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To Try (Loki x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Light Elf!reader gets into an arranged marriage with Loki
Warnings: Extremely canon divergent- takes place around Dark World, Kinda OOC (Loki discovers remorse), not beta-read, use of norse mythology, kinda opening ending
Word count: 10K
Rarely did your father allow you such the luxury of voicing an opinion, growing accustomed to being spoken over despite being set to inherit the throne. Everyday you were reminded of this bitter truth, that you were not born the son of the nation; but a woman. You had spent years attempting to change this reality from a perfect education, to proficient sorcery nothing seemed good enough. No, your father desired to heir a king, but your mother grew infertile after your birth. So naturally, no matter how much you squandered and begged for his favor, you'd be met with distain. However, you would still try to defend your people, it was your birth right.
"Father, you cannot ignore the insolents of the Asgardians. They wage war with the Jotuns, and attack the Midgardens. Both of which break peace treaties, and consequently have ruined delicate trade agreements."
"You speak of insolents, yet you dare stand before me ordering me as though you are the ruler, and I, your subject", His gaze towards you turned cold, as he glared down at you from his throne. "You will listen wisely, the only reason I keep you, is because the Aether chose you. For whatever reason I cannot fathom."
Yet another reason for your father's hatred. The Aether that had been guarded by the royal family since the war had been won against the dark elves. It had been tradition that each royal member carry the burden of its seal as a mark of their power. However, your father had been unable to do so. A truth he hid from his own people, and one that would sure compromise his throne. When you came of age your father had begrudgingly let you attempt to seal it, due to worry for your grandfather's impending death with the passage of time. Instead of being proud of your success, it only seemed to fan the fires of detestation.
"Perhaps it is because you do not have power, that you choose to fear the Asgardians instead of face them for the good of our people", You knew that would be dangerous to say, but you also knew that the only way to get him to act was to threaten his pride.
"You will watch the way you speak to your king! Perhaps the power has gone to your head young one! You think foolishly!" His wrath no longer made you shake as it did in your youth. No, now you look at your once admirable father with disappointment. No weaker there is than a man who hides his cowardice behind rage.
"Perhaps it is because you are powerless and pusillanimous that you refuse to act, father."
He set his scepter down as he stood, "Fine, you wish to see what will come of speaking with the Asgardians than we shall go. Do not blame me if the outcome is not what you desired." He was no longer yelling, but he addressed you with distaste in his cold tone. Despite this, you took the win. Regardless of his judgment, you would do whatever it took to correct the political standings with Asgard.
"Very well, I shall make preparations to set off soon."
There was a strange serenity in arriving in Asgard. Despite your father's dampening presence, the beauty of Asgard had over taken you. The streets were bustling, and every corner was livelier than the next. The castle itself gorgeous, adorned in gold and art. The castle also seemed eager to tell the story of the royal family, with carvings and painting. You would not be shocked if they had a stained glass window of the Allfather around. Speaking of which, you had finally arrived to face him. Atop his throne he had reminded you much of your own father, with a piercing gaze, stern facing, and hard exterior. His hair was grown out turning white from aging, but his bread was kept well trimmed; surely an Asgardian status symbol, similar to the gold armor he was adorned in.
"I was quite surprised to hear from the light elves, I trust your reason for such a trip is quite a diplomatic one." He spoke in a tone that left little to determination, he was testing the waters of your visit. It would come to no shock that he would be on guard, seldom did your people venture out to the other realms. You strode ahead of your father, and bowed your head to the king.
"It is an honor to meet you Allfather. We are indeed here to discuss diplomatic relations regarding the Asgardians behavior." You kept your voice steady, and your words respectful, last thing you'd wanted to do is risk waging a war with Asgard. Although, you could not see your father's face, you could assume he would be angry you have addressed the Allfather rather than him. Odin, seemed to also take note of this.
"Tell me, do you speak for your father, the king?" His tone now was more calculative, and aimed to test you. Perhaps, you are acting out of turn, yet in this moment you do not care. Your father did not bother to look into the papers you had written out for him, and you doubted he truly knew the matters you intended to address in this visit.
"I speak for my realm's prosperity, your majesty." This time you had looked him in the eyes as you spoke, this answer seemed to please, or at the very least amuse him.
"And what is that concerns your realm's prosperity?"
"The recent invasions on both the Jotuns and the Midgardens have left races in other realms unwary, and in fear of violence trade routes are decreasing as less nations reach out to others. We have began to see signs of this economic effect, and I wish to stop it before it damages the livelihood of our people. This cannot be done without Asgards help, the others of the nine realms look to you for guidance."
Odin stood up from his throne, "I shall look into your claim, if I determine there is validity to your concerns, then I will discuss this matter further. For now, your journey has been tiring, rest."
You bowed your head once again, as you bit your tongue. Of course your claims had validity, why else journey to the Allfather, but you could not speak out of turn more than you already technically had. You just had to pray he did not find it entirely dismissive.
"Thank you for your generosity, your majesty."
Loki was reading another one of the books Frigga had brought him. He had tried to focus on the words in the pages in front of him, but all he felt was the slow guilt eating him alive. Odin would never be his father, but Frigga had always been his mother. Odin hidden his true nature, hoaxed him into believing he could one day be king, discarded him in favor to Thor, and punished him for all of his days to come. However, his mother had always been gentle, even when Loki did not deserve it. She had taught him a million lessons, of magic and morality.
He thought back to her words, had he been so blinded by rage he could not see her reason? His mother was right in one aspect; mortals are still living, and he had taken their lives for what? He could easily blame it on Thanos, to say it was because of his manipulation, but it was not the full truth. No, it only amplified the envy and hatred that Loki had already been facing. His actions were of his own accord, and this time it was clear he had gone too far given even his mother seemed distraught.
He had not even noticed when he had began destroying parts of his cell. He should feel no remorse, he is a god, and they were mere mortals. He had deserved to be a king, deserved to be treated as Thor's equal. For some odd reason, he could not shake the voice of his mother from his head. He was cunning, malevolent, and underhanded. He had always acted in his own favor, and with no regard for others. These were things he had accepted long ago, it was in his nature. He had never once felt a sense of self-reproach or sorrow at this, why now was it consuming his every thought?
Certainly, it was all the time in this prison. It had given his mind far too much time to wonder. He began to be poisoned by the notion he could ever change, ever grow to regret his decision. No, what had happened in New York revealed what was truly hidden within him, he was monstrous. Maybe this came from being a Frost Giant, he really was the monster parents tell their children about to scare them to bed. His mother had only said those words because she still had hope that Loki being raised as an Asgardian would change his nature, but clearly it had not. If anything Odin was the one that was right, Loki's birthright was to die in that cold amongst the rest of the barbarians.
You felt the silk gold sheets were pulling you, and drowning you further in thought. Slowly each part of you was being eaten alive by all the possible outcomes of this situation. Until news had finally arrived, your father and you would have a formal discussion with the Allfather and Allmotber tomorrow. This did little to quell your nerves, however, as such a quick reply could mean two incredibly varied outcomes. The best outcome would be that Odin had realized the gravity of the economic situation, and thought it so obvious as to warrant immediate intervention. Alternatively, the contrary could occur, Odin thinks your situation so obviously pointless, and undeserving of Asgards assistance. You had eventually succumbed to your exhaustion, but not without a terrible feeling nagging at you.
You were overcome by anger; you did not know what you were saying until it had already come out, "With all due respect your majesty, when you became the Allfather you had taken responsibility for the wellbeing of the nine realms. Although, it seems you act as King of Asgard first, and Allfather second. Trade and political alliance between our people greatly benefits both parties, we have access to medical herbs and practices that could prove advantageous for Asgard. The greater sale of these goods would in turn help our economy blossom. I do not see why you seem to so quickly disregard how other races could aid you, do you really think us so bellow you?"
Your father had turned to you as though you had just committed treason, which you might as well have. You had blatantly accused the Allfather of neglecting the realms, and treating Asgardians as superior to others. You do not regret it, in fact you do not even think it an accusation as he had been doing so just now. He had known nothing of your nation, but was quick to claim that there would be no gain in political affiliation with Asgard. Odin had kept his face straight, showing no signs of emotion or reaction. Instead, deeper in his eye there seemed to be something brewing. Once again it was that calculative look, but this time there was something more sinister behind it.
"Very well. You claim I think other races below Asgard, and you claim to be in need of political alliance to us that could prove beneficial. Why not unite our people?"
The Queen Frigga, seemed to catch on to what Odin was implying before your father or you. Her soft resting expression seemed to turn stern. Her eyes that had once been tender and motherly, seemed to lose their light blue hues to a darker spark of emotion as she turned to her husband. Before she could utter a word, she was swiftly cut off by Odin's continuing.
"You see, my son Thor is already quite taking by a Midgardian woman. My youngest Loki, however, would be sure to prove as a good match for you, princess. He is clever, machiavellian, and canny. He was raised as king, and has the eagerness to be one. And much like you, he is sharp-witted and silver-tongued."
You had heard numerous stories of the youngest son of Odin, the God of Mischief. He had been somewhat of a trickster growing up, only to turn out betraying his brother. He had been the one to wage the attack on the Midgardens, and to kill Laufey. You had doubted he had truly been fit to rule. Perhaps, this was Odin's punishment, to doom Àlfheimr under his tyrant of a son. You doubted your father knew any of this, based on his prompt agreement to the proposal. It was your life this would permanently predetermine, your life that was being bound to a seemingly cruel man. But, you had no voice in the matter. You look up to met Frigga's eyes, at least you could find solace in her expression and disapproval. She too, had not been heard. You had now known the look in Frigga's eye, the mix between the worry of a mother and the anger of a woman.
Loki wanted to laugh bitterly at Thor's visit, even more so as he saw through his illusions. It seemed now he had truly lost everything. His sanity, his dignity, his influence, and his chicanery. Overtaken by fits of rampage caused by his new founds pangs of consciousness, he felt himself slowly diverge into a state of craze. As he laid on the floor in his tattered garments, dirty and bloody. He could at least find sour solace in knowing chaos followed him even here, as he looked around at the ruins left of the objects that had once decorated the space. Regardless of how spiteful he felt at his current predicament, he seemed even more indignant at this new found urge for repentance that sinked its teeth deeper into him every passing moment.
"Now you see me, brother."
Thor looked at Loki with a solemnly expression, "I did not come here to bask in your self-pity, I came here to warn you of father."
Loki's temper seemed to spark once again, "He is not my father!"
Thor looked down at him in further disapproval, "Regardless, he shall come to you with a proposition soon enough, it will no doubt anger you."
Loki scoffed at him, "And why is it have you come to tell me of this great proposition."
Thor's face tone grew less firm as it now carried an almost undetectable hint of fondness, "Mother still believes in you, she fights for you. However, father will not yield in this matter. Ever since her first illusion, it has been made even more difficult for her to speak to you. Loki, she asks one thing, do not allow yourself to be overcome by wrath. She fears it will only lead you down a path of madness and savagery", Thor paused to look around the state of dungeon, "A fear that seems to be founded."
Loki did not need to hear this again, it is all that has been on his very being since they last spoke. It is what he had destroyed the room trying to rid himself of. This wrath that would not quell. Before Thor left he turned to face Loki once again once again.
"I had always thought you a trickster, but never a villain. Maybe it is now that I see you, brother."
Loki could not tell how much time had passed since Thor left, frankly he had could not tell how much time he had spent in this place. It had already felt like eons. His mother's request was the new topic weighing on him. He felt like a small child throwing a tantrum over being put in time out. His thoughts were finally distracted for a moment, something he would welcome if it were not for the fact it was over the arrival of Odin. Judgment had lingered in every glance he gave around.
"I know Thor has told I have a proposition for you, but in truth the decision has already been made. You are to marry the crown princess of Álfheimr, and that will serve as a political union of our two people."
Loki had finally looked up to meet his father's gaze. He laughed in a way that could only come from despair and disbelief, "Of course, I was taken off of Jotunheim as a means for a political alliance. When that did not work, I had no use. Except, to be used for another political union I see."
Odin's face drew into a scowl, "You still sulk in your pity play when I have provided you an opportunity of which you are less than deserving. The only reason you are not dead is because of Frigga, now you will serve Asgard as it is your duty."
It was now Loki's turn to scowl, "Duty? What duty? I am not even Asgardian! Is that why you choose to marry me off? Not Thor? No, because you could not have the next hire of Asgard be anything but a pure born Asgardian, correct? Else they have no birthright to the throne."
Odin now yelled, "You will listen wisely, I took you in! I saved you, when it seems now I should have left you to die in cold. Now it is your duty to not only return that favor, but also serve your punishment."
"Saved me?! I was nothing to you! No, but another stolen alien object to be later used for leverage! You lied to me my entire life! Now you want to pawn me off."
"I had thought you would be more pleased, considering you are to be a king. Is that not all your selfish heart desires? You will slaughter for a crown, but not wed for one?"
At this point Loki was practically panting, in between the all the screaming and labored breaths. Finally, it had been made clear the source of all his anger. No, it had never been about being King of Asgard, or about having way to a throne. It was about being seen as an equal. The years he had spent drowning in Thor's shadow, desperate for an ounce of their father's approvals and affections that Thor had so easily basked in. Yet, he was only ever second best, never quite good enough for Odin. Only to discover the grim reality that he never was Odin's son, and that is why he was never given the same treatment. The acceptance he yearned to receive would never be his, because regardless of how he was raised, he would never really be an Asgardian in his father's eyes.
"At least allow me time and freedom around the castle to prepare. After all, i should look presentable for my new bride."
When Frigga had approached you about meeting her for tea, of course you could not deny her. Not only was she the Allmother, the Queen of the planet you are currently visiting, and your soon to be mother in law; but there was something about her that was so inviting. It could be because your own mother had passed when you were young, so you were helplessly drawn to someone as motherly as her. She had long curls cascading down her back, inviting eyes, and a beautiful smile. Everything about her was so divinely feminine, it was almost magnetic. You had wondered if it was this that made even a fierce man such as Odin fall for her.
You did not know what to expect when coming to tea, but it was certainly not that you met your betrothed. You had imagined the first time you met Loki to be at the wedding ceremony. After all, it was common in political marriages to not met until the day of your holy union. Still you were slightly thankful to met him under this circumstance, it was much less intimidating. Away from the thousands of peering eyes, the weight of a ball gown, and the promise of matrimony. Rather you were under a gorgeous gold gazebo in a secluded garden area, with stunning Asgardian plants surrounding you, and a natural light glow peering through the trees. When you had looked at Loki, you found that he too was stunning. The art around the castle had not done him true justice, they could not fully depict the tempting nature that surrounded him, the one that possessed and pulled you in before you had a chance to even fight it. He had a certain effortless boyish charm that came with being so easy on the eyes; pretty face and silky hair. He certainly had the captivating appearance of a prince.
"I am sorry to have startled you, your Highness. I wanted to met you before the wedding, but did not have a means to approach you. So, I requested assistance from my mother. I hope you do not take this personally."
He even spoke like a royal, voice all velvety and melodious. Not that it shocked you. Ultimately he was brought up as a prince, regardless of his actions of Midgard, this is a fact that cannot be denied. So you had chosen to take the seat across from him.
"I see, well I had heard stories of your tricks. So I suppose this should have been expected."
He let out a polite and forced laugh, "My reputation proceeds me, your Highness. Please do accept my sincerest apologies, it was not my intention for you to feel tricked or fooled."
He smiled- no smirked at you in a winsome manner, but you refused to be taken in by it, "Tell me then what was your intention in bringing me here, if not to trick or fool."
"It is not a sin for a man to want to know the woman he is courting."
"No, but it is already determined we are to be wed. We have the rest of our times together to know each other afterwards."
Frankly, you did feel tricked into meeting him today. You felt as though you'd ventured into a battle ground unprepared, which was considerably worse when faced with an opponent so unpredictable. You also could not forget that he was dangerous, and had murdered many Midgardians. You would refuse to allow yourself to be fooled by him, or fully let your guard down.
He spoke up once again in passive tone, "I suppose so, but is it not better to go into marriage knowing we have at least exchanged words once before?"
This time he actually did give you more of a smile than a smirk, and it was much more appealing. But, it would not be enough to sway you. He stood up, and reached over to one of the many fetching Asgardian flowers.
"My mother will be here shortly, please do enjoy the teas and deserts I have laid out for you both. They are some of my mother's Asgardian favorites, I figured you may like to try them during your visit as well." He picked a flower that was at full bloom off of the branch delicately, "I come here at noon everyday to read, do with that what you will, my soon-to-be wife."
He smiled at you once again as he handed you the flower. You did not get a moment to speak before he had already seemed to vanish. He truly was as cunning as they say, and the ball was now in your court.
You will admit, Loki had undoubtedly sparked your interest. That's probably why you had found yourself back in the garden again, inching towards that same golden gazebo. But, the moment you heard a soft familiar voice you froze.
"You could have waited the other day, you know."
Frigga had been pointed looking at Loki, but he kept his gaze diverted. Loki countered, "Waited when?"
"Why go through all the trouble of meeting for tea, and not even bothering to stay around long enough to enjoy it?"
Loki's gaze kept studying the patterns on the floor, even as he spoke "My bride was not exactly blushing to get to know me, you see."
Suddenly you felt stopped dead in place, this was a private conversation. You should not be here, this was bordering close on eavesdropping- no you were eavesdropping. This was wrong, but you could not help the morbid curiosity that had over taken you. It was not like you were trying to purposefully stalk their interactions, but they had mentioned you. You only had so much composure, and if it broke down a little because you were more desperate to know your fiancé's opinion of you than you realized, that was not your fault. Truly, you were being tempted far more than any reasonable person could resist
"Well with walls as high up as yours, would you ever let her know you?" Frigga's tone had been a a strange perfectly balanced mix of serious and teasing.
Loki hummed, "If she does not already know of what I've done, she will undoubtedly detest me when she does. If by some miracle that does not push her away, she will eventually see the truth."
Frigga's stare had bore into Loki deeply, "And what is that truth."
Loki did not reply, in fact he had not looked at her this entire time. Always keeping his gaze averted, alike a child keeping his head low when reprimand.
"Always so perceptive of everyone but yourself. My boy, you must look into yourself, and discover the source of these thoughts and feelings. Only then will you be able to distinguish the truth."
It was only now Loki had lifted his gaze to met his mother's eyes, and it was only now that you saw something so raw. There were no lies or shields, his eyes were purely pools of hundreds of emotions. Loki had truly looked like the youngest son now, he had the expression of a young boy as he turned to his mother for guidance.
She simply smiled, "You could trick everyone in all the nine realms, except your mother. I see you for what you truly are, my son."
Loki scoffed, and turned away, "A brute who only thinks for himself, and causes anguish for others."
Frigga had lifted a hand to hold Loki's face. She turned his head towards her, and stroked his cheek in calming manner. She still held that same soft smile and mellow voice, "Monsters do not feel self-condemnation, my little chiseler. You can con every other being into believing you're heartless, but I know differently. I know my son."
Loki laughed, but it was not completely joyful. He put his hand over Frigga's, "You are blinded by love, mother."
Frigga hummed in response, "Is that not just proof there is something worth loving."
She moved so he could take Loki's hands into her own, and for the first time you saw Loki smile. Not some kind of smirk, but an actual smile. It was not aimed to dupe or mislead, but came naturally with no hidden agenda. Now he seemed completely different from the man you had met, or the man you had heard about. He did not give the impression of a swindler, but of a man fighting self discovery.
"Loki, I still believe there is a light within you. I see it in your eyes. I am here for you, please do not allow for your anger and hurt to overshadow it." Frigga had suddenly glanced at you, although it was a split second, you had realized she was aware of your presences the whole time. You could see where he got his teasing smile from, as you saw Frigga now dawn it. She looked back at Loki, "Besides, I feel you have more supporters than you give yourself credit for."
You hurriedly left before Loki's confused looks could find you lurking.
You were scouring the shelves of the royal library, when the possibly most embarrassing moment of your life had occurred. Like some kind of circus clown, you had actually fallen off the ladder. Before you could even react, you felt yourself gently slowed onto the floor. A faint laugh coming from behind you.
"I have not had to use that spell since Loki was a young child, much too eager to read books beyond his years."
Frigga stood above you, a hand out stretched to lift you up. You gave her a bashful smile, as she helped you up.
"Thank you for your heroic rescue, your Majesty. I was not aware you could use magic."
"Yes well, it's always good to have an ace or two up your sleeve."
She had winked at you as she mused.
"You use magic too, I could sense you earlier."
By earlier, you knew she had meant in the garden. Immediately you had felt yourself flush, your cheeks surely breaking out into a blush. You felt the same you did when you were younger, and being caught by the castle chef eating dessert before dinner. You bowed your head.
"Please forgive me, it truly was not my intention to overhear such a private conversation. I had no idea that you would be there. I hope you do not take any offense."
"You do not need to bow, fear not I was never angry to begin with. I, too, would be a little nosy if I saw my espoused and his mother discussing me. Especially, if i did not know him well."
You felt relieved, even if the embarrassment had not completely subsided.
"So, I take it Loki learned his sorcery from you then?"
Frigga beamed nostalgically as she spoke, "Yes. You see Thor and Odin are much a like in the fact that they both take up so much of the attention. I knew it was difficult for Loki to bask in their large shadows. So, I had hoped this would give him his own sun." She paused for a moment, to giggle before she continued, "He was constantly so fascinated by my abilities, even the smallest things. When he was just toddler, still waddling more so than walking, he would watch in awe in awe as I conjured little fireworks. Even as an infant, to whisk a little light around my finger was always the most effective way to stop his tears."
It was clear to you, how much Frigga cherished her son. The way she spoke, compelled you to find joy in the memories with her, despite obviously never having been there. She turned to you.
"I know what you have likely heard, and I know being forced into this marriage is not ideal for you. I ask you to please form your own opinions of Loki. Do not let others, even I, sway you. Loki is more like his father than he would care to admit. He is cold, and sometimes downright cruel. In my experience, I find that usually it comes from fighting a deeper battle. He will most definitely push you away, but I truly think it worth trying to break through. At least then, you will know you have tried to get to know authentic Loki. Not the facade he parades around."
She had grasped your hands, in the similar manner you had seen her hold Loki's in the garden. Her eyes carried such a genuine plea.
"I can assure you of one thing, I do not care what others think. I always planned to test him in my own methods, now more so than ever; considering he is to be my husband."
She grinned at you, "You too carry a little mischief, your Highness."
You tried to think of a reply, but she had already dropped your hands and bid you a goodnight before you could come up with anything worth saying.
Loki had been mildly amused when you did, in fact, show up at the garden like he had hinted. Although, he could not say he was completely shocked considering you appeared to be more sharp than given credit for. Last time, he could almost see the gears turning in your head as you analyzed him and the situation. You kept a keen eye on him the entire time, and whereas he tried to charm you, your responses stayed monotonous with the slightest undertone of a bite behind them. What had him more curious was the pile of books you carried towards him. He almost let out a laugh at how cartoonish it looked, watching you waddle over while heaps of novels looked just about ready to topple over. He put his own book down, one of the ones Frigga had sent him while he was in prison, now that he had actually been able to concentrate on the plot he realized it was quite boring. Long winded stories of karmic punishments, it was not lost on him that this was most likely the reason she had chosen to send this book. At this moment though, you were much more interesting object to study than this book.
"Need a hand with those, your Highness?" He joked. He had not waited for your answer, instead waltzing over to take a portion of the large stack to place down onto the table. You placed the other stack down, and looked up at him. You looked much more interesting now, huffing a little from making the journey over with the large pile of books. You breathed out a small thanks still.
He flashed you cheshire cat smile, "It is truly no problem, didn't even break a sweat." He stared down at the mounds of books, and continued joking further, "I know I said I enjoy to read here, but I was not expecting you to bring this many novels. Is my presence not enough to keep you entertained, your Highness."
You had given him a blank stare, "Oh, you are more mirthful than all the court jesters I have witnessed."
Although, your expression was stern, the teasing tone had let him know to laugh. He decided to tease back, "If you find me so rollicking, then why bother with all the books? I cannot help but wonder."
He had given you a fake pout, the ghost of a smile gracing your lips, but you refused to be so open just yet. "It is time for you to go back to prep school, I do hope you enjoy homework." He quirked his eyebrow, as if urging you to continue. "If you are to rule by my side, you must know about Álfheimr. So I gathered all the books I could find in the Asgardian royal library."
"I see, I have been assigned mandatory reading again. I truly do feel like a schoolboy once more. Albeit, my teachers were never as eye catching as you."
He gave you a flirty wink, but you would not fall for it. You gave him an intent look, "I am unsure if you are used to flattering your way out of course work, but this time it will not work." You had picked up one of the books, and tilted it towards his chest.
He took it from you with that same catty bearing, "Do not fear, I was raised an honest student. Besides as I have already said none of my teachers were so alluring that I had attempted to trifle with them before. Though, it also would have been completely inappropriate."
You shift towards him with a questioning air, "And yet now you deem it appropriate?"
He had inched closer to you, "I assume it normal for a partner to make romantic plays at their fiancée. Predominately, when they find them to be so fetching."
You had now dropped whatever taunting had been left in your tone, "Nothing about us is normal. I will not be swayed by mere sweet talking. This arrogant philanderer persona you have put on does little to attract or repel me. I will be back at the end of this week to discuss whichever of the books you have read, and answer any questions you may have. I will also have in more precise maps, and records brought in from home."
Loki's grin seemed to drop, and his voice too turned ridged, "I understand. I will work to hopefully surpass your expectations, your Highness."
You had given each other a last pointed look, the evaluation of one another had fully began. However, Loki broke out into another grin.
"So do you prefer giving tests, or would an essay be more to your taste?"
"Should have known I would find you reading."
Loki was suddenly startled out of his concentration, as he lifted his head out of the Álfheimr history book he had been reading. Frigga was standing near him with a plate of food.
"In spite of all the centuries that have passed, you still manage to skip dinner in favor of reading. Although, this many books seems excessive; even for you."
Loki gave his mother a grateful nod as he takes the plate from her hands, he truly had been so caught up with educating himself that he did not notice how time had blown past him.
"The crown princess had dropped them all off earlier. I suspect that if I am to be by her side I must demonstrate that I am useful. I appear to have gotten too wrapped up in educating myself."
Frigga gave him a knowing smile, "You were always a studious one, so hunger to prove yourself in anyway you could. It something I had endlessly admired about you, that you consistently pushed yourself to learn and excel in all ways you could." She bushed a hand soothingly through Loki's hair as she spoke, "At some point, though, I had worried that it would turn darker. That one day, your appetite would drive you down a despairing path, so I tried to foster that feeling towards meritorious adventures in our lessons together."
Frigga's hand stilled as she went silent for a moment, but before Loki could reply she continued, "Your father and Thor thought me foolish for having hope in you still. They had thought you were already too far gone in a venomous journey." She took a moment to glance over all the books scattered around, "Yet, I see you turning back to the way of the noble. The way I had known you to be."
Loki had felt this coming since he first spoke to his mother's projection in that cell. Now more than ever though, he had felt that hallowing in his chest intensify. He could not stand to break Frigga's heart anymore, not when she had still been the one person to have so much faith in him. He must not only fulfill his duties, but do so proficiently. No, he needed to be a better a man, if not for himself than for his mother. He would not sham his way out of this, he would not let himself disappoint her this time.
"Thank you, mother."
She smiled softly as her hands grazed over one of the books, "You're welcome. After all you seem to be heading to a land of light. Perhaps. one day you can thank me by allowing me to visit you there."
As you had promised, you'd returned later that week with another heap of learning material for Loki. This one, however, was smaller than the last.
"Princess, perfect timing. I had finished the last of the books yesterday night."
You had dropped everything onto the table with a small thump, and for a second a sense of shock overtook you.
"You finished all the books?"
He nodded pridefully, "Every single one, I must say I was not aware the light elves were so specialized in harvests and healing. I also had no idea you had already established connections to the Vanir gods."
You were honestly surprised that Loki had read all the books. Normally, someone would just skim through one or two. Given Loki's under handing history, you had expected him to do the same. Suddenly, you felt a small sense of shame for being so quick to assume and judge. It was multiplied when you had recalled your conversation with Frigga, you had promised to make your own mind up about Loki. Speaking of which he had picked up one of the books, and opened it up to a specific herb.
He has spoken in almost an enthusiastic tone at the discovery, "I mean, we have nothing like this in Asgard. Once the political alliance is set, we should really consider setting up more trade deals. It would also greatly boost Álfheimr, since they would be gaining more money to reinvest back into the economy through increased sales."
You had turned to him almost skeptically, "Did talk Frigga about that?"
Loki had turned back towards you with confusion, "Mother? No. What would she have to do with this?"
He had said it with such conviction, you had chosen to believe he truly did not. So, you sighed out, "That had been my exact proposal when I had first come to Asgard, and Frigga seemed to be the only one who agreed with me."
His gaze had now felt like it bore into you, "You had not originally come to Asgard for a political alliance?"
You shifted away dolefully, "No, simply a trade one."
That hallowing feeling in Loki's chest returned. He had genuinely felt sorry for you. It was not uncommon for realms to seek out advantageous connection for the next in line. He had assumed at the very least you had been seeking a marriage, and had just been unlucky to end up with him. It had felt much worse knowing you did not even want to wed either. But he pushed those feelings down before he could give them much thought. Because the more he considered them, the more he wanted to throw something out of frustration. He had felt more sorrow and empathy in his month of return than his entire lifetime. He did not know why this was happening, considering he had been born a beast. No amount of compunction could change that he was a vermin.
There air suddenly felt a little heavier, so you tried to joke, "Do not fret, I have no need your pity."
Luckily, Loki had played along, "I have no pity, you should consider yourself so blessed to be my betrothed."
You had rolled your eyes as sarcasm had taken over, "Careful if you are any more humble some might think you have chosen to become a virtuous monk."
He fiend offended, "Oh don't go sounding so happy princess, all your better suitors might think you actually enjoy being around me."
You scoffed, "Finally being left alone by men on the marriage mart might be the good thing about this engagement."
Loki seemed to find your answering entertain, "I take it no knights in shining armor have sparked your fancy?"
Your nose scrunched at the insinuation, "No. I'm not a damsel in distress."
"Truly tragic, how am I meant to woo you if you're not in need of saving? Guess you shall hate me for the rest of our days."
"I do not hate you, more so tolerate you. At the very least you are aware you have a brain, and make an effort to use it unlike some people."
Loki's signature grin overtook his face, and he leaned towards you, "Oh what's that? I think it almost sounded like a compliment."
You shoved him away, "Your ego is far too high for your own good."
He put a hand over his chest, "You wound me truly, and here I thought we were getting so close."
You held out a rolled up map towards him, "There is still much for you to learn."
The first thing that struck Thor as off was the manor at which Loki conducted himself at the dinner table. Rather than gloat the moment he was freed from his cell, Loki had not even shown up. Which was strange since given his brother's nature one would expect a prideful monologue about his ability to always come back. A complaint about how unjust his punishment was, while taking a jab at their father's own bloody past. Instead when Loki did show up, he was silent. It was almost as though he was a mere ghost passing through the room, and the only person he had not phased through was their mother. Thor had thought he would surely parade around the castle in his new found freedom, raining some kind of new havoc that would be just enough to cause a stir, but not enough to actually get him in any sort of trouble. Yet, he stayed completely out of sight lurking Norns know where. Honestly, at some points Thor had forgotten Loki had been freed of his cell all together.
Furthermore, Loki had yet to try arguing his way out his engagement. When Loki showed up to dinner, Thor had already braced himself for a screaming match between Loki and their father. Nothing ever came though. He had not even attempted to slither his way off of Asgard, or out of the marriage. In fact, last Thor saw of him, he was reading a book on Álfheimr. Normally, Thor would have chalked it up to the fact Loki had finally had an opportunity to the throne, but paired with the recent change in demeanor; he had known something deeper was going on. Now more than ever, Loki seemed to lean on their mother. Although, out of the two Loki had always been more of the mama's boy, he had actually been asking for advice rather than just helping develop his magic.
As he was taking his walk down to the training grounds, he had heard Loki's voice coming from the Library. Overtaken by curiosity he peered in to find you and Loki leaning over a map with various different books and stationary scattered around. Loki picked up a marker and drew a line across a section of the map, "If we build this new route through here, it will connect this outer village to the main city. The farmers will be able to better sell their produce for profit there."
You shook your head disapprovingly to his proposal picking up another marker to circle a section of the map, "This would prove to be problematic, although we would only be grazing by the edge of the forest the species that inhabit it are unpredictable. It would be best to find another way to avoid it all together."
Thor winced on your behalf, already awaiting his brother's rebuttals. Loki never did take kindly to others shooting down his ideas. Much to his dismay, Loki simply smiled and nodded "Very well, you're the expert here. I will look into Álfheimr's species, and see if there are ways to work around it."
Thor blinked for a moment, still not fully comprehending the sight. That is when he found Loki coming towards the door, only to see his brother's smile drop.
"Thor, to whatever do I owe the pleasure?"
Thor stared at him for a moment, completely dumbfounded at his quick change in demeanor. "I had been simply passing by when I heard your voice, it has been awhile since we last spoke."
Loki had seen you eyeing the two bothers curiously out of the corner of his sight. He put his hand on Thor's shoulder, and lead him away. Once they were a safe distance away from the library, they came to a halt.
Loki spoke with disinterest, "What is it you care to discuss?"
Thor looked confused, "You lead us away? To converse? Why?"
Loki looked bluntly back at him, "You're not an idiot you know why."
Thor had an idea, but he hesitated. "could it be the princess?" Loki just continued to stare at him as though it was obvious, and Thor was almost in disbelief. "You have never filtered yourself around anyone! You've always said such harsh and brass things without a care! You mean to make me believe you lead me out here, so the princess would not hear?"
Loki's tone bite back, "Excuse me for wanting to be cautious how my soon to be wife views me. I do have to spent the rest of my life with her you see."
Thor furrowed his brows, "You have changed."
Loki peered up now slightly agitated, "What?"
"You have become, I don't know, different. You are not picking arguments, not playing tricks, you... you admitted when someone else was right?!"
"Is this not what you and Odin wanted from me?! Nothing I ever do is good enough! Even when I follow what is asked of me, you still make a fuss about it!"
Thor's tone softened a bit, "I do not mean it in a negative way, change is not always horrid. I simply am taken aback by your recent behavior, I mean you would have opposed this marriage mere months ago."
Loki was able to better compose his nerves now that he didn't feel attacked. He could not disagree with Thor there, if this engagement had happened prior Loki would be livid. He cleared his throat, as he spoke trying to keep a monotone voice, "I made a promise to mother. I am not doing this for you or Odin. She's the only person who truly stands by me this entire time; I will not risk destroying that. I cannot- will not allow myself to fail, and break her heart once more."
This was the most honesty Thor had ever heard from the God of Lies. He knew Loki had been truthful, because their mother was one of the few things Loki held close to his heart. It was perhaps the only redline he was not willing to cross, lying on their mother's name. He had felt like he could see a glimpse of what kept their mother hoping for Loki's redemption. He patted Loki on the shoulder, "I dare admit I may have been too harsh in judgment, I can see the hope for good mother saw in you now. Continue on, and you are on the path to being a good man, brother."
As Thor walked off Loki stared into the distance, a good man? Perhaps everyone in this palace has lost their minds.
Loki had not clearly not noticed you still in the library when he came in a huff slamming the door behind you. You found it rather amusing the way his face pulled into a scowl.
You tried not to laugh, "My, someone's mood has turned rather sour."
Loki's head quickly turned towards you, as he tried to compose himself. He felt the small sting of embarrassment being caught in such a stir. "My apologies, I had not realized you were still in here."
You tried to suppress your amusement, but you could not resist the urge to poke a little fun at him, "Clearly. What's got you in such a fuss? Brothers' quarrel?"
Loki let out a frustrated sigh, "It's not that. Thor was just being, I don't know, entirely ridiculous. Truly! I cannot help but wonder if all that time on the training ground has caused him head damage. We should get the royal physician to check, really.
You hummed, "Perhaps, sometime on the training ground is what you need."
Loki let out a dry laugh, "Oh? Maybe if I had head damage too, I would finally be able to get what my brother was harping on about."
You tried to suppress a laugh since it would be quite rude, but it still managed to slip out, "No. I had meant that maybe it would help you blow off some steam."
Loki nodded, "I suppose that would be the more reasonable suggestion."
You grinned back, "Although, I must admit I am rather selfish. I had hoped to see Asgardian magic in action."
"Unfortunately for you, none of the soldiers can use combat magic."
"So only you can use it?"
"Yes, much to your disappointment I assume."
Except, you did not seem disappointed. Instead you had a look of mischief in your eyes, one that Loki recognized very well as a sign of no good. After all, he would know better than anyone else. You smiled, "Spar with me."
Loki's scowl had returned, "You know surely I cannot do that. You are the crown princess of Álfheimr!"
You had tensed as you frowned, "You will not fight me because of my gender? Do you assume because I am princess I cannot hold my own in combat."
Loki rolled his eyes, "I care not what your gender is, you are a royal guest of Asgard!"
You relaxed a little, "You will not fight me because of my standing?"
Loki gave you an obvious look, "Of course not! It would be dishonorable of me to do that to a guest."
Your mischievous smile had return, "As a royal guest of Asgard, I demand you spar with me."
Loki glared at you in disbelief, "Surely, you cannot be serious!"
You kept smiling, "Oh I am incredibly serious. In fact, I will consider it a great disrespect to my status for you to go against my command."
"You're using your status against me?!"
"Yes, well you had just used it against me as well."
"Princess, you cannot be serious. I mean-"
"I will be waiting by the private training grounds at 8 am."
You had swiftly made your way out the door, ignoring Loki's calls and protests. Tomorrow would be an interesting morning indeed.
However you had thought the morning was going to go, it was not this. After Loki had reluctantly agreed to fight you, he proved to be a much more serious opponent than you anticipated. Apparently, if he was going to be coerced into this sparring match, he was not going to take it lightly. It had gone on for what felt like forever, due to all his illusions. Although, they did not stand a chance against your light magic, which was able to help identify the true Loki, but they were energy consuming to fight nonetheless. Every time you had managed to capture him for a split moment, he would swiftly slip out. With every attempt it seemed he grow more guarded, and with those daggers of his, it became almost impossible to get into a close combat zone. When you had finally had the opportunity, you had tried to use light magic against the wrist you were holding. You did not foresee that this would end horribly, as you looked down to Loki's face. His lips tightened, and his breath seized as he let out a low concealed noise of pain. You had then turned your attention back to his wrist to find the area had been burned, and the surrounding skin took a pale blue. Loki's eyes followed yours, and widened once they met the sight. He had the same expression as a deer caught in head lights, but rather than stay in place, he left as fast as he could. You were given no excuse, and you stood there mind riddled with worry, but one pressing question on your mind. He should not have been badly burned by the attack, considering he is an Asgardian. No, in order for it to be that painful he would have to be sensitive to the cold. It was as though, everything had clicked in that moment. His strained relationship with Odin, why the Odin married him off so easily, the conversation you overheard in the garden, it had all added together. You had began to move without even thinking about, you just knew one thing; you had to find Loki.
Loki was about to snap at whoever had the audacity to step into his private chambers, he was not expecting it would be you.
"What are you doing here?"
You looked down at his arm, "That's quite a nasty burn, I'm sorry."
You had reached out to grab it, but he flinched away. You had still grabbed it, using your healing magic on the burn. He starred at you in shock, "What are you doing? Surely, by now you must've realized."
You seemed unimpressed, "That you're a Jotun? Yes, well that is a pretty shade of blue. Shame it burns so easily."
He took in a sharp breath, "You... why aren't you running away? I'm a monster! You know that!"
"Having blue skin, and red eyes doesn't exactly automatically make you a monster."
He pressed his lips into a thin line, "I've murdered serval Midgardains, and my own birth father."
You stilled for a moment as you stared deeply into his eyes, "Do you regret it?"
He was silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. That was all you needed to know, and you continued, "A real monster would not regret it."
He pulled back, "You just don't fully understand it."
Your brows furrowed together, "I cannot begin to understand if you do not permit me to do so."
"Perhaps, it is better that way. Perhaps, I do not wish for you to understand!"
"Why? So you could stay forever distain from me? Do you really think I am so vile?!"
"No, because you would think me vile!"
Both of stood in place unable to move from
the weight of the conversation. You had never known silence could be as loud as it is now. Loki broke it after a moment, sounding and seeming utterly defeated, "If you understand what I truly am, you will undoubtedly be as revolted as the rest."
Your tone had carried an almost offended undertone, "Do you think so low of me? If I had thought was the rest have, I would have never approached you as I did. Loki I do not think you as even disagreeable, let alone revolting."
He scoffed, "You should, to think of me in any other manor will only disappoint me. As it has my mother and brother."
Your tone soften now, losing its sharp edge, "Yet they still love you. They come back every time. They something in you, that makes it worth forgiving. That cannot be without reason, please allow me the chance to glimpse at what they see in you."
He ran a hand through his hair, "You infuriate me!"
You had suddenly grown sharper again, "I infuriate you?!"
"Yes! You are utterly maddening!"
"You're the one who is maddening! Pushing me away when I am just trying to understand you! To maybe, just maybe try to grow to love someone who's supposed to be my future husband!"
"That is impossible because I no longer even understand myself!"
Loki had entirely dropped. His shoulders fell, his face turned downward, it seemed like his body collapsed in on itself. Like it took the last of all his strength to remain standing. His voice was nothing but completely tired, "You... you unravel me. You leave me completely bare, my core exposed to you. No matter how much I try to lie, fool, distract, you're completely immune. I cannot trick you, I have to be honest. It makes me feel so vulnerable. On top of it, my nature does not push you away, regardless of how much it should."
He had looked up at you with the most exposed look on his face, "Why haven't you left? Why don't I want you to leave? Why do you hold my thoughts captive? Why do you make me want to try to be an honest man?"
You had moved to place your hand on his face, now mere inches from him. "I do not know, but we can figure it out together. Just let me in."
He didn't speak any words, and for a moment you had thought he would push you away once more. Instead, he had leaned in. Softly placing his lips on yours. An unspoken promise to try.
#marvel#fanfic#x reader#loki laufeyson#loki odinson#marvel loki#mcu loki#loki x reader#loki fanfic#thor odinson#mcu frigga#odin allfather#marvel mcu#mcu fandom#mcu#mcu fanfiction#marvel x reader#marvel x you#marvel fanfiction#marvel fandom#loki x you#loki#reader insert#fan fiction#fan fic writing#norse mythology#marvel studios#arranged marriage
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Malleus realizing feelings + confession.
I've seen so many different headcanons of how he would confess but here is my personal take
Malleus is been going on nightly walks with you, and opened up about his loneliness. Getting really close to you (some thing Sebak was extremely against but what he doesn't know won't hurt him).
So imagine his confusion when his heart starts beating especially quickly when you get to close.
Is this what child of men call 'heart attacks'? is he endangered? Should he be worried? so he says bye and just poofs out of there
"Sorry child of man I must go, I'm not feeling well."
"Oh well is there anything i can he-" and he's gone.
Lilia is so confused when he hears Malleus call him in a tone mixed with confusion, panic, and concern, wasn't he on the walk with the magic-less perfect he seems to have taken a liking too?
Malleus is pale complexion makes the pink-y/red hue on his face far too noticeable.
Ah, he can already connect the dots here.
"I was fine really but they stubbled closer to me and suddenly my heart is going double? triple? it's pace. Of course i'm not sure what sickness they could've given me, but surely this is not normal."
Lilia is trying so hard not to laugh, this is a serious moment. The crown prince/future king, and more importantly- one of the children he's worked hard to raise has found a love interest. So he's going to try his best to help- after all he's been around long enough to know that romantic feelings and relationships should be handled with care.
"Malleus, have you considered you may have romantic feelings for the perfect?"
Malleus literally freezes. Just stops completely.
For who??????
Malleus.ext has stopped processing, refresh and try again later.
A million thoughts all at once
When? Where? How? Why? Is he allowed it? Can a fae even gain romantic feelings? Will they go away? Will they grow stronger? Can you notice? Have you known and not said anything? Do you like Malleus? See him as anything more than a friend? Do you even consider him a friend? Do you just tolerate him? Do you secretly share the same view point as everyone else about him and have been hiding?
The last thought left a bad taste on in his mouth. The idea of you even mildly disliking him made him want hide away. Is that normal for when a person has romantic feelings?
Lilia notices Malleus is change in attitude.
"Malleus? Are you feelings alright?"
"Yes? Maybe? No, no i don't think i am."
"Okay, maybe take a breathe. Having romantic feelings isn't the worst thing that could happen."
Malleus finds himself in the library reading books about romantic feelings and relationships, subconsciously making a checklist to see if he really does have feelings for you.
Finding the other person attractive: yeah, he'd found you more appealing than others.
Wanting to be around the person more: yes, he always found himself wanting to spend time with you.
Feeling happier around the person: of course he felt happy around you.
As he kept going through questions you'd find on the back of a teen girl magazine his head was spinning.
He had a crush on you.
Oh dear.
He didn't really know how it approach it at first
Lilia told him to "go for it" and "court the perfect if you want to be with them"
As he thought about it, a romantic relationship with you seemed... lovely.
He began to crave it, to want you to have feelings for you back.
So he decided to court you.
You were confused at first, not knowing whatever... this was that he was doing
After all one night he disappears middle of your walk, and then various nights later is giving you what is seemingly expressive jewelry.
On the third night he offered you jewelry, you said something that shattered his world.
"Malleus I can't accept this-"
To you what was simply being polite, and not accepting crazy priced gifts was to Malleus a rejection.
So he pouted, and once again disappeared without warning.
When Lilia saw Malleus upset, speaking about how the perfect does not reciprocate his feelings, he knew something was up.
Lilia wasn't an idiot he knew you liked Malleus, so he needed to know what was going on.
When you saw Lilia at your door the next day, you jumped at the chance to get answers
"Do you know why is Malleus has been acting so strange?"
"Because you rejected him."
"I didn't reject him?"
"But he was courting you, and you didn't accept his advances?"
"Courting me? Since when?!"
"Oh! you humans court differently. You see when a dragon fae wants to court someone they usually give them precious gems, and rocks."
"So when I didn't want to take it..."
"He thought you were rejected his romantic advances."
Once it had set in, you put a plan into motion.
Later that day you showed up at the Diasomnia dorm.
Sebek wanted to kick you out upon sight, but Lilia and Silver held him down so you could go speak to Malleus.
Upon seeing you he was happy at first, then heartbroken.
"Malleus I have something to gift you."
His ears perked up.
He stared down at the rock with a painted heart on it in your hands with curiosity.
"I couldn't find a precious gem on such short notice, but I hoped this would temporarily suffice in allowing me to court the great dragon prince."
He had never felt so happy.
It's now his new prized possession, next to Gao-Gao Drakon-Kun.
#fanfic#malleus fluff#twst malleus#malleus draconia#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland malleus#twst fanfic#twst fluff#malleus x y/n#malleus x reader#fluff fic#fan fiction#tooth rotting fluff#brainrot
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The Story of Us, Nagi x reader (drabble)
of the bllk x swiftie fans such as myself, SPEAK NOW IS COMING!!!, so you can't be in a happy relationship when that album comes out
You've been dating your boyfriend Nagi for two years now, and you are absolutely in love with him. However you have a big favor to ask of him, as you both cuddle on the couch watching Haikyuu.
"Hey Nagi."
He hums in response, and turns his head to look at you showing he is listening.
"I have a favor to ask of you."
"What is it?"
"Okay first of I want you to know that I really really love, care, and would give anything for you."
"I love you too, but what is it?"
"And I always want to be with you, okay promise you'll remember that."
"Okay I will, what is it? You're kinda freaking me out."
"It's a really big favor."
"I kinda got that already, but what do you want me to do?"
"When Speak Now Taylor's Version comes out I need you to break up with me for a few hours."
He looked incredibly confused, it was adorable.
"Well I need to be able to cry as I scream-sing to the heart wrenching songs on there."
"No, I'm not breaking up with you when Speak Now tv comes out sorry."
"But how am I going to scream Story Of Us, Haunted, or Last Kiss at the top of my lungs with heart ache when I'm in a happy committed relationship."
"Well we can scream Enchanted, Mine, or Sparks Fly together."
"You're right, but Dear John."
"Break up, only for two hours?"
"An hour?"
"30 minutes?"
"No. We don't break up at all, and I buy you some of the merch."
"Deal, but you have to listen to the album with me."
"I was going to anyway."
"Nagi Seishiro have I made you a swiftie?"
"I guess you have."
#fanfic#blue lock#blue lock fluff#blue lock nagi#nagi fluff#nagi seishiro#nagi x reader#bllk nagi#nagi bllk#nagi blue lock#seishiro nagi#bllk fluff#bllk drabble#bllk x reader#bllk fic#bllk imagines#blue lock fic#fluff drabble#fluff headcanons#fluff imagine#fluff hcs#bllk headcanons#bllk hc#bllk x you#nagi x y/n#seishiro nagi x reader#nagi x you#nagi imagines#nagi drabble#bllk fanfic
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Meet the Parents, Nagi x reader (drabble)
You feel incredibly nervous meeting your boyfriend's parents. Mentions of reader wearing a dress, but i believe those are gender neutral.
It was a regular Friday afternoon while you were hanging out together with your boyfriend at his apartment, and he had gotten a call from his mother. When he came back he sat next to you, looking like he was contemplating something for a moment.
"Hey (y/n) are you free tomorrow?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Well we've been dating for a year, and my mom says she really wants to meet you."
You knew this was long overdue seeing as Seishiro had met your own family months ago, but you couldn't help feeling nervous.
"Okay, yeah, let's go I guess it is time I met them."
That was easier to say the day before as you look at yourself in the mirror questioning if you look appropriate, you smooth down your dress like the thousandth time. Now you question whether the blue plaid dress is appropriate for the dinner with them. Nagi walked up behind you wrapping his arms around you, and hugging you.
"Don't worry love. You look absolutely stunning, and they'll love you."
"How can you be so sure of that."
He turns you to face him, as he pulls you closer, and cups your face.
"Because I know you, and I know them. Plus my parents are pretty chill. I love you, so it's impossible they don't."
"But what if they think I'm not good enough for their son?"
He pulled you into a soft kiss.
"Trust me you have nothing to worry about, because you're far more than good enough for me."
"Thank you, I really needed that. I love you."
"Love you too, now come on."
When you finally arrived at the Nagi residence you gave Seishiro's hand a squeeze before he knocked. You felt yourself feel more calm as you were met with a warm smile from Mrs. Nagi.
"Hello Mrs. Nagi, thank you for inviting me over to your house."
"It's our pleasure to have you, I get to finally meet the (y/n) Seishiro has told me about."
Seishiro was right, you had nothing to worry about after all. You seemed to get along fine with his family, and they seemed to actually like you. By the end of the night you had felt happy that you got along with his parents well.
"Seishiro, I really like this one. Don't blow it."
Seishiro turned to you with soften eyes as you blush.
"I'll try my hardest not too."
#fanfic#blue lock#blue lock fluff#blue lock nagi#fan fiction#fluff headcanons#nagi drabble#nagi x reader#nagi blue lock#nagi bllk#bllk nagi#nagi x you#nagi x y/n#seishiro nagi#nagi seishiro#bllk imagines#bllk x reader
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Home is Where the Heart is, Nagi x Reader (drabble)
When Nagi is left to cat sit for you. He realizes you that his apartment is emptier than he thought. Pro player!Nagi x College student!Reader
You had gone out of town to visit your grandparents for the weekend, which brings Nagi to his current predicament. The two little green eyes meeting his grey ones as the small black fur ball meows at him.
Nagi was usually very lazy, it's a miracle he agreed to do it. Keeping him and Choki alive was a hassle enough, but seeing you so worried about finding a cat sitter last minute made him agree to take care of the small creature for you.
It seemed easy enough, it was for only for two days. He had all the supplies, list of feeding times, a clean litter box he probably wouldn't have to clean, and all of your cats favorite toys. So he softly pet, and pick up the cat like he'd do visiting your apartment.
When you'd gotten back from your trip, you had gone to Nagi's apartment. However after him not opening up the door after knocking three times, you used the hidden spare key he left in front of his door.
You had wondered around looking for where he could be, and finally found Nagi in his room fast asleep with your cat curled into his side also sleeping. You took out your phone quickly snapping a photo of the two.
You walked over shaking Nagi's shoulder softly waking him up. Once the sleepiness wore off he slightly smiled at the sight of you. He whispered a small 'welcome back' as he leaned in to kiss you, and you gladly complied kissing him back.
"How was cat sitting? hope it wasn't too much of a hassle."
"Hmm I enjoyed it, not as hard as I thought."
"Is that so?"
"Might wanna keep 'em 'round."
"Too bad, I'm here and it's time to go home."
There was a silence for a moment as it Nagi was thinking of something.
"This could be your home."
You look at Nagi as if waiting for him to elaborate.
"You should just move in, after all it's close enough to your college. You could also stop worrying about having to pay both rent and tuition, and I'm sure you wouldn't want your child to miss their father."
"Nagi, I love you. However I don't want this to be a sudden decision you're making half asleep, because it is a big step."
"I realized that Choki and I are lonely, and I want to wake up to you every morning. Also I enjoy having this little fur ball curled up on my lap while gaming."
You still looked a little hesitate, not because you wouldn't absolutely love moving in with Nagi, but because you didn't want it to be a sudden thing.
"(y/n) even if you don't live here, you're my home. It'd just be better if my home was in my house."
"You're my home too, what's that they say? Home is where the heart is."
He dragged you down onto the bed, and pressed you into him in a cuddle. He left a forehead kiss, as the cat cuddled with the two of you.
"mm, look at our little family. You have to move in."
"Guess I do, but we're going to have to plan a few more things out."
"Don't want to think 'bout that right now, just wanna think 'bout seeing you everyday."
#fanfic#blue lock#blue lock fluff#blue lock nagi#nagi fluff#nagi seishiro#nagi imagines#nagi blue lock#nagi x you#nagi x y/n#nagi x reader#bllk nagi#nagi bllk#bllk headcanons#bllk fluff#bllk imagines#seishiro nagi x reader#seishiro nagi#fluff drabble#fluff fic#fan fiction#bllk x reader#bllk x y/n#bllk x you#bllk drabble#fluff headcanons#nagi headcanons#blue lock headcanons#self indulgence at its finest#i love him
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Cause I'm a Jealous Jealous Jealous Boy.
Nagi Seishiro x gender neutral!reader, how he acts when he gets jealous
It's not often that Nagi is jealous
But when he is, expect for him to cling to
When a person gets a little too handsy, or flirty for comfort Nagi simply snacks his arms around your waist and lays his head on your shoulder
He doesn't say anything he doesn't feel the need to, just stares at the person
He stays in that position until the person gets the message, and leaves
After that he doesn't just let you go though, he clings to you for the rest of time
Nagi's football career had taken off, and he has so many boring formal events to attend as a 'public figure'. One thing that makes it better though is having you by his side. You make it all the more tolerable, and you always look so stunning all dressed up.
One think he hated though was when he was stuck in a conversation with someone he didn't want to have one with, and he felt so much relief when he finally got out of it. What he hated even more was the sight of some big shot actor clearly trying to flirt with you. Nagi never really felt true jealousy until he met you, because he's never felt what he feels for you with anyone else.
It's like every fiber in his body screamed 'don't look at him, look at me. Don't talk to him, talk to me. Don't spend time with him, spend it with me.' Instead of lashing out however, Nagi stayed true to his pacifist ways. He quietly walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist looking up at the man.
You knew it was Nagi. Not only because of his familiar scent of sandalwood, but because of the familiarity of his tall figure bending down to put his face into the crook of his neck. The smell of his conditioner as his white brushed passed your face. As the man looked between the two of you.
"Who might you be?"
"As I was trying to tell you earlier, he's my boyfriend Nagi Seishiro. You might know him if you're into football, I came here for him tonight."
The conversation slowly died down, and Nagi felt a slight ego boost at his defeated looking. That's right your heart already belongs to him, and he's never been prouder of it.
#fanfic#blue lock#blue lock fluff#blue lock nagi#nagi blue lock#bllk nagi#nagi bllk#nagi imagines#nagi fluff#nagi seishiro#seishiro nagi#seishiro nagi x reader#nagi x y/n#nagi x you#nagi x reader#nagi drabble#bllk fluff#bllk x y/n#bllk x reader#bllk x you#blue lock fanfiction#blue lock fic#fluff fic#fluff drabble#bllk imagines#jealousy#bllk fic#i love him#fictional men#fan fiction
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Bf!Nagi brainrot
The fact that Nagi barely talks to anyone, and keeps the same expression 90% of the time has led people to believe he isn't that affectionate
This is absolutely wrong
Nagi loves clinging to you like a kola
Or he'll lay next to you or in your lap like a house cat
He is astronomical, horrendously, terribly down bad for you
He gets upset if you deny him affection
He is 6'3 and muscular then entirely drapes himself over you
"Sei can you get off of me, you're kinda crushing me right now"
Will proceed to look at you as if you've done something blasphemous
How dare you betray him in such a way
The man literally cannot stand going 24 hours without your affection
Every time he was away at Blue Lock felt like hell
It wasn't that bad
He will over exaggerate in order to try to guilt you into giving him more affection
He brought a little plushie you gave him with him to Blue Lock for support
He's just a huge cuddle bear
Not to mention he is touch starved without you or Reo
Please just give him affection
#fanfic#blue lock#blue lock fluff#blue lock nagi#nagi bllk#nagi blue lock#bllk nagi#bllk x y/n#bllk x you#bllk imagines#bllk fluff#bllk x reader#bllk#blue lock x y/n#blue lock fanfiction#blue lock x reader#blue lock x you#bllk headcanons#bllk drabble#blue lock imagines#blue lock drabbles#bllk fic#nagi seishiro#seishiro nagi#nagi fluff#fluff drabble#fluff headcanons#fluff hcs#bllk hc#bllk fanfic
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Kiss Stained Skin
Nagi x Reader, in which you end up kissing your boyfriends face with lipstick on after seeing the cute tiktok trends.
You thought the new tiktok trend where people would cover their boyfriends face in kiss marks left by their favorite lipgloss or lipstick was adorable. Apart of you couldn't help but wonder how Nagi would look painted with kisses in your favorite lipstick shade.
So you decided to try to put your theory to the test. You tried to lightly lift Nagi off your lap to which he was resting his head on as sleepily playing video games. He groaned, and tried to get you to stay. However you simply said you'll be back in a minute, and headed to your shared bedroom
You carefully applied some of your lipstick on, making sure to apply enough that you can get a decent amount of stamps onto Nagi. Smiling happily you made your way back to the living room, and sat back down onto the coach as Nagi returned his head to your lap.
You ran your hands through his hair as you waited for him to finish the round of the game he was playing. Once he was done, and the green screen with 'victory' flashed up you called Nagi's attention. Once he tilted his head up at you, you leaned down and kiss him.
He accepted the kiss contently. When it comes to affection Nagi is quite like a domestic house cat, always accepting and searching for physically affection as a way to express love and comfort. He takes any forms of affection from you like a sponge, soaking it up with no complaints.
That's why he sits there, and let's you carefully cup his cheeks moving his head around as you plaster kisses everywhere. He enjoys sitting there, and bathing in all the love you're giving him. When you're down you look down, and giggle a bit.
Nagi does look quite adorable like this. In contrast to his pale skin, the colorful kiss marks stick out in the best way. You can't help but lean down, and give him one more on the top of his nose. He looks at you with eyes filled with confusion, as you have a little giggling fit and he notices your smeared lipstick.
You open your phone camera to show Nagi the way you've painted his face, but he doesn't seem to mind. He lets you take pictures of him. He actually likes being covered in mini temporary tattoos of your love. Once you're done getting your fill of pictures (and making one of them you're new lock screen.) He sits up, and returns the favor of kisses.
He avoids your lips, saving them for last. As he presses soft feathered kisses to the rest of your face. Finally after what feels like a forever wait, he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips. He proceeds to give you a few more.
When he gets his fill, he shoved his face into the crock of your neck cuddling into it. There he also leaves a soft kiss before dragging you onto the couch to lay down. You smile as you ask him when he plans of getting up to remove the lipstick. He huffs, and proceeds to ramble that it's too much of a hassle to deal with.
He'd much rather sit there with you in his arms exchanging kisses for hours. He finds it hard to move from the comfort, warmth, and loving feeling of the moment.
#fanfic#fluff headcanons#headcanon#x reader#bllk nagi#blue lock nagi#nagi fluff#nagi seishiro#seishiro nagi#blue lock#blue lock fluff#drabble#fluff drabble#tooth rotting fluff#fluff fic#bllk fluff#fan fiction#nagi x y/n#nagi x reader#nagi x you#bllk x you#so much fluff#best boy#self indulgent#he is my sunshine#i love him so much#nagi blue lock#nagi bllk#he is the loml#self indulgence time
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They Don't Know About the "I Love You"s (Nagi x reader)
In which pro athlete!Nagi is discovered to be in a relationship with you, and refuses to deny it.
Nagi's publicist always told him what to do, who to talk to, and how to act. He felt like aside from constantly having to keep up with his 'genius' soccer plays, he also had to keep an act that'll allow him his career.
Football had become one of the very few things that brought him passion, and the ability to make a more than steady income from something he enjoyed. However he found himself hating being in the spot light.
One thing that he looked forward to was coming home to you at the end of the day, and sitting there as you ran your hand through his hair whispering a 'you did good today' or 'I'm proud of you'. It was moments like those where he felt himself keeping pushing forward despite becoming tired of it all.
When Reo's on his ass about practice, when everyone is complaining about how his goals were no longer as 'genius' as they should be, when the crowd seems to find him not entertaining enough, it all fades to nothing in your presence.
Because you're the only one who never wants anything from Nagi. All you've ever asked for in exchange for all your understanding and affection, is that in return. The most beautiful part about it, is that loving you came easy to Nagi.
He was willing to put in 'work', but he rarely felt that it made him tired. In fact every moment spent with you feels like tons of weights have been lifted off of him. You know Nagi, and you've seen him at his worst yet you still found it in you to love him.
So he couldn't stand there, and let you simply take the pressure that the public suddenly threw at you. An article came out of the two of you on a picnic date in the park. It was titled 'Star Footballer Nagi Seishiro Not As Single As He Lets On?"
It sickened him to his stomach when he saw people saying that you weren't 'attractive enough', or seemed to not be 'good enough' to be dating him according to their standards.
It couldn't be further from the truth. In Nagi's eyes you were gorgeous, and if anything he didn't deserve you. Always putting up with him when he was unmotivated, or snapped at you for no reason at all.
When you'd seen the article didn't think anything of it, but people quickly were able to identify you. Millions of dms and commented flooded in, and not all of them were sweet. You tried to ignore them, but with so many it was hard until you went on private.
The next morning you'd woken to having been tagged in a post made by Nagi last night a million times. It was a photo from that picnic date, one where he was kissing your cheek. There was a caption under it, and it read 'more than perfect for me, i love you'.
You felt your heart swell as you smiled as you looked down to the Nagi sleeping soundly next to you. You ran a hand softly through his hair as he seemed to lean into your touch. You whisper out a small 'I love you' into the air, even though he couldn't hear.
#fanfic#blue lock#blue lock fluff#blue lock nagi#nagi fluff#nagi seishiro#nagi x reader#bllk nagi#seishiro nagi x reader#seishiro nagi#nagi bllk#nagi blue lock#nagi x you#nagi x y/n#nagi imagines#nagi drabble#bllk fluff#blue lock rin#bllk x reader#bllk x you#bllk x y/n#bllk drabble#bllk imagines#blue lock imagines#bllk fic#fluff headcanons#fluff drabble#bllk headcanons#bllk hc#fluff hcs
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I really like your nagi x itoshi!reader scenerio, can you make a part two where in the reader and nagi doing boyfriend girlfriend things and sae and rin finally saw it😄
This idea is super fun, i really like it! I personally thought of two scenarios so here they are. In first scenario mentions of fem!reader for this. Reader is also Rin's twin in this
Scenario one; your brothers came home to find out you and Nagi were hanging out home alone (they proceed to scold you)
The house was finally quiet for one moment. Your parents were away for the weekend, Sae had gone out to do you don't know what, and Rin was out practicing soccer. You really wanted to see Nagi, but you weren't in the mood to leave the comfort of your room so naturally you invited him over. This wasn't the first time Nagi came over, however it was usually you going to his apartment.
Since he lived alone Nagi's apartment was the better choice, considering the fact your brothers can get pretty loud arguing. So when you heard the doorbell ring you smiled widely going to greet Nagi at the door.You haven't seen him in two weeks due to both of you having midterms, and therefore you felt eager to finally spend time with him not over face time. You led Nagi upstairs to your room, where you were planning to watch the Hunger Games movies.
You paid no mind that half way through Catching Fire both your brothers had gotten home. You were to focused on the warmth that radiates off of Nagi, his fingers drawing little shapes on your hips, and the smell of sandalwood mixed with lavender fabric softer you'd missed. Cuddling with Nagi was always comforting, especially since he was taller and buffer than most practical engulfing you into him.
However your peace was ruined in moments as Rin aggressively swung open the door of your bedroom to ask you a question, and was met with a sight he certainly was not expecting.
"Hey (y/n) Sae and I are thinking of ordering take out-"
He stopped mid sentence to take in the sight in front of him, eyes shifting between the two of you before stopping to slightly glare at Nagi then returning back to you.
"What is he doing here?"
"I was bored, alone, and I haven't seen him in weeks so I invited him over."
"You invited him over? when you were home alone?!"
"No! What ew Rin it's not like that!"
"What is it like then (y/n)?!"
Sae made his way upstairs due to all the commotion going on.
"What are you two arguing about?"
"(y/n) decided to have her boyfriend over while she was home alone."
"No it's not like that! That's what I'm trying to explain we did nothing! We are just watching a movie."
Sae narrowed his eyes at Nagi.
"Why would you agree to come over, if you know no one was home? What were you intentions?"
"Because (y/n) asked me too, and I haven't seen her in awhile. I was just here cause I missed her."
"Is that so?"
"I don't trust that lukewarm idiot. Aren't there like rules against this? Shouldn't you be grounded?"
"No, mom and dad have let Nagi and I hangout alone."
Sae then spoke up.
"Why would they let you do that?"
"Because they trust me! Because they believe I can make my own smart decisions, and you two should also believe that! Rin and I are the same age Sae, so why do you always treat him like he's more mature? If anything you're both still the ones held up on a childish feud!"
"It's not that I trust Rin more than you, but I don't know Nagi well therefore I feel protective of my little sister who is with him alone."
Nagi wasn't really the confrontation type, but he felt as though he should step in as things were getting heated. He thought it'd be best to stop you before you said something you'd regret.
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I can assure you that I didn't come here to do anything... inappropriate with your sister. I'm just here because I missed my girlfriend, and wanted to have a date. If it makes you uncomfortable I can stop visiting when (y/n)'s home alone."
Sae narrowed his eyes at him. The pointed a finger at him.
"You with me, in the kitchen, alone. Rin can come if he wants"
Nagi got up, and followed Sae and Rin downstairs. Despite your protests that Nagi had nothing the prove, he felt this would be the most peaceful approach that would get things over with the fastest. He didn't even go through this much trouble meeting your parents for the first time.
After a few minutes Nagi returned upstairs, and proceeded to cuddle with you again. You looked up at him in contemplation.
"What did you say to them to get them to calm down?"
"mmh just told 'em the truth."
"Which is?"
"That you're smart enough to make your own choices, and I love you so I'll always respect them."
You smiled softly at your boyfriend, he always had a pacifist approach to things. You gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I love you too."
"Just so we are clear the door stays open!"
"Rin you ruined the moment!"
You take Nagi out with your brothers so they can all "meet" for the first time
Your brothers were undoubtedly some of the most important men in your life, but so was Nagi Seishiro your boyfriend. So you really wanted them to meet, and you were really hoping they would get along. Of course you knew they'd met in blue lock, but you didn't want them to meet as some of the people in your life closest to you. In order to achieve that you planned the perfect outing starting with brunch.
You sat at the table with Nagi by your side waiting for your brothers to show up. You put your head on Nagi's shoulder as you watched him play a shooter game of his phone. A few minutes later you heard Sae's voice as he walked into the restaurant, you smiled and waved them over. Once everyone was sat down you started introducing them- although you knew it wasn't necessary.
"Sae, Rin, as you know this is Nagi Seishiro, my boyfriend. Sei as you know these are my brothers Sae and Rin. I don't know what goes on in blue lock, but for today I want you both to forget about that. Today is a day where we are all getting along, because you're all very important to me."
Sae was the one to spark up conversation with Nagi first.
"So Nagi apart from football, what other things do you do?"
"I really like gaming, and I read lots of Manga."
"How'd you and (y/n) meet?"
"After the U-20 match."
Rin then spoke up glaring at you.
"Wait so when you were supposed to be there supporting your brothers, you instead were trying to get with my team mate?!"
"No! I did come there to support you and Sae, I even went to congratulate you on the team win after it's just I happened to bump into Nagi... really it's not my fault your teammates so cute."
"I did not pick my teammates. Nagi there are like rules to being on a team, like not dating your teammates sibling."
"Wait is that an actual rule."
Sae shook his head, as Nagi looked confused.
"No it's not, but maybe there should be."
"No there should not."
"Of course you say that, you're dating your twin brothers teammate."
"Technically I'm not on your team anymore."
"Okay guys let's just figure out what to get."
After everyone's food arrived Nagi took some of the strawberries out of his fruit salad, and put them on your plate. You look up at him.
"I know you like 'em more than me, so you can have 'em."
"Thanks Sei."
It was a small affectionate act, but it kept happening through out the day. When you were walking through the street your hand naturally reached out to Nagi's to hold. When you all got ice cream, you fed Nagi a bite of yours by holding it up to him. When you got cold Nagi gave you his jacket, stating he was wearing a hoodie under so it's fine. Your brothers were getting increasingly annoyed with the growing amount of pda. However the straw that broke the camels back was at the arcade. They played a few games, and Nagi won all of them. They knew he liked games, but not that he was this good at them.
"Oh my god Sei look. They're so cute!"
You were pointing to these fluffy penguin plushies that were white and pastel blue inside of the claw machines.
"Want me to win you one?"
Nagi didn't even need an answer as your eyes gained this sparkle of happiness to them. He walked over to the claw machine, and swiped the arcade card. After careful focus he ended up getting it first try handing it to you. Your eyes some how started shining even brighter.
"Thanks Sei, 'm gonna name him Shiro cause you won him."
You seemed to completely forget about your brothers as you leaned up, and gave Nagi a peak. Despite the fact that it was barely a second that your lips touched each other this finally cracked the two.
"Did we come here to get to know Nagi, or so we can just third wheel on your little date?"
Rin seemed incredibly annoyed as he stared daggers at the two of you. Sae just seemed bored of the whole ordeal.
"For once I agree with Rin. We already had brunch, and got beaten in a bunch of games. If you two want to stay on your date feel free to, but we're leaving."
"Oh sorry I kinda forgot you're both currently single losers with barely any life outside of soccer. See you at home."
Rin flipped you off, as Sae just rolled his eyes. You decided to get Boba with Nagi after the your brothers left (probably for the best because you ended up doing the cheesy sharing one cup with two straws in thing). As you both were sitting on a park bench side by side Nagi turned to you.
"Anything else you wanna do today?"
"Hmm, maybe you can give me a proper kiss now."
#fanfic#blue lock fic#bllk x reader#bllk fluff#bllk imagines#nagi blue lock#rin blue lock#sae blue lock#rin bllk#nagi bllk#sae bllk#blue lock nagi#blue lock rin#blue lock sae#nagi drabble#nagi x you#nagi x reader#nagi x y/n#itoshi rin#sae itoshi#itoshi sae#rin itoshi#seishiro nagi#nagi seishiro#nagi fluff#bllk nagi#bllk rin#bllk sae#blue lock fluff#blue lock
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'people can write whatever the fuck they want' and 'its good to approach writing about sensitive topics with some diligence and forethought' are statements which can and do coexist
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Nagi x Itoshi!Reader drabble
you have been dating Nagi for awhile now, but your brothers only seem to notice when you wear Nagi's Manshine jersey
You first saw Nagi at the U-20 game, and you couldn't help how your eyes were glued to him practically the whole game. Although you were trying to pay attention to your brothers, it didn't seem to work as they would naturally drift back to him. Then by some miracle when you were going to go find Rin after the game, you happened to bump into the tall, white-haired player. From there sparks flew. (He happened to be wearing a shirt of an anime you recognized- the conversation came naturally). You ended up completely forgetting about Rin (yes how awful of you), and ended up somehow getting Nagi's number.
From there the relationship took off, you officially started dating after the players got a break from the Blue Lock Neo Egoist League. You were pretty smitten for Nagi, and it didn't take long for the relationship to get more serious. Fast forward a few more months, and the two of you have been dating for six months now. This brings to your current predicament of Sae and Rin standing in front of you glaring daggers into your soul. It's not like you tried to hide your relationship with Nagi. In fact it would've been very easy to notice if they weren't always so caught up in their petty rivalry. You had worn Nagi's clothing around the house, you'd been on face time with him in the living room, you had talked about Nagi to your mother at dinner right next to them, you had said the phase 'my boyfriend' multiple times, and so really it wasn't your fault they never realized.
"Why are you wearing a Manshine city jersey?" Sae questioned you first he gave you an accusing look, what was he accusing you of you weren't even sure.
"Because it's Nagi's jersey." You answered as if it was obvious, because it should've been.
"Why are you wearing Nagi's Jersey?" Rin was the next to question, because what did you want with the jersey of that tall lukewarm loser.
"Because he's my boyfriend. You guys should know this." The room was filled with silence, until Rin spoke up again.
"When did you even start dating that lukewarm no body?"
"Six months ago. What is wrong-"
"You've been dating someone for six months, and didn't tell us?" Sae immediately cut you off
"No, I did tell you, multiple times in fact. You two have both been too busy in a petty feud to notice."
You got up, and walked away shaking your head as both your brothers protested your words. What was it Nagi always said, 'tis such a pain.
pt.2 to this post (i'm still figuring out how to use tumblr pls give me tips)
#fanfic#nagi fluff#nagi x reader#nagi seishiro#nagi blue lock#nagi bllk#fluff drabble#blue lock fluff#blue lock#blue lock nagi#seishiro nagi#bllk nagi#rin itoshi#sae itoshi#nagi imagines#nagi drabble#sae itoshi x reader#blue lock rin#blue lock sae#sibling reader#blue lock sae itoshi#blue lock rin itoshi#bllk rin#bllk sae#fan fiction#blue lock fanfiction#blue lock drabbles#bllk drabble#bllk x reader#nagi x you
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@hihelloheyhowdy Okay, well, I wondered if you would like to write headcanons for Shoto with a S/O that writes songs as a hobby and they sing really well too. But the songs are the most toe-curling, gut-wrenchingly sad songs. Oh, and also, how he would react to a partner with a very loud and infectious laugh.
I love this headcanon so much
when you guys got together Todoroki knew you had some hard experiences in your life
he didn't judge, his past wasn't exactly a perfect tv-show childhood
however that doesn't stop the wave of sadness when he reads the lyrics to some of your songs
he's proud of you for finding a way to express yourself
reminds you he is always there if you need comfort
is stunned at how beautifully you can use your words in writing lyrics
he think you make even something so heart wrenching sound so melodic
he however doesn't understand why someone as wonderful as you, would have to have gone through a horrible thing
Todoroki doesn't laugh much- especially in public
However he finds himself smiling whenever you laugh
He think it sounds so pretty
would give anything to have it on reply
and it is always on reply in the back of his mind
when you two are alone together, he finds himself laughing more
he just loves hearing you laugh, and seeing you smile, and basically everything about you.
after reading your lyrics, and seeing how you can still smile and laugh so brightly he finds himself promising to make sure you won't be hurt any further, and that you'll keep smiling like that.
when you do feel ready to open up beyond letting him read the lyrics, he'll be there ready to (attempt to) comfort you in anyway you need
sorry it isn't long, this has been sitting in my drafts for months, and life's been a mess. Hope you can still enjoy this though.
#fanfic#bnha todoroki#shoto todoroki#mha shouto todoroki#shoto todoroki headcanons#todoroki shouto#bnha fanfiction#bnha fluff#shortandsweet#fluff headcanons#bnha headcannons#shoto headcanons#shoto torodoki#todoroki fluff
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Nagi head canons (mentioned afab reader in last part! mentions of pregnant reader!)
bf!nagi who makes an effort to get along with everyone in your family/chosen family because he knows how much they mean to you.
bf!nagi who loves seeing you in his clothes, because they are almost always big on you somehow.
bf!nagi who is always clingy, and needs to be touching you in some way always.
bf!nagi who always say things are "bothersome", but always puts in effort for you.
bf!nagi who invites you to watch every game, because it makes him play better.
bf!nagi who says you're his good luck charm so you have to come to his game.
bf!nagi who used to hate pet names, but loves calling you 'angel' 'pretty' 'love' or 'darling'
bf!nagi who always gets flustered when you compliment him, because he's still not used to it.
bf!nagi cuddles a little plushie you gave him when he's away at out of country games.
bf!nagi that loves the nicknames of 'sei' or 'shiro' that you call him by, and makes it clear no one other than you can refer to him by that.
bf!nagi who will do anything no matter how 'bothersome' it is, because he loves the smile on your face.
bf!nagi who just knew he was in love with you when he was at the U-20 game, and saw you in the crowd cheering for him as loud as possible. After missing you for so long away at blue lock.
bf!nagi who ignores anyone bringing up your past because he knows he's the last man you'll ever be with
fiancée!nagi who asks permission from everyone closest to you before proposing.
fiancée!nagi who has always known he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but just couldn't wait any longer.
fiancée!nagi who needs everything to be perfect when he proposes to you, not because he thinks you'll say no if it's not, but because he thinks it what you deserve
fiancée!nagi who can't wait to spend the rest of his life married to you.
fiancée!nagi who is now a pro-player, and doesn't mind spending as much money as needed for you to have your dream wedding.
fiancée!nagi who stands at the alter watching you walk down, and thinks about how lucky he is that he is about to become your husband.
husband!nagi who is obsessed with hearing you call him your husband the first few weeks your married, and to call you his spouse/wife/husband.
husband!nagi who takes you on your dream honeymoon trip.
husband!nagi who never truly got out of the 'honeymoon' phase.
husband!nagi who always talks about you with so much love, and adoration.
husband!nagi who kisses his wedding band, and looks for you in the crowd after scoring a goal.
husband!nagi never gets tired of loving you, or receiving love from you.
dad!nagi who almost cried of joy when he found out you were pregnant.
dad!nagi who treats you like glass when pregnant, despite being lazy almost refusing to let you lift a finger.
dad!nagi who rarely cries, but cried when holding his daughter for the first time.
dad!nagi who learned how to do your daughters favorite hair styles, and helps her pick outfits in the morning.
dad!nagi who watches your daughter, and says 'can we have another one?'.
dad!nagi who doesn't care about the gender, and loves your kids the same regardless.
dad!nagi who rarely cries but again cried just as much when he holds his son for the first time.
dad!nagi who pays for the best possible doctors while you're pregnant, the best schools, and the best of anything for his family.
dad!nagi who's heart swells with joy when his kids say his their favorite football player.
dad!nagi who drops his kids off at school before morning practice.
dad!nagi who looks for his family in the stands before every game.
dad!nagi who can't believe how lucky he got when he comes home every afternoon to his family.
#blue lock#nagi seishiro#blue lock nagi#blue lock fluff#brain rot#headcanon#fluff headcanons#fanfic#fan fiction#nagi x reader#nagi fluff#i've missed him#i've been thinking about it#i've been busy#he is so pretty#he is my everything#he is babygirl#i love him#he is not real#fictional men
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we need more chubby y/ns!! we need more poc y/ns!! we need more y/ns that arent just females!! we need more y/ns that arent just super skinny blonde white girls!!
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Dating Shoto Todoroki Headcanons (including photos and songs)
a/n: reader is a hopeless romantic, some ooc, Todoroki loves Sanrio, gender neutral reader, afab reader for photos (i'll make an amab version of the photos if i get a request)
Category one; the written
Todoroki is the type to want to try every love language to see what he feels fits him best since he didn't express much love as a child nor did he express it
he then gets really into those diy gifts and small meaningful ones
cute origami paper rings, those cute paper records with spotify codes of love songs stuck to the back, ext.
would buy you random tiny things that made him think of you, like a keychain of your favorite tv show character, or a tiny plushie of your favorite animal, or even just some cute pens he thought you'd like to use
definitely the type to get you flowers and keep one from the bouquet to know when it's time to get you new ones
buys you expensive jewelry for your anniversaries, funded by Endeavor's black card of course
loves when you gift him things back
if you made him bracelets he would wear them every. signal. day.
they will never come off you can't convince him to take them off
the only time he does is to use his quirk so they don't get burned/frozen
other than that he will literally have to die and even then you'll have to unmend them from his decaying corpse
type to get matching jewelry like necklaces (less likely to be damaged by his quirk)
would get matching ear piercings, you guys get matching earrings, and he pisses his father off it's two wins in one.
quality time but he would be way too busy however since you're both students at UA you still get to see each other and hangout after at the dorms
his acts of service are things like helping one another with homework/training, helping with cleaning, making sure you eat, stay hydrated, and get enough rest
definitely the type to try to help you sleep anyway he can if you have sleep issues and need comfort (although it's a little awkward at first cause he doesn't know what to do)
struggled at first with wording when it came to affirmations but has gotten used to randomly whispering sweet nothings or writing them on little notes he'll leave in your dorm/bag
examples "i love you" "you look pretty today" "you did a really good job in training today i'm proud of you" ext.
he also will compliment you from time to time
call him pretty.
he will ABSOLUTELY love it, he's so used to people saying things like he's handsome and attractive but he's never heard really heard pretty, and especially likes it when it comes from you
blink and you'll miss the blush the lined his cheeks the first time you called him that
he will literally accept no other form of compliments on his appearance from then on
will literally text you a photo of his outfit followed by a "is this pretty?"
and when you start calling him "pretty boy" specifically "my pretty boy" he will have an internal crisis
just yes.
he is yours, you think he is pretty, he is your pretty boy
his brain chemistry is suddenly altered and in order to survive he needs you to call him your pretty boy every two business days
he NEEDS to be touching you in some way shape or form if you're next to each other, he is the absolute CLINGIEST but in the cutest way possible
not the biggest fan of pda tho so it's small things
intertwined pinkies before training as a promise to be safe
hand holding when walking together
hand on your knee/thigh or around your waist under tables
rubs your calf if you're seating behind him with you're leg stretched out
head on your shoulder and vice versa
rubs your shoulders when he is standing behind you
if you're alone he'll wrap his hands around your waist
he is also an AMAZING cuddler
will literally cuddle in whatever position he doesn't care, little spoon, big spoon, pretzel, sweethearts cradle, honeymoon hug, chest rest, he doesn't care he likes the comfort
def keeps you warm/cool with the help of his quirk depending on the weather
he just adores holding you as close as possible, he feels safe and loved, and he knows you're safe and with him and he can express his love to you in this way
loves it when you play with his hair while he's sleepy, especially if he has his head on his on your lap like it's so nice
he will literally feed into your pinterest couple fantasies
you think taking couple photos like that is cute? done. he will take as many as you like.
if you're going out for a date then their to places like cat cafes, picnics, aquariums, a new movie you really want to see, or a local cafe
at home dates would be cuddling up in one of your dorms, watching movies, doing skincare
he would actually really like to watch romcoms cause he's never seen any so he wants to know what they're like
his favorite would be Princess Dairies 2; The Royal Engagement
He would also love Studio Ghibli movies
you guys could also bake together especially around the holidays id imagine he looks really cute in a pastel pink apron with heart all over you lent him
everyone in 1-A would know you guys have romantic feelings for each other, you'd probably confirm it when Mina asks
was not shocking news tbh
like all it takes is for someone to notice one look he gives at you and you can tell he's down horribly
would play board/video games as you guys wear face masks
honestly Shoto is type that either doesn't catch feelings or catches them really hard
like he would be down BAD
so honestly he'll do anything you ask
he LOVES kissing, like any form of it
quick pecks as a good morning or a good night
forehead kisses when one of you is sleepy and laying their head on the other person
a cheek kiss you'd give him just cause you felt like it and vice versa
he especially loves slow, love filled, kisses.
his kisses are rarely ever driven by lust, and even if so it's small amounts of it they're always filled with so much love
he could actually just sit there cuddling and kissing you for days
please he is literally so whipped for your physical affection
fucking loves plushies, will cherish them forever
name them after each other, you just have one named "sho sho"
would literally cuddle it to sleep when you're not sleeping with him
he loves fluffy ones, squishmellows, CAT AND SANRIO PLUSHIES.
if y'all traveled together he would plan EVERYTHING and it would be on Endeavor's card
five star everything only the best for y'all
refused to pack anything but like five first aid kits SPECIFICALLY to have an excuse to spend Endeavor's money
Takes turns driving during road trips, listens to your playlist (he would just listen to all your favorite artists+albums) brings blankets and plushies to make it all comfortable, like a pillow fort in the car
it's a fancy car rented with Endeavor's money
if it's by plane it's a first class ticket, literally sets everything up to make sure you're treated like royalty
literally does whatever you want no matter how expensive, probably gets matching luxury items
at first you feel really bad but then you're like "mmm he's a horrible person and has money might as well spend some of it for Shoto's years of trauma"
Would plan a trip to Las Vegas to go to the famous Hello Kitty hotel (yes he is THE sanrio fan)
then has the ingenious idea to pretend to elope to fuck with his dad.
will literally buy you a tiffany and co engagement ring and gets a whole fancy suit when he asks you will full seriousness then of course buys you a matching dress/tuxedo
like it's a whole a plan of a fancy engagement, rented high end restaurant, gets your nails done, a pianist, a bunch of flowers, ext.
makes you think what his actually engagement plans would be
gets a photographer and takes extravagant photos to send to his dad
literally gets Natsuo and Fuyumi in on it (Natsuo was laughing, Fuyumi was gonna have a heart attack)
takes a nice "honeymoon" to Hawaii (he wanted to buy the special addition Hawaii Sanrio merchandise)
Natsuo sent you a video of Endeavor almost burning his phone at the photos
He would also love Disneyland like would get annual passes to go and you're like "we dont live in California" and he's like "buying a private jet on dads black card"
wants to try all the Disneyland special food and buys one of those books to get signed by all the characters
buys the matching Gucci x Disneynote books just to have an excuse to spend more of his dad's money (he thinks it's ducking hilarious and you can't convince him otherwise)
"we can use them for class" "Shoto Todoroki I'm not using a luxury notebook for class" "Why not?"
This was all durning whatever time of summer break he available to him
So you get back to UA still wearing your engagement ring (he refuses to let you take it off)
Midorya is the one who notices and he freaked out
Shoto is completely nonchalant about it he would probably even be like
"technically we got eloped"
a collective "WHAT?" rises through the dorm
"where?" "in America" "why?" "why not."
Bakugo is not having it
"and how would you know?"
you're just in the corner with a face of disappointment
"Guys we didn't actually get eloped, or engaged."
everyone calms down, then Momo asks
"why the tiffany's engagement ring?"
"long story, don't ask."
will then on randomly refer to you as his wife.
"Can I get a water and a juice for my wife"
don't even suggest the possibility that you won't actually get married. In his head it's a "you will marry me!" not a "will you marry me?"
when it comes to actually pet names he cringes at "bae" or "babe" but things "honey" or "sweetheart" make you guys sound like a 95 yearold couple so he has settled for "love" and "darling"
"love can you pass me the english notes" "darling did you get the answer to number 12?"
always looking for you in everything, and not just literally. When he is around you his eyes will always find a way to wonder over to you, when he isn't he always finds a way to relate everything back to you.
his thoughts are like "look at this spoon, y/n uses a spoon on our dates, i should text them"
texts using the Japanese keyboard emojis cause he's gotten so used to using them with Fuyumi
you're one of the first people he finds himself wanting to tell about anything good or bad
and he also wants to be there listening and offering advice and comfort when you need it
if you guys are going to a formal event he would literally rent a limbo and everything
he is just down really REALLY bad and wants to create so many memories together
on that note he has a drawer/box full of mementos. various types of tickets, polaroids, cards, notes, receipts, keychains, ext.
It literally looks like a shrine of stuff and he refuses to let anyone near the drawer until you discovered it one day
one of the very few moments he actually had a deep blush as you ranted about how euphorically heartwarming it felt to know he kept all that stuff
barely used social media himself but when you started using it would post you on his story every week or two
would be down to do couple trends with you
he is just a very much in love boy
Category two; relationship playlist
Money Honey - Lady Gaga
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Die For You - The Weekend
Something About You - Eyedress
Lover - Taylor Swift
Daylight - Taylor Swift
pov - Ariana Grande
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
Call It What You Want - Taylor Swift
Enchanted - Taylor Swift
Willow - Taylor Swift
Apocalypse - Cigarettes After Sex
Daydreamin' - Ariana Grande
Lovers Rock - TV Girl
Let's Get Married - Bleachers
Pretty Boy - The Neighborhood
Lavender Haze - Taylor Swift
Sweet Nothing - Taylor Swift
Sunflower, Vol. 6 - Harry Styles
Tokyo Love Hotel - Rina Sawayama
They Don't Know About Us - One Direction
18 - One Direction
Magic - One Direction
Last First Kiss - One Direction
First Date - Blink-182
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys
505 - Arctic Monkeys
Blushing! - Between Friends
Better Friends - Between Friends
Love Me Like You Do - Little Mix
Voodoo Doll - 5 Seconds of Summer
Kiss Me Kiss Me - 5 Seconds of Summer
Cinema - Harry Styles
Daydreaming - Harry Styles
Touch Tank - Quinnie
Category three; relationship photos

#new user#shoto todoroki#todoroki shouto#x reader#bnha fanfiction#bnha x reader#bnha fluff#bnha headcannons#bnha todoroki#bnha shoto x reader#bnha shoto todoroki#shoto todoroki headcanons#headcanon#my hero fanfic#my hero acedamia#my hero academy fanfiction#my hero headcanons#mha#mha todoroki#mha shouto todoroki#mha fanfiction#mha headcanons#mha fluff#mha x reader#mha fanfic idea#bnha fanfic idea#shoto torodoki#todoroki shōto#mha fandom#bnha fandom
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