#mlqc edit
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perhaps-in-anotherdream · 10 months ago
[CN] Li Zeyan’s Upcoming Top-up SR!
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“The anchor point of my every return from a distant journey is this moment right now.”
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“If you’re afraid, just light up a lamp.”
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tomochii-chan · 2 years ago
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Bringing back this edit I made last year where I wanted to show what Gav's karma would've been like if MLQC was an 18+ otome at the time, but more HD and cleaner LMAO
Happy "Unbridled Desire" Global release aka the shower karmas everyone has been waiting for for like.. ever lmao
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caesurables · 1 year ago
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Papa Vic edit from his pet karma just because 🥹💖
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sinful-liesel · 2 years ago
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Kiro: Hello, I'm Kiro.
Me: Hello daddy...I mean Kiro 😳
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unluckysatellite · 5 months ago
A Retrospective Analysis of Victor's Swim Date
Aka more like me yapping about Victor's Swim Date...Well, I guess this is less of an analysis and more of just me rambling about a few things about his date that I noticed. Sometimes, it's fun to read back on past content with the lenses of today's context, yknow? I may do more of this, when the motivation to spite people strikes.
I had this post on the back burner for a few months now and today I was randomly reminded 24/7 I will always love Victor that I had this in my drafts LOLOLOL
This date is pretty interesting, because I vaguely remember that people were disappointed by how unromantic it was (considering that it takes place after Victor's confession in his Rooftop Date). But to me, I think this date is significant because of what it establishes for Victor and MC's relationship: that he is always her safe harbor, someone she can trust when she fails. (which is fitting because of the sea imagery...get it??? Swimming....harbor...eh? Eh????)
To summarize this date: Victor offers to teach MC how to swim, in preparation for meeting with her new client, a swimming enthusiast.
Although she is nervous because she has no experience with swimming, the MC is eager to learn, since Victor is teaching her. Immediately, the MC nearly drowns as soon as she puts herself in the deep end of the pool. It's important to note here, that this near drowning accident was self-inflicted -- she let go of the railing and her foot slipped at the same time.
Anyways, she is immediately saved by Victor, there are a couple of important things to note here:
Victor teases MC for slipping and nearly drowning herself, but one should take note here, that none of his remarks hurts MC's feelings or her sense of confidence in any way.
It is the near drowning incident that puts the fear of deep water in MC, and it is that fear of drowning that makes her feel insecure about herself.
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When she is visibly nervous, Victor gets into the water with her. He is patient throughout his lesson, not once does he insult or belittle the MC as he guides her through the motions, and stays with her when he removes her swimming ring:
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When the MC feels more confident in herself, she and Victor do a bit of bantering as usual, and her curiosity is sparked when she asks about Victor when he learned how to swim, and briefly imagines what he looked like back then:
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So after a bit of practice, Victor lets of her hands and the MC almost drowns again.
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Though he immediately rescues her again, and she panics:
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Although she says "I just can't learn. I'm not as smart as you." because of their conversation earlier, like I pointed out earlier: nowhere did his words ever hurt the MC's confidence when it comes to swimming, nor did she ever describe that her feelings were hurt -- she is flustered and saying anything that comes to mind and is making whatever excuse she can make because of her fear.
At no point does she ever blame Victor for insulting her, but rather she tells Victor that it is his fault for letting go of her when she wasn't ready to swim.
It is absolutely ridiculous to say that Victor is "abusive" in his Swim Date, to say that his words have hurt the MC's confidence, when it is her own fear of the deep water that leads to her own failure.
And so Victor tells her:
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Victor is establishing himself as a safe harbor for the MC, for her to grow and mature. To be true to herself, as he is there for her as a safe place.
The MC herself realizes this about Victor: although his words are harsh, and challenges her every step of the way, he only, truly has the best intentions at heart for her:
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And when she fails, he is there to protect her.
Like I said at the beginning of this post: although this date is...very awkward in the VictorxMC lore, especially as it takes place right after the Rooftop Date, one might expect something more...romantic.
But to me, it marks an important turning point in their relationship, as they go from boss and employee to lovers, and establishes one of the key aspects of their relationship: Be it as her boss or as a man who loves her, Victor is the MC's safe harbor, a lighthouse to guide her as she navigates through the sea of life.
(I suppose this is why a lot of their dates take place around the ocean, huh?)
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 1 year ago
Is anyone even still interested in MLQC?
I have a Gavin x Reader drabble that I have been sitting on for about 2 years now, and I want to share it, but... 🤷🏾‍♀️
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ohnonono18 · 2 years ago
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I thought it was funny hahaha bye bye pudding hahahaha
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arabella-77 · 7 months ago
MLQC CN - Victor - 2024 Qixi Karma Live 2D
Live edit by 境容 Weibo 境容live_2d
Her edit is amazing.
Subbed my me (Arabella, 灵灵 is my real name)
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confused-mc · 9 days ago
MLQC Headcannons
Dating and Taking Photos
Would sneak photos of you when you do something especially adorable, or silly. This could be when you sneeze. Or when you make a pouty face at the last ice cream being sold and you're one too late. Or, that one time you had a catkin land on your face and - the image of you between a sneeze and scrunching your nose. The photo was too freaking adorable not to have permanently as a homescreen or your profile photo for a week year. He ingores you forcing him to change it, a cheeky smile and will raise the phone away if you ever try to. He would consider changing it when you two are married - and it will be the goofy photo of you two at the wedding.
He especially loves taking photos of you being at home in his bed when you don't notice he's come back from grabbing a horde snacks for a movie marathon. You're on your phone, flung over his bed with a pillow under your chin. Your legs are splayed like a kid and kicking the air, waiting for the commercial to end.
His has a whole folder named "Miss Chip's Chip's" dedicated to you eating your favourite foods. He keeps the folder a secret so when he's away, he's reminded of the times of when you two met once again in the silly little store, and his life changed forever.
He is absolutely pleased to take photos on your phone, and leave stupid selfies to remind you of him when you open up your camera roll.
The amount of times he sends you a mugshot of yourself after a date is unreal.
"Look what I spied this morning, a stray Miss Chips waiting for her Kiro (˘³˘)♥︎"
You roll your eyes, but can't stop a blush.
Best replies are when you send a photo of yourself to him when he's away on tour. He's there for the instant Miss Chips dopamine hit, whether or not he's busy in the middle of a shoot. Savin has to put Kiro's phone on silent so it doesn't interrupt with the new music video.
Kiro pouts when you don't send a photo of you and only of your surroundings "But where is my Miss Chips?! She has to be there (つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ"
You sigh, and find yourself poking your tongue out cheekily in front of an ice cream shop. Kiro is jealous and asks you to deliver some to him. If you can, you bring some of the snack home with you, so he can devour it as he enters the front door. Other times you tease him completely and he teases you right back when a limited edition of your favourite sweet appears as a photo with a line of text "Guess what, I found a limited edition of this! I can't wait to eat it ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ and it's all mine!"
"Noo!! Bring some home for me! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ Please I'll do anything..."
"Ask and you shall recieve and will pay a heavy price... A Kiro bear hug!"
He secretly enjoys seeing photos of your day and life - even if his replies are sarcastic and blunt
"You do realise that having three coffees spanning the hours of the morning won't make work go faster, dummy."
"Is that a report I see lying unfinished on your sofa?"
"You're not eating that. Come to Souvenir in an hour and throw that shallow imitation of nutrition away." "It's only microwavable noodles Victor." "It is heart disease in a container. Throw. It away."
You follow his instructions while also making a silent mockery of his comments.
He wouldn't take pictures of setting up a romantic evening in Souvenir, but he will definitely take a photo of you in it, - at least, only if you ask (persuade) him to and he wasn't waiting to be asked, no of course not.
*Sighs* "Fine, if you want me to."
"Come here then, dummy. I won't wait all day." *He moves to the side, allowing you to tuck into him the camera's frame.*
He allows you to take pictures of new Souvenir dishes for your review, begrudgingly.
There are more times that he wished he could capture you in a photo, like you walking out of a changing room in a beautiful red dress - spinning like a giddy unbalanced ballerina. Or the time you two end up at the Opera, when you are on his arm like the woman he wanted to marry. It was definitely the time you first walked out of the doors in a bikini. He had to push aside the trembling anticipation and guardedness of other people seeing what he wanted most in the world, and cursing himself for never a photographic memory. That feeling could never compare to an actual photo.
He likes the feeling of having you on his phone, like an odd feeling of security. He pretends that it's really just ensuring his investment wasn't being a dummy and putting herself in danger unnecessarily. You still did.
You replying to his "Where are you, the press release is starting in fifteen minutes." with a simple photo of you in a taxi will cause his heart to stutter, and he still doesn't know why knowing you would be face to face soon would give him palpitations!
It was because of the fear of you being late to your own press release was the issue, after all. If he had to clear up the political headache of you being late, was the main concern. Nothing else.
Still, he watches like a hawk when you get out of the taxi unscathed, on the correct side of the road - and his familiar bark of "You're late" would look completely thunderous to anyone else, bar the concern rapidly beating in his heart.
But you just shake your head, chuckling, "Victor, your late is everyone's early. I still have plenty of time."
He grunts, for once allowing the dummy to walk ahead, following closely behind.
-him having concern over her being 'on time' fools no one, Victor
He was the one who first saw you take a photo at school, taking pictures with your few friends. Once, in the music room where the world sometimes felt the safest place to go. He'd always wanted to take a photo of you in school. But never quite had the chance, courage or conscience to do so. He also throttled Minor when he eagerly offered to get on of you on the sly. "Don't be a creep, idiot."
He had wanted to see you when you went to prom or summer dance, had wished to be the one you went with, to have the moment of meeting your father and having a framed picture in your hallway - a night that would never be forgotten.
Fate had other plans.
Now, his phone is filled with places you've been together, like the lodge in the summer - that night when it was just the two of you, a lake and the stars. There was a snapshot of STF retreat and the boat, of you two on the forest trail or that bar Minor always loved to drag the company to for karaoke. It was you with your hair loose and wavy, a little pink blush, gazing up at Gavin as if it was the first time he'd asked you to be his girlfriend. You had forgotten after several rounds of drinks that you even had a boyfriend. You were remarkably excited to see what a loyal, dutiful, sweetheart you had captured and wanted to tell your dad.
Minor still teases you about that, until you threaten more work on him in recompense.
He gets the most excited responsive when you send him pictures of you on your way home, knowing he's the one who will get you in his arms eminently. It just sends a quiet, reassuring peace through him. It most likely will be the thing that motivates him to shower again before you get home. He just loves when you run your fingers through his hair as it dries.
He loves it when you two do couples activities together, like going to do a run together, and taking a photo after you both complete it, like a record of achievement.
He probably hates and loves it the most when you send spicy pictures when he's away, or when he's on his way home. The fact he can't have you right then and there almost destroys him. Finding him in a state of utter disarray when you come back is the first thing you see, until he's suddenly making you come undone in his arms, just to release the need in him. You don't do it often unless you can take your time getting up on the morning, and being able to walk slowly. Otherwise, work gets compromised.
Gavin is at once apologetic and yet a small part is relieved - if he can still make you loose your mind half as much as you make him loose his own, he's still worthy of being yours.
His homescreen is of soley you, and he can't remember when he took it, such a candid beautiful photo should have the memory attached, but it doesn't matter, as long as he could stay in your heart forever, as you did for him.
Your photo profile photo of him is one with him in the starlight, holding out his hand to you.
Your phone background is of you two together in the sky, both of you held the phone screen together - Gavin worried that you might drop it -, as you took a photo with the blue backdrop behind you. The photo with you kissing in the sky got deleted by accident, when your thumb slipped.
Gavin still mourns the fact he never could get that photo of you. He is determined that one day, you'd recreate it. He also wants to take you back to the Ferris Wheel and take a photo of you there too, this time, one of him kissing you.
He definitely surprises you the most when it comes to take a photo - it's never quite when you expect it - and you can feel a flimsy excuse failing to get out (when in public). As you got further into your relationship, allowing him to take the lead in photography got easier, less flustering. Like it truly was merely a way to bond, to know you two have something shared, together.
He knows a lot more on how to use scientific terminology than you do, despite you having worked with cameras and film for being a producer. But it allows you two to converse a bit more technically when discussing films and film history together! It can feel like a real bonding experience when you two take a photo of a landscape, together and separately. He enjoys comparing different understandings of the same thing, especially with you.
He will have many pictures of you sleeping, he can't just help it when you sleep beside him looking that cute and being completely unaware. Considering he sleeps only a little, and his favourite subject is you, it's hard to resist cataloguing each and every moment.
He's quite sly at ubiquitous photos, and he enjoys it when you look through his phone gallery and seeing you become increasingly flustered and indignant at the positions he photographs you in.
"You can't keep that one! My hair - it's terrible, I'm deleting it!"
*Sighs* "That's a shame. I think you're very cute here. I rather like it." his reply is smooth, and only makes you become more flustered, and duck your head into him.
"Stop it, you're making me blush!"
He laughs, nose nudging you with soft resignation. His finger hovers over delete -
"Wait, don't do it - if you like it, keep it." comes your muffled voice, peeking out.
"Are you sure butterfly? I don't want you to be embarrassed. I simply so enjoy taking photos of things I find beautiful."
"I'm not a thing." your voice pouts.
"No? No, you're my beautiful little fool, aren't you?" his breath tickles your ear.
"I'm not a fool either!" you glare at him, and before you realise it, he grins, a teasing one that only riles you further, that makes you grin and you push him back, falling onto his chest and guilty laughter falls from your lips.
"You - . You distracted me, didn't you?"
His lips curve, "Did it work?"
You smack his chest lightly in delighted exasperation, and press your head under the warm nook of his chin.
"Yes. And -" you pause, staring at the bark of the camphor tree with a small smile of wonder, "I'm glad you think I'm beautiful, too."
Lucien gently thumbs away a fallen strand against your cheek, voice rasping just slightly, "I'll always love you, through the beautiful and the mundane. For you make everything beautiful, in your own way. And I'll always want to keep that safe."
You close your eyes, holding in the words, and know that loving him was a journey you'd undertake a thousand times, just to keep him safe, too.
(Lucien will definitely be one to adore have NSFW pictures of you, and at one point in your relationship, he would do an experiement hoping to ask. It's more about intimacy and trust in a way, having you there in a very tangible moment that would be hard to forget or untangle, when the doubts and the guilt would creep in, or when the hunger to cage you in wouldn't go away, knowing that you would feel so safe with him, knowing that you would trust him to keep you safe - it helps him.)
He finds the photo albums of you and him filling a hole he had inside, each one a year he was replacing with something beautiful, rather than dark, unwholesome and most of all - ugly. It wasn't just a catalogue, it was belief. A hope for your future, together, two people like everyone else in the world. If he ever became untethered, the photo albums would be the first thing he'd thumb through and remember what exactly tied him there in the first place.
Okay!! I found myself going into more detail in circumstances sometimes haha - sometimes it's hard to keep track when it unfolds so nicely! I appreciate every other person's headcannons for these guys - they're so gorgeous and fun and help me! Anyone would be so lucky to have any one of these men.
(I mean, besides the Lucien thing. We're just going to ignore that.)
Feel free to request! :D *waves hello*
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 10 months ago
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I reserve the right to refuse any request that I do not personally feel comfortable writing, or that does not follow the rules below. Unless otherwise specified, there is no guarantee for deadlines (ie: 2-5 business days) for posting. By submitting a request, you agree that you have read and will abide by the guidelines, otherwise your request shall not be published. (Tldr; Please read the rules or no fic for you.)
Requests are currently: closed. (You may send in suggestions/asks, but stories/hc's are not guaranteed.)
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‣ When requesting, please send in: what character you'd like to request for, what genre, and which prompt or what plot/theme you'd like. For stories, please only send in one character. For headcannons, please send no more than 3. (Can pick from different games for same hc req.)
‣ I write for: Ikemen series (presently: Revolution, Sengoku, Vampire, Prince & Villain), Tears of Themis, Obey Me!, & Twisted Wonderland (sfw only for everyone, with the exceptions of: Leona, Malleus, Lilia & Crewel). Though I have some knowledge of others like MidCin, What in hell is bad, Code Realize, MLQC, etc., I do not currently confident writing or accepting requests for those at this time.
‣ May request sfw or nsfw; fluff, smut, angst, hurt/comfort, headcannons, alphabets, prompts*, things of that nature.
*Please source your prompt reference (if applicable), so that I may know what the number/letter pertains to!
‣ I will only take nsfw requests for adult aged characters (18+, preferably 20+ tbh) and adult in appearance (so no smut for characters who look like kids, even if they're like 1,000 years old).
‣ Will write for: threesomes/throuples (no relatives involved), orgies, bdsm (dom/sub etc.), pet play, breeding, oc/mc insert, wlw, gender neutral aka GN (please specify when requesting), pet names, femdom, dom!reader, sub!character, and other things I may not yet have listed above.
‣ Will not write for: watersports/scat, inc*est, r*pe/non-con, SA, drugs, dead dove, unaliving, dubcon, manipulation (into relations), and potentially others I've yet to list here.
‣ Requests pertaining to pregnancy are allowed, but depending on the request, may not be guaranteed.
‣ Most of my work will be fem!reader/afab, as is the nature of most of the MC's in these games, but I try to keep my headcannons or sfw works GN (unless otherwise specified). Please let me know regarding things like pronouns for oc's!
‣ It is unlikey I will be taking ship requests (say, writing for Raycelot or Chevbert), but I may write some headcannons if you have something you'd like to send in. I primarily focus on reader/mc x fic style. May take some OC requests, but will require some information for said OC in order to do so.
‣ Mdni* with any smut/adult content (and preferably, not with my blog in general)! Those found guilty of this will be blocked on sight. You have been warned. (*Minors, do not interact.)
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© All works on this blog are works written by and belonging to myself, Aerin (aka maladaptivedaydreamsx aka foreverxdaydreaming). Unlawful redistribution is not allowed without express permission. Copyright under fair use. All works are okay to reblog, unless otherwise specified. Minors do NOT interact with nsfw content (and preferably my blog, as it is 18+ due to the nature of these games/posts).
Translations okay so long as they are reblogged from the original work! :)
© All characters, art, and media depicted belong to their rightful owners, I claim solely my own writing, and potentially some of the edits/headers created for my works. Full credit goes to Cybird, Shall We Date, Voltage, Hoyoverse, so on and so forth.
Any content on this blog and any of my other blogs is NOT okay to be used for the sake of A.I. training, feeding chatbots, or the like.
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perhaps-in-anotherdream · 2 years ago
[Comic] How long does it take for a scar to heal?
Artist: 橘芝士 (ju zhi shi)
Source: ♡ || Permission: ♡ || Sub-masterlist
⌚ Please do not repost ⌚
⊳ Read from right to left.
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[Artist’s Notes]
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starcrossedviolets · 2 years ago
Hi I'm Kay, I'm in my 20s, and even though I love my irl partner very much I still like playing dating sims. Formerly violetcentauries
Mature content tagged #🔥🫀🌹
Current Interest: Obey Me
Otome OCs
Otome games I've played:
Angel or Devil+
Amnesia: Memories
The Arcana
Ikemen Vampire
Midnight Cinderella
Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Mystic Messenger
Obey Me (ID: 13201732, Nightbringer: 2351760699)
Honorable Mentions (aka games that aren't otome but still have dating sim elements):
Helix Waltz
Fire Emblem (Awakening, Fates, & 3 Houses)
My Time At Portia
Stardew Valley
I go through phases with things in general; the first time I pick it up the phase can last anywhere from 2 months to a year before I drift away. Whenever I circle back to it, the return phases tend to last 1-4 months.
I originally made this blog back when I was really into MLQC and even made edits of my OC, Arias, as the MC, however, I've stopped using Arias as my MC for things due to the fact that I'm white & she's not & I decided that maybe I shouldn't do that. (Besides, she has her own original stories that I still work on so it's not like I'm abandoning her).
Oh, also my main blog is @paradoxiii so I like/follow from there.
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cjinjinx · 4 years ago
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Gavin Wallpapers
Like if you save
Reblog if you use
Don’t repost please
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ginkgomoon · 4 years ago
Gavin’s Lament Call [Over-the-Phone Edit]
Contains spoilers for Chapters 18+ Strongly recommended with headphones for the best experience or bring the phone next to your ear during the call section! 🎧 Please join me as I cry.
Gavin stops at your apartment door, lifting his clenched fist close to it.
He hesitates, then brings his phone out to look at the time.
It's not that late yet but still, he questions himself- how come all the lights in your apartment are off?
He frowns, rethinking whether to enter through the window again- that window where he wrote his name on that warm afternoon when the both of you were making Pearly's whistle together.
But as faithful and true to his word Gavin was, he wouldn't go through it to enter the apartment anymore. Unless... it was under dire circumstances.
Gavin doubled-back over to the window, somewhat feeling uneasy from the chilliness of the night which in turn, was like his own wind warning him of something, or rather, feeling a sense of distant grieving.
The darkness was overshadowing the light, like the display of an aftermath of some horrific event that was foreshadowed so early on in which no one could have avoided.
The window was locked, as he presumed. He couldn’t even see the writing of his name.
Gavin sucked in a breath, observing of what he could not see at all, and what he could only see- pitch black. No sign of life in your apartment.
Gavin slowly lowers himself back on the ground after making sure nobody was around to see him use his Evol. Everything was eerily quiet, like the world was at a pause in time.
He thought to himself that it wouldn't be unusual for you to be out buying snacks at a nearby convenience store, nor would you be in the office working over-time be anything out of the ordinary.
So he again takes out his phone to give you a ring. Just to let you know that he's safe, that he's okay, and wants to desperately see you right now. And hold you.
He reaches the favourites on his contact list and presses your name next to his favourite photo of you smiling on his phone.
Gavin would always want to give you a call or at least a message everyday to check in how you were doing, but would be too afraid that he would be disturbing you or your time to yourself. Hopefully right now, he would be able to reach you, and you would reply.
Gavin brings the phone up next to his cheek, envisioning you there with him, and how safe he feels when he was with you.
"Hey, it's me.
(Hello, I'm unable to take your call at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.)
When did your phone turn into an answering machine?
Are you busy?
Hope I'm not disturbing you.
I promised you before that I'd return as soon as possible.
Now I've finished up everything I had to do....
Have you been alright these few days?
If something comes up, be sure to tell me about it.
Oh yeah, I was calling in the first place to warn you, try not to leave for the house for the time being.
Especially don't go near the central quarantine zone.
Although I'm still unclear about the actual circumstances, it seems something incredibly awful has happened.
STF messages say...
They say...
There was a girl that was... killed.
So Eli clammed up... didn't want to tell me the specifics.
I was too slow...
I'm sorry."
The phone in Gavin's hand drops.
His breathing begins to quicken again, with eyes wide and stunned.
Not caring about anything else, he runs back into your apartment building again, almost punching the lift for being so slow.
That was what he was feeling. The horror and shock that hasn't fully sunken itself in his heart for him to fully comprehend- but mostly it was the self-deprecation weighing on his whole body, submerging himself down further into the black hole of guilt and agony.
He promised- he had promised that he would protect you, that he would do anything to keep you safe and away from all evil. You had promised him the same.
Gavin, instead of busting down the door with all his might like he thought he would, crumbles in front of it, holding only the door knob for support so that he doesn't go melting through the floor. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. He just couldn’t.
Another woman in his life, gone.
He crumbles like what you had did to all those walls that he built up. Instead of building that life with you like he thought, the wall preventing him from reaching you was forming itself again and remains, with Gavin was at its mercy.
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asahinamitsuki · 4 years ago
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~☾✩ Season 2 Chapter 10 to 13 [HELIOS] ☽✩~
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nequi-or · 4 years ago
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Happy birthday Zhou Qiluo♡.ᐟ
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