#My headcanons are rarely set in stone
amethystina · 1 year
When do you think Yo Han fell in love with Ga On? I've always speculated that he fell in love during the show but maybe I'm wrong. Was it after the show ended? What moment triggered that? Just wanted to hear what you think :D
I personally think he fell in love during the drama, yes. But whether or not he realised he was in love during the drama is another question entirely. Though there, too, I'd say yes for my personal headcanon, most likely during the one-month time skip between the explosion and the hearing.
In that very classic: he and Elijah go off to Switzerland, he's suddenly without Ga On for an extended period of time, and that makes him go: "... well, fuck."
Because Yo Han is nothing if not aware of his own emotions (even if he likes to pretend he doesn't have them) and he would notice just how much he misses Ga On. And that the way he does it is unlike anything he's ever experienced before. And, eventually, put two and two together.
So the trigger for him realising is distance and his trigger for falling in love? Just... Ga On in general? x'D Like, I don't think there was one specific thing that made him fall in love. I think it happened in stages, one little piece at a time as Yo Han kept building his understanding of Kim Ga On. Because Yo Han likes to know how things work and study their components, but he probably didn't expect just how many of Ga On's he'd end up loving.
Like: oh, challenges me. Oh, he's actually really clever. Oh, he can cook. Oh, he's kind to Elijah. Oh, he's loyal. Oh, he's cute. Oh, he learns quickly. Oh, he's cheeky. Oh, he's playful. Oh, he's fierce. Oh, he's kind to me.
And so on and so forth.
Basically just a series of puzzle pieces that Yo Han collects and eventually he's just there. He's in love. Because to someone like Yo Han — who sees so many facets of a person and can read situations and people so well — I don't think one moment or one aspect would be enough? I think it would have to be ALL of Ga On.
That's not to say that he has to find every single trait Ga On has to be good or lovable, but I do think he needs to be fascinated. Intrigued. Curious. And that's why he's so fond of Ga On's darker side because it's exciting — it's an interesting, unexpected addition to this otherwise soft, doe-eyed young man. It stands in such stark contrast to Ga On's morals and righteousness that Yo Han can't help but want to see more of it.
And that's also why Yo Han loves how quickly Ga On learns, adapts, and picks up on Yo Han's methods. How quickly he adjusts and fires back, how quickly he can start turning Yo Han's own tricks against him. It's like Yo Han is trying to solve a Rubik's cube but if he waits too long, the colours will have swapped places when he wasn't looking.
And he absolutely loves it.
Long story short, I think Yo Han needs someone complicated with a lot of depth to keep him busy and engaged, and while Ga On might seem plain at first glance, he's definitely not. That boy not only has hidden qualities but is also clever and stubborn enough to give Yo Han a run for his money. And, clearly, that made Yo Han fall in love — and will make sure he stays in love.
So yeah. Something like that, I guess? I hope that answered your question xD
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featherwurm · 5 months
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At some point between Moonrise and Baulder's Gate - the crew stops to clean up a bit, and I have an excessive amount of thoughts about social bathing as it applies to the tadfools:
Baulder’s Gate features several bathhouses (including the landmark location Hissing Stones) and they seem geared to a wide variety of clientele; pragmatic (bathing), personal (social and solicitous), and political (a place of meeting) – it can be assumed that group bathing is a norm in the city at all social strata, although wealthier private residences also undoubtedly feature private bathing arrangements. Gender divides do not seem common in Baulder’s Gate on a whole*, and co-ed bathing could likely be a norm as well.
Individual headcanons below the cut - your mileage may vary, this is pulled roughly out of D&D lore, a few character interactions, thoughts about Roman baths, and my ass;
Tav – From the lower middle class of Baulder’s Gate, she grew up with normal family outings to the bathhouse to clean and socialize. In the monastery, cohabiting with a variety of people, group bathing was also a norm (also just… hanging out on a hot day with your buddies or whatever.) Her order views the body kindly, though not worshipfully, and does not view it as a vehicle of shame. It should be cared for with attention and thought to best use it, and while pleasure is inherent (and unshameful) to human nature it is not fundamentally a part of just being naked. She finds nothing out of the ordinary to toss off your clothes and jump in the river with your buddies.
Karlach – Also from Baulder’s Gate’s lower social strata, she too grew up using bathhouses as a place to get clean, have some fun, and be extremely bored while your parents caught up on the gossip. Similarly, working for Gortash meant the occasional political meeting at the Hissing Stones or other locations (a place you CERTAINLY want to take your bodyguard – although she wouldn’t get to enjoy the bathhouse while working). Living in Avernus for a decade in a militaristic setting has also thrown off her sense of normalcy – if you ever get a chance to clean up there (extremely rarely) you take it whatever the circumstance may be. She’s happy to get naked, get in the water, and get clean whoever the company is. (As little children, both Tav and Karlach had to be actively removed from fountains, the river, and suitably large puddles when they presented the opportunity to be in the water – which both of them love.)
Shadowheart – Sharans and the enclave she is from seem to have some issues with pleasures of the flesh and see them as negative and to be shunned. Life is misery and pain and you better get used to it through daily practice. Given her lack of memory of any childhood normalcy, any time spent around other people in a casual way is long gone. She does not seem to have come out of it with bodily shame herself, but undoubtedly finds the idea of just being comfortable with nudity in a platonic way to be alien. Given that she can’t swim, it adds another layer of discomfort being in the water. It takes her some time to warm up to jumping in the river with the others, but she does come round, although she sticks to the shallows until she learns to swim.
Lae’zel – Githyanki don’t seem to have any shame about bodies, at least given their various styling of armor and clothing. Given their almost eusocial social structure and militaristic culture, it’s unlikely there’s much stigma over the body or that of others. She’s certainly with a peculiar group here, but whatever, you need to get the blood out of your hair eventually – the others are sort of strange-looking to her eye for a while though (Shadowheart, Gale, and Astarion seeming like the frail offspring of some small animal with their soft pinkness, Karlach, Tav, and Wyll resembling more of carapaced insects with their ridges and horns.)
Gale – While Waterdeep has it’s spas, these seem more places of relaxation and retreat rather than practical bathing establishments (he does like a nice relaxing treatment – in a robe of course.) Gale has spent so long cooped up in his tower having a weird relationship with the goddess of magic that the idea of just… casually being naked with other mortal people is probably completely off his radar. It is not culturally or personally familiar to him, and feels a little uncouth. He’s going to find a reason to go cook and then clean up by himself later.
Astarion – Speaking of any sense of normalcy having been long gone, his only real use of Baulder’s Gate’s bathhouses has been picking up victims for the last couple centuries (almost always in a sexual context.) Approaching casual bathing with others as any kind of normal is something that will take a reserved approach and a lot of patience as with most things with him. He’s snarky and weird about the whole thing, but it’s to be expected. He later more politely refuses as he works on boundaries and sorts himself out – there’s not enough time in game to sort this shit out. Plus he smells a bit of death no matter what he does – apart from physically getting stuff off his body he’s more reliant on perfume than bathing to feel clean.
Wyll – From Baulder’s Gate and used to playing around wherever he feels like it, it’s not foreign to him to enjoy a bathhouse or river romp (especially in light of various political bargaining happening in the baths) but being from the upper class of Baulder’s Gate he’s not the most casual about it. In his time away from Baulder’s Gate, and being as young as he was, he’s become a little sensitive about it, given his gentlemanly approach developed through his time in the wilds. Still though, it wouldn’t put him off, prior to Mizora’s transformation of him, at which point he’s got body image issues to work through before he’s comfortable again. The tieflings (Karlach and Tav) try to be re-assuring but they come on a little strong about it (hard not to – what he’s viewing as demonic punishment they view as normal for their own bodies – horns and ridges and all.)
Halsin – Look we all know the man likes to be naked and “one with nature”. Bodies are normal and being naked is natural. He’s not caught up on anything, although he might be literally a bear about it if he’s comfortable.
Jahira – Another Baulder’s Gate native who’s used to the city’s amenities. She is much too old and much too traveled to be fussed about who’s around at the evening wash up. She might pretend to be offended or ruffled (or too casual) if she thinks it’s funny – otherwise she’s too busy soaking her joints to care.
Minsc – Minsc is just happy to be here. Are we bonding by bathing together? Ok! But be careful of Boo – he is a delicate creature and gets very angry if he gets soap in his eyes.
Minthara… wasn’t in my playthough, sorry. But I’m certain she’d have the opinion that it’s normal for the ladies to socialize and such while washing but involving the men is bizarre and tasteless.
*Given the normalcy of non-binary, trans, and intersex bodies and identities in BG3, which I personally love.
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shalotttower · 9 months
Pholcus phalangioides
Title: Pholcus phalangioides
Fandom: The Collector (2009). Can be read as an original inspired by the source, because I took some creative liberties.
Summary: There's a spider in your bathroom, it lives under the mirror cabinet and you a) don't want to kill it, and b) are too scared to touch it, so now you can either keep giving it one side eye after another, or ask your neighbour for help.
Word count: 4000+
Characters: Asa Emory x Reader
Notes: yandere Asa, spiders and insects descriptions, stalking, voyeurism of sort - Asa watches Reader without her realizing it, kidnapping, vague hinting on body horror, non-con touching, Reader is socially awkward. Asa is not 100% in-movie-character Asa (he actually talks lol), a huge chunk of him is based on my headcanons.
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You have this problem - a spider problem, to be precise. Not that it's too big of a deal, but...it also is.
Spiders are generally okay.
They eat unwanted guests, like flies and mosquitos or even other spiders. Make cool webs, which is probably one of the most complicated forms of art, not to mention a mathematical pattern to it - a combination of radial and circular symmetry. The golden ratio in nature.
In general they're important for keeping a backyard ecosystem nice and intact.
But there is a spider in your bathroom, right under the sink cabinet, with thin legs, a long body, and of course - eyes. Quiet, kept to itself, really chill spider who doesn't move much except to crawl around a little and sometimes look at you when it catches you looking.
It probably lived in hiding somewhere, before deciding that dark spaces weren't up to its standards anymore and making an appearance. You haven't swatted it away, caught it, struck it with a paper - mostly because you're not good at killing living creatures, and secondly because the spider isn't doing any harm, just observing your every step, and generally being present.
When you check your makeup bag, it watches. When you brush your teeth, it watches. When you close the cabinet door it wiggles and your heart goes "ee" as if someone shocked it with a static charge. This yellowish-brown witness of your everyday activities, silently approving and judging, lately makes you feel like a nuisance in your own bathroom. You desperately wish there was a way to make it move to another corner. A less centralized one, less straight in your face. Yet the thought of touching it makes you cringe inwardly; your mind conjures images of different scenarios involving spider-related unpleasantries - accidentally squashing it, or getting bitten and dying a slow, miserable death.
It's gotta go.
Because the more you see it, the more your brain tries to assign it human features. And the longer it stares, the bigger the chance it might grow a pair of lips to say "get out of my bathroom".
The thought comes to you in the morning while setting a breakfast plate on the kitchen counter. The house is quiet, all windows are open and you stare through one of them at your neighbour's fence. You rarely see him, though the parked car is always a giveaway of his presence. Emory, that's what the mailbox says, and he has a neat garden, not an extravagant type, but everything is carefully trimmed and arranged into simple patterns.
There's even a stone bench by a small tree. Does it actually get used on sunny days? Probably no. He seems like a loner, from what you've seen so far: tall and pale, with wire-rimmed glasses and still grey eyes. Very focused and put together, a turtleneck and dark trousers kind of Mister. Never waving when passing by, though he does glance sometimes - sharp and attentive.
Once you caught him leaning over a bush with back straight and head hanging low. Your stomach gave this funny, nervous twitch, like when a stranger tries to start a conversation in public. He looked your way and then resumed whatever he was doing.
"Whatever" appeared to be something small, sharp limbs and a shiny body. It looked like a beetle, stretched to an absurd degree, and the way he held that thing felt strangely intimate. The same way you'd cradle a baby animal in your hands, rubbing its forehead with a fingertip. Emory put it in a plastic box, sealed it, and went into his house, not sparing you another glance.
This particular memory - of long fingers and a careful grasp - is what makes you think that maybe, possibly, theoretically, he could handle one pesky spider for you. You've seen him with insects a couple of times after, no doubt Mr. Emory is one of those who glue bugs to display boards. The creepy friend in the bathroom must be right up his alley then.
Five minutes later the two of you are staring at each other in awkward silence. Bothering barely acquainted neighbours isn't usually high on your list of priorities, especially if said neighbours look like they prefer being alone. You know it's odd, you know it probably crosses some boundaries, yet here you are.
With a crease on his brow and a tight mouth, Emory isn't thrilled at this sudden visit. Maybe he was in the middle of something, or is just uncomfortable with people invading his space. In any case, you clear your throat.
"Good morning. I live in the house across the road. The white porch? With-"
"I know," it's a dry reply. Not rude, more matter-of-factly; his eyes are fixed on you with a hint of unsettling peculiarity which makes you shift from one foot to the other.
He's not pest control, you think. Or obligated to help in any way. Emory can tell you to kindly fuck off right now and close the door, why did you even come here? It's stupid and intrusive. You're almost ready to take it all back and go home, pretend like nothing happened and just deal with that spider yourself, when he speaks again.
"What do you need?"
He has a quiet voice, a very even direct tone that doesn't encourage small talk, but prompts answers. Now and without pointless filling.
"I know how it's going to sound," you start, cringing inside, "and apologize in advance for bothering you, but I had an impression you collect...bugs."
"Insects. Arachnids."
"Right. So I was thinking if you'd mind removing a spider from my bathroom. I don't want to kill it, but I can't- I can't touch it."
His gaze slowly shifts from your face to the house behind you. As if Emory has an x-ray vision, or a complete mental map of your household layout. Ha, this would be ridiculous. There's no apparent disapproval in his pale face, but something else, a different kind of assessment. Evaluation of how much it is worth spending time on someone with an overgrown lawn? His eyes return back and you feel pinned down.
The longer he stays silent, the more you wish for the ground to open and swallow you whole.
"If you can't I totally understand-"
"What kind of spider?"
It's your turn to stare. How are you supposed to know, you've never studied spider biology. It looks like any other common variety, except creepier because it refuses to leave its spot and stay in the sewer where it belongs. "I...light-brownish, with long legs. Thin? Slender," there's more you could add but any further description will probably make you sound like a total dunce who can't recognize basic arachnids. "Kind of big."
You expect a 'sure', maybe 'I'll be there shortly' or 'no'. What you get is Emory moving past you and walking up your front porch. The scent of laundry detergent and soap, very clean, hits your nose before you rush to open the door.
"Uhm. Second floor," you explain, awkwardly shuffling after him. For the first time since the day you moved in, you worry about what someone might see inside the house. As far as clutter goes, your place is acceptable, perhaps a few forgotten cups around and yesterday's sweater thrown on a couch. Surely, it's not too bad.
Emory, however, doesn't seem interested in the surroundings. The staircase doesn't even creak under his weight, despite the house being around a century old. He steps over the little border which always makes you trip if you walk too fast, like it's not there. Like the corner you often bump your hip into doesn't exist either. He navigates your home with effortless precision, an inward kind of certainty that makes your eyebrows rise. Maybe...the houses on your street have the same blueprint.
Either way, he walks into your bathroom without hesitation, turning on the light. You hover by the doorway, unsure: should you offer something to drink, ask him if he needs anything else or just step away and leave him to do his thing?
The spider is there, hiding under the cabinet, when Emory leans over to observe it. He's probably seen many different specimens, you think, and this isn't interesting at all compared to the ones who have an intricate design or unique behavior.
"She's a part of the Pholcidae family," Emory says suddenly. Just like that there's 'she', instead of 'it', and the spider twitches and shifts. "Daddy long-legs. Harmless."
He puts his palm up close to its back. At first, it seems startled, but after a moment slowly calms down, and moves a leg - left then right - getting familiar with his hand.
"Docile creatures," Emory continues, while the spider walks along the edge of his palm. No running around, no random leaps, stick-like limbs touch and probe him with curiosity, much like you'd study something new. "They stay in the dark, hide in the corners while feasting on smaller things. Your intruder is a useful tenant."
It makes you feel slightly nauseous, how nonchalant he is about holding something that prompts recoil on instinct.
"Do you want to hold her?" Emory turns to you and there's a faint, strange smile on his lips. It doesn't reach his eyes and makes him look like an alien who tries to mimic human expressions based only on observation. His pupils are so dark that you can barely tell the difference between the irises and the rest. They seem bottomless, absorbing all light, but reflecting none in return. You take one step backwards, shaking your head.
"I'll pass."
He keeps staring at you for what feels like forever before returning his attention to the spider crawling on his skin. Emory reaches into his back pocket for a small container.
"Are you not setting her outside?" You ask. "She...she doesn't look like, uh, a rare species."
Not that you're an expert.
"No," Emory closes the lid with a quiet click. "She isn't one. But I'm going to keep her."
And he does. The little captive spider rests at the very bottom of a plastic case when you send the man on his way and thank him for the help. Emory accepts it with a nod, no further words, and then there's only his back when he leaves. The morning air rushes in, crisp and fresh, smelling like grass, tree leaves and soil.
It feels like you blink, and three days go by. You still keep an eye on the bathroom cabinet by some sort of habit, however there's nothing out of the ordinary lurking there, no creepy critters and definitely no thin legs scattering in multiple directions. All is well, now you can brush your teeth, take care of business and even lean close without fear something might fall on your head.
It's just a spider. You googled it later, and how common it is around the continents should be a bit ridiculous. Keeping it might equal to going on a beach and picking the most unremarkable pebble you see; Emory certainly could find hundreds more Daddy long-legs wherever he pleased - parks, gardens or forests.
The question gnaws at you, together with that smile and cold grey eyes hidden behind glasses' frames. The weirdest part wasn't the expression, it was how you couldn't read it. Despite the obvious display of human emotion, however misplaced and alien, it failed to reveal anything. The smile was there, and yet nothing broke through it, not amusement, nor politeness - or any kind of feeling whatsoever.
Your neighbour is odd.
Not necessarily scary, though there's a sense of mystery surrounding him, it makes you feel like standing next to an iceberg and only seeing its tip. Or you've just read far too many psychological thrillers and your imagination likes to conjure up the wildest scenarios, trying to turn each and every thing into something sinister.
Maybe you should just chill and get some tea, and stop being so dramatic about a guy who came over and politely removed a spider for you.
They're not a unique species. Not even remotely uncommon.
He taps the container gently with his index finger, making the spider move back and forth. She doesn't have venom, no poisonous chemicals to injure and kill. Hiding in abandoned corners she does, patient and careful, waiting to catch the wrong fly.
You're just like her. Nothing exciting. Not unique.
Your movement patterns are similar, concealed in a different package you're still predictable: getting home from work, cooking dinner, watching TV shows. Everyday routines.
Fear is a part of your nature. Awkwardness which comes with socializing: you shuffle when uncomfortable, avoid prolonged eye contact and don't like confrontation, he noticed this right away. A quiet type, keeping mostly to yourself unless you need something urgently; and then you rush, like a scared Daddy long legs. There's this shiftiness, an inner desire to be less visible, but also a yearning for recognition because the lack of it hurts. And he saw all those small things, catalogued them one by one, as you moved into his street and became a constant presence.
Asa has never thought about keeping something - someone - so mundane before. Never. He likes rare things, spectacular, and those collected in the basement, they all are, especially when he's finished with them. They're extraordinary, displayed under glass cases and preserved for eternity.
He doesn't collect common species. Daddy long-legs are abundant everywhere around him.
There's the way you linger by the kitchen window during the morning routine, slowly sipping hot coffee. When your lips purse and eyes lose focus for a moment. Or how the corners of them wrinkle sometimes when you have a genuine, amused laugh. It's something like warmth. There's no label for the feeling - positive, negative or neutral, it just is, like one single, meaningless element in an ecosystem.
He shouldn't want someone so average.
And yet Asa watches from the corner of your living room, crouched on the floor by a plant.
You don't hear him, too invested in your personal bubble. Well, he had enough time to polish his craft and figure out how soundless he can be when moving through spaces, how much weight he needs to place onto soles to avoid creaking wood and floorboards.
It's interesting to see you interact with your environment, unaware of being watched. There's an invisible pattern behind each action, even if you think everything is randomized. The web you wove around yourself is cozy, and Asa follows its threads while you check the phone and frown at whatever notification pops up. He is considering. Contemplating this impulsive desire he has yet to identify.
Would it be worth it? Keeping you. Adding you to the collection and seeing what comes out of it, how far his usual approach might take him with you in the same conditions. You're just a face with features. So...ordinary. He wants to pick you apart and look inside to make sure it's not some strange sort of mimicry, camouflage of a different nature hiding something else entirely.
There's this vague idea how those features may feel when touched. He can recall them accurately, even when you've never stood too close. Asa watches quietly from his hiding place, memorizing a displeased mumble and then a frustrated gesture.
You seem so alive.
Those below who are frozen in time now were too, before Asa decided to give them a purpose and make something special and worthy of his attention. They were alive like you, but now they're something better.
What purpose you have remains to be seen.
Asa decides then.
A plain trunk is nestled in the corner behind a coat hanger, no fancy latch or keyhole needed, only an ordinary padlock. You'll fit in nicely, squeezed in the cramped space, it won't be the most comfortable experience, but it's not for long and then...then he can show you the room where others stayed before, and where you'll be next.
Asa looks around one last time: the front door is locked, blinds down, lights off - you get up from the couch and head upstairs, right on the dot. Your house is easy to navigate despite the darkness; Asa knows his way around it, having been here already more than once. A step after a step he follows the soft padding of your bare feet, and when the steps halt, he pulls out a cloth. It's a heavy kind of pleasure to be able to stand right behind and admire your nape, there's a strange sort of vulnerability to it.
Something raw and very exposed.
It takes only a few movements, he catches your yelp into one of his hands and holds it clasped tightly as you thrash. Your nails dig into the fabric of his turtleneck but fail to leave any marks. He's never tired of it, the initial fear of his specimens realizing that their secure habitats are ruined. He doesn't mind this fight for survival.
"Shh," Asa breathes into your ear. "Shh."
The struggle doesn't last long - you're not a fighter - and when your body goes limp, he picks you up. Your perfume is surprisingly light, a very sweet and pleasant aroma, not overwhelming at all like he'd expect it to be.
It's nice.
He puts you in the trunk, a boxy space barely big enough to fit you curled on the side, it's going to take around thirty minutes to reach the hotel and another three to put you in the right cell. You'll sleep the rest of the journey, which is fortunate for everyone. It's always easier to deal with a specimen if they're resting.
The lock clicks softly - it's time to go home.
Something runs down your cheek - a drop, a bead of sweat, a touch - and you blink, trying to make sense of it. The surroundings are unfamiliar, blurry shapes with undefined outlines that stretch and wobble before your eyes. Your jaw hurts, clenched so hard that teeth grind together, and it takes a conscious effort to relax.
The living room, a TV program, a soundless whisper that froze the hairs at your nape, then someone was behind you. You remember a sickly sweet smell, and after that nothing but a haze and the dark, and the sensation of being squeezed into a shape. Your legs feel numb, arms too, like you spent hours immobile in one position. Slowly the world sharpens back into focus, but instead of relief there's only dread.
You're in a room.
No bigger than a regular bathroom and void of any furniture beside a cot-like bed, a toilet in the corner and a sink. The walls are a bluish-gray with thin cracks, tiny fissures that create uneven lines from the ceiling all the way down to the floor.
And there's a man, observing you quietly through the thick glass.
You don't notice him immediately, too busy assessing your new location, and when you do the air feels heavier, difficult to move past your throat. He's wearing a mask. Black rubber or something, covering everything except his eyes. He presses two palms against the barrier separating you, the silence stretches into an eternity.
'Who are you? What do you want?' - these are kind of questions you should be asking, but they don't come out. You remain glued to the spot, counting the passing seconds by their painful tick-tock-tick-tocks. One minute turns into two, and he...just stares without moving a muscle in a beyond unnerving manner. Your gaze dips lower to check his clothes, perhaps find a pattern to identify this person later.
There's none. Everything is plain black, like a uniform made to be invisible - turtleneck, pants, even gloves and boots.
It seems that your silence somehow pleases him, because a few moments later he leaves without looking back.
You don't know how much time passes; there's not a window around, only a bare, stark bulb, yellowish in its brightness and casting unpleasant shadows all over the floor. Not a single sound. Traffic, voices of distant passersby or birds - all is absent and doesn't provide even a bit of understanding where the hell you are.
In the end, you...sit down on the bed and wait, because what else is there? Everything is eerily silent and very, very uncomfortable: this emptiness, the absence of noise, the endless ticking of an invisible clock. It's difficult not to cry, but you try your best, somehow it feels important to remain composed. There has to be a reason behind this. There must be one, and you repeat it over and over, like a mantra to soothe the nerves and present your mind with some semblance of logic: once you figure out what's going on, you'll figure out how to get out as well.
Pulling loose threads from your sleeve is poor entertainment, if anything, the strain of boredom and unease gradually grows into anxiety so sharp that you almost miss the sound of approaching footsteps.
He's back again, the masked stranger who stands in the doorway with hands clasped behind his back. A pair of light grey eyes is a splash of different color, but they are blank. They watch with distant curiosity of an animal trainer monitoring a newborn cub. The comparison makes something ugly squirm inside you. A part of you wants to make a run for it, the other keeps yelling that it would be immensely stupid.
One, two, three, four steps he takes into your cell. Your back meets the wall, the chill coming from its solid surface cuts right through the layers of clothing. Five, six. He stops only when there's less than arm's reach between you, then leans to brush away loose strands of hair sticking to your temples. Your stomach goes taut. This scent. Laundry detergent mixed with soap. The turtleneck, grey eyes, very collected kind of Mister.
A sickly shiver of revulsion shoots down your spine, making you curl tighter into a ball. Emory cups your jaw with both hands - they're cold even through the gloves material. This is too close, an unwanted and unpleasant violation of boundaries, and yet he continues to examine your face, like you're some sort of an object he can handle however he pleases.
Your cheek gets a light pat. Any theories about his identity stay unvoiced, mostly because you fear the reaction they might prompt. Something tells you that screaming is a bad idea too. 'Be quiet,' an insistent whisper says deep inside your skull, 'be still.'
His thumbs press to the corners of your mouth. "Open," he orders, and you can't not, even though the whole thing sounds and feels bizarre. "Wider."
There's a quiet click. A flashlight, of those small ones you can easily hold in one hand, shines right into your eyes, making them water from the unexpected brightness. "Don't bite or I'll remove all of your teeth."
It's a simple threat, delivered with such a calm tone, there's no need for yelling when words are that clear and straightforward.
He inspects your mouth, the edges of teeth and gums, your inner cheeks, and you let him, clenching your fists. There's not much you can do, at least that's what you keep telling yourself to ease the heavy, sinking feeling of powerlessness. Your mind chants 'too close' on a loop, urging to wiggle away; you stay. It's unclear what exactly he's looking for - dental or oral diseases, a sore throat, cavities, or the lack of them?
It lasts forever until he straightens back up and puts the light away.
"Good," Emory states. There's another pat to your head before he turns around to leave. "No biting."
The door panel slides with a soft hum, locking shut. And the silence, and the waiting, and the mind numbing monotony is back again.
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localwriterdocx · 8 months
Stoner or Sober: Scott Pilgrim Headcanons
From somebody who injects weed into my veins, who do I think partakes in this activity too?
NOTES: I have only seen the movie and Takes Off. I have only read up to before Todd's defeat in the comics and I know vague spoilers. Ken and Kyle are not here because they don't get a lot of development in either.
WARNINGS: Mentions of drug use, Mentions of drug abuse, Slight Spoilers for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off / Scott Pilgrim vs The World. Maybe a little OOC
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No, Sober. He rarely drinks, he doesn't even BEGIN to touch on weed. He briefly tried it before with either Wallace or Envy in college, but called it quits. He didn't like it much then, doesn't like it more now. When he first moved in with Wallace, he would sometimes accidentally eat edibles Wallace put out for himself, now he knows not to touch Wallace's food.
Occasionally. She used to be really into it when she was in highschool. She still occasionally uses it, but uses it less now because she was using it to hurt herself. I headcanon she used it a lot more when she was with Gideon. It made her not care about the abuse she was suffering from with him. She only does it with people she trusts now and needs more reassurance.
YES, That is a stoner right there. That's one of the reasons he roommates hate her, she's in her room puffing off her bong. Tried it in her first year of college, and became really into it near the end. It's kind of hard to tell when she's been smoking because she really doesn't change much outwardly. She is the best person here to smoke with.
Occasionally. He doesn't smoke, but he has taken gummies before. He uses it to calm his anxiety down occasionally. Doesn't buy it himself, but if Julie or Neil offers one to him, he's not one to really say no. He's always hesitant when he's offered one, but everyone including himself knows he's going to take it. If he takes one, he is out of commission for the rest of the day.
Young Neil:
Yes. This entry is mainly targeted towards Comic Neil. Even though its not healthy, that's how he deals with his problems. He really just needs to set down the bong sometimes. He eventually would begin to have a healthier relationship with it. Sometimes he goes off with Kim and they go smoke together. I think that Kim would really help him get his shit together and begin to have a healthier relationship with it.
Occasionally. He's tried it, but he doesn't like to mix weed and alcohol, so he usually just sticks with alcohol. Like, he's not going to say no if he's offered it, hell sometimes he goes and searches it out. Has gotten Scott to do it on multiple occasions. He likes to smoke in a group, even if Scott is pulled into it, he can't be left alone.
Yes. It's mainly when she's upset and needs something to calm her down. Luckily, she doesn't need it as much as Neil thinks he does. Probably smokes/does edibles once or twice a week. No preference in methods. She gets less bitchy and she likes to sit on the couch watching shitty rom-coms. She usually would want to be alone, but when Gordon came down to her place, she loves getting stoned with him, even if he's not doing any.
No. He just hasn't run into it at a time he wanted to try it. He's comfortable with hanging out with a lot of stoned people, that's not an issue for him, he actually likes it, he thinks its funny. He gets a little curious when it gets brought up, or when somebody mentions it, but wouldn't go out of his way to obtain it. He's just not really interested. If he were ever to get blazed, I think his demon hipster chicks would be blazed too.
Yes, he gets blazed back at his trailer (THIS IS CANON TO THE MOVIE BTW). He's not a absolute pothead, he just likes to partake in it regularly. After a pretty rough day of shooting scene after scene, he like to light up his bong and have a fun night with his friends. Doesn't like taking gummies, it's either smoking it or nothing. He just can't get over the taste.
Yes. Envy always has to find him the Vegan strands so he can keep his powers. Envy also has to shut him up when he's talking about it because it's just normal for him. Sometimes uses it to calm his pre-show jitters. He doesn't smoke as much as Envy, but that's because he doesn't like rolling, and Envy kept the bong in the divorce.
Yes. She loves it, but doesn't like to tell people about it and will only tell people she trusts. Unlike Todd, she doesn't like using it before a show, she's not willing to risk it. Besides from Todd, the only person that knows she's fond of it is Scott. If Wallace found out, that shit would be on the cover of every celebrity gossip magazine, she would also be charged because this is 2001.
Yes. Like Neil, when Ramona left her, she used it a lot to get over her problems. Now she realized that was unhealthy and stopped for a bit. With her and Ramona making up (In SPTO), she is now trying to have a healthier relationship with it because she did genuinely like it. I think her and Todd are stoner buddies, she used to just go over so she could flirt with Envy, but they became like a stoner trio.
No. Never tried it, and I don't think he ever will. Maybe, MAYBE Julie would get him to try it, but I honestly don't think he would like it. He might try it a few times when he's throwing his pity party, but after that, he's done. He still hangs out with Julie when she does it though. He wouldn't like the way it makes him feel.
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Thank you for reading my stoner headcanoning, there will be more.
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horrorknife · 4 months
its pride month and i love having a million lgbt headcanons. Let's go bitch. enter my beautiful home and listen to the wonderful words i have to say to you. or don't i don't really give a fuck this post is chiefly for me. i have deeper explanations for most of these also.
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adam stanheight
bisexual transmasc genderfluid
any prns (pref. for he/it), she/her use is permission based
pre-top (he lives in a shithole and has no health insurance), inconsistent T. probably does DIY hrt. rarely binds.
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lawrence gordon
gay transfem bigender
eventually goes on E but she is REPRESSED AS HELL
convinced he's cishet during the events of saw (2004). i firmly believe he carries a purse.
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amanda young
pansexual transmasc agender
top surgery, no desire for T
i think she would get a cool coverup tattoo over its top scars <3
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mark hoffman
gay trans man, gray aro
top surgery, T. STEALTH. (kerry + rigg know)
full name marcus. angie helped choose it.
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lindsey perez
pansexual transmasc genderfluid
any prns
microdosing T, binds on occasion
prefers dressing masc
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peter strahm
bisexual transneu nonbinary
HEAVILY repressed and closeted. knows his gender is wrong but the idea of being anything other than cis is scary as hell to him. insists he's cis.
regularly wears tights under his slacks for the Feeling. wears panties. got a vasectomy in college and thought that was normal (it was dysphoria). is usually wearing mascara.
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allison kerry
lesbian trans woman
top surgery, E
stealth (hoffman, rigg, and matthews know)
she and hoffman went to the same surgeon. ("where's kerry?" "who do you think took your boobs?")
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daniel rigg
bisexual transneu nonbinary
past one night stand w/ hoffman. they don't talk about it
he and tracy are in a sapphic relationship. to me.
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jill tuck
gay transneu nonbinary
no i don't think she's cishet. jill tuck is our shegay queen and you need to put some fucking respect on her name. she's like if a DILF was a MILF.
important to add that she and lawrence are good friends + she helped crack his egg.
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john kramer
bisexual (CANON!) transneu nonbinary, ace + gray aro
they/them. dead serious. will accept he/him if you must but this is the stone cold truth.
you can't get on the "saw traps as a trans allegory" train if youre not willing to look at john kramer as trans too.
he's got the same vibe as antlers holst from nope. one pierced ear and long skirts for comfort type beat.
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brad and ryan
they're a set don't separate them.
both of them are gay.
ryan: transmasc genderfluid, he/she/they. pre top, T for 5 years
brad: transneu nonbinary, he/they
happy pride. this is what goes on in my head. i only included my favorite characters here, these are the ones that take up most of my brainmeat. so. anyway this was really fun :-)
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casperghoost · 2 months
My headcanons about ghouls and their elements
Quintessence 💜
Eye color = purple
They have the ability to read others’ emotions and are able to heal when someone is hurting to a certain degree (mentally and physically)
They have bioluminescent horns, tails, and hair highlights; each quint ghoul has shimmering highlights in their hair that are some shade of purple or indigo. While using their powers, they form a glowing halo around their horns.
Fire ❤️
Eye color = red/reddish orange
They have the ability to light things on fire with their hands and work as a living space heater. Their body temperature is naturally a little higher than other ghouls and it can increase due to heightened emotions. They can possibly overheat if they don’t have somewhere to cool down.
They have the most ambition and energy/stamina but have tendency to be aggressive or snappy
Water 🩵
Eye color = blue
They have the ability to breathe underwater and are good swimmers. Their skin is thick and it makes them able to be in water for long periods of time.
They have a set of gills on their neck and ribs, and the end of their tail is fin-like rather than spear shaped like other ghouls.
They are the most compassionate or emotional and tend to be quiet or reserved
Earth 💚
Eye color = green/hazel
They have the ability to manipulate the shape plants or earthy materials like stones or wood. They are naturally very good with growing and taking care of plants (maybe even be able to communicate with them).
They tend to be the most level headed or “down to earth” ghouls
Air 🩶
Eye color = gray
They have a pair of feathery wings that allow them to fly low to the ground for short distances (like the flying ability of a chicken rather than a hawk lol)
They are naturally quite intelligent and logical
Multi 🌟
Eye color = gold/brown
Multi ghouls are born with a randomized mix of abilities from any of the elements, though not as strongly. It’s extremely rare for them to have physical traits of the elements like gills or wings. They usually have mental/behavioral characteristics like habits, intelligence/skills, or temperament.
If I had to guess… ⇩
Swiss = 50% fire // 20% earth // 15% water // 10% air // 5% quintessence
Aurora = 40% air // 25% water // 20% earth // 10% quintessence // 5% fire
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not-another-robin · 2 years
What do you think are the justice league member's favorite snacks/meals they like to cook/eat?
Dear anon, I am so glad you asked. Allow me to explain
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J'onn - literally everyone is concerned. J'onn eats stuff that's not food just because he can. He will snack on drywall. He eats bugs off of leaves. The actual food he eats isn't much better - his diet consists almost entirely off of processed sugar. Obviously chocos/oreos, but also just the kind of things a seven year old would pack for lunch. Twinkies, sugary cereal, actual candy, donuts, popcorn, chips, etc. He tries, half-heartedly, to insist that Martians nutritional needs are different than humans, but there is literally no evidence to suggest that. Someone in the JL takes him out to eat/brings him food almost every day to make sure he doesn't die.
Wally - only marginally better than J'onn in that he won't eat chalk unprompted. We all know speedsters, they need a lot of food to keep up with their metabolism and energy, but Wally is especially ludicrous in the "will eat anything" category. He will put anything and everything in the fridge into a sandwich, which sounds like a fun thing to ask about, but eventually everyone realizes they just don't wanna know. Also a connoisseur of wild food combos ("icing in chili??" "Hey don't knock it til you try it")
Shayera - A little bit more normal but the bar is in hell so that doesn't mean much. She will try anything at least once, especially on a dare. She also just has an insane pallete for space food. Meals on thanagar were really just anything slightly edible thrown into a trough, so anything that's cooked is fine dining. Also sometimes things that aren't cooked. Raw chicken is one of her favorite snacks - She likes to chew on (and eventually eat) the bones
Bruce - now we're reaching slightly normal human foods, but that doesn't mean Bruce's diet is normal. Honestly, he's just autismcore with a splash of "do rich people really eat that?". His schedule is so fucked he rarely ever has time for an actual meal, so mostly he eats what he can when he can. I have fully adopted the fandom canon that he eats shredded cheese right out of the bag. When he does eat a real meal, it's part of a carefully crafted food schedule developed over decades. He essentially has 31 meals, one for every day - a good mix of recognizable foods and "some guy I traveled the Amazon with made this for me in 1986".
Diana - we have now reached the "can cook" section. One caveat for Diana though, she has no idea how kitchen appliances work. If the oven isn't made of stone she may set something on fire. She's used to the best Themyscira has to offer, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and elaborate feasts. She can't really manage a feast in her apartment, but she knows a good few meals, she eats well. However, she's often too busy to make her own food, so it's like 60% take out.
Clark - this boy eats three square meals a day no matter WHAT. If you sleepover with Clark there will be pancakes and eggs on the table by the time you wake up. He's just a big country boy, his ma taught him well and he uses it. He cooks for himself pretty much every day, the only exception being occasionally going out for lunch during work or picking up a hot dog from a cart (he loves them, no one can understand why).
John - John is your uncle that got really into meal prep. He is religious about his food intake, he only eats the best and has every meal scheduled like a month in advance. He picked up a few recipes from his mom, but he really just picked up a passion for cooking well at some point just to challenge himself. He also eats really healthy, he's known to occasionally go on some weird keto diet that everyone makes fun of him for. He's the kind of person who eats overnight oats. He lectures Wally about his eating habits daily.
So. That was a ridiculous amount thought and effort for a simple headcanon question. This is what they inside of my brain looks like 24/7 thanks got asking <3
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hyperpotamianarch · 1 month
Well, I can hardly believe I chose this to be my fourth original post, but meh, who cares. Anyway, random note about Howell Jenkins!
Firstly, I'm talking about book Howl, which is why I spelled it Howell - this is his original name, he changed it in Ingary to sound more impressive. He's actually from Wales, which honestly means little to me as someone who never set foot in Britain, but I think I get the general gist of it.
Many things can be said of Howl. He's not really a noble and gentle, if slightly narcissistic, person as you might think after watching the movie. He's mostly a selfish coward, likes to woo ladies but seemingly afraid of commitment, is very bad with money, and... Umm... Yeah, there are other posts that do a better job than I am in characterizing Howl. That's not what I'm here to talk about. Suffice it to say that he's somehow likable in spite of all these flaws.
What I am here to talk about, however, is two common misconceptions about Howl that are somewhat related to the flaws listed above: one is that Howl is running away from student debt and didn't finish his doctorate, and the other is that he invented the titular Moving Castle to evade taxes. While those actions are indeed in character for Howl, they are both contradicted by the book itself (to a degree).
To start with the first one: Howell only talks about his thesis once in the book - when explaining to miss Angorian, an English teacher, why he has a magic spell. Book readers likely know who I'm talking about, and for non book readers, I'm afraid I'll leave the rest of the context to your imagination. Either way, Howell tells miss Angorian that she may have heard that he wrote his doctoral thesis on charms and spells. Notice, "wrote". As in past tense.
To be fair, that doesn't necessarily mean he finished his doctorate. As a matter of fact, it could be a rumor he started in order to explain away why he had spell books. It certainly won't be the first rumor Howl started for his own convenience. But if it tells us anything about him having a doctorate, it tells us he finished it. I don't know much about student loans in UK during the 80's, so that isn't a point I can say anything about, but I am given to understand it was less of a problem.
So, did Howl run away from his doctorate to the magical land if Ingary? No, he didn't. He actually kind of fulfilled every nerd's dream of both doing what he likes most and using it to write his doctoral thesis, killing two birds with one stone. To be honest, what I still don't get is why he kept contact with his old world. I mean, Suliman seems to have cut ties - we never hear of him going back. But Howl, even if we didn't see him use the black door as much at first, seems to keep some contact with his sister and her family, keep a car etc. He might only visit rarely, but he still does.
Anyway, for the second misconception I decided to bring in the big guns: a direct book quote about why the moving castle. Not all quotes on the topic, though, because I'm lazy. Anyway, look here:
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This is in chapter four of HMC. It's revealed later in the book that the "someone very powerful" is actually the Witch of the Waste. So, the Moving Castle is there to show everyone what a Horrible and Powerful Wizard Howl is. Also, to avoid attention from the Witch of the Waste.
Sophie herself, in the next paragraph, questions the usefulness of such a tactic. I think it might actually be an explanation of why Howl decided the Castle had to be moving - maybe it's harder to magically detect that way, I don't know. Either way, it's not to avoid taxes - especially considering the fact Howl has an address in Kingsbury, the capital of Ingary, and that this address is known to the local authorities.
I would also like to prematurely dispell an almost plausible headcanon: Sophie's hat-sewing causes so much of the plot, after all. So you might be tempted, when reading that she told a hat that someone should set Howl and the Witch up together, to think that she's responsible for that as well. However, considering the quote presented above, it appears that Howl and the Witch dated before Howl created the Moving Castle, which was the inciting incident for Sophie hearing about him. Thus, Sophie is not guilty whatsoever of getting Howl and the Witch together - just of being oddly on point.
Thank you for reading, and have a good day!
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pollenallergie · 2 years
18+ only!!
do not interact if you’re under 18 years old!
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I personally disagree with the headcanon that Eddie can’t cook. In fact, I think that man passed Home Ec. with flying colors in high school. Most of the Hellfire guys took shop class because they thought it was more manly or badass or whatever the fuck, but not Eddie. Eddie needed to learn to sew because Wayne sucked at it and the old lady two lots over was getting real sick of him asking her to use her frail, arthritic fingers to sew yet another goddamn patch on his vest or his backpack or whatever else he wanted to decorate with the logos of his favorite metal bands. Glenda was a sweet lady, of course, and she loved Eddie like he was her own grandson, but even her kindness had its limits. So, he took Home Ec. Plus, he kind of underestimated it and thought it would be like way easier than shop class.
Turns out it was actually insanely more difficult because while Jeff and Gareth got to spend forty-five minutes a day working on bird houses and toolboxes, Eddie had to learn how to operate a sewing machine, create a household budget, change a dirty diaper, and, oh yeah, make like three different kinds of sauce from fucking scratch. Labor intensity aside, Eddie oddly thrived in that class. I mean, he took to the sewing machine like a champ and he made a mean roux for mac and cheese. Not to mention, Miss Bowman absolutely adored him.
That was her first year teaching at Hawkins High, having just graduated college, so she was already plenty nervous. However, it got much, much worse when the, at the time, 16-year-old metalhead, who smelled like a well-used ashtray, sauntered into her class fifteen minutes late and very clearly stoned out of his mind. Imagine her surprise when that same kid expressed a genuine interest in learning how to keep track of household purchases and sharpen a kitchen knife. Unbeknownst to her, his fascination stemmed from the fact that 1) being able to keep track of financial transactions would be super beneficial for him as a rookie pot dealer and 2) the kid liked sharp, shiny things. So, in her blissful ignorance, Miss Bowman actually kind of developed a soft spot for the misfit, much like a little kid might for a scrappy alleycat.
Not to mention, due to him genuinely wanting to learn how to do some of this shit, Eddie rarely showed up to class late or less-than-sober after that first day. He even began to enjoy that class a little bit; the teacher was nice, she didn’t hate him (which was rare), and most of the kids in the class were pretty accepting of him once they realized that he was pulling a stable A-. In fact, the future head-cheerleader, Chrissy Cunningham, even directly asked him for help with her sourdough starter once; which he thought was pretty cool (and also terrifying).
A couple years down the line, his impeccable home-making skills would come in handy when he finally managed to snag the person of his dreams, you. In fact, your first date with Eddie involved him making an elaborate feast of spaghetti in doused in a delightful, homemade bolognese sauce with a side of homemade garlic bread (Eddie made the bread from scratch and everything) and some wine (that he definitely did not steal from a liquor store two towns over because Eddie would never do that), lighting some candles, turning on some soft music (one of Wayne’s old country records; the only one that Eddie figured wasn’t too twangy), and setting tiny kitchen table like it was a fancy table-for-two at some pricey restaurant in the city. It was perfect and, honestly more than you’d ever expected. When he asked you out, you expected a simple movie date or maybe going to watch some band who was not nearly as good as Corroded Coffin play at local bar together, not an amazing home-cooked meal and a night alone with a shaggy-haired, doe eyed aidoneus. It’s safe to say that the pasta wasn’t the only thing that got saucy that night, if you catch my drift. Eddie gave you a taste of his other homemade sauce, if you know what I mean.
So yeah, Eddie Munson can cook. The man is a fucking wiz in the kitchen.
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ihateedwardnygma · 1 month
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please elaborate (ignore how i voted i thought about it for 2 miliseconds only)
info dump time yay!!
i’d like to preface this by saying what i believe abt ed is likely a personal thing and up to interpretation… for starters he’s a fictional character + also. as with the majority of characters i enjoy, a lot of the things i love / find interesting about him tend to be things i headcanon. i don’t think my perception is necessarily the correct one and i also think the original poll has a lot of right answers… like you said lust and even if you put no thought into that vote i actually think it makes sense… at least in my opinion it ties into his pride, which is what i voted.
anyway! i believe that ultimately his biggest sin- and his fatal flaw overall- was his pride. his downfall is caused nearly exclusively by his own sense of pride and inability to let go of his ego. whether directly or indirectly, pride was at the centre of the majority of poor decisions he made: most of the time he acted out of a need to keep up his ego and save face, desperate to earn the respect of others around him.
i think ed had a very fragile self image- throughout the show, we see him sort of project things onto other people- denying them their own personhood or autonomy and acting as if this can both save him and perhaps save them too, if he gets it in his head that they need saving. he might view himself as smarter and superior to others on the surface, but this disguises a HEAVYYY case of low self esteem… the guy literally can’t function without his ego being stroked. he doesn’t particularly know who he is, and tends to define himself by arbitrary traits such as power and intelligence. when his inflated and distorted view of himself is challenged, he becomes angry and prone to lashing out. this can and does lead to him inadvertently torpedoing the rare few good things that actually do happen to him, which is, even if he is kind of an asshole, really sad to watch.
with this being said, i believe the fandom do tend to characterise him in black and white- either this pride and innate selfishness is a flaw set in stone that cannot be fixed, and this therefore makes him 100% evil and irredeemable- alternatively, people will go the opposite route and suggest he’s some kind of innocent little guy absolved of all responsibility for his actions because of his evident issues. and i believe it should be looked at with more nuance than that- yes, he’s not a good person, and yes, he’s done some downright evil things. but at the same time, ignoring that he was a deeply unwell and mentally ill individual with zero support system or help- i mean he got thrown in fucking ARKHAM when he was caught- does a disservice to the character. i doubt he could ever have been normal- i view him as CEN-coded (childhood emotional neglect) and also having multiple mental illnesses- majority of these are my own so it’s not like. Stereotyping lol- that may make it harder for him to navigate life. but i do think characterising him as purely evil or purely good are both takes that lack comprehension skills.
i went off on a tangent there and i’m really sorry!! but i wanted to clarify what i mean when i talk about ed + pride- in no way am i villainising the character nor am i saying everything’s okay bc he’s got like. 12 gazillions disorders or whatever- i just think he’s a very fun and interesting character to analyse… ^_^
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lovenott headcanons because they’ve been stuck in my head recently
- when they first started talking, they bonded over being able to see thestrals, but they had differing opinions on them. luna was fond of them but theodore disliked them, mostly because he hated watching them eat
- they are the weird arts kid x weird science kid duo and they support each other’s strange creations
- theodore doesn’t get why luna is content with being the only one to believe in the creatures she talks about, but he stopped trying to find ways to prove their existence because it made her upset
- overdressed gf x underdressed bf except it’s theodore in monochrome and luna in the full rainbow
- luna is one of the few people to believe in theodore’s conspiracies about the capabilities of time magic being hidden by the government, and he in turn trusts her about the wrackspurts. if thestrals are invisible until one sees death, it stands to reason that there are other invisible creatures too
- theodore reads the quibbler extensively and may possibly be drafting a request letter to xenophilous to get an article about the time magic cover up
- luna likes making her own jewelry and will sometimes make some for theodore too so they can match
- they both lack social skills in different ways and somehow this has made them click. two sides of the same coin two different poles of the magnet type relationship, grouped together and yet distinctly different
- they both plan on keeping their last names if they ever get married
- bug lover x insect lover. they both stare at caterpillars and get excited over beetles it’s just that theodore gets nerdy about it and luna treats them like she had a deep personal relationship with each individual bug. she tries to find them nice sticks and leaves to eat. they are both firmly in the camp of put bugs outside instead of killing them if they have to be removed at all
- luna made theodore open his mind to divination. she’s invested in most of it but has a less common view that prophecies arent set in stone. a lot of people assume that prophecies mean the future cannot be changed but she sees them moreso as possibilities and guidelines for what could happen and warnings to prepare for the best way through that future they describe. theo still hates it but he’s more accepting of its validity, luna’s theory makes more sense to him
- theodore gifts her flowers for her clothes and hair and luna incorporates them into her designs (she absolutely makes her own clothes or at least tweaks them). she insists that he also keeps a flower so they can match
- sci-fi & non-fiction lover x fantasy & historical fiction lover. they both read quite a bit but in varying genres
- theodore always runs cold and luna knits him colourful gloves in the winter
- they go on dates every few weeks or so but it took them telling people for the rest of the school to realise they were dating because it’s rarely in big public areas, moreso little shops and forest areas and things like that
- luna messes with his tie when they sit together and theo fidgets with her fingers when they hold hands
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eilinelsghost · 2 months
loved your arafinwë and dinrod amd pie hc and wanted to send an ask but can’t decide what numbers. so. what about. *all* the sensory asks for finrod? 👉👈
Ok, anon, it's 4 months late but I promised I would do it and I have done it: the complete list from this sensory headcanons ask game filled out for my favoritest guy of ever.
I think for the sake of the "collection," I'll paste the ones I've already answered into this too so you have the complete set all in one place.
Alright. Here we go. My Finrod sensory asks magnum opus:
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1. Their most visually striking feature
Many people would say it's his hair, but those who are closest to him will tell you it's his eyes. They are grey with just the barest hint of blue, the clouds of a light rainstorm with the sun beginning to break through.
2. The colours they wear / look best in
Dark green or a rich, deep blue are his go-tos. He looks great in dark red also, but only wears that rarely.
3. Their favourite kind of view
Beside a grove of trees, looking out over a body of water. The breeze merging the sound of leaves and the sound of the waves, the sky opening out in a huge expanse over the water and filling his lungs with ease. ("View" for him is all the senses together - his "felt sight" and visual sight are inseparable.) Originally answered here.
4. Do they prefer bright lighting, dim lighting, or darkness?
The hours between one and the other, or lighting that reflects that. The perpetual twilight of Alqualondë is what he remembers from his happiest years as a child. Consequently he feels the most at peace when that sensory trigger is present. So the moments between night and dawn, the end of evening, the soft twilight of Nargothrond lit by Elven lamps.
5. Do they prefer wide open spaces or enclosed spaces?
Open spaces. One of the reasons the caves along the Narog appealed to him so much was because of how vast many of the caverns are. There was no feeling of claustrophobia when he was guided through them. Originally answered here.
6. Some of their favourite flavours or foods
Much like Aegnor, he too loves the Telerin seaweed candy and Círdan will often send it with the merchants and messengers to Nargothrond. Honey, clover petals, freshly baked Atani bread, a tart and peppery leafy green that the Sindar often use, raspberries, red wine (he prefers his more dry than Aegnor does), and while he lived among Bëor's people he discovered he likes the flavor of pickled foods. Originally answered here.
7. What they smell like
Heather blossoms and wild meadowsweet
8. Their favourite scents
Sea salt in the wind, snowdrop flowers, damp soil (especially just after the rain), freshly risen bread dough, cedar oil.
9. A scent that makes them nostalgic
Rose water. Eärwen would use it after she washed each evening when he was a child in Alqualondë. Now it reminds him of nestling against her as she sang him to sleep with the sea breeze drifting in through the windows. Originally answered here.
10. A texture they hate
Touching silk or similar fabrics when his hands are rough from working with stone. It catches and sticks against the skin and it makes his spine crawl.
11. A texture they love
Freshly risen bread dough. He would watch his mother make bread when he was young and she always let him punch down the dough after it had risen. He would linger then and run his fingers over it, soft and warm and almost dry to the touch before it was kneaded. Occasionally he will make a loaf in Beleriand, going solely by the memory of his mother's work, and sit with the scent of the working yeast, with the touch of the risen dough, the lingering memory.
12. Their feelings on physical touch
Big fan of this. He is very affectionate in both word and demeanor, though he can also hide behind this when it comes to articulating or pressing into his genuine feelings.
13. Their ideal climate and weather
This is one I struggled to answer. He is so fascinated by the variations that I think he finds it hard to know for himself what his favorite is. He quickly grows attached to new places and environments and holds each in its own unique place of love and favoritism. However he is probably most relaxed in a climate that includes clearly demarcated seasons.
14. Their favourite type of music
The songs Eärwen would sing, held over from the Great March and the from the time the Falmari lingered on the shores of Middle-earth before setting out for Valinor. Later, it shifts to Atani dance music and the haunting melodies of the song-lore that Balan would sing.
15. A sound they can't stand
Notes that are off-pitch, especially from stringed instruments, will send a sharp pain through one of his back molars.
16. A sound that makes them sad
Water lapping against the shore. It opens up the feeling of gaping emptiness in his gut and a deep, insatiable longing for home.
17. What their voice sounds like
This one is surprisingly difficult! There is so much about him that is clear as day to me, but for some reason his voice has always been a bit elusive. I think...mid-tenor for speaking, a fairly wide range for singing, though I don't think he goes lower than baritone. Often you can tell there's a laugh just under the surface.
He imitates others' voices quite well, which I think comes from being very attuned to ósanwë. He can step into the familiarity of the other person's mind, in a sense, and the voice comes easily from that. It's a great party trick.
He once did this as a youth in Valinor when he and Turgon were nearly caught stealing a pie from the palace kitchen in Tirion. His imitation of Finarfin's voice from behind the closed door was so convincing that the attendant returned with compliments to the cook and consequently brought about a rather awkward conversation between said cook and the real Finarfin later that evening. FInarfin didn't have the heart to correct the situation and "un-compliment" the chef or to deny that he had missed the pies from his childhood so much that he snagged one immediately upon his arrival from Alqualondë, so he resigned himself to receiving a pie delivered to his chambers as a gift whenever he visited Tirion. On the first time a gift-pie was delivered, Finrod found a large slice waiting in his own chambers with a note in his father's handwriting: "for the young lord Arafinwë whose appetite is as keen as his scheming." Originally answered here.
18. The sounds they make when experiencing intense emotion
It's when he is feeling emotion and doesn't make any sound that you know it's of the intense variety. If he is angry and snips at you, you're fine. If he is angry and goes into icy silence. Well. That is not good.
19. Something that viscerally disgusts them
Rotten fruit. There is something about it that he can't quite articulate, but it gives him a gnawing sense of disgust and dread.
20. Something that makes their skin tingle
Watching someone else draw or paint. His father did not do much in the way of typical Noldorin craftsmanship (forgework, stonework, etc) but was a skilled artist. As a child, Finrod would watch him draw for hours and was always soothed by watching the details come together and each little element of stroke and shading merge into the whole. He has a very clear memory of watching Finarfin draw the design for the twined serpents that would become the badge of his house, from which Fingolfin drew up a mold and cast the ring.
21. How aware are they of their surroundings?
Very. He internalized a good bit of his father's role as attempted peace-keeper in the family and consequently was always on the alert for what could go wrong in any given situation, what tiny cues were being given, how the landscape (physically and emotionally) was laid. This stays with him as he grows into adulthood and can often exacerbate his anxiety. However it's very handy when attempting to quickly learn the customs/manners/habits of, say, a new species you just ran across in the woods.
22. Are they good at sensing the thoughts and emotions of others? How do they experience them?
Very good. Ósanwë is very strong for him and he feels others' emotions as a constant presence around him. Almost like background music to every situation or conversation: quiet and not the main focus, but insistently present and setting the melody of each interaction.
23. Do they have foresight? How do they experience it?
Yep! I think he experiences it primarily through a kind of gut knowledge that he can't always explain. The three examples we have of him explicitly noting an instance of foresight all seem to have that flavor: the exchange with Galadriel re his future oath, the Athrabeth where he references Aegnor's fate, and a snippet in The War of the Jewels (actually I am going to paste that in below because it is !!!)
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In each of these cases, he seems to know an outcome or general direction things will go, but not necessarily the specifics of how or why. In the Galadriel one, for instance, I think a lot of that was a rising sense of dread opening out in front of him with a gut certainty at the bottom of it that he would also be caught in an oath and all that he built would fall away. But I don't think he had any clarity on how that would happen, so the way it all unfolded was both a surprise and accompanied by a sinking feeling of recognition.
24. Do they have any sense-related fears or phobias?
Slipping. Mostly this is ice-based (a carryover from the Helcaraxë) but it shows up across the board - slipping on mud, things slipping from his grasp (literally or figuratively), his own mastery of self slipping from him so that he loses himself to anger/grief/etc.
25. Surprise NSFW sensory headcanon
ARGH I get so shy about answering nsfw questions but I said I would answer the whole list so uh he really likes the feel of Balan's beard against his inner thighs.
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Thanks so much for this ask! It was truly an undertaking, but SO much fun to work on and to have somewhere to get a lot of these out of my head and into an articulated form.
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moonlight-tmd · 1 year
This is a list of ideas/headcanons of the tfa fandom that crossed my mind, piled into one giant mess. Enjoy.
those are things that i consider canon in my works. (outside of AUs)
1. Bee has a golden voice when singing, he’s anxious about it tho. [the whole headcanon explained] After some time and events this scenario happens and Bee gets more comfortable around others.
2. Bee is basically a stuntman when skating. Casual or on battlefield, his actions are purely impulsive. Sometimes he’s lucky and pulls off that sick move... sometimes he ends up in medbay for many long hours. Here’s an example.
3. Bee is a good actor, he can lie on the spot and get away with it... most of the time. He’s also good at hiding his emotions. Fake it till you make it... or at least before Prowl comes knocking at your door.
4. Bee has 3 modes; Chaotic/Feral Gremlin, Kind Child and on rare occasion; Lazy Ferret. When he dates someone, there comes a 4th one; Lovestruck Idiot.
5. Bee is the early bird and wakes up way before the rest of the Autobots. He’s made a little routine of making the morning oil for the rest of the team. It’s the only thing he can “cook” really.
6. Sari keeps the weird healing powers the key had when she upgrades herself. Ratchet helps her figure it out and teaches her cybertronian first aid.
7. Rachet knows human curses and will use them when things are going down.
8. Sari and Bee are the young sibblings™. Prowl plays the role of the babysitter, keeping those two out of trouble.
9. Bee often vents to Prowl about topics he wouldn’t talk about with anyone. They have an unspoken agreement to never do anything to mess with the other when it comes to these meetings.
10. Prowl is accidentally creepy, he will eavesdrop or spy on someone unintentionally. He doesn’t mean it, but his curiosity can get the best of him sometimes. Here’s a list of things he eavesdropped so far.
11. Optimus is a kindsparked leader, he’ll think of the person’s wellbeing first instead of “is this okay with the law?”
12. Bulkhead sometimes helps the architects with building stuff, he likes the art aspect and the job is easy cuz he can carry like few tons of materials at once.
13. Random!Blitz will eat various things that are definitelly not meant to be eaten. Glow sticks, scraps, paint and even some organic things. He also chews on anything that he find appealing. Somehow, he has yet to end up in medbay for doing that.
14. Blitzwing likes to sculpt, he’ll carve in wood, stone, ice and metal.
15. Bee likes to set up harmless traps to mess with Prowl, his time repairing space bridges taught him how to construct things. He’s quite crafty. Unfortunatelly, Prowl still remmebers how to pull a prank in return. Here’s one of them.
16. There’s 2 versions of Megatron: cold and sadistic villain(canon) or scary but thoughful “father”(Cons Are Good AU)
17. Longarm(Shockwave) actually kinda likes Bee. The bot is optimistic, kind and funny. He likes to hang out with the scout and have some fun, but other than that he focuses on his duties as a traitor Prime.
18. Lugnut is Lugnut, he’s basically in love with Megs. Megs wants nothing to do with him except for work.
19. There’s 2 versions of Decepticons; they either want to to take over Cybertron(canon) or want equal rights and fix whatever the council has fucked up. (Cons Are Good AU)
20. Autobots and Decepticons are not separate species of transformers like i often see. They just have different builds and codings. A transformer who’s not aligned with any of the factions doesn’t have any specific behavior attached, it all depends on what they learn as a sparkling. If they choose a faction, an additional coding is added to their system which might alter their behavior slightly.
21. Since time units are very confusing in the fandom i decided to settle on this: Nanoklik (1 second), Klik (1 minute), Joor (1 hour), (Solar/Lunar)Cycle (day/night), Decacycle (week), Orbital Cycle (month), Stellar cycle (1 year). Then it all goes like normal; decades, centuries, millennia. Sometimes i will use other transformer time terms when i don’t know what else to use.
22. Ratchet, despite being a medic, dismissed his own small damages. He says he will take tare of them later but never does, which later comes back as a bigger problem. Like a trembling wheel, dimmed light or glitched comm piece. He’s learned to go fix himself when reminded about them or look for Sari.
23. Prowl has a bad habit of nightly snacking, he meditates all day long and sometimes forgets to refuel. Bad habit but he’s not really keen on stopping.
24. Shockwave/Longarm is the tech folk, the one who manages files and all, but he’s also somewhat of a medic. He knows how to patch system errors/viruses as well as fix some external damages.
25. Megatron actually remembers Optimus’ name, he just chooses to avoid using it because he has a grudge agaist the Prime for kinda offlining him.
26. Prowl doesn’t die in my timelines/AUs. Nor does Blurr. Nobody does(permanently). I just can’t let them.
27. Claws and sharp dentae are a basic upgrade you get when becoming Decepticon. Based on the frame type, there are few exceptions, example: Blitzwing has both sharp teeth and claws, but Lugnut has only sharp teeth cuz his servos are not compatible with the claws. Same with Shockwave but he's only got claws.
28. Bee was raised in the orphanage, he never brought it up to anyone. The only one to know might be the one he’d date. [See this post but exclude the adoption part]
29. Since Shockwave has 2 forms, he has something similar to Blitzwing’s multiple personalities thing- it’s not that intense, but there is a weird switch in his mind that he can activate on command. He is more laid back and cheery when he’s Longarm. When he’s Shockwave he’s very calm and focused- It’s his peak performance form, so to say. A weird thing that happens with Longarm is that he’ll be focused and calm with everyone but the second he, Bee and Bulkhead are alone- it’s time for wild fun.
30. Everyone thinks Random is the cannibal. He’s not, Icy is the one enjoying devouring a fellow mech. He keeps quiet about it, Random is just hyping it up like he usually does with everything.
31. Blackarachnia may be a mad scientist but she would help someone out if they begged her enough. She’d do everything to fix a bot- but then use them for her own goals. Every “transaction” you make with her will have the consequences... well, unless she’s “feeling generous”- which is like a miracle and you’ve probably made her feel bad if she does this.
32. Bumblebee loves to dress up. He loves human clothes, he loves cosmetic upgrades, he liked the temporary paint that is make up. He’ll never admit or show it though. He feels like if he does, he’s gonna be judged and everyone’s gonna stop liking him. Dressing up makes him feel like he’s truly pretty and amazing. He doesn’t want that feeling crushed if others find it weird and tell him to stop. Idk if “Drag Queen” is the correct term for this but he defo likes dresses and painted details like make up.
33. Bee dresses up for Halloween with Sari. Despite what i said in the previous point, he allows himself to dress up in cool costumes- usually the classics like a vampire or ghost. Never anything cute tho- those costumes are saved for his time alone. One time he made himself look like the haunted black taxi from that one movie- Optimus was on patrol and heard about some shady car scaring people so he went to check it out. Poor Bee tried to scare him too and got send to medbay. Optimus apologized for two days after that incident.
34. Bee has a job that earns him human money- in some weird chain of events he met a guy with a shop that sells old and damaged stuff. He offered to pay Bee money to bring him old stuff from garbage yards/trash stations that may be restored and sold. So now he has a fun and productive way of earning money to buy new games. He goes treasure hunting at least once a week.
35. Bee is really flexible and can basically squeeze anywhere he desires. No one knows how he does it and he constantly gets stuck in weird places. You wouldn’t think he’d fit into that heavy duty airvent, but alas, he’s there waiting for help. 
36. Bumblebee and Prowl are almost the same height; motorbikes are small, even when compared to tiny cars. Prowl is only few inches taller than Bee. He is very thin in build, Bee is more bulky and wide. Bee is also physically stronger than Prowl- Prowl is always using tactics and momentum and physics and such to gain advantage over stronger enemies.
37. Bee is a natural climber- being the short bot, it’s obvious he has to climb to reach that shelf. His servos have rough pads on them to help him stick to sufaces better. It’s especially effective with earth’s buildings since they’re made of rough concrete.
38. Bee naps in riduculous places, he’s like a ferret. He’ll squeeze or climb into places and sometimes get stuck there so others have to get him out. His favorite places to nap are Bulkheads subspace and under his berth.
39. Bee will learn anything about any game just to win. He has a self-claimed title “Game King”. One time he found out about Prowl liking chess- he spend the next few cycles on research and perfecting his skill with online chess. The “Game King” title has been made valid by everyone after Prowl got obliterated in chess by Bee.
40. Prowl has to temporarily move out of his room in winter because there is no roof. He has a back-up room for when the snow starts piling up and he can’t recharge in it. He also has to recharge in the back-up room when there is a heavy downpour and his room floods.
41. Each Team Prime member has their own love language/way fo showing affection/care. [Here i listed them]
42. At some point in the story, Bee and Bulkhead would become Amicas. Not Conjunxes(spouses)- they are Amicas(long-term best friend). [this and this]
43. I imagine Bumblebee would be a great parent- sure he’s reckless most of the time but when it comes to Sparklings- something in his mind switches and he goes full ‘Mama Bear mode’. [exaples: this and this]
44. Optimus is a great cook, he especially loves to bake. Bee is into mixology- he makes morning oil for everyone after all. Prowl cooks with organic ingredients for Sari, he wants her to eat more healthy so he takes it upon himself to make sure she does. [anker post]
45. Bee loves racing, in AU or not. He’ll go up to anyone and challange them to a race. The winner gets the respect of being faster. Blitzwing is Bee’s go-to race rival, they have fun together and mess around on some occasion. [anker post]
46. Bee got crayons from Bulkhead. Sometimes he will draw things- he drew a picture for their first christmas and everyone loves it, it’s hanging in the main room now.
47. Here you have Halloween and Christmas traditions with the group cuz i’m too lazy to write an entire point for it.
48. IMPORTANT FOR ALL NSFW WORKS: Interfacing and Sparklings. My version is different from the ususal sexual spike/valve thing. C’mon they’re ALIENS. I have it all written out in this post.
49: Bumblebee, Sari and Bulkhead are The Gamer Trio. They always play multiplayer games together when they’re not busy. Sometimes Prowl joins them for specific games. [anker post]
50. Team Prime + Sari have preffered food flavors n such. [anker post]
51. Team Prime + Sari having trouble sleeping/recharging and doing stuff instead of that. Nightly habits list. [anker post]
52. Bee has ADHD, you can’t convince me otherwise. He has also been diagnosed with depression later on. Oh, also Prowl is on autism spectrum. Dw, they take meds for that. [adhd+autism post here, Bee having depression here]
53. Bee talks in his sleep. It’s easy to tell if he’s having a nightmare or not. He’s just murmuring what is happening in his dream, not every night but surprisingly often. Funny enough you could have a conversation with him like this. [anker post]
54. Ratchet volunteers as medical assistance in Detroit. The messed up USA healthcare system is beyond what Cybertron had.
55. Bee goes mute when he’s feeling sad/dealing with trauma and/or overwhelmed by a situation. He uses ASL to communicate when that happens. [anker post]
56. There are differenced between Seeker and Grounder customs and behaviors. [anker post]
57. Different frame types have classification and subclassification. [anker post]
if there’s more i come up with, i will update this post. thank you for reading this text wall.
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teddybeartoji · 14 days
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— this blog is very much 18+!!!!!!! all minors will be blocked on sight. same goes for all ageless or blank blogs.
— this blog is firstly and most importantly a space space for ME. i welcome everybody with open arms but please keep that in mind.
— i write for gender neutral, male and fem readers.
— i write both sfw and nsfw stuff.
— all character are written as 21+
— i do not take requests!! but i’m always down to listen to your ideas and thrists!!!!
— do not rush me. i write when i want to write and what i want to write, please remember that i am just some guy and i do this for fun. i am also very slow with my replies and tend to hold onto asks, please don't take that as anything personal.
— please do refrain for asking for part 2’s and such! it sucks the motivation right out of me, a nice little comment and praise is way more appreciated<3
— please don't use my inbox as a place to vent. it's more than okay to tell me about your day but please do not get into anything heavier, i do not feel comfortable with that.
— dark content is very welcome here. that includes yandere, dub and noncon, stepcest, blood, gore, somno etcetc, so if you see anything you don’t like, i suggest you to either block said tag ("cw blank") or you know… leave :3
— while i am very open minded and am very glad to talk about different kinks, i have a few bigger no's that i'd prefer not to delve into - very rough/hate sex, impact play (receiving; a few ass slaps is fine, and perhaps a pat on the cheek but nothing stronger than that), hard doms and heavy degradation. i have nothing against these and i don't judge ppl who are into them, they just aren't for me at all.
— in nsfw works, there's rarely a certain dynamic set in stone. my readers tend to vary from sub to dom, mostly settling somewhere inbetween those two. the same goes for the characters i write about.
— this blog is not spoiler free!! any newer leaks will be tagged with "blank leaks" and "blank spoilers" though.
— feel free to tag me in any art or any writings you think i'd like!! that includes your own aswell, but just bear in mind that it might take me a minute to get to it.
— if you think there's something i should know about, please come and tell me about it, so i can handle the situation myself. please do not harass people on the behalf of my name.
— please don't ask me to be mutuals with you. i follow who i follow.
— please don't spam like (over like six posts in a row), i am very glad that you like it here in loserville, i am just afraid of getting shadowbanned lmao
— DO NOT FEED ANY OF MY WRITING TO AI! ai is not welcome here in any shape or form.
DNI: rascists, homophobes, transphobes, zionists, terfs, ableists, misogynists, sexists, pedophiles, xenophobes etc, ppl who hate on dark content and cannot seperate fiction and real life, and ppl who dislike readers with personalities and ppl who like to stir up discourse.
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— 🦉, 🦷, 🃏, 🐭, 🍓, ☀️, 🎭, 🥀, thristy ahh anon.
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#mayor of loserville- me talking or whatever
#mickeycore - get to know me through shitposts
#mickey’s magazine - pics hehe:3
#wtf mickey can write - all of my writings
#mickey is daydreaming - headcanons n stuff
#mickey vs gender - me struggling or whatever
#mickey can’t stop thinking - ideas n concepts n lore
#ceo of letterboxd says hello - me talking about movies
#friends!! - answered asks
#working at tumblr dot com - masterlists n such
#loserville's library - masterpieces u should read
#loserville's art gallery - masterpieces u should look at
#interview the mayor - ask games
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nishayuro · 14 days
I don’t know if you still take requests (especially for Stanley) but I’m a very thirsty girl and I miss my men (and I really like your writing) so I ask anyway!
So, if possible, can I have the fluffiest of fluff ? Like the more tooth rotting stuff you can think about that men ? I’ve been having specially hard days and I’d love to have some comfort.
Thanks a lot even for just reading this ! <3
Dr. Stone Stanley Snyder Fluff Headcanons
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A/N: Hii! I’m so sorry this took so long T.T I saw this request back then and just started daydreaming but didn’t have energy to write. But here it is!!! I too, miss my man sooooo much
Warning: You’ll get cavities
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Stanley is an extremely loyal boyfriend. He’s in the military, he knows loyalty by heart. 
During his downtime in the military, he comes home to you and takes you on lots of dates
Be it indoors or outdoors, he’s got you covered
I feel like Stan is the type to bring you to a laser tag arena or an airsoft arena. He wants you to experience what a “battlefield” feels like. (He will let you win because the smile and laugh you make is enough of a win for him) 
He’s paid GOOD money, being a marine commander for an elite force, he’s the type to spoil you rotten. You want a new wardrobe? Go use his card. Want a new gadget, you already know his pin. Want to go dine at an expensive restaurant, you know where his card is. He will give you everything you want. 
I think Stanley LOVES cuddles, he’s away a lot and is rarely with you, so for the times that he is, he will just lay in bed with you in his arms as you both talk about everything you two wanna talk about.
Stanley is someone who will listen to everything you say, his attention to detail and memory is so good. You mentioned this one thing in passing and you’re shocked when he brings it up months later. 
If you’re not comfortable with his smoking, he won’t smoke when with you. He’s addicted to it, sure, but he won’t risk getting you sick. If he really needs to, he might use chewing tobacco instead. 
I think you both would get a matching tattoo together. It would be something you both designed and is meaningful to you both. 
Whenever he’s on his break, he will take you travelling for vacation. 
He’ll take you to beaches, resorts, tourist spots, and to other perfect vacation places. 
You have definitely met Xeno, Stanley introduced you to his childhood friend when he was sure that he was serious with your relationship. You would get along really well with Xeno and you both tease Stanley a lot.
Stanley would be down to wear matching outfits! You both slay so much.
We all know how attractive Stanley is, and he knows it as well. 
There will be times when someone would come up to him and flirt, he will tell them that he is in a committed relationship or will just straight up ignore them.
One time someone was getting really annoying with their flirting while you and Stanley were on a date and you went to use the bathroom. 
As soon as you arrived, he wasted no time to pull you into a deep kiss in front of the other person, making them go away from embarrassment. 
Speaking of kissing, Stanley loves kissing you! 
Be it small pecks or straight out make out sessions
Stanley also really likes skinship, mostly in private. But he doesn’t have a problem with some PDA.
Whenever he’s deployed overseas, he regularly messages and calls or video calls you whenever he has time or has access to his phone. 
He loves when you fall asleep on call with one another
Or when he’s getting ready while you fall asleep and vice versa
Overall, Stanley knows that he’s not present a lot and he wishes he could be with you more. But he loves you so much and he’s dead set to prove that to you in anyway he can. 
“C’mon babe, the movie is gonna start!” You pulled him towards the cinema, popcorn in hand and his hand in the other. “Alright love, chill. You might trip.” He replies, slowing you down. You both got in your seats and waited for the advertisements to end. You would both whisper to each other during the movie, commenting about the scenes quiet enough to not disturb the others. When the movie ended and the lights turned on, Stanley turned towards you. “You have something there” He said, pointing near your lip. “Huh?” you asked, wiping at said place. “Let me.” he said, surprising you as he leaned in and gave you a kiss on the lips while holding your chin, pulling back with a smirk on his face as he got up. “Oi! Stann, what was that for?!” you exclaimed, blood pooling to your cheeks from being flustered. “Nothin’, you were just being cute.” he answered with a smile. He took your hand in his and led you both out of the cinema. As you were walking back to the parking lot, you decided to surprise him yourself. “I love you, Stanley.” You said, looking at him and squeezing your intertwined hands. His eyes widened, ears and cheeks a light shade of pink, “heh, I love you more, y/n.” He answered back with a smile.
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zylophie · 8 months
I jumped in excitement when requests are temporarily open:3 ahcahosva I wanna request hu tao with.. reader that's like has the same personality as like hu tao so like 2 sillies:3 and just like her and reader going on dates and like just being very fluffwy :3 she's so silly I love her thank you!!!<3
⛅ . 風鈴 — hu tao
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✿ — ♬ ⌨️ᶻᶻᶻ : x is typing... ✉!
✿ — ↻ SYNOPSIS : Hu tao with a reader with the same personality on a date <3
✿ — ♯ GENRE : Fluff
✿ — ↠ NOTE : What's better than 1 hu tao ? 2 hu taos ! Jokes aside, thanks for requesting this miika !! I'm really excited to write this prompt and I hope you enjoyed this fic too<3
If you'd like to request click 'here' and read the writing rules of each writer !
✿ — ♪ REMINDER : reblogs & likes are appreciated, in doing so will motivate us to continue delivering stories to you, thank you for all of your supports ~ !
✿ — ► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Hu tao x reader [Headcanons/Drabble]
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㊊ It was on Wuwang hill where you first met your beloved girlfriend. You still remember your first meet with hu tao, who saw you first inside wuwang hill and tried to prank you by jumpscaring you when you least expected it!
㊊ After that, it slowly turned into a mini prank wars of who could scare the other person the most. You would go to wuwang hill earlier each day so you could try to get there first to scare hu tao!
㊊ Your prankwars slowly went out of hand though as you brought it over to liyue harbour. However that was when you guys started getting close to each other by pranking xiangling. Even finding out you guys like the same thing! Steamed fish with prawn dumplings, writing poetry and even pranking people!
㊊ Starting from there you guys slowly went on dates..
You felt the breeze of wind hitting your face. You are currently in Wuwang hill sitting on one of the sturdy branches of a big tree, looking at the stone gate intently waiting for someone.
It is currently 6 o'clock which is usual time you would go on a date with your lovely girlfriend, hu tao.
Just as you were thinking about spending your day with her..
"Aiyah.. Where's that girl [name].. Don't tell me she died before our date today!"
Perfect.. Just where you wanted her to be...
As you quickly jumped down from the tree and putting your hands on her shoulders.
"Ah! There you are [name]~"
"How aren't you scared?!"
"Surely you didn't think that would scare me! We've been together for quite some time now so I know all your tricks!"
Hu tao replied, feeling really proud to be used to your antics and nonsense whenever meeting up.
..While you, on the other hand, felt defeated as you had already used every trick up your sleeves to try and scare her. Every single one with no reaction out of her!
"Aww~ Cheer up! Maybe one day you'll be as good as me~!"
"Hmph! You said that last time, you could've just pretended!"
You crossed your arms and pouted your lips. Which cause hu tao to quickly pecked your cheeks.
"Don't be like that darling! It's fun teasing you~"
Although your tricks never work, you didn't mind as you could get a garuanteed kiss from her every time you pretended to be upset with her! Which you find to be quite worth the stunt.
"I'll let you off for now.. Now, come quick! The sun is about to set and I don't want to miss the view with my wonderful girlfriend!"
You said as you grabbed hu tao's arm and began dragging her towards the cliff to get a clearer view of the scenery.
Taking a seat, you both admire the atmosphere. It isn't often hu tao leaves her work early to meet you, so you wanted her to bathe in this spectacular view and maybe get some poem inspiration.
However, it was rare to see hu tao not say anything during moments like this, so you decided to take the initiative.
"Hey hu tao? Hypothetically speaking, do you think the sun is the brightest thing or do you think the stars are?"
"Eh?! Why all of a sudden are you asking? Hm.. I think the stars should be brighter as there are millions of them~"
"If you were to ask me. I would had said none, as you are the much more brighter than them in my life"
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