#Music Industry Standards
kstarvibes · 8 months
K-Pop Group (G)I-DLE Sparks Controversy with Lyrics of New Pre-Release Track "Wife"
Controversial Lyrics in K-Pop: A Closer Look at (G)I-DLE’s Latest Release The renowned K-pop group (G)I-DLE is back in the spotlight, this time stirring up a debate with the provocative lyrics of their pre-released song “Wife”. Released on the 22nd, ahead of their second full album ‘2’, the track has become a hot topic for its bold and suggestive lyrics. The Visuals and Sound: A Harmonious…
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doedipus · 5 months
I do find it kind of grating that people on this site love passing around articles about how the youth don't have a very good command of computer systems, but then also never seem to fully understand that it's possible to engage with media (esp music) (yes, legally) outside the context of streaming services, or what that does for you as a consumer. Like, the call is coming from inside the house kiddos.
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notdefendingtaylor · 4 months
i remade because taylor's carbon emissions are essential to international commerce and if i don't put more circular logic posts into the tumblr ecosystem she might not be able to buy her next mansion across the street from the next guy who is The One until he decides to exclude himself from her narrative
also feminism is whatever white billionaire women decide it is and if you disagree you are making susan b. anthony cry
if you respond to me in any way other than glowingly positive it's bullying and i feel exactly like trump when the fbi put out a k!ll order for him when raiding his FLORIDA!!!!! mansion
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peaceowatermeln · 1 year
you wanna know what my thing is about the jury? well too bad, i’m gonna tell you anyway.
two words: elitism and subjectivity
so, the point of the jury is that they (supposedly) have more music knowledge and therefore are better and more impartial judges of music, right? (i mean… we know that’s bullshit but that’s the design)
well here’s the thing. like most art forms, music is subjective, meaning what someone thinks about a song is influenced by their own taste, opinions, and feelings. this doesn’t magically disappear once you learn… i dunno, how time signatures work, for example. someone with music knowledge would be able to hear a song with something musically neat in it and go “hey, that’s neat” but ultimately that doesn’t change if the sound of the song lines up with their own taste.
(and as someone with a music degree, lemme tell you, having music knowledge doesn’t make a listening experience any more helpful or enjoyable.)
so, in our eurovision setting, where the entire point of the contest is to rank songs and crown a winner based on what is the most universally liked, and everybody voting (including our beloved juries) has their own opinions and biases about music and what is appealing to them, why are juries held as these objective elites with The Facts of what good music is? why are the opinions of 5 people who can maybe acknowledge a cool drum pattern worth the same as the opinions of the rest of a country’s over-18 population?
because they’re more impartial? sure jan.
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dustedmagazine · 22 days
Uniform — American Standard (Sacred Bones)
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Photo by Joshua Zucker
“American Standard,” the title track from the new LP by NYC noiseniks Uniform, will likely dominate the attention garnered by the record. That’s justified: the song is massive, at 21+ minutes, and it’s massively unpleasant — more on those qualities below. But listeners shouldn’t neglect the rest of the release. The shorter songs that compose the remainder of American Standard are just as uncompromising, and they also foreground the band’s gift for coupling a caustic, aggro sensibility with compelling melodic structures. Rarely has noise rock been so tuneful, and then also so awfully punishing.
Godflesh and early Swans (Greed is a useful point of comparison) are clear touchstones for Uniform’s blend of noise rock and industrial music; but this reviewer also flashes on the Cows, c. 1993. Check out the one-two punch of “Shitbeard” and “Ch” from Sexy Pee Story, songs that couple brain-bludgeoning dissonance with weirdly idiosyncratic hooks. Uniform’s sound is less organic and more mechanically insidious than that bovine band from Minneapolis. The squelchy slaughterhouse is swapped for the cold cement of the factory floor — and the dudes in Uniform are driving a steam roller across it, grinding through waves of spilled sulfuric acid.
A more metallic array of factory apparatus is appropriate to American Standard, named for the famous brand of mass-produced plumbing fixtures. As much of the record’s pre-release chatter has indicated, the title track thematizes vocalist Michael Berdan’s long struggle with an eating disorder — and the horrifically long sessions of purging he has done over numerous toilets. The song extends, stretching out inexhaustibly. Berdan does not spare us: “My forehead rests / On dried piss / And twists of hair / […] An acrid film / On the water / I’m consumed / By the stench.” The images are stark, immediate. They need no figural amplification.
The music takes on that task, churning and moving in waves, an inexorable force that dramatizes regurgitation. That rhythmic structure is the song’s dark heart (or gut), but past the ten-minute mark, there is a break into a more dramatic passage, punctuated by a big riff. You can imagine the song’s I-speaker, a barely veiled version of Berdan himself — shattered, driven by impulse’s perverse excitements. One could call the long passage cathartic, but that term’s access to the idea of purgation is both exactly right and exactly wrong. Because after six minutes, the song explodes into a bright, surging river of sound, and Berdan rides it, shouting, narrating there the I-speaker’s particular variety of physical purging.
The listener is presented with a sort of problem. Clearly that last section of the song is the climax, and the musical effect is indeed cathartic. It thrills and it exhausts. We know that the binge-and-purge dynamic of some eating disorders is damaging and destructive. But the skill with which Uniform (including Berdan’s longtime bandmate Ben Greenberg and an expanded rhythm section of Mike Sharp, Brad Truax and Michael Blume) has constructed and performed the song implicates us in its galvanic lifts and kicks. We can’t help but be roused, even pleasured by it. And that’s the thing: there’s an addictive force to some eating disorders, a distorted “I want” that is very, very hard to resist. Uniform’s smart and forceful engagement with those concepts and feelings makes “American Standard” a terrific and terrifying song. It’s hard to hear, but it’s also hard to forget, or to stop.
Jonathan Shaw
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mobanjaree · 9 months
in my opinion you shouldn't ever talk about double standards for men and women without also talking about how there are a different set of double standards for white people and people of color, and how those standards affect women of color especially. leaving it to just "when a man does [x] he is celebrated but when a woman does [x] she is criticized" is honestly as good as spreading a lie, because it is only half the conversation and grossly leaves out how white women wield their specific role in society to enforce the policing of people of color. it leaves out how white women are allowed to express their grievances with an issue and are even praised for it but a Black woman speaking out on the same thing will be ignored or called aggressive. like you literally cannot equate the treatment of different racial groups within a gender group.
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wonwoonlight · 11 months
The internalized racism ppl proudly show off everytime they say bts is bigger than kpop is astounding
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kyattuma · 1 year
SexyRedd Makes Black Women Look Bad? RANT. Double Standards at it's finest!
So all of the sudden SexyRedd is responsible for the whole black community in specifically black women for "looking bad" and "justifying" stereotypes? Because she rap about sex and is ratchet? They have been pinning those stereotypes on us WAY before SexyyRed came out. They said they same thing about Trina, Megan, Nicki, and Kim for the longest time.
Saying she is responsible for making our community look bad is beyond extreme. Because if we REALLY WANT TO GO THERE let's talk about rappers in the industry who make music talking about sexualising women, abusing drugs, crime, premeditated murder and even rap about preying on young women. Yet no one bats an eye in the entertainment industry towards them. This has been consistent in decades.
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Yall didn't have a problem blasting the Ying Yang Twins, TIP, Nelly, Sir Mix Alot, Lil Kim, Public Enemy, 50 cent, Boosie, LudaChris, & Bubba Sparx?
Double Standards
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Men can rap about the most outrageous explicit sexual interactions they've had and want to do with women. But let a black woman rap about her sex life and drugs, now black women are the source of the issue.
"She makes us black women look bad"
Who you trying to look good for sis?
Do you not have your own identity?
Do you not realize that it is COMMON SENSE to not take one person from each race and blame them for the behavior of an entire community? So why fight to appease the people whole lack it? I didn't grow up from the same lifestyle as SexyRedd but i stil appreciate and love how RAW and carefree she is. What you see is what you get. She is ratchet as fuck and unapologetic in regards to who she is. Her music is an escape for me when i want to feel sexy nasty and carefree.
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It's fine is her music style is not your preference. However advocating for separating black women in different groups is coon classist pick me behavior. Black women have consistently been given the shortest end of the stick. No based on our accomplishments but because of our skin. We are referring to the same society that will degrade yet cosplay us in the same breathe .
I'm not going to stop listening to SexyRedd, Cupcakke, CardiB, Megan Thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, Trina, Flo Milli, Latto, or Glorilla because of how they "represent me". I'm listening to that shit to shake my BLACK ass and feel turnt.
So if that makes me a Hoodrat then long live the Hood Rats. We each have our own individuality therefore SexyRedd and other artists do not make me feel "embarrassed" to be a black woman & never will.
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idsb · 4 months
I think the mood of my late 20’s is just “I hate you. I could spit on you. I’m going to bite you. You’re so blatantly dumb you might forget how to breathe. So instead I’ll just roll my eyes and walk away while you sit and choke in a puddle of your own spit-able behavior” and like. Honestly healthier
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serethereal · 5 months
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she’s just so annoying
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pocima · 5 months
Save me independent artists… independent artists save me…
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allthatdivides2 · 6 months
college is great sometimes cause they assign you readings and youre like oh this is awesome finally someone said this shit thats been rattling around in my brain for years now but it also sucks sometimes because they assign you readings and youre like okay i think i see where you might be going with this and then its like 13 pages of the most dismal shitty reasonings drowning in 4 feet of jargon that you have to trudge through to get there. and youre like man you fucked this up so bad i dont want to agree with your opening point anymore even thought normally i would. and then you have to answer questions about it without being like "look i think everything this dude just said was absolute horseshit hidden in big fancy vocabulary" every time
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theghostofashton · 5 months
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404chm · 2 years
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trying to learn photoshop with a little bit of help from the one and only, hatsune miku!
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irxne · 1 year
Red Velvet's songs are always so incredibly well crafted and literally could serve as the definition of pop, it's mightily impressive
so true! their a&r team is so good and the producers are amazing. the vision they have for their sound is also very cohesive and really well done.
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reverie2020 · 1 year
The entertainment industry has successfully brainwashed women into sexually exploiting themselves for men's insatiable sexual subconscious fantasies. They have done this under the guise of sexual empowerment. They've convinced women that nudity and explicit sex scenes are art and necessary in "conveying themes and points of view". The reality is we all know what happens during sex. No one needs to actually see the act in detail in order understand anything. It's not art. It's for shock value and to satisfy one's subconcience obsession with sex. If you need any more proof of this ask yourselves why more women show full frontal nudity and are sexually assaulted in films than men. It's no accident.
What's disturbing is that women think that they've taken back the narrative and turned it into empowerment when all it does is reinforce that a woman's sex appeal matters at all when it shouldn't. You want to be an artist. Look past the mundane and look at the potential. Entertainment and music have done relationships and sex to death, over and over again about the same thing. Continuing the false notion that all humans have to offer is our biological impulses and not the intricate and complex workings of our minds. Women are still a step behind on this as actresses and musicians still continue to work on chiseling their faces and bodies, displaying them at their best, and then complain that the general public is obsessed and critical of their looks, weight, etc. Women are perpetuating this vicious cycle unknowingly.
Women are MORE than their looks and they need to get past the idea that they HAVE to FEEL sexy or empowered by something so superficial as their looks. If we say, "well that's just being human, we can't help it" then that just shows that you have the capability of thinking outside the box and make an effort to right the wrong. Otherwise you're using your lack of impulse control as a crutch in being better.
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