#My dad used to read it and others to me a lot when I was little
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kill the silence
Pairing: frat boy Noah x female reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! / argument with reader's mother / mother's asshole boyfriend mentioned / mentiones of alcohol / I think that's it, let me know
Words: 2,8k
Author's note: don't you just love when writers self project themselves in their works? Because that's exactly what I did lol. Hope you like getting to know more of Ella's story💕
frat boy Noah masterlist
“Can we talk about it?”
“Ella please, act like an adult.”
You rolled your eyes after reading your mom’s messages. Yesterday she called you on facetime to show you the big diamond on her finger, throwing the news of being engaged at you.
Your parents divorced when you were 4 and it has been a wild ride since then.
You stayed living with your mum, seeing your dad only a few times a month. You’d think that something like this would make your and your mom's relationship stronger, but it was the opposite.
She started dating different guys, but no one was serious enough for her to bring him home for good. She introduced you to some of them, but you never liked any of the men that walked through the door of your home. And you didn’t hide your dislike.
You never crossed a line with doing something rebellious, but you always made sure that they knew you’re not a fan of them with the way you talked to them or about them behind their backs.
Your mom always put up with it, but it brought lots of fights between you two. She never blamed you for her failed relationships, because they weren’t meant to last. Until she met him, Richard.
Richard was a few years older than her, with no kids and with a nice house. Moving to his place wasn’t a question, she just told you to pack your stuff. “You’re my child, you’re gonna follow me wherever I go. I don’t care that you don’t want to.” will probably replay in your head until the day you die.
Sadly for you you were still underage and with no other place to go, so you moved to his place and that’s where the hell started.
Heated arguments with your mom every day, silent treatments from both of you and cold shoulder for Richard. Poor guy didn’t stand a chance, you dismissed him at the very beginning.
You hated the house and you cried yourself to sleep every other night.
He turned out to be a narcissistic and arrogant guy which you couldn’t stand. You were counting the days until it was time for you to move away for college. The best thing that ever happened to you.
Seeing your mom and Richard less was a good thing for keeping the family relationships at least somehow working. After a few months of not seeing them you finally found the courage to come back for a weekend and somehow you three acted like the hell before you left never happened.
You got along with Richard for a few hours and then left their place again. It wasn’t home for you, it was just their place. And since then you visit them occasionally.
You got used to their relationship and swallowed all your opinions for your mother’s sake and happiness.
That was until yesterday though.
You didn’t know what reaction from you she expected, but it probably wasn’t “Are you fucking serious?” and hanging up on her. Since then you didn’t pick up any of her calls nor replied to any of her messages.
“Ella please, just a few minutes so we can talk about it.”
You read the next message and rolled your eyes again. You finished the drink in your hand before standing up and going outside.
Little did you know Noah was watching you look at your phone every other minute, rolling your eyes and making sad faces. He could tell something was wrong so he wasn’t surprised to see you storm out of the crowded living room.
He wanted to give you a few minutes and see if you come back, if not, he knows where to find you.
In the beginning of your friendship with benefits you two sometimes sneaked away from your friends and met in the backyard in a small place that was separated from the rest of the big garden by bushes. There was an old swing, too small for both of you, but it provided you lots of fun. Also the almost broken fence where Noah pinned you many times just to steal kisses from you was there. It became “your place” any time you two couldn’t find each other and texted the other “our place?” and time, you both were there.
Your place was exactly where you ran off. The drink you just finished gave you enough courage to face your mom’s voice over the phone and tell her your opinion.
She picked up almost immediately and started talking, but you cut her off.
“Finally darling, ca-”
“No mom, you let me talk now.” you started, taking a deep breath before letting it all out. “I’ve been silent for the past few years, but I can’t let you marry him without telling you my honest opinion.”
You kicked a few rocks that were laying around and walked back and forth, a habit of yours when you were too nervous.
“I don’t think he’s good for you. I don’t think he’s enough for you. You were always a strong independent woman who knew her worth, I never thought I'd see you running around a man like you do now. You always laughed at women who served food under their man’s nose or had to pack a bag for them. But now that’s you mom.” you stopped talking, expecting some protest from her, but there was just silence at the other side of the line.
“You do everything he says, you’re like his maid mom. That hurts me to see. You should find a man who’s gonna carry you in his arms and worship the ground you walk on, not someone who tells you he won’t eat the food you made because it tastes weird, but also refuses to cook his own meal. He’s a child mom.” you threw your hands up and down in a frustrating gesture.
She finally spoke and you could hear the hurt in her voice. “That’s not true Ella.”
“You know it is, you just don’t want it to be.”
“Listen, I know you don’t agree with my relationship, but you need to respect it. I’m finally happy.”
“I don’t think you really are.” you whispered back and couldn’t stop the tears running down your cheeks. Of course you want your mum to be happy, but if this is how happiness looks like, you hope you’ll never find it.
“I didn’t ask for your opinion. I just wanted to tell you that we will be sending invites next week and I’d really appreciate it if you’d come to the wedding.” there was a short break before she added “Please.”
She rarely used “please”, “thank you” or “I’m sorry” with you, so you knew how hard it must’ve been for her to say those words out loud.
“I have to think about it.” you told her the truth. You didn’t want to make any promises in case you’d decide to not attend in the end.
“You’re hurting me Ella.” there she was, back at attacking you for your feelings.
“Bye mom.” and before she could say anything else you pressed the red button and silenced her voice that could only say more hurtful things.
Your eyes stayed on the ground, colors of the grass and dirt mixing together as your tears formed in your eyes, one blink of your eyelids sending them down your cheeks.
You were hurting too. You were hurt, sad and angry. The anger took over your body and before you could think of what you were doing, you threw your phone away and only heard a loud bang when it landed somewhere in the dark in front of you.
When Noah thought you were gone for too long he decided to go after you. He found you with your back facing him, your hands by your sides, but you weren’t talking or moving, you were just standing there.
“Did something possess you?” he joked. He expected a silly comment back or you saying “shut up”, but you stayed silent.
The tears kept running down your cheeks, because you suddenly felt so small. You felt betrayed by your mother and you felt like you were standing in your childhood room listening to her “I don’t care what you want” speech all over again. You just wanted to cry.
You heard Noah's question, but what possessed you was just a pure sadness that was making it impossible for you to move or speak.
Noah made a few steps to be closer to you and reached for your hand, but before he could do that you finally spoke up.
“Can I have your phone?” even with your back still facing now very confused Noah, he could hear the tremble in your voice.
“Your phone.” you turned around to face him. When you did, his confused face turned into something softer. He saw your wet cheeks and the small shakes of your chin. “I threw mine somewhere in the bushes and I need to find it.” you said it like it was the most obvious thing and waited for Noah to give you his phone.
He didn’t ask any questions and just handed you his phone, turning the flashlight on for you.
You turned around and went in the direction of where you thought your phone could be. Noah just stood there in silence, his eyes following your every move.
Well, now you really looked like something possessed you. Your hands were snapping the twigs that came your way, some of them got stuck in your hair while you tried to find your phone.
With no luck finding it, you got out of the bush and dived straight into another one.
“For fucks sake.” Noah couldn’t keep watching this shit show in front of him and yanked you out of the bush, took his phone from your trembling hand and started looking for your phone himself.
You cleaned yourself from the mess and leaves that were stuck to your clothes and hair. The need to escape this loud place made your body shake. You were thinking about telling Noah to stop and come for the phone tomorrow or even buy a new phone with a new number so your mum couldn’t call you again.
“Here.” Noah’s voice took you out of the trance you were in, looking at you with a proud smirk and leaves in his hair, but he had your black phone in his hand. And it looked like you didn’t break it when you threw it away.
“Thank you.” you took it out of his hand and put it in your pocket.
Noah, scared of what you’re going to do next, stood in silence and waited for your next move. But you just kept looking around, avoiding his face. You for sure didn’t make it easy for him.
“Do you want a hug?” he asked you, unsure look on his face.
“Isn’t that what people want when they're sad?” just as he finished his question your hands were wrapped around his torso.
You didn’t want him to see you cry again, so you just hid your face in his sweatshirt. You tried to hold your sobs and cries in, but you felt like you’re going to explode, so you let everything out.
Noah didn’t know what else to do than just rub your back and gently sway you from side to side.
After a few minutes your breath calmed down and you stepped out of Noah’s arms, cringing at the wet spot on his grey sweatshirt.
“Sorry for that.” you whispered and pointed to the place that was covered in your tears.
Noah just looked down and laughed. “It’s okay. Come on, let's take you home.”
He took your hand in his, but you realized how crazy you must look after this meltdown, so you stopped in your tracks, making Noah stop too.
“I can’t go there. I look crazy.” you panicked.
“Yeah you do, but everyone is drunk at this point, they won’t notice.”
“No, Molly and Clara will and I don’t want to explain it to them.”
Noah just sighed and looked around, rubbing his jaw with his palm and thinking of ways to leave the fraternity without anyone seeing you.
“We can jump the fence.” he proposed.
“Are you out of your mind?” you looked at the tall metallic fence around you.
“It’s either that or the main door.”
“It’s impossible for me to jump over it Noah.”
“I’m gonna help you.”
You looked at the fence, then at Noah and then back at the fence.
He’s tall and strong and falling on your ass in front of him was better than doing the walk of shame.
He led you in the direction of the fence. “Okay, so, you’re gonna put your feet in my hands and I’m gonna push you up. Then you have to carefully move over the top and jump down, okay?”
“How are you gonna do it?” you asked him, because there's no way you're going to help him from the other side.
“Haven’t thought of that yet.”
“God, don’t laugh at me if I fall.” you made him promise before he leaned forward and intertwined his hands low enough for you to step into them.
“Grab my shoulders. I’m gonna count to three and then push you up okay?”
“Okay.” when he started counting you were sure that neither of you knew what you were doing.
You felt yourself being lifted from the ground, reaching for the top of the fence and swung your leg over it, then the other one.
“Jump!” Noah yelled at you, because he was scared you’re going to fall back at him.
You closed your eyes and jumped, landing perfectly on your feet.
“I did it!” you turned around to see Noah through the metallic barricade between you, laughing at the situation.
It was Noah’s turn to jump over the fence and after a few failed attempts you had to hold in a laugh and said “You know you can walk through the inside and meet me in the parking lot?”
Before Noah gave you an answer, he was happy to hear you wanted to leave with him. He was scared you’re going to push him away and won’t let him comfort you like you did to him many times.
“Can’t let you have all the fun.” he snorted, laughing at himself after another failed attempt.
After he finally managed to climb to the top of the fence, one of his legs betrayed him and he fell down on his ass in front of you.
You gasped, not knowing if he was okay, but then you started laughing. He looked up at you, shame all over his face, but he couldn’t help laughing too.
“You know, I did that just to make you laugh. It was intentional.” he shrugged his shoulders after he stood up and used his hands to get rid of the dirt from his clothes.
“Smooth Sebastian, real smooth.” you laughed, but appreciated his attempts to lift your mood.
Noah paid for the cab to his place even though you insisted that after everything he’d done for you it was your turn to pay.
He sent you in the direction of his bathroom after he found a few leaves in your hair in the elevator and ordered some food while you washed the dirt of that night of your body.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Noah asked after he swallowed his food, looking at you at the other side of his sofa.
“Not really. Long story short, my mum is engaged to her ass boyfriend, we had a fight over the phone and I’m probably gonna have to buy a new dress for their wedding.”
“I’m sorry.” he didn’t know what else to say. Your mood was better now, no more tears and throwing things around, so he thought he did a good job.
He wasn’t good at those things, taking care of people, so he was proud of himself for returning the care you gave him many times before.
“Don’t be, shit happens. I just need time to process it.” you put away the take out box. “And maybe some cuddles would be nice.” you made your puppy eyes at him.
“Ugh, women.” he acted annoyed, but you didn’t miss the smile on his face when he lifted the blanket on his lap so you could lay down on his chest.
He put on his favorite show and you two watched in silence.
You were happy he found you in the garden. You loved your friends, but they wouldn’t give you the comfort you needed.
You realized that you want comfort from Noah just as much as you want to comfort him when he’s feeling unwell.
His fingers played with your hair and his eyes were focused on the TV. You laid on his chest, playing with the fabric of his t-shirt and thought about the upcoming wedding.
As if Noah could read your mind he suddenly said “You know, I could be your plus one at the wedding if you decide to go.” his gaze stayed on the TV.
“Shut up, you mean it?” because if you’re going to go, in a place so uncomfortable and full of people you haven’t seen in years, you’d appreciate someone by your side.
Do you want part two?
This story is a work of fiction, with the plot and characters entirely made up. The appearance and name of the main male character are inspired by Noah Sebastian Davis, but the storyline bears no connection to the real person. Please do not steal or repost this work on other platforms without permission.
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#frat boy noah#noah sebastian x reader#noah sebastian x ofc#noah sebastian x y/n#noah sebastian blurb#noah sebastian fan fiction#noah sebastian fanfiction#bad omens fanfic#bad omens fic#x reader
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Single Mama! Reader with Cecil or Donald headcanons, pretty please. I’ll give you my prized Pokémon book for it.
Donald and Cecil x SingleMom!Reader
oh my god i read this as sigma while scrolling through requests and had an aneurysm I'm so fucking brain rotted
anyways- Cecil and Donal are separate hcs, sorry if these are sort of short!
hcs under the cut!
Cecil is ambivalent and distant
he's not against you having a kid, but he doesn't know what to do with it
"Want a beer?" "HES FOUR" type shit
For the most part he treats your kid as cordially as possible.
If they're an elementary schooler, he might try and bribe them into liking him with toys
If they're more like a middle or high schooler, however, he treats them with respect
Cecil over her shaking some fourteen year olds hand like "I promise my intentions with your mother are good, I'm a good man and she's a great woman."
like oh my god just stooooop
but they lowkey kind of love it? Like, he's so aloof and weird, your kid(s) adore him
It's a very parallel-play type of thing
Cecil and you will be watching a movie and your kid will come downstairs and sit on the other side of the couch, casually reading a book or playing their 3ds or something
If your kid is interested in government or safety, Cecil will happily take them under his wing
You come back from the bathroom to find Cecil explaining calculus to your high schooler
or explaining the concept of government to your eight year old, who is happily absorbing it all like a sponge
He keeps it age appropriate
Cecil has a LOT of resources
So when he wants to take you out, you've got your pick of the best babysitters in the world
It's usually Donald ngl
sometimes, though, a teenage superhero will volunteer to babysit for some extra cash
So Eve-- or, more accurately-- Rex and Rae-- come over to babysit.
(ignore season three for these purposes- stfu it's cute)
And Cecil takes you out on the town
being a single mom means you have a hard time getting to be just Y/n, not Y/n the mom
Cecil makes sure you know how special you are
Corny ass man probably takes you swing dancing or something
Red Lobster type mf
I'm kidding he takes you to a very nice dinner
and buys an extra dessert for your kid <3
BIG nerd
Your kid like pokemon? Oh he's studying up rn to impress them
Because of this Donald's at work reading Warrior Cats and Cecil is like "Donald what the fuck is that?"
"Oh- My girlfriend's kid is really into this serious, I want to make a good impression."
"A grown man having warrior cats knowledge is terrifying, Donald."
psshhh whatever Donald doesn't care.
Tries to win over your kid by showing off his robotic features (once he gets used to it himself)
WILL take your kid to the park with you as a date
I hc Donald probably doesn't have too much in the way of his own family, so he's charmed by yours
Donald likes to take your kid(s) with you on dates
Group family dates if you will
So you all go to the movies, or maybe to dinner every now and again, stuff like that
But he makes time for just you don't you worry.
Type of dude to throw your kids in the air.
he's just casually available and emotionally supportive
ALSO teaches your children stuff, but more like history or lower level math
I have the very specific image in my head of your 3rd/4th grader coming home crying because her school is doing a daddy daughter dance and like.... she doesn't have a dad? What is she going to do?
You offer her to bring her uncle, or maybe she could bring you?
Donald comes back from the store with groceries for dinner and your daughter lights up
"I want Donald to take me!"
"Hm?" he puts the bags down to high five your daughter hello "Take you to what, kid?"
You sighed, leaning awkwardly against the kitchen counter "She's having a daddy daughter dance at school- Honey, why don't you take your uncle?"
Donalds eyes widen and he has to hold back a wobbly smile "No it's okay! I'll take her." Oh fuck it, dude is smiling
Ugh i'm a wreck he's so sweet
He's not trying to replace their dad or anything
like literally "not the step dad he's the dad who stepped up"
#invincible#invincible show#invincible season 3#invincible fanfic#invincible spoilers#invincible x reader#cecil stedman#cecil stedman x reader#cecil invincible#cecil x reader#invincible cecil#donald x reader#invincible donald#donald ferguson#donald ferguson x reader
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dad!Satoru during Shinjuku Showdown Arc preview hey everyone, i was re-reading the shinjuku arc again and since i have an OC for JJK, i suddenly thought of a fanfic series - where said OC is Satoru's daughter, but we're talking a lot of angst since everything is happening after the Shibuya Incident. this is kinda what the series would start off like, with more plot in future chapters if i do turn this into a series. lmk in the comments!
"What do you want to be when you grow up?" "Kind."
As I stood among shackles of something that once was Shinjuku, those moments replayed again and again. Yes, I wanted to be kind. Kind as in - protect the weak and my loved ones. But in truth, only the strongest people can be kind. The weak use others to their advantage. Right now, I felt as if I were weak. Had I not accepted fighting Sukuna in my father's stance, none of this pandemonium would've happened.
Maybe, just maybe, if I had begged harder, argued louder, or done something more than just stand there and accept it, I wouldn't be staring at the ruins of a battlefield where my friends once stood.
But I hadn’t.
And now, everything felt wrong.
One thing I couldn't understand was, how my dad had always been larger than life. A force of nature. He had made the impossible look effortless, as if the concept of loss simply didn’t apply to him. Always too fast and too complex for me to understand. Though, his leadership and the warmth of his hand on my shoulder as he pushed me to my limits - just so I could unlock that potential residing deep within me - they were understandable. Wisted for, even. Had it not been him leading me, I never would've been as strong as I am currently. Even though I feel empty inside-out, because, what even is all this power one possesses when it can't save or protect one's friends? I have no use of it, save for surviving only to help the weak. Save for keeping my heart beating, only to fuel my body that will be used as a weapon.
Just like dad's.
But what was that one stupidly annoying thing he engraved into my memory as if it were conceived within me? "Don't let them use you as a weapon. Resist. Push back, scream, hit, cry, anything. But don't let them take you down and manipulate that pretty head of yours into believing your whole being was made solely for the purpose of protecting and killing. Because, no, it wasn't. You - your being, your whole self - was made to be loved and cared for. To be fed with knowledge and happy things, to be taught how to turn this upside-down world into something better, even if slightly." That stuck with me my whole short life. I was being bullied by some shitheads? "Don't let them get to you. Resist." The higher-ups were being jerks as per usual? "Tone them out. Think of ways to improve yourself, because they downgrade you to make themselves feel better." Anything in the world goes against me? He goes against the world, with me. I remembered how he always believed that true strength was not measured solely by power, but by one's capacity to protect and care for others. I couldn't just ignore the fact that even the purest intentions came with a heavy price, having witnessed... whatever this destruction shall be named. And I hate it. I'm sure he'd hate it too, if he were unsealed. “I wanted to be kind,” I thought, clinging to the simple yet profound truth my father instilled in me. Although, after all of this, I think I finally understood that kindness required a foundation of strength; the weak often fell prey to those who exploited their compassion. In a twisted way, accepting Satoru's path had made me a witness to both the triumph and the pain of wielding such power. I shall continue and honor his legacy - even if he is still alive, still here - not by mimicking his strength alone, but by blending it with the compassion he cherished. By making sure young people such as myself got to enjoy their youth as much as possible. By fulfilling my dreams, too.
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Max 🔀
Yeah! 1k for:
“You’re not an it,” Evan sighs.
Buck turns to look back at him. “I thought you hated fairies?”
“I do,” Evan grumbles. “But you’re still not a thing. You’re a sentient being with feelings. And occasionally one isn’t wholly terrible.”
“Well, uh… Thanks,” Buck says quietly. “Seriously.”
“Whatever,” Evan mumbles.
Looking out at the road, Bobby smiles.
The next time they stop, it’s because Bobby needs to talk to Athena about what happened. They pick a bustling rest stop. Somewhere with lots of witnesses, in case anything happens.
Bobby walks off with the phone to his ear. He obviously intends for a private conversation. Buck takes the same chance to call Maddie. Unfortunately, his call is not private. Evan is in the backseat still, listening.
“I got a flight out tomorrow. Early,” Maddie explains. “Mom and Dad know I’m coming. I said something came up with your case and you’ll arrive not long after me.”
“They must be confused,” Buck says.
“They are,” Maddie confirms.
“There’s another thing,” Buck says.
“What other thing?”
“We’re being followed,” Buck explains.
“Agents of some law enforcement agency or another,” Buck says. “They won’t identify themselves.”
“Are you in trouble?” Maddie asks.
“I don’t know. Bobby’s talking to Athena. I think we have to be careful,” he says. “Only stop in populated areas. Not get caught alone. Film them. That sort of thing.”
“Be careful then. Do what Bobby says.”
“I am!” Buck insists. “I said we were being careful.”
“Yeah, well I know you. And I know how you get when you’re hurting.”
Buck frowns. Eddie had expressed a similar sentiment, hadn’t he?
“I’m gonna get him to Pennsylvania,” Buck promises her. “In one piece.”
She sighs. “Okay. He doing alright?”
“You want to ask him yourself?” Buck offers.
“Sure,” she says.
“One sec.”
He passes the phone back to Evan, who smiles gratefully as he takes it.
“Hi, Maddie,” he says into the phone.
They chat for a minute or so before Evan hands the phone back to Buck.
“Thank you,” Maddie says. “He seems okay.”
“Yeah,” Buck answers.
“I want both of you to be okay.”
“We’ll be fine,” Buck promises. “I love you, Maddie.”
“I love you, too, Ev… Buck. I love you, too, Buck.”
They end the call, and Buck sort of thinks he wants to cry. But he can’t. Not with Evan here. A moment silence passes between them, and then once again, it is strangely not broken by Buck.
“What are they like?” Evan asks.
Buck frowns. “Who?”
“My parents,” Evan says. “Your parents, too. I suppose.”
Well that’s a change of attitude. They can share, apparently. You save a guy from unlawful arrest one time.
“Uh…” Buck doesn’t actually know how to answer. He can’t lie. He doesn’t want to give them any credit they don’t deserve. But… But maybe they’ll be different for Evan. Maybe?
“What?” Evan asks. “Don’t try to think of clever wording. Just answer me.”
Buck sighs.
“They never liked me,” he admits. “I’m sorry. Maybe it’s because… Well. Mom always suspected there was something wrong. Dad always supported Mom.”
“Ah,” Evan replies. “So they’ll believe us?”
“Oh, for sure,” Buck nods.
“Were they good parents otherwise?” Evan asks.
“No,” Buck admits quietly.
“Oh,” Evan says. “Just not to you or…”
“No, not to Maddie, either,” Buck answers. “Though they’ve been better since Jee was born. They never really recovered from losing Daniel.”
Evan stays silent after that.
Bobby comes back sometime later. He has a tight sort of expression on his face.
“Everything okay?” Buck asks him.
Bobby looks at Buck, something serious in his eyes. Buck can’t read it. Doesn’t know what to think.
“Yes,” he says. “Yeah, everything is good.”
By the time they get to Hershey, everyone is tired and fed up of being in the car. Evan actually, surprisingly, is the least noticeably disgruntled. Not that anything bad happens or anyone argues or anything like that. They’re all cordial. Just when stops trying to be conversational - somewhere around Missouri - Buck knows everyone is ready for a damn break.
“Why did they move here?” Evan asks when they’re nearing the small city.
Buck inhales tightly. He doesn’t want to talk. Not about this. Even Bobby winces. Like he knows the timing on this is poor. But the thing is, Buck can still understand why he’s asking. Why did they leave his home and make it so hard for him to find them?
“We moved after Daniel died,” Buck says. He thinks that covers it. Though, he is aware things are never that easy.
“Why? Why leave the only place with memories of him?” Evan asks.
In the passenger seat of the car, Bobby’s expression falls. He could answer that question better than Buck, couldn’t he? Bobby left the only place with any memories of his family. And unlike Buck, when he left Pennsylvania, there was never a chance of making any new ones.
“Sometimes it’s easier to leave a tragedy,” Bobby mumbles.
“That doesn’t make sense,” Evan says.
“Not if you haven’t had one, no. I imagine it doesn’t,” Bobby replies.
“People were also… Uh… Judgmental,” Buck explains.
“About their kid dying?” Evan asks. “That’s a little messed up.”
“No. About the lengths they went to save him. Having me… Uh, having you.”
“What does that mean?” Evan asks.
Buck’s stomach drops.
“Oh my god. You don’t know?”
“Know what?” Evan asks.
“Of course you don’t. You were four. They weren’t going to tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
Buck sighs. “They only had you to save him,” Buck says. “The only reason they had another kid was to save Daniel’s life. To give him bone marrow. You - we - were only ever for spare parts.”
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I don't know what I love more, the fact that as rook you can make a statement in NO uncertain terms that you are NOT responsible one way or the other for the theological implications of the shit you're discovering in the 'regrets of the dread wolf' memories. not my jurisdiction. quite simply none of my business. not my chantry circus not my chantry monkeys. irrelevant to the matter at hand here we'll kill that god if we get to him he can get in line. or if the best thing about it is seeing the lone little 'lucanis approves' that pops up right after choosing it. corvid with a knife about to commit deicide keeping it real and sensibly, pragmatically, wilfully agnostic with me here in this magical lighthouse today
#we do not see it. we cannot read all of a sudden.#rye having war flashbacks to watcher conferences and firmly going 'we are *not* getting derailed by the metaphysics here folks'#rare stern moderator/dad hat moment from ingellvar lol. he's Seen Some Shit in his time (debates that raged over the multiple#and not always concurrent life times of the participants involved. ain't no academic rivalry like watcher academic rivalry#because watcher academic rivalry doesn't stop even when everyone involved is dead. and the rest of us have to live with it)#I. do not think the way I'm getting this quest is how it's meant to be experienced so I'm a bit at a loss as to how to pace it out#I've been an annoying little completionist so I have ALL the statues and could just marathon it out#but that does not feel like the best way for the story and upcoming reveals to work. hm. how to do this#I'm supposed to go fail to save weisshaupt right around now I can't be having study group with all of you rn as much of a delight as it is#rye is nominally an andrastian as mainstream nevarrans generally are but as I gather is the case with many of the watchers#what he *actually* believes in is the grand necropolis itself haha#(and the philosophy of history memory death and relationship (as well as responsibility) between the past and the present#and indeed the future that it represents. we have a duty. to what has been to what is and to what will come after us. good shit)#the nevarran/mortalitasi element just makes their lack of care or respect for chantry orthodoxy *mwha* that extra bit special#the nevarran lack of concern bordering on quiet condescending disdain for official chantry doctrine and policy my beloved#dragon age#dragon age: the veilguard#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#dragon age spoilers#poor harding really is living through the most relentless 'if this is the maker testing my faith he sure be testing me' gauntlet of all tim#good news: god might be real! bad news: god might not even be a real thing but more like a magical accident or vibration or something#honestly tho. if we could get full lovecraftian incomprehensible to human conception the maker -- He is a particle and a wave style --#that's the only way I'd be cool with him or them actually answering the question of his existence. that'd be kind of sick#'yes. but no. but maybe. depends on how you define god. and exist. and he. and does.' *ingellvar sets of the METAPHYSICS!! klaxon#that's a time out folks good game but easy on the jargon and navel-gazing definition of terms next round#rye and lucanis have some slightly differing views about at what exact stage of a problem murder becomes a valid solution#('well you just kill them and then I'm the one who has to deal with the next much longer part')#but they're surprisingly kind of vibing on a lot of other stuff lol. good for them <3#oc: Ellaryen Ingellvar
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Just saw this comment on a story posted a month ago.
*cries in Eddie Munson Solo Series no one wanted to read, interact with or request for*
No shade to the person that commented this on their own fic if you recognize it. It's not their fault. I'm not mad at them. More crying in the tags.
#and no I didn't tag the solo series like I normally would because it's not about THAT. It's not about trying to get people to read it#It was just really ouchie to see the same concept I wrote 2 years ago get triple the notes in ONE MONTH.#and double the notes of my solo series masterlist in general in one month vs 2 years of my stories sitting there rotting#Then I see people saying they need more solo Eddie and I'm just here like my dudes I begged for requests. BEGGED. But bc I wasn't#/have never been a popular writer people don't want it from ME. It's like omg we want THIS but not like that. Not from you.#Can't help but let it get you down when nothing has changed in 2 years. It's not like I worked my way up and have the interaction now#that every other blog I used to commiserate with back in the day is getting currently. Fandom isn't a competition but it's not fair either#and I really struggle with that a lot of the time#Also yes I will concede I should be happy with the notes on the solo series because they are the highest of all the work on my page but#they're still nothing compared to what some people have just hours after posting a new story.#I saw someone complaining the other day that there are less new stories in the fandom than ever 1. That's simply not true. 2. Even if it wa#can you blame writers for giving up when readers are checking the same popular blogs over again or reading the same 5 tropes the same#2 pairings over and over. The same series? Over and over. Ignoring everything else and then complaining that their faves don't post enough?#That the popular writer with the incredible series (that rightfully deserves interaction) hasn't posted a new dad!eddie or rockstar!eddie#drabble in ages meanwhile there are writes out there pouring their souls into dad!eddie and no one reads it. There is so much rockstar Eddi#smut out there that it could sustain a brand new reader for an entire year before they needed a new fic#Idk man. I'm just feeling so defeated. I write for fun now. But there was a point in time where I desperately tried to build a platform by#offering requests and writing a lot of things I would not otherwise write to try and gain traction on my page and every time I see another#food fucking fic get hundreds of notes I get so sad that I wrote that stupid Melon fic because I had people in my life that told me#they would be excited to read it and for what? One of them still talks to me. The others moved on so fast. Most didn't even reblog it.#Some of them have since written their own food fucking fics that got triple the notes of my OG. Again. No shade to them. I don't own the#concept. It's just disheartening and fucking sad above all else. How hard I tried to get people to LIKE me and my stories. 😂#Just sad hours in general tonight my guys. Going to go and pour the bad feelings into Aftermath and then maybe make a bad life choice and#pour all my savings into an ipad#YES I KNOW first world problems. I know. That's why I try not to talk about it bc it seems so petty considering the state of the world#But you can't help what gets you down#EMMs Journal#EMM's Journal
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oh the other influencing factor in that book poll is that i've read almost 100% of the listed trashy teen paranormal romance & teen dystopian romance titles. yes even the ones that suck. yes even those ones. i was non-discriminating as a teenager and i know what i like (drama and garbage).
#but then other books had SUCH SPECIFIC memories#one i read in one weekend while i was staying in a house on a lake#two i picked off the shelves of the now-closed used bookstore in my hometown without even knowing they were popular enough to make a list#i've not only read but also been in a few of the plays#i read a couple of the books that were later turned into the war and mafia movies my dad loves so much. they are... mostly upsetting#a couple self help books and memoirs in california. lots and lots of the childrens books when my parents would read to me as a kid#i'm Reeling. i didn't know i remembered that much or that seeing a book cover could do that to me.#polls#quizzes#<-so it ends up in my same tag#books
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Okay so basically the United States MINT of all people is going to be working with DC to make a line of coins! These coins sadly won't be in circulation (the things I would do to live in a world where I could get Batman coins from the supermarket) as they're collectors coins, but will be releasing over the course of the next 3 years, 2025-2027.
Designs haven't been released yet (the same is true for all 2025 designs) but we know there will be 9 coins in total (3 each year) with the first year featuring (of course!!!) Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman.
Although we know the first three heroes to be featured, the remaining six have yet to be decided, and it turns out the Mint is putting out a survey on their site to gauge which of a group of culturally significant heroes people want to see most! (link to the form is mentioned in the article above)
The considered group includes: Supergirl, the Flash, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Captain Marvel, John Stewart GL, Aquaman, Hawkman, Jamie Reyes BB, Robin (Damian?), Cyborg, and Batgirl, of which 6 will be selected.
As someone who does a bit of coin collecting myself (mainly circulation coins like the quarters sets, but I also have a couple proof and collectors coins) I think this is a really cool and interesting idea that showcases the history of the comics medium and these characters and their influence on American culture. Really excited to wait and see what the designs look like for the coins already announced!
#ABSOLUTELY INSANE TO ME#sorry just. only thing that could make this crazier is if these were circulating. i would fucking die actually lmao#i mean you could buy something with one of these legally but like youre an idiot if you do that so likeeee#someone showing up with the solid gold superman collector coin and its only legally worth a dollar lmao#not that someone would do this but future generations/archeologists finding a coin in some ruins and it just has like. batman on it#amazing to me#also just the transition from us currency having all fake people (lady liberty some random native american guy etc.) and then going to real#people and presidents then expanding that to honor people that they believe should be honored (think the harriet tubman coin set right now)#and representing beauty and innovation and culture through representation of the states#only through that lens to swing back around and have fake people on the coins again in the form of the freaking dc trinity. insane to me#no one ever gets me when im nerding out over coins its okay. at least its not postage stamps (i actually do have some special postage stamps#its like 1 sheet though it was for the 2017 eclipse and the image changes from totality to the moon with the heat of your finger theyre so#cool okay) anyways i like dont really know that much abt coins lol i originally saw a post abt this on reddit 💀 lol and had to check this#was real which is insane. anyways my dad got my all my coin stuff ive got a proof set from the year i was born albums to hold the 50 states#and national parks (america the beautiful but its 90% natl park designs lets be honest here) quarter collections as i find them irl#(dont have an album for us women yet sadly but do have some of the coins) as well as a few dimes and other circulation albums i havent used#much. and then i have a few collectibles like the hubble telescope $1 coin the 50th anniversary apollo 11 one and the 2021 anniversary peace#dollar. though like not the gold ones or anything like that lol but yeah. i talk abt coins every once and a while with friends and i know#things but then my dad is in the car and its like nevermind lol.#also put a ? after damian's name bc theres a chance it could be dick and they just used the wrong picture. because some of the character#bios had names but his didnt and seemed very dick grayson (acrobatics mention “batman's partner” etc) but not so specfic exclude either one#and the pick was damian. but then the ollie pick was goateeless for some reason so who knows#culturally dick is more important but dami is current so idk#dc comics#blah#ive really been learning so much today. first all in announcement and subsequent leaks and now this. what a ride#also love how im anticipating and know future comics things lol. when did that happen haha. ive really transitioned from only reading back#issues and never knowing current events to following a lot of releases lol and somehow finding out about the freaking coin collection...#crazy how that happens#cant scroll up at that first image without losing it a bit still actually. what a world we live in. anyways take your bets who is gonna be
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#come talk to me when you finish bloodmarked I reread legendborn last night and got to the gala bit#that I'd completely forgotten about where bree says something about how her nick and sel are all bonded to each other#and like. combined that with bloodmarked as a whole but especially chapters 51 and 58#I am absolutely fucking certain I'll die on the polyamory hill like THEY ARE ALL FUCKING BONDED ALL 3 OF THEM IT'S CONSTANTLY REITIRATED#NO WAY SHE PICKS JUST ONE IT WOULDN'T BE RIGHT#WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE POLY CODING. WHAT THE HELL.#every time I'm in the bathroom I start looking into the nearest mirror and start talking to myself crazily#about how actually fucking insane it is like I'm losing my mind tracy deonn what are you on can I take a hit#so yeah keep me posted on your reading progress lol#speaking of rereading legendborn though I'd forgotten just how mean nick and sel are to each other in the first book#and it was like. actually crazy to see that continue pretty much right up until the end bc they don't really get a chance for reconciliatio#and then to compare that with having also just recently finished bloodmarked#which is literally like. a complete fucking 180#idk if nick's month being kidnapped by his dad just gave him a lot of time to reflect or something#but he never has a genuinely bad thing to say about sel. like right from the start and his first appearances in bloodmarked#similarly for sel lmao#contrasted with the. everything in legendborn. like it's actually fucking crazy#what spending a month away from your magically bonded bro does to a mf#anyway. in regards to us always reading the same shit have you been keeping up with chloe gong's books?#bc I read foul lady fortune and last violent call earlier this week as well#ask#lyoshaland#hi lyosha!
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The tech guys are hanging out in my office again and chatting about $10,000 week long vacations like this is normal.
#Journal shit#Ah yes the life i gave up to be a grunt 3D generalist working on the lowest of the low entertainment \o/#A lot of my friends here get mad at my dad for not being supportive#And i myself get frustrated at him for being insulting about my general life failure#But like....he has a point#I dont think he needed to treat me like yesterdays trash over it but#He was right i probably should have taken a programming job#But poor dad he got saddled with a child who is stubborn and tragically not financially motivated like at all#I mean he is the exact same damn way i feel like my dad forgets that it was just me and him for four years there#I saw how he lived without certain influences and he did not give a crap about status or money or fancy things#It wasnt until the rich bitch came along and started making him like...update his furniture every few years because *style*#and making him buy new designer coats every year so he doesn't embarrass himself in front of the other volleyball parents#Im just saying prior to the introduction of Steves Wife to our family these things just didnt exist to us#It does greatly entertain me that Steves Wife is not allowed to come to the ohio farm because everybody agreed that she just...#Could Not Handle The Poor#Anyway thats my dads idea of a vacation going to visit grandma on the farm this summer#And two guesses he and grandma will just sit around reading and doing puzzles and watching tennis#Pretty much exactly what i did when i went on vacation to visit her#I want to ask my dad if you think i am a failure what do you think of yourself i am exactly fucking like you for better or worse#Well i mean except i also did a lot of drawing of hockey players and grandma would lean over my shoulder#Saying things like *he looks like a nice young man*#yes grandma and he also racks up the penalty minutes like you wouldnt believe
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Ringleader (Fake) : I'm just so cute and tiny! Who can say! Ringleader (Real) : ...wait, he's not bisexual? Fake: what? Real: what?
#my characters#when you find out your married friend isnt bisexual after knowing him for a decade#and then you go back to the fact that it should explain a lot but it actually explains nothing#because why would a straight man always comment on how cute another guy is#and Real eventually has to ask the Husband are you really straight? and hes like Oh Absolutely. Why?#and then you are left with so many more questions as your friend is still talking about how funny it is#that no one thinks hes straight but how no one suspects his wife is bi and shes bi did you know she was bi shes wonderful and bi and still#chose to marry him hes so lucky he has such a wonderful wife haha#Real is now real stressed because no he actually assumed she was straight how bad is he at detecting this sorta thing#unrelated to ocs there is a coffee shop i go to and one of the workers likes to write me funny messages on my cups#and so today i was telling him (a trans guy) about going to lunch with my mom n dad#and when my mom and i were presented a side salad i got a sir and she got a maam#and im like its only worth mentioning bc that wasnt our waitress but some waiter#which continues the trend of im only whatever gender makes you gay its so cool#and he was telling me thats the goal in life to make everyone gay#and then he proceeded to write LITTLE FAIRY BOI with an eye emoji on my cup#and then he mentioned a worker starts next week who has my name and im like dang i admire that for the other person#and later realize FUCK i have a gender neutral name idk what gender the other one is#so i ask him and he tells me oh yeah he. hes just a guy. and then pauses before telling me#hes either in the community or an ally and hes not sure which#so now im v curious as to what this guy is like but i appreciate the humor of being called lil fairy boi bc of my salad story#and when i saw i had writing i was like OH OH yay whats my insult of the day#and the worker who handed me my cup waited for me to read it with a wary look but i beamed and go PERFECT! thats so fair!#like ive had a girl and a boy argue with each other (children mind you!) over whether i was a girl or a boy#the girl was convinced i was a girl whle the boy defended my boyhood as a fellow boy#its just always so funny to me that i really do just give off whatever pronouns of the person im talking to use vibes
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Today was a meh day in DBD... I did not play very good and I guess it's because I'm tired... I'm always tired but some days I'm TIRED. I don't notice it while I'm playing but I notice it after I stop.
He definitely had aura-reading.
I probably didn't need to drop God pallet but I didn't want to give him another basement hook and I wanted to make sure Rebecca got away. I could have greeded more...
I didn't know if he left or not so I picked a 50/50 and lost. Rebecca ended up DCing and I don't know why. He played super fair and didn't BM anyone. Also he has a nice mori even if his camera is missing. He dropped her on the symbol to mori her - that means he has a personality. To me anyways.
I hadn't been hooked yet and the other Sable was last hook. I saw them above me so I was like "What if he thinks I'm the Sable that's last hook? Will that work?" I know people play with names off and sometimes they're just not good at remembering who's who (me especially) so I wanted to test it. I don't know if it confused him but it did let the other Sable stay in the match longer.
This perk puts me so fucking on edge xD I was like "PLEASE!!!! uX<" I still died but my two teammates made it out. Same scenario happened the next match against a different Deathslinger. I used it to bodyblock for someone and got exposed. He didn't want them - he wanted me which is good but it stressed me the fuck out xD I kept vaulting windows and being like "PLEASE!!!! uX<"
I...don't know what happened there. I saw Sable so I tried to reroute myself but main building was 100% trapped up so I didn't want to go in there.
I saw Claudette and knew she had a flashlight so I tried to die out in the open. I also don't know what happened at the end there o_O I was trying to put my toolbox down and it just didn't let me and it showed the healing progress bar.
#dead by daylight#dbd#deadbydaylight#survivor match#I feel so stupid but I struggle to know where Deathslinger and Huntress are#It seems like no one else has that issue#I constantly run right into them#Indoor maps are especially bad#Like yes I hear the terror radius#They're somewhere near me#I don't know what direction to run#Oh look I ran right into them#Now I'm dead#I also don't usually play Sable much but I've always been a huge fan of fairytales#Especially Little Red Riding Hood#My dad used to read it and others to me a lot when I was little#I feel like the bright red cape isn't good for hiding
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On being an older fangirl
I was probably 10 years old when I first conceived of what was, looking back, fanfiction. Me and my best friend would lie in bed together on sleepovers and I'd make up stories about what happened after the end of our favorite book, "The Westing Game." She'd ask me for more stories, and I'd tell her more, inventing them as I went along. "Then what?" she'd say.
I was 14 when I went to my first convention. I had discovered Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was 1987, and my youth pastor was a huge Trekkie. He took me to a one-day crappy Creation con, but it was amazing to me. I met Nichelle Nichols. My dad showed me the Trek movies. He and I watched TNG together.
When I went to college in 1991, my dad used to videotape TNG episodes onto VHS tapes and mail them to me, so I could keep watching (I didn't have TV in my dorm room).
By the time I was a senior, we had Trek watching parties in the dorm lounge, where the TV had cable. Star Trek: Voyager had started up, and I wrote a column about it for the college newspaper. I joined a mailing list about it, with people in it that I still know today.
I got my first computer that could go online in 1995. I was on newsgroups. I discovered Doctor Who. I went to Trek conventions where we still passed around fanzines containing fic and art and smutty K/S fan creations.
Then it was Harry Potter. Then there were websites. Then there was Geocities, where we could all make our own little spots. We organized them into webrings. We talked on newsgroups and mailing lists. There were fanfic archives. Then there was fanfiction.net.
Then...there was LiveJournal. And we could interact in entirely new ways. We could form communities, and debate things, and fight over canon, and get into ship wars. On LiveJournal, I met my best friend of 22 years. I was in her wedding. She's my sister of the heart (which is what she calls me).
Then there was Tumblr. And Twitter. And now there's Discord. But it's all the same.
I am the same.
I am still that little girl who made up fanfiction in her head to entertain her best friend. I am still the one who was amazed to find communities on the internet - which was so new, so raw, so uncommodified - where others like me could meet. I found there people to meet in real life.
I am still that twentysomething going to her first major convention, being told that someone loved my fic, being asked about my writing process.
I am still that thirtysomething watching something I wrote blow up. Seeing friends from other fandoms find me in new ones, finding them there, too. Forgetting which fandom I know someone from, because I've known them for twenty years.
I still know some of the people who created those early websites, those mailing lists, those archives. I still meet people in new fandoms who say "Oh, I read your fic in [fandom] fifteen years ago!" There's no feeling quite like having someone remember something you wrote for that long. Or meeting someone whose fic meant a lot to YOU, or who you talked with on rec.arts.drwho.creative in 1997.
Aging in fandom is a gift. Being middle-aged in fandom is a joy. Having people who still read what I write and ask "Then what?" is a blessing.
It breaks my heart that so many people see it as something to be ashamed of, when it is one of my life's greatest gifts.
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listen. I know my family is bad at communication and acknowledgement of receipt of Thing but when the one thing that consistently happens semi-annually is that I get fussed at for not confirming I received something, it irks me a smidge.
Like if I'm expected to always confirm "Hey I got your [communication/gift]" then why aren't they doing it back? Especially considering the communication in this instance has really actually very important information they will want to know if they want to stay in contact with me.
Even if I'd just gotten a "K" in response, like. at least it would have let me know they got the damn thing. I sent this email TWO WEEKS AGO and only one person responded - and it was practically immediate too. Like... i know folks are busy, i know shit's going on. I get it. But it would help me feel so much less like I'm suddenly a pariah in the family out of nowhere if like one of the people I'd sent this to had just responded in some way shape or form.
I'd have answered a phone call - i wouldn't have liked it, but i'd have done it. A letter in the mail to my current address even. a message in a bottle probably wouldn't get to me because i'm pretty far from the beaches of the great lakes, and also they're even farther, but like. something right?
my sister at least confirmed she got it and just forgot to respond. i imagine that's what happened with everyone else because we have the same mental illnesses and look. i do it too. but also? also?? i was hounded to respond quickly to things, i was told off every time i wasn't responding within a half hour of any communication. I was asked instantly the next time they saw me if I'd gotten it, even if i hadn't had a chance to see the thing yet.
So forgive me, family, if I'm a little peeved off that all y'all are allowed to "forget to respond" for two whole fucking weeks and then a few extra days (because it's been 2 weeks, 3 days exactly) when i can't let something sit in the mailbox for 2 days because i couldn't get to my mailbox easily while living on my own without getting a phone call or text or email that there should be something waiting in there for me.
*enraged screeching*
#literally the deadline i gave them for my address change was Monday#technically they have until the 8th but i didn't give them that room because i feared they'd use it#and my birthday is this upcoming week and like. idk i was kind of looking forward to maybe getting a card or two perhaps that's silly of me#to look forward to receiving specifically birthday correspondence for my birthday idk man#like i don't have a lot of space to judge i'm also really bad at keeping up lines of communication but when someone sends you#an update with a deadline about when they're moving and to where exactly#and also a big update on a health issue that like. they've mentioned MULTIPLE times#it's generally considered courteous to at least SAY YOU RECEIVED THE MESSAGE even if you didn't have a chance to read the whole thing yet#like????????#angry i am so angry#like yay my sister responded to the text IT TOOK 2 WEEKS AND ME POKING HER ABOUT IT#again i know. i know people are busy and have other things going on#why did *I* have to be the one who came up with work arounds and ways to avoid doing this to other people when no one else does it for me?#why was *I* the one always getting fussed at and told off and lectured about how rude i was for not getting back to people in a timelymanne#but it's fine for them to IGNORE ME FOR 2 FUCKING WEEKS#like fuck *off* with that bullshit i'm so fucking.........#i mean it. about the others. if my grandparents i sent this to and my other aunt don't respond they don't get any more updates on me#i don't tell them when i move next or where i've gone. if i change my phone number again they don't get it.#like. if you're not going to do me the courtesy of saying ''i got your message you sent''#AFTER I'VE SENT A FOLLOW UP TWO WEEKS LATER#then you don't get to stay in touch because you clearly do not care about it.#....i already feel like i'm extremely unwantable and like no one will ever desire to stick with me long term#having the family members i spent the majority of my life being around not respond to me does not help that#the SINGULAR person in a whole list of recipients who responded quickly (and also thoroughly but that was *wholly* unexpected)#was someone I barely got a chance to know when I was young because of weird family drama I don't care about#because it doesn't fucking matter y'all are adults now act like it#like. the most supportive member of my family is a woman i thought disliked me on principle because i was my father's child#and it turns out no it's my dad who's the fucked up one who judged her children just because they were hers#cause he hates his sister for some fucking reason.#when she's genuinely the nicest and kindest person i've ever met in my whole family like???
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on a whim and in spite of my responsibilities i have started on making a whole 9 chapter self-indulgent fic for mr. grim reaper from the hit game 'a date with death'
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#haha... so quickly did i finish the game and all endings and achievements.....#started at 3 am on a school day :)) damn.#so i have a lot of thoughts and things to say but writing is tiring so i will just say. fuck me. fuck hell. fuck all. oh god.#...so i have a big thing for white-haired fictional guys w/ red hair. at the top of my head i can think of two vampires and one grim reaper!#haha. oops.#then there is an angel... a ghoul... and idk what the fuck to call him but he isn't a normal guy.#and there's more. but. i cannot recall at the moment. uh. anyway!#wowed tbh bcs this game got me my inspiration to write for myself back....... and also to write for others. and also to write in general.#even as i yet procrastinate on something i am actually required to write! two of those#actually so uhm haha rip!!!!! but it's fun at least. writing :3#i like having a sense of dread creeping up on me bcs when i have nothing needed to do i feel empty... gotta improve that.....#idk what game to play now tho. sigh. haven't played undertale in a bit even as i am trying to finish it and idk where i left off <//3#omori... i am just Scared..... but will finish that alongside undertale!#currently playing persona 4 golden actually but bit tiring going through my routine of having to use my dad's laptop bcs i own a macbook he#owns a whole ass gaming windows laptop so. yeah. uhh genshin is on to grinding again so i'm sick of that. uhhh.#ffxiv..!!! i am avoiding it rn for the sake of my sanity bcs i love that game too much. in a good healthy way but also it takes up#everything i have in me so i have to. prepare for it. oops.#the recent news tho... i am trying not to perceive so i don't go insane.....#oh. i could read books. but i want to make a bunch of notes and uh that is Something indeed! bcs i am currently reading classics +#nonfiction ... science or philosophical books..... and there's rereading pjo. :)) fun
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