, which you do, you've got some seriously super skills and gifts, that you could already be using to do good,” Mitzi began to list them, ticking them off on her fingers, one by one. “You're brilliant, you're rich … I mean, even after the hostile takeover of your family's company, I'm guessing you're still loaded, yeah?”
“I have an inheritance that's independent of the Athenæum,” Austin confirmed. “I have absolutely no idea what its financial value amounts to, but my parents assured me it would pay for the Bookhouse's rent, utilities and any future permutation of telecommunications fees into perpetuity.”
“In other words, you're so rich, you can actually afford to not even know how much money you do have,” Mitzi marveled, her tone wavering between scorn and admiration. “Plus, you're mourning the loss of your parents, and you've got an honest-to-God secret lair. You're basically Bruce Wayne, before he picked out a costume and a cool car.”
Austin hesitated to reveal even more of his ignorance to Mitzi, but his next question was unavoidable. “Who is Bruce Wayne?”
Mitzi clutched her temples, to fend off the stress headache she felt coming on. “Okay. Let's try this instead; if you had the power to do anything you wanted — and after you used that power to bring back your dad, because of course, that's a given, I totally get that — what would you do?”
“Well, for a start, I wouldn't waste that level of power on a task that I'll be able to accomplish without it,” Austin scoffed. “My father trusted me to track down and reassemble the pieces of the key to the Star Point Portal. It'll happen. As you said, I just have to put in the work in the meantime.” He paused, and a dawning realization crept across his face. “But if I could travel back in time … I could use those powers for saving Alexandria.”
Mitzi caressed his cheek. “Oh, honey … was Alexandria your mom?”
“What? No,” Austin unwittingly disregarded her empathy. “The Royal Library of Alexandria, founded probably not long after the start of the Ptolemaic dynasty in Egypt, circa 3rd Century B.C.”
The way Mitzi set her jaw would have been recognized by any of her exes as a warning sign. “So, what you're telling me is, if you could do anything you wanted, you would use that power … to bring back a library?”
“Not just A library,” Austin enthused, “THE library. The library against which all other libraries in history have been judged. For more than two centuries, about the same age that the United States of America is now, the Library of Alexandria served as a repository for all the knowledge in the world, that had been recorded at that time. To this day, we're still relearning discoveries that were already made millennia ago, and then lost when the library was destroyed by the fires of Roman armies. If those insights could have been preserved and carried forward, human civilization could have had a two-thousand-year head start on where we are now.”
“And what about where we are now?” Mitzi shot back. “What about the real world, outside this warehouse, the way it is right now? You and your dad spent so much time digging in the dirt, it's like all you know how to do without him is just … bury yourself in the past.”
“That's not what this is,” Austin denied, as he set the Ouroboros down delicately among the aged pages on the desk, causing them to crinkle like autumn leaves. “You're acting like I've lived my whole life in the Bookhouse, when I've been traveling around the world with my parents since before I could even walk.”
On a shelf next to the desk, Austin spied a child-sized globe that seemed familiar to him. Even before he fetched it, and ran his fingers over the multitude of red pins stuck into its soft cork surface, Mitzi had gathered that each pin marked a spot where he'd stopped on his travels. “I was 9 years old when I climbed up the side of the Great Pyramid of Giza. I've bedded down in the Sahara desert with roaming Bedouins, and foraged for food alongside otherwise isolated tribes in the Amazon rainforest. I've long since lost track of how many languages I've learned, and how many different cultures I've encountered firsthand.”
“And in all that time, you never saw something that you thought needed fixing?” Mitzi pleaded.
“It's too complex!” Austin threw his hands in the air. “The more I learn — about the world, about other people — the less I understand. I'm not qualified to diagnose what ails modern human civilization.”
Mitzi stroked his forehead soothingly, as she prized the globe from his grasp, to place it on the desk. “Austin, you don't have to solve all the world's problems at once, you know. It's not like I'd have the first clue how to tackle the big picture, so … let's start small. How about helping out the city?”
“Why this city in particular?” Austin inquired, more intrigued than dismissive of her suggestion.
“Why not?” Mitzi swept her arms out expansively. “It's where we both rest our heads at night, isn't it? Besides, there are people out there who are homeless, and hungry. And if you live in the big city, you're always at risk, of getting robbed, or shot, or worse. Imagine what could happen, if this city had its own superhero?”
“I have to tell you, I don't think I know a single thing about this city,” Austin freely confessed, feeling steadily less embarrassed by the gaps in his knowledge, and instead, increasingly eager to delve into new discoveries.
“Well, I may not be the highfalutin academic that you are, Mister Kingsley,” Mitzi's lips curled into a mischievous smirk, “but there was one subject in school I always excelled at, that I think you could learn some lessons from.”
“Which is?”
“Field trips.”
#Austin Kingsley: Star Prodigy#Austin Kingsley#Star Prodigy#Mitzi Klingfeld#Charlemagne Kingsley#Hypatia Germain Kingsley#Nora Van Doren#Beatrix Klingfeld#Bookhouse#Athenæum#Q-T#Quest Tracker#Ancient Astronauts#Star Point Portal#Ouroboros#Harmonic Convergence#Saving Alexandria
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(Dreamswap) That time Dream bought ownership of Taco Bell
I’ve been wanting to finish and post this for a long time. Finally, I got it to a point where I could.
(Cross hurtles into the living room in a panic. Despite his concern, Nightmare and Error ignore him and continue playing whatever video game they’re playing.)
Cross: GUYS
Error: Geez, calm the -heck- down.
Nightmare: Excuse us for being in the middle of something here.
Nightmare: 'Specially when most of the time you say stuff like this you--
Cross: Ohhh nononono. This is a catastrophe, and you will momentarily be JUST as panicked as me.
Nightmare: WHAT?!
(Nightmare throws his controller onto the couch and stands up.)
Nightmare: NO.
Cross: Ohhh I am being DEAD serious! Dead serious in my copious amount of FRICK NO!
Nightmare: I'm gonna fricking sue my brother! This is going to COURT!
Nightmare: WHERE'S MY LAWYER?!
Cross: I think I'm the closest thing you have to a lawyer.
(Nightmare takes out his phone and calls his brother.)
Dream: Hello?
(Dream hangs up. Nightmare immediately redials.)
Dream: How did you even get my cell number.
Dream: This is my PRIVATE PHONE.
Dream: What does that even mean?!
Dream: Oh. Right. That. You're literally the only person this is inconveniencing.
Dream: Because last I checked, me buying this company was allowing it to spread to desired locations where unfortunate people who don't have Taco Bells live.
Nightmare: What the hell are you even doing?! You're not a freaking corporation, you're practically a CULT!
Dream: I don't control my followers.
Dream: Why am I still on the phone with you?
(Dream hangs up.)
Nightmare: gggGGGGRRRR!! I can't fricking believe this!
Nightmare: If Dream owns the business, we won't be able to order food from there anymore! Or even GO there!
Nightmare: Spreading it to new places my ass! He's doing this on PURPOSE just to find our location!
Nightmare: We have GOT TO FIX THIS
Error: Nightmare, um...
Error: As awful as this event is, I don't think there's anything we can actually do.
Error: This is business, and there are three of us.
Error: Also--
Nightmare: WHAT
Error: You don't suppose the closest Taco Bell stayed under the same management, do you?
Error: Because, uh.
Error: They know where we live.
Error: And if Dream is running the corporation now--
Nightmare: Nonononono, it would have to be all right. Plans are HITTING ME. If they know that we're some of their best customers, they wouldn't want to turn us in!
Cross: oh god dude, if they figure out where we live, do we have to move?
Cross: But--I like this house so much--
Nightmare: CALM. We aren't moving ANYWHERE!
(The doorbell rings.)
(Nightmare peeks through the curtains of a window to see a Justice Reigns van pulled up outside and a number of officers in front of the door.)
Error: Iiiiiit's Justice Reigns, isn't it.
Nightmare: fricking crap
Nightmare: Cross, shut up! We're gonna get through this!
Nightmare: We just need to briefly evacuate!
Cross: But they'll be waiting for us when we get--
Nightmare: That's why we formulate a plan!
(He scribbles something down on a piece of paper and leaves it on the table.)
Nightmare: Error, we need a portal. We need to hide in the anti-void for a while.
Error: W-what? Why do we have to hide there?! Y-you know I--
Nightmare: That’s our only option! It's the only place they--
Nightmare: ERROR!
Error: F-fine--!
(Error opens a portal into the anti-void, his hand shaking. Nightmare and Cross jump into it immediately, and Error looks back for a moment, concern on his face, as the slams on the door get louder.)
Nightmare: ERROR! COME ON!
(Error squeezes his eyes shut and jumps through the portal, closing it behind him.)
Error: … so…
Error: Why did we have to hide here…
(He doesn’t open his eyes. He lets out a shaky exhale, rubbing his arms.)
Nightmare: This is the only place aside from our house that they can’t track us that we can immediately access. They don’t know it exists, either.
Cross: So… what’s the plan…
(Cross is looking pretty distraught as well.)
Nightmare: I left a note on the table that said that we already escaped.
Nightmare: We just… all right… um…
(Nightmare’s hesitance only creates a stronger atmosphere of hopelessness.)
Nightmare: No. I know what to do.
Nightmare: We just…
Nightmare: … have to knock out all the people that broke into the house…
Nightmare: No wait. We just have to find the core kid.
Nightmare: They can change the coding of our pocket dimension and Dream will lose us. It’ll be like getting a new address!
Nightmare: Simultaneously, we’ll have to get rid of all the JR guards in the house, and smash all their equipment so they can’t track us. If you aren’t fast enough, they might have a chance to call for backup.
(Cross’s brow furrows, and he summons his sword.)
Cross: Leave that to me.
Nightmare: Error.
(Error jumps.)
Nightmare: You’ll help him, won’t you?
Nightmare: I’ll track down Core Frisk.
Error: … By yourself?
Error: N-Nightmare, this is one kid and one you in the entire multiverse.
(Nightmare smiles.)
Nightmare: Don’t worry. I know the location of the Omega Timeline.
Error: What?! Seriously?! How?!
Nightmare: I have my ways.
Nightmare: You two ready to go back?
Nightmare: Don’t teleport straight into the house.
(Cross lets out a laugh, grinning.)
Cross: Yes sir.
(He imitates the Justice Reigns salute.)
(Nightmare scoffs as Error opens up another portal back to their house.)
Nightmare: Oh, and?
Nightmare: Try not to kill anyone.
Cross: I can’t make any promises.
Error: Dude…
(Nightmare makes a face.)
Cross: … yeah yeah, fine.
(Cross walks through the portal and Error follows him. The portal closes, leaving Nightmare in the infinite white void.)
Nightmare: … well, here we go.
(He summons his staff and cuts open a dimensional rift.)
#don't ask what the justice reigns salute is#because I have no idea#any suggestions?#dreamswap#ds nightmare#ds cross#ds error#ds dream#dreamswap stories
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Just Passing Through
A crossover fic of @theneonflower‘s Years Later AU and @azurathemagician‘s Small Plum AU!
Word Count: 1,388 | Read Time: ~ 6 Minutes
“I cannot believe this!” Edlyn threw up their arms, cursing at the sky. “Of all the stupid, idiotic, reckless things you could’ve done, you opened up an inter-dementional space-time portal and got us blasted to Abyss knows where!”
Their face was so red from yelling it was becoming hard to see the freckles peppered across their cheeks and nose. “I was here for moral support, because I thought this was just going to be a simple astrology spell, and now look where you’ve landed us!”
“Where did we land?” Allisandra asked, removing her orange eyes from the pacing non-binary to glance around. This was... Luna Nova, but the air felt different, unsettlingly so. Almost as if they didn’t belong there. “Do you... feel that?”
“Soul shattering regret? Because I feel that every time we have to leave Seraphine alone. Can you imagine how she’s going to feel knowing we’re gone? She’s going to be devastated!”
Seraphine was flipping pages in one of her tomes, trying to find the answer to one of her homework assignments when she felt a sneeze coming on. She thumbed her place and half closed the book while she leaned away, nostrils revving up to expel air in a cute, kitten-like sneeze. “Huh... Must be the dust...” she mused to herself before continuing to read, grateful for the peace and quiet of having the room to herself.
“I’m sure she’s fine. And besides, I think we can replicate it easy enough. We just need to find the right spellbook and we’ll get back to our timeline.” Allisandra patted Edlyn’s shoulder. “Come on, Big Guy. You really don’t wanna go exploring time and space?”
“I-I...” Edlyn frowned, finding themselves unable to protest. “I guess now that you put it like that, it is a cool, once in a lifetime thing... Who knows, maybe this place has something that could be useful on our quest to help Sera unlock the powers of the Claiomh Solais.”
“Exactly~” sang Allisandra as she hooked her arm around Edlyn’s neck. “Besides, there could be cool inter-dimensional plants that are unrecorded in our universe.”
Edlyn’s eyes sparkled and they sighed happily.“You had me at inter-dimensional plants.” Suddenly the non-binary noticed someone in the distance, a dirty-blonde girl with a Luna Nova uniform. Edlyn squinted at the figure, trying to decide something. “Is their sash color...”
“The same as ours?” Allisandra tilted her head.
“No, it’s... definitely a different shade of purple. Ours is... more magenta? Yeah.”
Allisandra shrugged. “Either way, let’s see if she can’t help us out a bit.”
“Yeah!” Edlyn rushed off, almost too eager to interact with someone from a different time and place. Allisandra blinked away her initial surprise before she chased after Edlyn full force.
“H-hey, Eddy! Wait for meeeee~”
Ume had been on her way to class when she heard the shouting coming from across the courtyard, voices entirely unfamiliar to her to match the strangers off in the distance that were drawing near at an alarming rate. “U-uh?” She blinked, unsure how to react. Were they new students? Wait- were they wearing almost the exact same sash color? Copy Cats...
“Excuse me!” Edlyn bounded over with the energy of a puppy in a dog park. “Hi, yes, my friend and I were wondering if you could help us? We seem to have- erm- gotten a bit lost.”
“O-oh, sure!” Ume scratched the back of her head. “Happens all the time. Our school is pretty big. Are you two new?”
“Oh- well-” Edlyn glanced back at Allisandra for confirmation.
“We’re not from around here,” Allisandra said, shrugging. “Eddy and I are--”
“We’re from another dimension--” Edlyn cut in, sweating nervously.
“Edlyn!” Allisandra elbowed her team mate. “Not cool. You can’t just tell people that! What if that opened up some sort of space-time riff and we all got sucked in?”
“Sorry...” Edlyn frowned. “But she deserves to know the truth if she’s going to help us--”
“I-I’m sorry. Space-time? Who are you?” Ume blinked, brows creasing with stern confusion.
“Oh- right. Introductions. I almost forgot.” Edlyn bowed. “The name’s Edlyn Valiente but you can just call me Eddy. I use they/them pronouns.”
“Allisandra Machi,” Alli crossed her arms, not nearly as fanciful as Edlyn had been. “I opened A Ley Line to this world by mistake and now we need to open another one and get back.”
Ume nodded slowly, trying to take it all in. “Well I’m Ume. Ume Kagari-Cavendish... It’s nice to meet you both,” she curtsied.
“Wait-” Edlyn’s eyes went wide. “Cavendish like Headmistress Cavendish? I thought she and Professor--”
Allisandra put a hand over Eddy’s mouth. “Just because they didn’t have kids in our universe and practically adopted Seraphine doesn’t mean they can’t have kids in this one. That’s what makes it alternate, Eddy.”
Seraphine sneezed once more, having to quickly hold the book over her head while she did so. Perhaps it would be best to move on to a new book since this was the third time she’d sneezed while holding it. “I guess the universe is trying to tell me something...”
“Woah woah, wait- We’re seriously not going to discuss the differences between our worlds? I wanna know what my moms are like!” Ume said, crossing her arms.
“Look- that’s unimportant. We need to find out if there’s a way for us to return home,” Allisandra sighed. “Besides, we have other obligations waiting for us.”
“Yeah!” Edlyn said, parental instincts kicking in. “Though if we can get back and forth safely, maybe that means we can come visit more, or bring you over to our world, go on cool adventures together--” Edlyn’s eyes lit up and they turned to Allisandra with a grin. “Next time, maybe, we should bring Seraphine along...”
Seraphine had just opened up another book when she sneezed hard core into the title page. “Oh, come on!” She tossed the book aside and laid back on her bed, groaning. “I wonder what Alli and Eddy are up to,” She mumbled, glancing at the door expectantly.
“Okay, so you’re probably going to want to hit up the library and look at Astrology books right?” Ume smiled. “I can take you there and hopefully keep you out of trouble. Though that’s not so easily avoided with me.”
“Us neither,” Allisandra agreed, hands behind her head as she walked.
Edlyn skipped happily through the halls, only stopping every so often to encourage the other two along. “Come on, slowpokes!”
When Edlyn and Allisandra arrived in the library with Ume, they were surprised to find very little differences between the one they knew and the one before them. “Woah...” Edlyn walked through, “Even the layout’s the same...” The only minor difference is that there was no enormous shelf full of “Valiente’s Volumes of Herbology” which made Edlyn fairly disappointed.
“Maybe we don’t exist in this timeline,” Allisandra tried to reassure her friend, giving them a pat on the shoulder.
“Maybe,” Edlyn sighed, sinking into a chair with a pout. “Still would’ve been cool.”
“Oh, hey! I found it, guys!” Ume called out, pulling a book from the shelf. “Space, Time, and Leylines. Everything you need to know on navigation.”
Allisandra quickly rushed to grab the book from Ume’s hands. “Mi Amiga~ Gracias~” She planted a kiss on Ume’s cheek, causing them to turn scarlet.
“Now we just need to return to the field and open up a portal.” Edlyn stood up. “Though it’ll be sad to leave you behind Ume. You’ve been such a help.”
“It’s okay,” Ume smiled softly. “I have a feeling you’ll be back.”
“Where have you been?” Seraphine asked, watching Allisandra faceplant into her bed like she had no energy left in her. Edlyn had rushed from the doorway to Seraphine’s side to hug onto her.
“You have no idea, it was so weird. We were in a whole ‘nother dimension!”
“Literally?” Seraphine asked, raising a brow and gently pushing Edlyn off of her.
“Literally,” grumbled Allisandra, voice muffled in the sheets.
Seraphine sighed. “I can’t leave you two alone for a second, can I?”
“Hey- hypothetically, we left you alone, which I was really upset about,” Edlyn pouted. “Speaking of which, how was your afternoon?”
Seraphine shrugged. “Quiet. Dusty.”
Edlyn’s eyes sparkled. “Just like the library?”
Seraphine smiled softly. “Yeah, just like the library...”
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What's the Two Looker theory?
the tldr version is that there are currently two lookers existing in the same universe, and that its going to be very relevant very soon.
but of course, that shortened version is worthless, because who would believe that without enthusiastic and lengthy elaboration? GET YOUR SEATBELTS ON CAUSE ITS TIME TO TALK POKEMON THEORY
(spoiler warning for sumo postgame ahead! also, seriously, you might want to go get a snack or something. this is long. really long.)
first up: you gotta know that gens 1-5 (and the remakes in those gens) are all in a separate but similar universe to the one in gen 6 and beyond. for convenience, ill call the first universe uni a and the second one uni b.
(fyi most people refer to uni b as megaverse, but i want the names to match and nonmegaverse doesnt really... roll off the tongue quite as well, so,)
so you might be wondering what the fuck that means and how we know its true; to answer this we need to take a quick look at pokemons current timeline!
im unsure on which one of them came before the other in the timeline, but xy and oras both happen chronologically before sun and moon do. we know this because of dexio and sina appearing with the zygarde and mega evolution stuff, and wally appears at the battle tree as an older and more experienced trainer.
these are canon, however for right now its mostly just hypothesis that chronologically speaking, after alola its sinnoh. the pkmn breeders from alola look IDENTICAL to the cowgirls/farmers from sinnoh, which doesnt seem to prove much about the order of things but it doesnt disprove anything either; its more like retrospective icing on the cake, since ill be explaining why i think this will be the timeline later on.
so, keep the idea of sinnoh coming after alola in mind. its also important to consider the idea of mega evolution as not just a game mechanic but an important plot point! basically, universe a has no mega evolution, while universe b does, and the differences in the plot between rse and oras are NOT retcons; theyre entirely different universes!
that might not look like it makes much sense on its own (without elaboration or if youre still attached to the belief that mega evo is JUST a game mechanic and not plot relevant or an indicator of anything) but its important to mention now, since as i explain more itll hopefully make more and more sense.
believing this theory means you have to think about it like this, so while this isnt completely canon yet, its necessary to treat it like it is until you fully understand what this theory is all about and why it would make sense. if youre not convinced afterwards, then so be it! ... i mean, i dont understand how you WOULDNT be totally on board with this, but im not you and maybe youre not quite nearly as into spacetime shenanigans as i am.
now we head into sumos postgame stuff with the interpol! during this, we learn that there are people known as “fallers” that “fell” into a universe from another parallel universe through a mysterious portal, and seem to have lost most if not all of their memories. fallers attract ultra beasts, as the ubs believe they can somehow get home using them, sensing that this person is also not from this universe.
looker explains that he was once sent on a mission to detain/kill an ultra beast. his team included a faller, who was unwittingly being used as bait for the ultra beast. looker felt pity for the ub and neglected to kill it, unfortunately giving the ub a chance to kill the faller, which it promptly took.
then its revealed that anabel is a faller, who was found washed up on a beach muttering something about protecting the battle tower, which is where you could find her in rse.
but see, the battle tower doesnt exist in oras, instead replaced by the battle resort, and you do not meet anabel at any point in oras. the battle resort is also where you meet an amnesiac looker, muttering about a mission, speaking in a peculiar way, which is noticeably different to the way he speaks in xy and sumo. he did not make an appearance in rse, this isnt just reused dialogue.
lets put looker aside for a moment though and focus on anabel. while theres a possibility that right now there are two anabels, it seems that she and the battle tower never existed in this universe... but mega evolution does. the anabel we see in rse is the same as the one in sumo; she crossed over from uni a into uni b.
now, lets look at some facts here!
in platinum, bw and oras, looker has a... peculiar speech pattern. if you look up his quotes on bulbapedia, youll see what i mean; its very noticeable.
... looker completely lacks that specific quirk in xy and sumo. hes goofy, yes, but its nowhere near the same. its important to note that oras happens between xy and sumo, and again, that looker didnt show up in rse and that dialogue is completely new. the differences in these speaking patterns are not mistakes. they are fully intentional.
next up: lets crush a few doubts about this theory you might be having right now!
“this is a kids game! surely this is WAY too convoluted. pokemon isnt that deep, they wouldnt bother with a plot this complicated.” wrong. nope. incorrect. buddy, did you play sumo or any gen 5 game? i can only assume you havent, cause not only were the plots in those games the most detailed and involved and emotional, they were BY FAR the best. additionally, kids are a lot smarter than youd think, and i also not only know theyre going to explain everything, i know HOW theyll do it; but i digress.
“youre implying there are two lookers because one speaks a certain way and had amnesia but isnt it possible theres just one, who either isnt a faller or is a faller but had no megaverse/uni b equivalent, and he got his memories back by the time you meet him in sumo?” wrong there too! remember, its CANON that xy and oras happen BEFORE sumo.
now remember anabel, who doesnt have her memories back and had no idea she was a faller.
and remember that xy/sumo looker is very, very explicitly stated to not be a faller, because otherwise, HE would have been the bait on that mission and HE would have been the one who got killed.
xy/sumo looker is definitely not a faller.
but dppt/bw/oras looker is.
if at this point youre still having doubts, heres a question. can you offer any other explanation that is all based on canon information, without retconning anything or making something up, and have it all make perfect sense and resolve all of the issues that come with going against this theory?
yeah, i cant either.
hopefully at this point you should be fairly convinced, but hold on! i still havent explained why i think sumo will chronologically happen before the plot in the dppt remakes! i was all like “this will make sense later” but i didnt talk about sinnoh much at all and havent completely gotten you on board with this yet! well guess what yall ITS SINNOH TIME
a quick note though: past this point is a lot of personal observation/opinion and speculation. its meant to explain why i think this theory is spot-on, and elaborate on what i think is going to happen. im not speaking for anyone else but myself and im not stating my own opinions as fact or concrete proof; though i am saying that i think im right about this.
with that out of the way, lets begin! its going to take a while, but the buildup is necessary (imo at least) and yes, this is in fact relevant to the theory.
something to notice is that the stories in pokemon games have been progressively getting more involved and interesting. there was hardly anything in the first two, gen 3 started getting more involved but its not much to write home about, gen 4 took it up a notch, and then gen 5 the life ruiner broke the fucking scale and punched me in the face.
so, we have all these plots, getting more detailed, but... not a whole lot is tying them together at first. sure, a few lines make reference to other games, johto and kanto are connected both plotwise and literally speaking, theres even that cameo character in bw who was a rocket grunt in a previous game! but theres nothing really significant that ties things together.
well, at least until gen 4.
in gen 4, we of course meet looker, who as a member of the interpol has reason to make further appearances in other games. and then he shows up in every game afterwards, sometimes for a while, sometimes only briefly. less significantly but it does help the point im about to make, we also get caitlins first appearance, who ends up being part of unovas elite 4, and johto is a part of gen 4 as well, which was already a point of connection between regions, but gen 4 added the sinjoh ruins, connecting the games within the same gen!
after gen 4, the games vary in how much they connect to the others, but it definitely changed the standard.
and then sun and moon came out.
even the very start of the game: you move from kanto to alola, meet alolan variations of kantonian pokemon, meet grimsley and colress from bw/bw2, meet dexio and sina from xy, and watch sadly as lillie breaks everyones heart and leaves for kanto.
then, after that, you can go to the battle tree and meet not only red and green, but cynthia, steven, and wally, and you can find grimsley, colress, dexio and sina here too. or, you can go participate in the postgame plot with looker and anabel, who are also returning characters; though anabel is significantly more unexpected than looker. it was pretty unexpected finding out caitlin was part of unovas elite four, huh?
and hey, didnt sinnoh have a lot of weird space/time shit? palkia and dialga are the gods of time and space, and giratina has a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
oh... and alola has fallers and ultra beasts, who came from other timelines/universes... and you go into ultra space, which is a whole other dimension where everything seems wrong and alien and mildly uncomfortable, with a strange area theme that seems just slightly off, where you meet/battle the games biggest antagonist, who has become mentally unhinged by spending time there.
plus, gen 4 is the first where you can at any point walk around with your pokemon behind you, making you feel closer to your pokemon than ever, and alola shows a significantly stronger connection between humans and pokemon than ever seen before, even compared to xys introduction of pokemon amie (the trials, ride pokemon, the fact that humans are specifically stated to have influenced several alolan variations, z moves, the ceremony for choosing your starter, everything about the aether foundation/type: null, if you consider ultra beasts pokemon then lusamines a very literal example, there are LOADS of examples)
... and diamond and pearl are next up for remakes.
in gen 7.
paired with alola.
i wonder if the two games are going to be EXTREMELY connected?
personally im willing to bet that the distortion world IS ultra space, i think itd make a lot of sense of cyrus knew what happened in alola and became interested because of it, and that team galactic will be pursuing ultra beasts (which there will likely be more of).
i also think uni a!looker and uni b!looker are going to meet.
imagine with me for a moment.
diamond and pearl remakes come out. you enter jubilife city, where you meet looker! you have a conversation, he introduces himself, then disappears.
you move on, and-- oh! theres looker again! you say hello, but he strangely doesnt recognize you and introduces himself again. ... odd.
you see him again. he recognizes you and references your first conversation, but doesnt seem to know anything about your second.
a fourth meeting. once again, he doesnt remember your previous conversation, and also seems to be doing something entirely different, and... hell, he doesnt even SOUND the same...
now, after a while of this, hes realizing somethings up. hes a fucking member of the interpol, hes goofy but hes not an idiot. he guesses that he has an impostor, and begins searching for this impostor so he can confront/apprehend them.
sometime later, maybe in the postgame, maybe in the maingame, you meet him again and have a short chat, when hes suddenly interrupted by a phone call. he hangs up and informs you that someone spotted his impostor, and speeds off to go deal with this. he doesnt tell you where hes going, but he didnt need to; you can easily guess from the phone call that you should head to jubilife city.
there, you see two lookers arguing with each other, and loads of shenanigans ensue because looker is so goofy and endearing theres no way its not going to be hilarious and silly at first; but then when everything calms down, shit gets serious, and anabel ends up showing up.
im willing to bet shes going to feel some kind of connection to uni a!looker; nothing specific, just an odd, unidentifiable feeling that... ah, it eludes her. strange indeed that he seems to also feel... something, that he cant identify at all; he just knows its there. is it... kinship of some kind? but that wouldnt make sense, theyre both certain theyve never met, and theyre certainly not related. how curious!
of course, that only remains a mystery until they figure out this other looker is a faller, and everything starts simultaneously making more and less sense.
of course thats all just my own prediction for how itll happen, but i dont think im far off base at all and i think itd be completely in line with both lookers character and how pokemon games operate.
now, a lot of people believe that this theory means one of the lookers has to die, and to that i say what. no. look, that “there can be only one” shit is completely unnecessary and i REALLY doubt that theyre going to kill off a looker, especially considering how much everyones grown to like him (or at least everyone ive ever spoken to who knows who he is. seriously, hes too lovable for this.)
instead, i think the following will happen!
1) the lookers partner up and work together (and tell people theyre just twins)
2) they find a way to send uni a!looker back to universe a, or somehow create a way to communicate/travel between universes
3) we learn more about what happened in universe a, and why both anabel and looker were mumbling vague things about urgent missions when they were found washed up on beaches
im not sure that all of these will happen in the same game (in fact i highly doubt it) but it seems like the logical progression of things.
i think im out of things to say so there you go! thats the two looker theory and how i think itll play out in canon! there are likely a few things im missing, but im fairly certain the information i provided isnt incorrect, just possibly incomplete (sure hope not though cause ive been writing this response for no joke four hours straight). hope it helped and also converted you to the two looker theory club, or the tltc. if you join you get a free croagunk sticker and also a heart-shaped locket with a picture of looker in it if you dont already have your own
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