#Mldd gavin
thejournalmylife · 2 years
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Sacred Event has Start
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mlqcdrabbledabble · 2 years
MLQC - Medieval AU ideas drabble!
We have seen the guys in medieval roles, but what if we mash them together!
- takes place during the 17th to 19th century
- the MC can have various roles like:
Being a peasant, maid or servant, who is in a lot of trouble because of her parents, or the daughter of a noble family-- who wishes not to be married off to someone she barely knows and does not love. Some ideas there.
Let's give our main guys some roles!
More below
In order of Hiarchy:
"A kingdom is nothing without the strength and faith of it's people."
He is the King, Emperor, or a Duke (duh :P)
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A true king of the people-- Victor was appointed to become the King (or emperor) by the previous royal council he was apart of for many years. He had no direct claim to the throne, however, he worked hard and the concil of the people favored him. He now is at the top of the kingdom (or empire) and continues to do what is best for the kingdom and it's people.
Although he is extremely pragmatic and a bit disconnected from the problems of common folk. However, no one can deny he is extremely intelligent and given the right information-- he can solved just about any issue.
"Knowledge is the greatest weapon one can wheld."
Royal Phasician, Apothecary or Medicene man-- also a close advisor to the King.
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Eventhough they seem at odds, Lucien is one of King's closest and most trusted advisors. He is the right hand man and probably the second most (if not the most) power person in the kingdom.
Additionally he has a network of spies and knows everything there is to know about the kingdom and it's enemies. This is a man you want on your side because he knows everyone's weaknesses, and more than 101 ways to make people talk.
"I am on the side of order and justice in a world filled with chaos."
Cheif Knight, General, Commander and advisor of the kingdom's military forces.
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Extremely loyal to the crown and the complete opposite of his younger brother. He is dedicated to justice and apprehension of criminals. Though he pleaded for his younger brother to be spared when he was caught doimg criminal actitives. Which was very out of character for him to do.
Gavin lives with the fact he spoke up for his brother, and must be the one to put him down if he causes too many more issues with the kingdom.
"I live to bring the music and soul we all have a connection to-- let it all come forward and shine."
Bard, musician, jester and voice of the people-- and a spy master.
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Kiro is the most talented musician in the whole kingdom. His songs heal the broken hearted and uplift the downtrodden. Though he has a darker (hidden) side that no one suspects from such a bright and brilliant man.
He easily infultrates high class parties and other kingdom's realms with his famous performances. All the while gathering valuable information about them as well.
"I am a freeman. Because I chose to be."
The outlaw, criminal, pirate Captian, secret agent, hunted and treasure hunter.
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He had always been a trouble maker from a young age. He never out grew his criminal nature, unlike his older brother, he became a theif and a lowlife. He was captured and was going to be excuted, but his older brother pleaded for him to be spared.
Instead, he was exiled and resents his older brother for saving his life. Shaw was able to commendere a ship and crew to do piracy. He deliberately steals from the kingdom that spared him. Though he has heard there is a great treasure there... not made of gold nor silver. He will take this great treasure for his own.
Main Character (MC)
My idea is that depending on where the MC starts will affect how they interact and know our main male leads.
High-class: Knows Victor or Kiro
Princess from another Kingdom or Related to Nobility
Mid-class: Knows Victor, Gavin, Lucien or Kiro
Royal Maid
(could be bumped up to head maid or fruther, if they work hard enough ;))
Lower-class: Knows Gavin or Shaw
Criminal: Knows Shaw, Lucien, Gavin or Kiro
Theif, witch, or some other thing that's considered a severe criminal act...
Extra stuff!
Not sure if they should have evol or not...
Thinking not because they'd be hung for witch craft...
But Shaw probably be like, "yeah! give me cool lighting powers!" (That'll make him too op xP)
I want them to interact more!
Anywhoo you got any thoughts or feedback? Would love to heart it.
Cheers! (^3^)/
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lunars-babeclub · 2 years
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shuubah · 1 year
Watch all the 4 Encounter Events of Gavin the Wolfie at W♡nder Cafe. 🐺
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darealkatastrophe · 1 year
This took longer then I like to admit but now it's finished. These are The MLQC Boys as Iconic videos, sorry that it's short. I'll make more in the future, just because I'm bored. It might take a bit of time.
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ellie-winthrope · 3 years
Heart-to-Heart - [Gavin]
Figuring out someone's thoughts is as difficult as disclosing your own thoughts to others. Even so, it isn't necessarily wise to keep silent and leave the matter be. Having just started going steady with one another, how would MC and Gavin deal with such a situation?
Word Count: 2494 words
When someone requested for another person’s opinion, they usually did so because they couldn’t come to a final decision on their own. They required a second opinion in order to either narrow down their numerous options or to get a basis for making their decision.
Nonetheless, not many would openly share their opinions when requested, whether it was due to the fear of having their opinion shunned, the hesitation in bearing part of the responsibility that came with being involved in the decision-making or they merely didn’t wish for others to be pressured into accepting their opinion.
Therefore, even for a question as trivial as what to have for lunch among work colleagues, the most common answer that one would get would be “Anything is fine”. Such an answer may seem considerate and polite at first sight, but it was inconvenient to the questioner as the latter was left to make the decision on their own without any additional hints.
This would be especially problematic when it came to choosing a gift for someone.
For a straightforward man like Gavin, who was clueless when it came to the things that women would like as gifts, the countless choices of bags, cosmetics, accessories and shoes that were available in New Light Mall were more than enough to make his head spin. He did try asking for suggestions before this, but the only common acquaintance between him and the girl would be Minor and that fellow wasn’t particularly reliable. After all, of all the suggestions that Minor could have offered him, the former had picked the least helpful answer…
“Anything is fine.”
That was why Gavin was currently wandering aimlessly in the mall on his own. Even though there were countless choices available, none of the things that he had seen had given him the feeling of being a suitable gift for the producer.
Then again, what would she like to receive as a gift?
Not one to beat around the bush, Gavin had asked the girl directly about it during a phone conversation about their upcoming plans to celebrate her birthday. Once again, he had heard that same exasperating answer.
“Anything is fine.”
The girl had answered cheerfully that she was fine with anything and that she wouldn’t mind if he didn’t get her anything because she was well-aware that he had been preoccupied with STF missions recently.
She had always been a caring and considerate girl. Even during those times when he had missed out on their dates due to his work, she hadn’t uttered a single word of complaint. Instead, she had always cheered him on and requested that he take care not to get hurt during work.
For his devoted girl, how could he bear to show up empty-handed on her birthday?
No matter what, he would find the most fitting gift for her.
Ever since the producer met Gavin again, she got to know him a little better. He was different from the impression of a violent delinquent that had been painted of him during high school. If anything, the current Gavin fitted her initial impression of a socially-awkward but kind senior, who on a particularly rainy day, had given her his jacket to shield her from the heavy rain and had run away before she could thank him for it.
Perhaps, Gavin had always been kind.
This belated realization had made her wondered for a moment, of a time if she had not been influenced by the rumors surrounding Gavin, if she had ignored those rumors and mustered the courage to approach him. How different would things have turned out then? Instead of being disconnected with each other for years, would they have been friends…or perhaps something more during high school?
Since time could never be rewound, that possibility would be something that she would never know for sure.
Nevertheless, she was grateful to be given a second chance to resolve the misunderstandings between Gavin and herself in the present-day. It was only then that their relationship, which had been stuck on a standstill since high school, had truly moved forward once again.
She had never expected to witness the different sides of the senior who used to be unapproachable to her during high school. No, he was no longer her senior. It would be more apt to say that Gavin had progressed from his status as her high school senior to her protector, someone who she could entrust with her life. Ever since their reunion, Gavin had been her stout protector, who had kept her safe and rescued her from dangers countless times.
In the beginning, the girl could not understand why Gavin would go so far to keep her safe when they weren’t even any close to each other during high school. Unable to come up with a plausible reason, she had chalked it up to his sense of responsibility as an STF agent in ensuring a citizen’s safety.
Although she did have a slight suspicion that Gavin might had feelings for her, she had instantly brushed off that possibility, believing that she had been presumptuous for even having that kind of thought. After all, why would Gavin suddenly have feelings for her?
As far as she could remember, she had always been a quiet girl that didn't really stand out during high school. Aside from that, she rarely met or exchanged words with Gavin at school, let alone doing anything for him. Thus, to her, it would be unlikely for Gavin to have liked her since then, much less now, after years of being apart without having any contact between them.
Anyhow, it did warm her heart when she noticed how Gavin gradually opened up to her as time passed, with him speaking less stiffly to her and how he wore his heart on his sleeve before her through his simple gestures and vivid facial expressions.
It wasn’t just Gavin, though.
Whenever she couldn’t contact Gavin because he was away on a mission, she would be so worried about him that she couldn’t slept well for days. Whenever she learnt that he had been injured after missions, she would be so anxious and upset that she would be having a hard time holding back her tears, as though she was the one who had gotten hurt.
It was through all these little cues that the girl soon realized that she had fallen in love with Gavin. Having lost the opportunity to get to know him during high school, she didn’t hesitate to confess her feelings to him at the right opportunity. Thus, everything led to the present-day, a few months after her love confession, where Gavin and her were discussing on phone regarding their plans on celebrating her birthday.
Even though this would be their first-time celebrating her birthday as a couple, she was intending to spend the day together at home instead of going outside since she was tired from the continuous days of working overtime and would rather not mingle with the crowds, which would be unavoidable on a weekend. Of course, the girl had also asked for Gavin’s opinion on the matter, that if he was fine with them spending the day at her place. As she had expected, he had given her the same answer as any other time when the girl had asked for his opinion.
“As you like.”
Despite it being within her expectation, she couldn’t help but to be disappointed by his answer.
Based on the few months of them being together as a couple, she had noticed that Gavin would usually leave it to her to make the decisions by stating that he was fine with anything as long as she was happy. While she did feel flattered that he would prioritized her over himself, this had also made her feel bad as she couldn’t help but to suspect that he might have been forcing himself to accommodate her wishes.
Just like how he wanted her to be happy, she also wanted the same for Gavin.
She would never want to be the one being accommodated one-sidedly in their relationship.
Then again, how exactly should she broach this matter to him?
There was a possibility of him misunderstanding her or her unintentionally hurting his feelings if she was to bring up this topic. Since it had taken them so many years to finally be together as a couple, it was to be expected that she would be worried of ruining their current relationship because of this.
Even so, the girl still believed that they should sit down together and talk about it since that was the only way they could truly come to understand each other.
For the umpteenth time, Gavin gave the small box within his jean pocket a slight squeeze, as if to confirm that it was still within his possession. After browsing through shop after shop, he finally came upon the gift that he considered perfect for the producer. Fearing that he might lose it, he had been constantly checking up on the box in his pocket at every available opportunity until the moment he reached the girl’s place.
Upon hearing his name, Gavin snapped out of his thoughts and looked towards the girl who was sitting right next to him on the couch with her head leaning on his shoulder.
“Can I be honest with you about something?”
“Of course,” he answered immediately without looking away from the girl.
Unlike Gavin, the girl was quite hesitant to speak. She pulled away from him and sat up straight on the couch. Although he was feeling a little anxious with the girl’s silent gestures, Gavin didn’t prod her to speak. He chose to wait for her to speak up at her own pace, which he didn’t have to wait long.
“Gavin, ever since we got together, you have always let me decide on things as I like and I do appreciate that,” she said while looking directly at him with a sad smile, “But, sometimes, I wish for you to decide on things as you like too. Do you understand what I mean?”
The young man didn’t say anything and merely fixed his sight on the girl. It wasn’t because he didn’t understand what she meant. Instead, he was just …surprised. He didn’t expect that he had unwittingly made her sad whenever he chose to give no opinions and let her made all the decisions. He thought that she would be happy with that … but then again, hadn’t Gavin felt exasperated when Minor did the same to him when he asked for his suggestions on the choice of gifts for the producer?
How could he not notice that?
The worst part was, he wouldn’t have realized this problem if the girl hadn’t spoken up about it now. Even though it was with much difficulty that his feelings for her were finally reciprocated and they had been dating each other for months, he was still so oblivious of her thoughts and feelings at times. He couldn’t help but to be angry at himself.
Mistaking his silence as bewilderment, the girl had said, “Instead of being accommodated one-sidedly, I wish for us to discuss together when deciding on something.”
To be honest, Gavin had neither forced himself nor had he kept his opinions to himself in order to accommodate her. If anything…
“Actually… I am clueless when it comes to the things that you asked for my opinions, which is why I leave it to you to make the decisions,” confessed Gavin while looking down and scratching the back of his head awkwardly. “I thought that since you know better than me, the choices that you made would certainly be better than if it’s from me, who didn’t know anything.”
After clearing his throat, Gavin then looked up to meet the girl’s eyes.
“I am sorry. I didn’t realize that I had made you upset by doing so.”
The girl’s expression had softened, long before Gavin had apologized.
“It’s nothing to apologize for, Gavin.”
She reached out and held his hand within hers. The warmth from her hand had made him felt at ease, to the point that he didn’t notice the corners of his lips had lifted slightly.
“I brought this up because I didn’t want any misunderstandings to remain unspoken and eventually fester between us. Now that we have talked about this, we get to understand each other’s thoughts better, right?”
He nodded.
“So, from now on, we will share our opinions with each other, even if they are silly. Promise?”
“Mm, I promise.”
Having received his word, the girl clapped her hands together and smiled brightly.
Seeing the girl’s bright smile, Gavin thought that there was no better time than now for him to reveal the gift that he had bought for her birthday. So, he slowly took out the small box from his pocket and presented it on the palm of his left hand to the girl, who had gasped in surprise at the sight of it. 
“Gavin, this...”
A knowing smile crossed the young man’s face.
“Whether it was back then or now, the only person on my mind, who had kept me going no matter the obstacles, have been you and only you, no one else.”
Having said that, Gavin then lifted open the cover of the box with his right hand to reveal a pair of identical silver rings with a gold-plated gingko leaf pattern in the center. It was a pair of custom-made promise rings, which signified an unmarried couple’s commitment to their relationship.
“Even though we had only been dating for a few months, I wish for us to stay together, now and always, and never be apart. Would you accept this?”
The girl, who had been covering her mouth with both hands all this time, had giggled with glistening brown eyes.
“Of course! Of course, I accept!”
Beaming with joy, Gavin then proceeded to put on the smaller promise ring on the girl’s fourth finger of her left hand. Once he was done, the girl had already reached towards the other pair of the rings in the box that had been placed between them. Without saying a word, she reached out for Gavin’s left hand and carefully put the ring on his fourth finger in the same manner as hers.
Engrossed in admiring the sight of the promise ring on his ring finger, Gavin was surprised when the girl had lunged forward to hug him without warning. Even though she didn’t say anything and merely buried her face deeper onto his chest while hugging him, the slight feeling of dampness on his chest was all Gavin needed to understand her current feelings. So, he returned the girl’s embrace with a contented smile and spoke out the rest of the words that he had wanted to told her on that very day.
“Happy birthday, my girl.”
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goldenginkgo729 · 3 years
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“It’s the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.” ― Tahereh Mafi
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More Mr. Love fanarts on my
Instagram: instagram.com/gavinornothing
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GavinOrNothing
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hikoorie · 3 years
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banenaz · 3 years
So yeah finally I'm gonna post this :)
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First of all I'd like to thank @vellowmlqc for suggesting prompts and @victor-otherboys for designing the poster, it turned out so great 🙌🏻
There are just three simple rules as mentioned in the poster:
- Choose either prompts or both, or you can mix them together.
- You can use OCs instead of MC of course.
- Use the hashtag #mlqctober2021
- all entries are accepted, whether it's writing, drawing, edits, or even memes lmao.
- You can post your art on tumblr, instagram, twitter, or even amino, just use the hashtag as I said.
- No need to do every single day, we don't you to feel pressured
- You can start posting on the 1st of October.
And lastly no need to tag us :)
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among-starz · 3 years
MLQC/MLDD boys react to finding you asleep on the bathroom floor.
TW: Mentions of nausea and vomiting
A little backstory, a few years back I used to get horribly nauseous for seemingly no reason, but I'd never throw up. It was always so late at night that I'd eventually doze off on the bathroom floor T-T (I eventually learned it was all an anxiety thing and that's why I never actually puked lol.) So, I thought, might as well get some comfort from some fake boys for this little problem of mine.
-Gavin was just getting back from a late-night mission.
-He went to your shared bedroom and was a bit confused as to why you weren't there
-Finds the bathroom light on and the door slightly ajar and he runs walks over to find you asleep over the toilet.
-He kneels down and gently rubs your back until you stir.
-"You feelin' okay, Pumpkin?" He asks when you're lucid enough to understand him.
-When you tell him you're nauseous, he's immediately on the floor next to you rubbing your back some more.
-He sits extra close so you'll warm up from his body heat to prevent you from catching a cold.
-He'll quickly hold your hair back if you actually vomit and whisper sweet nothings in your ear.
-Or, he'll just sit with you until the nausea passes, watching you drift in and out of sleep. When you finally feel okay enough to go back to bed, he'll carry you there.
-"You don't have to be sorry, Pumpkin." He says as he sets you down in bed and tucks you in.
-"You must be tired but you sat in the bathroom with me."
-Gavin brushes your hair away from your face as you drift to sleep, "I'll never be too tired to take care of you, silly"
-Stays up a while longer just in case you feel sick again, but will eventually go to sleep when he's sure you're alright.
-Wakes up early the next day to make you breakfast and some tea.
-Will be hesitant about you going to work, but he'll eventually cave after you explain how you're feeling perfectly fine now. He'll let you go on the condition that you take good care of yourself is texting minor and threatening telling him to keep an eye out on you.
-Since he just got off a mission he has the day off and will be there at the speed of light if you start feeling sick again.
-My man's a light sleeper, so when you get up to use the bathroom he's awake too.
-What a puppy, he can't sleep without you.
-When ten minutes pass and you haven't come back, he's a bit confused, but brushes it off. His butterfly may just be constipated, he'd been telling you you need to eat more fiber.
-But after a few more minutes, he's padding his way to the bathroom, knocking on the door.
-No answer
-He tries the door nob, thankfully you left it unlocked.
-Of all the things Lucien thought he would find when he opened that door, you leaning against the wall of the bathroom asleep was not one of them.
-A part of him wanted to laugh, but he was also concerned. He knelt down and gently shook your shoulder.
-You wake with a start, rubbing your eyes.
-"Are you feeling alright, butterfly?"
-You shake your head, "I feel sick" you say, scooting closer to the toilet and hovering over it, afraid you'll puke.
-If you do puke, he'll hold your hair back and gently rub your back until you feel a bit better.
-But if you don't, he'll lead you back to bed and offer to make you a cup of tea or just get you a glass of water.
-Will 100% rub your stomach and cuddle until you fall asleep. But as soon as you're asleep Lucien is trying to think of what could have caused this bought of nausea. Food poisoning? Pregnancy? Anxiety? Maybe all three?
-He'll definitely want to take you to the doctor.
-When you decided to head to bed early, Victor wasn't at all surprised. You'd been working yourself to the bone lately, and you definitely needed the extra sleep.
-But Victor, being the ever-busy man he is, stayed up to get some more work done.
-He hears you go through your bedtime routine and go to bed.
-And then he hears you go back to the bathroom 10 minutes later.
-He's confused but is so swamped with work it slips his mind. Forgetful? Victor? It's more likely than you think.
-But when he finally finishes his work and gets up to brush his teeth, he finds the bathroom light still on and remembers he never heard you leave.
-He opens the door and finds you laying on the bathroom floor, asleep.
-He gently picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. Despite his efforts to be gentle, you wake up.
-Your turn to be confused, but this sudden ride has got you more nauseous than before, so you don't say anything.
-"Do I want to know why you were asleep in the bathroom?" Plz Victor, just tell her you're concerned.
-"Felt nauseous." you say as he places you down in bed. You stay sitting up, afraid that you'll puke all over the bed if you lay down.
-"Dummy, you'll catch a cold like that, sleeping on the floor."
-Tired, nauseous, overworked, and emotional you start crying at that remark. Great job Victor
-He gently wipes the tears away but on the inside, he's all "Shit shit shit, she's crying."
-He places a kiss on your forehead and leaves the room, coming back with a plastic bucket/trash can, a glass of water, and some crackers.
-Will sit in bed with you until you puke or fall asleep, and he won't get any sleep that night because he's too busy worrying about you making sure you don't puke all over his expensive sheets.
-Is extremely mad with himself, first he overworked you to the point of vomiting, and then he made you cry? He'll insist you take a few days off to recuperate RIP Anna
-During your days off, he'll pamper you. Make you meals that taste amazing and are easy on your stomach, doting on your every whim.
-Will definitely learn to tell when you're overworked and need a break, and if that doesn't help the nausea, he'll take you to see the best doctors around to figure out why you're getting sick.
-Kiro's 100% a heavy-ass sleeper, so he doesn't wake up when you get up and go to the bathroom.
-His bladder wakes him up early the next morning, and he finds your side of the bed empty.
-He gets up to use the bathroom and finds the light on.
-"MCCCCC, hurry up! I need to peeeeeee." He's currently dancing around like a toddler.
-He tries the door and is relieved to find it unlocked. He'll pee in the shower if he has to, goddamn it, he's about to die here.
-Thankfully, the toilet is free and he doesn't have to resort to that yet.
-Where are you? He doesn't question it. bladder full, head empty
-When Kiro's finally done, he turns around to wash his hands an-
-Kiro finds you, screaming on the floor of the bathroom where you were sleeping seconds before.
-"What the hell, Kiro?"
-"You scared me!" If he hadn't just gone pee, he woulda peed himself (Jesus I'm sorry)
-"What were you doing on the floor?"
-"I felt sick, I must have fallen asleep."
-Suddenly, Kiro is sitting down next to you, hand on your forehead, checking your temperature "Did you sleep here all night?" Kiro is worried
-"Uhh,,," He'll take that as a yes
-Suddenly, you're in his arms being carried back to bed. He sets you down and wraps the quilt around you tightly.
-You tell him you have to get ready for work soon, but he won't hear it.
-"You're staying home today, Miss Chips."
-"But I don't feel sick anymore."
-"You slept on the BATHROOM floor, MC!" He's right
-If Kiro can help it, he's staying home with you. Pampering you with warm drinks and foods that won't upset your stomach. No chips or sweets for you today. Kiro, you're starting to sound like Savin.
-But if he absolutely has to be somewhere, he'll call or text you every chance he gets, making sure you're feeling okay and that you're eating properly.
-Will probably want to take you to the doctor, but won't force you to go.
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thejournalmylife · 3 years
🎉Happy 3rd Anniversary
💌 On this special day, he wrote down a love letter that was only for you!
💌The love hidden in the love letter will make this anniversary more beautiful.
#MrLoveMobile https://t.co/u5K1ER9x8h
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lys-lilac · 3 years
MLQC Journal: Gavin
Here it is! I wanted to have some relaxation today, so made it! And as expected, I stuffed everything I could in these two pages (because if I had been given freedom, who knows how much I had written...)
Hope you like it!
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yourssinfullyquiche · 3 years
Finally finished this headcanon after a long episode of procrastination and laziness. I struggled a lot with our man Luci, he's such a complex and a mysterious character that requires profound understanding. That being said, I hope I have done all our boys justice!
This headcanon revolves around you being annoyed with our boys. However, I wanted to leave the angsty notes out of this headcanon for next time (an upcoming one perhaps, if it permits, unless my imagination spirals to other ideas).
MLQC boys x F! reader (You)
WC: 1856
Beta: Quiche; special thanks to @playheej for helping me out on Luci
Warning: Fluff, teeny-tiny suggestive for Lucien.
I hope this leaves an exciting taste to your life.
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It was 3 in the morning and you finally finished your proposal due tomorrow. You had to stop procrastinating and missing out on sleep.
“Finallyyyyyyyyyy” you lazily drawled out.
You almost entered the REM stage when you heard light footsteps padding towards you.
Your eyes immediately shot open, narrowing to find a silhouette masked by the pitch darkness of the room — his hand outstretched towards you.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!”, you shot your leg up in the hopes of hitting somewhere, anywhere but were caught swiftly by the trespasser.
Beads of sweat formed at your temple and your heart was hammering against your chest as you struggled to release your leg when you heard:
“Hmm, this defense is at least a little better from when you screamed for the police,” a light chuckle followed by muted lights began flooding your bedroom and eyesight, causing you to squint. “Although you could get caught like this. I suggest -”
“OMG! What the hell Gavin! Wh-Why did you do that and what are you even doing here? You exclaimed.
“You scared me to death!”, you clutched your chest, heart still beating from the adrenaline.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he worriedly said.
“Didn’t you think I wouldn't be scared from that?! Please, stop jumping in from the window and use the door like a human being,” you swatted his shoulder.
“Well, the door would be locked right? I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“It’s okay to give me a call, just don’t scare me like that.”
You glared at him but softened when you saw the apologetic gaze he was giving you.
He cupped your hand over your beating heart before climbing into your bed, and resting his head on your chest.
You snuggled closer to him, carding his chestnut hair as you began relaxing.
“So, what happened? It’s so late, shouldn’t you have gone to sleep? I’m sorry I kept cancelling our dates — I had work to do.”
“I missed you. I wanted to see you. Don’t worry about the dates, we can go again another time and...I’m sorry, I’ll not do that again but in times of emergency you know I would.”
“Was this an emergency?” You teased him.
He buried his face closer to you, voice muffled against your clothes. “Yes, I was looking forward to our dates, I really wanted to see you. I wanted to hold you…”
He sighed contentedly as his breaths warmed your chest. You missed him terribly too.
*A/N: Uhhh Why is it so hard to be angry with this man? He’s so honest, it makes me wanna cry. Btw, REM or rapid eye movement stage is the primary “dreaming stage” of sleep and occurs about 90 minutes after you’ve fallen asleep (Google).
Also this was actually inspired from a freaky hallucination that I experienced🙃
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“Ahhh, I can’t wait for Victor to taste this”, muttering happily to yourself, you continued stirring the jus.
You had tried recreating the seared steak with fondant potatoes and red wine jus, that you had in Paris.
You knew it was fairly ambitious for you to execute it without his help but you wanted to dampen his smug attitude — not that that’s gonna change him.
Victor had just finished a meeting when he smelled burnt aroma wafting from the kitchen.
What is this dummy up to now?
“Could you not burn down my house. The minute you start cooking, everything goes up in flames”.
“Hey! I took out the potatoes in time, okay. Aaand I made dinner! Remember you took me to Les Classiques and we had that amazing dinner, I tried cooking it…
He scoffed at you. “You? Dinner? Since when did you cook something edible.”
Can’t this man keep his snooty mouth shut for once!
“Hmm, steak and...is that supposed to be fondant potatoes? Well Pudding would surely be happy for this thoughtful meal. Don’t be disheartened if he rejects your dismal food.”
Amused by your apparent annoyance, he starts slicing the steak and picking it apart; inspecting it as if he’s Gordon Ramsey.
Victor Li might be the crowning food critic in Loveland that nobody asked for.
God you feel like an idiot sandwich.
He finally eats it and just gives an unperturbed “hmm” as a response.
“Well…? Is it worthy of thy praise?” You sarcastically ask.
“It’s bearable.”
“Ughhh, why are you so mean to me? Shouldn't you be kinder to your girlfriend? Not only are you cold at work but at home too…
“You just need to put in more effort. I’ll teach you.”
You huff loudly and avoid looking at him out of sheer pettiness.
“Am I that unkind?” a soft voice rings to your ears.
“At times, you are and you say all these nasty things...”
“Dummy, I just want you to do your best because I know what you’re capable of.”
You blushed and pouted. “I know.”
Victor smiled lovingly at you before going off. “The steak is a little dry, and you know the fondant potatoes are slightly burnt and it’s bland.” He stops to give you an I expected better from you look — “And don’t get me started on the jus.”
“Here we go again.” Yep not once.
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Being a renowned idol means abstaining from certain worldly pleasures such as all those sinfully delicious food.
Despite Kiro understanding this, it’s only human nature to give in to what one likes.
Needless to say, Kiro is mischievous when hogging snacks, or sneakily eating that cheesecake he somehow managed to surreptitiously hide from Savin.
At times when you’re on set, you do partake in his devilry shenanigans because of his irresistible puppy face that you can’t say no to.
It ranges from helping him sneak in snacks, to covering his fingerprints and lying about his food intake at home.
Savin however has a keen eye on you — it’s a wonder how you keep escaping with your facade when he eyes you so narrowly almost as if his eyes would disappear.
All you can do is sheepishly smile away while secretly gesturing to Kiro to run away.
Till now, Savin has never actively scolded the both of you.
He catches Kiro stashing away packets and cans of Pringles into his wardrobe compartments.
You freeze when Savin immediately stares at you, your hands full with bags of chips.
His gaze — akin to a mother disappointed in her kids.
We got caught red-handed.
“So do you have anything to say for yourself?”, he nods disappointedly to Kiro and shifts his gaze towards YOU.
After a long lecture from Savin with him repeatedly saying that “You encourage Kiro” and him threatening Kiro of revoking your pass privileges to the sets, he finally lets the both of you go with only 10 minutes left to the shoot.
You were fuming with annoyance at Kiro
“It’s not my fault and yet I got scolded. It’s your body the chips are going into! You’re on your own from now on! (`Д´)
“Miss Chips, please don’t be mad. I promise I won’t let Savin scold you ever again and I’ll do my best to stop myself!”
“Just don’t get angry — We’ll go to a new all-you-can-eat dessert buffet shop I found later!”
He looks at me excitedly while listing off the variety of sweets the shop has.
“Kiro, do you want Savin to get upset again? You know you have to shoot your MV tomorrow. What if you get a stomach ache? I wouldn’t want you to perform badly or worse — Savin breathing down my neck again! You rolled your eyes.
“But...Miss Chips...you know...I can’t...resist…”
“You just said you would try your best.” Wait, what was that crunching sound???
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I wonder what my little fool is up to?
“Lucien, I challenge you to a chess showdown!” a voice proudly imbued the living room.
“Oh, well I suspect that I can’t back down from this can I? Well if it’s my butterfly’s wish, then I shall fulfill it. However, I can't say I've played chess much before…” His violet eyes reflected a certain curiosity and playfulness — almost like a cat. You were caught off guard when he suddenly pulled you to sit on his lap.
“Maybe you can refresh my memory,” his silky voice reverberated in your ears, hot breaths tickling them while your exposed nape shivered as heat began rising to your already flushed cheeks.
“S-sure”, you stuttered as you looked away not wanting for him to tease you.
You hated how easily you lost your bearings around him and like a prey escaping from a cage, you escaped from his sweet embrace despite wanting to be pampered with it.
You composed yourself rather clumsily earning a gentle laugh that was uniquely his.
“I’m quite surprised to hear that you are not accustomed to this game. Well, no worries! I’ll teach you, so please focus.”
You were determined to show off your skills.
Such an entertaining butterfly; observing you was his most favourite thing and he couldn’t miss the chance after seeing your bold and serious attitude displayed.
Explaining the basics to him only took a few minutes which didn’t surprise you considering how intelligent and tactical Lucien is.
After one practice game (which you won easily — not that it counts), you boldly declared: “Since you are now refreshed, let’s start a new game. And I’m not going to go easy on you!”
“Oh, I surely wouldn’t want that. Please, do not refrain for my sake.” Another gentle smile greeted your smug demeanor.
Unfortunately, your smugness wore off after multiple consecutive losses, each loss triggering an even more annoyed look directed at Lucien.
Lucien, calm as ever; swallowed each stare like a deep ocean, silently beguiled at your attempts to defeat him.
Six games passed and finally your grumpy voice made your chagrin known. “You lied to me about your abilities right! Pretending to be bad at it when you knew how to play all along!”
He chuckled softly at your antics.
He had the AuDaCiTy to chuckle??? You pouted, your lower lip protruding clearly.
“Now where is the fun in saying I could play? You looked so serious and said it would be fun and I was having fun. Did I make you angry by having a little fun teasing you?”
You childishly stuck out your tongue at him to which Lucien laughed warmly and opened his arms prompting you to come towards him.
Your displeasing eyes vanished, succumbing like a sassy cat who still craved tender pats.
You climbed gingerly, making yourself comfortable in his arms — “I’m still angry at you.”
His distinct chuckle sounded different from this close. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to lie, I just wanted to see how determined you were.”
“Hmm, can you teach me how to play like that?,” you demanded softly
“Of course.” He lightly kissed your forehead.
*A/N: Cats have been referenced a lot to describe Luci’s as well as your behaviour. It’s purely coincidental but I realised that it’s because I have been watching many cat videos recently. Ahhhh they’re so cute💖
Mildly inspired by a fanfic I read about MC teaching Gavin chess, I’m not sure who it was from but It was from ginkgomoon, thank you🥺
Delve into my world
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cjinjinx · 3 years
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Gavin Wallpapers
Like if you save
Reblog if you use
Don’t repost please
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ellie-winthrope · 3 years
Gavin / Bai Qi
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The Lost Whisper of the Wind
Shadow of Doubt
To Each Their Own
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goldenginkgo729 · 3 years
Mischievous 💋 (read from right to left)
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P.S. This was supposed to be for Kiss day haha
P.P.S. Some kiss poses were referenced from Van.J’s webtoon series, “Mystical”
🤗Let’s be mutuals on my other socmed accounts:
Instagram: instagram.com/gavinornothing
Twitter: http://twitter.com/GavinOrNothing
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