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yudgefudge · 2 years ago
got 93% in both my chem and physics exams!!!! oh we're TAKING that science vibes oscar!!!
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pmnspeciaality · 2 years ago
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I feel very much honoured blessed to be part in my Alma Mater- My School St.Joseph’s Anglo Indian Boy’s Hr Sec School Vepery Chennai India Today - 25.03.2023 Duasquicentennial -125th Year Annual Celebrations and Rededicated Our St Joseph’s Church With Special Mass been By Our School Alumni Great Super Senior - Rev Fr Charles Immanuel Parish Priest St.Ignatius Church Rosanagaram Tiruvallur Dist ( Andhra Pradesh Border ) and Rev Fr Maria Delsal Vishvas Thank You Dear Mr Franklin- Present Headmaster Of Our School for the gracious invitation and support As I ever say I’m always proud to be St.Josephite’s ♥️ Thank You My Dear Mom and Lord - always tells me my school days wen I’m going to school first to pray 🙏 to lord - church then into the class room I always followed and now too and ever wherever I’m My Prayers To St.Joseph’s 🙏 in my daily prayers as well All My Beloved Mis’s and Master’s and all Rev Fr’s www.drpnagaraj.in #mommohana #manam #drpnagaraj #beautifuldivineful #soulful #neuroscience #sportsmedicine #tamilnadu #iarhglobal #chennai #augsburg #Germany #almamater #iarhglobal #stjoseph #duasquicentennial #myschool #mylove #myteacher (at St.Josephs A.I.Boys Hig.Sec.School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOOQeuS46xKjuO19-10TrcAfURmZ_3oAEuml80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dev55555 · 3 months ago
**।।~~स्कूल का आखिरी दिन: एक यादगार सफर~~।।**
हमारे स्कूल का आखिरी दिन मेरे लिए कभी न भूलने वाला अनुभव था। उस दिन, जब S.N. High School, Gua में मेरा सफर आखिरी पड़ाव पर था, एक ऐसी स्मृति बन गया जो शायद ज़िंदगी भर के लिए मेरे साथ रहेगा। उस सुबह, जब मैंने आखिरी बार अपनी स्कूल की ड्रेस पहनी, दिल में एक अजीब सी बेचैनी थी। यह वही ड्रेस थी जिसे मैं हर दिन पहना करता था, लेकिन उस दिन यह कुछ खास लग रही थी, जैसे इसे पहनते ही मैं अपने बचपन के सबसे सुनहरे दिनों से विदा ले रहा था।
स्कूल के गेट पर कदम रखते ही मन में एक गहरा एहसास हुआ कि आज के बाद सब कुछ बदल जाएगा। वो दोस्त, जिनके साथ हर दिन हंसी-मज़ाक में बीता, आज उनकी आंखों में भी वही अजीब सी उदासी थी, जो मेरे दिल में थी। हमारे बीच अनकही बातें थीं—वो सारे मज़ाक, वो सारी शरारतें, और वो मासूमियत, जो आज आखिरी बार एक साथ सांस ले रही थी।
जब मैं स्कूल के मैदान में कदम रखता, हर कोना जैसे मुझसे कुछ कह रहा था। वो मैदान, जहाँ कभी दोस्ती के अनगिनत खेल खेले, अब किसी पुरानी तस्वीर जैसा महसूस हो रहा था। क्लासरूम की तरफ जाते हुए, मन बार-बार उन यादों में खो जाता था, जहाँ हम दोस्तों ने साथ में कितनी हंसी बांटी थी, और कभी-कभी टीचर्स से डांट भी खाई थी।
क्लासरूम में बैठकर चारों ओर नज़र घुमाई तो महसूस हुआ कि इन दीवारों ने हमारी हर छोटी-बड़ी बातों को सुना है। ब्लैकबोर्ड ���र लिखी वो आखिरी तारीख, बेंच पर खुदे हुए नाम, सब अब इतिहास का हिस्सा बनने वाले थे। और फिर प्रार्थना सभा का समय आ गया, जहाँ मैंने और विनय ने प्रार्थना का नेतृत्व किया। प्रार्थना के शब्द आज भी मेरे दिल में गूंज रहे हैं, मानो वो पल ठहर सा गया हो।
प्रार्थना सभा के बाद जब हम सभी वापस अपनी-अपनी कक्षाओं में लौटे, तो हर किसी के चेहरे पर अजीब सा मिश्रण था—खुशी और गम का। एक तरफ जहाँ हम सब इस दिन का इंतजार कर रहे थे, वहीं दूसरी तरफ ये एहसास भी था कि आज के बाद सब कुछ बदलने वाला है। क्लासरूम में जब बुद्धेश्वर सर आए, तो माहौल थोड़ा हल्का हुआ। वो हमेशा की तरह मुस्कुराते हुए बोले, "आज तुम्हारा आखिरी दिन है, लेकिन जिंदगी में यह बस एक शुरुआत है।" उनकी आवाज़ में गहराई थी, और उनकी आँखों में वो आत्मीयता थी जो हमेशा हमें प्रेरित करती थी।
हर एक शिक्षक की अपनी-अपनी खासियत थी,राजेश सर की हिंदी क्लास, पुष्पा मैडम की विज्ञान की कहानियाँ, गोडार्ड सर के इंग्लिश के लेसन, विनीता मैडम के इतिहास के किस्से, और सुखदेव सर के भूगोल के नक्शे—हर क्लास, हर विषय एक यादगार के तौर पर हमारे दिल में बसी हुई थी।
आखिरी घंटी बजी और हम सब एक-दूसरे से मिलने के लिए क्लास से बाहर निकलने लगे। स्कूल का वह मैदान, जो कभी हंसी-ठिठोली और भागदौड़ का गवाह था, अब एक गहरी चुप्पी से भरा हुआ लग रहा था। मेरे कदम जैसे थम गए थे, मानो मुझे समझ नहीं आ रहा था कि इस जगह को छोड़कर कैसे जाऊं। कुछ हंस रहे थे, तो कुछ की आंखें भीगी हुई थीं।
वहीं खड़े-खड़े, मैं अपने दोस्तों की ओर मुड़ा। सबकी आँखों में वही दर्द था, जो मेरे दिल में था। हम सब एक-दूसरे से गले मिल रहे थे, जैसे वो गले लगाना हमारी बिछड़ने की कसक को थोड़ा कम कर देगा। कुछ चेहरे मुस्कुरा रहे थे, तो कुछ की आंखों में आँसू थे, और कुछ में दोनों ही भाव थे। यह सिर्फ हमारे स्कूल का आखिरी दिन नहीं था, बल्कि एक युग का अंत था।
मैंने भी अपने सबसे करीबी दोस्तों को गले लगाया, लेकिन एक अजीब सा खालीपन महसूस हो रहा था।
जैसे ही मैं अपने दोस्तों के साथ स्कूल से बाहर निकलने लगा, दिल में एक अजीब सा खालीपन महसूस होने लगा। मानो इस जगह को छोड़ना मेरे लिए किसी प्रिय दोस्त से बिछड़ने जैसा था। श्याम के साथ चलते हुए मैं हर कदम सोच-समझकर रख रहा था, जैसे मैं उस पल को खींचकर और लंबा करना चाहता था। हर चीज़, हर कोना अब अचानक से खास लगने लगा था। वो क्लासरूम की खिड़कियाँ, जिनसे कभी बाहर झांककर बा��िश देखा करते थे, अब मानो विदाई के इशारे कर रही थीं। बेंच पर बैठकर कभी जो हंसी ठहाके लगाते थे, वो सब अब यादें बनकर दिल में बसने लगे थे।
जब हम गेट के पास पहुंचे, पीछे मुड़कर स्कूल को आखिरी बार देखने का मन हुआ, मैंने पलटकर स्कूल की बिल्डिंग की तरफ आखिरी बार देखा। स्कूल की इमारत, वो क्लासरूम की खिड़कियां, वो मैदान, सब जैसे मुझे अलविदा कह रहे थे। जो कभी साधारण सी लगती थी, अब एक मंदिर जैसी पवित्र और भावनात्मक लग रही थी। मुझे लगा जैसे यह सिर्फ एक स्कूल नहीं था, बल्कि मेरी यादों का एक हिस्सा था, जिसे मैं अपने दिल में हमेशा के लिए लेकर जा रहा था।
मैं सोच रहा था कि कल से यहाँ नए चेहरे होंगे, नई कहानियाँ बनेंगी, लेकिन हमारी यादें हमेशा इस जगह की दीवारों में बसी रहेंगी।
एक पल के लिए, मैं वहाँ खड़ा रहा, उस पल को अपने दिल में कैद करते हुए। मेरे भीतर एक एहसास उमड़ा कि इस सफर का अंत केवल एक पड़ाव है, पर यह सफर ही हमें हमारे भविष्य की राह दिखाएगा।
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advaitamelearning · 1 year ago
My school essay,10 lines on my school in english for class 1, class 2 ...
Our my school essay video is the ideal for beginners because it's designed with simplicity in mind. It breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps, making learning effortless. It's perfect for school assignments, ensuring students grasp key concepts and excel in their writing endeavors from the start.
#advaitamelearning #myschoolessay
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4adijah13 · 2 years ago
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j-adorejy · 2 years ago
I legit came back to talk about OurSkyy MSP. There were many aspects of it that I loved and many more aspects of it that kind of disappointed me.
Things I loved
Firstly, I absolutely adored Music Club President Tinn. Gemini once again proves that his comedic timing is impeccable !!! He’s even more cuter and funnier as this universe’s Tinn. Adding on to that, we need to praise Gemini’s acting more. The range that Gemini has shown in all of the roles that he has played so far is praiseworthy and I wish ppl would praise his acting more tbh considering how good he is despite having the least acting experience compared to some of his co stars. Also, I never imagined that we would get a song like Love Love Love from Gemini. The song is so addicting and it’s already gone platinum in my bedroom. Gemini we need that full album 🥹🤟
Fourth my sweet child 🥺 was outstanding. It was refreshing to finally see Fourth in a role where he is rich and gay and not broke and gay (jkjk). High School president Gun was more mature than his counterpart in the OG universe and like even more openly smitten than ever. I’m sure he really enjoyed this role because he finally got to flirt with Gem to his heart’s content. He did really well with making this Gun distinct enough and yet familiar at the same time. And the scene where we hear his thoughts about Tinn on the first day of school is one of my favs (Gun is a bunny teeth Tinn enthusiast 😭🤟)
The Chemistry between Gemini and Fourth felt even better than ever. You could feel how much they were yearning for each other through their stares and bahviour. It felt almost tangible. Another thing I appreciated that even though the TinnGun in this universe are fundamentally different from their OG selves, they still retained some of their characteristics like Gun’s insecurity and Tinn’s characteristics of knowing and being sure of what he wants when it comes to his feelings for Gun.
Things that fell short
With msp having three couples, I understand the difficulty of having to balance everything but as someone who actually likes TinnGun more than any of the side couples, there just wasn’t enough of TinnGun interactions for me in the OS episodes. One of the things that made msp such a good show is the intimacy and interactions between Tinn and Gun as they got to know each other the further their relationship developed. While I understand, it can be hard to show the development of 12 ep show in 2 ep, we didn’t even get 10% of that intimacy and not enough of them talking to each other. While The hug and the handholding was nice, we didn’t even get a cheek kiss or a forehead kiss to make up for the lack of adequate interactions 😞 I was looking forward to seeing more of TG in our skyy but my expectations fell short.
The second ost mv took a chunk of the screen time that could have been better used to give a better Segway to uni students TinnGun but instead product placement was given priority. I actually like the mv a lot but this time could have been better used for a more complete story telling and the mv could have played in the credits similar to how it was for just being friendly mv or really just upload the mv separately on YouTube.
Lastly, the potential this scene had. The writers were definitely going ambitious putting in this scene for the Our Skyy episode and GeminiFourth delivered on the angst. This scene could have lived up to its potential if only it was given more time and depth but alas it fell short. It made me curious about how TinnGun we’re gonna come to terms with their feelings but because of the limited time and the interference of tiwpor, it felt like it was solved too quickly or like there wasn’t just enough time to digest all of it.
All in all, I just wish we had more of TinnGun. It felt really sad to say goodbye to such beloved characters on these terms 😔
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neo-neos · 2 years ago
I forgot to do the thing
if you'd all excuse me, I'm gonna go sob in a corner now
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albatross133 · 1 year ago
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jasperdotpng · 1 year ago
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batautism · 1 year ago
love it when tumblr is like . youre not adding tags your post will not be successful! when the thing im trying to post is me talking about my school or whatever. #myschools name #literature class witj johan (???
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ruinikaido · 2 years ago
Oh mt god this girl i sorta know in myschool posted pics on her ig sort of flexingand she has really strong arm muscles *Dea
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pmnspeciaality · 2 years ago
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It was an great beautiful Wednesday evening 01.02.2023 attending my school 7th std History Mis Arokamary’s son Santosh getting married with our 7th std E - Section class Mis Angela’s Daughter Preethi Nostalgia moments meeting most of my Mis and masters - feels still that of student with them 🥰 www.drpnagaraj.in #mommohana #manam #beautifuldivineful #soulful #chennai #india #augsburg #germany🇩🇪 #iarhglobal #myschool #st.joseph’s #marriage #teacherssonmarriage #alumni #almamater (at Votive Shrine Church) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKjDi6pdgKJ0EGE6bBu1-XRzO6iu2Mv4rd0_U0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jjcocker · 1 year ago
hi I fucking hate the 6th graders at myschool
post over . But if you want 2 stories to kinda justify why then here we go
there was rhis room I'd stay in
and there were also these two kids that I fucking swear wouldd rub on each other like theyre a couple of dogs in heat
and the school cameras saw that yesterday
and despite not having any sort of participation in their fuckery (mind you i didn't even come to school) i now can't enter the room anymore (they made it so that if yuore a 6th grader or older you cant enter there anymore sigh)
and 2
which I feel deserves a warning for basically fuckinh . Assault, probably
these two guys enter my classroom because they wanted to help us out in a project we're making, so they enter, we get to chat and then one of the guys start talking about a thing this other one boy did:
grabbed on all of the other boys' (including the two that entered themselves) dicks and claimed it was a joke .
Like, claiming it with shitty humor too-- "i was just checking If You Were Armed LMAOOOO" "we're bros so its fine LOLLLL"
literally if that's not disgusting I dont know what it is !!!!!!!!!!
+ it can end up being a whole police case (?) due to the fact that . Well .bro LITERALLY FUCKING ASSAULTED MULTIPLE GUYS
^ (im not fully sure if it would end up like that though, it probably won't and this is in the scenario of it gets taken seriously)
in short
Holy fuck i hate the 6th graders so much they have ths mentality of a disney highschool movie, it looks like the moment they turned 11 they went "ooooo im now going to be the most annoyingly obnoxious piece of shig oooooo i only think about boys/grls oooooo im gonna date the entirety of ths 5th graders now ooooo"
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advaitamelearning · 1 year ago
Our my school essay video is the ideal for beginners because it's designed with simplicity in mind. It breaks down complex concepts into easy-to-understand steps, making learning effortless. It's perfect for school assignments, ensuring students grasp key concepts and excel in their writing endeavors from the start. @advaitamelearning
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glitterypopcorn · 2 months ago
lil kids r wonderful + im always nice 2 em i dont understand poeple who hate childrne but then like. theres an annoying younger kid @ myschool whos lik 6 idk? and hes fine ehs nice but so much of the time hes rlly annoying and i feel bad 4 being annoyed specially cuz hes got adhd n cant rlly help it but . and i also understand this iz probs normla but istill feel abd.yea
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spinelessfromthestart · 2 months ago
the biological different between me and a cis man isnt that i dont hacve a dick its that i have never wanted to kill soemone or shoot up myschool because someone made fun of me or rejected me . lol
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