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writingsofthemoon · 2 days ago
I fear that I may love you more than I will ever be allowed to.
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whisperofwonder · 6 months ago
Kuroo Tetsurou knows how to tie a tie. He wore one every day of high school, after all. It's not a difficult skill to master. Truthfully, he could probably do it in his sleep.
But, all those years ago, you offered so sweetly. It wasn't hard for him to say, sheepishly, "Sure. I'm not too good with these things."
Ever since, it's one of the most cherished parts of his morning routine. He watches as you hold up random ties from his collection, eying them thoughtfully before making your selection. You stand so close to him, your gentle fingers turning up his collar and looping the tie around his neck. He can smell your shampoo, feel the warmth of your skin. Your fingertips brush the sensitive skin of his neck as you make the knot, sending tiny thrills of electricity through him each time.
"There," You always say as you smooth his collar down, "Perfect." You give the knot one final tug, and it's a familiar signal. He closes the gap, pressing a kiss to your lips as you finally let go of the tie.
"Thanks, babe," He always murmurs against your lips before he pulls away.
You always grin. "Have a good day, today."
He thinks he's done well, all these years, hiding the truth from you. His one harmless fib.
It's his cousin's wedding. He's surprised to learn how many of the groomsmen really don't know how to tie a tie. He's going around the room, tying one tie after another, when he hears a familiar voice just inside the door. Freezing halfway though the final one, he slowly turns, caught in the act. You're crossing the room before he can even begin to feel foolish.
"I always knew, you know," You say simply, a teasing smile making your eyes dance. You tug the tie draped loosely around his own neck, the one he'd been saving for last. "Need a little help with that?"
As you carefully tie the tie for him, then tug him down for a sweet kiss, he thinks he might be falling in love with you all over again.
(part 2)
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megvmins · 7 months ago
warnings: none, very fluffy
a/n: now i'm only doing the top three as the headcanons could get pretty repetitive but i'll do some headcanons for more characters later in a different post.
touchstarved boys awards
#3 KAJI: I believe he doesn't need that much physical affection overall but most of it stems from him being terrified that he could snap back into his angry self. before hiragi helps him get the hang of it, he avoids you like the plague which in turn makes you feel like he hates your guts but it's the opposite. he cares for you too much to let you see him snap and he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he hurt you. but once he gets it under control? he does crave some skinship – holding hands is almost a must but sometimes the guys would tease him and he ends up throwing a hand around your shoulders/waist instead. 
#2 SUGISHITA: he avoids physical affection if it doesn't come from umemiya most of the time but sometimes he kind of misses the warmth of another person. when you start dating he becomes your shadow, stands behind you closer and closer every time until he brings himself to rest his chin on top of your head or shoulder if you are taller. if you point it out he will flush deep red that even sakura would be amazed and immediately lets go. he doesn't want many people in his personal space but you soothe his temper. loves when you hook his pinky finger with yours and swing your hands between you two. 
#1 SAKURA: obviously due to his life up until joining furin he didn't even know there could be physical touch that's good so when he figures it out he finds himself almost hungry for any little bit of physical affection. the hunger only grows with every little brush of your fingers when you walk side by side or playful ruffle of his hair even if you scold him by flicking his forehead he cherishes the warmth of your touch. he definitely won't slip up much in public as his embarrassment would literally make him explode like a volcano but in private? he would become a lot clingier. hugging you tight and not letting go as fast, volunteering his chest for you to sit against when watching a movie or intertwining your fingers with his before he drifts off to sleep with a dopey smile on his face when you're already deep in slumber.  
the most touchy boys awards (under the cut!)
#3 CHOJI: straight up doesn't understand personal space, it's free real estate for him. he pulls you around by your hand everywhere. it's honestly admirable how fast he walks even though he is not that tall but he will slow down for you if you tell him to. something in me tells me he loves head rubs and head pats as praise. loves surprising you with quick pecks on the lips or cheeks because “i just felt like giving you a kiss.” i also believe he moves around a lot during his sleep so only if you literally lock him down with your legs and arms are you safe from getting kicked off the bed or hit in the face when he rolls over.
#2 TSUBAKINO: same as ume, tsubaki is a naturally touchy person, it's part of who he is. in addition to him having the worst cute aggression and absolutely zero self-control about it. if at any point his brain says you look cute he will act on it. if you eat something and it makes you look like a chipmunk he will gush and coo and dab the corners of your lips for you. definitely pulls on your cheeks out of nowhere just to make you talk funny because he finds it adorable. sidehugs, backhugs, welcome home hugs, you-look-so-cute-i-could-eat-you-up hugs you name it he does it. also please please please brush his hair for him with his head on your lap or massage his head like that and he will melt. will do the same for you in a heartbeat.
#1 UMEMIYA: it goes without saying but he won't let a single chance escape him. he offers high-fives to you when something good happens just to intertwine your fingers once your palms touch and pull you in to kiss your forehead. one of his hands is always on you in some way – around your shoulders, on your lower back guiding you through crowds, on your thigh when sitting down to give you gentle reassurance that he's there. he's so clingy that it's weird when he isn't around. you get so used to him in your personal space that when he's not there, you feel a sense of loss – like something is clearly missing and then you see him running up to you like an excited golden retriever to hug you and spin you around and everything feels right again. 
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moondance-r-writes · 4 months ago
SAGAU-adjacent not-Creator Creator 4
Summary: You knew, viscerally down to your bones, that you did not create this world; Teyvat had no grand creator, no single hand designing its wonders. It did, however, have something of a catalytic agent, without which it would not exist.
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You separated from Diluc that morning. Despite Alatus -- Xiao -- offering to teleport you straight to Liyue Harbor, you preferred to take your time. It had been untold millennia, after all, since you had experienced a world’s bounties for yourself, and even longer since you had a physical body to do it with. You wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.
Walking through Guili Planes was... an experience. The crumbling ruins were of a different style from the civilisation you saw upon your arrival, but it was a grim reminder that Liyue, like Mondstadt, had not been wholly peaceful during its existence. Unfortunately, you had the feeling that the rest of Teyvat was similar.
Xiao was ever present by your side. He would occasionally divert you from your path, which you assumed was to avoid monsters, though it wasn’t necessary. You allowed it for several reasons: one, the poor guy was stressed enough; two, he didn’t know of the affection Teyvat’s creatures held for you; and three, you did come across corpses, meaning someone was in the area killing them.
For your part you were wholly unworried -- slimes had already proven their refusal to harm you and you expected other creatures born of Teyvat to be the same. It was humans, and creatures born of humans, that you were concerned by.
(To your slight surprise, this included hilichurls. Despite being classified as monsters by Teyvat at large, they were too human, too sapient, to be overwhelmed by Teyvat’s love for you.)
It wasn’t a shock for you to eventually come upon the one slaughtering all the monsters in the area. What was a surprise was that it was all done by a single person.
You watched a ginger-haired young man wielding blades of Hydro rip his way through a hilichurl camp. He was a storm in motion, striking then dancing away from retaliation, every step trailed by an eye-catching red scarf. Beneath you, Geo rumbled, Ajax Tartaglia, child of the devouring deep, Hydro, more Abyss than human.
Xiao tensed.
As soon as the last hilichurl fell, the man pivoted to face you with a relaxed stance, one hand still absently spinning a Hydro blade. “You know, if you wanted a show, I’d be plenty happy to show you up close and personal,” he leered with a pointed swing of his blade.
“Impertinent,” Xiao hissed, looking like he was one taunt away from lunging. The man only laughed.
You looked between the two of them. There was bad blood there, you could tell. ...How interesting. “Who is he, Xiao?”
Surprisingly, the adeptus was able to tense even more. Slowly, flatly, he replied, “He is the Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers, and dangerous.” Unsaid was his intense desire to take you elsewhere or drive him away.
Instead of acknowledging that, you turned to the Eleventh Harbinger. “That’s not a name,” you observed.
“Tartaglia at your service -- but please, call me Childe.”
He certainly suited the name. Pretty, boyish, young; there was a madness in him too, one that was incompatible with the Teyvat around you but might not be out of place in the depths where you slumbered. Maybe, if he was amenable to a trip home, you might have a companion on your journey to the world’s roots. “A pleasure to meet you. I am--”
“The sun is setting,” Xiao interrupted. It was such a change from his previous deference that you just blinked at him for several seconds.
“...That’s true,” you said slowly when he didn’t continue, “are we close enough to Liyue Harbor to get there tonight?”
“Oh definitely not,” Childe said, now strolling closer while completely ignoring Xiao’s darkening expression. You were sure that the only thing stopping Xiao from violently removing Childe was your presence. “So why don’t we share a campfire for the night? I make a mean seafood soup!”
You didn’t know how you ended up sitting by a fire with two men glaring daggers at each other. Or rather, Xiao glared daggers while Childe responded with goading smirks.
Dinner had been as delicious as promised, though it looked more like a scene of carnage than you had expected. It held only the basest of resemblances with the Calla Lily Seafood Soup you remembered from Mondstadt. Xiao, for some reason, did not receive a portion.
Childe’s actions did make you curious. Mondstadt’s people had greeted you with a festival and Xiao with deep respect, which had made you suspect that everyone on Teyvat could recognise you as their supposed ‘Creator’ on sight, but Childe hadn’t. Either he was the only person in the world who didn’t buy into the cult, or there was something else going on.
...On reflection, the people without Visions whom you met during your first day in Liyue didn’t treat you as anyone particularly special either, while those with Visions tended to be friendlier. As evidenced by Childe. Mondstadt didn’t count, you had been presented to them as the Creator from the start.
You were presented as the Creator, that was the key. They probably didn’t possess a mythical Creator radar. Fortunately.
But someone had to have sensed you, otherwise you would never have left the island you woke on. As a dragon, Dvalin wasn’t a surprise, and Venti... the Archons. Of course. Didn’t you note the traces of your power in Venti and the statues of him and Morax yourself? There were sparks of it in the Visions too, but nothing as strong as those in the Archons and Statues of Seven.
If the Statues held enough of your power for you to resonate with them, and the Archons were connected to the statues made in their image, everything could be explained. The only mystery was why Morax didn’t show up in person.
He couldn’t be dead, because Liyue still stood. He couldn’t not know of you, because he sent Xiao. And if he was busy directing preparations for your celebratory feast, as Xiao had implied, then that showed a gross miscalculation of priorities uncharacteristic for someone who had ruled this nation for nigh on 4000 local solar orbits. You weren’t offended -- there was no such thing as a Creator in the first place -- but you were quite curious.
The next day, your group expanded from two to three. Childe insisted on tagging along, to Xiao’s consternation, and couldn’t be chased away. They got along like cats and dogs and it was entertaining to watch.
The bickering lasted all the way until you reached the hill overlooking the bridge leading into Liyue Harbor. Every building was bedecked with lanterns and banners as far as the eye could see, just as festive as Mondstadt yet with their own distinct style. You stopped in your tracks.
Childe shrugged. “They got this done in the last few days, not sure what it’s for. There’s still a few months until the Lantern Rite.”
You did not want to walk through the streets to be gawked at, whether that be due to your own identity or those of your companions. You turned to the adeptus among you. “Xiao, can you bring us straight to the venue?” you requested.
He nodded and held out his hand, but only after you looked pointedly at Childe did he reluctantly grip the Harbinger’s arm as well. You would take what you could get.
“Hey, wait--”
Before Childe could voice the rest of his objection, you took Xiao’s hand and the three of you disappeared on the spot.
You rematerialised in an octagonal plaza facing a large building, which a plaque informed you was Yiyan Temple. Behind you, Childe stumbled, to Xiao’s audible ridicule; you knew without looking that Childe must have gestured something rude in return.
Two people in armoured uniforms saluted and opened the doors. You could sense significant amounts of Geo pulsating out from something within, as well as sparks of your power emanating from Visions among the crowd that glittered like stars to your senses. There was also a torch’s worth of your power -- an Archon. Morax. Though you hardly registered their appearances, luxurious as their clothes were, as Geo clamoured to introduce these personages to you.
Morax, earth dragon, Geo Archon, adeptus, a void where there was once god-heart-gnosis.
Ningguang, human, Geo, born of Liyue.
Cloud Retainer, crane, Anemo, adeptus, bound to the Lord of Geo.
Keqing, human, Electro, born of Liyue.
There were more, and you filed each of them away even as Morax and Ningguang bowed simultaneously, followed shortly by everyone else. “Your Grace the Primordial Architect,” Morax said in his deep voice, “this one is honoured to welcome thine self to the land of Geo.”
“Your Grace?” Childe repeated, quietly but with feeling.
Right, you had never actually introduced yourself to him because Xiao had interrupted. Withholding a sigh, you ordered some Anemo to whisper in his ear, “In short, I’m not the Creator, there is no Creator, I’ll explain later.” Then you turned your attention to the Archon. “Please, rise,” you said to all of them. This reception was getting a little more intense than Mondstadt's.
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Taglist: @fantasyhopperhea // @silverstar56 // @lexal-amber-rose // @noblessejjk // @neo-meta // @etherisy // @strangeygirl
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moondancer71 · 2 months ago
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‘tis the damn season
We could call it even. You could call me babe for the weekend. 'Tis the damn season, write this down
Summary: Jane returns home to Leicester after several years away and reconnects with Guildford, rediscovering a love she thought was long since lost.
“For someone who owns a Christmas tree lot, you’re setting your tree up awfully late. Christmas is less than a week away,” Jane said as she placed the small bell wreath ornament on an empty branch. 
“Honestly, this is the first tree that I’ve had—let alone decorated—in years.” There was a wistful look in Guildford’s eyes as he gently reached out to touch one of the silver orbs hanging on the tree. 
“Never felt the need for one.” Guildford shrugged. “We rarely celebrated Christmas after my mum died, and I guess that just stuck with me.” 
Jane nodded and reached into the box and selected a small, brown horse ornament that looked exactly like Guildford’s own stallion. “I used to love Christmas. It hasn’t felt the same since my dad passed.” She took a deep breath in and exhaled before meeting his eyes. “I get it.” 
They continued to decorate the tree in a comfortable silence, occasionally sipping on their glasses of wine. 
When they were finished, Guildford stood back, his hands crossed over his chest. “Well, Jane Grey, that is one fine tree if I do say so myself.” 
Jane moved to stand beside him, her shoulder lightly bumping against his, and smiling as she did so. “I think I would have to agree, Guildford Dudley.” 
“There is only one thing left to do, then,” Guildford said, tone serious despite the playful smile on his lips. She watched as he went to a small shelf on the other side of the room, turning on his record player. As soft music began to drift through the room, he walked back over to her, with his arm outstretched, upturned hand. “Dance with me?” 
Jane’s cheeks warmed as she took a step backwards. “What? Right here? Now?” 
He took a step closer. “Yes.”
“Come on, Jane. There is no one else here—no one to judge us for our poor dancing skills. Or at least mine, anyways.” Guildford laughed, giving Jane an encouraging smile. 
“All right,” Jane muttered as she tentatively took his proffered hand, Guildford pulling her close so she was flush against his chest. She placed her other hand on his shoulder while he moved his to her waist. 
Bathed in the soft glow of the twinkle lights on the tree, they swayed to the music, and a warmth filled Jane’s heart. For the first time in a long while she felt at peace. 
He spun her around and when he pulled her back into his embrace, he crashed their lips together in a kiss. She melded against him, her fingers tangling in the curls at the nape of his neck. When he deepened the kiss, she could still taste hints of apple and oak from the wine on his tongue. 
“We can’t do this,” Jane whispered as she pulled away, though her hands still clutched at his sweater where they rested on his chest. 
“We can,” he countered, leaning down, brushing his nose against hers. 
“Guildford.” Jane shook her head. “I’m leaving after Christmas.” 
“I know.” Sadness flashed across his eyes. “Don’t worry. I won’t ask you to stay.” Guildford would keep his word, he’d always had, if that’s what he thought she wanted. Even if it broke his own heart in the process. 
Jane nodded and pulled him in for another kiss. She yelped when he reached behind her thighs, lifting her, her legs wrapping around his waist, and carried her to his bedroom. 
This is a mistake, yet she doesn’t tell him to stop. As she loses herself in him, she thinks that perhaps the pain and heartbreak will be worth it for the chance to be his again—no matter how brief.
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wild0moon · 9 months ago
eating up ur captain design............ /pos
can i ask how pico and captain met in your au (i think its an au anyway)?
very canon adjacent, but it's an au, yeah. my friend and i's funky little universe just to the left of canon where we take things too seriously, you feel me
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short version: they happened to meet at a cop shop while pico was waiting for (yet another) police interrogation, weeks to a month after the events of pico's school. john took an interest in pico and offered, mostly as a joke, to teach pico how to handle a gun properly. what was supposed to be a one-off lesson for a quick bit of entertainment turned into regular practice sessions and accidental (but immediate) emotional attachment from both parties. whoops!
and if you'll indulge me, here's the long version, because it's been brewing in my brain recently and i guess my hand slipped
(WARNING: descriptions of and vague flashbacks to the events of pico's school)
The police station was usually quiet at this time of day. Idle tapping of fingers against a keyboard, muffled sounds of cars passing outside or of people talking in another room, none obtrusive enough to disturb the thoughts swirling in his head.
Now though, he was entirely preoccupied by annoyance.
Shut up. Why are you so loud? If you don't like pigs, why did you even come in here?
Pico had seen the strange man in black from the corner of his eye, swaggering in like he owned the place, only to start chatting to the receptionist with all the warm familiarity of two former classmates who never really liked each other very much. Derisive whispers in Pico's head grew louder in concert with his rising stress, adding to the noise, birthing a cacophony he couldn't escape from.
The man went quiet, and for a brief moment, Pico was sure he felt eyes on him. His own gaze stayed firmly on his sneakers.
The receptionist finally piped up with something other than a disinterested hum. "That's, uh, that Pico kid. Pico Fulp?"
"Ohh, so you're the kid who shot up his school."
Pico's head snapped up.
In an instant, his vision was dyed red, blood running so hot it threatened to burn him up from the inside. He didn't know when he got to his feet, but he was already taking steps toward the man.
"It wasn't me!" he snarled, words bubbling up and bursting out before he could stop them. "It wasn't! Watch your fucking mouth or I'll break your jaw, you stupid—"
"I got it, kid, calm down," the man talked him down, in a far more stern tone than Pico had been ready for, stopping him in his tracks. Matter-of-factly, he added: "I don't care how tough you are, you've got another thing coming if you think you can break any bone in my body."
Pico grit his teeth, fists clenched at his sides.
The white-hot fire of rage burnt out almost as quickly as it ignited, his little body only growing colder as he actually looked at the man standing before him, red giving way to black and white.
Tall and broad-shouldered, wearing sunglasses so dark it was almost impossible to see the inscrutable eyes behind them. He was uniformed — the army, not the police. Which rank was the three stripes for? Was the 'Captain' on the tag his rank, or his name?
Pico dared to speak up again. "It wasn't me," he repeated, far softer than before.
Captain turned bodily to face him. "I heard you the first time. So, what did you actually do?"
He looked away again, wringing his freshly scarred hands. "I... I stopped it, sir. I killed the shooters."
The slight movement of Captain's eyebrows snared the corner of Pico's vision. "Really now?"
"I... I found a big gun in the janitor's closet, they must've stashed it in there," the words spilled forth, as if he were back in that vile interrogation room already. "So I took it, and I shot them. All of them. There were four, a-and I didn't even know what I was doing, I was scared out of my mind, I'd never held a gun before in my life, I don't know how I—"
"You've never used a gun, but you still managed to take down four armed threats all by yourself?" There was a note of interest in Captain's voice, despite him crossing his arms.
Pico swallowed thickly.
"Please leave me alone!"
"I was told to just scare you! I wasn't gonna kill you!"
"...Two of them weren't moving, sir. I'd disarmed them, and they were afraid..."
Captain hummed. "Right. And the other two?"
No answer. Memories of callous men in blue giving him withering looks or laughing in his face when he told the truth kept his jaw clamped shut.
Captain lifted his head, looking around the otherwise empty room. "Where are your parents?"
A half-hearted shrug. "They don't want anything to do with me right now, sir."
They never did in the first place.
The soldier's thick eyebrows furrowed, but for the life of him, Pico wasn't sure what it meant. The man was as easy to read as a book with all its pages glued together. That, or he was just illiterate.
"I probably only lived because we were all just kids who barely knew what we were doing," Pico found himself saying, as if he hadn't also slaughtered a giant alien that day — Cassandra had been young and inexperienced in her own way, too. "If something like that happened again, I… I dunno."
Captain said nothing, just staring down at him, seeming thoughtful.
Silence fell over the room for a long moment, disturbed faintly by the nasty voices Pico had learned only he could hear. When the man's voice broke through the murmurs again, it hardly sounded any kinder.
"Look, if I were you, I'd stop pissing myself and go get some actual experience under my belt."
He wasn't done. "You know where the gun range is, right? The one five minutes north of here? Meet me there at thirteen-hundred tomorrow. Even a minute late and the offer expires, got it?"
Pico lifted his gaze to meet Captain's, incredulous. "You mean... But, why would you help me?"
It was Captain's turn to offer a lazy shrug. "I'm bored outta my skull, and this is the most entertainment I've gotten in months."
He said that, but he didn't look very amused. Besides, a soldier like him surely didn't have time to waste on such petty entertainment as watching a child grappling with fear. Pico tried scrutinizing the man's face for a moment longer, unsure what he was even searching for, but quickly found himself at a loss.
The easy answer was that it was a genuine offer to help, to teach him how to properly handle a firearm and put that aspect of his trepidation to rest. Pico wasn't sure if he believed that, but for some reason, he really hoped it was true. That would mean that Captain saw something in him, something more than the unfortunate kid and murderer that the other adults saw, something worth taking a chance on.
Nice. This man, a total stranger, was being nice.
When was the last time anyone said something nice to him?
(Weeks ago, in a sterile hospital room, two hands gently clasping one of his own, their owner smiling in spite of the anxiety behind those pretty black eyes, the sweetest voice Pico had ever heard telling him over and over how everything was going to be okay—)
Pico shook his head, as if he could physically clear the memory away.
He's gone now. Stop thinking about him.
By the time Pico dragged himself back to the present, Captain was already on the way out, muttering something about the stench of hogs. Pico watched him walk away, until he disappeared from view.
"Prick," the receptionist muttered, returning their attention to their computer.
With little else to do, Pico returned to his seat. His own thoughts quickly took center stage as usual, but they were different now, looking tentatively to the future, rather than the bloody memories that tugged insistently at his back.
It had been a while since he had something to look forward to.
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mooniekive · 1 year ago
Slow Burn | six [final] (preview & link)
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Pairing: min yoongi x reader 
AU: neighbors!au | producer!yooongi and teacher reader | they both identify as bi, and reader is aspec (grey-sexual/demi-romantic)
Genre: slow burn, kind of slice of life | fluff, smut
Word Count: 663 words (preview) | 14k (chapter)
Warnings: preview is safe, but in chapter you will find smut - oral m/f receiving, and penetrative sex. A lot of time jumps, sorry if it's annoying.
When one of your best friends and neighbors moves in with his partner, you’re surprised to have a quiet (and attractive) man move in next door. His protective nature intrigues you, and his looks pull you in with a magnetism so unfamiliar to you.
Min Yoongi is so used to being on his own that when he moves into a new place, and into an existing little found family, he’s forced out of his little box. He has no other choice but to finally allow himself to want. To want what he always desired — a place and people to comfortably exist with. 
Preview under cut, or read on ao3
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It’s past 10pm when you reach for the phone ringing on the bedside table. You were under the assumption that you’d find the clock striking midnight and the screen showing February 25, but to your surprise you have not slept longer than it feels you have. You groggily accept Yoongi’s call, and past the sleep still fogging your brain there’s the beginning of some nervous fear seeping through trying to reach your consciousness. 
“Oppa?” you ask, doing your best to sit up on the bed. Bokshil chirps annoyed from all the movement and sound you make, so he stands from his curled position by your feet and jumps down to head to his tree and curl up again. 
“Shit, did I wake you sweetheart?” 
He sounds exhausted, so you start pulling the covers off you, embracing the cold that meets your body as you try to sit up. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it, I slept earlier than I thought I would. What’s wrong?” Usually during wintertime you tend to sleep pretty early on Fridays, like the exhaustion of the week piles up until your body practically drags you to bed. 
Yoongi sighs and you can hear the uncertainty in that shaky breath, worry seeping more into you as you stand and step into slippers. “I’m sorry, but can you come over, please?” 
It’s not unusual for Yoongi to call you late at night to catch up, he’s been spending a lot of time in the studio and gets home pretty late. He’s been preparing for his second album, which will have some choreography that has him working for longer hours to prepare for it. He also started having shoulder pains because of said choreography so you often just come over to help massage some lotion onto it and sleep beside him, even if you have to leave early the next day for work. It’s been difficult to see each other for longer than a few hours awake lately. 
This, however, feels different. He sounds antsy. 
“Are you okay, is it your shoulder?” 
“No, no, not that… I mean, it does hurt a little, but it’s not that. Just come over, please, baby.” 
“I’m almost there,” you insist just as you quietly step out of the apartment so as not to wake Namjoon and Jeongguk. Namjoon has been spending a lot of time over at the apartment, which you don’t mind. On the contrary, you welcome having your friend over so often, but it does make you even more aware when you make noise that perhaps Jeongguk is used to, but he isn’t yet.   
“Thank you,” he says almost like a sigh, then hangs up. 
You’re not sure what to expect when you submit the code to the boys’ apartment. The place is quiet, with Taehyung away on some ambassador work for a brand in Europe.  You do miss the sounds of Taehyung watching an old movie or listening to music late into the night from his bedroom, and you hope he returns home safely soon. There’s some light guiding you to Yoongi’s room as it seeps into the hallway from the door frame.
Yoongi is pacing in his room when you enter. His hair is slightly damp and he wears one of his usual sleepwear outfits — black shirt and pajama pants. Clearly he was getting ready for bed but whatever is going on in his head isn’t allowing him to relax. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you step in and close the door behind you. 
Yoongi’s worried expression softens when he sees you. He stops pacing and walks over to you. His embrace is strong and warm, and it almost knocks the air out of you. He smells of his shampoo and that perfume with a hint of citrus that lingers in his skin and has become part of his natural scent. 
“I needed to see you,” he whispers just beside your ear. “We should talk, and I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
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continue here
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gilded-moon · 10 months ago
flown the coop (but the birds fly home)
Summary: Omega has been gone with the Rebellion, and now she returns with news. Luckily for her dads, it's good news. They aren't sure they could take much else.
A/N: Hi! This is the first Bad Batch fic I've ever written, so I hope you guys like it! Adult Omega has my heart. Anyway, enjoy! (word count: 977)
Warnings: none!
It had been four months since Omega had left to join the Rebellion. Four months since Hunter had let his little girl fly away without him. It had hurt, deeply, but he was used to the pain now.
She’d kept up contact very well. They know Omega was safe and happy in the Rebellion. Well as safe as someone who fought the Empire could be. In her last call, Omega had told them that she was coming back for a few weeks before leaving again.
Nothing could quite describe how happy they were to see her again. Even Crosshair had managed a rare smile when Omega had announced her return. In fact, Wrecker had been so excited about her return that he had woken them all up at the crack of dawn to get ready for the small party they’d arranged.
It made Hunter laugh.
They were all currently waiting at the cave dock for Omega. She’d said that she would arrive in the afternoon, and it was currently two.
“Is she gonna get here soon?” Wrecker asked, straining his neck to look for approaching ships. “She said the afternoon!”
Hunter slapped his shoulder. “She’ll be here soon, Wrecker. Just give her a little bit of time.”
“Well I miss her! And I bought a lotta Mantell Mix for her.”
“I’m sure she’ll love it.” The faint humming of a ship made him turn. “I think I hear her. That sounds like the Mini Marauder.”
Crosshair squinted at the horizon, toothpick rolling in his mouth. “It is. I see her.”
The ship circled around the bay a few times before slowly flying into the cave and landing. Omega waved from the cockpit as the ramp lowered. Hunter waved back. When Omega finally exited the ship however, she wasn’t alone.
A Togruta woman who was nearly the same height as Wrecker walked off with her. The Togruta had pinkish-red skin and headtails striped with gray and white. Her eyes were a bright green, and she smiled at them as she stopped at the bottom of the ramp.
Omega ran over to Hunter and squeezed him tightly. “I’m back! I missed you so much.”
He returned the hug. “Hey kid. I missed you too. Who’s this?”
She smiled a little awkwardly and grabbed the Togruta’s hand. “This is Caisin Monki’li. She works for the rebellion too. We met when I went for my first mission, and now um…she’s my copilot. And my girlfriend.”
Caisin waved. “Hello,” she said in an accented voice. “Omega talk about you much. It nice to meet you.”
Wrecker scratched his head. “Girls can date girls? I never thought of that.”
Omega rolled her eyes. “Yes Wrecker.”
“Oh. Congratulations!"
Caisin winced at his loud voice.
“Oh sorry,” he said at a quieter volume. “I didn’t mean to be loud.”
“It okay. You seem much nice. Sorry my Basic not so good.”
“Mine ain’t great neither. Nice to meet ya!”
“Nice to meet you too.”
Crosshair inclined his head. “Hello.”
Caisin inclined her head in return. “Hello…Crosshair I t’ink?”
“Yeah. That’s me. So you want to date Omega then?”
“I do.”
“What do you do for the Rebellion?”
“I spied for a long time. My aunt used to be Jedi. I follow her path. Now I help Omega.”
“You can protect her?”
“Very well.”
“Provide for her?”
“I can.”
“You won’t ditch if things go wrong?”
“No. Honor is very important. That great dishonor. I will stay.”
Crosshair hummed and shrugged, the closest thing to a verbal approval he would ever give.
Omega and Caisin looked to Hunter next. He thought back to all the times he might have lost Omega, all the times that she might have lost him. The time when she had asked what dirt and grass and trees were. For so long, he’d seen her as a child that needed protecting. For so long, she’d been a little girl that needed her family.
But she wasn’t that little girl anymore. She knew so much about the world now, and she was more well traveled than even he was. Omega might have been that little girl once, but she had grown up a long time ago.
Hunter smiled and clasped hands with Caisin. “Welcome to Pabu.”
“Hi Hunter,” Omega said as she sat down next to him with an ice cream in both hands. “I brought you one.”
He chuckled and took it. “Thanks kid. So how has the Rebellion been treating you?”
“Pretty good. I’ve been flying supply missions and even got in a few scrapes. They love the Tech Turn.”
“I’m glad. He’d be proud of you, you know. You’ve come a long way since Kamino.”
“That’s all because of you. I couldn’t have done any of that without you. All of you.”
“We didn’t do any of this Rebellion stuff for you.” He gestured to Caisin who was arm wrestling with Wrecker. “Are you happy with her?”
Omega smiled though her cheeks flushed pink. “Yeah. I think I love her.”
Hunter ruffled her hair and returned the smile. “Good. That’s all we ever wanted for you. To be happy and choose how you want to do that. If that’s with her, we’re with you all the way.”
“It is. I…I want to marry her someday. Not yet! We both need more time. But someday.”
“Yeah.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “I’m glad I sat with you guys at lunch that day.”
Hunter watched as Caisin cheered, having won her arm wrestling match with Wrecker. Crosshair even clapped her on the back with his flesh hand instead of his metal one. Echo had also sent along his congratulations and promises to visit when Hunter had messaged him about Omega’s news. Even if it was unexpected, it was good for everyone.
“Me too, kid. Me too.”
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moon-thestardustwriter · 1 year ago
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moonfoxgazer · 1 year ago
My first fic for @ecto-implosion based on artwork by @ovytia-art
I hope ya'll enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed writing it.
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illumalux · 2 months ago
Alright. I've got words I need to eject into the universe so here goes. For those few people who've followed me for ever and ever, you may have seen a few infrequent posts about my long-time dnd group and how magical they are, and that is in fact true. But I have absolutely been holding out on y'all with how cool this story is. Yay captive audiences and cool lore!
Because I know I'm going to lose the plot so fast it's not even funny, I'm going to go ahead and tag the tumblrs of everyone on the group so that they can see this, and maybe possibly add on later. please. pretty please.
We have the immeasurable @honorsongs, who keeps the lore straight(ish) and me sane(ish)
The incomparable @onyxmirage who adds glorious chaos to everything without fail
The illustrious @koithemushroomwhale who always has the most out of pocket shit to "yes, and"
and the impeccable Lex (who has not given me her tumblr) who makes the best campaign memes a bitch could ask for
Now, this game has been going steady for a little over two years now, and when you have a bunch of storytelling nerds stuck together for that long, eventually one of you wizens up and remembers that hey, maybe we should start writing this down. (Thanks Honor)
I took a long hard think on what's the best way to introduce the world to this, and while a synopsis of the first story will inevitably come, this is my blog and I'll start wherever I damn well please. And in that case, I think we're going to start at the beginning of this world. And I do mean the very beginning.
In the beginning, there was the Universe.
(There was also Nothing, but we'll get back to that later.)
Where did the Universe come from? All of the children ask, and to that I say, simple. Depending on which makes more sense to you, either the Nothing got very bored of being the only thing (or not) in existence and created the Universe, or perhaps the Universe has always existed alongside Nothing. Remember, Time doesn't exist yet.
Now one day the Universe got very tired of being everywhere, everything, all at once, and decided that the easiest solution to this problem is to simply split itself into pieces. It named these pieces by the jobs they would do in the world, and thus these concepts were born.
First was Creation. That one's self explanatory, yeah? To create anything else, Creation also has to exist. Now Creation, for the purpose of this story, is also Destruction. You cannot have one without the other, and it would be a whole lot of work for the Universe to separate them, Besides, that loses the fancy number the Universe had picked out!
Next came Time, who was really kind of needed at this point. It's very hard to keep track of things when Time isn't here. Time also invented the concept of space, which made things even easier to track. Now creation had a place to put everything it made.
After time came Nature. In the space that Creation filled, things began to bloom. Green things, yes, but also reds and violets and golds, all sorts of lovely useful growy things.
Nature then worked with Life, the fourth sibling to fill the world with things to dance among the nature, to bring Creation's carvings into being. This is where animals stem from, though Life has expanded it's domain a bit in the past few eons.
After Life breathed existence into the world, there came Energy, who suffused the creatures with boundless vigor to chase and to play, who drove the running streams and the whistling wind forward.
Now at this point, things were happening, and they needed a bit of direction in which to happen in. This is where Fate came on the scene with its great plan for the inhabitants of this world.
And in this world, there were a few creatures who became a bit more noticeable than the rest. These creatures were called Humans by Creation, and they needed a hand to guide them. In this, Humanity was born to watch over those that began to rule the newly-created world.
Humans, funny things that they are, took note of all the things happening around them, and took note of their own penchant for losing details as fickle Time moved onwards. So they invented writing, words, stories, and they began to keep note. In this, Knowledge came to be.
With the gift of Knowledge, Humans began making leaps and bounds, becoming ever more complicated. Unsatisfied with simply trusting in Fate, they began to create codes and structures, implementing law and math and structure. For this, Order comes to be.
But Humans, in their ever-growing greed for moremoremore kept pushing, Eventually they ran into others like them, and they disagreed, for their Order and Humanity were not identical. They found sharp sticks and solid rocks, and they attacked each other in pursuit of more. In this came Conflict.
In the early days, it was not uncommon to see these creatures-gods, as the Humans called them-walking freely amongst the world. To follow with the customs of the Humans that welcomed them, the gods took on names that came to the center of what they were created for.
Creation became Ruin, for it felt sorrow in the end of time. Time became Gate, a passage between spaces. Nature became Wild, for that was the word most often used to describe it. Life became Heart, the center of all that moves and breathes. Energy became Vigor, delighted at this new word Humans called it. Fate, steady in its ways became Kismet, only adorning what was already present. Humanity took on the name Message, ferrying peace between different groups as only a messenger could. Knowledge called itself Chronicle, for a human word that meant to collect. Order adopted the name Torus, in adoration of the creation called math. And Conflict, taking inspiration from the things created to further it, took up the alias of Pike. This is how the gods would be known from then on.
But this world was simply a bit too perfect. The gods were not content simply watching it from afar anymore, instead wishing to partake in the magic that was living. So the gods chose to shed their mantles, leaving them behind for a life.
But the Universe could not cease to exist so easily. These mantles, roles, found ten Humans, each who found solace in a god, and offered them a chance to better the world themselves. These Humans took up the mantle, and thus began the cycle of exchange within the gods.
After some time, Humanity was greater, stronger, powerful enough to forge cities. Their largest was called Shirun, and it was the city of the Gods themselves.
But to tell the story of Shirun is a whole nother story in and of itself.
(That's not to say I won't share it. I have to record everything after all.)
Signing off for now,
Genevieve Persephone Trevor, Unpaid Intern, Scribe of the Gods
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writingsofthemoon · 1 month ago
"No matter how far they go, people can never be anything but themselves."
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whisperofwonder · 6 months ago
Continuation of this
fem!reader x Kuroo Tetsurou
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You smile at your reflection in the mirror as your maid of honor tucks one wayward strand of hair back into your updo. In less than an hour, you'll be walking down the aisle. You wonder what Tetsurou's face will look like when he sees you. You wonder if he'll cry. He'd insisted he wouldn't, but, well.
"You look so gorgeous!" One of your bridesmaids breathes, and truthfully, you'd have to agree with her. The hair dresser and makeup artist have worked their magic, and you'd found the absolute perfect dress. Now, all that's left is to wait until the ceremony begins.
Your friends' fawning over you is interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Yes?" Your maid of honor moves to stand by the closed door, hand hovering over the handle.
"Babe," The voice belongs to none other than your soon-to-be husband, and you instinctively cross your arms over your front, even though the door is still firmly closed. He can't see you before the wedding!
"I need you to tie my tie!" You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
"You know how to tie a tie," You call back carefully. "Just do it yourself!"
"But you always tie my tie." His voice is the next thing to a whine.
You sigh. "Where's Kenma?" Surely his best man didn't allow this. You wonder how he managed to slip away.
"Kenma is 'sick of my shit'," He intones, and you can practically hear the words in Kenma's voice. You sympathize. "Baby. My love. Please." He's begging now, and you can't help it. You start to soften.
Your maid of honor is looking at you with wide eyes, slashing her hand across her throat in a clear gesture: NO. You love her for that, but still.
"You'll close your eyes?" You ask in your sternest voice. "You can't see me, you know! It's bad luck."
"Yes, I'll close my eyes! Promise."
"Close them TIGHT," You insist, making sure he understands the gravity of the situation.
"They're tight," He promises. "Open the door already."
You nod. Your maid of honor hesitates for a few moments, but slowly swings the door open with a shake of her head.
There he is. Tetsurou. Your fiancé. In less than an hour, your husband. You feel your heart begin to swell in your chest. He wears a suit every day, but he looks especially handsome in this one. The tie in question is draped loosely around his neck.
"Babe?" He has his eyes squeezed shut, that much is obvious. As an added measure, your maid of honor pulls him inside and moves behind him, pressing her fingers across his eyes.
"Go ahead," She sighs. You reach for the tie, carefully straightening it around his neck. You reach for his collar, making sure it's turned up all the way around, and you watch as a smile begins to tug at his lips.
"I'm so excited," He murmurs as you work. "Can't wait to see you." The fingers covering his eyes tighten.
"Me too," You can't help the smile that's stealing across your own face. "I can't wait."
You begin making the knot, enjoying the dopey grin that's now completely filled his face. "There you go," You finally say, giving the knot a pat. "Perfect." Like always, you tug on the tie, just a little. Tilting your chin up, you lean into his kiss, savoring the feeling of it.
"I love you so much," He murmurs as he pulls away. "Thank you."
"I love you too, Tetsu." You take a step back, just drinking him in. "I'll see you soon."
He opens his mouth, but before he can drag the moment out any longer, your maid of honor steps in. "Okay, lovebirds, that's enough." She pulls him back. "Get back to wherever you're supposed to be. I'll kill you if you mess this up," She threatens sweetly.
"Yes ma'am," He murmurs as she shoves him back through the door, slamming it shut nearly in his face.
"You two make me sick," She sighs. The mushy smile on her face doesn't match her words at all. "Come here, let me touch up your lipstick."
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megvmins · 7 months ago
the best kisser awards (wind breaker edition)
warnings: spicy, mention of boobs but it's not specified, making out, hickeys
a/n: i'm probably going to write kissing/intimacy headcanons for all wind breaker characters but this is a little something that's been bouncing around in my head for days now. enjoy and lemme know what you think about it! 
notable mentions: 
KAJI: aggressive kisser. kisses like he won't see you for months as if you aren't joined at the hip. usually he crowds you against a wall and the few times your teeth knock together but kaji doesn't even register it as he licks into your mouth and bites your lover lip. somewhere in the middle of this intense make-out session the realization hits him and to hide his embarrassment his lips move down to your jaw and then neck where he sucks love bites with his ears burning bright red but he can't stop because the satisfaction of stepping away to see your absolutely dazed expression and purple-red marks down your neck to your collarbone is so worth it. 
UMEMIYA: he gives the most over-the-top big smack smooches ever and you can't change my mind. like hiragi can be minding his own business on top of the rooftop and you and ume are on the other side and he can hear when ume gives into his inner demons to just smother you with kisses. he's a big silly goof and he attempted few times to pull a cool move on you like holding your head up with two fingers because he read it in a book and he couldn't hold in his giggles at all. on the other side of the spectrum – eskimo kisses when he hugs you and hoists you higher so you're forced to look down at him and he ends up nuzzling his nose into yours. 
the big three under the cut!
#3 KIRYU: look me in the eyes and tell me this guys isn't the wolf in sheep's clothing. pulls you in for some cute and sweet kisses and suddenly his hand is on your chest just squeezing a boob. his only response to your surprise is a shrug of his shoulders and teasing smirk playing on his lips before he reconnects them with yours. just a big tease disguised as a cute little angel. just like kaji he ends up giving you hickeys – in the most conspicuous places and he has the audacity to smile at you innocently when you glare at him through a mirror while you attempt to cover them up.
#2 SUO: gentleman in the streets but a beast in the sheets. i believe he can be really intense once he gets more comfortable so he doesn't have to be so in control of his feelings but can let loose a bit. i can see a scenario of him being worn out from solving a lot of issues around the town and just coming to you with “can i kiss you?” like the gentleman he is but when you would naively think sure lemme give you a peck, instead he just puts his hands either side of your face and pulls you in for a deep and messy kiss that has you holding on to his shoulders for a dear life. afterwards he leaves you with a smile and kiss on the cheek like he didn't just make your legs feel like jello from a simple kiss.
#1 TOGAME: i am biased but hear me out. togame is such a teddy bear on the inside, truly a softie and when he's whipped he gets even more so. he'll just be staring at your face and constantly be thinking about giving you a smooch on your cheeks, nose, lips and forehead honestly anywhere. a lot of the times he doesn't mean for the innocent kisses to go into a heavy breathing make-out session but your lips are tempting him to keep coming for more and his mind goes blank and you have to literally pull on his hair for him to break away so you can breath as if your lips aren't sore from the onslaught. he only looks at you with half-lidded eyes and pulls you closer with a hand on the back of your neck.
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moondance-r-writes · 4 months ago
Masterlist: Wen Yu's Multiverse Adventures
I have one (1) OC and he goes everywhere, all of the fics are standalone and only share a backstory (TLDR: cultivator in a xianxia setting, may post it one day if I ever get it cleaned up).
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SAGAU-adjacent not-Creator Creator: #sagau-adjacent verse | taglist requests
[One] [Two] [Three] [Four]
You knew, viscerally down to your bones, that you did not create this world; Teyvat had no grand creator, no single hand designing its wonders. It did, however, have something of a catalytic agent, without which it would not exist.You.
Pedrolino the Acolyte: #pedrolino verse | taglist requests
[One] [Two]
Of the Fatui Harbingers, their Tenth was among the most secretive. Rumours of him regularly abounded throughout the ranks, labelling him anything from a pauper to hidden royalty to everything in between, and theories abounded about his person. Pedrolino enjoyed it that way and even encouraged it.Unfortunately, the Tsaritsa’s mission to collect gnoses kicked off in earnest, so Liyue was about to welcome its prodigal son home.
Fatui intelligence officer: #intel officer verse | taglist requests
When Aionios graduated from Izmoroz Institute, before which he had no contact with the outside world, he discovered that his little cousin had gone missing, returned, been shipped off to the Fatui, then made Harbinger. ...He knew that a lot of things could change in five years, but wasn't this a bit much?
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Sun That Overcame Death: #sun verse
After he died defending what remained of his family against the world, the last thing Wen Yu expected was to end up in a modern Korea that’s on the verge of an apocalypse.But then, the dokkaebi weren’t expecting a cultivator either.
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The Jewel-eyed Lost Prince: #lost prince verse
[1: The Prince] [2: The Mage] [3: The Warrior]
Aionios is a prince of the Obelian Empire raised outside its borders. His eyes gave him a chance at his birthright - now it depended on his skills to take it.His jeweled eyes made it obvious to anyone with basic knowledge of Obelia and a working brain where the other half of his blood came from, so Aionios was doubly determined to learn how to manage a household. One day, his household would be more than the handful of families left in his care by his mother. One day, his household would number millions.
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Divider is by @/strangergraphics
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