#My allergies are back!!
the-spaz-official · 4 months
if I die just know that it's the final exam's fault
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clownsuu · 1 year
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idk why but I had a huge craving to make another welcome home oc smhh, gotta have at least 3 kids to da party
So yeah, here’s Dusty, the big ol dust bunny lmAO-
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They are, of course, a dust bunny- there isn’t really much else about him besides that MCNDHD
they are a very chill eepy dude, who never really talks unless it’s in forms of “Yup”s and “Hmm”s. The smaller he gets, the more the “yup”s turn into “yip”s. Only a few amount of people can translate it.
Their body is uncomfortably soft- like the soft you feel when you accidentally drag your hand across a very dusty shelf. And sure maybe you can lay on his large body, however when highly damaged/split apart, they will turn into dust (literally) in mini clumps in the shape of dust bunnies (totally not inspired by spirited away)
anyway, hope ya like em, probably won’t draw em nearly as much as I draw Robbie (also Robbie would sneeze every time he’s around Dusty JDHFDHDJ)
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makenna-made-this · 5 months
Happy birthday to the loves of my life. Food mash berry cake with a side of lettuce to celebrate the occasion💕🐔
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omaano · 6 months
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"I've grown these for you."
My first entry for the @rexobibingo - because what is a Gardener/Gardening about if not making leafy things grow out of love? (You can, of course, grow your leafy things out of spite too, I guess, that's always a very fair motivation if you ask me)
Keeping to good old habits from my previous bingo experience, please allow me to wholeheartedly and very passionately recommend @dharmaavocado's fic that has been on my mind throughout the whole time while I was working on this drawing We Who Love Our Hands in Dirt which was likely the first fic that has sold me on this ship, and Hanahaki as allergies will never stop being fascinating to me as a concept *w*
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secondbeatsongs · 9 days
so maybe. just like maybe. try to make it so that you don't get exposed to covid, get two vaccines, start a new medication, have a busy time at work, and then get no sleep because of a car alarm going off twice, all in the same 48hr period.
would not recommend
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varpusvaras · 6 months
It's a pretty afternoon on Coruscant, for once.
They are standing just at the entrance of the Jedi Temple, waiting for Wolffe to come out, and Fox is enjoying his moment of sunlight without having a barrier over his head, when there is something flying towards his head. In a snap, he has raised his hand and caught whatever it is.
"Nice catch!" Fox looks over to see Wolffe jogging towards them, with a small bag in his hand. He glances down at his own hand and to whatever he had just caught.
It's a fruit of some sort, round and with a very light and soft pink color.
"Souvenirs from General Koon", Wolffe says, opening the bag in his hand. "He called these Hallous and said we had to try them."
He starts to give everybody else a fruit from the bag as well. It's moments like these that Fox kind of wishes he also had a Jedi, who would call them all by their names and give out fruits and other treats. Fox isn't even sure when the last time was that he actually ate fresh food.
Everybody is taking a bite out of their fruits already, not bothering to wait until Fox gets his musings to an end. They all seem to enjoy it with smiles on their faces, so Fox takes a bite as well.
Fox hadn't thought before this that it could be possible for a food to punch him inside his mouth, but now he has to believe it. The fruit is spicy like those hot peppers in the stew that Thorn had bought in one of the first weeks of their posting, and it leaves a rough, tingling afterburn in Fox's mouth. The same afterburn follows the piece of fruit down his throat when he swallows, making him cough.
Cody, who is standing closest to him in their circle, reaches to pat him on his back.
"Don't choke", he says. "Wolffe probably doesn't want to go and tell General Koon that his fruit killed you."
Fox draws in a deep breath. He looks all of them over. Rex and Bly are still munching on on their fruits, with not one twitch in their expressions.
Fox's eyes are burning with gathering tears. He hurries to wipe them away.
Is his spice tolerance this bad? He hadn't thought so before, but...
Fox looks back at the fruit in his hands, then back at the others. They are almost done with theirs.
Fox is not going to give them any more reasons to make fun of him. They've been doing it lately more than enough, about everything they just possibly can. He takes a second bite and keeps his face still.
He's almost out of breath after the last bite, but he doesn't let it show. Thankfully nobody is pointing it out, too busy with heckling Bly at the moment because he just happened to accidentally call his General by her given name.
The burning feeling inside his mouth and throat don't leave him fully until the next day. He really, really needs to work on his spice tolerance.
"Oh, love", Breha is giving him a slightly concerned smile. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine", Fox manages to mumble, before he has to sneeze again. Thank Manda, he already had a tissue in his hands. His eyes and nose are burning.
Breha sighs.
"I should've made sure", she says. "You haven't really lived anywhere with this much...nature, before."
"You couldn't have known", Fox coughs. "And really, the Kaminoan's were supposed to engineer us without these kind of promblems."
"I don't think that's possible, with how many of you there are", Breha says. "Some things like this must've slipped, or happened during the gestation."
Possibly. Fox is not going to pretend that he understands anything about genetics.
Breha leaves for a moment, and Fox hears her move around the kitchenette area their living quarters have. She comes back with a steaming cup in her hands.
"The Hallous are in season in the Northern Hemisphere", she tells him, setting the cup in his hands. "They make a sweet tea blend infused with them, and it's good for your immune system."
Right. Fox guesses that something that spicy might as well burn all the nasty gunk in his airways away, so he takes a sip. He scrunches up his nose a bit from how much it burns, and Breha gives him another tissue, before getting up again.
She comes back a few minutes later with her own cup, and starts on her work while calmly sipping from it.
Fox is honestly impressed. He hadn't thought that Breha had much of a spice tolerance. Bail certainly doesn't have, and much of the traditional food of Alderaan is very mild and puts great emphasis on clean flavours. Oh, well, he learns something new every day. This all just now means that even his wife has a better spice tolerance than him by far.
He finishes his tea. It doesn't make him feel any better, as now his throat is even more scratchy than it was before. All it really does is making him even more tired, but he can't really sleep because of how hard it is to breathe.
He glances longingly out of the window. It's pretty out there, with gentle sunlight and green trees and everything in blossom, and he is allergic to all of it.
Fox grumples and closes his eyes.
Bail comes home the next week with a mild cold, and Fox watches him drink the tea like it's water. Alright, now this is really just embarrassing.
Fox tugs nervously at the collar of his suit. It's dark blue and goes together with what Breha and Bail are wearing, and he suddenly feels like he is out of his depth. Wearing the armor had given them all some sort of anonymity, even to him with his distinct paint job. It's probably going to take a while until Fox gets used to people looking at him, and looking at him without it.
It's also still strange to not be the one who is standing on guard, but to be the one who is guarded. Fox's job tonight is to stand there, look presentable, and not make a scene.
Things are still a bit...tense. There have been deglarations of peace and all that, but in many places, it still feels like one wrong move can light up everything again.
Fox can't help himself but to keep an eye out for everything that happens in the room. This is the first time after the War that Breha has travelled anywhere that is not in the Deep Core, and Fox is not going to stop himself from feeling protective of her. She is his wife, after all, and Fox has all the training necessary to keep her safe, if the situation demands it.
In the meanwhile, he tries to fullfill his primary job. Stand there, look presentable, and do not make a scene. He is still new to his position, so he is not yet expected to make some deep political statements.
Stand there, look presentable, and do not make a scene. He can do this.
Things are going well when they are served the first drinks of the evening.
"Here, Your Majesty", the server gives Breha a glass first, and then turns to Bail and Fox. "Your Highnesses. We do appreciate a lot of the same flavours as you in the Deep Core, and I think you will find this drink familiar. It's made with Hallous concentrate, to bring out the natural flavour powerfully and really make it the star of the drink."
"Thank you", Breha smiles brightly at them. "That sounds lovely."
Fox also thanks the server as he takes his glass, and does not show anything as their host gives out a speech and then a toast, and drinks with the rest of the guests. He manages to keep his face still by breathing deeply through his nose. All those years of training saving him in this moment, even if nothing what he learned while growing up was supposed to prepare him for a situation like this.
The drink is awful. Absolutely disgusting, if you ask Fox. It's so spicy that it stops tasting like anything at first, and then leaves a raw, bitter burn all the way down to his chest. His tongue feels immediately like it doesn't fit into his mouth properly anymore, pressing painfully against his back teeth. Fox really, really does not understand how every single person in the room can drink something like this and not automatically make even the slightlest of faces. Is this really just a thing he doesn't understand about people who were born into Royalty? Is it really just that much of an acquired taste, and him not liking it just shows that he really is just a nobody compared to them all?
Fox is proud of how well he managed to power through it, all of those things concidered. He tries to swallow a bit, to wash the taste out even a little, but he's barely getting his own spit down.
He sucks in a breath between his teeth. It's not reaching his lungs properly, leaving him feel weirdly unsatisfied. He tries again. It's barely getting past his lips, which feel...oddly numb. Huh. Was the spice really hitting him that bad?
Then it hits him that he can't breathe.
Fox tries to swallow again. It gets stuck somewhere at the back of his throat, the same place where all the air is getting stuck as well, and he clears his throat a bit behind his hand. It helps a little, letting him get something down to his lungs, but Fox has been choked out before and he knows when it's not enough.
It's not enough.
Sateen is with them, and he is standing closest to Fox and Bail, with Breha's own bodyguards standing next to her, and Fox, in his rising panic, sees him turn towards him.
"Fox?" Sateen asks, keeping his voice low as he steps closer and carefully grabs Fox by the arm. "Are you alright?"
Fox tries to say no, but then there is white static taking over his eyes and he vaguely feels himself pitching forward-
-and he wakes up with something heavy on his face and a rush of cool air, and he gulps it up desperately. It enters his lungs with a deep, sweet relief, and then makes him cough.
There is a hand on his forehead, large and warm and familiar. Fox has the mind to open his eyes.
The first thing he sees is Bail's extremely concerned face above him, and then somebody else's as they lean closer to him.
"Deep breaths", they say, and Fox obeys. The more air he is getting in, the more aware he is becoming of his surroundings, and that is when he notices that there is a lot of commotion all around him.
He tries to look back up at Bail, to ask what is going on, but the other person telling him to breathe is really insistent of him doing just that and not talking, so Fox relents just for a moment longer.
He does glance around from the corner of his eyes, though. The whole room is in absolute chaos, with people shouting and screaming in a rising cacophony, and with multiple Guards in different uniforms trying to contain it all with seemingly very, very bad results.
The people leaning over him are talking something about oxygen levels and adrenaline and blood pressure and a lot more that Fox doesn't have the capacity to understand right now, so he just breathes.
He does feel a sense of disappointment in himself. His job had literally been just to stand there, look presentable and not cause a scene.
He isn't standing, most likely doesn't look presentable while lying on the floor, and this definitely counts as a scene.
Fox presses his eyes back shut. Just his luck.
Rex: I can't believe that you out of all of us managed to almost cause a full blown conflict because everybody thought you were poisoned, while you were just having an allergy attack
Rex: I thought that was a thing only Skywalker and General Kenobi were able to do
Fox: Shut up
Bly: No, no, really. You really couldn't tell that you were allergic to that stuff? You've seen all of us eat them with no problems!
Fox: You guys are all a bunch of weirdos, how was I supposed to know that you all didn't just enjoy eating shit like that?
Wolffe: Next time you see us eating something without problems while you are actively choking on it because it tastes like molten lava to you, please call us a bunch of weirdos out loud. That could save the Galaxy in the future, apparently
Fox: Cody, Ponds, they are bullying me. I almost died!
Ponds: and almost caused another conflict while doing so
Cody: Stop it, everyone. We're glad that you're okay, Fox'ika
Fox: Thank you. At least somebody here still loves me
Cody: BUT, there is a saying Obi-Wan used to say-
Fox shuts down his commlink at that point. Bail gives him a sympathetic look from the chair next to Fox's bed.
"Are they making fun of you?" He asks.
"Of course they are", Fox huffs, and then resists another urge to just reach to his back and scratch. "I almost died and I'm suffering and they're making fun of me."
Bail takes his hand gently to his.
"I'm not making fun of you", he says, with humour in his voice but enough soft love in his eyes that Fox lets it be for now.
"Thank you", Fox says, squeezing Bail's hand. Partly to show back affection, partly to stop himself from giving into the urge to scratch. "How long do I have left?"
Bail looks at his chrono.
"Another hour", he says. "I'm sorry. We just want to make sure this doesn't happen again."
"It's fine", Fox sighs. "I would rather it doesn't happen again, either, but why does testing for allergens take so long?"
"That, I do not know", Bail says. He then straightens up a bit to take a look at Fox's back.
Fox sees the grimace on his face, even though Bail tries his hardest to wipe it away quickly.
"I'm karked, aren't I?" Fox asks.
"Well, I wouldn't say so", Bail tries to smile placatingly at him. "I'm sure it's completely normal for it to look like that."
He, very wisely, understands to shut up after the next look Fox gives him.
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snzluv3r · 4 months
also something so insanely embarrassing i need to share with you guys: i was having a very desperate, not so quiet sneezing fit the other day and recording it and somebody OUTSIDE who was walking by yelled ‘bless you’ and it picked up in the recording so yeah needless to say i stopped recording very shortly after that
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ectonurites · 5 months
i do think i as a person am like. held together with duct tape poorly. in all aspects
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1dwaekki · 23 days
Changbin dust allergy experience
Han's realisation is the best bit 😭😭 it's like he suddenly remembers that Changbin is actually allergic to dust rather than just being sensitive like anyone else would be
No one talks about this clip and today is the perfect day for me to remember and post it so here it is for everyone who is interested/ hasn't seen- sorry for the excessive posting but my ult has a bunch of allergies guys and I'm TOO excited about it atm
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ghostorbz · 3 months
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I think they're fnnuy
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milkweedman · 5 months
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Spinning some fleece at the post office due to a 30 minute line, and I failed to bring anything else to do. Laceweight on a pen from totally unprepped fleece :3
Couldn't have done this a couple years ago, that's for sure.
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sea-lanterns · 6 months
it's been a while since I last sent an ask, so here I am :3 this is referring to this ask
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plus an extra pic of my car
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her name is siopao :3
Omg! It’s Milkman! Jean and her daughter Klee 🥺
They look so cute together skfowjfkjdd. I like to think that Klee lives with Jean in the apartment complex and Klee likes to ship her mama with the “pretty guard lady” (you).
Even Klee’s doppelganger ships you with doppelganger Jean 😅
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sillysundial · 2 years
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Eunice doodlez
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foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
Getting wedding finery for Saturday. I found a cute vest/pant combo and we snagged a nice dress for my betrothed. I do want to look nice even if it’s just the little courthouse thing but damn the month has been expensive.
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tj-crochets · 4 months
Hey y'all! It's weird question time again! I think I might've asked this one before but I can't remember 1. Does high intensity exercise measurably drop your temperature? (as measured by one of those forehead thermometers) 2. Can the "high intensity exercise" be just singing while playing piano? 3. When I tried to tell a doctor I am bad at thermoregulation a while back and he kinda condescendingly said "no, human bodies are very good at that"...like...most people don't go into opossum body temperature range when they try to exercise, right???? You don't get so cold the bones in your hands and feet ache when it's only like low 60s in the house???? edit: my normal temperature is around 98.6 fahrenheit but if my body kicks into "getting too hot better adjust temperature mode" it will easily drop a full degree. The lowest I've gotten was in the 96 degree range, which is in the range for opossum body temperature, and I said "hey I'm opossum temperature!" when I saw the thermometer and it's one of those phrases you cannot unthink so it stuck
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lxvvie · 7 months
Since I’m stuck with a cold right now and everything sucks, I’ve been thinking about a sick Johnny. He’s definitely convinced he’s standing with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. His gf wishes he took his bed rest as seriously when he actually was severely injured.
Are you me, anon, 'cause I'm right there with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery! ❤️
Sick Johnny is a baby. Injured on duty? Not a problem. Just another Tuesday.
The cold? The flu? omfg he's dying, bonnie, and the fact that you're not by his side 25/8 makes it worse (even though you're nursing him while also trying not to get sick yourself).
How could you do this to him? Where did you two go wrong? What happened to cause this—"Johnny, you're sick."
Can he at least watch the game so he can trash-talk the boys and their shitty choice of teams?
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