#My Darling Little Chick
once again thinking about this + my Mother Men…
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yandere-wishes · 2 months
Alice in Marvel-land
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𐙚Yandere! Deadpool (Wade Wilson) x Reader x Yandere Wolverine (Logan Howlett)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ In some worlds, you were Logan's little darling. In others, you were Wade's starry-eyed lover. But here in the void, there is only one of you and two of them.
⁀➷ GORE, yandere behavior, kidnapping, Deadpool being Deadpool.
⁺₊𝄞₊⁺ IDK, probs the Deadpool and Wolverine soundtrack
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Logan feels the world slipping away.
Piece by piece, atom by atom.
In a blink, he's falling down darkness.
An endless rabbit hole.
What was the name of that fairy tale you liked so much?
The one with the girl who gets lost in splendor?
The dust is kicking up, framing the sunset portrait along the horizon.
The envoys are nearly home, this time they've brought someone back. The cage balls chime along the unsteady road. If you squint just far enough you can almost make out vibrant specks of red and yellow.
Strange, the void tends to wash out bright colors. Well, it tends to wash out just about everything.
You scrape your nails along the skeleton's sockets. Leave crescents in the decaying cartilage. "They're almost here" you call out awaiting Cassandra's next move. You watch dolefully as she's transfixed on a portal. The sparky thing unfurled like a fresh wound, strewing salt on persistent lacerations. She watches her brother, or well some variation of her brother. Surrounded by his new family, surrounded by those he loves. He's forgotten her, or maybe never even knew her. You think that the latter would hurt the most.
"Cassandra" Your voice rises in octave, this time getting her attention. "They're here".
"Coming" She sings, voice so chip it almost sounds like unshed tears. You send a final glare at the portal before it collapses on itself.
If you tried hard enough, maybe you could bring yourself to understand her pain. Those pesky notions of desperation for someone to love. But it
doesn't matter now everyone you've ever loved is dead anyway. And unlike Cassandra, you've long since given up on the childish dreams of being rescued by someone who would offer up love so freely.
"Maybe shut up now"
Logan's nerves are frying. Thin strings snapping with every syllable that leaves the red merc's mouth. He's starting to appreciate Stryker in a way he didn't even know he could. The man was a psychotic sadist but at least he knew when to sew someone's mouth shut. Maybe he can convince this Cassadra chick to do the same.
Logan's eyes are almost at 90 degrees of a roll when they stop. He stops, frozen. In the gaping mouth of the rotting skull, something all too familiar stands.
Or rather someone.
Someone he knew.
Someone he loved.
Your name tastes bitter on his tongue. All death and whisky.
Maybe cause it's been so long since the attack. Since he walked off for the night and left his family to die. Cause the last time he saw you, you were a mangled corpse laying in an open grave. Deadweight as he cradled you in his arms.
You walk closer. Face painted in too many shades of confusion.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Damn, he's started quoting that stupid book again.
"How do you know my name" You ask. You look just as beautiful as he remembers. Spine carved straight in pride with perfect lips, perfect eyes. His talons itch to glide across your soft skin, to feel you so intimately once more.
"LOOOGAN did you see what the bald chick just- HEY!!"
It takes too much effort to pull his gaze away. To stare at red and black and be reminded of cruel realities. But Wade has a tendency to be a persistent ache, some unwelcomed anchor to every problem he's ever had.
Only this time when he actually looks at him. Looks at the jittery body that's stilled abruptly. He can't help but be glad that he did. A bitter laugh bubbles in his throat. Maybe Wade's shut up for good this time.
He always knew you were special but this is truly a miracle.
"IT'S YOU!!"
Nope, didn't work. He knew he couldn't be that lucky.
Wade whispers your name, a forgotten prayer. Logan didn't even know the loudmouth knew how to pray. But he seems to almost soften when he sees you. That feral, cheeky killer, looks so so soft when he stares into your doe-eyes. Reaching out zealously to twirl a lock of your hair around his blood-soaked finger.
He can almost feel Wade choking on your essence, heart erratic, like a child finding a lost toy. He's drowning in ecstasy, and Logan is almost tempted to join him. You're here, a breath away. So close it's taking every ounce of self-control not to pull you to his chest and keep you locked between his arms until he finally dies too.
"Penunt look that's my girl!!"
"Your girl!?"
He had taken you for granted as he tends to do with most peaceful things. The realization had occurred a little too late. Right as he had been emptying a round into the target of the week's head.
He lands.
Arms high like an Olympian pleasing the crowd.
He wonders if he can make you cheer for him.
Clap and shout his name as he twirls around the mess he's made.
He wants to feel loved, although he'll never say it out loud. He's only ever been good with words when they're laced with sarcasm and profanity.
And maybe 'I love you' is just about the most obscene thing he can ever say to someone as sweet as you.
Wade plays the white rabbit, fluffy coat stained red from every kill. Tricking poor Alice into following him down cruel rabbit holes. Making you chase him through labyrinths then leaving you at every turn. He leads you to every kill, makes you watch as he dances in slaughter. He can even feel your eyes right now. Starlight slicing him open to quench vulgar interests.  
Alice always follows the rabbit.
He stalks closer, white eyes fixated on your deliciously bewildered expression. Precious thing caught in a warzone. He can almost taste you on his tongue, the sharp tip of a star slivering the inside of his mouth, soft hands painting crescent moons along the back of his neck. He needs to carve his essence across your lips, to pour the after-kill adrenaline into your soul. He needs you.
Only this time...
This time he'd been too distracted. So caught up in claiming you as his victory prize that he didn't notice the grizzled man clinging to life...
And a pistole.
The bullet punctures his shoulder. An afterthought.
But the lead keeps going.
Penetrating the air until it lands bunglingly between your eyes.
You fall into his arms.
Did the white rabbit ever miss Alice?
Did he ever realize how truly special such a curious girl made him feel?
He doubts it.
Doubts that a stupid rodent would have better emotional stability than him.
He's been given a second chance. A whole plethora of them actually. He's been deemed holy, righteous. And aren't gifts of marvel bestowed upon the truly blessed? What better blessing than the sight of you standing amongst the sand and skulls?
Good to see your affinity for dainty dresses spans across all universes...
He lets the blood trickle down his claws.
What else is there to do but dream of you?
It's the fourth day of his massacre and he's lost count of how many humans he's killed. Maybe cause after the first hundred the faces tend to blur.
He leaves your pleasants in between the rotting carcasses and broken glass. Only taking the torturous parts of you. The things that can hurt him. The sharp edges that he can slit his pulse point on, the vague memory of your glare before you cried. The soft skin of your neck between his jagged teeth.
Enough to keep the hate burning.
He wonders if the creatures of Wonderland wept after Alice left. He wonders if Wonderland lost its wonder.
But now you're standing here.
And he wants so badly to remember the sweet taste of your lips. The soft push against his chapped lips as he swallows you whole. Even desperate rabbits can go a little feral. His eyes take in every breath, every scowl.
Good to see your affinity for dainty dresses spans across all universes...
Aliath skids forward, mystified in lightning and smoke. You feel your bones collapsing under the rugged man's, Logan's, vice grip. You thrash and scream trying to break free but he only barks out orders to his friend before they take off running.
"Your safe, don't worry we got you." There's a comedic cadence to every word Wade says. You can almost fool yourself into enjoying it if the two weren't actively attempting to defy Cassandra, to defy Aliath, to defy deities and absolutes. To ripe you away from the only semblance of opulence you've come to know.
"Let me go, you custome-wearing freaks." His gripe tenses. "Don't struggle so much, we said you're safe, now hold still" Logan's anger ripples through you. It's almost muscle memory to still, to obey.
Did you know him? Know them?
In some past life too out of reach?
The ground shutters to a jagged rhythm. You're flying up, escaping the misty horrors of the ground. Your head pounds with the force, air slapping across your body as you taste the cotton of the clouds between your teeth.
Is this how Alice felt as her head hit the roof?
Wade mutters about the stars and educated wishes. About people who live and matter. Logan slices through his thigh, the mercenary's optimism making his body ring with phantom pains.
No one matters.
And when they start to, they die.
There are cruel absolutes in this world. He's tasted them all. Let them slice his tongue and heart and danced to every tune they've sung. He rips his claws out and digs them into Wade's chest.
And again.  
Wade savors the salty tang of blood inside his mouth.
Licks his teeth and runs his tongue over the gaping holes.
He's sitting in the front seat head rolled back.
High off the blood and adrenaline and the thought of having you so close.
"I take it all back, the Honda odysseys fucks hard"
Bones crack, interrupted mid-heal as Logan turns his head to glare. "Shut up" he rasps and Wade almost, almost, hears approval.
There's a low moan reverberating across the broken car. Late night sleepy mumble that's half 'I love you' and half 'I need you'. Neither one has heard it in such a long time.
"Finally awake sleeping beauty? Kinda surprised you could sleep through all of that" Wade shimmies to the back, only to be greeted by your foot smashing into his face, cracking his nose open, and sending a fresh wave of blood into his mouth. He pins your knee to the seat and wiggles himself between you. caging you with his elbows as he stares down at your pretty face. "Miss me, angel baby?"
"Wrong fairy tale" Logan turns around in his seat, claws out running them across your cheek "Please stop, just let me go" you've never begged before, never fallen so low. But these two things, mutants, mutates, or whatever they are, scare you. Reckless, suicidal, dangerous. You feel so helpless in their presence. Never knowing you're to be kissed or killed.
"You're as lovely as I remember" The melancholy colors him in a monochrome of sympathy. Here is a man who's gone through every horror and still gets out of bed. Or maybe he has to, maybe he can't quite die and can't quite reach heaven. So he gulps down his immortality with black coffee to at least pretend he's being buried six feet deep. "Even after all this time I still love you" You almost melt in his brown eyes. So lonely, so desperate.
Kill or kiss
You want him to do both. Want to kiss extinction on his lips while being impaled by the claws. Kill or kiss.
Both, both, both.
"You know~" Wade pushes himself up, "I think your dress should be red...and black. To match your favorite man."
"Who the hell said you were the favorite?" Wade leans forward, in a blink he's gripped Logan's wrist and lunged the Wolvarine's claws into your abdomen.
You writhe, the bones and metal feel almost heavenly inside of you. When he retracts the claws you moan out, it's too saccharine to hold back. Everything feels so much lighter, colorful. You feel your essence slipping out, gushing over the back seat.
Red waterfall, so pretty.
Dress stained red.
"Told ya so!"
Wade pulls you roughly by the shoulders and smashes his lips against yours. He's so cute, fickle Cheshire cat, tongue dancing across your mouth, slitting itself on your peaked teeth, and filling your mouth with thick red caterpillar smoke. "What the hell is wrong with you? You really are God's perfect idiot" Logan's anger is tangible, sweet, and bitter like hatter tea at midnight.
"S'okay Logan, it feels nice" Your words slur, slipping gauche from your tongue as you giggle profusely. You feel like Alice cracking open Wonderland's ribs, crawling inside, and smearing the wonder across your face.
"When I used to read fairy tales, I fancied that kind of thing never happened, and now here I am in the middle of one" You've heard these words before, Alice's words. she's right. Your fairy tale is painted red with pretty, crazy, princes who think that slicing open a princess is easier than kissing her. You reach out for Logan, desperate for a kiss. "eat me" you mutter, and Logan's face morphs into pure terror "Wade what the hell have you done to her?".
"What? It's better this way trust me"
"I hate you"
Logan bends, meeting you halfway. He kisses you with all the wary of a dead man walking. All teeth and heart and bitter memories left to rot three lifetimes ago. He pushes himself between your bones, trying to carve out his ethos in your body. He'd burn the world so long as he gets to keep you.
You squeeze your thighs around Wade's muscular thighs and hips unlocking a gibby giggle from the man. His mask is half pulled up as he trails sloppy fervorous kisses across your neck and chest. The nostalgia slithering under your skin has you squirming, you've been through this all before. In a past life somewhere where storm monsters and voids don't exist. "Remember how good this feels?" Wade mumbles as his fingers dig into your puncture wounds, drawing slow, desperate moans from your puffy lips. You don't dare answer you don't know what would be worst admitting to liking the loudmouth ministrations or admitting there were other versions of you out there, other happy versions.
"Oh for hell's sake," Logan reclines the front seat and shuffles closer. Pulling down the back of your dress. His kisses are bite marks in disguise rabid and feral, the two things the man will never escape. His name rolls across your tongue, you let it slip in an airy moan. "No fair " Wade complains "I want you to say my name too." He pulls out his baby knife and etches the skin of your thighs. Scribbling doodles of stars and half hearts and the little symbol he wears on his belt. "W-wade" you gasp never knowing whether to scream in pain or giggle in bliss.
Logan laughs into your neck. You didn't even know he was capable of such a gentle thing. You bite his lip playfully. Dragging your fingers across his muscular arms. Your thumb pushes into the space between his knuckles asking for the claws. For the most macabre parts of him. You glide your tongue across the parish where flesh meets metal. Kissing the metal and bones and lapping at the blood. Watch curiously as he draws out a long airy sigh. "Good girl" he mumbles voice marred with ecstasy and you almost see the ghost of a smile smear across his pretty lips.
Wade's thumb gently rubs against your hips. Softly usering you into peace, tranquility. Your eyes get heavy, the car gets blurry. The grotesque realignment of their bones steering you into a deep, content sleep.
"Hey Peanut, you think Alice in Wonderland here would mind if we keep going? "  
"Shut it, moron "
"Oh, how I wish I could shut up like a telescope! I think I could, if only I knew how to begin.”
Deadpool: "Do you think the author's going to write about us again? Or is she planning to finally write that Dune fic she keeps talking about?
Wolverine: "I have no fucking idea what the hell you're even talking about.
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🪐@yandere-romanticaa @bad4amficideas @sugarplumz100 @oscarissac2099 @facelessfionna @siphite @tocotuesday69 @linoleunm @mei-simp @shamelessdarkprince @gabriqllas @lovely-liliacs @shiroi-asashin17 @failinguniversity
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ozzgin · 24 days
"Platonic obsession,by your parents" BOY YOU BETTER WRITE ABOUT THAT,I'M GOBBLING IT UP!
It's also mentioned in Part 2 that Reader's parents are pretty much platonic yanderes.
One must wonder how Reader is so oblivious and clueless to all these acts of stalking; the simple answer is that they grew up with it. Their family dons an entire lineage of skilled yanderes, generations of flawless graduates. The fact that Reader turned out to be a Darling was an anomaly, a never-before-seen event in the household. It wasn't something shameful, mind you. It just happened to trigger a family-wide, overbearing need to look after little Reader, who could be adorably naïve in the face of this big world.
First day at school? Reader would giggle and wave at the parents, as they crouched behind the bushes with cameras and binoculars, sniffling and dabbing their eyes with a napkin. They hated to see their baby growing up so fast. A chick must eventually leave its nest, but that didn't mean they couldn't follow its every step outside.
Holidays and birthdays? Reader would clap in excitement, opening all the generous gifts from friends and relatives. Somehow, every year and without exception, everyone knew exactly what they wanted.
School trips and friend outings? Reader would always get a little homesick, so much they'd begin to see reminders of it scattered all over the place. "Oh, my grandma has the same van! Even the stickers...I must really miss my family, huh?"
Needles to say, Reader is very much used to whatever goes on in Yandere School.
Though if we are to take the Clumsy!Yandere crossover into consideration, I'd say Reader isn't necessarily devoid of yandere genes. In that case, it's more of an unconscious, dormant power which triggers whenever Reader's pathetic best friend is in need (so almost always).
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[Yandere School Masterlist]
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kazutora-kurokawa · 3 months
How do you think Tenjiku's boys would react to his (somewhat drunk) girlfriend flirting with them?
Tenjiku w/ Kinda Drunk!Flirty!Girlfriend
♡ SFW, fem reader, drinking and intoxication, kissing, violence ♡
Characters: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Mochi, Mucho, Shion
note: thanks for requesting anon ♥️ okay last request of the day babes because I have a hot date 🤭 jkjk I'm single asf 🥲 nah but I'm just tired lol, I had like 3 hours of sleep and have been up since 7am writing and my brain just isn't in it rn + I haven't eaten anything yet so yeah 😭
🎴 Thinks your flirting is cute and flirts back twice as hard (always trying to one-up somebody 🙄)
🎴 He's lowkey drunk too, he doesn't drink much so he's a bit of a lightweight
🎴 Ends up punching a guy at the bar for looking at you, guess he's not the only one who can't resist your charm
🩷 Gets flustered by your flirting and tries not to show it
🩷 Takes away your drink privileges like the responsible boyfriend he is
"I think that's enough darling, you look a bit...tipsy. We should head home."
💜 Flirts back and gets touchy with you, he's probably dead sober too, he just can't keep his hands to himself
💜 Starts a competition with you, who can say cheesier things to the other? (you don't even know it's a competition 😭 you just think he's being sweet)
"No you're cuter, my precious little angel ♡"
🩵 He's DJing at the club you two are at and your flirting throws him off his game
"Baby chill, I'm busy. Just gimme a quick sec okay?"
🩵 Ends up flirting with you instead of doing his actual job, it's much funner anyway
🍡 Laughs at your flirting and kisses you just to see you get all flustered
"Look at your little face! You're all flushed and nervous sweetheart~"
🍡 Will bring up other times you've been drunk or intoxicated just to embarrass you
🔷 Lets you flirt with him and safeguards you from strangers because he knows how shady people can be
🔷 Watches your drink and stays sober while you have fun around the club, he's always a few steps behind you though
🔷 Drives you home so you don't have to get a ride, leaves aspirin and water on your bedside table before he leaves
🥀 He's fucking hammered and probably doesn't even realize you're his girlfriend when you start flirting
🥀 In his mind he's like damn this chick is hot, wonder if she has a boyfriend ☠️
🥀 He's all over you for the rest of the night and eventually wakes up the next morning to you teasing him, it's worth it though since he made you laugh
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx @evergreen-endo @hanmaslilslut @dystop4in14nd @mysouleaten
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facefullofsadness · 7 months
Can I request reader eating hanni out like the same thing you did with the Sakura fic
precious baby hanni I love her sm 😩
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content - highschool!au, smut (virginity taking/first time, cunnilingus, gagging *not throwing up but stuffing the mouth to suppress sounds*), fluffy
wc - 1492
a/n - I have a gf!hanni hc that she calls her s/o darling with her sweet lil aussie accent and that her s/o loves calling her honey bc well, hanni!
hanni is suchhh a high school sweetheart.
I think it's a cliché heartthrob, oblivious, teen love story where you two became best friends overtime after meeting each other in class on the first day, your seating arrangement forcing you to talk to each other. and the more you got to know her, the more you started to fall. her smile, her aura, her personality, her voice, her talent, everything attracted you to her.
and she's sooo in the same boat with you. she lights up at the mention of your name, perks up when she sees you from across the room, runs after you and suffocates you in an adorable embrace. everyone around you two roll their eyes because neither of you can see how fucking in love the other is, too scared of rejection. so expect groans and "finally!"s to come out of your friends' mouths when you guys get together (minji and haerin were sick and tired, but dani and hyein were fangirling).
it took some time to build up to anything sex related. you both were young and inexperienced virgins, being each other's first kiss and everything, and even that was really hard and awkward to get over. even just talking about it made hanni's cheeks flush red, and you would just nervously laugh (how insufferably adorable hmph). BUT, being young also meant being unbelievably hormonal and horny, so eventually, when it got too much to handle, you made the first move.
a sleepover at hanni's. you and all of your guys' friends having a cute lil girls' night filled with games, movies, and snacks! you and your girlfriend cuddling on the couch as the night goes on and each girl knocks out one by one, dragging themselves upstairs to sleep in the guest bedrooms, leaving you and hanni left in the living room. a random chick flick plays on the screen as you pull her even further into you, nestling your face into her neck and planting kisses.
she squirms slightly in your grasp and giggles at your actions, lacing her fingers through your hair with one hand, another hand gripping your thigh beside her.
"darling, that tickles! what are you doing?" she questions.
"hanni... I don't know how much longer I wanna beat around the bush with this," you mumble against her skin, your eyes closed and your hands slipping under her tank top.
you feel her stiffen slightly in your hold, making you stop your kisses. she knows what you're talking about, but she panics slightly at the thought.
"darling, I don't know... they're just upstairs," hanni states hesitantly.
"I know honey, but just be quiet for me? yeah? can you do that?" you whisper sweetly.
her face looks distressed when you look up at her, wanting to say yes but too scared to go through with it. you pull away slowly, accepting her silence as a rejection like the respectful girlfriend you are, but she pulls your arm back, burying her face into your shoulder and mumbling.
you smile and kiss the top of her head, "we don't have to do it if you don't want to, my love."
"I want to!" she expresses a little too loud before lowering her voice again, "I want to, I'm just nervous."
you hold her face in your hands and place a soft peck on her lips, "It's okay, I am too. we'll learn together, right?"
she nods and grins slightly, leaning in to start making out with you, her hands in your hair pulling you into her. you reciprocate her needy kiss and push her backward to lay on the couch. your lips travel down her jaw to her neck, kisses gentle but passionate, leaving marks in discrete places, hanni biting her lip to suppress her whines.
you whisper into her ear, "turn the volume up."
she nods and reaches for the remote, increasing the sound of the movie on the tv, immediately releasing a small whimper when she feels your thumbs around her nipples. you travel down and undo her shorts with your mouth, sliding both articles of clothing off of her legs.
"we're gonna have to be quick if we don't wanna get caught, okay?" you tell her.
her eyes plead with you to keep going, but she responds anyway, "okay, that's fine. what about you?"
how sweet, always thinking about her gf.
you smile back, pecking her lips, "maybe next time, it is YOUR sleepover after all."
she rolls her eyes and pushes you back, giggling, "stupid."
you return back to before, sliding down her body and pushing her legs apart gently, your hands caressing her thighs. you look up at her for approval and she nods her head at you, anticipating your next move. so you move in, tongue swiping against her puffy pussy. you hear her breath hitch as the wet muscle between hanni's legs twirled and licked at her clit and cunt, clutching your wrists in pleasure.
"does that feel good?" you gasp out against her pussy lips.
"mmf, fuck, yes darling, feels s-so good..." she pants, your tongue going back to work.
she tries to bite down on one of her hands to suppress how good your mouth feels around her, your lips sucking at your clit while your tongue flicks at it, sometimes going and repeating the action to her entrance, your tongue darting inside and massaging inside her walls. but the pleasure was just too much, she couldn't stay quiet.
suddenly, you pull away and pick up her panties from the floor. hanni panics and worries that you stopped because she was being too loud, resulting in you making her get dressed again. but before she could speak up and apologize for her volume, you ball up her underwear and stuff it in her mouth, making her whimper when you do.
you kiss her cheek and look into her eyes, locking your gaze with her wide one, "you need to be quiet for me hon, be a good girl for me."
she gulps and you can see the lump travel down her throat before she nods and grips the material of your clothes on your shoulders. you lower yourself against her entrance before drinking in her essence, coating your tongue and drinking it down. her grip on your clothes tightens and she bites down on her gag, clamping her eyes shut and panting into her underwear.
her hips are moving uncontrollably, her stomach twisting and turning with pleasure at this new feeling. of course she's masturbated before, but she's never felt this good. with you eating her out like a pro below her, she swears she could get addicted to the feeling of your mouth on her. and she feels so warm, you're so gentle with her and treating her with the utmost care, but giving it your all to make sure hanni feels fucking amazing, and she does.
even through the loud movie and her panties in her mouth, muffling her moans, you can hear her tiny whimpers escaping her throat with every stroke of your tongue. the way her hips jolt and her legs shake, her upper half squirming in your hold, you know you're doing good and you smile against her core.
with a final suck of her clit, you feel her body tremble, her back arches into you, and her nails sting as they dig into your shoulders through the material. you open your eyes to look up at your girlfriend as her head is thrown back against the armrest and eyes clamped shut, biting down on her underwear for dear life, you're scared she might hurt herself.
you stop your movements and lick gently against her pussy, helping her ride out the high, pulling away as soon as she jerks from overstimulation. crawling up to face her sweaty forehead and hazy eyes, taking her panties out of her mouth. her mouth hangs open as you feel her hot breath panting against your lips. you kiss her sweetly and smile against her.
"good?" you ask simply.
"really good," hanni replies, her blinks slow as she passes out on the couch.
you melt at how adorable she is, slipping back on her clothes onto her limp sleeping body before finding a blanket and draping it over the both of you, laying your head on her shoulder before drifting to sleep too.
the next morning, you're both awaken to loud groaning. you rub your eyes of exhaustion to find an angry minji.
"god guys, if you're gonna fuck, PLEASSSEEEEE let me NOT be here," she huffs, pouting in her pajamas and plopping down on the other sofa with a bowl of cereal.
"they were fucking? I'm never coming back to this house," haerin echoes in the kitchen while you blush, feeling your gf bury her face into your shoulder.
"I told you to be quiet," you whisper into her ear, making hanni hit your shoulder.
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
Spellbinding ( sam winchester x reader )
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summary : sam being completely in love with reader who happens to be his best friend while on a hunt she is hit with a curse making her needy clingy mess while sam was loving the closeness it was only temporary right?
Warnings : spells and shit , sam being simp (love that for him )
In all his life he never thought he would feel like this , at first he pegged it to being a school boy crush but it only grew . she would be the one to stay up late into the morning researching while his brother just went to the bar or bed calling them " nerds"  . she'd be the one to make sure they got sleep after realising how long they had spent nose deep in their laptops or books . she'd be the one to make sure everyone was taken care of even making sure dean didn't have a diet that consisted of fast food making them home cooked meals in the bunker . she would tease and be playful so it wasn't all work . so it was hard not to fall for her in fact what scared him was how easy it happened. the fact that dean caught on was hell in itself finding new ways to torture his brother with the new found information always pairing the two off together , the little remarks she never noticed and when she did she would brush them off as dean well being dean . hunts we're both a blessing and a curse for him when she was there . he could make sure she was safe but yet her just being there meant she was also in danger , an internal battle on which part to stick with . Like now they were walking through an abandoned asylum after report of many men going mad once they've been in the   place one way or another . now they were walking through the halls , searching for whatever it was or even a clue to what it was . she hated the abandoned hospitals and asylums they had an extra creepy feeling to them . sam knew this main reason he made sure to stay closer then usual which if he was lying he kinda took advantage of it . " ah shit " she huffed . " what , what is it " . " look the symbol we've dealt with this before " she pointed walking into the large open space that used to be a rec room . the symbols spread around the room like she said it was too familiar .
" witches " he mused. " always witches get dean here , he's a lightening rod for curses " she sighed dramatically making him laugh. " what are you doing here , your not welcome " the voice called . " listen lady , neither are you " she turned to see the raven haired woman glaring . " this is my new home and intend to keep it that way " she turned to sam as he raised his gun . he was waiting for it , to be thrown across the room it was all too regular habit but yet all he felt was her pushing him and taking the hit flying across and hitting the wall . " hey darling now that wasn't so nice of you " dean held the woman tight while cas done his thing . " hey sweetheart you ok " he called. " yeah i think so ouch how do you do that sammy " she groaned wiping the dust off of herself . " what the hell were you thinking " he yelled running to check her over. " i was thinking you'd be grateful " she smiled sweetly. " idiot you could of been killed " he chastised missing the way she was looking at him . " hey kid you ok " dean smirked seeing the sudden shift in her demeanour. " so pretty " she cooed all doe eyes and mushy as she stared at her best friend before latching on to his arm . " lets get her out of here " dean snorted seeing his brothers cheeks all flushed while Y/N was clinging to him like he was the light in the dark . " hey how you feeling slugger" dean turned see sam carrying her out on his back like a koala on a tree. " she wanted to be closer because it hurt being so far apart " he groaned. " hey you should be happy hot chick all over you " held the door open so sam could put her in the back . " cas in front "dean's shit eating grin was not helping the situation and neither was the grabby hands she was making .
They found out she was hit with a curse same one those men were hit with except in her case well she was overly clingy only when sam moved away it actually hurt her like a blinding cutting pain ran through her body when they were apart for more than 60 minutes , during the first week they found that out . " a couple of weeks and she will be back to normal she said something else but cas was playing around so we had to leave quick " dean explained while Y/N was now in sams lap almost purring like a kitten nothing like the woman before . " couple of weeks , how the hell am i going to do this for a couple of weeks " sam hissed rubbing her back when she tensed at his words. " enjoy it since your such a bitch and not telling her how you feel when she's,  well not a pussy cat " he chuckled. " do you not like the affection " cas asked confused. " i would if it was of her own accord " sam muttered feeling her head resting on his shoulder after she'd fallen asleep . " i need a shower , a quick one " he said placing her down on the sofa and putting his shit around her. " don't be long i can see her screaming again , it's painful to watch " cas walked out . " i wont , i don't like it either " sam huffed running out the room . he loved it and hated it , he loved the close contact and he affection , but he missed his partner in crime , he miss how she would talk about everything and anything with him , he missed her being his best friend . yet he love having her nuzzled so close he could smell her shampoo , he loved the feeling of her soft skin under his palms. how he could see every detail of her face , how her smiled would widen in his presence . the water cascaded down his body yet the hot water done nothing to soften the stress of the situation he loved and hated all in one . What made it worse she was going through it all because she wanted to save him , wasn't it his job to keep her safe.
"where's sammy " she whined starting to sweat as she felt the tingle beginning. " he'll be back in a minute " dean huffed. he couldn't wait for it to end , the badass smart chick he loved like a sister reduce to a needy airhead , now whining like a kid for candy. " hey how come you never told sam why she so bad " cas asked again his curious nature getting the best. " because even i know the two of them need to say it without the power of a curse and hell he'd probably short circuited. " this hurts " she sniffled but her head shot up feeling his presence near it was like her skin was burning and only he could put it out. " hey i'm back " he smiled weakly feeling her arms wrap around him tightly. " i missed you , it hurt and dean was mean" she pouted . " jesus this hard to even watch " dean rolled his eyes . " well if sam loves her i'm sure it ok " . " sammy only loves me like a friend " she pouted at cas words . " that's what you think but he's in love with you ... ouch " he winced rubbing back of his head . her head shot up and a clearing of a fog sensation. " hey when did we get back here " her voice back to levelness before . " hey sweetness aint you a sight " dean smirked only for her to roll her eyes. " she's back " he cheered. " that could of been the cure , although it's very fairy tale like" cas smiled. " what the baby in the trenchcoat is saying was that you were cursed and been on sammy there like a pimple" dean explained making her realise where her hands were . " oh shit sorry " she back off cheeks flushing at the close proximity . " it's ok really " he smiled sheepishly. " so how did we break it " she asked . " i told you how sam really felt and OWWW " Castiel cried . " hey why you hit him " she ran to the angel checking him over. " oh fuck it, knowing sam loved you like truly loved you broke it , the reason she was so affected is because she loves you too " dean yelled. " do i hit him now " cas whispered . " you love me " they both said at same time . " lets give them some room " dean led castiel out of the room while the two stood stunned at the information. " wait did he just confess for us " she asked dumbfounded. " i think he did " sam stood closer wrapping his arms around her waist. " didn't you get enough " she teased turning to face him fully arms going on his shoulder. " but this time its because i know you love me " he smiled leaning his forehead on hers . " shame it wasn't a kiss breaking curse " . " i think we can change that " she couldn't respond because soon as the words left his mouth he crashed his lips on her. kissing her like she was the only source of oxygen . every part of her being felt alive and awake like never before . they melted together like two missing pieces finally connecting. lost souls lost in the dark finding the light. " i love you so much " he chuckled happy to finally being able to say the words .
"hey thought the curse was broken " bobby asked looking as she sat perched in sam's lap while he was looking through research . " it did " she smiled holding up her book she was using . " they love each other and do sick  sweet shit like this now " dean rolled his eyes . " oh stop being a baby i've seen you cuddle your car " she snorted. " i have too " castiel nodded. " well glad to have you back kid" bobby smiled getting himself a cup of coffee. sam on other hand sat smiling happily now he had the woman he loved back , the one who talked to him constantly , his best friend and now his girlfriend .
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starry-bi-sky · 3 months
DPXDC Idea: Mother of Monsters Dan(yal)
Specifically Fem!Dan because I made this in mind with my Fem Danyal Au bUT. The best part about Dan is that I get to play dress up with her, and Fem Dark Dany is gonna go by Layal (pronounced lae-el) because it means "the nights" and it sounds similar to Danyal, and I think she'd choose that name to mock Dany. ANYWAYS
Mother of Monsters Danyal. She may be evil but she's an Al Ghul at her core (even with vlad's soul merged with hers - however, considering that Layal looks and sounds like Dany, she considers that soul to be the more dominant one.) and loves animals. And she might be heartless, but she adores the monsters of the infinite realms.
Mother of Monsters Layal who hates everyone but utterly dotes and adores on every manner of beast she comes across. Stealing the eggs and infant young beasts of the Infinite Realms to raise as her own because she wanted them. Her own island full of monsters, a monstrous menagerie of her own. She steals most often from poachers or exotic pet keepers and other menageries -- the full grown beasties can keep their young.
And with every monster she raises, she can shapeshift their features onto herself, allowing her to change her shape from humanish to any matter of monster or hybrid creature. She calls herself their mother, and them her children. Her precious little babies, capable of incredible mass destruction and mayhem.
From little griffins the size of kittens, to stymphalian vulture chicks, and leviathan young hatching from eggs the size of her pinkie, to creatures native of the ghost zone that didn't even have names in the living realm. There really wasn't a limit to what or who she would take in and she didn't limit herself to any form of mythology. If they were beasts and they were unwanted, she wanted them. And as such, amassed her own mini army of "children" willing to listen to her any command.
Earth doesn't know what hit it when she attacks them.
There are many monstrous forms she could take on, the first one I've thought of is a combination of various serpentine/reptilian features. The body of a naga -- her lower half long and serpentine, her upper still human -- with spiked fins connecting from the bottom of her arms to her sides, ever seen Sinbad where Eris goes "you might have seen my likeness on the temple walls" and her arms do that fin thingy? Same concept. Her hands are webbed and taloned, perfect for slicing through the skin of the living, and her teeth are needle-sharp and shark like. Her hair can either be spiny and feathery-like like the spines of a lionfish, or frilled like a frilled-neck lizard. It's perfect for dealing and doting on her reptilian and amphibian-inclined darlings.
I'm more of a fan of aus where Dan is a sibling of Danny's rather than their kid, so Layal's redemption(..?? probation?) proceeds with her legally becoming Danyal's "twin" sister, who had been lost to the foster system before the Fentons adopted Dany, and was only recently reunited with her. The two of them look so alike that the lie is easy to take root and spread.
Layal is very indignant to the fact that she's now ten years in the past and has to restart her menagerie all over again. Do you know how much blood and sweat went into raising those children? How dare you separate them from their mummy. Although she'll admit she does miss their juvenile years, so she won't mind (too much) needing to raising them again. Dany is helping her retrieve all of them though, dammit.
long story short: epic the musical's "Scylla" has a CHOKEHOLD on me and this is the result of it
Unlike her Dan counterpart, Layal's voice is dancing and sirenic. It's purposely alluring and motherly, in order to lure people into a false sense of security until she feeds them to her "children." Echidna doesn't have shit on her. She almost seems friendly and reasonable, until you get too close and realize it was all an act and she drops it to metaphorically swallow you whole. She's like an anglerfish that way. She and Dany both sound like Scylla from Epic.
#mother of monsters danny#dpxdc#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dp x dc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dpdc#dpxdc au#dpxdc prompt#fem danny fenton#fem danyal al ghul#danyal al ghul#dany helps laya find one(1) beastie and instantly falls in love. laya does not need to convince her to come help her rob other ghosts blind#of their exotic “pets” or animals or whatever the reason they have beasts that they shouldn't for. she'll volunteer willingly its a trait#that they share. laya knows that raising her babies will be difficult now that she has to g back to *school* but dammit se's not leaving#them in the hands of the people she found them in. those are HER children fuck you.#Layal is the one to reveal to Damian that his older sister is alive and it was on purpose. It was to send him on a wild goose chase looking#for Dany in order to be around to save her from becoming Layal.#'Tragic. Terribly tragic; your dear sister had her soul ripped from her body and merged with another. What was left of her...'#'well. i put out of its misery.' she's very cloying towards damian and this is on purpose because she thinks its funny to get under his ski#goes out of her way to only ever refer to him as 'little brother' but if she can't she'll call him sickeningly sweet nicknames.#this happens about oooo midway 'redemption'? Where Laya is actually rather fond of Dany and is starting to consider her as a sister#as well. and she likes Ali. Laya herself is still rather unsympathetic to the world around her. only acts on a kindness for 'her people'#her people includes Dany which is why she even actually told Damian that Dany was alive and gave him an incentive to look for her#because she saw DAny mourning another lost birthday for her little brother and decided to go 'aw fuck who gave me feelings' and decided to#make it everyones problem.#starry rambles
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bumblesimagines · 5 months
i just like having sex with you sometimes. that's all. let's set some ground rules. so… how do we do this? Sarah Cameron
i just like having sex with you sometimes. that's all.
let's set some ground rules.
so… how do we do this?
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
and so the sequel becomes a holy trinity
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Sarah Cameron was a pretty girl. Everyone knew it, whether they acknowledged it with awe, envy, or lust, everyone knew the Cameron genes worked like magic. The button nose, the full lips, the sun-kissed skin, the luscious hair that was a mix of blonde and brown strands, the dark brown eyes. The talk of the town, the pretty princess of Figure Eight, the beloved darling of the Cameron family. Sarah Cameron had no business being in the Cut. Hell, she had no business hanging out with JJ's troublemaking friends. She had no business seeking him out, and no business lying in the bed of a Maybank. Funny how the world worked, (Y/N) thought. 
Maybanks and Camerons weren't supposed to mix. They were from two different worlds. And yet...
Between the altercation between JJ and their father and Barry's rage over being jumped and robbed, (Y/N) had an ever-growing headache. He found himself glad JJ had beaten their father into near silence and fucked off before (Y/N) could get home, although he'd left him to patch their father up and deal with quiet, angered mutterings. His father luckily seemed either too exhausted or too drunk to bother him much, leaving him to spend his free day in his room listening to music while he gathered the will to get a Tylenol and step out into the world. He could use a drink or two or three. Maybe he'd stop by a bar and listen to Barracuda Mike's tales about his international dealings until the alcohol knocked him unconscious. 
Following in Daddy Dearest's footsteps. Typical.
His father staggered into the doorway, slamming his fist twice against the old wooden door with a sneer. (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat and he tentatively paused the music, eyeing the subtle way his father swayed from side to side. Nobody could make him revert to childhood like Luke did, back when he'd cradle a crying JJ while JJ's mom and Luke got into screaming matches over one thing or the other. "Mind tellin' me why the hell there's a Cameron standin' on our goddamn porch? I don't want no problems with Ward, (Y/N)." 
"Jesus," (Y/N) exhaled, pulling the earbuds from his ears and standing up. "Which Cameron, Dad? The idiot or the chick?"
"The chick." Fuckin' Camerons. Fuckin' Sarah. "If Ward catches wind of his little girl strutting aroun' here half-naked-"
"What are you even talking about?" (Y/N) tossed his phone aside and sucked his teeth, slipping past his father and hearing those familiar heavy footsteps follow him to the front door. Sure enough, there stood Sarah Cameron, her head tilted out toward the marsh and arms folded over her bare stomach. Christ. 
"I want no problems. Understood, boy?" Luke hissed in his ear, moving past him and sparing the blonde a glance before he walked toward his truck. (Y/N) inhaled deeply and ran a hand over his face, finding relief in the fact his father coincidentally needed to head into town under the guise of an errand, when they both knew Luke only ran 'errands' when he needed a hit of something strong. Probably needed something to take his mind off the bruises on his face. 
"I shouldn't have to explain why showing up here, on the Cut, dressed in a bikini top and shorts is a shit idea, Sarah." 
"I was going to the beach with some- whatever, it doesn't matter. I... I wanted to talk about the other day, alright? You know, when you basically yelled at me-" 
"Yeah, yeah, okay. Next time, instead of showing up, you get my number from one of the Pogues and you text me, alright? The guys my dad hangs out with call girls like you jailbait, Sarah. They're sleazy fucks who couldn't care less about where you come from." (Y/N) huffed, but regardless, he pushed the front door open enough for her to step inside, eyes following the cloud of dust left behind by his father's truck as it sped down the road. 
The Maybank's home was hardly anything to look at but (Y/N) managed to keep it clean, at least whenever Hurricane Luke didn't pass through. The general upkeep, and frankly everything else, fell on his shoulders with JJ gone half the time and Luke too intoxicated to care about the world around him. Just about every piece of furniture was old, passed down from Maybank to Maybank without so much as a repair or restoration. At the very least, trying to fix the broken things at a young age had given him some pretty decent skills. He couldn't do much about the holes in the walls and doors, though. 
"It's my day off, Sarah. I'd like to spend it without stressing over any of the bullshit that's been going on the past couple of days, 'kay? Say your piece and go off with your boytoy, princess. I want to have a beer in hand by noon so make it quick." (Y/N) sat back on the armrest of the worn couch, crossing his arms and watching the girl study her surroundings. Sarah slipped her tote bag off her shoulder and set it on another seat, leaning back against the barely used dining table. Great. Definitely wasn't going to be quick.
"I didn't appreciate you getting in my face, for starters. It was rude and unnecessary and I wasn't even given a chance to explain our side of the story. We found the gold in the Crain house and we went to your job thinking you were there. You weren't, obviously. The old lady and Barry were and they set us up. Barry held us at gunpoint and tried robbing us. We defended ourselves. JJ went rogue and robbed Barry. We told him not to." Sarah kept her arms crossed as she spoke, finishing with a light shrug and slightly jutted lips. "I'm not a thief and I'm not a liar, either. I wanted to set the story straight." 
"You could've found diamonds or emeralds or rubies in that old ass house, and I still would've been pissed about this treasure hunt continuing. Big John is dead and you know how he died? Treasure hunting. John B wants to die like his dad? Fine by me. I stopped liking him a long time ago. But JJ? The idiot that I spent my whole life raising? I'm gonna make sure that little shit dies of old age. If you want to merrily march into danger with Routledge, fine, go for it. Keep my brother out of it."
"Why do you keep bringing JB up as if I like him? I already told you John B isn't my boyfriend. He's my friend, and yes, I care about him. I-I want to see him happy and that's why I'm helping him but-"
"Is that the only reason you're helping him?" (Y/N) asked, rising from the armrest and taking slow steps toward the blonde. Her brows lifted slightly and her lips twitched, slowly curling upward into that little smile despite how much she tried resisting it. She looked away from him defiantly and clicked her tongue, eyes trailing back toward him.
"Are you suggesting I became friends with John B just to see you? Quite the ego you've got, Maybank. I said I liked you, not that I'm obsessed with you." Her voice softened, laced with playfulness and a hint of mischief, her previous irritation (if she'd even been irritated to begin with) long gone. 
"I was gonna say you wanted to piss off Carrera but if that's the first thing that came to mind..." He trailed off, hearing her scoff in soft disbelief before she swatted at his shoulder halfheartedly. She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips slightly, peering up at him through her dark lashes. 
"You're a dick." She murmured, not nearly as offended as the last time she'd uttered those words.
"Yeah," He dipped down slightly, hands finding the back of her thighs and fingers digging into the warm plushness of her skin. Her hands landed on his shoulders, soft giggles leaving her as he lifted her onto the table, the wood creaking softly under the added weight. One hand slid up from his shoulder and curled around his neck, the tip of her nails slightly scraping against his skin. Sarah's skin flushed. "And the sky's blue."
"But what else is new, right?" Her lips stretched out into a smile before she leaned in, pressing them against his as his hands moved from her thighs to her hips, half his palms pressing against her skin and the other half against her denim shorts. He pulled her closer until she'd gone flush against him, her legs wrapping loosely around him. Her arm curled around his shoulder and her head tilted to the side, a muffled, flustered giggle leaving her when his teeth lightly dug into her bottom lip. His hand moved and pressed flat against her exposed back, trailing upward until his fingers found the bottom straps of the olive green bikini. With one swift tug, they went undone. 
There was a dizzying aspect to making out with a Cameron, he'd come to realize. Maybe it was the knowledge that her father could be considered one of the most influential men on the island or that his life could change for better or worse with just a word from her. It was an intoxicating feeling if he had to be honest. Sarah seemed to feel similarly considering her fingers dug into him and pulled him as close as possible, her breath escaping her in soft pants. She leaned back briefly and pulled her hands away, dipping them under her hair and undoing the straps keeping the bikini on her. She tossed it aside blindly and mushed their lips together again, arms coiling around him and body slightly lifting itself onto him. His hands returned to her thighs and he lifted her again, letting muscle memory kick in as he found his way back to his bedroom.
He really needed to stop hanging out with the Pogues. They were messing with his judgment.
At the very least, he'd spent his free day doing something fun, even if regret began to dig into his back. He was a Maybank. He lived up to the asshole playboy part of his family's reputation 'cause there was nothing better than messing around to take the stress off, but he never enjoyed toying with someone's heart. He'd made a rule in middle school after his first heartbreak to never knowingly get involved with anyone who actually liked him. The first time with Sarah hadn't broken that rule but now... 
"Can I ask what we are or will that ruin your mood?" Sarah's voice piped up, her lips dragging lightly over his shoulder. His fingertip ran up and down her spine, feeling the goosebumps along her skin while he stared at the ceiling. It felt grounding to have weight pressing him against the bed, even if it was Sarah Cameron of all people. 
"I just like having sex with you sometimes. That's all." He answered and she shifted, hands planting themselves on either side of his head and body lifting itself up slightly. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders, the ends tickling his cheek. 
"Sometimes?" She repeated with an arched brow. "You want to do this more often?"
"You're not bad for a virgin." He murmured. 
"Not one anymore, remember?" 
"Yeah, I remember." His hand moving along her back dipped under the covers that'd pooled around her hips, squeezing the skin hiding underneath. She flushed immediately and lowered herself back onto him, burying her warmed face in his neck and huffing. "You were pretty loud-"
"Okay." She groaned and lifted her head again, her reddened cheeks puffed out slightly. "So… how do we do this? Have you done this before?"
"Yeah, until she and I had a pregnancy scare. It was enough to make us block each other." (Y/N) answered, pushing himself up slightly and against the wall behind his pillows. Her legs tangled around his further, and her eyes widened at the revelation. "Let's set some ground rules. I'm going to give you my number and you'll use it whenever you want to see me. If anyone asks, it's just to keep in touch about JJ. Routledge probably thinks you've got the hots for him so I'd prefer if you didn't tell him or Thornton. Let those two go at each other. If you want to be spontaneous like today, you bring protection. I really don't need a little bastard running around right now." 
"I've been on birth control since freshmen year. Rose insisted on it."
"Good for you. My mom was on it when she decided to fuck around and find out and here I am now." He raised his brows at her. "Anyways... don't get your hopes up for anything, Sarah. I mean it. If you don't think you can handle it, that's fine. We're supposed to be having fun, not getting hurt by disappointment."
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weebsinstash · 4 months
Really like the idea of a yandere Vox who is so ride or die for his overconsumerist capitalist Musk-esque lifestyle UNTIL he sees it negatively affecting his darling and does a complete 180
like take that poly red string soulmate Vox x Reader x Alastor concept and, you've got Alastor KINDA warming up to technology and willing to watch TV and do other things with you but he's still not a fan of you being on your phone constantly and some of the video games and movies you consume. He's on the couch reading a paper and (affectionately) rolling his eyes as you and Vox take turns headshotting each other in a video game and hollering "hell yeah, suck my fucking dick!!"
Meanwhile Vox is just 200% chronically online and loving it until one day he asks you why you wear baggy clothes all the time and you're ever so casually replying "because my body is fucking icky, duh" and Vox has absolutely no idea what you're talking about until you break down on a tangent about it
I was watching a clip the other day where someone was pointing out that Marilyn Monroe was considered the 50s icon of beauty and there are plenty of photos with her with thick thighs or a visible belly pooch and, imagine Vox sitting there, the disbelieving 'are you joking?' smile falling off of his face as you just, go OFF, "why would I wear anything other than sweatpants? I have fucking CELLULITE VOX, I'll NEVER have leggings legs no matter how thin I am, and look at my hip dips, they're so fucking GROSS, and my butt isn't shaped right, I have banana rolls, and, do I have siren eyes or doe eyes?! Am I bunny cute or am I frog cute?! And look at how bad my facial balancing is! Ugh, where's my gua sha?! I'm so tired of being UGLY!!"
Later that week Alastor is looking up from his paper to see Vox just, slowly entering the room, sloooooowly shutting the door behind him, looking to his old friend, "so hey! Funny idea, stop me if you've heard this one before but, I was thinking we could uh, maybe take their phone away annnnnnnnnnd... not give it back?" and here's Alastor, "oh, funny story! So earlier today they asked me if I 'wouldn't like them anymore' if they got COSMETIC SURGERY, yeah, ON THEIR FACE BELIEVE IT OR NOT, so, naturally, I'm already one step ahead of you :)" as he just casually gestures to the smashed wifi router in the garbage can in the corner of the room
You just get home from work one day and Vox has his CRT head back on and you're told 'if you want to look something up online, you can use the desktop in the computer room, and only 3 hours of screen time' and it all but blasts you 15 years into the past 💀 no more nights where you're gaming for 5+ hours straight and ruining your sleep. No more skipping meals because you're hyperfocused and binge-watching an anime while also playing an idle game on your phone. No more Alastor and Vox finding out you're just smoking bowls for hours literally nonstop because you need some sort of extra stimulation while you doomscroll and watch 3 hour long roast reviews for shows you've never watched
Alastor catches you swiping through an app and you get a divisive video thrown in your face from some alpha dude bro podcast, "yeah, a real man knows how to protect his lady! She should be at home cooking and keeping the house clean, not running around like a tramp and doing dumb chick stuff! All women need to focus on is marriage and being good wives, you know, a TRADITIONAL relationship!" and Alastor is just, swiping that shit out of your hand, "he DOES have a bit of a point, repulsive as he is! I suppose I'll have to start looking at potential dwellings that can fit you, me, and, I SUPPOSE Vox too 🙄" and little do you know he's already got a cute little home in the 'burbs set up already. He's just... you know! Waiting for the right moment to let you and the annoying TV bastard know that you'll be moving! Maybe he'll just... wait until the day of! Nothing beats a fun surprise, right? ^^ he doesn't want either of you... trying to run away or anything after all haha!
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Our Nest (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob are preparing for your little one's arrival and already, shenanigans have ensued
Warnings: Pregnancy, parenthood, Auggie being a menace etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @callmemana @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @sebsxphia and the lovely @bradshawsbaby my darling, I leave this as a little gift for you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
It was one of those gloriously warm spring days in Montana when all the flowers were in bloom, the windows of the house open to let in the breeze and the birds singing. The lilacs and the crape myrtles that you and Bob had planted after your wedding several years before had fully bloomed already, releasing their heady scents and causing more than a few sneezing fits.
Bob hummed a little as he organized the bookshelf in the corner of the nursery, right next to the rocking chair. Already Meemaw and Papa had sent over an old box of books that had been his when he was a baby, each one carefully picked with all the love in the world and inscribed with his date of birth and a message from Meemaw and Papa.
"Whatcha got Bob?" you asked folding one of the little blue onesies to put in the laundry.
"All the books that were mine when I was a baby," he answered. "Got Baby's Good Morning Book, Baby's Bedtime Book, Baby's Story Book, the Christmas Stories, Child's Story Book, Child's Fairy Tale Book, Peter Rabbit and.......looks like Winnie The Pooh too."
You couldn't help but ooh and aah over the books and their illustrations. You wished you could have a few of them to hang on the walls.
"Hey!" chirped a little toddler voice. "Get out me swamp!!"
You and Bob laughed when you saw Auggie running to the door with the kitchen broom as soon as the doorbell rang, when who should enter but Jake Seresin himself, greeted by his godson wielding a broom.
"Bob! I think Shrek's at it again!" Jake announced. "He's chasing me out of his swamp!"
"You're the one who had to show him that movie," Bob informed him.
Jake rolled his eyes as Auggie laughed and hugged his leg, hanging on for dear life and giggling like crazy as Jake lifted one leg and then the other.
"How goes Mommas?" Jake said, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Good, save for the fact that my husband is right there watching you," you chuckled.
"Hey it's called being courteous, it's technically not flirting," Jake explained.
"Although Natasha might disagree."
Jake made a noise that caught in his throat, his hand moving quickly to protectively cup his denim clad scrotum.
"That's what we thought," Bob said with a shit eating grin.
Jake gathered up Auggie to go and cause havoc elsewhere for the day, leaving you and Bob to finish putting together the nursery. You unpacked all the baby clothes, blankets, shoes and other things your family and friends had sent you over the last few months including adorable little bunnies, puppies, bears, elephants and duckies for your little boy.
"Oh remember this?" you laughed, unfolding one of the blankets from the box.
"Oh, my Uncle Red's wife made that years ago," Bob cooed, holding up the little ducky quilt. "I used to sleep with it every night and Mom had to wrestle it away just to wash it."
You and Bob shared a few laughs as you kept organizing and putting everything together. Outside, you could see two mountain bluebirds in the nest they had made in the crape myrtle, wondering if there were any eggs due to hatch. Already the chicks had begun to hatch while there were more horse and cow births happening at least twice a week. The bunnies too had been hard at work, their numbers multiplying in the last few weeks as well.
"Oof," you breathed, feeling your baby kick. "Oh I know little guy, you're ready."
Bob helped you up from where you had been sitting, letting you lean against him as his hand rested gently on your belly. "Did he drop?" he asked.
You nodded.
Bob smiled broadly as he knelt to kiss your bump. "Now you wait a minute mister," Bob chuckled. "There's still some things we need to get ready for you."
You laughed as Bob pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. He wasn't wrong. Even though you were days away from giving birth, there were still so many things to do in such a tiny time frame.
The next few days were spent prepping the house and finishing the nursery. The laundry and the last of your knitting went smoothly although your cats would have said otherwise. Bluey and Echo, Bob's two blue-heelers, had taken to fetching the oddest things from the other rooms which led to an odd assortment of everything piling up in the living room. But you wouldn't have had it any other way.
At last, the day had come, a warm and calm night when you woke up suddenly after your water broke unexpectedly. Jake and Natasha came to take Auggie back to their place for a while, while your midwife came to the house to help. Bob stayed with you the whole time, just as he had done with Auggie, letting you squeeze his hand as you relaxed in the warm bath.
At long last, on June 1st, at 1:30 in the morning, your sweet little boy, Patrick Lewis Floyd, was born; sharing a birthday with Bob's father Joe. As soon as you were back in yours and Bob's shared bed, he snapped a few photos and sent them to his parents, siblings and the Daggers. It's not long before his phone is flooded with messages, all from the proud aunts, uncles and grandparents of your new little boy.
Joe and Irene, Bob's parents, are proud as ever of their grandson and of you both, more so now that Joe can joke about Patrick being his birthday present for that year. His Meemaw and Papa are all too proud to be great-grandparents again, all of them offering to come by and help with whatever is needed.
You and Bob wake later the next day at the sound of Patrick's fussing in the little bedside bassinet, Bob carefully lifting him into his arms and bringing him to the window to hear the birds singing. Patrick calms right down as soon as he's heard the birds sing and as soon as he's latched onto you to feed.
And when you and Bob are snuggled in your shared bed with Auggie coming in to see his new baby brother, you are both overjoyed and happy at the little nest you've built together.
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jmliebert · 18 days
bg3 on a beach (modern headcanons)
some little beach-day headcanons ˙ᵕ˙
𓇼 Astarion 𓇼
the one who brought sunscreen with SPF 50
and basically an entire beach bag of skincare essentials— lip balm, hand cream, hand sanitizer, hair comb (gold-plated), facial mist, perfumes….
….a chic umbrella that screams "I don't do tan lines" (you didn’t know umbrellas might be chic? wel, you’ve obviously never met astarion, you poor soul)
struts around in Dior or Armani swim trunks that probably cost more than everyone else’s entire beach wardrobe (taste, darling)
throws subtle shade at anyone who dares to get sand near his setup
𓇼 Gale 𓇼
sitting next to Astarion under the chick umbrella, reading a brick-tome that looks way too heavy for a beach day
loose, unbuttoned shirt flapping in the breeze, looking like he's ready to casually narrate the next chapter of his life
dips into the water only to cool off, then returns to his book (wears a wide brimmed hat while swimming because sunburns are for novices)
brings some fruits, maybe homemade snacks i(f he’s feeling particulary extra)
puts on sunglasses, claiming it’s for “eye protection,” but really so he can unashamedly observe everyone else (astarion observes everyone at the beach as well, but making no effort to hide it though)
𓇼 Halsin 𓇼
totally would have preferred to go to a nudist beach, but hey, what won’t he do for his party?
sunbathes directly under the scorching rays, basking in nature's warm embrace
gives off major retired surfer vibes—minus the board, plus a lot of wisdom about underwater ecosystems
spends most of the day diving, befriending the fish, and enthusiastically recounting his underwater adventures to Shadowheart
as the sun sets, he meditates, he’s body looking positively glorious as the golden light hits just right
𓇼 Wyll 𓇼
rolls in with a cooler full of chilled beer, instantly becoming everyone’s favorite person
the one who’s super into every beach sport there is
performs cartwheels and somersaults, showing off a little (endd up with a head full of sand)
borrows Halsin’s goggles and disappears for an hour or two, only to resurface with a story about an underwater adventure
comforts a crying child who lost their bucket, instantly becoming a hero of the beach
𓇼 Karlach 𓇼
alexa, play starships by nicki minaj
fearless of the sun—probably doesn’t even know what sunscreen is
the most grateful for Wyll's beer, probably cracking open a can before she even sets up her towel (if it's a bottle, she’ll open it with her teeth)
hypes everyone up for a beach volleyball match, whether they want to play or not
dominates the game with killer serves, yelling “BOOM!” every time she scores
𓇼 Shadowheart 𓇼
aka Wednesday Addams on vacation, complete with a black swimsuit and a hat so big it casts shade on half the beach
floats around on an floatie, giving off strong “don’t bother me” vibes
quietly builds a sandcastle that turns out to be an architectural masterpiece (It’s somehow both gothic and impressive)
doesn’t know how to swim but hasn’t admitted it to anyone. Instead, she’s perfected the art of looking mysterious while staying close to the shore
smiles at dogs playing in the distance
𓇼 Lae’zel 𓇼
laughs in the face of sunburn
side-eyes Astarion and Gale applying sunscreen, muttering something about “weakness” under her breath
joins Shadowheart for a few minutes of sandcastle building, then pretends she wasn’t enjoying it
hyper-competitive during beach volleyball, diving for every ball like it’s a life-or-death situation
inevitably gets sunburned, grudgingly wears Gale’s hat, and glares at anyone who dares to mention it
𓇼 Jaheira 𓇼
doesn't have time for this shit
you can find more of my works about bg3 ♡here♡
the summer is ending, I feel it in my bones, so I just had to write this one hihi
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Larissa Weems Masterlist
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Mommy…Master List
Approach at your own risk... smut = * extra smutty=**
First Times Chapter Series Masterlist
April Fools (Sex Pollen) Part 1*
& Part 2*
Dreams, You Say? Part 1*
& Part 2**
Pomegranate Lips Ch 1: Morning Cup of Black & Blush
Ch 2: Take Me to Coffee First…
Ch 3: Under Against My Heel*
Ch 4: Tipping Point
Ch 5: Nights Spent Together*
Ch 6: Hope
Ch 7: Healing Takes Time
Ch 8: ~In the Works (;
Jealous, Are We? ~sub!larissa xdom!marilyn xdom!reader Part 1**,
Part 2**
Bend us, Break us ~sub!larissa xsub!morticia xdom!Reader Part 1,
Part 2*, Part 3*, Part 4**, & Cupid Struck Thrice
What the Body Wants Part 1**,
Part 2** & Part 3
One Shots
Only For You
Bite Me ~young!larissa xyoung!morticia*
Too Far?*
Use Me**
A Long Day ~Fanart &Headcanons
Louder ~sub!larissa**
Tears of Care
Sweet Corruption**
Even Though…
Senseless ~sub!larissa*
Let Me Take Care of You ~sub!larissa*
A Break from Work ~sub!larissa*
Try Me ~sub!larissa*
Pretty Red Lips ~young!sub!larissa xyoung!morticia
Relax, Angel ~sub!larissa*
Why Me?*
Desk Activities*
Asking for It*
Mind’s Betrayal ~young!sub!larissa xprofessor!reader*
Fuck Me Dirty ~sub!larissa**
Last Straw
Bad Chick*
Pencil Skirts &Mommy’s Desk*
No Where Near Finished ~sub!larissa*
Breath, My Love
Careful What You Wish For ~sub!larissa*
More than just Sex*
I Take Care of What’s Mine*
“I love MILFS” shirt…
Playful Chemistry*
Women in Power make My Knees Wobble ~Morissa xReader*
Even the Boss Needs a Break ~sub!larissa*
Takes One to Know One ~Larissa xLady Lesso**
Tipsy Nights*
Give it to Me*
Hello Darling ~Larissa Weems Fanart
Mirror Reflection*
Initialized Necklace ~gn!reader
My Kind of Crazy ~Young!Morissa feat. Professor!Reader*
Larissa Weems’ Sexuality
Some Fun… ~Morissa xReader*
Mere Thought of You**
Fabulous Night to Remember ~Alrissa xReader**
Wonderful Introductions ~AFAB!Genderfluid!Reader*
Drunk Courage
Finally Seen ~gn!Reader
On and On ~Sub!Larissa xFem g!p!Reader*
In Times of Need ~Sub!Larissa**
Dinner Party Deals*
Marking/Branding Kink with Larissa Weems*
Numb and Afraid ~Soft!Larissa
Convince Me, Darling
Bait Me**
Music Lover ~Larissa Weems Headcanons
Spicy Fantasies ~Larissa xMelissa xReader*
Breath Play Fetish with Larissa Weems*
Everybody Needs Somebody
We Want Who We Want ~Holiday Bingo**
The Way You Adore Me (Like No Other) ~Fem!BestFriend!Reader**
Platinum Goddess to the Rescue ~Fem!Student!Reader
Give Me What I Want ~Bratty!Bottom!Larissa
Put You in Your Place ~Dom!Larissa xFem Switch!Bratty!Reader*
You’re Too Good for Me ~Larissa Weems xBrienne of Tarth*
Give It To Me Over The Phone ~Morissa (Sub!Larissa Weems xDom!Daddy!Morticia Addams) xFem Dom!Mommy!Reader*
Under My Thumb ~Dark!Mommy!Larissa Weems xFem Student!Reader*
I Don’t Go Down Easy ~Sub!Mommy!Larissa Weems xFem Dom!Daddy!Reader*
My Good Little Sluts ~Sub!Larissa Weems xSub!Lady Lesso xFem Dom!Reader**
Melting ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Dominant!Mistress!Reader**
When the Heat is Mutual ~Alpha!Larissa Weems x Omega!Marilyn Thornhill xFem Beta!Younger!Student!Reader (A/B/O{Omegaverse} Au)
Utter Submission ~Sub!Larissa*
The Filth We Share… ~Daddy!Larissa*
Quivering at Your Touch ~Sub!Larissa Weems xFem Mommy!Younger(20s)!Assistant!Reader (feat. Morticia Addams)**
Strip Me of My Power ~Dom!Larissa Weems x Sub!Bratty!Lady Lesso**
Take Me Back to Shore ~Broken!Wifey!Larissa Weems xComforting!Wifey!Alcina Dimitrescu(AlrissaAU)
Oh and I take Requests, so hit me up with your ideas 😉 Requests & Prompt-List
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ddollfface · 7 months
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞, 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐌𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡
𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗦𝗶𝗰𝗸!𝗔𝘁𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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"Your clothes would look nice on my bedroom floor."
Trigger Warnings; not proofread, pretty sure reader is described as 'girlfriend' or 'girl' somewhere, yandere behavior, extremely toxic behavior, manipulation, rip if you know someone like this irl, abuse of systems, abuse of pretty privilege (can't relate lol), and, as usual, bad writing. If I missed anything, then please let me know ♡ Here 'ya go 💗!Nonny, the second part of your request!! I hope it's to your standards... I'm not proofreading anything I'm putting out rn. I'm way too tired. I hope everyone had a good President's weekend))
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Our boy is literally the definition of pretty privilege. He's got everything a girl would ever want, and he's the envy of all the guys on campus. He's sculpted like a Greek god, thanks to his Persian genetics and daily visits to the gym.
Everyone and anyone will listen to what LoveSick!Athlete's gotta say, and they'll do whatever he's asked, if he's saying it in a certain tone with a certain face. This is his manipulative personality coming into play. He understands that people will listen to him, for whatever reason, and he uses it to his advantage, scaring away any guys you may or may not find attractive.
Usually, it's pretty easy to do as they're just one of your classmates that you just find handsome, but you've never thought of talking to them, much less pursuing them. You're introverted personality (in this type of darling) makes it easy for him to keep you all to himself.
The two of you have been together for years, ever since you were little kids, and you trust everything he says, but not for superficial reasons like everyone else. You see him for who he is. You understand that he'd never do anything to hurt you; I'm just looking out for you, yeah? Just take my word for it, he's not worth your time.
In this case, with this darling, the two of you aren't dating, in your eyes at least. And LoveSick!Athlete has been pursuing you for quite some time, but he's patient. The two of you are practically attached at the hip, and that alone scares off any of your suitors, so even if you find someone (guy or chick) attractive, then they're gone before you can even say 'hello'.
Now, I've gone over how LoveSick!Athlete deals with his 'competitors', though he doesn't see them as this, in this post. This post is more geared toward how he deals with jealousy, but I drabble on the idea of putting down other men and making you see them in a bad light.
LoveSick!Athlete don't see these men, no matter how you see them, as a threat to your relationship, nor his ego. The two of you are far too out of reach for them to touch; they can't get to you, but it's different when it's his teammate. Especially since he never shuts up about them, so they know that he's pursuing you or you're in a relationship (depending on the time).
Overall, I think LoveSick!Athlete would treat the situation similarly with his teammate as he would with some random guy, but he'll have a bitter taste in his mouth whenever he sees said teammate now. It's possible that he'll be rougher with them on the ice, pushing them harder, elbowing them, and tripping them. Of course, no one will notice. After all, he's their star player, he'd never do anything to hurt his teammates, never.
He'll bad mouth them, behind their back of course, to his other teammates and you, can't forget about you. He'll go on and on about all the things they've done over the summer while school was out. How they're so aggressive toward girls, especially the ones that say 'no' to him. You wouldn't believe what Sonia told me, sweets. She said...
Once you get him talking, he won't stop. LoveSick!Athlete would never, ever, miss the opportunity to trash on of his rivals. If the guy seems persistent and tries to talk to you, god, let alone he touches you, he'll rain hellfire on the campus. He'll get some college girls to go report him to the campus office, saying that they were assaulted by him. LoveSick!Athlete might even plant some drugs into the guy's bag, causing him to lose his athletic scholarship.
And if the guy tries to tell on him, like a rat, then he'll just be brushed off as "desperate" and "attention-seeking." That he's trying to push the blame on someone else, 'cause there's no way LoveSick!Athlete would ever do something like that.
He's the team's sweetheart, after all.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 8 months
For the celebration (congrats btw!!) could we see the first time that it came up in conversation that Jake had a crush on a mystery girl? However you pictured it happening! Unless it’s too early to reveal it or if you have other plans for it! You can completely ignore this!!
I love your work!!
Aww thank you so much, darling! I love love love this request! I imagine this conversation happening between part 6 and 7 :D Hope you like it!
5k Weekend Bash Drabbles
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Brother's Best Friend - Off Limits
Jake Seresin x Reader
“What’s the matter with you?”
Jake looks up from his drink, a little dazed. “What do you mean?”
Bradley gives him a pointed look. “Well, you didn’t even notice the two chicks we passed on the patio on our way in. Twins. You let me crush you at Mortal Kombat. Twice. You’ve barely touched your beer. And I’m pretty sure you weren’t listening to my rant about the pickles.”
“The pickles?” Jake cocks his head in confusion.
Bradley nods. “Mm-hm, the pickles that are supposed to be on this burger.” He gestures at his half-eaten meal.
Jake stares at Bradley for a moment. “Can’t believe I almost missed that.”
Bradley purses his lips sourly and returns his attention to his food. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re distracted.”
Jake looks down at his own plate and mutely picks up a fry.
Bradley, who’s about to take a bite, slowly lowers his burger, watching Jake zone out again as he chews. Bradley smirks, setting his burger down. “Spill,” he demands.
Jake cringes. “There’s nothing to spill.”
Bradley starts chortling. “Who is she?”
Jake sighs uneasily and finally meets Bradley’s gaze. “Uh, you don’t know her.”
“You bang her yet?”
Jake tries not to wince. “No. She… doesn’t know.”
“Doesn’t know what?” But after two seconds of contemplation, Bradley leans into the table excitedly. “Are you telling me you’re hung up on a chick who has no clue that you’re into her?”
Jake swallows uncomfortably. “Looks like it,” he responds miserably.
“Why haven’t you asked her out?”
Jake glances up at his friend, doing his best not to appear overly guilty. “She’s bad news.”
Bradley’s grin broadens. “I like the sound of that.”
Jake suppresses a groan. “No, it’s not what you think.”
“What do I think?”
Jake grimaces, staring into his fizzing beer. “I just mean… she’s not an option.”
“Because?” Bradley raises his eyebrows expectantly.
Jake shifts in his seat and looks back up warily. The truth is, he wouldn’t mind talking about you at all. In fact, he’s dying to tell his best friend about the emotional turmoil he’s been contending with since he realized he had feelings for you. But, as luck would have it, Bradley is actually the root of the problem, and consequently the last person Jake should be sharing with. Still, Jake really can’t resist talking about you, given how much he’s lately been keeping to himself. “Because she’s” – off limits – “taken.”
Bradley nods sympathetically. “Been there.”
Jake grips his beer stein and lifts it off the table. “Her boyfriend is a real piece of work, too.”
“So, show her that you’re better. Easy.”
Jake sets his beer back down without taking a drink. “Am I?”
Bradley leans back in his seat with a chuckle. “Oh no,” he says.
“You fucking like her, dude.”
“I told you, I like her.”
“No.” Bradley shakes his head. “No, no. You don’t just like her, man. You like her.”
Jake is watching Bradley impassively. “Are you fucking glitching?”
Bradley laughs. “Admit it!”
Jake opens his mouth to protest that he already has, but then closes it again because obviously Bradley is right. “Yes, I fucking like her, Bradshaw. I like her enough to know that she shouldn’t be with me.”
Bradley’s obnoxious cackle has fizzled to a merry chuckle now and he shakes his head with a loud, theatrical sigh. “My boy is growing up!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“I’m so proud of you, man.”
“I said, shut the fuck up, Bradshaw.”
Bradley raises his hands in surrender. “Okay,” he says giddily. “So, tell me about her.”
5k Celly
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Reading Romance
Hyunjin x Thick female reader
Word count: 4.2K
Synopsis: While hanging out and reading with your best friend Hyunjin he catches a glimpse at what you're book is about and wants to know more.
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A/N: Number 5! Only 3 left to go and I have at least an idea of what the rest will be! I hope you like this one, if you do please reblog, like, comment, hit up my ask box, I always get great feedback with these so I really appreciate it! As usual warnings and smut below the cut.
Warnings: 18+ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, light bondage, pet names (darling, beautiful etc), slight Hyunjin dom/MC sub dynamic (kinda sorta not really), oral (m&f receiving), deep throating/face fucking, multiple orgasms/overstimulation, use of the color system (never yellow or red), squirting, tearing up during sex(?), cum play/cum eating, unprotected piv sex (please use condoms), cream pie. I think that's everything but if I ever miss anything please let me know and I'll add it asap!
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One of the reasons Hyunjin was your best friend was your mutual ability to be completely fine sitting silent in a room together. Whether you were reading, painting, even watching tv, whatever, the two of you were content just existing in the same space and called it hanging out. Today Hyunjin came over to your place for the two of you to do some painting in your studio and you had for about an hour or so. Now the two of you were sitting on your couch reading together quietly.  
Hyunjin’s book was a series of short stories that intersected into each other and all tied together in the end. You were reading a book one of the girls from your book club had recommended to you on the low. It was... spicy... and normally not a book you’d be reading around anyone, let alone Hyunjin, but it really had a great plot and you were hooked so you were reading a smutty book, sitting with your insanely gorgeous best friend. Needless to say when it came upon a sex scene you started blushing and couldn’t help but look up at Hyunjin and imagine if you were in that scenario. It would never happen in a million years but a big girl could dream.  
In reality, guys that were that beautiful didn’t go for the chubby art chick. Hyunjin was a sweet guy and a good friend so you shouldn’t be picturing him in any scenarios, yet your eyes would scan the sultry words on your page and then drift up to the man frowning at the book in front of him. You jumped a little focusing on your book again when Hyunjin closed his. 
“This book is boring, predictable. What are you reading?” You almost choked when he asked but rebounded quickly. 
“Oh! Uh... umm... a romance.” Hyunjin nodded. 
“Let me take a look.” You scoffed, trying to be nonchalant, but you could feel your ears starting to burn.  
“I’m reading it right now Hyunjin.” He mimicked you. 
“I’m reading it right now muhmuhmuh, mark your page and let me look at it for a second. If I like it I can just download it on my phone and read it.” You shook your head. 
“No like I said it’s a romance, you won’t like it.” Hyunjin held out his hand. 
“Do you remember who you’re talking to darling? I AM romance, now let me see.” 
“No.” No reason given this time, just no. Hyunjin was very curious now. 
“No?” You shook your head again. Hyunjin nodded. 
“Okay fine.” You relaxed a bit and Hyunjin lunged for the book in your hand snatching it away. 
“HYUNJIN! DON’T!” He held you back with one of his long arms as he opened your book and started reading. Unfortunately, he landed on the page you had been reading and one of the more risqué parts of the book. 
“Philippe grabbed his throbbing member!? And shoved it in again, gagging Krista with his hard thrusts to the back of her throat?! What the hell y/n you’re sitting here reading porn?!” You snatched the book back angry he’d taken it instead of listening to you. 
“It’s not porn, it’s a romance novel and I told you not to read it!” You got up and started storming off towards your room mad and Hyunjin followed. 
“Oh come on! I’m just teasing, don’t get mad.” You turned back towards him. 
“I asked you not to and you did anyway. It’s embarrassing Hyunjin okay?” He walked up to you. 
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, so there’s dirty words in your book, so what, I guarantee I watch porn way worse than any smutty book you’ve got.” You rolled your eyes shaking your head, going to walk off again. 
“That’s not the point...” Hyunjin followed grabbing your wrist and stopping you. 
“Well then what is it? Are you embarrassed because you were watching me?” Your jaw dropped. 
“Is that it? Because if it is... I mean don’t be. If I had a dollar for every time I imagined fucking you I’d be rich.” You tossed the book on one of the tables. 
“Hyunjin! I... what?” It took a second for your brain to catch up and register what he said. 
“Did you just say...” Hyunjin waited for you to finish your question and then finished it for you. 
“I imagined fucking you? Is that really surprising?” You stood there dumbfounded. 
“Uh... well... I mean... yea it kind of is. You mean you think of me and you like...” Hyunjin nodded finishing your sentence again. 
“Having sex together? Yea. Why wouldn’t I? You’re funny, smart, talented, sexy...” 
“I’m fat.” Hyunjin’s eyes narrowed at you. 
“That doesn’t make any of the other things I said about you untrue. So what if you’re bigger. Only a vain troglodyte would care about something so trivial and stupid.” You stood there utterly speechless and then something clicked for Hyunjin. 
“Did.... did you think I wouldn’t want to be with you because you’re bigger?” He sounded genuinely hurt. 
“Is that how I come off?” It wasn’t, you didn’t want him to think that. 
“No! No Jinnie that’s not how you come off. That...that’s just me projecting my shitty body image onto you. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have.” Hyunjin had always been nothing but sweet to you and if you hadn’t been so in your head about images and what people thought you’d have noticed that Hyunjin’s interest in you wasn’t purely as friends. You weren’t sure how you didn’t realize with how comfortable you both always were with each other. There was a reason for that, a mutual unspoken affection. 
“You don’t have to apologize y/n. You’ve grown up in a world telling you that you’re not pretty if you’re not skinny. I understand but I want you to know that’s not how I feel. I think you’re beautiful.” You didn’t know what to say. You stood there, Hyunjin still holding onto your arm. He took a step closer and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. The hand grasping your wrist let go. He caressed your face and cupped your cheek.  
“I’m gonna kiss you now...” You nodded and as he leaned in closer you closed your eyes. When you felt warm full lips pressed against yours sweetly, your hands came up and rested on Hyunjin’s chest and his other hand found your soft hip pulling you closer. He pulled away and ran his thumb over the apple of your cheek as he looked at you. You grasped his shirt and pulled him in for another kiss. Lips parting tongues teasing. You only pulled away once you both were breathless. Hyunjin bit at his pouty bottom lip, catching his breath, wrapping both arms around you, and resting his head against yours. He got a smirk on his face. 
“So what were you reading in that book that had you staring at me like that hmm?” You started blushing and shook your head. 
“Oh come on I already read about Phillipe’s throbbing member how much worse can it get.”  
“It gets worse trust me.” Hyunjin’s smile grew wider and he wiggled his eyebrows. 
“Well worse is better, let me take another look.” He went to grab the book off the table and you picked it up quickly. 
“Hyunjin...no...” He laughed softly. It was cute how shy you were being suddenly. Usually you were confident and spoke your mind around him easily. He wasn’t really used to this timid side. 
“Come on... show me what you were reading when you kept looking at me.” You stood there frozen with the book in hand. There was absolutely no way you could show him that part. Phillipe was a French masseuse and before grabbing his ‘throbbing member’ that Krista was gagging on, he had tied her to his massage table with silk ropes. You had looked up when you read it initially, looking at Hyunjin’s hands, imagining his long deft fingers tying knots around your wrists and ankles. 
“Look I won’t take it this time, just show me... or... read it to me?” He cocked his perfect eyebrow at you. That was diffidently not happening. 
“Fine I’ll show you... but...” Hyunjin tucked your hair behind your ear. 
“I’m not gonna judge you darling...” He leaned in by your ear. 
“I just want to know what sets your body on fire...” He kissed your neck those insanely soft lips of his pressed against your skin. 
“then dumb gasoline on it and give it to you.” He gently grabbed hold of your wrist again and pulled you to your own bedroom, where you had been storming off to in the first place. He let go of you when you walked through the door and made his way over to your bed, sitting on the edge of it. You hesitated. Was this really happening? Were you really about to sit on your bed with Hyunjin and show him the smut you were eye fucking him to? He pat the spot across from him on the bed. 
“Do you want to sit down?” You nodded walking over and sitting across from him on your bed, book still in hand. He scooched a little closer so that he could see over your shoulder a bit. You turned your head looking at him nervously. He kissed your shoulder and smiled at you. 
“It’s okay. I promise.” You gave him a little nod and started thumbing through the pages looking for where you were at. When you found it you held it open for Hyunjin to read. 
“This was the page I opened it to.” You nodded and he scanned through the type, getting closer to you, his warm breath fanning against your neck. His breathing hitched when he saw what you had been reading. 
“Is it the ropes darling? Hmm...” His lips were ghosting your skin but not touching. 
“Do you want me to tie you up? Make you cum?” Your breathing was coming out more labored and your skin was completely flushed. You looked over your shoulder at him again and shook your head softly. He tilted your head and started kissing down your neck and shoulder, pulling the straps of the tank top and bra you were wearing down. His arms wrapped around you from behind as he groped your soft body and he nibbled and kissed your neck. You leaned your head back against his shoulder giving him better access to you. Hyunjin moved from behind you and laid you back on the bed before getting on top of you, propping himself up, looking down at you. 
“I’m going to undress you and kiss all of my favorite parts of your gorgeous body, then I'm gonna go into your closet and grab four of your silk scarves and I’m going to tie you up and make you cum again, and again and again...” He started kissing down your neck to your chest between each word. He lifted your shirt up and over your head and grabbed your full breasts before burying his face between them licking and kissing the soft skin. Your fingers combed through Hyunjin’s hair and you held on as he continued kissing down your tummy, then tugging at your pants sitting back and pulling them off, tossing them aside.  
He climbed between your legs and kissed the insides of your thighs, gently dragging his teeth across them. He kissed his way back up your body stopping at your tits again, pulling your bra down and sucking on one nipple and then the other. Hyunjin was pleased to see your bra opened from the front. He unhooked it and pulled the straps down and off of you. He kissed his way up further, his full lips overtaking yours in another heated kiss. His hands running up and down your plush body, memorizing every curve. Hyunjin hooked his fingers into the sides of your panties and pulled them down, you lifted your full ass up as he continued dragging them down and off. He sat back on his knees and took in every last inch of your plump frame. 
“God I wish you saw what I see...” Your felt your heart go soft. 
“Hyunjin...” Your eyes were glassy as tears started to rim them. 
“I really do darling, you’d never doubt how beautiful you were ever again if you saw what I see every time I look at you.” He hovered over you and kissed you sweetly, your hands sliding up his shoulders and neck, toying with the pieces of his long hair that had fallen from his ponytail. He sat back up peeling his own shirt off. 
“Get comfy gorgeous, I’ll be right back.” Hyunjin disappeared into your closet and reemerged with scarves thrown over one of his shoulders. He lost the pants and boxers on the way back over to you and when you saw him standing naked by the bed, you thought your heart was going to pound out of your chest. 
“That book has bondage, does it mention safe words?” You nodded. 
“Yes Jinnie.” It had; Phillipe had told Krista about the stoplight system. 
“And what did they teach you darling?”  
“Green is good, yellow is slow down, red means stop.” He shook his head smiling. 
“That’s my good girl.” You flushed when he said that, then he crawled back onto the bed by you. 
“Hands please.” You gave him your hands and he kissed the back of each before he gently tied your wrists together. With another scarf looped through your arms now joined at the wrist Hyunjin secured your hands above your head and to the headboard of your bed. He lightly ran his fingertips down your body and you softly pulled at the restraints needy for his touch goosebumps erupting all over your body. 
“Comfortable? Too tight?” You shook your head no. 
“They feel okay, not too tight.” Hyunjin gripped one of your ankles and kissed it before he started tying another one of the scarves around it. He tied the other end to one post of your footboard and walked around to the other side and gave the other ankle the same treatment. A sweet kiss and then tied to the opposite post, spreading your thick thighs for him and exposing your glistening cunt. He immediately started stroking his cock once you were laid out in the vulnerable position. 
“You look good enough to eat beautiful.” Hyunjin crawled up on the bed again and took his place between your legs that were held open for him. His face hovered over your clenching pussy, his warm breath teasing you, his full lips ghosting, you were ready to scream for him right as Hyunjin ran his tongue through your folds. 
“Fuck you’re delicious.” Hyunjin spread your plump pussy lips apart and latched onto your clit, licking and slurping on you, collecting your arousal on his tongue and savoring the taste of you. You could feel your high approaching and Hyunjin could tell. He slid two fingers inside your wet hole and pumped them in and out as he sucked and hummed against your clit. White hot pleasure electrocuted you from head to toe when Hyunjin made you cum, you pulled tightly at the straps around your wrists. 
“Jinnie! Fuck! Oh god!” He stopped feasting on you but kept his fingers curling inside you. You tried to close your legs feeling the pin pricks of overstimulation, but couldn’t while Hyunjin started fingering you harder again. 
“Ji-Jinnie I... I can’t...” He cooed at you and slowed down a little. 
“Green.” He smiled. 
“Good girl, you can and you will.” He started fingering you harder again then spit on your clit and started eating you out again as well, unrelenting between his plump lips and expert tongue. It wasn’t long before your body tensed and pulled against your restraints as you came on Hyunjin’s tongue and fingers again. Again he didn’t slow down, not even the kitten licking your clit, he didn’t stop. 
“Hy-Hyunjin! FuckFuckFUCK! It’s too much!” Your legs were shaking, he stopped slurping at you but still kept his fingers lodged deep in your pussy constantly rubbing against that soft spot that sent more jolts of electricity through your body. He spit on your clit again only this time his other hand started teasing your clit, spreading his saliva around the buzzing bundle of nerves.  
“Do you know what else I notice in that little page you showed me darling?” You were panting sweat beading on your temples, you shook your head and couldn’t control the level of your voice. 
“What!? God what tell me fuck!” Hyunjin smiled and played with your pussy more making you writhe under his touch. 
“After Phillipe had Krista tied down and before he was chocking her with his cock...” You had almost forgot and only now, Hyunjin bringing it up, reminded you. 
“He finger fucked Krista until he made her squirt.” Your eyes rolled up in your head, again you tried to close your legs but it was futile as long as they were tied to the bannisters. Hyunjin started eating your pussy again, starved, ravenous, and you came again, and again, and again. After every orgasm Hyunjin would part from your cunt long enough to ask your color. As soon as he heard green you were getting licked and fingered into another orgasm, and another and another and another. He pulled away again panting like a mad man. 
“Fuck you taste so fucking delicious, such a good girl; I could eat you for fucking hours... color?” You were sweaty and trembling, your whole body was on fire. You only pulled at your restraints now when another orgasm tore through you. 
“G-gre- green.” Hyunjin spit on his fingers and rubbed four of them firmly across your sensitive clit as he pumped his long fingers into you as deep as he could, hard. You felt it, you were going to cum harder than you ever had. It felt funny. 
“Hy-Hyunjinnie I’m... I think I’m...OHHHHH! FUCK!” You started squirting on Hyunjin and still he didn’t relent, he rubbed your pussy and pumped his fingers in and out as your juices squirted and leaked out of you. Your arms pulled tight at the scarves, your back arching, legs twisting, shaking and still unable to close no matter how hard you tried. Hyunjin slowed down and pulled his fingers out of you, your cum still trickling out after. He softly rubbed your whole pussy which made you jump and jolt from the oversensitivity. 
“God that was so fucking sexy!” You laid there limp, panting, and he started licking your cum from your body. 
“Was it?” You asked genuinely. Hyunjin climbed up your thick, cum slicked, body and kissed you with his lips, puffier than usual after eating you out for so long. 
“Mhmm. Almost came on myself a few times but when you squirt for me... well... let's just say it’s not just your cum on these sheets.” You managed to open your eyes and smile. You loved the idea of Hyunjin being so turned on eating you out, making you squirt, that he came untouched. Hyunjin reached up and untied the scarf that was holding your joined wrists to the headboard and you could finally bring your arms down but they were still tied together. Hyunjin knelt by you stroking his cock that was already hard again. He leaned down close to your face as he kept tugging on himself. He whispered in your ear. 
“Can I fuck your face like Phillipe did to Krista too?” He absolutely could after what he’d just put your body through. You nodded. 
“Yes, fuck my face Jinnie.” He crawled and knelt over your head a knee on each side straddling you. He held up his cock, jerking off, his balls hovering over your mouth. You started tonguing them as Hyunjin stroked his dick, when you sucked one into your mouth and gently suckled at it Hyunjin moaned and it made you gush. You sucked on his other one and then licked his balls until he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Open up darling.” You opened your mouth and Hyunjin hovered over you sliding his cock in between your lips. You stuck your tongue out as he pushed in deeper allowing him further into your mouth, the tip of his dick prodding your throat. 
“FFffffuck! Good girl. Are... are you r-ready?” You hummed around his cock and he felt it vibrate through his whole body. He propped himself up over you, gripping the headboard with two hands and started thrusting into your mouth deeper. You gagged and choked on his dick and he pulled out spit connected to your lips and his cock. You took a couple of deep breaths and Hyunjin thrusted back into your mouth bottoming out in the back of your throat again. This time when you choked he didn’t pull out, he thrusted deeper and harder into your throat. He felt a strong gag on the tip of his cock and pulled out, you gasping for air. 
“Green.” You choked out before he shoved his cock back into your mouth fucking it hard and deep again. He braced against the headboard with one hand and held the back of your head with the other, pushing you down on his dick, making you swallow all of him, giving you a few more deep thrusts and pulling out again. You had tears in your eyes drool running down your chin. 
“Green now choke me with your cock Jinnie.” He rubbed his tip against your face slapping your lips with it before thrusting in and fucking your throat mercilessly. The gagging, choking and squelching of his cock punishing your throat filled the room. Your tied hands started playing with his balls and Hyunjin was ready to blow. 
“FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK OHHHH BEAUTIFUL FUCK!!! Can I cum down your throat hmm? Gonna be a good girl and choke down my cum?” You hummed around his cock hard and He gripped the back of your head again pushing you down as he came in your mouth, his seed flooding and dripping down your chin. 
“Fuck! Oh fuck oh god damn! Swallow it!” You swallowed what you could and Hyunjin pulled his softening cock from your mouth. You took big, deep breaths, licking your lips and savoring the taste of him. When Hyunjin’s wits were back about him he untied your wrists, and then untied each of your legs from the bed posts. Massaging each one of them, softly kissing them each again. You could finally relax all your limbs and you laid there completely fucked out. Hyunjin kissed your shoulder and neck then your lips, his taste lingering on your tongue. He was stroking his cock again as the two of you softly made out for a bit, catching your breath. Just enjoying each other’s lips and taste.  
“God I want to fuck you so bad, I want your arms and soft legs wrapped around me and I want to lose myself inside you.” He kissed you and you could feel his hard cock prodding at your pussy. You wrapped your arms around him. Nuzzled against his nose and place soft chaste kisses to his lips, over and over. Hyunjin jumped when you first grabbed his cock, not expecting it with how tenderly you were kissing him. You lined him up with your warm cunt and slid the tip of him into you. Hyunjin’s forehead fell against yours and he moaned as he pushed deeper into you. 
“Feels so good Hyunjin-ah, don’t stop.” He bit his lips and shook his head no, sweat already forming on his brow. He continued to slide into you until your hips were pressed together. You wrapped your thick thighs around Hyunjin, your arms gripping him close to you, no possible way there was any space left between the two of you. Hyunjin propped up on his elbows, held your face, his forehead pressed to yours again as he rocked his hips into you, slow deep grinding, both of you kissing and consuming the other’s moans and soft pants. 
“You’re so beautiful, god you feel so good, so soft everywhere, fuck, I love you y/n I love you.” You were coming, tears of pleasure in your eyes as Hyunjin kissed you tenderly.  
“Hyun- I-I love y-you.” When Hyunjin felt your walls fluttering around his cock he pushed deep inside you slower. 
“C-can I cum inside you?” You held onto him tightly with your arms and legs still and nodded, kissing him as his speed picked up again. The soft moans that came from Hyunjin as his orgasm approached made you want it all the more. 
“Please Hyunjin-ah, cum inside me.” His hips started to lose rhythm. 
“Please.” You whispered in a soft moan against his lips and Hyunjin came. He pushed deep into you and stilled as his cock twitched and filled you with his big warm load. Hyunjin collapsed on you filling you, softening inside you, his cum dripping out of your sensitive hole. Both of your sweaty bodies completely spent. Hyunjin finally managed to stop crushing you and lay next to you. The two of you laid there quietly, catching your breath until you finally broke the silence. 
“We need to shower and clean up Jinnie.” He hummed nodding and started to get up. 
“I know...” He sat up on the edge of the bed and looked back at you with his eyebrow cocked and a smirk plastered on his face. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @jisuperboard @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @svintsandghosts @the-sweetest-rose @alice05280 @3rachasninja @m0ri-apeuda @eastleighsblog @linoification @mlink64
“Then we need to finish reading that book.”
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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mysticmellowlove · 10 months
Thinking about dating yandere and we went out to dinner one night maybe with family or just by ourselves you choose but anyway we are talking to our family members or to staff about to get our table when some chick come up to him and starts flirting. Of course he ignores her at first then we have spider sense so notice it then walk over to him kindly not wanting to start something in a restaurant. She walks away like a whore so later on he goes to the restroom and a minute later we notice that chick following into the restroom to. We immediately think “Fuck no” and go in to save our man. We didn’t want to cause a scene but we’re about to.
warnings; sadistic reader, sub male, sub yandere, gn reader
note; darling can definitely feel disturbances in the force
Your lips pursed as you waited for the server to come back with a table for the two of you. Off to the side a girl with her body, admittedly a very nice body, clothed in a skimpy black dress was trying to chat up your boyfriend. You could see it out of the corner of your eye, the way she was pushing her boobs up to try and entice him, so unaware of what was under his perfectly tailored suit.
The thought calmed you down for a moment, she didn't even know how much he loved you. She didn't know how the two of you loved. Still, he'd be hearing about it later on tonight. By the way that he wasn't cussing her out you knew that this was exactly what he wanted. Always such a glutton for punishment.
However, it had gone on for as long as you wanted it to. You had a feeling she was mere seconds away from leaning up against his side, pressing her tits into his arm to try and lull him into some sort of lust haze. Unfortunately for her the only thing that ever seemed to get him hard was the sight of you shirtless on the couch with a bag of chips.
"Hey babe, the servers coming over." You went over and leaned against his side, looking down at the female who seemed to still be shorter than you even in her pretty little kitten heels. He looked over, a cheeky glint in his eyes. He knew exactly what he was doing and he was enjoying it.
"I'm sorry, babe?" The girl piped up from behind him, her smoky eyes set on your form. You looked her up and down, just to add insult to injury.
"Yeah, babe. As in my boyfriend." You hummed as you clicked your tongue, wrapping your arms around his so you could pull him back to the station. He looked down at you, a sneaky grin on his face just in time for the server to come back and lead the two of you to your table.
It was perfect, right near the window overlooking the river lit up by streetlamps. Date night had been set right again and now you even had a reason to 'punish' him later on. You went ahead and ordered some of the finest wine for the two of you as he looked at the menu, inspecting it to find something that you would like.
The rest of the evening seemed to be moving smoothly. Good company, good wine and even better food. That was until he got up to go to the bathroom that you noticed something was wrong.
You spotted the girl from before slinking her way to the bathrooms as well and usually you wouldn't think too much of it. However, her insistence on being around him earlier this evening really set you off. It wasn't that you were jealous, or maybe you were, it was just that you didn't know if facing your wrath or his wrath was more dangerous.
Now that he was out of your sight he wouldn't care about trying to piss you off, he'd be a completely different person. You pursed your lips and pushed your chair back before making your way over to the bathrooms.
He didn't seem to be in any of them so you simply followed the sound of voices. It led you around a secluded corner, one that had a mirror on the back wall so you could see exactly how infuriated he looked as he pinned the girl against it. Her eyes darted to you, wide and blown out in alarm. She looked teary, the poor thing.
"Down." You said, just one simple word. He let her go and slunk to his knees.
"Honestly, it's people like you who mess things up for people like me." You hummed as you walked past him. She seemed to cower before you, her hand pressed to her chest as her eyes grew teary.
"Come on now, you didn't seriously expect no consequence." You sneered. Hands wrapped around your thighs as you let your eyes wander to him in the mirror. You'd let it slide for now, purely because it was funny to see the girl look at the two of you as if you were freaks.
"I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I decide to make this the entire restaurant's problem." You grinned as she gasped and skirted around the two of you, her heels clicking on the wood floor as she all but ran away. A satisfied hum left your mouth as you turned to watch her leave, served her right.
"And what shall I do with you." You looked down at the man on the floor, his hands massaging your legs as he looked up at you with a soft gaze. His mouth opened slightly as he shivered
"Whatever you want." He whispered, his tone reverent. You huffed and shook your head.
"Come on then, I think you need to be reminded who you belong to and it would be such a shame for the rest of the restaurant to hear your pretty little screams."
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