#My Story Cannon
sunsetdew0101 · 1 year
Second Chance- Pokemon Au
Explanation of the Pokemon Family Tree
Pokemon Breeding
Pokemon Breeding works the same way we are used to, in this AU. Two Pokemons of different genders, One of their Egg Groups matches, and BAM... A freshly hatched Pokemon egg.
Or you can use a Ditto, but the first way it's the more importante for now.
But instead of the Pokemon born only matching their mother's species and perhaps inheriting a move from both parents, the baby Pokemon can be either the mother's or the father's species.
For example:
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As you can see in the previous image, one baby of each parent species can hatch (depending, of course, on the number of eggs laid).
But Sunset, what does that have to do with your story?
Easy, we'll get there.
Aisha captured a Budew in the Viridian Forest. That should be impossible, as they are not native to Kanto.
In fact, the closest region with members of Budew's evolutionary line is Hoenn. In the Anime, the original Ash needed to take a ferry to get there.
A Roserade or Roselia wouldn't be able to reach Kanto by themselves.
But what do Pokemon trainers do most in Anime besides battling? They travel to new Regions for new challenges.
It's possible that someone camped in the Viridian Forest, left their Roserade out, and they found another Pokemon with the same egg group, thus spawning Budew.
Or, it could have been another option.
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I think you can understand what I mean just by these images. Not there yet? One word: Genetics.
The third-generation parents of the Pokemon shown may not be a Lucario or a Gardevoir/Gallade. But their grandparents were.
And with the genes still this new? It's more likely to show up one that is not the same species as their parents.
So there will be a moment where genetics will have to toss a coin to see if they resurrect a species from five generations ago or more or if they let the strong genes keep coming up.
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The same goes for Pokemons moves. The illustrative family tree above shows that the Eeveelutions descend from a Lucario. If that Lucario knew Double Kick, it's very likely that they could inherit that egg move or a hidden ability. Atention: This does not mean that Eevees will use Aura Sphere or other moves like that. Assume that if it is possible to learn a move in games or anime, it is likely that they will also be able to learn them in my story.
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bloominglegumes · 5 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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lilybug-02 · 9 months
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You’re making a lot of promises there Chara…
Part 24 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
I enjoyed doing this little Flashback scene. We’ll be back to our regularly scheduled freakout session soon. Having monochrome color is very nice.
Here is a gif of Chara spilling their water because YES. And I spent way too long on it :)
Wow technology is so cool.
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cowardlykrow · 5 months
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"Hah, dude doesn't even know he's in my tamagotchi."
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 months
The One Fact Pact
I want to see a fic where the chain is rigorously keeping their secrets and stories hidden, but they've all learned to trust one another. Like, it's past time they should probably be sharing things because it's beginning to get annoying, they all agree, but it's sorta become a habit by now? They kept those secrets and now no one really wants to share first?
So, to keep things interesting and get some momentum going, they make a deal.
Whenever they come across something that reminds them of their travels, their quest - be it an item, a familiar name, a location - they've got to share ONE fact or story about it.
But only! When they're in other people's time, because otherwise it'll just be a staged tour and one person infodumping and that's exactly what they're trying to avoid (and it won't be a fun competition they can make bets about).
And then either they go through worlds slowly building trust and understanding of each other through a long drawn out and incidental series of tidbits....
Or they immediately get stuck in wild's hyrule for ages.
Everyone's arguing over who the latest ruin belongs to. Time and wind are getting into an argument about the kokiri. No one can agree on the zonai. Wars is taking immense pleasure in pointing out anything someone else might have missed. Legend is resolutely ignoring eventide. Twilight claims the entire faron woods until they step into the hot and humid jungle for the first time.
Wild thinks he's immune because it's his world so he legally can't answer questions, but everywhere they visit there's a piece of his own story in the rubble or on the wind.
Wild: *happily making tea and checking his slate with the other hand* okay, looks like tomorrow we can reach the breach of demise and to new serenne stable. Just past that- Sky: *choking on his drink* the what?? Wild: the breach? Sky, weakly: Why's it uh, called that? Wild: oh, it's an old story. Apparently eons ago it's where a demon godking came up from underground to the surface world... *suspiciously* Why? Sky: gimme the slate. *squinting at the shape on the map*... I can neither confirm nor deny. Wild:... What do you mean? Sky, remembering the One Fact Pact: I can neither confirm nor deny. What's important is that I killed him. The entire chain, variously: YOU KILLED A DEMON GOD?!!? Sky *recalling the hardest fight of his life*: what, like it's hard?
And then he just refuses to elaborate.
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thebohemianloner · 1 year
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I made the best of what I thought was impossible. You were the spade I used to dig this hole; blistered my skin to the bone.
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jessicafangirl · 5 days
Copia’s teenage years consisted of a lot of classic Hammer movies. He’d find out later he had this in common with his brother Secondo who was a big fan of Christopher Lee and really wanted that seductive power.
Secondo was tall, Copia was average in height so over the years he figured out what might give him that edge that Dracula had with the ladies. It was the cape. That cape added something regal, something mysterious. It was like wings and if he could get the walk down right he could look like he was floating. It would also make him look more intimidating. He needed to learn to move.
Though it cost him some more torment from the other teens and kids in his school he took up ballet, fencing, and a few other dances. Fencing just felt like something a prince of darkness would want to know. And it gave him balance. He may not have had Secondo’s height but he could move, he would swing that cape with style after a while. And he would dance for his flock and his fans and followers as they cheered him on.
Eventually he’d become one of the more proficient swordsmen at the Ministries school and would be chosen to go to one of the more further flung churches to take care of a lycanthrope problem after being gifted a silver sword supposedly blessed by the dark father himself.
Copia would never share the story of this mission as it was a secret honor that he’d been sworn in blood to keep his mouth shut about. That was actually harder for him than the hunt itself and even fighting the beast.
Someday perhaps he’d meet someone that would be worth the risk of breaking that silence who’d be loyal enough not to share the story but would instead look at him with a sense of pride that he defeated a beast that was threatening his people with only a sword and well placed pirouette.
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themintman · 3 months
reminding myself that Nurm is actually just a cluster of cubes and not this silly goober I imagined 😖😖
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obessivedork · 8 days
Once again thinking about a Castelss Brosca kid gnashing and clawing and fighting and half the reason the blight ends as fast as it does with as many people intact as it does is because they've had to learn to be tough and fight as a casteless street nug so they've got an endless amount of tenacity and spite in them to get shit done. Also they can't fucking read.
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deadfooting · 6 months
legitimately it fucking sucks so much that warrior cats is so misogynistic bc there are so many interesting women in the series that just get shoved off to the side. i'm tired of reading about brambleclaw and male firekin. where's my story about mothwing watching as her brother is haunted by their biodad, a ghost she cannot fathom even existing? where's my story about tawnypelt following her father into a new clan, only for him to disregard her in favor of her brothers (one who's in a completely different clan, and the other who wants nothing to do with him?)? where's my story about ashfoot, who survives windclan's temporary exile and watches as her only son is selected for the great journey, then to later watch him be an awful husband and father when she raised him with so much love after she lost all her other kits and didn't even have deadfoot there to raise him? where's my story about goldenflower, who's entire family is torn apart by the one man she thought would love her forever? where's my story about lizardstripe, who was demonized for not wanting kits and forced to have them anyway? where's my story about frostfur that explores her conflicting feelings about yellowfang? where's my story about speckletail, where she loses her youngest son in such a brutal way, and watches as barely anyone around her even cares that he's gone just because he was deaf? where? where?
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tea-potato-gt · 1 month
Stør & Mizu in Lilliput Pt.2 (not canon)
Part 1 here / part 3 here / part 4 here
She screamed his name once more, but her voice was fuzzy and unfamiliar to his ears. She sounded so distant. Through his closing tunnel vision, he could see the tears stream down her face.
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Seeing her crying and screaming for him… it was too much. He had promised her long ago that he would never be the cause of her tears, but here she was crying… because of him.
Something in him snapped.
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Using the last of his strength, Stør reared back, raising his fists over his head. The tightness of the ropes were ignored as adrenaline rushed through his body. He only had one shot. He needed to make this count.
He struck the ground with all 12 tons of body weight.
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To Mizu it all happened in slow motion. “…S-stør?…”
She watched as her boyfriend rose high into the air and come back down with the force of a bomb.
She had enough time to prepare herself for impact. “Oh gods…”
The ground rocked and shook like an earthquake. Mizu and her captors we launched a few feet in the air.
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When Mizu sat up, her captors lay on the ground, “H-he knocked them out…”
She watched as the humans, who weren’t unconscious, ran away from the giant, afraid of the beast’s power.
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The earth shook once more as Stør lost the strength to hold himself up. He completely collapsed under the strain of the ropes and the weight of his own body.
“STØR?!” Mizu cried out.
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She quickly ran to his face.
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Tears in her eyes, she was terrified he was going to die.
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He didn’t respond to her voice. His face became a sickening shade of blue and his features contorted in pain.
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Using her hydrokenysis, Mizu quickly sliced the rope around his neck. All the constraints on his body fell away as Stør finally was able to take a full breath.
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Part 3 here
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wishingly-mesh · 9 months
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guys I love drawing Feng li so much, I’m her number one fan (I created her) she’s my goober, you should totally give me a reason to keep drawing her. I probably will anyways Omg guys look it’s my mortal kombat oc yippie yippie yippie yippie!!
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oddestoddish · 10 months
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I’m a little late for the Mew/Two-cember daily drawings due to business, but here’s day one! Mewtwo Odd discovering his love for flight x3
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elreyesvidal · 3 months
The Smell of Blood (F!VestigexFennorian)
AN: What if the events at Valente Vineyard happened a little differently? Just a little something that popped into my head thanks to the quest with Fennorian in West Weald. I’ll be calling the Vestige, “Eztli” like my main vestige just for the sake of using a name. (Contents: Mentions of blood.)
Fennorian couldn’t help but wonder how much of the strange wine Ursilia had drunk. He didn’t drink wine anymore, but based on the description of the taste from Gallio’s servant, it felt safe to assume it didn’t have the best flavor. Even so, did she really manage to drink so much that the scent of her blood was overwhelming to him?
These thoughts crossed his mind as he began searching through his bag for ingredients to make an antidote of sorts that would at least flush the wine out of her system. Although he hadn’t been paying attention to the conversation between Eztli and Ursilia, he immediately noticed when the former left the room.
Ursilia’s blood smelled good, but it had nothing on the intoxicating scent that was no longer present. With momentary clarity, Fennorian managed to whip up an antidote for Ursilia, before heading out to follow Eztli.
He had made extra of the antidote, perhaps this would help her out as well. She must have ended up drinking some to blend in, or to avoid drawing suspicion by refusing it, after all, she had talked to Gallio directly. He knew she wasn’t careless enough to drink it on accident.
Once he went through the door Eztli had gone through, the scent of her blood hit him like a tidal wave. Now that it was just the two of them, it was clear as day that it was the scent of her blood that was calling to him, tempting him, like a siren lures a sailor into the depths of the ocean.
“Fennorian, what is it?” Her question brought him out of his thoughts, but even still, the antidote became forgotten in his bag. Her gaze was curious as she looked over her shoulder, “We should start looking for Gallio’s alchemical setup and anything else he is using to make this strange wine.”
They had things to do, places to be, and yet, he could not stop his hand from reaching out to take ahold of her wrist as she turned to lead the way. She instantly stopped, her lips having parted slightly as a gasp escaped her.
“You had some of the wine.” Fennorian stated instead of asking. A part of him felt like he needed to explain his sudden action and the only way he managed that was by stating something apparent. Eztli could only nod in response, even though she understood it wasn’t a question.
His eyes landed on her parted lips, lips he had thought about kissing more times than he’d like to admit; but his focus didn’t remain long on them this time as he felt her pulse jump under his grasp. A pulse that before long, he learned to pick out from a crowd. Her skin was warm against his cold hand and somehow felt like it got warmer the longer he held on.
Slowly, and as if under a spell, he slowly lifted her wrist to his lips. Another sharp intake of breath on her end as he brushed his lips against the vein on her wrist. It seemed like he was inhaling her scent at the same time. All she could do was watch him, mesmerized. He had never acted like this before, but it was not unwelcome. She only worried about how obvious her desires were, as her pulse quickened at the contact. As much as she wanted to say his name, she didn’t, worried that it would have shattered the moment.
Red eyes suddenly shift focus to her face, but instead of meeting a familiar stare, she meets a new one, full of desire. Briefly, his eyes landed on her lips, but then shifted to her neck. The room no longer felt large, their breaths became in sync as the proximity between them increased.
The smell of her blood continued to draw him in, “Your scent—your blood, is…” He had barely managed to speak those words before one of his hands began brushing her hair aside to expose the side of her neck. He could practically taste the blood flowing through her veins with how her scent was continuing to overwhelm him.
It dawned on Eztli then, this sudden change in Fennorian was because of her blood, no not because of her blood, because of the wine she drank. She had been so distracted after learning more about his past that she had failed to connect the dots. She had drunk the wine, and shortly after, learned that the wine was for the consumption of mortals specifically, that way vampires could drink it without it hurting them; and it was supposed to strengthen them among other things.
A part of her could not deny that she wanted him to bite her, to drink from her, but not like this. There was an unknown factor, the wine in her system, that could hurt him. Although it wasn’t poisonous to him in this state, it could affect the control he had over his thirst.
Words began to form but instantly died in her throat as the tips of his fangs grazed her neck. Not enough to have pierced skin but enough to send a shiver down her spine.
“Fennorian,” she could not contain herself from sighing his name, and felt her resolve crumbling as he pulled her against him, closing any remaining distance between them.
She had to focus.
Her hands came up to grab at his shoulders, as if that would center her. Any other time and she could let it happen, but not in that moment, not like that. So, she tried again, “Fenn.” The nickname seemed to snap Fennorian out of his trance.
“Eztli?” He seemed dazed but once he realized their position, he had let go immediately and took a few steps back.
“I’m sorry, the wine,” He truly seemed ashamed, something she didn’t like seeing, but she could not go to him, not while her blood still tempted him.
As the thought crossed her mind, Fennorian seemed to remember something as he reached into his bag.
“Here, it’s the same antidote I had made for Ursilia. I’m uncertain of how quick or effective it’ll be, but it’s safe to consume.” In his outstretched hand, he held a small vial. She took it and drank it without hesitation, trusting his expertise. She had also noted how he stepped a bit further away, turning his back to her. She guessed that he needed to drink from his flask, after what had almost happened between them, in an attempt to settle his thirst.
Still unsure if she should get closer or not, she remained where she was, “Fenn, I’m sorry. I should have mentioned to you sooner about the wine. It had completely slipped my mind with the investigation going on.”
He turned to look at her, noticing the guilt that filled her features, he took a few steps closer. “No, don’t apologize. It’s neither of our faults really, there’s a lot going on. I’ve made significant progress with controlling my thirst, but this wine…”
Eztli looked up expectantly, waiting for him to continue his train of thought. He took a deep breath, as if resolving himself for what was to be said next.
“Actually, if I’m being honest, I do not think it was just the wine. I’m certain Ursilia had more than you and yet, it was your blood that was making me lose myself.” Avoiding eye contact, he continued, “It’s possible that this was the case because of some unsaid feelings I have had for you, for quite some time. I think my desires may have conflated, in this instance.”
At this, she could not help but perk up.
“I know now is not the time for this conversation, we have dallied enough.” Before disappointment could fill her, he finished, “But, when this is over, could we talk?”
She smiled at him as he turned to look at her with an almost bashful expression. “Of course, I look forward to it.” And with that, they continued in their mission together.
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warsamongthestars · 5 months
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Because I was inspired by tags, why not a round of BB HCs?
Not TBB, just BBs. The characters, and I'm coming out the Clone Wars primarily, with only bits taken from TBB. ( Like a good fanfic, Let's steal back the small good things )
I know, I analyze--so let's see how far I can stretch it, yeah?
Today we are HCing...
THE BAD BATCH'S MUTATIONS (Thus their abilities)
( I would label it as Mature (Because I have a general idea of labelling), but Tumblr decided to be fucking hilarious about it--so I'm going ask you to be Mature. There's nothing explicit here, its about as snarky as a Discworld novel. So Guess that means its Teens and Up, PG-13, or whatever. )
Whether 99 was an alphagen or a first-gen, the idea here is based on small TCWs comments. Stuff about "Growth" tubes.
Its probably in the capitalist-eugenics aliens' (kaminonians) interest to skip the uncomfortable bits in natural human growth. After all the uncomfortable bits of human growth aren't Profitable.
So, have an age to load a clone into a growth tube, and just, rapidly grow them until they're the stage you want (to be profitable). This means skipping teenage years. It means skipping the small childhood years.
So, given that 99 is mature and capable, he was likely loaded into a growth tube about where his "teen years" would start... and it went horribly wrong. Aging him by decades instead of a few years.
And the 99 project, would be Nala Se's little project, to find out why it went so wrong--and then to fix it for future clones. Because after all, you can't have an army of old men.
And judging by the fact that 99 is the only Old Man Clone we've seen in TCWs, I imagine the project worked as intended--and like any greedy eugenic science-capitalist, Nala Se decided:
"Y'know, I could do something more with this. I could find the most common 'bugs' in our clone genome, and I could stretch them, and modify them, and make benefits out of these flaws."
And the 99s were created
ADDENDUM - on Growth Tubes
Growth Tubes would only be successful if the human brain was stimulated rapidly as the body grew, or you risk compromising the human brain. Its a very delicate organ and rapid growth would be very bad. So flash-training, basically rapidly dumping organized information and sensory input, would occur over the course of the rapid-growth. This is to ensure you have a nice healthy human brain afterwards. There are clones who did end up with a "leaky growth tube" (rumors about Hardcase), where the only issue hat ended up happening is a deficit in attention spans and impulsiveness.
What's significant about First-Gen clones, is that they mostly went the old fashioned way of growing--as in slow (but accelerated) growing. After First-Gen, Kaminonians decided: "No, this is not fast enough... and its too stressful, Teenage clones complaining about growing pains and having attitudes--its just too much. What do they think this is, a Human Domicile?"
Fast-Tracked clones are those who ended up in a growth tube the majority of their time, and even then, skipped steps once they were out. Domino Squad, being fast-tracked, maintained the "attitude" flaws characteristic of those who didn't spend a whole lotta time working with brothers out of the tube.
This is also why all "standard" clones look older than their early twenties. Many were grown out, biologically hitting the fast-forward on growing years to be fully grown. Chronologically, they are official "10". They only have 10 years of life, by the start of the war. Accelerated Aging measurement? 20. Because they are made to age twice as fast a normal humans. Biologically? Mid-20 to early 30s. It helps the resemblance to their prime, and avoids any possibilities of "late growth spurts". Luckily, clones are made to stay in their prime far longer than a normal human.
2. THE MUTATIONS OF THE BAD BATCH "They're non-standard but with abilities not seen in even normal humans."
The problem with finding a 'flaw' in a genome is that you have to ask...
a). Who is saying there is a Flaw? Are they someone you want saying that there is a flaw?
b). Why is it a flaw? ... But is it really?
c). what are they going to do to "remedy" the "flaw"? Is it an actual remedy, or are they just saying it is.
And being capitalist-eugenic scientists, who study the science of profiting from genes and geneing from profits, certain "flaws" are going to be the non-profitable kind.
They probably think its a terrible terrible sin, that the human genome is not naturally made to make capital.
But through this list of Flaws, Nala Se decided--"we can gene splice can't we? Yes, why shouldn't I gene splice. I can make much better clones through splicing."
After all, if you're going to make money from genes, in order to do more geneing, adding more Genes should surely add more Money.
(Shift from "canon"--for thematic reasons, this Wrecker is 9901)
Kaminonians are baffled by how strong and yet delicate humans are. They can lift 300 pounds, and yet can still get crushed to death by 300 pounds.
Its ridiculous, really.
So Nala Se took notes and samples from the beauty and gracefulness that is the Rancor.
And for her designated 9901, gave him near instantaneously recovering muscle, that could lift 3x the normal 300 pounds of health humans, and indestructible bones.
Why if an explosion were to hit 9901's face head on fro the left side--it would not, in fact, pulverize his skull or any the soft tissues the skull protects. The eye would absolutely be kriffed though.
Sure, the increased metabolism might be a bit too grand for the rations...
But the Kaminonians were assured--they are specially crafted rations, and the clone will just have to adapt. Humans can just, not be hungry after all, why it takes a month for an average human to starve! If the clone complains, well he is getting fed so he wont' starve. It's a bargain, after all. He's lucky the Kaminonians are even bothering.
( Shift from "canon"--for thematic reasons, Hunter is now 9903 )
The various pores of the human face always seemed to... leak to the Kaminoinans. Why do humans have to do so much leaking? Ought to make all those "face pores" that do their "poring", do actual useful work for once.
So for 9903, he got an ampullae. Plenty of the predators on the planet of Kamino had ampullae, and they seem to get along just fine.
Because of the odd small organ network that encompassed his face and down his neck, connecting various natural human senses such as scent, taste, sight, and hearing, 9903 proved to be passively sensitive towards electromagnetic fields. He would always know where North is on a planet. He would always know where he was at, and what was around him.
Why, the Kaminonians though, that would be PERFECT for droids! Droids have electric-magnetic fields!
... The unfortunate fact, that the Kamionians neglected to add, is that Everything produced an electromagnetic field, and super imposing upon natural humans senses of "being sensitive to particles" and "being naturally sensitive to atomic wavelengths"...
is that it would be a sensory nightmare. A cacophony of hell from the very world around him, to consume him utterly.
Well... The clone will just have to adapt, as the Kaminonains say. By the very coral reefs of Kamino, the clones are just not grateful for the work we do over their petty little lives.
( For thematic purposes--we're keeping 9904 )
Humans have such tiny eyes, the Kaminonians think, how do they see so much if they're so tiny? and sensitive. By the whale song of the sea, Human eyes are just Too Sensitive.
So for 9904, they gave him super sight. But not just super sight, but super duper protected sight. They decided that the vestigial "third eyelid" had no business being vestigial anymore, the lazy little thing, and regave it life in 9904's eyes.
Why it could protect from Water, and Dust, and Bright Lights.
And they, the Kaminonians, were really reeving up now. Why just stop there? Give him reflectors. Let him see in the dark!
Why didn't we think to do this for all the clones?
Because sudden lights and sudden darkness, would mess up his eyes immediately. Because long term lights would cause a sensory overload. And long term darkness would cause (temporary) color blindness.
And no amount of protection stops a blaster to the face.
Well, thinks the Kaminonains, Its not as bad as the last ones.
( For thematic purposes... he is 9906. Yes, I like "Baby Tech", shush you. )
We know exactly what to do with this one, thinks the Kaminonians. Humans are just so... Dull. We load their brains nice and healthy, and they're still so dull.
We want at least one to have an intelligent conversation with.
I KNOW, LET'S MODEL THIS ONE AFTER US--THE KAMINONIANS! And we're geniuses you know, why shouldn't at least... one clone, be a genius like us.
For 9906, they attempted the daunting task of Modifying the Brain. Increasing memory retention and synapses flexibility. Awareness and understanding--a living computational organ.
And 9906 was Perfect.
... Save that he did not like Kaminonians, because healthy human brains, by any standard, tend to develop things like "Understanding" and "Feelings for and about other People", and tend to greatly dislike those who want to treat other people monstrously.
Why, 9906 even argued against the treatment of Clones. Clones are capable of thought and creation, they are a people and thus their own culture.
And the Kaminonians mourned. Clearly, all the work they put into this brain was for Nothing!
It only wants to learn about the galaxy and discover the beauties and wonders behind technology and space and peoples--why, it doesn't think of Profit or Genes at all!
It even argued that it wasn't a Product to be Sold, but a person to be talked to. The Kaminonians found this scoffful.
It would learn, the Kaminonians decided, oh it would learn.
What about 9902 and 9905? Well... Heheheh.
DOMINO SQUAD "A real domino effect, this one."
There are birth batches, and there are batch-squads. Birth-batches separate to all become batch-squads... but not all batch-squads are from the same birth-batch.
Such is the case of the fast-tracked "Domino Squad". Because they were fast-tracked, these clones spent an unpresidented time in the growth-tube. And worse, each one had a falling out with their original batch-squad.
The one that would be known as "Hevy" was overly confrontational, and prone to starting fights. He failed out of his original batch-squad for his attitude and physical violence.
He mellowed out, once he found that his aggression lead to serious consequence, but it didn't completely stop the fights or the lone wolfing. (Until after graduation).
The one that would be known as "Cutup" never took anything seriously, and his old trainers (and old squad) had enough. The trooper didn't even take regulations seriously, and was caught with contraband (Cutup couldn't believe that simple playing cards were "contraband", haven't they ever heard of a game before?)
The one that would be known as "Droidbait", tended to give up too easily, in a total reverse to "Hevy's" situation. Surrender is not acceptable, and he'll have to relearn the hard way.
The one that would be known as "Fives", ironically, did not have a poor record following him for anything he did. Half of his birth-batch-squad were found deceased after a training exercise. The survivors were sent elsewhere. For this, Fives was a quiet, serious but very anxious cadet and rookie until he hit arc-trooper. He kept even his name close. Just in case. Fives got to watch one of the survivors graduate with Bravo Squad. He never found out what happened to him after that.. but he doesn't assume its good.
Always have to adapt on the fly, because if you don't, the situation might just kill you. No matter how "Safe" everyone says it is. In fact, especially if its "Safe".
The one that would be known as "Echo" was the most devious.
By all accounts, Echo was a stand up trooper--he read the regulations and followed them to the letter. He took pleasure in buffing his armor and uniform. He could recite exact rules, was perfect in inspections. He knew exactly where everything is and how to act as expected. A true "By the Book" trooper. Why, what could ever be wrong with Echo?
Because if you look like you belong, and if you know the rules, you can do Anything. And Echo, he knew that people knew that the Way Things Act were often considered more important than What Things Actually Are, but you still have to Play Expectations if you want to get what you want.
And Echo, he tended to learn how play expectations. The fact is, while it was considered an accident and misunderstanding--Echo put himself in a position to get transferred away from his old birth-squad.
( He had nothing against his old birth-batch. They were fine lads. But Echo refused to be canon-fodder. If he was going to go out into the galaxy and make a difference, he was going to do it his way--if he was going to get blown up, it was because he damn well decided he was going to get blown up, not because a general told him to. )
Yes it would mean being held back. But such is the price of prep work (He certainly didn't feel like he was ready--and he wanted to test the waters a bit longer), and well, there had to be brothers on Kamino, who actually think about what they're being told--not just blinding follow without consideration.
And you can only work the rules to your liking, if you know what the rules are. Good thing Echo likes to read.
Reason Birth-batch and Batch-Squad are separate, is because the general idea is that they birth clones enmass, but since we only ever see cadets in squads, they aren't necessarily trained enmass.
There had to be a reason why Echo had the Balls to jump Rank and talk to a General, as a cadet, as request transfer.
None of the numbers of Domino Squad match up to indicate that they're apart of the "Birth-Batch". So this sugested to me that they might be from different batches--and thusly, are probably a "throw them together" squad.
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poisned · 6 months
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I hate the war arc
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