#My partner was so shocked it didn't come home w me
creepyscritches · 7 months
Hi you would not believe the dwarf hamster I saw yesterday at the pet shop
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rrinkyoo · 4 months
and only then can i see my eternity.
♫ now playing – love… wave to earth
in which you experience your first kiss w/ haikyuu boys
includes: kageyama, tsukishima, akaashi, suna, kuroo, & iwaizumi
a/n: requested by anon! ty guys so much for all your amazing request! it may take me some time but i promise to reply to as many as i can! :)
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kageyama would be so awkward
i feel like he'd be the type of person to put so much thought into it to make ure it's absolutely perfect and make it tomewhat unforgettable. he's a very determined person, on and off court, so think he'd approach the first kiss in the same manner.
but then again, he's awkward. the days he spent planning to get it right going to complete waste due to his nerves, and he's barely able to mutter out a complete sentence.
the sun set long ago, and the sound of cicadas and screeching of sneakers from inside the gym were the noises y/n heard. it was almost a daily routine for the freshly new couple to walk home together. y/n would wait outside with a couple of snacks for the both of them, he'd take his share and walk them home while occasionally rubbing his hand against their own, then they'd go their separate ways for the night.
usually they'd engage in a casual conversation discussing their day, but kageyama had been oddly silent throughout most of the walk. "are you okay?" they questioned after a long time of awkward silence. kageyama simply nodded while continuing to look at his feet as they walked. y/n thought maybe he was stressed about practice or an upcoming tournament, his face looked like he was going to hurl.
they finally arrived at y/n's residence and turned to face each other to say their final goodbyes for the night, but kageyama still couldn't keep eye contact. he fiddled with his hands as his eyes darted everywhere but them. "are you sure you're okay?" they questioned again, a look of pure concern jow stitched onto their face. kageyama had spent days planning this, weeks even it now that the moment has come every detail of his well-prepared plan slipped his mind.
all he could think of was just how beautiful y/n looked with the shine of the moonlight slightly glistening on them.
"i- uh." he started, but anything he wanted to say couldn't leave his mouth. deciding not to waste any more time, kageyama grabs onto their shoulders and pulls them in, pressing his lips on the soft plush of heirs. he didn't even give them a second to respond before pulling away and running his way back home, leaving y/n in utter state of shock.
".. i'll see you tomorrow?!" she yelled. but it didn't seem to reach the ears of the raven- haired boy who had already turned the corner.
tsukishima would attempt, keyword attempt, to be nonchalant about it.. but the blush on his face says otherwise!
tsukki is known for being relatively emotionally distant and tends to use sarcastic humor as a way to hide it.
i think that'd he would use this humor during the kiss to deter away from the fact that he's showing his more soft/vulnerable side
"oi, pay attention," tsukishima teased as he gently tapped y/n's head with the pen he held in his hand. "the answer is practically right in front of you." the two sat on the floor of tsukishima's bedroom, studying for an upcoming exam in the subject y/n struggled in the most: math.
y/n groaned and leaned back until their back hit the floor, running their hands all over their face in agony. "i hate this! i don't wanna do it anymore!" they complained once more for what tsukishima felt was the hundredth time. he rolled his eyes at his partner's behavior, grabbing their hand and lifting them to make them sit back up.
"it's not that bad, you're just not trying." he retorted. y/n pouted at their boyfriend's words and slouched as he continued to go on and on about the lesson in front of them. but as he kept talking, the sound of his words was completely drowned out and all they could think about was how pretty he looked right now
he was wearing a hoodie that y/n finally returned to him, sweatpants, and talking about whatever blah blah blah nonsense he was saying. they always did find intelligent men attractive. the thought was sudden, but now that they thought about kissing him it wouldn't leave their mind.
tsukishima was still distracted from explaining the lesson to them to notice that they were crawling towards him until he felt a hand touch his cheek. he looked up with a raised brow, and before he could even react y/n was pressing their lips against his.
tsukishima stared at them almost wide-eyed after they pulled away. "tuh, what was that?" he muttered before looking down at the papers sprawled on the ground. it may have sounded like he didn't care, but the redness on his face and the tips of his ears gave it away.
the calmest of them all honestly.
i don't think he'd pre-plan like kageyame but he would choose the perfect setting and itd turn out amazingly. i think he'd be the type of partner to read his s/o's ody language perfectly.
akaashi would make it a comfortable situation for both him and his partner while never being too brash nor too nervous.
the serene, dimly lit surrounding followed by the soft blue hue of the water provided for an instant relaxation upon y/n and akaashi. the two walked hand in hand as they explored the aquarium, looking at all the cute fishies and the rest of the sea animals. y/n always had a keen interest in these type of exhibits. the ocean was always intriguing to them and they made this well known.
akaashi took this opportunity to bring them to a nice aquarium in tokyo. it was small, but that didn't matter. akaashi was okay with anything as long as they were there too. "are you having fun?" he asked them softly. their eyes were practically stars as they continued to observe every corner of the aquarium, and he couldn't fight the small smile that stretched onto his face.
his question goes unheard as y/n takes in the view of everything, running to the fish eye tank they spotted feets away. akaashi chuckled slightly as he followed closely behind them and eventually took a seat beside them. "it's pretty, isn't it?" they murmured as they stared off into the tank, but akaashi's eyes never left their figure "it's gorgeous."
y/n turned to face him, and his cerulean eyes bore into theirs as he gazed at them lovingly. "what?" they asked. but akaashi said nothing and shook his head. he softly cupped their face and pulled them in as he leaned in to meet in a kiss. it was tender and slow but it was enough to show how much akaashi truly cared for them.
another one that is extremely calm
similar to akaashi, i don't think he'd pre- plan. however, he'd do it more spontaneously. maybe his body reacts before his mind does while he presses his lips against yours.
i think he'd also tease similarly to tsukishima, but a bit more dialed down.
suna crashed onto his bed as he kicked his shoes off and rested his forearm on his forehead, y/n-also kicking off their shoes and crashing next to him. the pair had an extremely long and tiring day at school, and a nap was very much needed. they both turned on their sides to face each other, their eyes threatening to close.
"i'm so tired." y/n mumbled. suna couldn't even utter a sentence, he simply nodded while his blinks slowly got longer and longer. he grabbed y/n by the waist and pulled them into his chest, tucking his face away in the crook of their neck. his hold on them tightens as he feels their small exhales on his neck. "so am i." he finally spoke.
suna and y/n would always take naps together. but today was different. the stress suna had from volleyball practice and the one y/n had from studies, the two could go into hibernation right now and not wake up for months if they could. but it was impossible, so for now they just enjoyed the warm embrace of the other.
they both stretched and entangled their limbs together as they got ready to take a nap. y/n closed their eyes and was on the verge of slipping into slumber before they felt a small press against their lips. opening their eyes abruptly, they see suna staring back at them with a sly smirk on his face. ".. what was that?" they uttered with their eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.
"a kiss silly," suna teased. "you looked so cute i couldn't help myself." the two just stared at each other, blinking slowly waiting for the other to say something "why?" they asked confused. it was such a random place to have their first kiss. but suna simply shrugged. "i don't know." he answered.
"..wanna do it again?"
this man will be straight up and not hesitate.
i think iwa would be more abrupt. like you guys would just be talking and all of a sudden he's smashing his lips onto yours. he wouldn't doing it harshly though. in a very firm but gentle way.
he'd do it based on his gus instinct. if he elt that it was the right place and time to have your guys' first kiss, then it's right.
the gymnasium boomed with thunderous cheers and claps as the final blow of the whistle sounded. aoba johsai had made it to nationals. as the team came to embrace each other on the court, iwaizumi scanned the crowd, looking for that one familiar face. as they made eye contact, he could see y/n standing there looking down at him with a bright smile on their face as they screamed joyously.
5 minutes later, the team exits through the doors of the gym to the hallway, and iwazumi is met with the sight of his partner standing right in front of him with open arms. he rushed over to them, grabbing them by their thighs and lifting them in the air as y/n squealed in surprise. "i'm so proud of you!" they praised.
iwaizumi put them down and hugged them tightly while breathing heavily, still out of breath from the intense match not long ago. his face was tucked securely into the crook of their neck as he swayed them both side to side. "thank you." he murmured into the skin. y/n couldn't fight the tears welling up in their eyes as the amount of pride they held in their boyfriend was too much
but before they could react, iwaizumi was pulling away and smashing his lips into theirs, y/n letting out a surprised squeal before melting away in the kiss. his calloused hands caressed their face as he poured all of his passion into it.
he would be extremely confident during the first kiss.
kuroo is calculated. this helps with his self- assurance and the way he initiates/reacts during the kiss. he would start off by lightly teasing his partner before initiating the kiss.
he is also highly observant, and is able o read his s/o's body language in the same way akaashi does.
a first date at the science museum seemed ike an odd pick. but for kuroo and y/n there couldn't be anything more perfect. as the two walk hand in hand, they both drag each other to different parts of the exhibit and list off random facts that weren't listed on the descriptions
"it's fascinating, isn't it?" kuroo said. he was intrigued with the 3D model of kinetic energy that was presented in front of him. y/n couldn't help but admire how eager their boyfriend was. both of them had an interest in science, but kuroo's beat hers by a long shot.
they couldn't help but trail their eyes over his face, taking in the smaller details. like the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes, the way his eyes sparkled when he was doing something he liked, everything was admirable. and his lips slightly glistened and they couldn't help but wonder what his lips would feel like on theirs,
kuroo noticed this, of course. how could he not? he couldn't ignore the feeling of their eyes on the side of his face and the way they'd fiddle with their fingers as they continued to observe every inch of his face except for the views in front of them. if it was anyone else, he would've been annoyed. but y/n? he found it endearing kuroo turned to her and chuckled as they tensed when he caught them staring. "do you want to kiss me?" he asked abruptly, teasing them softly.
their eyes widen as their muscles tense up, stuttering out mutters explaining how they weren't staring but kuroo didn't buy it. he continued to tease them as he stepped closer, grabbing the back of their head softly without them even noticing. kuroo connected their lips, blurring out their surroundings. in his mind, it was just him and his lover sharing their first of many more.
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shhhsecretsideblog · 12 days
Prompt 17
The woman is on a call with her partner
Prompt: “Are you pushing?”
AN: I really enjoy the trope of a partner rushing home to their labouring wife, driving fast trying not to miss the birth, the sounds of the woman’s labour echoing around their car. But for this, I thought it would be fun to reverse it. Hope it’s just as fun to read this way round. [fpreg, 2915 words]
Almost Home
Answering the phone Jack immediately put it on speaker, placing the device beside his laptop as he worked from home. “Hi honey, how’s the shopping going?”
“Err… yeah. Fine. Got everything I wanted but um…” His wife, Rosie, trailed off. Her voice sounded strained and uncertain. “Do you think you could mmm-maybe log off from w-work this afternoon-?”
“Why, what’s wrong? Are you alright? You sound a bit breathless, well more so than usual.” Jack joked but his eyes narrowed in concern.
“I’m fine it’s just— hoooooo — I don’t think those c-cramps this morning were false con-contractions.”
“What…You’re…in labour?” Jack grabbed his phone and stared at the caller ID in shock. “Okay… errr where are you, still at the mall? I’ll get an Uber and come get you.”
“No, no it’s fine. I’m on my way home now.” Rosie’s voice assured down the line.
“You’re driving… with contractions? Jeeze Rosie.”
“Will you relax, I’m fine. It’s only half an hour away and it’s all straight roads-mnnnhhhhh…” Her voice disappeared into a low groaning sound through the tinned speakers.
“… Rosie?” Jack called her name nervously but only got the sounds of her heavy panting in return. He swallowed the urge to shout at her for driving whilst in labour - it was their first baby and he didn’t want to be the cliche panicking father-to-be. It was probably just early labour pains so instead tried to offer help and support down the phone line.
“Try and breathe through it sweetheart, in and out.”
He could hear the way her voice rattled around the car as she moaned, deep and long, and the sounds of her suffering pulled at his heart. When it was over his wife was back on the phone again.
“Oof!… baby feels really low babe. Can you get our hospital bag ready by the door? We might have to head out pretty quickly.”
“But we don’t need to go to the hospital until the contractions are 5 minutes apart, or if your waters break.”
“Uh-huh.” Was all that his wife replied.
“Rosie… how long have you been having contractions?” Jack sternly asked, knowing his wife and fearing the response.
“Mmnnnnh… well, they’ve not really stopped since the ones this morning. And I guess I was feeling a bit crampy during the night…” Rosie admitted between deep and measured breaths.
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn't realise they were labour pains, well not at first. But you’ve got that big project at work and we really needed to get this stuff for the nursery so I figured a walk around the mall would help get things moving a bit… Oohhhhhh….it's definitely done that job.” Rosie found herself humming on each exhale as she breathed through the fierce pressure and pain deep in her pelvis.
“Screw the work, Rosie, you should have told me you were having contractions.” Jack scolded, worried and nervous his wife was currently in labour without him.
“Mnnngh— shout at me later, just- just get the bag ready. Hoooooo-fuck..!” She groaned, gripping the steering wheel tight in her fists as another contraction rippled across her belly sending shooting pains up her spine and down her thighs.
Jack slammed his laptop shut and ran through the house trying to remember where they’d put the bag - why was it that you could never remember where you’d put things when you put them in a “safe place”? - all the while keeping his phone gripped in his hand and hearing the sounds of his labouring wife echo out the small speaker. Insisting that he stay on the line, Jack continued to offer words of encouragement and support as Rosie dangerously made her way home. He found the bag in their closet and rifled through the contents to check everything was there before heading downstairs to wait for his wife to return with the car, a journey which at this moment seemed to be dragging on for a lifetime.
“Mngh— thank fuck!” Rosie gruffed.
“What is it?”
“Traffic lights… contraction… Ooooohhhh- mmmnghhhhh….!!” Rosie took her hands off the wheel as she stopped at the lights, holding her rock solid belly in both hands and trying her best to breathe through the waves.
Jack checked the time on his phone, keeping track of the very short gaps between her groans, and hesitantly and reluctantly he said “Honey, they’re sounding awfully close together. Maybe you should stop and call an ambulance?”
“What?! No, I’m f-fine… hoooo…I’m not giving birth without you. I can m-make it h-home…” Despite her words and determination Rosie’s thighs subconsciously widened in her seat.
“Are you sure?” Jack could hear the almost constant low rumblings of a groan coming from his wife, through every breath and every word spoken.
“Nnnghhh— yes. Just… talk to me… keep me distracted… from these- oof!- contractions.” Rosie gruffed and put the car back into drive when the lights turned green and continued her journey home.
Following Rosie’s instructions, Jack started rambling about nonsense; work stuff, friends and family messages he’d received, mindlessly muttering to keep both their focus away from the sounds of pain emanating from his wife every few minutes. He stayed by their front door, looking through the window at the quiet rural street, waiting desperately for the first glimpse of their car.
Rosie meanwhile tried to hang on to every word coming through the car Bluetooth speakers, trying to ignore the pressure in her hips that was getting excruciatingly worse with every passing second. Her legs were spread as wide as they could go in the driver's seat; one squished against the door while the other was pressed against the centre console, her solid bump right up against the wheel. Even with wide legs nothing was relieving the pressure and the wrenching pain pulling her pelvis apart. The groans coming out her mouth were getting longer, deeper, and had started to end with an almost primal grunt. Her sweatpants were already damp from her waters breaking earlier; whilst walking around the shops she had eventually admitted defeat when the contractions had gotten close enough together that she could no longer ignore what was happening, and typically her waters had gone just as she was waddling across the quiet car park.
It was during a deep grunt that Rosie had a panicked realisation that her body had been automatically pushing. “Ohhhhhh… oh no….oh no…” She whimpered quietly, immediately trying to stop the contracting muscles. The car microphone obviously picked up her words for Jack immediately asked what was wrong.
“Nothing… I’m okay… we’re okay. I just have to breathe through it.”
And not push! Rosie thought to herself, gripping the steering wheel and trying to sit more upright in the hopes that if she blocked the baby’s exit that her labour might slow down a bit.
Jack could hear the raw panic in his wife’s voice, making him practically jump off the walls with frustration that he was stuck at the end of a phone and not with her. He knew she was not okay, she was in labour for fucks sake, but there was something else in her tone… He didn’t know what to say… he wanted to press the question, but she was suffering contractions and driving herself home - she didn’t need his frantic questioning as well.
“Remember the breathing we learnt in antenatal class; short, sharp breaths. You can do this Rosie, you are nearly home.” Jack said reassuringly, but he had no idea if that statement was true.
Rosie’s legs were trembling, barely able to keep her foot on the accelerator to keep the car moving. She would not have stood a chance in a manual car. Following her husband's instructions she panted through the contraction but she could feel the baby sinking lower and lower… she tried to squeeze her thighs together, clench anything that would stop this baby’s progress but everything she tried just made the pressure worse. It was torture, fighting against her body’s primal urge. She needed to push, her body screamed at her to bear down, her baby apparently desperate to be born. Sweat rolled down the back of her neck as she baulked against her instincts, her tight belly was radiating heat like a furnace and she wanted to turn up the air conditioning but daren’t take her hands off the wheel. Her tight grip was the only thing keeping things together, her fingers digging deep into the leather keeping her laser focused on the journey.
Two more contractions passed with that excruciating pressure, the gaps between almost non-existent. The baby’s head was right between her thighs, she could feel it, bulging obscenely into her underwear. Her upright position was agony, feeling like she was practically sitting on the baby’s head. With the next contraction her body slumped, acting without any instruction, trying to relieve the pressure that was bringing tears to her eyes. The pain and pressure was rising up and up and Rosie had no choice but to push with the barrelling force, grunting and widening her legs in the process.
“…Rosie…?” Jack’s concerned voice whispered out the speakers.
She opened her mouth to reply but her body had other ideas and all that came out was a lowing groan as her body bore down against the solid mass in her cervix.
“Are you pushing?!” Jack yelled down the phone.
“Mnghh-trying-not-to- ughhh! Oh fuck!” She gasped.
“Stop! Don’t push. You can’t be pushing now!”
“Try telling our b-baby that— ooohhhhh mmnghhhhhhhh!!” Rosie gripped the steering wheel and sank into the seat, uncontrollably bearing down.
“Rosie pull over, the baby is coming now.”
“Mnnnghh… no! It’s not c-crowning… I can hold it -hooo- in… I’m just down the r-road…” The baby was right at her entrance, her labia bulging and sore against her clothing, but she could make it. She was so close to home.
“For fucks sake Rosie.”
“Oh Jack!” Rosie suddenly cried, her body still bearing down even without her help and she felt her lips start to part. “The head… I think it’s coming - grrrhhhhh— out!! … I’m— I’m trying not to push but I can’t stop it— grhhhhhhh oh god!!!”
“Rosie, stop the damn car!!!” Jack screamed down the phone.
The labouring woman’s foot had come off the pedal already, the car rolling along the quiet rural street. She should brake and safely stop the car, but she wasn’t in control of her body - it was too busy pushing against the heavy boulder in her vagina. The car thankfully slowed to a stop at the side of the road and in between frantic pushes Rosie managed to put the car into “park”.
“Ooohhh Jack… I can feel the head…” she cried out as the round shape pushed against her folds. Rosie tried to lift her knees, to make more space, but the steering wheel blocked any real movement.
“Have your waters broken hun?” Jack’s voice was strained in his attempt to stay calm.
“Nnghh…they-broke-at-the-mall-mmmghhhh…!” Gritting her teeth Rosie disappears into another deep and primal push, her body taking charge determined to get this baby out.
“Fuck. Okay… honey I need you to listen to me; I need you to try and see how much of the baby has come out. Can you do that?”
Rosie panted and nodded her head, forgetting for a moment that Jack couldn’t see her. “…yeah. I’ll try…” she added.
Knowing that removing her clothing wasn’t an option in this position, Rosie moved a nervous hand around her big belly between her spread thighs and felt the clear shape of the top of the baby's head through her leggings.
“It’s poking out a bit but— hooohooo- it’s not fully out yet.” She whimpered and sobbed, the realisation of her situation hitting her full force with the first contact with her baby. She was trapped in her car at the side of a road giving birth.
“Where are you babes? I’m gonna call an ambulance.” Jack's heart was breaking, not only for missing the birth of his child but also not being there to support his soul mate during all this.
“At-the end- of our road… oh Jack,” she whined with fear and tears “I need you. I can’t do this.” Her chest heaved with her rapid breathing, the pressure was overwhelming and her labia was on fire.
Jack flew out of the house so fast he didn’t even shut the front door behind him when he sped down the street, running. “Just hold on Rosie, I’m coming.” He panted down the phone, his legs burning with the sudden physical movement.
“Ohhhh the baby’s coming… I need to push again— ughh…no…have to pushhhh but— mmmnnnghhh!!!— not enough room! ” Rosie was panicking, her legs were as wide as she could get them in the driver's seat but it wasn’t enough to make space for the emerging baby. Her body was too upright, her belly too squished, her legs too close for the large head to get through her birth canal.
“I can see the car Rosie, I’m coming, hold on just a little bit longer.”
“Mnnghhhhh!!!!” Rosie was completely lost to another uncontrollable bout of pushing. When the contraction waned, enough to somewhat control the urge, Rosie threw open the car door and swung her legs out immediately. “Hoooo-hooo… baby hang on just a minute… just give me one minute…ohhhh”
Awkwardly and cumbersomely Rosie managed to pull her body out of the low car seat, gripping the car door and heaving her labouring body to stand. The weight in her womb suddenly dropped even lower, the head pressing against her opening and stretching her lips wider than she thought possible, the baby fully crowning between her legs. “Ohhhhhhhh…shit!!.” She turned around and braced against the door as the baby’s movements prompted another contraction. Before she could take a breath her body was already bearing down and her knees widened and trembled. The car was still running, the phone call with her husband still connected, but she couldn’t speak. All that she could think was getting this baby out and getting it out right-fucking-now.
A long animalistic grunting sound came out her throat as she dipped into a deep push. The baby’s head was slipping beyond the crown into her clothing, pushing against her maternity leggings and bulging it down. A gasp, a desperate gulp of air, was all she was given before she was pushing again giving it everything she had.
If the car wasn’t already in Jack’s eyesight, Rosie’s loud roar would have told the anxious father exactly where his wife was at that moment. He watched her pull herself out the car, her face flushed and exhausted, her hair limp and damp on her shoulders. He thought she must have seen him, and was getting out to get to him, but when she turned around and grunted deeply Jack almost froze in fear. This was really happening, their baby was actually coming, here and now. The car door blocked the view of his labouring wife but her cries echoed down the country road and he could see her body dipping down and bouncing back up. She was pushing, that much was evident, but he was panicked at what he'd find when he’d reach her.
“Rosie!!” Jack shouted as he approached. She turned, tears falling from her cheeks, but her eyes widened with relief for a split second when she saw him. Her mouth opened to shout back but instead the relieved look in her eyes vanished and another groan spilled from her lips as she clasped back on to the car door and pushed again uncontrollably.
Jack could see her body was trembling from head to toe with the strain, and when he passed the open car door he could see why - there was a giant round shape pulling at the crotch of her leggings.
“Jack— the head— hooooo I think it’s out…” Rosie panted, still clinging onto the vehicle for dear life.
“Oh my god. Oh Rosie…” words failed him and his arms went around her back.
“Get them off! Get my leggings off!” She growled through clenched teeth.
“Right… errr of course.” Jack stuttered, completely lost and uncertain. He pulled the clothing down over his wife’s hips and was immediately greeted with the face of his newborn child. “You’re right, heads out I can see them! Oh my gosh hi baby!”
“Mmnngh— Jack… is there a chord? Round the neck?” Rosie shifted awkwardly from hip to hip, leggings bunched at her knees, as she felt the start of the next contraction coming.
“I— I don’t think so. How do I check?”
“Can you see anything— wrapped around the neck?? Ohhhhhh hurry… there’s so much pressure… I’m trying really hard not to push…” Rosie balled her fists and dug her nails into her palms.
“No… nothing is round the neck.” Jack confirmed.
“Ohhhh great. Get— hoooo get ready to c-catch!!…” Rosie warned before taking a gulp of air and clamping her mouth shut as she pushed. Her hips dropped and knees bent, almost into a squat, with the force of her push. She tried to open herself as much as she could, the shoulders pressing against her opening. “Mnnnghhhh— come on baby…!!!” She cried and bore down, growling with the effort and eventually feeling the baby move downwards. “It’s coming— out!!!”
With a gush of fluid the baby slipped from Rosie into Jack’s awaiting hands and immediately gurgled a soft cry.
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kurogane2512 · 6 months
Y'all knew this was coming
Short drabble on Signora in her Harbinger coat cause I need her even more now 😩
Just fluff, mildly suggestive | can imagine any reader
Snezhnayan winters are no joke, especially when they happen all year round. Fortunately, the Fatui developed plenty of heating sources in this frigid country, including warm clothes. You had come to Zapolyarny Palace to pick up your partner, the 8th Harbinger, La Signora. It was a chilling evening as a snowstorm was forecasted for later, you hoped to get home as soon as possible.
"Lady Signora wishes to see you in her office." One of the guards informed you as you stood in the lobby area. You figured this meant she had more work and would take longer to come out. You nodded and went to her office as escorted by the guard, knocking the door before going in.
"Rosa?" You called out to her as you went in and saw her sitting at the table, diligently working on something.
"Ah, my love, you are here. Could you wait for a bit? I have something to show you."
"Of course."
You walked up to the sofa and took a seat, releasing a sigh and rubbing your palms together to generate some heat. The Palace was much warmer than outside, and Signora's office was sufficiently heated as well but you couldn't help but feel a little chilly. You looked around her office and found the cause of that, a window was slightly ajar. It wasn't wide open to freeze you and you figured Signora did not feel the cold air coming from there otherwise she would have closed it before you came.
You continued waiting and the chilly air coming from the window grew, you would have closed it but it was too tall for you to reach, only Signora could. Signora finally finished her work and stood up. She looked at you and noticed you shivering and rubbing your hands together, becoming worried at your state.
"My love, are you feeling cold?"
"Oh....Uh, a little bit. That window has been open...." you pointed to the window on her right and she gasped in shock.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't realize, the cleaners must have left it open...."
She quickly closed the window shut, but you were still shivering.
"Oh, by the way, what did you have to show me?" you asked her after standing up.
"Ah, I suppose it's the perfect opportunity for it~" she giggled and picked up a packet kept on the floor on her side of the table and called you nearby. You walked up to it and saw it was some kind of big coat, white and fluffy and adorned with various accessories.
"What is this, Rosa?"
She smirked and opened the packet to take out the coat, "A special coat gifted to all Harbingers by Her Majesty herself~"
She proudly announced as she took it out and opened it. It was quite a hefty garment with floor touching length, wide bell sleeves and a thick fur collar complete with chains and crystal accessories. Signora removed her cape and slipped on the coat, she did not cover herself completely and instead draped it stylishly with the collar falling down her shoulders and exposing her chest.
"Wow, it looks really good, Rosa! It suits you so much!" you complimented with a bright smile, making her smile in return.
"Thank you, my love. It is really well made; though, I don't see myself wearing it all the time since it's quite cumbersome to carry."
"Mhm, I can understand. Also, you don't really need a coat like this anyways. You don't feel cold, after all."
Signora smirked then stepped closer to you with the coat spread open as if to hug you, "Well, it may not be useful to me. But it is plenty useful for you~"
"W-Wait, me?! I would barely even fit in it!"
You exclaimed but Signora only came closer and wrapped her arms around you, draping the coat over you and embracing. A warm, protective layer was formed around you from the coat and Signora's own body. She was already taller than you and the coat englufed you completely even when she was wearing it; not to mention, you were as close as to lay your head on her soft bosom.
"Oh my, isn't this cozy?~" Signora mused and pulled your head further into her breasts, caressing your head and holding you close.
You blushed and lightly kept your hands on her waist and tried to relax; her intoxicating scent invaded your senses as you stood close, her perfume was a rich wine-like fragrance but there was a hint of sweet rose-like odor mixed in, likely from her body wash. It was a pleasant and bewitching aroma, one that made you relaxed as well as tipsy.
"Hmm, this coat would be rather useful I think~" Signora chuckled looking down at you, noting the way you were holding her and were practically lost in her. She then smiled and pulled the coat further around you and completely caged you in her arms, embracing you passionately before planting a kiss on your head.
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hjpslytherclaw · 2 years
Hello! 👋 Your Harry Potter fics are an absolute joy! It warms my heart to find another HJP lover out there! 👓⚡️💖 Hopefully if it’s no trouble, what do you think about a fic where the reader, whose in a relationship w/ Harry, has a dream or NDE (near-death experience) where she meets James and Lily and they’re so grateful for her loving Harry & being there for him? Keep up the great work! 👍
ah thank you so much!! and absolutely, I've been meaning to do one like this for awhile now <3
here is . . .
Beyond Our Hearts | Harry Potter
Harry Potter x fem! reader
Summary! In which during the battle of Hogwarts, Y/N L/N has a strange vision of her boyfriends parents while fighting for her life.
Warnings / Content! y/n on the verge of dying, mentions of death and passing, a worried harry but majorly fluff besides that.
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It all happened so quickly.
From throwing as many spells as she possibly could at opposing death eaters to having the world go pitch black, Y/N L/N's life had flashed before her eyes like a bolt of lightning.
She had awoken in a room of nothing but pure light. Looking around the room seemed to shift, one moment nothing but white to the Gryffindor common room, the forest of Dean, the great hall during the Yule ball, it configured itself to places she had known too well.
And as vast as it had originally happened, it had become grimly clear to Y/N what was going on.
"I'm dead," Y/N's voice was a bare breath, as light as a feather but weighted with nothing but despair.
The second those words had escaped her lips her mind had only thought of one thing.
How's Harry? Would he be joining me? Does he know? The thoughts were drowning her.
"I've died," She repeated. She felt her eyes begin to water. This couldn't be the end could it? She was barely eighteen this was supposed to be where life truly began, not where it ends.
"Not exactly."
The voice made Y/N jump, the room had changed once more at the action. Now it had set the scenery at an oddly familiar place. It took a moment but Y/N had realized where she had seen it before. It was the Potter's house.
And when she turned around to find the voice that had spoken to her, she was met with the two former occupants.
No way.
Y/N believed she must've gone mad.
She had only ever seen them in pictures and visualized them through Harry's descriptions but it was clear as day who they were.
James and Lily.
Harry's parents stood before her.
Y/N swore she felt her heart stop.
"This isn't death, not yet at least." Lily had spoken, her hand clasped around her husbands. "More so of a limbo, a place between life and death."
"I didn't think we'd be getting to meet so soon, Y/N." James had smiled.
Y/N's mouth had opened but no words had come out. Pure shock was all she had felt in the moment.
"I understand the shock, I've been told even in the afterlife i'm devilishly handsome." James grinned, which earned him a light hit on the shoulder from his wife.
Y/N laughed.
"It's alright to be shocked," Lily said soothingly, she had something so comforting about her that made Y/N feel safe. "Meeting the passed parents of your partner doesn't happen everyday."
"I- I just find this all so hard to believe," Y/N had gotten out through a dry throat.
"And that's perfectly fine." James consoled, "What isn't fine is us having to meet you so soon. I mean you're a lovely girl, Y/N, but you shouldn't be here."
"Wait so does that mean-"
"You can go back to the land of the living?" Lily finished, "Yes."
Y/N had let out a happy breath she hadn't known she was holding. She could go home. She could go back to Harry.
"But before you go back," James said, "There's a reason you're here, with us."
Y/N furrowed her brows, only to relax them moments later. It was strange to have them be the ones to find her in her almost death.
"As of right now Harry had given himself up to Voldemort-"
Y/N's happy heart had faltered. "What?! He's not, he can't-"
"He's alright, Y/N." Lily smiled, "He's alive and well, in fact looking for you. The battle is over."
Y/N let out a sigh of relief. It was all over. Harry was safe.
"Though while giving himself up he was struck with the killing curse." James had told, "And in his last moment, his last thought, was you." James and Lily shared a smile, "We hadn't known at the time of you're arrival here but we both hoped that one day, when you got here, we'd meet you for that reason."
Y/N's mouth went slightly ajar. She was feeling too many things at one time to fully find one to express.
"We've seen you two over the years," Lily confessed to the L/N girl, catching her attention again. "All of the ups and downs, the good and the bad and you two have held together through it all. He cares for you in ways that astonish me. The love he holds for you is one that only the books seem to have."
"The way he looks at you is a way I thought only I could have, when I looked at Lily of course." James interjected for a moment, lightly squeezing Lily's hand.
"A look of pure and unconditional love." Lily smiled. "Harry deserves nothing but that. We never thought we'd be thanking you for giving him that this soon, but this was a chance we figured we'd take."
Lily had let go of James's hand and walked towards Y/N, Y/N had stayed still as she had approached her. Dead and yet so alive at the same time. It was wonderous.
"You have given him nothing but the love he deserves. You've cared for him and looked after him like no other, Y/N. We obviously haven't been around to do that and as much as that may always hurt, it's incredible to know that he has you." Lily expressed to her. "I can speak for both James and I when I say we're so, so grateful you've been there for our Harry. You've given him something so incredible, you've given him a reason to keep going and that's more than we ever could've asked for."
"The world was all we ever wanted for Harry," James spoke, "And though he may never get all of that, you've given him more of that than I thought was possible. I'm thankful he has you to lean on, you to love."
Y/N hadn't expected any of this, she hadn't expected to meet the parents of the boy she had loved so much, stand before them in a place between the living and the dead, but in the moment she couldn't find anywhere else she'd prefer to be besides with Harry himself.
"Now," Lily spoke again, sorrow in her tone. "Harry has just found your body in the living side of the world. And as much as I'd like to continue to thank you for all you've done for our boy, I don't want him to go through so much distress in finding you in this state."
Y/N felt a pang of sadness, she wanted to stay for a little longer, this was too short for her liking. But she belonged with the living, she belonged to live besides Harry and celebrate the end of the a lifelong war.
"Thank you," Y/N spoke, "For having such an amazing boy. Thank you for approving of me."
"Thank you for giving him what we couldn't." James grinned.
"I hope to continue this someday in the far, far future," Lily said softly, "Until then, continue giving our boy the love he deserves."
"I promise to never stop," Y/N assured them happily.
She was met with a joyous nod from James and an even brighter smile from Lily.
And then she awoke.
She was back at Hogwarts, her face covered in soot and dirt. Harry leaning over her.
"Y/N!" He exclaimed, relieved, he seemed to have been doing cpr on her. He embraced her quickly, "I was so worried, oh my love, I'm so happy you're alright."
Y/N had still barely processed the interaction she just had but Harry's hug, his presence in general was enough to wash anything away.
"It's over," He confessed to her, "It's all over, darling."
She couldn't imagine a more blissful feeling. Harry Potter was her happiness, her calm after the storm, it didn't matter what happened next for the two of them.
She was going to keep her promise to Lily and keep loving him, with every star in the galaxy, with every fiber of her being, she knew she'd never stop.
And one day, someday, she'd get to tell them she lived up to it.
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tuxebo · 1 year
[ 🗯️ : bummer. is spider-man grounded? ]
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disclaimer: i cannot control if the characters act ooc in some responses, please rate them accordingly with the stars to prevent ooc responses as you continue.
chat with mindanao ! hello, you may recognize me from my miguel bot... but im back w more!! omg you guys got that bot to 1.6k interactions and im honestly shocked ilyasm <33
prev. ‹ docs. › next.
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✧ — miles morales:
¹ YOUR ARTISTIC SKATING PARTNER: (childhoodfriends to lovers + no spiderman) miles has been the one who taught you to skate. he's got you to try many of his new interests and hobbies throughout the years of your friendship. you got a new board and decided it needs some new art, that's where your best friend comes in.
 ✧ — miles morales (e-42):
¹ SAVED BY A STRANGER: (coffee shop + fake dating) you were just trying to work your job at the coffee shop when a creepy, old man tries to shoot his shot with you. Noticing your discomfort, Miles channels the gentleman deep within him and decides to lend a hand.
 ✧ — miguel ohara:
¹ THE CHILD YOUR BABYSITTING'S OVERWORKED DAD: (parent!miguel x babysitter!user) you are the babysitter of your local superhero, spiderman─ not that you knew that. it was rare that the child's father, miguel, was ever home. often out doing god knows what, but one night he finally has time to join the two of you for dinner.
² YOUR HUSBAND'S ASSIGNMENT ALMOST GETS YOU KILLED: (heavy angst + implied gore) your husband underestimate and anomaly, sending you after it without fully understanding its power. he's the first to respond when things go south, though that still may not be fast enough.
 ✧ — pavitr prabhakar:
¹ YOUR BUBBLY BANDMATE: (friends to lovers + no spiderman) you and pavitr are bandmates in a group called '5PIDER'. after practice one night, you're walking home and decide to stop by a small convenience store to pick up some dinner. what you didn't expect was to see your keyboardist there as well.
 ✧ — hobart brown:
¹ YOUR PUNK BANDMATE: (friends to lovers + no spiderman) you and hobie are bandmates in a group called '5PIDER'. while touring the venue before one of your shows, you notice your guitarist is missing. the others seem to have the meeting with the crew under control so why don't you go look for him?
² BABYSITTING MAYDAY TOGETHER: (baby fever, baby fever) while peter b. parker is out on a mission, you and hobie offer to take care of mayday for a couple hours. it's no secret you two are fond of the kid, doing what you can to make the day a blast.
 ✧ — gwen stacy:
¹ YOUR SWEET SKATING RIVAL: (rivals to friends to lovers + no spiderman) you were preparing for a skating competition that was to happen late in the afternoon. who you were up against was the least of your concerns— until she walks up to you and tries to make conversation.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Hey can I request a fic?
You can choose the partner. So readers past relationship was very abusive in many ways and the avengers helped her get out of there. One day the ex comes back, you can choose moment and place and when they (also choose gender) maybe tell reader to come with them reader starts to go shaking??? Like if the ex was so manipulative that we don’t have another option (like killgrave or something) then the avengers help again and happy ending.
Sorry for the confusing ask I just got the idea and wanted to share it with you. Feel free to ignore 😊❤️
Unwanted Visitor
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: When Natasha is away on a mission with Clint, you think you’re safe at the compound with the others, you think.. 
Angst | Comfort | Mentions of Abusive Past Relationship | Mentions of Trauma | Brief Mention of Domestic Violence | PTSD & Anxiety Mentions | Manipulative Ex | 1.3K | 
AC: So sorry it took me a while to get this out! I hope this was what you were after x
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"Oh, come on Thor, what's the secret?!" you chuckle, throwing yourself on the sofa after several attempts to lift Mjolnir from besides his feet. "How do I lift it?" you asked. Thor broke into a loud laugh, "you've got to be worthy of it" he tells you. "Oh, so you're telling me I am not worthy?" you cocked a brow, playfully crossing your arms over your chest. "Maybe one day you just might be" the god winked. 
"I'll show you, one day I will be!" you stood up from the sofa, "I'm going to take my afternoon walk before Nat gets back" you inform the Avenger. It's been well over a year since Thor and the other Avengers helped you leave your abusive ex. Since then, you've always made it a point to tell somebody what you were doing or where you were going. It was more for security than anything. 
While you were on your afternoon walk, Natasha returned earlier then expected. Thor told her where you were which gave her some time to shower and unpack her things. Your walk was peaceful for the most part, the fresh air was just what you needed to keep you from going insane while waiting for Nat to come home. 
Your relationship with Natasha was relatively new but exciting. Natasha did everything to make sure you were always comfortable, she never forced you to do anything, never second questioned you, never raised her voice at you and never, ever laid a hand on you. She understood that things would take a little extra time for you to come around and feel completely comfortable and she was always on top of your triggers. She'd been gone for a little over three weeks and to say you didn't miss her would be the biggest lie that would leave your lips. 
"There you are!" the familiar voice stopped you in your tracks, looking up from your feet you were met with the eyes that haunted your dreams for months. "I've been looking for you, I was just about to knock on the door" your ex added with a soft smile that made the hairs on the back of your neck stand tall. Your eyes were glued to them, the world around you came to a stop, your feet felt super glued to the ground as your ex took a few steps closer to you. 
"I know it's a bit of a shock but I'm back baby! I got the help I needed, we can go home now" their words went through one ear and out the other. The lump in your throat only grew bigger, screams for help echoed in your mind just hoping that Wanda was close by to hear them. "I'm so sorry I hurt you baby, you know I didn't mean it. I was just upset and wasn't thinking straight" the words left her lips like everything she put you through truly didn't matter. Gently she cupped your face and kissed your forehead while you stood, frozen and staring into space as if your soul had left your body. "Cutie pie, are you okay?" she asked, the triggering pet name brought you back to their eyes. 
"W-what a-are you d-doing here?" you asked in a stutter. She chuckled lightly, "I'm here for you baby, I want us back. I miss you, I promised you'd I'd come back" her eyes were cold as ice. She moved her hands from your face and placed them on either side of your arms, her grip tightened when your eyes flickered towards the main entrance of the compound. 
"Forget about them baby, they stole you from me. They don't want the best for you like I do, remember all the plans we made? We can finally go and make them relative, I've got the car packed, all your things you left at our apartment, let's just go baby, please" 
"I c-c-can't"
"You can. Do you think that the Avengers want you sticking around? You're not like them baby. You can't help them; they aren't good for you. Always running off acting like they make the world a better place, leaving you all alone. Anything could happen to you baby, who is there to protect you huh? Nobody" 
Your eyes flickered over to the compound once more as her words soaked into your racing mind. "If they cared about you, cutie pie, they would never leave you alone. Would they?" Her left hand cupped your cheek, forcing you to look at her, "would they" she repeated. Just like old habits, you remembered to keep her happy. "Never upset her" your mind told you as you nodded to her question. 
"That's my girl, come on baby. Let's just get out of here, okay" 
Again, you nodded, slowly. You felt your arms shaking as your ex turned you around, your back now to the compound and your legs felt like jelly as you took your first steps away from the place you felt safest. 
"Y/n?!" You heard Natasha's voice call. 
"Great!" Your ex sighed as they turned around. Natasha came walking in your direction, closely followed by the other Avengers. "Back off Natasha, she doesn't want to be here anymore!" your ex spoke, keeping a firm grip on your arm. 
"That's not at all what she told me" Wanda replied.
"You know, you're trespassing on private property and from memory, I think you're breaking the restraining order Y/n as against you" Tony pitched in. 
"A restraining order you all brain washed her to get! Leave us alone! Tell them baby, tell them you don't want to be here anymore" your ex harshly turned you around to face the people you called family. Your eyes instantly connected with Natasha; she could see the fear deeply in your eyes as she mouthed "it's okay" to assure you that nothing was going to happen. "Tell them!" your ex snapped, squeezing your arm tighter but even though you could open your mouth, the words couldn't come out. 
Natasha stepped forward, never taking her eyes off you. "Let her go!" Natasha spoke sternly. "Or what? huh?" your ex replied, pulling you closer into her side. A glow of red circles around the wrist of your ex, forcing her to let you go. Natasha caught you before you fell to your knees, pulling you closer to her as you broke into tears. 
"I think we should have a chat" Thor smirked as he walked towards your ex, taking her arm in his hand. "Hey! let me go" was all you heard your ex say before Thor had taken them above the clouds. "Get them inside, Nat. We'll take care of this" Steve looked at the two of you, your tears slowly starting to soak Natasha's shirt. 
Later that night you were cuddled up to Natasha, her arms wrapped protectively around you while you both watched your favorite movie. "I'm sorry, Nat" you spoke, your voice still shaky from everything. "Don't be sorry darling, it's okay. You know I'd never let anything happen to you, ever" Nat replied with a kiss on the top of your head.
"I'm not sure why I even thought about going with her"
"You weren't in the right headspace, you weren't thinking" Natasha assures you.
"But Nat, if it was that easy for her to have control over me again" you sat up and looked at your girlfriend with tears once again building in your eyes, "what happens it this happens again and none of you are here to save me again?" you added. Natasha brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and gently wiped your tears, "it'll never happen again, I promise baby" she gently strokes your cheek with her thumb. "Nobody is going to miss her, lets just say that" she adds. 
"Th-they killed her?" you questioned with a frown.
"No darling. She's in Asgard now, she won't ever hurt you again. I promise. Thor said she'll make for a great maid" 
You couldn't help but chuckle, "I'm not sure about that, they never were much of a cleaner" you joked before crashing gently into Nat, letting her wrap her arms around you once more. "You're safe now my beautiful love" Natasha whispered, placing another kiss on the top of your head.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | 
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this was a lil while ago but it's been on my mind and it was rejected by actual Reddit for containing references to violence lol so it's c&p from back when this happened w a minor update but AITA for saying I'd curbstomp someone for saying the N word??
I, (27NB) attended a murder mystery birthday party back in May for a friend Annie (25F) with our mutual friends (24-28 various genders) (There was 7 of us total). We all had a pretty good time despite a lack of planning for the party and general weird vibes (Annie had been upset all day at something their partner, Sean had done).
Towards the end of the night, myself and a friend we're discussing anagrams, I believe specifically for the word "ginger", I was very drunk and did not hear the letters being spelt properly so I guessed the word was "Rigger". The other party goers conversations were coming to a natural end so they joined in mine and my friend's convo. Upon hearing me say "rigger" and pulling a face when I realised what exacty the bad word was my friend was referencing was, Sean then said "Oh it's (n word)!". Another friend, Betty did not hear what they said and asked them to repeat in, which they did loudly. The whole party stopped for a moment. At this point I think I fucked up because I was immediately shocked and said "You can't say that!" and then they said "what, (n word)?" and repeated it another time. I made a comment saying I believed the only person in the friend group to be racist was Dan. I've since privately apologised to Dan for this comment as I don't think Dan is racist at all, and Dan has accepted that apology.
Pretty much immediately after that everyone started making plans to leave, within five minutes cabs were called. Everyone left the room leaving me and Sean alone. I think this is also where I fucked up, I approached them and said they cannot say that word, it's not theirs to say etc, in which they just kept repeating "I'll use that word if I want to". (edit from months later: apparently Betty's boyfriend was in the room and didnt like do anything and just watched this play out). At this point I was pretty much blackout drunk and threatened to curb stomp them if they carried on. Betty came in and diffused the situation and took me home. Betty says myself and Sean were stood very close to each other but I was visibly drunk and stumbling and clearly was in no shape to carry through with the threat (Sean is also significantly larger than me in height and weight so I don't think even sober I would be able to land a punch, not that I want to).
Betty filled me in on a lot of these details the day after as I didn't remember a lot but apparently afterwards I tried to be extremely friendly to Sean and sort out plans for us to hangout this week, something I obviously won't be following through on. (edit: we haven't spoken to each other at all since this)
I messaged Annie on the sunday to wish her a happy birthday(edit: the party took place on the Friday iirc) and she also told me what happened (she was not present for any of this as she went to bed early at the party, feeling sick) undoubtedly hearing only Sean's side of the story. Knowing it's her birthday and I didn't want to bother her with drama I just said maybe their partner shouldn't of said what they said, and she stated after having a mild go for me for threatening to curb stomp her partner that she can't weigh in. So I stopped speaking about it to her and just forwarded her some videos I took from that night (silly videos, one of her blowing out her birthday candles, etc) and she replied saying thanks.
I've messaged Sean saying we need to talk about what happened and basically said while I'm sorry for it happening in their house during Annie's birthday party, I'm not sorry for calling out thag disgusting behaviour. Betty and another friend, Jack have both said I was well within my right to kick off like that, and that I was clearly not going to follow through with any threats, and Sean was wrong to not only say the words multiple times but then to double down when called out both in front of everyone and privately. But i have doubts since it was a birthday party and perhaps saying I'd curb stomp them is a bit much. I don't recall myself being particularly angry while shouting at them but they've said they definitely felt threatened by me and put off on talking to me.
I also find it odd they feel so threatened by me/find this behaviour of mine odd as I have reacted a similar way (less aggressive) when Annie was also racist in front of me, Betty and Sean. I've also spent the last two weeks meeting with Sean, bankrolling and planning this birthday party with absolutely no issue (i don't think a birthday person should plan/pay for their own party and Sean is unemployed) and we've had fun! We joked around a lot and I feel like I'm pretty open about being too weak to throw a punch but always ready to fight (like a chihuahua). I even came over early to help set up for the party, because I liked spending time with them. So for them to feel threatened by me is such an odd feeling. I also feel uncomfortable in the fact that Annie and Sean feel comfortable saying slurs in front of me. The whole friend group feels weird about this situation, no one really knows what to say.
(edit: ok this is where the original post ended but there's still some drama) so the day after I called Sean(with consent, to talk) but Anne picked up and said she would speak on Sean's behalf and I was on speakerphone. He did not apologise (neither did Anne) and Anne defended his behaviour pretty heavily. her/both of their's resolution was for Sean to just not say the N word around me. I obviously said that's still incredibly fucking racist and I don't want to be friends with racists? I cut them off after the phone call and said I'd like the money back I spent on the party from Sean. Anne ended up paying it back two months later when I politely brought it up at another friend's birthday.
Betty and her boyfriend still hang out with Sean and Anne and seem to be pretty good friends with them. Betty mentions Anne to me fairly often and all I say is why are you friends with a racist and then she goes quiet. Everyone still maintains I'm the asshole that ruined the friend group and I still feel pretty insecure about what happened. I don't think I should've threatened violence but they all say "chat shit get hit". so idk. AITA? sorry for how long this is lmao
What are these acronyms?
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mugeesworld · 2 years
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Zoro with a chubby partner head cannons!
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Female y/n / NSFW (you've been warned)
If you like these then go check out my others for characters like luffy, Franky, and Ukai! ♥︎
Zoro 100% most definitely likes thicker women. And being chubby? Even better⁉️
He would love a chubby girl friend. Especially if you are shorter. He would literally die. Now. Their wasn't any chubby women in one piece that wasn't stereotyped. The creator always did them so dirty. And even in the one piece world their isn't a lot of chubby women.
Other then older gals. So when zoro layed his eyes on you..... Ooooo you best believe he was flabbergasted. He would stare for so long until you or someone else caught him. He wouldn't be able to take his eyes off you.
Watching you walk around so elegantly. How your body would react to every step you took. It's mesmerizing to him. He could watch you all day. He probably be to scared to come up to you directly so he would "accidentally" bump into you saying. "Watch it!"
And when you go to apologize for not looking where you were going his heart would stutter. Seeing your fully eyes and soft, chubby face look up at him frightened by the sudden contact. "Ah sorry about that!" you say. He would get distracted looking at your face and almost forget to respond. "Whatever. Just watch where you're going next time." he grumbles even though he wasn't frustrated at all.
He goes on with his day. You not being able to leave his mind. So when the crew asked if he wanted to go drinking later that night he immediately said yes trying not to get to excited. Not only wanting to go to get a drink but to see you since he seen you entering a bar before he left.
When he gets to the bar he is excited to see you're the bar tender. Serving all the customers behind the counter in your cute little apron. He walks over to the bar and tales a seat waiting for you to pass by him to ask if he would like a drink.
"Hi their! What can i get for ya- oh. Hey you're the guy I bumped into earlier. Sorry about that again! I was in a rush since I was late." you say scratching your neck. Now he isn't big on flirting. Matter of fact he never flirts but with you? He couldn't help it. He couldn't keep himself together.
"How about a free drink then huh? Since you're so sorry..." he says chuckling a bit. You smile and cross your arms putting them on the counter."Sorry bubby but I can't do that! Don't want to get in trouble!" you say.
He hums in response. Thinking about what to say. "That's to bad. Maybe you can repay me in some other way then?" he whispers. You tilt your head at his words. What does he mean?
"We could work something out possibly. I'm off at 10 we can discuss it then." you respond going along with it. He chuckles and stand up."See you at 10 sweetheart" he says walking off to find his crew.
When the time came you locked up the doors and was about to head home for getting yells agree ment. Since you thought he was just teasing. As you start to walking off you hear someone call for you. "Where are you off to? Thought we had a deal?" he hums walking towards you.
"Oh you actually stayed?" you ask a little shocked that he stayed. "Of course I stayed. I'm a man of my word" he responds getting closer. You think for a moment."Well we could go for a walk! Their isn't anywhere that's open at this time so I can't necessarily treat you to something. I know a spot we could sit at!" you say not sure on what he would like to do.
Zoro gives you a confused look realizing you didn't know what he actually ment. He thought y'all we're on the same page. He feels his heart beat faster hearing you say that. You genuinely wanted to spend time with him and get to know him. He was shocked
"Oh yeah.... Sure." he says. You smile and grab his hand to head towards your favorite spot on the island. "Let's go!" you yell dragging him along. He blushes feeling you grab him and start pulling him. "W-woah! Slow down damn it!" he says trying not to trip as you pull him.
You both make it to your favorite spot. Its a bench in a park that's close to a clif. You can see the stars perfectly. Y'all sit down and start to get to know each other. To his surprise you don't care he's a pirate and say you're used to it since you're a bar tender. After talking for a bit y'all sit in silence.
Not a awkward silence. And calming one. Just enjoy each other's presence. "Hey zoro.. Why did you agree to come out here with me?" you ask finally. Zoro turns his head away trying to think of a response. "Idk.... I just wanted to get to know you.." he admits even though that's not fully true.
You smile. "Oh I see. It's nice to get to know you zoro. I'm glad I bumped into you." you say yawning. You lay back onto the bench and feel your eyes get heavy. "I'm gonna rest my eyes for a minute." you whisper before drifting off to sleep.
Your body starts to fall since a bench isn't the best place to sleep. Zoro panics and quickly grabs you pulling you to his chest. After realizing what he did he starts to panic more. "Tck stupid" he says softly to you not wanting to wake you. He gets comfortable and eventually falls asleep with you in his arms.
After that night you and him started to get closer. He introduced you to the crew and luffy asked you to join to be a bar tender. (He asks you after seeing how You deal with some bitch ass pirates that came in trying to cause a scene) You happily agreed. And from then on out. You and zoro got closer. Taking naps together. Drinking together.
He finally broke the awkward "friendship" y'all had going on one night when y'all we're drunk. He kisses you softly with flushed cheeks from the alcohol. "You're so damn pretty y/n. Fuck." he admits. The next morning when he remembers what he did he tries to avoid you until you finally close in on him and kiss him saying you liked him also.
And from then on out y'all weren't just friends. Y'all we're dating. It took him a while to get used to the affection you would give him. His love language being quality time time ment he loved when you would watch him work out or take naps with him through out the day.
He favorite way to nap is with his head on your lap. He would never admit it though. He only does it in private very rarely on the deck. He doesn't want people to think he's soft. When ever you would kiss him or hug him on the deck in front of the crew he would immediately get embarrassed and start panicking. You loved teasing him. He would never admit that he likes it though.
Your always by his side. Just how he likes it. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. Even if his love language isn't physical touch he enjoys laying a hand on your knee when sitting beside each other. He likes the way your legs look when you cross them and can't help but want to squeeze them. Just feeling the warmth from your soft body helps him relax.
Or if y'all are sitting beside each other with a table covering yalls lap he might even hold you hand. He loves your hands. That might even be his favorite part about you. How they are always warm. He loves when you grasp his face with your soft hands so he can rest his head. Or if y'all are sitting down leaning on each other. He would Lean in and lay on your chest.
He just likes to nap with you fr.
He loves having you on top of him when cuddling. Having a arm around you holding you close as you lay on his chest. It makes him happy to know your secure. He likes to just watch you sleep sometimes. (Creeper)
When he is in the mood he likes to come up behind you grabbing your love handles and slowly start rubbing them. Snaking his hands under your shirt to get a better feel. He loves the way you feel.
When it comes to sex he's rough. Like he going ham. But sometimes when he turned or his muscles are hurting. He likes having you on top. Grinding on him and going up and down. Resting his hands on your hips as you wrap your arms around his neck. He can't get enough of it.
Or having your legs on both sides of him and lay on his chest wrapped your arms around him. If you go to slow he will slam up into you.
But when he's not sore? Ooooooooo you best be ready. He goes hard. Like no time to get used to it and go slow to fast. He wants to feel you. He likes missionary. Seeing your face and having your legs wrapped around him.
Or holding you in his arms as he slams himself up into you against a wall. He definitely a grunter to. He's not that loud in bed but every time he thrust inside you he can't help but let out a grunt. He tries to hide his moans.
He enjoys eating you out too. Having your hands and chest pressed against the wall as he grabs your ass and eats you from the back. His favorite way. He likes to see you arch. And don't get me started on blow Jobs.
He is rough with then too. If you have a gag reflex you won't in another week. He's the type to grab your head and just fuck your mouth. He don't care. He putting that pretty mouth of yours to work.
He might not be the type to moan but he talks dirty. If you would like it he would definitely call you a slut and low-key slut shame you knowing you enjoy it.
When you look a little to sexy he can't help but come up behind you and grind on you. Before taking your arms and pinning you against a wall pressing your chest and hands against it. Watching you bend over some arching your back still pressed against the wall.
He would grab you by your thighs and just ram into you till your legs are shaking.
Favorite part to grab is in photos. (I tried to use two different body types. But this goes for every single FUCKIN BODY TYPE OK. So if these aren't yours then that's ok♥︎ I just wanted a example for y'all. One of them is a hour glass figure and looks like a model. Not everyone is a hour glass. Ik im not lol. And that's ok.)
It's sorta like the place where your hip dips and thighs meet. So ig it's not just one spot. He would like both of those ⁉️
Almost like your v line. When he grabs your waist/ side from the front he puts his 4 fingers on the side and then his thumb like inbetween where in connects cause he thinks it's hot. And if it's from the back he does the same except his thumb is on your side and his fingers are there. I really hope y'all understand this. Do I sound crazy? I just think this part of the body is so cute bro.
Now go look at the photo of the girl in the bikini and then come back..... I'll wait.
Do you get what I mean. Isn't that so cute bro. The word crevice is sorta gross sounding but that's sorta what it is.
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brainrotbunny · 2 years
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dirty sneakers and denied handshakes
library love: chapter one
remus lupin x fem!slytherin!sirius' sister!reader
moon phase: waxing gibbous
synopsis; remus and yourself bond over coffee, books, and making fun of your idiot older brother.
warnings; blood purity? swearing?, sirius being sirius.
A/N: first chapter is now out! this is my first fic so be gentle w me :,). the series masterlist will be out vv soon and so will the next chapter!! the moon phase is at the start of each chapter for context to how remus is acting. this is an extended version of the preview/blurb so the first couple paragraphs may seem familiar . thank you for reading <3
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you had spent your first morning of your fifth year rushing around hogwarts, helping first years arrive to their classes while also trying to get to your own on time. It didnt help that your first class, transfiguration, was the class you had struggled with the most the previous year, was also shared with the house you struggled with the most, gryffindor. 
your first class was filled with glares from your brother, being a black was difficult, and you could say being sirius' sister was just as hard, after all he was known for his dramatics. even after he had run away from your unfortunate home situation the tension between you and your brother didn't subside.
in-fact it felt as if a bigger rift had opened between you and your eldest brother, being divided by more than just opinions and school houses, but by space as well. so as you stood in your first class of the year, which happened to be a year above your own it didn't shock you when you saw your brother and his friend james potter, what did shock you was the glare he was casting your way, grey eyes splintering into your own. 
now you were used to sirius' glares and his comments by then, and it had never helped that you had made a few of your own but it looked like he was ready to rip you to shreds, as if you had imposed on his space and that was in-fact what he thought of the new arrangement.
your marks during 4th year had been exceptional, your professors let you know that if you kept up your marks, you would be able to move up a grade the following year.nonetheless , despite your grades being exceptional the stress of keeping them up had caused you to fall slightly behind in transfiguration, but that didnt stop you from advancing, your professors had agreed your marks in transfiguration, herbology, potions, history of magic, and oddly enough divination were exceptional and you were eligible to move up a year. 
that being said your fifth year came with alot more challenges than that of the academic sort, it was your first year as a prefect and you had been assigned snape as a patrol partner for the first month, severus snape had seemingly assigned himself as your shadow;  walking with you from the train to the great hall and he had taken it it upon himself to sit with you during the sorting ceremony as well , not that you minded, he was never close with you or your twin, but snape had never been a bother to you. despite the rumours following snape, you never had an issue with him.
your second class of the day, sixth year advanced potions was filled to the brim, hufflepuffs huddled with their friends, slytherins sitting on desks, and you assumed, griffyndors who were sure to get there, just on time.
you stood against the left wall, next to evan rosier, a tall slytherin boy with dark blue eyes and light blonde hair thatstood out against his dark skin. you had been relieved he was there, not like you were close but you shared a house, blood status, and he was a close friend of regulus so by proximity you two were civil (at least by your standards)
"ah, here come the gryffindors" rosier spoke up looking to you.
"almost late as per usual"
you watched as other students filed in by the door, lupin, evans, and mary mcdonald appeared and to your relief they were lacking a certain boy with long black hair, who had made sure to stare daggers through your head all through transfiguration
evans, lupin, and mcdonald walked in, forming a small group against the opposite wall, the redheaded girl stood with her back straight, her chin up, and her green eyes directly on severus who gave her a small nod to which she returned with a wave. 
mcdonald was stood beside evans, her head resting against her shoulder, dark curly haired splayed against the red and black of lilys robes.
lupin stood silently with his arms crossed and his back slightly pressed into the wall behind him, his shoulders sagged, his back was slightly hunched, and he was shifting his weight from foot to foot. his freckled face twisted up into a frown,the paleness of his scars stood out against his tan skin and sandy brown hair. His arms were full, loose parchemets, a few books, a muggle notebook, and what seemed to be a ballpoint pen.
you and remus had never spoken before, and to be frank you didnt pay much attention to him. of course, you knew him. everyone did, he stood out against the other gryfindors he called friends, his scarred face, quiet demeanor, and knit sweaters set him apart from the lot.
he stood tall over the rest of them as well, and despite his opposing demeanour to his strong willed friends who has gotten themselves quite the reputation, he was known as the kind marauder who mostly stood back and watched his friends in their fun.
though he was rumoured to have quite the temper, but most assumed that was just that, only a rumour, because no one had ever seen sarcastic, sweet, and albeit mischievous remus, angry.
your eyes were stuck to the floor in front of you, your mind drifting far away from the potions classroom, you could already feel yourself growing tired you didnt even know if you would have time to run back to the common room after dinner, since severus had signed you both up for first patrol of the year. 
everyones heads turned to look at the front of the class as professor slughorn flittered around his desk, pulling what seemed to be a list out of a mess of papers.
“ah-ha, the seating arrangements” slughorn announced happily.
“yes, yes i know but it must be done” slughorn said as grumbles rang throughout the classroom, he got up from his desk albeit struggling a bit before walking over to the first desk in the room, calling out two names you hadnt heard before, a light-haired ravenclaw sat down followed by a short and pudgy slytherin.
he continued calling out names, one by one students sat down followed by their prepicked partners, you werent paying much attention to the whole ordeal more interested in picking at the cuticles of your nails, and once in a while lifting your head to acknowledge a comment from rosier. 
“snape and mcdonald”
“evans and hedgeflower”
“lupin and black”
you heard that alright, your eyes glanced over at lupin who seemed to be equally surprised. You both walked over to your shared desk, it was situated to the left side of the room, third row down. You dropped your books to the far left of the desk, to the point that they were nearly tipping off, you sat down on the stool and crossed your legs, trying to avoid touch and honestly conversation aswell. 
lupin followed shortly after, sliding into his seat. His long legs took a majority of the space underneath the desk, he had to awkwardly attempt to cross his legs at the ankle to fit. he almost looked as if he was folding in on himself. he had dirty sneakers on that peeked out from underneath his robes and while that wasnt uncommon for muggle borns or halfbloods you couldnt help but quirk a brow you were sure you had seen sirius wear a similar pair in a different colour.
he laid his books and parchment down ,rather ungracefully, almost knocking over the cauldron that was dividing your shared space. He glimpsed at you briefly before ducking his head back down, organizing his papers and lining up his stationary in a neat row.
you ignored him or more honestly you just weren't paying attention to him, you had barely noticed him, instead focused on the other students being assigned partners, you watched as rosier was partnered with a meek looking hufflepuff who appeared practically terrified of him. he gave you an amused look that you returned, before mouthing something you couldnt quite make out. in your confusion of trying to discern rosiers words you hadnt even noticed lupin was turned towards you.
“erm, m’remus” he mumbled out, holding out his hand “lupin, by the way”
turning to him, you glanced at his hand, looking over the numerous scars running across his palm and his slender fingers. his hand quickly dropped into his lap when he realised you werent going to shake his hand.
“lupin?” you questioned, he nodded “lupine like the plant?”
“lupin like the constellation” 
“hmm” you puffed
“disappointed?” lupin implored, your eyes locked and narrowed on his, an unreadable but almost certainly mischievous look gleamed in his hazel eyes.
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wordcount: 1438
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milkyst4rs · 1 year
Opposites attract
a Zhongli x GN Reader fic (reader gets called 'pretty'!)
Yummy fluff mmm yes 💯
Not proofread SO IM SORRY 🙏🏽☠️
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Zhongli is a very soft-spoken and wise gentleman. Locals will often see him strolling around Liyue Harbour, looking at shops and taking in the scenery. His looks stands out amongst the townsfolk of Liyue, as many men and women almost always do a double take when he passes by.
You are no exception, of course. Given that you are Zhongli's partner, you actually get to be with him instead of just oogle all the time. You are very proud of that fact.
"He is just...ARGGGG!!! He is just so adorable!"
You were at Third-Round Knockout with your two friends Ganyu and Keqing, fawning over your boyfriend Zhongli. You didn't care if people could hear your fangirl chants, they need to know how wonderful that man truly is!
"Yesterday, he brought me a bouquet of roses. I was obviously, like, really happy! So I asked what's the occasion? AND HE SAID THERE WASN'T ONE HE JUST WANTED TO SHOW HE APPRECIATES ME. That is the most romantic thing anyone has done for me..."
As you go on about the sweet gestures Zhongli has done for you, the two girls sitting opposite you giggle and squeal along with you.
"I'm really happy you found someone that truly loves you [name]...you guys are perfect for each other!"
Says Ganyu with Keqing nodding along.
Honestly, you were shocked that Zhongli actually liked you back. He is such a gentle and soft person while you are...well, you're a very energetic and loud person. When you two just started dating and people caught wind of it, some people were gossiping saying that both of you won't last given the difference in personalities.
After your little lunch date with your two friends, you were back at home. Walking up to your front door you saw a familiar pair of shoes, immediately your eyes lit up. Zhongli is back home early!
You wasted no time opening the door, and there he was in all his glory. Sitting on your sofa reading a book. Hearing the door open, he turned back to look at you.
"Ah, hello darling. How was your afternoon?"
Archons, his voice...
You ran up and plopped yourself beside him on the sofa. Smiling up at him you said,
"It was wonderful! I met Ganyu and Keqing....."
As you rambled on about your day, Zhongli couldn't help but admire your pretty lips.
"-Li? Zhongli? Are you listening?"
Ah, it seems he lost focus staring at you.
"Sorry dear, you look...very pretty today."
He said, ears turning a bright shade of red.
The way you smiled at his little compliment, it added and infinite amount of years to his immortal lifespan.
Without hesitation, his hand gently cupped your cheek and he leaned down for a kiss. You indulged immediately.
"W-what was that for?"
Only this man can turn you into a flustered mess.
"Apologies dear, I'm feeling particularly bold today. Would you like to lay in bed with me?"
It was only 2.30pm in the afternoon but what the heck.
You got changed into more comfy clothes and are laying your head on Zhongli's chest, you can feel the vibrations coming from it as he talks to you.
"It has almost been a year since we have officially become partners. I have to say, I find myself falling for you more and more each passing day. I have lived for thousands and thousands of years yet you...you manage to make me feel such a warm sensation just by being in your presence."
You look up at him and leave a kiss on his cheek. His face heating up.
"Getting together with you has been the best decision I have ever made in my life. Though some people still think that we are not suited for each other, I feel lik- no, I know we are perfect for one another. Don't you think so too Li?"
"Oh yes, I definitely do love."
He leans down a little to kiss your soft lips, his heart soars when you reciprocate. The two of you bathe in each other's affection, you will never get tired of it.
Pulling away, both of you panting lightly. You squish his cheeks and giggle,
"You, sir, are very cute. Did ya know that hm? I want to put you in my pocket and protect you from allllllll the monsters in the world."
"Oh? Well, I think I'm a bit to big to fit into your pocket. Though I thank you for your concern 🙂"
Ah, Zhongli and his talent for not understanding jokes.
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x Reader
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(immortal reader x professor Miguel) 
You were at home cooking when you heard your husband come home.
"Hey, baby!" You called out as you continued to stir the pasta you were cooking.
You didn't hear a response so you came out to see Miguel just standing there.
"Love? You okay?" You asked as he looked at you.
"Oh... Um sorry, I'm fine." He muttered before walking to your shared bedroom.
You looked at him in confusion before going back to the kitchen, you decided to let him come to you and tell you what was wrong before pressuring him.
By the time you dished up dinner Miguel hadn't said a word, you sat across from him and looked at him in worry.
"Baby, what's wrong? You know you can't hide it from me." You said softly as he looked at you, you could feel the guilt radiating off him.
"Y/N... I cheated on you." He muttered as you looked at him and took a deep breath and nodded.
"Okay... Was it with a student?" You asked calmly.
"No, another professor at the college. It's Lena, you've met her before... I've always found her attractive and we kind of flirted a bit but I never thought I would go any further. But, there was a moment of passion in my office... One thing lead to another." He explained as you looked down at your dinner.
"Was it a one time thing?" You asked as he looked at you with tears in his eyes.
"Yes! Yes, I promise! I love you more than anything... I just." He muttered, staring down at his dinner.
"It's okay, we can work through this. You can't control who you're attracted to... But, you should've controlled yourself." You said as he looked at you in shock.
"You're not angry?" He asked in surprise as you smiled sadly.
"Love, I've been around for a long time. I've had a lot of relationships and...cheating is the least of my issues with partners. I love you, a lot and I know you love me too. I know this isn't a problem with my lack of love it's a problem with your lack of control." You explained as he continued to stare at you.
"Sometimes I forget that you're...immortal. Maybe it...has to do with you a little." Miguel muttered as you looked at him.
"Can you explain it to me?" You asked making him sigh.
"It's...boring. You don't fight me, you just sort it all out! As soon as something happens you have a fucking solution and it's solved! Maybe I want to fight, Y/N! Maybe I want to tell and scream and have some kind of passion!" He shouted at you as you closed your eyes and took in a deep breath again.
"You're still young I suppose... You still want the surprise and passion. And while I try to keep up with sex trends, I guess you want someone with your same mental maturity to have a flare with." You explained as he stood up and groaned.
"See!? You just explain it! You explain it completely and communicate it and its all sorted!" He said as you watched him pace.
"And you don't want that?" You asked as he stopped pacing and rubbed his face.
"No... I want passion and surprise, I do love you, Y/N. But, I don't know if I can keep doing this." He said as you took another deep breath and stared down at your ring.
"That's alright... I understand where you're coming from. But, you need to apologise to me. I treated you well and always communicated yet it wasn't enough and you cheated on me. Yet, somehow you're blaming me. So, I deserve an apology." You said as he looked at you.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. Our relationship isn't normal... Obviously, you're immortal and I'm a human. But, that doesn't excuse me cheating." He said as you smiled sadly.
"Thank you, Miguel." You muttered, your smile fading as you began to eat your dinner.
"So... That's it. I'm telling you I'm ending our marriage and that's all you have to say?" Miguel said as you stopped eating.
"I try to save my emotions for things that matter more." You muttered as he looked at you in shock.
"So, you're saying I don't matter to you!?" He shouted as you looked at him.
"If you're wanting to break up because I communicate too much than I obviously picked the wrong person to settle with in this era. You're not having the apartment, I'll help you find another one." You grumbled turning back to your dinner.
"You can slam the door and go get drunk and fuck someone now." You said before he stormed out of the door and slammed it.
You finished your dinner before going out onto the deck and breathing in the cold air.
Immortality was lonely and you were sad Miguel was leaving you, you loved him...you really did but you were too old to get angry over partners leaving.
He deserved a life away from you, and you hoped he would have a good life.
You would just move on like you usually did, eventually you wouldn't even remember Miguel.
That's just how it went, it was lonely, but it was your life.
You had no other choice.
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tngrace · 2 years
Oscar Night
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I'm writing my 1st ever RPF fic and while I'm nervous as heck, this idea just wouldn't leave me alone. divider by @firefly-graphics
🏷: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @callmemana @ladylanera
You had known Miles for the better part of ten years. You'd met when you had been in New York during college before he was a big star. You'd stayed in contact over the years, even as his career took off. After two years in the big city, you returned home to the Blue Ridge Mountains, declaring the city was too much. Miles understood and supported your decision, making you promise you'd stay in touch.
As the days went on, you found yourself falling in love. Though you rarely got to see him, with his filming schedule and bouncing around between projects, you talked a lot. Miles became your best friend, your confidant, and you couldn't stop yourself from falling.
When his publicist pushed him into a relationship for his public image in the industry, you understood. You weren't exactly thrilled, but you also knew Hollywood wasn't for you. You tried to get on with your life; your job as a freelance proofreader keeping you busy. You traveled some, but nowhere fancy, and you did your best to find a partner. But no one compared to the man you'd fallen in love with, and no one understood how you two still talked and carried on as if you'd see each other soon. So you'd basically given up on dating; it just wasn't worth it.
While Miles got along with his girlfriend in public, they weren't exactly compatible and argued .... a lot. She wanted more than he was willing to give, and couldn't understand that it was a relationship of convenience to make certain people happy. You tried to sympathize with him, but short of telling him to get a real girlfriend, you couldn't help, but you still always listened.
He'd tease you by saying you could be his real girlfriend, but you knew he didn't really mean it. Or so you thought. There was no way he'd feel the same as you.
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But after six years of pretending, Miles was done. Getting his girlfriend to understand that was a different story, and when he'd finally had enough, he told her he had someone else. When she asked for proof, he showed her a picture of you. She'd known about you the whole time so to say she was pissed was an understatement. You were slightly shocked when he told you, but you also knew where he was coming from so you didn't mind.
Finding Miles on your doorstep the night after that fight was a surprise, but you let him hide out for a week until the heat in Hollywood died down. After that week, he was off to film his next project, which he'd told you about in secret, and you were over the moon excited for him. Landing the role in Top Gun Maverick was going to be amazing for him, you just knew it.
During filming, he'd send you behind the scene things, and once more you two were talking all the time. The more you talked, the more you fell, even deeper. You knew eventually he'd find someone and fall in love, but until then, you treasured your conversations.
When COVID hit, you had to stay on opposite sides of the country, which was rough because you two had made some plans together, but also not because you barely saw him as it was over the years. You'd seen him for a bit between Top Gun and his next project, so you told yourself you were fine; it's not like you two were dating. His publicist was once again on him about a relationship and his image, but Miles put his foot down this time. There would be no more fake relationships.
When Miles returned from filming Spiderhead in Australia, he spent a month with you. During that month, you two finally moved from friends to lovers, Miles taking the leap one night and confessing his feelings for you. You were shocked, but also so very happy your feelings were returned. After that, things just fell into place. He'd spend time at your home with you, and when you felt brave enough to face his world, you'd follow him across the country, and watch him work. Your favorite times was watching him watch sports, whether it be his beloved Eagles or Phillies. While you didn't care for either team, you loved watching him.
During Top Gun Maverick's premiere, you met a lot of people you'd admired and adored from afar most of your life. It was exhilarating and exciting, but also terrifying. You two weren't ready to go public or put you in front of a bunch of fans who'd fallen in love with the cast, so while you went to all the events, you stayed in the background. And that was more than fine with you. You'd run into Miles' ex a few times at some of the events, her publicist putting her there in the hopes of reconciliation. But Miles never gave her the attention. Fans seemed to speculate they were getting back together, but you didn't let it bother you because you knew the truth.
You knew the movie was going to be a hit, but no one knew just how much it was going to explode. Miles' movies and shows became more popular than ever, and everywhere you looked, your boyfriend was showing up. It was entertaining to search fan sites to see what all they were saying, and you loved teasing Miles to no end about it. You especially loved when he'd blush at your teasing, and then remind you that you were the only one he wanted and loved.
A little over three months after the movie premiere, Miles surprised you by popping the question in your home town. It was beautiful and romantic, Miles having planned a picnic in the mountains. You were over the moon. You two decided to have just a small ceremony fairly soon, with family and the cast from TGM that you'd both gotten close with. You planned a December wedding, and were pleasantly surprised when your little home town ended up with snow for it.
It was a beautiful, simple wedding, and before you knew it, you were Mrs. Miles Teller. Miles planned the perfect honeymoon, and you spent two weeks in Turks and Caicos, lost in each other. It was absolute bliss.
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When awards season started, you two decided to play each one by ear and decide whether to make things public. You were more than fine with coming out, but you also knew how Miles was protective of you. When he was asked to present at Critics Choice with his newest co-star, you were more than happy for him. You two decided then that this would be the time. Miles was more than ready to show you off, and he was more than ready to have you on his arm at all the upcoming awards and press tours that would be happening.
While you were nervous, things went smoothly. During one of his interviews, he pulled you close and explained how yall had a simple ceremony in December and how happy you two were. While on stage, his eyes stayed on you the whole time, the smile on his face genuine. He was killing you in his tux with his full beard, and you were more than happy to skip after parties to get back to the room.
Oscar nominations came out not long after Critics Choice and you were so excited for the whole cast with the nominations. You two had been spotted frequently especially after Critics Choice, and rumors where flying about your relationship, how yall met, how you were able to tie him down. You didn't pay much attention to it, more than happy to just be in the moment with your man, especially with the test confirmation you got the morning of the Oscars. Miles was over the moon, and he showed you all morning long, just how happy he was.
The hair and makeup team had been there since lunch and when they finally left the suite was quite. You stared at yourself in the mirror, looking and feeling like a true princess. It wasn't but a minute, and arms wrapped around your waist, over your flat stomach that would be expanding soon, and a chin rested on your shoulder. You smiled as you met his stare in the mirror.
"You look stunning," you whispered to him. You knew he'd take your breath in a full tux and his beard, just like Critics Choice, but every time still made you catch your breath and wonder how you got so lucky. He'd trimmed his beard up, and while you liked the fuller look from a few months prior, he was still so damn breathtaking.
"Mmmm not as stunning as you." His lips softly traced your jawline, while his hands never moved from your stomach. You two were very affectionate and touchy-feely, and you know that would only get worse the further along you got. A shiver shot through you causing him to smirk. "You ready to go be best dressed?"
"I highly doubt that will be me. Maybe you," you grins.
"Na. You'll steal the carpet." He knew you were nervous, but he kept reminding you that he would be right there the whole time. Besides, it wasn't exactly your first red carpet event, it was just first with the whole world knowing you were married.
The car ride was quick and painless, and you rather enjoyed yourself. But upon arrival, you felt yourself start to panic. You weren't expecting all the fans - even though you should've- the reporters and paps were waiting at the car before you even made it to the carpet. "I can't... you...."
He leans over and silences you with a soft kiss, his hand cupping your jaw. "Y/N/N look at me," he whispers. Your eyes slowly meet his and he gives you a true, genuine soft smile. "I'm right here. Not gonna leave you. You're beautiful, you're gorgeous, you're amazing and I love you more than words can say. You're the only one I want by my side... forever."
He gives you another kiss before pulling your hand up and softly kissing your finger where your engagement ring and wedding band sit. "Me and you.... forever."
"Forever," you whispers with a smile.
Miles leans down and kisses your stomach, not for the first time, whispering "be good to mommy tonight ok peanut?" Making you absolutely melt before he finally unlocks the door and slides out. He waves to some fans who call out to him, and then he reaches in helping you out. Cameras flash repeatedly, and fans scream and squeal. Miles tucks you into his side and the two of you make your way to the carpet.
Pictures take forever, but it's the first time you've ever seen a genuine smile on his face at an event like this. True to his word, he sticks right by your side, only stepping away for moments at a time for interviews, and even then someone from the cast is always around. It was great being able to meet up with them, so you weren't just standing around awkwardly while he gave his brief interviews.
He does finally get asked about you, and he beams as he pulls you closer. "I'd like to introduce you to my wife Y/N."
"Yea you made quite the stir with that announcement at Critics Choice, if I remember?"
You blush as Miles pulls you closer as he laughs. "Yea we did. But this girl," he gazes at you for a moment. "She's been by my side for a long time, and it was so easy falling in love with her. No one else I'd rather spend my life with."
Your blush gets worse, and you'd love nothing more than to hide your face in his chest, but you don't. "Well you two seem very happy and in love so we wish you all the best."
"Thank you," Miles smiles big before you two walk off to rejoin your friends. Everybody worked their way through interviews and more pictures putting everybody closer to going inside to their seats. Miles was about ten feet away giving a final interview about his new upcoming project, and you were standing with Monica, Danny and his date Baylie, Glen and his date Alana, and Greg, when you saw Miles' ex and one of her so called friends coming towards the group.
Everybody knew her, and while you were hoping to avoid any kind of confrontation, you were almost positive it was going to happen. You held your breath when they stopped next to your group, and you couldn't stop your eyes flicking back to Miles.
"Well, well, well..... if it isn't the little home wrecker. He finally decided to bring you around?" The friend says.
You feel yourself tense, but you also bite your tongue to keep from saying anything.
"For a while I thought she was just made up."
Baylie and Alana were standing on each of your sides, and you weren't surprised when Glen and Danny stepped in front of all three of you. Greg stepped up beside Monica essentially putting her beside you three.
"What do you want?" Glen asks through gritted teeth.
You're not surprised it's the ex who speaks up first. "Oh don't be like that Glenny. We just wanted to stop by and say hi to the most popular cast here tonight. Can't believe you all actually let him bring her around though."
You feel Baylie and Alana both move to defend you, but Danny and Glen don't let them through. You know Baylie would throw punches if she could, but you really, really don't want to cause a scene. Before anyone can say anything, Miles is standing in front of everybody. "And I'm surprised you were even invited."
You don't hide your laugh very well at his ex's offended face.
"She's with me!" the friend speaks up.
"Of course." He steps back and pulls you into his side, before he leans down and lays a searing, never ending kiss on you. When you both pull back to catch a breath, he gives you a soft grin, and then another soft little peck. All your friends are trying to hide their laughs because he is usually so reserved, especially in public. This was the most public display you two had ever put on, and Monica being a good friend, got it on video. He swipes a curl that had come loose from your updo behind your ear, and then looks around. "Oh your still here?"
You laugh into his chest when you hear Baylie and Alana let out snorts of their own. You really do have some of the best friends ever.
"I can't believe you! Six years! Six years wasted! And for what?! You never did any of this with me! Ever! We could've already had a family!"
Miles lays another kiss to your forehead. You know this whole scene is going to be headline news, and you're worried for your husband. But Miles is so done with her shit and her lies, so you're not surprised when he doesn't back down.
"Six years of a forced fake relationship you mean. You never had this because we were not real! It was a publicity stunt and you knew it when you signed the damn contract! Move on because we never were a thing and we never will be again." With that, he laces his fingers with yours and your whole group heads in to get seats.
The whole show, Miles spends with his arm and hand touching you somewhere keeping you close. It's a fun night, despite the little scene on the carpet. While you thought the movie deserved more than just the one award it won, you had the best time and was so proud of your husband and the whole cast. You two decided to skip the after party, despite your friends' multiple protests, but you promised them to catch up later.
The cast had their own private party back at the hotel which was way more low-key and relaxed which was more your style. It was a fun night, and you were happy when Miles shared the good news with your friends that night. You got so many congratulations and promises of the perfect baby shower, even though you laughed them off and told them you still had a while to go.
The confrontation did make headline news the next morning, but the main picture was Miles leaning you back while he laid the searing kiss on you. You still blushed seeing it, even though most people's reactions were positive for the two of you. The fans loved seeing him happy, and you loved knowing that you being in the picture didn't change anything for him. You knew it might've been your first Oscar night, but it certainly wouldn't be your last.
"Forever," he'd whispered to you and forever he meant.
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kinshenewa · 3 months
Cadence pursed her lips as she stared at nothing in particular, hands fidgeting in her lap. Right now, Sun had her in his lap, and Sun was sitting on Moon's lap. Andromeda was also sitting on the couch, Lunelle sitting on her lap as she gently combed her fingers over his nightcap appendage, smoothing out the lumpy surface only for it to return to a very slightly less lumpy form than before.
It was late in the evening, her being left on the couch by Andromeda maybe 2 hours prior. They were all catching up, Eclipse and Andromeda doing most of the talking while Sun contented himself to brushing Cadence's hair, Moon doing calculations on his tablet with his right hand as his left arm was wrapped around Sun's waist.
"I have a bounty coming up, an easy one too, so it should only take a couple days," Eclipse had been saying, cleaning an intimidating knife, "Just a little rich brat who ran off from home, poor wretch fell in love with a dashing young knight in another part of the kingdom and they decided to elope."
Cadence started tuning out the conversation, looking down at her phone as she went to Ao3. She smiled slightly, going to her bookmarks and reading Do It All The Time by ShinyHyacinth, a story she read years ago and loves to come back to sometimes.
She could vaguely sense them all conversing in the background, sometimes Sun and Moon joined in on the conversation, but she didn't bother to listen. After a while, when she got to the beginning of the third chapter, she suddenly felt a hand rubbing her head, and she zoned into the conversation to realize that Andromeda was patting her head and talking about her.
"Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't dream of it," Eclipse was saying with a lecherous smile, "I visit my doctor frequently and never be with infected partners."
Cadence was cursing in her mind, mentally pulling at her hair as she wished she had been listening.
"What are you talking about?" Cadence asked softly, and Eclipse's eyes lit up.
"Oh look, the little book leech joins the conversation," Eclipse teased with a chuckle, "Well, I was just talking about my latest hook-up with a dashing Shevika after finishing a bounty. Thankfully, while visiting my mother, I found a nice and easy bounty that only took a couple hours, so I went to celebrate."
Cadence looked surprised, her eyebrows raising in shock at how casually he spoke about hooking up with someone else. Oh, if only she could be that confident.
"And I always ensure my partners don't carry any sex curses, and get checked by my doctor every time," Eclipse boasted, grinning, "So when the time comes, you won't have to worry about any curses."
Cadence's eyebrows raised further in surprise at his words, her jaw dropping in surprise. That was so forward, even she got the hint.
She huffed heavily, looking back at her phone as she felt her face heating up.
The mention of a Shevika sounded familiar, tickling her brain and making her aware she vaguely knew about it, but she brushed it off as she continued reading her story.
"I'm so proud of you, Soileil, so responsible," Andromeda praised, looking at Eclipse proudly.
"Thank you, Mother," Eclipse replied with a grin her way, and he sheathed the knife again with a sigh. "It's always surprised me how some could be so careless. Sometimes, I have had partners who didn't ask if I was cursed. Could you imagine!" Eclipse's eyebrows were raised as he spoke.
Cadence listened this time, not tuning out the conversation but still reading her nice story.
"Even more shocking is the fact that some care more about body count than health," Eclipse added, rolling his eyes, "I couldn't fathom how ridiculous such a question was every time I heard it."
"Some people care more about how many partners you had rather than if you aren't cursed?" Moon asked in surprise, looking up from his tablet.
"Exactly," Eclipse replied, rolling his eyes yet again, "It's as if some people don't even care for themselves or their partners. I once had a partner who dismissed me when I asked about their curse status. Dismissed me! They didn't even care." Eclipse shook his head with a sigh, "Of course, seeing as they were so careless, I obviously did not participate in any copulation with them."
Eclipse sighed, rolling his eyes. "Though, I wasn't too surprised, seeing as they were a human male. A lot of human males I've had the pleasure of fucking are more dismissive of sexual health than a good portion of any female I've met."
Cadence resisted the urge to look up in shock, gritting her teeth slightly to prevent her jaw from dropping. She couldn't even understand how he was so nonchalant about such a topic, she would never be able to have that sort of confidence.
Eclipse sighed again, shaking his head as he said, "I apologize for ranting, lack of care for sexual health pisses me off."
Andromeda leaned forward and gently took Eclipse's lower right hand, her thumb rubbing his thumb knuckle. "Aw, my sweet baby boy, you don't need to apologize, your feelings are always valid," She cooed.
Eclipse smiled wryly as he said, "I'm 150."
Andromeda ruffled the frills on the top of Eclipse's head as she cooed, "You'll always be my baby boy!"
Cadence watched the happy family bond they had, a slightly envious pang snapping her in the chest, quickly looking back at her phone and resuming reading to try and drown the jealousy welling in her chest.
"Well, I'll put Lunelle to bed now," Andromeda said softly, cradling Lunelle in her arms as he was curled up, hugging his lumpy nightcap appendage. "I'll be turning in for the night as well. Lunelle's school lessons begin earlier than usual," Andromeda added, kissing Eclipse on the forehead as she said, "Goodnight, Soleil."
Eclipse smiled, kissing his mother on the cheek as he said, "Goodnight, Mother."
Eclipse went and kissed Sun and Moon on their foreheads, saying softly, "Goodnight Blaze and Lune." Both brothers kissed both of Andromeda's cheeks at the same time with their utterances of goodnight.
Andromeda then leaned down and gently kissed Cadence's forehead, saying softly, "Good night, Cadence."
Andromeda straightened before turning and leaving the living room, going to Eclipse's room to sleep.
Cadence was confused as hell, blinking slowly and remaining silent.
"We'll turn in too," Sun said, standing while still holding Cadence in his arms, "Have a good night, Eclipse!"
Eclipse chuckled as Sun and Moon headed to their room, Eclipse saying, "Goodnight... freak-bird."
Sun groaned loudly, glaring at his elder brother and snapping, "That was ONE time!" He huffed in offense, entering his room with Cadence in his arms and Moon at his sides.
Moon got onto the bed first, laying on his back while Sun climbed on with Cadence. Sun laid directly on top of Moon while keeping Cadence to his right, her partially sandwiched between the two brothers as they closed their eyes.
Cadence blinked in confusion before saying, "I can't go to bed yet, I need to put on pajamas."
Sun peeked an amused blue eye at her, and he sat up, essentially straddling Moon's waist as he slipped his simple orange-yellow t-shirt off and held it out to Cadence.
"Here, wear this," He said cheerfully.
She blinked, staring at him blankly for a moment before saying, "Oh, the shirt isn't the problem, I just don't sleep wearing my bra."
Moon's eyes peeked open, sharp pupils focusing on her as they both asked at the same time, "You don't?"
A sharp grin grew on Sun's face as he leaned in eagerly, pupils dilating. "Then take it off," he said softly, his tone lower than moments prior.
"That's what I plan to do," She said, grabbing the offered shirt and trying to get up, but Sun didn't relent his grip around her waist. She looked at him her expression blank while his was excited and predatory. "I need to get up," She said seriously.
"Why?" He asked softly, his frills seeming to vibrate imperceptibly.
"So I can go change in the bathroom," She replied, narrowing her eyes at him.
"Why not out here?" He asked, smiling sweetly as he tilted his head, that predatory look still in his eyes.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she felt her face warm. "Because then I would be changing in front of you two," She said.
"You've changed in front of Eclipse, before," Moon rumbled, eyes lidded as he just lay there with Sun sitting on top of him.
She huffed heavily through her nose before saying, "He covered his eyes."
"We'll cover our eyes," Both brothers said in unison.
She quirked a brow dubiously, looking between them as she asked, "Oh yeah?"
Sun nodded eagerly, saying softly, "We promise. We would never disrespect your autonomy."
She blinked in surprise, then made a small hum sound in her throat, getting up when Sun pulled his arm back. She took a couple steps away from them, turning her back to them as she pulled off her shirt. She cracked her neck side to side, arms reaching back to easily undo the clasp keeping her bra on.
She heard deep rumbling behind her, looking back and seeing Sun and Moon both covering their eyes, Sun's back to her as he was leaning to block Moon's view. Aw, how sweet.
She slipped her bra off, fingers feeling the slightly worn purple lace. She had bought it years ago, when she was maybe 15. She looked at the tag hidden inside, long ago laminated to preserve its signage.
She pursed her lips, eyes lingering on the size. 34DD. She could never quite wrap her head around the fact that her size was bigger than average, since she's been used to it for most of her mature life. Her shoulders sagged slightly, darkness seeping into her thoughts as she started to spiral down a depressing train of thought.
She unconsciously folded the bra in half, hiding it in her shirt before starting to put on Sun's shirt. It smelt nice, the cheerful scent drawing her out of that sudden bout of depressed thinking. She shook her head, putting the little bundle on the nightstand as she sat on the bed, fighting the suddenly very depressed thoughts that had long plagued her mind.
She misses her sister. Maybe she should visit sometime.
As she lay back on the bed, Sun and Moon both looked at her, Sun grinning as he laid back down on Moon, pulling Cadence close. "Feeling better?" He breathed, grinning.
She looked at him inquisitively as she answered, "Uh, yeah. I don't sleep with a bra on at night because it is rather restricting." Her eyes wandered down to Sun's bare chest, this being the first time she's seen him shirtless.
Technically, it could be considered she saw Eclipse shirtless before, but he had been wearing nothing but a towel, and she didn't really look at him, so it didn't really count-
"Do you not have nipples?" She asked curiously, tilting her head as she looked at where Sun would have pecs if he were a human. Though he was lean, there was certainly some musculature, hints of abs and pecs that she would consider mini man tiddies. But where there would be nipples on a guy, there just... wasn't. It was as smooth as the rest of his skin.
Sun's head tilted, Moon opening his mouth to say something but silenced when seeing what Sun was thinking. "What's that?" Sun asked curiously, almost innocently.
Cadence blinked in surprise, answering, "Oh, well, nipples are small areas on a person's chest that... have no use on a man but are there because all humans start out female. Nipples have a use on women because women can produce milk via special organs located in the breast tissue." She motioned to her own chest, Sun licking his lips as he drooled a little, staring intently at her chest with a hungry gaze as he suppressed the click of his fangs.
"What do nipples look like?" He asked innocently.
"Oh, they're like, round spots that have a different color," She said, making a circle with her pointer finger and thumb, holding it over her left breast to demonstrate where it would be located.
"Can I... see?" He whispered breathlessly, grinning widely, his fangs on full display as they slowly secreted his venom.
"Well, there are plenty of medical diagrams online," She said thoughtfully, pulling out her phone and searching up Zoogle. She thought the name was fucking ridiculous, but that was the Google of the wider universe.
"Not medical," Sun growled, his rays almost vibrating in place as he set a hand on her wrist, pausing her motions, "Yours."
She paused, processing what she just heard before her eyes widened, impulsive thoughts flooding her mind with her helpless to stop them.
"Alrighty then, I think I'm getting a tad tired," She laughed nervously, quickly laying back on the bed, laying flat on her stomach.
Moments later, Sun was lying on top of her, breathing close to her ear as he whispered huskily, "Please? You don't have to. But we would love to see it." His right hand traveled down her arm and went under her stomach, gently kneading her belly.
She huffed heavily, trying to roll onto her back, and Sun lifted himself so she could. She looked to her left, where neither of them were. Her hands fiddled with the hem of the borrowed shirt before she shyly flipped it up before almost immediately covering herself again.
Sun growled softly, head lunging forward, face bumping against the middle of her chest, licking his lips and swallowing some of the emotionally induced venom collecting in his mouth.
His eyes were wide, replaying the moment in his head on loop, a low groan escaping him as his form quivered. He chuckled lowly, nuzzling her chest as his hands lightly dug into the blankets. Moon huffed, rolling his eyes before closing them so he could doze off.
Sun went to sleep like that, and Cadence soon enough went to sleep as well.
It was hell to sleep on her back because of her left rib, but she didn't want to be rude and make him move or wake him up. So she went to sleep on her back, a thing she's never done before. And for good reason, too, she felt like her ribs were trying to steamroll her organs, how the fuck do people sleep like this?
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thornheartfelt · 5 months
need the crash course of your selfship w rorschach now tell me everything - @selfshipangel
Grabs my self insert, Barghest. Born in England, taken to America as a child by his mother after she met and ultimately wed an American soldier. It did not turn out great. As soon as he turned 18, he gathered up as much as he could and ran away to find a new start in New York City. Not having money, he found one of the cheapest apartments to rent in that he could. That's where he first ended up meeting one Walter Kovacs, as a neighbour.
He's quite an anxious person, shy around new people, and Walter is. Walter. So they didn't talk much at first. Not until a loud argument broke out in the building's hallways and surprisingly the loudest person there was Barghest. Another tenant has a break up go wrong and he happened to be walking back to his apartment, saw red and stepped in. The sudden appearance of another person prompted that tenant's quite nasty, now ex-boyfriend to clear off. It ended with a very shaken, still kind of angry Barghest letting slip to Walter that he couldn't not step in. Not after what he grew up with.
It was the feeling of similar history that got them actually talking more, an unspoken sense of understanding even without any details being immediately dived into. Over time they ended up actually becoming friends. After a few years of Barghest practically living with Walter since he spent a majority of his time at his place, they actually ended up sharing an apartment. "For financial reasons." Definitely not because they'd become unexpectedly attached to each other. Two guys, sitting on a couch, 2 feet apart 'cause they're not gay.
So Barghest and Walter have settled in. Everything's fine, Barghest's not since long celebrated his 23rd birthday. Except not really, because the murder of Kitty Genovese happened. We know what Walter's response to that was. So one time Barghest woke in the middle of the night, got up to get a glass of water and had the shock of his life when he saw this new costumed crime fighter is stood in the middle of his apartment. Especially when he looks up from the mask in his hands and sees that it's Walter all exhausted and kinda beat up after a particularly rough night. Cue the most awkward silence that stretched on for at least a minute straight.
"It's too late for this, not the right time for a conversation. Just... let me help with those injuries." Barghest damn near cries breaking that silence because he's not sure how to feel. He settles somewhere between pride that Walter's got the guts to do what he's been to scared to do, and fear for the safety of the person closest to him. It ends up being the push Barghest needs and that's when he becomes Barghest. He's always tried to help people but always wished to do more and starts putting together a costume of his own.
Barghest is however quite clear that half of his motive is not wanting to see Walter go and get himself hurt too badly, so especially in the beginning he'd start his nights with sticking by Rorschach. They'd started working with the second Nite Owl too, Barghest less so than Rorschach although he still considered Daniel a friend. It was at this point that Barghest and Rorschach increasingly became oddly domestic in the privacy of their home. They effectively were already acting like a somewhat unconventional couple so just... steadily ended up referring to each other as partner. It was up to whoever heard to decide if they meant professionally or romantically. They know who they are to each other, even if both of them can be a little awkward when it comes to verbally expressing it.
Then came the Blaire Roche case, when Rorschach became Rorschach. It was a very, very rough time and it hurt Barghest to see Rorschach hurt so deeply. He tried as best as he could to be a source of support but knew that wouldn't undo what happened. As Rorschach became more closed off to other people, their relationship felt strained at first but ultimately managed to hold strong. Rorschach wasn't a fan of public displays of affection in the first place but was somehow even more reserved about it. When the Keene Act eventually passed, Barghest did continue to occasionally dabble in vigilantism but slowed down due to worries over the legislation and due to lingering issues from old injuries.
Following that, there's the entire events of Watchmen. That's mostly the same except Barghest gets involved. I'm actually not completely settled on the full details of him being there and how it shapes the interactions between him and Rorschach. However, after Rorschach gets broken out of prison Barghest absolutely did not want to be parted from him. Rorschach's tolerance of that clinginess was likely surprising to everyone else, I'd imagine. Probably also to himself. The biggest change is Rorschach does not get turned into the world's most morbid confetti. I do not see it. (From a writer's perspective I LOVE the end of Watchmen, but from the perspective of being in love? Ouch.)
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flamechasr · 11 months
1 , 20+21 for any of Afterglow as Tsugu , 25+27 for miss Lumine , and 31 !! >w< ilyyyy
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(1) — a memory on your mind currently
dark warning?? // MUELSYSE ; i had a nightmare where i was drowning and it felt so real and so scary because i can't drown. it's physically impossible. but it was as if the water was trying to kill me, and i was helpless against it. i think i was really, deeply afraid that the ocean would one day turn against me, and i would no longer have a home, or anywhere else to go and. Yeah i just keep thinking about this.
(20) — a positive memory of AFTERGLOW
i will answer this for the whole band!! uhm..... is it cheesy to say like... the whole journey of us becoming friends and becoming a band rising to stardom. because honestly there were so many good things that happened because of us being together and also choosing to stay together, despite everything, it makes me sob to think about and i'm not even a crybaby like himari !!! JOKES. i love you!
(21) — a negative memory of AFTERGLOW
not a memory per se but i had this deep-seated fear that you guys would end up forgetting about me or leaving me behind, since i didn't bring much to the band and always felt invisible. dhsjdsd i was. Very insecure about a lot of things despite acting positive, it was mostly to cope with my own fears. it's really irrational because you guys were always there for me and reassured me that i Wasn't unimportant and i cried a little and you joined in and then we all did..... so silly but i love you guys!!
(25) — someone you wish you were closer to or knew better
i have 2 canons for lumine, as the traveler and abyss princess, so i'll answer with both!! (spoilers) TRAVELER ; it's hard to say Names since i kinda wish i knew everyone better because i was always hopping from place to place, never being able to stay for too long, but probably childe. i never trusted him and i didn't really want to make amends since he betrayed us, but we had a weird rs where we actually saw each other often - for spars - but didn't talk much. look it's his fault because he only ever talked nonsense and didn't really want to answer questions. i knew about his family stuff, and i definitely sympathized with him, but ultimately i felt that he was delusional (literally) and his morals were also in the wrong places. you just don't wanna get too close to people like that. i do wish i understood him though, and i'd have probably tried harder to fix our rs. ABYSS PRINCESS ; i get somber thinking about ways i could've fixed my situation, if i was maybe closer with the archons. venti in particular, because i kinda thought of him as a strange person. i met him briefly in a bar during my time in mondstadt, he looked sad right until he saw me staring and then he smiled so wide and i immediately knew this guy was a faker. would i have been friends with him? no. two people can't be in grief together. at the same time i shouldn't have dismissed him so easily since he probably knew the most out of all the archons.
(27) — your partners and something you loved about them
TRAVELER ; just one, ayaka my forever girl i miss her so bad i wanna die. jokes. she was so kind to us and daresay the most beautiful girl i had ever laid my eyes on. i really regret having been so mean to her at first. i was just, like, tired and burnt out of everything at that point. despite it i'm so grateful she still chose my company for the festival, and even listened to my woes. she's a really good listener, i have never talked that much about my Issues and Problems and actually felt heard. what else ... she's the definition of grace, a real princess, i knew i was in Deep when she danced for me in the middle of the forest. the day before i left inazuma, she told me she loved me and i was Shocked. i didn't want to say it because it would be selfish, declaring love when i had to leave her, but it made me really happy. because there's nothing to not love about her and i'd come back to her again and again. her interest in international food was very endearing and gave me a reason to visit inazuma often to let her try the latest recipes i got from all around teyvat ABYSS PRINCESS ; also just one, i met dainsleif in khaenriah not even knowing where i had landed, when i just crashed into teyvat. honestly he was pretty annoying at first because he insisted on bodyguarding me everywhere, claiming he's actually “keeping watch to make sure i don't cause trouble”, but i realized soon that protection was just how he expressed his love and like that's really cute. my world crumbled when the cataclysm fell and he even let me cry into his chest, even though he was dealing with his own grief. he's just really selfless and kind and never gave himself enough credit for it. he took care of me when i got drunk off my ass, though he'll chastise me about how it's reckless, he'll tuck the blanket over me anyway, it's these little things that made me realize that i loved him too. my favorite thing about him is that he's really easy to fluster but he won't show it, like, if i pecked him on the cheek he won't blush or anything but his heart would start beating so fast (i know because i felt it). he's also very weak to sweet words, and returns it with his wholehearted devotion. i... really, deeply regret what became of us. i still loved him even when we parted ways, knowing it's for our own good. i don't know if he despised me after.
31 answered here!
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