#Monster fuckers rejoice
tammog · 5 months
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I very, very much forgot that Darkstalkers had inflation and vore in it, goodness me
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titanus-horizio · 3 months
Thanks in part to thoughts given to me by @mjtheartist04 (thank you btw)
This is one of horizio's theme songs
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daft-ass · 2 years
Charlie Day the king of gay little monster fuckers - First with Newt and now with Luigi. Love wins!
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Snake man/Naga au shang tsung
Ok ok hear me out
snake man shang tsung. Or naga shang tsung. Whichever one you prefer to use.
Ok listen. This is a fun au idea.
And no this isn't about mk1 2023 shang tsung! Picture any other shang tsung. Plz. Even. Chin hans shang tsung from the mk 2021 movie for all i care. (Tho i pictured tagawa's shang but thats just me)
But anyways.
Snake man shang.
Cw:none really. I guess au shang tsung? Snakes?
Shang tsung as a snake man
His eyes are of a gold and green. The pupils almost look like they have galaxies in them,secrets of the unknown. Hidden knowledge of the universe and the magics of the veil and void. Flashed gold when angered and threatened. And in darkness.
And scales of viridian dark greens fading into an iridescent metallic lime green. Golden flecks throughout the scales.
Claws are black painted with golden tips.
Hair is a deep black ink. The deepest black and long tresses neatly kempt. Adorned with the finest hair ornaments. Some were "trophies" of the souls he took and the warriors he devoured.
His fangs while intimidating,only produced venom when nessicary. Tounge is long, serpentine,when he speaks his s's hiss and his R's growl. You can feel the primal sounds.
His upper half was of a handsome man. In his mid to late 40s. That of far eastern decent. Nose distinctly hooked and that of serpentine. Smile is soothingly sinister. As if he is knowing before one speaks. A golden tan to his skin reflects that of a man who loves sunning. Sleeping on his island domains beach and shore is his favorite pastime. Nicely muscled and very active.
His voice is of honey. Rich,deep,thick. Sweet words of lulling. Only to extrap you in his coils. And by then...it is all but too late. He has you.
The master of his den,keeps it spotless. Takes very good care of it. Adorns it with only the finest treasures,jewels,silks,and decor. His island home is absolutely beautiful. All are welcome. But few ever want to leave....or....*laugh* could leave. Books upon books scattered about his lair tells of an intellectual man. Various tinkering of devices also states of a man who is engineering. Alchemy and science. Magic and practicality. This is a man of absolute brilliance. Deadly and terrifyingly intelligent.
To look upon this man. Is to look at the devil face to face. How you face said devil. Tells more about you traveler. Than the serpentine you gaze upon.
Some run,some hide,some act in righteous fury,some cry in fear. And some...just some...look upon him.
And feel free. Alive. And even fall into a deep love and compassion.
These are the people you should be wary of.
For they do not fear death nor hell.
And they find comfort,in his deathly coils.
Shang tsung,lord of souls. High mage of magic. Emperor of the grey isle. Master of death itself.
Oh boy this was so much fun to write! Lemme know if you guys want more!
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animentality · 2 years
Guillermo del Toro 🤝 Joel Crawford
making Death a BADDIE.
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two sides of the same coin for wlw and mlm, and bisexuals rejoice. you get to have the whole coin :3
also a win for the furries and monster fuckers alike.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
A Player's Aid: Chapter 14
Fandom: Legend of Zelda, Linked Universe
A/N: WHAT'S UP FUCKERS- shorter chapter but it's fucking here
Warnings: Bad language, descriptions of panic attack, descriptions of nightmares, descriptions of drowning/choking/suffocating, descriptions of hallucinations, mentions of possible PTSD
In the warmth of the afternoon sun, the people rejoiced.
Some kneeled to kiss the grassy earth beneath their shoes, others hugged and sung thanks to the goddess to see the light of day once more and others merely eased their tense bodies to the welcoming breeze, eyes closed in bliss. Freedom. Finally, they had reached freedom after those terrifying, grueling days stuck in the confines of that age old library.
The Hero of the Four Swords looked towards the castle in worry.
“Any sign of them?” The sailor asked nervously, eyes also trained on the grand palace. “Cook hasn’t picked up on the slate, no matter how much I’ve tried to contact him with the stone.”
The worry brewing in the smithy’s gut only seemed to burn at those words. “Not at all?”
The eldest seemed the most panicked of it all. The Old Man held that mask of stoicism well but masks were not made in likeness, their duplicity was still noticeable under a scrutinising eyes and the blonde could see the worry in his gaze. The way he seemed to pace on the spot, how his hands twitched against the hilt of his sword and his eyes stayed fixated on those towers of stone a little too long. Time fought it, of course, and if the ‘accusation’ came that he was fearful in this moment it would be met with a burning glare and swift denial.
“I do not fear when I know you are all capable of holding your ground, especially against that monster.”
But not all of them were his descendant, were they?
Ever since that dreadful day, the Ranch-hand laid in a bed not of his own making, the darkness of the Shadow’s blow seeping into his bloodstream and slowly draining the soul from his weakening body as he edged closer and closer to death. Only a few terrible hours, but enough to air out the grievances with them amidst the worry and frustration. The Four Sword Hero and the Hero of Wild had fought but that had come to pass- however the light shone on the topic of ancestor and descendant could not just be pushed aside.
The Hero of Time had become…stricter with the farm boy. Obvious to them all, the man had taken his role more seriously then. All could see it, the nervous light dancing in his eye when he sent the brunette on an errand or watched him battle a monster with the strength of a Hylian Ox. The very thoughts of fighting the very thing that had nearly sent him to the gates where the Golden Three held eternal paradise was probably eating the Old man alive, concern gnawing at his gut like a dog chewed at its bone.
The Hero of Time knew that the others were capable- but did he think the same of his successor? 
The Four Sword Hero could also see that the question mingled in the mind of the Ranch-hand too, albeit the Old Man did try his damndest to not show it in front of him, especially knowing that stubbornness that seemed to last generations in his family.
The Skyloftian Knight had told him, even when he stood, bleeding out and wobbling, he would not yield his position as hero on that day the Shadow struck.
What an idiot his brother was, sometimes.
“How much longer could they be?” Gilda muttered to herself, the fairy having joined them when she had seen them return from their side quest. “Maybe I should go have a look-”
A huff silenced her.
“Maybe our resident witch has bewitched them,” The veteran’s words came offhanded but he could hear the loathing and wariness in his tone- he did not wholeheartedly believe his accusation but the Vet knew how to weigh down his words. “And given them over to the Shadow just like they probably planned-”
“Veteran now really isn’t the time for such words.” The Skyloftian Knight’s resort sliced through the air and had almost made the Four Sword Hero jump. When had he appeared behind him? “Can you not for the moment?”
“I am just saying-”
“Hey, there they are!”
Necks snapped, Four’s included, in the direction of where the sailor had begun to sprint. Nowhere near the castle gates but instead in the West, five forms appearing in the distance- four walking and the last hanging off the back of one of them.
The heroes plus fairy rushed over without a second thought.
“Are they dead!?” 
Wind had exclaimed those words in a moment of panic, eyes wide in a morbid curiosity as they glanced over your paled face in the light of the afternoon sun- you seemed still too. Not moving an inch.
“No!” Wild cried in similar horror, “They fainted! That’s all!”
Gilda didn’t need her brother’s prompt to rush over, her gentle green glow whizzing around your hair in an effort to heal whatever ailed you in that moment.
“We had to take a shrine, there was no other way-” Twilight’s words had come out slightly slurred, his own face looking pale along with the Captain’s and the Traveller’s- Four couldn’t blame them. The Sheikah’s magic from the Champion’s era was a strange one. No one quite liked their teleportation magic, too disorientating for them all excluding the wild blonde from his excessive use of their devices. “Uh, my head-”
Gilda went over each one of them carefully as the small group were led back to the rest, the people of the settlement offering their own help in the form of potions and such of any kind as they rushed about to make an impromptu camp. After all, the skulltula had torn apart most of their settlement already and left them with almost naught to defend themselves with. You were laid to rest on a bedroll, tucked in under a blanket with the careful touches of the Traveller and Champion before all were gathered to talk.
“I’m glad to know you are all okay,” 
Time’s voice sounded heavy with both relief and concern during the rush, looking over the group after they were tended to by a maiden scholar with knowledge of medicine- she had practically demanded to help in return for saving her life. “And I’m glad to see you were able to rescue our guest- but what of the Shadow?”
The four shared a look. “It…retreated.” 
“Wait. Seriously?”
“Yes, as soon as it reached the light, it seemed.”
“But the light has never stopped it before.” The Hero of the Four Sword brought a finger to his chin in thought, a slight flash of purple dancing in his eyes. “Even when taking the form of a beast, it still stalked the lands when the sun was highest- why stop this time? What could have possibly been the reason?”
The group shared an inquisitive silence.
“Well, the sun has never stopped it but it has seemed to grow weaker under its gleam.” The group glanced over to Sky as he sat himself up on his rocky seat, “Think about it, those many moon cycles ago- The Captain didn’t have much action when he and the Shadow had exchanged blows but when Ranch-hand- I…uh…”
Twilight rolled his eyes, “Just spit it out, knight.”
“Right, uh, anywho- when the Ranch-hand had fought with the monster it seemed to have more power in the oncoming dusk.”
The veteran straightened. “Dusk does bring more shadows than pure light. It would make sense.”
“But what of our time in the forest?” Hyrule asked, “It was darker, more shadows in the shade of the trees- it didn’t seem that strong then either. Angry, but not too powerful.”
Twilight playfully nudged Warrior’s shoulder. “You can thank our Captain for that.”
“Oh hush.”
Sky spoke up once more, “I think Fi’s light may have been the reason, we all see how it reacts to her power. It’s afraid. After all, she was made to seal the darkness and the Shadow is that- darkness.”
They let those words sink in, sharing looks with wild thoughts prancing about in their heads.
“...It didn’t feel that powerful.” The Hero of Hyrule glanced over to your form, situated comfortably in your bedroll and looking much more healthy compared to your earlier sickly expression. “Angry. It was certainly angry and almost suffocatingly so, but the power behind its shifting form didn’t really feel all that…there. I think that’s why it didn’t chase us further and I think that’s why we were able to escape. It’s weak. Too weak.”
“Still strong enough to open a portal?” The eldest didn’t seem all that convinced.
“In the darkness, yes, that’s where it takes its power from.” Confidence bloomed in his gut as the brunette stood a little taller, “The day that (Name) appeared it was late into the night, when it had taken them during our fight the darkness once again overwhelmed the light- these have been the only times that portals have appeared for ages. Don’t you see? It cannot function properly in the sun.”
A sudden wave rolled over the Hero of Time. Dark and guilty, his eyes of ocean blue swirling with conflict as he gaze ran over to your unconscious form. He hadn’t discussed what he had done those few days ago, a secret between both you and his descendant that he wasn’t quite ready to disclose to the group- now was the time however, no matter the look he knew the traveller and (now) the cook would burn into him.
“I have a confession.” Eyes tethered to his form in an instant- no backing down now. “Those days ago, back with the camp at Fort Hateno- I had a plan.”
The Twilight Hero sat straighter- The Old Man continued. “It was intentional, leaving our guest to fend for themself because I had a suspicion that the Shadow was watching us.”
The Hero of Hyrule’s breath stuttered in growing horror and anger. “...what?”
The Wild Hero practically leapt to his feet. “WHAT!?”
The roar grabbed the attention of the nearby settlers, Twilight moving to stand and grab his shoulders. “Champion, please-”
“They told you they could not fight!” The traveller cried, interrupting. “They told us all! They told you and you saw what happened! You did that! That was your fault!”
A few flinched at such a raw blame but the Old Man kept his shoulders squared, face stoic. “And I take full condemnation for such an idiotic plan- but it proved it. The Shadow is watching us.”
The cook ground his teeth, “You didn’t need to see something we all already believed.”
Time would have laughed at the irony of those words- he really did replicate the Ranch-hand in so many ways. To sound like him in this moment would have usually made his heart warm if not for the seething anger behind his tone.
“Seeing is better than believing, we all know that,” He sighed, “But that’s not what I wanted to say- that monster was further proof that the Shadow’s power wavers in the light of the day.”
The smallest hero raised a brow. “How so?”
“It’s positioning- the monster led our guest right towards us, why would it do such a thing? It knew it would take a few of us only moments to cross that river, the Traveller proves that, so why closer? Unless-”
“Unless it wasn’t where it was supposed to be.” The Captain looked up at the realisation, “The Shadow messed up.”
“What does that even mean!?” The champion snapped, throwing his hands up. “The Shadow always messes up- if it were successful in any way it would have killed us all already!”
“It was successful with taking (Name) wasn’t it?” The eldest turned to him. “Both times, both in darkness but when it summoned the Chuchu it messed up. Why did it mess up that time? The only possible explanation is the light.”
The cloud of realisation rained heavy on them all. 
The sailor crossed his arms, “But the Shadow was summoning all those monsters! I understand if it was weak in the light but the traveller is saying that it’s weak full stop. This wasn’t just a small camp of monsters, this was an entire herd. Surely in its weak state it shouldn’t be able to summon that many, right? And if it can, shouldn’t it be able to step into the light? It must have enough power for that if it can make a small army.”
Taking a deep breath to control the rage burning in his chest, the Hero of Hyrule spoke once more. “We might not have all the clues here, not yet. But I still think it’s weak, even in that display of horror and intimidation, the power that it gave off felt smaller than it had been for a while.”
“Let’s not forget that it has been months since we last saw this monster.” The Ranch-hand had finally managed to calm his protégé, the blonde more grumpy than enraged. “So that must mean something.”
Silence finally hung.
Their talk was informative, ideas flowing around them all. The Shadow had been pushed to the back of their mind during this long time of rest with nothing to show from its end. They had travelled all over the Champion’s era searching for monsters, for stories, for rumours and for portals but not a whisper in the wind. This sudden return had certainly shook them all but they knew it had been coming, maybe not that day they had found you at the base of that tree, winded and bruised but it was inevitable that the Shadow would one day return.
It would never give up that easily.
A shaky whimper caught their ears and heads turned to your direction, face pinching and lips shaking as you made more noise of distress.
Hyrule didn’t hesitate to move towards you, as did Wild, brushing past the Ordonian Hero to make his way over.
“Are we gonna go check out the castle again?” Wind asked after a moment.
Time shook his head, “No, however we shall in the morning.”
“Okay,” Wind pushed away from the tree he had been leaning against, jogging over to your position too.
After a few following moments of silence, the remaining heroes decided to part also. Twilight stayed by the side of his ancestor however, watching them all go with a heavy heart before turning to look at the eldest as he rested his head in hands.
Time sighed. “I don’t know how I’ll be able to make this up to them.”
Twilight’s hand rested on the older man’s shoulder- it was almost odd to be his comforter when it was usually the other way around. “Just give them time, ancestor.”
And that was that.
Your hands clawed desperately at the ooze, fighting its weight as it dragged you further and further into the expanse of nothing. Kicking your feet had proved useless, you made no distance in your efforts, only continuing to sink deeper and deeper with no knowledge of where you would end up.
Where were you? How did you get here? You had opened your eyes and suddenly you were bombarded by the overwhelming feeling of the black sludge surrounding your body. Trapped, no way to fight it. With the consistency of molasses yet versatile like water, you only continued to sink with no hope of resurfacing.
You could not scream.
You could not cry.
You could only wait.
Then you felt it- the hand wrap around your calf. Sharp nails digging into the skin of your leg as it captured you within its grasp. You could not flail in panic. You could not fight its grip. 
You reached your hand out, begging for someone to save you from this horrid fate. You didn’t wish to die in such a torturing way. Unaware of it all. 
But it began to drag you down.
And you were going to die here.
In this horrible, drowning, choking, blinding nothing.
Your hand was grasped and you spotted it- the light. Seeping through the darkness in smaller beams that grew bigger and bigger as it began to haul you up, up, up- the hand on your calf tried fighting but with this newfound hope in your system you did not yield. Tightening your own hand, you pulled your weight up to greet the surface of the never-ending sludge.
You broke the surface with a heavy gasp, spluttering and coughing. Light surrounded you opposed to the darkness that you had been submerged in and you raised your eyes to look at your savour.
Eyes pooled with kindness looked back.
You sat up with a choking gasp, clutching at the blanket encasing your chest.
Eyes wild, you searched the area desperately for traces of that suffocating nightmare only to see that you were laying in a forest, as lush and as green as many were in a scene that slowly brought you back into reality. The trees wavered in the wind, the grass stood tall and you were not drowning in darkness.
Bodies were strewn about the small camp, a fire centring them all. Wild and Hyrule laid only inches away from your sleeping mat in their own, their soft snores light on your ears as you watched them with your pacing heart slowing to a resting thump. Looking around, you could spot a few more of the boys sleeping away with the settlement in the far distance, their torches beacons in the dark.
The dark…
You gulped, glancing around. Surrounded by it, eating away at the borders of your camp, it almost seemed to be watching you, studying you. The light of the fire was the only thing that fought it back, your savour in these desperate times- desperate? Why would it be desperate? Nothing was there.
Unless that nothing was something.
Unless that something was the Shadow.
Cloaked in pitch black, red eyes staring at you from beyond his veil of gloom. Was this what he was waiting for? The night to snatch you up again? Your cockiness would surely lead you to a tortuous death with not an ounce of glory to your name. You had provoked him and now you were destined to die a cruel end.
Something shifted beyond a shady bush.
Your heart kick started with a twisting leap.
You didn’t want to die like this. Not after everything had happened. You had been saved- you were safe! He couldn’t hurt you now! This wasn’t fair! 
You pushed yourself to your knees, hellbent on running.
No, this wasn’t it. Not after escaping your fate. 
The world muffled as blood pumped loudly in your ears, your shaky, uneven pants returning tenfold as wild eyes stayed focused on the shaking bush. You were not in between trees, you were back in that hallway. Winding and dark, as you watched the shadows slowly seep round the corner with its demonic host just only a few paces behind.
You could not fight but by God you could run.
Eyes peered through the darkness.
You inhaled in suspense.
A fluffy dog pushed its way through the bush.
And suddenly, you were back on the outside.
Collapsing back into your bedroll, you shook. Your pillow muffling your terrified sobs as you heaved and wailed into the comfort of the plush cushion.
It wasn’t real, it wasn’t real. The castle laid quiet in the background within the darkness, the trees acting as a fence between you and your near murder scene. Your mind may have still pushed that horrible notion but you needed to fight it with logic, with a clear mind. Even as tears cascaded down your hot cheeks you needed to see that you were indeed fine, you were indeed safe.
You did not need to add PTSD to the long list of things already wrong with you.
Something gently made contact with your head, the familiar feeling of a wet snout softly burrowing into your hair with frantic sniffs as the canine studied your shaking figure. Nipping at your skin with careful precision as to not actually hurt you, the animal whined and collapsed into a big fluffy heap right next to your shaking body- a boundary between you and the darkness.
After a few moments, you glanced at it.
“...Wolfie?” Wolfie, or Twilight as you knew under the disguise of Twili magic, tilted his head curiously at you. “...what are you doing here?”
The wolf quietly barked- a squeak with maws snapping.
“Right…you can’t talk…” Sniffling, you hiccuped on a breath and reached your hand out carefully, fingers making contact with the poofy fur decorating his chest. “....you’re soft.”
Another quiet bark, you giggled this time at the noise.
“I’m sorry…were you patrolling?” He hummed a whine that you could only believe was a ‘yes’, your head coming to rest upon his paws in an act of seeking comfort- you hoped you weren’t making Twilight uncomfortable. “Sorry for getting in the way.”
Wolfie rested his head atop yours carefully.
“I just-...” You teared up once again, shaking. “It’s so dark and I just couldn’t-”
A deep sound came from within his chest, not a growl or grunt, but a long soft hum that had you fall quiet with only sniffles leaving you. You were tired, you were scared and you wished you were back home with your Mama. 
You wanted your mama.
She would have held you, even through her grump after you woke her.
“I want my mama,” You sniffed, “I want go home- I hate this fucking place.”
Tightening into a ball, you cuddled closer to the canine. The hero did nothing to fight it, in fact, he pushed his body closer to your own as he curled around your frame protectively. Like a blanket of safety, he kept you covered and made an effort to shield you from the horrors of the outside world. You were not alone in this nightmare, you did not have to isolate yourself and suffer.
You cried yourself to sleep.
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sarazanmai · 11 months
This just in! Oscar Isaac confirmed to be playing Frankenstein's Monster to Andrew Garfield's Victor Frankenstein. Monster fuckers of the world rejoice!
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auroramoon-draws16 · 3 months
*crawls out of the ether*
Assassin’s Creed x Dead by Daylight
It’s one thing to be the hunter hiding in the shadows, but how well does an assassin do being the one hunted?
Really well, actually.
Assassins are trained to hide, to be untraceable, to vanish once the blood is drawn. Funny how the things that made them formidable killers also made them excellent survivors.
I wonder what would happen if they played both roles?
The first: a Killer forced to go against their morality, to spill the blood of the innocent, to cause suffering where there once was the swift mercy of death. A puppet to another’s inhumane game. (Or perhaps the killer was a brother, an assassin who’s already distanced himself from the creed, from the brotherhood. One who wouldn’t shy away from the blood on his blade.)
The second: a Survivor forced to endure a constant hunt where they are unable to use their blade, unable to protect the innocent around them, unable to fight back with the skills they spent a lifetime (and then some) cultivating to defend themselves. They can hide, they can work with a team, but they cannot escape.
What if these two were to meet?
A brother vs a brother.
A diabolical game where there are no winners.
Idk, I just think it’d be neat.
(You can pick the Assassins btw, definitely thinking about Desmond being the survivor because, well, yeah, he’s the most emotional and deals with the most bullshit situations, but honestly it could be anyone. It would be interesting if it was Ezio or Altaïr as a survivor, mainly because I don’t think any of the Survivors are from that far back in history, so it would be interesting to see that interaction. Just do whatever is most interesting to you.)
(Maybe you can have more than one survivor? Have some bonding between Desmond and his ancestors or something?)
(Also, the new map could be something like the Abstergo lab or Alamut or Masyaf or something?)
(Oh!! also extra crossovers! Like Resident Evil and Stranger Things, man, these just write themselves ^_^)
(For the horny bitches: we got plenty to choose from ;P monster fuckers, rejoice!)
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When I'm healthy, I prefer to maintain a "Spectral spirit haunting you from the shadows" vibe.
Today whilst I'm sick, it's a "disgusting eldritch monster covered in slime and frothing and foaming at the mouth" sort of vibe.
Monster fuckers rejoice.
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- Pining Gay Vampire Boyfriends? ✅ - Slowburn Star-Crossed Lesbian Reincarnation AU? ✅ - 300 Year Old Disaster Lesbian Vampire? ✅ - Hot Biker Werewolf with a Tragic Past? ✅ - Disaster He/They who may or may not have a Thing for the demonic entity that lives in their head? ✅
Come check out our brand new long-running Actual Play TTRPG: The Sanguine Society! We're playing a mashup of Sad Vampire Boyfriend, Kids on Bikes, and The Good Society. Premieres this Friday on YouTube!  
And join us on discord to chat with the blorbos
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melsimps · 7 months
Back spreading my Araven propaganda again bc I will make you all love my monster boye.
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[Image description: a 2 panel comic of a character being interviewed. The character is blushing intensely, and says "monsters... s... sexy..." across both panels. Above it is text that reads "Me, trying to explain why you should simp for Araven:" //End description]
Monster fuckers, rejoice! Araven be upon ye!
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His name is Araven, he's thousands of years old, he's got five eyes, and he's a big boy.
Also, low-key? Bit of a dilf, ngl.
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typically-untypical · 2 years
Heya ^^ For the fic requests, how about some Logince hurt/comfort with a protective Logan? Platonic or familial, whichever you prefer!
I hope this is enough protective Logan for you, maybe not enough hurt but it is for sure cute!!
A Hero's Prince
Every year a festival took place to celebrate the kingdom. It was a happy affair full of people rejoicing and singing, dancing and playing, but there was always at least one family that didn't rejoice, one family that was left instead to mourn. This year, it would be Roman and his brother. The kingdom's celebration came with one major caveat, during the time of the celebratory activities, a sacrifice was chosen, a person, young of age, was randomly selected to be thrown into the river which was said to house the creature that had blessed their lands. Roman was beginning to believe the selection wasn't random, but was instead meticulously chosen so that people the king could get rid of potential enemies. Roman had first started suspecting this five years ago as he noticed the people who were chosen were ones the king had had issue with. Roman said nothing as it wasn't his place. He was a royal knight and his duty was to protect the royal family. 
However, things took a turn for the worse when Roman was assigned to protect the king's only son, a young man who was wise beyond his years, and deeply condescending. At least, that's how Roman had viewed Prince Logan when they first met. The prince was constantly correcting him on information and on the most minor of things, it drove Roman up a wall, until he realized Logan did it to himself too. Whenever the prince got someone wrong he would beat himself up over it, berating himself until he got it right. It was heart breaking to watch the prince live under the confines of toxic perfectionism, and Roman started a plan to work him out of it.
He hadn't planned to fall in love.
Logan was passionate, intelligent, and he truly wanted the best for his citizens. Roman was happy to watch him from the sidelines until Logan asked if Roman would become his permanent guard. It had been a hard conversation where Roman eventually admitted his feelings. In return, the prince admitted his as well. From that moment on his duties as guard were coupled with his duties as boyfriend, quiet kisses in the garden where no one could see, nightly discussion about the fate of the county. It was beautiful, until they were found out.
The king had noticed something was strange, and he had taken it upon himself to figure out what had changed in his son. Roman remembered the day the king found out, he remember the cold quiet 'you're days are numbered' that echoed through him. Logan said he would protect him, but Roman knew there was no protection from this.
He and Remus sat together on the floor of their house, a single family dwelling that they had made into a home. Remus was doing his best to keep a smile on his face, telling jokes and laughing about running away together. Roman knew it wasn't possible though. If he tried to run, he would be hunted, and honestly, he preferred his chances with the beast below. 
"You don't have to do this," Remus muttered, "I'm a monster fucker, I'd go down for you instead."
Roman just shook his head, he felt like his heart had been ripped out, and he hated the idea that Logan might be feeling the same. "I... I don't know if I can find away out, but I have to." He looked at Remus. "The King can't keep getting away with this, something has to change."
Remus shook his head. "You have no proof that he's doing anything." It was true, Roman had no proof that the king was manipulating the results, and that certainly wasn't something he could prove in two hours. 
"Will you avenge me brother?"
Remus leaned in and hugged Roman. "The only reason I'm not painting the streets with blood now is because you so nicely asked me no to."
Roman laughed, holding his brother tightly until there was a knock on his door. The guards had been watching their house all day, making sure Roman wouldn't try to escape, but he wouldn't do that to his kingdom, even if he knew the selection was rigged. He looked at the other guards, nodding to them as they began to lead him towards the sacrificial platform, the crowd growing still and quiet. Roman had almost hoped that Logan would have stopped by before the ceremony, he didn't want their goodbye to be so personal and informal, but he wasn't even in his designated seat when Roman was dressed in the ceremonial garb. The pain began to hit him as he stood on the platform alone. He didn't want to die, he wasn't ready for it. He wanted to be there to protect his brother, to stand by Logan's side. There were so many things he still wanted to do with his life, he wasn't ready for it to all be over. 
His eyes misted with tears as he heard the last part of the speech be given. He felt the platform shift, giving out beneath him, and he fell.
Roman closed his eyes, desperate to figure a way out of this now that it was actually here. He hadn't even given Logan a proper good bye.
As the thoughts in his head swirled around, fighting for some kind of escape, he felt something wrap around his arm, jerking him back up. It hurt, it bit into his flesh, but he was dragged back up the cliff side until he was once again on the platform, wrapped up in arms he knew too well. Roman clung to Logan, taking in the fact that he was here, actually here, and barely hearing the words his boyfriend spoke.
"My father has been lying to all of you. This practice is not a practice of joy or reverence, it is a practice used by the royal family to protect itself, one to keep people submissive." His arms were wrapped around Roman protectively, keeping him hidden from the rest of the world. "The candidates are chosen by those of royal blood once they have turned 30 in order to protect the secret, but I have found out this secret, and I have no intention of continuing this practice."
He stood, taking Roman with him. Roman had always thought he was the strong one in the relationship, but the way that Logan was able to completely manhandle him was not an unwelcome surprise. 
"Especially not when this practice was used to attempt to separate me from my boyfriend." Logan almost yelled that bit, turning to face someone specific, and Roman wondered if Logan was addressing his father. It didn't much matter at this moment did it? He had almost died and Logan had protected him and saved him. Logan, the prince, was still holding him now, publicly in front of the whole kingdom.  "You have two choices father, abdicate, or drop this platform again and lose me forever."
Roman stiffened. He wasn't ready to die, even if it was in Logan's arms, but his boyfriend just rubbed his back gently. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. The world can not stop me from protecting you.
"I will not have a traitor as a son." The king spoke, and as the platform fell again, Logan grabbed the rope he had used earlier, tossed it around one of the lower beams and told Roman to hold on.
The scaled the cliffside rather than falling, dropping into the bank of the river.
"Logan! What did you do?!" Roman asked, appalled and afraid. Logan just smiled sheepishly.
"What is the point of a crown if I can't use it to protect the people I care about?"
"You stupid sap." Roman gently hit his chest, resting his head on Logan's shoulder. "I am your knight, I am supposed to protect you."
"And I am your partner, we are supposed to protect each other."
They were both silent for a few moments, clinging to the freedom they now had.
"Wait," Roman pushed away, "What about my brother? He will be a target now, won't he."
Logan smiled and shook his head. "That's what took me so long, I had to stop by and tell him the plan. We already have a meeting spot. What do you say, will you run away with me Roman Prince?"
The other man blushed, shaking his head and taking off the stupid ceremonial robes. "Yes."
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mintshooky · 1 year
monster fuckers!! rejoice!!!
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doewithantlers · 3 months
I deal with hypermobility which sucks yes but also it means I can contort my body in weird ways and my joints pop a lot. So yea. Monster fuckers rejoice.
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