Mostly retired for health reasons, but sometimes share things I made anyway. My creations are semi-unsupported, due to health. I do my best but can't make promises :) Sometimes streaming modding on twitch, under GummiTS2.
Last active 3 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
You know how you can play this game for 20 years and still find new things? I only recently learned this interaction existed, and now I love it! Romance Sims with the aspiration benefit can smooth talk people, and give them a rose. Except it just visually presents a rose, that then disappears into the ether. Why not disappear into the pocket of the recipient I wondered? So I made that happen!
Thanks to some guidance from the wonderful @episims and studies of their functional camera mod, I was able to figure out turning this accessory into essentially a deco-object once it is taken from inventory. It'll rotate and fit neatly on a surface.
I recommend @pforestsims' default rose, it is way prettier and it's what I use in the pictures, but the mod will also work with the maxis original.
Did it need to exist? Maybe not. But I wanted it, so here we are!
Download from simfileshare
No conflicts that I know off. Seems unlikely given the niche nature of the mod and the fact that it only edits resources in the accessory rose, but HCDU+ can tell you if you are worried.
Credits: Episims, would not exist without their knowledge and generosity in letting me pick their brain :3 PForest for the default that was how I realized this interaction existed in the first place.
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Every storyteller ever thanks you for this highly necessary mod! Finally I can maybe take a picture of my Sims arguing that doesn't look ridiculous! You rule!
Better Argue Anims
For an unknown reason, Maxis used 'agree' talk anims for the argue interaction. Especially weird as it always causes a relationship hit. In my book, that's the opposite of agreeing.
This mod replaces the argue anims with ones that look, well, arguing. No more enthusiastic smiling while being rampaged at.
Download (SFS) (alternate)
Should be base game compatible. I don't know anything this conflicts with, but run HCDU to be sure.
Many thanks to @gummilutt for the previews, testing, and giving me the nudge to make this mod after years of avoiding taking pictures of arguing sims lol.
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It's my 8 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳 Who knew this blog was this old? Not me!
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Happy Valentines Day from Evergreen
May you have a lovely day with the people you love, whoever that may be <3

Maybe 2025 will be the year that this blog gets to see the reason why I create anything at all — the love I have for my custom hood that I've been enjoying for the last 15 years.
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Pescado's clothing tool lets you change to currently worn outfit
A very niche thing, but if you ever use the clothing tool, you might have been irritated by the fact that it greys out the currently worn outfit. So if your sim is in everyday, and you changed their everyday, it forces you to switch to something else first and then back to everyday. There's really no need for that, the game can handle it just fine if you switch to the same one. I decided to fix this for myself, and I thought perhaps it would be useful for someone else.
Download from simfileshare
If you are unfamiliar with this tool, it is pretty handy but there are some quirks. This is what the Directors Cut manual has to say.
clothingtool.package & clothingtool-globals.package It's a clothing tool. Lets you buy new clothes for your sims in all categories with a single command (and inflated price premium!), and snarf career and special-event (wedding, graduation, etc.) outfits worn by your sims for use in the "Plan Outfit" dresser, plan all of your outfits at one click (after aging!), as well as gives you one last shot to plan your outfits before returning home from college (if global override hook included in zip is installed) so that your sims do not return to the family bin looking like hobos!
If you are new to this, please note that globals-package will automatically trigger choosing outfits for your YAs upon graduation. Choose wisely if that is something you want :)
Credits: Pescado for originally creating this tool.
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Age-based computer chat menu
Sometimes when I have energy, I will do things that my friends want. And sometimes if I have even more energy, the rest of you get to enjoy it too :P Today's offering comes to you courtesy of @teaaddictyt who asked me if this was something I could do for her, and it turned out it was.
This is an extension of Cyjon's original mod, that put children in their own sub-menu, and the rest of sims under adult. My version will separate out teens and elders to their own category as well.
Have you ever noticed that your game will put some sims in a chat-sub menu, and other names in the first level of menu as "chat with X"? Yeah that's because EA for some reason in the original code did not sub-group the children so they always showed up in the first level of menu. This will fix that as well. Please note that for this reason I had to clear all languages. It's only noticeable if your game is not installed in English. I have provided Swedish translation, but all other languages will default to English.
Download from simfileshare
Should impact custom computers too, including Monique's.
Conflicts: Anything that alters how chat menu is built on computers. Replaces Cyjon's original, remove it if you want to use this.
Credits: Episims who bounced thoughts with me on this and helped me get in a modding thinking space. Teaaddict for testing for me :)
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People I’d Like to Get to Know Better
I got tagged by @theneighborhoodchronicles-blog which was unexpected and fun! Appreciate it!
So here we go
Last song: Spring för Livet by Sara Varga, an old Melodifestivalen-entry that I was recently reminded of and have been listening to on repeat since.
Favorite color: It varies constantly, but lately I've been in a yellow kick.
Last movie: Lady and the Tramp live action, one of my background noise rotation movies
Last book: I do not know :P My reading these days is mostly Sims 2 stories and I'm not mad about it! But most likely something in the Rangers Apprentice series by John Flanagan, I go back to those sometimes when I want to read.
Sweet/spicy/savory: Why is salty not an option?! The Scandi licorice lover is mildly offended. But of these options, then sweet.
Last googled: What is isometric view (but actually "google search history" cause I did not know how to find it xD)
Current obsession: Foxfire Forest, and the wonderful person that is @episims. Literally so obsessed! <3
Looking forward to: Another year of Sims 2 storytelling and the wonderful people I've met thanks to it. It's been great, and I'm so pumped for 2025 to bring even more of it!
No pressure of course but if @kashmiresims, @latmosims and @nikkasimms would like to participate I'd be curious to hear your answers!
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Hi! Same anon about simblender. Thanks for the answer, that's very understandable. And yeah, I (kinda? I guess?) didn't know about the visual teleporter. I've no idea why I didn't get that when you originally released your edit of simblender, but I'll do it right away! Sounds awesome and so much easier than looking for a name in the pie menu. Thanks so much!!! :-D
Hello again anon!
I'm glad you are going to give it a try! It seems like the least used teleporter option, at least based on sims 2 streamer sphere and what I see them use. Which is a real shame as it definitely does have some good uses. There's a reason I did all three, they all have their situations they are appropriate for and I use all of them in my game.
The one downside that Visual Teleporter has is that it is dialogue based which requires live mode to kick in. Cat/blender is helpful for when you wanna bring someone in immediately, but the portrait aspect of the Visual Teleporter is very helpful. It is essentially a phone menu, giving you the option of portraits or name list :)
Thank you for taking the time to let me know you'll give it a try! I am excited to know another person might find use for this old and semi-forgotten creation from Simwardrobe :)
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Hi, gummi. Big fan of your mods and I think it's the first time I'm messaging you, so thank you very much for sharing your hard work! About your version of simblender, is there a reason why there's no adult option for the age filter of the teleporter? It's the one that I'd use the most, personally, so I'm still having to go through the many children, teens, young adults and elders in the menu to find the adult sims I need to teleport over to the lot. Would you consider this for a future update, if there's ever any, please?
Hi there!
I debated it, because I semi-predicted someone would ask for it. But in the end I chose not to, because I feel there are already ways to aid with this and I'm not that interested in using time (and more importantly, precious energy) on it when solutions already exists. Blender and cat both break down by family name, giving you a limited view already. And if it's an adult placed in one big family, such as townie family, then you have visual teleporter that will show you portraits or a scroll-able list of names that makes it fast to find them.
Coding-wise, it's not that hard, but given the number of adults in my game, testing this would be extensive and it's impossible to find reliable testers to help out. I've tried, most modders have, and for one reason or another, it doesn't tend to work out. I made the decision to not do this, because I do not have the energy. My best advice is be smart about what tool you use depending on the context you need it for. A lot of people are unfamiliar with the Visual Teleporter which is a shame because it is very handy, and that is what I'd recommend for hard to find adults :)
As of now, I do not expect there to be any further updates to teleporters. Next thing I would like to work on, if and when I have energy, is finishing up the 2.0 version of closeable windows.
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Update to teleporters
Another update to my version of the most popular teleporters adding elder option to the simblender and teleporter cat. See original post here.
Fair warning, there are a lot of NPCs in Elders some of which you shouldn't touch. I elected to not do anything about this because I can barely mod as it is, and this has been sitting in my WIP folder for months. The spoons and will to go in and code fail safes and then re-do all the testing to verify those fail safes, is not something I have or want to do. Myalgic encephalomyelitis is one hell of a disease and I'm sorry, I just don't have it in me to do a bunch of extra stuff for the sake of others. If you elect to download, please be mindful and remember your safe vs unsafe NPCs.
Download ver 3 teleporter cat from simlogical
Download ver 3 simblender
No changes to visual teleporter, given that it is already broken down by categories and has portraits, I did not see a need for an elder option. But hopefully this is useful to someone. Enjoy.
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Update to Crystal Ball Dating
Original post can be found here.
~What's new~ Original crystal ball creation was not updated for Apartment Life, and as such the ignore townie option did not block social group townies from appearing. Fortunately, thanks to the teleport edits I've done, fixing that was easy enough that even my winter-fog-riddled-brain could handle it. If you want to actually block all townie-types when selecting ignore townie, please re-download the latest version. For more info on versions, please see original post. Download standard mod Download version compatible with Midge's more computer options
Monique computer edits do not need replacing, only the global mod part is updated. ~Changelog for this mod~ Ver 3. Now covers social groups for townies Ver 2. Added broken tests to prevent option from showing on a broken computer Thank you @kashmiresims for bringing this to my attention so I could fix it. I will not be updating the crystal ball itself, because it's not mine and the whole idea of this mod is that you no longer need it :)
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Hello ☺️
Could I please wcif the blonde sim girl hair from the video in the post about AL Gear City window made closable?
Thank you 🙏
Yes of course, I am happy to help with WCIFs if I can! The hair is Rose mesh 65 and the recolor is pooklet done by me - You'll find it on MTS
I randomly had a picture of her from that day so I figured I'd drop it in to show the hair in question for reference :)

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hi gummi, thanks for being so kind and for all the great mods you’ve shared with the community over the years. i particularly love your beer keg, and i was wondering if you had any interest in enabling them for teens? it would be such a fun gameplay addition for naughty teens to mess around with illicit liquor and get into some drama, except i imagine their tolerance would be lower than adults and get into hijinks earlier. have a nice day! 🌻
Hello! :) I am glad you enjoy my creations! Just to clarify, the beer keg was originally made by simslice! The drunken shenanigans is all their work, I just made it refillable and added a much needed family check. I am not interested in making it available for teens, after all I made a mod to block teens from the vanilla juice bars haha. Teens drinking is not something I want in my game :)
But when I updated it I also went over and renamed everything specifically to hopefully make it easier for future creators to improve upon simslice's work, so if someone out there wants to attempt it, hopefully they have a slightly easier time of it :)
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H&M Banner improvements
A somewhat odd creation from me, but! I have been really enjoying posing and creating poses, and in that process it dawned on me that it would be fun to have pictures of actual Sims in my clothing stores instead of the semi-ugly stuff that EA gave us. My friend at @kashmiresims was kind enough to pose out a bunch of her lovely townies for some recolors, but when I went to recolor the banner I discovered EA made the texture square. And to fit the Sim in that square, they chopped the legs off and placed them horizontally. I refuse to continue this folly, so off to fix it I went! I have three things for you today :)
1. A default replacement of the original banner, with improved mapping so that the texture is straight and easier to recolor. It was 256x256, now it is 128x512 so same total amount of pixels, it is just long instead of square. I've included redone versions of the original recolors, so they will look the same. However, if you had other custom recolors, they will be broken. Sorry, can't do anything about that unfortunately.

2. I made an add-on mesh that hangs lower because I find the original sits too high to be easy to use in most stores. It is repositoried to the original. Required the default, mapping will be wrong if you don't use the default.

3. 10 additional recolors sporting various sims from the lovely region of Kashmire, coming to your hood with their newest ad campaign. Seen in a store above, swatch below.

Installation instructions: Default file goes in zCEP-EXTRA folder in your documents The Sims 2 folder, recolors and add-on mesh goes in Downloads. Can place default in downloads too, but you won't be able to make recolors.
Download everything - Dropbox (SFS is down :() Download only meshes - Dropbox
Credits: Kashmiresims for the lovely pictures used for the recolors, as well as helping me fix the maxis recolors without them getting blurry. Thank you! :) @gayars who gave info on and tested getting SimPE to pick up on the new texture. @latmosims and @morepopcorn who taught me how to map things in Blender making this creation a possibility for me to do :)
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Optional autonomy for Pool, Poker and Mahjong
Love these group activity objects but find that Sims get annoying around them sometimes? I got some sanity help for you :) With this global mod, you can toggle autonomy off at whim and back on whenever you want.

I enjoy my sims playing poker and pool, but sometimes having these objects in a house or on a business gets annoying because the Sims are so obsessed to them. But I don't want to stop autonomy all the time because I do like them sometimes. So I came up with the idea of giving these objects an autonomy attribute, and making the interactions check what the attribute says. That way we can toggle autonomy on or off, depending on if we want the Sim to be able to use it in that moment :)

I am sure I will add more objects in future, but for now I have applied this to poker tables, pool tables, and mahjong tables. May not work on custom objects, it depends on how they were made. If you have one it's not working for, let me know and I can record a video of how one would fix it. I don't know of any right now so don't have an example to show it on :)
Download all on Dropbox (SFS is down :() Poker table only | Pool table only | Mahjong table only
Conflicts: None known. Will conflict with anything that alters the guardian bhavs of either of these objects, as well as menus. Use HCDU+ to check, it uses text lists so HCDU will not find everything.
Credits: Thank you @kashmiresims for help in testing and general encouragement to get this finished :) Thank you @simnopke for helping me spot the stupid mistake that was making the poker table not work.
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Happy Halloween!
I don't usually post stuff from my game on here, but I posed out a little themed scene this week and I wanted to share it :) I promise I will try to bring some treats as we head into the final two months of this year, I got a lot of things that are done I just need to buckle down and get to it. But in the meantime, enjoy some pictures from my 14-year old custom hood Evergreen! :)

Trick or treat! 🎃👀💀The Sawyer-family kids are enjoying their newfound freedom to do fun things by dressing up and going out and asking for candy 🍭🍪
Lulu Belle volunteered to chaperone her younger siblings, which surprised everyone, but it really shouldn't considering the Sernman-Nilsson house was among the destinations. They are finally here and Lulu is excited!

"Omigosh Karl, I didn't know you were going to be Danny this year! You look so cool!!" But of course, she knew 😉 No self-respecting teen girl will be unprepared for such an occasion! She overheard him discussing it with his buddies during lunch break, and her choice of dressing up as Sandy was most intentional. She is a smitten kitten and is just waiting for a sign that he feels the same 💘💝

"That's cool baby. You know how it is, just rockin' and rollin'."
Karl has been acting the goof ever since he grew up to a teen. Flexing, styling his hair… he thinks he's the coolest. No doubt Lulu's constant fan girling over him contributes to that belief. He's secretly pleased to see her costume matches him. Every Danny needs his Sandy, after all! 😎

Joe Bob is a little shy about this whole going around to people's houses thing, but when he's holding Anna Nicole's hand it's okay.
Her costume is his favorite, dragons are cool! And if that knight guy even thinks of coming for his dragon sister, like the knights in the stories his mother reads to him, he's going to show him what bears are made of! He can growl real scary, just you watch him! Rawr! 🐻

Tamie Lee bravely holds out her pumpkin to ask the lady in the dress for a treat. She's not sure what Halloween is but if it means she gets a bunch of candy, she's all for it! 🍭🍬🍫

Emma, the mother of this house, is very happy to see the Sawyer kids come by. She runs a play center for local kids that offers play-time for children that don't have space at home, or whose parents can't afford much toys. Karl who visited the Sawyer home once has told her how depressing the trailers these guys grew up in were, and she's been especially welcoming to the Sawyer kids ever since. These guys get extra candy rations! And an invitation to come to the play center real soon 🥰
Sigrid is pleased that her friend Junior stuck to their plan to dress up as Santa's Elves. She wishes she could go with him and his siblings on their rounds, but her parents already arranged for her to go with her cousins later. Dang parents! Maybe next year Sigrid! 🙂
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Memory creation related resources
I am streaming making custom memories, and I wanted to gather all the links in one place that I can easily point people towards. So here you go!
Original creation by DiLight
Tutorial by DiLight on making your own
My custom memory object
Picknmix additional wizards
Game icons for thumbnail creation
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