#Moonwater? Healer
xotrashratxo · 2 months
marauders ship names that aren’t just two names smushed together sound like Warrior Cats fanfiction OCs (to me)
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ellecdc · 6 months
Dude, I read the one where you talked about pregnant reader and you said it'll be a cute fic.... are you really gonna write it!!? Poly moonwater with pregnant reader!?? Will you? Will you? Will you!!?? Please, will you!!!!!???
well.....since you asked so nicely........👀
poly!moonwater x afab fem!reader who finds out she's expecting
CW: mentions of pregnancy, how people get pregnant (nothing discussed in detail, SFW and minors), reader is concerned the boys will leave her, reader wishes to keep the pregnancy, based off a discussion on this post.
Now that you knew, you weren’t sure how you could honestly feel surprised. In fact, now you were kind of surprised that it hadn’t happened sooner. 
For all the claims that wizardingkind makes to be ahead of the curve in comparison to muggles, they don’t exactly have the best contraceptives. 
Potions are fine if you remember to take them, the same can be said about charms, and condoms are a foreign concept to the likes of wizarding society.
You’d been feeling so incredibly exhausted lately, and it had gotten to the point that you couldn’t make it through the day without having at least one nap. It was when you’d actually fallen asleep at the dinner table that Regulus started to fret, though Remus found it terribly funny at the time. 
Then came the aches and pains that never seemed to dull no matter what you did. You’d tried potions, over the counter muggle medications, hot baths, cold showers, lying flat, sitting up – nothing stopped the aches that seemed intent on plaguing you. Remus had even given you full body massages that, whilst absolutely heavenly, did absolutely fuck all. 
“Maybe you’re coming down with something?” He’d queried, holding the back of his hand to your head. “Reg? Can you bring me the thermometer?”
You swore you heard whatever Regulus had been fussing with in the kitchen fall unceremoniously onto the counter in his haste to come over to you.
“Why? Is she poorly?” He asked severely, placing the back of his hand against your head like Remus had, only far more aggressively and to the point that it actually made a slapping sound as it made contact.
“Och, babe! If she wasn’t poorly yet she’ll surely have a concussion now!” Remus chided, pushing Regulus’ hand away and cradling your head protectively to his chest.
Needless to say, the thermometer didn’t pick up a fever either. 
So, when you woke up the next morning and spent most of the day hunched over the toilet bowl, Reg insisted you see a Healer.
Once the Healer started to ask the more...pointed questions, the pieces all started to click together in your mind.
Are you sexually active? Yes.
When was your last menstrual cycle? They weren’t exactly regular so... you supposed it had been late.
Any nausea? Yes.
Fatigue. Uh-huh.
Body or muscle pain? Fuckin’ hells.
So now you were standing outside of yours, Remus', and Regulus’ shared flat with a copy of your test results in your hand wondering what in the buggering fuck you were going to do now.
Both Regulus and Remus were pretty set on not wanting children of their own. They loved children, and they were both really good with children (in their own, very different ways); but with Regulus’ past, his family's reputation, and “the sodding inbreeding, amour; I’d be surprised if it didn’t come out with everything upside down and backwards”, he was sure that it’d be better for everyone if he stayed childless.
And Remus.
Poor, sweet Remus.
Too ashamed of his own affliction to a) pass it onto his own biological child or b) force any child to live with the knowledge that they had a ‘monster’ for a father.
And that was that.
Children just wasn’t in the cards for you three.
Yet here you were...
Suddenly, you weren’t just worried; you were terrified.
They didn’t want this, they never wanted this. They had always been clear about that. They could have been more careful to prevent this, but here you were.
Here you were.
There you stood; outside of your shared flat, unable to bring yourself to open the door.
They were going to leave you; they’d leave you, surely. Yeah?
They didn’t want this.
They wouldn’t want you. 
“For the love of Circe, I’m jus- Salazar’s saggy balls, Y/N!” Regulus said as he stumbled in the doorway, startled after having been in the middle of shouting something over his shoulder only to nearly collide with you. “How long have you been standing out here?”
You stared dumbly at him; you weren’t ready to go inside. You weren’t ready to have this conversation.
Too bad.
“Not long?” You stated in the form of a question. He furrowed his brows and looked you up and down before offering you his hand up the two steps to your doorway. 
“I was just opening the doors and windows; you’re lovely boyfriend tried to make us dinner.” He explained with a fond eyeroll, stepping into the flat and squinting through the smoke flooding the living space.
“Yeah, yeah. Last time I try something new in the kitchen.” Remus muttered as he threw away an entire baking dish.
“What was it supposed to be again, sweetheart?” Regulus asked with a mischievous smirk you knew he picked up from spending too much time with Remus, Sirius, and James.
“Just never you mind, you tosser. Hi dove.” He muttered to Regulus, though his tone changed dramatically once he turned to you, his eyes softening as he took in your form.
“How was your appointment?”
Your appointment? Your appointment. The appointment you just had. The appointment where you found out. The appointment where you were told you were pregnant. That appointment. The appointment you were still holding the slip for. The slip with your results. The slip with your pregnancy test results. The slip with your positive pregnancy test results.
That appointment.
And you took off to the bathroom, slammed the door behind you and heaved into the toilet. 
There was a gentle knock on the door as you sat back against the tub with your knees to your chest, trying to catch your breath. “Dove?”
Another knock.
“Okay, we’re coming in.” Came Regulus’ more authoritarian voice through the door before it slowly opened to allow both of them entrance.
Remus had to fold himself a number of times in order to sit on the bathroom floor beside you whilst Reg flushed the toilet (while you flushed in embarrassment) and closed the lid to sit on it, facing you and Remus. 
“Did you get any answers from the healer?” Regulus asked quietly.
You smothered a humourless scoff and nodded your head in the affirmative. 
The boys let you sit there with your head laid back onto the edge of the tub and your eyes closed before Regulus couldn’t seem to handle it anymore.
“And? Are you... okay?”
You took in a deep breath and pulled that paper - now crumpled within your fist - cast a gemino duplication spell on it and handed one to each boy. 
You curled yourself inward and rested your forehead on your knees, reminding yourself to breathe even though you knew these two men now knew that you were expecting, that you were expecting their child. 
It could have been moments, or it could have been hours; but it was Remus who broke the silence.
“Pregnant?” He whispered on an exhale.
You cautiously raised your head to look over at him by your side, noticing that his eyes were shining with unshed tears.
You brought him to tears.
He never wanted this.
He wouldn’t want you.
“You’re really pregnant?” He asked again.
You nodded and swallowed around your gag reflex; unsure whether the nausea was nerves or...pregnancy related.
“You’re...” Reg started, still looking down at the paper in his hands. “You’re... gonna have a baby?” He whispered in awe.
You felt your brows furrow when you heard an emotional chuckle from beside you.
You turned back to see Remus wiping tears away from his eyes as he looked back down at his own paper in front of him.
“We’re gonna have a baby?” Remus corrected, nudging Regulus’ calf with his foot.
“Wait, you... you guys aren’t upset?” You asked urgently. Both boys snapped to attention to look at you in various degrees of worry or horror.
“Upset!?” Remus gawked as Regulus started shaking his head emphatically.
“Why? Why would you be worried of such a thing?”
You shook your own head and looked down at your hands as you began picking at your nailbeds. “Neither of you were ever interested in having kids of your own.” 
“Oh, dovey.” Remus cooed and quickly pulled you into his side. “When was the last time we talked about this, huh? When we first graduated Hogwarts? I think we could manage a kid now, yeah?”
“Or four.” Regulus added, causing you and Remus to straighten up significantly.
“Four!?” You and Remus chorused.
“Since when did you want kids?” You questioned incredulously.
“The moment I saw you hold Harry for the first time.” He answered without hesitation. 
“Ha ha.” Remus taunted. “Mine was watching her shop for Lily’s baby shower.” 
“What!?” You nearly screeched.
Regulus sighed before ultimately moving to sit on the floor on your other side; you knew this was very serious considering he was a notorious germ freak. 
“I was always a little afraid of having kids of my own, you’re right. I mean, you’ve seen the way that Sirius and I turned out, yeah?”
You and Remus scoffed at that.
“I just hated the idea of ever being anything like my parents, because that’s all I know. Or I guess, that was all I knew. But... I think you guys have taught me an awful lot.”
You watched Regulus’ stormy grey eyes as they moved between you and Remus. “You’ve both taught me to slow down, to be more patient, to see the fun in the mess and the burnt food and the change of plans. You’ve taught me that I won’t perish if I sit on the bathroom floor for a minute. And, I think most importantly, you’ve taught me how to love. And when I see how happy Harry is, I realize that’s all a kid really needs, yeah? Love?”
“You... you really want a child? This child?” You asked in a whisper.
Regulus’s face turned heartbroken for a moment. “You’re child? Absolutely, amour. There was never any doubt.”
“I always thought I’d pass on only the worst parts of me to any child.” Remus added, turning your attention to him. “But I find I’m only ever my best self when I’m around the two of you. And any child that’s even a fraction of either of you, well, I’d be one... one lucky man to call them mine.” He whimpered the end of his sentence before breaking out into a sob.
“Oh, Rem.” You murmured empathetically, pulling his larger frame into your side. He chuckled through happy tears as he moved one of his hands tentatively to your abdomen.
“A baby...” Regulus breathed, looking back at the paper in his hands. “We’re really going to have a baby?”
You and Remus exchanged a shy glance, understanding seeming to pass between the two of you before you both turned back to Regulus.
“We’re going to have a baby.” You concurred. 
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alchemistc · 1 year
steddie bb reveal
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So fucking thrilled to share that I will be working with @kaspurrcat and sleepykiart for @steddiebang!!
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a few sneak peeks under the cut
Eddie cast his magic out into the room. He had only a vague memory of the combination of herbs his mother had once mixed up for the healer in the village, and she'd never learned her letters to write any of her methods down. He'd spent a month pressing herbs and flowers into the bound book his uncle had gifted him, back when he'd still lived in the village, but most of those had been guesses, at best, a catalog of grasping half-memories, rather than any real healing craft. She'd been long gone by then. He wasn't a healer, in any traditional sense, barely more than a hedgewitch with an affinity for protective wards, but the forest had provided before, and had already recognized Gareth as a friend. His nose itched with the scent of marigold, garlic and sage, and he sent a grateful thrum of magic back out as he set to work.
His father had hammered a cross into the ground above his mothers decaying body against her own wishes, and Eddie had done what he could to mitigate that final insult. He'd draped daisy chains over the intersection of the two pieces of wood; he'd planted lavender and peony after the first frost for years, only to have his father rip it free each time they bloomed over her grave; he'd etched runes into the wood, right above where the cross dipped into the earth, until his father had noticed them and scratched them out, too. He'd stopped leaving signs of his visits, then, preferring to sketch the runes into the grass with hands dipped in moonwater, and chanting the rite of passing into the dirt on the nights his father was too steeped in drink to notice Eddie slipping out. He'd buried his uncle in the little copse of trees to the north of the village, hidden away from prying eyes. It was the first bit of warding magic he'd ever managed successfully - four corners of suggestion, a story whispered in cardinal directions; a warning, a reminder, an suddenly remembered appointment, an encouragement to steer clear of that section of the woods in future should anyone be brave or stupid enough to traipse past it. It had kept his uncles resting place safe from the village mob for years, now.
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thatgirlwithasquid · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about black cat heather and witch chrissy 🥹
oooh!! yes! a fantastic concept 💕💕
A patch of sunlight had poured through the cloudy glass of Chrissy’s apothecary. It caught on specks of dust in the air, making them shimmer like specks of silver and dance like the very magic she sought to tame as she worked here. The desk below the window was captured by the glow, shadowed wood framing the square of warmth where her beloved lay.
She was laying on her side, the black cat that had claimed one of her (thankfully) less cluttered work surfaces in the room. Face towards the light, back to Chrissy. Just basking in the moment and the sun. It lay across her form, draped like a blanket of contentment, casting her black fur into a glow of warm browns and breathtaking ambers.
It was moments like this that Chrissy was glad she was a late riser, and that Heather woke with the sun. The bed may be lonely when she woke, alone atop her downy pillows and beneath cotton sheets, but then she would be treated to moments like this. Moments where she could stop still and watch as her shapeshifter’s tail flicked idly back and forth.
Maybe it wasn’t the type of domestic her parents had imagined for her. Maybe her mother had pictured her marrying some local merchant (or, if she was very lucky, catch the eye of some Lord) and becoming his personal healer. But there was no questioning that this was better; this was the domesticity she wanted, finding the woman she loved enjoying the benefits of her own magic and utterly at peace in their cottage.
A glance at her other worktable—the new one she had commissioned from a town craftsman after Heather had first discovered this particular spot—revealed that her moonwater had been brought in, her vials washed and dried ready for her, and her basket and journal set aside for later foraging and note-taking. It widened the indulgent smile on her face.
Heather always took steps to help her, and make her pursual of her magical career that much easier. It was no wonder that she loved her so much.
Chrissy’s slippered feet were quiet on the cool stone floor as she crept over to her desk. The wood was worn smooth and soft under her fingertips when she reached it. Heather’s fur was softer, and sun-warmed too.
Her head turned and bright eyes opened to meet Chrissy’s own. If a cat could smile, Chrissy is sure that is what Heather would be doing.
“Good morning,” the shifter sighed.
“Morning,” Chrissy returned softly, petting a hand along her side.
Heather purred.
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starseededhippie · 6 years
Magickal and spiritual things can happen with these two alone: Florida Water and Full Moon Water
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lyssaloveesmagick · 3 years
~ Everything has energy, and if you believe in Tarot cards I believe you should also believe in the energy crystals radiate, as they are more natural than any form of divination. ☺️
~ Each Crystal is different, different colors and shapes each have specific uses but many have multiple uses. Lots of crystals are used in Chakra work, Dream work and other forms of energy/ascension/alignment work. The closer to natural the stone is, the more potent it will be. Polished stones still work well, just often at a slower pace. Bigger crystals will be stronger too.
~ When working with crystals in Chakra work most of the time the color of the stone will align with the corresponding chakra.
For example:
♥️ ROOT - Garnet, Carnelian, Red Jasper, Bloodstone. (I love using obsidian here too but I want to discuss this stone lower in the post)
🧡 SACRAL PLEXUS - Sunstone, Orange Calcite, Tigers Eye & Citrine
💛 SOLAR PLEXUS - Pyrite, Aragonite, Amber & Yellow Tourmaline
💚 HEART - Emerald, Malachite, Amazonite & Green Aventurine (& Rose Quartz)
💙 THROAT - Apatite, Soladite, Turquoise & Blue Kyanite ... Think light blue/teal here.
🧿 3rd EYE - Laborodite (my favorite crystal), Azurite, Lapis Lazuli & Sapphire
💜 CROWN - Amethyst, Moonstone, Lepidolite & Howlite
Now, the colors dont HAVE to match. There are plenty of chakra healers/balancers that dont coordinate colors BUT I love to match so there's my list!
🤍 Obsidian (mentioned above) is great for protection!
🤍 Selanite is great for clearing energy & charging other crystals. You can get it as a plate or bowl to rest your daily crystals on so they're ready to go in the morning.
🤍 Clear Quartz is an everything stone! You can literally charge it with any intention. Its a good stand in for anything you dont have. With Quartz being a high vibrational stone it will work to align you with its vibration, often sending you ideas to help you take inspired action to illuminate and clear your path. My favorite of the Quartz family is Lumerian, but stones such as Citrine, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz & Rose Quartz are all in the same family. Be knowledgeable when buying Citrine & Amethyst as some are man made by heat treatment.
🤍 MOLDAVITE is a popular one lately so let's talk about it. Moldavite is a tektite, which is technically not a crystal but still acts like one. It was created in a single meteorite impact in Bohemia that occurred about 15 million years ago. It is ONLY found in the Czech Republic which causes it to be extremely rare & now often faked due to it's increasing demand. So beware of its very high price & be alert when buying. Because of its birth story it's energy is at times chaotic, which you can also see within the stone when examining it, as the inner lines have no pattern & it also holds tiny air bubbles. Like Clear Quartz, its a high vibrational "stone" that works to align you with its vibration. So if you are interacting with low vibrational people or activities it will work to remove these from your life usually by aligning your thought patterns with the correct actions. It may bring you some magic but more often than not you will be asked to take inspired action to have it work properly. This is one piece I cannot sleep with in my room at all!!
~ Check that your crystal dealer is selling ethically sourced stones & be sure to do your research on which crystal/tektite will work best for your desired intentions before purchasing & activating them! I find it best to only work with 1-4 crystals at a time when outside of my home. 2 is my sweet spot, but we are all different & our sensitivity changes as we develop empathy towards universal energy.
~ Ok! Now that we've got the basics on picking your crystal out of the way, here's how to use them!!
~ You should cleanse your crystal after purchasing it to remove the energy of anyone who has handled them or any negative experiences they've endured before reaching you. Not all practicioners believe this & not all stones hold negativity but I believe it's good practice & can't hurt so here's what I know: You can do this in many ways. Sound cleansing (via bells or soundbowls or even YouTube sound baths), kosher or Himalayan salt bath, brown rice, smoke cleanse (via ethically sourced Sage, Palo Santo or Incense) or for certain stones you can soak them in running water or salt/sun/moonwater to cleanse & charge - BUT use caution as some, such as moldavite, laborodite & selenite (most crystals ending in ite) will dissolve in water, especially hot water so again, do your research on the specifics - you can burry them in dirt outside or in your house plants for a few hours just watch out for rain/damp soil, a Selanite or Quartz dish will cleanse & charge any stone, & my personal favorite method - setting them out under the moonlight! I think the Sun works too but the Moon is preferred by most practitioners. It usually only takes a couple hours with most of these methods. Smaller crystals can be cleansed with breath & feather wind.
~ To charge them, moonlight is ideal. Setting them in a windowsill or outside for 3-5 hours will work perfectly! You can soak them in saltwater under the sun too. This amplifies their natural energy before adding your own.
~ To program & active each crystal you'll essentially be forming a bond with each one individually. You can do this simply by holding it in your dominant hand (usually the right hand as the left body is for recieving intuitive nudges), meditate with the crystal wrapped in both hands, envisioning what you'd like to accomplish together & commanding it to activate. I personally find that the universe works best when we say please & thank you. I also like to kiss my energy into each stone after we've spent a few moments bonding.
~ Now your crystals are ready to move energy & help you develop your growth! All you have to do is place them accordingly in your home or carry them on you. Again, I find it best to only carry about 2 on me at a time. I have also found that sleeping with too many in my room gives me restless sleep, even just 1 high vibrational stone on my dresser is usually too much for me, but the lower chakra stones or blue stones are usually okay. Some people keep them on an altar or in a grid (YouTube is very helpful for learning gridwork) some keep them in windowsills - just use caution as some stones get sunbleached - & some people like me have a few crystals in each room! You can look into the best placements for each stone you own for best uses & placements depending on your intentions.
I get the most potent dreams with Red Garnet under my pillow & Blue Kyanite on my side table. I keep a large Rose Quartz, medium Amethys & Selanite, & some smaller Obsidian, Moonstone, Laborodite, Rainbow Hematite & Quartz pieces & Gold flakes on my dresser... Although as I'm typing this im wondering if that Laborodite is why I haven't been sleeping as well or if it's just all the Eclipse & Retrograde Energy going around in this 2021 air 😆
Either way, I hope you've found this post to be of some use & if you have any questions or anything I can add please don't hesitate to reach out!!! (Use of Evil Eye as 3rd Eye symbol in this post is soley meant for aesthetic but I do wish protection, peace & prosperity on all it lay sight on)
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orbitariums · 4 years
HEALING | thor odinson + reader
okay so i started writing this in november of 2019 and i really loved where i was going with it but never finished, so i continued it yesterday and finished it just now and here it is!!!
it takes place after the fight with the hulk in sakaar, you’re a healer and you take care of thor with your sisters. but there is something more there, and something that he has to offer you, as well. 
warnings/notes: quick paced!, falling in loooove, thor eats you out & fingers you, intercourse, sooo much talk ab divinity and gods (bc if you’re fucking a god that shit better feel different), empath + healer reader w/ powers, thor is emotionally attached and also hot, reader! is melancholy, descriptions of wounds, kinda cathartic fucking for the both of them, pussy heals, thor doesn’t know the difference between lord & god (but still has a preference n i love him for that)
& tbh i’m rlly proud of this share y’alls thoughts!!
word count: 8.8k
HEALING | thor odinson
    He was badly injured. Cuts and scrapes adorned his body like broken holiday ornaments, jagged bruises ran along his limbs. On the side of his face there was a gash that ran from the arch of his thick, bushy brows down to his chin, still fresh with blood. All these were injuries that would take eons to heal or leave scars, if you and your sister were regular doctors from planet Earth. Luckily, your healing powers would make for a quick recovery, though he would have to be nursed back to health by the sight of his injuries.
    Your powers, shared with your four sisters, were the strongest. You were the only healers in Sakaar. They needed you. You were there for the end of every brutal battle or fight in the arena, with nectar, elixirs, and herbal remedies that you used on your patients.
    Your fingers tingled with magic, you could run them along any broken bone or scar and the bone would snap back into place, the scar would fade. You were powerful women, with abilities like no other on the planet of Sakaar, as much as the Grandmaster hated to admit it.
     Still, even looking at this man, bulky and fit as he was, you couldn't help but lament the gash running down his face. You would try to relieve it, but it would probably be scarred forever, lest he stay behind and let you mend him to the best of your abilities. Nonetheless, you turned to one of your sisters, Amindi.
    "Pass me the moon water," you said, and she passed you the jug full of sparkling, night blue liquid that had been charged by the powers of the moon, known for its abilities to cure deep cuts and heal internally as well. Holding the heavy jug up with ease, you frowned slightly while looking down at his face. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful - not for long. "Gods. This is going to sting."
    You dipped a cloth in the moonwater and let the blue liquid spread, its slightly gooey consistency dripping down the cloth. You leaned forward, your body hovering over the man's face while your sisters tended to his upper body and legs. You had your elbow lying gently on his chest to balance and you were slowly, very tentatively raising your hand with the cloth in it up to his face.
   You felt deep sorrow for some reason — as a healer you hated to see anyone in pain, it was maternal for you — but you felt especially pitiful for this man. Your powers as a healer included being an empath, which was a blessing and a curse at times. Melancholy, masked by anger, coursed through your very veins. This man had lost something, something dire to him. He had lost a few things, and was not able to properly process it. You felt his losses, pitied him.
       Your fingers trembled before you gently placed the cloth on top of his broken skin, and, just as you expected, he woke with a roaring start, pain searing through his body like raw meat against a flame. You flinched at the volume of his yell. He sat up immediately, his heart pounding like he had just been woken from a bad dream. He was clearly in a disarray, confused, and also in pain from the sting of the moonwater against his skin, though the gash it was meant to heal was beginning to close up.
     Your sisters had no idea how to react to this, this confused, angry-looking hulking man in front of them. They all stood at his feet, keeping their distance from him and watching intently with their hands behind their backs. You were still beside him, though you leaned away, your cloth clutched tightly in his hand.
   "Who are you?" he demanded to know. "Where..."
He glanced around the room, your wooden cabin that served as a house for you and your sisters and an infirmary, and groaned, realization setting in on his drooping face.
You blinked, astonished at how he appeared when he was coherent, and stumbled to your feet.
    You said your name, trying to keep your voice steady. He was still a foreigner to you and after what he'd survived you didn't know what he was capable of. You started to walk over mindlessly to your sisters.
    "My sisters. Amindi, Mina, Niva, Zahra. We are healers. We're here to help you." You turned to your sisters to dismiss them. "Go on, I've got him."
They scrambled away with ease, leaving you and this man alone. He was standing up now, though he winced - there was still a black bruise at his stomach, around the curve that led to the inside of his trousers. You looked down at it and grimaced. His eyes followed yours and he furrowed his brows, then looked up as if he was concerned with something else.
    "Sir?" He grunted in response, turning his head to face you, and you tilted your head at him curiously. "Who are you?"
    "Thor, son of Odin," he sighed out deeply through his nose and walked around the room, looking for something.
You could only watch him, trying to hide how your eyes took in his build as he stalked around the room. You watched in amazement at how his muscles flexed when he bent down to pick up his armor vest, and slip it on over his head. You still didn't know who he was, as you knew nothing of Asgard. But despite your intrigue, your face still contorted in concern when you saw him put the vest on over his injuries.
    "Please, you mustn't," you urged him, and you found yourself marching toward him, forgetting his very apparent strength and how you knew nothing about him. "Take that off," you insisted, standing in front of him with your hands on your hips.
It was then that he noticed your beauty, your goddess-like body and the beauty etched into your face, a kind of hereditary, natural beauty that would stretch on for years and be passed down for generations. And now, up close to him, you could see the intense blue of his eyes and the pink color of his full lips. Your eyes met for a moment, and you both held them there. Thor was the first to break away, still frustrated, his voice dark.
    "I'm fine," he huffed.
Your jaw clenched with sudden annoyance - you wanted to make sure he was okay, but he was fighting you already, and gods, you had been taking care of him all afternoon. You reacted too quickly for your brain to slow you down, and you kicked at his waist where the bruise was.
Despite the fact that you couldn't have kicked him that hard, considering your strength versus his, he let out a puff of pain and his eyes shut tight. You folded your arms, your eyebrows raised and lips puckered, eyes narrowed slightly.
    "You're not," you retorted very matter-of-factly.
He glared at you, but was silent. He knew you were right. You reached forward and put your hands around his body, taking off the vest yourself since he wouldn't. You looked down and your eyes dragged up his toned stomach, chest and shoulders until you met his eyes. He was smiling knowingly, and the mischief in his smile showed in those crystal blue eyes of his. You cleared your throat and blinked, looking away as if nothing had happened.
    "I'll need to patch you up first, before you even try to go anywhere," you said, your voice terse as you tried to dismiss what had just happened.
You turned around, gathering the materials you would need, and his eyes followed the back of your body wherever you went.
    "Why are you so concerned?" Thor asked, and you turned over your shoulder to face him, glaring at him,
    "Because it's my job." You paused as you walked towards him. "And more than my job, it's my duty. So stop questioning me and let me do what I do best."
Thor seemed impressed, and raised his brows, a faint smile playing at his lips,
    "My apologies."
You huffed out loudly, already feeling guilty for lashing out at him. Of course he was a little on edge. He clearly wasn't from here and he had probably been through a lot. He had woken up in pain, people he didn't know surrounding him, in a location he wasn't familiar with. You were a person who was inclined to be kind and nurturing, you wanted to make him feel safe. But you had felt so much just by looking at him, so much of his pain— it seemed unfair that you were always feeling another's pain.
    "I'm sorry," you murmured, in front of him now and dropping slowly to your knees so you could be at eye level with his bruise. You unscrewed the cap of an elixir that would hopefully clear up the bruise, and turned the bottle over into your hands, rubbing them together. "It's been a long day. For the both of us, I can imagine."
When you looked up at him, you were surprised to see him staring down at you already, his face hard and eyes steady on you, studying your anatomy and everything about you.
    "It has been. But you are beautiful. That could make up for all the time lost," Thor said, and his voice was unbelievably velvety smooth, his words like music to your ears.
You couldn't fight the smile appearing at the curve of your lips, looking up at him knowingly.
    "Thank you," you said, and you brought your attention back to his injury, massaging the wound with your palms, the elixir still spread on your hands. You let your fingers run across it, your touch making him feel something in his chest, something heavy and light at the same time. You frowned and breathed out loudly. "You are badly hurt. What on Sakaar did you even do?"
You looked up at him again and he sighed out in annoyance.
    "A raging fight," he looked pained to remember it. "I regret to recall it. That hulking beast. I knew him, you know — but he wasn't like before. Scratched me up a bit, he did. Nothing you can't fix, I suppose."
You blinked slowly, looking down at all your materials as you realized what he was talking about. Your eyebrows furrowed as you squinted up at him,
    "You mean Grandmaster's champion?"
Thor rolled his eyes, sickened by that title,
"If by champion, you mean Hulk, yes. To me, he's Dr. Banner. But no, not then he wasn't."
More realization sunk into you, but before you addressed it, you placed your hands, cupped together, over his bruise. Closing your eyes, you channeled your healing energy into his body, and he could see and feel the bruise clearing up as you hovered your hands over him. He felt the wave of purity rush through him and he groaned loudly, making you bite down on your lip as your mind traveled to less pure places. He felt refreshed, as if he had been cleansed entirely.
    "You feel that?" you asked, and he breathed out shakily, his body trembling,
    "Yes, I feel it. Gods... what is this power?"
    "I was born with it," you shrugged, used to the question people asked you and your sisters, in sheer amazement.
You stood up and dusted off your knees, still standing in front of him. For a moment you were both silent, studying each other's faces. Another nurturing instinct went off in you, and you reached up to touch the new scar that ran down his face, running your finger down it. Every time you touched it, it faded, but only a little. It would be there for a long time.
He could feel your energy, pure, holistic and full of light, surge through him every time you touched him. He was looking into your eyes, but you were distracted by the sight of his scar, wanting to heal it completely because the urgency in your mind told you to do so, but you knew you couldn't fully.
When you had finished touching his scar with your gentle, wondering fingers, you caught sight of him staring intently at you, and looked down, clearing your throat.
    "So you're the lord of thunder," you said out loud, and he nodded,
    "Well, god of thunder, but, yes. And king of Asgard," former king, actually, but he said that anyway. How would you be able to know?
You raised an inquisitive brow,
    "What's the difference between lord and god?"
Thor opened his mouth to speak as if he were sure of himself, then you could see the doubt cast in his eyes,
    "I - well, I don't know."
You laughed slightly, and although he was still confused, he laughed too, smiling simply because of the fact that you were smiling and that he had been the reason why.
    "You're funny," you said, smiling to yourself. "How'd you end up here, Thor, God of Thunder?"
He smirked at how his title sounded coming from your sweet lips, and indulged you in his backstory. You sat back, listening to him, and when he was done, you felt like you knew him much better. You felt you could trust him. And the feelings he had caused you had been accurate. He had lost things and people he held closest to his heart, been betrayed. He was thrown onto this planet and into chaos without even getting a word in, and all his hurt had been locked up inside of him.
    "But you are here," he said, looking up at you from where he'd been sitting. "And I like being around you. It's not every day I get to be under the care of someone so beautiful."
You smiled but raised your brows dubiously. He was god of thunder and a king where he was from, or at least from royal blood. How could he not have had his fair share of beautiful women?
    "Really? You don't talk to the women on your planet?" you challenged him, sitting up and smirking.
Thor laughed awkwardly, knowing he'd been called out on his bullshit but still continuing his lie anyway, faltering still under your blazing stare,
    "Well, I have seen quite a few women, yes, and... been with them, of course, but you... are... different."
You laughed loudly, throwing your head back, and though Thor was red as a tomato, he smiled at the sound of your unashamed laughter and the smile he could hear in it.
     "Oh, you're very good at what you do, you must be quite the charmer back at home," you suggested, a sarcastic glint in your voice, eyeing him down with a devilish look in your eyes.
He shifted, trying to ignore how that look in your eyes made him feel, the devilish things it made him think of,
    "How could I not be? But stop avoiding the real topic at hand here, which is you. I hardly know anything about you, except that you're a healer. That can't be all."
You shook your head and folded your arms,
    "I don't even know why we're fraternizing right now, you should be back in the city."
Your cabin with the infirmary attached was on the outskirts of the city. You needed to be surrounded by greenery and secluded in nature for the healing energy you needed. You and your sisters were partially excluded from the main part of the city, mostly voluntarily, and only went into town for materials or to speak with the Grandmaster or his counterparts. But otherwise you lived happily amongst yourself, outside of all the chaos and concrete jungle.
    "I should, though I don't want to. But we've been talking for this long. I'll bet they've hardly noticed how long I've been gone," Thor said, and boy, was he wrong.
So you gave in, because you liked his presence too, his strong and becoming image and how you interacted. You wanted to be around him for as long as you could, as you didn't get to take advantage of many interactions like this. It wasn't everyday that a beautiful man, a god at that, came to you for one thing and ended up staying with you for another. It would do no harm.
So you uncrossed your arms and shrugged widely,
      "You want to know more about me? Follow me, I can show you."
You were outside your cabin with Thor. He took in the lush greenery all around him, all the foreign plants and trees he had never seen before, the way the branches hung low over the rooftops, protecting your house. Nature was a sheath around your home. As you led him around outside, letting him see where you grew your herbs and made medicines, you told him your life story.
    You had grown up in Halcyon with your four sisters, which was a planet not far from Sakaar. But after the war, you were thrown unwillingly onto Sakaar. At first, you and your sisters were all going to be sacrificed.
    "But, Grandmaster spared us all when he saw our healing skills. He let us stay. But we were to stay distant from the city and live amongst ourselves, and work as healers in order to stay on this planet."
    "Why not go back to Halcyon?" Thor asked, engaged in your story. You paused, and Thor could see the hurt and contemplation on your face.
    "Why go back to where there's nothing left?" you swallowed hard, blinking away tears. Halcyon was your home, a home full of nature and love and light. Sakaar was nothing like that. Sakaar was like an eternal disco from hell, that was exactly how it could be explained.
You continued.
    "I've always been an empath. I could feel your pain before you told me your story. I felt I could connect with you, maybe I can. Here, come in," you walked over to the cabin where you all stayed in.
It had many floors and many rooms - it was spacious. You went to the kitchen and put on a cup of tea, which meant boiling hot water and adding herbs to it while Thor watched, sitting at the kitchen table.
You brought his cup and sat in front of him. He took a sip, looking up at you from the brim of the cup the whole time, like he wanted to say something. So when he put the cup down, he did.
    "We could leave here, together," he said, his voice and eyes dead serious.
You choked on your tea,
    "We'll go to Asgard. I'll have to fight off my demon sister, but you can help heal those who she wounded. Your sisters too, bring them. We'll escape this place."
    "That's a terrible idea," you laughed nervously, miffed.
     "What's so terrible about it?" asked Thor, miffed. He seemed like he truly and desperately wanted to go through with this idea. "You won't be back on Halcyon but you'll be out of here, and so will I. It doesn't get better than that."
     "Thor, I couldn't just... just leave. Neither could you, you've got that— that thing on your neck," you huffed, standing up from the table and beginning to walk back and forth, packing.
You were contemplating your whole life now. You were a level headed person, but that was just the problem. Too often, you accepted things as they were. The idea of change seemed radical although it was what you wanted, and you weren't committing a crime against your morals. It just seemed ludicrous and you were sure it wouldn't work. But Thor wasn't letting you off that easy. He jumped to his feet as well, and followed you, cutting in front of you and stopping your pacing as he talked over you.
      "No no, listen to me, YN," there was a sure fire in his voice. He was confident in himself, and you figured he probably always was too confident, because this was stupid. "This is what you want, this is what you deserve. Why are you so against that?"
You were breathing heavily in and out, and Thor put his strong hands over yours, holding them in the small space between you and him.
      "I..." your eyes darted from his lips to his eyes, and you couldn't decide where to place them.
     "Hmm?" Thor hummed, raising his brows up at you and looking down at you.
     He was towering tall above you and the proximity of your bodies was making you dizzy, as well as the natural, pleasant fragrance he had. He was warm, and he was strong and big, overwhelming your senses. He had a look in his eyes that was caring and genuine, but you knew he knew what he was doing, cornering you like this. He pushed strands of your hair behind your ear, the slight touch of his fingers against your skin electrifying you. Definitely God of Thunder.
      He leaned in and before you knew it, you were too, your head tilting and your lips meeting his in a divine fit. Your lips tasted like sweet honey and tea, and his tasted like war, metallic blood from his fights, and the herbs in the tea you had made. He kissed you gently, placing his hands on the side of your face while you let yours wrap around his waist, taking it all in.
     Your brain was lost in the fuzz of the moment and your thoughts seemed to have sludged away like mush. You were leaning so far into the kiss that you nearly stumbled when he pulled back, the sound of your lips pulling away could be heard in the quiet house. Your sisters were elsewhere, all that mattered was you and him.
      "You can't just do that," you muttered, though you didn't care, and your eyelids were lowered, your eyes glued to his wet lips.
It wasn't often you kissed your patients - it was more like never, in fact. It wasn't on your agenda. But with Thor, it felt so undoubtedly right, like you'd be stupid to even question it.
He refrained from smiling, his voice quiet and his eyes scanning your transfixed face.
    "Should I do it again?"
You barely nodded before your hands slid up to his shoulders and gripped, feeling the whole of his muscle, leaning in further and letting his lips take over. His tongue whispered secrets into your mouth and you could feel your lashes brush against his cheek. He let his hands travel down your sides and your waist, squeezing at the curves of your body and wanting to feel all of you. Your energies were merging with each other, the heat rising between the two of you, the both of you getting the other more excited.
Thor lit a fire in you - his divinity shone a fiery light inside of you, the kind that hadn't been lit in far too long. You felt drunk with power and your want for him, your hands hanging lazily around his neck as he picked you up by your thighs and walked over to the counter, your lips still attached.
      And you ignited passion in Thor, made him feel whole enough to truly see with his own two eyes, to find a way out of this place he considered cursed, to go back to Asgard. He felt pure and cleansed, like all the bad energy had been swiped away by your touch, by your plump lips against his. He ran his tongue absentmindedly, but with every intention, along your bottom lip, making you sigh out in pleasure like you had never known before.
He was turning on every sense in you to a hundred and ten just by kissing you, and while you thought of taking further actions, you couldn't imagine what that might do to you.
     He set you down on the kitchen counter and you breathed out loudly and shakily as he put you down, your legs long but your feet only gently brushing the floor. He gave you no breaks, his lips immediately moving to your neck and leaving chaste kisses, lips fluttering against your skin like a butterfly. He sucked on your sweet spot beneath your ear, his heightened senses telling him that was exactly what he needed to do. You hardly knew you had a sweet spot, Thor found that out about you before you did yourself — since you started living in Sakaar, you hadn't had much experience. Even if you had, you know it could be nothing like this. This was godly, this was something mortal men and even most otherworldly men could never satisfy, a sweet spot aching to be satiated.
    "It's what you want," Thor repeated what he had said what seemed like so long ago, and you nodded slowly, hardly contemplating what he was actually talking about- but your initial panic didn't matter anymore.
      He had convinced you, oh how he had convinced you, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, but in tongues only you and him understood.
He left love marks on your skin that would take weeks to heal — you didn't bother healing them yourself afterwards, you liked looking at them in the mirror or knowing they were on your neck, whether or not others could see them. Your neck rolled back as he kissed the spot between your breasts, lifting your shirt up and throwing it on the floor next to the two of you.
      "It's what I want," you repeated mindlessly to yourself; letting his mouth take over your body.
His lips led down to your waist and he looked up at you, the sight of his cold blue eyes sending your soul soaring, your stomach already bubbling with that faithful feeling. He easily untied your pants and watched as they fell to a pool on the floor beneath you, and pulled your underwear down as well, placing his hands on your back and pulling you in towards him as you sat on the kitchen counter, completely bare in front of him and completely aware of yourself, more than you had been in a while.
He left sloppy kisses trailing along your inner thigh, all while making the most intense eye contact with you, matching energies. You weren't nervous or scared, but you were excited and you felt like you had just as much rule as he did in this moment, that was how you balanced each other out. The both of you were strong entities who commanded respect, and in this moment it showed.
Thor wasn't a big teaser. He wasted no time making you feel good, making you cry out when you felt his tongue dive inside of you, his hands set on your thighs and his tongue penetrating you with no limit as to how far inside of you he went. He seemed to reach your very core, making your legs squirm around his head. He took it all in with very welcoming arms, lapping away at your slick. You were incredibly wet with arousal and Thor kitten licked away at your throbbing heat like it was his job to get it all up. You sighed immediately, pulling up his tunic - he assisted you, pulling it off completely and doing away with it, throwing it onto the floor. His back muscles flexed as he dove into you.
     He was relishing the taste of you. He noted how sweet and bitter your arousal tasted, the flavor a juxtaposition that applied to your very personality. There were parts of you that were logical, unexplored territory, stubborn - bitter and earthy, and there were other parts of you that were curious, unexplored, the parts of you that Thor was bringing out with every last touch. Those parts were sweet and giving. Stirred by the pure carnal nature of these activities - his knees nearly on the floor, your feet swaying by his sides, his head inbetween your legs - he moaned, the vibrations reverberating up your core, sending you into an electric frenzy. A guttural groan left your throat as you squeezed around nothing as a reaction.
Thor noticed, and he sighed out, his eyes slackening with lustful desire. He pulled his tongue away from your pussy and replaced it with two fingers at your sensitive entrance, which was glimmering with obvious pleasure. He toyed with the fleshy parts of you, glaring up at you with those darkened eyes. Somehow, with your legs around his head, even as they closed in, he felt safe. Felt like as long as he was between your legs he was healed - as long as his face was buried in your clit, magic would emanate from your core and soothe him in every sense of the word. The chemistry between the two of you was undeniable. He knew what you needed without guidance, and you knew how to heal him.
    The both of you moaned in unison when he eased his fingers inside of you, two thick fingers with bruises that seemed to disappear as soon as they came in contact with your wetness. You clenched immediately around his fingers, your body adjusting to the feeling of penetration, which you hadn't received for so long. A pleased huff of a laugh left his lips, his eyes smiling as he dove back down, lips suckling at your clit with just the right amount of pleasure. And he assumed slow, deep thrusting motions of his fingers inside of you while his lips were attached to the bundle of nerves. The pleasure was so gratifying, so much that you forgot yourself for a moment, your hand flinging to the back of his head.
    Surprised by yourself and your actions, you gasped, flinging your hand back away. But Thor noticed the absence of your hand at the back of his head, the absence of the pleasure he gained from knowing you were pleasured, and he grunted. His unoccupied hand grasped yours and he led it back to the back of your head, telling you without words to domineer him as you deemed fit. The erotic nature of the moment made you lose yourself again, pushing his head closer as you leaned your head back, moaning louder, without inhibitions.
      "Gods, Thor, that's it," you whimpered, allowing yourself permission to speak, allowing how turned on you were to seep irreversibly through your trembling voice.
     You weren't embarrassed, weren't afraid. With him it felt so natural, and you knew he encouraged you to fully feel everything he gave to you, not to restrict yourself. His words echoed in your jumbled mind: it's what you want. Gods, was he right. He responded with a groan, following through with the same motions, letting you have the next few moments for yourself as you squealed and squeaked and whimpered. Even as he repeated the motions, the sensations felt brand new every time, like he still had more of you to explore. And who could forget the free hand that operated either at your inner thigh or at your exposed nipple, tweaking it and rolling it around his fingers?
    Now he retracted his fingers, but it didn't take long for him to shove his tongue right back inside you, thrusting inside of you and seeming to reach your very core like the first time. Those shocks of electricity were back, surging through you, from your throbbing slit, striking up your stomach, and up your throat, coming out of you in pleasured shudders and stuttering groans. He didn't cease his hard and heavy breathes, making sure you could feel the warmth of his breath against your pussy. 
     His fingers didn't ignore your clit - his tongue firmly pumping in and out of you, he kept his thumb applying well-pressured, slow circles at your clit while the other hand ran up and down the top of your thigh. The hand that wasn't at his head overlapped his own hand on top of your thigh, following the slow up and down caresses he was making. It didn't take much longer of this for your toes to curl, your eyes shut tight as you rocked absentmindedly into his face, your core enveloping him the same way he was devouring your pussy.
      "Fuck! Thor, I'm-" your fingers curled tightly around his hair, your body lifting off of the counter, legs wrapping loosely around his back as you came with a howling cry, in disbelief of yourself and the sublime ecstasy that seemed to surround you as you came at his tongue, his fingers.
The vision you saw behind your closed eyes was like a flash of black and white, then a kaleidoscope of celestial colors, pale blues and whites that reminded you of a thunderstorm. You must have blacked out for a second while seeing these things, because your grip on his hair was so strong. This was like no pleasure any one else could bring you - this was the stuff of gods and nothing less. There had never been a better feeling than the one that came washing over you in this very moment, cumming around the eager tongue of a lost god, who would stay put between your legs, lapping up everything that you let out until your legs stopped shaking. 
     Even as you rode out your orgasm, it was never ending, his tongue kitten licking your juices, his eyes closed as he let you enjoy this moment to its full extent. He just knew your body like it was some hidden talent - just one of the perks of being a god of fertility, but even then he knew you in a special sense. You healed him- he healed you.      
    You didn't even notice when Thor came back up, standing up and standing inbetween your legs. His hand lay on the back of your head, which was still rolling back, to support your neck. He brought your head forward so you could face him, and you opened your eyes, having to blink away the orgasmic blur so you could see him clearly. His eyes bore into yours and you looked right into his eyes, one crystal blue and one hazel green, with no fears or anxieties. Your eyes found home in his eyes; his fingers and tongue found home inside you, and wanted to be inside you again. But not the same way.
      He couldn't help himself, pressing his forehead against yours and deliberately entering two fingers inside of you again just to feel you pulsating around him from your sensitivity, coaxing out just about anything you had left. Just to feel how wet you were again, to hear the squelching sounds of his fingers intruding your wetness. You weren't expecting his fingers back so soon, but they felt extraordinary inside of you, stretching you out and plunging inside of you so easily. His eyes never left yours, and you maintained eye contact with him as well.
    "I need to get you ready for me," he breathed, his voice low and dangerous, fingers bottoming out inside of you, making you lurch forward and bite down on your lip.
    By the feeling of his hard erection against your leg, no amount of fingering could get you "ready." The size of him wasn't necessarily something you adjusted to, but the pleasure was inexplicably divine. And at this point, you were just going with the flow - you weren't in charge of the schedule and you didn't want to be either. You didn't want the pleasure to stop, not now that he'd introduced it to you, ridding your mind of the idea that giving in to what you wanted was somehow taboo. If it meant you'd be getting this, you'd give in without resistance.
    "I'm not sure any amount of stretching me out will get me ready, love," you smiled, though weakly - you had hardly recovered from your first orgasm and already here he was, fingering you mindlessly and talking about how he would be taking you.
     "Mhm," he hummed, the hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "No matter. I couldn't stand not being inside you, in some way."
     You hummed in response as you leaned forward, mouths and lips pressing against each other yet again in harmonious synchronicity. You led each other, heads turning this way and that as you explored each others mouths and tongues. You tasted yourself on Thor's lips, to which you blushed. He pulled away only slightly, forehead flush with yours, fingers still digging deep inside of you, and asked you in his low, husky voice,
     "Does it please you to taste yourself on my lips? To know what pleasure it brought me? What it brought you?"
    "Yes," you sighed, yearning to taste more.
    He understood your request and his fingers slid out from you, leaving you throbbing around nothing once more, and his fingers toyed at your wet lips until you opened, your tongue savoring your own taste. The act was so overwhelmingly erotic, your lips swiveling around two of his coated fingers as you looked him in the eye, the taste of you fresh on your own tongue, eyes squinted in needy pleasure.
    "Come," Thor beckoned you, picking you up so your legs wrapped easily around his waist, feeling your hot arousal sticky against his muscular stomach. You blushed at the feeling of his skin in contact with your wet pussy, knowing he had to be feeling it, too. But he enjoyed it without shame, and as a result, so did you. "Your quarters. Take me to them."
    You whimpered, whispering the directions to him as he traveled about the empty house, then into your own room. He didn't bother to close the door, just settled you onto the bed, your back against the linen sheets which you made every single morning without fail. Just once you wished to wake up, and not make your bed. You sighed gently as he placed you onto the bed, his entire body hovering over you and covering you. You felt enveloped in the dark shadow his body cast over you - in that darkness you found so much erratic light that filled your whole body and swelled you. He felt it too, radiating off of you. Bouncing off of each other without even being prompted.
    "Need you," he moaned raggedly, head immediately turning down to kiss your neck, burying his face in the warm crook there.
    His lips dragged against the sweet skin at the crook of your neck, and you moaned, back arching off your bed. Every inch of pleasure you felt, he allowed whole heartedly, never quieting you or shutting you down. His tongue found an intimate spot there and he lapped gently at your skin as if it were your pussy, groaning directly into your ear,
      "Need my cock inside of you. Where I belong."
His words, and the feeling of his breath against your sensitive skin, raised a shiver down your spine. You clutched onto his shoulder, hand and fingers trailing absentmindedly down his back, thus healing any pains or aches that resided there from the damage of the fight. He let out a stuttering moan at the unintentional magic of you flowing through him, at the feeling of uninhibited healing surging through him yet again.
     "Is it true that you need me?" you whispered into his ear, and he pulled away so he could look down at your face, his desirous, somehow still innocent eyes searching yours.
    He nodded,
    "Truer than anything I've ever known."
     Your fingers traced along the side of his face, running through his hair and along his jawline, dipping beneath his chin. You knew your power fully, how you could seduce him, leave him aching for more. You were aware of your divinity, just as you were aware of his own.
      "Prove it," you told him, lips brushing just against his.
He breathed in deeply, a need panging so deep in his chest he found that he would have to wreck you ever so carefully to satisfy it. Deftly, he guided his cock out, holding it firm in his big hand.
     "As you wish," he grunted, and with a simple push, he was inside of you.
Nothing had felt like this before. Nothing could ever feel like this before. The feeling of immediate fullness. The feeling of being so full that you would never need anything more. Thor filled you up with no trouble. Stretching you out was an understatement - he expanded everything inside of you, in every sense of the word. You swore your heart even swelled in that moment, this intense feeling of tenderness that only comes about during the kind of godly lovemaking you were partaking in.
     You jolted upwards, lurching forward as his cock entered you, not ever really adjusting to the surge of light that soared through you as he coaxed himself in with ease. Your body had never felt this way before, so heavenly. To be in such close contact with a god, closer than anyone could ask for - it seemed to grant you powers beyond your imagination. It was like you were being taken to another dimension, just by the feeling of his cock entering you. And as for Thor, never had a woman fit him so well. Never had he felt such a strong sensation of gratification inside a woman, no pleasure allotted like the one he found with you. He refused to pause to take it in, though - he wanted more and more the further he slid inside of you. And it didn't take long to fit all of him inside of you, you were so wet, he slipped in easily.
     "Mhm," your moan came out constricted from your throat, and only then did Thor pause to make sure you were okay, noting the way your eyes were shut tight and your fingers were grasping at the bedsheets around you.
    "Is it-" you didn't allow him to finish speaking, interrupted him with a full moan this time, rocking your hips down until you could take no more of him, and answered,
      "Gods, it's heavenly. Do not stop."
He chuckled at your assertiveness, the way your hand squeezed around his muscly arm as a way of reassuring him.
    "Good, you're alright," he clarified, and pushed in further, his forehead hanging against yours. He panted, lips falling open.
      It was silent except for the sound of both your heavy breaths as he pushed in and out of you, you adjusting to his size and width. As you expected, it wasn't really something to get used to, but that outweighed the immense enjoyment that his cock inside of you brought. His lips were all over you, sometimes mashed against yours in an open mouthed, hot and disconnected kiss, sometimes lolling against the sweet spot at your neck, sometimes further down, attached to your nipple as he curved his angle inside of you. But wherever his lips were, the pleasure was not diminished, and the most obvious sensation was that of him inside of you.
     "Taking me so well, aren't you, Healer?" he called you by your title, as if it held more nobility than it did.
    On Sakaar, your skills weren't appreciated the way they should've been - the way they would've been on Halcyon. It was part of the reason you just assumed the things you wanted should be ignored. But in Thor's mind, the title of a Healer was incredibly noble. Your touch dissolved wounds, and not just at the surface. It was an ability he took seriously. He held you in high regards.
   You replied with a mangled groan, eyes closed as he thrusted in and out of you, deep and slow.
    "Thor," you moaned his name, and his hips stuttered only slightly at the sound of his name leaving your lips. Then he began snapping into you more rhythmically, abandoning the gentle, slow pace he'd adopted so you could "adjust" at first. He was beginning to fuck you now, and you cried out at the realization.
     "Healer, you were made for this," he decided, loving how deliciously his cock twisted inside of you, how he hardly had to control his movements because you took him so well. 
No needing to go slow. No needing to hold back. Just pure, unbridled fucking. You seemed to fit him like a glove, like your pussy was designed for him. Soon enough he could hear the sounds of your slick and arousal each time he entered you, and that turned him on so much that he fucked you faster, harder. The rhythm of his hips swiveling and snapping against your inner thighs, the careful thumb he kept at your clit, was enough to have you lifting your legs up and wrapping them around his waist, keeping him there like a cocoon.
He felt so deep inside you, so fulfilling that you couldn't help the words that stumbled out of your mouth as you approached your orgasm,
    "By gods you are king."
His head snapped up and he grunted primitively, taking your hands in his and pinning your arms out behind your head, pressing his body all the way against yours so you could feel all of him, so that you could feel him so deep it made your head spin. His hips rolled so criminally into you, incoherent sounds and words leaving your mouth as he just fucked into you without a care, bringing you to climax one, then two times as he kept fucking you this way. He followed through with this until he came, twice inside of you. If you felt filled before, you definitely felt it now, his seed spurting inside of you as if it should've been there all along. And as if by divine intervention, you came another time, this time in unison with him as his last load left him.
He was lazy, didn't quite yet want to leave you, didn't want to relinquish the feeling he got being inside you. He was drunk on it. Even when he came he didn't retire the slow, sloppy movements of his hips, his load of cum gushing out of you while he continued. He groaned so loudly into your ear you thought it would ring the next day.
    He stayed inside of you like that for a while, still and motionless, and lay on top of you, your bodies flush against one anothers. Your sweat felt like ambrosia, and you found yourself licking the droplets of sweat that appeared on your lips and the crooks of his shoulders. He kept his cock buried inside of you, kissing sweetly at your lips once in a while. And when he finally left you, his lips still didn't stop kissing every part of you. He left the room briefly, your eyes watching as his naked body walked out of your room, and he came back with a damp rag, gently wiping down every part of your body. You wanted to do the same for him, but he refused, and did it himself, telling you to rest.
    And you needed it. The relief was so great that you could hardly move. Your body seemed to stick. Your head was swarming with cosmic thoughts - but no worries. Just pure relief and bliss- something you had brought upon one another. It was mutualistic, the way you empowered one another, the way that you healed one another.
    After cleaning himself off, Thor sat you up against the pillow and dressed you quietly and calmly. Even his light touches felt orgasmic against your skin, and that didn't necessarily mean sexually. You felt some form of bliss just upon looking at him. This sense of knowing, that even being an empath couldn't give you. You were made for him, just as he was made for you. Your meeting was a flicker of fate. There would be more to come.
    You lay together in the hazy sun, admiring each other, arms and legs still intertwined.
     "Let's take a bath together. It's big enough for the both of us," you suggested, and he nodded with a smile, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
    "Anything for you my love," he replied.
    "Then let's leave. With my sisters. Let us leave Sakaar, and fight for your Asgard."
Nothing you said had ever felt so right. After all, it was what you wanted.
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silvershears · 5 years
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NaNoWriMo 2019, Day Three
Project: Moonwater & Marble
Progress: 6,518 words
Excerpt: "Is this...?" Keetan pointed to the figures across the bottom of the relief. "These aren't us, right? That's just my overactive imagination. It has to be." He turned to Sheytana with wide eyes. "This place has to be a thousand years old at least–this can't be us!"
"It's not," Rada said, biting off the end of her sentence. "That's ridiculous. Nobody foretold any of this."
"But look." Dusam jumped forward, pointing to the figure with antlers. "This is Teryl--he's a Reindeer Child. That has to be what the antlers mean, right? And this one? That's a traditional dress for Daelysian women. That's Mornda! And the sword? It's got to be Bannen, I mean, come on."
"No one here has tattoos," Rada snorted, "or flowers growing from their boots. This is absurd."
"Ekkir said tattoos are common for Inscription, and he's an Inscriptionist," muttered Bannen, joining them.
"And the Anderri are healers," Teryl added, putting the book back on the shelf. "Their magic comes from the herbs they use. I saw that every day in the ship's infirmary."
"Rada," started Sheytana.
"Don't," she snapped.
"Aren't you..."
Rada threw up her hands. "Alright, fine! So I'm Anderri. Who cares? That doesn't mean that," she pointed to the figure, "is me! It doesn't mean any of those are us! Sheytana's not a Bottler!"
"Maybe it means Cyrian?" Sheytana mused.
"Absolutely not."
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actualpanda · 7 years
An Overheard Discussion (Tsuragao)
The day’s journey into night began in Paw’don earlier than other nights. For one of the coastal settlement’s inhabitants, a different sort of night was about to fall.
Two perfectly ordinary Pandaren, so ordinary they were impossible to place, regarded a mug of brew in one of Paw’don’s more recently established inns. They were so nondescript that one might have seen them in any settlement throughout the continent, at any time, but if one asked for a name…well, it was impossible to remember it. In their business, names were never offered freely.
Their tones were soft, too, not obviously whispered, but never such that they would carry. “The shipment is complete.” The unassuming Pandaren woman said, looking over the brew.
“Was there any tampering done off Zouchin?” An equally unassuming Pandaren man sat across from her.
“There was not. My inspection was quite thorough.” A soft bow of her head was given. “It had to be.”
“Did any of the scarves catch on?”
“No.” Her statement was emphatic. “I did see a Person of the Sky there.” A paw rose to her face, to cover one eye – her right. “And a hunter from the scarves was looking to sea from the Zouchin watchtower.”
The man grunted. “The captain made certain the scarves made their inspection, yes?”
“They made a thorough inspection.” She nodded. “But by then, the cargo was secure. And stable.” A small slip of cloth, dark as night itself, appeared in her paw - and disappeared into his. “Completely authentic.”
The bartender, a plump Pandaren man with a regal mustache drooping over either side of his lips, approached softly. “Will you need anything else?” A deep, polite voice asked them.
“No, but thank you for asking.” The woman replied readily.
The man held a paw up. “Is the lower lounge open?”
“It is, miss. Would you like a table there?”
“A corner booth, if possible.” The unassuming woman murmured. “A friend of ours will meet us there.”
The bartender bowed and led them away, hefting the mug. A deft sweep of the table left the table in the same, immaculately clean condition the unassuming pair had left. The lower lounge was underground, as someone in Paw’don had the idea of a more fortified establishment ever since the Alliance and the Horde had shown up and fought a brutal battle over the village.
Darker things had come after - but some Pandaren did not fear the dark. It was a battle of perception that had to be fought, for strength could be found in dark places, too.
When the mustachioed bartender headed upstairs, the unassuming man took a small piece of dark cloth from a concealed pocket. The woman met his eyes. “When we arrived in port, I saw the mark. Twice, actually. He was looking for a ship. The Gilded Serpent.”
The man’s eyebrows furled. “That ship belongs to one of our beloved Madam’s goons. A worthy vessel with a sturdy crew - it is as a Pandaren ship should be.”
“Apparently.” A soft chuckle left her lips. “And goons do have their use – Goya does not suffer fools happily.”
“True.” He offered a forbidding chuckle in return. “Without their help, I do not know where we would be.”
“A darker and grimmer place than where we stand now.” The woman nodded to the cloth in his hand. Our mark will assist in lifting the darkness and ensuring a bright future. And he’s tiger-trained, too.”
“Name?” The unassuming man rubbed the cloth about his chin when the bartender looked their way – the true purpose remaining a secret.
“Tsuragao Oceanpaw.”
The man blinked. “I know the name. We need a healer, yes…”
“We will need one to revitalize what the scarves damaged.” She murmured. “And his will is strong.”
“As strong as those who wear scarves?” The man rubbed the cloth against his cheek.
“On the same level.” The woman reassured him. “But even they are capable of seeing truth, my friend.”
The simply dressed, unassuming man, grunted gently. “Are there any scarves in town?”
“None. A distraction will draw their focus to the wilder lands near Pearlfin and Moonwater Retreat. Their eyes will be dazzled.” She smiled coolly.
“Excellent. We need them focused away from us.” The man wiped his face with the cloth once again and nodded swiftly. “It is ready. Are you?”
At her nod, the man took the dark cloth, held it to the palm of his hand, and pinched two clawtips together. At the perfect moment, too, for the bartender was upstairs.
Without a sound, without any sensation at all, there was a change in the room. The air stood quiet – and then a third person, a Pandaren mighty in countenance, bulk, and being, joined them. The shadows of the room clung to their garments, which seemed to repel all light. It was an illusion, yes, but quite a formidable one. This single man possessed immense power of body – and spirit, too. The kind of power that could have dealt with every guard in the village at once.
A deep voice left lips that barely seemed to move. “You summoned me. Do you seek a mark for our masters?” A courteous bow of the head was given. The Pandaren’s entire image was like a reverse of what once expected from a Pandaren – white eyespots, instead of black ones, with jet black covering the rest of the brethren – but rather than ripple or move, it was as though a soft sort of coating held to ever
“We do – and one perfect for you, my friend.” The unassuming man smiled, “We will need your help most when the sun sets fully.”
A cunning smile crossed the shadowy Pandaren’s face. “Call me when the time comes. I will join the shadows until then.”
Then he was gone, as quietly and as swiftly as he’d arrived. The man grunted, looking to the woman. “It’ll be ten minutes until I can call him back.” His voice was calm, but softly trembled.
“We’ll be ready to move, then.” The woman regarded the brew. “Our guest seemed to enjoy it.”
The mug was gone, but a number of silver coins – more than enough, quite a generous amount that included a tip – was left on the table.
“Ten minutes. I’ll be ready.”
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The chakra series I've been working on is finally complete! 😊 Each painting is an 8x10 so it's about 6ft top to bottom. I absolutely love it! 😍🕉 If you love it too and want it for your home, office, studio, etc. either dm me or wait for it to become available in my Etsy shop! These were painted with crystal infused moon water from the latest full moon. 🌒🌕🌘 I painted each one of these canvases with healing intentions and reiki energy. 🕉❤🧡💛💚💙💜🙌🏽 ☆♡☆ #reiki #chakra #chakras #thirdeyechakra #crownchakra #lightworker #chakrabalance #wallart #paintings #reikistudio #chakrabalance #chakrahealing #aura #chakracleansing #reikiart #healer #love #witch #shaman #wicca #holistichealing #balance #manifest #meditation #healing #moonwater #largeart #boho #unity #lovewins
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ellecdc · 5 months
The brainrot continues to grow by the minute….so here we are again lovey. After re-reading a lot of your blog last night when the insomnia hit me live laugh love.
I remembered you did a series with poly!moonwater about reader being pregnant and ect. So I was wondering what would be your headcannons for poly wolfstar pregnancy in terms of shy reader/the refugee type character in between gentle yet dominant Remus and loyal, protective, possessive Sirius type vibes.
awwwweeeee yes okay
wolfstar x shy/referee!reader headcanons for their pregnancy
freaks, like, catastrophic level 9 freak out
runs to Effie and Monty sobbing; begging them to help him, begging them to tell him what to do because he can't be like them - he just can't
has to show back up at your shared home a few days later with his tail tucked between his legs at having fled [will explain below in Remus] - sooooo super emotional
spends a lot of time with Effie and Monty - buys a lot of pregnancy, parenting, and baby books
quits his jobs and starts babysitting Harry (wants practice)
becomes a bit of a nuisance for reader; little bit of a coddler, doesn't want reader even walking, won't let her get up to get her own drinks, everyone who comes over has to hand sanitize and show proof that they're healthy ("what do you mean proof!? You want to check my tonsils??" "......yes Prongs, now say ahhh."), starts a sleep schedule for reader - encourages her to take a nap every afternoon
cries a lot lol - both from excitement and nerves
he has to become the referee between reader and Sirius
constantly defending Sirius to you when he hovers too much or seems to worried "he just loves you and is trying to do his best, dove", but also has to tell Sirius when he's being too much and to back off "you're going to put her into early labour, Pads."
lets Sirius thinking he's handling everything but really, Remus is the one actually making sure reader is all good and healthy - prenatal vitamins, adds supplements to meals/food for extra nutrients, books all of the OBGYN appointments, tells Sirius that reader "has to walk because it's good for her and baby ffs"
starts visiting his mum and dad for tea more frequently; Hope sends him home every time with more of his old baby clothes, blankets, quilts she's made, his baby pictures, etc etc.
reads baby books as well, but mostly about infant development (wants his baby to be the smartest lol)
plays voice of reason
far feistier than usual (not her usual shy, placid self)
spends most of her pregnancy handing Sirius' ass to him and he is swooning (might just have to put more babies into her.....)
Remus does take over your role as referee but can't help but admit how much he likes seeing you so passionate
very worried; never saw kids in the cards for these three (Sirius with his family trauma and Remus with his affliction) and I think she'd spend most of her pregnancy sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop......like, maybe today's the day they'll leave? one more emotional breakdown made by her and they're definitely going to pack their bags (which makes her emotional breakdowns worse)
Remus has to take her to the healer for anxiety medication because of it
It makes for a lot of really sweet conversations and moments between the three of them though - the boys reassuring reader and just cuddling for the rest of the day
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