Shirley Jackson, from We Have Always Lived in the Castle
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Writing Prompt #2814
"Do you resent me?"
"I resent these circumstances. But I don't blame you for them."
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"إن الذي لا يستشعر قيمة كوب شاي، لن يستشعِر قيمة قصر، لأنّ الامتنان حاسّة تعمل في جميع النّعم بنفس الطريقة، فالعاجز عن تقديرِ نعمة صغيرة، عاجز عن تقدير الكبيرات من الهِبات".
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Metaphysical/Spiritual/Reincarnation Ask List
Two things to remember about this ask list: Don’t be a jerk, and if you are not comfortable answering something, don’t answer it.
Send me a “⌛” if we knew each other in another life.
Send me a “👋” if you think we knew each other.
When did you start remembering?
What made you remember, if anything?
How long did it take you to accept it?
What is your recall type like?
Were you from another place?
A different ethnic?
Have you ever experienced any xenoglossy?
Have you experienced a gender change between lives?
Do you remember anything between lives?
How many lives do you remember?
Can you actually prove who you were?
Do you think history has given you a fair shake?
Does anyone really know you?
How much do you remember?
Any regrets?
Any lingering traumas, fears, or cell memory?
Any previous conditions that followed you?
Anything still healing?
Anything you are still coming to terms with?
Anyone or anything you can’t forgive?
What could you have done better?
What are you proud of yourself for?
Any unresolved feelings or issues?
Things you still like or love?
Things you still dislike or hate?
What foods do you still like?
Which foods do you still dislike?
Is your taste in music similar?
What about your general aesthetics?
Your belief systems?
What do you miss the most?
Anyone you miss?
Did you have a family?
Any pets?
Is there anything you remember doing that surprises you?
Is there anything you do now that would have surprised you then?
Would you be surprised in your past life to learn of where and who you are now?
Is there anything you remember that would have surprised the people who knew you?
Is there anything you remember that would surprise the people you know now?
Is there anything about your current life that would surprise the people who knew you?
How do you think your old life would be in the current world?
Does your new life reflect your old?
Is your education similar?
Is there anyone you would still trust to dance with you?
Anyone you still care about?
Anyone you would love to spend an afternoon with?
Anything you wish you could tell anyone?
Songs you remember hearing?
Scents you remember?
Tell your funniest memory?
Something you want to share?
Have you retained any skills, talents, and/or interests?
Did you grow up “just knowing” different things?
Do you remember how you died?
Have you been to the location where you died in this life?
How do you feel about this life versus your last?
What do you want out of this life?
Was anyone suspicious of you growing up?
Have you met other people in your soul group who are “awake?”
Is there anyone you share memories with?
Has anyone recognized you now?
Has anyone recognized your voice?
Did anyone recognize you before you knew?
What are some of the things that take you back?
If you could go back, would you?
If you could change one thing, what would it be?
If you could go back and bring one thing with you to this life, who, or what, would it be?
In contrast, if you could take something with you from this life back to your old, who, or what, would it be?
Do you have a favourite life?
Is there a life you feel drawn to the most?
Any controversial ones?
Do you have a life you consider your worst or least favourite?
How do you feel about the most recent life you remember?
What were some of your favourite objects?
Describe some of your favourite wardrobes?
Share a random memory?
What song/s do you relate to your past life?
Create a playlist for one of your lives?
Has anyone recognized your aura/frequency?
Can you see auras? (Would you like to learn?)
Can you see “on the other side?”
Have you met your twin?
Talk about your twin flame?
Post a few songs for your twin?
Create them a playlist?
Any soulmates you would like to talk about?
Anyone you were close to then that you’re close to now?
Draw someone?
Write someone a letter?
Write someone a poem?
Describe someone randomly?
Rant. About whatever you want. Just do it.
What do you think your next life will be like?
What do you think one of your lives far out in the future will be like?
Describe your ideal life, plane of existence also up for alternation.
What is one thing you wish you remembered how to do?
Have you ever dreamt of things before or while they happened?
New Age or something else?
Any paranormal/spiritual experiences?
Do you practice anything?
Have you ever experienced astral projection?
Freebie, create your own question here. (Be respectful.)
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40 questions just because.
What are some of the family phrases you learned growing up?
If you had to sum up your family tree in relation to yourself in a few words, what would they be?
An obscure song you think everyone should listen to?
What TV shows are you nostalgic about?
Talk about a WIP!
Talk about how you got one of your names? (Name, nickname, url...)
Talk about your day?
What things do you like to info dump on or have special interests in?
What is something you want to talk about?
Something you want to learn more about?
Pick a ship! (Mode of transportation.)
Pick a ship! (A pairing of your choice.)
What's a comic you really enjoy?
Tell us a story?
Tell us a joke?
Who is your favourite obscure actor/actress?
Name a movie you think everyone should watch.
Share an encyclopedia (wikipedia even) article!
Create a line up for a horror film. Who dies first? Who dies last? Who is the last person standing? Who is the killer?
Fighting games you think they should make?
Your favourite way to escape a social situation?
VR ideas you think would be cool?
You're lost in the Northern Fjords. What did you bring for a snack?
Favourite flavor of candy cane?
Favourite constellation?
You've been gifted an empty box! How do you decorate it?
If you were a columnist, what would you write?
Favourite video games?
Favourite type of hat?
Favourite type of weather?
Favourite type of bird?
What is something you wish you could do?
What genres did you grow up with?
Something you've been meaning to read?
Anything you'd like to tell the world?
Share a meme?
Someone you look up to?
Something you are too afraid to do?
What is your dream?
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Hey look, asks...
Write a piece of fake news/a conspiracy report?
Favorite type of cake or pie?
Did you climb inside furniture or small places as a kid? What was your favorite hiding place?
Favorite 80's/90's tv show/s?
Favorite piece of classical literature?
What do you use to take pictures with?
Do you have a favorite candle/incense?
What does the universe need more of?
If you could trade places with anyone throughout history for a day, who would it be and why? What would you do?
One of your ancestors you'd like to meet?
Favorite ancient tale?
What are you reading now?
Last show you watched?
Is there anything you need to do/should be doing?
What do you collect?
Something you would like to learn more about?
What was the last play you saw?
Have you ever written a script?
Have you done any acting?
Pick a small rodent or marsupial... Now write a short scene about them?
Play any card games?
Go draw something, even if you think you can't draw, and then post it?
How do you infuse your life with whimsy?
What was the last thing you had to drink?
In a library of things, what would you most like to be able to check out?
Last game you played?
Share a fact?
Share a piece of knowledge?
What is the truth?
Go to the dictionary (or a website involving dictionaries), look up a word, and share the definition and etymology?
You're on an archaeological dig, where are you and what do you find?
What is your philosophy?
How do you feel about coconut?
What are you deepest, most nonsensical fears? (You don't have to share this, make something up, have some fun.)
You're outside, you find a rock, what does the rock look like?
What is your fourth favorite color?
Sing us a song?
Read us a poem?
Write us a poem?
How do your take your coffee/cocoa/tea?
Something you really want to watch but can't for some reason or haven't yet?
Do you feel third degreed yet?
Share a joke? (No self degradation please.)
What are some of the little things that make you happy?
Name a few characters you relate to?
Describe some of the knick knack/odds and ends in your room?
What is something you would like to share?
What is a hobby you would like to take up?
What is something you believe in?
How does one make you smile?
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A GIF or two that describes your family?
Characters you relate to the most?
Favourite scents?
What languages do you speak/are you learning/do you want to learn?
What game did you play last?
In the spirit of Johann Gambolputty etc etc of Ulm create or share a funny name for yourself.
If you were a type of cheese, what type of cheese would you be?
If you could rule the world for a day what would you do?
Favourite heroes?
Favourite villains?
If you were a utensil what utensil would you be?
The Dutch word for turtle is "Schildpad." I thought you should know. 🐢
If you could announce yourself while entering a room, however you wanted, what would you say?
If you were a drink, what drink would you be?
You have been assigned a quest, it will be at least slightly dangerous, take some time, but ultimately result in a dream reward. Write a summary of your quest and what you find at the end?
This is one of those "pick a lyrics" questions, but you get to pick the lyrics of any song you choose to describe how your day is going.
Name three things that are your favourite colour?
Tell us about a myth/legend you're fond of?
Share with us a traditional song from your heritage culture?
What lofty aspirations did you have as a child?
Look to your left? Is there pie? If not, what pie do you wish was there?
Describe your accent without using the name of your country/tries.
Suggest a short story?
Go to image search. Look for the image of a toaster. Select a toaster you would like to use in battle against a fierce foe.
Tell us about a favourite candle?
Everyone has a favourite holiday, but what is your favourite thing about your favourite holiday?
Infodump about something.
Your favourite time of day?
Look around you. What are some of the things you are thankful for? Some of the things that make you happy?
Talk about a surreal moment.
Favourite type of liminal space?
Do you have a complaint that needs filed?
What do you find most beautiful about life?
If you could live in any style of architecture you pleased, what kind of place would you live in?
Characters that have had the biggest impact on your life?
Draw something and share it?
Write something and share it?
Share a piece of old writing?
Describe your favourite writing utensil?
Talk about an OC?
What pieces of history are you most interested in?
What are some of your prized books?
Watching any shows? If not, what's the last one you watched? How was it?
Last thing you saw in a theater, movie or stage?
Favourite animal/s?
Favourite games growing up?
Go to the asker's blog if they're not on anon and describe their general "vibe" or aesthetic? What does it make you think of?
Favourite kind of weather?
Something on your to-do list?
Freebie, ask whatever you like!
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Questions that will blow your tits clean off.
Describe one of your favourite shows in one sentence or GIF?
One of the most meaningful things someone has said to you?
What would you like to be an agent of?
Be honest, have you slept with that guy's ex wife, Susan?
A flavor combination you did not expect to like?
Pick a character, decide on something they are afraid of.
Your most controversial ship? (Be nice to each other.)
Favourite tumblr meme?
Share an epic fail you find funny?
Favourite old time film/s?
Historically speaking, favourite weapon/s?
Fun fact?
What law of physics would you like to break?
Pick 5 to 10 characters and assign them theme songs?
If you were dancing in the street, what dance would you be doing?
What do you really want to cut your pizza with?
What's something frequently said to you that you want to rant about?
A smell that takes you back somewhere, anywhere?
Share a song or two that you find calming?
Speculate about your last life?
Speculate about your current life?
Speculate about your next life?
What brings you peace?
You can turn one person into a llama, who?
Something funny someone you know has said, without context?
Congratulations! You've found it! The answer!
Write a click bait headline or e-mail title?
What are you?
What did you want to be when your grew up? What do you do now?
Pick a super power to accidentally give your worst enemy?
Share a passing thought?
Have you a favourite food or two?
What's for dinner?
How do you feel about The Issue™️?
A show/game/book someone could consume to know you better?
Recommend a random piece of media you simply enjoyed to the asker?
Fill in the blank: Your life is like _____?
What are you drinking right now?
List 3 blorbos?
This spot is reserved for the Swedish Fish.
Memes you frequently quote?
What's something you've been working on?
Something you want to ask someone else?
Give yourself a pirate name?
And a familiar?
Ah, 48. This question is very important
Someone or something you're rooting for/proud of?
Your tits! Where are they?
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These are asks.
One of the best things that has ever happened to you?
One of the worst things that has ever happened to you?
One of the funniest things that has ever happened to you?
What is your dream? (And you don't have to answer this out loud but what steps can you take towards it?)
Favourite branch of humanities?
Favourite branch of science and technology?
Favourite branch of anything else?
Favourite movie you've watched this year?
Favourite language? (You don't have to be able to speak it.)
What would you rather be doing right now?
What is something you have always wanted to learn?
What is something you have always wanted to try?
Describe or take a picture of your favourite mug/cup?
Something you are learning you want to share about?
Talk about a thing!
A food you want to try?
What or who inspires you?
What or who has had the biggest impact on your life?
Who do you wish you could yeet at least across the block if not further?
At what age do you wish you could (even temporarily) return to with all of your knowledge intact?
Are you taking an unnecessary amount of shit? What can you do to take less?
What do you really want a poster of?
Create a fake name for a scent?
Colour a picture of the sky, however you want it to look, however good or bad you think it is.
Write a scene and post it, could be about anything.
Hum the first thing that comes to mind. What was it?
Grab the nearest book, turn to a page, give us a quote?
Talk about something you own that you love?
Talk about your favourite foods?
Write a love letter to yourself, however you want, no judgement.
Remember this too will pass. Change is inevitable and by nature, by definition, for change to always be negative is of course statistically impossible. Try to have hope.
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These Asks Of Ours
Talk about someone who changed your life?
Talk about something you really want to do?
What is on today's menu?
What is a language you would like to learn?
List up to ten (or more, why limit yourself?) words you like and their definitions?
Give us a few quotes?
Show us some rocks!
What is your favourite way to eat a potato? Or five or six?
How do you like to listen to music? (streaming, radio, cd, vinyl...)
Talk about something you are working on?
Share something you are proud of?
What fandom currently holds your fixation?
Talk about a scent?
A memory?
What kind of weather do you like the best?
Talk about something you love?
What is something you are scared to do, but absolutely should?
Share with us a recipe?
What are you currently watching?
Share with us a random fact or two?
What are you currently reading? Give us a quote if you like?
Favourite snack foods?
Be honest, do you too still like to colour?
List some of your favourite characters?
Talk about some OCs if you have any?
Favourite meme?
Share a joke?
Did you ever come back to the thing you wanted to do when you were little?
How do you decompress?
Name something good that happened today?
Something you are looking forward to?
Did you know we all look at the same Moon? Someone out there you love is looking at it too.
Freebie ask, make up your own question!
Is there anything you would like to ask the asker?
Anything you would like to share?
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“There’s really no shortcut to forgetting someone. You just have to endure missing them everyday until you don’t anymore.”
— Unknown
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الفرق بيني وبينك أنني في حزنك كنت أقف على بابك أنتظر أن تأذن لي بالدخول، وفي حزني تركت الباب مواربًا لأجلك.. دخل كل شيء، الناس والطيور والأتربة والمطر والرياح، إلا أنت.. #Remas
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(ongoing) Youtube videos to watch (uncategorized)
(note: most things here have links attached, but the ones that failed will have the channel name)
Overconsumption is keeping you POOR
Let’s talk ‘Tiktok made me buy it’ culture.
Code Orange Hysteria: Is Halloween Consumerism Out of Control?
The Terrifying World of Temu
How Dropshipping Ruined Online Shopping
TikTok Shop is a Nightmare
fast fashion has ruined media consumption
tiktok's obsession with the it girl aesthetic & consuming in the...
designer brands are for broke girls
How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances
Your Perfume Obsession is Keeping You BROKE!
Shawna Ripari
TikTok’s Rage Bait Problem..
Gen Alpha is Absolutely COOKED
Millennial Parenting Videos Keep Getting Crazier...
performative cleanliness & the hygiene olympics
Gen Z Has a HUGE Problem With Commitment..
kids ACT like adults because they want to be TREATED like adults
Why Do We Hate Women After They've Cut Their Hair Off?
poor spoiled rich kids on tiktok
the scammers of manifestation tiktok
you’re 12, not 21
Let's talk social media's 'aesthetic' obsession.
Gen Z's Aesthetic Obsession & Search for an Identity is Tiring...
the cult of unschooling
How World War 2 Began
Exploring The Old Internet
How to Perform an Exorcism
why Brandy Melville can't be cancelled
The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg
CC Suarez
Disturbing Internet Anomalies
Is CRAB the final form?
Advice for time traveling to medieval Europe
The Weirdest and Most Obscure Side of the Internet
Government Cheese Tunnels & The "Got Milk?" Conspiracy
How to Eat a Human Being
Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math- Veritasium
The Beautiful Horror of Deep Space- Curious Archive
The Complete Extraterrestrial Encounters Iceberg Explained-Zoanfly
Math's Fundamental Flaw- Veritasium
Midsommar - The Complete Guide (Everything Explained)
Entertainment Made By North Korea
Plagiarism and You(Tube)- hbomberguy
Disney's FastPass: A Complicated History- defunctland
Evermore: The Theme Park That Wasn't- jenny nicholson
The Amberlynn Reid Show! 8 HOURS STRAIGHT DELUSION!- lil cringe
ImAllexx's History of Controversy & The Current Allegations- Mike's Rhetoric
Reviewbrah: Food for Thought - Documentary- Mr. Snowflake
Anna Stubblefield & The Pygmalion Delusion- Andrew van der Vaart, MD, PhD
The Internet's Most Notorious Scammers- TheGamerFromMars
Who's Lila? - Story Explained- Flawed Peacock
The Religion & Cult Iceberg Explained- Wendigoon
The Mass Hysteria Iceberg Explained- Wendigoon
The Cult of Scientology- Philion
Sinking in Scandal: A Canadian Tragedy- BobbyBroccoli
The Monsters Beneath Us: The Monument Mythos- Wendigoon
The Entire History of Video Games
The Biggest Ideas in Philosophy
Life's Biggest Paradoxes
The 8 Greatest Philosophical Theories You Need to Know- Aperture
Here is Everything We Don't Know (Extended)- Arperture
The Lost Books of the Bible- Wendigoon
100 Strange Cases of Lost Media- ShaiiValley
Your Entire Human Existence from Birth to Death- Arperture
The Bizarre World of Fake Video Games- Super Eyepatch Wolf
10+ Hours of Backrooms Level Explanations... (400+ levels)
536 AD: The Year That The Sun Disappeared | Catastrophe | Real History
The Siege of Ruby Ridge - An American Standoff, Story, & Controversy
The Complete History of Rome, Summarized- Overly Sarcastic Productions
The Mass Extinction Debates: A Science Communication Odyssey- Oliver Lugg
These Paradoxes Keep Scientists Awake At Night!- Destiny
Foundation: Are We Predictable?
The Paleozoic Era (That We Know Of) Compilation | Lindsay
How capitalism destroyed community for profit || Motherhood In Progress
Let's talk Water Bottle Culture.
Money: Humanity's Biggest Illusion
End of the Road: How Money Became Worthless
why is everything so bland now?
Thrift Store Prices ARE RUINING Thrifting..
How Dollar Stores Quietly Consumed America
How Central Banks have Seized Power over our Societies
The Return of ElsaGate | It’s Worse Than I Thought
The MOST ADDICTIVE Snack: Flamin' Hot Cheetos
Toxic, Tasty, and Targeting You: Dark History of Fast Food
The Horrible Aftermath of the SHEIN-pocalypse
1984 Tried To Warn You- Moon
Disney World is a Dystopian Nightmare
Let's Talk About The Horrible State of The Internet- Tsunul
Inside China‘s T*rture Camps for Teens- fern (the title isn't censored)
Fear of Forgetting
Why Quantum Computers Will Break Reality
What Is The Biggest Thing In The Universe?- History of the Universe
The Star That Can't Exist
What Is Beyond The Edge?- History of the Universe
Beyond the Observable Universe [4K]
The Mystery of Spinors
Two robots debate the future of humanity
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Youtube videos to watch (uncategorized) part 2
Ultimate Guide to Three Body Problem
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics
There Are Mountains in the Clouds
Limbo: How Consciousness Expands
The Mind-Blowing Scale of Voids and Supervoids
Why is this number everywhere?
Is Time Travel Possible In Our Universe?
The Dark Side Of Antarctica
The Philosophical Questions Iceberg Explained
What If We Live in a Superdeterministic Universe?
The Simplest Math Problem No One Can Solve - Collatz Conjecture
The Terrible Paradox of Self-Awareness | Fernando Pessoa
Dreaming Breaks Science...
"What If You Could Access the TENTH Dimension?" | 10D Explained
Where Are All The Hidden Dimensions?
How Big Is The Universe?
Why Black Holes Break The Universe
If the Universe Came From Nothing, Where Did Nothing Come From?
This is How The World Ends
Birds Do Not Sing in Caves
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40 years took this man to build his own house 40 YEARS!! Now Israel terrorists have turned his house into ashes. All the memories, dreams, and moments of sadness and happiness are gone.
Can we talk about these people and how they suffering instead of telling lies about them?
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