#Muriel learns how to live
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lvndrlondonfog · 3 months ago
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The nightingales haven’t sang for months, leaving the demon with only the soft whistle of a somber, snowy symphony that blew in with the winter breeze.
On the other hand, the winter season brings a new, exciting look to the world for an inexperienced angel; they’re thinking they’re rather starting to like it here.
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neonvqmpire · 2 years ago
we need to talk about how close aziraphale actually was to saying no to the metatron after the kiss and why:
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he's extremely conflicted and keeps looking out of the window to crowley in the car.
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he previously said "nothing last forever" when crowley told him that he cant leave the bookshop (crowley also meant "you cant leave me"; the bookshop is a metaphor for their lives on earth for him) and he states exactly this as the first objection here. obviously the metatron shuts it down by appointing muriel as the next owner of the shop.
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now he's stuck between wanting to be with the being he loves & who he now knows loves him back and his deep inner need/duty to do good. crowley's confession and kiss clearly made him question his decision and change his mind because here is when he actually decides for both.
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you can see how he does not want to join heaven alone. he keeps looking out the window when asked if he needs anything to take with him.
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he desperately needs crowley there but he can not have him so he lies and says no.
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i this moment he tries to say no to heaven one last time. he starts saying "i think i-" and then looks out to crowley one last time. he's really considering crowleys offer here. i think the decision that he makes instead is actually FOR crowley as well.
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he decides to join heaven not as he was previously convinced by the metatron to do good and rule together with crowley (which he did not want to do) but instead to go and keep a close eye on heaven FOR crowley.
aziraphale isnt stupid, he remembers what crowley said about heaven being toxic.
i think the confession and kiss makes him question heaven. crowley, who fell for asking questions made aziraphale question heaven too. something that he was always too scared to do. he has started to rebel in his head. he realised that something has to be up with heaven/the metatron bc they offered him the position. he decided to go but with a completely different purpose than before. 
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he puts on a smile and it seems fake because it is. he wants to appear like he hasn't just fundamentally changed his position and decided to go against the one force who he was always afraid of yet dependent on. 
this is sth extremely relatable to someone who is queer and autistic and was raised by very conservative family members. even the thought of supporting queer people felt rebellious, terrifying but also extremely exiting and powerful because i knew it was the right thing to believe. 
aziraphale was being so brave here. he saw a glimpse of the life he wants and can have and choose to join heaven anyway to fight for this life. he is convinced it will not be possible for them to be together if heaven is still kicking about and making him feel powerless and scared. he wants to secure their future by changing or possibly even destroying the system from the inside out. 
unfortunately he didn't have time to tell crowley about his change of intention and i think it really breaks his heart. crowley would probably not understand it anyway. they still have a lot to work through and learn but ultimately they will find each other again. they always do.
i am so so interested to see where and how they meet again in s3, if we get it. after everything i just really want them to be happy and to spend their eternity together. they deserve it after all they went through.
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highseas-swede · 1 year ago
Becoming Real
Recently Good Omens Prime Twitter account posted a BTS photo of Aziraphale and Furfur and it started the gears in my head turning, trying to parse it. It's only just now that it finally coalesced into a proper thought.
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I kept thinking Aziraphale reminded me of something, especially when compared to the other angels. Look at him next to pre-Jim Gabriel, Uriel, Michael... heck, even Furfur, who he's standing next to right now.
Furfur is a demon, but his outfit is impeccable, it's sleek and stylish. The angel's suits in heaven are all pressed and flawless and New.
But not Aziraphale. He's dressed in old human clothes, his waistcoat is worn and tattered and long-loved. Aziraphale is, as Michael put it, like an old sofa. Worn and comfortable. He could choose to look basically however he wants, but instead he chooses to clothe himself in actual human clothes, to eat human food, to enjoy human entertainment - books, music, plays, etc. He does this despite the fact that it actively makes the other angels dislike him and find him unpalatable.
And that's what stuck out to me. Because unlike those other angels and demons, Aziraphale doesn't feel distant from humanity. He might be odd or eccentric to humans, but they don't question his humanity. He doesn't stand out to them in the way that the other angels do when they show up.
It occurred to me that this is because unlike the other angels... Aziraphale is Real.
Have you ever read The Velveteen Rabbit? There's a scene in it where they talk about what it means to be Real:
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This made me think of Aziraphale. About how the other angels are these pristine things, kept aloof from the world, and then there's Aziraphale, who is worn and shabby, who's lived on earth for millennia among the humans. He's loved and learned and experienced what being human is like and because of that he's Real in a way that the other angels aren't. Humans have personhood, a sense of agency, a sense of self. Angels and demons have only the divine plan, as Beelzebub and Gabriel noted, that's all they live for "if you can call it living".
But what strikes me the most is how potentially devastating Aziraphale's Realness will be to Heaven. They only succeed at keeping angels in line because they're undistracted from the Great Plan. We see how Gabriel - as Jim - takes to cocoa after trying it. We see how quickly Muriel becomes fascinated with books.
Now consider that this is the angel they're putting in charge of Heaven. This worn, shabby, old sofa of an angel who has an endless well of love, for Crowley, for the world and the humans in it. He doesn't seem dangerous in the slightest. He seems Fragile.
But he is dangerous. So very dangerous.
But it's not because he's a guardian, not because he's a warrior, not because he's the Angel of the Eastern Gate who leads a battalion and was issued a flaming sword. He gave all of that away and it's worth noting that this is the first actual choice we see him make in the show, the thing that sets him apart in Crowley's eyes, and it wasn't even Crowley's doing! Aziraphale made a choice to give the mortals his sword out of compassion and it is a sense of compassion we don't see from the other angels.
His deviations all stem from that initial act. It takes him from being this two-dimensional cardboard entity existing only as part of the Divine Plan and set him on the path to actual Personhood.
It doesn't happen right away, of course, because as the Skin Horse says:
"It doesn't happen all at once. You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But those things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand."
And doesn't that sum up Aziraphale? He's shabby and worn and he's beautiful to the people who understand and appreciate that being Real means being imperfect, and that every imperfection is still beautiful.
No wonder the angels mock his corporation, his flaws, all the things he enjoys that make him less than what they think he should be. We see evidence over and over that Aziraphale is essentially "ugly" to them. But that's because they don't understand.
Aziraphale's Realness, his personhood, what Crowley has helped nurture from the Wall of Eden all the way to that last desperate kiss, is what really matters. Good Omens has always been about People being fundamentally People. It's the underlying current that ties everything together, for good or for ill. People have agency. People have self-actualization. People have the ability to make their own choices, for good or for evil.
And now Aziraphale has that too.
That's the very real danger he presents to heaven.
Because we've already seen that any angel, given sufficient time and interaction with humans could be like Aziraphale. All it takes is one small opening, one bite from the apple. Whether deliberately or not, Crowley tempted Aziraphale into every step, the way he tempted Eve in the garden. He gave Aziraphale the knowledge of Right and Wrong, presented him with the option, the way he did with humanity. Were they even really human before Crowley? Did he give them free will? His actions cast them out of paradise, but did it ultimately set them free? Has he struggled for millennia to do the same for the angel he's loved so well and for so long?
Does Crowley know how horribly, wonderfully well he succeeded?
Bringing Aziraphale back to Heaven, putting him in charge, was the absolute worst thing the Metatron could have done for keeping the status quo and it's not because of Aziraphale's fighting prowess. It's because of the small Human acts of kindness and pettiness that Aziraphale is capable of. That's not going to go away when he's in Heaven. It's going to spread. He's going to infect Heaven with Humanity. It's going to be so slow and gradual that they won't see it coming until it's far too late.
It's not going to be the way that Aziraphale intends to change Heaven and yet, it will surely ultimately be what really makes a difference.
I wonder too, if maybe that's some subconscious part of it. After seeing Gabriel change, seeing Muriel change, I wonder if there's not some part of Aziraphale that realizes that Heaven is a miserable place that makes miserable people. He'll extend compassion to them that they don't deserve and don't know they're missing and he'll surely go on with whatever his own Plan - with a capital P, of course - is and he won't even realize what he's actually done.
And then, like the ending of S1, like the ending of S2, the ultimate deciding factor will not be who is the best warrior, who is the strongest. It will be about the Human element.
Metatron thought he could control Aziraphale, bring him in line by bringing him back to Heaven. He wants to take away the human element of Aziraphale and shove him back into that Obedient Little Angel shaped mold and he doesn't realize it's not possible anymore. Aziraphale's grown. He'll never fit, he'll never be that again. There is no going back anymore.
As the Skin Horse says: "Once you are Real, you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always."
And Real things, things with depth and purpose and will, are impossible to ever truly control.
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dalliancekay · 1 year ago
The 'Aziraphale Still Believes in Heaven' Take
Is one that I see so often. Too often. The way many fans (still) say Aziraphale is so naïve, he's never learned anything, he never changes, Metatron just offered him a promotion and he happily jumped on it. Happy to go back to Heaven. Still in their clutches. Leaving Crowley behind. Cos nothing lasts forever. Amirite? Poor long-suffering Crowley. So patient. Goes through so much. Aww. Takes that say that because Crowley never told Aziraphale about the venom in Gabriel's "Shut your stupid mouth and die already", Aziraphale has no idea that Heaven is not the good guys, that he still believes they are on the side of truth and light.
Takes that claim Aziraphale wants Crowley to come to Heaven and be an angel again so they can be happy like in the good old times. Takes that basically say that Aziraphale is stupid. And blind. LISTEN Do you mean this Aziraphale:
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Who knew before Crowley did that something is rotten in the state of Denmark, that things are wrong and one can get in a lot of trouble for a thing as minor as a suggestion to improve things. Is this the Aziraphale that would seriously suggest to Crowley, who he was immediately deeply anxious over, to go back to 'good old times'? What good old times? How is Heaven a place of light when:
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A bunch of angels comes down to Earth to bully and PUNCH ONE OF THEIR OWN?
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Why would he think they are the light when they shame him for being who he is?
And yes, Aziraphale wants to do good. But that's not tied to him being an angel. And it's not a bad thing ffs! Crowley does good as well. Aziraphale might be the only one who knows, but he knows. Maybe getting humans out of the Garden to seek knowledge was always a (certainty) possibility, and maybe not, but it was Aziraphale's decision to arm them.
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And She didn't make him Fall for it. And do you remember when:
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Aziraphale first openly questioned that Heaven was actually doing what God actually wanted? He had a think after the Flood, didn't he. He did what he thought was right. He trusted Crowley over his fellow angels, with his own sense of rightness. He and Crowley saved the kids that Aziraphale triple checked the Archangels saw no problem in letting die to make things easier. And She didn't make him Fall for it. In Edinburgh:
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Az re-evaluated his assumption that grave-robbing is bad and did a full 180 degree turn when he learned it can be spun another way, trying to save the grave-robbing girl AND the possible future lives of children that could be helped via more learning. And when we come to Metatron and his threats, we don't see the full conversation, but don't we see enough? Aziraphale says that he's not interested. Metatron keeps nagging at him. Pushing the symbolic coffee from Coffee or Death at him. Flattering him with obvious untruths. After all, Aziraphale knows what Heaven thinks of him. He tried to reason with Metatron before. Metatron tells him they know how deep his disobedience lies:
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Aziraphale is not a fool. He knows this is an offer of come quietly or we will find a way to destroy you and your demon this time. Aziraphale didn't have to hear Metatron's quip of: "For one prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story. For it to happen twice, makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem." He knows the system is rotten. He knows for a LONG time. Did you see his face when he met Muriel and realised what a lonely sad existence they lead.
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AND Crowley doesn't love Aziraphale despite the fact that he's being used to get out of trouble, being made to listen about random things the angel enjoys from symphonies to food and plays, and who continues to believe in goodness and kindness. CROWLEY LOVES AZIRAPAHLE BECAUSE OF THOSE THINGS AND because he sees Aziraphale for what he is, an angel who thinks for himself, changes his mind, angel who is brave, who stands for the right thing, who sacrifices his own happiness for the safety of others, especially the demon he loves. They are the same. They are lonely. They are one of a kind. And they love each other.
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Aziraphale wants to stay at home. In the home he built for himself and Crowley. On Earth where he's found so much to love. But he knows it is impossible. As Crowley confesses his love, Aziraphale struggles to stay on his plan. He'll miss Crowley terribly. He wants them to be together. For him, they were an 'us' the whole S2. However tenuously. Fragile existence and all that.
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But even this was ripped away from him. And whatever he's planning, he knows he needs to do the first steps on his own. He can't submit Crowley to the torture that being in Heaven is going to be for him, an unwanted, despised angel. He can't make him come. He can only ask him. And Crowley said no.
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So he leaves. Furious. And determined. Whether it is to burn the place down or find God and ask Her all the questions to Her face I don't know. But his love will push him through.
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And if I see one more simplistic take of the snarky demon is really good isn't he, so that means the stuffy angel is bad (and needs to change to be worthy of the demon) I will curse their dreams with lines about shades of grey. AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY ALREADY LOVE EACH OTHER
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aziraphales-library · 2 months ago
Hi, i hope you don't get asked this too much, but could you recommend some established relationship fics? canon or au is fine, but not kid fic, if that's possible. Thank you.
Hey. We have an #established relationship tag you can check out. Here are some more to add to the collection...
Where the Cliffs Meet the Sky by springofviolets (M)
Crowley plans a meaningful, romantic anniversary trip to celebrate 1 year of being openly in a relationship with Aziraphale, but things keep going wrong! How will our hero cope? A South Downs Cottage origins story.
One Hundred Days by Lady of Prompts (G)
They should have discussed it more. Wasn’t that what humans did? Spend weeks and months talking about what sort of home they want, what sort of life, dreaming of what moving in together will be like. Making sure their dreams matched up, their expectations. They didn’t buy cottages – in the middle of a forest, no less, half a mile from the nearest village – without considering questions of…of hobbies, and use of space and…and living arrangements. They certainly didn’t take such a step without…defining their relationships. -- Aziraphale only begins to consider the implications of *moving in together* after they've already done it.
Hozier Missed A Trick When He Called It 'Real People' Instead Of 'Joe Bloggs Snogs' by indieninja92 (E)
Months after Armageddoff, Crowley and Aziraphale enjoy a cosy night in. A brief moment of anxiety about a completely invented turn of events sends them off on a rambly, giggling conversation that asks, if they were human, what kinds of humans would they be? Very silly ones, it's safe to say.
Five Times They Weren't Very Sexy and One Time They Aced It by ZehWulf (E)
“Have you ever wondered what it feels like?” Crowley asks while contemplating the dregs at the bottom of his wine glass. He’s aiming for philosophical but fears the faint wheeze at the end of the question might have given him away. “Have I ever wondered what ‘what’ feels like,” Aziraphale asks finally. “Sex,” he says, much louder than intended or reasonable. They both wince.  “Oh, have you never…?” Aziraphale asks with polite disbelief. “You have?” Crowley demands. Look, when you're largely inexperienced sex-favorable asexual ineffables, it takes a bit of practice, a lot of communication, and some bull-headed persistence to get your sex life in commendable working order. Or, five times things got (hilariously) awkward during sex, and one time after they've got it mostly figured out. A companion fic to "Scratching That Itch." (Sex acts, such as they are, tagged per chapter in chapter notes!)
a moment's silence by viperinz (T)
Crowley rubs a hand down his face, sighing. “Then you know that you shouldn’t have done that.” “It was the only choice I had. If you got smitten—” Aziraphale swallows, feeling his back throb in pain. “You would have died right where you stood. I could not allow that.” Crowley’s mouth turns into a thin line, his fury radiating through the room. “So, what? It was better if it was you rather than me that took the hit?” “Yes!” Aziraphale exclaims, sitting up in bed. He winces as his back protests the movement, but he needs Crowley to understand. “You deserve better than what I was able to ever give you, and you need to help Muriel and the Messiah. If I ceased to exist, nothing would change the outcome of stopping all of this.” “No, you don’t get to say that.” Crowley walks up to the bed. “If you think I’ll ever stand to lose you again, then you’re bloody wrong. The outcome would be different because I wouldn’t have you, you daft thing.” After everything is said and done, Aziraphale has to learn to adjust to life on Earth after seven years of being in Heaven. Luckily, Crowley is there to help him heal, and to give him the love that he feels he's lost.
we shall have the world forever for our own by quitequaintrelle (M)
Your new beginning starts here! Lying wholly within the South Downs National Park, the village of Wood’s Bottom is your destination for an idyllic retirement. This quaint hamlet is a short five miles away from the seaside resort of Brighton, with its vibrant array of shopping, culture, and leisure attractions. Boasting stunning landscape views, entirely average weather conditions, welcoming neighbours, and intimate rural charm, Wood’s Bottom is your opportunity to live the exceptionally normal and relaxing lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of. Aziraphale and Crowley have finally found their forever home after successfully ensuring there is still a “forever” to share. Surely they will integrate perfectly well amongst their new neighbours. Surely.
- Mod D
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thearcanagame · 1 year ago
Most tidy to messiest?
Nadia - used to living in pristine tidiness, having servants helps 
Portia - actually cleans up after herself, but doesn’t mind messy hobbies like baking.
Lucio - has gotten used to living in a tidy environment, but hasn’t actually learned how to be tidy. 
Muriel - would rank messiest in theory, but doesn’t own enough stuff to cause the mess 
Julian and Asra - tied but messy in opposite ways, which makes them the deadliest roommate combination.
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actual-changeling · 1 year ago
Crowley watches him silently, motionless, and with his shades securely in place. If he has been counting correctly, and he rather assumes he has, then Aziraphale has been talking uninterruptedly for twenty-five minutes and two seconds now.
Three seconds.
"…so, I'm sorry, Crowley. I'm so, so sorry."
He is wringing his hands, unable to stand still, and shifting his weight slightly from foot to foot, searching for Crowley's gaze and failing. The sudden silence feels almost odd, the expectation rolling off Aziraphale in waves even more so, only infinitely heavier, and for a moment, he entertains the thought playing the part Aziraphale has thrust upon him.
But only for a moment.
"Right," Crowley responds, tightening his grip on the door and pressing his other palm against the frame, effectively barring Aziraphale from entering like he has been for the last twenty-six minutes.
"Anything else?"
Confusion wrinkles his forehead, and his fingers no longer turn his ring round and round over a stretch of reddened skin. Maybe it is the utter monotony of Crowley's voice or the lack of reaction in general, but Aziraphale seems, finally, at a loss for words. His mouth opens and closes a few times, his eyebrows knitting together, and Crowley allows him another thirty seconds of patient waiting, after which he calls it a day.
He steps back and closes his front door, normally and without slamming it, locks it, and then miracles up a deadbolt for good measure, before picking up his cup of coffee from the chest of drawers (still hot if it knows what's good for it) and strolling back to the living room.
Eighteen months. A year and a half. Another apocalypse is dawning on the world, but if there is anything the last six millennia have taught him, it's that humanity will fix it anyway; they have a knack for that, always outsmarting heaven and hell alike. Well, and him, since he is neither here nor there—so, a special mention to the former angel slash demon Crowley, thank you very much.
A familiar pain tugs at his stomach nevertheless, a faded lightning bolt of distress shivers down his spine, and Crowley sinks into the cushions with a sigh, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table and pressing play on Queer Eye again. The ache will never fully disappear, but it has lessened, and he has learned how to live with it, how to breathe around the crudely stitched-up black hole in his chest.
Aziraphale left, and Crowley stayed. It's really simple, in hindsight, and after weeks of moping and crying, being completely wasted for days at a time, and overall being so miserable, every single one of his plants stopped being scared and became concerned instead, Crowley had picked himself off the floor and kept moving.
Not moving on is worse, Nina had told him during one of their board game nights (none of them can resist Muriel's angelic puppy eyes in that regard, and it is, admittedly, kind of fun), and she had been right.
He still loves him, fuck, of course he does; he doubts he will ever stop. Yet if Aziraphale thinks showing up uninvited and monologuing without pause for twenty-five minutes is going to fix anything, he is sorely mistaken.
'Listen, do you hear that?'
'I don't hear anything.'
Ironic, somehow, that Aziraphale is still not listening to him. Crowley will wait because it's Aziraphale, because he loves him, because despite everything, he is fucking lonely and misses him enough to be tempted to take him back without any apologies whatsoever.
Just tempted, though. His barricades and well-practiced self-control are going strong.
He has to be sure this time. He has to be sure that Aziraphale won't break him again, because the most recent incident almost killed him, and Crowley loves earth, loves him—but he has to love himself more than he loves his angel, or it will destroy them both.
Jonathan van Ness gives some poor sod a new haircut, Crowley drinks his piping hot coffee, and Aziraphale goes home.
It's a nice Tuesday, all things considered.
i'm sorry but also not :)
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hanjisungslag · 7 months ago
haiii >_< what type of fantasy characters/stererotypes would aot characters be?
- any characters you want but def reiner pls^ ty baby
🧝‍♀️ aot characters & fantasy
characters included: eren, armin, mikasa, sasha, connie, jean, annie, reiner, bertolt, levi, erwin & hange!!
notes: this was so fun to do omg
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✧ eren jaeger - hero gone villain
okay i know this is a bit basic to do… but c’mon!! he’s literally the epitome of ‘i’ve become what i sought out to destroy’ and i just can’t think of him as anything else. he fits the stereotype too well😭.
✧ armin arlert - mage
he is soooo side kick mage, no? tell me you can’t imagine armin (specifically with the mushroom hair) wearing a wizard gown, hat and holding a magical old stick. he doesn’t like to leave his tower often but is usually forced to when something goes amiss - i can imagine him sighing deeply while reluctantly grabbing his magical old stick.
✧ mikasa ackerman - sidekick
bad ass sidekick who lives in the woods & is probably on the run. i’m thinking… arcana muriel vibes for this but less stoic and quiet (and less cursed) but, she definitely learnt to fight in the woods when she was 3 OR taken in by an old, rugged guy whose family died tragically. either way, everyone’s terrified of her but she steals bread for orphans or some heroic shit like that.
✧ jean kirsten - prince
himbo prince😭 i mean this in the BEST way possibly mkay! he’s not really a himbo however… he just gives prince who accidentally got entangled in a weird adventure and he doesn’t know how to live without servants. he’s be like “erm, i am not crossing that muddy river.” BUT THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WOULD BE INSANE by the end, he’d like finally understand how bad the government is or how poor the townspeople are and give them money.
✧ connie springer - the fool
sigh… the fool, the court jester, etc etc. he would be himbo prince jean’s court jester 100% and they’re like actually pretty good friends, they’ve known each other since they were kids. he also gets dragged along with jean on a weird adventure and he would be the comedic relief. (also a shoulder for jean to cry on when he gets mud on his fancy royal shoes).
✧ sasha braus - henchman
hunter/henchman hellooo…? literally expert at using a bow and arrow? grew up in the woods?? she would EAT so hard being a henchman and to make it even better, when someone hires her they don’t know she’s a girl and whenever someone finds out, they’ll be so shocked!! feminism!
✧ reiner braun - the beast
dare i say… some sort of big beast? like a big, fluffy beast but make it sexy, beauty and the beast vibes perhaps. imagine fighting this big and surprisingly attractive who lives under a bridge. IM SORRY THAT WOULD BE SO FUN… i’m thinking like diane from sds vibes too!!
✧ bertolt hoover - squire
young, little boy training to be a knight aka a squire. tell me you cant see this little cutie patootie dressed to the nines in armour, learning how to swing a sword?! maybe him and annie trained together or dare i say, he looks up to her.
✧ annie leonhart - knight
sworn shield to a princess that she falls in love with. imma need someone to write a fanfic about this RIGHT NOW!! we all know annie knows how to whop some ass so, of course she was chosen by the king and queen to protect their precious daughter but what happens when… she falls in love! GAH!! of course, she could never speak of her feelings - maybe one day.
✧ levi ackerman - assassin
leader of some sort of renegade, like a special group of assassins. no matter what universe this man is in, his crown will never fall! his title carries on throughout all possible realties m’kay. same backstory though 100%, raised in the poor ditches but learnt how to fight and now he’s a leader of a renegade! you have to pay big buck to get levi to assassinate someone, he’s the best of the best after all.
✧ erwin smith - commander
i’m sorry to be basic and boring but a commander of an army. HE HAS TO BEEE 😭it’s too perfect, i’m sorry. except imagine the army is all medieval and dripped out in chainmail!
✧ hange zoë - pirate
a pirate. LIKE CMONNN especially s4 hange with the eye patch?! i can totally imagine hange running a ship and sailing the seven seas. they’re literally a commander too? it was written in the stars, they’re perfect for the role! i can totally see them playing devious pranks and tricks on other pirates trying to secure the same treasure.
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elodee · 10 months ago
Cubfan135 x Courage the Cowardly Dog
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For Cubfan I picked Courage the Cowardly Dog! Courage has an unusually high mad scientist per capita so I wanted to do either Cub, Doc or Zed in this style. I chose Cub because a scientist creating talking horns that mimic people and end up terrorizing a neighborhood sounds like something that would happen on the show.
To learn more about Courage the Cowardly Dog and see my style references, continue below the cut.
Courage the Cowardly Dog was one of my favourite cartoons as a kid, which probably explains more about me than I'd like to admit. It's a comedy-horror with a lot of genuinely disturbing and surreal moments.
The show is technically safe for everyone, but anyone who watches it will be altered forever by the Return the Slab guy. If you know you know.
The show centers around a little pink dog named Courage who lives with an elderly couple, Muriel and Eustace Bagge, in a farmhouse outside of the town of Nowhere. They are also figuratively in the middle of nowhere. Courage is scared of everything, but constantly thrown into life or death situations where he needs to save his family from often supernatural threats that just show up for some reason.
The visuals of the show are creepy and at times even upsetting, but the stories are nearly always about how Courage overcomes his fear out of love for his family (Muriel specifically). The show has a lot of different visual styles and even uses different kinds of animation, but for Cub I designed him in the style you would typically see in recurring characters. Style references:
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The characters in courage usually have large heads and spindly limbs. The settings often look aged and discolored.
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For Cubs shape and features I pulled a lot of influence from Freaky Fred, who is a barber with severe serial killer vibes that I think might be a Sweeney Todd reference. I didn't want Cub to be that scary, though, so I gave him a normal smile.
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One of the Courage the Cowardly Dog TV logos
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dbacklot99 · 11 months ago
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About The Crow Road, But Couldn't Get Through it To Find Out
Co-written by dbacklot and cheeseplants
Overall Premise: Books are clearly important to Good Omens and Neil & team have left us Clues. In S2E2, the xray trivia highlights a list of books they would like the audience to read. But even more specifically, there are names of certain books on the back of the chairs in the theater in the opening credits. Those books are: The Tale of Two Cities, Pride & Prejudice, and The Crow Road - twice!
What might this mean? One theory is that the chairs represent the seasons. The body swap in S1 is similar to how Carton, in Tale of Two Cities, takes his doppleganger's place in jail, sacrificing his life so Darnay could go free and be with his family. Pride & Prejudice is clearly referenced in S2, with Crowley's proposal as a sort of mirror to Darcy's first proposal. (There's probably a whole lot more to unpack there - and if you like Austen, here are some thoughts about Aziraphale's favorite book, Persuasion, and how it may relate to the characters.)
BACK to The Crow Road. The title is shown on two chairs in the opening sequence, suggesting that it is related to both S2 and S3. Furthermore, we see the book multiple times in the show and it's the book Muriel reads at the end. As an aside, Neil Gaiman and Iain Banks were very good friends. Iain Banks died over a decade ago, so it is also likely a bit of a tribute to his friend.
So let's dig in and see why perhaps Neil keeps holding this book up and shouting Clue!
Side note: The book is long and most of the action happens in the final third, which can make it a hard read for folks. There's also a lot of characters and it can be tricky to remember how they are all related. There is a family tree BUT it has spoilers.
The Name: The Crow Road is a phrase used by the grandmother to indicate someone has died, ie - he's gone the crow road.
The Plot: This is the story of Prentice growing up with his immediate and extended family in Scotland. His Uncle Rory disappears in his early childhood. Some family members choose to believe Rory is still alive. After a hook-up with his Uncle Rory's former girlfriend as a young adult, Prentice starts gathering journals and writings from his missing Uncle Rory, who was (for a few years) a successful writer and traveler. Prentice eventually learns that 1) another Uncle, Fergus, had murdered his own wife and covered it up as a car accident and 2) Rory had figured this out and confronted him. Fergus then murdered Rory, hid all the evidence, and hired an acquaintance (who also traveled) to send matchboxes from bars across the world to Prentice's father, Kenneth. Kenneth, believed - as Fergus intended - that these were messages from Rory, indicating he was still alive. 
Stylistically, Prentice's childhood memories and fragments from Rory's journals are interspersed throughout the book, much like the minisodes are in S2. It can take the reader a while to figure out who is telling the story or where this information is coming from. It is also unclear how reliable Rory is as narrator - perhaps this also plays into S2.
What it Might Mean: 
Fergus could represent the Metatron. He is very powerful, rich, and conservative; he lives in a castle (Heaven?) and wants authority. Fergus also murders two relatives and hides those murders; the murder of his wife may have been inspired by jealousy over her sleeping with another man, an event which may or may not have happened.
Fergus also sets up fake messages!! The matchbooks are red herrings to make it look like Rory is still alive. As the Metatron relays messages from God, I can't get over the possibilities here. We have seen God speaking directly as recently as Job, but are the other messages real?
I can't help but wonder if the matchbooks and their use as messages inspired Neil to use the matchbook in S2. The matchbook in S2, incidentally, connects to all three minisodes - the quote from Job, 41:19 (reversed 1941), and the matchbox is from the Resurrectionists pub. So the matchbook contains not only Gabriel’s memories but refers to Azi’s as well?
Much of the book is about this missing uncle. Is a character (or their memory) missing in S3? I have theories, but its too soon to tell.
There's also an interesting theme of Prentice collecting his Uncle Rory's writings and records, including sending some corrupted computer discs to an expert in America to try to restore them. Given the emphasis on records ("It contains information in a tuneful way") and journals in S2, not to mention this trivia nugget ​​ - my brain is itching that there's a connection there.
Faith & Beliefs: The book talks about Faith a lot. Prentice believes in God and his father Kenneth doesn’t. And Kenneth doesn’t just reject religion, he wants his children to reject religion too. Prentice on the other hand desperately wants something to believe in - especially after a friend's death in an accident. This leads to a huge fall out - they end up not talking over it.
"'I mean, what's the big argument? Can't you just agree to disagree?' 'No; we disagree about that,' I shook my head. 'Seriously; it doesnt' work that way; neither of us can leave it alone. There's almost nothing either of us can say that can't be taken the wrong way, with a bit of imagination. It's like being married.'" (Ch 7)
Kennth seemingly taunts God - he climbs a church during a lightning storm and is struck dead. His uncle Hamish (one of Kenneth’s brothers) also represents the extreme version of Faith and ends up running a sort of cult, at least until Kenneth’s death.
What it Might Mean: The thread they pull through a lot is about meaning, and whether you can have meaning in life without God. Prentice gains Faith because his friend died senselessly; he wonders how can you have a world be so cruel. There must be a reason for it (this is sort of Az coded), and he turns to God to create the meaning for him. 
BUT Kenneth’s argument is that you don’t need Faith for the world to have meaning (or at least that is my reading). It is wonderful because it is inherently meaningless (this is very existentialist, but I do think that’s the point). That Faith doesn’t do that, and just means you are looking outwards without looking at what is right in front of you. Which again, could be a Crowley way of looking at it, or at least where he is headed. Life is good as life, and doesn’t need God to make it so. 
Hamish represents someone putting so much meaning into Faith that they lose all sense of Joy, he becomes distant.  (One of my favorite scenes is Hamish doing a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces upside down - and cutting the pieces with scissors if they don’t fit right!)
The Romantic Relationships: Prentice is infatuated with a cousin (second cousin?), Verity. She is described as beautiful, in white/light colors, pure, lives with Uncle Fergus in the castle. There are legends around her birth -  she was conceived under a tree during a storm. She is unattainable and eventually ends up with Prentice's older brother.
Ash, on the other hand, is almost literally the girl next door and Prentice’s long-term best friend. Her family is poorer and maybe has some domestic violence issues. She's always there for Prentice - literally a shoulder to cry on, sharing a bottle of whiskey, helping him sober up after said whiskey. There's obvious romantic tension from Ash’s side but she never pushes him and instead guides him along. And the book ends with a romantic resolution that feels very much like the final fifteen - except with a happier ending.
“- and I still didn’t feel I could tell her how I felt about her because she was going away now, and how could I suddenly say I love you when I’d never said it to anybody in my life before? How could I say it now especially, the night before she was due to leave? It would look like I was trying to make her stay, or just get her into bed. It would probably wreck this one precious evening that we did have, and upset her, confuse her, even hurt her, and I didn’t want to do any of that.” (Ch 13)
They finally kiss and spend the night together, both confessing their love. Ash has to leave the next morning to pursue a career opportunity in New York; Prentice is sad that she goes but re-dedicating himself to his studies and working towards a relationship together. 
What it Might Mean: To me, Verity is very Heaven-coded and Ash is very Hell-coded. A big part of Prentice's arc (Prentice may represent Azi here) is getting over his blind infatuation with Verity and realizing the value and love he has with Ash. However, they also need to be apart and grow a bit before they can be together.
Other thoughts? Connections? Would love to hear your theories!!
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paperstarwriters · 1 year ago
hi hey hey eldritch MC who after being resurrected knows way more than they should, who although doesn't know how to walk or talk initially, somehow knows a spell that is so old it's never been written down. Reader who scares the M6 with how.... inhuman they seem to sometimes be.
Just one day while trying to practice and work on some basic magic lights or something you somehow create some sort of anti-light that coats the entire space in pitch black darkness. And it happens often, you just keep doing things that is not in any of Asra's books. They go looking on their trips for explanations or any advice on what to do or how to nullify these spells you somehow know, but the only bit of information they've gotten was from an elderly mage on their deathbed, recalling the spell from their grandfather.
And it's just one spell. Asra has the sinking feeling that all those unknown spells you pull from nowhere are just as old as that. Maybe they find something that sounds like your spell not in a grimoire but in a history book and that dread begins to grow because now it feels like confirmation. Somehow you have old magic in you. It must be the portion of the Fool that allows you to live.
Asra would try their hardest to teach you, even if it runs their hands red all over again, but gods sometimes you scare them. Unafraid, staring into the ball of wild magic that writhes in your hands, unaware of the way it makes your eyes glow with something unnatural.
Of course, they're less afraid of you possibly hurting them or being something so foreign and inhuman.
All they worry about is the fact that, despite knowing as much as they can about magic, they can't protect you from this. They still remember seeing you burn your hands from a sloppy fire spell, a simple silly little mistake that they easily knew how to manage and heal.
But what happens if you do something he doesn't know how to fix?
Half of the time his trips aren't leaving because of his heartache, his trips are him leaving in a panicked frenzy trying to figure out a way to neutralize a black hole, because you somehow seem to be growing closer and closer at being able to summon that.
And dear DEATH Asra saddling Muriel with taking care of you????
because Asra will always be afraid for you, but Muriel holds no qualms about being afraid of you. And he is afraid. He is downright terrified. He's spent enough time in the forest, enough time with the fae to know when something made of magic is dangerous, and the way your eyes light up in the shadows, the way they glow in the sunlight with something unnatural, the way the entirety of you seems to blur at the edges when you see magic that interests you, as if you were going to turn into a shapeless form of pure mana and consume the thing whole. Muriel just doesn't know what you'll do, what your body will do.
Because it's your body. Your body is strange and foreign. And even if he may have had qualms about you before he cannot deny how your awe and curiosity of the world makes his chest feel a little warm, makes him look at the world with a little more appreciation than before. Even though it prickles his spine just a little with it, knowing you're basically a monster parading around in human flesh seeing life from the human perspective for the first time, it still makes him smile a little when you see an animal, or even when you see Inanna, and you try to copy her, it still makes him feel sorry for you when an animal you're fascinated in runs away from you, picking up on the very same threats he feels.
He watches you stare down the carcass of an animal, dead from the sheer amount of mana you exude. And though you look sad, though your expression contorts into that of pity and sorrow, something glows in your eyes at the sight, a look almost akin to delight and he feels that fear return tenfold.
But over time, and with lots of research on Asra's side, and a lot of cold tolerance from Muriel, you learn to manage your powers you learn to manage your magic, and over the span of three years you develop into someone who seems upon first glance like a relatively normal albeit powerful Magic user.
......But sometimes you have your moments.
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deancasbigbang · 5 months ago
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Title: Your Grounding Glacier, My Blazing Star
Author: Inkblooded Witch
Artist: TwinOne
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Castiel/Dean, Benny/Balthazar, John/Mary, Naomi/Ishim, Crowley/Bobby, Hannah/Akobel, Rapheal/Victor, Micheal/Miriam, Elijah/Ingrid, Adina/Daniel, Anna/Gadreel, Muriel/Constantine.
Length: 63000
Warnings: N/A
Tags: Sci-Fi AU, Omegaverse, Fake Relationship to Lovers, Elemental AU, Alpha! Castiel, Omega! Dean, Fluff, Smut, D/S Elements.
Posting Date: November 7, 2024
Summary:   Castiel has spent years keeping his head down, playing the long game. His plans are unexpectedly moved ahead of schedule when he is summoned to the year’s Unity Event by his parents, leveraging their position as head of both the Krushnic family and business to get him there.    His first time back in the Orion system in years is for the singular purpose of being mated off to his family’s advantage. Bracing himself for the longest two weeks of his life turns into something else, when he learns that the Omega he had a literal run-in with on the day he arrived is technically a crown prince. Dean has a similar issue of his own to contend with. Just because his parents don’t intend to force him into a political marriage doesn’t mean a small army of officials and rich merchants don’t want to try anything. They hatch a plan, pretending to court each other, knowing the other would be a dream match for their respective lines. It works well, too well. Castiel hadn’t expected to start really caring for Dean, much less for it to be mutual.
Excerpt:   A scowl crossed Castiel face when he realized there was no option on how the call this time. Visual only. He couldn’t just do an audio call. Wonderful.    Wandering into his living room, Castiel answered, watching as his father’s visage appeared over the com unit. A bust of the man regarded the younger Alpha, tone crisp as he said, “Hello, Castiel. How kind of you to pick up.”    “I have received your official messages, father,” Castiel reminded him. “I know what you want. I have no interest. There’s nothing to discuss.”    “On the contrary, I have plenty to discuss with you. Is this any way to treat your benefactor?”    It took biting his own tongue to keep from challenging that last bit. Ishim had not been his benefactor in years. Thankfully, either Phyllis hadn’t mentioned it or he hadn’t bothered to check. Probably both. The accountant that handled his personal accounts had always been very nice, and she was prone to siding with his children over Ishim himself. Castiel had had no cause to contact her of late, but he did touch base on occasion, and always made sure to send flowers on her birthday.    “No more excuses,” Ishim was saying. “I know very well you’re back in the Delta sector. You are going to clear your schedule, and you are going to come out to the Gaia Station next month.”    “Surely you have more suitable representation options- ”    “Castiel Emanuel Krushnic, I’ve had enough of this. We both have.”    “Mother,” Castiel greeted, as the hologram expanded to include Naomi’s bust alongside Ishim’s. “How are you?”    “Don’t you dare patronize me,” she warned. “It’s been three years since there has been suitable representation at the Unity Event.”    One of the first lessons Castiel had learned was the art of a mask. At this point he was convinced someone could be stabbed to death in front of him and he could maintain the facade of polite interest. His body language matched it, but his scent was harder. It had taken a lot of practice, and the way this day was going, he’d need to brush up.    Visage unphased, Castiel pointed out, “Micheal makes it a point to attend each year. He’s a fixture. And now that Rapheal’s pregnancy is no longer a hindrance she intends to- ”    “That is not what we mean.”    “I thought you would be grateful, I am going out of my way not to be an embarrassment. You recall, don’t you, mother? These things are hardly my strong suit.”    “You will attend or there will be consequences,” Ishim snapped. “We have arranged for your passage on the next passenger transport to Gaia Station, and if you are not on it you won’t like what happens. Is that understood?”    “I do, father.”    When the call ended, Castiel could hear his apartment’s defrosting system kick in. He glanced down at himself, scowling when he realized frost was starting to climb down his limbs. He really was out of practice.
DCBB 2024 Posting Schedule
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dalliancekay · 3 months ago
Religious Trauma and the GO Universe
I must admit I don't really understand what people mean by religious trauma in GO context.
As someone who was deeply religious as a child/teenager (please imagine any and all problems that might stem from that) and then left church and faith completely around my mid 20s (because they are awful and a lie) I don't really see how it relates to A&C only cos in their universe, God and Heaven and Hell exist. So they can't stop believing in them and find a different way to live etc, like people who leave religions and cults do. If they try to escape or disobey, they will get punished. Both of them. For different reasons, but both of them.
To me, their trauma is more akin to stemming from family-ish trauma. They belong to what is most like a mafia to me (although I have called it dictatorship or like @tiggety-boo recently mentioned to me, a slavery). They were born into it and can't escape because it encompasses everything. Az clearly knew they aren't as benevolent as they paint themselves for a LONG time. He's so anxious over angel!Crowley's innocent remarks in Before the Beginning, already knowing some things are better left unsaid.
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(who made you this anxious already baby angel)
Crowley then somehow (we don't know how) ended up in the faction that split from the main, but that one ends up being in many ways worse. While he can now curse Heaven and call them out for being awful, he still has to do what his bosses say or get punished.
So what I'm saying is that religious trauma to me, implies being lied to about something that does not exist and can be ignored. Being manipulated and led to worldviews that are based on something that is imaginary (and needlessly cruel) and coming to terms with the fact of being lied to (even if indirectly). But what Az and Crowley deal with (to me) is more like hoping to break off from family that has no understanding of you, how you feel, think, what you want or your different views - there's no hope they will even try to understand and are just awful (while painting themselves as the good ones in Heaven's case).
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I just don't see Az 'believing' in Heaven's goodness and needing to learn how shit they are. As I often see in comments and metas etc. I don't see him fighting within himself to stop trusting them. He knows they should be good and he would like them to be, yes. Absolutely. He would love for the stuff Heaven says they are to be true (this is where his complicated relationship to shades of grey and his learning path to understand this via humanity and with Crowley, comes in - but that's another story). Aziraphale pays lip service to Heaven if he must (to keep safe his little life on Earth) but he absolutely knows the whole time that they (or at least the higher ones, not angels like Muriel) are rotten.
I also feel like people who see Aziraphale’s behaviour as simply being repressed or needing to overcome or admit his own feelings to himself… have never lived through, or considered times when people had to hide their true relationships and true feelings under all kinds of complicated behaviours and lies where they could claim plausible deniability - about their dear ‘friend’ (or housemate) in fear of punishment for their beloved and themselves.
Now Crowley, whatever happened around his Fall, maybe he was lied to, maybe he was just curious and didn't know what exactly he was getting into (I'm going by his remarks), maybe he was simply angry; is deeply disappointed that it turned out so badly and also that he was so completely abandoned by God (who was supposed to love him).
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I also feel that people often skip and simplify his relationship to Heaven and God. That Crowley tried to speak to Her in S1 too. Not just Az has tried. That his outburst about forgiveness in the bandstand wasn't as offhand and flippant as he tried to make it. It hurts him. It's why Aziraphale (very thoughtfully imo) changed his 'may God forgive yous' to 'I forgive you'. Crowley's whole world is now Aziraphale really. Not very healthy maybe, but at least we know Az would never stop loving him. Even if he had to leave. Crowley knows he can trust him. It's why he stayed by the car. It's what he spent 6000 years re-learning. Trusting.
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Aziraphale (and Crowley) did something that was supposed to be impossible. However much or little they did for the Armageddon't (and I think they did plenty, unlike some memes I've seen), what everyone understood was going to happen, as based on the Plan, Great or Ineffable as it was, did not happen. And no, I think Crowley also did not expect they can actually stop it when he first asked. He just voiced a question, as he is want to do, being who he is. And got Aziraphale in on it. Whether he was just hoping to give it a go or hoping to spend more time with the angel in the last few years they had, or both. But I don't think he truly believed they can stop the Antichrist and the War that was in the Plan before he set alight the little corner of the universe he's been working on. And after? I can imagine how the endless gears in Aziraphale's head kept turning those 4 years after they attempted to kill him. He now had an inkling that bigger things could change. I don't think that he thought he will be the one to do it, until he was forced into that lift however.
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Anyway, I went off on a tangent.... to me GO has religious undertones, sure. But I've always (in spite of my own background) found the story more akin to those stories wondering whether fate is set in stone or are we able to direct what happens to us. And don't get me started now on the question of Free Will.... P.S. I know GO fans come from many backgrounds, I know many are atheists, many belong to (and have various complicated relationships to) various religions and many are agnostic. I honestly do not mean to offend anyone by my remarks. Everyone has their own journey after all. Just trying to make sense of mine I guess.
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baenyth · 6 months ago
Bethany's Bizarre Miraculous Fic Prompt: Hawkmoth Gets Owned By Various Fictional Detectives
Basically I want to see Hawkmoth/Shadowmoth/Poopmoth/Monarch fail more since he kinda sorta won last season. And it's also crossovers where different fictional detectives (or just people on the Kira case square,) out Hawkmoth as Gabriel Agreste once and for all and hopefully do similar stuff such as outing Lila as a liar, dragging down other corrupt adults like Tomoe and Audrey, etc. and also just various funny moments with these characters interacting with the Miracucast. Here's some ideas I have from characters I know or are just interested in:
Lieutenant Columbo. I already made a post detailing it.
L from Death Note. I haven't watched Death Note, but if the memeposts are to be believed, he would outthink Gabriel Agreste at every turn. Probably ask him to show what's behind his ascot.
Shuichi Saihara from Danganronpa V3. Aside from him deducing Gabriel as Hawkmoth with the help from his friends, imagine the shenanigans. Gonta being ecstatic for the bug-themed heroes and how nicely they treat the purified butterflies. Kokichi takes down Lila by being Kokichi. Tenko is aware of the plot and tries to get Marigami together and make them kiss, alongside getting an Julerose kiss. Kiibo and Markov bond. So do Kaito and Rose. Kirumi somehow becomes mayor of Paris.
The Scooby Gang. In general I like the concept of silly guys managing to defeat Hawkmoth. They would accidentally find the secret elevator to Emile's pod and manage to use Ladybug and Chat Noir as bait for a trap and at the end, (since I like to imagine they're meddling adults at this point,) Gabriel Agreste grumbles that "at least it wasn't those meddling kids Ladybug and Chat Noir." They also take down the rest of Paris's elite because that's who the villains of Scooby Doo are.
The Duwang Gang. I think Kwamis and Miraculous heroes can see stands, but I'm unsure about akumatized people. Maybe. It turns out Crazy Diamond can heal people wounded by the Peacock but they pull the plug on Emile for the health of everyone. Rohan Kishibe uses Heaven's Door on the Miracukids and gets into accidental meta commentary upon discovering the full love square. He also uses Heaven's Door on Luka and it's sheet music. Maybe let Yukako join in too because of how much of a romancefest this show is and also because I like her and she had such a big presence in Great Days. Gabriel Agreste ends up with a similar fate to Yoshikage Kira, being surrounded by our heroes and helpless to do anything.
Sam and Max. I don't know much about them other that they're 1. funny guys, and 2. might just end up hitting Gabriel Agreste with their car.
Steve from Blue's Clues. Aside from the inherent humor of an educational kids show host taking down a terrorist supervillain, it also implies Blue knows who Hawkmoth is. Steve sits on the thinking chair to deduce Hawkmoth's identity and where he's hiding.
Courage the Cowardly Dog. Maybe Muriel and Eustace are dead and he was sent to live with Mylene and her dad. I feel like they'd get along well. Or maybe they're still alive and just visiting Paris and Muriel and Eustace are staying with Mylene and her dad. Either way I think this should take place around season 5 because the alliance ring works well with Courage's themes of paranoia over something supernatural putting your family at risk.
Agent P. Maybe Hawkmoth gets so desperate he gets Doctor Doofenshmirtz to build a wife-revive inator only for Emile to end up in another coma after accidentally pressing the self-destruct button on said inator. No one recognizes Agent P without his hat because this is Miraculous and people are dumb. Perry gets to beat the stuffing and tar out of Hawkmoth. Doof betrays him when he learns about how shitty of a dad he is. The miraculous heroes are allowed into OWCA on account of the animal theming.
The Smiling Friends. It starts off with a mission involving all of the main four helping Marinette smile and spirals down from there.
Not Batman. I've had enough Miraculous-Batman crossovers for one eternity.
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aziraphales-library · 1 year ago
Hello and thank you so much for your service for all this years! My question can be a little too specific so if fic strike at least some of points it's still cool. I'm looking for human au with heavy accent on Aziraphale and his angelic siblings. It can be something nice and family fluffy, sure, not all in his family is a dicks, but I'm thinking more about something like Aziraphale dealing with years of family abuse and finally relearning how to live without shame and fear; Crowley getting to look at Aziraphale's family close after years of "they are nice we just don't get along" and being utterly terrified; Crowley helping Aziraphale to learn to stand his ground and being all proud when he got it; Crowley and Aziraphale bonding over familial traumas; etc. Also can be with hints of season two, like Aziraphale trying to reconnect with family or saving Muriel (or even "Jim") from same abuse and being all gentle and understanding (and making Crowley proud again). Absolutely no to victim blaming (I mean from Crowley or author pov, from Aziraphale's or family pov sure), preferably without heavy fatshaming, preferably older Aziraphale and Crowley (no to kid and teen aus, meh to college/young adults, yes to 30+ and absolutely YES to 40+). Great if it's longish and kind of plottish fic! Super great if there would be autistic Aziraphale, not cis Aziraphale, in any way disabled Aziraphale, religious trauma, cptsd and did I mentioned supportive Crowley? Btw it can be not Aziraphale-centric fic, if it's just romance or even Crowley-centric but themes are there, I'm interested. Anyway as I said it's probably too specific so anything that "kind of close" will do. Thanks in advance!
Here are some adult human aus in which Aziraphale's family are Not Nice...
The Long Road Home by TawnyOwl95 (E)
Aziraphale Heavensby only knows about love from books. So when he's given a chance to experience romance first hand he grabs it as hard as he can. Even if it can't last. Even if Aziraphale’s father has very definite plans for his future. Plans that certainly don't include Anthony Crowley.
Drink You In by FinnsKeeper (G)
Aziraphale Fell owns a rather popular bar in Soho London. His life is relatively calm and predictable until he meets Anthony Crowley one fateful night. When a first date goes wrong, Aziraphale has to take measures to protect his newest patron. Anthony's gratitude quickly morphs into something deeper, and Aziraphale has to battle his own demons to determine if those feelings are true or just a product of his impromptu rescue.
Someone by Diminua (M)
This was a kinkmeme prompt and as usual I can't do better than to paraphrase the OP : Aziraphale is a frumpy, middle aged man, who's closing in on 50 : he's spent his entire life alone, mistreated by his family, and living like a modern times hermit in his familiar, reassuring bookshop. He thinks it's too late for passion. But he hopes that, maybe, he could find a companion for his latter days. Crowley has spent his entire life having a wild time: parties, sex, rock n roll, all that jazz. He flew through the 80s, the 90s, the new millennium like a car on fire. He thought he had time, thought he'd be young and surrounded by people forever, thought with fling after fling after fling, someone would find him. Someone would look at him and choose him. But no one ever did. To paraphrase (again) - they turn to an arranged marriage company. And they fit..
Dating in the Dark by miraworos (E)
Anthony J. Crowley, owner of a failing joke-shop, and Aziraphale, bookshop proprietor with an overbearing family, meet as contestants on a blind dating show. They form an instant connection as roommates but soon find themselves at odds as they compete to win the top spot, and the favor of the same lady.
The Ghost of Husbands Past by A_N_D (E)
Az always knew that he’d be thrown out the moment his father found out he was gay. He hadn’t expected to be declared dead though - or for his husband to believe it! But their marriage had been a foolish teenage impulse (not to mention invalid in America), so when Az moved to a small town far upstate New York to start his new life, he moved alone. The kindest thing he could do was let Crowley mourn and move on, not be shackled for life to a now disabled partner. Tony Crowley never recovered from losing his best friend, his childhood sweetheart, his better half. He’d been drifting ever since; no plans, no hope, no money - and now, just before Thanksgiving, no job either. Given the stark choice of freezing to death or accepting his sister’s invitation to join her upstate, Tony reluctantly lives out the Hallmark cliche of Recently Unemployed Person Moves to Small Town for Christmas. It’s a time of hope, love, and family. It’s time for Az and Tony to find each other again.
love like yours (will surely come my way) by CCs_World (T)
Dr Zira Fell is a new professor of theology at St Beryl's University. His first day there he meets the mysterious and enchanting Dr AJ Crowley, an art history professor and a painter. They almost immediately become friends, and spend most of their time getting lunch together, talking, drinking wine, making art, and falling slowly in love with one another. Featuring cameos of everyone's favorite (and least favorite) characters, gratuitous descriptions of paintings, long text messaging conversations, and one cranky cat.
- Mod D
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years ago
"Is this what sadness does to people?" Good omens season 2, please
Ough this is perfect,,,haven't written for this series in 3-4 years so it's good to be back
Time for some emotional damage(tm)
The bookshop never felt emptier.
With Aziraphale having gone away to Heaven, possibly for good, it was just you and Muriel left to pick up the pieces and run the place in his stead.
You always offered to watch over it for him if he was ever out of town, not caring about whether he pays you or not. You're just happy to help a friend out.
In recent days, however, you noticed the number in your bank account has "mysteriously" gone up a couple hundred dollars, and after doing the math you realized it equated to the hours and days you worked at the shop.
You would have been eternally grateful, but it saddens you more.
Knowing he was watching over you and helping you pay the bills, yet never physically visiting you, left you feeling guilty whenever you spent that money.
Selling the books wasn't an option, as you knew that's not what he would've wanted. And you'd tell Muriel not to even think about doing that, instead letting them indulge in them and allow them to read things about humanity that piqued their interest.
You knew they were an angel sent to spy on things, but it never bugged you; their spirits remained optimistic, mainly because they're ecstatic to work alongside a "human person" such as yourself. They were a delight to hang out with as you showed them your human customs and the like.
Sometimes they'd have to report back to Heaven, though it's only for a short time, and they'd return to Earth to let you know how Aziraphale's doing.
"Oh, he's grand! The Metatron is highly pleased with his work! Big changes are coming from the upstairs, I can tell you that much!"
The one thing they could never say, however, is when he'll revisit Earth, claiming they couldn't personally ask him...and they'd rather not upset any higher-ranking angels with such a dubious question.
You understood, and left them be.
Still, you'd look across the street and hope that heavenly elevator would one day reappear..and you'd see Aziraphale step out, cutting his ties to Heaven for good, and making things right.
It could happen at any time.
A few weeks, a few months, a few years....or maybe a few hundred years after you're long gone will he finally change his mind.
Neither Heaven nor Hell (or anywhere in-between) will be able to stop you from coming back and giving that oblivious angel an earful should you learn of his return.
For now, however, you wanted to focus on the present.
And that meant not just running the bookshop...but also helping Crowley process all of this.
Nobody was more heartbroken than the demon who's been by Aziraphale's side for over 6,000 years and helped him stop Armageddon, only for their relationship to crumble in just one day.
All because he was pushed to communicate his true and honest feelings.
You had no idea it even happened until he showed up on your doorstep at midnight in a drunken stupor, saying he was "gone".
Your immediate thought was death or "discorporation", but then he managed to tell you that the angel went back to Heaven and it was "over" between them. He stayed the night, crying and blubbering nonsense when he thought you couldn't hear him, and left the next morning before you could tell him he can live with you.
Since then, he stopped by the shop less and less often, always wearing his shades despite being once comfortable enough to leave them off around you.
It hurts to see him close up all his emotions, not wanting to burden you with his "miserableness".
All he does now is go on long drives with his plants and shout at them for the simple crime of existing, jam to Queen and Hoizer songs to drown out the noise in his head, and drink until he can't walk straight.
Suddenly poison became his new preference over red wine.
When he does visit the shop, he just mopes around and rambles about something he and Aziraphale did a few centuries ago, clearly in a state of reminiscence.
He never did, however, explain what he did in a final plea to make him stay..
You'll soon come to learn that tonight as you were getting ready to close up shop, sweeping around while Muriel organized some papers on what used to be the angel's desk.
The bell above the door jingled, and you turned off the music, looking to see Crowley enter. For once, he didn't look immensely drunk, which was a good thing...but still, he had a persistent forlorn expression.
The same kind you'd see after somebody breaks up with the love of their life.
"Evening, Crowley." You smiled sympathetically, putting down your hot chocolate. "We were just locking up shop for the night."
"I can see that....is he..?"
"No." Sighing, you shook your head, before looking to Muriel. "Can you excuse us, Muriel?"
They blinked, staring at you and tilting their head. "Should I go upstairs?"
"Yes, if you could..thank you."
"Righty-o!" With a pep in their step, they closed up the book in their hands and headed up the steps, promising not to eavesdrop on whatever conversation you're going to have with the demon.
They honestly never minded his presence, even though they really should be reporting on his behaviors.
Either way, they respected your space.
Once they were gone, you glanced back at Crowley to see him flop into one of the chairs, ready to down the entire wine bottle that somehow manifested in his hands.
"I think that's enough for you, mister."
You walked over and took it from his grasp, watching him whine and mope that he can "handle" his liquor, to which you called bullshit..considering he very much can't. He hasn't since Aziraphale left.
"I see ya found your...replacement..?" His words were slurred, being hard to understand with his thick Scottish accent.
"Crowley, you're looking at this all wrong. Muriel's not his replacement-"
"Bullockssss...they're...so jolly and angel-like...like his stupid face was."
"That's because they're both angels. Look, can you just..sober up already?" You huffed, growing irritated. It's like you were trying to parent some 6,000 year old teenager. "I know you can do that instantly."
"...you do?" He gawked behind his shades. "Since when didja know that much about me? Who told you, silly human?"
"...you did. We celebrated New Year's Eve together. Several of them, actually."
"Ah....you got me there. But I promise 'm fine." He sat up, gazing at you intensely. "This is the only way I can tell ya what..um...really happened that day, and if I don't tell ya now I'm...I-I'm never gonna tell ya...because this "communicating" thing's getting to be real hard lately and-"
"I get it. I understand, Crowley." You pulled up a chair, sitting across from him with a slight frown. "Can you..just look me in the eyes so I know you're taking this seriously?"
"...'m as serious as I ever was, [y/n]-"
"Fine. Is THIS serious enough for you?" With bitterness to his words, he ripped off his glasses to scowl at you. His golden eyes were already filled to the brim with tears, looking more animalistic, while simultaneously having lost their spark.
You tried not to flinch, having not seen them in such a long time that...you nearly forgot what they looked like at all.
When you didn't react the way he expected, he sighed and slumped back in the chair, keeping the glasses in his lap.
Eventually, he confessed to kissing Aziraphale in a last-ditch effort to make him stay and understand that he wanted to be with him and only him.
He wanted them both to go off to the stars together, like Gabriel and Beelzebub got to do after the archangel got his memories back.
It was so easy for them, yet apparently impossible for the two who have been collaborating for thousands of years...as Aziraphale simply couldn't detach himself from Heaven and thought that he could "fix" Crowley if he went with him.
It just didn't seem fair.
At one point, he nearly started smoking again, seething over three certain words that were spoken to him after that kiss...only to calm down as your hand came to rest on his knee, and you guided him through one of the human breathing exercises he once used.
This time, he got to ten without causing a lightning storm in the bookshop, thank goodness.
Only afterwards did he manage to tell you those words.
"He said..."I forgive you"."
"For..what?" Your eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
"Exactly my point!" He threw his hands up in the air. "Forgive me for what? That? Or for being an idiot who held onto the tiniest bit of hope that we could'a worked something out?"
"....you know, I never understood these...mushy feelings you humans get." He brushed away a stray tear that rolled down his cheek, only for another one to fall down the opposite side. But he gave up and just sniffled, hands clasped together. "Is this what sadness does to people?"
"...I wish I knew what he meant, Crowley."
There was a pause.
"Unfortunately, yes." You nodded, leaning over to take his hands into yours. "It sucks, and you wish it can all just go away with some drinks and Queen music..but as long as that hole stays in your heart, nothing will ever fill it."
"Then how do you cope? 'cuz those things haven't been doing a lotta good for me lately.."
For a moment you were quiet, wondering what you could possibly do to help him feel better in this moment. You couldn't just drag Aziraphale out of Heaven and demand him to do the "apology dance".
But you eventually did think of one thing that assures him that he's not alone and didn't have to carry this burden.
"Well, some of us humans appreciate hugs during times of sadness. Would you care for one?"
As you took your hands away, Crowley looked up to see your holding your arms out to him. His gaze was intense as he debated on whether or not to take this offer of yours.
Demons didn't give or receive hugs.
They didn't deserve them.
But he already came to the conclusion that he wasn't like most of his kind.
Why did he care?
"Listen..I know this won't make everything better. It won't bring him back, but-"
But you stopped as his head came to rest on your shoulder, although you wrapped your arms around him right away, ignoring the stench of sulfur in his clothes and wine in his breath. You knew he needed this comfort badly.
It didn't take long for him to break, his voice hitching with quiet sobs as he hugged you back, unshed tears finally flowing as he grieved for what could have been.
All you could do was let him lean on you, feeling your shirt growing damp.
"H-He was everythin' to me, [y/n]..."
"I know.."
"We...W-We could have been us. Together for eternity."
"I know. Maybe he'll come back some day."
"...i-it's gonna take more than a miracle for that to happen.."
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