#My impulsive thoughts told me to do this 😭
roxanneslosteyes · 24 days
This is why you need to take away my tablet... 😞
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I want to deeply apologise for the cuphead and that's not my neighbor fandom for this creation... 😭
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outro-jo · 1 year
when skz says “no”
pairing: skz member x reader
type: scenario
warnings: none
request: yes
notes: requests are open but pls read info before requesting! also this is a formal apology to the seungmin stans. it’s so short but it was the last one i wrote and my brain was fried 😭
masterlist | info
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bang chan- this vacation was much needed and highly anticipated. chris definitely needed a break but you were anxious for entirely different reasons. the ring hidden in your pocket was the whole reason why. well, that and your plans were almost foiled at every turn. at tsa they had you show them the ring and chris almost saw. you thought you lost it in your luggage when you finally arrived. the fancy dinner you plan was almost rained out as well. all of that and chris himself almost ruined the proposal as well… with his own. he turned to look at the sunset and when he turned back, you were on one knee. before you could even ask, chris gasped and went, “No!” as your face was dropping, chris reached into his suit pocket and pulled out a ring of his own. “i’m was going to ask you.” he said with a giggle. you got up to your seat, scooting it close to him. reaching up behind his neck, you scratched at the hair line and brought his forehead to yours. “i guess we’re just perfect for each other.”
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lee know- when thinking about minho and your lives together, you knew it was a forever thing from early on in your relationship. the two of you talked fondly about marriage and possibly raising a family if your life allowed for it. with you two being together for years now, you were staring to think it was time for you two to move to the next step. the beauty of your relationship is that you and minho were equals. there was never any question about it or hard work it make it so. it was just something that happened naturally and just who minho was. when it came to the proposal you knew it had to be something low key and intimate. a big fancy proposal with flowers and at a special location just wasn’t either of your style. you decided that a movie night with the cats was the perfect time and place to do it. all night you felt the jitters, minho even commented on it a few times when you thought you were alone to catch your breath. the perfect moment had finally arrived and in the middle of the film you got down on one knee and asked the question. minho gave no sort of expression on his face. he just looked down at you in his usual deadpanned manner and pat the couch cushion next to him. “no, come sit back down. this is the best part.” you hesitantly obeyed, closing the ring box and returning it to your pocket. there was no way you were enjoying the rest of the movie the way your mind swirled. “he really doesn’t wanna marry me?” “should i have done something else to make it more special?” “does he want to break up.” though you were sitting still and quiet, minho could feel the way your mind raced and rolled his eyes. not at you of course, but you were always the impulsive and impatient one in he relationship. he reeled you in the way you needed. if you had waited just a little longer… but seeing how that wasn’t going to happen once the credits rolled, minho got up with an exasperated sigh. he knew he had to do this now or it was gonna eat you up. you sat in silence while he went to the back bedroom and returned with a black object in his hand. minho looked adorably annoyed as he got on one knee, his eyelids lazily drooped over his eyes. “fine, marry me.” he opened the box in his had to reveal the most stunning engagement ring. you gasped, watching it sparkle in the dim lighting. “minho, are you sure?!” “yes, i’m sure but you ruined the surprise i had for next week, pabo.” you laughed and tried to hide the embarrassment on your cheeks behind your hands. “you’re my pabo and i wouldn’t have our life be any other way than you moving too fast because you’re excited then i have to come behind you and do it right.” he told you, his face relaxing into what one could only describe as fondness for you. you nodded as the tears started to flow and he pulled you into his arms, sitting you on his knee for hugs and kisses. after a few seconds minho pulled away and said, “ok, gimme my ring.”
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changbin- your boyfriend was old fashioned, traditional. he liked things a certain way whereas you were totally unconventional. admittedly, he loved that about you. it pushed him out of his comfort zone and challenged his way of thinking. you brought out the best in him. though some things were just sacred to him. changbin always expected to be the one to propose to you when the time came, but it never did and you were getting tired of waiting. you took matters in your own hands. the plan was in motion, taking him out to dinner, then a quiet boat ride on the han river. just as binnie was distracted by the fireworks going off over head you, got down on one knee. “binnie, will you—“ “no!” he got down on one knee in front of you. “marry me!” “you don’t even have a ring!” you protested. “yes, i do! i’ve had it since i met you! it’s in my closet!” he shot back. “then why haven’t you asked me to marry you?” “because…” he paused for a moment. “i was too afraid you’d say no.” he spoke in a soft voice, almost embarrassed for thinking the way he did. “but you’re the one that said ‘no’ to me.” you teased him gently. “well… that doesn’t count. you ambushed me.” “it’s called a surprise!”
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hyunjin- paris was one of hyunjin’s favorite cities. you never really understand the “city of love” thing until you went there with your love. all the lights and beautiful blossoms on the trees, the incredible food and shopping, it all was so much better experiencing it with the love of your life. you were so swept up in the feeling, you couldn’t help but want to make the most of your time here. before you knew it, you were walking out of a jewelry shop with a ring for your boyfriend but no plan whatsoever. you had resigned to let paris work her magic and the moment will come when it was supposed to. it was a beautiful afternoon with you and hyunjin walking hand in hand, his camera around his neck to take shots as you went. walking along the river, the sun was just setting and hyunjin had to stop you because you looked so beautiful. “wait, baby, the light is perfect right now!” he held the film camera up to his eye, squinting to look through the view finder. he took two shots of different poses and before he could realize what was going on, you got down on your knee. the flash went off but hyunjin froze, his hands slowly lowering to reveal his jaw agape as he stared at you. “will you marry me, hyunjinnie?” you opened the box to reveal the ring. “no…” it was so faint, you weren’t sure you heard it right. “what?” you asked. hyunjin suddenly snapped back into reality, the weight of what he said hitting him. “no! no, i mean, no!” as if the word wasn’t already echoing in your head, hyunjin kept repeating it as he fumbled. “i can take a hint, babe.” you scoffed bitterly and went to stand. “wait, no! i— uggghh” he was growing more frustrated with himself. letting the camera fall, held by the strap around his neck, he dug into his pocket. “i mean, ‘no’ as in, ‘there’s no way i found someone so incredibly perfect for me’.” hyunjin held the ring out to you, beaming. your face lit up before you jumped up, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing all over his face repeating “yes” over and over.
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han- competitive. that’s one word everyone would use to describe your relationship with jisung. not in a bad way. it was very playful and usually lighthearted. the two of you joked about who would end up proposing first and mock fighting it was gonna be you while he insisted it would be him. this also resulted in a proposal from him that you just rolled your eyes at because you knew he was just doing it for the bit. when you finally decided enough was enough and you had to marry him, you put a lot of thought into how you would propose to him. the perfect day was planned and it was jisung to a t. by the time you were about to drop to a knee, jisung was completely oblivious but panicked the minute he turned and saw you. “NO! NO!” he fussed, dropping to his knee. “i was gonna ask you first.” “too bad.” you gave him a shit eating grin. “i won. now you have to marry me.” jisung couldn’t help but laugh at you. “fine, ok, but i also won and you’re my prize.”
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felix- dating felix was nothing short of magical. even the harder times when you two were apart or struggling to communicate, you always felt this overwhelming love for him. it gave you hope in those times that it would always work out. your and felix’s relationship was unique in that neither of you fell into specific gender roles. felix always prefers to keep gender stereotype out of quite literally everything. it felt completely right with him. which is why it felt totally natural buying an engagement ring, especially so early on in your relationship. the saying, “you just know” couldn’t have been more true and you finally understood when you met felix. the ring lived in your sock drawer, lying in wait for the right time, which you knew was probably some time in the future. the universe had other plans. the ring stayed perfectly hidden for a year or so until felix had decided to take the relationship to the next step: moving in together. he very sweetly offered to help you pack and quite honestly, the ring had been in there so long that you often forgot about it. it wasn’t until felix was in the drawer and you walked in and heard, “oh, no…” that you froze. you panicked, “felix, baby, i can explain!” you didn’t have to, felix was already on his knee in front of you, holding your own ring towards you. he was teary eyed and grinning ear to ear. “i dunno why i didn’t think about this sooner. i guess you’re always one step ahead of me. you’ve always been smarter than me.” he chuckled. “but i want this. i want you. i promise i’ll get you a ring, too. just please… marry me.” silence hung in the air as he finished his proposal. you hesitated, “lix… is it too soon?” felix quickly stood, shaking his head as he took you in his arms. “of course not! i want forever to start as soon as possible with you. i love you so much!” he emphasized the last sentence. “then i guess it’s a yes.”
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seungmin- seungmin was very particular about literally everything and it was your job as his partner to mess that up a bit, bring him out of his comfort zone. he had a love/hate relationship with your ‘job’. seungmin needed the house cold, you turned up the heat. seungmin folded his clothes a certain way, you found a better way to fold them. seungmin wanted an apartment out of the city, you found a block away from the dorms. every single idea or thought was challenged by you. so when you proposed to him and he said no, it didn’t faze you one bit. you still loved him just as much as you did before. it was only two weeks later when seungmin proposed to you over dinner, in his own way. sometimes you gotta let him win some.
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i.n- in his defense, you shouldn’t have asked while he was in a game with felix. he just looked so beautiful. freshly showered, no makeup, his skin glowing after his skincare routine. jeongin was so stunning that in that moment, you couldn’t help but ask. “will you marry me?” the words just fell from your lips effortlessly. your boyfriend tucked a headphone behind his ear, half glancing down at you as he said, “what? oh, no thanks, baby,” before returning to his game.  you weren’t really serious but to hear ‘no’ still stung. having taken all your bruised ego can handle, you went back to your shared bedroom to nurse your wounds. it’s not like you and jeongin have been together for a few weeks or even months. it’s been years by now, but you both are still young and he has stay and stray kids to worry about. i guess it wasn’t good timing anyways. but you couldn’t help but wonder if he ever wanted to get married. the worry plagued your mind for weeks after and you felt yourself growing more distant. it wasn’t intentional but the small incident couldn’t help but have you insecure in yourself and your relationship. jeongin on the other hand didn’t really notice as his mind was a little preoccupied. he had a comeback and tour in the works and there was something he decided that he needed to do before he left. on the night before he left, he took you out to dinner at you favorite fancy restaurant. this was the restaurant where you spent birthdays and anniversaries. the restaurant where your parents met for the first time. this was a special place but you hardly paid attention. for the first time, jeongin could see the space between the two of you in the glossy look in your eyes. they stared at the utensil you fidgeted with in your hands. the fear of not asking you far outweighed you possibility of you saying no so he finally had to ask. rather than getting down on one knee (which you both had prior agreed was a weird tradition), he slid the little black box to you across the table. you rolled your eyes playfully and took it. “you didn’t have to get me anything.” you teased him. all the air in your lungs dissipated when you saw the ring glittering back at you. “jeong— wha—?” your words failed you. your boyfriend couldn’t hold back the biggest smile, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “i couldn’t go on tour without knowing i’d come back and you’d still be mine. i know i’ve done it before but i just need you so badly. i wanna spend forever with you. will you spend it with me?” needless to say, the two of you now had a funny proposal story to tell your family now.
taglist: @ujejdjd
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m3ntally-unstable · 7 months
can you write a drew starkey x fem!reader imagine where drew has a crush on the reader and he has for a while, but he doesn't think the reader likes him back until one day he like drunk confesses or just impulsively tells her? <3
A/N : Yes I will try (I’ve never written before) I’m sorry I’m so late on this I’m just so nervous to write stuff 😭😭
I love you..
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Drew starky x fem!Reader
Warnings:- drinking,use of y/n , drew being drunk most of the time, some insta posts (tell me if I’m missing anything.)
having a well-known acting career and appearing in TV series such as Vampire Diaries, Stranger Things, and Ginny and Georgia, I've had my fair share of romantic relationships and crushes on coworkers.
I have had both positive and negative emotions from every person I have dated. Nonetheless I still have a lot of my partners as friends, though.
When I got casted on outerbanks, I was already working on a project which required all of my time in another state in a whole ,leading to me having to decline the role.
After finishing said project , and sulking over not excepting the offer i got a call from my agent telling me that I was getting handed a role,a really good one .No audition needed. As the love interest of a rich playboy (wonder who that is).
“What exactly is the show again?…” I asked annoyed that I was being disturbed from my beauty sleep.
“Firstly I never told you aaand secondly it’s for.. outerbanks!”
The show I declined? The show that made me regret doing my previous project instead of it? The show where my college crush- AHEM. right where was I
“Hellooo? You there y/n?..”
“Uhhh yeah sorry. You can call back and say yes”
“I already did. I was just telling you”
“Wow oka-“
Originally I believed that when I joined the cast of the outerbanks drew starkey would forget about me, but judging off of the happy smile on his face when he saw me or how his eyes softened when I talked about something I was interested in told me otherwise. I was finally gonna tell him. Tell him I l-
Actually I just shouldn’t go! Yeah. Why face the embarrassment of drew not feeling same! Yeah that’s smar-
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Madisyn bby
Girl, we need to go shopping for
Dresses ASAP . It’s already 3
And the party IS AT 9
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Woah woah ok I’ll
Meet you out in 5😭
Madisyn bby
That’s what I thought
Yeah yeah 😒
Madisyn bby
Read 12:45
“Ok , red or black?” I asked with hesitation on the choices i had just tried on. “Definitely black girl, you look so hot” madisyn replied “maybe match it with some green?” Elaine said “that would look so good” Maddie added with a wink towards Elaine.
“Hey hey what’s up with the winking” I asked panicked “oh you know just Drew’s favourite colour..” madisyn mumbled out. I felt my eye twitching at the three of them I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks
“god you guys” I blushed and ran into the changing room soon hearing the laughter of the 3 girls.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed girlie pop” Elaine teased “easy for you to say your already dating someone ” I whined
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Liked by y/nuser and 21,992 others
elameeeee had too much fun shopping with my girls for season wrap party
Y/nuser I will find you.
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As soon as I walked into the venue of the party the only that came to mind was my insecurities. Would Drew ever like someone like me? Someone who isn’t as pretty as his ex’s?
Instead of overthinking maybe I should just drink it away .yeah that sounds goo-
God what is with people and interrupting me today?! I turned around and looked around not seeing anyone who seemed to be calling my name
“Over here!” I turned a bit to the right and saw
Oh my. No no no. I’m not ready yet I was still in the middle of overthinking.
He came running up to me with the cutest grin on his face “hey.” He said out of breath “hi Drew” I responded while looking down because I could feel the blood rushing up.
“You- uh you look beautiful ” he stuttered out after actually taking a good look at my dress. If I wasn’t blushing earlier I sure am now.
“You don’t look half-bad yourself starkey” I giggled out trying to regain my confidence.
I couldn’t help but notice the small blush spread across his face after hearing my comment. God that’s so embarrassing, why did I even say that.
“DREW MY MAN!” I hear non other than Rudy come up. Rudy was nice , I saw him as my best friend, like a brother, Rudy and I were two pods in a pea, me and him grew up together in Atlanta and only moved apart because of high school, we still often texted and chatted but it never felt the same as being with him in person
“RUDY!” I squealed
“Y/n!” He rushed into my arms and pulled me into his into his tight embrace “oh my god , I missed you so much”
He chuckled “I missed you too n/n” he pulled back “look at you, miss hell on wheels”
“You guys know eachother?” Drew asked “yeah, me and Rudy grew up together” I responded Rudy agreeing with me “oh okay..”
“So um let’s head inside?”
It was currently 1:25 am and observing how everyone was almost knocked out , except for jd and me obviously, who else was going to take care of them?
“I’ll order a Uber for Rudy and Elaine , you should stay with drew,the girls and me , it’s not a problem” JD offered
“Yeah That’d be great , thank you jd” he nodded
Now , the biggest challenge of all, getting them back to the apartment. Sigh, why am I even here.
“Drew come on , let’s go”
“Ughnnn, no I don’t wanna” he wrapped his arms around my waist and stared into my eyes
“Drew-” he put his head into the crook of my neck. God I can feel his breath. It’s okay , just get him back to the apartment and done
“Y/n Come on let’s go!” JD honked from the car
“Come on drew” I practically dragged him out, but what surprised me that he didn’t let go. “Drew let go”
“Nghhhh” he somehow just cuddled in deeper to me
This is going to be a long night.
Having to drag this 80kg man down a hallway into a bed is like doing bodybuilding.
“Come on Drew go to bed”
“Don’t leaveeeee” he whined
I sighed out of frustration, “okay cmon big boy let’s go to bed” I stepped into bed and stayed on my side of the bed, not wanting it to be awkward.
He tried wrapping his arms around me “heyyy, come closer”
“Drew what has gotten into you” I mumbled, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and stuffed his head into the crook of my neck like earlier today
“You know drew im so gonna make fun o-”
“Do you and Rudy have something going on” he spoke clearly for the first time that night.
“What are you on about drew.” He still waited for a response “no!” He sighed like he was holding his breath and leaned back into my shoulder.
“I love you” his voice came muffled but , I knew what he said, if it wasn’t so dark , he would’ve seen how red I’d become just from that one comment
“Drew come on your drunk-”
He lifted his head “I mean it.”
Oh my god. Is the world spinning? I can’t breathe!. Okay , no calm, he’s drunk he doesn’t mean it. Your okay yea-
Suddenly I felt lips on mine, it took me a moment to realise what was happening and I kissed back. no this is wrong, I pulled away
“Drew we can’t do this.. not again”
“Y/n , I know you feel it, please.”
I paused thinking of what to say , hearing him plead with his puppy eyes under the moonlight was intoxicating
“Drew your drunk, I won’t do anything, until I know you mean it”
Drew didn’t respond, he slowly made a Noice of confirmation and understood where I was coming from and put his head back down to its original position.
I knew he wasn’t sleeping but it was peaceful knowing we were just lying there. I felt my eyes get heavy but before I let slumber take me I said
“Hey drew..”
“Tell me that again tomorrow”
I felt him smile against my neck and muzzle into me more
The next morning , i woke up with Drew still having his arms wrapped around me and a particular instagram post that made me actually realised what was happening
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Liked by madisynBaileybabe and 286492962 others
Rudeth saves this wiles you can people , before y/n wakes up and kills me #y/drew
@y/nuser and @drewstarkey
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astropookie · 1 year
astro observations that i founded in my notes
*birth chart placements
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star dream
taurus moon: they’re so CALM and so comforting. my histrionic energy 🤪 at first didn’t understand but just accept it. Sometimes I have the urge to smack them or shake their shoulders so they can “wake up”. They seem high, in a way they seem to accept things as how they come -but I really doubt it- (it’ll resonate more on the ones with mercury 12H at pisces degree) -I only know them for like 2 weeks-. THEY LOOK SO FUCKING COMFORTABLE OR CALM. When they’re panicking they don’t rise their voice BUT I’ve seen another taurus moon with a lot of cancer and Leo placements that’s the total opposite - I wanted to point it out bc it surprised me how tf they look so in tune with everything but at the same time their expression say otherwise-. UPDATE: she left. And that makes me wanna point out another thing. (she also has a pisces rising) —->
Pisces risings ALWAYS -idk how to bring this up- make their actions seem irresponsable or the situations they go trough are really unexpected. The other day, out of nowhere, a friend disappeared and told me she wasn’t going to stay. She didn’t specified anything. Too suden. They act or -I want to believe- their life makes them take decisions that can seem irresponsable, impulsive or egoist. I knew her for fourth weeks and then she disappeared, not specifying what was the situation. Everyone was asking me what happened and she left me the weight? the responsibility of telling everyone something I couldn’t tell (bc she told me it was a secret and I didn’t told them exactly). My ex best friend is a pisces rising and he always made decisions that affected not only him but their loved ones in a devastating way. He always passed the barrier of limits only bc he wanted and he could. He knew how much weight the situations held and even knowing that he minimized them. I’m not saying every pisces rising is like that. BC THEYRE NOT. Don’t generalize or take my observation as a way of justifying others actions. It’s complex. That’s based on what I observed, it’s completely subjective. So pls don’t take advantage of this and benefit yourself to hate on others. UPDATE: She changed careers, to major in communication to medicine. THAT’S A WHOLE CHANGE. SHE JUST TOLD ME. (with majority of air elements)
I’ve noticed that pisces risings are always questioning if they look good physically. They ask “Do I look good?” and if you say yes, they’ll be like “What do you mean that I look good? Specify. Do I look good meh or do I look good good?”
If you order an Aquarius and Capricorn prominent person, they will not do what you ordered them. They don’t like to be told what to do, to not be able to process and question that order and simply bc you’re telling them what to do, you’re demanding them. They only can do THAT -order people-, if you’re not informed 🙄
oN tHE otHeR hAnD, if you order a Sagittarius prominent person to do something they will not do it but not bc they’re mad at you, like the case of Saturn rulers. No, they’ll not do it. They’ll joke about it and ignore it bc they don’t feel free, to not be allowed or able to choose and the most important thing: bc they can.
The life of people with Venus 7H turns around relationships, romantic relationships? A really lovely friend I have always suffer bc he gives too much of his energy on relationships, friendships, every type/aspect. He came out of his almost 2 years relationship -he was very mature about it, also he was really broken when it happened obviously but he knew how to overcome it and im proud of him 😭-, now, time have passed but not too much -I’m not judging him. I didn’t thought about it till now, 3-2 months😟🤪😚- and he already told me he is starting to like someone and that he kissed her and I’m proud of him BUT HOW TF YOU LIKE SOMEONE SO EASILY AND START SOMETHING WITH SOMEONE IN A ROMANTIC PURE WAY. IM LITERALLY SAYING ROMANTIC BC HES REALLY LOYAL, ALWAYS THINKING TOO MUCH ABOUT THEIR PARTNER/LOVED ONES ETC. I FUCKING BLOCK ALL MY FEELINGS LIKE HOW DO YOU ENTER A SOMETHING SMOOTHLY WITHOUT KILLING YOURSELF THINKING THAT YOU CANT HAVE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION OR AAAAAAA
I think I know why my friend with scorpio moon don’t like my other friend with moon and mercury 12H. Scorpio always likes to control the situation, what’s happening, to know everything and to everyone to know nothing but what they want others to know -except for their loved ones?no-. 12H is synonym of “hidden”, they always hide something…-traumatic- that a scorpio may find it often uncomfortable. Why? They don’t know what’s happening easily, they know the other is hiding something. They can’t control it. They have to make an effort. They don’t like when people on purpose hide something. Scorpio moons are intuitive ASF. They don’t like your fake smile. My scorpio moon friend told me “I don’t like her. She hides something” and yes, my mercury/moon 12H friend does. She is always smiling and daydreaming, she’s not direct. She told me about her past situations that were certainly traumatic, there were a lot of changes in her life and my scorpio moon friend knows she hides THAT something.
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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starryriize · 8 months
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— ✧ • ˳೫˚ part of my valentine event!
೫ pairing: bf!wonbin and gf!reader
೫ summary: you and wonbin spend the entire night making pizzas
೫ genre/word count: really fluffy and cute! 761 words!
೫ author’s notes: stop i love this sm 😭 this is peak love to me fr :(( making food esp pizza >>>> (why do i feel like i could’ve made this so much better fr)
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The smell of rosemary and thyme mixed with the aroma of fresh dough filled the entire kitchen,  reminding you of your childhood in your grandma’s home. The idea of making pizza was your boyfriend’s, so he called your dad to ask for his iconic family recipe. He’d given Wonbin the list of ingredients, emphasizing over the phone that he could not forget the most important ingredient: love. “I once made pizza without love and it tasted terrible! So, don’t forget it!” Your dad’s enthusiastic voice echoed in Wonbin’s mind. Perfect for Valentine’s Day, he thought to himself. 
“Y/n! Could you get the flour too, please?” You poke your head out from the pantry, hands filled with various herbs, spices, and of course, tomato sauce. You laugh, putting the ingredients on the countertop. "Sure, love." Flashing a smile at you, he thanks you, carefully adding the flour in. He gestures for you to come next to him, holding his dough-covered hand out for you to grab. You giggle, taking his hand, eyes flicking upward at his face. Removing his hand from yours, he wraps both his arms around your waist, lightly lifting you to sit atop the counter. After placing you down, he goes back to the dough, kneading it lightly.
Turning to look at the dough, you notice the marinara sauce jar is open. So, impulsively, you reach down, dipping your finger in the sauce and wiping it on your lips. "Look honey, do you like my new lipstick?" You wiggle your eyebrows at him, excitedly pointing at your lips. Wonbin lets go of the dough ball, turning to look at you. Throwing his head back in laughter, he leans over, staring at you intently. His eyes flick from your eyes to your marinara sauce-covered lips, resisting the urge to kiss the sauce off of you.
"Yes. It's a pretty red on you." Wonbin softly whispers, leaning in and giving in to his urge to kiss you. It was a soft kiss, like something out of a movie scene. It was in this moment, as he pulled away, that he knew. You were his future. Smiling, he says, “I need to finish the pizza, love. The dough has to prove for an hour or so.” You feel the heat on your cheeks rising as a small smile grows on your face.
Atop the countertop, you had the opportunity to admire your boyfriend as he focused on slicing mozzarella cheese. Taking a small piece, you bring it up to his mouth. Knowing what you wanted, he opened his mouth, letting you feed him tiny pieces of the cheese on the cutting board. “Mmphm-,” he paused, chewing before continuing, “you do realize that I have to use these for the pizza, right love?” You giggle mischievously, flashing a threatening smirk at him. You knew you didn’t look threatening, not with the flour all over you and the residue of dough on your face and shirt.
“You’re not scary, y/n.” He rolls his eyes, pressing a soft kiss on the crown of your head before turning to the dough, carefully removing it from the proving bowl. It smelled amazing, just like how your dad told him. He must’ve made it with love, you think quietly to yourself.
Grabbing two rolling pins, he divides the dough into equal portions, handing you a portion to make into your own heart pizza. “Could you pass me some oil, please?” He nods, momentarily pausing, rolling out his pizza to pass you the oil. He watches in admiration and pure love as you spread oil on the pan itself as well as the bottom of the pizza dough. Taking your hands, you carefully shape the edges and creases, forming it into a medium sized heart.
“I love you.” He whispers out, surprised by how soft his voice sounded even though it was just the two of you in your shared apartment. You giggle, sighing softly, replying, “I love you more.” He smiles, continuing to make his dough look more heart shaped, quietly spreading the sauce and adding some shredded cheese. You put the mozzarella that you’d previously been feeding to your boyfriend, onto your own pizza.
Handing the pizza to your boyfriend, you can watch eagerly as he puts them both in the oven, asking for a 45 minute timer from Siri. The two of you shared more kisses and soft laughter that night as you enjoyed the pizzas you’d both made with love. Your dad was right. Pizza does taste better when it’s made with love.
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somewhereinneptune · 1 year
Astrology Observations II
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Note : these are based on experiences and personal observations. Observations mentioned may not accurately apply to everyone 🩷
🫀Someone's life path number could be the number which is strongly tied to that person's signature sign in their chart, either being the number of the house that originally rules their signature sign or a characteristic that is tied with that signature sign.
Examples: My signature sign is Aquarius and I'm a life path number 9 , life Path 9 is associated with being the humanitarian and serving the collective
My mother is a life path 3 and her signature sign is Gemini , which is originally ruled by the 3rd house. My brother is a life path 6 and his signature sign is Virgo, which is Virgo’s house. I also read about life path 4 being strategists and I've known someone who's signature sign is Capricorn which corresponds with such energy
🫀Unpopular opinion but if I had to switch the signs elements, I'd put Scorpio as a fire sign and Aquarius as a water sign. With Scorpio it's probably because it was originally ruled by Mars, Scorpio always gives me such a fire energy compared to Pisces and Cancer. Not exactly Scorpio sun but dominating Scorpio energy in the chart, i think it's also the intensity they ooze and the level of confidence and also self- assertion, they have such a commanding presence which gives me fire energy too
As for Aquarius, despite having the characteristics of being quite distant at times or having difficulty with opening up, it's usually for how intense they are, it's a form of protection. I've made the mistake in the past of seeing aquas as detached until they actually unfolded which shocked me, the amount of depth and intensity of emotions they hold is a 360 and I've observed the same in my chart. It might be due to them being a fixed sign,but definitely that depth doesn't give the air sign vibe. Another reason is how they tend to be more introverted or reserved compared to Gemini and Libra, it gives me that water energy too
🫀Chiron in first is such a difficult placement in my opinion. It either puts you in a constant self - conscious state or you project your trauma on every situation and blur reality from there
🫀Uranus and Neptune in third 🤝 mental illness. That's it, that's the post
🫀Pets and the 6th house man….Aries / Taurus on the cusp is a cuddly adorable pet but one that will literally not do what you say no matter what, also energetic asf and has attitude esp when you say no to them- oh and very reckless, will do things that will have you question your life choices and have a heart attack on the spot because they were curious about something like jump off a high desk and not care or run into something that would harm them, literally no brain cells just impulse
🫀The degree of the planet could indicate the age that planet unlocks for you , and weird thought but hear me out : that degree could stretch up until it's time for the next planet to unlock
Example : I have Jupiter at 24 and I'm turning 25 this May . Yes I've been in my Jupiter theme and actually it seems it's only going to properly expand even more. Now the only planet left for me is Saturn at 29, and I have the theory i’d be living the Jupiter theme until I turn 29 or untill I officially start my Saturn return
I  also have most planets at 5 too like Uranus , and Venus and Neptune at 1 : i was literally the calm kid that has a crush each time she gets (and sometimes is front about it without shame 😭😭 literally one time in second grade my crush's tummy was in pain and the teacher asked who knows their house to help them go home and i stood and said MEEEE in front of everyone and kept asking to be the one to take them home til i got yelled at 💀) i also had 4687357766 anime crushes as a kid and for Uranus , was the type to get mad and throw things on the ground when told no (I threw my tea mug once cause i didn't wanna go to school and slapped my kindergarten teacher cause she didn't let me go home with mom when i saw her visiting the principal 😭😭😭)
🫀Saturn in Aries 🤝 almost dying of cringe and shame at the thought of acting child - like and doing goofy stuff/ having fun
🫀 this is popular but Leo placements and secretly checking your own posts and stories and giggling at them lmao
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soahbee · 6 months
Girls, I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to know what happened, I haven't been able to sleep for days because of all this.😫
So today after school I didn't go home straight away, but I wrote him a message asking where he is and I want to talk to him a bit. I wrote just in time, because he replied that he was leaving now, but we could meet in the yard. I quickly ran out into the yard where I saw him, he was smoking and leaning against the wall, it seemed that he was going to his car because he had his bag and a lot of papers.
So out of a sudden impulse, since I had been waiting so long for us to talk, I ran to him and without even thinking, I just opened my mouth: "I feel like I'm not important." - I told him honestly while trying to catch my breath (bc I had been running so far) lol YEAHHH girls…I told him this without any hesitation. ???!! WTF WHY
And R (I think) expected everything but this, because he looked at me with such big eyes and then started to laugh softly and put down his cigarette. Ofc I got upset bc I thought he wasn't taking me seriously and I told him: "this isn't funny! are you mad at me?" 😭😭 After that, my eyes widened when he came closer to me and raised his hand. "Do you see this?" - he asked and pointed to the bracelet that I had given him... "If you weren't important to me, I wouldn't be wearing this gift." - he said, ruffled my hair and pinched my face again. (i died)
After that, he told me that he had a lot to do and that he had to go now because he was already late. The events happened as fast as always, so I just nodded and he said goodbye.
Honestly, I'm a little relieved that there's no problem between the two of us, but I feel that it's no coincidence that he's been "neglecting" me so far... but it's okay now.
so maybe i don't need to worry?
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reorientation · 4 months
zyn anon. sorry again for the long ass updates I shall stop unless I get pregnant lmao.
speaking of, have more faith in me 😭 Ive been playing it mostly safe. kinda. I don't have to stop smoking and i dont want to 😒 and all this is mostly reversible unless he gets me pregnant, so I'm a lil more cautious. and im not pregnant i checked a few days ago, not because of a pregnancy scare but just paranoia lol im definitely a dumb whore tho. we've discovered he has a breeding kink. LMAO. lol. im so fucked
anyway so, as it turns out I was right about lacking self control.
he went on a camping trip for a few days, and i was really pent uppp and so was he lol. and when i came over to his place, almost immediately horny brain took over. we just started kissing on the couch, and took it to his room. thankfully his roommates still on holiday. i got so desperate and pathetic, i begged him to fuck me even though no iud yet. he was definitely enthusiastic lol. he only took his pants off enough to take his cock out. he also ripped my panties 😒 he went to grab a condom from the night stand,
he was like "gotta play it safe now aha" and i was like
"no. go bare. 🗿"
he didn't even question it, i was so wet and i felt how easily his cock slid on me before entering.
he only ever went raw a handful of times even before my failed vow of celibacy. since he thought it was dumb for me to get plan B even if he swore he didn't cum at all in me. other than that one time. he'd tell me when he's close, and immediately pull out to finish on me.
but this time it was so primal, being skin to skin and that bare and close was insane. he had a hand on my hip, and he'd basically pull me back down on his cock but fuck lol it just felt so strong. we stopped at one point, i was still all the way on his cock and on top of his lap but no riding. is that cockwarming?
idk but I want to do it again. i felt his dick like. move inside of me during that. all we did was make out but it was way too hot.
anyway, he pushed me on my back and told me he was close, as predicted, I told him to cum in me. he asked if I was sure and not only did i beg him to cum in me.
i told him to get me pregnant 😭
i wasn't thinking properly and I got scared immediately after saying it. i was worried it was gonna put him out of the mood but it did the opposite 😭😭 he asked smth like "oh, you wanna have my kids?" and omfg he kept mumbling about it. telling me to take it all deep, telling me hes gonna get me pregnant.
i came so hard, and only with penetration. it was such a weird feeling, and before i could become rational and tell him its just a prank. pull out. it was over, he came in me while mumbling about knocking me up 😭😭 i was short circuiting lol. and it was different than last time. it felt more shakey, and he kept doing these small thrusts after I think most of his cum was already pressed deep, and then he just settled all in me. he was soft by the time he pulled out, i was way too hazed out ngl
he came a lot. some started to drip down when he pulled out, and i felt him finger it back in me.
he said he didnt nut the whole trip, and was saving his cum for me. he knew id be too horny and impulsive to make good decisions. 😒.
as it turns out, he has a big thing for breeding, but was scared to tell me incase i took it a bad way.
im terrified of having a partner who gets off on the idea of getting me pregnant but I can't stay away.
i complained that id have to wake up so early to run out and get plan B, and buying it will be expensive.
so he told me to just not get it then. and I'm like .. well .. I'm not on any birth control and im full of cum .. like maybe risking it be a bad idea. ironically, like you had once suggested, he suggested I leave it up to chance.
I did take plan B after. twice lol. im still really anxious, but incredibly horny and I didn't know both could exist at once
he's arrogant now too. ill go over after work and when we're about to fuck, ill ask him to wrap it. and he's like "nah, don't feel like it tonight". he also threw out his condoms. but even if i bring my own he doesn't use them 😒
my birthcontrol method was to start riding him when he's about to get close, and pull off before he's about to cum. but he caught on and now just grinds me down on him as he's cumming
i told him about my detrans kink and he leans heavyy in it. or he probably is just an actual straight man. he reminds me daily that he can't believe i ever thought i was a boy. he doesnt even say it in a kinky way like he just means it. lol :/
im pretty much always thinking about it. everytime he finishes in me, im stuck dripping his cum for two days, and im still paranoid that ill be carrying more than just his cum from this blip up lol. and also, you taught me more about post nut clarity right. he told me to risk it maybe half an hour after he came. surely hed have post nut clarity and not actually want a baby, right?its weird to feel fear and horny at the same time.
have more faith in me 😭
I told him to cum in me. he asked if I was sure and not only did i beg him to cum in me. i told him to get me pregnant 😭
Oh, I certainly have faith in you, Anon. I know you're going to do just what you're supposed to. 🖤
Come on, sweetheart. Do you really expect to make it out of this without him putting a baby in you? You begged for him to knock you up, took a week's worth of his cum in your unprotected pussy, and then just lay there blissed out and hazy while he made sure every drop ended up inside you.
Sure, you took Plan B afterwards. But now he knows what kind of girl you are, and that you won't stop him from keeping you full of his cum. Sooner or later, you'll be ovulating, and you'll conceive for him.
And that makes you dripping wet, doesn't it? Knowing that your straight boyfriend, who never thought of you as anything except a girl, is doing his damnedest to give you a baby bump. That you already came off T for him, and now you're taking his load in your fertile pussy whenever he tells you to.
When the day of your IUD appointment comes, I hope he just holds you down and fucks his cum into you, instead of letting you go. Clearly, he'd be justified: you can't possibly claim to be a reliable source on what you really want.
You thought you wanted to be a boy, but you eagerly turned back into a girl the minute a straight man got his cock into you. You thought you wanted to be safe, and then you begged for him to knock you up. Hell, you thought Zyns were worth whoring yourself out for, and you don't even like them. Why should he think that not wanting to have his babies is the one way you really know your mind?
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cupids-scream-queen · 11 months
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A Little Murderess °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・❀*
❀ female!murderer!reader x poly!ghostface ❀
Part 5 // 2.8k words
-> Part 4
Warnings: stalking, breaking and entering, p in v, actual sex (woo), choking, slight daddy kink, cheating, idk there's SEX in the SLASHER fic it's not gonna be vanilla 😭💀
A/N: No threesomes yet guys, sorry 😔
Summary: You've just moved to a new town after the death of your little brother and stepfather with your mother. You're not ashamed of what you do to cope with the deaths; especially when you make two new friends who you might have more in common with than you thought...
“Y/N,” Sidney hissed, tapping her pencil on the desk lightly. “Whatcha doing this weekend?”
“Not much,” You whispered back, looking up from your paper. It was Mrs. Tate’s day off, which meant worksheets upon worksheets and you were getting increasingly bored from it. Sidney was too; she was bugging you nearly the entire time, asking you various questions or pestering you about your weekend plans. You almost wanted her dead. Almost.
“Do you want to sleepover at Tatum’s with me?” She asked, and you shrugged.
“I’d have to ask my mother,” You replied, knowing that you’d just tell her your mother said no. You weren’t really in the mood for Tom Cruise this weekend—you were more interested in something more sinister. That Sidney and Tatum most definitely weren’t going to want any part of.
“Damn, any chance she’d say yes?” Sidney looked at you, almost pleading with her eyes for you to say anything that would convince her that you’d make it. You weren’t sure why she was so clingy, especially to you, of all people—she should be running away from you, not towards you.
“I’m not sure,” You tapped your pencil against your face, watching the substitute teacher read a book about Sherlock. “It depends on her mood.”
“When doesn’t it depend on her mood?” Sidney joked, and you shrugged. It was something that wasn’t quite the truth, but also wasn’t a lie—your mother was relatively passive about your whereabouts in general, but sleepovers were another game entirely: she preferred to keep you at home overnight.
“I honestly can’t answer that,” You admitted, and she looked sympathetically towards you.
“You’ve got a lot in common with Billy,” she mused, and you took a note of that—a piece of information about Billy that you could use against him should he betray you. You hadn’t really gathered anything on Stu; he was more of an open-book, and you could assume what he didn’t want people to know about he simply didn’t talk about. He had money to pay people to forget.
“I shouldn’t have said anything, but he’s got it real bad at home. Mom left him and stuff, dad’s a bit of an alcoholic,” Sidney said, and you almost had to strain to hear her voice. You took a mental note of this, though—Mr. Loomis might be key information for blackmail against Billy, should he try anything with you. You were more afraid of Billy than Stu—Billy was quieter, and seemed to ponder over things more than Stu ever did. Billy thought meticulously, Stu acted impulsively. Together, you couldn’t quite imagine what they were capable of.
“My mom’s an alcoholic, but she’s not that bad,” You told her, and you could see her almost loosen her borders around you. Good. She’s trusting you, that’s something you could use to your advantage later.
“Good lord, that sounds awful,” Sidney’s sympathetic nature was something that you were going to try to capitalize on. You didn’t want to kill her, but simply use her. She was a useful alibi, stupid and naive. Trusting people. People like you, who shouldn’t be trusted.
“It’s not that bad once you get used to it,” You tell her, and you could tell she was wondering if she should ask you something. “Why?”
“Maybe you could talk to Billy about it,” She said quietly. “Tell him how to cope. I think it makes him upset, even if he doesn’t let people know.” There it was. Bingo. Permission to hang out with her boyfriend without her, even though you’d do it anyways, you felt like it’d cause less issues if she told you that you could.
“Maybe. I’m not sure if he likes me, he’s kind of quiet around me,” You tell her, and you could practically see the gears in her head turning.
“You could probably give him a call, I’m sure he wouldn’t care. Or you could stop by Stu’s house, he’s usually there,” Sidney told you, and you nodded your head.
“I can try to help him, sure,” You could see the grateful smile she gave you, and you could see that something with Billy’s behavior put a strain on their relationship—which you weren’t even sure was real on Billy’s end. You saw the way he looked at other girls, in ways that he didn’t look at Sidney with, and you knew that he wasn’t thinking of her at night, he had someone else in his thoughts. Be it Stu or somebody else entirely, you knew that Sidney was not the one he had in his heart. If he even had one.
“That’d be great,” Sidney’s hope and trust were placed in you, officially. She was going to trust you, and you wanted to learn everything about Billy through her. The only other person you’d need now on your side was Tatum, but you figured if you went to the sleepover, they’d have to talk about boys eventually. That’s how sleepovers work, right?
“Maybe I will go to Tatum’s,” You mused, and Sidney had an excited gleam to her eye that you hadn’t really seen before.
Ever since you figured out the identity of Ghostface, Billy and Stu hadn’t tried calling you again. You were kind of sad about it—the phone calls were fun, but you guessed they figured out someone else they’d try to murder. You sat on the edge of your bed, and decided to dial the phone number for Billy Loomis, killer extraordinaire. Before you could entirely dial the number, you heard a knock at your window. And then popped the head of Billy Loomis, on a ladder, straight out of a scene from Heathers.
“What in the name of JD—”
“Thought you were schemin’,” Billy said, grinning wildly. “Figured I could help you.”
“Where’s Stu?” You asked, bemused at the fact that Billy’s conjoined twin was missing.
“At home, his folks are home for once,” Billy didn’t look sympathetic for his friend at all, which you chalked up to him being a fucking weirdo. “I came here out of boredom.”
“Not out of admiration for your Knife Girl?” You joked, and you could see a glint in Billy’s eye that you hadn’t seen before.
“Maybe it was out of admiration,” He said, going through your window. He walked closer to you, and you could smell the desperation.
“Oh? And why would you admire the Knife Girl?” He smiled at your question, and got closer. You could see every pore in his face.
“Because you’ll let me do this,” He said, and pressed his lips against yours. You didn’t move at first, your body was stiff as a board. But Billy put his arms on your shoulders, grounding you to reality, allowing you to realize that this was happening, and nearly unprompted. “And you’ll like it.”
You couldn’t respond with words, just with actions. You knew Billy was attractive—and maybe a part of you even found him attractive, but you weren’t going to do anything about it. And maybe he was using you, but you’d use him back, and his body pressed up against yours made you really think of that. You began to melt into the kiss, and Billy moved his hands to your hair, forcing you closer. You could feel the tip of his tongue dance on your lips, and his other arm beginning his way up your shirt, tenderly asking permission.
“What about—”
“Shh, don’t say her name,” Billy said on your lips, and you obliged. You didn’t want to think of her, this was your moment. And Billy was seemingly enjoying it as much as you were. He held you against him, breaking the kiss. You could hear his heartbeat in his chest, and it was practically reaching out to touch you.
“You do this. You make my heart like this. Why?” Billy asked, and he suddenly ripped you from his chest. “Why?” His grip was tight, and you didn’t know what to say. “I—I don’t feel like this. Nobody but you and St—” He grew silent, and you reached out and touched his cheek.
“It’s alright, Billy. You’re fine. You’re human.”
“Am I? Are you?” You didn’t have the answers. You were certain of you being human, despite what you’ve done. And Billy, well, he was human—he was lustful. Prideful. Everything a human was and could be. “What am I even doing here?” He hung his head in shame, and you had no words of comfort.
“I’m not sure, but you’re here for a reason, aren’t you?” You watched as confusion, anger, hatred, embarrassment, everything cross over his face in the span of seconds. He wasn’t making an attempt to hide his emotions, and you were grateful for that.
“Maybe, I don’t know—I came here on an impulse,” He held you, gently. You weren’t sure of what was happening, your head fuzzy and confused. You weren’t thinking clearly, and neither was Billy—something alien to both of you.
“Are you lying to distract me?” You said quietly, and Billy looked at you with puppy dog eyes. You were afraid of what he’d do, but then he crashed his lips into yours.
“Does this feel like I’m lying?” Billy asked, pressing you against your bed, his figure on top of you. He moved your hands above your head, holding them down with one of his hands. He used the other one to hold your face still as he kissed you roughly, his body grinding against yours in a way that you hadn’t felt before. He moved down to your neck, kissing the exposed skin and sucking lightly. He playfully bit you, and you moaned, the sound driving him to continue to bite and suck his way down to your collarbone.
“Can I take this off?” The question made you pause, before you nodded your head. He pulled your shirt off, tugging at the fabric impatiently. He took your bra off in one sweeping motion, leaving you to ponder if he’d done this before, before he expertly took your nipple in his mouth, biting and sucking at the sensitive bud. He then moved his way back up to your mouth, a clash of tongues became the next move, him releasing your hands and burying his arms around you, holding you close to him. You moved, your hands wrapped around his.
“Is it alright if I…” He asked, and you nodded. You wanted him. And he clearly wanted you.
“I’m on birth control,” You whispered, and the glint in his eye let you know that he wouldn’t have cared either way. You giggled as he struggled to take off his shirt, his hips clashing against yours, his skin against yours. He hushed you, playfully wrapping his hand around your throat; a warning.
“You’re gonna be good,” He said, and then started to nip at your neck. “And I’m going to enjoy fucking you, aren’t I?”
“Yes, Billy—”
“Daddy. Call me Daddy.”
“Daddy. Yes Daddy,” You said, your breath hitching. Billy started moving his hands lower down your body, and you could feel his fingers tease your panties. “Oh god, please.”
He laughed, and obliged to your request, his cool hand slipping into your panties. You could feel him circle your clit, his hand large and rough.
“You’re so wet…” You shuddered, and he laughed, staring you directly in your eyes. “I’m going to make you forget about everything.” He put one finger in you, and without warning, he added another. He was furiously fingering you, pleasuring your clit with his thumb. You didn’t have any time or warning before he did this, and he ducked his head to suck on your tit. You moaned, your thighs clenching around his hand, your hands finding their way to his hair, pulling softly.
“Keep quiet and I’ll reward you,” Billy drawled, and you quietly tried to not make any noise, as he was furiously trying to leave hickies on you, in places only he’d see. “You’re gonna be a good little murderess for me, aren’t you?"
You said nothing, your body being stimulated by Billy’s fingers. How your body craved his; how he recipricated everything you felt tenfold. Billy took his fingers out of you, and you whined at the loss. You gyrated your hips against his, and to your dismay, he held them down, preventing you from moving against him.
“Look at me, doll,” he said, his voice barely a whisper. “I want you to look at me.” You did as you were told, and your breath hitched as you felt the head of Billy’s cock against your folds. “I want you to remember this, babe.” You nodded, your body responding to every touch like you were lit on fire. Billy’s warmth engulfed you, it was everything that you could think about.
Billy kissed you as he slipped himself fully in, and you felt your eyes prick with tears at the sudden intrusion. You tried to get used to the discomfort of his cock, stretching and prodding places you hadn’t even explored yourself. Reaching into every part of you, taking you as his.
“You…you feel so good,” You said breathlessly, your hands tangled in Billy’s hair, his thrusts becoming more and more bearable as you got used to his size.
“You’re so tight, but so wet for me,” He growled, and you nodded. Just for him. Only for him. He was pleased with your body, it was a work of art to him. He started to thrust faster, his rhythm rougher and less capable of placing. His pattern was losing control. He slipped a hand on your clit, and started playing with the slick on it. His mouth was slightly agape as he watched you, enjoying the look of pure pleasure that came across your features.
You felt yourself coming closer, but you weren’t sure if he’d let you come. You needed to, the tension burning up in your lower abdomen. You could feel the warmth starting to take over your body, your head nothing but an empty void devoid of thought; the only thing on your mind was the pleasure Billy was giving you.
“You’re close, aren’t you, love? Your pussy is practically squeezing the cum out of me,” Billy said, his tongue slightly out of his mouth as he concentrated. “I want you to cum after I do, understand?” You nodded, anticipating his release into you.
You wouldn’t have to wait long. He started going faster, his cock practically digging itself deeper and deeper within you. He moaned, his body pressing up against yours as he came, his hot seed spilling everywhere, filling you up. You came only seconds after, your pussy clenching down on his dick, milking him of every last drop. You needed more of him. All of him.
He grinned, and you smiled back, your eyes clouded over, your face nothing but pleasure, and he felt satisfied knowing he did that to you, knowing that you’d think of Ghostface and think of the Best Fuck of your Life.
“Billy?” You asked, and he smiled at you, almost begging you to tell him what he wanted to hear. But you didn’t tell him what you wanted to hear. “We should…we should clean up.”
After thirty minutes of taking time to collect yourselves (and your clothing), you and Billy arrived at a pretty stable plan, all that was needed was Stu.
“He’ll be available to talk probably tomorrow, his folks don’t stay in touch much,” Billy explained, circling the address. “I guess if we do everything right…we should be able to knock Sidney and Tatum off in one go, and have you as the sole survivor of a vicious attack. Pretty grim, ain’t it?”
“I guess. Who’s going to call, who’s going to kill?”
“I’ll call, Stu’ll kill Tatum. Then Stu’s gonna call, and I kill Sid. You’ll just be battered and confused, you could say you went to grab a film or some shit.”
“Not a bad alibi, but what if we’re questioned why we didn’t go together?” You mused, and Billy paused for a moment.
“Tatum and Sid were scared because of the attacks, and you volunteered to go,” He finally said. “And since you’re new, you would’ve barely heard of any of the attacks, so it’d make sense why you went.”
“Works for me, I guess. What do I get out of this?”
“The enjoyment of killing? I dunno, you’re the one who asked to be included on this.” Billy started gathering his things, glancing at the time. “I gotta go, my dad’s gonna kill me if he finds me out past curfew.”
“The Billy Loomis has a curfew?” You raised your eyebrow, tauntingly. He hushed you, and started to inch his way towards your window where his ladder was.
“Yes, I do, doll,” He said, kissing you on the lips. “I’ll call you tonight, yeah?”
“Sure. Will it be you or Ghostface?”
“You’ll find out.”
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-> Part 6
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pumpkinbxtch · 6 months
MY LAST REQUEST 😭 I feel so bad requesting right away AGAIN but I loved your response so much I want more. I CRAVE more of it PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP MAKE A PT2 DO ANYTHING WITH THE PART 2 SLIGHTLY ANGSTY AND FLUFFY PLSPLS 😭🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ TYSM AGAIN LIKE YOURE LITERALLY THE BEST ur single handily fueling my obsession rn this will be my last one for a while TRUST unless you say otherwise, I don’t wanna overwhelm you ❤️💔
• ° . ☆ “Free coupons, take one and cry all afternoon ” II
— apollo x mortal!reader
part i
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summary: part ii, you need to read it, the link is above. run, go warnings: none a/n: really forgive me, haha. I wanted to do something very nice but, well, you'll read what I did. I don't know, forgive me 😔 I couldn't control myself HAHA Still I hope you enjoy it.
Lester was about to throw up the burger, or well, the two bites he had taken. No misunderstanding, it was good.
But you continued to check that they were well taken care of; Giving him pretty smiles and walking near him with that lavender smell of yours. Shit, he wanted to be close to you.
They were too many of you, so they had to join several tables and, among the place that was about to explode, they stood out.
A very lively table, Apollo assumed.
Percy played with his soda making swirls telepathically, Leo put his hand in and undid it, it was funny until the son of Poseidon realized that the drink was disgustingly tampered with. He didn't take a sip again. The other boys laughed.
The girls were talking and laughing and pushing each other, including Meg.
Nico picked at Percy's fries and sipped on Will's soda. Living his best life, Apollo thought.
He liked the idea of being with them and being able to take care of them (even though they beat them to the times they had saved his ass) he could now return the favor.
Oh, if only you could see it. You would be happy. You told him in almost all your lives that he was guilty of being self-centered.
Apollo found himself struggling with the thoughts of him, you weren't dead. You were in front of him.
You passed the door to the counter, holding a tray in each hand. That image flashed in his mind, transporting him back to when you used to walk around with two vases on your shoulders, dancing among the people. Some chains hanging from your neck and the jewelry clashed. You have always been beautiful. Whatever way you came back to him; Boy, girl, you were always beautiful.
— LESTER! —He jumped out of the seat and collided with Jason's shoulder.
— All good?
No, he wanted to be with you.
— The girl over there is talking to you, — Will said with a worried look for his father.
He looked up and spotted you behind the cash register. He made his way towards you without hesitation.
—Mr. Lester, I see that you didn't wait two seconds to use those coupons.— You said with a smile on your lips. Some strands of hair were sticking out from under the cap you were wearing.
—We were hungry.
Idiot, couldn't he think of a better line?
You let out a laugh, and he leaned slightly on the bar, his stomach wouldn't leave him alone.
You leaned over the bar, closing the distance between you. The boy smelled like sunshine and some kind of sweet scent, totally pleasing to your sense of smell. Strangely, you wanted to be even closer to him, like a little impulse to be with him alone, to hug him. Were you attracted to him? But it seemed like a joke, they had only met by chance. You cleared your throat.
— Everything's alright there? — You pointed with your eyes to the table where the rest of his friends and sister were. Although this one had nothing in common with him.
You looked at him. The blonde curls mixed with the black ones making a particular blend, you wondered if it was something genetic and his blue eyes, you had seen them. You were sure.
He touched your shoulder excessively softly, as if he was afraid of breaking you.
— Excuse me?
You let out a laugh and straightened up. Again he was a little further away and you didn't like the feeling.
—I didn't hear you, sorry. Did you say?
Lester smiled.
— It's all good. If we make too much noise, we can leave.
You denied without thinking, almost as an act of desperation. You and he chatted a little more, and you told him to sit down so he could finish his meal.
Walked into the kitchen and cursed under your breath. It was inevitable, he would have to leave at some point. What if you asked for his number? The thought made you bite your lip, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
You felt stupid. Would you look like that in front of him?
You gave him the coupons you had collected to go out with your friends for half a month, just for the sake of it? You never talked to strangers on the street, but Lester didn't seem like a stranger to you.
Apollo returned to the table and ate a chip without much enthusiasm.
Rachel glanced at Piper.
— Any problem? — Frank said drinking soda from the straw.
The god shook his head and sighed. He felt useless, helpless because he wanted to be with you, but he couldn't find a way. Maybe he could ask you for your number. Yeah! Or not?
— I think it's better that you eat. —Rachel said. As if she could guess his thoughts. Or maybe yes? He looked up and took the burger in her hands, after examining it, he handed it to the son of Hades. Nico ate it almost in an instant. And he got up again to go with you.
— Excuse me!
— Tell me — A waiter served him. Apollo felt stupid, so he ended up ordering ice cream.
He returned with the cone in his hand and a pout on his mouth.
Piper hid her giggle behind the paper menu.
The thoughts of asking for his number also didn't leave you alone, but every time you tried to approach him, something simply interrupted you.
You quickened your pace towards him. You cursed the fact that Lester's back was turned, and an arm stopped your path.
— Miss…
Again. You ended up in the kitchen, mumbling and grimacing.
Apollo also couldn't find you at any time that you could speak. He slammed his hand on the table and bumped his forehead against the plastic surface. It seemed like a joke!
Rachel shook her head slightly and stroked her head.
—Hey, Apollo.
He denied rubbing his face on the table.
Everyone wanted to ask, but the redhead put a finger on her lips.
— Apollo
— It's not Apollo, it's Lester
She understood, things weren't going well, but it was inevitable. Rachel got down to Apollo's level.
— Try it one more time, if you hate this, try it as many times as necessary. But know that you tried everything.
The god's blue eyes peered through his hair, and stood up with a sigh.
Everyone at the table pretended not to have heard, they played dumb talking about the weather.
And he tried again.
and he failed again.
You didn't feel any different, you felt like everything had been so easy until you got it into your head that you needed to be with him. You looked through the delivery window and noticed that his table was almost empty, you had worked in food chains for so long to know that they were about to leave the place. Your soul felt a despair that at the same time seemed meaningless to you.
You looked for a pen and paper, a sheet they use for receipt notes.
You wrote your number and a note: call me!, and you doodled a heart. Inexplicably, you also drew a sun. If you couldn't get close, someone else could.
Your coworker stopped her pace and raised her chin. She just had a tray in her hand, perfect. You walked over to her quickly.
— Deliver this to table seven.
She nodded.
Apollo was already feeling hopeless, he drank Piper's drink and talked to her friends. During the conversation, your coworker handed the note on a small tray. Rachel looked at the paper and waited for Apollo to take it.
He did, and while he was laughing about something Frank had told him, he crumpled it up and threw the ball of paper into the metal trash can.
The redhead didn't say anything, she knew what was happening. She knew that even if she went to the boat and gave the paper to her friend, it would be something else.
The food was finished, and the rest had been pleasant.
Then everyone rose from their chairs.
Apollo looked again at the same window through which you had been spying on him, until at that same moment it was your turn to throw out the trash.
And that's how things ended.
Apollo walked away from the place, and you didn't see him leave. Both felt their spirits on the ground, their stomachs full of anxiety. It was strange, it was fleeting. But when things didn't have to happen, it was that simple. They just wouldn't happen.
At least, not in this life of yours.
Every chance with Apollo would wither, corrode, perish. It didn't matter how much they tried or struggled.
It was not going to work. At that moment, you were destined to meet but not to stay together, not even for a full day.
And how cruel because there was so much he wanted to show you.
But not now, but until 100 years later.
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nightcolorz · 2 months
woahh okay first time i attempted to send this ask my tumblr glitched and deleted it. idk if it sent but ignore it if so i wanted to reword it anyway. (tw for sa discussions and sexual abuse/trauma)
either way ive been thinking a lot about the post you wrote about armand’s (or amadeo’s) hypersexuality in venice and i saw a very similar post on twitter, essentially saying armand was so confused and horny in venice and ended up going to bianca for solice (then feeling incredibly guilty about it) and then later harlech as he weaponised his sexuality as a form of revenge on marius “ignoring” him (eventually tragically leading to his death)
it just puts such a tragic image into my head of amadeo in bianca’s bedchamber, crying and crying after having sex with her because he doesn’t understand why he feels the way he does, why he desires sex so much after all he’s been through, and not realising it is a trauma response, a last ditch effort to keep himself alive by acclimatising to his environment of sexual abuse, and then it later killing him anyway.
Armand is so Sad. im so sad.
any other thoughts from you?
doooonttt worry lol ur previous ask didn’t send haha (I’m sorry stinky tumblr deleted it tho damn) but I LOVE this ask so thank u sm for resending it!!
omgg this makes me so sad holy shit 😭 I never made the connection that Amadeo’s hyper sexuality reaction to sa trauma led to his death but ugh, omg, ur so right that’s so tragic. It’s also specifically Marius abusing him that leads him to his death, bcus Armand feeling the massive loss of agency and control over his life and sexuality cuz of Marius causes him to get with harlech (someone he knows is dangerous) bcus he wants to make Marius angry and to distance himself from his perceived control by self destructing. Marius starts having Armand go to brothels against his will, Marius resents Armand for doing the thing he told him to and starts “ignoring him”, boom harlech boom death
the Bianca thing is so interesting, especially Armand’s guilt and perceived lack of control of his actions. It’s like, he is realizing that for reasons he can’t understand he isn’t able to control his sexual impulses and he is consumed by them in a way that dictates his behavior, which is scary as shit especially for someone who has been taught to be frightened of sexuality for his entire life. Armand seems to perceive himself being hyper sexual as akin to being like his abusers, where he seems to think that since he can’t control his sexual urges and makes poor decisions bcus of horniness hes akin to a rapist which 😰💔 that type of guilt is rlly common for sa victims who experience complicated reactions to trauma unfortunately. But ugh.
slight change of topic, but I always think about how hard and strange it must’ve been for Amadeo to go from 24/7 sex and sexual urges to sexless being thrown into catholic cult where u can’t bathe urself let alone fuck. Like that’s the kind of whiplash between two harmful extremes that makes someone into a person like Armand, lmao
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celestie0 · 7 months
Idk if this is weird to ask but can you tell more about your situationship?😭 I’m curious since it inspired the story idkkk
nooo not weird at all haha, i had plans to share more ab it once i was done w kickoff but i dont really mind sharing a bit now (will literally always take up any chance to talk ab it it’s an impulse i cannot resist)
basically i met this guy like halfway through my freshman year of college at a frat event, it was a bit different from kickoff dynamic in that we started hooking up pretty soon after that, just a casual thing, but then the pandemic hit and so he went back home to live w his grandpa/family in new york (i live in cali) once campus shut down and stuff. obviously we couldn’t hook up anymore LMFAO but we still talked a lot and i think it was during this time of just talking to one another that i really started to catch massive feelings for him :”)
i went through some bad anxiety during covid, struggling a lot w my career and if i still wanted to pursue the things i thought i wanted (i think a lot of college students went through this w the pandooski) but he would always be there for me and would stay on facetime calls w me if i was struggling to study, he’d cheer me up w pics of his tibetan dogs lol, just reallyyy sweet ugh when we were long distance i rly saw a side of him i didn’t before and i think that’s what made me fall for him
i confessed to him first, similar to reader in kickoff, n told him we could do long distance until he moved back here. but then he hit me with the “i’m sorry, i can’t date you, i’ve got commitment issues”. in his case, he had a long-term girlfriend in high school for four years who he also was dating into college (before he met me), but he found out she had been cheating on him for a long time w not just one but multiple of his friends 😭 so..he said he has really bad trust issues, and that he really wanted to try to date me, but he just felt like he couldn’t
i was really hurt, obviously, but i think in hindsight maybe it was a responsible decision on his part to not throw me into a mess of a relationship w him, one he knew he wasn’t ready for. but at the time, i just thought that it was bc i wasn’t good enough to change his mind. anyways, he asked if we could still talk and be friends, and i said sure bc i didn’t really want to lose him. i figured i could just wait for him (and i told him that i would)
yeahhh well the waiting was way more fucking painful than i thought. he flew to cali once to visit me when flights were sort of resuming, which is just fucking insane because you’ll fly to see me but you won’t date me 😭, and i told him that it’d be the last time he ever sees me! and it was :”) maybe it was an impulsive decision by me, but idk. yknow when you get stuck in a limbo for what feels like forever that you make a decision just for the sake of making one (it was such a short amt of time in reality, but it felt like forever) he made a comment to me in our last conversation about how he really wished he didn’t have to be someone i had to wait on to change, and that really fuckin stuck w me lmao i cried so hard the drive home from the airport. i think all the “what-ifs” kinda sunk in at that moment
ch7 of kickoff was basically me trying to get inside the head of the guy from my situationship, and see what it’s like to have fears hold you back from wanting to experience something for yourself, something that could be beautiful if you would just give it a chance. i felt like if i wrote it from that angle, i’d have more understanding of my situationship (i dont have commitment issues myself, tbh i’ve never rlly understood the concept. like, i’ve been fucked over by ppl in my life too but i’m never one to punish the next person for it. dealing w my situationship was really hard because of this, i would get really frustrated, but writing ch7 from gojo’s character’s perspective made situationship guy’s feelings make more sense to me, i think, there was a sense of closure in that)
but anyways, i was in love w him for sure. like, possibly infatuated. there was a time where we got into a big argument about something and i think i legit i cried myself into a fever 💀 it was all so crazy and powerful, the feelings, i’ve been involved w n dated other guys since but of course none of it really compares. idk, i guess there are just some people that can make you feel that way, there’s really no use in understanding why.
this sounds so sappy, lmaoo i swear i truly am “over” him in that i hardly think of him that much anymore, n tbh i don’t think of him specifically all that much while i’m writing kickoff, but there are moments where i can’t help but bring those feelings into the story.
there’s a line in ch8, near the end of the bed scene, where reader has a thought like
“You feel so safe with him, and yet you also feel scared, because you like him so much that you would let him ruin you if he wanted to.”
yeah. that’s basically how i felt about him.
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p1xiemeat · 2 months
i'm omw back home now from the mental hospital i was sent to & i had my meds adjusted & i am meeting an autism life coach soon who i will be seeing regularly. i didn't even know that was a thing lol but i spoke with her on the phone & she's going to help me with a LOT of different stuff 💜 i feel a little bit better✨
the psychiatrist i saw told me that getting off an antidepressant so abruptly as someone with bipolar disorder and anxiety definitely made my emotions become more extreme. and they said i did the right thing by going to the emergency room when i did because having an impulse disorder like i have possibly could have caused me to really hurt myself. i definitely won't ever take lexapro ever again. i already feel so much better after getting my meds adjusted and also just started taking a 2nd one for anxiety. its only been a couple days but i already feel much more calm and less anxious. thank you to everyone who sent me kind stuff while i was away. i just needed a few days to get evaluated and remove myself from everything. and i'm gonna do my best to ignore anything and anyONE that makes me feel bad mentally. the psychiatrist gave me some really good advice and really helped me gain a lot of clarity about certain situations too. it definitely wasn't the same mclean i had gone to before. its changed so much and i'm grateful they sent me there this time even though i was terrified because of my experience in the past. they had an entire new staff there and i hadn't felt that calm in such a long time. it was much needed, and i'm not having any dark thoughts now. honestly i really didn't even feel like myself when i was thinking like that. i felt a huge sense of depersonalization mixed with despair and really bad anxiety. now i just have to force myself to keep practicing self care and prioritize my mental health more. even though i'm doing good in life physically i know i need to stop neglecting myself mentally. because i still have bipolar disorder and im still learning about myself now that i know im autistic. the coach i was referred to is going to help me with that so i'm relieved i won't have to do it alone because its all so overwhelming 😭
anyway, i'm doing much better now and i am just gonna keep focusing on moving forward and making progress with my mental health💜
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Stressful Day Off- Graham Coxon x Reader
had major writers block while writing this 😭
lowercase intended
warnings: smut
summary: you’re at home trying to finish late work when your mind gets infested by your boyfriend. what will you do?
i sat at my desk, scribbling down on papers stacked on papers. i let out at huff of annoyance, irritation crossing and filling my entire brain. i just started this work and it was barely 10am, i wished i had this day off but if i didn’t get to this work then i’d be behind even more.
“y/n?” i hear my boyfriend’s morning voice call out.
“in here love!” i call back.
soon enough i hear the door creak open and eventually feel his hands massage my shoulders. my eyes flutter shut at the contact, a must need stress reliever.
“it’s barely 10, love. why are you working?” he asks.
“if i don’t then i’ll be way behind and i’ll have a breakdown, i’m pretty sure no one wants to see that.” i laugh, turning to look at him.
“want me to make you tea?”
“yes please.” i smile softly.
he releases his hands from my shoulders, giving me a kiss on top my head before leaving to the kitchen. i return back to my work, the thought of his hands occupying my mind causing me to mess up frequently. i’m even more stressed now that he’s intoxicated my mind. in the midst of my frantic working, he crept back in with two mugs of tea. him placing one on the desk caught my attention, making me look up at him.
“thank you gra.” i purse my lips for a kiss to which he gladly gives.
“love you.” i mumble on his lips.
“love you more.” he replies before pulling away.
he goes to sit on the sofa with his warm cup of tea and book in hand. just great, having him near me isn’t gonna help with my graham infested mind. i tried working but i kept thinking of him, my tea already gulped down within minutes. more and more minutes have passed before i eventually give up.
“damn it graham!” i slam my pencil onto the desk, causing him to harshly jump at my outburst.
“w-what?” his face looked terrified.
my angry features soften at the sight, guilt filling me instantly. i get up and make my way to him, the couch dipping as i sit next to him.
“sorry i scared you, my love. it’s just i-“ i sigh out in frustration.
he set his book down and grabbed onto my hands.
“what’s wrong, dear?”
“i want you badly.” i blurted out.
his face contorted into shock as a blush crept onto his face.
“you what?” he sounded dumbfounded.
“your hands…your presence…i need you badly.”
he opened his mouth to speak but was at a loss for words. he quickly moved to grab his tea and gulped it down, like he’s severely dehydrated. i watched as some tea dribbled down his chin and his neck. i impulsively went to lick it up, his movements coming to a halt. his hand went to my hair and grabbed onto it as i continued to lick and suck his tea drenched skin. i heard the mug clink as he set it down, making my body move to straddle him like it was conditioned to the sound. his hands flew to my hips and squeezed as i continued the abuse on his neck. i knew i was leaving hickies but i could care less, he could care less. he’s told me before how he loves when i mark him, showing every girl out there that i’m his and he’s mine. i mentally fight myself as i was torn between foreplay or just getting to the point. i made my mind up as soon as i heard him moan out once i found his sweet spot. my hands were quick to fumble with the hem of his sweater, eventually lifting it off him. i discarded it to wherever before finally kissing his sweet lips. i tasted the tea again, the savory taste making my tastebuds water. his hands shyly tug at my shirt, signaling me to take it off as well. i listen to his silent request and easily slide the shirt off my body, exposing my bare breasts. every time he sees my boobs, it’s like he undergoes a spell. and i mean every time. he dips his head down to press soft and gentle kisses, goosebumps spreading all over my body. i let him continue his affection for my chest as my hand struggles to slip down his sweats, palming his erection. he moaned against me, the vibrations tickling my skin. i stand up from him, a small whine of disappointment leaving his already plump lips. i watch his eyes watch me as i slowly and seductively slide off my shorts, no underwear present. his eyes widen at my choice, hunger and lust flooding his brown eyes. it was his turn to be needy since he grabbed me and sat me down again, instantly connecting our lips. we practically devoured one another, hands feeling every inch that we could. he sneakily took out his hard cock, pumping it a few times before slipping it inside me. i gasp out at the suddenness of being filled. no warning of any sort as he didn’t hesitate to thrust. his hands on my hips while his mouth was all over my neck and chest. moments where graham took control filled my stomach with major butterflies. i gripped the back of the couch causing my knuckles to turn white.
“fuck…graham…” i softly moan, the immense pleasure already being too much.
he was like an animal, a side i’ve never seen before but i liked it. i moved my hands to his shoulders, digging my fingernails into the soft skin. that seemed to fuel him even more, including my moans, since he picked up the pace. one hand left my hip and went to my face, forcing me to look at him, look at his now black eyes. they were so dark, i loved it. he connected our lips again, his hand flying to my boobs. he pinched and squeezed and did whatever he can to my boobs. his “dominant” side didn’t hide the fact that he still moaned and whined, whimpered and cried out as i squeeze him. i felt his hips stutter, breaking the rhythm that he’d created. he bit my bottom lip here and there, hand squeezing my probably bruised hips.
“i’m close, baby…” i finally hear him say.
i was waiting for those words, now saying the same to him. after confirming i’m near too, he went faster and harder. the lewd sound of skin slapping filled this quiet room, the quiet apartment. we’d never fucked like this before, not even when he got back from tour.
“fuck y/n, please…i’m gonna-“ he cut himself off as a loud moan escaped his open mouth.
i watched as his eyes squeezed shut, jaw dropped, sweat beading at his forehead making his hair wet. feeling his hot cum inside me triggered my body shattering orgasm. my eyes also squeezed shut, gasping as i clenched over and over. he lazily watched me cum all over him, a smile proudly on his face. he did that. he made me like this. i slumped on him, our sweaty skin feeling uncomfortable.
“jeez, where’d the graham i know go?” i joke, sitting up.
“i-i have no clue, love. but i enjoyed every bit of it.” he sucked in his bottom lip, an everyday thing he does that i love.
“you’re so pretty.” i play with his sweaty hair.
he looked down and blushed, a sweet chuckle erupting from him.
“would the pretty boy like to sit with me as i work?”
he looks up at me through his eyelashes, a shy nod being his answer. i get up and off him, soreness exploding throughout my body but i fight it. i hold out my hand, his soft hand taking it as i lead us to my previous spot. i sat him down, a confused look on his face that changed once i sat down on his lap, inserting his dick in my sore pussy.
“you’ll earn your round 2 once i’m done. no funny business. understood?”
“yes…yes..” he moans out.
i smile to myself as i went back to work. a eager graham trying to obey me while struggling to contain himself. this’ll be a fun day off.
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astropookie · 5 months
lunar return chart observations🌛
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currently reading The Godfather
lunar return chart it’s giving your mood or your anxieties every month, like my period but - how’s your inner world…
syrinx (3360) 8H sextile moon 7H: somehow represents how I dealt with disappointment, in this case emotionally (moon). the house syrinx is in represents in which area happens. the moon house represents how emotionally I dealt with the situation and what affected me. in this case, my moon 7H represents I was affected by a friendship I thought was a friendship but in the end it was never reciprocated, 7H doesn’t necessary means lovers or enemies but also represents the shadow side of ourselves or of the person you’re referring to, is used to appear after the idealization part. in every type of relationships happens, that’s what my psychologist said🤓. I felt disappointed bc I saw the shadow side of this person, he wasn’t really my friend. sextile says I did great in managing the situation, that i cried about it and I turned the page and learned about it. syrinx 8H tells me what caused my disappointment, that was a non superficial topic at all, also that there’s a new beginning behind of all of it.
jokaste (899) retrograde square neptune 11H: jokaste means something that’s “bad but it’s true”. so I basically told someone I knew for a day I wanted to date him, I was idealizing him so much and didn’t want to admit the truth (he ghosted me and that indicates their position) but i tried so hard to maintain this idealized image of him. later, very later 😭 I finally realized (retrograde). the 11H of neptune represents my wishes and dreams. jokaste square neptune signifies it was difficult for me to accept the truth. neptune creates confusion between intuition and reality and in this case, about my wishes.
mars trine uranus: felt an impulsive emotional need to make something out of the blue for their sake, to reaffirm their way of being. I made an impulsive decision due to boredom and needed to make something. went to a festival and they pierced my ear, months later I had to remove it bc they did it bad
chiron 15° 7H trine ascendant: lunar return is more about our inner world, how are feeling, emotional focus, etc. there’s a lesson you’re learning that would affect your whole view or mood of the month. I read my brother’s moon return and the month her toxic gf broke up with him he had this aspect. house of chiron indicates where this lesson happens and the degree is how. the degree is a Gemini degree, she manifested it verbally and in a logical form, what I’ve got. he was devastated, even he had uranus opposition ascendant, evidencing he had no idea what was coming.
jupiter 1H square MC: you could find yourself feeling a little bit down or blaming every complex situation on your “bad luck” respecting your reputation or career. you could feel aspects of your identity could complicate your reputation.
sun square libby (5672): libby asteroid meaning fated connections. the main topic on that month would be connected with a fated connection. ik someone who got engaged on that time of her lunar return, I imagine she was meditating her new future life with this connection.
uranus on natal 4H: I moved out to another house, and everything was new to me, I felt nostalgic about my old home but I had the feeling it was for the better.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ∗ ࣪ ˖༺ ♡ ༻˖ ࣪ ∗ */ᐠ - ˕ -マ✩ (˶˃ᆺ˂˶)∗ ࣪
♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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roguesimagination · 2 years
can you do a Lo'ak x fem! Reader where it’s one sided love for the reader I need some angst😭
The Heart Wants What It Wants
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Pairing: Lo'ak Sully x F!Human Reader
Synopsis: Your love for Lo'ak has only grown since they left, but what happens when you discover that that love is unrequited?
Genre: angst and fluff
Content Warnings: bittersweet ending, unrequited love, hurt feelings
Word Count: 1.6k
Notes: You didn't specify much, so I just wrote what I felt. This also has kind of a bittersweet ending for the reader, so I hope that you're okay with that and that you enjoy it &lt;3
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The water felt cold on your skin as you walked along the beach. It was dark and windy, and you should probably return to the marui to get some sleep, but you couldn't. The same thoughts that always clouded your mind were there once again. Your love for Loa’k had only gotten stronger as more years passed and you were unsure on whether you should confess or not.
Since they left to look for shelter at the Metkayina Clan you could only think about him. Your chest burned at the thought of having no contact with him or not knowing if he was alright. However, two months later Norm got a call from Jake explaining that they suffered and attack from Quaritch, but they won. Norm decided to vist and chek up on them since he also missed them. Besides, he would take his time to explore the new fauna and Metkayina's culture. It was hard to convince him since you were human and it could be a dangerous trip, but he understood your motives.
When you arrived there you were greeted by the Sully family, except for Lo’ak, who was nowhere to be found. You spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and having fun with Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk. They also told you that Loa’k was probably out there swimming or training.
Now that it was finally dark your heart was filled with worry. You knew Lo’ak was reckless and impulsive, so you thought about all the trouble that he could be into right now. However, your worries were soon gone.
You heard someone scream your name and you instantly recognized the voice. It was Lo’ak
Your heart was pounding faster and faster as he approached you. It had only been two months since the last time you saw each other, but god you had missed him so much… 
“Lo’ak!” you shouted back as he picked you up and hugged you. It still amazed you how easily he held you in the air.
“You’re here!” he left you carefully on the ground. “You’re here!”
“Yes, I am here!” you laughed.
“I’ve missed you so much.” he smiled. “And I have so many things to tell you. The other day I met a Tulkun…”
He kept rambling about all the creatures he had met, all the things he had learned, every weird thing he had discovered… You thought it was really cute. Maybe it was the night air, or the excitement of the moment, but you would confess right there and then.
“Sorry to interrupt, but there’s something really important I have to tell you.” your hands were sweaty and you felt warmer than usual.
“Okay, then tell me.” he listened.
“Well, it’s something kind of hard to explain,” you began. “I mean, we’ve known each other since we were children and I uh, shit, this is hard to say. What I’m trying to say is that-”
“Lo’ak!” a girl screamed from a distance. “I’ve been looking for you all day! I was really worried.”
The girl approached him and hugged him. He hugged her back, putting his hands on her hips. That looked weird to you. He didn’t put his hands on your waist when you hugged him.
“This Y/N, the friend I’ve talked so much about,” he explained. “and Y/N, this is Tsireya, my mate.”
His mate. You were just apart for two months and he had already fallen in love with someone. You felt your whole world shattering and falling apart. Of course he would be in love with someone else. Tsireya looked beautiful and even if you didn’t know her you were sure she was probably kind, smart, funny… You should be happy for them. You should, but you can’t.
“Are you alright?” Tsireya asked. “You look a bit pale.”
“Oh, uh, yes.” you felt the know forming in your throat. “I’m just a bit dizzy. If you excuse me, I’m going to rest. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Without expecting an answer you walked away from them and went into the marui you shared with Norm. When you entered you saw Norm writing on a notebook; probably some scientific stuff, you thought. You were behind him when you sat on the ground, so he didn’t see you.
“This place is amazing!” he exclaimed as he kept writing. “There’s so many new things and creatures to study here!”
“Yes, this place is really beautiful.” you said, but Norm noticed how your voice trembled.
When he turned around he saw the seriousness on your face and the tears that were about to fall. He sat next to you and hugged you tightly. Even if you weren’t blood-related he was like a father to you, and you were like a daughter to him. He hated to see you cry.
“What’s wrong, my sweet child?” he asked as he stroked your hair.
“He…” the tears started to fall down your face. “He doesn’t like me back.”
“Well, are you sure?” he asked. “How do you-”
“H-he has already found a mate.” you explained as you kept sobbing. “He loves another.”
He sighed and just kept stroking your hair knowing that he couldn’t do anything about it. He stayed like that until you fell asleep. Then, he laid you on your bed and made sure you weren’t cold. He could heal people, fix machines and even create avatar bodies, but when it comes to love the heart wants what it wants.
The next day you didn’t even bother to wake up. You decided to stay in bed all day, not feeling strong enough to see Lo’ak again. Norm would usually complain about it, but he knew that you needed time to heal. Meanwhile, he would keep up with his research.
You were alone with your thoughts until you got interrupted by a couple of knocks.
“Can I come in?” Neteyam asked.
You probably looked like shit, but you had looked worse before, so you let him in. He looked at you up and down with a worried look on his face. Your face was red and puffy, your eyelids were still wet from crying and your hair looked messy.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked. 
“Not really.” you looked at the ground.
He actually knew what was wrong, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. The night before Lo’ak explained how weird you acted around Tsireya when you met her and he didn’t understand why, but Neteyam did. He couldn’t believe how his brother could be so oblivious.
“I actually came here to ask you if you want to go on a ride with my ilu.” he said. “Just you and me.”
You sighed and looked at the boy. At least you wouldn’t see Lo’ak, so you accepted his request. First you combed your hair and tried to look like a decent human being. Once you were ready you got on the ilu, behind Neteyam.
As the ilu went underwater you wrapped your hands around Neteyam’s torso, scared of falling. That sent goosebumps all over Neteyam’s body, but he tried to ignore it. You saw even more creatures you hadn’t seen before and you wondered if you’d be able to see them all.
Once the ilu returned to the surface you were in a cave. The cave was wide and full of glowy flowers. The roof had white shiny dots that looked like stars, and the water looked even cleaner and bluer.
“I found this cave the other day.” he explained. “I thought you would like it.”
“It’s incredible.” you said as you admired the flowers. “I love it.”
After exploring the cave along Neteyam you sat on the ground next to him, layin your feet underwater while looking at the fish. At least you were distracted for a bit, but it still hurt. It hurt more than any other pain you had ever felt.
“I know you don’t want to talk about the reason you are sad,” Neteyam said. “but I just want you to know that I’m here to listen if you need it.”
“It’s kind of stupid, actually.” you explained. “I just… I like Lo’ak. I always have and he clearly doesn’t. That’s it.”
“I’m sure you’ll find someone who deserves you.” he remarked. “Someone who sees you.”
“But that’s the thing.” you sighed. “I’m a human living in a world of Na’Vis. I’m not going to find anyone who thinks of me that way. I don’t even know why I thought that Lo’ak could like me. I’m never going to be someone’s first choice.”
Neteyam sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. It hurt him to see you like that. Specially knowing how wrong you were.
“But you are someone’s first choice.” he expressed, looking at you.
“You don’t know that.” you looked back at him.
“But I do, Y/N.” he reassured you. “I do.”
You chuckled and observed the fish again. You knew he said that to comfort you, and that he probably meant that someday you’d be someone’s first choice, but you didn’t want to argue or keep talking about it. You appreciated his effort.
Neteyam didn’t take his eyes off of you. He observed the your face lit up by simply observing nature. He loved there were dimples on your face when you smiled and the way your eyes widens when you discovered something new.
“Have you seen that fish?” you pointed at it. “It’s beautiful.”
“Yes, it is beautiful.” He wasn't talking about the fish.
You’re my first choice, he thought, You always have been.
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