#Multi-Channel Selling
webgarh · 10 months
Unlock the potential of Shopify Plus and elevate your business with effective multi-channel selling. Explore seamless integration, mobile optimization, and data-driven strategies for growth. Trust Shopify Plus experts at Webgarh Solutions for tailored development services and thrive in the dynamic world of e-commerce.
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salesoperator · 2 years
Using Salesforce To Enable Online Multi-Channel Selling
Multi-channel selling is a process that involves branding your products, developing and communicating customer value propositions , engaging customers through unique customer journeys, and marketing all in the same multi-channel strategy.
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Integrating E-Commerce Solutions across Websites and Apps for Multi-Platform Selling
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In digital age, e-commerce has become an integral part of the retail industry. With the rapid growth of online shopping, businesses are constantly seeking ways to expand their reach and maximize their sales potential. One effective strategy that has emerged is multi-platform selling, which involves integrating e-commerce solutions across websites and apps to create a seamless shopping experience for customers.
Without a doubt, selling across various platforms is a game changer in the realm of custom eCommerce development, with the potential to propel any organization to new heights. This blog will look at all aspects of multi-platform selling and how it affects the modern eCommerce business scene. Let us get started.
eCommerce Evolution: A New Era of Online Selling
Welcome to the new era of online selling! With the ever-growing popularity of e-commerce, businesses are constantly seeking ways to expand their reach and increase their sales. One such method that has gained significant traction is multi-platform selling, which involves integrating e-commerce solutions across websites and apps.
However, because consumer behaviours  and market demands change so quickly, an all-in-one or single eCommerce strategy is insufficient for long-term success. This is where multi-platform selling provides numerous chances for firms looking to increase engagement and diversify their reach.
What Does Multi-Platform Selling Mean?
Multi-platform selling refers to the practice of selling products or services through multiple online channels simultaneously. This approach allows businesses to reach a wider audience and cater to customers' preferences across various platforms, including websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and marketplaces. By offering a consistent shopping experience across different channels, businesses can enhance customer engagement, increase brand visibility, and boost sales.
Whether you run a little business or a large corporation, if you carefully position your company on these platforms, you will meet all of your customers' expectations by providing a convenient purchasing experience. However, managing sales across several channels is not as simple as it appears; a custom eCommerce development solution is required to optimize the process.
Major Perks of Multi-Platform Selling
There are several significant perks associated with multi-platform selling. Let's take a closer look at some of the major advantages that businesses can enjoy:
1. Expanded Reach: By leveraging multiple platforms, businesses can tap into a larger customer base and target diverse demographics. This broadens their reach and increases the chances of attracting new customers.
2. Enhanced Customer Experience: Multi-platform selling enables businesses to provide a seamless and consistent shopping experience across various channels. Customers can browse products, make purchases, and access support services conveniently, regardless of the platform they prefer.
3. Increased Sales Opportunities: With multiple channels at their disposal, businesses have more opportunities to showcase their products and services and convert leads into sales. Each platform serves as an additional sales channel, increasing the chances of generating revenue.
4. Improved Brand Visibility: Businesses may increase brand awareness and familiarity by maintaining a presence across many media. Consistent branding across channels promotes client trust and loyalty.
5. Better Data Insights: Multi-platform selling allows businesses to gather data from different sources, providing valuable insights into customer behaviour, preferences, and trends. This data can be used to optimize marketing strategies, personalize customer experiences, and drive informed business decisions.
Other key benefits of multi-platform selling include:
Improved conversion rate
Better customer loyalty.
Improved inventory transparency.
Improved customer segmentation.
Mobile commerce trend capitalization
Best Platforms for Multi-Channel eCommerce Business
1. Shopify: Shopify offers a comprehensive e-commerce platform that allows businesses to create and manage online stores. It provides seamless integration with various sales channels, including websites, mobile apps, social media platforms, and marketplaces.
2. Magento: Magento is a highly flexible and scalable e-commerce platform that caters to businesses of all sizes. It supports multi-channel selling by integrating with multiple platforms, enabling businesses to sell across websites, mobile apps, and marketplaces.
3. Etsy: If you want to sell antique, handcrafted, craft supplies, or other one-of-a-kind things online, Etsy is a great place to start. Users may easily access a wide range of product categories on this marketplace, including clothing, jewellery, tools, home, living, kids & babies, and entertainment.
4. Amazon Marketplace: As one of the largest online marketplaces, Amazon provides businesses with a vast customer base and global reach. Selling on Amazon Marketplace can significantly expand the visibility and sales potential of products.
5. eBay: eBay is another popular online marketplace that allows businesses to sell products to a wide range of customers. With its auction-style listings and fixed-price options, eBay offers flexibility for multi-channel selling.
6.Walmart Marketplace: Walmart is a frequently used marketplace that provides excellent prospects for online enterprises. This is a curated e-commerce portal. As a seller, you must meet specified requirements for providing excellent customer service.
7. Facebook Marketplace: This is Facebook's integrated platform that provides fantastic online selling choices to local sellers and small enterprises. This platform is simple to use and helps you promote your goods to a social media-savvy customer audience.
How to Set Up a Successful Multi-Platform Selling Strategy:
1. Identify Target Platforms:
Research and analyse the platforms that align with your target audience and business objectives. Consider factors such as platform popularity, user demographics, and integration capabilities.
2. Seamless Integration:
Select e-commerce platforms that offer robust integration capabilities with various channels. Ensure that your chosen platforms can synchronize product listings, inventory, pricing, and order management across all channels.
3. Consistent Branding:
Maintain consistent branding elements, such as logo, colors, and messaging, across all platforms. This creates a cohesive brand identity and fosters customer recognition and trust.
4. Optimize User Experience:
Provide a user-friendly and intuitive shopping experience on every platform. Optimize website and app performance, ensure mobile responsiveness, and streamline the checkout process to minimize friction and maximize conversions.
5. Data-Driven Decision Making:
Leverage analytics and data insights to monitor and measure the performance of each platform. Identify trends, customer preferences, and areas for improvement, and use this information to refine your multi-platform selling strategy.
6. Customer Support:
Offer consistent and responsive customer support across all platforms. Provide multiple channels for customer inquiries, such as live chat, email, and phone, to ensure a seamless support experience.
7. Cross-promotion:
Cross-promotion is a marketing strategy where two or more parties promote each other's products or services to their respective audiences. It's a mutually beneficial arrangement that can help increase brand exposure, reach new customers, and drive sales.
8. Privacy and Data Security:
 - Manage all of your customers' data safely.
- Display all privacy policies to your customers to develop trust.
9. Focus on market trends.
- Keep up with the latest industry developments, platform updates, and client requests.
- Be prepared to change your business approach (if necessary) to stay ahead of the market.
Multi-platform selling has become a crucial strategy for businesses aiming to thrive in the competitive e-commerce landscape. By integrating e-commerce solutions across websites and apps, businesses can expand their reach, enhance the customer experience, and boost sales. With the availability of various platforms, businesses can choose the ones that align with their target audience and business goals. By implementing a well-planned multi-platform selling strategy, businesses can establish a strong presence across multiple channels, drive customer engagement, increase brand visibility, and ultimately achieve success in the evolving world of e-commerce.
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ecomhardy · 4 months
How to Connect Shopify Store to eBay, Amazon, Etsy Using Marketplace Connect- Learn Shopify Part 11How to Connect Your Shopify Store to eBay, Amazon, and Etsy Using Marketplace Connect. Boost your online sales by connecting your Shopify store to top marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, and Etsy! In this step-by-step tutorial, I'll show you how to use the Marketplace Connect app to seamlessly integrate your products and manage your inventory across multiple platforms. Whether you're new to e-commerce or looking to expand your reach, this guide will help you streamline your operations and grow your business. Connecting your Shopify store to marketplaces like eBay, Amazon, and Etsy using a Marketplace Connect app involves several steps. Here 19s a detailed guide to help you with this process: Step 1: Install the Marketplace Connect App 1. Log in to your Shopify Admin: Access your Shopify admin panel. 2. Visit the Shopify App Store: Search for "Marketplace Connect" in the Shopify App Store. 3. Select the App: Choose a Marketplace Connect app that supports the marketplaces you want to integrate (e.g., Codisto, Sellbrite, or similar). 4. Install the App: Click on 1CAdd app 1D and follow the prompts to install it in your Shopify store. Step 2: Set Up the App 1. Open the Marketplace Connect App: Once installed, go to the app from your Shopify admin. 2. Connect Your Accounts: Follow the app's instructions to connect your eBay, Amazon, and Etsy accounts. This typically involves: - Logging into your marketplace accounts. - Granting necessary permissions to the Marketplace Connect app. Step 3: Configure Settings 1. Map Your Products: Sync your Shopify products with the marketplaces. You might need to map product categories and attributes to ensure they match marketplace requirements. 2. Set Pricing and Inventory Rules: Configure how you want pricing and inventory to sync between Shopify and the marketplaces. 3. Shipping Settings: Define your shipping rules and methods for each marketplace. 4. Order Management: Set up how orders from marketplaces are handled in Shopify. Step 4: Listing Your Products 1. Select Products to List: Choose which products you want to list on each marketplace. 2. Review Listings: Ensure product descriptions, images, and other details meet the requirements of each marketplace. 3. Publish Listings: Publish your products to the marketplaces. This step might include reviewing and confirming each listing. Step 5: Manage Orders and Inventory 1. Monitor Orders: Track orders from the marketplaces in the Marketplace Connect app or directly in your Shopify admin. 2. Sync Inventory: Ensure inventory levels are synced between Shopify and the marketplaces to prevent overselling. 3. Fulfill Orders: Process and fulfill orders as you would with Shopify orders. The app should help manage order statuses and tracking information. Step 6: Optimize and Maintain 1. Regular Updates: Regularly update product information and listings as needed. 2. Monitor Performance: Use the app's analytics tools to track sales performance across marketplaces. 3. Customer Service: Manage customer inquiries and feedback from the marketplaces through your usual customer service channels. Example: Using Codisto LINQ (Marketplace Connect App) 1. Install Codisto LINQ: - Go to the Shopify App Store, search for "Codisto LINQ", and install the app. 2. Connect to Marketplaces: - Open Codisto LINQ from your Shopify admin. - Follow the prompts to connect your eBay, Amazon, and Etsy accounts. 3. Sync Products: - Map your Shopify products to marketplace categories. - Set pricing rules and inventory sync options. 4. List Products: - Select the products you want to list on eBay, Amazon, and Etsy. - Review and publish the listings. 5. Manage Orders: - Track and manage orders through Codisto LINQ. - Sync inventory and fulfill orders as usual. Tips for Success - Stay Compliant: Ensure your listings comply with each marketplace's policies.
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Multi-channel selling refers to the practice of selling products or services through multiple sales channels to reach customers. This allows businesses to expand their reach, boost sales, and provide better customer experience.
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caw4brandon · 6 months
The Power of Stop-Motion
Media in today's standard is quick and easy. Rarely is a show more than 2 hours long or 13-epiodes per-season. With that, animated movies are a lot slower than the typical films.
There is a discussion on if animation is suitable for film purposes and while it is often shunned by the Golden Globes or the Oscars or other awards. The very few outliers can prove these awards and the world very wrong.
But that is not what we will be talking about today. Because while animation is popular, there is a dark horse among its sphere. One with a rich history and strong filmography that should be shared. Let's talk about;
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- Have I possibly gone daffy? -
Stop-motion is a film making style that compiles multiple still images of an object being physically manipulated in small movements into one whole scene.
Majority of Stop-motion films and videos use [Clay Animation] or [Paper Animation] with several more varieties of new innovations emerging under the umbrella of stop-motion. The most popular of them in the modern era towards kids is [Lego animation] which is the manipulation of Lego models in motion.
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The earliest trace of Stop-motion in films is the 1898 short [The Humpty Dumpty Circus] by Albert E. Smith and James Stuart Blackton which is said to be a lost media. To compensate, please watch [A Tribute to Stop Motion]
In its early concept, Stop-motion was used as a method to create impossible things or do practical effects under budget constrains. Such as the iconic King Kong scene at the Empire State building. Since then, Stop-motion has evolved into a full production industry. From Indies; [Righteous Robot] to Juggernauts; [Laika Studios]
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- Shimmer a Little at The Edges -
Unconventional media such as stop-motion is often not a style suited for every story. Its a rather expensive type of media that requires worthy innovations top break the niche barrier. Just looking at Laika Studios alone, we see that they've develop a lot of interesting ways to improve visual effects while staying to their stop-motion roots.
One perfect example is seen in < Kubo and the Two Strings > where the animators need to create water in a still image world that feels natural. [A Perfect Storm] one other part of the stop-motion puzzle is the iron-willed discipline it to conceptualize, animate and edit a production that can take about 3 to 5 years to complete. More so of a time frame than a normal film.
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This difficult curve lead to budgeted methods such as using models that already exist to tell new stories. Such as; Legos or with crude multi-jointed figures of existing characters. [MOONSHINE]
While I may say its crude, the low budget production is the selling point. Assisted with sound bites taken from gaming sessions or from shows featuring a lot of inside jokes and memes. Also, its hilarious to see a Teletubby turned into a Eldritch monster.
These attempts to make stop-motion productions accessible has captured the attention of other like-minded channels to collaborate and elevate one another. [ERB: Harry Potter vs Luke Skywalker]
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- For Better Tomorrows -
With all that is said, what is the power of stop-motion? As a media that is tediously overlapping across processes. What are the better tomorrows for our inanimate subjects?
I like to think, that as filmmaking grows. Stop-motion will continue to remain as a sacred tug against live action films and traditional animation. It can be used to tell complicated stories with concepts that may look strange if its adapted in a live action.
As I have mentioned in [The Beautiful World of Hilda] animation's greatest strength is simplification. Stop-motion takes the opposite side of that philosophy.
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Its a higher level of world building of the materials with willingness to accept mistakes and ruggedness that gives them that little flavor of life. As an actual touchable thing, the various cartoonish styles can take on a whole new dimension to heighten the style and give it that detail that is less polished.
Stop-motion shows that filmmaking magic can still exist despite already knowing the tricks. Its a media where every frame shown has a significant purpose that invokes a specific flow. That's the power of stop-motion.
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gummilutt · 1 year
Directory of downloads
Since Tumblr is now where I share my stuff when I do share, I suppose there will come a time when scrolling through would get tedious for you, the reader, and Origami suggested I make a directory post to make it easier for people to find what they may want. Great idea, so here we are :)
If you have problems the fastest way to reach me is through discord, my username is gummilutt. You can also find me in the discord server Sims Crafters (click for invite). DM here on tumblr on MTS will also work, but I make no promises about fast replies.
Policy is open, do what you like. A tag is always appreciated, because it is fun to see what people make with your work :)
I do not take requests, sorry :) I am however always happy to give advice on how to make something yourself, in the modding channel on SimsCrafters (invite above). If you aren't interested in learning to make what you want yourself, my advice is to use publicly available forums to post your ideas (Hacks & CC thread on MTS, ideas channel on Crafters etc), and if you are lucky a modder will see it, like it and make it.
Posebox base clone that can remember pose used
Custom memories library and object
Monique's computer update - price editing friendly
Modified Cyjon Loan Jar
Simulated sales in OFB business made optional and lot-based
Autonomous background crafting
AL Gear City window made closeable
Teleporters given age based & pet options
Updated Inge table and counter controller
Dressers require laundry Add-on for Sun & Mon Laundry Mod
Immersive pet treat giving
No saturday landlord party in apartments
Landlord leaves leaf piles during autumn
Backrub gives comfort
Crystal ball computer dating service
Stuffed animal enabler and autonomy fix with traits incorporation
Teens and pregnant Sims do not drink autonomously
Towel rack dresser actions
Toddler memory nursery rhyme
Cat nip toy cleanup enabled teens/elder
Check out self on mirror enabled adult/elder
Pregnant Sim BV activity sanity - Log roll, axe throw, massage, hot spring and sauna changes
Takemizu ninja success chance raised to 75%
Uni skill scholarships lowered to 5 points
Sell lemonade want age restricted
Snuck out memory made repeatable
No autonomous cleaning of dishes/trash
Pet career wage edits
Slacker chance card edit
Debug "make harvestable" made more user friendly
No hunger decay for birds
Mod Objects and Edits
Teleporters given age-based options
Bodyshop content
Acne Taurus pantless heels
Raonjena 103 Pooklet recolor
Updating pre-AL pet food bowls for Midge's butler/nanny refill mod
Fixes of other peoples stuff
Simslice Beer Keg refillable and no family romance
BO's multi-key dorm door mod diagonal door add-on
Cyjon debugger menu fixed for non-english installations
Potty Fixes and Potty Use Bin mods merged for compatibility
For more of my creations I also have a library of 84 uploads over on MTS, mostly game mods with some bodyshop and the occasional lot sprinkled in. My username there is gummilutt :)
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lowpolynpixelated · 3 months
Nightmare Kart: Multi-Track Dreaming
LW Media have done it again. After making one of the best fanworks on the web with “Bloodborne PSX” star developer Lilith Walther has returned to the realm of nightmares to go a little faster this time. How much faster? Somewhere around 200cc or so. Nightmare Kart made its debut on itch.io on June 3rd 2024 and has already become yet another banger from the dev that keeps on giving. First imagined as “Bloodborne Kart” the game hit a minor legal snag and ended up having to scrub any overt references to the Fromsoftware game entirely, leading to its rebranding into the much more original “Nightmare Kart”. But what is Nightmare Kart? And why should you play it? In this article/review I’d like to go over my personal favourite elements as well as some not-so polished ones that all in all make Nightmare Kart an easy sell to anyone looking to have some new fun in an old school way.
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Some Background:
If you’ve read my article on Bloodborne PSX you know that I’m a massive fan of LW Media’s previous work. BBPSX was a masterwork in bringing old fashioned clunk to a modern game and letting it thrive on the atmosphere and gameplay quirks that come with something like that. Nightmare Kart is no different. According to Lilith via our previous interview work on Nightmare Kart began not too long after BBPSX released, owing its existence largely to a popular meme used to tease a new Bloodborne game being announced at major gaming shows. Ever since the game’s inception Lilith was hard at work trying to make a kart racer that captured not only the feeling of Bloodborne’s visceral world and combat, but those old school racers we all know and love. I personally am a big fan of Mario Kart 64, and when I got to ask her questions about Nightmare Kart’s development I was delighted to hear that she was taking inspiration from the title. My previous article is linked here as well as Lilith’s tumblr blog and youtube channel where you can see more of the development process in action leading up to the debut of the game.
Nightmare Kart:
So, back to that question I asked before, what is Nightmare Kart? Inspired by kart racer classics like Mario Kart 64, Diddy Kong Racing, and Crash Team Racing, alongside some rather exciting action picks like Halo, Nightmare Kart is a combination kart racer/battler. In the game you take on the role of “The good hunter”, a mysterious person who awakens in a strange world known as the Pocket Dream before taking to the streets of Miralodia, a gothic styled city beset by all sorts of creatures of the night. The game takes you through a brief singleplayer campaign consisting of several races, battle mode matches, and even boss fights showing off an impressive array of gameplay and animated cutscenes. The base gameplay of the racer is closest to those kart racers I mentioned before, with drifting and boosting being a core part of the racing experience. It does however put some unique souls-like spins on a few things, as well as introducing a brake-slide mechanic which allows you to turn on a dime at the cost of your momentum. A true feast for the senses, consisting of graphics and music to rival Bloodborne PSX in their quality, and a truly impressive feat of development prowess. The game, much like its predecessor, feels so at home in its old school roots that I could almost hear the disc whirring in the drive of my non-existent PlayStation as I played through its campaign and tore through some multiplayer battles.
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Let’s talk more about that gameplay for a bit. As mentioned before Nightmare Kart does a superb job at nailing the feeling of an old school kart racer with a modern twist. A large part of that is its more battle-focused gameplay, as the powerups and controls are much more suited for aggression and duking it out at high speed than just simply racing. The first mechanic to show this off is the Blood Droplets system. As you race a number of enemies will spawn on the track and wander around, some will even try to attack racers as they speed past. Running over one of these enemies or destroying them with one of the several weapons on offer nets an amount of “blood droplets”. These function identically to both Blood Echoes in Bloodborne as well as coins in the Mario Kart series. The more droplets you collect, the higher your maximum speed will increase (as indicated by a red sword shaped arrow on your in-game speedometer). There is, however, a limited number of these enemies on a given track. Once they’re all killed you’ll have to turn to alternative means to collect those speed-granting droplets. Most notably, the destruction of your fellow racers. With a small array of weapons at your disposal granted via small powerup sparks scattered throughout the tracks you’ll be able to cut, smash, shoot, or even call down the stars themselves upon your competition to take their droplets as your own. This feature is most important during races, where speed is much more of a focus, but during the battle modes is where the fighting truly shines.
Deathmatch, elimination, capture the flag, and a score mode based around having the most droplets for your team all serve as the real way to show off Nightmare Kart’s strengths. The brake-slide mentioned before serves as your way to stop and aim ranged weapons like the hunter’s pistol and lever action shotgun, or to reposition yourself for a lunging strike with one of the several melee weapons you’re able to slot in to your melee powerup slot. My personal favourite of these were the gatling gun, which straps a four-barreled monster of a gun to the front of a vehicle of your choice allowing for 40 shots of continuous rapid fire destruction, and the spark-cage, a stand in for the Bloodborne Tonitrus which sends you leaping forward in your kart to smash an electrified mace into your opponents. All of this is headed by a health and stamina system much akin to the game’s former namesake. Health dictates damage done and sustained, while stamina is used by dashing. Also consumed by dashing are “Aether Viles”, viles of blue liquid used in groups of 5 to send you careening forward with a burst of speed. Performing tricks off of jumps by tapping the jump button or simple picking them up from a powerup grants you a number of these viles which you can use to bash into enemies or get ahead in the race standings. With everything I’ve talked about here I hope it’s apparent just how fun Nightmare Kart is to play. I had such an amazing time trashing enemies in deathmatch battles and roaring my way through city streets and forbidden forests.
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Nightmare Kart boasts a sense of style rivaled only by the game that came before it. Iterating on the already delightfully dated look that BBPSX had, Nightmare Kart takes it to the next level with original characters and environments that give it that trademark PSX feel. Coming with a built in (and customizeable) CRT filter along with a slew of graphical options ranging from texture warp to pixel distortion the game has quite literally never looked better. My entire time with the game was spent marveling at the track design and style that bleeds from every low-poly crease and jittering texture. Twelve vehicles and a variety of playable characters show off the gothic horror inspirations from Bloodborne and otherwise in perfect pixelated glory. Just as with BBPSX the game shows a mastery of the concept of a “demake”, but being built from the ground up as an original concept the game shows off iconic themes and locations leftover from its Bloodborne origins now with a lovingly crafted layer of originality. Fans of PSX horror and modern retro-makes in general will find nothing but some of the best graphical styling from this game’s blood soaked streets and haunted clock towers.
The real star at the center of well crafted textures and wonderfully low-detail models is the track design. Even if it isn’t legally allowed be Bloodborne Kart, its very apparent that the tracks on offer are nothing less than love letters to a wacky concept contained within a genuine respect for the inspirations. The game’s first few tracks do a top notch job at showing off the sort of homage you’d come to expect from a game inspired by Fromsoft’s gothic masterpiece, but soon descend into the depths of creative (and sometimes seemingly sadistic) level design that sets a kart racer apart from its peers. The Forbidden Forest, for example, features a split path laden with traps and lurking enemies that culminates in an upward clime via jump pads that sends you up the decaying innards of a windmill tower. Delving further into the madness sees you drifting your way through a library maze and making daring jumps to catch up with Nicholas, one of the game’s bosses to put him down for good. The inspiration for this game shines through even the mandatory layer of original art, enhancing into a viscerally wild ride from the first look at the endless void of the Pocket Dream to the cramped quarters of the Outsider’s Mansion.
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Sound design/Soundtrack:
At last we arrive at what I consider to be the true highlight of Nightmare Kart. Continuing from BBPSX’s beautifully bitcrushed audio design Nightmare Kart wastes absolutely no time showing off just how much work was put into making the nightmare sound as good as it looks. One thing in particular that stuck with me was the animated cutscenes seen throughout the singleplayer campaign. Fully voice acted and entirely animated the voices in the scenes remind me of the best of the best PlayStation VA work. Extending a massive amount of congratulations to the entire voice cast, which the game’s developer Lilith Walther also provided a performance for. Those sweet filtered voices are only the beginning though, as Nightmare Kart’s soundtrack explodes into a symphony of haunted house jams and retro bangers right from the first screen. I find myself left without a whole lot to say other than just how good the soundtrack is. Composer Evalyn Lark destroyed any doubts I could have had about the game’s soundtrack not living up to the hype that the concept drummed up. The full soundtrack is available on youtube as well as other streaming services and will also be linked in this article for your listening pleasure. A short but sweet section for a set of tunes that I truly feel need to speak for themselves.
Full soundtrack
A sweet nightmare, and everything that comes with it
This section is a bit different from what I usually do in reviews like this. As I don’t have a second interview with Ms. Walther and I want this to be just as much a discussion about the game as well as a glowing review, I’d like to go over the less than stellar things I experienced while I sped my way through the horrors and bloodsoaked nightmare visions. I’d like to start off this section with this: This article/review is a work of opinion, not objective fact. Everything I put here is based on my own experience with the game. I also understand that in the modern video game landscape we exist in a time where games can receive updates and patches to repair and alter things that might be grinding or frustrating to players. I say all of this out of profuse respect for Ms. Walther and all of those who worked on Nightmare Kart, so that my words cannot be taken as damning evidence that this game is anything other than fun.
Nightmare Kart is above all else, an indie game in the purest meaning of the phrase. Developed by a small team on a small (by video game standards) budget and released entirely for free for anyone to enjoy. Because of this it does suffer from some standard if not frustrating bugs and glitches that made my experience with it nearly perfect, but not quite. Every game (especially today) has it’s rough edges. And with one trying to have so many on purpose (visually anyway) it was bound to have something in it that didn’t function one hundred percent of the time, or something out of place at random intervals.
Common glitches I encountered while playing:
- Hitting walls and ending up underneath the map (this has a minor fix already in the game in the form of a respawn option)
- Controls not being recognized after being hit by an enemy weapon, requiring me to either repress buttons or restart the match/race
- Powerups not actually firing off but being consumed anyway
Please keep in mind that these three things are glitches and do have the potential to be patched out. However, even if they weren’t, I think they added to the charm of the game either way. What was also a part of the charm and became somewhat grating as the game went on were some things I feel work against the games sense of flow and speed that the races would have you want to achieve. These notes are not comprehensive, and come from a place of constructive criticism only. The first frustrating element came in the form of the game’s strict adherence to a retro draw distance. Most of the tracks in the game are enveloped in a dark fog after a certain point, and the track becomes revealed to you as you ride or drive. This works wonders for the atmosphere, but tended to work against me when I was gaining speed and using my aether boosts, only to run face first into a wall because I couldn’t see the turn coming. Moving on from that but in the same vein, running into things can lead into some frustrating moments as well. Some objects and even enemies have hitboxes a fair bit larger than what it would appear. There were several times I tried to skirt past a crucified beast or stack of unbreakable boxes only for a seemingly small part of my cart to clip it, causing the entirety of my speed and momentum to be lost along with my placement. Getting stuck on one of these objects is a different beast entirely, as sometimes the objects invisible hitbox stops you from turning or accelerating altogether until you physically use the reverse button and reorient yourself. On top of all of this, and I’ve certainly seen people state this in far less kind ways, I do feel like the game’s campaign is a bit too easy. Now please keep in mind I did not go into Nightmare Kart expecting a high skill ceiling challenge that would test my mettle at every turn. I also didn’t expect to essentially go on a joyride through the nightmare’s scenic vistas and town squares while a host of NPC drivers waged war with each other far behind me, occasionally sending a volley of stars my way which did very little to actually slow me down. Combined with the fact that enemies didn’t seem to respawn once killed, I found myself with shockingly little to do other than just drive and go for style points on the jumps as I stayed well ahead of the pack. This issue, I will add, was exclusive to the campaign’s races. I found the AI was much more suited for battling it out in the boss battles and other versus modes, the elimination match at the end of the game being a particular highlight of an absolute brawl. None of these issues stand to ruin any part of Nightmare Kart’s fun. Video games are hard to make, and not a single one of them can ever claim to be perfect. These just stand as notes from a personal perspective, meant to offer a bit of a look at what someone jumping into the game and playing it start to finish might experience.
Closing Thoughts:
If you’re looking for something fun to play this summer I can’t recommend Nightmare Kart enough. It really does echo the days of playing head to head with friends in wacky kart racers and deathmatch games, going as far as to combine the two into easily one of the most fun kart games I’ve ever played. If you liked what you read here or would otherwise like to support LW Media’s endeavors, I’ve linked the official itch.io page and steam page for Nightmare Kart below, along with the LW Media patreon and (yet another) link to my previous article on Bloodborne PSX. Thank you so much for reading, now go shred those radical streets.
Nightmare Kart
LWMedia Patreon
Bloodborne PSX Article
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sprintingowl · 8 months
Writing A Wargame When The World's A Bastard
I think most people looking at an rpg blog are probably familiar with the "Wow! Cool Robot!" meme.
And I think to an extent all play consists of "Situations I Don't Actually Want To Be In But It's Fun To Imagine The Scenario." Even tag and hide and seek simulate escaping from a predator.
However, when I say Over War is both a wargame and a tabletop roleplaying game, I want to be a little more precise about which inspirations I'm drawing on.
Yasumi Matsuno is a name that Final Fantasy XIV players might recognize, but he has a much broader body of work with incredibly consistent themes.
Matsuno also directed and wrote Final Fantasy Tactics, designed directed and wrote Tactics Ogre, designed directed produced and wrote Vagrant Story, and created Ogre Battle, which lit a fire in my head as a child and eventually led to the creation of this game.
In a Yasumi Matsuno story, you can generally expect gothic vibes, a baroque aesthetic, and messy, multi-sided political choices that orbit around resentment, societal disenfranchisement, and a struggle for a better world.
Those themes and elements are what I'm trying to channel in Over War.
There's more than a few splashes of the usual Sprinting Owl ridiculousness (you can build a unit out of just chupacabras and goats in the uneasiest alliance any fantasy world has ever seen,) but the game centers around questions like "Should anyone ever deserve to rule a land?" and "What compromises on integrity and vengeance are you personally willing to make to achieve your goals?"
There's a sidebar at the beginning of the book making it clear that I am not trying to draw real-world parallels---I'm not smart enough to do that without messing it up---but I do want the players to think when the game hands them a thorny issue, and to reach a decision that they are ultimately comfortable with.
This is tricky to do in a game which ultimately also needs to be fun, it won't sell if it's not fun, but those are the compromises I'm making in the hopes that this game will bring enjoyment and disquiet to folks.
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gaykarstaagforever · 3 months
Yes, to impress the gatekeeping shitheads at the top who want to underpay for a refined resource they can claim ownership over and profit from.
If you've spent 40 years learning music and working as a producer but you still have to run a YouTube channel and sell music courses to provide for your family, Rick Beato, maybe that's proof that this old system you love was bullshit that squeezed you and then hung you out to dry.
AI "art" is filth. But the impulse to cheaply and quickly make product is a direct reaction to everyone noticing that hard-working artists seemingly exist to be exploited.
Who wants to do that?
If your motivation is love of the art or reaching the skill level of someone you idolize, then that is it's own reward. But without those motivations, why should anyone bother? So nerds can look back in 60 years and be snobs about what is "serious" art and what isn't? Who asked for that? What benefit is that to anyone?
Note that those nerds are critics, and rarely artists themselves. Because being a know-it-all jackass about OTHER PEOPLE'S ART is way less work than making your own. See? Even THEY'RE doing it!
Also anyone over the age of 50 whining about "the death of (whatever art)" is just mad the culture has passed them by and doesn't care to sell things to them anymore. They're mad that they are no longer valued as consumers. Because that's the only reason they played rock on the radio in the 70s: to sell you shit. It wasn't out of some pure love for "good" music, whatever that means.
And if those bands had had access to tech and shortcuts, they would have used them. Because they totally did. That's why the 80s sounded like that. Queen did things with multi-channel tape that terrified people, and it was responsible for their whole sound. Just some dudes on a stage with instruments doesn't make noises like that.
Being an artist is hard and it sucks and it is a valid life-choice to not want to pursue that. And if you're driven to, then it isn't because you are taking a moral high ground. It's because you HAVE TO. It is a brain worm that lives inside you and will never let you go. Even if what you make is nothing anyone else gets or cares about. You do it because you can't do anything else.
And if Henry Darger had had access to Photoshop, he certainly would have used it to make what he made.
He used collage and tracing! Those are shortcuts!
Of course, he wasn't trying to impress annoying people who still think what Sony will promote for profit = "good art."
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fredseibertdotcom · 6 months
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Behold, the king of online cartoons
Ex-Hanna-Barbera whiz Fred Seibert blazing a trail with YouTube network
A couple of times over the years, then-USA Today’s entertainment and tech reporter (and photographer) Jefferson Graham was nice enough to feature me in an article about the cartoons I was producing. First time was in the late 90s with “Oh Yeah! Cartoons,” but in 2015, with streaming video finally reaching the mainstream press (Channel Frederator actually started in 2005) and Graham’s animator son joining our network, he revisited.
Thanks to animator Michael Hilliger, who sent over his copy of the article in 2024.
By Jefferson Graham USA Today July 17, 2015
LOS ANGELES — Fred Seibert wants you to have his card.
And his phone number. He even won't mind if we print his [email protected] e-mail address right here in USA TODAY.
Seibert, 63 is the online toon king, with 400 million views monthly to his Channel Frederator network on YouTube, but he's never sure where his next hit will come from.
So he's always out there looking, at schools, industry gatherings, book signings. You name it.
Next weekend, he'll be at the Vidcon convention near Los Angeles, a gathering of folks who make their living off YouTube, which is where most folks see his online `toons.
"I have no ideas," he says. "But I recognize talent."
That's for sure. Seibert, then president of Hanna-Barbera's cartoon studios in the 1990s, is credited with discovering Seth MacFarlane, the creator of the Family Guy, fresh from college, when he hired him to work on Hanna-Barbera cartoons.
For Seibert's "What a Cartoon!" series for the Cartoon Network, Seibert hit ratings gold, signing up the creators who churned out hits like "The Powerpuff Girls," "Dexter's Laboratory" and "Johnny Bravo." Their series debuted as shorts for first for Seibert's series.
He still serves as executive producer of "The Fairly OddParents," a TV series he began producing in 1998 when it debuted on his "Oh Yeah, Cartoons," series. It's been running ever since on Nickelodeon.
Seibert's biggest audiences, however, have come from online, to the tune of some 1.9 billion views for 'toons like the Bee and PuppyCat and Bravest Warriors.
We had Seibert as a guest on our #TalkingTech podcast in June. At the time, he was averaging 300 million monthly viewers to the Channel Frederator network. Now he's already up to 400 million monthly viewers, and predicts he'll top 700 million by year's end, and 1 billion by 2016.
The reason for the massive growth is that unlike before, when animation was targeted just to young kids, either for Saturday morning TV, and kid-based cartoon TV channels, anyone of all ages can view `toons online.
Seibert's Cartoon Hangover, a Frederator section where he shows the best of his `toons, bills itself as the channel for "cartoons that are too weird, wild, and crazy for television."
“Bee and PuppyCat,” about a young woman with a hybrid dog-cat, is written by Natasha Allegri, a woman in her 20s, about a character in her 20s, and thus, obviously not targeted to the traditional animation crowd.
"No matter what your interest online — whether it be anime, or science fiction or comedy cartoons, there is a place for you," Seibert says. "TV has a tough time supporting the sub-genres. Online is all about sub-genre."
Channel Frederator is what's known as a multi-channel network. Cartoons run on YouTube, but his network promotes them, sells ads and distributes the proceeds to some 2,000 of his video makers.
Through Frederator, the channel makers learn about which color to make their thumbnails to find larger YouTube audiences (he recommends yellow) and which keywords to use in the descriptions ("funny" always works, he says.)
"We give them the tools to grow their performance," he says.
Dominic Panganiban, a 24-year-old animator from Toronto, joined the Frederator network in November, and has seen his subscriber base grow ten times since.
He had been working with Full Screen, another multi-channel network that works with YouTube creators to help them monetize their videos and attract larger audiences.
"Frederator was a better fit, because they cater more towards animation channels," Panganiban says. Because Frederator attracts folks who enjoy cartoons, "I have more potential here."
By being part of the Frederator network, Australian animator Sam Green says he's learned about how to better promote his cartoons, and gotten access to a database of free music and sound effects to use in his cartoons.
He too has seen a spike in traffic.
Being with Seibert "helped me move from my mother's garage to affording my own apartment in the big city," he says.
How did the traffic for both creators go up so dramatically?
Seibert promoted the cartoons to his audience. With 2,000 cartoon makers, that's a lot to choose from. He says he'll plug as many of them as "show an interest" to growing their audience. He looks for people who post new work regularly, stay in touch, and ask "what we can do to help them more."
And despite the massive online audience, Seibert isn't making money yet, and doesn't think he will for another three years. 
"Our cartoons are 3-4 minutes long, and the average American watches 6 hours of TV a day," he says. "We have a long way to go to even that out."
Photography by Jefferson Graham, July 2015
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lil-tachyon · 2 years
Recommend dinosaur media besides Jurassic Park?
Dinotopia: All the books are super fun, but the first and last are the best. Just some rambling, cozy journeys through an imagined land of prehistoric beasts and eclectic architecture. The middle two books are still great in terms of visuals, but they lean too much into narrative stuff and I don't think that's Gurney's strong point. The writing feels a lot more like a child's first chapter book. Maybe that's what he was going for, I'm not sure.
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Xenozoic Tales: Long time fans of the blog will at this point be tired of me recommending it, but I'm not going to stop because most people I talk to (even other terminally-online SFF artists) still haven't read it. It's obviously super pulpy but it really grows into itself toward the end and is able to handle some more mature ideas without ever taking itself too seriously. Highly recommend.
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An Alphabet of Dinosaurs: Just a great collection of Wayne Barlowe's paleoart. It's a 10-minute read and it's aimed at kids but you're buying it for the art and its one of the only Barlowe books you can reliably pick up for less than $10 so I'd say it's worth it. Good chance your library may have it, too.
Dinosaurs by Thomas R Holtz Jr: Very accessible non-fiction work on dinosaur biology and cladistics. It's probably a bit dated now (came out in 2007) and the art is very hit-or-miss (about half the illustrations are obvious products of the era of early digital art when everyone was photobashing and throwing these awful digital textures onto everything, ugh...) but it remains a fun and informative read. If anyone has a more contemporary but similarly thorough dinosaur book, please let me know! I know there have been a lot of huge discoveries, especially from China, since this book came out.
C. M. Kosemen's (keep track of how many times that name appears on this list) and @simon-roy 's Dinosauroids: This was a HUGE influence on what I wanted to draw and what kind of stories I wanted to tell when I first found it and middle school and it still totally holds up. Check it out here!
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Walking With Dinosaurs: Huge, multi-part BBC documentary from 1999 that presented stories about Mesozoic fauna as if it was a contemporary nature documentary. The CGI for which it was initially so famous is very dated now but the practical effects are great and it's honestly the narration and presentation that sells it anyway. Also recommend Walking With Monsters which is the same thing but for the Paleozoic. People routinely upload both series on youtube, they're not hard to find.
All Yesterdays by Jon Conway, C. M. Kosemen, and Darren Naish: Unique and outrageous reconstructions of dinosaurs and other paleofauna that challenge our preconceptions and highlight the limits of our understanding of their appearance and behavior. Also really cool for me personally because in my lifetime I've seen this book go from a neat project by people I followed on deviantart to being (rightly) considered a landmark in paleoillustration.
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Dino Run: This game bangs and I pity the kids who weren't around in 2008 when this took over the internet for a brief but wonderful period
The Rite of Spring segment from Fantasia: From the big bang to the climactic end of the Mesozoic, all set to Stravinsky. Apparently the only Disney media I enjoy is stuff that The Mouse just does not give a shit about because this one's also on youtube.
That's some stuff off the top of my head, should be enough for now. I may add more if I think of it. Some parting thoughts:
C. M. Kosemen's youtube channel is great for learning about what I'll call "esoteric paleontology" for lack of a better term. Also he just does lots of weird, eclectic videos that I find interesting.
I don't hesitate to recommend Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal because he's literally never disappointed me and everyone I know says it's great, but I personally have not yet gotten around to watching it.
I don't promote pseudoscience, but I do think David Peters is a funny guy with weird, neat ideas. TLDR this one guy has a bunch of fringe theories about pterosaur biology and believes that because literally no one else agrees with him that he must be being censored by "mainstream science." Don't believe any of it, just enjoy the weirdness.
Any time you can pick up a dinosaur or other paleofauna book secondhand, I recommend you do it. Tons of outdated and cheap books that nonetheless contain great illustrations. That kinda stuff is a constant source of inspiration for me.
The Land Before Time is probably still great. It's been over a decade since I last watched it, but I have fond memories. Maybe time for a rewatch...
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ebitans · 1 month
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Finding the Best E-Commerce Website Builder for Your Business
Choosing the right e-commerce website builder is crucial for creating a successful online store. With numerous options available, selecting the best platform can significantly impact your business’s growth and efficiency. Here’s a guide to help you find the best e-commerce website builder that suits your needs.
1. Ease of Use
The best e-commerce website builders should offer an intuitive interface that simplifies the process of setting up and managing your store. Look for platforms with user-friendly drag-and-drop editors and customizable templates. These features make it easier to create a professional-looking website without requiring advanced technical skills.
2. Essential Features
Evaluate the core features each builder offers. Key functionalities include product management, secure payment processing, inventory tracking, and shipping options. Advanced features such as SEO tools, marketing integrations, and analytics capabilities can further enhance your online store’s performance.
3. Design Flexibility
A visually appealing and unique online store helps attract and retain customers. Choose a builder that provides a range of customizable templates and design options. This allows you to tailor your site’s appearance to align with your brand’s identity and create a memorable shopping experience.
4. Scalability
As your business grows, your e-commerce platform should be able to scale with you. Opt for a builder that offers flexible plans and additional features to accommodate increased traffic, a larger product range, and expanded functionalities. Scalability ensures your website remains effective and efficient as your business evolves.
5. Support and Resources
Reliable customer support and comprehensive resources are essential for troubleshooting and ongoing management. Select a builder that provides responsive support through various channels, such as live chat, email, or phone. Additionally, access to tutorials, guides, and community forums can be valuable for resolving issues and learning best practices.
Top Recommendations
Shopify: Known for its ease of use and robust feature set, Shopify is ideal for businesses of all sizes. It offers a wide range of customizable templates, integrated payment options, and excellent customer support.
WooCommerce: Perfect for those familiar with WordPress, WooCommerce provides extensive customization and flexibility. It’s suitable for businesses with specific needs and technical capabilities.
BigCommerce: Renowned for its scalability, BigCommerce is a great choice for growing businesses. It offers built-in features for SEO, multi-channel selling, and advanced analytics.
Wix: Wix combines simplicity with design flexibility. Its drag-and-drop editor and diverse templates make creating a visually appealing online store easy.
Squarespace: With its elegant design templates and user-friendly interface, Squarespace is perfect for businesses seeking a stylish and functional online store with minimal effort.
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Ello there! Due to the release of the Chk Chk Boom music video, I have fallen down the rabbit hole of things Stray Kids and I know you're a fan. Was wondering if you might have a primer on who they are/an overview of their history to get me started maybe? *side eye emoji*
Oh, wow, err. Okay, this is the rudimentary outline of who Stray Kids are. I'm rushing so I'm probably gonna get some things a little mixed up here, so many apologies to Stayville.
Members (by age): Bang Christopher Chan, Lee Minho (Lee Know), Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung (HAN), Lee Felix Yongbok, Kim Seungmin, Yang Jeongin (I.N) [Former Member: Kim Woojin]
Sub-units: 3RACHA (for the producing trio of Chan, Han and Changbin), DanceRacha (Lee Know, Hyunjin, Felix), VocalRacha (Seungmin and I.N)
Member Nationalities: Australian (Chan and Felix), South Korean (Minho, Changbin, Hyunjin, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin)
Debut Date: 25.03.2018
Fandom: STAY (Fanniversary date; 01.08.2018)
Official Channels: https://www.youtube.com/@StrayKids (Youtube) https://x.com/Stray_Kids (main) https://x.com/Stray_Kids_JP (Japan Official) (X formerly Twitter) https://www.instagram.com/realstraykids/?hl=en (main) Instagram
Members Instagram: @/3racha (for the producing unit), @/gnabnahc (Bang Chan), @/t.leeknowsaurus (Lee Know), @/jutdwae (Changbin), @/hyunjinnnn (Hyunjin), @/_doolsetnet (Han), @/yong.lixx (Felix), @/miniverse.___ (Seungmin), @/i.2.n.8 (I.N.)
Brief overview:
Debut in South Korea, under JYP Entertainment as an experimental group
Bang Chan, the leader was allowed to pick his own members to debut with
Really blew up around the time of their participation in the Kingdom: Legendary War programme in 2021
this was also where they did the Deadpool-inspired performance stage for the remixed "God's Ddu-Du Ddu-Du" - a mix of Stray Kids' God's Menu and Blackpink's Ddu-Du Ddu-Du - that caught Ryan Reynold's eye [Watch it Here because Mnet has removed the official version like the complete crapshows they are]
They don't have an official rapper, main vocalist, etc. as all of them are very well-rounded in each aspect, though you can tell that each of them have certain "roles" in songs [if it's not clear, you will be able to pick up on it once you listen enough]
They also do not have an official "sound". It's noise music for the most parts and that's their unique selling point
They're allowed quite a lot of flexibility in their production and songs because 3RACHA writes and produces their music {fun fact: JYP himself said that he is nervous about bringing any tracks to them since they do have a lot of control of what goes out under them)
Multiple members are multi-lingual or bi-lingual
They are currently the faces of Tommy Hilfiger and it was under the label that they became the first K-pop group to walk the 2024 MET Gala red carpet as a whole group
Fun Facts (my fave):
Han used to live in the Ampang area of Kuala Lumpur [which wasn't too far away from where I used to live!]
Bang Chan and Felix grew up in suburbs very near each other in Sydney, Australia but only met in South Korea when they were training
Lee Know once appeared on a NatGeo programme doing a Michael Jackson dance (I think it was)
Changbin is a wickedly fast rapper but Seungmin beat him once at his own game
Seungmin wanted to be a baseball player growing up
Seungmin is also a huge Day6 fan
Jeongin wanted to be a priest... which... :D
Hyunjin almost got roped into a cult once
Bang Chan can't handle spicy food
Changbin is quite possibly the secret member to every girl group out there
Changbin and Lee Know used to fight a bit during the early days
Han fought with everyone during the early days
Of the top of my head, Lee Know has been tapped by Gucci, Chan has been tapped by Fendi, Felix by Louis Vuitton, Hyunjin by Versace
I... am running out of time to type this out so, yeah, you can check out their wikipedia page, or watch any of the introduction videos as those will cover things about them pretty well. I hope this was good enough to get you started!
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Paradox info
Height:10 foot 8 (repressed form) 20 foot 7 (Apocalypse form) 60,000 foot (True/draconic form)
Weight:980lbs, 1859lbs, 700 tons.
Weapons:Worldrender(a large chainsword which is capable of channeling magic) True Celestia (Bow that was made by Apollo and Artimes. Can shoot invisible arrows of sunlight or moonlight. One burns one freezes.) Magic, Bare hands, various revolvers.attacks. Anti-Magic, Life-force
Strengths:Godly strength (could match Shiva in a fight and he's apparently strong enough to destroy and recreate the world whenever he wants. Once punched out a demon that took the Eye of Isis to defeat the second time. Has knocked out both Gaoru and Deku in on hit. Threw Naruko in her Kurama form hard enough she landed onto the moon.) Godly durability (has survived the moon falling on him and got hit with Thor's hammer hard enough that Thor was sure he'd break the hammer. Thor is stated to be strong enough to destroy worlds with his hammer. He only died in his first life from a magic acid that could harm gods. According to his sister every God of storms or thunder has hit him at least 5 times with lighting as he likes mocking them. Has been hit with magic strong enough to kill the other Einherjars. No selled two isekai heros who claimed they had the powers of the Shadow and Light weavers.) FTL speed (Can outspeed Deku and can deflect along with dodging Apollo's arrows. These arrows are invisible and are fast enough to hit the gods of Mai's pantheon and even were fast enough to overwhelm garou for a short period of time said fighter can fight and outspeed Platinum Sperm) being the strongest and youngest of the 'Blessed 100' he can use any Anti-Magic or magic attack he can see and remember without a grimore but his body and third eye are connected to 'The Cube' which is his grimore allowing him to use any attack he can remember thanks to anti magic he has some psychic power and Chi manipulation can infuse both into magic to make them stronger. Suprising intelligence (his father states he's a 'Adaptive Genius like his mother.' Is a master in all things Magic.) Due to his longer lifespan the multi purpose communicator and his planets day length he's got more battle experience then most (Despite being 50 in the reboot timeline the 90 hour long days means he's at least 200 he also has spent longer in Valhalla as he died in 2989 and Ragnarok being once a millenia means he lived to 3000 with his time line in the after life and Goll says his hair grew put indicating he trained while in the afterlife. [Brunhilde stats human souls who train long enough in the ways of combat in the afterlife age. (Kaito went from looking 25 to looking 90 garou was 18 when he died but aged to 45 and Bun/Deku went from 18 to 25)] thanks to Bun taking quirks he gave Paradox the quirk 'Toho' which gives him scales a thicker tail with spikes and the ability to photosynthe nutrients to keep his stamina up. Godly stamina (stays up for a week at a time from a good night's sleep and it's his planet's week) has a healing factor that regenerates everything even his soul as long as he isn't atomized. As the great-grandson of a storm and sea god along with a volcanos goddess he can manipulate the weather at will.
Weaknesses:As a dark blue dragon, he has no resistance to lighting and is weak to holy/Godly weapons and magic. He is rather reckless due to his healing factor. Gods of Destruction and Death can and will nullify his healing factor and leave permanent scars. Rather lazy and laid back and will avoid a fight if he dosent deem it worth anyone's time. While immune to almost all mortal weapons as a demigod he is still capable of being hurt by magic weapons anything with an enchantment or weapons made in heaven or hell.
Ares info
Height: 6 foot 8
Weight: 440lbs
Weapons: Bare Hands, Pyrokinesis, Back Spikes, Greatsword
Strengths: Was one of the most powerful of Zeus’s children before his betrayal of Olympus, Godlike strength (As the God of War Ares was arguably physically the most powerful of the Greek Gods, Was stronger than Atlas who held up the world, Overpowered Kratos with ease until he opened Pandora’s box), Godlike durability (Is utterly impervious to mortal Weaponry, Survived the war against the Titans unharmed, Tanked numerous blows from Kratos even after he had unlocked Pandora’s Box), Massively hypersonic speeds/FTL reactions (Was one of the fastest of the Greek Gods, Was stated to be faster than the Primordials), Can manifest Weapons at will (His favoured being a flaming Greatsword), Possesses Pyrokinesis, Can bestow mortals with power and remove it at will, Was able to sense Kratos acquiring Pandora’s Box from several miles away, Can project his image threw Flames, Can create his own pocket dimensions, Can increase and decrease his size at will, Has several thousand years of experience.
Weaknesses: As a Greek God Ares suffers a weakness to the Blade of Olympus and the power contained within Pandora’s Box, Whilst he is invulnerable to the likes of mortals Ares can be killed by fellow Gods or those with Godlike power, Was killed by Kratos when he was arguably at his weakest.
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smmeshopscom22 · 4 months
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The History Of Walmart Marketplace
Considering the eventuality of online businesses, Walmart launchedwalmart.com in the year 2000. The website was designed to offer a 
flawless and harmonious client experience – be it store or online.
In 2007, it launched its Store Service, where it innovated the concept of multichannel shopping by allowing guests to pick their online orders in stores.
During 2009, Walmart stepped into the online world and created the so- called Walmart Marketplace. The idea was to invite different third- party merchandisers 
and help them find their products atWalmart.com.
Ultimately, this conception opened a whole new avenue and brought in colorful retailers countrywide, growing their openings to a more significant position.
At the moment, it boasts more than 300- 400 retailers, including some big titans like eBags, ProTeam, and Wayfair. The products of third- party merchandisers are vended 
together with the name “ Walmart Marketplace ” on the Walmart force( online). This is substantially to distinguish them from the usual particulars.
The particulars that are vended from a third party aren't traded or vended in stores.
In August 2016, WalmartInc. acquired thee-commerce businessJet.comInc. for 3 billion USD. This makes it a big deal for merchandisers because their 
products can be stressed onWalmart.com elevations. Also, its massive consumer followership is another advantage.
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Should Walmart Be A Part Of Your Multi-Channel Strategy?
Since Walmart is decreasingly inclining its growth every time, it's great news for all business merchandisers out there. After all, the idea is to invite implicit 
shoppers and offer competitive advantages to merchandisers.
Doug McMillon, Walmart CEO, has stated that their 2- day free shipping concept has formerly given “ an amazing supplement ” in terms of deals. So, this makes 
It is a great time to talk about multichannel selling. Still, this might not be as easy as it sounds.
The further channels and SKUs you manage, the more advanced are the possibilities to lose track of your force and orders. still, you could go with intelligent robotization 
tools to help you with that.
What is Walmart Marketplace?
Walmart Marketplace is an online platform, like Amazon and eBay, where small businesses can list their products for trade online, alongside Walmart’s own products. 
Walmart has long distinguished itself for its low prices, so this business is a good fit for merchandisers that offer great products at affordable rates. 
You can use Walmart’s Sponsored Hunt advertisements to promote your products to Walmart’s callers and use their fulfillment services, if asked , 
to handle the logistics of managing force and shipping out orders.
How much is your Walmart Marketplace seller account worth?
We reached out to the investor that purchases these accounts and asked them about the process. The accounts are valued grounded on age, 
deals history and number of dealer reviews. Newer accounts that have little to no deals history or dealer reviews are generally worth a many hundred bones and 
aged accounts with good deals history and a considerable quantum of dealer reviews can be worth many thousand bones .
Is it safe to sell my Walmart Marketplace seller account?
According to the investor, it's 100% safe and secure to sell your account. After they confirm that your dealer account is licit and in good standing, 
payment is transferred to the dealer. also they give you with new company and fiscal information for you to remove yours and replace with the new word so that 
none of your sensitive information remains. Once you have completed the process, you give access to the account, icing that your sensitive information is norway 
seen or remains after the transfer.
How do you get an offer to find out how much your account is worth?
We ’ve included a link below to an online form where you'll enter some information about your account. It generally takes about 5 twinkles to complete and 
after you submit your word, you're transferred an offer for your account within 1 business day.However, the payment and transfer process generally takes about 
1- 3 business days to complete, If you choose to accept the offer.
How to Set up a Seller Account on Walmart Marketplace
Walmart is one of the largest retailers in the world. Walmart is gaining its position as a US eCommerce point via retail, websites, and mobile apps. 
As Walmart continues to make out its business capabilities, the number of approved merchandisers has been climbing at an adding pace. This business has been 
historically conservative about who they allow dealing on their platform. Their delicate operation process and strict conditions have been a roadblock for 
numerous-commerce merchandisers. In this moment's blog, we will show you how to set up a dealer account on Walmart.
New seller incentives
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Because Walmart Marketplace is presently in a growth phase, it’s a boon for merchandisers at the moment. Walmart has offered a range of promos for brands 
willing to subscribe up. While these can shift over time, one of the most recent promos Walmart offered was a 25 reduction in commission rates for the first 
90 days of selling.
Economies of scale
For merchandisers who are formerly using business tools like warehousing and fulfillment coffers, integrating into the Walmart ecosystem can be fast and easy. 
While costs might rise due to increased use, you ’re effectively spreading your investment across further than one occasion. This drives raised profit without a 
commensurable increase in spending.
Omni-channel opportunities
By adding Walmart Marketplace to the blend of being platforms you use, you ’ll have the occasion to take an omni- channel approach by spreading your products and 
services across Walmart’s online and physical stores. With different requests and deals strategies, the Walmart Marketplace gives you another followership to engage with.
Expert tips for selling on Walmart Marketplace
numerous brands have their reasons for using this platform and can establish themselves on Walmart’s business, but not all guests will be made equal. 
Some merchandisers will perform better than others, so, if you want to be the stylish of the stylish and come a name shoppers come to know and trust, keep these expert 
tips in mind.
Win the Buy Box
Buy Box products are the first and largest result on hunt runners; all other products are listed below. The Walmart algorithm uses a many crucial criteria 
to weigh who'll win the most affordable pricing, including shipping costs, force situations, and accurate information about product quality.
Still, your products are in stock, and your rosters are accurate, If your pricing is competitive.
Have competitive pricing
As compelling as it might be to keep your prices high for maximum profit, this is n’t a stylish marketing strategy. rather, you need to keep pricing in line 
with client prospects. This frequently means changing the right balance between remaining competitive while still doing as much as possible to turn a profit. 
Managing this successfully may bear price testing, in which pricing is acclimated and estimated against deals. This, alongside force vacuity and contender geste , 
can help you come to a price that will win the Buy Box.
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Understand your audience
Some brands assume the buyers on Walmart will be the same as those on platforms like Amazon and Target, but this is n’t inescapably the case. 
The demographics can be different, particularly concerning youngish shoppers who might protect in person at Walmart, buy online at Amazon. 
By understanding who's shopping on Walmart’s website for products like yours, you can tweak product descriptions, optimize keyword use, 
and place flings strategically to capture the most effective guests for your brand.
Use automation
Doing everything yourself, from curating product information to client exploration to assaying the competition, is theoretically possible, 
but can eat up a significant quantum of time with minimum substantiation that you ’re getting anywhere. Through the use of Walmart advertising software, 
you can let robotization take over the hard corridor. Streamline workflows, access thorough yet stoner-friendly analytics, 
and produce juggernauts that target all areas of the deals channel.
robotization can also help with placing flings on keywords for PPC announcement juggernauts. Platforms like ours influence your objects, 
to run tests by changing flings, and establishing optimal settings. robotization on larger product registers can be a good way to get ahead without a 
significant time investment.
Keyword harvesting
It’s hard to succeed in PPC advertising if you ’re not using the right keyword approach. Rather than trying to keep up with clicks, transformations, 
and prints for everything you have listed for trade, automating this process can help you gather the stylish possible keywords for your products. 
With the right AI- guided tools, you can manage your juggernauts while letting advertising software shoulder the burden of bidding and data analysis.
In summary
Dealing on Walmart Marketplace can feel dispiriting at first, after all, adding another eCommerce platform to the blend requires considerable time investment, 
but getting started, particularly if you formerly have a presence on spots like Amazon, can be easier than you suppose.
And, if you ’re formerly using or are considering employing an eCommerce tool designed to automate and streamline pricing, keyword use, bidding, and followership analysis, 
creating a robust and profitable storefront can be a great occasion to turn a profit. Contact Trellis moment to see what our moxie and AI results can do to 
move your business forward.
How much does it cost to sell on Walmart Marketplace?
There are no outspoken costs involved with dealing via the Walmart business. Unlike platforms that charge class or subscription freights, getting started is free. 
Rather, Walmart charges commissions on deals grounded on order, ranging from around 6 to 20. There also may be new stoner promos that can reduce the overall cost for 
the first many months.
How long does it take to start selling on Walmart?
Assuming all account details are handled duly and there’s no need for fresh information, it can take between two to four weeks for Walmart’s 
internal platoon to review and authorize your account. To minimize detainments, respond to any queries the Walmart platoon has as snappily as possible to insure 
a prompt launch to selling.
Can individuals sell on Walmart Marketplace?
Yes, individualities can be sold on Walmart Marketplace. Still, a social security number is not permitted as a way to produce and corroborate an account. therefore, 
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If an individual dealer wants to begin listing products, they ’ll need to produce some kind of business that uses a drum. An LLC is a simple way for single merchandisers 
to produce a company- such as structure.
Note that Walmart generally should not be the first platform druggies vend on, due to their sign up conditions of having attestation of former success in the eCommercespace.
However, Walmart is doubtful to accept your operation, If you do n’t have experience in other commerce. still, this is good news for merchandisers who get approved 
as it creates a more secure space for buyers, weeds out echo brands cutting into your request share, and weeds out some of the noise druggies face on commerce. SMMeSHOPS.COM
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