#More original stuff this week as well :D I have some new faces to follow up the old faces!
sysig · 4 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Handplates/The Sims 2
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Handplates
2:30 PM: Dream doodles
2:30 PM: The Mouse and the Mermaid
2:30 PM: The Sims 2
2:30 PM: The Mouse and the Mermaid/Just Desserts
2:30 PM: Bunnies and piggies
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
25 asks! :00 Thank you! :}} 💖
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I would like to yeah :0 for now I'm just kind'a goofin around and drawing whatever. Also thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like it! :}}}
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I don't think kid Gregory and Vanessa would realize that the other is a younger version of the guard that's pursuing them.. They would just think they have the same name.
What would be confusing though is who went into who's world. If Little Vanessa went to little Gregory's world, she would be so confused. "Where's Bonnie and Foxy? Why do Roxy and Monty look so different..? Why does the entire BUILDING look different..??"
For adult Gregory going into the kid Gregory's world.. it'd be the same thing. "Why is the building so different and where is Bonnie and Foxy?... Also why is there this random gal that has on a security uniform and why is she in my office-"
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Thank you! Happy new year to you as well!! 🎉🥳🎊
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YOOOO THAT'D BE SICK!! :DDD Also I love all the puns XDD
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Yeah, that post is outdated and should not be followed. My pinned post has all the up to date information. 👍
(Also thank you! :D)
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That's a thing?? Man. I'm not sure what to think. I was never super into Bendy.. I guess I just hope that the fans get what they're hoping for? <:D
Or at the very least I hope that the people who made Bendy have the freedom to put what ever they want into the movie. :}
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Thank you so much! :DD As for my favorite character from my AU specifically? I'd say its a tough pick between Freddy and Foxy.. I thiiiiink I'll pick Freddy XD I just love him man 🥺
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N-No.. she was so young...💔
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XDDD That's hilarious, also thANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDD
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Calico Jack? I don't think so.. scurvy is caused by a severe vitamin-C deficiency. And sailors usually got it becuase they didn't have fruits and vegetables on the ship.. But it looks like Calico Jack has gotten shipwrecked quite a few times in his life. I imagine he's been stranded on islands for a few weeks at a time where he ate nothing but fruits, Veggies and fish. Not to mention his time in the Amazon where he likely had access to all kinds of fruits.
Natquik though? Its possible.. out in the Antarctic his diet was probably mostly fish.. although it seems that real arctic fox diets don't really demand many fruits and veggies.. Still, Natquik seems more likely to have contracted scurvy at one point then Calico Jack :(
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:DDD THANK YOU! And boy do I have a lot of that XD
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I do have many theories/headcannons yes!.. Although I think I'll keep those tucked away in my brain for now- :x
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(Post in question)
XDD I sat on the first ask for a while because I was intending to draw something for it. But I'm realizing now that I might not ever draw it so--
What was going on in that drawing is an evil Undyne threw a spear at the group while they were passing by. Seam was struck in the head by it and was killed.. hence the blood splatter on her face. (My darkeners bleed)
BUT ITS OKAY! Through some uh... very dark methods- Frisk was able to reset to a few moments before and pull Seam out of the way. Then she got into a brawl with the evil Undyne no doubt <XD
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I have, and uh, I'm not so sure about the whole "in character" thing.. or at least its not the character I imagined Fazbear Entertainment would be- <XD
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It just means they're both rough and tough and their hands get beat up a lot. Kwazii gets them beat from scraping them on stuff and dealing with dangerous creatures while on missions. And Calico Jack gets them from scraping them on stuff and.. dealing with dangerous creatures while on adventures XDD
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XDD I have now! What an odd specimen..
(Also thank you! :DDD)
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Its hard to explain exactly why I don't like them.. But I don't like them-
I guess it feels kind'a.. mary sue-ish..? If that makes sense? Or at least having all these sans' that act nothing like the original sans is kind'a off putting? I guess? Not to mention loads of them are shipped together- uhg idk- Its hard to explain but I don't vibe with them personally. So I didn't add them to my au :/
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OOOO THAT'S A GOOD IDEA!! :000 I like how it creates a spin on Grillby and River. While Jevil intentionally grabbed Grillby's hand and saved him, and River was dragged along by mistake.. Frisk CHOSE to follow Jevil, it wasn't his doing at all this time. That's a really cool thing to experiment with!
I'll have to look into this idea, thank you for sharing! And thank you for the complements! AND happy new year to you too! XDD
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XDD For receiving hugs? I'd say he's about a 11/10 sometimes, maybe a 6/10 other times. Its harder to hug him comfortably if you're significantly shorter/smaller than he is. But if ur the right size his hugs will just fix all your problems 🥺
As for giving hugs? It might be about the same. But I can see him giving them out only to people he's really close to. Otherwise a tender yet professional hand on the shoulder seems more his style.
XD And I see the prompt there, perhaps I'll have to draw that sometime!
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Aww shucks 😊 Thank you!
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Whaaaat?? Nooo Its not traumaaa,,🥺 its character development!😇
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I do! I'll have to post more about them sometime-- 👀👀
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birchbow · 1 year
*approaches like a starving victorian orphan* pls may we have have an excerpt 🥺
I've been working on original novel stuff and Winter Soldier inspired pale Gamkar stuff for a hot second, so there's not a ton of new PoF to excerpt at the moment, but u know I can never say no to interest in my fics haha :D
The door opens again, and it’s not a quadrant of yours this time.  A sister with a crest of hair bright mutant red between her horns and more scarves than clothes comes in like she’s got a suspicion she’s being followed, and closes the door sharp again behind her.  Looks real familiar—for a second, you can’t quite place her.
And then you recognize, and are taken immediate by both anger and delight.  Aggravation at the motherfucking presumption, to come to you after you closed court—simultaneous, the anticipating joy of a building joke well set up to add to.  You’ll play to the joke, but not at expense of your authority.  This little motherfucker better learn quicker than you suspect she will, or she’ll have quite the lesson coming.
Karkat turns back to look at her with an expression far from inviting, folds his arms in all his shiny imperial armor and glares at her.  She pays him attention enough to look and then nod, and then crosses the Big Top, bows at you and then bounces up a careless touch sooner than she should.
She says, “I got your message, my lord.”
You consider her, and whether you sent any kind of message, and are quickly and assuredly positive that no such motherfucking thing did you do.  Karkat looks from you to her and back and seems to determine that exact thing, from what tell of yours you don’t know—his eyebrows go up, and then down, and then crease in the middle.
“We’re in the middle of imperial business,” he says, strict and snapping like he must be with his recruits.  “And court’s closed.  Do your auditory sponges not fucking work?  Is your thinkpan damaged?!  Or do you just think you’re too good to listen to a direct order from the Grand Highblood?”
“I was invited,” says Ardeen, and looks, expectant, to you.
(And one or two brief snippets of things still dubiously canon and half-written:)
It’s pan-rot stupid of you, maybe—you know he won’t go easy on you, tough old hatchet of a motherfucker, with all he knows and feels and has done—but on All Colors Week, the rules lay out that you can get up in a holy champion’s personal business and challenge that motherfucker for a flag.  Not to grief them, you’ve got your ass whipped enough times by now to know you’re not ready for that yet—but if you manage to impress in their chosen challenge, that flag in royal purple is theirs to grant and give over, and you’ll be honored like a motherfucking champion yourself the rest of the holiday.
He won’t go easy on you, because he doesn’t go easy on any motherfucking one, but in scripture—in scripture if nothing else, you think you’ve found ground you can hold.
“Feeder Stædfast,” you say, and he lifts a brow at the manners you’re aiming at him, turning full to face you and snapping shut his book.  “I think you got something there you might hand me over.”
Both brows up this time, double surprised.  “Oh," he says, "Is that so?”
“Nitram,” snarls Kurloz, and then he moves like a lightning bolt and tries to take your friend’s head off his shoulders.
Karkat looks at Sollux, then at you, then opens his mouth, and then clamps it shut again and does what appears to be some kind of painful breathing routine, like he’s physically compressing his rage down into something manageable.  When he opens his eyes, his voice is very nearly calm.
“Okay,” he says.  “Fuck.  This is going to take some cleaning up.  Shit.  We can salvage this.”
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skyward-floored · 2 years
I’d like a tour of the Courage of Ages Links, please!
Lemme just preface this by saying I LOVE QUESTIONS LIKE THIS THANK YOU!! I think I made a post like this awhile ago, but it needed to be updated so this gives me an excuse to
And now a very very long list of Links :D
Cloud — Skyward Sword Link, he’s a nice guy at first glance but has an exceptional ability to go from pleasant to terrifying in about two seconds flat. Has some white streaks in his hair from channeling Demise’s lightning, and his eyes are a little extra bright during storms. Married his Zelda less then a week ago, he’s rather upset his honeymoon got interrupted.
Mini — Minish cap Link, he’s the youngest of the crew at 10 (and a half). Polite and pretty mature for his age, he’s like the epitome of “small but mighty”. He’s horribly superstitious though, and has a mighty fear dislike of cats.
Kaleidoscope — original Four Swords Link, he got nicknamed after the way the colors in his eyes shift around and swirl, kinda like a kaleidoscope. He’s a quiet guy and keeps to himself, but he’s also a great listener when he’s not having... issues. The seamster of the group, he usually ends up darning everyone’s socks.
Sprite — Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask (and sorta Hyrule Warriors) Link, he puts on a grumpy face but is actually a pretty sweet kid underneath. He’s on this little adventure with a mix of intense annoyance and grim acceptance. He thought he was done with time travel shenanigans, this’ll be the FOURTH TIME—
Gloam — Twilight Princess Link, he’s the big brother of the group, maybe is a little overprotective of the younger Links. Calls pretty much everyone younger then him “puppy” as well. He’s a huge animal lover, he’s almost always got a hawk on his arm or a cat or dog following him. Misses Epona, but knows Ilia is taking good care of her (also misses Ilia. Never takes off her charm).
Light — Four Swords Adventures Link, one of his eyes is red and blue, the other is green and violet, and his mood sometimes swings a bit sporadically. Despite all this he’s a great team player, and he’s definitely in his element having all these other fighters to work with. Really hates being alone.
Windy — Windwaker and Phantom Hourglass Link, he’s got a big mischievous streak and is very upbeat. His big brother-ness make him worry sometimes about the younger Links, but he’s not that old himself so he tries not to be overbearing. Rough-and-tumble, but he’s actually pretty polite despite being a pirate (it’s his grandma’s fault).
Spirit — Spirit Tracks Link, he’s not exactly the greatest fighter, his strength lies more in, well, trains. That isn’t to say he can’t fight, but he doesn’t prefer it, and injuries bother him a lot. Likes drawing and tinkering with stuff, the sheikah technology in botw fascinates him. He can see ghosts without any aid and is very close with First.
Hibiscus — A Link to the Past, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, and Link’s Awakening Link, he’s definitely the most experienced of everyone, seems way older than 18. Won’t admit it but Koholint screwed him up, enough that he was in a really bad place for a while (maaaybe kinda still is). He’s also a really good medic, one of the best out of the Links, and adapts very well to new skills.
Hue — A Link Between Worlds and Tri Force Heroes Link, he’s got an outfit for every occasion. Literally. Any occasion. His red and blue link buddies convinced him to dye his hair green and he maybe regrets it a little but it’s mostly grown out anyway. He’s a blacksmith apprentice like Mini, and likes making blades as useful and stylish as his clothes.
Brownie — The Legend of Zelda and Adventure of Link Link, (heh) he’s a little anxious, kinda paranoid, but a really good fighter with both magic and blade, and knows a lot more then the others might think. Tends to get underestimated due to his appearance but he’s the most magically powerful of all of them.
Era — Hyrule Warriors Link, sort of the leader, he seems like he’s got it the most together (he does not) but he’s good at faking it. It’s what got him through the war anyway. Technically the oldest only by a year or two, he may or may not have adopted Sprite during the war and is kinda the dad of the group (oh no shoot shoot when did that happen—). He’s got a weird relationship with compliments and his appearance.
Slate — Breath of the Wild Link, he’s quiet, but cheerful. Sometimes gets caught up in his head which can end badly, (even worse if he gets stuck in a memory) but he’s trying. Crazy good archer, and master of silent movement, when he’s not trying to be quiet he’s nearly always quietly humming some tune or other. Also loves food with a passion.
First — Link from the manga at the end of Hyrule Historia, First is a ghost. He’s not quite sure how he’s here. Also Spirit is the only person who can see him and actually knows he’s here. He’s actually okay with only Spirit seeing him, and he’s able to do a few things to help out (fight ghost enemies). Has a distinct sort of sadness about him though, and Spirit wishes he wasn’t dead and could hug him. He seems like he could use it.
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An Old Fashioned Meet Cute
A/N: hi! this is my first fic here and i hope you like it. comments and constructive criticism is very much appreciated just please be nice and i tried not to describe nor reader nor the Hilda character too much apart from the fact that they are plus size so it can cater to more people (altough the Hilda character is a white woman originally, I left that out because I wanted everyone to be able to read it) :D. and a huge thank you to @divine-mistake for encouraging me to make this blog and post my fics. ily Tay <3, this one's for you.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!plus size Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Summary: Bucky didn’t remember much of his life before the war. Not as much as he would like, anyway. But he was content to at least have remembered something. The memories of his teenage shenanigans with Steve always made him laugh. But there was a memory that he didn’t even know it was on his mind until that day when he accompanied Steve to the thrift shop. And until an Avengers party, where he met you.
“Steve, come on… Shouldn’t you be showing me the wonders of the modern world?”, he mocked. He knew Steve was doing his best, he did. But he knew that this wasn’t just a friends’ afternoon. And Bucky didn’t need a babysitter.
“I will! I just thought it would be nice to see something less overwhelming first and Sam told me a thrift store would be a nice place to start. Most of this stuff is new to us anyway”, Steve said, picking up a CD of a shelf.
“Yeah, ok”, he mumbled. The things he did for Steve. He mindlessly wandered through the little cluttered store, browsing the shelves full of knick knacks. He saw vinyls, old books, a great variety of toys, some paintings and an old fashioned vanity, with an old mirror, a few vintage perfume bottles, and… Oh.
“Steve?”, he said, picking up the old calendar that was propped up against the stained mirror. Carefully, he lifted the calendar up, looking at his friend. He had seen it before, he knew he did. He flipped through it as he waited for Steve to make his way across the store, careful to not bump in any of the tables containing delicate porcelain tea pots. His eyes scanned through the cover, a delicately painted picture of a curvy woman and with the saying “HILDA, 1940’s calendar” in bold red letters above it.
“Oh wow”, Steve let out a belly laugh. “You remember when we stole some of these? Man, we even took these to war”, he said. He started to remember. Him and Steve running, each one with a calendar in hand, flipping through the pages, Steve whining that he would never find a girl like that. He didn’t even think twice before taking it to the counter, with Steve giggling like a school girl behind him.
“For the memories, punk”, he said in a stern voice and a frown, but with pink dusted cheeks.
“Of course”, Steve said in a mocking voice.
“So, Tony’s throwing a party next weekend”, Steve said as he entered the training room.
“I prefer the thrift store”, Bucky mumbled, without tearing his eyes from the punching bag.
“Come on, Buck. I think it will be good for you to go”, Steve said. “It will be something small, Tony will introduce the new team assistant, so no eyes will be on you”, that got Bucky’s attention.
“Small?”, he said, pushing his hair from his face.
“Very”, Steve assured, but he had that look that Bucky knew very well from his young years; the look he would get when he was about to pick a fight. He was up to no good. But he didn’t want another trip to a dusty thrift store.
“Yeah, sure”, he mumbled.
You were shaking in your boots. Yeah, you knew that you would work for them, which meant that you inevitably would have to attend this kind of things. But this wasn’t like your former office jobs, no. You work for the Avengers now.
“You can do this. You have to. Do it for the paycheck”, you said, trying to reassure yourself as you shakily applied mascara. As you browsed through your wardrobe, you let out a sigh. You remembered shyly asking for advice on what to wear from Natasha, but you took it with a grain of salt. She could wear a potato sack and still look gorgeous, and you were… Well, a potato. You knew this was another test. If you couldn’t handle all eyes on you and the eventual bickering that was about to happen, you were not fit for the job. But damn, you at least expected a few weeks of taking care of documents and serving coffee before a party. In a room. With the, quoting the tabloid you read that very morning “super team that saves the world and looks hot doing it!”. You were a pretty confident person. But this… Anyone would be nervous.
“You can do this”, you told yourself one more time before heading out.
When you got to the party, not everyone was there. You politely greeted everyone with a nod, and gave your name to the ones you didn’t have the pleasure to meet yet.
“You, pick your poison”, Tony Stark pointed at you while walking to the bar.
“No, thank you, Mr. Stark, I won’t be drinking tonight”, you managed to say, silently thanking all the gods above (even the one that was sitting not too far from you) that you managed to hold back the quiver in your voice.
“She doesn’t want to be vulnerable around us. Smart, I like her”, said Natasha. Sometimes you wonder if she was a telepath like Wanda.
“Is there anything wrong, Y/N? I sense that you are uneasy”, asked Vision, with those glassy unblinking eyes. You wondered if he was in your mind that very moment.
“Gee, I wonder why”, said Rhodes, before taking a sip of his drink.
“I’m okay, just… A bit nervous, that’s all”, you said.
“Well, then you definitely need a drink”, said Tony, handing you a glass of champagne that no doubt cost the same as your previous paycheck.
Soon enough, the awkwardness made way to pleasant conversation. You laughed as you listened to their banter. It wasn’t like any business party you ever attended. No, it was more like a family gathering than anything.
The sounds of the elevator doors opening caught you attention as three men wide as refrigerators walked in, followed closely by a pretty young woman. Of course you knew them. You read all about them. Especially The Winter Soldier, the little devil on your shoulder taunting you by remembering you of every single time you talked to your friend about your crush on him.
“Sorry we’re late guys, Steve went to pick me up before the party and we had dinner”, said the blonde, linking her arm with Steve Rogers himself.
“Nah, Sharon, don’t cover his ass. We were late because the three of us had to wrestle Barnes into changing out of that old ass Henley”, said Sam.
Instantly, Tony and Natasha cheered and raised their glasses, making you laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, very funny”, said a gruff voice coming from the bar, making you turn your head, seeing Bucky Barnes open a beer bottle with his vibranium hand. 'How did he sneak past everyone?', your thoughts were interrupted as you took him in. You wanted to personally thank Sam, Steve and Sharon for making him wear that tight fitting black shirt.
“Well, Y/N, here’s Capsicle, Mrs. Capsicle, New Captain, and Snowflake. Guys, this is Y/N, the new assistant. Oh, and there’s Spider Boy but he’s on curfew, Strange had to hop out of the dimension and Scott but he’s… He’s somewhere out there being small, I don’t know. Watch were you step, just to be safe”, said Tony
“Hi”, you gave a shy wave, being greeted right back.
If it wasn’t for the serum, Bucky is absolutely sure he would have a heart attack on the spot. You were wearing red heels, a form fitting black pencil skirt and a white button up blouse and he could see your curves, your strong arms, your thighs. You looked absolutely amazing. You look like one of the girls that Bucky would’ve rushed to ask for a dance back in the day. But what really made him stare is the fact that your body type looked eerily similar to the character of the calendar he spent an embarrassing amount of time staring.
As your eyes scanned the room as you were bombarded with questions, Bucky made sure to avoid your gaze, looking everywhere but your face: his shoes, the ceiling, the armrest on the couch, Steve’s shit eating grin. Oh. So THAT’S what it was about. Little shit.
Even avoiding your gaze, he made sure to keep his ears open. A man could be interested, right?
By the time the party ended, Thor and Bruce were sleeping, Tony was buzzed walking around singing Iron Maiden, Natasha and Sharon were talking, Steve and Sam were giggling like two school girls, Rhodes went home and Vision and Wanda were talking and looking out the window to the New York skyline.
Which left you – and Bucky – alone.
“Uhhh. I guess I’ll start cleaning, then”, you said. Your face was on fire. The only person that you were sure didn’t like you and you were awkwardly standing, not knowing where to look and what to say. It didn’t help that you were attracted to him but damn it, you were not going to lose this opportunity because of a school girl crush. So you decided to keep yourself occupied by taking some empty glasses and bottles from the table and taking them to the kitchen.
“Oh, come on, Y/N! Let the cleaning crew deal with this in the morning!”, said Natasha.
“No, no, I don’t mind. I like to keep myself busy”, you said with a smile. Technically, it wasn’t a lie. You only hoped she couldn’t see how awkward you were.
“I’ll help”, he said, picking up some glasses and following you.
“You can pick up more of these glasses and I can start washing them”, he said. “I- I noticed you got your nails done, so…”, he said, and you shyly looked away while thanking him and making your way out of the kitchen.
In no time, the room was getting emptier. Vision and Wanda went home and Thor took Banner back to New Asgard. And you were almost done with the dishes, having also gotten rid of most of the empty food containers. As you both cleaned, you and Bucky got a bit more comfortable with each other.
“I’m sorry for seeming a bit standoffish earlier”, he said suddenly. “I’m not used to parties and I don’t know how new people will react to me. Especially pretty women”, you smiled at the compliment, but felt your heart ache. You were so caught up in your insecurities that you didn’t even consider his side of things.
“You don’t have to be sorry. I don’t know how you feel but by what I’ve seen and heard, you have a family here. You’re out there fighting to save the world. Trying your best. This is redemption enough, don’t you think?”, you said as you put the glasses to dry, missing the awestruck look that Bucky sent you, a goofy smile making its way into his features. “Okay, you wait here and I’ll get what’s left”.
You were back in no time. “Okay, so just more two champagne flutes and one plate left”, you said but before you could give the dishes to Bucky, you slipped, and if it wasn’t for Bucky’s reflexes, you would’ve fallen hard. You yelped as the sound of breaking glass hit your ears and for a second you two just stared at each other, before Bucky pulled you closer and back to a standing position.
“Thanks”, you said as he helped you straighten up.
“Your ankle, does it hurt?”, he said.
“Uh, no, I don’t think so”, you said.
“Ah, I think it does. And I can’t let a dame go home alone on a hurt ankle”, he said, giving you a dashing smile.
“You know what, now that you’ve said it, it hurts really bad”, you said, catching on. “You know what’s amazing for a bad ankle?”, you asked, and the gentle smile in your lips and the mischievous glint in your eyes made his heart piston inside of his chest.
"What?", he said softly, stepping closer, like you were sharing secrets.
“Ice cream and a walk on the park. Very therapeutical”, you said, making Bucky laugh.
Before you knew it, Bucky had already scooped you up into his arms and rushedly announced that you had slipped and fell, whisking you away into the elevator.
“Dude, that took all night”, said Sam. “This is the smooth guy you told me about?”, he said, while Steve and Sharon laughed.
While everyone got ready to go home, Scott came out of the kitchen in his Ant-Man suit eating some leftovers.
“Someone owes me 20 bucks for making her trip”.
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
Heyo, this is my first time asking (im kinda new to tumblr, so please dont judge) if you would'nt mind, could you do some headcannons (or oneshots, it dosen't matter) with all the demon bros and a MC who is crippled/paralized in their legs, and has to use a wheelchair to get around? Thank you!!
This is the first time I’ve written about a crippled MC, so I hope I didn’t fuck this up or anything. I found out that being paralysed in both legs is a disability called Paraplegia so that’s how I titled this post. And y’all are too sweet, you are more than welcome anon! I hope I can portray this properly because I am not crippled myself so I’ve opted to do some research before writing this! I hope you like it! Also, I feel inclined to add that none of the brothers would treat you too differently if you happen to have a disability because you’re their human nonetheless :)
The Brothers with an MC that has Paraplegia and needs a wheelchair to get around:
-Lucifer was in charge of choosing the final human, exchange student for the program so it’s guaranteed he already knew about your predicament before you even arrived
-Him and Diavolo probably had many meetings concerning your disability before the program could commence, considering that being unable to walk would double the chances of you getting killed since you are obviously more vulnerable
-Not to mention all the treatment you would require
-Lucifer is not well versed in human illnesses and disorders, but he makes sure that he is educated enough on the matter before you get brought down there
-It would not be easy, but he is determined to help you survive your year in DevilDom for the prince’s sake
-First problem of the day was, of course, your wheelchair
-Due to lack of time, Lucifer was unable to instal ramps around the House of Lamentation which meant that for the first couple of weeks, someone would’ve had to help you move around certain parts of the house
-He gave that highly prestigious job to himself because he didn’t trust his brothers and thought they would accidentally drop you and your wheelchair down the stairs
-He talks a lot to you, even at the beginning, because he needs to establish your needs and what he should do to make sure you don’t die for the following year
-You would have to tell him about physical therapy and how most commonly it uses heat, massage and exercise to stimulate your nerves and muscles, making it a great treatment for people with leg paralysis
-Once you two enter a more intimate and personal relationship, it’s more than likely he’ll help you perform those things himself (instead of kidnapping a human doctor from somewhere)
-Lucifer knows you have no problem getting around with your wheelchair by yourself but there are times where he’ll insist to push you along in order to give you a quick break
-I can totally imagine you two strolling around DevilDom and having cosy chats about RAD and your adjustments to DevilDom
-He has a softer side to him that he’s afraid to show most of the time, but he feels so at ease when you’re around, it’s hard for him to hold that part of him hidden from you
-Of course, your safety still remains his primary concern and he acts more like your guardian than Mammon does, even if he was originally supposed to look out for you
-He will accompany you almost anywhere. And if he can’t, he’ll have one or more of his brothers do it. And even then he’s probably lurking nearby, just in case
-He would always be willing to listen about your condition, if you wished to tell him whether you were born with the defect or why you ended up crippled later in life. Either way, he’s all ears
-If you would rather not speak about it, he wouldn’t pry and respect your decision because he knows it’s not his place to pressure you
-Because of your paralysis, it’s quite obvious to demons that you are even weaker (physically speaking) than most humans and that usually puts a target on your back
-Howver, never fear, because Lucifer is pretty quick to put lower rank demons in their place with just a mere stare
-Oop one of them passed out from the fear, haha
-In conclusion, he’s the most responsible when it comes your comfort and safety during your stay
-He makes sure you are always left in good hands and and provides most of the requirements you need
-Y’all should see how his wings puff up when he senses a threat approaching you, he looks like a peacock ready to go on attack lol
-The second born is unsurprisingly a bit of a jerk at first
-He stays really grumpy the whole day of your arrival because he’s stuck babysitting you stupid human
-“Lucifer c’mon, what’s all this workload for? The human can’t even walk by themselves, why do I have to help them out?”
-Wtf Mammon you can’t say shit like that
-Anyways, the following very few days, the only thing he’s thinking about is how much money he could sell your wheelchair for
-He’s the literal incarnation of greed, what else did you expect from him?
-After a while, he starts feeling a bit guilty every time he thinks about it though
-Mammon is gonna take this secret to the grave (laughs in immortal) but he actually really likes pushing you around
-Maybe it’s because it’s a clear indication to everyone around him that you are HIS human, under HIS protection and therefore you trust HIM the most since he was your FIRST MAN
-He will insist on helping you get out of that thing when you need to go to bed and stuff every night and he will get pouty real fast if you let any of his other brothers do it
-You wake up to him trying to roll around in your wheelchair one night at like 3am
-At some point, he stole a wheelchair from the human realm to match with his human. You can guess the consequences of his actions
-I can imagine you having to face a staircase or something at school and Mammon being like:
-“Fuck it, imma carry this fragile human instead; wheelchair and all!”
-Like you were a sack of potatoes or something smh
-Cue his brothers watching him from a distance as he heaves you and basically weight-lifts you up the stairs
-Ok but every now and again, he gets so sad thinking about you not being able to walk, like he starts crying kinda sad
-While you stand there like 😐 “Why are you crying?”
-He’s so quick to help if he senses you’re in danger too
-It’s canon that Mammon is crazy fast if he wants to be so if he has even the slightest impression that your life is threatened, his feet are already moving
-He will charge at your immediate threat at around 120 miles per hour-do not try him when he’s mad
-“The Great Mammon saved the day! C’mon MC, let’s go buy some ice cream. My treat! Ya better be grateful!”
-He says while the demon that tried to eat you lies on the floor with about a dozen broken bones
-Mammon is the second most powerful demon out of all of his brothers, even if he doesn’t resort to violence often
-He didn’t really know how to react when you first teleported to DevilDom
-I mean, from the very beginning he considered you to be a human normie but at the same time, he felt bad you were stuck with his brothers for the rest of the year
-I think he would understand you would have an even harder time integrating yourself in their house because of your disability and he knows his siblings are really fucking annoying, always pushing you around and whatnot
-So, he kinda lets you hide in his room quite often
-You guys chill out in there all the time, much to the dismay of the other brothers who also want to spend time with you
-At some point, Levi definitely begged asked Lucifer to let you start online classes with him
-“But wouldn’t it be easier for MC to do online school from home rather than go to R.A.D since there aren’t any ramps or anything around there???”
-“The answer is no Leviathan.”
-“Ugh fine! What a fucking boomer-“
-For some reason, he gets so flustered whenever you ask him to push you around
-He blushes right to the tips of his ears and then he starts sputtering some nonsense that you can’t make out at all
-But he’s more than happy to do it, especially if you guys are going to a convention or if he’s dragging you out to buy new merch
-You two would get along in the sense that Levi realises the struggles you faced all your life were tough to overcome and he believes you are just like him
-Usually left out by other people, ignored even
-He knows you always listen to him ramble on about whatever he is currently obsessed with and how much you check up on him to make sure he never isolated himself
-He wants to do that for you too! Talk to him about your hobbies, please I’m begging you-he feels so bad whenever he’s doing all the talking
-If you ask him to help you with anything (getting something, helping you into bed—that sort of thing), he legally and physically can’t say ‘no’
-And he would get envious enough to stop talking to you for a day or two if you let his brothers do it instead (the second and third born are indeed similar lmao)
-S T A Y I N H I S R O O M, W H E R E Y O U C A N B E P R O T E C T E D !
-He will feel so much more at ease if you’re in his room because to him, that’s his haven
-If you’re in there with him, that means you’re not getting involved in his siblings’ endless and dangerous shenanigans
-Whenever you’re at school, he can’t help but worry about your well-being
-Because you’re human! You’re gonna get killed!! Do you know how much your organs sell on the black market in DevilDom??? 100x more than in the human realm, that’s for sure
-Would they have a black market or would it be a regular market lol
-For some reason, he also likes staying in your wheelchair when you’re not using it
-I think he just takes comfort in knowing it’s something that belongs to you and smells like you and-
-OK Levi, sit back down
-He wouldn’t treat you any differently if you had a disability tbh, but he’d be more concerned because you can’t even run away or anything
-So he’s so fuckin’ relieved when you guys are just vibing in his room
-He could die happy knowing he kept his best friend/ partner safe
-Satan would be even more prepared for your arrival than Lucifer would, in a sense
-Out of all of his brothers, he’s most likely to understand and recognise paraplegia (either from studying human illnesses/birth defects/disabilities or from encountering humans with said disability)
-He’s a smart boy, alright?
-Always seems to be the first to notice if you need help or if someone’s bothering you
-Though in the very beginning, he was pretty tempted to just let you get killed to see how angry Lucifer could get
-Seeing dear Luci’s misery brings him great joy 🥰🥰🥰
-Once you two manage to build a very honest and strong relationship, he feels more and more inclined to keep you out of harm’s way
-Pls, he would feel so honoured if you let him push you around (it’s like you asked him to h*ld h*nds or something)
-If you require treatment of any kind, he would be so happy to help
-But in a subtle way...?
-Satan makes it seem so smooth too like he doesn’t mind lending a helping hand when in reality he’s all giddy inside
-*Kinda wants to rub it in his brothers’ faces but at the same no, because he’s definitely the bigger person here
-He wants to know how your wheelchair works
-It’s got all of these neat mechanisms and he wants to learn how they’re constructed because he never had the chance to inspect one before
-He’s such a sweetheart about asking you as well and never pries about your disability unless you start elaborating yourself
-Most of the time, he acts all charming and very gentleman-like
-So people have a hard time spotting and acknowledging the building rage inside of him every time he sees you are threatened by some moronic low rank demon
-Satan’s usually chill when it comes to injuries, unless he can see you’re in horrible pain
-There’s nothing a few spells can’t accomplish
-But when others purposefully try harming you?
-It’s like he loses all the self control he’s been trying to perfect over the centuries and he can’t help himself from at least breaking someone’s rib cage
-Satan’s a weird one because he’s protective of you even though he’s more on the relaxed side when compared to his siblings
-He very much acknowledges that you made it this far in life with your predicament so he doesn’t feel the need to baby you or anything
-You’re strong and he knows this
-It’s one of the many things he clearly loves about you
-That one time you rolled over Mammon’s foot with your wheelchair on purpose, he was wheezing
-Even now, he can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be stuck inside a wheelchair for the rest of his eternal life
-I mean, he’d obviously still be absolutely fabulous, have you seen him? He’s gonna be gorgeous either way
-But after the two of you meet, he definitely starts thinking about how he takes his feet for granted all the time
-It would be so difficult to complete his daily tasks without the ability to walk or run around
-That’s why he gets sad every time he remembers that’s your reality and on days like that, you’ve noticed he gives you a helluva lot more attention than usual
-He knows you don’t need pity or anything so he’s just making sure his human has all the support they can get
-Paraplegia or not, shopping trips are still a go-go
-He loves buying you clothes! And he loves helping you try them on! Asmo takes it very seriously
-Might have a go at the employees if they’re being rude to you
-You don’t even ask him to, but he subconsciously starts pushing you around himself whenever the two of you are out together
-“MC! Look at that new shop that’s just opened! Isn’t it adorable? We have to check it out!”
-He can’t help it! There’s so many places he wants to visit, he sort of just drags you with him wherever he goes
-Even at home, he always pops out of nowhere to coax you into coming to his room
-Y’all have so many skin routines to do each day
-Like he’s in your room most nights to greet you goodnight and tuck you in, with the rest of his brothers it gets so awkward at times
-Asmo just wants to see you smile, ok? He thinks you have a beautiful smile and laugh and he wants to remind you that you’re marvellous, disability or not
-And if anyone does anything to put an end to your self confidence, he will swiftly put an end to their life
-Please, he’s a pro at ruining lives, he’s been doing it for centuries
-Asmo has such a huge influence over the people in DevilDom, he just needs to make this one post on Devilgram to end said demon’s whole career
-I mean, who is he compared to him, Hmm? So don’t worry MC, scum like that don’t even deserve to breathe the same air as you :)
-That one time Mammon tried lifting you up the stairs and Asmo started shrieking, like put them down! Don’t manhandle them like that, poor human :(
-I know I sound repetitive, but he would be an overall sweetheart to you no matter the circumstances
-If Mammon is not by your side, then Beel definitely is
-His big, scary aura and figure usually scares off any threat in a 10 mile radius
-Most demons don’t fancy being eaten by the Avatar of Gluttony, ya know?
-Idk why but I feel like he’d be the type to ask for oral consent every time he wanted to push you around
-He doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable :(
-Surprisingly also the type to lift you and your wheelchair whenever an obstacle gets in your way
-You basically weigh the same amount as a paper plate compared to him, so he has no problem doing so
-He doesn’t really understand your condition as well as Satan may do, but he’s trying his best
-You mean so much to him and he feels it’s only fair he learns more about your disability as a thank you for what you’ve done for him
-He has a rough time keeping up with you when it comes to stuff like physical therapy because he’s very unfamiliar with it but that doesn’t mean he’s not gonna help
-Of course, Beel believes that this is the second best way to show you how much he cares for you besides the obvious ‘I love you’
-Giving you a hand whenever you need his support the most
-That’s his way of saying “I’m not going to let you down. I want you to trust me, the same way I trust you.”
-And knowing him, he will try to do everything in his power to keep you safe and sound
-After a while, you’re bound to notice he’s the first one to pull you out of his brothers’ pranks before you have a chance to get hurt
-Beel is always the one handing you stuff from high places you can’t reach, without teasing you for it like Mammon might do
-Always the first one to remind you to get plenty of rest and to eat enough
-He wants to protect you and his brothers because he knows he failed to do so with Lilith so yeah, he’s a bit overprotective at times
-He doesn’t mean to be overbearing, but he gets so anxious knowing you’re by yourself
-After a few months of getting accommodated with him, your disability is no longer brought up in the conversation
-Because he doesn’t care that you are crippled and forced to use a wheelchair
-You are part of his family and he loves you no matter what
-He didn’t really care, even when you first met and his hatred for humans was at its very peak
-It didn’t matter that you had a disability
-All that mattered to him at the time was killing you to satisfy that deeply rooted need of vengeance inside of him
-Though he was sort of surprised his brothers didn’t get to you first
-In general, he’s pretty chill about you being crippled in both legs
-It takes too much effort to worry about your well-being 24/7 after all
-Surprisingly, he does keep an eye out for you if his siblings aren’t nearby
-It’s his redemption arc people, he’s trying to be nicer
-But he has such an irritating way of showing his affection for you
-Do not let him push you around
-He’s either going to a) fall asleep after 30 seconds and slump over you in the middle of RAD’s halls
-Or b) be annoying and fling your wheelchair in every direction possible just to piss you off
-He likes messing with you because you give him the best reactions and he thrives on that
-You’ve almost fallen off your wheelchair multiple times because of this asshole
-Not that he’d actually let you fall, he just wants to see how easily he can get you to yell at him
-Speaking of said wheelchair, like Mammon and Levi, he also loves using it when you’re not
-You’ve woken up to him curled up and asleep in that thing quiet often and he’s gotten in trouble over it every time with Lucifer
-But he doesn’t care
-And at this point, I don’t think even he knows whether he’s doing it to get a reaction out of you or because he somehow found a way to make himself comfortable there
-He would low key use you as a mode of transportation every time you go to RAD
-Just clings the damn wheelchair and almost topples both of you over
-“Belphie, there’s nothing stopping you from walking 😐”
-“Shh, just bring me to class and let me nap until then.”
-He doesn’t mention your legs but he still lays his head on your lap often
-Might make you hold him like a bride every time you stroll around the house
-It’s done out of love, I promise 😌😌
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pemfrost · 3 years
For the bingo what about spideydevil hogwarts AU . Good luck on your bingo!!
Thank you if you do it.
Thanks for the prompt :D
So, this is like 3 times longer than I wanted to make these bingo fics lmao. Oops 🤷‍♀️. It still could use some polishing, but I'm terrified that Peter will find another plot thread if I poke at it anymore.
Bingo fic 1/?
As much as he devoted himself to studying, Peter could not bring himself to care about Divination. The whole class reminded him of cringe inducing hacks he'd seen on t.v. growing up. Except, no one was jumping out with hidden footage to debunk it. Everything appeared hollow: randomness assigned meaning. And, while Peter didn't often procrastinate, he found it harder and harder to work on his Divination homework the more weeks that passed. 
There was one silver lining, though. Another student, one he'd held a torch for from afar, was in the class with him. That too, turned out to be hollow and meaningless until today. Despite having a class together, Peter still had no real reason to approach Matt. However, he stumbled into the opportunity in his usual Parker way: completely on accident. 
His procrastination on his Divination assignments reached a plateau, and, despite his ability to work quickly under pressure, Peter was late to class. When he'd finally made it -ten minutes late and scribbling the last lines on his essay- he'd thought the repercussion would be a lecture. Or detention. The usual stuff Hogwarts professors liked to through his way.
Instead, the professor welcomed him to class in her airy way and quietly assigned him a partner for the project she was currently guiding the class through. "Ah, Mr. Murdock, please join Peter for the remainder of class." 
By stoke of luck, Matthew Murdock had been an unlucky third wheel in another group, and made no fuss about changing seats. His usual partner was in the infirmary; the exact cause was the subject of many rumors. Peter was rather fond of the theory that Foggy was involved in a fight with the group of slytherins who often tired to bully Matt, but anyone involved was keeping their lips zipped tight. 
It wasn't a glamorous impression, but Peter was thankful for the opportunity. 
"Do you know what you're doing?" Matt crossed his ankle over his knee and leaned back in the cozy chair across from Peter. He nodded to the steaming cup of tea in front of him, raising an eyebrow. 
Peter nodded, then mentally kicked himself and verbally answered, "Yeah. I read over the basics last night." 
It was a basic tea leaf reading, and the set up was quite straightforward. The professor was kind enough to provide hot water and a selection of tea leaves at each table. Though, she did note they would have a better reading with their own supplies. 
"Good. I started my tea already, so you can read mine while yours-"
"Mr. Murdock." The professor tapped the cup in front of him with her wand. "You must start over. The leaves are easier for your partner to interpret when they are brewed just for them." With a flick of her wand, his cup was replaced with an empty one and she glided off towards another set of students. 
Matt sighed and reached for the tea selection, deftly selected Earl Grey and pinched a healthy amount of leaves into his cup. Peter followed suit, choosing one at random without reading the labels.
"Don't you care for tea?" Matt's gaze was slightly to the left of where Peter sat, his face not giving away his thoughts. 
"I do, I'm just not picky." His pulse quickened. This was the most they'd spoken in years. He watched Matt's hands as he poured the hot water into their cups, tracing the calluses earned from long hours in the greenhouse. 
"Now we wait." Matt sat the pot back to the side of the table and leaned back in his chair. 
The tea would need to steep for at least three minutes. There were many things to do during that time to ensure a good reading, or so the professor said. Holding the cup and thinking about what you wanted the leaves to tell you seemed like a good option, but Peter really didn't believe in fortune telling enough to meditate over his tea. Another method was to talk to the person who was going to do your reading. And the third, and one Matt seemed keen on, was to silently wait and let what happens happen. 
In Peter's opinion, silence was something to be broken
"Uh," Peter shifted nervously as watched the steam rise from his cup, "how is Foggy? That was a hell of a match last night, shame he missed it."
"He's fine." Matt's voice was flat. "He should be discharged in time for dinner."
"That's… good to hear." Peter eyed him nervously. Matt was a year ahead of him and in a different house, meaning they had very few direct interactions. Yet, Peter knew a good amount about him. Or, rather, he knew what the Daily Prophet said and what he'd observed with his own eyes didn't always match and had drawn his own conclusions. 
Coming from a muggle family meant Peter had very little frame of reference for most things, and he could only try to compare having an Auror as a father to having one who was a cop. Matt was a third year when his father was targeted by a group of dark wizards and Matt was caught in the crossfire. 
Peter, always in search of knowledge, desperately wanted to know which curse caused Matt to lose his vision, and which spells gave him a sense of the world around him. As far as he could tell there was no braille equivalent in the Wizarding World. He didn't ask, of course. He had more sense than that, even in the pursuit of knowledge. He wanted to know Matt first, because he seemed like a cool -and handsome- guy.
Even if he was callous enough to just ask, it wasn't like he had many opportunities to do so. This was actually their first class together in Peter's six years at Hogwarts- and would be the only one since Matt would be graduating in a few months. 
Despite having no real social interactions, Peter was well aware of Matt, and would have been even if his story wasn't in the papers for months. The very first time Peter stepped foot into Hogwarts, he was so enthralled with the majesty and magic of the castle -- until he spotted Matt. It was silly, and, even though Peter couldn't name the sensation back then, that moment stuck with him. 
Peter had read everything he could prior to entering Hogwarts, dreading being behind his peers who grew up in the Wizarding World. His heart was set on Ravenclaw, drawn in by the lure of knowledge and like-minded students. That was until he locked eyes with Matt from across the hall and, for a brief moment, yearned to be adorned in red and gold. Reason won, and he was proud to be sorted into Ravenclaw. But, part of him always wondered. 
"Thank you." Matt's voice jolted him from his reminiscing. 
Peter wasn't sure what he'd done to deserve thanks, so he deflected with a joke. "Hey, I'd be thankful too if someone rescued me from the 'Dream Couple'. More like 'Most Annoying Couple'." He tapped his index finger on the table towards students Matt was originally teamed with, rolling his eyes at how closely they sat together.
A small chuckle escaped Matt and Peter's chest puffed with pride. Matt was such a serious person, he hardly ever smiled or laughed, and then it was almost exclusively with Foggy. 
"For that, too, I suppose. I meant to thank you for being the only person in this class… probably the school… who hasn't ask me… about… it."
Oh. Peter looked away, embarrassed by how many questions he truly wanted to ask while simultaneously reeling from the fact Matt apparently paid enough attention to notice. "It's not my business. Besides, there's way more things I'd like to pick your brain about."
Matt raised an eyebrow, "Like?"
Peter opened his mouth to list off a litany of botany questions, but was cut off before he managed a single syllable. The professor stared down at them, "It's been long enough, time to drink your tea, be sure to do your rotations. Read the leaves immediately, take notes on your findings before looking up their meanings. Then, give your reading to your partner. Ideally, you will know each common symbol by heart by the end of the term, but for now use your books."
They dropped the conversation, following her instructions and downing their tea. Peter was pleased with his random choice, noting hints of citrus. 
"Here," he pushed his empty cup towards Matt. As he took Matt's cup, he wondered how Matt would read his leaves, but didn't ask. 
Peter peered into Matt’s cup, trying to find patterns in the chaos of leaves. Eventually, his eyes focused on the task and he could make out what he thought were symbols. He wrote down his list and set the cup and notebook on the table. 
Across from him, Matt was focused on Peter's cup. He ran his wand over it, then his hand, then with a flick of his wand his quill automatically made a note. 
"You'll have to teach me that sometime," Peter said before he could stop himself. 
Matt paused, lips pursed.
Peter continued, "If I could direct my quill to write, it would save a lot of time when I'm trying new potion ingredient substitutes. The constant starting and stopping to note every step and change I make is such a juggle."
"That's pretty dangerous," Matt said with an amused lilt to his voice. "Though, I suppose teaching you that would make it slightly more safe."
"Yea, it would be negligent for you not to," Peter's heart raced as he teased the handsome student across from him. 
"We should probably do the readings." Matt shifted, "But we'll figure out a time that we're both free, yeah?"
Peter nodded, "Yeah."
"I'll start, if that's okay."
"Uh, yeah. Did you need to look up your symbols? 'Cuz I have no idea what some of these mean."
Matt heaved a large reference book into his lap, "I'm doing it on the fly. Let's see…" He waved his wand over the pages and ran his index finger over the text. 
Peter didn't put much stock into fortune telling, but he was curious what Matt would read in the leaves. 
"So, your leaves are interesting. There is a small ring or letter 'O' at the top, so either a love interest is close or you have something important with someone with an 'O' name." He continued on without waiting for Peter's reaction or input, "There is a spider that spans both the present and future, which could mean you have a choice to make soon which will have a huge impact on your life. But, there is a smaller thing that could be a spider, too? So maybe you have a lot of choices to make?"
Peter shrugged. The close love interest piqued his interest, though he was more curious what Matt would say about it. Maybe he would be given a beacon of hope, a sign that Matt noticed him too. 
"Ah, and this at the bottom! It's a very clear anchor, meaning a stable future." Matt tilted his head towards Peter, "You do not seem impressed with your reading."
"Nothing personal, I just don't think these things are more than carnival tricks and fun games."
"Fair enough," Matt chuckled and set his notes to the side, folded his arms on the table and leaned in. "Now mine."
Right, Peter had to figure out Matt's. He pulled out his own book and looked over the page of symbols. "Well, let's start with what I know without reading paragraphs of contradictory symbology. So, there is a ring -or 'O'- at the bottom and it's pretty big. Future relationship? Or someone with an 'O' name? And there is a smaller one of the same in the present."
He paused to look at his notes. "Uh… I think this is a ladder? Which means travel in your future. And a Knife in the future meaning a fight. Umm, I wrote down a snake, but it could be a worm? Which… is a bad omen or a secret enemy."
Peter glanced up at Matt, and was about to apologize for accidentally reading a bad future for him when the Professor approached their table. 
"Ah, let's take a look, then, shall we?" She gently plucked Peter's tea cup up from in front of Matt and swept her eyes over the leaves. "Oh, my. You have a small romantic notion towards someone that has lasted a while but hasn't grown into anything more. You have several challenges which will appear in the near future and your decision to take them on or ignore them will drastically shape your life. Those choices are why a lot of your future is fuzzy, but if you remain true to yourself there is great prosperity and even greater love waiting for you."
She looked over Matt's notes and pointed out the symbols he missed. Peter sighed, he was ready for the class to end. At least he had his study not-date with Matt to look forward to. 
"Let's have a look at the other one," She said as she lifted Matt's cup from where Peter set it. "You have a recent romantic notion, it is small and very new, but you will have a journey before it can grow. There are a lot of small victories in your future, but they can be overshadowed by betrayal. I see a powerful romance in the future, but it could be lost if you're not careful."
Matt seemed to hang on every word, but quickly folded his arms when the Professor finished her own reading. Was he taking it seriously? Peter made a note to ask later. There were some interesting parallels between their readings, giving Peter a sliver of hope of his feelings being returned despite the absurdity of fortune telling. 
"Overall, not bad for your first times. Keep studying, there will be a practical component to the final." With that, she drifted towards another group, leaving Peter and Matt to clean up. 
"You're a muggleborn, aren't you?" Matt wasn't looking at him, but Peter could feel the weight of his attention pinning him to his chair. "Foggy is too," Matt added quickly, "and has the same opinions on this," he waved his hand generally. 
"Ah, yea. It's a bit… "
"I get it. Don't worry, no judgment here. Still, the reading was a bit uncanny."
Peter huffed. "It's easy to assign meaning to a vague set of events."
"Is that so?" Matt tilted his head. 
"We're teens, so it's not uncommon to have a crush. And everyone has a journey at some point, or choices to make. That's life. And it's not unusual to get married later in your life."
"True." He calmly began to clean the table. A swish of his wand and his cup was clean. "So, you do not deny liking someone."
Well, that was unexpected. Peter sputtered, searching for a string of words to put together as his pulse raced. "I- well- that's- I-"
Matt had the audacity to laugh at him, and the sound alone was almost enough to make Peter's embarrassment worth it. Almost. "Why so embarrassed, I thought it wasn't uncommon?"
Peter busied himself with clearing his side of the table. "So, you're not denying it yourself?" He leaned into the hope the conversation sparked, imagining his feelings being returned. Tea leaves be damned, Peter made his own fate, and if he was given the chance there was no amount of future-telling that could ruin what he felt for Matt.
Their conversation dropped when the professor requested everyone's attention for a short lecture before the end of class. It was important information they would need for their test, but Peter's attention drifted to Matt. By the upward tilt of Matt’s lips, he was well aware of Peter's distraction. 
There was a flurry of activity after class, and Peter didn't have any chance to speak with him further. However, Matt was true to his word and sought Peter out over the weekend. The weather was fair, creating the perfect opportunity to study together outside and away from the prying eyes of their classmates. They found a shaded area and set up their makeshift study session under the shade of a tree.
"I think I got it." Peter waved his wand over a fresh piece of parchment, whispering the spell Matt taught him. The tree bark dug into his back, and Matt’s cologne was distracting, but he could feel the tingle of the spell working. His quill sprung to work, jotting down a few lines of potion ingredients before sputtering out and falling to the page. As it rolled to the side, he sighed and leaned his head against the tree. 
"It takes practice to keep it writing longer, but you've done more than I expected for your first lesson. You really are every bit the genius they say."
"People talk about me?" Peter was top of his class, but he didn't think his grades warranted discussion with the 7th years. 
Matt shrugged and knocked his shoulder into Peter's. "I may have asked around."
Peter's heart somersaulted. "Oh? What, uh, else did 'they' say?"
"That you're a smart ass."
Peter nodded and leaned towards Matt, "Go on."
"Peter…" Matt's breath ghosted over his cheek sending a thrill up his spine. 
"Matt…" Peter continued forward, gently pressing his lips against Matt's. For a brief moment, Matt pressed back; then suddenly there was a large distance between them. 
Peter's lips felt cold. 
"Sorry. I-"
"Don't be, I-I kissed you." Peter fumbled to put his quill and notebook into his bag. "I thought-"
"Peter." Matt's voice was soft, unsure. "It wouldn't be fair to you."
Peter stared down at his notes, trying to make sense of what Matt was saying. 
"I graduate in a few months." He held up a hand when Peter started to protest, "and I've just been accepted into a school in Germany. I leave right after graduation to get a head start with their summer law program."
"We would have an expiration date, Peter." Matt's eyes were closed. There was a rigidness to his posture which made Peter suspect there was more he wasn't saying. 
"Ok. Then just friends."
Matt inhaled sharply, like he hadn't expected Peter's reaction. "Friends. Yea, I'd like that."
With that, they settled into a rhythm for the rest of the school year. Studying together when time allowed, ignoring the tension between them whenever they accidentally touched. Whenever the tightness in his chest returned, Peter reminded himself of their tea readings and imagined a future where they shared a happy ending.
Woo, thanks for reading!
There is a part two I'm working on where they reunite as professors several years later. I actually started that first then switched gears when Peter made a reference to their past. Hopefully I'll finish it soon so it's not so much of a cliffhanger lol. 
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shoyothemoron · 4 years
Cerulean Butterflies
Dabi x Good Girl Reader
You just can't help but let him in when Dabi comes calling, even though he's definitely out of place in your perfect little life
Angst? Idk kinda ,more like one sided pining
Words- 1.4k
Warnings- Sex is kinda eluded to but nothing graphic, just Dabi being a brat
A/N- Oh ho ho I finally posted some original work and OOP MY SECOND FIC. Anyway I’d love feedback. And I hope I got his personality right <3
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You sighed, throwing your laptop off your lap and on to the other side of the couch. Looking around your neat apartment you were pleased at how productive you had been today. The group presentation that was due the next day was turned in. The assignment due next week could totally be put off until tomorrow. Your laundry was tumbling in the dryer, and you had meals prepped, so no more worrying about cooking for the next few days
Rubbing your eyes you decided could go on your phone or read a little bit before going to bed, so you hopped up to put on your pjs. But before you could reach your bedroom, you stopped at the open window in your living room. You covered your eyes and groaned.
You shook your head trying to undo your thoughts. Tonight had been going SO well. Of course he had to worm his way into it. For some reason, nights like the ones outside your window would always remind you of him. Nights where the moon was full and the sky wasn´t black but indigo. And you could see every cloud illuminated.
You needed to stop thinking about him. You knew men like him liked to chew up and spit out girls like you. He knew what he wanted, and there was a reason he was so good at it. But you couldn't help it, he could deliver you to heaven and cradle you as you fell back down. Dabi was addicting.
You made your way to your bedroom, trying to stop yourself from thinking of him. But as soon as you had put on your pajamas, you heard a knock on your door. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, and the most devilish motherfucker you knew was standing on your doorstep. You sighed and pulled on a cardigan, trying to come up with a good reason to send him away.
Opening your door, you lean against the doorway to block him from entering.
“What Dabi?”
You watched his eyes as he racked them up and down your figure, and suddenly every bit of confidence you had melted away. His gaze just held that type of power over you.
“Aw, no hello kiss?” He asks, cocking his head to the side.
You blush, and can´t meet his eyes. Pouting you say “No, I only give kisses to good boys.”
He scoffs. Yeah that was to be expected.
“Listen Dabi, I really can't help you with whatever you need this time...” You still cant meet his gaze, and you just hope, by some miracle he´d maybe turn around and leave.
He signs “Doll,” His sudden change of tone makes you look up in concern, and he meets your eyes.
His eyes always shocked you, the cerulean made you question how eyes that beautiful really existed. You shifted your gaze to his scars and staples, and you felt a pang in your heart.
No! You couldn't get soft now, not when you almost had a strong start.
“I'll spare you the details, but things haven't been going well for me recently, and I know you don't like when I steal...” Now he's the one who can´t meet your eyes.
Steal? What was he… Oh, he was hungry.
Well, now you felt like a dick. Looking in his eyes you tried to come up with a reason to say no. Really you did, but you couldn't deny him. So you move out of the door to let him in
He bussels into your home, suddenly a new man, “So what's for dinner?”
You purse your lips staring at his back. Fucker, he knew you couldn't say no when it came to stuff like that.
You made your way to your kitchen, rolling your eyes as you say, “Whatever I decide to make for you.”
“Aw is someone pouting? Just admit you can´t resist me.” He says the last part in a sing-song voice and you want to kick him out right then and there, he could go hungry for all you care. But when he looks away, his smirk drops and suddenly your ache to cradle his face and kiss every inch of it. He looked so tired.
Deciding against punching his already imperfect face, you start working on his meal. It feels like it takes forever as you cut food and stand in front of the stove, you can feel his eyes on your back the whole time. You try to ignore them and act natural, but it wasn´t until the very end when you were standing in front of the stove stirring the food when you suddenly felt a presence behind your back.
“So,” Dabi says as he wraps his arms around your waist and presses himself against you, “how will I ever repay you?”
“Don't go acting like a gentleman now Dabi,” you slap away the hand that was getting a little too close to your chest, “I know when I´m being exploited.”
“Good them we’re on the same page.” He chuckles and smacks your ass, making you squeak.
He moves to lean against the counter a few feet away, and you will yourself to not look up into his eyes until the food is ready.
When you finally hand him the plate, you sit side by side at the island. After a few moments he asks “What are you thinking about?”
You immediately look away from him. You had been thinking about something, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him. You were even having trouble telling yourself.
In reality you were scolding yourself, telling yourself to stop thinking about what this thing right in front of you meant. Because it could never mean what you really wanted. Because what you really wanted was to turn to him and scream that you loved him. You wanted to shake him and yell hysterically and maybe just hurt him a little. To say ‘Can't you see that when you're here you're my everything. Can't you see me falling right in front of you, won't you catch me?’ But you didn't think you would ever be able to tell him.
You were also terrified to fall in love with him. Because even though you might love him, loving and being in love were separate things. And you knew that if you fell in love with him and he adored you like you wanted to be adored, he would have to ask you to do things you didn't know you could do. Things that any self respecting girl with a future ahead of her would run from as fast as she could. And you couldn't blame her. You could never abandon the future you were so delicately building for yourself.
So you would pretend that you couldn´t understand your feelings, that you didn't know how you felt about Dabi, that everything was a bundle of hatred, guilt and lust. But you knew yourself, and knew it was pretend. But how could you tell him? How do you tell someone like him you loved him?
So instead of telling the man you loved the truth, all you said was, “How obnoxious you are.” As you stole something off his plate.
“Me? The obnoxious one? Well that's certainly out of charter for a good girl such as yourself...” He began as you giggled, bumping his shoulder.
And so the night would go. It would go like every night before, and every night to follow. Unless one day you had the nerve to ruin it all. You would talk with him while he ate, making each other laugh, and roll your eyes. You would end up a blushing mess every now and then. Eventually you would fall into bed, where he would make you feel SO good, good enough to forget, to let the butterflies in your stomach consume you, to enjoy their frantic wings and how brave they made you feel. You would go back and forth from bed, to the kitchen, to bed. Until finally he would keep you warm as you fell asleep. He would warm your bed for long enough. And you would wake all by yourself, only to remember him in flashes that would make you blush. You would remember him until you could will yourself to stop, until you organized your life again, into its neat clean rows. But sometimes you´d slip up, remembering, leaving you alone with only a feeling. He would leave nothing but a storm of cureulian butterflies.
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jarofstyles · 4 years
Fan Club VII
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A/N: Part 7. This is the end my friends. We had a blast writing this, making it as special as we could. This part is all the good things, fluff, smut, sentimental moments. Also, peep the mention of @jawllines​ (single dad!harry) and @darthstyles​ (mafia!harry) fics within this fic 😉Anyways, hope you enjoy! - n + d
send feedback and requests here
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut, fluff, sentimental stuff 
word count: 20k 😅
Y/N missed her boyfriend. 
She knew he was a busy man and that he had a tight schedule now that he was getting ready to release his new album. It was something she knew would come along with dating Harry, but no one could ever prepare you for that. He wasn’t purposely trying to ignore her and that got her through it most days. She had gotten used to having him at her disposal, so maybe she was just spoiled. He was currently away in Scotland, checking out a location for a potential music video. He had shared with her that he had this idea about creating a whole island, it was a concept that was still in the works, but she was really excited about it. So naturally, she was excited to hear he was going to attempt to bring it to life. 
The bakery was becoming a lot busier as well. Katya said it was because of her, but Y/N begged to differ. Sure, she knew Harry’s fans would come and support her bakery, but she hadn’t realized just how much. It was stressful trying to meet high demand, they certainly didn’t have the staff for it. It would all be over better today though. Y/N had gotten a text for Harry asking if she could come pick him up from the airport and Y/N couldn’t say no. Usually, he’d just get a car home, but clearly he wanted to see her. He’d said he ordered a car for her to come and get him in. She was dressed comfortably at the airport, even brought a cute little sign for him as she waited at the domestic gate.
Harry missed Y/N desperately. Too much. A lot. All those words. She was what he had needed, the cool water in the desert. Being away from her when they'd just started being together for real was difficult. Though they talked every day and texted and FaceTimed at night, it wasn’t the same. 
So he formulated a plan. A genius one if you’d ask him! One that would have her extremely excited and him getting all the alone time he was craving. Booking a trip to Bali and getting a private villa was a bit easy, not going to lie. He asked for things to be provided and they were— a perk of the famous. The most private villa— which seemed counterproductive considering their original terms, but he wanted to know her. See if this can really work out. Harry was 99% sure he loved her. But there were things he had to work through with her to truly get to the level he wanted to be. Talking about what bothered him even though word of mouth was a thousand times harder than song. Who knew inflection made things so easy?
When he landed, he had made sure that Y/N’s bag was in the jet. They were refueling and then taking off again. The private jet mainly because it was a longer ride and he wanted to start her birthday trip off well. 
“Well, well, well.” He smiled as he entered the private gate. She was in front of the car and holding a little sign. “There’s my girl. With such a cute little sign, too.”
Y/N was so excited to see him, patiently waiting for him to come out of the gate. When she saw a familiar head of curly hair she smiled widely, jumping into his arms once he was close enough and wrapped herself around his body. She nuzzled her face into his neck, “I missed you so much.” She mumbled against his skin. 
She pulled away enough to press a kiss to his lips firmly. She kept it tame, smiling against his lips before going to press kisses all over his face making sure she made a ‘mwuah’ sound. “How was your trip?” Y/N cooed, pushing pieces of hair away from his face so she could see him better. She couldn’t even wait for him to finish, she was always kissing at his face again. She really had missed him. 
“I don’t know if you’re hungry, but I’m thinking we can order in tonight and just have a nice cuddle and watch a movie. Just wanna hold you for a while. Can’t believe you’ve been gone for a week.” Y/N pouted, “how am I going to live when you go on tour?” She honestly didn’t want to think about that right now.
Harry relished in the greeting. None of his other girlfriends had ever been this excited to see him again. Actually... no one had. The kisses were what he had missed so much the affection was what had him thriving the most though.
“Hmmm. Well, that sounds very nice. However.” He smirked, gently placing her down and cupping her cheeks. “We are actually going on a bit of a trip. For your birthday. And our plane leaves in 45 minutes.” The confusion on her face was priceless. He loved how genuinely shocked she was. “Come on.” He took her hands in his and gently dragged her into the airport, taking the bag she had from the driver and ignoring her surprised sputtering, he dragged her further into the building. 
“Relax. I had my assistant grab the bag I packed when I came back for the two days.” He smirked. “That’s why stuff was missing. Yes I am devious, and you’ll adore me for it. But you’re being spoiled and it’s so close to your birthday. So, it’s my boyfriend duty to make you feel like one of those Disney princesses.”
“What?” Y/N’s brows furrowed as he spoke. A trip? They were going somewhere? For her birthday? Y/N took his hand and followed him, shaking her head as she chuckled in disbelief. “What about—” she went to ask but he had told her that he had packed her a bag. Y/N genuinely didn’t know what to think. “Wait.” She stopped him for a moment, just taking a look at him and soaking it in. “Thank you, so much. Really, you’re—” Y/N just looked at him fondly and gave him a hug. She really did love him with her whole heart, she couldn’t tell him that. She didn’t want to freak him out. “Thank you. You’re the best.” She smiled up at him and continued to walk to security. “Wow you got my passport and everything, you’re a sneaky bugger.” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head as they went through the security checkpoint and followed him to wherever they were meant to be going. “Babe? Are you going to tell me where we are going or?”
“Hmmm. Maybe in the plane.” Harry hummed. It was incredible to him that she just trusted him. Trusted to have her things she needed, didn't think twice and just nodded her head with a slight pout on her face. Trust was something missing in all his other relationships, he was finding. It didn’t take long to get past the checkpoint, Harry's hand holding hers and swinging it in his own as they got to the private gate. It was a room instead of exposed because their jet was just for them and the crew. “What I can tell you is that it’s warm, there is water, and you’ll love it. Can’t tell you the exact place but, you’ll love it and be so happy with me and it’ll be happily ever after.” He was teasing but he could see the excitement in her face when he said beach. Y/N deserves to travel. He knew it was a dream of hers so he was planning on letting her come to as many shows as she wanted. At least the Europe leg. Whatever he could do to keep her around longer.
Y/N pouted, but knew that no matter where they went, she would be really happy. She trusted Harry and he definitely would pick a fun place for them to, but what really mattered was spending time with him one on one. Sure, they spent a lot of time together doing things for PR but this was real. For the first time they were going somewhere together without Jeff planning it, they were a real couple and her contract was coming to an end. This was something that Harry had chosen to do for her because he genuinely wanted to and she couldn’t have been more grateful. 
“hmmm somewhere warm?” She smiled at that. “Ooo I can't wait to swim! Haven’t done that in a while.” Y/N giggled and wrapped her arms around him again as they got cozy in the private waiting room. “Was I the last person to know about this?” Y/N chuckled, seeing as she had gotten a text from her sister telling her to enjoy her trip. Katya definitely would have made sure Harry got all the things she needed, she probably told him where her passport and shit was.
“Exactly the last. Your sister helped me coordinate getting today off.” Harry smirked. It felt so good to have successfully pulled off this surprise. “When I was younger, I was terrible at surprises. You know that? My mum never had a surprise until I was about 12, because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut.” Y/N seemed intrigued. “During Christmas... I was about 6... I waited just until she had a present in her lap that my sister and I had picked out. And I got so excited I had kept a secret, the moment she peeled back the paper I screamed that it was a purse.” He shook his head in disappointment in his 12 year old self. “Really though, I’m lucky. It’s all going very smoothly.” Harry was properly proud of himself, knowing that it was not his strong suit to keep from messing up surprises. “I am happy because I also bought you some new things.” His smirk turned devilish. The bikinis and the dresses he got would be so easy to rip off. Delicious. 
“But I want a proper kiss. Haven’t seen you in weeks.” His pout was soft but he gave her his puppy eyes, had on her waist.
Y/N smiled at the story she had heard him tell many times in interviews. She let him have his moment though, he hasn’t told it to her personally yet. That made it special. So she laughed at the punch line, smiling fondly at him as she cupped his cheek and pecked his lips. 
“I know, baby.” She cooed, letting her thumb smooth over the corner of his lips, the little bit of stubble there making her smile. It was cute really, the feeling of his stubble was she used to remind herself that this was real. That he really was finally hers. “Oh yeah?” She asked, wondering what he could have possibly bought for her? Dresses, lingerie, bikinis, sex toys? It could mean anything. “You are doing really well with the surprises, you know? Feel like you can tell me what you bought.” Y/N hummed, moving her hand lower cupping his neck.  Y/N crawled into his lap, deciding that since it was a private room they could do this if they wanted. A nice, proper, passionate kiss. It wasn’t sloppy, in fact the opposite. Every move was intentional. She quietly moaned against his mouth, just feeling so satisfied in that moment.
Harry hadn’t been able to touch her in a while and he had missed it. One of the things he kissed the most when he was gone was how she would make tiny little noises when they’d kiss. There were so many things that were purely Y/N that he adored so much, he couldn’t stop himself from appreciating them a thousand times more. 
“Missed you so much, baby.” He murmured against her mouth. Slightly wet and pink, her warm mouth melded Over his perfectly. She smelled like peaches and cream and mouth tasted like vanilla mint, and just that taste that was distinctively hers. “Don’t like being away from you so long.” Her fingers fit perfectly on the side of his neck, every bit of their bodies connecting like puzzle pieces together. There was something so different about her. So uniquely Y/N that no one else could even attempt to recreate. 
Y/N whimpered, “missed you too, bubba.” She severely underestimated how much she missed kissing him. His kiss was always firm, his lips plump, and he always tasted like cinnamon. It was the only way to describe the warmth of his taste. Her thumb brushed over his jaw, humming against his lips in response. “Neither do I, but I know it’s part of your job, baby.” Y/N sponged another kiss to his lips. “We’ll get better at it.” She spoke softly, pulling away a little bit to catch her breath and just look at him. The more times they spent time away from each other the easier it would get to get used to being away. 
“But... I got you some clothes. Some pretty dresses and bikinis. A few toys.” Harry hummed. Oh, she would be having a very fun few outings with him. “We will be experimenting a bit but it will just be the two of us for the first two days. I have to admit, I’m selfish with my time with you. I want the proper time to talk and kiss you. My sweet Malysh.” He’d been looking up nicknames as well.
Malysh. He called her baby. 
The look on Y/N’s face must have been priceless. Lips parting in surprise, eyes bright and full of wonder. Not only at what he has said about experimenting, but also at the word. She never knew she needed to hear him say that, but it was now her favorite thing to come out of his mouth. The corner of Harry’s lip quirked up at her shock. Sure,  he knew why. It wasn’t expected of him to be dropping those, but he felt like it would mean a lot to her if he would learn some more of her other language and speak a bit of it to her. Plus, he had the kink for the girl talking in it to him. So. Their sex had been filled with her purring things to him into his ear in Russian. A sure fire way to get him to cum. One time she had been sucking him off and asked him to cum in her mouth in the language and he lost it immediately. A bit smug, his girl was. 
“I learned a few. But I’ll hold some off on you. I’ll call you baby in English and Russian and you’ll love it.” Harry kissed her nose tenderly. Y/N was a happy bundle of mush on his lap after that word though. He hadn’t expected her to be so shocked but he did remember she hadn’t been in the room while he looked at YouTube videos to figure out how to pronounce them. “Want to be close to you. Figured... could learn some stuff on my own. Show you I meant what I said.” About being serious with her. About truly adoring every fiber of her being. He hadn’t told her that he loved her yet— that would happen through his sneaky planning he wasn’t allowing her to know of yet.
Y/N closed her eyes, purring as he kissed her face. All the affection she had been missing this week was being made up to her, she couldn’t wait till they were properly alone so she could truly feel like he had made up for his absence. He was buttering her up too, calling her pet names in Russian, it being her birthday, him buying her things. Him being so sweet and romantic made her want to jump his bones. 
“That is so fucking cute.” Y/N chuckled, truly endeared by hearing him say that. She didn’t care if he spoke in English or in Russian, but it was more the fact that he wanted to make her feel good and show that he was trying to be a part of her culture. It made her heart sing. She couldn’t be more in love with him. She pecked his lips one more time before nuzzling her face in his neck, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. “How long are we going to be away for?” Y/N asked curiously, wondering how he managed to schedule time off for her and for himself for this trip. She still couldn’t believe he did this for her.
“10 days.” Harry smiled. It was good just to hold her and make her feel appreciated and cared for. Being away for a few weeks made him crave her affection even more. He hadn’t properly even touched her yet. It was driving him mad. “I cleared my schedule for your birthday. I had asked Katya if she thought you’d rather stay home and have a party but she laughed in my face.” It was quite funny, actually. Having gone in on one of Y/N’s off days and questioning about what she thought would be the better plan. “And then I told her I would pay wages for two people to come help the workload so she wouldn’t be swamped, and she was very happy.” They truly were very busy in the bakery. Their food was adored. “She’s very funny, actually. Told me that you have a doll of me.” Her blush was immediate. “Oiiii. Don’t be embarrassed. I think it’s utterly adorable. It’s the one i found yeah? the one that makes me look like Susan Boyle?”
Y/N’s mouth dropped, “10 days?” She wondered how on earth he managed that. Maybe that’s why he’s been working so hard and been away for longer than usual? He had fully put off 10 days of his career for her. To her that seemed so crazy, cause the Harry she knew rarely took a break when preparing for an album cycle. “Aw, thank you baby.” She smiled, pecking his lips a few times. “I’m sure Katya really appreciated it. I mean, in all honesty we are so packed nowadays that I think we have to hire more staff once we get back anyway.” Y/N admitted, cringing at the fact Katya told him about the doll. “Yes. The Susan Boyle one for that exact reason.” She giggled, pecking his lips once again. 
Their chat was interrupted by the captain inviting them and the crew to come out into the plane. They were actually leaving now. Vacation would start now. Y/N squealed as Harry stood up with her in his arms. She grabbed the bag she had with her and wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on to his shoulders as he walked out to the plane. Harry held her in his arms. 
“Don’t feel like letting go.” Was his simple answer to it. She was warm and soft and smelled good, he had missed her and if she was okay with it he didn’t plan on stopping touching her until he was forced to.The jet was spacious, having a private cabin that they could take a nap in, a nice bathroom and plus leather seats. “For the takeoff we have to sit but then we can go lay in the bed back there and snuggle.” He murmured, gently placing her in one of the comfortable chairs. It was cute to see her first reaction. Just like his, seeming unbelievable at where she was. He had grown a bit used to it but Y/N gave him that lovely reality check each time. Her hand was grabbed as soon as seatbelts were buckled, gently squeezing when they took off. She seemed excited though— bouncing in her seat once they’d reached the proper altitude that wasn’t a bit nerve wracking. 
“Okay. I’ll be in the bed cabin with her, we will ring if we want something.” Harry said to the fight attendant who nodded politely, seemingly relieved to have an easy flight. “C’mon little kitten. We can lay and talk about where we’re going.”
Y/N couldn’t believe it. This was theirs, just them and the crew. She looked around in wonder, pausing when he mentioned the bed. “There is a bed?” Y/N’s eyes were wide. It was truly something she never thought she’d experience and yet here she was. Y/N began to get curious all over again. She wasn’t sure how long they’d be in the air or where they were going. He had given her a hint but there were tons of places where it was warm and there was water. All of which she would like to go to. She said a small thank you to the flight attendant, walking with Harry to the back of the plane. “This is so cool.” Y/N looked around in awe, quickly sitting down on the bed. She took off her shoes and pulled her hair out of its bun for comfort, glad she stuck with leggings, a T—shirt and Harry’s Randy’s donuts hoodie.
Harry loved when she looked so cozy and snuggly. It made him want to crawl inside the hoodie with her, snuggle up for days and not leave. Just have their skin against each other and be warm. It was a type of love that he had heard about many times but never expected to have himself. Wanting to be so close and hold her and kiss her. Not just sex. Not just attention. But genuine feelings. 
“Come on then.” He kicked his shoes off and laid with his arms open for her. The girl looked like she was beaming as he got a body full of Y/N launches at him. A fit of giggles left the girl and were very contagious, making him smile even larger. “Alright, silly girl.” He sighed. Kissing the top of her head. “So... I booked us a nice little trip. A private villa in Bali. It’s one of the most private places in the world for us. We can just... be together and not worry about anything else. Nothing has to be posted except what we want to.” Harry loved playing with her hair, so he gently ran his fingers through the locks while he talked, untangling ant little knots with care.
“Bali!?” She looked at him with eyes full of wonder, “private villa? Oh my god!!!” Y/N couldn’t help but get excited over these kinds of things. She had never been to a private villa, hell, she had never been anywhere this far from home before. The only person she’d ever think about doing that with was Harry anyway. Y/N let her hand cup his cheek again, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. “I’m so excited to be alone with you.” She whispered, “couldn’t have asked for anything better.” Y/N really couldn’t have. 10 days spent with her favorite person just doing whatever they wanted. No worries, no requirements, just whatever they wanted they would do. 
“We’ll go swimming and go see all the tropical animals and stuff! Maybe we can find a waterfall and swim there? I’ve always wanted to do that... feel like I always see it in movies and I just— I've always wanted to do that with you.” Y/N blushed, moving her hand from his cheek down to his chest, then his stomach, before finally letting her hand go under his shirt and just rest against his torso. It was still a lot to understand. That she had known him before she knew him. That he had been her crush for so long and he hadn’t a clue. It wasn’t bad, though. More so interesting to think someone he adored had adored him so much longer than he could imagine. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, angel.” Harry cooed. “I like that you get excited to do things with me. Trust me— s’a relief that I don’t have to compete with other men for all your attention. S’always been on me.” The primal part of him nearly purred at that realization. He had been the one she had loved and lusted over. “I’m happy to be all alone with you too. Always have had people over our shoulders, and I was a proper dickhead for a long time. Even though I just wanted to do this with you.” He had been so angry at himself back then for craving this— but he knew now it’s because his heart knew best. “I wanted to plan the best possible birthday for you. I think I know you well... but I want to know you so much better. Like you so much, and I want to keep going.”
Y/N smiles a bit to herself, “yeah, it has.” She giggled as she watched him get all excited about that fact all over again. Sure she knew Harry had given attention to other women, written songs about them that made her cry on his behalf. But she was here to fix it all, make him feel loved and help him realize that him being himself is what people love the most. “I mean, you were a dick... it wasn’t completely  warranted, but I’m letting it slide.” Y/N teased, “you definitely make it up to me on a daily basis.” She cooed, pressing a few pecks to his lips again. Y/N really couldn’t stop kissing him. It had been a whole week of being away from him and watching him through a screen. She was used to doing that, sure, but she hasn’t had to do that since before she met Harry. She smiled widely, “you definitely have... I always dreamed about being able to go somewhere where it was just you and me... where we could just relax and be... us.” Y/N told him genuinely, “and it’s all real. No one but us, that’s such a nice feeling.”
“Mhm. I have lots of things to ask you about too. Got a fan girl right here and I have access to all the dirty secrets!” Harry genuinely had been interested in getting to know how the fans thought of things and what she liked and didn’t like about his career and the band beforehand. “It’s amazing to me. That you were brought into my life so weirdly. Everything surely happens for a reason, but even so... seems too perfect. I wish I hadn’t ignored the way I was so pulled to you for so long.” He sighed, gently pulling her closer. His pout was soft but he knew that Y/N wasn’t upset anymore. “It’s a lovely Villa. I chose one with some glass walls facing the ocean. I got it stocked so we don’t have to leave unless we want to... but we can do whatever you’d like.”
“Dirty secrets, aye? Feel like I told you most of it. But yes, I do know too much for my own good.” Y/N chuckled, “like that story about surprises? I knew that story, but I wanted you to tell it to me. It was special.” She couldn’t help but blush, genuinely so in awe of him and everything he did. “And the story of how you told your mom that Gemma was a drug dealer.” Y/N often thought about their relationship in that context, feeling like she loved him more than he loved her because of just how much she knew about him. She tried her best to tell Harry as much as she could when he asked, wanting him to be just as informed about her. Y/N could tell he genuinely wanted to know too, but she didn’t like talking about herself that much. “UgH that sounds amazing!” Y/N moaned at the thought, “all of that. The not having to leave the house. All of it.” She hummed and leaned into him a bit farther deciding another kiss was overdue. Her hand was still under his shirt, making its way to his chest. “I missed you.” Y/N murmured against his lips, definitely referencing something a little less wholesome this time around. Now that they were properly alone, she could address it.
“I know, baby. Missed you too.” God, did he. After getting regular sex, mind blowing sex, and going back to his hand? It sucked. The phone sex was great, but nothing compared to touch her. Harry was a touchy person and liked her touches. Set him on fire. “Got so used to having you every day.. waking up inside of you. Didn’t have it and it was awful.” They’d had plenty of lazy morning sexy, initiated by either one of them. The perfect way to start the day, and being deprived of it was hell.” He murmured. Having a body like Y/N’s against his was heaven, though. Soft in places other girls he had been in weren’t— he had been missing out. Truly though? He was excited to know that he could work and try and keep her forever. “Hate being away from you. Got so used to being together every night, it sucked going to bed alone.”
Y/N hummed against his lips, “feel so empty when you’re not there.” She meant both literally and physically. She had been spoiled rotten with having him around. They didn’t technically live together, but she was basically around him every night. It was weird to have to sleep in her own bed, it didn’t feel the same. She missed seeing him read before bed while she did all her skincare in the bathroom, missed snuggling up to him and feeling safe and warm. “You’re here now though. Got you for a whole ten days.” Y/N smiled triumphantly, “luckiest girl in the world I am. I scientifically have the most attractive boyfriend in the world, have the most thoughtful and talented boyfriend in the world, and... get the best sex in the world as well.” She felt like she had won at life. Everyone wanted Harry. Everyone wished that they knew  him or were with him or could know him, and yet she was the only one that got all of him. Y/N got to experience just how incredible he was and she made sure that everyone knew it too. Not in a show offy way, but more in a ‘I’m so proud that this is my baby he’s so great and I love him, please keep giving him love’ way.
Harry snickered at that comment. Lord, she was funny. Talking about the scientifically perfect face,  apparently it was supposed to be true which was funny considering he had seen plenty better looking men in his lifetime. It only mattered to him that Y/N thought he was the good looking one. 
“Well... we have all the days now to be alone and have as much sex as we want. And we can stare at each other’s perfect faces.” He smirked. Y/N had the most amazing natural and raw beauty to her. Amazing with makeup, but even just bare faced he was shocked as hell. It was amazing. “I like to think about how I think you were sent to me like an angel.” He mused. “Was so mean and yet, you still adored me and gave me reassurance when I needed it. It’s amazing to me to think how much you’ve given me in such a short amount of time.”
“Mmm two of my favorite things, sex and staring at your face. Though I could argue it’s the same thing.” Y/N teased, kissing his lips. Sometimes she said things that were a bit more fan-like, just to see him blush and get his live reaction to it. “Think I just knew that you weren’t really a dick. Knew that when I had that panic attack after we went out to dinner, you didn’t have to do all that and yet you did.” Y/N smiled softly, remembering how reassured she felt that night. “As a fan I did nothing but adore you and as your girlfriend, who is still very much a fan, I’ll continue to do the same.” She didn’t know if he quite understood the extent to which he had helped her become who she was. Didn’t think he fully knew how many fans loved him just as much as she did but she was the lucky one. “Sometimes I wish I could let fans in on what it’s like, wish that they too could be in my place.... but then I remember it’s all meant for me, and that just makes me really soft.” She blushed.
“Mhm. Only for you.” Harry didn’t plan on dating anyone else. Y/N had him under lock and key and she barely knew it. It was still very new, and he knew that much. However he was hoping that maybe she would want to stay with him. For a good while. “It’s a good thing because I’m a liiiitle bit obsessed with you, sweetheart.” He admitted. “Showed everyone your photo when I was away working. They were all blown away by how pretty you are. Kept asking why you weren’t there and had to explain you work in an amazing bakery and it’s booming, so I couldn’t have taken you. Quite rude if you ask me.” He pouted, obviously teasing at the last bit. He decided then to dip his fingers underneath the pants she was wearing, getting some skin contact as well. Also,  he kind of just wanted to squeeze her ass. It was incredible. Perfect size, shape, was soft in his hands. He couldn’t wait to fuck it, when she felt comfortable.
Y/N giggled at that, “I think have you beat, babe.” She chuckled knowing that if they were talking about who was obsessed with who, Y/N took the crown. It still felt really good to hear Harry say that he was a bit obsessed with her. It made her feel really special. “Aw angel!” She cooed, “  but you know I would have been there if I could have.” Y/N said with a pout and pecked his lower lip a few times. “But know you’ve actually gotten me away for 10 days from my booming bakery. So I guess I can leave after all.” She said, pretending to be offended though it did warm her heart. They really just wanted everyone to know they were together and happy, wanted to show off each other's accomplishments.  She relaxed a bit more as his hand traveled under her pants, smirking a bit because they really had gotten comfortable with doing things like this whenever they felt like it. “Did you like those pictures I sent?” Y/N purred, remembering how proud she was of the nudes she had sent. They were perfectly custom, knowing Harry and what made him tick made it so easy.
The air changed a bit, the pictures rolling through his head. “Fuckin’ loved em. But the surprise ones you sent out while I was with lots of other people were quite naughty.” She liked to play with him and send photos he would open around others. Not of her face. Beautiful photos that he had gotten off to when she had already fallen asleep. He’d missed her touch too much. “Truly loved all of them. It was hard though, cause I couldn’t go home and take out all that lent up shit on you.” They’d teased each other plenty in the time they’d been official with photos and videos and dirty texts. It was hot, one of the hottest things. “Still can’t believe you went to the bathroom to take a photo of your panties during work.” He had been sending her dirty texts all about what he wanted to do to her that moment, and he had gotten a photo of wet panties in response. Even with her innocent face, she was trouble.
Y/N sat rather smug, enjoying the feeling in Harry’s hand rubbing and kneading her ass as if he was preparing her for what was about to happen. Well, she hoped it would. “That’s the point, isn’t it?” She had truly loved teasing Harry, especially when she knew he was with people or if he wasn’t expecting it. The only thing that would make it better would be being able to see his reaction. “Don’t know why you can’t believe it, that’s a very me thing to do.” Y/N chuckled a bit, her eyes turning rather dark as she started looking at Harry with a much more hungry gaze. “Talked about spreading me open and making me squirt... I was about to call you right in the bathroom.” She admitted, knowing she definitely would have gotten off at work if she could. 
She really was amazed at how compatible they were in all forms of the word. In style, in taste, in sex drive, in neediness. It was as if they were made for each other and frankly it had Y/N thinking that maybe she wasn’t crazy when she was younger thinking the same thing. They really were that couple.
“What? s’one of my favorite things. You know I love it messy.” Harry did. Y/N had spit in his mouth and vice versa multiple times, their kisses got wet, he let his face get covered in her arousal. There was so much they did that he loved. “Would have been nice to have called me so I could have helped you get off in there.” He would have done it in seconds. Y/N got very needy and more obedient when it comes to sex. They luckily were both people pleasers and got off on it. “Know what I’m thinking about?” He dropped his voice a bit. “Thinkin’ about fucking you on this bed. I like that you get loud. Could let that attendant hear how good I fuck you.” He could feel her squirm a bit, a sign she was aroused. “Hm. I think you like people being a bit jealous, too. Like when people know that I’m yours and that I give it to you.” Harry noticed little things about her like that. “Also keep thinking about that first night, when you let me rub your cunt under that bar. How easily you spread your legs for me so I could touch. Loved that.”
Y/N whimpered at the thought. “Way to call me out like that.” She mumbled, climbing so she was on top of him. Y/N knew he said he wanted to fuck her, but part of her really enjoyed how he manhandled her and pushed her down on the bed. “You’re mine. Love knowing people wish they were me,  a power trip it is.” She hummed and sat up so she could take off the sweat shirt and T shirt at the same time so that she was just in a bra. It was quite a sexy bra. It's a shame though, as Harry had felt, she hadn’t been wearing panties. 
“Hm. Got prepared for me?” Harry noticed the lack of panties and pretty bra, way too pretty to casually wear under a sweatshirt for no reason. Y/N knew she would be getting fucked decently soon after seeing him. He leaned back in the pillows, rubbing his hands down her sides. All of it was his to lick and suck and kiss, to cum on— he knew just how much she liked getting messy. 
“Have to call you out on it, my angel. It’s the hottest thing. I love that you’re a bit cocky about it.” About him. She was that proud of having bagged him. 
Y/N smiled down at him before moving her hands down to the hem of his shirt and began pushing it up. “You get a bit too cocky sometimes, have to remember I have to share you.” Y/N spoke, eventually removing the T shirt he was wearing and letting her hands smooth over his warm skin. “But this part of you? I have all to myself. Don’t have to share your cock with anyone, cause it’s mine.” Her voice dropped a little, hips adding a little pressure to his. Y/N wanted to lean down and kiss him but she really wanted to see him snap. A moan escaped her at the thought of them doing something like that again. Y/N knew that would be one of the most erotic experiences of her life, watching other people watch Harry made her cry from pleasure. “Gonna let me ride your cock in here?” She asked curiously. They had been fucking raw for a while. Y/N had started taking birth control when they started dating because it was part of the contract, it had come in handy though, especially because Harry loved to fill her with his cum.
“Mhm.. Gonna have you walk out of here with a cunt full of cum. Have it dripping down your thighs and gonna feel it all.” Harry loved that. “Know I used a few pairs of your panties I stuck into my bag to get off.” He loved doing that. “Came right on the part where you pussy would be. Felt so fucking good, like you were almost there with me.” He pressed his hips up into hers, quickly taking over and flipping them. Hovering over her always made him feel good. “Would you let me do that for you one day? Wear my cum around all day, remind you of who your precious pussy belongs to?” Harry had been deprived for a long time, so dirtier desires were coming out for her.
“Fucking love when you cum in my pussy.” Y/N growled a bit, nails digging into his skin. Harry was a freak and she loved it. It was something she only hoped was true about him and everyday he just proved to be more and more exciting in bed. She gasped when she said he came on her panties, giggling to herself because it was romantic in a way. A modern and kinky romance. Y/N moaned as he flipped them over, getting excited about getting to feel him. “Mhmm yes.” She hummed, letting her legs wrap around his hips and dug her heels into his backside to feel more pressure. “Get them wet all over again. It’ll feel so fucking good..”
“Know it will. You’re my dirty girl, always know you’ll let me have what I want.” It was amazing to truly be with someone who’s as open to anything with him. They were completely at ease with trying things and being filthy with one another— something he hadn’t ever thought possible. “Let’s get these pants off. Want to be inside of you.” Harry had missed it far too much, the way that she would clench and tighten up around him, how wet she got. Truly a delicious thing. 
The waistband of the bottoms were grabbed, and Harry threw them to the side— his own pants following shortly after that. Just in his briefs, he returned to humping over her cunt. Immediately he felt her warmth seep through the thin fabric. “Gonna make anyone who can hear jealous. I love that you’re so vocal for me.” He knew this must have felt amazing, the friction of his briefs on her clit, her legs tightening around him. Taking her wrists, he pinned them above her head And held them together with one hand.
“Feels so fucking good!” She moaned out for him, smiling at the feeling because Y/N truly missed it more than anything. Feeling the weight of his cock on her, the friction, it was driving her absolutely mad. Harry had done an incredible job at getting Y/N horny, all this sexual talk always got her going and she was positive he knew that. She couldn’t believe how quickly she had gone from being insecure about her body to feeling like she was the most beautiful woman in the world all because of Harry.  “Swear you’re the only one who can make time this wet without touching me.” She breathed out, a few squeaks and moans coming from her whenever he hit a particularly good spot. As much as she loved foreplay, she really just wanted him to fuck her. She’d missed his cock and was eager to have him fill her. “Please get in me.” Y/N begged, knowing that he’d either fuck her like this with her leg hooked on to his shoulder or take her from behind and rub her clit whilst doing so. Regardless, she wanted it.
Harry groaned in relief once he was inside of her. She was still incredibly tight, stretching around him as he slid himself inside. Her body was the perfect match to his, Harry lifting her leg so he could get even deeper inside of her. Kisses were given, his mouth sipping at hers as he gave a bit of time to adjust for her. It had been a bit since they’d been intimate. It was slow at first. Giving them both time to relish in the pure feelings they felt for one another, holding tight to each other as Harry got all the way in deep. As soon as she was adjusted though? Harry let loose a little. Thrusting shallowly, breathing in her whimpers of pleasure. It was wet and hot in her silky cunt and Harry couldn’t get enough of it. 
“Don’t want to stay away from my pussy this long again. Da, Kiska?” Yes, Kitten? He snuck that in there.
Moans spilled from Y/N’s lips as Harry pushed himself inside her slowly, the slight burn of her walls stretching around him grounding her in ways she never thought imaginable. “You’re so fucking big.” She whimpered against his lips, “feel my pussy stretching for you? Feel how wet I am for you? All for you.” Y/N wasn’t sure if it was because they were up in the air or because they hadn’t fucked in a while, but the feeling in his shallow thrusts was already doing bits for her. The position of her legs allowed him to hit really deep, but he still rubbed up against her clit every time he moved his hips. She couldn’t kept her fucking mouth shut though, definitely being loud enough for the flight attendant to hear. “You look fucking sexy..” She breathed, “gonna make me cum so good... I’m so close.”
Y/N swore it was a dream. The villa was remote and stunning, private as private could possibly be. She had never been spoiled and cared for in this way, not only during this vacation but before then as well. Harry had managed to spoil her properly rotten and it seemed like with each day came more and more surprises. She couldn’t tell what her favorite part was. Was it the fact that they were completely alone? Was it the incredible mind blowing sex they were having? was it being able to constantly touch him and do whatever she wanted? Y/N really couldn’t choose, all the material things were just that. Y/N had been tanning every morning, wanting to soak up all the rays that she could before they returned to a dreary London. She had noticed Harry had been away for awhile and she started to wonder what he could have possibly been up to. Something seemed suspicious. 
So, she got up from her chair to come inside and get a glass of water and maybe some tropical fruit to snack on from the fridge when she noticed Harry was arranging a bunch of boxes in the living room area. Y/N stood there quietly, sitting on her water and watching as the muscles of his back moved. He was wearing those little yellow trunks she told him she loved, his hair staying in place from the sunglasses he had put on top of his head. He seemed so focused. 
“You good babe?”
“I’m great, my love.” Oh? Harry was having a ball. Y/N was looking gorgeous and giving him her undivided attention, he was about to give her tons of pretty presents for her pleasure and things he had been eyeing— he may have jacked her Amazon one night and sent himself the list so he could buy everything off of it. He rounded into the kitchen, grabbing her waist. The skin was hot from her being in the sun, soft from the lotion he had rubbed on to her body just a few hours prior. He was buzzed and feeling good. “I got you some presents.” He sang quietly. “I know I went overboard but please don’t be upset. I promise that I love buying you things and this was an ultimate excuse. Plus, there are some things in there for my selfish pleasure. So.” He laughed, pulling her back into his body so he could kiss all over her neck noisily.
Y/N raised her brows, giving him a ‘what are you up to?’ look. She set her water down as he made his way into the kitchen, taking one more piece of pineapple to nibble on as he spoke. “Babe...” She pouted, seeing as he certainly did go overboard. The amount of boxes in the living room was insane and she couldn’t even begin to imagine what on earth was in them. She couldn’t be to upset with him, he seemed so excited to have bought her all these things and she genuinely was thankful and grateful. She just couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that all of this was for her. The trip, the gifts, everything. It was all for her. “Is there now?” Y/N giggled as he kissed at her neck, scratchy because he hadn’t shaved in a bit and they were on vacation so he probably didn’t want to bother with that. “Thank you, baby, really. You do too much for me, can’t ever seem to thank you enough.” She cooed, kissing the side of his head and letting one of her hands play with his hair. “When do you want me to open them? And in what order hmm? Or are you gonna make me wait till tomorrow?”
“Can open them whenever you’d like. I have no particular order. Tomorrow’s gift isn’t one to be opened, per say.” Harry was vague for a reason. But Y/N knew he always had something up his sleeve. Now he was able to keep a few secrets. “I have to find a way to say thank you for eating all this fruit.” He nibbled on her a little bit. “Always taste good but taste especially fabulous these past few days.” He knew it had to do with the fresh fruit that was plentifully supplied. “However, I’m very much excited to see you open the things up. I got two extra suitcases delivered as well so they can be brought back easily.” It was a plethora of things she liked. Some books, makeup, shoes. Clothes. A few sex toys. A vibrator he could control on his phone. Lovely things.
Y/N rolled her eyes, “there is more tomorrow!?” She couldn’t believe this man. He was doing the absolutely most and she genuinely didn’t know how to react. Of course she was grateful and happy, but she truly couldn’t keep herself from bubbling over for much longer. Y/N was completely and utterly in love with Harry and she couldn’t say it yet. She wanted him to say it first, wanted him to feel ready to say it. “I like fruit though. I’m glad you’re enjoying it too.” Y/N giggled and pulled away from him slightly, making him look at her so she could grab his face with her hands and kiss him properly. Harry deserved it. He was doing so much for her, most likely because all the relationships he has had in the past have been different to this one. He had told her many times that she was different and frankly, she wasn’t a supermodel who could buy whatever she wanted or go wherever she wanted. She owned a small business and Harry was treating her. “Thank you. Really. You are the best, not because of all of this, but because you thought of all of this and did all of this for me. I have no words, baby.” Y/N cooed, rubbing her thumb over his tanned cheeks. She wanted to say she loved him in that moment, but maybe her eyes said it all. Y/N pecked his lips one more time before walking over to the array of boxes, deciding to open the smaller ones first and build up to the big ones. “Okay, this one is the lucky first one... let’s see.”
The first box was a little skincare thing that she had wanted. Apparently it vibrated and pulsated to clean skin but he didn’t know. It was on her list so he had gotten it for her. 
“I got you a lot of stuff that I asked around about and then other things I knew you’d like.” Like an apron that said ‘kiss the cook’ with the cook crossed out and baker written on it. It was adorable in his opinion. There was a pair of earrings with cupcakes on them because he had seen her eying them at the boutique they’d gone to months ago. A faux leather notebook and pen set for her to jot down things. He had gotten her everything from that, to a vault of lipstick that was limited audition, to a Gucci bag and boots.
Y/N squealed as she opened every box, giggling because he really had gone above and beyond to get her all these things that were certainly things she wanted but didn’t need. She would never justify buying these things for herself, but Harry did. 
“Baby!” She cooed, looking at the Gucci bag and boots. “Definitely your girlfriend now.” Y/N teased, seeing as Gucci was Harry's signature thing and now she had her own. She definitely had worn a lot of his custom stuff before, but this felt really special. “This is so sweet, H— you.” She couldn’t even form words, moving on to the rather large boxes because she couldn’t imagine what was in them. Opening the box she saw how sleek it looked and realized it was this big because it was sets of lingerie. Neatly organized, making sure the cups of the bras weren’t deformed. “Oh my—” Y/N breathed out. They were gorgeous, truly stunning. Harry did have great taste, she never doubted him, but this was next level.  The other larger box had quite the sex toys in it and she was even more shocked to see what he had picked out for the two of them. Y/N looked up at him, picking up the dildo that looked very much like his cock. “You molded your cock? For me?” She smiled, looking at it and noticing just how accurate it was. Every little detail. Y/N noticed there was a button on it, “it vibrates!?”
“Well... have to give you something to help. I know you won’t want to leave the bakery for a whole 6 months while I tour, and it’ll be back and forth for us. But you also tend to be cranky if you aren’t able to be fucked proper. So... helps you out.” It was a dirty gift but thoughtful, nonetheless. “Keep thinking about that silk dress you wore out to the club the first time we were truly together, too. So I have to get you some more of those... But if you look here.” He took the smaller box out. “This... is a vibrator that I can control from anywhere. You put it inside of you, feels just a bit good when you walk around. But any moment I can take out my phone and turn it on as high or as low as I want to.” His eyes were full of mischief. Oh, Y/N would love that. “Cause we like to play around and can’t exactly do it out in public a lot— as much as we would like to, anyways. Can be very fun.”
Y/N blushed, “definitely will be putting this to good use.” She admitted and set it to the side. It was her favorite gift if she was honest. Harry would be away but she could still be stuffed full of him even if it wasn’t the real thing. Obviously the real thing was better than anything else, but at least it would feel incredible when she came around a familiar shape. “Know you loved that dress, huh daddy?” She smirked, it was the best decision she had ever made. Certainly it was the sexiest she had ever felt and frankly it was the hottest night they had ever shared together. “I really like this purple one... and the baby blue.” Y/N nodded, knowing she’d get good use out of these dresses at other events. They were similar but not exactly the same. She looked at him with eyes full of wonder as he pulled out the vibrator. It was small but she could tell it was mighty. “I swear if I cum in front of everyone at the bakery...” Y/N blushed at the thought though it was also the hottest thing in the world to her. “Could also use it when we FaceTime..” She hummed at the thought. “Could make me cum from anywhere in the world. I’ll put it on my clit and use the dildo..” It was a dirty thought but Harry would appreciate it.
“Exactly. And I’ll definitely be making you cum at the bakery. There’s no way I wouldn’t.” Harry scoffed. Yes— he was very much a man of his word when it came to that. Y/N tested him daily so it was only fair, right? “I’m going to try and wiggle as much time with me as possible, though, 100% going to make sure that you come to as many shows as I can squeeze from you. Know you won’t be able to do it all but... m’selfish. Want you with me whenever I can have you.” He wasn’t ashamed of that either. 
Y/N knew he would admit that, making her cum in her own place of work. Y/N knew as soon as she felt it happening, she would have to hide in the back or something. No way could she help customers like that, god no. 
“I’ll be texting you as soon as it happens.” She knew she would be, feeling him tease her from wherever in the world he was. “It all depends on if we can get help for the bakery. I think we have saved up enough where we are actually going to renovate and finally get that space upstairs sorted so we’ll be closed for a month or so.” Y/N explained, having been working on that for a while. “I could be on tour with you then dunno where in the world you’ll be, but I’ll come with. It’s um early summer.” 
“Sounds like a definite plan.” Harry had planned this whole trip out and was so unbelievably excited at the thing. How had he been this lucky? Been able to give his girl things, to even find her to begin with? He was just incredibly grateful for his life at the moment, and he knew Y/N was too. “Baby... when it comes to the bakery, I really wouldn’t mind loaning some money to you guys for help and repairs. And by loaning I mean, give you money and say you can pay me back but I will refuse it.” He smirked, stroking her arm as she looked at some of her gifts. “I have money. I’m not sitting here saying that to be facetious but, I have money I will never spend in my whole lifetime. Being able to help you and the others at the bakery makes me happy.”
Y/N looked at him with a sweet smile, “That does mean a lot and I appreciate it. I do. But you know, I signed that contract and I have all the money from it... and it’s all going to the bakery.” She told him, realizing she never told him why she actually signed the contract. One of the reasons was because she was a fan but another one was because of the money for the bakery. 
“If I ever do need it, I will let you know. But even being affiliated with you already brings a lot of business.” Y/N blushed, setting all of her gifts to the side so that she could crawl into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him, pecking his lips a few times as she always did. She pulled back a little, playing with his hair as they sat and chatted. “Thank you for all the presents, baby, you are incredibly sweet.” Y/N cooed, “for everything... for the trip, for the gifts. You do so much for me and I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.”
“Of course, my precious girl. Trust me. It’s my pleasure to spoil the hell out of you.” Harry promised. Y/N made him so happy, it was only right that he got to spoil the girl that made him feel on top of the world. Truly. “It’s only the beginning for us. You’ve no idea how excited I am to have the both of us together like this. That we get some alone time. That makes me feel incredible.” He felt happy at this moment. Totally at peace. “I know that I’ve been so quiet and private my last few relationships but.... I love making you happy. I love people knowing that it’s you and I together. If that makes sense? S’like, I don’t mind anyone knowing that we are together. I’m proud to show off our little team.”
“It’s been the nicest thing and it’s only been like three days?” Y/N sighed in thought, “I mean, I love being with you back home too, but it’s nice to just have you all to myself. Don’t have to share with anyone or split my time between you and work.” She really had been so relaxed, comfortable in just being with Harry without any other obligations or eyes watching them. It did however, warm her heart to hear him say that he didn’t mind people knowing they were together, “really?” She asked in a truly touched tone. It meant a lot to her, to think that she had made him feel comfortable enough to show that side of him to the public even a little bit. As a fan she knew Harry was a very private person, she never expected him to confirm a relationship or speak about how he felt unless it was in the form of music. “I’m definitely proud to show you off and I know it’s a big step for you to even somewhat confirm that you’re with me. Like, I know we had to for the public, but you’ve never... done anything like what you’ve done with me and it makes me feel really special. It really does.” Y/N was dying to see the three little words.
“It’s a lot— or it was before you. I didn’t like people knowing. I don’t know if it’s because I was embarrassed to be with them... maybe it’s because I didn’t want to lie directly to fans. It felt weird.” Harry admitted. “Yeah... think that may be part of why. It feels odd. Because this is a real relationship and people are quite invested in us. It’s not fake or something people hate. You know?” He tilted his head. “I dunno. It just feels right. A lot of things do, that didn’t before.” He murmured with a smile. Y/N was glowing today. Looking so beautiful, happy. Content. “I like showing you off. It’s so much fun. Especially with how you are with me. We are drawn to one another.”
Y/N smiled, listening intently to the way he spoke. Harry has a very Harry way of explaining things. It was something that was so authentically him and he didn’t even realize he did it. “I try to tone it down in public though, don’t want people knowing I’m a sex pest.” Y/N joked, but she sort of meant it. She wanted to maintain their privacy a little bit, didn’t want everyone knowing everything. “I like to think we work really well together. You keep me grounded and I feel like I get you to be a bit more vulnerable and kinder to yourself.” Y/N said softly, “you definitely taught me to be that way though... but I don’t blame you for not taking your own advice. I’ll happily remind you how amazing you are everyday.” That was true, she could go on for ages just hyping him up for the smallest of things. “So proud to call you my boyfriend too. Not only are you incredibly talented, you’re legitimately good at everything that you do. There is nothing you don’t do well. You’re so handsome and you’ve got the biggest heart on the planet. Everyone loves you, baby.” Y/N cooed, genuinely just so gooey over him.
“Stooooop.” Harry blushed, burying his face in her chest. Little Y/N had him on his toes all the time and he wouldn’t have it any other way, truly. The only woman who made him blush besides his own mum. “You’re so sweet. But you’re very talented too. Swear, never tasted lemon squares like the ones you make. I’m not even big on sweets, but it makes me very happy to think about the fact that I am dating the world's best baker. Would be a right shame if it was anyone else. Wouldn’t appreciate the goods correctly.” He was playful with her. He’d found himself being so serious lately, the past two years, that he had felt completely out of it. But she puked that part out of him. Mae the jokes flow.
“Never!” Y/N giggled at his reaction, kissing his head once again. She lingered there for a moment, just taking in his scent. His hair smelt like a mix between his regular scent and salt water, also a hint of coconut from the sun cream they had been using. It smelt like her personal version of paradise. “Of course, baby. Should put ‘Harry Styles approved’ on every item on my menu. Only the highest ranking of deserts get your stamp of approval, huh?” Y/N teased, petting his hair as he stayed hidden in her chest. They had a whole week to spend like this, that was the best part. Completely free of all worries. 
Harry watched Y/N from the side of his eye as she scrolled on her phone, giggling to herself. He wasn’t sure what she was up to since he had gone to grab her a drink but he knew she was up to no good.
“What are you doing there, pet?” He quirked his brow as he came up next to her. When she realized he had the pina colada in his hands she gave him the ‘gimme’ hands which made him chuckle under his breath. Sometimes she was such a baby, and didn’t even realize it. Sitting down next to her, he handed the drink to her greedy little hands before resting his chin on her shoulder. The door was wide open, allowing the island breeze to swirl around their little villa. The sliding glass doors that looked into the beach and pool were usually kept this way. It was about the middle of their vacation together and he was having the time of his life. Just being around her rejuvenated him in ways he didn’t think possible.
“Hmmm?” Y/N hummed, taking a sip from her piña colada. “I’m just on Twitter.” Y/N mumbled with a small smirk, “your fans are well funny, you know?” She told him as a matter of factly and took another sip from her drink as she pulled up the tweet that made her laugh. It was one of those ‘I’m literally just vibin’ edits that always made her giggle. Y/N leaned back into him with a hum, “Know you don’t use social media much, but I’ll start texting you screen shots or something. You’re missing out on comedic genius.” She turned her head to look at him a bit and pecked the corner of his mouth. “You look cute.” Y/N muttered, pressing another kiss to his slightly sunburnt nose. He looked like he did in the lights up video that he recently came out with, all glowy and tanned. She was completely and utterly in love with him, that was a fact. Y/N had been for years really, but everyone said it wasn’t the same kind of love. That true love. She agreed though, that the love she felt for him now was much stronger than it ever was. Still reminiscent though. It made her feel so soft inside knowing that she got to love on him everyday and that she could just pick up the phone and call him whenever she missed hearing his voice. That she got to cuddle with him whenever she wanted to and kiss him and tell him how proud she is every single day. It was something she always dreamed about doing, the soft domestic things. 
He was the love of her life, always would be.
“My fans? Yeah. They’re pretty great. M’dating one of them.” Harry gave her a goofy little smile, kissing her lips three times, making an obnoxiously loud noise when he did so to make her laugh. Her laugh was his favorite sound. God, he was in love. And for the first time, he knew that she wouldn’t break his heart. He had confidence that Y/N loved him back and wouldn’t do what anyone else tried to. It was proven in the way she was around him, how she gave him kisses so tenderly and didn’t need to show off. She was so happy to not post a thing if she didn’t need to, just to be around him. He had a few more defining questions for her, though. Just to make it clear that he meant business and to see if she did too— or if he would have to work on it. Settling in next to her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and out his legs up on the table, letting her throw one of her legs over his thighs. “What do you see in your future? A big question but... ideally, in a year or so, where do you want to be?”
Y/N laughed as he kissed her, moving her hand up to wipe the extra slobber off her lips pretending like she was disgusted when she wasn’t at all. It was cute really, the way he was with her and the way he knew how to make her laugh and get her all giddy without trying all that hard. It didn’t take much, Harry still gave her butterflies the same way he did all those years ago when she first saw an interview of his. She moved so both of her legs were across his lap, locking her phone and setting it down before moving her hand up on his chest to play with his cross necklace. Y/N was a bit surprised at his question, never did she think he’d be asking her something like this about half a year in. He always seemed to be so cautious with his relationships and she felt he’d be the same with her, especially because she was a fan.
“In my future?” Y/N repeated back to him, looking up at him with her eyes all innocent and suddenly serious because it did mean a lot to her. “Well... I’d like for the bakery to be booming, but it already is....” She paused for a moment, taking her eyes off of his necklace before looking back up at him. “It might sound really cheesy, but I don’t mind where I am a year from now as long as you’re there.” Y/N said honestly, feeling a bit bashful because she really did mean it and she’d never said anything like that to anyone let alone someone as important to her as Harry.
“Yeah?” Harry's smile was soft but it was a relief. She wanted to just be with him. It was about the same for him. “S’a good thing I feel the same then.” He was teasing but obviously meant it. His fingers drew circles on her thigh, finding comfort in touching her skin. It was warm and he felt just... soft, around her. “Guess m’just thinking about the future. How I want you in mine. As long as you’ll let me have you.” He murmured, playing with the hem of her dress, feeling a little bashful himself. “I thought I had everything planned out— to an extent, I do. But I realized I needed to ask you what you want.” He cleared his throat and looked back at her face. “You see this as long term, yeah? Don’t plan on anyone else?”
Her smile was wide, that soft and bashful expression locked on her face as he spoke. Y/N swore her heart was beating so hard she could feel it in her throat, scared that it would fly right out of her if she wasn’t careful. Sure they talked about their feelings a lot, but they had never properly talked about what they wanted out of the relationship beyond just being a couple. 
“Of course I do.” She spoke genuinely, her eyes scanning his for any sign of uncertainty. “It’s only ever been you.... only ever going to be you.” Y/N told him and swallowed thickly because she was essentially saying she was in love with him without actually outright saying the words. Y/N knew how Aquarians could be and how they could run from commitment unless they themselves wanted it. He had to be the one to say it. It made Y/N nervous. She wondered what he had planned out, wondered what it was that he wanted out of his future since apparently she was in it. Sure they were a very coupley, they had spent nearly everyday together and essentially lived with one another, but it has all just been fun, the beginning of their relationship. Something was telling her that Harry was starting to see it as more and that made her very happy. She wasn’t the only one.
“Good. Cause— I’ve been thinking lately. About us, how you make me feel like the most comfortable I’ve ever felt in my own skin. I’ve been scared to truly tell you how much I want you for... forever, essentially. Don’t want to scare you off.” Harry swallowed thickly. Y/N was it, as people said. “I don’t want you calling anyone else baby. I don’t want you with anyone else. I want you. S’selfish maybe. But I’ve been thinking it through and I figured out that I’ve got to stop beating around the bush with how I feel and tell you that I think about it long term.” He wasn’t good with talking about feelings but he was making himself be for her sake. “I’ve never been this content in a relationship. Always looking for the other shoe to drop. I don’t feel that with you.” Y/N had him at ease. “I wanted to ask... what do you want? Out of life, out of a relationship? Outlining a dream life, I would want to know. Want to see if I can make it happen.”
Y/N’s hand stilled on his chest, simply resting it flat against his sternum as he spoke and felt that his chest too was beating faster than usual. His heartbeat was slow and steady naturally, but she could tell that he was nervous. It made her feel a bit more calm and she hoped that he too would feel calmer with the way she was looking at him with the utmost adoration in her eyes. 
“Just want to be happy... that’s all I want. I just want to be happy... and for you to be happy and.... and if we’re talking about forever, I want our kids to be happy..” Y/N was soft yet firm, wanting him to know she was in fact serious about what she was saying. “Because my dream life has always had *you* in it. Even before you knew I existed, you give me everything I’ve ever wanted and then some.... couldn’t even begin to think of what else I could want.” She chuckled and shook her head because she felt really soft and mushy. Properly giddy. “You’re my best friend. Know I can trust you with anything, know you’ll be there to support me, know that no matter what you’ll always be there and you’ll always get me and that’s all I could ever want out of a relationship.”
She said our kids. That made Harry feel... so many things. She really wanted to stay and be with him. Forever. It was an utter relief to know he wasn’t alone in thinking about that. His smile took over his face as he leaned and hid his face in her neck, kissing the warm skin there. 
“Want that too. But I’ll always be there for you. M’happy that you know that, even so early on. A lot of my past relationships didn’t have any trust. On either ends. But I never even question you anymore. At first, we know I was scared. But I just know you’ll be there.” He pulled his face out of her neck and fixed the hair that had come out of her little messy bun. “Kids... how many?” He asked quietly. “Where do you want to settle eventually? S’a lot, I know. I just… I think about it, a lot.”
Y/N cooed as he nuzzled his face in her neck, her eyes fluttering shut as she brought her hand to pet his hair and kissed the side of his head a few times because she was just so in love. She constantly wanted to smother him in her affection and she was so happy that he liked it. Others would say she was far too clingy, but Y/N just loved to show her love. Wanted him to know she was constantly wanting to love up on him in any way that she could. 
“Four.” She answered before he even finished talking. Y/N always always wanted a lot of kids, her maternal instincts told her that she definitely wanted more than one. She felt like four was a good number, frankly, if they had more they’d have more. “Somewhere in England, feel like it’s our home no?” Y/N has also thought about it a lot, before she met him but even more when she did meet him. Getting to know him and his preferences helped with that as well, helped adjust her daydreams into something that could become reality. “What do you think? How many kids do you want? Where would you like to settle down?”
“I’ve always wanted a lot of kids.” Harry admitted. Y/N would make an incredible mother. She had all the traits of a good one and he was beyond glad to think she would be the one mothering his children. He had a soft spot for babies and that much was apparent. “It’s a dream to be a father. I’ve adored kids and to have my own... I’d love it.” He would be so excited to have any baby. “I want a place in the states and England. London or around my mum, most likely. I want to travel with you, see more places but... there’s nowhere that says home rather than where your family is. Got Jeff in California and my mum here so...” He shrugged. Anywhere Y/N would like would work too. “Considering you’ll be the one carrying my babies.. it really is up to you how many we have. However, I’d like as many as we can manage.” Harry placed a hand on her stomach. She wasn’t pregnant yet, probably wouldn’t be for a while but, the thought had him warm. “Don’t jump at this question, because m’just wondering.... your stance on marriage?” He asked gently. “S’it something you’d want? I know some people are against those types of contracts and things along those lines.”
If you told 12 year old Y/N that she’d be sitting and talking about having kids and marriage with Harry Styles one day, she’d be just as overwhelmed as 22 year old Y/N was right now. She always had to pinch herself at times, to remind her that she wasn’t dreaming and that this was her life. That Harry was her boyfriend and wanted a future with her and well... it was everything she’d ever wanted. Truly. 
“Feel like I’m pretty old fashioned, quite like the idea of getting married one day... I like the whole concept, think it’s beautiful.” Y/N said with a slight blush, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek because he too was smiling like an idiot as was she. Thank god they were alone, anyone looking in would probably feel sick just from looking at how sweet the two looked. Y/N leaned in to press a sweet kiss to his lips, just because she really wanted to. It was quick, because she knew he’d want to talk. She bit her lip and let her thumb caress his cheek. Y/N really did love him, she’d do whatever he wanted really and the best part about that was knowing that what he wanted was what she wanted and so on.
“Perfect. I do too but, if you hadn’t wanted it I would have adjusted.” Harry knew that he would bend over backwards for her at this point. Y/N had him by the balls. The best part was he didn’t even care. “What type of wedding have you dreamed of? I know that people dream of their weddings when they’re younger... I picture you as a dreamer, so what was the dream?” He asked, leaning into her touch. The love was so obvious in their eyes and actions and damn, they were talking about a fucking wedding. But Harry was positive that this was the girl he was going to marry. He didn’t want anyone else.
“I have a board on Pinterest.” Y/N whispered, knowing that it would make him laugh because that was definitely something Y/N would do. She kissed his lips one more time and went to unlock her phone, opening up Pinterest and showing opening up the wedding folder. It of course had all different kinds of things, from color schemes to aesthetic ideas. She even had a picture of a ring or type of dress she could possibly want. Everything was thought out. “Think I’d want to have a destination wedding somewhere warm and romantic... like in Italy or something. Then again, wouldn’t mind having one in England either but...” Y/N blushed, realizing she was in fact talking about a theoretical wedding between the two of them. “But I’d like to invite whoever is important in our lives... whoever would be happy to know we are happy and just, would love to celebrate with us.” Y/N shrugged, “reckon Jeff should get ordained or something.” She teased but was also somewhat serious.
“I would like a destination wedding too.” Harry smiled. The thought made him happy. Feel warm and fuzzy knowing she was thinking about him when she would be walking down the aisle. He wanted it, wanted her to only want him. Ever. “I agree. I would do whatever you’d like but, a smaller wedding in terms of people would probably be better, the most important people. Surrounded by trust.” Y/N was so good for him. They clicked on everything. “I think it’s a once in a lifetime thing— or, for me it will be.” He smiled lightly at her. “So it will be as special as we would want it to be. I’m sorry I’m throwing these things at you I just... I love you. You know that, baby? Want forever with you... planning these things out, having an idea of what our life could look like just makes me happy.” Harry wanted her to know he wasn’t trying to rush her into it but was just looking for general ideas. That’s what he wanted. But he did want her to be up front with him. Wanted her to tell him honestly what she’d like and dislike.
Y/N felt her eyes tear up at his words feeling so beyond happy and lucky that he was hers. Of all the girls in the world who loved him, she was the one he loved. “I love you too... so much.” She told him and let out a chuckle because she really was about to start crying at how goddamn happy she was. She was turning 23 tomorrow, on a romantic trip with her boyfriend who was her best friend, the person she loved more than anything in the world. Y/N could possibly have asked for more. “You mean so much to me, you know that. Can never properly put it into words. I just love you, so much. Always have and I always will.” It was something that she had always wanted to say to him, truly she could never express how much she loved him but considering the fact that they’d just talked about marriage and having kids? She could safely assume she had her whole life to show him everyday just how much she loved him.
“I love you, little lady. So much.” Harry pulled her to sit on his lap and then in his arms to rest against his body. Thankfully the seat was soft and he could recline a bit, feeling the warmth fill him when she hid her face in his neck and kissed on the sling lovingly. “You’re the best thing to happen to me. I’m not just saying that. The fact you’ve given me chances even after I was a cold hearted dick, regardless of the fact I was protecting myself— you understood and forgave me. You were so kind despite it all and it’s something I admire so much of you. You’re always being kind to anyone who needs it.” He stroked her hair as she laid against him. “I just want you to see how much you’re loved. Every day, you amaze me. And I want to plan my life with you. Make you see how much I adore you.”
Y/N wrapped herself around his body like a koala, breathing in his scent deeply when she nuzzled her face into his neck. He was always so warm and smelled so good, it felt like home to her and she was so happy that this was forever. She wouldn’t want it any other way. 
“Knew you were only being a dick cause you refused to give me a proper chance.” Y/N mumbled against his neck, pressing soft kisses to it that made small squishy noises whenever she pulled off. “Couldn’t resist me.” She giggled and blew a little raspberry against his skin before pulling away to look at him properly again. “But you do, baby, everyday... and I hope I show you too, everyday, just how much I love you.” Y/N said with a bright smile, “Devoted my life to you a long time ago, have the cringe tweets to prove it.” She teased, “you didn’t have a Y/N stan account did you? No.”
“Couldn’t resist you at all. I knew that night... the one at the club in that silk fuckin’ dress, that I’d be done for. I’d been trying so hard to not give in to my wants for you. It was so difficult and I know it but, fucks sake. You turned up in the car and looked so beautiful, tempted me so much.” Harry could drool thinking about that night. “I felt odd about how much I genuinely liked being around you. You were amazing and kind and I wasn’t pretending when I was with you— s’more pretending after. I loved going out to do things because I had an excuse to myself to talk to you.” He sighed. “You’ve no idea how badly it killed me when I saw all your posters torn down and in the closet. That... I was your idol in a sense and you’d been to my shows and bought my sweater and I had treated you so poorly.”
“You love that bloody dress. Never shut up about it.” Y/N teased, pressing a few kisses to his lips. “Knew when I bought it you’d die when you saw me in it so I just had to wear it that night.” Y/N explained, “it proper pissed me off that you were in denial, cause I sure as hell wasn't pretending and I could tell you weren’t either... I knew when we went to that date at the cafe.” 
Y/N always thought so fondly on their early days, even if he was a right dick to her. She just had a gut instinct that it wasn’t real, that he wouldn’t actually act that way. Seeing him cry in her room that one night proved that she was right too. It made her feel hopeful again. “I know, baby... but, I would have done it all ten times over.” Y/N said honestly, “I know it sounds really cliché, but you did so much for me and my confidence when I was younger that even if I chucked all the things into a box and never looked at them again... I could never actually hate you. Ever. The things you and the boys did for me is truly something I could ever replace.”
“I’m glad I was able to do that for you. That you found comfort in me and was able to feel confidence. And now look at us.” Harry kissed her lips. “Do you know how much it kills me that you were in the audience while I was performing and I didn’t know you yet? That I could have had you so much sooner but I didn’t?” He sighed. Granted, it worked out because only the last tour she would have been legal but, still. “I think everything happens for a reason. You know that? I think that the reason you were sent to me from the universe is to show me how to love and trust again. And you’ve done that so well.” He was so trusting in her. Loved her more than he could ever explain. “S’crazy. To think that someone I can consider my soul mate was right under my nose for a while and I didn’t know. Wait!” He looked at her with wide eyes. “Did you read those... fan fiction thingies?”
“Yeah. Yeah I was right under your nose, fucking shaved pussy and everything.” Y/N told him with a straight face, knowing it would make him laugh. It was a meme but every one direction fan did it, showed up looking their best and coochies shaved just in case. “Really thought whole heartily as a 14 year old that you would see me and think, ‘wow I want to have sex with her’” She mocked his accent. “Did you know, you once spat water on me and it was the best moment of my life.” Y/N said as a matter of factly, “reckon I still have all the photos from all the shows on my phone... if you wanna see.” She knew he would like to see them and hear her commentary in the moment. Maybe seeing her in context would ring some bells. When he mentioned fan fiction Y/N’s eyes widened, looking at him with raised brows. “Of course I did.” She bit her lip, “Some of it is really fucking hot, I tell you. And it’s scary cause a lot of it is accurate. Like people know how you fuck just by looking at ya.”
“I spit on you? The fans seem to love that shit. I love watching them freak out. Aw... and now I spit into your mouth while I fuck you, baby.” Harry cooed, pinching her cheek. “What a glow up, as the kids say.” They often joke about him being an old man and not having the same ‘knowledge’ as the fans. “Wait... I’ve never really read it. I know a fan fiction of me is a movie but everyone told me it wasn’t worth the read so I haven’t.” He chuckled at the thought. At least someone was inspired by him enough to make things. That’s how he thought of it. “How do people... know how I am?” He questioned. “I’ve always been a bit interested but afraid to actually look.”
Y/N rolled her eyes as he pinched her cheeks, opening her mouth for him nonetheless and waited for him to spit in it because she wanted him to do it now. Why not right? She continued on as if hadn’t happened, smiling happily as she continued on explaining about fan fiction. 
“You have this energy about, guess people can assume you’re quite kinky based on your songs and the way you act or say things.” Y/N chuckled, “not so secretive about it... we all heard medicine and watermelon sugar.” She pointed out before pulling out her phone to go on tumblr and pulled up some of her favorite writing. “Essentially how it works is like... you’re the muse. It’s not always like you as you are presented in the media. Sometimes it’s you and your personality but just like being a football player, or a ceo, or a pornstar or whatever it may be... it’s called an AU or alternate universe. Sometimes it’s you, as is. The dorky rockstar we know and love, that’s called canon.” Y/N felt like it was pretty straight forward. “There are some really hot ones either way... what sounds appealing to you?”
“That’s... a lot. So basically, some are just me playing a character... but my name?” Harry questioned, furrowing his brows. “And others are meant to be me me. That’s interesting.” He was confused but also endeared. How he got such creative fans, he wasn’t sure. “I’d never judge too harshly. I’m happy I inspire people to do things and write things. As long as it’s legal, I’m okay.” He would never shame them for if. Maybe he didn’t understand but that didn’t mean it was bad. “Read me one of your favorite ones then.” He snuggled her up in his lap, keeping her close.  “Being the muse is nice instead of having one. But you’re about to have many albums written about you, little miss.” He teased, squeezing her waist. “Bet you aren’t ready for that one.” 
“Yeah, baby.” Y/N giggled, endeared that he was trying so hard to understand. “Some are characters that are adapted to have your personality and appearance, other times they’re genuinely writing about you and what they think you’d do in a certain situation.” She explained and got all cozy in his lap with him. “You’re such a good boy.” Y/N cooed and kissed his cheek, “I love you.” She smiled and puckered her lips for him to kiss before she went to look for something to read to him. “Ooo okay!” She smiled, “So this is a popular one. She’s an incredible writer really. Think she has really creative ideas and a specific style and well... she knows how to write you really well too.” Y/N looked at him and watched his reaction to what she was about to tell him. “This story is about the reader, I’m going to use my name, and you... but in this story you’re a single father of a son and you need a babysitter.” She explained and realized how porno-esque it sounded, “and it’s not like that!! It’s actually really sweet and wholesome.” 
Y/N began reading the story, outlining how essentially her character had been walking her dog in a rich neighborhood because she wanted her dog to have nice grass to walk around on and what have you. Established that Harry lived in one of these nice houses and how his son, Teddy, had seen her dog and wanted to pet it. How she tried to act like she lived in the neighborhood cause she was embarrassed and how after running into each other on multiple occasions, Harry urgently needed a nanny.
Harry listened with interest. It was a cute little story. Very wholesome when it came to the fact that it was him as a single father and a little boy. He’d never be a single father though, he’d never let Y/N go. However it was a good idea for a role play in the bedroom— he’d bring that up later though. 
“It’s so incredible to me. She’s so talented in her writing and manages to make it so anyone could insert themselves into the story. And she typed out my accent which is odd but also cute.” Harry chuckled, leaning his chin on her shoulder. “The fact that I can inspire someone to write a story at all blows my mind. It makes me happy; too. I hope she goes for writing as a career. I like how she made me in this.” He squeezed her. “But what else do you read? How many people write these?”
“S’cute isn’t it? It makes people feel comforted, you know?” Y/N told him and kissed his nose, “people love you, baby... you’re so lovely and people value that. You’re special, you’ve got character and you’re interesting and witty and just good at everything you do. It makes it easy.” Y/N shrugged feeling like it made perfect sense. She raised her brow when he said what else she read, smirking to herself. “Oh, I read some filthy things too.” Y/N admitted and went to go find something properly dirty to read. “Easily hundreds if not thousands...” She said and nodded her head. 
“Ah! Here we go.” 
Y/N has pulled up a fic that was about a mob boss version Harry. It was filthy. Full of smut that even made Harry blush. His brows rose at the content she was showing him. It was so dirty. For younger people they sure as hell could write good sex scenes. 
“Christ, baby. You’d sit and read this? Get wet doing it too?” He loved that though. “Maybe it’s the narcissist in me... but the fact that I’ve been the one to get you off since day one makes me a little crazy.” Harry chuckled. God. She didn’t even know what it did to him. It was an ego boost definitely. “Just... god, you know I don’t mean to get dirty, my love. But the thought of you in bed and making yourself keep quiet when you touch yourself because people are asleep... s’so fucking hot.” He let out a breath, hiding his face back in her neck. It really got to him in the deepest parts.
“Mhmm...” Y/N hummed as a matter of factly, “Literally every night.” She told him and felt her face heat up because she was turned on in telling him this, turned on because he too liked the idea of her getting off to him for all those years. “Proper wet too... like, seeping through panties wet.” It was true, she remembered many nights that she got all worked up over reading fic about him. Y/N smiled as he nuzzled his face in her neck, giggling because he was clearly turned on by the thought of it. “Glad you think so, definitely makes me feel a lot better about it... never felt guilty about it but... knowing you like the thought of it... makes me feel good.” She cooed and kissed the side of his head. “So yeah, that’s your little fanfic intro. Hope you enjoyed it.” She hummed, glad to be closing the chapter before he asked if she herself had written fanfic about him before. Y/N has deleted a lot of it because she didn’t think it was all that good, but there were some things she had kept.
“It’s so interesting to me that people write this and read it but now I’ve seen it, I have to say it’s good. I’ve never been on this site much— tumblr.” Harry read the name of it. “Niall went on it once and they had a proper laugh over some of the stuff. I think it was those photo things with quotes that people think we have said?” He was trying to remember. “Either way, it was funny. But this is next level stuff. And the stuff you read.” He smirked. Oh, his girl. It was a weird comfort to him that Y/N has always been attracted to Hmm. Always wanted him. He was her dream man. She was his dream girl now. He couldn’t imagine having anyone else. He loved her body and her mind, how she spoke and how she treated him. It was like the best case scenario in every option. “I love the thought of it though. Maybe m’just a greedy bastard who likes being selfish with your pussy but, knowing I didn’t have to share it much... that I was the one that got you wet? It helps me.”
“How romantic.” Y/N teased, brushing some of his hair away because it was getting quite long. Y/N loved it though. “You always cut your hair right when it’s the perfect length.” She spoke out loud, “noticed you always did that before... but then I realized that you look good no matter what your hair looks like, and then I don’t get too upset.” Y/N shook her head a bit. “What I am upset about though, is that I didn’t get to experience you in 2015... in the flesh. Because fuck me....” Y/N felt herself got hot over the thought of him with long hair, wearing those patterned button ups. It was the beginning of an era, the precursor to solo harry. She felt it was prime time. “Literally, since the long hair you just kept getting more and more attractive and I physically don’t know how I’m going to handle you getting hotter every year, I already feel like a nympho. What are we going to do about it?” Y/N asked like it was a genuine concern of hers. “The struggles of having the hottest man in the world as my boyfriend.”
Harry let out a bark of a laugh, kissing the side of her head in fondness over her. God, she was something else. His little angel. How had he gotten that lucky? He didn’t know. But the compliment had him smiling. 
“Well, thank you— but we will just have to figure out how to satisfy your sexual appetite. Can’t say I mind at all.” He smirked. “Hell, we’ve had some good sex here. The best I’ve ever had. You just know where to touch and how to make me feel good. S’a little freaky how well you know me.” He snickered.  “But see... I can’t wait to watch you grow as well. Grow more confident and show yourself off a little bit more. When you get pregnant with my babies... god, it’s gonna be so hard to keep my hands off. I think that will truly be my downfall. And right after, with all the softness. I love thinking about it.” 
Y/N blushed, smiling at him like a kid who got her way when he said they’d figure something out to keep her satisfied. That’s exactly what she liked to hear. He was right about their sex though, it really was incredible. “Definitely don’t think it’s freaky when you’re cumming down my throat though.” She teased, knowing that’s not what he meant but she wanted to remind him anyway. 
“Knew you had a thing for pregnant ladies, always wondered how you’d be when you got a girl pregnant... and it’s going to be me.” Y/N smirked smugly, “that’s sexy.” She giggled before thinking about it for a minute. “S’why you like my tummy?” Y/N asked curiously, “cause I’m all squishy and maternal? Reckon you have a breeding kink... think about putting a baby in me a lot, hypothetically.” Y/N did like to pick at Harry’s brain, likes finding out things about him that she could interpret or integrate into their lives. Ultimately, Y/N loved to make Harry happy, to keep him pleased and satisfied with life. It made her really happy.
“I think I do. I’ve never explored that, obviously but... the thought of getting you pregnant does arouse me.” God, did it. It had worried Harry a little, and at first he hadn’t been sure why but now he was going to embrace it. “I do love your tummy. S’soft. I love touching and kissing it. Even just normally. I love that you’ve got curves. Something for me to grab on to and caress and kiss. It’s so sexy.” He had been missing out beforehand. Y/N was where it’s at. “A breeding kink though.. you’re most likely right. I’ve never specifically done anything with that because I’ve never felt comfortable but, I’m happy to tell you that the moment you tell me you want a child I will take off weeks to make sure there is one in there.” He smiled when she rolled her eyes playfully. “The idea does make me hot, though. Probably isn’t something to mention in public because I’ll get hard.”
Y/N felt all giddy at the thought, loved that he loved her body and that he got turned on at the thought of getting her pregnant. It was incredibly empowering, something that a woman who was naturally maternal and nurturing loved to hear. 
“You really shouldn’t have told me that.” Y/N chuckled, “because now I’ll definitely make sure I tell you in public whenever I do wanna have a baby.” She really did mean it too. She would remember this moment and be sure to tell him in a public place so that they could rush home and get started. That was extremely hot. Besides, it wasn’t like doing stuff in public wasn’t a thing for them already. Y/N looked at him fondly, simply just appreciating this moment because lord knows when they’d next have a period of time where they could just hang out like this. She was going to miss him when he went on tour, knowing she couldn’t follow him everywhere. “I love you.” Y/N said once again, “thank you so much for this trip, I know you said that it’s nothing but it’s something... a big something. Means a lot to me that you even thought to take ten days off your busy schedule to just go away and spend time with me one on one... and all these gifts on top of that, I’m truly the luckiest girl in the world.”
“Of course I would. I’d do anything for you, my love. You make me so incredibly happy all the time, it’s only the beginning of what I’ll be doing to make you happy and to show my love.” Harry promised. She had no idea of the things he was going to do for her. The way he would move mountains and stars for her if he found he was able to. She was going to be the most spoiled little thing on earth and truly had not a clue. Her whole life, he would be looking for things to do for her. “If you need me, I’ll drop everything for you. I’ve seen how people in my situation can ruin relationships by not making time for their partner. I’ve seen the mistakes and I know that I won’t make them. You mean too much to me to ever even risk losing.”
Y/N smiled fondly at him, pressing soft kisses to his chin, cheek, nose, and lips. “You’re an angel.” She cooed, pushing some hair away from his face and sighing out in content. “What time is it?” Y/N asked curious because she was a little tired, who would think all this relaxing would make her tired? 
They went for a swim in the morning usually, laid out and tanned, explored some of the town and of course they fucked. Whenever they were in the mood, they did. It was simple as that. Granted, that’s how it usually was, but here it was a bit more constant. The two of them barely clothed all the time, tanned and sweaty. 
“I would say let’s go for a walk on the beach, but I’m quite enjoying this cuddle.” Y/N hummed, letting her face nuzzled into his neck once again. She closed her eyes, still gently scratching at Harry’s scalp. Y/N had a feeling tomorrow would be quite the busy day, it was her birthday after all.
“Me as well.” Harry liked holding her. “I love having you like this. Sometimes I feel a bit clingy but, I love being able to touch you and feel you.” He admitted. How he would ever survive weeks without her, he didn’t know. “I know a lot of guys don’t like to show their emotion when it comes to this stuff but, I don’t know how they hide it. I hate the idea of not being with you like this. It was hell trying to pretend I didn’t want you on my lap beforehand so of course M’gonna eat this shit up.” He kissed the side of her head, hands rubbing up and down her back. “Think it’s round dinner time. I can call and get it brought to us. Tomorrow we are going somewhere special.” He was excited for their plans tomorrow.
“I like that you’re all clingy like me, makes me feel like less of a weirdo to always want to be touching you.” She giggled, “always thought you’d be... but then again you seemed to be so private and not about PDA. I mean, you’re still like that... but less with me.” Y/N did feel really special. She knew that a lot of it was for PR initially, but after that, he seemed to be completely okay with them being a bit lovey dovey in public. Holding hands and kisses and stuff, not thing too major. It made her feel good, she liked that he liked to show her off. Harry didn’t go to many award shows but she was excited to get to see him in his element and maybe be a plus one at some point. She’d love to wear some designer outfit and support him live and in person, interact with all the celebrities and gush about how much she loved Harry.
“I think I’ve never felt comfortable enough. For a few reasons— but the way people get invested in my relationships, I’ve never wanted to disappoint fans when I’d break up with them. It was odd. But I don’t feel like we will. So... I feel okay with them getting more invested in us.” It was an odd thing but since Y/N was a big fan, he knew she would most likely understand the reasonings he had. People were very sensitive when it came to his dating life and while he may not understand it, he knew that Y/N did. He didn’t want his fans upset if they didn’t have to be. 
“I also didn’t want those photos haunting me for years. You know? I didn’t want people to use them against me when I ended up out of the relationship.”
Y/N nodded her head, knowing exactly what he meant. “I get that. You know how you say you think I know more about you than you do? It’s the same with fans. We love you and want to protect you and naturally some people have a strange way of showing it and get jealous.... just want people’s intentions to be pure.” She explained and let out a sigh. “Like, people are always going to hate, but i'm sure even you can tell the difference to how fans have responded... people love genuine love, and if there is any hint of deception people see it.” Y/N knew first hand, watched the way people ripped Kendall and Camille new ones and roasted her whilst there were significantly less hate comments about Y/N. “It’s really nice knowing your fans like me? Dunno, I feel like I’m one of them, because I am... I guess they feel represented.” Y/N smiled and felt herself blush, “would never do anything that would make them feel like I felt on a higher level... I’m still a fan, just cause you’re my boyfriend doesn’t change that.”
“I’m glad. I think maybe that’s what I’ve needed? Someone who understands that and doesn’t resent fans for wanting that for me.” Harry had always thought about it and tried his best to truly understand their heads. “I’ve never gone into it being like... I want a famous girlfriend. It’s just who I was exposed to. But I think that’s where I went wrong. I needed someone who wasn’t from this type of life, who wasn’t so jaded and guarded from everything.” Y/N was everything he could have wanted. “It makes me happy to think about you being friendly with the fans. Being more open with them is something I want to do with this next album, you know?” He dipped his hand under her shirts to feel more of the skin. He was greedy for touch. “I feel like... I hid so much of myself to protect myself in the band. Had to pretend I was a certain way because I was trying to protect my inner feelings that I haven’t been fully honest and out there.”
“If you never went through it, you wouldn’t know what you really wanted though. It taught you so much about yourself and about life and that’s what is most important. We all go through our own personal customized hell for a while and if we learned what we were meant to, we are gifted with what we have always wanted.” Y/N smiled brightly against his skin, kissing it softly before pulling back to look at him again. “The fans know that, they respect you. Most do. They want the best for you and want you to feel comfortable, just like I do or gem or your mum.” Y/N cooed, cupping his cheek. “I think they’d really like that, you know? They’ll appreciate it that much more because they know how much it means for you to be open.” It warmed her heart to think he was finally ready to be himself in the public. Sure he always had been, but to be even more vulnerable and to be more open with the fans and with his message. It was so inspiring. People loved that Harry was unapologetically himself and that would only continue. “I’m proud of you.”
“It’s been difficult but seeing you... as a fan beforehand, wanting me to be like that made me realize a lot. That you all genuinely want me to be happy. Which, in my eyes, is amazingly comforting.” Harry admitted. Y/N helped him so much. She didn’t even realize it. “I’m happy you’re mine. S’something that I just can’t believe sometimes. That you were placed into my life at such a perfect time.” It truly did shake him a little, how the work worked in that sense. She was perfect to the finest degree. At least to him. “I love you. More than I’ve ever loved anyone. Not to scare you or anything— but I just think that you’re my forever and the fact that I can say that now makes me really fuckin’ happy.” He grinned. Y/N was changing him for the better.
Y/N smiled brightly, truly so happy that she was in fact completely and utterly in love with him the way he was with her. She’d never thought it would actually happen, only ever hoped and prayed that the day would come. “I’m so happy that you’re happy, never have to be shy in saying anything with me yeah?” She meant that. He could say anything at this point and she would be there supporting him, listening, and doing her part. “I love you. The most.” Y/N answered back to him, mirroring his grin right back. She felt like she owed it to him to be there for him in this time the way he was there for her when she needed most. To think that they’d be together forever, or that he even wanted forever with her? That was the best present anyone could ever give her. She’s found true love and she couldn’t be happier about it. “Forever.”
Harry woke up early. It was Y/N’s birthday, and he decided to make a post on his instagram— a personal one. One he hadn’t done, ever. 
‘It is my favorite human's birthday today. My Y/N. 
These years of life have turned you into one of the most intelligent, kind, and interesting creatures on this planet. The ability to turn my mind around about many things— including sharing bits of my life like this. 
You are what makes me happy to get out of bed in the mornings. You make me coffee (black even though you hate it that way) and you sit and play with my hair until I wake up properly. You know I dislike avocado on my sandwiches and offer to switch every time I end up getting it by mistake. You take the time to ask me about my day and what I’ve eaten to make sure I haven’t forgotten. 
It’s been a long while since I’ve felt the care for me like this. I’ve never felt comfortable enough to share to the world that I love someone so much that my heart aches with what I feel is over capacity emotion. We’ve all read fairy tales and wanted that one true love. I’ve been lucky enough to find it. 
To find someone that fits every piece of you is so incredibly rare. I’m well aware of how lucky I am and I will never let you go because of that. Facing my fears is something you’ve made less scary— this being one of them. Teaching me vulnerability isn’t as terrifying as it seems, rather it is a release. 
So many things you’ve done to make me happy, and I’m looking forward to a lifetime of doing the same for you. 
Happy birthday, my sweet love. 
A/N: FIN. 
let us know what you think!
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lunawings · 3 years
Minato’s Birthday PriZoom (8/21/21) commentary/report
Oh geez where to begin. 
I originally intended to do two showings this time (which is one more then usual) but due to a last minute decision based on other poor decisions I ended up doing three which was the most I’ve ever done in a row! My translation of the bonus content is in a separate post.
Not only that but like... it kept putting me in the main screen up at the top too!! Like more than I’ve ever been up there! And I’m sure none of this was intentional, but I also happened to be positioned right next to a couple other people who also knew the traditional cyalume cheering stuff so that was really cool!
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Heck I even made it onto the Mantan Web article apparently!!? (This is an official event photo.) Am I that recognizable even in blurry pixels? (Haha well I guess there’s the background too...)
I put a lot more concentration into my own cheering this time so I wasn’t clicking around to look at the other people in the room as much and thus I have fewer shoutouts to make. 
I happened to catch a guy trying to balance TWO of the giant Shin mochikoros on his shoulders though? 
And there was that guy hula-hooping to Kakeru’s entire performance!!??
And the person whose screen was just a cheering piece of celery. 
The highlight was probably “Kouji’s Kitchen” though. A Kouji cosplayer who spent the entire show actively cooking. 
I really admire the folks who make the actual food for these showings. I’ve been thinking I want to make pudding a la mode (probably the only KinPri food I could actually manage to make) if they do a Taiga showing next year but how would I keep it from melting during the show ahah ha... (Mashed potatoes I suppose?)
In the weeks leading up to the show I’d been wondering if we’d see any Minato cosplayers. I realized I’m not sure if I’ve actually EVER seen one at a showing (PriZoom or otherwise) as he’s not an easy character to do (what with body type and a lot of Kinpri cosplayers being female) but I think I saw at least two! 
This was the first showing where I made an honest attempt to keep the soundboard on, largely because of @takadanobaba’s posts on it, but also just because it’s our STYLISH NEW ABNORMAL (...watch Idol Land PriPara). Ever since they introduced it, traditional cheering has gotten quieter and quieter with long periods of silence except for big moments like Over the Rainbow’s prism jumps. (And what is King of Prism when you’re actually able to hear it.)
So I tried it, really I did. And as I was saying, I can somewhat see the appeal. People are finding ways to use it creatively to bring out that same brand of humor that makes traditional cheering so fun. I turned it on and off during Pride the Hero and the first half of SSS Part 2. The best and worst moment I had with it came during episode 5 however, when Ace kabedon’d Miyo and Joji pulls up in the car.
“But Joji is my star!”
Imagine that but like too fast and too loud for your brain to actually interpret what’s going on.
So that was... that was... that. (Thinking of how it will be at Joji’s actual birthday next month is giving me chills.)
I did turn it back on briefly during Best Ten while Platonic Sword was on. And for some reason I can’t quiiiite comprehend it was a grand chorus of ORE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Okay, okay on to the meat. This showing had the BIGGEST bonus of all. Masashi Igarashi appeared for a “talk show” at two of the showings. 
One of the first things he pointed out was how, unlike traditional theater greetings, he could see all of our faces individually. And then he actually clicked through all of our video feeds and made comments!!!! (Tatsuyuki Kobayashi didn’t do that.) 
Throughout the first session he actually directly acknowledged me THREE SEPARATE TIMES. The first time was when he recognized that I had S-Pulse Dream Plaza as my background. (The real life location in Shizuoka where Minato saw Kouji for the first time.) The second time was when I pasted a message into the chat about being his American fan and HE ACTUALLY READ IT! The third time was during the All Stars Playback when they put me on the screen and he thanked me in the chat again for putting up Dream Plaza. 
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I’m really happy I put in the effort to do a meaningful background! 
All of a sudden I’m inspired to do more for each character. It was years before King of Prism existed, but I did go to Okayama once. I’m thinking I might need to sort through some old photos before Joji’s showing.
Masashi-san didn’t really seem to have anything planned out to say. He just kinda played off us when he could and rambled for a while about how great Minato and King of Prism is and all that. I think he’s a bit better when he has someone else to play off of. (Junta usually ends up being his straight man.) I don’t even know if he knew what he was saying half the time hahah.
The part that really stuck with me though was when he was talking about how there was such a large concentration of Minato fans here, but then he corrected himself as that’s not necessarily true since King of Prism fans cheer for everyone. So instead of camps for certain characters, he suggested we should do “club activities” as a fandom and since so many people brought vegetables to the showing we were the vegetable club. 
This was followed by a rush of puns in the chat like VegetaBU (”bu” is Japanese for club). 
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Another official photo from Mantan web. I love it when they show the “behind the scenes”. 
I didn’t realize the second session of the greeting would be starting at the beginning of the next showing, even though that is how they usually do it for theater greetings (so the voice actor doesn’t have to wait around through another movie). It’s kind of odd that they had two different sessions actually, since pretty much everyone had the opportunity to do both as the tickets didn’t come close to selling out. But more money for them either way I guess. He actually changed shirts in between hahah. (From one Minato shirt to another.)
But anyway, when he suddenly came up on the screen again I was actually in the middle of trying to change the batteries in my cyalumes ahahah. And it put me up top of the main screen AGAIN! I kinda wanted to switch my camera off so someone else could get a chance but I didn’t want to seem rude for disappearing either!!!
Eventually I did turn my camera off, giving up my space, because my cyalume blades were all DYING from having been on CONSTANTLY since the beginning of Pride the Hero and I didn’t want it to seem like I was checking my phone or something while I was changing the batteries. (One of them ended up cutting out during Best Ten anyway because in my mad scramble to change the batteries I guess I put the old ones back in haha.) That felt like the right decision since I crashed and burned pretty hard during the middle of Best Ten. (Cheering fatigue is rare for me but I was pushing 24 hours being awake at this point...) I also sure heck didn’t want to be up there during Love Graffiti BUT I didn’t do as bad as I thought. The drills I did without the video before the showing paid off! I’m so happy I’m finally learning it after all this time. Take THAT two year depression spiral.
Although this showing was lively, I have to admit it didn’t quite meet my overinflated expectations, though. I don’t think either room broke 200 people at any point during the showing. I could have sworn at least ONE showing I went to in the past did... I think the Shin/Louis one maybe... but looking through my past posts I can’t find a mention of it. ...Wait, even if that’s true I guess it doesn’t count since we only had one room back them. Mmmrhghg. 
I do have pretty high hopes for the next few months though because Joji and Hiro are EXTREMELY popular characters. 
So you. YES YOU! The person who somehow read this entire post and is now somewhat regretting skipping out on this one. YOU CAN DO IT! I’ll see you are the next one right? RIGHT?? OKAY!! 
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dicebrawler · 4 years
So, you're thinking about switching games to Pathfinder 2nd Edition from Dungeons & Dragons 5e in light of all the discourse over at WoTC? Not sure where to start, how to start or why to start? Fear not, adventurers! This little thread will give you everything you need to know about Pathfinder and how to start!
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Pathfinder is a game that started off as a spin-off of D&D 3rd Edition when 4e was released. It follows the same class-based D20 system with many of the same monsters and creatures as 5e, and for a while, was actually more popular than D&D too!
PF2e is the evolution of that original game; while 1e was notorious for being EXTREMELY rules heavy, PF2 is much smoother and easy to run while somehow also being far more customizable (and still satisfyingly crunchy, too!) I'd best describe it as D&D meets Monster Of The Week!
D&D tends to focus on you being "run of the mill adventurers", but that's not the case in PF2. You're heroes. Even at low levels, you're a cut above the rest! At lvl 1, you're a daring, would-be adventurer; at lvl 20, a living God!
In 5e, you pick your class and race, and other than a choice made at 3rd level or so, you're locked in- no more decisions. In PF, you make choices EVERY. LEVEL. New ways to play your class! New unlocked skill abilities! Grow into your race (now called ancestry) more!
No two characters are the same. I've had a player play a Champion (the Paladin class!) three times, each WILDLY different. Do I want to be a Reinhardt type Shield Tank? A holy Liberator fighting against slavery with a sword? A merciful redeemer giving out second chances?
The game is exceptionally well balanced. Martial characters have incredible athletic abilities casters can only dream of; Fighters jumping 30 feet into the air, Barbarians shapeshifting into dragons, Rogues running across clouds or water... you name it!
Casters are also strong as ever- some even more than before! There are no half-casters. Bards for example are now Level 10 Casters, just like Druids or Wizards, and Sorcerers get to choose the spell list they want depending on their bloodline, making them a totally unique class!
(Level 10 casters?!) That's right. At high levels-- and most parties WILL get to high levels, with Level 20 being the goal for most campaigns!-- casters unlock 10th level spells, stuff on the level of Wish or Time Stop. It really makes playing casters a blast!
The Action Economy is the most widely praised part of the game. On your turn you get three Actions. You can use an Action to do any one thing; run, jump, attack, you name it! You can do these as many times as you want; you can run twice, attack once, attack three times, etc! (Some stuff, like casting spells, take two actions-- this is to stop casters from blasting 3 fireballs in a row on their turn!)
Proficiency is broken down into Untrained, Trained, Master, Expert or Legendary at something. This follows a formula of Ability Score + Your Level + Proficiency Mod. This means every level, your AC will rise, your Attack Mod will rise, etc. Imagine having a +34 to hit at lvl 20!
Crits & Fumbles also work really nicely! When you roll against a DC of some sort (including AC), rolling 10 above the DC gives you the effects of a Critical Success, as if you rolled a Nat 20! Meanwhile, rolling 10 below a DC gives you a Critical Failure, as if you rolled Nat 1.
Initiative? Ha! There's no one Initiative Roll. You roll whatever skill is most applicable for a fight! Facing off against an enemy in front of you? Roll Perception to see who jumps to action first! Swinging off a chandelier? Roll Acrobatics! Sneaking up on someone? STEALTH!
Race (now Ancestry) has dozens of subraces called Heritages. Sure you're an elf- but are you a forest elf? An arctic elf? Hell, maybe you're a Tiefling Elf or a Dhampir Elf! Each has their own benefits and abilities you can choose as you level up!
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Lastly, the lore of Pathfinder is fantastic. With an expansive setting on the planet Golarion, virtually every culture has an equivalent here- the Philippines has the nation of Minata, Revolutionary France has Galt, Transylvannia has Ustalav... the world's your oyster, literally!
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A lot of research goes into exploring these places-- and there's a LOT of canon adventures. The monthly Adventure Path series releases critically acclaimed adventures from Level 1-20 exploring Golarion and tell STUNNING stories. I've been running these for years! They ROCK!
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A final note- the deities in Pathfinder are EXTREMELY well fleshed out. Gods have relationships, backstories and can even curse or bless you depending on your actions! The God of Adventure accidentally became a god while drunk, and the Goddesses of the Moon, Art & Sun are poly!
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That's enough explaining the game and what makes it so awesome: here's a few resources you can use to get YOUR adventure in the world of Golarion started!
This has EVERYTHING. I'm talking this is an official repository that has ALL of PF2's rules online. For FREE. Can't afford books? All you're missing is the pretty layout. It's all online for free, word for word as presented in the book.
Know the name of a feat, monster or item, and don't want to trawl the archives? Slap it in there for super fast reference! Much quicker and accessible at times. Has filters galore, a spell library, you name it!
This is your catchall for everything else. I mean EVERYTHING. Homebrew resources? Podcasts? Character sheets? Anything else you might want is stored here. These 3 resources alone are fantastic, and definitely enough to get you started!
Everyone knows Roll20, of course. But Pathfinder's Roll20 Experience is especially great! IMO it, the best character sheet. R20 also has a few free tutorial adventures like The Blooming Catastrophe with premade maps and monsters ready for you! If you haven't ever used Roll20, though, don't look to me- look to the master, and a friend of mine, Ediwir, with his tutorial on how to dress Roll20 up like a real pro!
This really is only the start for Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Make sure to support this game if you want to see a change in the mainstream TTRPG world, have fun telling new heights of adventures, and above all else... go save the world, everyone!
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twitchyglitchy · 4 years
Goodbye Hand, Goodbye Gordon.
An AU I thought about a couple months back, but had forgotten to post about. I was originally going to make an animatic out of this. I might still do it, I don’t know yet. Depends on how much people want it.
Bear with me, this is copy and pasted from a Discord chat and I only looked over it like once or twice. This was more or less half explaining the AU half fanfiction.
Content Warnings: Major character death, bl//d, amputation, unsanitary, funerals, and a whole lotta angst.
So the AU basically starts at the betrayal scene, that's when things get different.
Gordon does his thing: Be skeptical about Bubby and Benrey but goes into the room anyways. 
Lights go out, Gordon is ambushed and loses his hand, etc. Everyone scatters in fear, especially Bubby and Benrey for what they did. Bubby still ends up being taken to his tube. 
Gordon is losing a lot of blood as you would when you get your hand severed. Getting chemicals, dirt and grime in the wound isn't doing much to help either. He wakes up in the trash compactor and narrowly escapes it, stumbling his way through the sewer drains outside until he gets to where Tommy is. 
Being attacked by headcrabs along the way that were scurrying around outside, and the HEV suit's morphine isn't doing him any good, nor is the suit charged at this point so it’s lack of support is like an extra set of twenty pounds on his shoulders and back.
Tommy finds him when he falls from the sewer grate into the room, horrified to see his friend in such a horrid state. Despite how heavy Gordon is with the suit and his deadweight, Tommy helps carry him around through the facility until he finds the Coomer clones. Gordon is protected by Tommy to the best of his ability but is still greatly injured by the clones' attacks.
Soon all the clones are gone, bodies everywhere. Tommy celebrates their victory, but is quickly cut short when he turns to see Gordon lying on the floor, breathing shallowly. He rushes to his friend and tries to cover the wound where his hand was so it could clot, but it's so infected and lost so much blood at this point that his lab coat he tried to use to hold it is drenched. Gordon shakes his head and reaches out to Tommy with his good hand, holding his forearm since he couldn't reach his shoulder. "It's okay, Tommy... I should've seen this coming." Gordon lowers his hand, but Tommy drops what he's doing and holds it close to his heart. The 36 year old is panicked and distraught.
He can't- he can't go. He was the leader of their Science Team. He said he'd help them get out despite the circumstances, and he promised. Tommy feels Gordon's hand get colder, losing body warmth. Gordon set down his crowbar and smiled the best he could. It was small, weak, but warm all the same. The most genuine smile Tommy's seen from him since this whole mess started in the first place.
Tommy begs him to stay awake, saying that if the clones were nearby then maybe their Coomer was there. It was all too late by the time Coomer arrived though. He greeted Tommy who had his back turned on him, grieving over a body. His friend has never seen him so upset over a dead person this entire time with all the bodies they saw and caused. Coomer comes around Tommy to see what he's crying over. His heart stops for a few beats and his breath is caught in his throat. The world felt colder, and crept up his spine like a snake bite.
This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. This wasn’t meant to happen.
Gordon Freeman, he didn't make it.. 
Coomer stands there for only a few minutes or so in silence, both of them staring over the soulless body in the HEV suit. This can't be. The room with metal from wall to wall echoed and bounced with the sound of Tommy's loud cries. It was gross sobbing, but the young scientist didn't care. He didn't care about anything else right now. Not even escaping Black Mesa. He only cared about his friend. A friend who actually understood him and cared for him back. A friend who's. . Well, now gone.
It was a long while, what felt like hours, until Tommy's cries died down and had the time to actually catch his breath. Coomer had a hand on his shoulder and soon picked up Gordon's crowbar. He held it out to Tommy and set it in his lap.
"I think he'd like for you to have this." He spoke softly. Not like his cryptic whispering or his boisterous voice. It dripped with misfortune and despair that overcame the physicist. 
Tommy hesitated, but took the cold piece of metal into his hands and hugged it close to him for dear life.
Tommy didn't want to leave Gordon behind, but they couldn't just carry a dead body through the facility. He doesn't even know how much further they have to go. Coomer could carry him, but only for so long, and he needs his fists to fight. Tommy leaned down and cupped Gordon's cheek, carefully sliding off his glasses with his other hand and tucking it into his lab coat pocket.
"We- We'll come.. We'll come b-back for you.. We'll come get you once we get out of here, Gordon." He stammered, lowering his hand from his face and staggering to his feet. Coomer adjusted Gordon's body to look more comfortable and presentable. Despite his bloodied state, it's only fair to do something nice for his body out of respect.
The two said their goodbyes to Gordon and soon left, taking his glasses and crowbar with him. 
Later on, they meet up with Bubby, who's in his tube complaining. Tommy ends up going nonverbal for a bit, to which Coomer quickly takes note of and tries to lead the conversation. Bubby and Coomer go back and forth for a bit, Coomer showing sympathy, and decides to let Bubby out. It wouldn't be fair anyways, Bubby didn't know this would happen. It’d be best to break the news.
Bubby steps out of the broken containment tube and looks around. 
"Where's Gordon? I thought he was with you."
Tommy's words are caught in his throat, tears threatening to fall again. Coomer's expression falters and soon does his own words. The silence was enough evidence for Bubby to catch on to what's going on. "Oh. . .He's not, with you, is he?" Tommy gripped the crowbar until his knuckles turned white. It hurt too much to talk, to think, to breathe. His head felt like it was pounding but a headache never came. His hands felt clammy but never broke a sweat. His eyes burned but tears never came. 
Coomer nodded and told them that they should keep going, and that he'll explain later. Bubby for once had no quip or even a scoff to their words, he held his own tongue and decided to keep quiet.
They never did find Benrey. Wherever he went, he was long gone now. The journey was long and uneventful too. Silence wasn't ever awkward since everyone was trapped inside their own heads, thinking about their friend. They do meet Darnold though on the way to the Lambda Lab and take him with them, and he actually comes along with them until they escape. The military finally ceased their fire, and surrendered offhandedly. The US government soon came forth to offer them a full removal of their bounty and move on with their lives if they swore to never speak of the events. After some- or a lot of paperwork, The Science Team was free to just go back to their normal lives. It's not normal anymore though. Every single one of them had trauma and. .Oh god, breaking the news was horrible.
They had to tell Joshua, but telling a kid was enough to make all of them cry. He was too young to understand, but knew that he'd never see his dad again, and that was enough to break the poor child. 
The funeral was private, and rather small, since no one could tell anyone how Gordon died under the agreement of their contracts. The government was kind enough to go retrieve Gordon's body from Black Mesa once all the aliens were dead and mostly gone. At least, to their knowledge. They probably just contained what remained of them.
The Nihilanth never came, and somewhere within Xen, you could find it's body gone, dead.
He looked so nice when they held the service, and was made sure they hid his cleaned and wrapped nub of a hand under the sheet he lied with. The casket was closed after everyone's goodbyes and was lowered. The whole thing hurt every ounce of their bodies, and not much could be said once everything was over. Everyone who attended said their condolences, their sorrows, their goodbyes, and dispersed.
Within a week, his tombstone was set, it was small but it was sweet. The all too familiar lambda was engraved below his name. Flowers decorated the barren space around the grave, and his crowbar was set right in front of it all.
Joshua ends up being taken care of by Tommy and his dad, who he sees as a older brother and Bubby and Coomer as his grandparents. Whenever they're busy, Darnold is around to take care of him, who is actually great with kids. At least Joshua is beginning to be happy again. After everything that’s happened that is. He still misses his dad a lot.
Slightly off canon Epilogue (as requested by previous readers)
Sometime later, someone approaches the grave, standing over it with a rose in their hand. These are good enough, right?
Benrey was there, in his still bloodied and dirty uniform, holding a rose and staring down at the grave. He kneeled down and rested the rose next to the crowbar and all the other flowers. Looked good enough. Hope he liked it. 
"Uhh.. Hey, Gordon. I know you hate me, and- and all.. I just wanted to say my condol- con- I'm sorry. I didn't know, man. I just wanted them to eruh, toughen you up. I didn't think they'd go that far. You can't really forgive me now, can you? You're not here. I bet you're sooo mad at me right now. Yeah, I guess I deserve it. You can come haunt my ass or whatever if you want, at least we can talk then. I didn't mean half the stuff I said either. I was just coming up with an excuse to follow you around. I knew the cascade thing was going to happen, so I tried to get you to stop it. I guess I can't change that from happening either. So uhh.. I didn't actually write anything- I should've- should've done that.. I saw everything from the outer walls too, I should've used the... The heal beam thing. I don't think it would've worked though. Too big of aaa.. Hurt. Anyway, I'm sorry. I'll go now. Bye Gordon." 
Benrey hears a gust of wind sing past his ears under the helmet, and leaves pass by his head. He turns around and sees someone there, wearing the same nice and fancy suit they wore earlier. They looked calm and even smiled a little. Benrey stopped in his tracks and just stared at them as they stood there with their hands held with fingers intertwined. 
"Hey Benrey."
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talicat713 · 4 years
It’s Always Been Molly
John Shelby x OC
Part Twelve
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A/N: this part is my absolute favorite! This was the original idea for the story. I love anything and everything to do with pregnancy, L&D and babies. Imagine in the GIF that’s Molly and not that guy! Lol, I’m running out of GIFs! I don’t think the birth is too graphic, but it is very detailed so this is a warning if you don’t like that kind of stuff. Because I’m posting two parts this weekend, I won��t be posting next week. I hope you all enjoy this part! We are finally meeting our #Jolly baby!  Also, I apologize for how late in the evening this is being posted.  💜
Warnings: language, angst, pregnancy, labor, very detailed childbirth, breastfeeding, cursing, *probably missed some sorry! * 
Taglist: @haphazardhufflepuff   @pijoendios   @theshelbyclan  @wnygirl2012 @bekkimahonxx95​ @pleasantlyspookycreation  @lovemissyhoneybee​ @lotsoflovefromlea  @theunderlier   @envysorrows   @healthygirlsdoitbetter  @account71453   @blindedbypeaky   @xshinytrashcanx   @wednesdayqueen-18   @chaotichurricaneoffandoms   @jrdpdlcki @lettersshapes   @rosesandrap  @jenni-jones00  *if you would like to be added please let me know*
With her waters now broken, Molly began to feel the baby move into her pelvis. And with her next contraction she had the overwhelming urge to bear down and push.
Molly couldn’t believe how fast this was happening, but she knew now she was definitely doing this all on her own.
Molly slowly made her way back into the kitchen. She grabbed kettles of water and a mixing bowl, placing them on the ground next to her birthing place. She then lowered herself onto the floor, leaning up against the sofa. Once she was settled, she grabbed everything she might need and waited for her next contraction.
Molly said a silent prayer that John or Polly would walk through the door and help her deliver. After a few more minutes, Molly felt the contraction coming. She pulled her legs back opening her pelvis and once the contraction peaked, she tucked her chin to her chest and pushed with all her strength.
John was relieved when the business they were handling was finished. Arthur told everyone to meet at the Garrison for a celebratory drink. However, John snuck away as fast as he could. He still couldn’t get the feeling that Molly may be having the baby.
He ran as fast as he could down the lane with his keys in his hands. As he opened the door, he heard Molly groan in pain. He also saw the puddle in the doorway which made him run to the house.
“Molly? ,” John yelled worried as he ran into the kitchen. He found Molly leaning against the sofa pushing. She didn’t hear him come through the door or say her name, she was too focused.
As the contraction ended, Molly threw her head back against the sofa and cried. Molly then looked up to see John staring at her.
“You’re back,” she breathed,” Johnny the baby is coming. Please help me.” John immediately took his jacket off and went to wash his hands. He was a little angry that she lied to him about being in labor, but knew now wasn’t the time to bring it up.
“Hurry John, my next contraction is coming,” Molly moaned as John went to kneel in front of her. Lifting her night dress a bit, he could see a bit of the baby's head coming out.
“I’m warning you love, I only got through half of the midwifery book I nicked from your house. You are going to need to tell me what to do,” John said nervously.
Molly lightly chuckled as she waited for the contraction,” You stole one of my books. I’m very impressed. Right now you are going to watch as I push and when the head starts to crown, I need you to tell me to pant and you need to put your hand under it to catch it.”
“How am I supposed to know what crowning is?”
“You’ll know because I’ll start to scream. Now shut up... I’m pushing.”
John watched as Molly pulled her legs back and pushed. He was amazed watching the head come closer to being born with each push. The baby had dark hair and from what he could tell a lot of it. John watched Molly relax and catch her breath after the contraction was over. “Are you okay? Do you need anything? ,” he asked, looking up at her.
“I’m fine,” she said in between breaths. She brought her hand down to feel the baby's head,” Next push should bring me to crowning. Let the head slowly come as I pant, don’t let me push. I don’t want to tear. When the head is born, I’ll need you to help guide my hand to check if the cord is around its neck. Then all you’ll have to do it support the head and body as I push it out,” she explained to him.
John just nodded at her. He was blown away at how well she was keeping her composure. He reached his hand to caress her cheek,” You are doing amazing love. I’m so proud of you.”
Molly smiled, grabbing a hold of his wrist, giving it a squeeze,” Thank you,” then her face turned into a pained expression,” Ow shit here comes another one. Put your hand under the head.”
Molly pulled her legs and tucked her chin as she pushed. Then the pressure turned to burning. Her baby was crowning.
“Oh shit ouch,” cried out causing John to jump.
“Hey love I guess your crowning. Just pant, don’t push remember,” John said calmly.
Molly nodded and panted, feeling her body stretch around the baby. After a few minutes, she felt the head slip out and John sniffed,” The heads out my love. You are doing so well.”
Once she gathered her strength, Molly looked down to see John with tears in his eyes. She felt him checking for the umbilical cord,” I don’t think I feel anything around the neck love, but do you want to feel? ,” he asked.
Molly shook her head,” No, I trust you. My next push should deliver the baby. Don’t get scared, I might scream. Are you ready to meet our baby?”
“As I’ll ever be darling,” he replied, watching her face change,” Big push love. You can do it, you are so strong.”
Molly pushed and screamed as she felt the baby turn in her body. John encouraged her as he watched the baby. Molly took a breath and let out another hard push and with a rush of fluid, John caught his baby. The baby started wailing as Molly rests her head against the sofa, relieved it was over and that her baby was here and crying.
“Molly love, look we have a son,” John cried as he placed the baby on her chest. Molly took him into her arms and started to cry. John then crawled over to her and placed a kiss on the side of her head.
Molly had John grab a towel from the pile and dip it into the warm water to clean off the baby. Once he was mostly cleaned off, John wrapped him in a blanket and handed him back to Molly.
As Molly held the boy close, she began to feel more contractions,” John I think the afterbirth is ready. Can you place him in this baby basket, grab that dish and help me deliver the afterbirth?” John nodded, grabbing the baby, kissing his forehead as he placed him in the basket. John then got back in front of Molly waiting for direction.
“I’m going to push a couple of times, don’t pull on the cord let it come on its own at first, then once you think it looks all the way detached you can pull and place it in the bowl,” she explained wait for a contraction.
Molly pushed a couple of times while John just watched, waiting for something to come out. After a few more small pushes, John saw something white coming out,” Love, is the afterbirth supposed to be white? ,” he asked.
Molly couldn’t comprehend what John was asking. She was about to answer but was cut off by a gush of fluid coming out of her. She then felt the urge to push again so followed her body's cues.
John watched with wide eyes,” Molly, I don’t think this is the afterbirth. I think you are having another baby.”
Molly stopped pushing in the middle of the contraction,” What.. another one? I don’t think I can do this again, I’m so tired,” she whined.
“Love, you are going to have to. Your water broke again, which means our other baby is coming. I need you to push,” John assured and encouraged her.
“John, I don’t think I can push any...”
“Molly you have to push so push,” John interrupted sternly as he pushed her legs back. This caused the little boy to stir and start crying again.
Molly pushed as hard as she could with her contraction while trying to soothe the crying baby. Once the contraction was over, John released her legs,” you are going to need to pull your legs back with the next contraction. The head is about to crown.”
Molly nodded and pulled her legs back, the contraction coming quicker than before. Molly screamed once the head crowned.
“Just pant Molly. You are doing so well love. The head is almost out,” John said calmly.
“I want to feel,” she replied in between pants. John guided her hand to the head and it slipped into both of their hands.
“There we go. Heads out love,” he exclaimed,” Big push and it will be over.”
With the next contraction, Molly screamed as she pushed and after a few seconds, she felt the baby slip out of her body into its fathers hands. The baby cried immediately, which caused Molly and John to start crying again.
“It’s a girl Molly, we have a little girl,” John said as he placed her on Molly’s chest.
“A girl Johnny, a little boy and a little girl,” Molly cried as she watched John come sit beside her. He reached over and grabbed their son and placed him on the other half of Molly’s chest.
“You did it love, you had two babies. No wonder your belly was so big,” he chuckled and pulled her chin over to kiss her lips. Both babies started to fuss a little which cause the new parents to laugh.
They were so caught up in the moment that they didn’t hear the door slam open and the rest of the family run in.
Meanwhile, Polly, Ada, Thomas, Arthur and Finn were walking back from the Garrison wondering where John had disappeared too. When they got close to the shop, they heard Molly screaming.
“Oh shit,” Polly said, thinking the worst. She and Ada were the first through the door, that’s when they heard the cry of a newborn baby. Polly told Arthur, Thomas and Finn to stay outside until she came to get them.
Polly and Ada quickly pulled off their coats and ran into the sitting room. They were met with John and Molly cuddled the floor. However, they didn’t notice until they got closer that there were two babies on Molly’s chest.
“Holy shit,” Polly gasped interrupting the new parents' moment. They both looked over at Polly and Ada and smiled,” Come meet our babies,” Molly said with a weak smile. Polly made her way in front of Molly to help her deliver the afterbirths and cut the umbilical cords.
After she finished, she told John to go get some clean clothes on and go tell his brothers the good news. John was a little weary to leave Molly, but Polly assured him that she wasn’t going anywhere.
Once he was out of the room, Polly spoke up,” Were you in labor all day? If you were, you hide your pain very well.”
Molly looked up at Polly, “I promise you I didn’t know or realize I was in labor until you all left. I only pushed a couple times before John showed up. I have never seen him so terrified in his life, but he did everything I told him to do. I gave him no direction when the wee lady here decided to make her presence known,” she smiled down at her babies.
“Polly, I can’t believe you didn’t sense she was having twins. No wonder they kept you up at night, they were kicking each other awake,” Ada exclaims from the kitchen.
“Well, I guess now we know why they were never able to sort out your iron levels. You need a double, maybe even triple dose from the beginning,” Polly stayed back, ignoring Adas comment,” You did very well love. No stitches needed. Let me finish cleaning you up, then I’ll have John take you upstairs to rest while we clean up the babies.”
John came down the stairs, not a minute later,” I’ve got the bed undone for you and laid some extra towels down.”
Ada met John by the front door,” You did good brother. Gonna start calling you midwife now,” she teased as she pulled him into a hug.
She then opened the door to see Arthur, Tommy and Finn,” Well Johnny, tell them the good news,” she egged him on.
“We have a son,” he said, smiling, causing his three brothers to cheer,” and a daughter. Molly was expecting twins, and we didn’t know.” The cheering turned to shocked expressions, then back to cheering.
“Attaboy John,” Arthur exclaimed patting him on the shoulder.
Thomas pulled him by the neck and patted his cheek,” Congratulations brother.”
Finn just smiled and hugged John. He wanted to make his way into the house to see the babies.
“John, Molly is ready to go lay down upstairs. Everything is cleaned up so they can come in now. Pol and I are going to give the babies a bath if you want to watch or help,” Ada said from the kitchen.
John ushered his brothers in and then went over to help Molly up,” Come on my love. Let’s get ya up in bed. I promise I will bring the babies up in a few. I want you to rest a bit.”
John helped Molly stand, then walked her slowly up the stairs. Tommy and Arthur gave her kisses on the forehead as she passed them. The family was all smiles and happy with the new additions to the family.
Once John got Molly settled, he leant down to kiss her,” You did so well tonight my love. I’m so proud of you.”
Molly smiled at him lovingly,” I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you, Mr. John Shelby, midwife in training,” she chuckled as she kissed him again.
“Glad to see you aren’t too tired to be funny, Miss Molly Payne. Get some rest, I’ll be up in a little with our babies,” he said walking out the door.
When John got back downstairs, he saw his aunt and sister cooing at the new additions. “You did so well John. Look at how gorgeous they are,” Polly exclaimed lovingly.
“How do they look? Healthy? ,” he asked Polly.
“They both look and sound very healthy. We will call the doctor in the morning to have him come around to check them and Molly over. I sent Arthur and Tommy to get some ice from the Garrison to put the afterbirth on. The doctor will want to take a look,” Polly said reassuringly.
Both babies, then started to get fussy. John knew they were probably ready to eat,” I’m going to take them upstairs to Molly, so she can feed them. Ada, can you stay here tonight, just in case we need you?”
Ada nodded while John kissed Polly on the cheek,” Thank you Aunt Pol, for everything you did to help her. We really appreciate it.”
Polly smiled and handed the babies to John,” Let’s go see your mummy, I’m sure she's aching to feed you both,” John said to the babies as he ascended the stairs.
Once he got to the landing, he was surprised to see Molly walking out of their room. Molly was startled, seeing John right in front of her,” Sorry, I heard them crying and my breasts started to ache.”
“It’s okay love, let’s get you back in bed and then I’ll hand them over to you. Leave some room for me, I want to hold you,” he say leading her back into the room.
Once, Molly is settled back on the bed, John hands the babies over one at a time. After a few minutes of trying, they both latch onto Molly’s breasts and began eating like champs. John and Molly smile at each other, both amazed at what Molly’s body could do.
John crawled into bed behind Molly, laying her against his chest,” Pol is going to call the doctor in the morning to come around to look at the three of you. She says they are really healthy considering you didn’t know there was two of them.”
“Good I’m glad,” she replied with a yawn,” What are we going to name them John?”
John chuckled,” We can talk about that in the morning when you are more awake my love.”
“Okay, that works for me. I love you John, with all of my heart,” Molly says as she relaxes into Johns embrace.
“I love you too Molly, with all of my heart and more than you will ever know,” he replies, kissing the side of her head and wrapping his arms her tighter.
For the first time in all these months, John was truly happy. He couldn’t wait to spend the rest of his life with Molly and his children. He just needed to get the Lees to annul his marriage to Esme first.
(posted 08/30/2020)
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Hello hello to all the new followers! However you came across this blog, thanks for being willing to put this on your dashboards. I still have half of this chapter left to go, but hopefully I’ll be able to knock out a larger chunk of it since it’s gonna flow better… at the least, I’ll try to get to where Episode 1 of the anime cuts off.
...huh, damn, now I’m curious about exploring differences between anime and manga… I don’t have time for that, this manga thing is already more of a time-eater than expected… plus considering how many chapters I need to get through… yeah no, I will leave anime-manga comparison to others.
Anyways, into today’s pages! I wanna get this chapter done this week!
[No. 1 - Midoriya Izuku: Origin]
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...you, I’m gonna translate you.
[transliteration of sign: 頭上 (zujou) [overhead] 注意 (chuui) [caution, being careful, attention (heed), warning, advice]
[Translation: caution, overhang 2m]
I mean, it’s obvious because of the context, but now I know how to pronounce it! And I guess you guys can as well. No, I will not be ashamed of spending fifteen minutes on this. I’m probably gonna stay in the habit of translating stuff as I come across it.
Anyways, to the chapter itself. Izuku doesn’t do that ‘All Might impression’ thing here like he does in the anime, just basically hypes himself up with grit teeth and determination. Which is a shame, but it makes sense since that sort of thing would look/turn out better in animation anyways. Still a little weird he had a flashback there, but like whatever, it’s supposed to give readers context into the setting and character, this whole opening chapter’s gonna be a bit weird like that.
The villain comes up out from the holes in the sewer grate, and holy fuck does this come off as just a bit of a horror manga, if I saw that I’d be terrified.
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You know, out of context this is REALLY disturbing… no wait, in context this is disturbing too, nevermind. But yeah, look at that terrified kid, that is not the face he was wearing earlier against Katsuki, making it even more obvious that he wasn’t scared at that point.
The villain pounces on and envelops Izuku, covering his nose and mouth and making Izuku realize he’s been attacked by, you know, a villain. Which I would share the image of, but honestly it’s graphic as hell, if you wanna see it go look at the manga yourselves.
Yeah, it’s a wonder Izuku didn’t have nightmares for months after this, or have issues with water or potentially drowning/suffocating. Also, honestly, with this hijacking the body thing, I’m looking at the amount of mass of the sludge and the size of Izuku, and I have to remind myself again that this is a shounen manga with urban fantasy magic, logic isn’t a concern here.
But yeah, the villain is super vague about who the ‘he’ he’s avoiding is, while Izuku is frantically trying to scrape at the sludge to no effect. Also, after being in the sewers, that HAS to be some nasty gunk, yikes, how did Izuku not come down with something?
Izuku’s struggles makes him drop his charred notebook while panicking about his death and begging someone to come save him. The book flips open to his conceptual hero costume, which we know is going to end up the ‘first’ version of his costume, though obviously it’s going to undergo some revisions as the series progresses (which is a small thing I like about the series a lot). If I recall right, this is also what prototype!Izuku’s costume was going to look like!
Fortunately for Izuku, in the next page All Might punches his way up out of the sewers, letting both the villain and Izuku know he’s there, and- god, I wouldn’t trust those groceries for any sort of safe consumption, even if they are… two bottles?? That’s it?? What-
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Sure, whatever, two bottles of soda, I guess, isn’t that not good for people who have had their stomach removed because of too much sugar or something? Is him being down a stomach even actually canon or just popular fanon? I suppose we’ll find out soon enough.
Anyways, All Might showed up and punched the villain away from Izuku, basically only hitting with the shockwave to avoid hurting the kid too much. Also, we get this gem of a face:
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Izuku passes out, and wakes up a bit later to All Might slapping his face, which like, sir, sir, that’s not how you take care of a victim of a villain attack that definitely isn’t an allegory for another kind of assault. But yeah, All Might is sort of out of ‘character’ while waiting for Izuku to get up, and then shoves himself back into it once Izuku’s awake, which is… interesting, and makes sense.
Izuku naturally freaks out, and All Might does a pose while apologizing for his mistakes and explaining his sloppiness with the villain - he’s new to the area, and besides that, he’s ‘off camera’. Which, yeah, you really get the sense this is his TV persona pushed forward. He also thanks Izuku for success in finally containing the villain, and Izuku gives us this hilarious gem:
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Ah, meta jokes. Izuku looks around for his notebook for an autograph, only to see it’s already been signed. He bows enthusiastically and says he’ll keep it as a family heirloom, and All Might heads off to take the villain in and to ‘catch him again on tv’.
Izuku wants him to wait, because he still has something to ask, but All Might says he’s got no time, and crouches to jump away, with just a shot of Izuku’s desperate face before All Might takes off, the ‘thanks for your support’ dragging after him like the words themselves couldn’t keep up, and again that is just a cool fucking effect and use of shape and warping to give effects otherwise not possible in text and just- gah, I love comic/manga art for these reasons, so freaking cool!
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You’re an all star.
Sorry not sorry. But yeah, the bottles are still there in his pockets - his definitely totally secure open pockets. Honestly, with or without Izuku, he might have dropped those bottles because what the fuck All Might. 
All Might tries to shove Izuku off until Izuku reminds him that he will die if he falls, which gets him to pause and go ‘true enough!’ Izuku says he’s got a lot of things to ask, and All Might asks him to close his eyes and mouth to avoid the wind drag. All Might coughs and grunts, with a drop of blood escaping from between his teeth, and him swearing about it.
Onto the next page, and we have some background kanji that I am definitely going to waste time translating, because that’s just who I am.
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Top windows/hanging sign: 卜 (uranai) [divination, fortune telling] 黄葉 (kouyou/momiji) [autumn/fall colors, leaves changing color, layered colors in garments (resembling autumn colors)] 
[rough translation: fortunate garments / lucky coloring.]
I’m gonna assume this is something to go with Japanese culture and their beliefs around what certain colors mean. 
Middle banner/hanging sign: Su/Ta/De [study] 
Not confident at this one but I cannot grok how messy those katakana are and so I just have given up on that for now. If someone can confirm, that’d be sweet of you.
Lower windows/hanging sign: [事]務所 (jimusho) [office]
Lower banner: Ma/a/ke/t/to [Market]
Shop overhang: Fu/ra/shi/[mu?] [Flashy] 喫茶 (kissa) [teahouse/coffee shop/cafe]
Flashy Cafe makes sense, but I’m not confident in the katakana when we can only see three of them and no way to know about modifiers,,,
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Alright, now that I’m done crying over that, onto actual chapter analysis. We get the ‘whoosh’ of something falling, before seeing the POV of the sludge guy coming back to consciousness, frustrated with All Might, and we also get a peek at some kids approaching… aka Katsuki and his minions.
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First off, the branding on the can is hilarious and weirdly suited to the situation. Secondly, you can just see Katsuki kicking the bottle in the bottom left corner there, which probably knocks it open for, you know, the upcoming events. And huh, both of the minions smoke, which Katsuki chastises with displeasure in the panel after next. 
So Katsuki blames Izuku for ‘messing with him’ and that Izuku being ‘full of stupid dreams like when they were kids’ pisses him off. Which he emphasises by blowing up the can in his hand. I wonder if that’s meant to be a reference to him thinking Izuku’s just paying lip service to being a hero just to annoy Katsuki, at least in his POV?
But yeah, Katsuki shakes his hand after that - which meant he DID feel some backlash for blowing up a can in his hand, or perhaps the superheating of the metal before it went? Either way, backlash! He turns back to yell at the two about their smoking and how it’d go on his record, and the two freak out and point behind Katsuki, before we go to their POV:
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But yeah, another decent stopping point here. There should only be two posts after this for chapter 1, based on my skimming of the rest of the pages. I really want to have the All Might convo separate, and then the whole sludge fight and aftermath… but we’re getting there! :D
34 notes · View notes
jeongyunhoed · 4 years
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8 Stories, 8 Movies from the Golden Age (1930s to 1960s).
It’s the golden age and 8 men are the most sought-after actors in Hollywood. Lights, camera, action!
A tale of love and suspense, Park Seonghwa is haunted by the memory of his deceased wife, a shadow looming over the halls of his mansion. When he marries again, his new wife now comes to realize that even in death, his wife still remains.
Warnings: Mentions of murder, death, suicide, and illness. Might have some innuendos, might not. But I’m putting these warnings out there regardless.
Other things to note: There are OCs. I might mention other idols (most likely NCT).
A/N: This has the same format as my Twilight Zone AU “The Other Dimension” where everyone in Ateez is here as well. So yeah, enjoy. Implied smut ahead...sort of, if you squint. But creepy San ahead. 
Part 2 
There she was, standing next to Seonghwa in front of a local justice in the nearest village by the sea later that day. A bouquet of small flowers in her hand, given to her by the children they passed by one moment, Seonghwa buying the rings that would make their relationship officially permanent in the local jewelry shop the next. She figured Seonghwa must have already been planning for this moment since he went to sleep days since their meeting, but she had never felt more certain. After exchanging I do’s with each other, the justice had made them official. She was now Mrs. Park Seonghwa. 
“How do you feel? Regret it yet?” Seonghwa asked her on their drive back to their hotel. 
“On the contrary, I feel like I’m on the clouds” She replied, reaching for his free hand and he kissed the back of hers. “Like I can do anything!” 
Seonghwa smiled, keeping his eyes on the road as he drove them back to the hotel where they now stayed together. They pulled up the driveway and hurried up to the suite where he brought her across the threshold, the two of them exchanging soft kisses that eventually turned into something more passionate. They consummated their marriage that evening and into the early hours of the morning. 
The following month, they were on their way to the Fontaine, the road curved and full of twists and turns that she had to grip the armrest of the car. The wind was hitting their faces and blowing in her hair, and she still felt like she was on cloud nine. They stopped in front of iron gates, with an arch over them that said “Fontaine” marking the path towards the house she had only seen on postcards. 
The path before them was lined with trees and shrubs that looked like they were in need cleaning up, and the blissful mood was met with a more somber one, a feeling of dread washing over her the closer they were getting. She could see the slight change in her husband’s expression the further they went. The loud rumbling of thunder echoed in the skies followed by rain and she put her jacket over her head to cover herself, Seonghwa unable to do the same as he stepped on the gas a little more. 
And there it was, the massive estate that she had only seen in pictures. The Fontaine was a large, white mansion that looked almost like a castle, and there were several other smaller houses that surrounded it. She figured it was the servants’ quarters as well as the garages that probably housed six or seven more cars like the one they were riding in. From the side, she could see that there was a swimming pool. This was Seonghwa’s home, the house he was born and raised in, and the home that the two of them were to live in. It was almost like an heirloom knowing how many generations of his family must’ve resided in the mansion. It was massive, it looked beautiful, straight out of a fairy tale, yet there was something about it that made her anxious. 
They pulled up into the driveway and entered the house, pushing open the doors that led them into the great hall. The lights were dimmed down, with the lamps and the fireplace being the only sources of light. There was a small crowd of the Fontaine’s staff gathered in front to receive them, all of whom looked very pleased, yet she was nervous to approach them. The closer they were, they saw one man, dressed a little differently from the rest of the staff, emerge from the crowd. He had upturned eyes, angular features, and hair that was just as black as Seonghwa’s. He had a stern look about his face and if she let her emotions get the better of her, she would’ve stepped back before approaching him. 
“Hello” She said quietly, dropping her glove, and he bent down to pick it up and gave it back to her. 
“This is Mr. Choi San, or San if you want to get down to more casual terms. He pretty much oversees everything here so you don’t have to,” Seonghwa introduced them. 
“Good evening,” She greeted him again. 
“Good evening, Madam,” He replied with a slight bow. “I have everything ready for you.” 
“Oh, well, that’s very good of you,” She said with a nod. His face betrayed nothing. 
“Will you be going to your room now? Or will you be having tea in the library?” He asked. 
She was still trying to find the words. He gave off a very intimidating aura. “I-well-” 
“The room first, San,” Seonghwa spoke. “Show her to her room so she can get out of her wet clothes, we ran into a storm on the way,” He said, and kissed her on the cheek. 
“This way, Madam,” He turned on his heel to lead the way and she followed him towards the two large marble staircases and up the right staircase and down to the only other door. There were portraits of Seonghwa’s family hung over the walls. San pushed the door open, revealing the room that she would be using from now on. “I hope you will approve of the new decorations in these rooms, Madam,” he said. 
She walked inside, in awe of what the room looked like. It had a large four-poster bed with a red velvet canopy. The ceiling was high and had a chandelier, and there were shelves full of books and a dresser in the corner as well as a large, white gold desk. Everything looked extremely opulent, yet she knew it was to be expected as it was the Fontaine and Seonghwa’s family was a very prominent one. “I-I didn’t know these were changed, what did it look like before?” She asked curiously. 
“It had different hangings, old paper,” San replied. “This room wasn’t used much, except for the occasional guests.” 
“So this wasn’t Mr. Park’s room, originally?” She asked this time. 
“No Madam,” San said. “He has never used the East Wing before. The West Wing has the only good view of the ocean.” 
She nodded, taking in the rest of her surroundings. “This room is very beautiful, and I’m sure I’ll be comfortable.” 
San gave a nod. “If there’s anything you want done, Madam, you only need to tell me.” 
“I guess you’ve been at the Fontaine for years now,” She said. 
“I came here when the first Mrs. Park was a bride,” San replied. 
She nodded again in understanding. “I hope we’ll get along, Mr. Choi, I just have to ask that you be patient with me, this kind of life is new to me and I want to do well here and make Mr. Park happy. At least I now know I can leave all the household arrangements to you,” She said. 
“I hope I shall do everything to your satisfaction Madam,” San said. “I’ve managed the house since Mrs. Park’s death, and Mr. Park has never complained.” 
“In that case,” She looked around. “I guess I could go downstairs now, maybe changing out of these clothes can wait, I want to see more of the Fontaine first.” 
“Of course, Madam,” San turned on his heel again, and she hurried to follow him. She could tell he didn’t exactly like her, but she figured it was because they had never met. Maybe he could warm up to her in time. “The room in the West Wing I was telling you about is on that side,” He gestured to the other room across them. “It’s not used now, it’s also the most beautiful room in the house - the only one that looks across the lawns to the sea. It was Mrs. Park’s room.” 
It became more apparent just how much San didn’t like her over the next few weeks. He never failed to mention how there had been another woman before her, the first Mrs. Park, the beautiful Daphne Yoo who was supposedly practically perfect in every way. It was clear how much of an influence Daphne had over the staff and understandably so, but even until now, until after her death, her influence remained. Her stationery on the main desk in the study, a letter “D” embellished on the linens, on the books, including the dog she used to own, a great dane named Lucky, who also slept outside her room. 
Even after her death, Daphne was all around the Fontaine, as if she had never left. 
She came down from her room for breakfast, knowing that San had already prepared everything in the dining hall until she skidded to a halt when she saw someone else in the study. It was a man, who looked a lot shorter than both San and Seonghwa, but unlike San, had a more approachable demeanor aside from an evidently handsome face. “Oh, good morning!” He greeted her, getting up from the chair. 
“Good morning” She said, bowing a little in response. 
“You’re Mrs. Park, aren’t you?” He said. 
“Yes, yes I am,” She nodded. 
“My name is Hongjoong, Kim Hongjoong, I manage the estate for Seonghwa. It’s very nice to meet you,” He smiled. 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” 
“A lot of stuff has piled up since Seonghwa was away, I had to get to them right away now,” Hongjoong said. 
“If you need help, you can tell me,” She suggested. 
“Help him?” Seonghwa suddenly appeared from behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Hongjoong doesn’t allow anyone to help him,” He said, beaming as he held her close for a moment before pulling away. “But it’s good that you two have finally met, we should probably go over the estimates now, don’t we?” 
“I’ll get my papers then,” Hongjoong replied, walking over to a chair that had his briefcase. 
Seonghwa turned to her. “There’s a lot of food prepared in the dining room already. Eat a lot, hmm?” He said, pecking her lips with a smile. 
“I’ll do my best,” She said. 
“Later this afternoon, probably, why don’t we take a walk around here? Just you and me, there’s still a lot you have yet to see” Seonghwa smiled. 
She smiled back. “Okay, I’ll be ready.” 
“Good,” He pecked her lips again before joining Hongjoong over to the desk. 
She watched the two of them talk for a moment until she excused herself to leave and enter the dining room. As she had expected, the long table was now laden with a lot of food, from slices of toast to large, silver, pots of coffee that was served in cups that were likely passed down from one generation to another. This was her life now, living in an estate like the Fontaine by the sea, while her husband was often busy with work but promised to make time for her later. It was moments like these that assured her that she belonged here, in the Fontaine, with Seonghwa. 
As Seonghwa had promised, they were taking a walk around the Fontaine later that afternoon, with Lucky on a leash. He showed her the servants’ quarters that seemed to be as elaborate as the main house, as well as the garage that had his family’s collection of cars, some of which were especially rare models nowadays. A gust of cold wind from the sea hit them, and Seonghwa was almost losing control of Lucky’s leash, as the dog was beginning to get restless. 
“Keep warm, my darling,” Seonghwa said to her while he tried to maintain control of the dog’s leash. 
“I’m trying. It’s not going to rain now, is it?” She asked, trying to help him with the dog and taking the leash from him instead. 
“You can’t be too careful,” Seonghwa replied. 
“It’s really wonderful here,” She said. “I love every bit of this place.” 
The dog had gotten away, making her nearly fall over and Seonghwa catching her for support. “Lucky!” He called out with a whistle. “Lucky! Here! Not that way! Lucky, come back!” 
“He went down those steps by the cliff, where does that lead?” She asked, watching the dog move down. 
“It uh,” Seonghwa paused, trying to whistle again to get the dog’s attention. “It leads to a cove where we used to keep a boat.” 
“Then let’s go down there, Seonghwa,” She said, tugging on his arm. 
“Oh no, no, we don’t need to go down there, it’s not very interesting, just a stretch of sand.” 
“Seonghwa, please, we have to go down there,” She insisted. 
He shook his head slightly. “We’ll go down there next time, not today.” 
They heard a howling from where the dog came from. She tugged on his arm again. “Seonghwa, is that Lucky? There must be something wrong, he probably injured himself.” 
“No, he’s fine. Just leave him be,” He replied. 
“I really think I should go down there and check up on him,” She said, pulling away, carefully moving towards the steps to the sound of Lucky’s howling. 
“Come back! Don’t mind Lucky!” Seonghwa was calling out. “He’s just fine, he knows the way home!” 
Even then, she couldn’t leave the dog behind. What if Lucky really was in danger? At least she would be there to see if he was alright. “Lucky? Lucky?” She called out the closer she got, until she saw the dog in front of what looked like a small cottage. Lucky was scraping and pawing at the door. “Lucky? What are you doing here? Are you looking for something in there?” She said, grabbing the end of the leash again. “Come on, let’s go back, Lucky.” 
The door of the cottage slowly opened, and behind it was an old man, looking down at the dog. “He comes here looking for her,” He said. 
She stepped back in surprise at the sight of him. “Oh! I didn’t-I didn’t know this was occupied-” 
“I know that dog,” The old man said. “He comes from the house, he’s not yours.” 
“No,” She shook her head. “He’s Mr. Park’s dog.” 
“I know that dog, he comes here looking for her,” The old man said again. 
“Who? Whose cottage is this?” She asked. 
“Mrs. Park,” The old man replied. 
“Oh,” She said, and turned back to the dog, tugging on the leash. “Come on, Lucky, let’s go home,” and the dog whimpered a little. 
“You won’t tell anyone you saw me in here, will you?” The old man suddenly asked. 
“You mean you don’t belong here in the Fontaine?” She asked. 
“Yes, but I wasn’t doing anything bad, I was just putting away the shells I collected,” The man replied. “She’s gone in the sea, isn’t she? She’s not coming back.” 
“No,” She shook her head. “She’s never coming back. Come on, Lucky, let’s go home,” She tugged on the leash again, leading the way back to where Seonghwa was. The closer they got, the more she saw Seonghwa already on his way back to the house and she hurried up the steps and towards him. “Seonghwa! Seonghwa! Wait!” She said, the dog now following behind her. Seonghwa stopped to wait for her and she had already sensed that his mood had changed. “I’m so sorry it took a while.” 
“I told you not to go there, you knew I didn’t want you to go there, but you went anyway,” Seonghwa muttered. 
“But why not? There was only a cottage down there, and a strange man-” 
“Don’t go back there again, do you understand?” Seonghwa was stern this time. 
“Why not?” She asked. 
“Because I hate the place!” Seonghwa snapped. “If you had my memories, you wouldn’t go there or talk about it or think about it!” 
“What’s wrong? Oh I’m so sorry, Seonghwa-” 
He sighed and looked down, apologetic as he calmed down and shook his head. “We should’ve stayed away from this place,” He said. “We should never have come back to the Fontaine, it was stupid of me to even think of coming back here.” 
She stepped closer. “Somehow I’ve made you upset, haven’t I?” She asked. “Oh, I can’t stand seeing you like this, I love you very much, Seonghwa, so, so much,” She said, her eyes welling with tears. 
He cupped her cheek. “I’ve made you cry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” He said softly, wiping the tear that fell down her face. “I tend to snap unnecessarily, haven’t I?” Seonghwa sighed and kissed her. “Please forgive me, let’s go home, shall we? We’ll have tea and forget this happened.” 
She nodded. “Yes, I’d like nothing more.” 
They didn’t return down the path that led to the cottage, and she now knew how upset Seonghwa had gotten knowing that she went there. She had accidentally opened up the past to him, and even if he kept assuring her for a week on how things are fine, there now seemed to be a barrier between them. It was that barrier that made her a little uneasy whenever she brought up the sea. She entered the library to get a book to read, where Hongjoong was, going over piles of papers. 
“Please carry on, Mrs. Park, you’re not disturbing me,” He assured her with a smile. “Let me know if there’s something you’d like to know about the estate.” 
She turned around to face him. “Oh, well, I was-I was down at the cottage last week, and the place seems to be nearly in ruins, in need of repair or something,” She wondered if she could ask it. “Are all those things in there, Daphne’s things?” 
Hongjoong nodded. “Yes, yes those are all Daphne’s things inside that cottage.” 
“What did she use the cottage for?” She was becoming more curious, and Hongjoong was the only one she felt who could tell her. 
“The boat used to be parked there,” He replied. 
“The boat?” Her eyes widened slightly at the revelation. “Oh, that was the boat that she was sailing in when she drowned?” 
“Yes, it capsized and sank and she went overboard,” He answered. 
“Where did they find her?” She asked. 
“Around 60 kilometers away, washed up at another beach, they only found her two months later,” Hongjoong’s tone was a lot more somber now. “Seonghwa had to go to identify her, it was horrible for him.” 
She nodded. “I can imagine so,” She looked down at the book she took out from the shelf. “Hongjoong? Mr. Kim? Please forgive me for being a little too curious but, can you tell me just one more thing?” She asked carefully. 
“Of course, Mrs. Park,” He said with a slight nod. “If I can answer it, please let me know.” 
“Tell me,” She paused, unsure if she wanted to know, yet a part of her wanted to. “What was Daphne really like?” 
Hongjoong sat up, a small sigh escaping his lips as he tried to recall his memories of seeing her. “I guess she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen,” He said. 
Hongjoong and Seonghwa went up to the capital to take care of business another week later, leaving her alone at the Fontaine. It made her realize how the estate still had much to show her the more she wandered around the halls, stopping to look at portraits and photos of Seonghwa and his family. Knowing that he wouldn’t be back until the next day, she took it upon herself to tour the mansion some more, but always stopping short when she reached Daphne’s room, but as day turned into night, she heard voices coming from the West Wing, near her room. One, she knew was San, and the other was of a stranger. 
“I don’t think it wise for you to be back here, Mr. Wooyoung,” He said. 
“Oh, nonsense, it’s just like coming back home,” The other voice said. “I have to say though, I feel like the poor relative, sneaking through back doors. Oh well, bye, Sannie.” 
“Goodbye, Wooyoung, and be careful,” San replied. 
“I will, don’t you worry about a thing,” He said. 
She opened the door, making them look at her. The man who was about to leave through the other door had a grin on his face, while San remained stoic. “Oh, hello,” He said, just as cheerily as she had overheard him. 
“Good evening,” She greeted back. 
“Sannie, your precautions seem to be futile now, the mistress of the house was hiding behind the door after all,” He said, patting San on the shoulder a little too hard. 
“I-I wasn’t really,’ She shook her head. “I just heard voices coming from this room-” 
“Sannie, how about you introduce me to the bride, hmm?” He patted San again. 
“Madam, this is Mr. Jung Wooyoung,” He introduced them, and they bowed to each other in response. 
“Won’t you stay and have some tea? San can probably bring in some for you,” She said. 
Wooyoung chuckled. “That’s a charming invitation. How about that, Sannie? I’ve been asked by the mistress of the house to have some tea.” 
“It’s rather late, Mr. Wooyoung,” He said. 
“Oh, well, you’re right, it is rather late,” Wooyoung said. “And we wouldn’t want to lead the bride astray, now would we? Well, bye now, Oh, Sannie seemed to leave out an important part of our introductions, I’m Daphne’s favorite cousin,” He revealed. “Bye!” He waved before leaving, and she watched him go down the stairs, San following him. 
She turned around as soon as Wooyoung was no longer in sight, and there it was. The door to Daphne’s room. She had long wondered if she should open it and see what was in there, yet a part of her didn’t want her to and only for her to leave it alone. But San wasn’t around, no one else was around, and her curiosity was becoming stronger the closer she got to the door of Daphne’s room. Without another thought, she turned the doorknob and pushed it open. 
She didn’t know what she was expecting, perhaps furniture all covered up in white sheets, dust gathering in the nooks and crannies, cobwebs splayed over some other furniture. Yet it was the opposite. There were fresh flowers in the vase on one table, a silk dressing gown on the chair all laid out along with slippers. She could hear the waves crashing in the sea, and smell the sea air coming in through the curtains. 
The door closed behind her all of a sudden, making her jump and turn around, feeling her heart almost jump out of her chest in surprise. It was San. “Would you like anything, Madam?” He asked. 
“No, no,” She was trying to shake off the feeling from earlier. “I was-I mean, I just came in-” 
San walked up towards her. “You’ve always been curious about this room, haven’t you? Why didn’t you ask me to show you? It’s a beautiful room, isn’t it? The most beautiful room in this house if I do say so myself,” There was something about the way he said it that made her feel so uneasy. “Everything is kept just the way Mrs. Park liked it, and nothing has been changed since that last night.” 
She was growing a little more uncomfortable the more he went on about Daphne, and he walked past the sheer curtains towards her dressing area and opened the door. “This is where I kept her clothes. You’d want to see them, wouldn’t you?” He said, taking out one piece of clothing. “Feel this wrap, it’s very soft, isn’t it? It was a Christmas present from Mr. Park. He was always giving her expensive gifts,” 
She reached out to feel the material. It was incredibly soft. “You wouldn’t think she’d have been gone for a long time, would you?” A chill ran down her spine at his words. “Sometimes when I walk along the corridors, I think I can hear her behind me, her footsteps quick and light, I could figure out that it was her. It’s not only in this room, it’s in all the rooms in this house,” San put away the wrap and closed the door, approaching her this time, but she backed away. 
“I can almost hear it now,” He said, in an almost-whisper as he closed his eyes. “Do you believe  the dead come back and watch the living?” 
She felt goosebumps at his question and backed away some more. “No, no, I don’t believe it, Mr. Choi.” 
“Sometimes, I wonder if she doesn’t come back to the Fontaine, and watch you and Mr. Park together,” San took another step forward, making her step back. “You look tired, Madam, why don’t you stay here and rest? Listen to the sea, it’s very soothing,” He sounded cold. 
“I won’t listen, I won’t, I won’t,” She shook her head, covering her ears in horror. 
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The MET Date
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Part 20 of Seventy Percent
Series Summary: When you left on your trip to Vegas, you’d planned on letting loose for one last weekend before heading back to reality and getting your affairs in order so your best friend wouldn’t be left cleaning up your mess when your cancer finally ended your life. What you hadn’t counted on was waking up married to a celebrity who has a knight-in-shining-armor complex, connections with an oncologist, and amazing insurance…
Chapter Summary:  You and Seb have a date. Like a date-date!!
Word Count: 2,258
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“I’ve lived here for over a month, you know,” you pointed out on Saturday morning.
Sean pulled to a stop at a red light and tossed you a confused look in the rear view window. “Yeah. I’ve been driving you for over a month.”
“And you’ve been living in my apartment,” Seb pointed out. “What’s that got to do with anything?”
“It means,” you said, “That I know New York pretty well.”
“Ah.” Sebastian settled back into the seat. “You think you know where we’re going.”
From the front seat, Sean laughed, making you glare at him. “You never pay attention to where we are. I could kidnap you and you wouldn’t know until we passed a Welcome to New Jersey sign.”
“So if you kidnap me, you’ll head towards Jersey. Seb, take notes so you can tell the police where to look if I go missing.”
“Noted. Anyway. Back to the original conversation. You think you know where we’re going?”
Sebastian turned in his seat to face you and waited for your answer with an amused look.
“We’re… well, we’re headed towards the hospital.” That much you knew. But you were sure Seb’s date idea didn’t include the building where you spent most of your time. In the last month or so, you’d only been to the hospital, the apartment, the diner, and Broadway that one time.
Of course you had no idea where you were going. But it annoyed you that you neither man would tell you where you were going.
Surprises were never high on your list of things you liked.
“You’re not wrong about that,” Seb said. “But that’s not where we’re going.”
Alright. So you’re headed to Washington Heights… What things were near the hospital that you’d seen? There was a BBQ place you’d been wanting to try. But Seb said there would be walking…
“Oh god. You’re not taking me to Planet Fitness, are you?” Laughter from both men filled the car and you got defensive. “What? You’ve threatened to make me go to a gym someday.”
“Yeah, once you’ve recovered from a successful surgery. Babe, you can barely walk up two flights of stairs.”
You were not about to tell him that you were winded after two flights of stairs before you found out you had cancer. “Okay, so if the walking we’re doing today isn’t at a gym, where is it? Central Park? If this is your way of telling me I’m a shut-in who needs Vitamin-D, I can talk to Dr. Chowdhury and have him suggest a multi-vitamin or something. I mean, I definitely wanna see Central Park, but it’s huge. Like, if you have a plan to, like, have one of those bike carriages or something for us, I can see that. But—”
“Hey, hey, hey. You’re blabbing like you were doing when we woke up in Vegas.”
“Blabbing? Excuse me, Mr. Stan. I am sharing my opinion.”
“Well, Mrs. Stan, you sure are doing it in a blabbing way.”
“I—” am being way too defensive. Sebastian didn’t know about everything in your past. He didn’t know why you hated surprises. He was doing something nice for you and it was time you started getting past your hangups. “Sorry. Yeah. I am. I just don’t like surprises. I like to know things, you know?”
“So you know how to protect them. I know, Y/N.” Sebastian took your hand and gave you a soft smile that damn near sent you into cardiac arrest. “Why don’t you just trust that I know enough and can protect you today? You’ve leaned on me for dealing with the press. Lean on me for today, okay?”
You let out a deep breath, trying to relax. “If we’re doing enough walking today, I don’t think I’ll have much of a choice but to lean on you. You might even have to carry me.”
“I give a hell of a piggy back ride.”
This time it was your laughter filling the car. “I’m definitely going to have to take you up on that.”
The car pulled to a stop and you jerked out of the tunnel-vision conversation you’d been having with Seb to look out the window.
“This is the Met,” you stated, trying to think of how Sebastian would know that this was your number one place you wanted to visit. “The Metropolitan Museum of Art.”
“Yeah,” Seb had that stupidly soft smile on his face as he took in your reaction.
“I… Wait. I told you the first day we were here I-I-I wanted to come. Like, in passing. How the hell did you remember?”
Rather than answer your question, he asked one of his own. “Think you can handle walking here?”
“Uh, yeah. Definitely.”
He grinned and squeezed your hand once before letting go. “I know you’re all independent and shit, but you’re going to sit in this car and wait for me to come around and open your door, okay?”
“Oh wait,” you pretended to be shocked. “Is this, like, a date-date?”
“Oh, shut up.” He playfully shoved your shoulder before getting out of the car. Before shutting his door, he leaned down. “You stay put.”
He waited until you held your hands up to prove you weren’t going to move before shutting the door and heading around the car.
Sean slung his arm over the back of his seat and looked at you with a smirk. “Wasn’t it just last week you were trying to convince me that Sebastian wasn’t really your man? Huh, Mrs. Stan?”
“You,” you said bluntly, “Shut your damn mouth.”
He chuckled and raised his hands in surrender. “I’m, just saying… babe.”
“I don’t pay you for this abuse.”
“Your man is the one who pays me.”
Your door opened and you shot Sean one last warning look before taking Seb’s hand and climbing out of the car.
“Have fun you crazy kids!” Sean yelled just before Sebastian closed the door.
As Sean pulled away from the curb, Sebastian gripped your hand tight in his and started walking towards the impressive building.
For the first time since you woke up next to Seb back in Nevada, you weren’t worried about being out in public with him. For the first time, you were looking forward to spending a day out of the apartment with him.
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“You know, I saw that interview you did,” you said hours later as you wandered the Arts of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas exhibit. “The one where you’d told your mom that you were in Black Panther, but she left before the end credits scene where you actually were.”
“I like that story. These masks just reminded me of the scene where Killmonger steals the African mask. Also, I’m blaming you that I can’t think of a Marvel movie without thinking of some sort of connection to you. Even the movies you technically weren’t in.”
His arm tightened around your waist and he kissed your head. “Risks of being married to me.”
“It’s a pretty good risk if you ask me.” You tilted your head up to look at him. “And the perks are pretty good too. I mean, I’m standing in the Met. Something I’ve always wanted to do. Because of you.”
His lips pressed to your forehead. Against your skin, he murmured, “My pleasure. Now let’s go find somewhere to sit down for a bit.”
“Please.” You hated to admit it, but you were almost ready to pack it up and head back home. You hadn’t even seen a quarter of the museum yet.
You decided to lunch at the café in the European Sculpture section, which gave you enough energy to tackle the Modern and Contemporary Art corner.
Half an hour later, you came out of your ‘Sebastian Bubble’ enough to notice some girls whispering a few exhibits away. They kept glancing your way. In such a good mood, you elbowed Seb and nodded towards them. “Looks like some of your fans are here.”
“They’ve been following us for the last ten minutes. Are you just noticing them now?”
“Hey. I’m focused on the art. One-track mind. You know me. Anyway, they probably want a picture with you or something.”
He nodded, considering. “You cool with that? I mean, today’s supposed to be you and me.”
“Yeah, it’s cool. I’ll take the picture. You know those girls will be kicking themselves for weeks if they pass up this chance to meet you. I was once a young teenage girl in love with the Jonas Brothers.”
“Jonas Brothers?” Sebastian gripped his hand over his heart dramatically, groaning. “Geez, woman, you keep saying things that make me feel so old.”
“C’mon, Old Man. Let’s go make those girls’ day.”
As soon as the girls realized you were walking their way, they started tittering excitedly. Their excitement turned to apologies for interrupting your day, but you quickly brushed aside their concerns.
“Hey, don’t apologize. Trust me, if we ran into Kelly Clarkson, it’d be Seb taking my picture with her.”
Between their excitement, random questions, and small talk, you spent a good five minutes with the girls before parting ways. Fully aware that they were still watching you as you walked away, you felt slightly self-conscious when Sebastian pulled you into his side, but you were fast to ignore that feeling. Their attention wasn’t vicious, like the press’s attention was.
“You know they’re going to post those pictures all over their Twitter accounts and stuff, right?”
With a shrug, you replied. “Yeah. But it’s fine. They just want to share. They’re not looking for a paycheck. They’re just excited. It’s different.”
“It’ll probably entice the media to start up again.”
“We’ll deal with it. Did you see how happy those girls were? I don’t see much of that in the hospital. It felt good.”
“Mmm, maybe you do need some of that Vitamin-D, you ol’ shut-in.”
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It had been a long time since you’d woken up hearing Jasmin’s voice. For a moment, you just laid there, curled up with Sebastian and wondered if you were dreaming. It took you a few seconds to open your eyes, and when you did, you were even more confused.
“Why are you Skyping on my phone?”
“She’s awake!” Jasmin sang, grinning at you as you blinked, trying to wake up.
Seb pulled the phone back enough to capture both of you in the frame. “She was calling and I figured why not.”
“Mmm, I wish I could have seen your face when Seb popped up on your screen instead of me.”
He laughed. “It was pretty great.”
“Look, when I was calling to see if you knew about the tweets, I was not expecting Sebastian Fucking Stan to answer.”
“Not my middle name,” he mumbled teasingly, earning him a nudge from your leg to his.
You were feeling awake enough to finally sit up, so the two of you took a minute to re-situate and you ignored the bright look in Jasmin’s eyes. She and Sean were the worst. Sure, napping together and teasing each other like you and Seb did definitely cross the lines of just friendship, but those two were so damn into teasing you about it.
So you herded off any comments by taking charge of the conversation. “What tweets? Oh! Did those girls post something?”
“Yeah,” Seb started clicking around on your phone, but you quickly took over since he seemed intent on keeping one arm around you and he was definitely not the best at one-handed phone usage. “She texted a screenshot to you.”
“Because both of you are living in the stone age and don’t have Twitter accounts. Seriously, you guys.”
You could only see her in a corner of your phone, now that you were out of the Skype app, so you didn’t really see her reaction when you stuck your tongue out at her.
“Here we go,” you muttered under your breath, waiting for your phone to load the picture.
It finally pulled up the post. Of the few pictures you’d taken, the girl had chosen her favorite and posted it with the caption:
Met Sebastian Stan at the Met today! DREAM COME TRUE! #stillfangirling
“See?” you said to Seb, turning to him with a smile. “You made her damn day.”
He nodded toward your phone. “Look at the first picture Jaz sent.”
“Is it a post from the other girl?” you wondered aloud as you clicked back.
“No. Actually, the girls found me again while you were in the bathroom and asked if they could post this one.”
Your brow furled. Why would they have to ask permission to post a fan picture? You’d taken those pictures for them.
Then you saw it and understood.
It was a picture the same girl had posted on Instagram of you and Seb, taken from a few feet away. You were facing away from the camera, looking at an exhibit. His arm was securely around your waist with his head turned just enough to be kissing your hair. Without the caption, it could have been anyone in the picture.
11-2-2019 Sebastian Stan and Y/N Y/L/N at the Met. They are both so unbelievably nice and thoughtful. Shandra and I weren’t expecting them to come over to say hi and take pictures with us. Between Sebastian filming and Y/N’s cancer treatment, I’m sure they don’t have much time together, but she made sure we got our pictures anyway! All those articles twisting around her past to make her into some sort of monster can go screw themselves! Unless you’re Kelly Clarkson, you can leave her alone! #shesafan #saidsoherself #cancersucks #prayingforY/N
You hadn’t expected the girls to say anything about you. Beside Sebastian, you were practically invisible, which was always fine with you.
But reading those words brought a smile to your face.
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All that fluff!! And an actual date!! Can things get any better than this??
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