#Momentum Equals Power AU
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years ago
“Sharing is caring y’know?” 
“We’re thieves?”
“Maybe you could ask your uncle to supervise?” Roy suggested.
“Yeah but he won’t let me do anything dangerous,” Wally exclaimed.
“You’re not supposed to be doing anything dangerous, that’s the point!” Roy reprimanded.
“But it’s fun,” Wally whined.
these are either the funniest or stupidest lines I've ever written and I deserve a reward either way
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devilheartsblog · 11 months ago
Black Circle Musa AU (design & concept art)
The AU is in the name: Musa joins the Black Circle and becomes a Dark Fairy. Unlike Bloom she isn’t under a spell and joined them for her own reasons.
There she is!
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I wanted Musa in this AU to be a mix of the Black Circle and a Dark Fairy. She’s an equal in the AU so I wanted her to have the same vibe as them. I had a hard time putting in red so when looking at the dark fairy references they leaned into purples, pinks and blues, which ended up making Musa’s look much better.
I wanted the wings to be smaller and there’s actually a reason behind it. Since she has dark magic it grants her the power to fly, hence why witches and wizards can fly without wings. But she’s also a fairy so she needs the wings for momentum. I love the purple wings sark fairies have so I kept it that way. Made the wings look like smaller versions of her Enchantix wings shape-wise.
First Concept:
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This was the first design I came up with. Now usually I like the first design but I was struggling with her bangs and the outfit was too simple both in terms of the wizards and the Winx character design since general (I know about the later seasons’ dresses and yes I think they’re hella basic)
The wings and back are the things that stayed consistent.
Hair changes + Weapon
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This one is less of design concept and more like light adjustments. I ended up keeping her regular straight bangs instead of the side-swept ones. I really wanted her hair to look like her season 3 cut because I miss it so much. Plus it could be her going back to being more tomboyish and hard on the outside rather than the softer version we got in season 4.
I feel like since she’s part of the Black Circle she needs her own specialty so she can summon a microphone as either sing into it for sound waves or swing it around for some gnarly damage
I also changed her top to have a zipper thing and become shorter.
Colors and cape (+ tiny Gantlos)
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Aw look tiny Gantlos!
Anyway I decided to combine the zipper and the triangle cutout (don’t ask me how the zipper works, maybe it’s now a line) and I like it quite a bit. Her back is still exposed for her wings.
This is the point where I started messing with the colors as well. It was pretty hard combining red and purple without her looking a bit odd. I mostly envisioned her with Blue and purple gloves but I wanted red to be her main color.
And the bottom right is my favorite drawing. I like the pose and she’s showing off one of her powers. I was scrolling through some bocaloid shorts and it inspired me to give her fishnets. I also drew her boots and the design came together (except the colors whoch I figured out later)
That’s it for now, I’ll talk about the lore later. Thanks for reading!
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phanzon · 9 months ago
Puppet Sisters AU (2/?)
Like before: OG AU by @rorydrawsandwrites, its time I get off my ass and continue the story.
Gangle opened her eyes, she had passed out for only a moment yet to her it felt like an eternity in a coma. Her limbs felt stiff and heavy, her legs were like jelly and her headache wouldn't end. "Ughhhh... how long was I out?" As she lifted her arm as high as she could to rub her head, a tiny squeak could be heard as the plastic glove rubbed Gangles porcelain face. Furthermore, the more Gangle moved ever so slightly, the more she could feel a moderate weight of fake denim rub across her furry torso, and the tightness of her ribbons strung around her neck... Something felt very wrong indeed. "I feel so weird... wait, what?!" For some reason or another, Jax's body began to repeat every word that came to Gangle's mind. Normally, Gangle would have to manually command Jax to say something, now it was automatic and came out a little too naturally. "Jax stop it... I SAID SHUT UP!" Gangle (and by extention Jax's body) growled in frustration at all these new confusing feelings. Gangle tried to sit up, however the mere movement only exacerbated all of Gangle's woes. It was not so much the weight of the body being too much for Gangle's ribbons to bear, but rather the sensation of feeling as if the body was hers in addition to controlling her own ribbon body. It was all too much for the girl, she released Jax's body, letting it's head to slouch back to where it started as Gangle slithered away to puke. "Uhhhhg... what just happened?" Gangle looked back at Jax's body, its eyes empty of life, and subtle movements nonexistent, there was not even a single breath. Gangle looked at the uncanny sight with an uncomfortable wince, by now the bunny would have returned to his senses, yet Gangle remembered how it felt like nobody was home. She slowly shifted over to examine the body and see what was going on. Wrapping her ribbon briefly around its neck, all of the sensations from before came rushing back. A breath was forced out of both bodies as Gangle struggled to process what was going on.
After a few more seconds, Gangle managed to pry her hand away from the neck, her eye's wide with shock and amazement. "I... I have control over his whole body... all of his senses... he literally gave me EVERYTHING!" Gangle felt awe struck and afraid at the sheer power and control she now had over Jax's body: there was still so much Gangle did not understand about the consequences of taking a second body with equal control to their own. A part of her regretted the path she had just took... but as her curiosity grew, she looked into Jax's blank eyes and realized there was no turning back. Closing their eyes and resting on Jax's face, Gangle readied to connect with the body a third time. "Alright... here goes nothing!" As they connected to Jax's mind, they slowly learned how to adapt from using two bodies at once. First, they moved Ja's right arm, getting a feel of its weight and senses, all the while moving her left ribbon independently from Jax's body. "I see... interesting. Now lets try... Sp-Spea... Speaking. There we go." Having learned to speak on her own again, Gangle took a while longer to learn how to speak as Jax independently. "Ma-ma-ma... Hello, Hello- ah! there we go! *Moves Jax's tongue around the mouth* Mmm? *moves it around more* Eww... Jax's mouth tastes awful... ugh!" After about an hour of figuring the basics of working with two bodies, it was time to try and stand up. Lifting one arm onto the bed, Gangle lifted themselves and Jax up onto their feet before they lost their balance and fell on the bed. "Sigh... lets try that again." Rolling onto their back, they used the momentum off their legs to launch themselves on their feet, where they could finally stand up straight. "Well that took a lot longer than I wanted it to... although I Guess it could have been worse, like the time I was learning how to walk while Jax was here and resisting. Anyway, I better check whats up outside."
Opening the door and walking out into the hallway, Gangle took note of how the new way of controlling Jax had its perks and quirks. On one hand it was far more flexible and less taxing to control the body itself. On the other hand, it was much more mentally taxing on Gangle. Looking out from the balcony to the stage, it was clear the others had left for an adventure without them, though Gangle didn't mind at all. If anything it allowed for more opportunity to try out Jax's body beyond what Gangle could do before. "Alright Jax, lets see what you were holding back!" They began by hopping onto the balcony wall with ease and began to peer out across the wide open jungle gym that was the Circus. Gangle had never been the adventurous time before, spending their time outside the tent tending to the garden, weaving fabrics together to make decorations and clothing, collecting figurines and generally keeping to themselves. But after learning how to possess Jax's body- "*jumps off balcony* WOO HOO!" -They've stepped outside their comfort zone. After all if they get hurt, its Jax who feels it afterwards. And that devious little assumption stuck in Gangles head as she parkoured across the circus' geometry like never before. "Ha... Ha... THIS IS AMAZING!" Coming up to a wide gap about 50 feet from the ground, Gangle looked up at the pipes hanging above before looking down at her ribbon hand and grinning. "Hehehe~" Jumping, she raised her hand to shoot out her ribbon, grabbing a hold of the pipe and swinging across. "WEEEEEE!!!" Unfortunately for Gangle: she was no super hero. The ribbon came loose and she smacked right into the wall of the block she was hoping to swing to before plummeting down below and hitting the ground hard." The pain shot through her like a stream boiling hot water. "AHhhHHhhH!!! %#!$ MOTHER$!#^, GOD&#!#, AHHH ha ha...." Tears began to stream down both of her faces. Picking herself up, she limped all the way back to the stage and sat in front of the wooden wall. It was then that Gangle realized that not only was she in pain, but completely exhausted too. The adrenaline and athleticism in Jax's body had masked how low its endurance was.
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cagemasterfantasy · 26 days ago
MLP AU: Barbarian: Path of the Crystal Heart
This subclass uses the 2024 rules for Barbarian
This Path embodies the strength and resilience of crystal, reflecting the enduring bonds of friendship and the power of inner beauty. These Barbarians are masters of defense and counter-attacks, turning their opponents' aggression against them. The Crystal Heart is a stalwart protector, capable of weathering any storm. They prioritize defense and the preservation of their allies. These Barbarians turn their enemies' strength against them, using their momentum and force against them. The power of the Crystal Heart comes from within, fueled by unwavering loyalty and compassion. It shines brightest in times of adversity. These Barbarians draw strength from their connections to others. They fight to protect those they care about.
Level 3 Crystalline Resilience: While raging, when a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to force that creature to make a Strength saving throw against your Save DC (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). On a failed save, the creature is pushed 5 feet away from you and knocked Prone.
Level 6 Refractive Blow: When you hit a creature with a melee attack while raging, you can use your bonus action to force the creature to make a Strength saving throw against your Save DC. On a failed save, the creature has disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes against you before the end of your next turn.
Level 10 Crystalline Shatter: When you score a critical hit against a creature while raging, instead of the normal effects of a Brutal Strike, you deal extra Radiant damage equal to your Barbarian level. The target must also succeed on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the target's speed is halved until the end of its next turn.
Level 14 Diamond Heart: While Raging, when an ally within 30 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the ally takes by an amount equal to your Barbarian level.
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africabriefing · 1 year ago
African Politics News Updates: Navigating the Continent's Ever-Changing Political Landscape
The political landscape of Africa is a complex tapestry of diverse ideologies, leadership transitions, and socio-political movements. From democratic progress and regional collaborations to governance challenges and societal aspirations, this article aims to provide an overview of the latest African politics news updates. By exploring the continent's political developments, we gain insight into the ongoing efforts, successes, and struggles that shape Africa's political future.
Democratic Transitions and Governance:
Many African nations have made significant strides in strengthening democratic institutions and promoting transparent governance. Several countries have witnessed peaceful transitions of power through democratic elections, exemplifying the continent's commitment to democratic principles. Countries such as Ghana, Senegal, and Malawi have held successful elections, emphasizing the importance of inclusive political processes and the will of the people. However, challenges such as corruption, weak institutions, and electoral irregularities persist in some regions, necessitating continued efforts to uphold democratic values.
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Regional Collaborations and Integration:
Regional collaborations and integration efforts are gaining momentum across Africa. The African Union (AU) continues to play a vital role in fostering unity, peace, and development on the continent. The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is a landmark agreement that aims to create the world's largest free trade area, fostering economic integration and boosting intra-African trade. Collaborative initiatives like the East African Community (EAC), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) further promote regional cooperation in areas such as security, infrastructure development, and economic stability.
Socio-Political Movements and Activism:
Socio-political movements and civil society organizations are instrumental in driving change and advocating for the rights and aspirations of African citizens. Across the continent, grassroots movements are demanding accountability, social justice, and equal rights. Youth-led initiatives are particularly noteworthy, with young Africans at the forefront of advocating for political reform, climate action, and social inclusion. Movements like the #EndSARS protests in Nigeria and the Sudanese Revolution serve as powerful reminders of the agency and resilience of African citizens in shaping their political landscape.
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4. Security and Conflict Resolution:
While progress has been made in resolving conflicts and maintaining peace, Africa continues to face security challenges in various regions. Armed conflicts, terrorism, and political instability remain significant issues in countries such as Libya, Somalia, Mali, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Regional and international efforts, including peacekeeping missions by the United Nations and regional organizations, are striving to restore stability and promote conflict resolution. The pursuit of lasting peace and security remains a priority for the continent, as it is essential for social development and economic prosperity.
The political landscape of Africa is a dynamic arena that encompasses both progress and challenges. Democratic transitions, regional collaborations, and socio-political movements continue to shape the continent's political future. While Africa celebrates democratic successes and economic integration, there is still work to be done in addressing governance issues, promoting inclusive politics, and resolving conflicts. By staying informed about the latest African politics news updates, we can appreciate the efforts, complexities, and aspirations that define Africa's political landscape, and support the continent's journey towards sustainable development and good governance.
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some-unoriginal-fandom-trash · 2 years ago
Where can one possibly read that fanfic of the blues meeting the cod characters. And tex being stronger than Ghost. Just asking
All 6,000+ words (what the FUCK) can be found on my google docs. But here, have the snippet where Tex beats Ghost’s ass. (She’s technically human in this AU but we’re figuring that out)
“Shame, I was kind of looking for a fight,” you say, and then turn back to Caboose, who had been watching the whole interaction with rapt interest. “You wanna go, big guy?”
“Uhm, no. I do not want to get thrown around a lot again.”
“I’ll go.” You turn, watching Ghost walk in from where he’s been benching. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Tucker and Wash exchange a glance. “Been meaning for a spar without your armor, seems like an unfair advantage.” He sounds almost mad, but you’ve never been the best at interpreting his emotions. That’s Soap’s job.
Doesn’t matter how he’s feeling though, because his words piss you off royally. “Oh really?” Tucker, Wash, and Caboose all take a step back. “Fine then, let’s see what you’ve got.”
You both step into the ring, and equally size each other up. Ghost is pretty big, you’ll give him that. But he’s not as big or as strong as Caboose, and he’s certainly not as big as the Meta was. Still though, maybe it’ll be more even, as Ghost does tend to have the advantage of not being either a) completely brain dead, or b) crazier than a bag of feral cats.
You breathe in once, and as you exhale, he charges you. A tackle from this close has low risk, high reward if done right. If he manages to throw off your center of gravity, it’ll leave you off to a rough start.
You immediately shift into your stance, before sidestepping, and punching inbetween his shoulder blades as hard as you can with your left fist. The impact makes a loud noise as knuckles meet flesh, and you can feel it echo both across the gym and inside your bones.
It’s been a while since you’ve been in a real brawl like this.
The punch has him faltering down onto one knee, and you can see the spot already start to bruise, but he gets back up and turns to face you, your positions having switched. You’re ready for him, and as soon as he’s on his feet enough, you come after him with a right hook that he just barely dodges by ducking. It’s so close it grazes his hair.
He aims a punch to your abdomen, which you block with your other hand. The next few seconds are a flurry of attempts and dodges, equally from both of you, and it surprises you when he lands a hit on your shoulder, knocking you back a bit.
You don’t let it falter you for too long, as when goes for his next hit, you take his momentum and guide his arm upwards to leave his chest wide open. Your other fist goes straight to his diaphram, before you turn and land a powerful kick directly in the center of his abs. You’re just wearing plain work boots, but you know they hurt, having been on the wrong end of Carolina’s kick just one too many times.
He stumbles backwards, and you decide right in that moment that you’re sick of it.
You’re sick of how you brought the 141 into your home, you brought them to meet your team, the most important people in your life, and they keep you at gun barrell length. After the blood, sweat, and violence you shed and did for them, after the trust you thought you built up, they still have the nerve to mistrust and doubt you. None of them look at you the way they used to after you took your helmet off and spoke with your real voice for the first time. Like they forgot that you and Beta were one in the same, not two people constricted to the same suit of armor. That it wasn't just Beta who would protect them with incredible acts of strength, that it was Tex underneath the black titanium.
It’s with that pent up fury and frustration driving you that you move towards Ghost in one fast, solid movement, grabbing his shirt and yanking him towards you. You can see the exact moment he also realizes what you’re about to do, and that he’s as powerless to stop it as you are powerful to put it in motion.
You punch him clean across the temple, and he stumbles, only kept upright by your grip on his shirt. His head lolls back, eyes closed, and his mouth hangs open under the small face mask as blood pours from the small open wound on the left side of his head.
You come back to yourself all at once, and you hear commotion around you. You carefully set him on the ground, and then quickly back up. You broke the skin on both his head and your knuckles.
You haven’t done that in a long time either.
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earnestly-endlessly · 4 years ago
I love your fic recs! Do you have any with Protective!Erik?
Protective! Erik is one of my favourite tropes so I have a TON of fics to share with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Protective! Erik fic recs
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Saving the Universe By Meeting Your Soul-Mate and Falling in Love in Less than 72 Hours – madneto, Pangea
Summary: Army Pilot Erik Lehnsherr is just trying to enjoy his day off when a mostly naked person crashes through the roof of his car. Even more alarming, the strange falling naked person—who goes by Charles Xavier when he's not speaking an ancient dead language—brings tidings of the apparent potential end of the world, and begs Erik to help him put a stop to it.
Well. His mother has been nagging at him to go out and meet new people.
In Sound and Silence – endingthemes
Summary: Erik is assigned to care for the special patient in room 301.
How Not To Meet Your Future Boyfriend – ikeracity
Summary: Erik punches Charles in the face the first time they meet. There isn't anywhere their relationship can go from there but up.
Forgotten – FuryRed
Summary: Charles is having a really bad day. Not only has he woken up in the middle of the afternoon with no idea where he is or how he got there, but when he returns home he’s confronted by a stranger with intense eyes, who insists that he knows Charles rather more intimately than Charles remembers

Thou Shalt Not Eat Stones – valancysnaith
Summary: Two months after Washington, Raven found Erik in a skeevy motel off the Florida interstate.
“They have Charles, Erik,” she said.
The bedframe shrieked. In the bathroom, the showerhead snapped in half and clattered into the tub.
Demoted – JayPendragon
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a detective-specialist with the NYPD Mutant Tactical Unit, ready to help out where his skills are needed. Or he would be, if he and his partner hadn’t been demoted. For the next four months, he is patrolling the Lenox Hill precinct with Azazel – if he doesn’t die of boredom first. One night they are called in to investigate a potential case of domestic violence, yet the tenant assures them he is both alone and unharmed. However, there is something about this Charles Xavier that compels Erik to follow up.
Warning: Sensitive material, domestic abuse and dubious consent
Watch Your Back – swoopswoop
Summary: Bodyguard AU where Erik is overly protective and things aren't as simple as they seem.
If We Met Differently – swoopswoop
Summary: Erik wasn't the only mutant 'taken in' by Shaw, Erik learns this the hard way when a new mutant is dropped into his cell. They manage to escape together, but things aren't all roses after that. Erik has a score to settle and needs to make sure Charles is safe.
The Color of Love (Character Swap Remix) – BadLuckBlueEyes
Summary: Nobody sees in color until they meet their soulmates. When your soulmate dies, your vision returns to black and white. What happens when your soulmate only dies for a few minutes?
Omega Online – miss_aphelion
Summary: Newly imprinted Charles is having trouble dealing with his overly protective alpha—so in desperation he seeks advice in an omega chat room. Emma Frost is more than happy to help, Raven isn't helping at all, and Erik can't stand to be out of touch with Charles for more than five minutes at a time.
Cannot be Contained in Words – wallhaditcoming (uvcatastrophe) 
Summary: Crime syndicate head Erik Lehnsherr travels to London on business, where he meets oxford student Charles Xavier. Their liaison spawns into a years long transatlantic affair, kept apart by Erik's work and Charles' studies,which Erik chronicles in photographs. When distance ceases to be an issue after four long years, the overlap between Charles' past and Erik's work create a whole new set of complications.
A Pertinent Reminder – ikeracity, Pangea
Summary: Sometimes it's easy to forget that getting involved in Erik's mob business isn't all fine dining and sex on yachts. There's nothing like taking a couple of bullets to remind Charles of the reality.
Part 3 of the Associates series
A Dangerous Game – ikeracity, pangea
Summary: When a familiar enemy of Erik's returns to the city for some old-fashioned revenge, Charles is sucked deeper into the world of the mob than ever before.
Part 6 of the Associates series
You don’t choose the thug life (except when you do) – Anonymous
Summary: Charles is kidnapped and discovers that Erik, the Alpha he has been dating for the past few months and is head-over-heels for, is not just a wealthy businessman but actually the head of a syndicate.
He is rather unhappy about this discovery and Erik gets an earful for lying to him. Then Charles is kidnapped again and really, he hopes mating Erik won't result in weekly kidnapping because he has a thesis to finish and papers to grade.
Marrying a Mob – Ook
Summary: Charles is a teacher at a very exclusive school. When armed men burst in on the trail of two children, of course he stands up to them and gets hurt. The children are Erik Lehnsherr's children (of course); a "prominent businessman" or, less politely, "mobster".
Erik is grateful to Charles for saving his children's lives at the cost of his kneecap. So very grateful.
Naturally he tries to reward Charles for his actions. Equally naturally, Charles will be having none of that.
Azazel finds the whole thing unspeakably hilarious. Naturally.
Rumor Has It – blueink3
Summary: "Did I hear the doorbell earlier?"
"Yeah, but I'd steer clear if I were you. It seemed a little tense. I don't know what's going on, but there's a kid out there who looks freakily like the prof."
Nearly six months after Cuba, Charles' life is turned upside down for the second time. Though he's slowly learning to adapt to the first, he's not sure he can handle the second. Luckily for him, there are a few people out there more than willing to help.
Forward Momentum – AsYouWish
Summary: Six months after Cuba, Charles and Erik find themselves thrown fifty years into the future, where they meet their older selves, the Avengers, and a world that's very different from their own. Faced with the pieces of their broken relationship, an unparalleled adversary, and dealing with Tony Stark on a daily basis, Charles and Erik do their best to adapt while trying to find a way back home -- and to each other.
Runs in the Family – Anonysquirrel (chibirisuchan)
Summary: Alex knew his own reputation. Hell, he'd started some of his own reputation, because it kept some of the smarter thugs off his back. Everyone knew Alex's reputation. There was no way Hank didn't know his reputation, but he'd brought Alex into a house with some really expensive things and a lot of innocent little kids and his too-friendly, too-harmless dad.
But clearly Hank hadn't told his family anything about Alex, just like he hadn't told Alex anything about his family. At least, not about the brain-breaking parts of his family.
"I didn't know where to start," Hank said, for the dozenth time.
Featuring mpreg!Charles in a Kiss The Cook apron, overprotective!Erik in wet black leather, and baked goods. Lots and lots of baked goods.
Round the Corner Waiting – swoopswoop
Summary: When things go so spectacularly wrong during a relationship, Charles - now a single dad - almost makes a big mistake, only to be stopped by a mysterious man who just might turn his life back around.
Hide Your Fires – swoopswoop
Summary: As the sole heir, Prince Charles, had no problem with the roles and responsibility that would come with ruling a kingdom. Though he was the only one who did not see a problem. After years of being shuttled back and forth between kingdoms, his Regent hoping he would find a match more suitable to being King, he is finally sent to Genosha. Though the path has never been less clear than the one to a foreign kingdom with no ties to his native land.
Shaw’s Captive – swoopswoop
Summary: Magneto killed Shaw, it had to be done for the sake of mutant-kind but what he wasn't expecting to find hidden deep with Shaw's complex was a man held captive, obviously tortured, that somehow made Magneto turn into Erik.
Erik now has a potential human in his citadel as he continues the war with the human's.
Mind’s Eye Blind – Sperare 
Summary: As far as Erik is concerned, if you want to scare a person into talking, you have to present him with something more compelling than what he stands to lose...
And there is nothing in the world more compelling than Charles.
Chipped – Rosawyn 
Summary: Magneto's fledgling Brotherhood find Charles Xavier in a mutations research lab as an apparently willing subject for an experimental suppression device.
Okay, I Feel Better Now – Harleydoll
Summary: The AU in which Erik is sent to a mental health facility after being convicted for Shaw's murder and pleads insanity, and Charles is his paranoid schizophrenic of a roommate. Powers, Hellfire conspiracies, protective!Erik, and of course the inevitable angst.
Five Nights in Nuremberg – FuryRed
Summary: When Charles escapes from the mutant prison he has been held in for the last two years he knows that he’s going to need help to avoid being recaptured.
What he doesn’t expect is that help will come in the form of a mysterious German man who rescues Charles and takes him to his home; a handsome stranger who, frustratingly, doesn’t speak a single word of English

Five Bullet Points – Sperare
Summary: It was supposed to be Erik locked away in a prison one hundred stories below the ground.
Charles was never supposed to be there with him.
Notes: Unfinished but an excellent read. Highly recommend it.
Stolen – ishipitsobad
Summary: Erik is a miserable, grumpy, cantankerous bastard, and he has every fucking right to be. He drew the short end of the stick when he got the Underworld as his domain, and there isn't very much fun to be had in judging and governing dead souls who would rather be anywhere else but with Erik in the depths of Hell.
So when he meets Charles, brilliant and lovely Charles who is more popularly known amongst the mortals as Persephone, and feels the promise of something wonderful that could make his eternally doomed existence infinitely more bearable... you can bet all your drachmas Erik's not going to let Charles go any fucking time soon.
My Barbaric Darling – baehj2915
Summary: Erik is revivified caveman. Charles is the anthropologist(?) taking care of him. This is as ridiculous as it sounds. Romcom misunderstandings and prehistoric wooing ensues.
Swimming with Sharks – Not_You
Summary: Erik used to be a shark. Now he's not, and has to figure out how to be a good human father to his twins. Charles is willing to help.
Eucalyptus leaf of my soul - kageillusionz, ourgirlfriday
Summary: Zookeeper Raven at Taronga Zoo keeps having ideas on how to capitalize on interest in the zoo mascots, Koala Charles and Drop Bear Erik (the only drop bear in captivity!), who have captured the hearts and minds of the public. First it was to introduce prospective mates (It’ll generate attention, Hank. People are perverts. They’d love to see koala porn.). This idea was not effective the first through fifth attempts, as Erik and Charles seemed to show at best polite interest in the newcomer before resuming whatever marsupial debate they had going. However, the resulting lesbian koala orgies did indeed generate interest. Then Raven unveiled the Hug-A-Koala program, which was successful, as the public showed great interest in hugging Charles, and Charles seemed to enjoy being hugged.
Then Raven unveiled the Hug-A-Drop Bear program, and Hank, not for the first time, wished he had a flask handy.
Notes: Yes, they’re Koalas, yes they’re adorable, and yes, Erik is super protective even as a Drop Bear.
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waveridden · 3 years ago
all the prime numbers for fic writer ask!
thank you for testing my basic mathematical knowledge. let's go
1: fic you're most proud of
i have several for different reasons lol but i was thinking about this powerful throwback earlier so i'll drop it in here: forward momentum is a rock band au i wrote when i was like 17 based on cw's wildly popular program the 100. it's a little odd in places because. i was like 17. but it was the first long project that i finished and it is something i still feel a lot of fondness for and i am so proud of it because i did it! it was the first project i committed to in that way. happy 7th birthday to that fic
2: what's a fic that took you to an emotional/dark/hard place?
writing stuff during the pandemic is very much looking back and going "oh, that was about the pandemic!" and nothing did that so extremely as stand tall, which is a blaseball fic about the snackrifice. i reread it a while ago and i was like. oh huh! a story about people experiencing physical separation who have to connect with one another via storytelling and adjust to the distance and loneliness! wonder what could've inspired that!
putting everything else under a cut bc i just realized how long this is going to be
3: what's a fic you're emotionally attached to?
oh i'm attached to many things i've written lol but i am going to shout out syrinx which is a taz balance merle character study about religion and is one of those things that i have just. always liked! sometimes there are ups and downs and sometimes "liking" things i write means going "yeah that was good" but this is one that i have always fully enjoyed and thought was sweet and i am immeasurably fond of it
5: what's a fic of your own you won't read?
my ofmd fic because it freaks me out looking at how many comments and kudos it has lol. i know this sounds like a humble brag but like 20% of the kudos i have ever gotten is on that fic and it's intensely intimidating
7: how does receiving or not receiving feedback impact you?
wow what a complicated question lol uhhh. the person whose opinion i care about the most is mine, let's start there. i try to write things that i am proud of and happy with. that being said! i like getting comments and kudos! i think it's cool when strangers read things i write and enjoy them, and sometimes it's frustrating when i put in a lot of time on something and it just...... doesn't get a big response. and at the same time i am always grateful for anyone who takes the time. it's one of those things where there are a dozen contradictory and equally true statements that i could say. i wish i could say the numbers don't matter to me, but they do! if i didn't want people to read what i write, i wouldn't post it. (there's plenty of stuff that i don't post!)
11: has a fic you've written ever caused issues/controversy?
there's a story here that i'm not going to tell lol but real ones remember free play (derogatory). my second answer is i wrote a page for the blaseball wiki recently that somehow indirectly resulted in a couple lore jams and major rewrites and issues. i don't really follow how like nobody told me i was involved but i guess i was
13: do you take pride in your writing, or does it embarrass you? why?
oh i'm so proud of it! this is a skill i've worked on and like i'm not kidding myself about my odds of getting published but that's not the goal, the goal is writing things for myself and my friends that i like and i am GREAT at that.
17: what is the best interaction/feedback/engagement you've received on a fic?
long comments make me happy! actually the thing that makes me lose it is transformative works, i've received three podfics and a translation and a sequel and some art (and of COURSE jamie who sent this ask sent me a physical bound copy of my d20bb fic destination as well as leaving a comment that delighted me and that's like. one of the all time coolest things.) idk i just think it's neat when my art moves people to make more art
19: if you could write an ideal fic, what would you include?
oh MAN what a question. uhh i'm never good at listing favorite tropes/plot points or things like that but i WILL say something i really struggle with is like. subplots and plot motion and things that feel external to the characters. so my ideal fic would include a strong subplot. (i am DYING to try and write a mystery sometime, i just haven't had a good idea yet.)
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salparadiselost · 4 years ago
Incubus AU- Alternative Scene
This is an alternative version of the first scene in the last chapter of “Let the Devil In”. I had originally written it in Tim’s POV, until I decided I needed it to be in Damian’s POV. 
So yeah, here’s an alternative version in Tim’s POV. Not all the details match up because some things got changed in the final version, but I figured some people might enjoy it!
Story Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2151114
“I will not remain at the bottom of the pack,” the little demon hissed, and the sound rang dangerously in Tim’s ears. It had lost the annoyance, and now held a tone as sharp as a snake’s fang. “because I’m going to put you there.”
Damian struck and it was only Tim’s Robin training that saved him from getting a knife to the throat.
Unfortunately, if did mean that he got an angry demon ramming into his shoulder. The kid ploughed into him like a truck, knocking him from his feet and making him fall messily on the ground. The landing was awkward and sent a sharp pain up his arm that told him he might of just broke his wrist. He couldn’t deal with that though, not with a small ball of fury about to bring his knife to Tim’s throat again.
The Luciferean smiled in cruel glee, slashing the weapon forward. Tim jerked to the side, twisting to his feet and barely missed another attack.
But before he could really gain his balance, or figure out what the hell was going on, the little demon was on top of him again. Tim blocked another jab of the knife and swung his foot out to catch the demon. The Luciferean had to twist to avoid the leg, and it gave Tim an opening to smack the knife out of his hand and send it flying across the room.
“You’ve been trained,” Damian noted, jumping out of Tim’s arm reach to circle him from a safe distance. Tim held his hurt wrist to his chest, trying to ignore the slices of pain coming from the limb.
Tim accessed the little demon warily, turning so his back was never to Damian. “What the fuck are you doing?” he snarled, and he flinched when the sound was more human than demon.
“I’m challenging you and taking a better place in the hierarchy,” he said nonchalantly, even though his eyes were anything but careless. He watched him like a serpent preparing to strike.
“And you’ll do that by killing me?” Tim said incredulously, “That doesn’t make any sense.”
Damian scoffed and the sound was as cruel as his knife’s edge. “I do not intend to kill you, sex toy. I intend to make you submit. You are nothing but a weak excuse of a weak species of demon.”
Tim couldn’t completely hide his flinch, and Damian’s smile widened. “And you know that, too. You know that you’re just an inferior little plaything that Todd is keeping around for entertainment.”
“No, I’m not.” Tim snapped, trying to growl like Jason did, but his body betrayed him, and the sound came out cracked.
Damian snorted at the pathetic attempt. “I can’t believe Todd thinks I will bow to the likes of you.”
Tim opened his mouth to say something else, but Damian launched himself at Tim.
Tim tried to dodge, but Damian was prepared for it. He grabbed Tim’s already hurt wrist, and yanked, using Tim’s momentum to topple him back on to the floor. He had felt an internal pop, and when he hit the ground, agony sliced across his dislocated shoulder. Damian pressed his small weight against the injury and made it scream in pain.
Tim choked down a sob, and the little demon’s confidence seemed to crumble for a second. Suddenly, the Luciferean was a kid again. Just a scared kid who was desperately trying be a part of a pack and didn’t understand what he was doing.
“Damian,” Tim said, fighting to keep his voice even through the pain. The boy’s weight on his shoulder lightened and the younger demon stared at him with wide eyes. “You don’t need to do this.”
“But I do,” Damian insisted, and Tim could see frustrated tears in his eyes. “Todd hates me. I need to show him that I deserve to stay. I’m not weak.” “This isn’t the way to do that.”
Damian hesitated, before suddenly his gaze steeled and became knife sharp. “This is the only way.” He growled, pressing into Tim’s shoulder with renewed viciousness. He howled as pain screamed through his arm.
“Submit, sex slave,” Damian yelled above him, his tiny face twisted. “Just submit already.”
“No,” Tim spat. He tried to flip them, using his greater weight to pin the boy, but Damian sharpened his hand into claws and ground them into Tim’s shoulder. Five knife slices scorched his skin and Tim spasmed in pain.
Panic rose in his throat and made his breath stutter. The fear that his adrenaline had been keeping at bay, suddenly roared to the surface, threatening to overtake everything.
The kid didn’t seem like a kid anymore. 
He was a demon.
A demon with the intent to cause him pain and rejoice in it. A demon that wanted nothing more than to see him whimpering on the ground. A demon that only wanted to win and crush Tim under his foot. 
Be careful of the Luciferean. They only want power, and they don’t care who they hurt to get it. 
Jason was right and now Damian was going to make him pay in pain because of it.
The demon over him tasted like victory and instead of being sweet, it was sour enough to choke. 
Desperately, Tim scrabbled for the bonds in his chest, thinking that maybe he could get someone’s attention if he yanked them hard enough. 
“No,” Damian commanded, voice hard, “None of that.” 
Then, Tim’s bond with Damian felt like it was on fire. It burned. It scorched. It made Tim feel like he was being burned from the inside out. 
He screamed as his world was swallowed in agony and flame.
“Submit,” hissed the demon in his ear, “submit to me, incubus.”
Tim couldn’t even think past the pain to answer.
Where was his pack? Where was Jason and Dick and Bruce? Why weren’t they here?
He keened and it was a long, painful sound that came the back of his throat. Then, there was a growl, much too deep to Damian’s and a yelp. The weight that had been digging into his shoulder was suddenly lifted, and there was a crash across the room. “Get the fuck off of him,” Jason snarled, and the sound reverberated through Tim’s bones.
Tim struggled, his hands trying to find purchase on the polished wood below him, and he let out another whining keen because he wanted Jason to save him. 
His brother’s growl impossibly deepened, becoming heart-stoppingly dangerous. Tim had never heard a more comforting sound. He wanted Jason to come here and take him away, to curl him under his chin and make everything safe again. 
Please, Jason, come.
“I told you to stay away from him, Luciferean.”
The smaller demon was crumpled on the other side of the room (had Jason thrown him?), but then stood in a single fluid motion. He stuck his chin up in defiance, spine as straight as a soldier.
“Todd, I have defeated this lesser demon in combat, and I wish to advance my place in the pack hierarchy.”
There was a long pause and then suddenly, Jason was laughing.
The sound was scary and full of menace. It was so deep and cutting that only an adult demon could have made it. The confidence in Damian’s stance cracked a bit.
“I told you if you put one foot out of line that I would break your pack bond,” Jason purred, stepping forward. Damian took an equal step back, his mouth falling open. “And this is more than a fucking step. I should have known never to trust you. You don’t deserve to be pack.”
The little demon flinched, his face spasming between keeping his stone face and melting into disbelief. “But, I, it was to impress you.”
“You thought torturing my little brother would impress me!” Jason yelled, everything in him was furious. Damian tried to take another step back, but he hit the wall. The little demon cowered away, and Tim could feel the fear coming off of him.
“That’s how,” Damian tried to defend himself, “That’s how you earn your place.” “No, it isn’t!” the oldest demon rose to his full height. “But it does make me reconsider your place to begin with.”
Damain’s eyes widened in horror as Jason began to say the words that chilled Tim to his core. They weren’t even directed at him, but they still spoke to Tim’s deepest fears. 
And apparently, Damian’s too if the pure horror on his face was anything to go by.
“Damian, as the Heart of the pack
Tim felt the bond between him and Damian sink into heart-breaking resignation and the hollow loneliness that Tim knew like the back of his hand. The loneliness was so sharp that felt like Tim’s own and he realised he couldn’t let this happen to pack.
“Jason,” he said, his voice quiet, until he repeated louder. “Jason.”
His older brother paused in his words, and glanced at Tim. His brother’s anger was still there, but underneath was that ever-present undercurrent of sibling protectiveness. 
“Don’t do it,” Tim commanded, shakily getting to his feet. His side was on fire and he grit his teeth through the flare up of pain. “Don’t cut his bonds.”
Jason startled, eyes blinking in disbelief. He looked the obviously injured Tim up and down, clearing not understanding why he would say that. “Tim, he hurt you. He manipulated his bonds against you.”
“I’m fine,” Tim isn’t, even though his shoulder screamed in protest. “I’ve had worse hits on patrol.”
Jason didn’t look convinced but he backed away from looming over Damian. He edged over to Tim and caught his face in his hands. Jason searched his eyes, fury gone and replaced with worry. 
The earnest expression on the feared vigilante almost made Tim chuckle. Figures, that his older brother would go straight into mother-henning mode. Dick was rubbing off on him.
“Are you sure?” Jason whispered.
Tim hummed and gave a reassuring little chirrup out of pure instinct. Huh, he hadn’t even realised he could make that sound. 
The noise seemed to relax something frantic in Jason, though, and his older brother rubbed his forehead against Tim’s.
“Alright, let’s go find Dickiebird and Alfred, so we can get you fixed up.” Jason began to motion around Tim, practically pushing him out the door. Tim rolling his eyes at the manhandling, but allowed his brother to fuss over him.
Before Jason could shove him out of the room, though, Tim looked back at the smaller demon. 
Damian was curled against the wall, staring at them in shock and disbelief, like he couldn’t even comprehend what he was seeing. He was crouched, partially obscured with shadows, and his eyes gleamed. Tim had the sneaking suspicion that it was because of unshed tears.
Tim felt the bond between them, weak, but definitely there. The kid was miserable and the emotions around him were a noxious mix of fear, disbelief and confusion. It made something inside Tim whine and want to bundle the kid up, even though he had literally just put a knife to his throat. 
When Damian saw Tim looking at him, his emotions immediately shut down, sealed away completely from Tim.
That didn’t matter, though, Tim saw the emotions shining through the kid’s teary eyes. 
“You stay here,” Jason barked to Damian, making the kid flinch back. “I’m coming back later to deal with you.”
When Tim looked up, he saw that Jason’s eyes were all demonic ire. A chill ran down his spine and he felt a fear for Jason that he hadn’t felt since Hood had cornered him in the Titans Tower.
He felt sorry for the small demon. 
He just hoped Jason would find it in himself to give the kid some mercy.
Check out the full story at https://archiveofourown.org/series/2151114
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millionsofmaxime · 2 years ago
Augustine & Cynthia: *doing the science* Rowan: You guys woke up at 5:30 in the morning just to do more experiments? Augustine: *silence* Cyrus: *silence* Rowan, finally figuring it out: ...You two never went to sleep, did you? Augustine & Cynthia in shame: Yeah...
Diantha: You can track Lysandre? Augustine: Of course I can. If the NSA can do it, so can I.
Cynthia: Why don't I like this person? Riley: I don't know. Maybe it's because they keep stealing your thunder. Cynthia: Maybe it's because their name is "Augustine". Don't you find that utterly ridiculous? Riley: No. Cynthia: That's because your name is "Riley".
Cynthia, Entering Riley's room: Augustine did it again. Riley: Peace disturbance? Cynthia: What no- Riley: Arson..? Cynthia: NO, JESUS CHRIST, HOW MANY- Riley: uh....Attempted murder? Cynthia: NO, THEY ATE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE, BUT WHAT THE FU-
Augustine: Cynthia has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them. Riley: That can't be true! Augustine: Watch this. Augustine: Hey Cynthia, race you to the bottom of the stairs! Cynthia: *Throws themself out a window*
Riley: Ladies, gentlemen and Cynthia, I want to show you the greatest thing your eyes have ever beheld! Augustine: A llama? Riley: No. Augustine: A baby llama? Riley: No! Augustine: A baby llama with a little hat on? Riley: NO!
Diantha: Augustine won’t come out of their room! Lysandre: Just tell them I said something. Diantha: Like what? Lysandre: Anything factually incorrect. Diantha, shrugging: If you say so. Augustine, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
Lysandre: I hate you sometimes. Augustine: Well according to this picture Riley drew of us holding hands that's not true. Lysandre: Augustine, you drew that. Augustine: It doesn't matter.
*Riley is comforting Augustine* Riley: Stop crying because it’s over. Start smiling because Lysandre is someone else’s problem now.
Lysandre: Thanks for not telling Augustine what happened. Diantha, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
Augustine: Who wants to make fifty bucks? Cynthia: How? Augustine: I need someone to take the fall. Cynthia: What did you do? Augustine: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked. Riley, from the other room: Oh my god. Augustine: ... Riley: OH MY GOD! Cynthia: Make it a hundred. Augustine: Deal.
Cynthia: It’s funny how well you and Lysandre get along. Didn’t they hate you at first? Augustine: Lysandre hates everybody at first. It’s their way of reaching out to people.
Augustine: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving them from a perilous situation. Lysandre: So you're just gonna wait until Riley is in danger and save them? Augustine: Of course not, I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them. Lysandre: ... Lysandre: You're insane.
Augustine: Two years ago, I married my best friend. Augustine: Riley is still mad about it, but me and Cynthia were drunk and thought it was funny.
Diantha: We can’t tell you because you’re not a member of the club. Augustine: What club? Lysandre: The hating Augustine club. Augustine: 
The fuck? I should be the leader of that club!
Cyrus, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it- Cynthia, whispering: Should we call the exorcist? Lysandre, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick. Augustine, appalled: Call the exorcist.
Cheryl: Ducks are better than rabbits. Cynthia: What? Rabbits are adorable. Have you ever been in a fight with a duck? Ducks are jerks. Cyrus: Duck is delicious! Rabbit is all gamey. Cynthia: We’re not talking about flavour, Cyrus! Cyrus: Flavour counts! Cynthia: Who carries around a duck’s foot for good luck? Anyone? Lysandre: You wrap yourself in a comforter stuffed with rabbit hair. I’ll wrap myself in a comforter stuffed with duck feathers! Who’s cozier? Cynthia: Okay, but- Lysandre: NO, NO, NO, NO. WHO’S COZIER? Cyrus: Then why don’t we take a rabbit, a duck, stick ‘em in a cardboard box and let them fight it out! Cynthia: BECAUSE IT’S ILLEGAL, CYRUS! Cyrus: ONLY IF WE BET ON IT, CYNTHIA! Cheryl: I- Jesus-
Cynthia: So, are they your friend or... Augustine: They’re like Cheryl, but if Cheryl was ordered to be around you. Cynthia: Oh, so Riley. Augustine: Precisely!
*Everyone is playing a board game together* Riley: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'. Cheryl: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'. Cynthia: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'. Augustine: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'. Cynthia: *flips the board*
Cheryl: I truly believe that water can solve all your problems. Cynthia: Weight loss? Drink water. Augustine: Clear skin? Drink water. Riley: Want to get rid of someone? Drown them.
Augustine: Why do you act like we’re three year olds? Riley, exasperated: WHY?!? Riley points at Cynthia: YOU TRIED TO HYJACK A CAR! Riley points at Cyrus: YOU NEARLY JUMPED 20 FEET OFF A CARPARK! Riley points at Augustine: AND YOU ATE MULTIPLE DRIED LEAVES AND ROCKS OFF THE GROUND! Riley: AND YOU ASK ME WHY????
Augustine: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Rowan. They're mad at you. Rowan: No, it's Cynthia. They're just being grammatically correct! *meanwhile* Cynthia: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Riley: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Cynthia: I stand by my choice.
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icarus-the-eternal · 4 years ago
Loyalist AU Drogan
Drogan’s world was comprised of rage, pain, and hate. He roared and raged but even his genetically engineered strength couldn’t moved the dead weight of Vera mite. This how they kept him, armor locked and hanging from chains until it was time to fight. Even now he could hear the rumbling of gears, the shift in weight as the chains loosened and brought him crashing to the ground. It took a pair of heavy lifter servitors to move is immobile bulk, just as it did every time. They dragged him through the dark and dripping underground, halting atop a platform. The servitors deposited him and backed away, more ancient mechanisms grinding to life as the platform began to rise. Bright light and a wave of noise washed over him, rendering him blind and deaf for a few heartbeats. Then the armor lock disengaged and his power armor thrummed to life, enhancing his senses with it’s own sensors. He stood in a sandy arena, surrounded on all sides by stone seating filled with a roarinr, jeering crowd. Mutants, cultists, renegade troopers, all shouted their praise and abuse at the space marine now pacing the sands like a caged animal. Nine times he’d stood in this arena, nine times he’d fought everything from traitors to xenos beasts, nine times they had failed to kill him. Somewhere another gate opened and his opponent strode through. A giant equal to that of the Black Dragon space marine, he was clad in armor of dark crimson and steel with snarling demon head on one pauldron. “Word Bearer”, Drogan spat in disgust. The traitor astartes wasn’t alone either, flanked by a full squad armed with bolters. The leader ignited a crackling power maul and circled Drogan. “I am Tanut the Blessed. Your soul will make a fine offering to the dark gods.” Fury flared within and Drogan charged. “For the Emperor!”
Tanut was a veteran of the Great Crusade, had fought at the Siege of Terror, was a venerated champion of the Dark Gods, empowered by the blessings of the warp. But he had never fought anything like Drogan. The loyalist was huge even for an astartes but faster than he had any right to be. Something beyond even their transhuman physiology fueled him, empowering him. Tanut was forced on the defensive, using his maul to parry the blows that came for his eyes and throat. Drogan fought with wild abandon, not caring if he died if he could bring this last traitor with him. Bellowing like an animal he ducked under swing of the maul, crashing into the Word Bearer at full force. Momentum carried them both to the dusty earth and Drogan was atop him, hands seizing his opponents armor. With a mighty roar, muscles straining beyond exertion, he lifted his opponent above his head and brought him crashing back down upon his waiting knee. Tanut screamed as his spine snapped beneath the force of the blow, spasms of agony wracking his frame. Stumbling through the sand, Drogan found the discarded power mail. With a snarl he brought it down and ended the traitor’s life. Silence dominated the arena as Drogan collapsed to his knees in exhaustion, unable to stand as the other Word Bearers took aim. There would be no eleventh fight it seemed. Bolters barked in the heavy air.
Drogan was not dead. Bolters fired and one of the traitor astartes fell in a spray of gore. The Word Bearers regrouped and returned fire but the ambush was well executed. He could see warriors, fellow Astartes, firing as they shoved their way through the panicked masses. In other parts mortals had cast of cloaks to reveal loyalist uniforms and were opening fire with lasguns and autoguns, driving back the confused heretics. One warrior bearing the icon of the Blood Ravens rallied the ambush, shouting orders and directing fire, even as another in Blood Angels colors vaulted the lip into the arena and rushed forward blade drawn. Yet most striking was the mortal woman clad in glowing golden armor striding across the sands. One of the Word Bearers charged with a blasphemous prayer on his lips. The woman never broke her stride, waving her hand almost lazy. A wave of golden flames spread out and engulfed the warrior, leaving him screaming as the inferno burned his flesh and soul to ash. Drogan felt something inside him tug him to stand, refusing to be found wanting for this divine avatar. The woman halted an arms length away and smiled, almost as if they weren’t in the middle of raging battle. “Drogan of the Black Dragons, I am Fuuko, chosen hand of the God-Emperor.” In that moment her light encompassed him and Drogan could feel it warming him, changing him further, filling him with the divine power of Terra itself. He looked down into the eyes of the Living Saint and knew without a doubt why he had survived in this hell. “You will be my champion.”
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zosonils · 4 years ago
about the sonic/mega man crossover, how would Sonic figure into it? would Sonic be like a player 2, maybe have his own separate side story, or what?
i was like 'hmm i haven't thought about it much so i guess this'll be a quick ask' and then the part of my brain that's thought about sonic level design every day for the past ten years awakened and i wrote so fucking much [and tragically it's not even illustrated this time] so this is gonna be under a cut again bhjfkngbkjg
there's a handful of ways you could go about this but i imagine it'd work like classic and modern sonic in generations where every stage has one act for sonic and one act for mega man that you can play in either order! alternatively the sonic rush approach where they both have their own story and you beat both to unlock the final boss could work. there's also the idea of doing it like sonic rush adventure or mega man and bass where you pick one character at the beginning of each stage and can go the entire game only playing as one of them, but this wouldn't really work for the same reason it didn't work in mega man and bass dialled up to 11 - sonic and mega man gameplay are so fundamentally different from each other that it's almost impossible to design a level that's equally fun and fair to play through for both of them. either sonic has to slog through a slow-paced level filled with enemies that can attack him from afar with no way for him to counter from a distance, or rock is constantly tripping over his own big ol robot boots as he stumbles through a level that's throwing shit at him from every possible direction faster than he can reasonably react
sonic's gameplay would probably function more or less identically to sonic colours, i'm thinking for consistency's sake it'd pull from the ds port rather than the wii version so that the entire game is a sidescrolling platformer. all the wii-exclusive wisps [cube, hover, spikes] work in two dimensions and two out of those three are exclusive to the 2d segments so there'd be no issues with squeezing those down to a purely sidescrolling experience, as opposed to the logistical nightmare of making up a way for every single colour power to function in 3d - sonic lost world on 3ds kinda did that for red burst if my memory is correct but it's just not as fun. also i think the thing modern sonic does sometimes where it switches between 2 and 3d mid-level is clunky but that's just me
the reason i talk about wisp logistics is that of course sonic's still gonna have the wisps. nearly all of them would function pretty identically to their ingame incarnations, but unlike in regular sonic colours where you can only use certain wisps in certain spots in certain levels, they'd act more like mega man's weapons where sonic can activate and deactivate them at will until an energy gauge runs out. [i say 'nearly all' because as i mentioned in the last post about this au i think blue cube sucks ass and that'd be even more apparent if you could use it whenever you want. keep some optional ring/cube puzzles for funsies, that's fine, but i'm envisioning a heavier emphasis on the ground pound aspect of it that the game sorta glosses over so that it feels less underwhelming]
just as rock unlocks a new weapon with every robot master defeated, sonic unlocks a new colour power. of course this means that even sonic's levels would have to be almost completely reworked so that you can beat any of them without a single colour power, since i wanna keep the near-total non-linearity from mega man, but honestly i think you could make just as fun a sonic colours experience treating wisps like this. side note, i think i heard a rumour or leak or whatever the kids call it now that sonic colours ultimate is leaning towards this approach, and i have no idea if it's true or not [after all the playable tails rumour [which i had a very vivid dream about while staying at my grandparents' house one summer when i was i think 9 or thereabouts, i wanted it to be real so bad] turned out to be not real :(] but if it is that'll fucking rule
also this should've gone earlier but i can't find a good place to insert it so i'm just saying that both sonic and mega man's gameplay styles will probably lean a bit closer to each other so it doesn't feel too jarring for fans of only one series. since i love both i could just rip straight from their respective titles and it wouldn't matter but unfortunately i care about game design. the core gameplay would be pretty identical for both of them, it'd just be little differences - mega man levels naturally flow faster and the punishment for charging in headfirst is a little more gentle, sonic levels have tighter platforming and encourage a slightly more thoughtful approach without sacrificing the momentum-based gameplay. sonic's stages are a bit trickier than usual [at least on par with the genesis games] and require deliberate skillful movement, mega man's stages are more forgiving and give you more room to breathe, striking a tough but fair balance between 'sometimes challenging but rarely distressingly so' sonic and 'for the love of god please help me' mega man. each character still plays distinctly like themselves, but with adjustments to make it easier for a fan of specifically one series to ease into the other's playstyle, and also so that the constant shifting between two different gameplay styles feels more natural and less jarring
really the biggest issue that this hypothetical crossover poses in terms of gameplay is bosses. of course the robot masters are gonna be the main bosses, but who's gonna fight them? rock could take on the robot masters while sonic fights his own guys, but sonic bosses aren't nearly as interesting as robot masters by nature of each series' core design [sonic is all about the levels themselves whereas mega man is pretty much defined by the showdown with each boss]. is the boss a separate, self-enclosed act 3 you can choose either character for? what's the point of a mega man level that doesn't end in a boss fight, though? is there a forced structure of act 1 as sonic and act 2 as mega man? do they BOTH fight the robot master at the end of their act? if so, how did he come back when he got beaten the first time, but not the second? i guess i'll go with they both fight the robot master and he just teleports away from whoever beats him first or something, but it feels like an incomplete solution and it bothers me lmao
obviously the boss issue only comes up with the robot master stages and the boss rush [would you even want to do a boss rush if you've already had to beat them twice] because the obligatory egg/wily stages at the end would be fine with more generic bosses - maybe the actual bosses from sonic colours repurposed for the final levels, at least on sonic's side of things. the true final boss would naturally have you switch between the two of them in a completely different gameplay style that you have to learn fast or die trying a la sonic adventure 2 or the rushes, and almost definitely is the nega-mother wisp from colours ds
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myfriendscallmecoelophysis · 5 years ago
Like Ships Need the Sea
Twin AU where the boys fall together and get to be happy 
When Jordan and Jonah left home that day when they were young they never thought it might be 10 years before they saw their Mother again. They never thought they would end up back to back fighting for their lives against a God gone mad with power who was actually their uncle. They didn’t expect to lose their memories of everything except each other to the void as they fell. Nor did they think those memories would begin to become concrete as they passed through the portal into the End and back to the home they had left behind long ago. But yet here they were, stood side by side in Ianarea while hazy fragments of memories slotted themselves back together and fireballs flew all around them. The others were yelling at each other and at Dianite, taunting and screaming in fear in equal measure. 
“I’ve seen this place before.” Jonah realized, memories of watching the dome above be constructed fluttering through his mind. Even as it crumbled around him now, he remembered watching the last stone lower into place and being in awe of how it held its shape. 
“Why do I remember Dianite smiling?” Jordan thought, looking at the God who’d caused such chaos, drawing an arrow back but hesitating to fire. This was Dianite, the bad guy. Why was he faltering? 
The God was moving too fast to catch, flying too high to reach. “I wish I had an elytra.” Both brothers said simultaneously without a thought. They looked at one another, eyes widening as another major puzzle piece clicked into place.
Jonah was falling, looking up at the sky. The broken wing of his elytra making the air around him whistle and whip. He could see Jordan’s horrified face, desperation and terror in his eyes. Jordan was reaching for him and Jonah was reaching back despite the growing distance. And then, suddenly Jordan’s expression hardened to determination and he was diving, faster, faster, closer, closer. They collided and everything went dark.
Jordan was flying, further and further away. He couldn’t stop his momentum. The wind made his eyes water and sting but he could not look away. Jonah was reaching, fingers outstretched towards him, panicked and afraid. Jordan was reaching back as if he might somehow be able to grasp his brother's hand. The idea struck in an instant and before he could even take a breath to consider the consequences, he was reangling his wings and diving. Faster, faster, closer, closer, arms outstretched to grab onto him but it was too fast, too steep, too strong. The world went dark and there was nothing. 
Jonah opened his eyes first. There was soft sand beneath his cheek and the gentle brush of water on his feet. It was bright, so much brighter than anything he’d ever experienced. So bright it made his eyes hurt and his skin warm. But there was something else, another shape beside him Jordan! He realized but that was as far as his mind went. He knew the boy’s name and knew he cared deeply for him and wanted to protect him. 
Jordan stirred, his eyes fluttering open. Both were a deep crystal blue. Wrong. Something in Jonah’s head said. They’re wrong. But he didn’t know what was right. His head hurt, a deep throb building behind his eyes. 
“Jonah?” Jordan asked, his voice scratchy and tired. 
“Jordan.” He replied and for a moment they just looked at each other. Whatever had happened to get them to this point. At least they were alive and at least they were together. 
“Jonah!” Jordan shouted in annoyance, glaring up through the new hole in their dirt ceiling. Jonah smirked down at him, chuckling as Jordan brushed the dirt from his hair. They’d been in this world for just a few days now and were slowly learning how to survive. They didn’t know where they were or how they’d gotten here or even who they were. The only thing they knew for certain is that they had each other. 
“Jordan, pass me the glass that’s in the furnace, I’m trying to make a skylight.” Jordan had turned back to whatever project he was working on already, choosing to ignore Jonah it seemed. “Jooorrddannnn” Jonah whined, poking his head down through the hole. “Pleaseeee?” Jordan stuck his tongue out at his brother but made no move to help him otherwise. “Fine, I’ll get it myself.” Jonah started to lean further into the hole, if he could just reach the furnace he might be able to- ‘Thud!’
“Jonah!” Jordan yelled, all annoyance gone and replaced by fear. Jonah lay on the floor on his back, blinking blearily. “I’m alright, just, got the,” he took a deep breath “the wind knocked out of me.” 
Jordan didn’t look convinced as he knelt next to Jonah, checking him over for injuries. Their roof wasn’t very tall but still falls of any kind made him nervous. More nervous than really anything else. He carefully poked and prodded Jonah, checking for anything that didn’t feel right. 
Jonah rolled his eyes and pushed Jordan off “I’m fine Jordan really. Just needed a minute. You don’t need to worry so much.”  He was supposed to be the one that worried, not Jordan. Jordan was supposed to be the troublemaker of the two of them and Jonah the one who was left to pick up the messes. “Really. I’m fine. Promise.” He smiled, sitting up. “Now hand me that glass and we’ll get this place looking good in no time.”
Time passed. The brothers grew and learned. The dirt hut became a wooden shack, a wooden home,  a stone castle. Little by little they grew to understand this world and how to survive in it. They learned how to farm and keep animals and ride horses and fight monsters. They survived disasters and arguments and nightmares of a life forgotten. They found villages and learned to trade with the villagers, bartering their hard earned resources for rarities and even harder made items. It wasn’t an easy life. They often collapsed into their beds each night aching and exhausted but it was fulfilling. 
The urge to explore began to pull at both of them, more and more time spent looking at the horizon wondering just what lay beyond. Wondering what filled the gap they shared in their minds. In their dreams, both brothers got glimpses of what they thought were memories; a palace of lavender stone, a vast empty void below a floating island, a smiling woman with two different colored eyes and flowing purple hair. 
“Jordan.” Jonah finally said one morning. “I think I’m ready to go now. I want to see what else is out there.” They were sitting side by side, legs hanging off of the balcony as they looked out on the sea. 
Jonah looked over at his brother, brown eyes meeting blue. “I agree.” Jordan said simply, mouth curving into a smile. “What do you think? Land or sea?” 
They set sail two weeks later in a ship filled with food and essentials. They had no direction in mind, simply out beyond what they knew. They’d be leaving behind the only home they remembered and the life they’d spent so long building but really in the end it didn’t matter. They had each other and that was the only thing they truly needed.
 “Ready Captain?” Jonah asked, looking back at Jordan with a smile.
“Aye aye Commander!” Jordan grinned, readjusting his grip on the rope that would lower the sails. 
“Then onward into the unknown!” Jonah cheered and both brothers dropped the ropes, the sails unfurling with a satisfying ‘snap’. 
They stood side by side, shoulders bumping as they watched the shore grow smaller and smaller. They had no way of knowing what lay ahead but together they could take on anything.
This time it’s Jordan who opens his eyes first. He sees Jonah’s prone form next to him, the soft rise and fall of his chest relaxing him instantly. He’s not sure what happened but he knows it doesn’t matter. Not if Jonah is by his side and they are both still breathing. Jordan looks up to see a shadow running down the hill, another blink and he realizes it’s a person, no, a zombie man? 
The zombie slides to a stop in the sand as Jordan pushes himself up, physically putting himself between the zombie and Jonah. 
“Hello good sir!” The zombie says, teeth bared in a wide grin. 
Unsure of what else to say, Jordan replies “Uh, hi?”
The zombie’s grin grows impossibly bigger as he spreads his arm wide and with great enthusiasm announces “Welcome your faces to the world of Mianite!”
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newstfionline · 4 years ago
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
For democracy, it’s a time of swimming against the tide (AP) The old Nicaraguan revolutionary, with his receding hairline and the goatee that he had finally let turn grey, spoke calmly into the camera as police swarmed toward his house, hidden behind a high wall in a leafy Managua neighborhood. Decades earlier, Hugo Torres had been a revered guerrilla in the fight against right-wing dictator Anastasio Somoza. In 1974, he’d taken a group of top officials hostage, then traded them for the release of imprisoned comrades. Among those prisoners was Daniel Ortega, a Marxist bank robber who would become Nicaragua’s elected president and later its authoritarian ruler. And on this hot Sunday in mid-June, amid a weekslong clampdown to obliterate nearly every hint of opposition, Ortega had his old savior arrested. In the last few months, the growing ranks of dictators have flexed their muscles, and freedom has been in retreat. The list is grim: a draconian crackdown in Nicaragua, with laws that now let the government paint nearly any critic as a traitor; a military takeover in Myanmar, with bloody repression that the United Nations says has left more than 850 people dead since Feb. 1 and more than 4,800 arbitrarily detained; a tightening grip by Beijing on Hong Kong, the semi-autonomous enclave where activists and journalists have been harassed and imprisoned under a sweeping national security law. 2020 was “another year of decline for liberal democracy,” said a recent report from the V-Dem Institute, a Sweden-based research center. “The world is still more democratic than it was in the 1970s and 1980s, but the global decline in liberal democracy has been steep during the past 10 years.”
Companies Target a New Market: The Stressed Out (WSJ) Drivers climbing into the new Lincoln Nautilus enter “a sanctuary,” Lincoln declares in the car’s ads. Seats offer massage, vents emit refreshed air and sound-dampening materials eliminate outside ruckus. Long before Covid-19 hit last year, rising stress was identified as one of Americans’ major concerns. Now, more than a year into the pandemic, consumers’ stress levels have been soaring. In June, nearly one-third of Americans reported experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, according to a survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2019, only 11% of Americans reported such symptoms, according to a comparable survey from the National Center for Health Statistics. With so much of the population stressed out, more consumer product companies see soothing anxiety as an opportunity. Makers of everyday goods from cars and note paper to makeup, cereal and beverages are framing marketing messages and launching products to target worried consumers. Many consumers say they are receptive to mental health advice coming from companies. They are looking for support for their emotional well being, and many say they welcome products that promise to make them feel better. Younger consumers especially report having a new perspective on managing their mental health. Some 50% of consumers ages 18-24 reported that they have changed their approach to mental health, compared with 28% of people ages 57 to 75, an Ernst & Young survey of 1,001 U.S. adults conducted earlier this year found.
Residents in Florida Condos Fear They Could be Next (NYT) In the days since the collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium complex in the town of Surfside, residents of other condos are increasingly worried that their homes could also be at risk. The Champlain Towers collapse has brought rattling uncertainty to the long line of high-rise residences that abut the South Florida coastline. At Crestview Towers in North Miami Beach, seven miles from the collapse in Surfside, residents had just hours to go in and recover their belongings on Friday, a week after an evacuation was ordered to make way for long-delayed repairs. A second condominium in the city also evacuated its residents last week, while a private engineering firm warned officials of dangerous conditions in a condominium in Kissimmee, south of Orlando. The problem was not only with residences: Miami-Dade County officials on Friday announced the full evacuation of the old Dade County Courthouse after an engineering survey identified safety concerns that warranted an immediate closure of the upper floors.
In Honduras, it’s raining fish (El Heraldo) “Sunny with a chance of fish...” In one area of northern Honduras, weather forecasters await the unlikely arrival of a kind of “fish storm” in the summer months, which allows locals to feast on small silver pesces. It’s a phenomenon with no clear scientific explanation. The most recent “Lluvia de Peces” (“Fish Rain”) happened in Yoro, the department along the country’s Caribbean coast, as the Honduran daily El Heraldo reports. Locals say it has been observed in parts of Yoro since the 19th century. After a strong rainstorm subsides, they go out with buckets to collect the fish—experts have compared them to sardines—and enjoy them collectively; in many places the bounty is distributed equally and it’s looked down on to profit from the harvest. Indeed, many in this religiously devout region see the bizarre event as a blessing. Many locals believe that the fish began to appear after Catholic missionary Manuel de JesĂșs Subirana prayed to God to alleviate the poverty he saw in Yoro when he arrived in 1858. It seems he got his loaves and fish, and then some.
Cubans Denounce ‘Misery’ in Biggest Protests in Decades (NYT) Shouting “Freedom” and other anti-government slogans, hundreds of Cubans took to the streets in cities around the country on Sunday to protest food and medicine shortages, in a remarkable eruption of discontent not seen in nearly 30 years. Hundreds of people marched through San Antonio de los Baños, southwest of Havana, with videos streaming live on Facebook for nearly an hour before they suddenly disappeared. As the afternoon wore on, other videos appeared from demonstrations elsewhere, including Palma Soriano, in the country’s southeast. Hundreds of people also gathered in Havana, where a heavy police presence preceded their arrival. Hundreds of people marched through San Antonio de los Baños, southwest of Havana, with videos streaming live on Facebook for nearly an hour before they suddenly disappeared. As the afternoon wore on, other videos appeared from demonstrations elsewhere, including Palma Soriano, in the country’s southeast. Hundreds of people also gathered in Havana, where a heavy police presence preceded their arrival. The protests were set off by a dire economic crisis in Cuba, where the coronavirus pandemic has cut off crucial tourism dollars. People now spend hours in line each day to buy basic food items. Many have been unable to work because restaurants and other businesses have remained on lockdown for months.
Gangs complicate Haiti effort to recover from assassination (AP) Gangs in Haiti have long been financed by powerful politicians and their allies—and many Haitians fear those backers may be losing control of the increasingly powerful armed groups who have driven thousands of people from their homes as they battle over territory, kill civilians and raid warehouses of food. The escalation in gang violence threatens to complicate—and be aggravated by—political efforts to recover from last week’s brazen slaying of President Jovenel Moïse. Haiti’s government is in disarray; no parliament, no president, a dispute over who is prime minister, a weak police force. But the gangs seem more organized and powerful than ever. While the violence has been centered in the capital of Port-au-Prince, it has affected life across Haiti, paralyzing the fragile economy, shuttering schools, overwhelming police and disrupting efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. “The country is transformed into a vast desert where wild animals engulf us,” said the Haitian Conference of the Religious in a recent statement decrying the spike in violent crime. “We are refugees and exiles in our own country.” Gangs recently have stolen tens of thousands of bags of sugar, rice and flour as well as ransacking and burning homes in the capital. That has driven thousands of people to seek shelter at churches, outdoor fields and a large gymnasium, where the government and international donors struggle to feed them and find long-term housing.
In symbolic end to war, U.S. general to step down from command in Afghanistan (Reuters) The U.S. general leading the war in Afghanistan, Austin Miller, will relinquish command on Monday, U.S. officials say, in a symbolic end to America’s longest conflict even as Taliban insurgents gain momentum. Miller will become America’s last four-star general on the ground in Afghanistan in a ceremony in Kabul that will come ahead of a formal end to the military mission there on Aug. 31. While the ceremony may offer some sense of closure for U.S. veterans who served in Afghanistan, it’s unclear whether it will succeed in reassuring the Western-backed Afghan government as the Taliban press ground offensives that have given them control of more territory than at any time since the conflict began. Biden acknowledged on Thursday that Afghanistan’s future was far from certain but said the Afghan people must decide their own fate. “I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome,” he said.
Jordanian ex-royal court chief sentenced to 15 years for alleged plot (Reuters) A Jordanian court on Monday sentenced a former royal confidant, Bassem Awadallah, and a minor royal to 15 years in jail on charges of attempting to destabilise the monarchy. The court said it had confirmed evidence backing the charges against the pair and that they had both been determined to harm the monarchy by pushing former heir to the throne Prince Hamza as an alternative to the king.
Frenchman starts hunger strike by Tokyo Olympic Stadium in desperate bid to see his kids (Washington Post) Frenchman Vincent Fichot began a hunger strike this weekend close to Tokyo’s Olympic Stadium in a desperate bid to regain access to his two young children, who were taken away by their mother three years ago and whom he hasn’t seen since. Japan is unique among developed nations in not recognizing the concept of joint custody. In practice, its courts almost always award sole custody to whichever parent is physically looking after the children at the time. The policy creates a cruel incentive for parents—flee a marriage with your children at your side and you will almost certainly win custody of them, without any enforceable obligation to grant the other parent access. Lawyers say that is exactly what happens in tens of thousands of Japanese families every year, and it’s exactly what happened to Fichot: When his marriage broke down and he sought a divorce, his Japanese wife simply took off with their nearly 3-year-old son, Tsubasa, and 11-month-old daughter, Kaeda. That was Aug. 10, 2018. “My children were kidnapped three years ago and since then I haven’t heard from them,” Fichot said in an interview on Sunday, on the second day of his hunger strike. “I don’t know where they are. I don’t know if they are healthy, or even that they are alive.”
6 dead in South Africa riots over jailing of ex-leader Zuma (AP) Rioting triggered by the imprisonment of former South African President Jacob Zuma escalated Monday as shopping malls in Johannesburg were looted, major roads were blocked by burning tires and the police and military struggled to contain the violence. The unrest started last week in KwaZulu-Natal province after Zuma was imprisoned for contempt of court. What began as fairly small-scale blocking of roads in Zuma’s home area intensified and spread to Gauteng, South Africa’s most populous province, including Johannesburg, the country’s largest city. At least six people have been killed and more than 200 arrested, according to a police statement issued Monday. Soldiers have been deployed to help the police.
Oh Deer (WSJ) North America’s got a deer problem. Having killed or removed pretty much all of their natural predators, white-tailed deer in the Eastern U.S. have exploded in population. Prior to European settlement, there were about two to four deer per square kilometer. Once that density passes eight deer per square kilometer, they eat everything, and that significantly harms the ecosystem, with songbird populations declining and native plant species in free fall. In some developed parts of the U.S., there are 50 to 114 deer per square kilometer.
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haiky-u-lously · 5 years ago
King Kuroo and the Red Knights (6)
A Camelot AU where King Arthur is Kuroo Tetsuro, and the Knights of the Roundtable of characters from seasons 1-4 of the HQ anime. Eventual Kuroo X Reader.
Action/fighting, Fluff, Angst, Humor, Eventual Romance
Mentions of stalking and abuse of power, Language, Angst in feelings, Gore and fighting, mention of explosion
Word Count:
For Chapter: ~3100words               
Questions/Comments/Concerns/Ideas welcome as always.
–Admin Red
Chapter 6: Attack
Hearing something like an explosion off in the distance, both Suga and you jumped from your sitting positions.
“I’ll check it out first,” Suga stated, headed for the doors.
You quickly grabbed his wrist, “No, we should go together. If this is another attack it’s the second since our arrival. And, should it be connected to us, when Camelot’s royals hadn’t expected us to arrive until tomorrow, that could be a real cause for worry.”
In an instant, fear, confusion, worry, and defiance seemed to flash across his face. Ultimately he sighed and bobbed his head in acceptance.
Putting your helmet back on, you followed your friend’s lead down the hall and through the castle.
Your pair stumbled upon some of the knights from the disastrous dinner and followed them to where the explosion should have came from. Reaching the point, you saw a giant hole in the end of the hall. Looking outside, you could see smoke floating up into the night sky.
“Damn.” You heard Suga curse as he had the same thought as you.
You drew your sword as you quickly walked up to the hole in the wall, thinking, ‘how is this kingdom safe? This is the second attack we’ve faced since arriving!’ It vaguely sounded as though Suga was screaming at you, but you ignored the feeling and jumped through the hole in the wall.
Falling through the sky you looked upon the fights happening below you. Counting the individual battles would have been more challenging than it was worth, but you quickly noted a handful of knights from dinner were fighting in simple chainmail against multiple enemies. You adjusted your form and mumbled a transfer spell, eyes beginning to glow in green as the strength from the attackers flowed into the knights.
‘Sure,’ you thought, adjusting your falling form once more to land properly, ‘they may have seemed like a group of assholes, if you only look at the dinner. But here they are fighting for their lives. And, being equally at fault, I should make it up to them somehow.’
You landed a bit more rough then you had anticipated. Legs shaking with the force of catching your armor’s weight despite only using the balls of your feet to stop your momentum. Within seconds however the attacking forces had noticed you and were looking to make you their target. Quickly, you lifted your sword and sliced down two of the rushing men.
More were coming to face you, noticing that their numbers were diminishing. You felt a sense of joy flush over you as you were finally able to fight as a true Red Knight. And, you felt pride looking around at the knights of Camelot who no longer struggled against their own multitude of attackers. 
Checking around your form, you’d seen the attacking forces circled you. You held your sword out, ready to fight. The men to your left lifted their own blades just a bit higher giving you the indication they’d try first. You quickly turned and swung your blade at their unprotected heads, forcing them to take the force as they used their swords as shields. They stepped back as to not fall from the intensity of the blocked swing, and you did a one-eighty to face the lone attacker who decided to leave their formation. Feinting first with a weak swipe across their side, forcing them to either try to parry or revert to defending tactics. Seeing the opponent choose to parry, you smiled behind your helmet and decided to pull a disengage. Feinting again for his left side, you quickly spun your blade around your opponent’s to his now open right side. You’d caught his shoulder and thrusted your blade through, causing the fighter to fall to his knees in pain as you pulled your sword out in an upward arc, ripping through skin and fabric alike.
As he fell, four of the man’s comrades rushed you. Spinning on the balls of your feet your blade flew at neck level of the current enemy. Catching the first two with ease, immediately killing them and forcing the others to back up enough to only get a scratch rather than meeting their end.
The opponents became disorganized as some went to their comrades, others rushed you and others still tried to keep you circled in. Swords clashing with someone who’d tried sneaking up on your back, you turned to grab their blade from them, kicking their guts as you thrusted either wielding arm into two men approaching from the sides. All three doubled over at the pain, pulling the swords back to a protective stance you killed the two the blades had half split. You stepped over one of the bodies and slashed across the chest of an opponent who’d mistakenly left it open for an attack, he screamed out in pain and you bent backwards as you swung the blades in a circular motion, cutting down the three that had been rushing you from behind.
“DAMMIT!” You heard the scream and knew Suga was pissed at you for jumping into the fighting fray without much concern for the title you were born to. Glancing to him you saw he sported the same breastplate and plackarts as the castle guards. “You just had to jump from the third floor to get into the fight!” He screamed at you chidingly as he cut down two enemies who tried to stop him from reaching your side.
Your moment of distraction gave way to an opponent thinking they had an opening. They swung their blade to hit the weakest point of your armour, but their attack went too low and hit on your greaves. You turned to kick the attacker, and saw another approaching. Dropping the blade you’d stolen from the enemy, you grabbed your own with both hands and swung down from above your head. The enemy let their weapon catch your attack as they held either end. You realized it wasn’t a sword as they smiled at you and twisted the pieces, just to pull it apart and reveal twin blades. The onslaught of attacks caused you to switch to the defensive.
Briefly, you considered breaking your magic hold on Camelot’s knights so you could finish your own battle quicker, but a chance glance to the right told you that with this many enemies, the knights and guards needed as much help as they could get.
It wasn’t your best decision, to check on others while barely properly defending yourself, and this was proven when your attackers blades cut through the weak points inside your counters. Immediately you felt the sting from the cuts inside your elbows, and your arms shook to adjust to the diminished strength output.
Backing up further, you tripped over one of the fallen, too busy defending against more blades to recognize if the body was friend or foe. Besides you an enemy body fell and you turned over and stabbed the man in the chest, using the momentum to follow through with a push to get you standing once more. 
Seeing Suga’s fighting form, you smiled behind your helmet, glad he’d given you the chance to pick yourself up rather than come to your rescue.
Swinging your sword around with just your wrist to loosen it back up, you were prepared to fight once more. Before getting to the enemies though, you felt a rushing presence that caused you to look up. The whining was almost silent to the others but you’d picked up on the arrow flying towards you. Timing it just so, you jumped and grabbed the piece out of the sky, spinning mid air to enhance the force as you plunged it into the eye of one of the men who’d been about to fight you.  
Back in the heart of the action, swords flying, *clinks* resounding across the square as metal met with metal, the distant sounds of faint explosions, the fighting went on. At one point Suga and you had been fighting back to back and he asked about your eyes. As soon as you both had defeated the immediately surrounding enemies, you indicated the knights of Camelot who also finished besting their opponents before more went after them.
You’d been separated a bit after that. Your erratic fighting style pulled more enemies to you than any other soldier in the square.
Before you could tell, you only faced two more live opponents, and you decided it was best to keep them for questioning. Checking that the others would be fine you released your enhancing power, eyes losing their green glow, and replaced it with a defensive power that would let you knock out your opponents as soon as you touched them, and your eyes took on an ember glow. As expected, knocking them out did not take long.
You sheathed your sword after cleaning the blade on the clothes of a fallen enemy and reached down to grab the back of the shirts of the two you’d captured. Finally looking up, you noticed there were hundreds of bodies surrounding Suga and you. Tilting your head at your friend since he couldn’t see your smile, you congratulated him on a fight well fought. He just threw his hand out and shook his head before walking around his own maze of death to get to a more open spot for you two to meet up.
By the time you’d reached Suga, totting the two knocked out opponents behind you, Camelot’s knights and guards had also finished their battles. And a few were even approaching your pair.
“I cannot tell you how grateful we are that you helped us in this fight.” The dark haired knight said as he reached your pair. You recognized him as the man that had been sat next to Suga at the dinner. Looking at the faces of the other three knights, you realized they all had been sitting on Suga’s side of the dining table.
Instead of either of you commenting, you flung the captured attackers at the knights feet and started walking off.
“Please excuse Yomimasu. Once the fighting begins, we must confirm everything is in fact finished before relaxing.” Suga explained on your behalf. 
You looked around the square, only seeing the royal guards maneuvering about and returned to Suga’s side.
“--ver expected you two to be so strong.” A silver haired knight was talking to Suga, but you’d only heard the tail end of the statement.
Your friend must have sensed something wrong with your form because he quickly explained, “The knights were explaining to me why they said they couldn’t say how grateful they were. Apparently despite knowing of the Red Knight Order, nothing was really written or told about what we did. They never expected us to be as strong as,” He glanced around at all the fallen bodies behind you, “that.” When your hand just clenched in response, he nodded. Both of you knew this was hand to hand combat only. Had either of you used your powers to fight, things would have ended a lot quicker.
Nodding to him, Suga faced the knights once more, easily getting back into conversation with them.
You only half listened as you thought about how it was a good thing you’d done this little switch. Looking at all of Camelot’s knights and guards, you though, ‘It’s obvious they only let men join the fights. And what would have occurred had you not been there? Not only as a fighter but to use your magic in supporting the knights in their fights. Suga could have, but he’d needed time to get protective gear. And, sure, you’d been a little reckles---’ Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the knights mention the thing you were just recalling.
“Honestly, watching the Red Knight jump out the hole created by that explosion was something else altogether. I think when that happened we all started to feel a surge of power as we knew our new acquaintance had our backs.” A black haired knight resounded happily, holding his fist in front of him with a wide grin.
“Daichi, I think I’d have to agree with you. I mean, I didn’t see the Knight jump, but I caught a glimpse of a red figure falling through the air and when I took a moment to look and saw it was you, Red Knight, I felt like we locked eyes and you were encouraging us to use all our strength.” Another black haired knight commented, only you seemed to recognize this one a little bit. You weren’t entirely sure but he looked like one of the boys your ex-friend Oikawa used to run around with before the boy moved. 
You shook your head to get rid of the memory. To get the traitor out of your memory.
Suga just smiled at the pair, “That is great that Yomimasu’s actions seemed to help you, but it’s not really an excuse for the reckless behavior.” When he turned his grin on you with the follow up question hissed through his teeth you knew you were in for it later, “Wouldn’t you agree, Dear Red Knight?”
You shuddered at the thought of what he would do to you in retaliation, holding your hands out in front of you you began to back up slowly. He kept the smile on his face and took a single step towards your retreating form, you quickly spun and ran off to reenter the castle and escape your clearly upset friend.
“Um, was it really that bad that he jumped like that?”
“Right? His landing was practically perfect!”
Suga shook his head and let his face settle into a basic expression. “It’s more that it was a reckless move. We had no information on the people attacking, nor any idea of their goals. Sure there were enemies down here but your King hadn’t even given his knights in the corridor instructions. (Y/)--Yomimasu just acted on their own thoughts. It could have ended a lot differently than this. We got lucky, and luck is not something to be praised.”
“Not sure I agree with that, Sugawara.” The dark haired knight, presumably Daichi commented before explaining, “I mean we came here to fight before meeting up with the King and getting directions for his battle plan. We figured if they were storming the castle they’d have to come in from here. And, we hadn’t expected so many adversaries. Had it not been for the strength we felt from the support of the Red Knight, perhaps the battles would have ended with our death and not theirs.” He concluded, indicating the bodies around them.
“We will have to agree to disagree then.” Suga concluded, before changing topics. “Yomimasu knocked these two out rather than killing them. Your guards should take them into custody for questioning.”
The silver haired male looked at the passed out men questionably before speaking, “They seem more like lower totem pole fighters, not anyone who’d have real knowledge about what happened.”
Suga sighed and explained your reasoning, having understood it as soon as he saw your eyes’ glow change color. “You can easily see how many men the Red Knight and I killed fighting to defend your castle with you. What is more surprising, if you weren’t watching is two-thirds of these were their kills. And the only hits my knight took were when they’d been distracted by looking after me or you all to confirm we were alright. Whoever was in charge and sending men out must have seen the Red Knight as the biggest threat and personally kept sending men to attack. Otherwise, why would they keep walking to certain death when they could have tried their luck with someone else or just tried to continue to breach the castle’s front doors?”
“So you think they could at least tell us who was running the ground attack?” The light-brown-haired knight inquired.
Nodding, Suga glanced down at the men, “That’s our thoughts. Anyway, should we regroup with your King?”
The knights looked to each other, both black-haired knights grabbed one of the foes and dragged them over to the royal guards, the other two began leading their visitor back inside the castle.
‘Now, where would another strong attack take place? The King would go to either protect or fight depending on his personality, but I think he’d go to fight first
’ You thought to yourself, following the random string of fallen guards and attackers alike scattered down different halls leading from the entrance. You heard the distinct rings of metal against metal and knew the fight continued within the castle walls. Rushing to where the sounds came from, you saw a clean dressed, thin faced male with dark hair facing off against a lone individual. His clothes were too well kept to be one of the enemy, and you made the rash judgment that the other must have been the adversary.
About to make a move to enter the hall and distract the foe, you stopped moving forward and grabbed the edge of the wall as quickly as you could. The surge of power that began to emit from the supposed ally blew away the enemy and the air surrounding them. The force reaching you at the end of the corridor.
Seeing the enemy on his back, you watched as the dark haired male moved to stand over his foe’s figure.
“You thought you could defeat me? Please,” The male scoffed before spitting on the man at his feet. ïżœïżœïżœAt least this little tussle will act as proof to the king that I was attacked along with the rest of them. You’ve done your job well.” He smirked and knelt down closer to the man, whose eyes now stood blown back in fear and utter surprise. “Now, be a good soldier and die.” He held his hand over the fallen’s throat and cursed a spell, his eyes glowing orange like a dancing fire as he snuffed out the life of his enemy.
Quickly retreating before the magician could catch sight of you, you returned to your goal of searching for the king. Thinking about how the energy from that person was the same you’d felt from the dark presence watching you from the tower when you’d first met the King’s men.
Table of contents:
Chapter 5                                                         Chapter 7
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prettyarson · 5 years ago
The Succubus [ten]
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Summary; hard times comes to those in hell, harder times for those below demons: humans and Succubus. Choi Sunny is both.
Genre; angst, some fluff
Word Count; 1k
Demon! Gang! Au
Don’t forget to check out @skzohmy​ ‘s side of the story!
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A scream ripped through her throat. She was shaking, terrified, and sudden chills were cascading down her bare arms. All the strength left Sunny’s body and she fell to her knees. The leggings she wore was not enough cushion to prepare her for the hardened blow of the asphalt. The fabric tore and her skin went along with it. But the pain flew over her head, barely noticeable. Her mind was only focused on the warm liquid that dripped from her hand and the discarded knife thrown as far as possible from her.
Her body was pushed to the side and she followed the momentum like a rag doll. She blinked her eyes as watched as Changbin ran to a figure laying a few feet in front of her. Ringing ran through her ears and pierced her brain, making her head spin. She almost didn’t notice the feet that paused right in front of her. She could hear muffled sounds but wasn’t exactly sure what they were connected to. Then a pressure wrapped around her wrist and lifted her up.
 “Do you ever listen?!” Bang Chan hissed, his fangs bared. “You’re never going to leave that damned bedroom again! Not only for your own safety, but because I am not letting this go unpunished!”
 Sunny only blinked her eyes at him. She had accepted her fate. What else was she supposed to do? She was weak, looked down upon just because she was a succubus. She was given no respect, and the only person that had showed her any form of kindness was gone. Miso was really gone.
 More tears gripped her eyes and she sucked in the deepest breath that she could muster. No amount of pain that decorated her body would compare with how much her heart was quivering. Sunny wanted to stop the sobs that were starting to rip at her lungs and throat. She was wanting the pain to quit. She clenched her eyes tightly, trying to make her mind to focus on the pain around her wrist instead. Anything other than the still body that lay in the arms of the teleportation demon.
 Then her ears twitched, “Especially you, Sunny, since you killed her.” The voice only pained her heart more. She wasn’t sure what the conversation was about, but with the words that she heard, she only wanted to hide away. She blinked her eyes. Then the voice spoke again, it was Woojin, “Get us to the witches.”
 Sunny’s mind perked up a little bit. Surely the witches could help Miso. They had to be able to do that. They were witches! Sunny let out a little sigh of relief and bit onto her lip. The pain would be gone soon. And maybe she could even convince the witches to help her with the disgusting burn mark that decorated her chest. She could find a way to free herself from the torment. She could find a way to just be free.
 Her thoughts were ripped from her once the scenery before her shifted and changed. She was no longer on earth, and she wasn’t certain she ever wanted to go to earth again. Her eyes blinked and she looked around her. She was not expecting this to be a witch’s lair.
 “Ah, I see you’ve come back to us.” A woman spoke.
 Sunny’s eyes studied her. Her features were soft and nothing that you would expect from a witch. Except one feature: the soft glow of purple from her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed with color and she looked so lively. She didn’t look like much but Sunny knew she oversaw Miso’s life now. The witch lifted herself from her chair and began to walk in the small group’s direction. Chan had never loosened his grip on her wrist.
 “Nayeon, we really need your help” Woojin began, taking a step forward. “This girl is dead, but Changbin needs her back.”
 The witch, Nayeon, didn’t speak. Her glowing eyes just turned to look at Miso’s lifeless body. She studied the human, her head tilting as she thought. Sunny sucked in a deep breath and her teeth gritted together. She was growing anxious over the Witch’s reaction.
 “We can try.” Nayeon finally spoke, nodding her head, “However, it will take all 9 of you. The spell is quite powerful and will take all your strength. We’ll also need something from the cause of death.” Relief spread through Sunny’s body, Miso could be saved. Then Nayeon opened her mouth, “There will be one drawback: the human will come back as a demon.”
 Sunny’s heart seemed to stop working. The kind human would no longer be here, instead she’ll be replaced by a demon, heartless like the others around her.
 “So be it,” Changbin spoke, looking down at Miso’s body in his arms. “Please, Nayeon.”
 The witch only looked at him. Her eyes seemed to flicker from the dead human to the surprisingly soft demon, “I’ll go get my spell book, the others better be here when I return.”
 Nayeon turned around and began to stalk towards the hall that was behind where she was sitting earlier. Sunny watched her walk away before her eyes looked to the demons that surrounded her. She went to open her mouth but quickly shut it once Chan sent her a glare. Her eyes fell to the ground and she did her best to make her as small as possible. She didn’t want to get into anyone’s way.
 The pressure on her wrist ceased but she did her best not to move. She was already in trouble and want to further anger Chan. He was a scary demon and Sunny was sure he hasn’t shown her all his anger. She busied herself to studying her knees, finally taking notice of the ripped fabric and the equally ripped flesh that was covered in dried blood. She knew she should just keep her mouth shut until the witch needed her to bring back Miso.
And then with a gush of air, the rest of the demons were there.
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