#Mustard Seed Wedding
caseyandhercamera · 1 year
Mustard Seed Gardens Wedding | Indianapolis Wedding Photographer
Confession time. Years ago, shortly after I moved to Indiana, I second shot a wedding at Mustard Seed Gardens with a photographer friend of mine and I’ve been itching (no, yearning) to go back since. Granted, back then we had a rainy day, but this time the sun showed up and we took full advantage of the perfect weather for this spring wedding. Grace and Kyle’s Mustard Seed Gardens wedding was…
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Cucumber Mousse
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pinkthrone445 · 8 months
-Since words are not enough to explain how much I love you, let me show you- Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, soft
Warnings:none I think
Summary:Months after celebrating your wedding anniversary, Mel has a baby fever when she sees you holding a child in your arms. After trying for a few months, the treatment has a result and the Abbott's family gets bigger.
The room was spinning around you, the four walls of the bathroom were shrinking around you, you were short of breath, and your whole body was shaking. You had thought about calling your wife, but you didn't want to see her disappointed like last time, so you decided to do it alone. How could it be that your future depended on a plastic cup with pee on it and a stick inside it? The bell had already sounded, indicating that the children would already be in the classrooms, but the 3 minutes of the test were not yet up and you needed to know. The 3 months of treatment had already passed and Mel and you had done several pregnancy tests and none were positive. But today it felt different, you felt different, you also kept in mind that you said that the previous times, but it really felt different this time; and even though your doctor's visit would be at the end of that week, you needed to know now.
Your cell phone alarm went off and with trembling hands you looked at the mark of the 3 pregnancy tests you had put in the disposable cup. All three clearly marked two red lines, they were positive, the treatment had worked, and you were pregnant, you couldn't believe it. Your mind started to travel a thousand miles an hour, you didn't know what to do, did you throw away the tests? How would you say to Mel? How would you bear not to tell her until you get home? Mel would surely realize that something was wrong, she knew you too well. How would you concentrate to teach your class now?
You were pacing around the bathroom until your cell phone lit up with a message from your wife
-🔥Jessica Rabbit🔥:"Amore? Where are you? Are you okay? One of your students came to my classroom because you still haven't come to your classroom. Did something happen?"-
With trembling hands you grabbed your cell phone, you wanted to send her a message, but on accident you called her and she answered before you could hang up the call
-"Hi love, are you okay?"- Your wife asked, her fear could be heard in her voice
-"I... I'm fine... I was in the bathroom, you know how horrible are my nausea after eating..."-You commented in a trembling voice, you weren't good at lying to her. Why you were afraid to tell her or for her to find out? This was what you were both looking for, what you both wanted.
-"Need more time? I can take care of your students..."-Your wife proposed and you sighed, you didn't know why you suddenly felt like crying
-"I need you... Please... Can you come to the teachers bathroom? Please I need you" - You pleaded and your voice broke. Your frightened wife got up quickly, let Barbara and Janine know if they could see the kids, and ran with you, not hanging up the call.
When she got to the bathroom, she gently knocked on the door listening to your faint response from the other side to get her in. She barely managed to close the door that you were already on top of her, hugging her tightly and taking a little of air out of her, her arms wrapped around you carefully and protectively.
-"What happened? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" - Your wife asked trying to see your face but you just hid in her neck-"Love, please speak to me"
-"I...I love you"-You whispered on her neck and she hugged you more but a little confused
-"I love you too... But why are you crying?"-She whispered, still worried
-"Remember that time we went to church when we visited your family, and they read something that said, 'If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains'?"- You whispered looking into her eyes and she nodded more confused than ever, not knowing where this was going, but she was worried about seeing your red eyes-"Then we looked up how big a mustard seed was and it was very small, smaller than our fingerprints, but from that seed grew a big, strong tree..."-You took Mel's hand and rested it on your stomach-"Well... Our baby is the size of a mustard seed right now, but they will grow up to be big and strong, like their moms" - You whispered with a big smile and Melissa looked at you very surprised, her eyes filled with tears
-"Are you sure?" - She asked in a trembling voice and you nodded showing her the 3 positive tests. The redhead said something in Italian that you couldn't quite understand and picked you up, hugging and kissing you with great joy. You laughed on her lips and hugged her, feeling her tears wet your cheeks. When you thought that Mel's love for you couldn't grow any more, you saw it right there, you saw it in her eyes, how they shone, with the adoration they looked at you, it was as if her heart had enlarged just so she could give more love to you and the baby. One of her soft hands lifted your blouse and touched your abdomen, she smiled and closed her eyes, causing a couple of tears to fall but her smile only grew bigger and bigger. You knew in that moment that Mel would be a perfect mother.
At the end of the week the doctor reaffirmed the beautiful news and your wife couldn't get over the excitement.
Weeks later, you informed Ava of the news, so that she could process your pregnancy leave, and then you decided to tell the rest of your coworkers before Ava ruined the surprise.
One morning, while everyone was eating breakfast, you arrived with a box of donuts from everyone's favorite place and left it on the table smiling
-"Good day beautiful people, we brought you a gift for you to enjoy"-You said and they all smiled thanking you, but when they opened the box, the room went silent, until Janine left out a high scream of excitement and Barbara came to hug you both.
The box said "eat folks, my mommy can't be the only one with a belly", next to a photo of the most recent ultrasound scan. Everyone congratulated you with great joy hugging mostly you and not that much to your wife, she would be a mother but she was still very scary. Mel from that moment on set some rules, such as that they could not touch your belly without first asking, and that when she was not present they should take care of you. You just laughed even though you knew your wife meant it.
You also told the children in your classroom the special news with a small game, you taught them how to write in morse code and gave them a small piece of paper to guess what it said, that kept them entertained for a while and when they saw that the note said "Miss (Y/L/N) is going to have a baby" they all went crazy with excitement and made a grup hug with you.
From the moment your colleagues at Abbott found out you were pregnant, they had become more protective than when you had told them you started fertilization treatment. Everyone took care of you in their own way.
Also, your cravings were the weirdest and grossest thing in the world, which matched the way Janine "cooked" her lunches. So every time she took out her tupperware of food, the disgusting aroma radiating from them made you want to eat it. Your wife was offended at first when she saw that you were preferring Janine's food over hers, but when she read in the pregnancy book that pregnant women preferred to eat certain things because they lacked iron or sugar, she understood that there were days when you preferred Janine's food because your iron was low and sure that in some of Janine's meals you could find a piece of spoon or a key that she put in to give it more "flavor". On the other hand, Mel prepared food for Janine just in case you wanted it hers, which made the youngest very happy because she was eating well for the first time in her life.
Jacob would always bring you home remedies or recipes he had practiced to help you with nausea, some helped and some just made you want to vomit more.
Gregory gave you several sets of legos for when the baby is older and flowers to decorate the house.
Ava joined everyone else and every once in a while she would give you very fashionable and tiny clothes for the baby.
Barbara shared her pregnancy experience with you and gave you very useful advice, as well as always checking on you that you were okay.
Mr. Johnson always made sure that the bathroom in your classroom was always nice and smelled good so you wouldn't feel like throwing up.
Even the children took care of you, every time you dropped something they picked it up and gave it to you so that you wouldn't make any effort.
Melissa was a different case, she had gone crazy with the arrival of the baby, she always came home with some new clothes, book or toy for the baby. You didn't even know what it was going to be yet, but you already had the wardrobe complete thanks to her. Also together you painted the room and assembled the crib, as well as a chair to cradle the baby. Your wife was also knitting clothes for the baby, and cooking every craving you had. At night she would spend at least half an hour every night talking to the baby before going to sleep, and when you slept, she would hug you very carefully caressing your belly, which had already grown quite a bit thanks to time.
Mel was loving every second of the pregnancy, especially seeing how your body changed, how your breasts grew and how your hips widened. She also loved feeling the baby kick or listening to the baby's heartbeat, so much so that she had it saved on her cell phone.
When it was time to find out the sex of the baby, your co-workers asked if you could tell the doctor to write it down so they could throw a party to find out the baby's gender. Melissa didn't want to at first, but you convinced her and she agreed.
The party was beautiful, they asked the guests that if they thought it was a girl to bring diapers and if it was a boy, to bring wet wipes, so at the end of the party they would give it to you to help you with some useful things.
The party was full of food and snacks, they played games like putting the pacifier on the baby with your eyes blindfolded, say it with mimic (babie edition) , guessing the size of your belly (that one was won by Melissa since she always had her hands on you), finishing a bottle of milk without hands, who guessed the lullaby by clues, and many more. Almost every game triggered a competition between the Schemmenti sisters.
When it came to guessing the baby's gender, they brought a piñata in the shape of a bottle and gave Mel a bat, which made her very happy. Once she tore it up, pink papers jumped all over the place, announcing that it would be a girl, which you and your wife celebrated a lot.
You two also announced that her name would be Isabella and you asked Barbara if she wanted to be the baby's Godmother, which made her cry and she accepted immediately.
At first your pregnancy seemed eternal, because of how heavy and big your belly was and how uncomfortable it was. But before you could think about it any more, your pregnancy leave arrived and finally the day of delivery was here.
Your birth was simple, it was by c-section, so you didn't feel so much pain thanks to the anesthesia, and your wife was with you at all times, squeezing your hand so tightly that you were afraid she would break your fingers. Barbara, Melissa's sister and the others were in the waiting room supporting you and waiting for some news.
Your little Isabella was born healthy, as soon as she was handed to you you counted all her little fingers and smiled when you saw that she had the same eye color as Mel. The little girl looked sleepy and snuggled into your chest while you caressed her back. Your wife adjusted your hair a little and kissed your forehead, thanking you for being such a strong woman and repeating how happy you made her and how much she loved you, and then she saw your little girl unable to help crying. Without a doubt, that was the happiest moment of both of your lives.
After a while, the others came in with balloons to meet little Bella.
After the birth, for a couple of weeks, Mel was with you at home, and although having a newborn was complicated, your wife helped you a lot and the two of you were able to enjoy a little paradise with the little baby.
When Mel finally had to go back to work, you decided to go visit her and your colleagues at Abbott. As soon as you entered the teacher's room, everyone greeted you with excitement fighting to see who got to hold Bella first, while she watched very attentively as everyone talked
-"I'm her godmother, I want to hold her first, I've hadn't had a baby in my arms for so long..."-Barbara murmured, and you handed it to her carefully. As soon as you let go, Barbara sniffed her little head and smiled, Mel stood behind you and hugged you, resting her head on your shoulder.
-"I want to hold her up after Barbara" - Janine commented excitedly and Ava laughed
-"I don't know if Janine is going to hold the baby or if the baby is going to hold her, they're about the same height" - Ava joked and then walked over to the baby and Barbara-"I want to hold her too" - She whispered, smiling as she watched the baby grab her finger.
Your wife kissed your cheek and continued to watch as everyone talked to little Bella, suddenly your family had grown much more than for the baby's arrival, all your friends were now uncles and guardians of the little girl, now they were all officially part of the family.
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tiredwitchplant · 1 year
Everything You Need to Know About Herbs: Yarrow
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
*Poisonous *Medical *Feminine
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Folk Names: Achillea, Bad Man’s Plaything, Carpenter’s Weed, Death Flower, Devil’s Nettle, Eerie, Field Hops, Gearwe, Hundred Leaved Grass, Knight’s Milfoil, Knyghten, Lady’s Mantle, Milfoil, Militaris, Military Herb, Millefolium, Noble Yarrow, Nosebleed, Old Man’s Mustard, Old Man’s Pepper, Sanguinary, Seven Year’s Love, Snake’s Grass, Soldier’s Woundwort, Yarroway, Yerw
Planet: Venus, Sun
Element: Water, Air
Deities: Cernunnos, Hernes, Pan
Abilities: Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism, Clarity, and Healing
Why Poisonous?: Contain thujone (just like Wormwood) Thujone is a chemical compound in yarrow that excites the nervous system. Causes seizures, hallucinations and other adverse reactions.
Characteristics: Has white flowers that bloom atop straight stalks with grayish-green serrated leaves that have a feather like appearance. Is a perennial plant that can grow to 3 feet.
History: Is native to Northern and Western Europe. Is famed as the wonder healer. Was used by Achilles to heal wounds, hence it’s botanical name. It is also known as nosebleed because the leaves were used to staunch blood. It was used in tea by the Native Americans for the treatment of menorrhea, the blood flow of menstruation. In the traditional Yi Jing age, the dried stalks were thrown into water to predict the future.
Growing Yarrow:
Easy to Grow? Yes
Rating: Beginner Friendly
Are the seed accessible? No
How to Grow Yarrow
Video Reference
Where to Buy Seeds
Magical Usage:
Placing the herb on top of graves help the dead peacefully crossover
Weaved into braids creates an energy web that taps into your inner wisdom
Helps develop psychic gifts
A cup of yarrow tea with a cinnamon stick can warm your bones and release hidden truths about oneself
Can be used for divination of the future and relationships
If worn on person, can stop fear and grant courage
Can be hung as a wedding decoration to guarantee seven years of a loveable marriage
Washing hair with water infused with yarrow can prevent baldness
Carrying it around can attract love, friendships, and distant connections
Exorcises evil and negativity from a person, place or thing
Medical Usage:
Clean and heal wounds
Can reduce fever
Stop internal bleeding
Lower blood pressure
Helps with menstrual issues such as: heavy bleeding, period pain, and heavy flow
In tonic form, can help with colds, flu, hay fever, weak digestion, and improve blood circulation
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lowkeyed1 · 1 year
my fic! a link to my AO3 works page, and below the jump you can find descriptions of each story with links :)
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Thrown Like a Star Thraxus Boorman/Graydon Hastur Explicit, 17/17 Graydon Hastur was traumatized, anxious, and had given up on his life, until this journey woke something up in him that had been long locked away. Thraxus Boorman was brash and cynical to cover up his guilt and insecurity, striving for redemption he didn‘t believe he deserved. If they could open up to each other, what would happen? Is love the most powerful thing in the universe? Is desire the most exquisite agony? OR What if you loved me so much it literally undoomed me haha jk unless What if I had so much faith in you it literally reshaped the narrative into a happy ending HAHA JK UNLESS
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Velvet Fist, Iron Glove Kit Tanthalos/Graydon Hastur, Jade Claymore/Kit Tanthalos, Kit Tanthalos/Jade Claymore/Graydon Hastur, Jade Claymore/Graydon Hastur, Graydon Hastur/Thraxus Boorman, Graydon Hastur/Airk Tanthalos Explicit, ongoing, 11/? The Gales never came to Tir Asleen that night, and Kit and Graydon's marriage went ahead as scheduled. How do they cope with this arrangement, especially after Graydon reveals a secret? (Velvet Fist, Iron Glove title card by @peterbenjaminparkour)
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(Take You) Higher Thraxus Boorman/Graydon Hastur Explicit Omega Graydon and Alpha Kit went off their suppressants in the lead up to the wedding. The kidnapping of Airk meant going back on them in a hurry, and hoping they went into effect in time. For Kit, they did. Graydon wasn't so fortunate...
Tanthamoretober Crack Fics a series of 8 silly tanthamore, graythrax, and airklora fics for the tanthamoretober prompt sets -- lots of goofy shenanigans and major character deaths
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HarvestVerse: Honey Mead Thraxus Boorman/Graydon Hastur/Airk Tanthalos/Elora Danan Explicit The harvest festival in Mahdyen was a time of discovery for several members of the fellowship. With one night left in town, what will Graydon, Boorman, Elora, and Airk get up to?
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Under the Mistletoe Graydon Hastur/Airk Tanthalos Teen Airk has been crushing on Graydon for a long time, but now Graydon has a crush on someone else. What will tonight's Christmas party bring, especially once mixmaster Boorman starts serving up specialty drinks?
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Baby, It's Cold Outside Graydon Hastur/Thraxus Boorman General Graydon is drawn to the piano at Kit's Christmas party, and that draws someone else to him…
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A Brief History of the Time Graydon Hastur Technically Had Sex With a Man Graydon Hastur/Elora Danan/Airk Tanthalos Explicit Graydon: “Have you ever?” Kit: “With a man? No. Have you?” Graydon: “With a man? Uh, yes, technically—oh, you meant a woman, right I—” Kit: “What, really? Shit. It was Airk, wasn’t it?”
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If You Want To Call Me Baby Graydon Hastur/Airk Tanthalos Explicit, 4/ 4 The night before the wedding, Kit succeeds in running away. And yet, the alliance must go forth…
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The Cursed Cock Ring of Cashmere Airk Tanthalos/Graydon Hastur, Airk Tanthalos/Elora Danan/Graydon Hastur Explicit, 4/4 What if when Airk was rescued from the Immemorial City his curse wasn't entirely broken?
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I'd Be Up For It Thraxus Boorman/Graydon Hastur Explicit Boorman floated a make-out sesh and everybody said no, but what if somebody said yes?
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By the Sea, Gazing with Tranquility Thraxus Boorman/Graydon Hastur General After the conclusion of a long and harrowing adventure, Graydon and Boorman settle down together… but something is missing.
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Mustard Seeds Graydon Hastur/Elora Danan General Autumn is the perfect time for a bonfire, and the perfect time for a small spell…
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50 Shades of Graydon Graydon Hastur/Thraxus Boorman Explicit Boorman was restless at night, and curious about what Graydon's been writing in that notebook of his…
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When the Dawn Seemed Forever Lost Graydon Hastur/Thraxus Boorman Teen Boorman, imprisoned in Galladoorn instead of Tir Asleen, is given a chance to repay his debt. The prince is terrible with a sword and needs to be trained up before his wedding day. If Boorman succeeds, he can earn his freedom. If he fails… it's curtains.
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Cinnamon Honey Graydon Hastur/Airk Tanthalos Explicit A trap was laid for the newlyweds, but only Graydon got caught...
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Truth or Plumsequences Explicit Graydon Hastur/Kit Tanthalos Elora tries to give Kit advice in the Wildwood, but Kit gets mad. Then she runs into Graydon, and things get honest…
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10 Things I Forget About You Explicit, ongoing 3/? Graydon Hastur/Thraxus Boorman, Graydon Hastur/Elora Danan Graydon has been rescued from the Wyrm realm, but his memories of the quest are gone. Left to his own devices, he finds himself drawn to Boorman, and Elora's not pleased about that. Will Boorman step gracefully aside? Will Elora? C'mon, do you know these guys at all? It's gonna be a bloodbath :D
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Take Your Medicine Explicit Graydon Hastur/Airk Tanthalos, Graydon Hastur/Elora Danan Dr. Hastur has a successful medical clinic, and some unconventional ideas about treatment…
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How Little Red Tamed the Big Bad Wolves Explicit Graydon Hastur/Elora Danan/Airk Tanthalos Little Red has a basket of muffins to take to Grandmother's house, but the path through the woods is dark and foreboding. When she meets two wolves along the way will they eat her up, or will Little Red come out on top?
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Velvet & Silk Explicit Graydon Hastur/Elora Danan/Airk Tanthalos Airk has a very specific fantasy: pose as Elora's slave, find a likely gentleman at the erotic masquerade ball, and let Elora make him submit to a stranger's advances. Trouble is... these guys all seem like wankers. Is the event a total wash, or will a last-minute guest change everything for this kinky couple?
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love in the light of the stars Explicit, 8/8 Graydon Hastur/Thraxus Boorman, Graydon Hastur/Graydon Hastur, Thraxus Boorman/Graydon Hastur/Graydon Hastur King Zivian is determined to make war on Tir Asleen, Graydon's determined to stop him, and Boorman's determined that his friend shouldn't have to face his terrible father alone. As they journey to Galladoorn and deal with Graydon's father, how will Boorman deal with the realization that he's catching feelings for Graydon?
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don't wanna miss a thing Explicit Graydon Hastur/Thraxus Boorman Boorman and Graydon have been best friends for a long time, but an impulsive kiss makes them rethink everything they thought they knew…
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a kiss to build a dream on Teen Kit Tanthalos/Graydon Hastur “So will you pretend to date me so I can make Jade jealous?” “That’s such a bad idea. Maybe the worst idea I’ve ever heard, honestly.” “It might help you entice Elora away from my fuckboy brother, too.” “...I’m listening.”
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mariacallous · 3 months
Biting into a pani câ meusa is like being transported back 1,000 years to when Sicilian Jews dominated the sandwich market. Called “pani câ meusa” in Sicilian, “pane con la milza” in Italian, and “bread with spleen” in English, the recipe is a sandwich of fluffy bread and boiled veal lung and spleen fried in lard and topped with cheese. This may sound unenticing, but once you watch elegant women with leather purses gorging next to a pack of teenagers it’s hard not to be curious. 
The fact that a spleen sandwich could be so widely cherished surprised me enough to look into its history–and I was even more surprised to find it actually has Jewish origins. Pani câ meusa dates back to the Medieval era, before a 1492 decree during the Spanish Inquisition drove over 25,000 Sicilian Jews either out of Sicily, or into conversion or crypto hiding. At the time, Jewish butchery was considered sacred, and thus not something for which to accept payment. Instead, butchers were compensated with the remaining offal, which they then fried in lard and sold to Gentiles in the form of a sandwich to make money on the side. Pani câ meusa became so popular that even after the Jews were expelled, it remained a beloved tradition that lasted through the conquest of many other empires occupying Sicily for millennia. Today it is one of the few visible traces of Jewish culture that remain, besides chance street names with Hebrew letters written beneath them.
Pani câ meusa has cult status in Palermo, itself a food mecca in a country where food is identity, self-expression, and love-language all at once. There are multiple meusa sellers (meusari) whose families are famous for making them for generations. Rocky Basile has a viral YouTube documentary made about him, and his cart is listed on Google Maps, while Nino U’ Ballerino (who has his own YouTube tribute) is nicknamed “The Dancer” because of his graceful yet speedy movements as he shakes off excess lard. 
Strangely, when I finally had my first bite, I forgot my surroundings and found myself reminded of 2nd Avenue Deli dinners of my childhood with my great-aunt Estelle. For New York Jews, lining up for a heaping pile of hot meat on sandwich bread is a familiar ritual, and I would say that spleen is merely like an extreme-sports version of pastrami. The flavor has the same fatty sweetness (because of the lard) and like rye, the “vastedda” bread acts as a grease-absorbent cloud, topped with sesame seeds. For a sour kick, rather than mustard, you can order the sandwich “schietta” which means “single” — with just a spritz of lemon — or you can have it “married” (maritata), covered by a wedding veil of cheese.
It can feel rare to have an experience of identification with Jewish history in Europe that isn’t bound up with loss or, as a fellow wandering Jew from Brooklyn once described it, “Holocaust vibes.” This is especially true in Italy, a region with deep history, yet much of its Jewish history erased during the Spanish Inquisition and the Nazi occupation. It’s comforting, then, that the appeal of hot meat sandwiches transcends time, geography, class, religion or language. Pastrami itself was originally borrowed from a Romanian recipe, and pani câ meusa merges Jewish and Sicilian influence. As the Italian saying goes: “Tutto il mondo è paese.” The whole world is just a village.
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madwickedawesome · 2 years
mischa bachinski from rtc is literally so lovely and the dichotomy of his rage and passion is my fav part of the show honestly!!! there's kind of a gap in interpretation of the "passion" part of his character and that is so interesting to me [in this essay i will...] -- amongst other things !!
dichotomies and interpretations and why i love gus halper
as u probably likely very much know, the whole point of his character is that he's a guy whose life has sucked thus far, and he believes that as a ukrainian man he should experience two emotions--rage and passion ! (hes so great)
with the rage it's like "oh he's so full of hurt and closes himself off like a wild animal because he's been surrounded by pain and loneliness and rejection for like. forever!!!" and that's so simple to understand and play bc like. who hasn't been there??? and it leads to silly stuff like autotune and the mustard seeds part of his monologue, but it also emphasizes such a core component of the human experience, anger and hurt, allowing for personalization of his character and making him super fun to play as a dude who acts all gangster bc he doesn't want ppl knowing he's so so empty and lonely.
on the contrary, the passion side of his character is .. less straightforward . i've really seen 2 big interpretations of it, and i very much prefer and have a bias towards the latter lololol !! the first one is passion in the sense of deep desire and joy, overwhelming love for the object of this emotion (this being talia) .. a lot of mischa's actors act out his monologue at the start of talia to be him so overjoyed to be in a relationship w his natalia muruska bolinska. he's so happy and just loves his fiancée so much !!!! and it's adorable !!!!!! and i think part of this is the fact that they're directly playing into the dichotomy of rage and passion. rage is anger so strong it hurts you, what is the opposite but a happiness that heals the wounds left by your fury? he's exhilarated with joy just thinking about her !!
however, my fav interpretation of his passion is vulnerability and emotion so strong you feel it through every nerve in your body. "i can't hold enough of u in my hands," sorta thing. rather than happiness, i love when mischa's actors play him to be super emotional during his monologue. his love and joy isn't the dominating emotion, he's full of yearning and is actively coming to realize that there's a very good chance that he's never going to see the love of his life. never going to meet her or hold her hands. and we hear that as he breaks more and more thoughout !! i LOVE how gus halper plays him because he makes mischa break down into tears (or at least do a very poor job of holding back) fantasizing about his wedding to talia, rather than talk excitedly. the object of his passion is breaking down the walls of his rage and filling the void of his heart with the love he hasn't gotten from the cruelty of the world, but it will never truly happen, and he's realizing he's talking about what could have been. every time gus's mischa has the time to think about her by himself (think: him at the end of tsia, between songs, his monologue, etc.) he's always so vulnerable and emotional !! plus, let's be real, he is SO dramatic and emotional (literally me) just in general LMAO
my gangsta persona is just armor to conceal that i am naked child wandering through the wilderness, holding in my hands my wounded, fragile heart!!
adding on, another aspect of this vulnerability that i adore is the different ways in which it manifests and plays out. his catchphrase is the first time his walls break independently ("independently" because u could say he's pretty damn vulnerable in the opener LOL) and it can really be seen in 2 different lights. the first is more obvious; clearly it's comedic and it's to remove any status of "guy i'd be scared of" whilst simultaneously introducing his passion. however, if it is to be taken literally as his catchphrase, this opens so many doors. to whom is he saying this? and imo it can be both a thought to himself and him expressing himself to the object of his passion, talia !!
mischa is .. lonely. before the choir, who does he have on his side but his youtube subs and the hole in his heart left by his mother's absence? who does he have to talk to?? his "gangsta persona" developed upon his move to canada, upon meeting his new excuses for parents, upon realizing there was no one left for him. i think that before meeting natalia but while he was turning to rap, he would just have to talk to himself to let out these feelings (let's be real . he was too lazy for journaling). as he realized the persona was just a mask, he would begin to say his catchphrase to himself.
furthermore on him saying it to himself, it does sound weird and strange and everything because he doesn't really talk like that ! But! mischa is capable of being so eloquent and using really poetic speech to describe stuff throughout the show, why wouldn't this kind of expression come into play when he's at his loneliest? who is he afraid of judging him ? think of his words to noel during the birthday scene. he uses the phrase "moving poignance" as he's more open with noel ! he is so capable of talking to himself with metaphorical comparison !!!!!
to elaborate on the idea of him only also saying his catchphrase to talia, we have to return to the concept of talia being the object of his passion [i use that phrase a lot. my bad LMOA]. remember that talia is the stars in his sky, the fire warming his heart, the blanket of safety surrounding him upon years of cold cruelty. once he has her, he doesn't have to express himself on his own !! u have to keep in mind that before death, talia was the only person mischa felt really safe around. comedic effect aside, i do love to believe that that was his actual catchphrase and he used it regularly in his life. i also love mischa bachinski
all done!!!
i love the dichotomies and nuances of his character so much, especially in his two songs with one being a banger and the other being so beautiful it gives me chills (despite gus's mic being SO quiet😭)!! mischa bachinski is such a sweet and dorky character and these are just small thoughts i have abt him -- i'm deeply in love with and believe me i could go on and on and on !! but thank u for reading if u did :] !
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psalacanthea · 1 year
Ferelden Jellied Pork
Thanks for tagging me in WIP Wed- Thursday, @my-dumb-obsessions!  I am working on a chapter of my Howe x Cousland fic (it’s coming along well finally) and for some reason I decided an important thing to do was make an actual working recipe for a dish I mention in the fic.  Why?  I don’t know.  Here it is in all its glory.
Ferelden Jellied Pork:
(replicable recipe after)
The trotters and ears of one pig
Lovage seed
Wild carrot seed
Antivan bay leaves
Optional, for accompaniment:
Mustard seed
Additional roasted bones of the pig may be used
In a large stockpot, place your bones, trotters, and pig ears, cover with water.
Bring to a boil, boil until the surface is foamy, the length of an egg timer.
Strain, rinse the bones and ears, return to cleaned pot.
Add spices, peeled onions, carrots 
Cover with water once more.
Bring to a boil, then move to lower heat and simmer until liquid is greatly reduced.
Strain thickened broth into jelly mould or a large bowl, add any shredded meat from the trotters or bones and your peas should you like them, arranged in a decorative and attractive fashion.
Grind your mustard seeds (you may leave some whole for texture), add vinegar until it makes a loose but thick mixture.  Cider vinegar is a good choice, as is plain white vinegar, or a mixture of the two.  Add a spoon of honey, to taste, and grate in fresh horseradish, also to taste.  Salt, taste, add more vinegar if necessary.  Serve alongside jelly.
Replicable Recipe:
Pork bones
2 medium yellow or white(not sweet) onions
2 large whole carrots or like, IDK, a handful of baby carrots if that’s what’s in your fridge
1tbsp celery seed
8-12 peppercorns
1tbsp caraway seed
1tsp dried dill or 1 sprig of fresh
3-5 cloves garlic
3 bay leaves
Peas (u know fereldens love their peas)
A good fancy mustard and horseradish, or a spicy mustard, or a horseradish mustard, or make your own as the earlier recipe dictates.
Recipe Notes:
Pork– listen, grab what you can.  Some people can get pork knuckles, some can’t.  Pork bones would work too, if you can get those from your butcher.  Or get a bone-in pork shoulder and eat most of the meat, and make this from the leftovers.  That’s what recipes like this are for anyways.  A large pork bone, 4 pork knuckles or trotters if you really can get them.  A ham bone?  Sure, but it’s going to taste pretty salty and smoky (the original boil will help get rid of some of the salt)
Gelatin- if you really can get pork trotters with skin on and everything, and pig ears, skip this.
Put your bones in a stockpot, or whatever your biggest pot is.  Cover with water, bring to a boil, boil for 3 minutes.
Strain, rinse your bones, pop them in the clean pot.
Peel onions, scrub carrots, cut them to fit in the pot if necessary, pop them in as well.
Add spices and garlic cloves (because we’re not ferelden and we like flavor)
Everything but the optional stuff and the gelatin should be in the pot.
Cover with water again, bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to a simmer, and simmer for 3 hours.
Strain the broth, discard solids.
Taste for salt.  Salt to your liking.  If you’ve used a cured pork bone and it’s too salty, try gently simmering it with some potatoes, and then discard the potatoes.  They should soak up some of the excess salt.
If you’ve managed to acquire ears and trotters, skip this next step.
When the broth has somewhat cooled, dissolve a packet of gelatin into it.  If your broth seems very thin, like a standard stock or broth generally is, do two packets.  Follow the gelatin instructions for ‘blooming’, which is generally to let it sit in the broth for a bit until it’s softened.  Whisk or stir until thoroughly combined.
Pour into your mould of choice, or smaller moulds, or a big bowl
Add any shredded meat from the bones, and your peas should you choose to give peas a chance.
Chill until set.
Turn out onto a plate for serving, cut into slices if it is one large jelly.
Serve with horseradish/mustard if you like.  Maybe a little fresh dill on top for color who am i kidding nothing will make this look appetizing.
Force yourself to eat.
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cjb-160 · 1 year
I am
I am Marylin Manson and Julia Jacklin I am Tolstoy and T.S. Elliot
I am tanned leather, brass, and lucite I am hotel suites, vip parking, and charges to the room I am white gloves, table cloths, and fine china I am reservations, and plane tickets I am the resort, and the last resort I am lamb skin, and alpaca. I am 3000-thread-count sheets
I am first dates, milkshakes, wedding cakes, and roller skates I am the beauty and the beast
I am the warning light on your dashboard I am the water in your gas tank I am the squad car tailgating your for 3-miles I am the window you roll-up when driving through that neighborhood I am the longest red light you've ever stopped at I am the new coffee shop, bar, boutique hotel I am the {insert local hangout spot here}
I am the crack in the houses foundation I am the crack, the house, and the Foundation
I am the day before World War 3
I am Doo-Wop and Hip-Hop I am baby Jesus and methuselah
I am the bottle of urine beside your bed I am the pistol.
I am the addict in the attic.
I am the needle and I am the thread I am the pawn shop you gave grandmas ring to I am the long pull on your vape between shifts.
I am the 9-5 and the 6-10. I am the check in the mail I am the pit and I am the bull
I am the artificial flavor in your chewing gum I am the friend that was too young to die I am the fellow and I am the ship I am Othello and Hans Christian-Andersen
I am the side effect worse than the symptom I am tea parties and vineyards I am the used condom on the sidewalk I am the heat death of our quantum existence
I am…too abstract?
I am too black but not black enough I am queer but not gay enough. I am qualified but not good enough. I am big-nosed, bald-headed, unwashed, and unbothered. I am untethered.
I am the creation and I am the demiurge I am the igneous and I am the firmament
I am the Borg
I am the paper your suicide note was written on I am the last time you saw your father I am the last thing he said to you I am the couch you let him crash on for a few months I am the new security code you created when he left
I am the storage unit you change clothes in before and after work I am the blanket you’re wrapped up in while asleep in your car
I am the gift that I never see you wear I am the pot calling the kettle… I am the "come get me," text at 3am I am the "you up," text you left on read I am the unsaved number in your phone
I am the abomination and the salvation of creation I am the mustard and I am the seed
I am the last ps5 at Walmart on Black Friday
I am Mozart and Chopin I am rock, roll, and Rachmaninoff I am Coltrane and Gillespie
I am the kidnap and I am the torture I am the human and I am the traffic I am the sex and I am the worker I am the murder and I am the manhunt
I am Samson’s dreadlocks
I am the dog bark that wakes you from that fever dream
I am the fever dream
I am the con and I am the science I am the jack and all of his trades I am the Coke and I am the cane
I am the stop sign behind that big ass fuckin tree. I am the cop. I am the ticket.
I am the vegan recipe book you haven’t opened yet I am the first parallel park in that city you moved to I am the popping sound in your kneecap
I am the fake number she gave you
I am the burning cross on your front lawn I am the white hood I am the "whites-only" section I am the assailant and I am the victim
I am the rotten avocado on your kitchen counter I am the clown and I am the circus I am bibles and black holes
I am holding your sweater I am the first kiss I am the divorce papers
I am the Sailor and I am the Siren I am the solitary onion ring in your order of French fries I am the diet that starts tomorrow
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caseyandhercamera · 2 months
Mustard Seed Gardens Wedding | Indianapolis Wedding Photographer
Amy and Tim expected nothing short of a typical midwest summer weather when they planned their July Mustard Seed Gardens wedding, and yet we could not have hoped for better weather. And by weather I really mean temperature and humidity… it was perfect. So perfect, that the adorable setup on the patio rented from Mustard Seed was in use all day, despite fully expecting everyone to shelter in air…
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foodiesrack · 2 years
Ambya Sasam (Mango Curry)
If you are visiting the Konkan area you have to try this recipe. A seasonal curry with mangoes prepared in konkani households served in traditional konkani weddings or events.
Ambya means mango and sasam means mustard seeds is a mildly spiced coconut based curry tempered with mustard seeds and curry leaves. Raw mangoes makes this dish more delicious. Mango is consumed most in India which is packed with vitamins, calcium, minerals and antioxidants.
Link: https://www.foodiesrack.com/ambya-sasam/
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organicanand · 2 months
Mango Pickles: The Perfect Condiment for Any Dish
That is mango pickles – an enchanted jar of sorcery possessed in the heart by every Indian home. The tangy, spicy and sometimes sweet tang of this favourite condiment not only elevates tasting pallets but also provides a waft with nostalgia in every bite taking us down memory lane while celebrating the culinary legacy that weaved across India. Mango pickles are not just side dishes to a sumptuous lunch or dinner, they have been almost obligatory in transforming an ordinary temperate meal into memorable feast.
A history and tradition of Indian Mango Pickles
The Indian mango pickles have a history that is tenderly weaved with the varied cultural tapestry of India. The Indian sub-continent has been relishing pickles for centuries with every region adding its unique twist to it. In the blistering rural Indian summer, you will see scores of families fermenting barrels of mango pickles - a tradition that signals the start to those balmy days. Those recipes are generally passed down through the generations and each family keeps their own - understandably, as it is a secret blend of spices.
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The tradition of making mango pickles is strongest in places including Andhra Pradesh, where Avakaya pickle -an extremely hot version- continues to hold a special place on the table; and Punjab, with its beloved sweet-and-sour house favorite called simply aam (mango) ka achhaar. The mango pickles are by itself a standalone dish, and depending on the region, it varies in arearoma taste size preparation. this shows that indian food culture too has diversified with times across India. Whether it be a wedding feast or just your run of the mill family dinner, mango pickles are served as an ode to Indian warmth and hospitality.
Types of Mango Pickles
There are so many varieties and flavors of mangoes, to try each type would be a whole gustative adventure. Then, there are the mouthwatering sweet mango pickles that usually contain jaggery (a natural cane sugar), or lime juice/sugar to make them sweet and tangy - to complement spicy meals. At the other end of the scale are red chilli, spices and mango pickles that will set your nerve endings tingling.
Sour mango pickle, in the middle of these two extremes, accentuate the sourness of raw green mango with spices like mustard seeds and fenugreek & asafoetida. India is a land of spices, and each region has its unique flavours — the Andhra Avakaya (mango pickles) that gives you an explosion of fiery heat, the Gujarati chunda where sweet meets spice in perfect harmony or perhaps the Maharashtrian methamba both fenugreek heavy yet with abundant mango sweetness packed into every bite. These different variations make mango pickles a multifaceted condiment which is suited for essentially most taste buds.
The Process of Making Mango Pickles
Mango pickles, on the other hand is a labor of love, really an art and science together in motion that needs to be perfect right to every inch - ripe keeps it soft keeping its flesh well coated with spiced oil making sure not even one bit gets spoiled. And that starts with buying just the right kind of Ataulfo mangoes. Pickling is done with raw, firm and slightly sour mangoes The pickles are made by first selecting the mangoes, then washing and drying them after which they are sliced into pieces for pickle making.
How To Make Spice Mix for Achar Paratha This mixture includes a combination of spices such as mustard, fenugreek seeds, bassoon 50k red pepper powder turmeric and Hing all playing a vital role in flavoration the mango pickles. The mango bits are scooped then all around hurled in the zest blend to coat altogether.
In some versions of mango pickles, especially the North Indian one (Aam ka Aachar), the oil is an essential ingredient as it acts a preservative and also adds to its flavor. The mango pieces are mixed with oil and spices along before they go for maturation. For most kinds of pickles, this maturing process can take a couple days to several weeks. It is during this course that the spices all mix up and bind together because at this time mangoes absorb these spices in them to give final wiping of strong aroma which forms special flavors of your homemade pickles. Sunlight is essential in this process since it helps pickle to ferment naturally therefore preserving and allowing them to develop their own flavor profile.
Health Benefits of Mango Pickles
Apart from being tasty, mango pickles are also healthy and should be consumed in your daily meal! Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties: Spices like turmeric, fenugreek etc., are used in making mango pickles, Turmeric is the standout here as it will aids in digestion and even increase immunity.
Mango pickles (especially fermented ones) are also great for promoting healthy bowel flora as they are full of probiotics. They help digest your food and keep the bacteria in the gut in proper balance. Moreover, the high content of vitamin C in raw mangoes also helps to alleviate your health supporting eyesight and providing essential nutrients good for skin upkeep. Although many will advise you against pickles as they are considered to be high in salt, a limited serving of mango pickles combined with the right food can still fall into your diet promoting taste over other mediums.
Pairing Mango Pickles with Various Dishes
Green Mango Pickles are used to eat with almost anything and everything. In most Indian meals, mango pickles are had parathas giving this spicy twist to the mundane simple bread. Similarly, they are a more than comfortable accompaniment to steaming basin of rice and dal - offering that flash of flavor in what might have otherwise been an entirely bland and expected dish.
Necessity is the mother of invention, and innovative chefs have proved their flexibility by integrating raw mango pickles into different fusion foods. For an unexpected twist on balance, throw one into your sandwich or wrap to amplify mid-day flavor and yogurt-dips. Additionally, mango pickles make a wonderful condiment for grilled meats and veggies as its tangy, yet sweet notes offer the perfect balancer to any smoky sweetness coming from your charred proteins.
They get mango pickles in global cuisine. Perfect for alongside cheeses, as a topping on tacos or stirred into marinades. The variations are infinite, and it simply highlights how mango pickles know no boundaries to fulfil their role as a favorite accompaniment.
Storing and Preserving Mango Pickles
It is imperative to store mango pickles in a correct way for them to be benefitted at their best. Mango pickles made at home must be stored in glass jars with airtight lid, this prevents contamination and also helps retain its flavour. Store jars in a cool, dark location that is not exposed to direct sunlight. This will help extend the shelf life of pickles.
Make sure the mango pickles are always covered in oil; you need to do this as it acts a preservative and helps keep them longer. This inhibits any molds or bacteria from growing to keep your pickles safe. Homemade always has an appeal and taste but then its store-bought options are available for your convenience which is as good in terms of the quality. Being a pickle lover, yes guilty of that as well, but there is nothing like homemade mango pickles these are traditional and made with love. That’s why Organic Anand makes mango pickles with homemade ingredients and love.
Mango pickles are not a chutney, they are an affirmation of the vast culinary culture we have in India. With the ability to go from sweet to spicy, they are a class act in any spread and their bold flavors can instantly lift even our humblest meals. Its unique taste is unparalleled, redefining everything from a simple meal of some traditional Indian dishes to food experiments with global flavors where one would resort to any sort of pickle you could get your hands on.
So, how about you make mango pickles at home. Get into the habit, taste for yourself and see how well mango pickles brings purity to your cuisine landscape. Did you like the taste of Khatta-Mitha Achar (Sweet & Sour Pickle) then also share your story, recipe with us and inbox to Foodonia one awesome community for food lovers who loves mango pickles.
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lonesomebigmike · 2 months
Thomas's Prayer
I fear I've been a lover of my chains
Revered all the things that drained
My health, my wealth and lately, my brain
I hope to do better when I'm wed
Can you hear my heart unfettered
I am the most uneasy debtor
Protect my spouse from the dead letter
That sits in my right drawer
Can you bear that i havent trusted true
If Thomas the disciple that loved you
Needed holes and a hug to be freed
Moved a mountain out of the mustard seed
I wish the way my heart lusted
Was for doing good instead
Release me from my vices
Help me offer sage advices
Help me resist the enticement
Of the cacophony in my head
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onlinembacourse · 2 months
Celebrating Harela Festival: A Glimpse into Uttarakhand's Rich Cultural Heritage
Nestled in the serene lap of the Himalayas, the Indian state of Uttarakhand is known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant traditions. One of the most celebrated festivals in this region is Harela, a unique festival that marks the onset of the monsoon season and signifies prosperity, growth, and the abundance of nature. Celebrated with much fervor, Harela offers a fascinating glimpse into the agrarian roots and ecological consciousness of the Kumaon region.
Origins and Significance of Harela Festival
Harela, which literally translates to "Day of Green," is primarily celebrated by the Kumaoni people of Uttarakhand. The festival coincides with the onset of the monsoon season in July, making it a celebration of the rejuvenation and replenishment of nature. It is a time when the fields are lush and green, symbolizing prosperity and good harvest.
Harela is also deeply rooted in religious significance. It commemorates the wedding of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, and the ten-day long festival concludes with people worshiping clay idols of Shiva and Parvati, known as Dikare. The festival underscores the intrinsic connection between nature and spirituality in Kumaoni culture.
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Celebrations and Traditions
The festivities of Harela begin ten days before the actual festival. Families sow seeds of five or seven types of grains (usually maize, barley, mustard, etc.) in small baskets filled with soil. These baskets are then kept in a dark place and watered daily. On the day of Harela, these germinated seedlings are worshipped and then placed on the heads of family members, symbolizing blessings for a prosperous future.
Harela is also marked by the creation of clay idols, which are intricately decorated and worshipped. Community prayers and rituals are performed, and people sing folk songs praising nature and the deities. Traditional Kumaoni dishes are prepared, and it is a time for families and communities to come together and celebrate.
In rural areas, fairs are organized where locals gather to enjoy folk music, dance, and various cultural performances. These fairs also provide a platform for artisans to showcase their crafts and for farmers to exchange knowledge and seeds, fostering a sense of community and shared heritage.
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Environmental and Ecological Relevance
Harela is not just a cultural and religious festival; it is also a reminder of the importance of ecological balance and environmental conservation. The festival emphasizes the significance of trees and green cover, encouraging people to plant saplings and nurture them. It serves as a reminder of the harmonious relationship between humans and nature, a principle that is deeply embedded in Kumaoni traditions.
In recent years, with growing awareness about environmental issues, Harela has gained wider recognition. Schools and organizations often conduct tree-planting drives and environmental awareness campaigns during the festival, reinforcing its message of ecological sustainability.
The Harela festival is a beautiful blend of tradition, spirituality, and environmental consciousness. It reflects the deep-rooted respect that the people of Uttarakhand have for nature and their efforts to preserve it for future generations. As the monsoon rains rejuvenate the earth, Harela reminds us of the cycle of life, the importance of nurturing our environment, and the enduring bond between humanity and nature. Celebrating Harela is not just about honoring tradition but also about embracing a sustainable and harmonious way of life.
Whether you are a visitor eager to experience the cultural vibrancy of Uttarakhand or someone interested in ecological festivals, Harela offers a unique and enriching experience. Join in the celebrations, immerse yourself in the local customs, and take part in the noble cause of environmental conservation.
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Travel through the bold and spicy Andhra to the mild and flavorful Kerala with South Indian Pickles
Pickles have long been an integral part of all Indian cuisine, serving not only as accompaniments but also as taste intensifiers. These flavour-packed condiments elevate the dining experience by adding a zing to the palate. From the fiery notes of Andhra to the milder flavors of Kerala, traditional South Indian pickles are a testament to the region's rich culinary diversity. South Indian achars are not just condiments; they are flavor enhancers that add a burst of taste to every meal. The tradition of pickling in South India goes back generations, with each state contributing its unique touch to this culinary art.
Avakaya – Andhra’s Culinary Jewel
Avakaya, Andhra’s pride, is a mango achar with a rich history. The selection of mangoes is what matters, with only those without the kernel cutting. The unique cutting process, along with ingredients like garlic, methi seeds, mustard powder, and fiery chili powder, contributes to its distinctive taste. This pickle is a perfect balance of spice and tang, making it a staple in Andhra households.
Bamboo Shoot Pickle – Karnataka’s’ Traditional Charm  
The distinctive pickles of Karnataka, a tradition in the Malenad regions such as Sakleshpur and widely embraced in Coorg, feature the harvesting of young bamboo shoots. Synonymous with mango pickles in Kerala, the Bamboo Shoot is a delightful treat with a saucy consistency. This pickle showcases bamboo shoots that are not only juicy but also delightfully crunchy.
Finely Chopped Mango Pickle – Quick Fix Delight
A common sight in Kerala homes and a must-have in Tamil Nadu wedding menus, this pickle is a quick fix. With ingredients like chili powder, turmeric, fenugreek, black pepper, and mustard, it needs just a few days to infuse flavors. Refrigeration is key to preserving the freshness of this finely chopped mango pickle.
Thokku – Versatile Delight from Tamil Nadu
A cooked-down pickle from Tamil Nadu, thokku is versatile, complementing idli, dosa, or even plain rice. Variants like Mango thokku, tomato thokku, and prawn thokku showcase the diversity of this pickle. Most popular the tomato thokku, is a delightful mix of finely chopped tomatoes, onions, fenugreek powder, chili powder, and sesame oil.
Erachi pi – Kerala’s Unique Beef Pickle
While fish and prawn pickles are famous in Kerala, it’s the beef achar that stands out. Tiny cubes of beef are marinated, fried to a crisp consistency, and then pickled with ginger, garlic, curry leaves, and a dash of vinegar. A truly unique achar that adds a meaty twist to South Indian pickle varieties.
Mahali Curd Pickle – Tamil Nadu’s Healthful Creation
Mahali kizhangu, Indian sarsaparilla, takes center stage in this pickle, known for its health benefits. Blended with tangy curd, turmeric, red chilies, and mustard seeds, the root produces a flavorful pickle. Its rarity makes it a valuable and healthful contribution to the wide range of South Indian pickles.
To sum up, the assorted South Indian pickles available online offer a palette of flavors that contribute a unique essence to the region's rich culinary heritage. Whether savoring the zest of Andhra's Avakaya, relishing the saucy pleasures of Kerala's Bamboo Shoot, or enjoying the quick-fix appeal of finely chopped mango pickles in households across Kerala and Tamil Nadu, every pickle narrates a union of tradition, distinctive components, and time-honored methodologies.
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scentedchildnacho · 10 months
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Northwest metis......the white sick had such a passion for furs. ..so the area doesn't appear all that solar western....they had differential ways to use the grid without westernism....they really dont like pesticides around the children....so
Missuse of the underground or my battery in a county jail in brunswick Georgia was to threaten a north western territory.....i only for beads needed to be invited to a moccasin event for missing indigenous women and children.....because if i get cancer they keep getting to detain animals.....
Well the addictive gross shitty males keep going around a pre school like little girls can't shoot coney so
That's me about moccasins there are responsible simple ways to use animals so they dont go missing....they had to find the donkeys a practice item for all sorts of slaveries so it's not good for the animals to go missing.....
The black birds have been trained on plastic items because Aztec is such a gross dog shitty company that steals their palm foods......so i scared them away and tried to give them the seed pods from the yellow flower trees but they get more indignent that a mustard pack is their storm olive branch
Anyway sacred kyle with mental mckinney Texas wanted to know what i wanted to do with Hollywood....so Jennifer Lopez about hispanics that appropriated native philosophies is actually pretty good at scarecrow the white wedding military wife in the cell.....
The cell for the serial killer I find pretty awfully done.....but thinking of positivity or the very naive loves people no matter what peace idea of scarecrow the white wedding wife I find some pretty good tejanos drugs in it
I met this Californian in Alaska who told me she did sex work because she was sure marriage was the worst thing for women so I think no children of God scarecrow there used multiple times without pay by multiple partners is a lot more tragic then a loved wife.....j...lo....and Jay z....the white wedding wife does just have to go through military hospital stuff because her husband is her companion....im sorry but those families are loved admirable stories
Anyway I'm tired of being called poor because scarecrow for me won't be a happy wedding so Jennifer at least shows it off as a feminist professional title and a.i. community....
Phosphate company.....
Anils ghost my sister does whatever the family is and gets to be called first nations.....people prostituted there may be graves here and they mow it
Uhm the mother superior at saint Brigid's let's that creepy meth er lady assume privilege over the group though she is a gross rude sexually active person that does nothing relevant for public unions but claims er pay.....
She did this to me so that desperate to reach the happy beef from my wretched condition squeezed past that nasty lady in the doorway...she said hey because she kept putting her body directly in the doorway though caught for budging in line so
So now I have that vaginal wall to empathize with the unborn about
Anyway that lady should not be around homeless the street is not for sexually active people the street is for people who can cope with low resiliency situations...and people who show up for meal with their sex kept that unashamed are noticed that way....we all have to separate our underwear pads for research purposes and they go tell nuns their that consciously split ...
Anyway her baby dike friend later came up and threatened me for pushing past that creepy group that expects preferential
The group better be there for their frees....but they better be meth prioritized off group efforts
The baby dike was like if you ever do that to my friend ever again....so I was like you just threatened a homeless person attempted murder like suicidal duress of endangered detained people can be years in jail retard.....if you won't finally get away from me the company will come extract all you have here get away from me retard
Then I thought stupid bitch no one there cares that your a crotch states and you go places Catholics could select you out of being states and they leave you as a creepy lyndie england crotch Koch states....no one there cares at all about you
You have to be crotch and no one cares at all about you for threatening me or they would have come for you already you fucking nasty Koch street state
Barcelona I've already been told selection for catholicists doesn't favor my too passive copeing skills and I just don't want to develop my incisors that much so I don't appear to want to leave the states so they don't select me either....
I did tell her firmly segregative crime is decades in jail and complete retribution so don't ever come around me with a segregative ticket to batter ever again displacement to the mafia is wrong
My family was agrarian and I don't hunt animal when women Austrians bring me silage and herding ....it's not kind to my sex to expect it to hunt they were bohemian's
Anyway I explained to her when I pushed past her that she tried to open the door for males already glutonously served and women and children first if males constantly keep their pay that high....
At the time I just admitted if she expected the situation to be decriminalized for her outbursts then......it won't it will still be a little underground then if I have to be some detainee to be barked at with nothing smarter then shut the fuck up get the fuck away from me.....
Anyway As.....prey....gilcrest and Soamese....she was already selected as a good person to bring hygiene from britian back and catholicists will keep telling me to get a job so i can have things British philosophers and chicago medicals tell me too ...
You can tell by the hygiene table that she leaves all these clues about how methodically she was chosen....
Ozempic is larger then Starbucks and a lot combined and I won't get a job because I'm expected to be like what hurts me
The meal service girls are trained to not think because it hurts me and incriminates the men....
And people that robotic and unthoughtful are on a paraffin...
Black babies lives matter.....and I'm sorry but I won't take profit off spreading Parisian pharmaceuticals. ..
It's not that simple ..people can suggest me and stuff would come in illegally ...truth is everyone has had illegal stuff trafficked into their employment record and those people treat me like I have to serve everyone's sentencing till I don't care if I find out about secret cook talks and military quarantine inclusion
So im sorry but the United States government has to be held accountable to me ......and I will do things slowly. .....if they don't stop stalking me to leave the home they will be held accountable I have a disability and i really cant do things in that company....
Francis Francis chanel my people yes chanel ...dark leader.....I'm for the home....I'm going for.....I am for the home yes
....it's actually these regulators and system controllers that are the barriers for variable renewables..... modi not dikshit
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