#Mr Damocles
papyrusgayfont · 1 year
* here’s the second post of all the show characters and locations that are in Miraculous Awakening or whatever it’s called because i was bored (spoilers, obviously).
* Sabine Cheng
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* Tom Dupain
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* Gabriel Agreste
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* Nathalie Sancoeur
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* Denis Damocles
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* Caline Bustier
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* Nadja Chamack
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* Emilie Agreste
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* Master Fu
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* Vincent
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* Luka Couffaine
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Despite all the times Damocles folded in favor of the Bourgeois family, was he always someone whose departure was worth Bustier's tears, or was that something Astruc and the writers came up with LATE in Season 5, just to make Chloe look worse than she already is?
Hard to say, given how often the narrative flip-flopped on whether Damocles is supposed to be sympathetic or not.
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yeet-noir · 2 years
Chat Noir when he cataclysms Paris's domestic terrorist vs when he is fighting an akumatized local principal that just wanted to help people
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angiecakes1990 · 1 year
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wingsofchangemlau · 1 year
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Wings of Change AU
Previous | First | Next
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imsparky2002 · 3 months
DC & Marvel AU: Teachers
Caline Bustier: Hugo Strange
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Olga Mendeliev: Chief (The One in the Wheelchair)
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Alonzo Grotke: Black Lightning
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Dahlia Winters: Crazy Quilt
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Principal Denis Damocles: Warden Sharp
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Caline Bustier: Medusa
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Olga Mendeliev: Hank Pym
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Alonzo Grotke: Blade
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Dahlia Winters: Chameleon
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Principal Denis Damocles: Thunderbolt Ross
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Lemme know what you think in reblogs and comments. Names will come soon. @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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poppyrocky · 1 year
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Why does Kim look like the chad meme pic lol
Mr. Damocles looks deeply upset by the cats🤣
Imagine Someone who’s never seen the show trying to figure out what's even going on😅
these pics are sending me
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rel312 · 1 year
Ivan is a himbo king confirmed
Chloe is falling in love with Lila
“Helping Chloe doesn’t hurt anyone” are you sure about that Sabrina???
Adrien’s letter is so cute I can’t take it
How… how did they time that right??
Why is Alya believing anything Lila says at this point? I don’t get it
Holy shit that was smart
Good for Sabrina for finally staining up for herself though
But where did Marinette get the money/resources to build the fake bathroom?
Adrien’s face after hearing Marinette’s plan is everything
Holy shit Juleka
The applause for Mr. Damocles was so sweet, he didn’t deserve this
Does… does Lila have a whole ‘nother identity???
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
I'm rewatching Ladybug ep for a certain scene and I got to that part when Lila was pretending she fell down the stairs she didn't even have a bruise and her tights would've been torn bish I know how easy this happens and Mr Damocles was so into it like "poor girl Marinette you fucking demon" this is fucking hilarious this is exactly how dumb teachers are! When Marinette is bullied they don't care but when someone else is accusing Marinette of being a bully they nearly expell her that's literally how they are I can't this is so on point this is literally flawless 👌👌👌👌
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plumsaffron · 2 months
Sigh here I go again.
Lila didn’t get expelled.
Former Mayor told Damocles if he wants to keep his job he will keep Lila and Chloe there.
Mr Damocles agrees with only that order given to him.
It’s ironic when the watcher spreads false information.
Hmm it’s funny that they purposely forget Marinette got expelled along with Caline a Collusion later but won’t put that there. Olga followed the orders of the former Mayor.
Figures. That’s why this stupid fandom or wiki is grossly biased and allergic towards admitting Marinette likes bullying (or anyone who doesn’t bow down to her interests or deluded thoughts well enough) or is a true control freak or control freak bully. They must be too afraid to admit Marinette is a master manipulator too and has been doing it for a longer known time.
That makes hating Lila more ironic. Wow. The hatred of lies but spreading lies and no diff tricking many viewers. MMM now that’s some S tier manipulation to masses or how to cause self manipulation towards the masses 101.
Mastery of Marinette has been a great success.
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Haven’t had much time to draw lately, but nonetheless I wanted to make something for pride. Had to make it Dark Owl related, of course! 
Some alts under the read more~
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natedogx15 · 8 months
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 51: Show and Tell
Previous Chapter
The next day, Marinette and Nate are peacefully resting in their beds before there's a knock at Marinette's door. Marinette doesn't react to the sound, causing Sabine to open the door and walk toward her daughter.
"Marinette, we have to get up. It's time for school. We're going to be late if you don't get up." Sabine shakes her daughter awake.
Finally, Marinette opens her eyes and sees Sabine's smiling face.
"*yawn* What are you doing here, Mom?" Marinette asks in confusion while trying to wake up.
"Can't a mother wake her daughter up instead of their butler? You never had a problem with it before." Sabine says with a giggle at her daughter's reaction.
Finally starting to wake up and have her mind catch up with her, Marinette's eyes widen as she realizes what today is and immediately sits up.
"Ah, school." Marinette panics as she gets out of bed to get ready.
Sabine smiles and shakes her head at her daughter's antics as she rushes toward her closet to get ready for school.
She quickly leaves the room to let her daughter get ready and heads toward Nate's room. She knocks on the door. Luckily, Nate comes to the door in his video game pajamas.
"Morning. Time for school, I'm guessing." Nate says while rubbing the sleep from one of his eyes as he looks at Sabine.
"Yes. I'll be walking to school with you two." Sabine tells him with a smile.
"Alright." Nate nods before closing the door to get ready.
After that, Sabine heads toward the hotel lobby to wait for the teens. After a few minutes, Nate is the first to come down in a dark blue hoodie with blue jeans and his usual sneakers while carrying his school bag.
"Good morning, Sabine." He says with a smile as he walks toward the waiting woman.
"Good morning, Nate. I see you're the first one down." Sabine says with a smile.
Nate says nothing and shrugs before sitting in one of the lobby seating areas to wait for Marinette. It takes a few minutes, but she finally comes down with her signature ladybug-themed jacket over a pink short-sleeve shirt with white pants. It's a reversal of her usual outfit. She even has a bracelet with a sunflower-shaped ornament on her wrist.
"Sorry, it took me so long. I wanted to try out a different outfit." Marinette apologizes as she does a little twirl to show off her clothes.
"It looks lovely, sweetie," Sabine says with a smile as she looks over Marinette's outfit.
"Thanks." Marinette beams at her mother's approval.
The trio leave the hotel and walk toward school. The walk there is silent for a while before Sabine looks toward Marinette.
"So, how is getting Ladybug to talk to us going?" Sabine asks Marinette.
That question causes Marinette to freeze and awkwardly stare at her mother as she tries to say something.
"W-well. S-she usually comes to me for information. I don't really have a way to talk to her." Marinette awkwardly tells her mother.
"I see." Sabine hums while keeping a close eye on her daughter.
Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Nate looks for a way to change it and notices they're near Agreste Manor.
"Hey, Sabine. Do you know the stories around Agreste Manor?" Nate asks his new aunt while hoping it'll be enough to steer the conversation away.
Sabine blinks in confusion before looking at Adrien's house.
"No, I don't think I have. Why? What are the stories?" Sabine asks him with a raised eyebrow.
"They say the place is haunted. That something walks through the halls in search of something. They also say that Gabriel is studying black magic to find a way to bring his missing wife back." Nate explains as he walks backward while talking to Sabine.
"Really?" Sabine asks in surprise, not expecting those kinds of rumors.
"Yeah, I told this to Marinette at the beginning of the school year. Apparently, the stories started from some cleaners or other employees that worked in the mansion." Nate explains with a smile as he makes spooky movements with his hands for emphasis.
"Well, those are some interesting rumors. I'm sure they're just that, though. People will make up all sorts of different rumors." Sabine tells him while rolling her eyes at how people can blow things out of proportion.
"True. But it's pretty interesting to think about. I mean, we know magic is real. So, it's not like it's something impossible." Nate says with a shrug.
"I suppose that's true. But it's rude to say those things about someone who misses their other half. Losing your partner can be a painful experience, and it can take a long time to get over it. People also grieve in different ways. I'm sure Mr. Agreste is just trying to get over his wife in solitude." Sabine explains while looking toward Agreste Mansion as they walk past it.
The two teens don't say anything and look at the mansion with some looks of pity.
"So... how's it feel to be married to Uncle Tom?" Nate finally asks to change topics again.
Sabine gives him a good-natured smile before saying.
"It's wonderful. He's so charming. I wish I could do more to help him, though." Sabine says while putting a hand to her cheek as she worriedly thinks about Tom.
"Yeah, Uncle Tom hasn't been looking the best lately. Hawkmoth is putting him through the wringer with everything he's doing." Nate sighs as he thinks about the times he's seen Uncle Tom. Quite a few times, Tom didn't look like he got a lot of sleep.
"Yes. I'm worried about his health." Sabine sighs.
"I'm sure Uncle Tom will be okay," Nate says optimistically.
"I hope so." Sabine nods.
Marinette listens to their conversation and bites her lip.
"Hopefully, we'll find Hawkmoth soon to help Tom." Marinette thinks as she follows the two.
"Are you okay, Marinette? You've been quiet." Sabine says as she looks toward her daughter in worry.
"O-oh, I'm fine, Mom. I'm just thinking about what you guys said." Marinette says while nervously waving her arms toward her mother.
"Sorry if we're worrying you, Marinette." Sabine quickly apologizes when she sees her daughter's state.
"Oh, no. It's fine. I'm worried about Tom, too. I was trying to figure out how I can help Ladybug figure out who Hawkmoth is quicker before you said something." Marinette explains to calm her mother's worries.
"Alright then. Hopefully, you'll come up with something." Sabine tells her daughter.
The trio later arrives at the school and enters to see a couple of different pairs of students and parents heading toward Miss Bustier's class. Following them, the trio enters the room. After getting in the room, Marinette and Nate take their seats while Sabine stands on the side of the room next to Marline, Alya's mother and the head chef of Samuel's hotel.
As time goes by, more parent and child pairs enter the room until the room is eventually filled up. A few students' parents are missing, such as Juleka, Nathaniel, and Kim. However, there are still a fair amount of parents for today.
While everyone in Miss Bustier's class is preparing for their career talks, Mr. Damocles is in his office, taking a few deep breaths, hoping nothing goes wrong today.
"Albert, open up my email." Mr. Damocles orders his computer A.I.
"Please repeat. I was unable to understand." Albert requests.
"Open my email, Albert." Mr. Damocles says in a louder, more forceful tone.
"Please repeat. I was unable to understand." Albert requests again.
"Open my emails, Albert!" Mr. Damocles shouts at the A.I.
"Pl-please re-repeat-" Albert begins before his icon glitches, and his speech breaks apart.
"Oh, not again." Mr. Damocles groans as he realizes Albert is malfunctioning.
With a heavy sigh, Mr. Damocles shuts Albert down and peaks at his programming to try and figure out what went wrong.
"The comics make creating an artificial intelligence look so easy." Mr. Damocles sighs as he looks at the programming.
As he does this, he daydreams about a fully functioning Albert backing him up as he helps Ladybug and Cat Noir fight an Akuma in an Owlman costume, giving him information and activating equipment in his suit.
Somewhere else within the school, Aurore sits quietly in class in the corner of the room. Ever since she got hired as Mireille's co-host, her old haughty attitude has returned somewhat. But she still feels uncomfortable about being in school while everyone knows she's been turned into a villain by Hawkmoth. So, she usually keeps to herself or talks to friends during school.
However, today is going to be different from her usual school routine. In Hawkmoth's secret base, he is watching the girl through the glass bulb on the top of his cane.
"We'll see how today goes for you, Damocles. Especially since one of my butterflies is more than ready to possess one of your students without a catalyst." Hawkmoth says as he observes Aurore taking notes.
He's decided to wait before doing anything to the school and let events play out.
Later that day, the class watches as Chloe's father walks up to the front of the room with a cloth-covered tray.
"Chloe, please pass these out to your classmates and their parents. They're freshly baked croissants. I made them this morning for you all." André tells the class kindly as he gives Chloe the tray and unveils it for everyone in the room to see over two dozen croissants and some tongs.
Chloe doesn't look happy with having to give her classmates her father's food but doesn't say anything against her father. Reluctantly, she begins passing her classmates and their parents the food.
Some of the more abrasive students give Chloe smug and amused looks as she does this to irritate her. She finally hesitates when she reaches Marinette and Nate's desk. With a scowl, Chloe is about to refuse before.
"Chloe, is everything okay?" André asks her daughter worriedly, not wanting her to cause any trouble.
With a huff, Chloe gives Marinette, Nate, and Sabine their croissants but doesn't hesitate to whisper something to Marinette as she walks by the girl after handing a croissant to her mom.
"Enjoy your food." She aggressively whispers to the girl.
"Thanks, I will," Marinette says in faux happiness as she looks at Chloe with a closed-eye smile.
"Thank you, Mr. Bougeois." Miss Bustier thanks the man.
"No problem, Miss Bustier. I'm happy to give them some of my bakery's treats. Maybe I'll get a few loyal customers out of today." André jokes with a good-natured smile, getting a few chuckles from the adults around the room.
"I'm sure you will. Now, let's move on to Alya's mom, the head chef at the Le Grand Paris, owned by the father of our very own Nathanial Dupain and brother of our mayor, Samuel Dupain." Miss Bustier says as she motions toward the woman standing next to Sabine.
The students and parents clap toward the woman as she pushes past Sabine and takes André's place in front of the room.
"Hello, I'm Marlena Césaire. It's a pleasure to meet my daughter's classmates and their parents." Marlena says kindly with a welcoming smile.
"Unfortunately, I didn't bring you any treats like Mr. Bourgeois. Did you, Sabine?" Marlena asks the other woman jokingly.
"No, I'm afraid I didn't." Sabine shakes her head.
"I guess I'll just have to talk about what I do instead." Marlena fake sighs before looking toward the class.
"My job is to make sure everything in the kitchen of Le Grand Paris runs smoothly. I have to go over our menus and control the food preparations. I also have to deal with complaints from customers sometimes." Marlena explains.
"It's a rather difficult job. But luckily I have the help of a capable staff. Such as Sabine over there." Marlena says as she motions toward Sabine, who smiles toward the class.
"It feels like things have been going a lot smoother ever since she started helping in the kitchen, and I'm happy to call her a co-worker and friend," Marlena explains while smiling at Sabine.
"Happy to take some of the stress off, Marlena," Sabine tells her with an equally radiant smile.
"How nice. It must have been awkward to work with the wife of your boss' brother, though." Miss Bustier says while looking between the two women.
"It was a bit awkward, but she soon proved she was just as capable as my other chefs. In fact, she's come up with quite a few new sweets for our hotel's menu." Marlena nods.
"Wonderful." Miss Bustier claps happily upon hearing Marlena's words.
"Well, thank you for your time, Mrs. Césaire. Let's move on to our next parent, Mr. Roger Raincomprix." Miss Bustier says before motioning for Roger to come on stage
As the class continues their career day, Hawkmoth decides that now is the time to strike.
"It's time for round three. You know what to do, my little one."  Hawkmoth says as a butterfly forms in his glass bulb before flying out of it and through the stained glass window.
"We'll see how the heroes handle this next set of Akumas," Hawkmoth says with a smile as he can feel the butterfly heading toward Aurore.
Not knowing what's to come, Aurore is taking notes in her class with an umbrella-shaped pen. Eventually, the butterfly arrives and phases through the window toward her. It flies toward her writing tool, and Aurore only has a second to notice it before it possesses her pen.
"Hello, Stormy Weather," Hawkmoth says as the butterfly outline appears on Aurore's face.
After this happens, Miss Mendeleiev and her eyes widen in shock.
"Everyone out! I want you all out of this classroom now! It's an Akuma emergency! Evacuate the classroom immediately! Leave your things and leave!" Miss Mendeleiev orders as she desperately tries to get her students out of the room and to safety, while Aurore has a look of fear and horror on her face as she converses with Hawkmoth.
"Why? Why are you doing this to me? How are you getting to me? I'm not feeling negative about today?" Aurore asks in fear as she tries to figure out why Hawkmoth keeps going after her.
"Unfortunately, I have more than a few tricks up my sleeve and am not completely limited by who's feeling negative today. As for why you, you just drew the unlucky card." Hawkmoth explains as Aurore's mind starts to go blank while she's forcibly transformed.
"Hahahaha." Soon, Stormy Weather's cackling can be heard within the classroom as her transformation is complete.
Meanwhile, Roger is finishing his talk about his job as a police officer.
"And that's the basic idea of my job. It's quite dangerous, especially with Hawkmoth running around." Roger finishes as he looks at the room with a smile.
The students and adults clap their hands after his talk while Sabrina has a proud smile while standing next to him. After the applause, Kim raises his hand toward Roger.
"Yes?" Roger asks.
"Do you have an idea who Hawkmoth might be?" Kim asks curiously.
Roger blinks in slight surprise but not too much since he expected someone to ask that question.
"Well, I'm not allowed to talk about that publicly right now. Rest assured, though. The police are doing their best to figure out who Hawkmoth is with our limited information to put you and the rest of Paris at ease. He's our highest priority target right now." Roger tells Kim with a kind and comforting smile to try and put everyone in the room at ease.
After he says that, though, he and the rest of Miss Bustier's class can see Miss Mendeleiev's class running through the halls in a panic.
"What's going on?" Miss Bustier asks in worry when she sees the students running toward the stairway.
Right as she says that, Miss Mendeleiev opens the door toward her classroom and shouts.
"Aurore was turned into a villain again in the middle of my class! Quickly follow the school procedures!" She orders as she looks at the people in the room before exiting the room to try and help her class get to safety.
Everyone's eyes widen in shock and horror when they hear this, and Roger quickly takes action.
"Alright, everyone, please listen to Miss Bustier's directions. " Roger orders before grabbing his radio.
"This is Officer Roger. We have an Akuma at Lycée Françoise Dupont. I need backup." Roger says as he heads toward one of the classroom doors to get a better look at what's going on.
He rests a hand on his taser while peaking out the door to see what's happening outside. When he does, he sees a cackling Stormy Weather fly out of her classroom and into the sky above the school.
"It's time for round three, heroes! Let's see how you do this time!" Stormy Weather cackles while holding an umbrella.
It seems Aurore's umbrella pen changed with her and became an umbrella that matches her color scheme.
After she says that, Roger sees Hawkmoth's butterfly outline appearing over her face. After a few seconds, Stormy Weather's smile turns even more malicious.
"Good point, Hawkmoth. I should make a spectacle to get the heroes' attention." Stormy Weather says before aiming her umbrella toward the ground.
Roger's eyes widen, and he quickly shuts the classroom door while turning toward the room's occupants.
"Everybody take cover!" Roger orders as he tries to get away from the door.
As soon as he says that, a giant glacier appears in the middle of the school's courtyard, and ice starts to run along the entire school, freezing the doors and windows facing the glacier. The ice also slid under the door into the classroom, trapping Roger's leg slightly.
"Dad!" Sabrina shouts in worry as she sees her father's foot frozen in ice.
She quickly runs toward her father to see if he's okay.
"I'll be fine, Sabrina. We need everyone to evacuate, though. It seems like she plans on making this a battleground against the heroes." Roger tells everyone.
Everyone looks either anxious or excited when they hear this, Marinette, Adrien, Nate, and Sabrina especially so, as they glance around, or in Nate's case, glance at Marinette in worry.
"How are we supposed to do that?" Marlena asks as she looks at the children worriedly.
Roger points toward the outer windows of the room that haven't been frozen.
"Evacuate through the windows. Everyone needs to climb down and get to safety." Roger orders.
Hearing this, André and Miss Bustier head toward the windows and see if they can open them.
While the class is trying to figure out how to get out of the room and to safety, Mr. Damocles is trying to get his office door to open. But it's frozen over.
"Come on. Open up already." Mr. Damocles desperately says as he tries harder to get the door open.
Unfortunately, his desperate attempts to open the door cause the doorknob to break off and send him tumbling to the ground. He winches as he holds his hip while lying there, having landed funny.
"*Groans* It's on days like these when I wish I was secretly a superhero." Mr. Damocles groans as he rubs his hip, feeling a growing sense of helplessness and worry.
Unfortunately for Mr. Damocles, he forgets the phrase, 'Be careful what you wish for.' when he mutters this.
"There's the emotion I was looking for, Damocles. You'll be perfect for me to make a new villain." Hawkmoth says as he senses Mr. Damocles' emotions.
He quickly creates another butterfly and sends it after Mr. Damocles. It soon arrives at the school and heads toward Mr. Damocles as he sits at his desk while frantically typing something on his computer.
"Come on, how do you get out of a locked room?" Mr. Damocles asks as he types into the computer.
Due to being so focused on what he's typing, he doesn't notice the butterfly heading toward him and into his computer.
"Hello, Dark Owl," Hawkmoth says as his butterfly outline appears over Mr. Damocles' face.
Mr. Damocles' eyes widen in shock before he grabs his head.
"Get out of my head! You won't have me hurting anyone! While you're at it, release my student!" Mr. Damocles shouts as he tries to get Hawkmoth out of his head.
"I'm afraid I can't do that. But don't worry, I won't make you hurt anyone other than the real villains." Hawkmoth promises.
"Real villains?" Mr. Damocles asks in confusion as he holds his head in pain from the mental connection between them.
"Yes, Ladybug and Cat Noir. I simply wish to use their Miraculous to save someone important to me. I am desperate, and that's why I'm doing this. I have tried to get them to give me their Miraculous, but they refuse and have tied my hands." Hawkmoth explains in a faux sad and regretful tone.
"That doesn't give you the right to harm the children like this." Mr. Damocles says as he starts to feel his vision blackout.
"Don't worry; you'll be allowed to make sure your student doesn't hurt anyone else. I'm giving you the power to be the hero you dreamed of. You can get your students and staff to safety while ending my reign of terror. Won't you be the hero Paris deserves and put an end to those fakes?" Hawkmoth questions as Mr. Damocles finally succumbs to his will.
"Yes Hawkmoth." Mr. Damocles says with a malicious smile as his body is covered in black smoke.
Back in Miss Bustier's classroom, some teens are climbing out the windows down toward waiting adults, ready to catch them if the teens fall. As Rose climbs down, she slips and falls. Sabine rushes toward her to try and save her but doesn't have to. Someone else swoops in and snatches the teen before letting her down gently.
"Hoo, hoo, are you alright, young lady?" The person asks in a somewhat baritone voice.
"Yes, thank y-" Rose starts to thank the person until she gets a good look at them.
The person who saves her is the Akumatized Mr. Damocles, whose Akuma form seems to take the form of a darker version of his secret Owlman costume.
The costume consists of a black and dark brown full-body costume with metal stub areas on his chest, shoulders, elbows, and inner thighs and a golden owl symbol on the center of the chest. He also has pale brown padded gloves that stop before his elbows and matching boots with black soles and an orange stub at the tip. Around his neck is a black cape with a similar metallic design on the inside of it. Around his waist is a matching utility belt with different owl-themed equipment in pouches. Over his face is a half mask that covers the entire upper part of his face with tuft-like orange extensions going from above his eyes like eyebrows and extending toward the sides of his head while pointing backward. His physical appearance has also changed. He's become more muscular with a long orange mustache that matches the tuft-like extensions. His beard also changes to a defined brown one with two black marks. His eyes are yellow and owl-like with orange outlines around them.
"No problem, young lady. Now, let's get the rest of you to safety." Dark Owl announces as he looks toward the teens trying to climb down and those looking out the windows.
He pulls out four owl-themed boomerangs and throws them toward the ground under the students. The boomerangs expand to reveal tarps inside. The four corners stick into the floor and extend to create trampolines for the students.
"Use those to evacuate your class while I help others evacuate." Dark Owl orders the group before saying.
"Albert, activate flight mode."
Mr. Damocles' office was dark, and various computer monitors were hanging from the ceiling by their wires. On the screens are yellow pixels with Albert in the center of them. His appearance has also been changed by the Akumatization, with a more defined and human-like face that is a man with a black mustache.
"Of course, Dark Owl," Albert says calmly in a slight nasally tone.
Dark Owl's cape suddenly turns into a winged jetpack, and he flies off.
"Was that an Akuma?" Nate asks, baffled by what just transpired.
"I think so." Sabrina agrees, equally confused.
"We can figure that out later, everyone down." Roger orders while motioning for the others to get down.
Those left in the classroom or on the walls quickly use the trampolines to jump down until everyone is safely on the ground. Different parents then start taking their kids away from the school to safety.
"Uh, Mom. I've really got to stay." Marinette tries to excuse herself as Sabine pushes her and Nate away from the school.
"Nathalie, I want to make sure Nino gets home safely," Adrien begs the woman while motioning towards a running Nino.
Sabrina looks toward her father worriedly, but Roger gives her a hesitant nod to go ahead. Sabine and Nathalie are putting up more resistance, though.
"Absolutely not! I am not allowing you to stay here with two villains around." Sabine tells her daughter in an authoritative tone.
"He'll be fine, Adrien. It looks like Stormy Weather is keeping to the school. Right now, we need to worry about getting you to safety." Nathalie tells him while she leads him away from the school hurriedly.
"But/But-" The two say before being cut off.
"No buts/No Adrien, Nino will be fine." The two women cut them off.
Both heroes look nervous while hoping the other can handle the two until they get away from their guardian. Not knowing the other is in the same situation or that someone else will be fighting the villains in their stead.
Sabrina runs between a gap between two villains, and Barkk appears in front of her.
"Looks like it's time for your debut, Pup. Let's show them the ferocity of a pack of wolves." Barkk tells her with an excited grin, happy to be back in the action after so long.
"Right. Barkk, let the hunt begin." Sabrina commands, causing Barkk to fly into her collar, causing it to lose its camouflage mode and reveal its true form as she transforms.
Hawkmoth and the heroes are in for a surprise.
Finally, I have debuted all the abilities of the Butterfly Miraculous' second Akuma ability. Now, I can talk about it.
Hawkmoth's ability is called Lepidopterarium. How it works is that it puts a fragment of the magic used to create an Akuma into the glass bulb of Hawkmoth's cane so that Hawkmoth can create a second Akuma. Unlike his regular power, this one is limited to the ones he's already created and can make it more difficult for him to use.
While Hawkmoth doesn't need negative emotions as a catalyst to create Akumas, he needs them to make strong villains. This is more true for Lepidopterarium unless it manages to escape. Every time one of these butterflies returns to Hawkmoth after controlling someone, their magic will grow slightly stronger. It's basically a superficial version of Hawkmoth's regular Akumatization power. It has the same mechanics but on a much weaker scale.
Also, when Hawkmoth loses the butterfly made from the fragment of magic, he's unable to use that Akuma with Lepidopterarium again until he recreates that Akuma with his regular ability.
Also, Dog Sabrina, my readers. I'm excited about introducing her to the story. I plan to have this story focus on more than just Marinette and Adrien from the get-go. So, be excited about who else appears and gets a Miraculous.
Next Chapter
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To be fair towards the principal Marinette secretly installed the microphone and fake mirror, which speaking of she likely damaged the rental bathroom in the process of replacing its regular mirror and wall for the fake mirror which likely means the school had to pay for the damage on top of renting the bathroom
Fair point, but it's still weird how he said nothing to Marinette about what she did after everything settled down.
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yeet-noir · 2 years
Adrien when he sees Mr. Damocles around school
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
In my headcanons Francois Dupoint School is essentially scam meant to steal public money meant to support talented children from non-rich families.
Mr Damocles wanted Francois-Dupoint School to be private school for "children of 'rich and powerful'", but Mayor Bourgeois persuaded him to accept "talented students from poorer families" too "for positive PR". These students are gradually peer-pressured into becoming "servants for rich students" and if someone "resists", Mr Damocles "sadly decides about their expulsion" (most usually after "resisting" student was framed for something on his orders). Especially that catch in the contract says that in this case "school keeps the money" (part of which Mr Damocles then shares with Mayor Bourgeois).
If someone finds anything suspicious and tries to investigate, Mayor Bourgeois sends Lieutenant Roger (who knows about whole scheme and is used by other two schemers as dumb muscle) to "'subtly' tell them to stop"
I doubt that that's the case.
I think it's more likely that Damocles is just an absolute moron who is kissing up to the Mayor because he really wants funding and is a coward.
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wingsofchangemlau · 1 year
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End Card
Wings of Change AU
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