I'm Al, I'm 24 Mexican, -begginer witch - she/they - infp -Artist in Progress - graphic designer
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Un día normal
Últimamente he tenido mucha energía y me he sentido bien por eso, hoy estuve lavando mi ropa y editando fotos para vender mi mercancía en línea y conseguir algo de dinero, también llame al veterinario para ver si la medicina de mi gato Cheshire ya había llegado, ya llegó, me dijeron que lo puedo llevar mañana. Ahora tengo que platicar con mis padres para saber si vamos a tener dinero para poder llevarlo mañana, ojalá que sí.
Hace rato mi hermanita me dijo que sí podía limpiar la cocina, y yo le dije que sí, ella iba a salir a hacer ejercicio pero mamá todavía no había llegado, el tema es que teníamos que ir por mamá, todos los días la llevamos al trabajo y vamos por ella cuando sale porque no hay mucho espacio de estacionamiento y batalla mucho con eso, mi hermana me dijo que fuera por mamá y que la llevará a ella a hacer ejercicio, pero le dije que no, porque yo ya iba a limpiar la cocina y no iba a dar tiempo de hacer las dos cosas, además de que las responsabilidades deben dividirse, no encargarse a una persona solamente.
Mi hermana se fue en uber, llamó a mamá y dijo que iba a venirse ella sola, parecía como que alguien más la iba a traer, entonces me puse a limpiar, deje mi teléfono en mi cuarto cargando (grave error) Papá salió en el auto a dar unas vueltas del trabajo, le dí comida a cheshi y llegaron mis primos que viven con nosotros, Emille me dijo que se sentía algo mal, qué en la mañana había tenido temperatura y que le gustaría ir por medicina, yo seguía cuando el hermano mayor de Emi, Gabriel salió de su habitación y dijo que mamá nos estaba llamando, que estaba muy enojada, subí a mi cuarto y le llamé, efectivamente me gritó y me dijo que nos estaba llamando, que la habían dejado a una nevería cerca de la casa, que fuéramos por ella, le expliqué que papá había salido, que mi hermana no estaba en casa y mi teléfono estaba cargando, por eso no había contestado, pero ella estaba enojadísima, me dijo que se vendría caminando y me colgó antes de que pudiera responderle algo.
Bajé y les dije a mis primos lo que me había dicho mamá, y Gabriel dijo que irían por ella a pie para que no regresara sola caminando.
Faltaba lavar la loza, Emi me dijo que él la lavaría pero mamá iba a llegar muy enojada, era mejor lavarla ya. Me puse a lavarla y nada más pensaba lo usual qué es, qué mamá se moleste con alguien y se desquite con otra persona, además de su forma de enfrentar eso, de una forma berrinchuda, infantil, manipuladora a veces.
Me puse a recordar que aunque mis primos no ayuden tanto en la casa, ella prefiere su compañía a la mía y a la de mi hermana y cuando se lo digo nos echa la culpa a nosotras, es frustrante, triste, injusto.
Tal vez por eso cuando era más joven quería ser un hombre, ahora estoy en un lugar en medio de eso y me siento bien sobre eso.
Me siento bien conmigo mismo, siento que avanzo a mi ritmo, que crezco bien y aprendo cosas nuevas todos los días.
Pero esta negatividad que hay en mi casa, todo por no ser lo que los demás quieren que sea, toda esa presión que dicen que no me dan, cuando me la dieron desde antes de nacer, todo eso me deprime, por eso quiero irme de mi casa.
Dicen que cuando te vas de tu casa la relación con tus papás mejora, espero que sí y que no sea lo contrario. Mamá se jubila el próximo año y mi terapeuta me dijo que lo mejor sería que yo ya no estuviera para cuando pasara eso, porque las cosas van a estar complicadas.
Justo ahora me duele la cabeza, no se sí es alergia o el estrés jaja.
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Weird days
Holi, pues hablo español mejor que inglés porque es mi lengua materna, quería hablar un poco de mi día porque ugh, se siente kk honestly
Desde ayer comencé a sentir que me mareaba cuando me levantaba, me siento algo mal y me gusta estar creando cosas en mi computadora pero creo que me tomaré un descanso para poder estar un poquito alejada de los electrónicos y de cosas que me distraigan mucho
no creo que sea tan intenso porque todavía tengo que trabajar y mi trabajo lo realizó haciendo diseños en la computadora, así que a huevo tengo que usarla al menos una vez al día, pero sí intentar limitarme en lo que hago
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it's almost 4 am and I can't sleep
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Audio processing disorder is just like "you are going to be able to differentiate 27 distinct sounds happening simultaneously EXCEPT for when someone's talking to you. Good luck"
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like there comes a point where you think something is fundamentally wrong with you. and then it turns out it’s just Friday and you haven’t washed your hair in three days and maybe you’re also just a little lonely and the combination of all three of those things is whittling a hole into your chest every time you breathe. but also the sun’s up. and you’ve survived everything so far, so you’ll survive this too, even if it hurts, even if you have to survive it many times.
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Some inspiration

ー 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 💀🪦
cr. hungryspirits the artists of the photos
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Wanna live here with my gf ♥

by monalogue
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Things I wanna do when I have time
Getting Back Into Your Practice
Sometimes life is shitty and your spiritual practice doesn't take priority. Thats okay. Here are some tips for how to get back into your practice once you're feeling up for it.
Cleanse and Clean Your Space This is defiantly the first think you should focus your energy on. This can take as long as needed and as intensive as you want or feel is needed. Spiritual and physically cleanse your space. Pick up items, open windows and start your cleansing method of choice.
Redo Wards and Protections Once you've cleansed its important to redo your protection. Cleanse to get rid of, protect to keep it away. Even if nothing has *hit* your protections and wards, its important to keep up to date on them being energized.
Keep Actives Low on Spoons Now that you've done the basics, stick to low spoon actives and slowly build from there. Even if you feel super energized and ready to get into it- you want to take things slow. This'll help you from losing steam..
Slowly Add Back In Your Daily Practice This is totally unique person to person, but dont expect to be back into your multi step daily routine right away. Add in each step one at a time, or slowly so you wont feel overwhelmed.
Come Up with a Ritual Youre EXCITED About You want to focus on the parts of witchcraft you love. Do something you've always wanted to try, something you always love doing, or anything that will make you excited for the working.
Pick a New Topic, Not an Older One Getting into your practice and going to an older topic might feel disheartening. Pick a new topic like astrology, plants, or an aspect of witchcraft you havent gotten too into before. Then go back to the older topic you left on.
Do Some Divination on What You Need Right Now Spend time with your spirit team, deities or ancestors and figure out what you should be focusing in on right now. Maybe you need more rest, maybe theres a ritual they want you to work on.
Remember You Dont Have To Do Magic Daily Dont put too much stress into doing something every single day. Take breaks. Youre still a witch.
I hope these helped. Remember to take things slow and dont let the pressure of getting back into it weigh you down. Magic is suppose to help not hinder.
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Losing my close friends
Lately my life has been very rough, I’m so blessed to have a partner who is by my side in difficult times, and a family that love me and take care of me.
I lost an aunt, she was my godmother, she used to take care of me when I was I child and I spend so much time with her in her house, she was always giving me pencil colors, coloring books and paper to draw and paint, she made the best chocolate milkshakes and always has food in her house, she passed two days before my birthday, on my birthday we went to the cemetery to buried her, my partner was with one of my best friends at the time on a vacation tip with her parents, I felt so alone.
We had this group of friends that I made around beginning an art collective and helping each other’s careers and as an emotional support, my partner was one of that group, I introduced her to my friends and they’re welcoming and kind with her, they become their friends, as I said one of them went to a vacation with my partner and their parents, I admit that something about that felt odd, but I didn’t wanted to be jealous or something, after all they become very close friends, and I trust my partner, so I should not worry about that. I was more conflicted about it was around my birthday, but I knew it was fault of my partner’s parents, they don’t know we are a couple, so they didn’t mind about my birthday.
In my birthday I was so sad, saying goodbye to a love one is so difficult, the circumstances that happened in my birthday surely made it worst, my partner didn’t text me all that day, I was so depressed and devastated, I send a text to my friend who was with her, immediately I received a text from my partner, they were busy in their journey and adventures in a big city as tourists. I understand that, but I was so hurt because I really needed they at that moment.
My friends that were in my city didn’t appear either, didn’t message me, the day was long and sad, and lonely.
My birthday was two months ago, I talked to my partner about my feelings and how I felt about their behavior in that moment, they apologize and promised to compensate that gloomy day, they have mature so much as our relationship went by, me as well, we both go to therapy and work hard in our relationship because we love each other, things starting to get better between us.
My friends become very distant, especially that friend that went to vacations with my partner. In one day, we go out as friends, things were fine, at some points the conversation was a little awkward, but I didn’t give it importance. In one moment I stayed alone with two of my friends, my partner has already gone to their house, I talked to them, I said that I felt very insecure because I felt left out, like they didn’t like me anymore, one of them denied and said that she loved me very much and all of them care about me. I dropped her at her house.
My friend who went to vacation with my partner, and I stayed alone in the car, she confessed to me that she was so uncomfortable when my partner and I where together, she also said that all of my friends thought the same as her, that we were too much, they were uncomfortable that we texted “ I love you” or called ourselves with our pet names in the group chat ( honestly I didn’t feel as comfortable either but they used to ignore us a lot in that chat, it hurt me to see everyone ignoring my partner when they said something in the chat ) also my friend said that were too affective, our kisses and cuddles made all of them uncomfortable. (I felt like if I was an exhibitionist or something like that, but the true was that we were only acting as a normal couple)
She told me; it’s okay if you are like that when you are alone, but if is a friend hangout you should act as friends.
That hurt me deeply, we are not friends, we are girlfriends (my partner and I are a gay couple)
Also that means that they were avoiding me, even when I felt so bad because all the shit that was going on in that time.
We didn’t have much time to talk, she went out of my car as soon as we arrived, and I drove home, holding tears of confusion
I tried to solve things to save our friendship, I text all of them individually, but all of them knew and they were all agree with this friend, they were very distant and cold with me, I felt so bad, that friend circle was my safe place, people who wouldn’t judge me and help me, or that’s what I thought.
I even went to my therapist to talk about this topic, my therapist told me what I could do, and if it didn’t work was because that people was no longer meant to be part of my life.
I talked to them, and my partner too.
Our friend didn’t want me to come when it was time to her to talk with my partner, she said that I wasn’t involved so I didn’t need it to go ( which is ridiculous because is our relationship that it was the problem ) at this point I felt worst, so betrayed. ( all of this feels a little sus, as she had fallen in love with my partner or something very odd )
All my friend circle just disappeared, my partner and I feel heartbroken, sad and mad because all of this mistreatment that they give to us.
And they think they are absolutely right about their behavior. They dismiss our feelings, and acts as victims after all of this, there is much stuff that happened in only two weeks after years of friendship, but there is too much, and I just wanted to express me in a platform where no one know me, because I feel like I can’t express my feelings in my social media because they are looking all I do, and they will judge me or attack me for telling all of this
Probably I would delete this later, honestly I just wanted to vent a little because all of this made me so depressed and I already feel like a burden for all my love ones, I don’t want to bother them with all this negativity that is inside of me, I feel so guilty because I tried to stop being alive almost two years ago, I felt like shit that horrific day, and I don’t want to scare people about my mental health, I’m seeking help, I’m going to therapy and taking meds, trying my best everyday, but always feel so guilty about that day, and brining negative thoughts to the people who care about me
Sorry for my bad English, is something I'm working on, and if you read all of this thank you so much for your time.
#vent post#personal vent#tw depressing thoughts#tw depression#tw sui implied#tw depressing stuff#tw sui vent
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Magical Correspondences for Herbs 🌿🌼
follow @faerytalemagick on insta for more 🌠
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Tarot Spreads to Connect with Deceased Loved Ones & Ancestors

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