#Mushroom exporting countries
exportimportdata-blog · 3 months
India, with favorable climate and advanced mushroom cultivation techniques, exports thousands of metric tons of mushrooms annually. Key exporters include Techno Agri Bio and Weikfield Foods. Despite challenges, India's future looks promising. Check out our blog for more details.
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henrywilson123 · 5 months
Recent global mushroom trade growth is fueled by changing consumer preferences, health awareness, and food industry expansion. India is a notable player in this trend, with its mushrooms gaining unexpected global acclaim, yielding lucrative returns for traders. Explore more on this intriguing development and delve into the complexities of mushroom exports from India.
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nardo-headcanons · 7 months
I wanted a headcanon about Konohagakure so bad!! you are very talented.
thank you so much, dear! Since so much is known about Konoha already, I hope these are what you're looking for
Konohagakure Worldbuilding Headcanon
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Generally speaking, people from Konoha are seen as polite and even outgoing, but sometimes a little obnoxious when it comes to their rampant patriotism. As the first shinobi village of its kind, there is only so much propaganda a Konoha shinobi can handle before turning a little cocky. Konoha citizens love gossip and are often looking for the newest gossip to furthen their sense of unity. They are a rather collectivist society with everyone having to do their part, and the public court of opinion is often times brutal, men especially are often expected to just 'suck it up' and 'act like a man'.
The hokage is seen as the highest authority figure in the village, unlike in some villages the general population's trust in the village leader is high. The hokage's decisions aren't really allowed to be questioned, and unlike Kiri citizens who do it behind closed doors, Konoha citizens don't even dare to do that. Konoha has a mixed economy with quite a lot of the shinobi income going directly to the village. There is some basic healthcare, but only covers the bare necessities, and better, high quality treatments have to be paid out of pocket. The laguage spoken in Konoha and the fire country (Japanese) is the most spoken language and taught in the other villages as the standard foreign language. It is also the reason why the Kage offices in the different villages have the kanji for the different elements in front of them - to make it easier to find for foreigners. As a second foreign language, people often choose the Kumo language.
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Konoha -and the fire country in general- typically have very bright, warm weather. In the south, there are agonizingly hot summers - snowy winters being a rarity. Konoha is surrounded by dense, lush mixed forest land which serves as a habitat for a wide range of plants and herbs - some of them even having medicinal uses. Although mushrooms are commonly found in the Konoha forests, most of them are poisonous and should not be eaten.
The forests are filled to the brim with many different animals, the most commonly found ones being wolves, eagles, deer, boar, pheasants and wild cats. Deer are often hunted and their meat is exported into different coutries as a delicacy. On the rarer side, tigers and bears can be found as well, but they typically stick to themselves. Ever since Konoha has been growing in population, some animals have been pushed out of their habitat and started to coexist with the citizens.
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Meat To secure dinner in Kiri, you can just go fishing. And to secure dinner in Konoha, you can just go hunting. Seriously. Meat, especially venison, is the preferred protein source of Konoha shinobi. However, if you ask a Konoha shinobi what they think of Sungakure and their habit of turning any meat they find into jerky, they would be horrified. Grilling meat is the most preferred method of preparing meat, closely followed by frying it.
Ramen Due to cultural influences from Uzushiogakure, ramen, including instant ramen, have grown in popularity over the decades. Next to rice, wheat is the preferred source of carbs here. Funnily enough, most Konoha shinobi prefer whole grain over white flour. To each their own, I guess.
Baked goods and confectionary
Konoha has quite a few café's and bakeries that offer many little desserts. But I have to warn you: "Buttercream" in Konoha often just means whipped cream - very different compared to the thick and buttery goodness Kumo shinobi are used to. The most popular baked good in Konoha is the Baumkuchen, frequently enjoyed by sweet tooths such as Itachi Uchiha, Hinata Hyuga and Ibiki Morino.
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zvaigzdelasas · 11 months
[The Herald is Zimbabwean State Media]
ZIMBABWE will soon receive a large injection of technology for mushroom farmers to upgrade their business and to bring many more into the sector, along with US$20 million worth of extra food assistance from China.
CHINA has been the main anchor of major economic milestones that the Second Republic has registered including the construction of the iconic, magnificent and imposing new Parliament building in Mount Hampden on the outskirts of Harare, President Mnangagwa has said.
The Head of State and Government said there has been growing diplomatic and economic engagement between Zimbabwe and China over the past years resulting in more companies from the Asian economic giant coming to make huge investments in the country.
President Mnangagwa said this yesterday at a handover ceremony of the China-aided New Parliament Building Project in Mt Hampden where Beijing officially handed over the building to Zimbabwe.[...]
“Over and above these projects, we have witnessed increased diplomatic and economic engagement between Zimbabwe and the People’s Republic of China. In addition, our country has seen many more Chinese companies investing in various sectors of the economy. The emergence of quality export products from Zimbabwe, particularly citrus, entering the Chinese market is a welcome development. The milestones that Zimbabwe has realised since the advent of the Second Republic have been positively impacted by the support of His Excellency, President Xi Jinping and the people of China.”[...]
“Honourable Members of the visiting Chinese delegation, we have noted that your country has developed based on its own resources and people. We are proud as Zimbabwe to have developed our own development philosophy, which recognises our peculiar realities, inspired by China’s development path. Here we say, Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo, Ilizwe lakhiwa ngabanikazi balo which, simply translated means ‘a country is built by its own people’.”[...]
“We shall forever be grateful to the People’s Republic of China who, along with the Russian Federation, vetoed machinations by some Western countries who in 2008, attempted to pass a United Nations Chapter 7 resolution on Zimbabwe at the United Nations Security Council. Presently, the People’s Republic of China continues to stand with Zimbabwe against the illegal sanctions and opposes interference in our internal affairs,” he said.
27 Oct 23
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the-ars99-mc-empire · 8 months
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"You're a tourist in the mushroom kingdom when as the final destination of your tour around the country, you decide to visit the castle, where the country's princess "peach" lives and works. As you go to the castle peach greets you and a couple of other tourist like you, you're lucky that you've arrived in the castle's short time period where it's open for the general public(it's useally for 4 hours in the afternoon) You guys see many parts of the castle, just wondering in awe by the infrastructure, but as you do this you accidentally go away from the tour group, now you try finding your way back when one of the doors you open leads to the enclosed backyard which functions as a garden. For a minute you forgot that you just got lost and look around, many type's of wonderful plants are here, although it's mostly flowers and fruit bush's, as you look around you see a pink rose-like which has a crown on the top of it, you can't believe that flower has a crown on the top of it so you lean closer, but as you do the rose suddenly brusts out pollen, and that makes you cough and barely take in oxygen, but after that inital shock, you begin to feel differently, sweet aroma's take over your sense's and your vision becomes blurry and colorful, and then your mind completely blanks out…
5 Hours Later
Peach strolls into the garden to water some plants and to calm herself down for a bit and forget the international relations conflic about fruit export with the mobius country,and as she does that she hears moaning sounds. "Wh-who is it" - says as she handles the watering can into an attacking position, looks around and sees a fellow human completely delirous, just knocked out on the gravel "Oh your poor thing" - says as she runs to you "What happened over here?" - says again as she looks to the plant you where sleeping by. "Dang it, it's those peach flowers again that e.gadd gave me for my birthday, i mean i appricate his efforts to create some flowers based on human liknesses with science, but they are causing me way too much trouble in the spring time when these emit pollen daily. I mean the amount of guys i needed to have sex with just cause the flowers makes them extremely horny for me and the only way to counteract it is to fuck them are way too high for someone like me", she then sighs. "And you're gonna be one of these lucky bastards don't you?", you proceed to respond nothing but with more moaning "Gimme your leg, time to get peachy hihi" says in a kinda cute voice as she grabs your leg and drags you across the garden into the castle."
Doing an actual pov story, and not just a scp/found media ripoff??? IMPOSSIBLE Anyways, the 2024 list is officially in use now and remember Stay safe and obey :)
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crabs-with-sticks · 8 months
The possibility of aromantic living situations
Busy this Valentines Day as an aroace person thinking about the relationship between capitalism, family structures, and property (very normal thing to think about I know). In a book I read recently, The Mushroom at the End of the World; On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, she talks about one of the goals of capitalism is scalability. Scalability is about making sure that a unit can work on every different sized model. Endless growth is an important part of capitalism, and if all your 'units' are the same size, you can easily create the same thing, just bigger, only requiring more of the same parts, rather than creating new parts. E.g. if you have a square block, you can create the exact same shape just bigger (read: making more money) if you have four more of the same square blocks.
The nuclear family is one of those squares that forms the basis of so much of society from housing to child raising to everyday finances. It is no secret that the nuclear family (mum, dad, and kids) is seen as the ideal and moral family structure in most of the west. And colonialism has had a big part in exporting this to other places around the world. But for many people, especially aro folks, this structure just doesn't fit what we want out of life.
And I've just been thinking about how that idea of the nuclear family is related to property and wealth and how it disadvantages queer folks. In the country which I live in, there is a massive housing crisis and owning a house is a pipe dream for many because of the cost. Property is culturally seen as probably the main way in which you build wealth/capital because you don't get taxed on it (there is no property/capital gains tax) and there are SO MANY tax benefits for landlords its insane. So when housing is linked so majorly to wealth and capitalism it makes sense that you would want it to be scalable.
And what is the most scalable living/family structure? The nuclear family. So, since housing is market driven, theres no incentive to create other types of houses/living situations except those designed for the nuclear family. Because property/housing is so ingrained in capitalism, that its an investment, and you want to be going for a big portion of the market.
This just creates an endless cycle of property enforcing traditional nuclear family structures, and nuclear family structures enforcing property. Because there is no incentive to provide anything different and there is limited ability to be anything else. And even if a person, or developer or whatever wants to create something non-typical (e.g. cohousing and coliving, at least in my country) because its not scalable or market friendly, good luck finding a bank to give you a loan, or a developer to work on it, or hell even the government to have proper land classifications to make such a project possible.
It just frustrates me so much as a non-partnering aromantic person because I feel like I have no options and I have to fit my circular shape into a square just so that people can build a bigger model of the exact same thing. And I think its something that we don't talk enough about in the queer community, and that we make ourselves into these square blocks because there is no other way to be, and in doing so just enforcing the very structures that oppress us.
So anyway, rant over. Hopefully my brain dump made sense and resonates with some of y'all. And go read The Mushroom at the End of the World, its really eye opening.
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tabletoptrinketsbyjj · 8 months
Trinkets, 66: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
A glass box, its clear panels leaded at the seams, its trio of locks glinting gold. Warm blue lights dance frantically inside it, seem to beat against the glass walls like trapped wings. The keys are nowhere to be found. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify it as fey made.
A Random Musical Instrument that always sounds like a Random Music instrument when played.
A vellum document folded and sealed with a red wax seal as ornate as any used by the nobility. If unsealed it is a formal invitation to the unnamed bearer and a small part of guests to the 60th birthday of a Chodo Contague, which is occurring 2d4+2 months from when the letter was found. Knowledgeable PC’s are aware that Congangue is a major crime boss of a largest city in the nearby country.
A blackened iron coffer that has seen better days. The coffer is locked and must be picked or smashed open. Inside are three cones of incense wrapped in sanctified, unholy cloth stitched with golden signs of Chaos.
A detailed sketch of a halfling maiden wielding an impressive sword.
A signed receipt slip from a black-market pawn shop including an evaluation for the item sold into hock. To the untrained eye, the receipt lists the sale of one plain silver ring for 2 gold pieces by Mary Goodwife at John’s Honest Pawnshop. The entire note is written in Cant, the language of thieves and mentions that interesting contraband can be purchased discreetly at John’s Honest Pawnshop to those coming in asking to buy Mary an engagement ring.
A heavy pleated kilt, whose green and red tartan pattern identifies it as being from the northern Kerr clan.
A glass jar with a large toadstool inside with a few smaller mushrooms around it. The jar is filled with some sort of viscous substance, completely submerging the mushrooms. A note glued to the glass claims that the contents to be the beginnings of Myconid birth, but assures viewers the sprout is "inert".
An unsent letter from a parent to their child congratulating them for their job as chef and finally revealing the secret family recipe to the kid.
A leather wallet stamped with the image of a merchant’s ship. It contains a high-quality forgery of a tax-exempt import / export license on goods produced by Random Artisan’s Tools. According to the paperwork, the bearer, up to three of his retinue and up to one ship or wagon can pass through any border, bridge, gate or city without paying any toll, tax or fee of passage or a tax on the goods so long as they were produced by those tools. The licence expires 5d10 months from the time it is originally found.
—Click Here to be directed to the Hotlinks To All Tables post, which provides (As you might have guessed) convenient links to all of the loot and resource tables this blog has.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
A glass box, its clear panels leaded at the seams, its trio of locks glinting gold. Warm blue lights dance frantically inside it, seem to beat against the glass walls like trapped wings. The keys are nowhere to be found. Knowledgeable PC’s can identify it as fey made.
A Random Musical Instrument that always sounds like a Random Music instrument when played.
A vellum document folded and sealed with a red wax seal as ornate as any used by the nobility. If unsealed it is a formal invitation to the unnamed bearer and a small part of guests to the 60th birthday of a Chodo Contague, which is occurring 2d4+2 months from when the letter was found. Knowledgeable PC’s are aware that Congangue is a major crime boss of a largest city in the nearby country.
A blackened iron coffer that has seen better days. The coffer is locked and must be picked or smashed open. Inside are three cones of incense wrapped in sanctified, unholy cloth stitched with golden signs of Chaos.
A detailed sketch of a halfling maiden wielding an impressive sword.
A signed receipt slip from a black-market pawn shop including an evaluation for the item sold into hock. To the untrained eye, the receipt lists the sale of one plain silver ring for 2 gold pieces by Mary Goodwife at John’s Honest Pawnshop. The entire note is written in Cant, the language of thieves and mentions that interesting contraband can be purchased discreetly at John’s Honest Pawnshop to those coming in asking to buy Mary an engagement ring.
A heavy pleated kilt, whose green and red tartan pattern identifies it as being from the northern Kerr clan.
A glass jar with a large toadstool inside with a few smaller mushrooms around it. The jar is filled with some sort of viscous substance, completely submerging the mushrooms. A note glued to the glass claims that the contents to be the beginnings of Myconid birth, but assures viewers the sprout is "inert".
An unsent letter from a parent to their child congratulating them for their job as chef and finally revealing the secret family recipe to the kid.
A leather wallet stamped with the image of a merchant’s ship. It contains a high-quality forgery of a tax-exempt import / export license on goods produced by Random Artisan’s Tools. According to the paperwork, the bearer, up to three of his retinue and up to one ship or wagon can pass through any border, bridge, gate or city without paying any toll, tax or fee of passage or a tax on the goods so long as they were produced by those tools. The licence expires 5d10 months from the time it is originally found.
An old rose made from ash, carved with the Elven script for "Good".
A scorched brass horseshoe that was thrown from the hoof of a Nightmare, a type of fiendish equine named after the terrible dreams suffered by those that encountered them. The wicked creatures are best known for serving as mounts under a variety of malevolent beings throughout the Lower Planes.
A wheel of aged dwarven cheese, clad in beeswax.
A hand mirror made of silver, with ornaments of beautiful and long-haired androgyne faces covering the frame.
A one-gallon cask of Untergraad, a liquor made popular by students and modeled after the medical or scientific alcohol commonly pilfered from laboratories. It's often flavored with herbs and its alcohol content is both very high and incredibly constant. Drinks are usually poured to the proportionate weight of the imbiber. A skilled bartender can push an Untergraad drinker to the very edge of riotously drunk with a measured dose.
A rather drab-looking painted portrait set in a brightly shining metallic locket.
A crude effigy and shamanic heirloom from one of the hagtrees that grow deep in the forest.
A physical shard of blackest night said to be a prison for the partial essence of the Trickster himself. Any close to it may be undone by its troubling aura.
A scroll describing a dread spell that fills the foes' minds with their own worst nightmares.
A clear crystal broach of purest clarity whose core dances with whirling white specks like that of the fiercest blizzard.
An abhorrent lodestone from which a gnawing sense of wrongness emanates.
A military uniform, in white and sky-blue color, with a unicorn emblem.
An elegant dress with rich black silk back and sides and a deep purple velvet insert in the front creating a striking combination of fabrics. The solid half-sleeves have a beautiful floral pattern, tree-cornered lace that falls into a point of silver-thread piping.
A simple bamboo mouth-harp.
A leather wallet stamped with the symbol of a mortar and pestle. It contains a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the healer’s guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair color) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
A hair clip made from a mermaid’s scales along with a piece of coral.
A wooden doll depicting a man, possibly from a Stone Age culture, carved with a spear in his hand, his waist adorned with braided sinew as a belt of sorts.
A silver flask midway full of a strong and harsh brew of ale.
A mesmerizing crystal that pulsates with an otherworldly energy, resonating with alien life force, casting haunting reflections within its crystalline structure.
A wrought iron bottle filled with a plant based supernatural libation known a Zozo Juice. It is a fiery red drink with thick orange bubbles that almost makes it appear molten in nature. Although it is technically an ale, its more like coagulated blood considering how thick it is. Bubbles crawl slowly to the surface through its sanguine blood-like depths. It is an extremely spicy drink that makes it almost unbearable to consume.
A pickled kobold fetus in a jar that occasionally twitches when the light gets too bright.
A crude set of glass wind chimes that faintly hums in starlight.
A dwarven hunk of flint carved with a short prophecy.
A clockwork sphere with iron wings. At center is nut-sized storage hole.
A collection of fourteen perfectly spherical steel balls. When held in close proximity to each other, they snap together into a cube by themselves. If one ball is removed from the cube, they collapse back into a pile.
A carpet that depicts a map of the heavens, showing many different, colorful constellations and whirling planets, woven in thick, richly dyed wool.
A tall, thin sculpture of a sort of squashed-in horse, carved out of translucent stone.
A rowan wand, charged with the first circle of seven marks for binding.
A big copper key that looks like it has been lying around turning green for a couple hundred years. It is six inches long may be the heaviest key ever hefted. It is squared off flat on the sides and Investigative PC's can discover an inscription under the verdigris that when scrapped at reads; “Random Motto”.
A silver bracelet with dozens of small charms hanging from it. The charms represent various symbols of luck and fortune from different religions, cultures, and traditions.
A hat made of soft felt and adorned with small branches, flowers and butterflies that change color with the seasons. It was crafted by a fey artisan as a gift for a mortal friend.
A wooden crate full of human hands of all shapes, sizes and colors and all of them are remarkably preserved and in near perfect condition. Some of them have perforations where the cut is.
A thin sheet of ironoak on which is sketched a charcoal drawing of a child wearing fabulous clothes and draped with jewels. Dangling from one corner, a handful of tiny iron charms dangling from copper chains, three missing.
A brilliant blue mug beset with scores of tiny gems in a fractal depiction of riches raining from a pearl moon. The surface of the glazed and fired clay is polished to a mirror sheen.
A marble statuette featuring a sea eagle rising from the waves, its eyes inlaid with bronze flames, its talons blood stained.
A willow-woven tablet secures a bas relief of kingdom soldiers huddled around a dirt map, conversing and holding their weapons. In flickering light, it hums softly, like a distant conversation barely heard.
A frivolously thin linen jacket sewn with iron studs in the shape of saffron stems, slightly rusty. It smells strongly of the depicted herb. While worn, the wearer finds themselves extremely clear minded, regardless of their physical condition or alchemical impairment; this clarity does not extend to control over their body’s functions.
An ash-gray shawl whose fringes wave and flicker like living fire, warm to the touch.
A rich green linen tunic embroidered with a massive golden peppermint, the flowers made of threaded silver. It fills the air with the same smell, always fresh.
A thin chain made of alternating links of gold and silver and features a bloody daffodil wrought from rose gold.
A bronze brooch engraved with a pair of sandals, their straps broken and trailing. They hum excitedly when not in motion.
A thickly padded shirt featuring a stylized blackberry bramble; the berries at the hems are sewn with tarnished silver thread.
A feastbowl carved from a single piece of marble, edged in faces which on inspection always seem to be people the viewer knows and cares for.
A silk ribbon stitched with gold and silver thread in stanzas of a poem about dying wealthy.
The Winter Aristocrat’s Dinner: A framed painting of a thin, beautiful, long-haired person eating a luxurious feast alone at a table in the snow that is, at first glance, a wonder. Closer inspection shows shadowy figures shivering at the edges in the dark, left out. Whatever figures were once painted there are covered now by a soft, porous mold that peels away easily but seems endless.
An azure-lacquered tablet that has a moon-bent tree made from polished ironoak laid into its face, the roots of which entangle each other and protrude from the tablet to end in small spikes.
A deep purple linen shirt sewn with extraordinarily thin iron wire in the shape of a cloud-shrouded moon over the right breast. Between the wires grows a pale green mold, clinging to the shirt in flaky outgrowths. The wearer can always see the moon’s outline, no matter what it is hidden behind. In moonlight, the mold grows noticeably.
A tin brooch shaped like a lightning-struck tree, with a dozen forks of lightning made from carefully inlaid porcelain, some of them broken.
A small porcelain thimble chased in scarlet and has a crimson silk slip cover. The markings on the thimble itself are minute and depict a cheerful but strained proprietor hawking various wares from a cart.
A handtruck featuring a thick bronze pry at the base of a long ironoak handle with two stubby wheels. Tiny iron charms in the shape of hearts dangle from the spokes of each wheel.
An archaic keepsake box with trinkets from a commoner from a forgotten era. Although these items may have some cultural significance, the items contained in the box are generally commonplace for that era. It does signal that other potentially more valuable artifacts from this era may be in the vicinity.
A beautifully crafted urn that, if broken, releases a vengeful spirit
A writ of freedom for years of indentured servitude paid off.
A tear stained map of the local cemetery with an “X” marking a specific grave.
A letter from family thanking the recipient for the money they've been sending, but ma isn't getting better so they should come home to see her soon.
A child's toy and a note in childish writing "so u arnt lonly" with it.
A polished black lacquer music box, with a picture of a migratory duck on the lid and an inscription inside that reads, "Home is Wherever I'm With You." The mechanism plays a nasty dissonant tune.
A seemingly unremarkable stone that emits a soothing, melodious hum when rubbed, but only those with a pure heart can hear the hidden harmonies that convey ancient wisdom.
A letter with the following written inside "we only need 300 more gold until we can bring her back and live peacefully once again as a family".
A veil with delicate, hand-painted patterns that shift and transform over time, subtly mirroring the emotions and experiences of the wearer, revealing a narrative of their life's journey.
A long thick staff-like musical instrument made of multiple joined rattlesnake rattlers that functions like a rain stick.
A bottle of cheap rotgut booze, only a quarter of it remains.
A wooden hand with articulating fingers. You can't tell if it's a mannequin hand to be used by artist, or a prosthetic. Every time you look away, it seems like the fingers slightly change position.
An antique hookah that looks recently used.
An armband made from vampirized human flesh, bone, and small hematite stones.
A pewter belt buckle with a symbol of a grinning face.
A nearly translucent roll of old parchment.
A large, intricately carved stone bowl filled with a thick, red liquid that smells like copper and rotten meat. The bowl is etched with strange, serpentine symbols and is supported by a trio of coiled serpent legs.
A simple and unassuming clay and bamboo, free-reed aerophone resembling a cross between an ocarina, a harmonica, and a pipe organ. The khaen covers four octaves, in a diatonic scale.
A whistle shaped like a wooden bird.
A velvet pouch filled with brilliant blue sand.
A turtle shell bowl polished to a beautiful shine.
A talisman displaying the symbol of a prominent noble house.
A collection of sandstone tablets filled with strange symbols. If translated, the tablets discuss the coming of a great serpent god. A thousand and one souls must be sacrificed in the name of the great serpent in order for it to manifest in the material plane.
A fishing hook made from ivory and studded with red beads.
A bound cluster of porcupine needles in a bag.
A silver fork with a crescent moon engraved onto the handle.
A single stone and wire earring that hums a faint, relaxing tune.
A clay urn the size of a fist that is covered in undecipherable writing.
A small copper frog statuette.
A small holy symbol of an exotic xenian cult dedicated to Random Domain.
A small flute carved from unfamiliar wood, giving it an unusual sound when played.
An occult mask that covers both the face and the head. It consists of a crown made to look like gold, but fake, and a veil made of heavy leather with holes for the eyes.
A mask of white porcelain with high, dramatic cheekbones and striking, red painted brows.
An acorn-sized seed with a green and orange swirled pattern. Knowledgeable PC’s can determine that it originated from the Feywild but aren’t sure what it will grow into.
A rod of whittled-down, bloody dragonhorn that has been scrimshawed with blasphemous prayers to the Archfiend of Random Evil Domain.
A bundle of unopened correspondence of a prominent politician.
A burnished copper coin that bears the crest of a forgotten kingdom.
A one-gallon cask labelled “Skullbungle”, bearing the design of an exploding grinning skull on the top lid. This jet-black drink swirls with red highlights and is made by distilling strong dwarven spirits through a mash made of hallucinogenic mushrooms and powerful chillies. Staggeringly strong and harsh yet incredibly tasty. Imbibing the drink often produces soothing hallucinations, making this a popular drink among the downtrodden as well.
A leather wallet stamped with the symbol of a wagon wheel. It contains a full set of certified identification papers denoting that the bearer is a member of the wagon-makers and wheelwrights guild. The section containing the member's physical description (Height, weight, sex, race, eye, skin and hair colour) is completely blank and could be filled in by anyone with half decent handwriting.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Earlier this month some two dozen people were released in the biggest prisoner exchange between Russia and the West in years.
It shone a light on the band of foreigners held in Russian jails.
The Finnish Security and Intelligence Service (Supo) told Hufvudstadsbladet that there's a heightened risk that Russia could exploit Finns in an attempt to release imprisoned Russians in Finland. The recent prisoner exchange demonstrated the efficacy of hostage diplomacy, according to the paper.
"Russia has secured the release of many citizens through hostage diplomacy," Supo deputy director Teemu Turunen told HBL, noting that it's a tool employed by authoritarian states with Finns not holding any special protection in this regard.
Turunen was, however, tight-lipped as to whether there is currently any Russian imprisoned in Finland whom the regime wants released — someone who could potentially be involved in a future prisoner exchange between the countries.
Vandalised heritage
Media outlets, including Ilta-Sanomat, are asking why a national landmark in central Helsinki was vandalised. The bronze sculpture in question depicts Elias Lönnrot, considered the father of the Finnish Kalevala, writing down the songs that would make up the Finnish epic.
IS reports that the monument has been defaced with a red substance, with the word "colonialist" graffitied across the sculpture's base.
Elias Lönnrot's head seems to have been the main target of the substance, although it's also partly on the face of Kalevala character Väinämöinen, who is seated next to Lönnrot.
Lönnrot was a prominent member of the Fennoman movement, which was instrumental in building a sense of Finnish identity in the 19th century. Some academics have argued that that Kalevala showed elements of a colonialist attitude among Finns towards Karelians.
Pricey fungus
Taloussanomat offers tips for aspiring mushroom hunters as the matsutake mushroom season begins. This fragrant mushroom, called tuoksuvalmuska in Finnish, thrives in dry pine forests. Enthusiasts have already reported sightings in Lempäälä.
It's coveted a fungus around Asia. In Japan, young matsutake mushrooms are reported to sell for up to 4,000 euros per kilo, with the price often exceeding 1,000 euros per kilo.
In Finland, restaurants have purchased it at prices ranging from one to 30 euros per kilogram.
Tea von Bonsdorff, a mycologist at Helsinki University, lamented the fact that Finland has not been able to figure out how to successfully export the mushroom to Japan.
While slightly forgotten now, Finland used to see matsutake tourists who went on special forays in search of the pine mushroom, according to Bonsdorff.
Mushrooms can be picked almost anywhere in Finland thanks to Everyone's Rights, which allow access to nature regardless of property ownership. However, it is important to exercise caution and only pick identifiable and edible mushrooms.
The Finnish Martta organisation has a guide in English to some of the easier-to-find varieties of mushroom in Finland's forests.
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phantoids · 2 years
Fuck it. Take some dsmp countries worldbuilding for an AU I'm working on.
Snowchester. originally it was l'manberg's industrial sector of claimed land, including a nuclear research lab (not limited to weapons but mostly yea, i like to think they had a decent physics department and were trying to figure out nuclear reactors to help power the city when things started getting worse) but ofc it turned into an industrial town since workers migrated there. you have small farms of hardy vegetables and their own traditions and such. it ends up gaining independence of lmanberg as like a separate country but it's still a colony yk since they wanted to be allow the people of snowchester to be seen as their own people whilst being able to easily keep their lmanberg citizenship and such given they're all first generation migrants basically. snowchester's main things are engineering (electrical, mechanical, anything they can get to do with mechanics), physics and nuclear physics. they've got some primary industry in extracting natural materials required for the nukes (the specific area is where there's a lot of very deeply buried inactive nuclear ore) and ofc secondary industry in the processing of those materials too since they're refined there too. snowchester has very little tertiary industry, and quite a bit of quaternary in terms of engineering and designers and such. meanwhile l'manberg has quite a bit of quaternary and tertiary industry but not nearly as much secondary (they mainly export food products, however, and often jewellery too) and basically no primary industry.
snowchester remains one of the more populated areas on the server after the egg, with how it's self sufficient and a bit too cold for the vines still. some are creeping up the shore though and nobody's too sure how long they have til the town is uninhabitable.
the dsmp specialises in primary industry and tertiary. all its manufacturing is either outsourced to lmanberg or the badlands. cause like. the badlands is an extremely good place to have a lot of manufacturing and quaternary as well, and they just do fuck all everything. they are THE manufacturing specialists (also cause sam would definitely like that kind of thing and help out with it).
kinoko exports agricultural goods and has one of the most popular brewing industries on the server, as well as being renowned for the general quality of ingredients and the amount of cafes. also has a lot of builders, there's a decent amount of construction done there due to the materials used in most of the buildings, it attracts a lot of carpenters and construction workers who want to test their skill working with mushrooms sturdy enough to build a house with. las nevadas is entirely tertiary and quaternary industry, they outside a lot to lmanberg and the badlands. basically after el rapids dispersed they created las nevadas so the few people who lived there moved to las nevadas, and people probably migrated from elsewhere too, but el rapids was planned to have a decent entertainment industry. las nevadas has lots of builders and carpenters and jewellery sellers but it's all bespoke stuff, and a lot of it is high end or hand made goods too. it's where you'll go to find the best restaurants and hotels and night clubs and casinos. it's where you meet the big business execs and where there's a lot of cramped office buildings, and the food is quite lovely since it's so close to kinoko they get fresh ingredient imports every day.
also foolish's summer home is a tourist attraction and resort. you've also just got foolish there. he's always seen building smth.
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enuode-au · 1 year
The Undergrove
Represented by: Shelby Coliva; Ruler
Titles/names of the representative: Shubble, Shrub
Race of the representative: Gnome
Race of the population: Mainly gnomes, some elves
Population size: ~15,000
The Undergrove is the least populated country. No, CCAM does not count.
Alliances: Hoen Yssler, Losheedi
Skott helped Shubble out when Mythland explorers started trying to conquer her territory. They also trade regularly, as they are the only two countries that regularly populate the mountains.
Losheedi is allied with (almost) everyone.
Political strength: #12
Being a small nation and the least populated independent country, the Undergrowth lacks in any sort of unique resources, and thus is often disregarded.
Losheedi is allied with (almost) everyone.
Exports: Fungi, vegetables, deep ores
Type of government: Semi-Presidential Republic
Flag: A flat, desaturated green background. Classic red/white spotted mushroom on center.
Climate: Moderate weather year-round.
Summer: Not too warm, but humid and rainy.
Fall: Wind sometimes knocks a few weak trees down, but harsh winds are rare.
Winter: It doesn't snow much, except possibly in the very south section by CCAM. Usually just rain still.
Spring: Moderate temperatures and humidity, with even more rain.
Appearance on a Map:
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exportimportdata-blog · 4 months
How Has the Boom in Mushroom Exports from India Been Analyzed?
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Mushrooms, the delectable and highly nutritious fungi, have enhanced our cuisine for millennia. The expansion of the food industry, rising consumer preferences, and growing awareness of health benefits have significantly boosted mushroom exports from India in recent years. Once a niche product, mushrooms are widely used in the food industry, healthcare, and other fields. With notable market trends and ample room for expansion, 2023 looks promising for the mushroom industry. By 2028, the mushroom market is expected to reach a projected value of USD 63.0 billion, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% based on trade data.
This blog will provide a detailed analysis of mushroom exports from India, including mushroom export data, key trends, challenges, and insights into the mushroom export market.
Is the Mushroom Export Business Profitable in India?
Exporting mushrooms from India, particularly oyster mushrooms, is a lucrative business. According to mushroom export data, between 2019 and 2024, the mushroom market in India is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.2%. This growth is driven by increased awareness of mushrooms' health benefits, rising demand for organic produce, and the growing popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets.
Mushroom cultivation in India can yield significant profits, reaching up to $190,000 annually. Moreover, mushrooms require less area and are ready for harvest within three weeks of casing (covering compost with a thin layer of sterile soil or materials like chalk powder).
By 2023, the mushroom market in India is expected to be valued at billions of dollars, with a market size of roughly USD 1.18 billion, growing at a healthy rate of over 12% annually.
Top 5 Mushroom Producing States in India
As an agricultural country, India has immense potential to develop various mushroom varieties. Let's explore the top mushroom-producing states in India:
Bihar Bihar is India's largest producer of mushrooms, producing over 28,000 metric tons in 2021-22, accounting for 10.82% of the country's total mushroom production.
Maharashtra Maharashtra is the second-largest producer, contributing over 9% of total production, mainly known for button and shiitake mushrooms.
Odisha Odisha ranks third, producing over 9% of the national total, with a focus on oysters and crimini mushrooms.
Haryana Haryana is the fourth-largest producer, known for cultivating button and oyster mushrooms, contributing over 5% of the national total.
Punjab With over 400 mushroom growers, Punjab has an average annual yield of 45,000 and 48,000 metric tons.
Mushroom Global Market Report 2022-23
The global mushroom market has grown significantly, from $57.18 billion in 2022 to $62.44 billion in 2023, a 9.2% CAGR, according to global mushroom export data. This strong market is projected to maintain its growth, with an expected value of $90.88 billion by 2027, increasing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8%.
The rising demand for vegan foods contributes to this growth as consumers increasingly adopt plant-based diets for health, animal welfare, and environmental reasons. The Asia-Pacific region emerged as the largest market in 2022 and is expected to remain the fastest-growing region during the forecast period. Major mushroom-exporting countries include Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
How Much Mushroom Does India Export?
According to the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), India exported 7,768 metric tons of fresh and processed mushrooms worth Rs. 123.64 crore (US$16.16 million) in 2022-23. This represented a 173.8% increase in volume and a 151.8% gain in value compared to 2021-22, as per mushroom export data from India.
Mushroom Exports from India: 2023-24
Here is the updated table for mushroom exports from India:
Mushroom Export Data Details
Number of Indian Mushroom Exporters: 2,968
Export Value: US$16.16 Million
Quantity of Mushrooms: 7,768 metric tonnes
HSN Codes for Mushroom: 07095100, 07115100
According to data from mushroom exporters in India, fresh mushroom exports increased by 250% over the previous year, indicating continuous growth in the business.
India's Mushroom Export Destinations
India's primary mushroom export destinations include:
European Union: 55.5%
Middle East: 23.7%
North America: 13.5%
ASEAN: 5.7%
Others: 16%
The most exported varieties of mushrooms are button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), followed by oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) and shiitake mushrooms (Lentinula edodes).
Major Players in the Mushroom Market
Top players in the global mushroom market include:
Scelta Mushrooms B.V.
Monaghan Mushrooms
Okechamp SA
CMP Mushrooms
Costa Group
Bonduelle Fresh Europe
Drinkwater Mushrooms Ltd.
Okechamp S.A.
Shanghai Finc Bio-Tech Inc.
Mushroom Exporters in India
Here is a list of top mushroom exporters in India:
SK Agro Fresh Foods
H.R Exports
Madd Foods
Aadhya Mushroom Farms
Mukund Exports
8D Exports
Kirat Mushroom Centre
Veggie Nation
Kwality Foods
Daily Mushrooms
Obstacles in the Mushroom Import and Export Industry
The primary challenges in the mushroom export market include:
Lack of market research on mushrooms.
Inability to implement new technologies.
Need for more investment.
Uneven farm-gate prices and profit margins.
Limited supply and increasing costs of raw materials like rice straw.
Poor quality of mushroom spawn and the risk of diseases.
Accurate market insights and reliable trade data are essential for overcoming these challenges. Platforms like ExportImportData.in provide updated and precise mushroom export data, helping traders make informed decisions.
How to Export Mushrooms from India?
Export of mushroom from India can be straightforward. Here's a step-by-step method:
Determine Your Target Market: Identify countries with high demand for Indian mushrooms, considering import restrictions, consumption trends, and price preferences.
Get High-Quality Mushrooms: Source mushrooms from renowned farms that comply with strict quality standards and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).
Obtain Required Licenses and Permits: Register as an exporter with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India's (FSSAI) Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) and obtain necessary permits like the Export Commodity Authorization (ECA).
Establish Strong Supply Chain Management: Ensure timely and consistent delivery of mushrooms to export destinations with proper packing, chilled shipping, and tracking mechanisms.
Acquire Market Research Report: Conduct market research in the destination country to identify potential buyers and importers. Participating in trade exhibitions and industry events can help meet new clients and distributors.
Utilize Reliable Data Platforms: Visit platforms like ExportImportData.in for updated import and export data, providing valuable insights and lists of mushroom exporters and importers.
Despite challenges like inflation and market fluctuations, the demand for mushrooms continues to rise in domestic and international markets. With the right strategy and knowledge, the mushroom export business from India can be highly profitable. Accessing accurate and updated mushroom export data is crucial for success in this growing market. Visit ExportImportData.in for more information and to connect with reliable trade professionals.
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henrywilson123 · 5 months
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Recent years saw a global mushroom trade surge fueled by evolving consumer tastes, health awareness, and food sector growth. India's pivotal role and its mushroom popularity offer lucrative trade opportunities. This blog explores Indian mushroom exports, highlighting market trends. Visit Blog: https://www.seair.co.in/blog/why-is-exporting-indian-mushrooms-a-lucrative-option-for-traders.aspx
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nardo-headcanons · 1 year
It's Naruto Worldbuildin Time!
How was Kusagakure able to stay in business?
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Here's what Narutopedia DE has to say: Kusagakure (草隔れ, Kusagakure no Sato, literally "The Village Hidden in the Grass") is located in the Grass Realm. The shinobi from this village specialize in jutsus that can affect the flora and fauna. Referring to the shinobi who came from Kusagakure, it can be assumed that this village is much less peaceful. More from Narutopedia EN: Kusagakure is skilled in diplomacy, a trait they constantly use to read the movements of other countries and stay one step ahead of them. They also analyse techniques from other villages in a similar manner. Because of these principles, others find it hard to read the shinobi from this village's attitudes. Although it has never been named, the country Kusagakure is located in has been shown on several occasions. The country is rich with forests, some consisting of giant mushrooms or bamboo. It also seems to have many rivers and deep ravines.
Imperialism is a thing in the shinobi world, and the grass realm was raided by Iwagakure. Despite that, it seems to be quite industrialized. I was wondering how? Here's my theory. Before the grass realm had its rich forests and mushrooms, it was surrounded by.. well.. grasslands. The ability of Kusa ninja to change the flora and fauna has made it possible to turn those badlands into rich forests with huge mushrooms. But aside from creating forestlands, Kusagakure found another way to utilize their speciality: Grain cultivation and agriculture.
Kusagakure is the biggest exporter of grains (except rice, that's Kiri) and vegetables. They can create the best growing conditions for these products. Also, the flowershop that Ino's family owns? The flowers they sell are imported from Kusagakure.
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baobikhangloi · 2 years
What is large format PE film, technology to produce large format PE film? Large format PE film is the main material to cut out to make large plastic bags, in which the main size is the width of the mouth of the bag, and the length can be up to several hundred meters because it is packed in rolls. This PE is extremely convenient when used as a greenhouse film, lake lining, concrete floor covering or agricultural mulch. Large format PE film is made by melting virgin plastic at a suitable temperature, then blowing it up into air bubbles and then folding it to form a film with the correct width as required and wrapped in a paper or plastic core to Maximize space saving. The larger the film size, the larger the machine must also have a blown head and the higher the body height, which can be up to 30 meters. Technical factors, technology and skill level of workers operating the machine. also very strict requirements to be able to ensure the quality of the product. High applicability of PE film in the packaging industry Packaging made from PE (polyethylene) plastic has excellent properties such as high strength and good bearing capacity, and at the same time is flexible and flexible. In addition, it also prevents water, does not allow air to pass through, and has clarity. Transparent to clearly see the product inside. Therefore, PE film or large format PE film is very popular in the packaging industry, especially in the heavy industry or for export. PE film, in addition to being cut to make bags in a semi-automatic method, can also be used for large automatic presses and packaging machines or left in rolls when used for spreading, lining, and roofing surfaces with large area. as big as greenhouses, mushroom growing houses, shrimp ponds..... Products of plastic film, large format PE film of Khang Loi company Plastic film products, plastic bags, plastic bags of Khang Loi Packaging Company are manufactured 100% from primary plastic particles, ensuring the transparent and supple characteristics of the product and safe for food. completely meet the strictest export standards to the US or European countries. Besides, if it is necessary to add additives to create color, or ensure static electricity, resistance or other special requirements, with a team of technicians and skilled workers with many years of experience in the field. In the packaging industry, we are completely confident that we can meet all the requirements of our customers. Large production capacity, flexible shipping and payment methods as well as commitment to quality are also one of the reasons that customers trust and choose Khang Loi to become a supplier of packaging products. large format for their business activities. Companies wishing to cooperate or want to know more details about products, please contact us for the best preferential price. Thank you very much!
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bikekit789 · 2 months
Bags for courier delivery | Bikekit
Innovation is the Key to Success
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The year 2020 marked the beginning of chaos as the Coronavirus pandemic took over. Overnight industries were shut down, death and loss became the buzzwords and it appeared as if ‘survival of the fittest’ had just been translated afresh. It was a time when the world came to a grinding halt and yet, hope loomed on the horizon. With lockdowns happening everywhere, it became difficult to get even essential things like food, water, toiletries, etc. from a nearby grocery store. Fortunately, the last-mile delivery companies had already started mushrooming in early 2017 / 2018. The COVID situation, accelerated the growth of all these companies & from being a luxury of ordering things on an App, this suddenly became a ‘saviour.’ One could order anything on click of a button & get stuff home delivered. Last-Mile Delivery & Logistics companies gained momentum and soon an army of courier boys were seen dotting the streets, each delivering food, medicines, and much more.
Ankit Agarwal, a serial entrepreneur with 23+ years of experience has always believed in innovation & forward thinking. The boom of Last Mile Delivery companies encouraged him to launch BikeKit in 2018. BikeKit is a one-stop shop for all the products that a company needs in its delivery arsenal. It manufactures unique products & provides SMART services in the areas of Delivery Solutions, Rider Safety, and Rider Wellness. In four short years BikeKit has re-written the rules of the game, and its products are exported to more than 20+ countries from its Dubai Headquarters.
Who could have thought back in 2018-19 that in merely two-three years logistics would be one of the top revenue grossing businesses globally?
BikeKit’s innovative LED Delivery Bags
Delivery bags have been around since past many years. Available in different sizes, colors, materials, etc. they are used for carrying a host of items. BikeKit’s team thought of innovating this product & came up with the idea of adding backlit LED panels to these bags.
So, the LED Delivery Bag, is a unique ‘lit’ offering! One cannot miss it, as the 12 V panel, either connected to the bike’s battery or a customized power bank, can be seen shining bright, even from a distance of 50 Meters! Needless to say, it attracts people near and far and hence, acts as a great branding or marketing tool. The bag, made from strong fabric, displays superior stitching and has adjustable straps that provide maximum comfort to the rider. What’s more, the LED Delivery Bag also takes care of road safety, as the rider becomes more visible in dark or cloudy conditions.
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BikeKit also offers 'Plain Delivery Bags' which are reasonably priced and offers ultimate ergonomic comfort to the rider. Made with high-grade quality raw material, it is neatly stitched and has cushioned and adjustable shoulder straps that provide immense support to the rider.
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Both the bags are for courier delivery and are suitable for delivering medicines, groceries, food, and documents, and depending on their use, hot or cool modules can also be added to further enhance their superior utility. Bags can be customized as per a company’s requirements. These bags can either have a top opening flap or both top & side opening. Bags come with superior quality insulation to keep the food at its desired temperature.
LED Boxes
Apart from Plain & LED Bags, Bikekit also manufactures LED Boxes. These are big 50×50 CM boxes, with a huge 46×43 CM back-lit LED Panels on 3 sides. The boxes are ideal for installing it on a motorbike or scooter.
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thehungrykat1 · 3 months
Cold Storage Seafood Promotes Sea Conservation with "GenSea: Dive into Sustainability"
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Cold Storage, a leading name in the frozen seafood industry for 27 years, proudly announced its new partnership with Save Philippine Seas (SPS) for its "GenSea: Dive Into Sustainability" campaign. This collaborative effort aims to build a community and platform for like-minded leaders dedicated to shaping the future of our oceans.
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The official media event was held last June 20, 2024 at the exclusive Manila House Private Members Club in Bonifacio Global City. This was the first time that Cold Storage held an event such as this which includes a talk with some of the countries leading chefs and restaurateurs on how we can all come together to help sustain our seas.
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The exclusive was attended by guests from the media, corporate partners, plus the owner's friends and family who all came to support this noble endeavor.
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Cold Storage Seafood has been a trusted name in the seafood industry for 27 years, providing premium-quality seafood to customers worldwide. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on elevating the quality of their products, Cold Storage is also proud to introduce LOKAL, a line of export-quality seafood sourced locally from various regions across the Philippines. The company is led by brothers Marco Qua and Morris Qua who, as president and vice-president, respectively, have recently expanded Cold Storage Seafood's operations and relaunched their flagships retail stores in Wilson Street and Banawe.
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“Partnering with Save the Philippine Seas has significantly enhanced our understanding of sustainable practices,” says Marco Qua, President of Cold Storage. “Through this collaboration, we've identified innovative ways to improve our processes and products, ensuring both environmental stewardship and long-term product sustainability. This partnership emphasizes our commitment to protecting marine ecosystems while delivering high-quality and sustainable products to our customers.” GenSea is not just about advocating for sustainable fishing practices and responsible sourcing; it's about celebrating the strategic collaboration between Cold Storage Seafood and Save Philippine Seas. Through educational content and fundraising events, this partnership underscores Cold Storage's commitment to delivering superior seafood options while promoting environmental conservation.
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"Save Philippine Seas is a non-profit organization that aims to conserve coastal and marine resources by empowering "seatizens" for collective action and behavior change," says Harvey Perello, Project Manager of SPS. "We call ourselves, communities, and partners as seatizens to remind us that we are citizens of the sea. SPS began as an online platform in May 2011 as a response to a large-scale illegal wildlife trade case dubbed in the media as the rape of the Philippine Seas. What was meant to be a short-lived social media campaign continued to grow."
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Guests were treated to a selection of the finest seafood dishes from Cold Storage Seafood prepared by Manila House's chefs. The Salmon Sashimi was very fresh and served as pass around appetizers. It was even better than most of the sashimi you can find in five-star restaurants here.
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The special six-course lunch started with the Seared Scallops and Ikura with Spicy Mayo. These were fresh and plump scallops that were so good, with a little spicy kick from the mayo. The ikura or Japanese salmon roe also brought a nice texture and flavor component.
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Next was the Grilled Halibut with Mushroom Au Jus. This light and clean tasting soup was made more exquisite with the tender and premium halibut that you don't often encounter in other restaurants.
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For the salad course, guests had the Pomelo and Shrimp Salad. This is a refreshing and healthy salad that comes with big juicy pieces of prawns.
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The main course was the heavenly Pan Seared Salmon in Miso Butter Sauce. The salmon was cooked perfectly and it was sitting on a bed of glorious miso butter that would have been so good to pair with rice.
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Everyone was surprised to see a second main course, this time it was the Grilled Pompano in Thai Red Curry Sauce. This was another masterful creation with the freshly grilled pompano combined with a spicy Thai curry sauce.
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To cap off the amazing lunch, guests were served the duo of Yema Palitaw and Mango Sticky Rice. The sweet treats were a great way to end the indulgent six-course seafood lunch.
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The "GenSea: Dive Into Sustainability" event also came with a panel discussion about supporting sustainable practices for local food and beverage businesses. The discussion was moderated by award-winning author and chef, Angelo Comsti, and he was joined by a panel of F&B experts: Nicco Santos & Quenee Vilar of Restaurant Aurora, Stephan Duhesme of Metiz / Automat, Patrick Go of Your Local, and Rhea & Jayjay SyCip of The Fatted Calf. 
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The collaboration between Cold Storage and Save Philippine Seas goes beyond panel discussions. It's a demonstration of genuine commitment to environmental causes. By putting words into action and partnering with SPS, Cold Storage aims to strengthen the trust and loyalty of conscientious consumers. "GenSea is a fitting title for this campaign because SPS is focused on developing a generation of seatizens, or people who appreciate and care for our seas. This partnership will support our environmental education programs and help us develop communication materials on sustainable seafood," said Anna Oposa, Executive Director of SPS.
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As part of the campaign, Cold Storage President Marco Qua committed to donate to SPS and share various projects to help raise more funds for the organization. The campaign also aims to engage with F&B professionals and influential individuals to amplify its reach and impact. Congratulations to Cold Storage Seafood for a successful event and for helping to promote food sustainability. For more updates and seafood information, you may follow Cold Storage Seafood on Facebook and Instagram. 
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