#Mole Poblano
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losmagnates · 2 years ago
Mole poblano
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HistoriaLa palabra mole proviene del  náhuatl (molli o mulli) se refiere a las salsas hechas principalmente a base de chiles y especias molidas.El mole se creó en 1861 por Sor Andrea de la Asunción en el estado de puebla. IngredientesLos ingredientes de este platillo varian depende de cada persona, pero los ingredientes mas utilizados son.
Chile ancho
Chile mulato
Chile pasilla 
pimienta gorda
nuez pecana
Juntar los ingredientes necesarios es el primer paso para poder preparar el pollo con mole poblano.
El pollo lo lavamos, le quitamos la piel y lo ponemos hervir con agua hasta cubrirlo por completo. Ponemos un trozo de cebolla, 2 dientes de ajos y sal al gusto para que la carne adquiera un toque de sabor. Aparte, lavamos los chiles y los dejamos que se escurran.
A los chiles se les quita el rabito y se desvenan para poder continuar con la preparación del mole de chocolate.
Ponemos una sartén en la estufa a fuego mediano. Colocamos un cucharada de manteca y empezamos a freír ligeramente los chiles. Una vez fritos los dejamos en remojo con un poco del caldo que quedó de la cocción del pollo.
En otra sartén tostamos el ajonjolí.
Freímos con manteca las almendras, los cacahuates y las pasas para continuar con la salsa mole.
También agregamos la pimienta, la canela, el anís y los clavos de olor.
Aparte, asamos el jitomate cortado en cuartos, la cebolla y los ajos.
Lo siguiente es moler los chiles e ir agregándoles los ingredientes fritos y asados para preparar el mole mexicano. Colamos la salsa y los residuos los regresamos a la licuadora para continuar moliéndolos.
Continuamos moliendo los chiles y agregamos el pan y la tortilla de maíz. Para facilitar el molido agregamos caldo del pollo que hervimos al principio de la receta mexicana.
Una vez molido todo, lo ponemos a la estufa a fuego medio. Es importante estar moviendo la salsa de mole poblano para evitar que se pegue en el fondo del cazo. Continuamos la cocción aproximadamente durante 40 minutos. En este tiempo, vamos a notar que el mole cambia de color, se va oscureciendo.
Cuando empiece a hervir agregamos el chocolate y la sal al gusto. Continuamos hirviendo el mole con chocolate por 20 minutos más y añadimos el pollo cocido.
Servimos el mole poblano con pollo y lo acompañamos con arroz rojo, frijoles puercos y tortillas calentitas.
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mr-fluffy-travel · 20 days ago
Beyond Tacos: Regional Mexican Cuisine You Must Try
Exploring Mexico’s Culinary Treasures Beyond the Beloved Taco Introduction When people think of Mexican food, tacos often come to mind first. While tacos are undeniably delicious and widely beloved, Mexico’s regional cuisine offers a diverse array of flavors, ingredients, and culinary traditions that go far beyond this iconic dish. From the mountains of Oaxaca to the coastal waters of Veracruz,…
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lavistamexicanrestaurantbar · 4 months ago
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icleanedthisplate · 2 years ago
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Poblano. Rosa Mexican Kitchen. Thornton, Colorado. 5.18.2023.
NOTE TO SELF: Uniquely done dish and a nice alternative to standard Mexican. Needed more mole.
Currently ranked 14th of 37 May meals.
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morethansalad · 1 month ago
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Mole Verde / Pipián (Vegan)
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months ago
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National Chocolate Covered Anything Day 
Indulge in a chocolate fountain or fondue to dunk any treats you fancy or drizzle your favorite desserts in delicious sauce and syrup.
Chocolate, a candy loved by both children and adults alike. But how much can it go on? What edible creations can molten chocolate create? Where in the world are certain chocolate dishes made a favorite staple? Well, in order to find the answers to all those questions, we must do a time-hop into the past, for this is the search of the history of Chocolate Covered Everything Day!
Learn about Chocolate Covered In Anything Day
Who doesn’t love chocolate? It’s creamy, sweet, and delicious! While we can all eat chocolate on its own, it is fun to combine chocolate with other ingredients as well! A lot of people love strawberries dipped into chocolate; a real classic. Or, how about some chocolate pretzels? There are plenty of weird and wonderful ideas you can try as well, such as dipping French fries into chocolate ice cream. Hey, don’t knock it until you have tried it! If you have ever wondered what something would taste like in chocolate, today is the perfect opportunity for you to find out.
History of Chocolate Covered Everything Day
We all know and love the dark and sweet bricks called chocolate, we even melt it down and put on our ice cream! When was this delectable treat created? The history of chocolate begins in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back to 1900 BC. The Aztecs believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. After chocolate’s arrival in Europe from oversea expeditions in the sixteenth century, sugar was added to it and it became popular throughout all of Europe, first among the ruling classes of the European societies, and then among the common people. Jose de Acosta, a Spanish missionary who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, described its use more generally.
Loathsome to such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste. Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, wherewith they feast noble men who pass through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are very greedy of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put therein much of that “chili”; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is good for the stomach and against the catarrh.
How to celebrate Chocolate Covered Everything Day
To celebrate the day where we coat everything we can in chocolate, we go out and find an affordable mini chocolate fountain, and then we buy whatever we like to go with our chocolate, take it home and set it up, and then enjoy the chocolate covered foods in the comfort of our own home, enjoying it any time we want! We can also celebrate by buying chocolate syrup, heating it up in a bowl and have a bowl of ice cream with a hot chocolate syrup topping.
There are lots of great chocolate desserts you can make on this day as well! We all deserve a treat now and again, and what better sweet treat than a chocolate-based dessert? From sticky toffee pudding to dark chocolate fondant, we take a look at the best desserts for chocolate lovers.
Let’s start with a Chocolate Sticky Toffee Pudding. This is a delicious traditional English dessert with a chocolate twist. When done correctly, sticky toffee features a rich moist sponge that is topped in a thick and indulgent toffee sauce. It is served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The coolness of the ice cream against the warmth of the toffee is an exquisite combination.
How about some Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding? We recommend pairing the bread and butter pudding with a tasty rum banana ice cream. It’s comforting, creamy, and delicious.
You will struggle to find a dessert as decadent and indulgent as Dark Chocolate Fondant. You need just the right amount of gooeyness in the middle. The dessert is usually finished offer with a smooth and refreshing vanilla ice cream and a thick salted caramel sauce. Prepare for your taste buds to be sent into overdrive.
Finally, do you feel like being adventurous? How about some Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake? Chilli and chocolate are two ingredients you wouldn’t expect to work well together but they make a delicious pairing. It’s not simply a case of making chocolate spicy. Both ingredients have real, varied fruit flavours and so it’s all about pairing them in a complementary manner, which is what you can do with a Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake. Take this luxurious dessert and give it a contemporary edge by adding chilli, which gives a pleasant kick that will warm the back of your throat.
All in all, if you are a lover of chocolate sweets, you can rest assured that you will be more than happy with one of the four delicious desserts that have been mentioned! There are plenty of other recipes that you can try on National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!
Aside from making your own desserts, National Chocolate Covered Anything Day presents you with a good opportunity to support a local chocolatier. With the increase in the production of commercial chocolate, a lot of people overlook just how delicate and difficult the art of making chocolate can be! So, why not support your local chocolatier and let them know that you are amazed by their incredible work?
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bisexualbuckl-y · 2 years ago
we got eddie watching novelas and doing the sign of the cross all in the same episode, I love those little reminders of how latino he is 😌❤
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thestarmaker · 2 years ago
found god in a plate of enchiladas
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estefa2190 · 9 months ago
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Fine dining at Mural de los Poblanos where we got to try all different types of yummy moles
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hookmeuphook · 2 years ago
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Chicken Enchiladas with Nutella Mole Poblano
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metaphysical-research · 2 years ago
Chicken Enchiladas with Nutella Mole Poblano
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lavistamexicanrestaurantbar · 4 months ago
The Amazing Mexican Food and Drinks You Should Try
You are probably already looking forward to the chance to tuck into the local fare if you are travelling overseas to visit or study there. Mexican cuisine is delectable and features a blend of US, Spanish, Aztec, and Maya flavors.
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capricornuscaretaker · 2 years ago
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Mole Poblano
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morethansalad · 2 years ago
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Vegan Pipián Verde with Mexican Jackfruit and Tofu (Pumpkin Seed Mole)
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year ago
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National Chocolate Covered Anything Day 
Indulge in a chocolate fountain or fondue to dunk any treats you fancy or drizzle your favorite desserts in delicious sauce and syrup.
Chocolate, a candy loved by both children and adults alike. But how much can it go on? What edible creations can molten chocolate create? Where in the world are certain chocolate dishes made a favorite staple? Well, in order to find the answers to all those questions, we must do a time-hop into the past, for this is the search of the history of Chocolate Covered Everything Day!
Learn about Chocolate Covered In Anything Day
Who doesn’t love chocolate? It’s creamy, sweet, and delicious! While we can all eat chocolate on its own, it is fun to combine chocolate with other ingredients as well! A lot of people love strawberries dipped into chocolate; a real classic. Or, how about some chocolate pretzels? There are plenty of weird and wonderful ideas you can try as well, such as dipping French fries into chocolate ice cream. Hey, don’t knock it until you have tried it! If you have ever wondered what something would taste like in chocolate, today is the perfect opportunity for you to find out.
History of Chocolate Covered Everything Day
We all know and love the dark and sweet bricks called chocolate, we even melt it down and put on our ice cream! When was this delectable treat created? The history of chocolate begins in Mesoamerica. Fermented beverages made from chocolate date back to 1900 BC. The Aztecs believed that cacao seeds were the gift of Quetzalcoatl, the god of wisdom, and the seeds once had so much value that they were used as a form of currency. After chocolate’s arrival in Europe from oversea expeditions in the sixteenth century, sugar was added to it and it became popular throughout all of Europe, first among the ruling classes of the European societies, and then among the common people. Jose de Acosta, a Spanish missionary who lived in Peru and then Mexico in the later 16th century, described its use more generally.
Loathsome to such as are not acquainted with it, having a scum or froth that is very unpleasant taste. Yet it is a drink very much esteemed among the Indians, wherewith they feast noble men who pass through their country. The Spaniards, both men and women that are accustomed to the country are very greedy of this Chocolate. They say they make diverse sorts of it, some hot, some cold, and some temperate, and put therein much of that “chili”; yea, they make paste thereof, the which they say is good for the stomach and against the catarrh.
How to celebrate Chocolate Covered Everything Day
To celebrate the day where we coat everything we can in chocolate, we go out and find an affordable mini chocolate fountain, and then we buy whatever we like to go with our chocolate, take it home and set it up, and then enjoy the chocolate covered foods in the comfort of our own home, enjoying it any time we want! We can also celebrate by buying chocolate syrup, heating it up in a bowl and have a bowl of ice cream with a hot chocolate syrup topping.
There are lots of great chocolate desserts you can make on this day as well! We all deserve a treat now and again, and what better sweet treat than a chocolate-based dessert? From sticky toffee pudding to dark chocolate fondant, we take a look at the best desserts for chocolate lovers.
Let’s start with a Chocolate Sticky Toffee Pudding. This is a delicious traditional English dessert with a chocolate twist. When done correctly, sticky toffee features a rich moist sponge that is topped in a thick and indulgent toffee sauce. It is served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The coolness of the ice cream against the warmth of the toffee is an exquisite combination.
How about some Chocolate Bread and Butter Pudding? We recommend pairing the bread and butter pudding with a tasty rum banana ice cream. It’s comforting, creamy, and delicious.
You will struggle to find a dessert as decadent and indulgent as Dark Chocolate Fondant. You need just the right amount of gooeyness in the middle. The dessert is usually finished offer with a smooth and refreshing vanilla ice cream and a thick salted caramel sauce. Prepare for your taste buds to be sent into overdrive.
Finally, do you feel like being adventurous? How about some Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake? Chilli and chocolate are two ingredients you wouldn’t expect to work well together but they make a delicious pairing. It’s not simply a case of making chocolate spicy. Both ingredients have real, varied fruit flavours and so it’s all about pairing them in a complementary manner, which is what you can do with a Chilli Spiced Chocolate Cake. Take this luxurious dessert and give it a contemporary edge by adding chilli, which gives a pleasant kick that will warm the back of your throat.
All in all, if you are a lover of chocolate sweets, you can rest assured that you will be more than happy with one of the four delicious desserts that have been mentioned! There are plenty of other recipes that you can try on National Chocolate Covered Anything Day!
Aside from making your own desserts, National Chocolate Covered Anything Day presents you with a good opportunity to support a local chocolatier. With the increase in the production of commercial chocolate, a lot of people overlook just how delicate and difficult the art of making chocolate can be! So, why not support your local chocolatier and let them know that you are amazed by their incredible work?
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cerealesbians · 2 years ago
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Mole Poblano
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