#Muse of life
yourfaveisclasspected · 9 months
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Requested by @jabberwock-the-lemur!
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our-fav-hs-char · 2 months
Which is the cooler classpect?
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en8y · 5 months
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the life aspect symbol in the center; two bright green vertical wavy lines, resembling a sprouting plant. it is outlined in dull brown. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull cool blue, golden yellow, and magenta. the second flag has these top three colors: cool green, pastel yellow, and light warm green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dull brown, off-white, dull brown, tan, pastel brown, and warm green. END ID.]
lifeasimuse: a gender connected to being a muse of life; this gender is connected to the life aspect, life aspect aesthetics, muse aesthetics, artistic aesthetics, musical aesthetics, and being inspired!
lifeasilord: a gender connected to being a lord of life; this gender is connected to the life aspect, life aspect aesthetics, lord aesthetics, being in power or authority, and being gendervir!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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starlit1daydream · 6 months
so i finally did it: flowey the flower's classpect & asriel dreemurr
obligatory disclaimer that this post will include massive spoilers for undertale and undertale yellow.
let's get the obvious out of the way first - what is flowey's ASPECT? this is something that i feel is pretty obvious, he's a very clear-cut doom player.
he deals with inevitability and predestination, has a very nihilistic and cynical worldview based on his soulless perception of the world and the repetitions he's gone through, and he's associated a lot with some very morbid and edgy imagery. in particular, i think it's his manipulations with fate and inevitability that solidify him as a player of doom (save states and such). it's for this same reason that i believe sans is a doom player, but that's for another essay.
what's his class? well, let's get into how flowey experiences doom.
flowey's existence, from the very moment of his creation, has been defined by doom. an inability to die or cessate his own existence that leads to a plethora of lives full to the brim with death, experiments with predestination and a general morbid curiosity. flowey does things until he's exhausted every single possible outcome of the situation, and then he moves on to the next until he's sucked all novelty and nuance out of it, effortlessly manipulating doom and making it bend to his whim.
a lot of people would be quick to place him as a witch because of this, but personally i think that flowey's absolute will and dominion places him at an even higher tier.
flowey isn't a witch, he is a lord of doom. he holds absolute control over the aspect of doom, exhibiting full control over inevitability and decay in every facet.
let's just look at some of the things flowey does. he subjects clover to countless resets and deaths at his hand for his own amusement, sets up the denizens of the underground like little dolls for him to play with until they break apart, all the while plotting to grasp more control and seize true dominion. he's a textbook lord, endlessly determined and power-hungry as he lets nothing stand in the way of his goal (acquisition of the SOULs). much in the same way, we see caliborn's quest for power leaving similar destruction in its wake and he holds the same determination, hell, they're even associated with the same laugh soundbyte! the similarities are all there, and the stunted mental development definitely shows for both of them given they're a kid who never properly got the chance to grow up.
in fact, it's the link to caliborn that brings me to my next point. what of asriel?
simple. in the same way the caliborn has his calliope, the muse of space, flowey has his asriel, the muse of life. this may sound contradictory to the asriel we see in the finale of undertale, but i propose that this is an asriel still under the throes of the inversion that brings flowey his classpect.
their true classpect has always been the muse of life, it's merely that flowey's soulless state brings about an inversion that is only 'fixed', if you will, after asriel is brought back to normality.
the real asriel is much like a muse. he is tender, emotional, caring, perhaps a little weak-willed or timid at times. he is the narrative's driving force but in a wholly passive manner. throughout the whole game asriel is the inspiration that hangs over the plot (throughout BOTH games in fact, his role in deltarune very much cements his role as a muse) but we never see him until the final hour. much like a muse, he has become his aspect for the sake of the narrative. life, of course, represents growth, affluence, the natural energy of all things, and uses both baking and plant-life as symbolism. consider what asriel and chara used for their plot, and what flowey is now, and those two symbols make a lot more sense.
so, though asriel and flowey have two separate classpects by technicality, they are still the same person and it's a inversion similar to that people say rose underwent during her descent into 'grimdarkness', going from a seer of light to a witch of void.
now, this is a controversial statement to make because a lot of homestuck fans question the validity of the 'inversion' argument, saying that it's never explicitly stated in canon and to that i say that homestuck is quite possibly the poster child for 'death of the author'. i want you to bear in mind this is my personal view on the subject and homestuck's fanbase has never been one to agree on any concrete interpretations of the classpect system.
that's all from me. until next time, tumblr.
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tavtiers · 8 months
hellooooo!~ could I have an analysis for muse of life and/or sylph of breath? The first one was determined through the official classpect list and the second one was through guesswork and looking through an old classpect blog. Curious to see how they compare and contrast :)
The Muse of Life [symbols: light bulb, vines]
The Muse class has its basis in the ancient Greek Muses. An example would be Jesus from Christianity.
The Life aspect’s main theme is growth. You can find its official description here.
A Muse of Life is among those who are masters of energy to influence. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Muse and Lord of Life/Doom. These classes are opposites and inverses of each other that master the Life/Doom dichotomy (energy to influence). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Muse of Life passively masters the Life aspect. Passive classes are guided by others or act for the benefit of others. They are more likely to be kind, but less likely to stand up for themselves. This can be seen in extremes with the Muse, who is an entirely passive class. Muses and Lords have complete domain over their aspect and everything it symbolizes. Where Muses possess all the abilities of the passive classes, Lords possess all of the active. Simplified, the Muse of Life is motivated by others to be a master of growth. They are entirely dependent on the actions or motivations of others to accomplish their goals, but do so with godlike ability.
In personality, the Muse of Life aims to inspire others and keeps trying even if they fail. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Outlier Child, defined by inspiration and growth. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite and inverse is the Lord of Doom, who actively masters caution. 
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people. 
This means that the Muse of Life begins life motivated by themselves to be a master of caution. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead mastering growth for others. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to be a master of the Life aspect passively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with no one, as a master classpect. 
The Muse of Life would quest on a planet similar to the Land of the Mutable [Muse] and Life [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Evolution and Invasion. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here. 
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Hebe (Goddess of Youth) or Asclepius (God of Medicine). Other Life aspect denizens can be found here. 
When the Muse of Life completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of butterflies (symbols of pollination). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Muses of Life are: Penny from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Goldberry from Lord of the Rings, Cheza from Wolf's Rain, and The Lady of the Forest from Dragon Age.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions Personality Descriptions Aspect Denizens
Sylph of Breath analysis will be in a separate post!
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squid-of-tism · 1 year
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Hell yeah! Muse of life time!
•So I've never really put too much thought into the master classes. They just never really interested me, plus we only have one example each, so my autism brain would just always feel like there's not enough info when trying to analyze them. Honestly, that made it kinda fun to look into this class!
•So Muses are essentially just the ultimate passive class. I don't even use the active-passive theory in my analyses, but Lords and Muses are just that with the ladder being the passive one. I see Muses as just having an area of effect for their aspect in both the metaphorical sense and the semi-literal. The best way I can put my thinking into words that make sense is Lords completely use their aspect and Muses give others their aspect as well as influence the aspect around them.
•Life is the aspect of healing, positivity, rebellion, nature, wealth, energy, and optimism. It's plainly one of the most straightforward aspects. It represents the hand you've been dealt in life and what you do with it, and nature.
•A Muse of life is the ultimate healer. They represent all parts of Life and utilize it for the benefit of others and the aspect itself. when your aspect is literally healing and nature and your class is Influencing and working with said aspect, no contest, a pure hype man.
•I'm gonna be honest when I first read the reply I was caught off guard by classpecting Jesus lol. The Bible and Homestuck aren't really two things you see cris crossed, But after thinking about it, Yeah Jesus is a Muse of Life. Like, Even not acknowledging the miracles he performed (Healing the blind, multiplying fish a bread, healing a man with a withered hand), the overall story of his birth, life, death, and resurrection all align perfectly with a Muse of Life. I don't completely trust myself to summarize 4 books of the bible while connecting it to Homestuck, but the main parts are easier, He was the literal son of the creator of life, was born a virgin birth, healed those around him, loved thy neighbor, died, came back, left, and promised to come back. My guy, that's the most muse of life story out there.
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ultra-clashpects · 4 months
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The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is someone who becomes and influences who others become and what their trajectory in life and in their game is, helping people through their difficult spots and offering support if that’s what you need, while also giving you soft pushes and nudges to keep you going in the right direction. The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is optimistic and cheerful, a social person at heart, and they would do nearly anything to help the people they care about succeed and get through their obstacles, even if it nearly kills them or doesn’t give anything back.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life plays a supportive role in other people’s lives, even when they have an idea that’s in their own best interest, they still can’t help but help other people and inspire them to become one with their aspects. The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life will discover that they can give up who they are as a person to become one with their aspects, to have a piece of themself in every tiny segment of their aspects everywhere, sharing their power and their understanding with the aspects themself, and once they become one with the aspects, they can truly begin to inspire all of those that surround them.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Heir of Blood, which means that they are sociable and outgoing, they are friendly, and they are driven by their connections and their relationships, always willing to selflessly give themselves up for their friends and family to get ahead in whatever they’re doing. They get strength from their bonds with people, they get stronger when their loved ones are happy and healthy, and they suffer when they are rejected or hurt by those closest to them, but no matter what they’ll tough it out and do everything in their power to repair their relationships and make sure that everyone is happy all the time.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Heir of Life, which means that they are full of Life and energy, always ready to take life by the reins and to show everyone who is the boss in their life, but with this reckless attitude they tend to get hurt or accidentally hurt others. They are well liked and often find themselves at the centre of the crowds, but this kind of life suits the Heir and they can and will most likely do wonderful, no matter what they’re doing, as long as they know that other people have their back.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Muse of Blood, which means that they are a social butterfly and they love having as many friends as possible, gaining strength and power the more that they’re liked and the more connections they have. They influence people to get along with others, almost like a matchmaker, setting people up with the information of other people to maybe create new bonds of any kind, platonic or romantic or anything else, and when these relationships are started, the Muse can feed off of the power and grow, becoming stronger and more powerful than before.
The Heir-Muse of Blood-Life is part Muse of Life, which means that they are brimming with Life, they are positive and loving and they put their all into their relationships, they are energetic and the rarely ever look at something from a negative point of view or see any bad in the situation in front of them. They inspire others to take in the sights and the sounds of nature and to let themselves be one with the earth sometimes, because Mother Nature is the best healer possible for most ailments, and sometimes it’s better to just relax and let Life pass you by rather than working yourself to the bone trying to keep up with every single menial thing in your life.
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nebulacollected · 10 months
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As one of my characters is the muse of life, I had to make my own muse design,
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techtakesoff · 2 years
can I request muse of life? It’s my classpect but almost no one talks about muses because they are rare :(
I'm sorry my man but I haven't done Muse or Lord classpects for a bit now, since there's too much speculation to be done on them, and I don't like making really far fetched assumptions, though.
Here's some other analyses I found, though, so you can check those out. Best of luck.
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Concept: a muse of life who is very gullible.
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humunanunga · 1 year
You can believe in magic, but watch out.
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yourfaveisclasspected · 7 months
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SYM is a MUSE of LIFE!
Requested by @awholenewboi!
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lipikkawrites · 26 days
A lot will go wrong before everything goes right.
Keep moving forward.
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thiscoldheart · 6 months
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NICOLA COUGHLAN as Penelope Featherington
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contactlessdrivethru · 9 months
there is something unique and deeply special about monkey d luffy as a protagonist. he’s overwhelmingly ADORED by the fandom. he’s consistently the most or at least top 3 most popular characters in the whole series. peoples takes about him are gushingly positive. and that’s… really uncommon.
a LOT of fandoms i’ve witnessed or been in have a tendency to favor characters other than the main character. especially in anime. the main characters are often written as a blank slate for readers/watchers to project onto, but that makes them not as interesting and so they don’t get the fan attention.
but luffy is so far from that. and he’s ALWAYS been this way. we love him so much. he’s the heart of the story and the heart of the fandom in every single way. and i think that speaks to how well-written he is as a character. he’s fun and charming and complex and interesting and he makes us laugh and cry and cheer and hope and love. he’s able to inspire so much joy in people, both in his world but also in this one. and i think that’s really special. i feel so grateful to have found this story that means so much to me, and i’m so grateful that luffy exists.
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tavtiers · 7 months
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A hypothetical god tier for The Lady of the Forest from Dragon Age: the Muse of Life.
A Muse of Life is among those who are masters of energy to influence. They are motivated by others to be a master of growth. (x) The Muse of Life aims to inspire others and keeps trying even if they fail. (x) They are the Outlier Child, defined by inspiration and growth. (x) Their opposite and inverse is the Lord of Doom. They share their personality with no one, as a master classpect. The Muse of Life would quest on a planet similar to the Land of the Mutable and Life, reigned over by Hebe (Goddess of Youth) or Asclepius (God of Medicine). They would rise to ascension on the wings of butterflies. (x)(x)(x)
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