#Mr Transport
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Spices and Wines debate how to raise a child
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moonstruck-stormy · 1 year
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Choo choo! Mr Transport playing with its model train
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waterlogged-detective · 9 months
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An baby warmup
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geraldofallon · 19 days
It thinks you are its new mode of transportation.
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im-ej-arts · 4 days
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Various bats and critters, from August and this month
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thedeafprophet · 4 days
Like on that, its a weird area where you have animal like space alien ancient beings, in balancing between the inhumanness and the like.
and for what its worth with Transports quest i do think the in game text did try to make it clear that its a person, and not an animal, as much as it could, and the way babies in general are Little Creatures.
But i do geniuenly think Transport not being human heavily influences how people respond to it and the questline. people would likely not respond the same way to a more human/humanoid baby
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sunlessveils · 8 months
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Good morning I offer thee Mr Transport and Mr Lace ms paint doodles, I think they like the baby
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Mr cards doesn't know what to do with it
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the-fl-bat-spectrum · 2 months
Remember to be respectful of other people’s headcanons and remember to appreciate the little things.
All bats are babies and have a nice day!
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Here is the first half of the encouraging masters!!! self care has been hard recsntly, so i made some reminders that i think the awful bats would... feasibly say
bat species insp below the cut (or in the id)
remember to take care of yourselves <3
spices is a powdered donut that rolled around in drugs hoary bat!
transport is a common pipistrel
happles is a vampire bat <3
veils is a spectral bat
and iron is a rafinesque's big earred bat!!
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awellboiledicicle · 1 year
Question for later game FL players:
As non-spoilery as possible, how/when are Curators named? Is it before birth, shortly after, or a span of time later?
I know about Mr. Transport as in 'it exists' but i don't know when it got named that, how much Spices has to do with it, or if its name is supposed to be indicative of its interests RIGHT THEN or just what whoever named it guesses.
Basically what do we know about Curator baby naming. Because i have an AU and i Do Not Know. Also the wiki is currently borked and i don't want to spoil myself too much.
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(most are WIP)
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moonstruck-stormy · 6 months
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Transport Flower Girl (gender neutral) before it eats the flower ring
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violant-apologia · 10 months
a thing i wrote about the Apologist a while back (watchful gains spoilers!)
He had remembered it more orange.
The Shadow-in-Wings stood before him. Mr Transport’s gums loosened a little. He feared it as one might fear a panther, muscles tensed for the moment of the strike. He feared it as one might fear a lord or lady, potential disdain hidden beneath perfect social poise.
But there was more. Just as nobility is backed by the implication of royal favour, behind the Shadow was spread a heavenly vault of stars. Their vicious light streamed from the gate, and the Apologist felt its prick on his skin. Its curiosity, its authority, its bemusement. It did not feel good. But it felt right.
The Apologist barely noticed his arms moving, offering the Shadow-in-Wings the diminutive curator (as hard as it was to believe they were the same, with Mr Transport’s squashed-snouted face and general petulant demeanour) and fulfilling his purpose — restoring the order that Mr Spices had tampered with. And the starlight fell more kindly on his skin.
As he stumbled back from the gate, rowed across the icy zee and climbed back onto his boat, his head was in a blissful stupor as he basked in the memory of starlight. But even as he thought it, even as he tried to preserve its memory, its colour shifted and changed in his mind. Soon, it was no longer the colour of starlight. Eventually, it was a bright and unabashed Cosmogone.
It is hard to remember starlight in the Neath.
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waterlogged-detective · 11 months
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a baweby
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"A Dad helping his kids beat a hard level in super mario land; 1990s"
Ref under the cut!
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abardnamedreginald · 1 month
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this but they're actually two old men in rocking chairs on a porch because they actually grew old together shut up i'm not in denial!!!
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