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perhaps-in-anotherdream · 2 years ago
[Comic] How long does it take for a scar to heal?
Artist: 橘芝士 (ju zhi shi)
Source: ♡ || Permission: ♡ || Sub-masterlist
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[Artist’s Notes]
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court-jobi · 6 months ago
Tuning Out, Tuning In
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((banner by me! I don't own Horikoshi's characters or this art))
Pairing: Bakugou x reader (biker!pro hero, some afab pronouns used)
Words: 5.1K
Rating: T+ (language, bc obviously)
Warnings: Pro-Hero Bakugo/Pro-Hero Reader, cursing as a love language, insecurities, arguing, use of hearing aids (not an expert!), light hurt/comfort, she falls first-he falls harder
So he's got context clues down. Smart, but not convincing enough. He's still not hearing you- because he can't.  You check on your Katsuki after an unannounced leave of absence, only to discover the true reason why is the source of a mighty insecurity of his that he's expertly kept you out of the loop of till now. He's defensive and mean- uncharacteristically so, towards you when you find out. It's heart-wrenching when he realizes he's snapped at you, and gutting when you love him through it.
A/N: *Can be read as a follow-up in the 'Backpack Privileges' universe, but not necessarily a series. Just how I envision these babies evolving~
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on AO3
News from the girls at the scheduling counter is  that Dynamight was actually putting in PTO for the first time this calendar year.
Sure he’s worked hard, but when doesn’t he? It wasn't like he expended so much energy from his last rescue call that he was too tired or anything when you’d last seen him… so the time off request surprised you. Katsuki Bakugou never took time off, even when he’s congested to the point of sounding like a wounded seagull and hacking up a lung.
You called to check on him the first day he was out, but it went unanswered; he texted back instead that he was in the middle of eating and asked what you needed. You told him to rest up, and he proceeded to spam you with the same angry animal memes as always. 
At the office, things were at a surprising lull by the end of the week, with Kirishima on your right on the sofa scrolling through some mods Hatsume had for him to review. Meanwhile, you took the rather unprofessional route and scrolled on your phone. Your retort to Kiri’s tutting over the bad habit was that you knew the higher ups were off with Jeanist at some press junket, and you could risk it. Called you a naughty thing, how Bakugou was rubbing off on you. You’re sure even at your hangriest you’re not that prickly. 
An instinct, you try calling Bakugou again, this time on speakerphone. It’s been a whole workweek, after all. It rings twice, then straight to voicemail. You end the call before recording anything, and fuss at the phone in your hand. 
“Ok, Kiri? This is weird.”
“Hm? What is?”
“He’s never answering,” you lock the phone habitually, “-and I mean never. No ‘hi’, no ‘whaddya want’; did he lose his voice or something?”
Kirishima finally breaks focus to look at you, questioning, “Bakubro?”
“Yeah, he hasn’t– not that I’m trying every day or anything, but it’s been almost a week of nothing and-” 
-your phone dings: one new preview of a message from ‘Backpack’ lights your lockscreen, and your frustration ramps up to 60.
“-Then he freakin’ texts– like two seconds later!! What the actual hell is going on with him?!”
Kirishima just snorts.
“Maybe he’s taking a dump~”
“He would not text me on the toilet.”
“All men do it.”
“KIRI.” you swat his foot off the couch that’s laid out towards you, crossing yours while he cackles behind his ipad’s screen.
“Oh cmon, he’s fine! He’s just taking a breather~” Kirishima presses you with an assuring look you’re inclined to buy, because his delivery is just that sweet, “Doesn’t really take time off much anymore, so if he did, he probably needs it. Been doing a lot of those muscle contracts, which pays well! But it’s no joke how much it takes out of you– Kamui wants him, Rocklock wants him-”
You do worry about the workload Bakugou is  under given all the names Kirishima rattles off, but your boy’s assured you it’s all part of his drive. That, and he says Bakugou’s saving up for something important for work, but doesn’t disclose more than that.
You don’t press when Bakugou puts up a wall– knowing full well he tells you things when he’s ready.  Till now, he’s not given an indication that he doesn't distrust you with anything- not even his life. You have each other’s backs, and that’s an honor that you value and reciprocate. Perhaps it’s by that faith in one another that you should grant him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe one of these days under another starry sky from the back of your bike, he may share his whats and hows and whys to that sweet spot behind your ear, disguising his secrets with yet another kiss he saves for when you’re alone.
But this silence is really throwing you a curveball. Katsuki’s voice is just one of the many things you’ve come to adore about him. When you confessed that little thought to him, he turned a soft answer -a promise- that he’d answer when you called, day or night. It’s a gruff, punchy sound when you hear it over coms, or even through your shared helmets; but it’s also rumbling, constant, soothing when you hear it fitted against your ear. 
You never thought you’d even miss Dynamight’s passive aggressive screaming so much– until you don’t have any echo of him in your head at all.
“-or yknow if it’s not his schedule, it’s his body that’s about to quit on him. He’s probably giving his ears a break, if I had to guess!”
“...His ears.”
Kirishima looks up at you again, like his point was obvious, “Yeah. He can’t wear ‘em all the time– they’ve gotta charge, and if he’s sweat them out of their normal place, they pinch-”
Realization forces you to sit up straight, “Katsuki wears hearing aids?”
“Well he has to, with his quirk!” Kirishima tickled himself explaining so, “Kats probably blew out his inner ear in middle school, and it’s only gotten worse the harder he’s trained. He got fitted for new ones sometime last winter which he says are more comfortable than the last ones, but I dunno-” Kirishima cracked his neck in a roll, “I think he keeps' em in too long; and they drive him batty after a while.”
You didn’t like the sound of that. 
Down at your phone, you read the text message fully:
Backpack: Knee deep in dishes. What’s up pretty girl.
You decide to answer,
//Waiting on a call for a pickup, just keeping the couch warm~  Up for a call real quick?
‘Backpack’ takes a minute this time. You reason maybe he’s using speech to text given the perfect grammar.
Backpack: Can’t right now.
// Podcast instead? ((eyes emoji))
Backpack: Pass.
//Kiri misses you… ((sad eyes))
Backpack: No he fucking doesn’t. 
Backpack: Throw him a bone or try some fetch, he’ll be fine.
You don’t even laugh at the image with how much he’s deflecting talking to you. Laying back, your concern must be palpable because Kiri nudges you with his foot, and you stare at its buckles; anything from looking at his face.
“He never turns down food.”
“What d’you mean.”
“I mean, he’ll need to eat~” Kirishima’s never ending support coats his words. “-and I’d be shocked if he’d  turn his Darling DoorDasher down.”
You snorted, “Hush, you.”
Kirishima knew full well about you two- he’s not blind. He knows about dates one, two, well- every date, whether from Bakubro's lips or your own. But while it doesn’t feel new and raw… it feels tender and personal, what you share with your hero off the field– and you don’t want the bubble to burst between you and Katsuki. Not just yet.
-which is why, despite your firm concern deep in your gut reminding you of your plans throughout your shift,  you are nervous for your first time going to his apartment, unannounced. 
You knock four times, then back away to the near side of the door so it doesn’t hit you when it opens. A lull of ‘nothing’ hung in the air.. 
You reconsidered,  suspicion making you  bite your cheek: what if he can’t hear you?
You knock four more times, a bit louder. You’re cringing as you come back to your lean. Shuffling, you do indeed look like a food delivery service- an insistent-looking one, to the couple passing by on the ground floor who look up at you and likely wonder why you don’t just call this a ‘contactless delivery’ and jog on.. 
“Cmon, Kats…” you bemoan before steeling your nerves. You try just three more times, channeling your inner ‘Dynamight’ yourself and banging at a level that would take it off its hinges before cringing away to your waiting spot. 
Bakugou’s neighbor pops his head out of the door opposite you this time– nailing you with a reproachful look. Apologies mouthed, you smile demurely as the sound of a very aware Bakugou approaches now.
The neighbor -perhaps wisely- shuts his door as he hears the door about to be unlocked. The way his eyebrows fly up, you infer that he does little to ever cross his hotheaded neighbor.
He's gorgeous, still. Pissy and caught off his guard, and donned headphones around his neck. But Bakugou double-takes to you with a frozen mouth, watching you push off the siding seemingly unaffected by his outburst and smiling casually.
His jaw flexes, but he forces his snarl away. Clearly conflicted at your presence, he pinched his brow.
"Said you were workin’ today. What’re you doing."
"I was in the neighborhood. Brought you a bowl~" you bribed the man's heart with the top way you knew how: a white and red ‘thank you’-covered baggie with the jackpot inside..
He likes kamameshi so he doesn’t hafta chew a ton. If his ear n’ jaw are tired, the softer the better. You can't go wrong with a nice bowl o’comfort…  Not like it’d last long with that guy’s appetite on a good day, anyways! Hah!
Hardly one to refuse you (just as Kirishima lovingly predicted), Bakugou stepped aside to let you in, granting you a gentle stroke on your back as you passed him..
Inside, you trade giving him the bag with his offering of your choice in houseshoes. On the far side of the room, the TV is on, including a scroll of subtitles. You look about and the place is spotless- he wasn’t lying about the rage cleaning.
"In the neighborhood, huh?" Bakugou called to you, dishing out the box of takeout while watching you get settled in.
You already said so, but made sure to face him as you speak- eyes all on you. You think that making a sweet delivery is reason enough for your presence here,
"Yeah~ the office drew a short straw on the menu this week, so I’ve been eating out more~ still don’t know how you can mess up potatoes, but sure enough, Feefee’s found a way~" you smile, coming up to his side with a little lilt in your step.
-but Bakugou just drones back,
"Overdue on our lunches, aren’t we sweets. We'll go do something this weekend."
Oh boy. You’re really bad off. A diss at the agency kitchen staff would never go unnoticed by the resident lunch snob, you think to yourself. You may not have lightning fast quips like Kaminari, but c'mon, that was a little funny…
Any other time that Bakugou would willingly suggest a date would thrill you. Maybe he’s even aware that he’s been avoiding you, and is trying to make up for it by suggesting a couple places offhand. But knowing the real reason behind the aversion, it doesn’t warm you the way it always does. 
His answer was typical and wasn't really related to what you asked at all, so you watch him take some bites and try again.
You trailed over to his dining kitchenette, taking a seat before him, tone lovely and appropriate for the distance between you. 
“You should have seen Kiri’s attempt to make my coffee order. Almost put a pump of salmon oil in instead of simple syrup! But hey, that just means job security for you, yeah? You’re so much better at it.”
You make eyes at the tv behind you as you speak- a test. 
He catches your intentional look, but he twists in his seat to glance. Then, focuses back on you and not making a mess of his dish, “Yeah, you can change it if you want.”
So he's got context clues down. Smart, but not convincing enough. Still not hearing. 
You try once more, sass tinting your voice as if you were teasing him privately.
"We adopted a purple hippo as an office pet~"
"Mhm," Bakugou picked up on the attitude, pausing and coming to your side with a bit of a swagger he hopes looks natural, "Sure been a crazy week. Missed a lot. We’ll get back to normal soon, yeah? Cmon, let's go watch somethin’."
Your hands fall to your thighs in a resigned slap. Sighing, you look to him desperately, urging him with more enunciation. 
"This is bad, Katsuki."
"What's so bad." Bakugou reads your lips and deflects.
You tap your ear with a sympathetic look.
– his demeanor changes. Horribly.
Bakugou steps away in almost disbelief, edgy and firm: a rolling boil starts to simmer behind his eyes. Turning aside, he huffs. Guilty. 
He turns tail to the kitchen, cursing under his breath to ‘give him a second.’ Bakugou pushes his stacks of cleaned dishes aside, making a clash of noise even you flinch at. It’s evident the sound doesn’t phase him. 
"No, you don't have to put them-"
"I can't fucking HEAR YOU, woman; give me a DAMN SECOND!!"
Coming around the island after him, you see he’s trying to get at the charging dock on the backside of his butcher block.
Watching him fiddle with just his right ear, he turns back and faces you prickly as ever, with arms crossed and barely attempting to rein in his anger.
You are sure now you've struck a nerve if he's acting like this around you. You tread carefully,
"I'm not here to just yap your head off, or commandeer your days off. I… was just concerned."
"About what? I'm fine."
"It's been five days,” you stress gently, “you didn't think I would think it’s weird if you didn’t answer once?"
"I answered you back every time," Bakugou raised his voice a tick, "Every text– never left you on read, cuz I know that feels shitty!"
"I know you did," you give him credit, "But it's– different when we talk, and you know that difference. It's just that you always call back. It just hasn’t felt normal -for you- is all. And I didn’t know there was going to be a reason like this that’s why."
"Well it's not like I could hear the phone ring anyway, so fuck me for that. How the hell’d you find out anyway."
"...I didn't know until Kirishima said something. I was telling him I-"
"Of course it fucking was,” Bakugou huffed again, “Well, it's none of his business, it’s not his problem, and he should kept his DAMN mouth shut."
To trash Kirishima like this -hotheaded and bitter- definitely feels more like an attack than he'd ever mean on a good day. Kiri is his best friend, and clearly close enough to have been there at the first fitting and have a picture perfect memory of it because it mattered so much to his buddy to be there for him. To not let it define him.
You can't pretend to know how sensitive of a subject this is, based on how confident Bakugou is with everything in life: even the litany of scars he wears outlining his hero work aren't off limits to discussion. But his answers come armed with cached ammo and heat.
You certainly don't think yourself entitled to everything about him, but you see now that he clearly hadn’t planned to tell you about his wearing hearing aids, or at least hadn’t intended for you find out this way… so someone had to take the brunt of his ire. You think to be grateful he doesn’t appear ready to snap at you, but you feel so much on the outside, it hurts to watch him sizzle. 
You try to take the pressure off the leak of the news, "Where's this coming from, hon?"
Bakugou grunts, looking back to you with a raised brow. 
You gestured between you just to talk with your hands a little, "Where  is  this  coming-"
"HELL IF I KNOW!” Bakugou shouts back, “It just IS. I just wanted- it-- Look, just fuckin’ drop it, ok? I will. be back. tomorrow. And everything’ll be like it was before you knew a damn thing, ALRIGHT??"
He's defensive and mean now; the pitch he never aimed at you before now entered the ring.
This was a line you were damned sure not to let any man cross.
"Ok, we're gonna try that again,” you spoke plain as day.
"Try WHAT again??"
"Discussing, not fighting." You stood firm at his counter. You will not be taking up a screaming match under any circumstances, and have to make that clear. "Coming up with an answer -together- because that's what we do when our backs are up against the wall... Not bite the hand that's trying to help. ‘Hit the problem, not the player’."
The words resonate with Bakugou, having been the one who shot that reminder to you not a week ago from his own mouth, and everything in that face full of fire wants to rear back– 
"-and before you say ANYTHING else... You will. not. talk to me like that."
You hear the hero’s palms sizzle, and see by the look of hatred he glares at them with that he clearly hates the feel. 
Bakugou lets out a growl then goes silent, obeying. He takes a little pace around, finally settling at the tall, bar-height stool, rubs his palms compulsively at his thighs as a reset, and pulls at his head until it lays dejected in those explosive hands propped up on his knees.
Your invitation to stand by him opens when he lifts his head and scowls behind tented fingers. Kindly, you make sure to stand closer to his right to give him the best chance of catching your words.
"Y'know I'm the last one who's ever gonna give you a hard time for this, don’t you?"
Bakugou doesn't answer, but you know he's listening.
"It's hard for me to take time off work too, I don't do it as much as I should. I know it's hard to leave work at work, and you did that on your own, in order to take care of yourself. You know your limits and that’s keeping you alive. That was really wise."
You see a little bob of the head by the slight jostle of his hair.
What bothers you here and now isn’t just selfish thoughts of ‘why didn’t he tell me’, but ‘why didn’t he tell anyone’? It’s clear by what you’ve learned that next to no one knows of his condition. That small aspect of this gives you a little comfort, but opens up a bigger dose of worry. Hearing impairment might be perceived by a bystander as a defect or weakness, but for the old friends and medical experts who surely surround him, you’d feel confident in Bakugou’s care to know he’d surely not think of himself that way. 
Surely not… surely not?
“But the thing is, if it's coming down to you hurting and needing help- or just, getting time away if that's what you really want, I can totally get that. But  between you and I? We've gotta figure out how you really feel about this, because it’s eating at you. Affects everything you do at some point, right? Can't have you working yourself to the bone here, overworking your senses out there, feeling like you can’t speak for days on end, setting things off, either. Even accidentally."
You swipe along his shoulder and arm sweetly, just for a little connection.
“I… I really do care about you, Katsuki. I don't want you to feel you have to manage it all on your own.  I want to be someone you can have in your back pocket for help- even with something like this.”
A ‘ride or die’ offer if there ever was one.
Bakugou looks in the direction of your hand. The smooth, unscarred hand you sport is so different from his own. Proof of the softness he lost a long time ago, his sunken eyes tell you. He blinks, and it’s a pensive, sad sight. 
The hoarseness in that proud voice fell hollow.
To anyone else, it may sound apathetic and half-assed, but Bakugou held so much ‘punch’ in his daily speech that you realized this apology featured the even breath of emotion. Restraint. His control. His gentleness.
“You can't help how your body works, Kats. You don't have to apologize for what's happening naturally. This is... just a side effect, unfortunately.”
“T’snot that,” he said limply.
A second attempt to finish for him, you try again studying the takeout boxes left open. “I.. get you not telling me, too. It’s not my business either.”
Bakugou shakes his head, with a dismissive jerk of the head altogether. Instead he lifts up, miserably.
"I don't talk to you that way."
Through a brief silent showdown, you accept his apology. As rough as he is even with his own mother, Bakugou has framed a different ring for you two to dance in, and harshness doesn’t belong in it.
"You don’t,” the agreement is established, “that's how I knew something's out of whack. Plus, I mean.. if you can’t pick up background noise, it must be hard trying to match volume in a space, right?"
Bakugou’s hoarseness fails him, falling to which air, "That's a shit poor excuse. You were right. I know the difference." 
Meekly reaching for hip, the man sniffles: pulling you the rest of the way between his bent legs. 
You step in and he crumbles into your core, strong hands encircling your hips. 
"I'm sorry," he swears.
"It's ok..."
Bakugou squeezes you in, "It's not. Ok. You should have slapped me for that shit.”
“I’m not doing that, either,” you get weary hearing how the guys rough each other up. You’re certainly not applying the same tactics to him of all people.
“Well, it’s inexcusable. I respect you more than to do that. Know better.”
"I forgive you, then."
"You shouldn't, so easily.”
Chin jutted on his still-bowed head, your answer comes simply but openly:
"...That's commonly called love, Katsuki. I love you. That’s what I do."
He's silent and frozen. The only sign of life is that he is -in fact- breathing still.
You said these, the magic words, in record time for anyone you've held affection for... and you didn't care. You loved Katsuki. Loved all of him. Even the prickly bits that threatened to square up at you like  a bull. 
Friendship was an surprisingly easy test for you two.
Partnership, battle-proven in the public sphere. 
But this is the final straw that you’ve been keeping safe and special. Telling Katsuki you loved him would push things to a deeper level than you felt the term ‘boyfriend’ afforded you both at thirty years old. In loving him, and no one else, you just wanted to call him ‘yours’ already and be done with searching for the One.
Since he doesn’t speak, you busy yourself elsewhere. He may not answer nearly as quickly as you given how on-the-spot he mulls in currently… but he hasn’t let go of you, which is a good sign. Good enough for you.
Your mind veers a bit in the quiet. You think to yourself about what feels nicest when you've had your helmet on too long; athletes deal with it, racers deal with it.. Anyone who wears a support item with internal padding giving cushion around the head is bound to force unnatural pressure on every angle for the sake of protection. 
On you, this tension lies just behind the ears. 
To soothe it, you’d usually draw a sun: a half circle design, zigzagging up and down with your fingertips, creating lines of relief along the tender sides of your head. It's to help the blood flow, and the scratches crackle nicely to the ear canal. Acts as white noise to the senses which is often a welcome change to the low thrum of a headache or grating road noise.
So with careful fingers, a mind set on comfort and a heartful of soft love for this man, you draw twin suns deep within Katsuki's hair.
…within seconds, he wept.
Bakugou softly cries and he holds you close. He turns in his seat, pulling you to fit even tighter between his knees with no gap of room between you.
When he can regulate his breaths down to calm blows from his lips, he shares more what's on his mind, down the space between you.
"...that feels really good."
"I hoped so~. So your head bothers you too, after a while. Having them in all the time?"
He turns his head finally to rest on one side, the functionally deaf side leaning into your chest... listening out for a heartbeat it seems.
“N’it’s all inside, so it’s hard to touch it unless I pump myself full of horsepills… makes m’stomach hurt."
From head to toe, he’s being honest about what this means for him. "The thing that’s meant to help, hurts? I’m sorry, hon."
He's still swallowing back his emotions, so you don't press for what he wants to say when it's clear he's focused on getting good rhythm back.
"My arm gets numb sometimes, too."
You're surprised at this, as more pieces fit together you didn’t know were necessarily missing, "-Yeah?"
"It's somethin' in the tendons. Can fight fine, but small moves are weird. I can't pick up a fucking piece of paper right. N'holding my phone hurts some days."
With a kiss to his hair, you see the teed-up ‘in’ to make him laugh,
"Well, who're you gonna be texting anyway, now that I won't be blowing up your phone?"
He tuffs. Joking aside, you hugged you close. “Gotta to back to that dumbass doctor, don't I."
"They can check your nerve endings with a scan. See if there's a reason for it."
Bakugou accepts this and continues his baring of his heart. He mentions old pains, some new ones, even some random details about which oscillating fans he likes on or off because of how warm he runs. Some of it relates to his work, some not, but you take it all in. Each little snippet he offers up reminds you of penguin pebbling. 
Satisfaction rang through you with the news that caused the biggest physical response in him: he confessed after all that he hadn’t wanted to ignore you at all, and it shows.
His hands massage at you– never getting enough.
“V’missed your voice too,” Bakugou’s voice finally seeps back in- that low, growly rumble of the chest you wanted to play on loop, “But I know I needed that break. I wanted 'em out, just for a little while. Even if I didn’t want to miss the good that comes from keepin’ em in.”
“That’s fine to want. Anytime you need.”
Bakugou turns exploratory with his hand. With the one not locked around your waist keeping you to him, he gives long scritches across your back, up front to hold your side- rooting him. 
“N’for the record, not everyone knows. It’s probably in a record somewhere, so it’s not really been taboo or anything. No one’s ever banned me from fighting; not yet at least. It’s not a secret. But… s’been so long, I’ve… never had to explain them to anyone. Sure as shit don't tell the public.”
Tender fingers seek out the soft inner side of your wrist, just a small touch.
“But you…I didn’t know how to open that up. Seems like a random ass thing to drop on you.”
You understand, and think it sweet that he at least had contemplated telling you at some point– but now, you could only look to his future and knew this would only help you moving forward.
"Nothing’s random if it’s important to you. So head scratches are a yes. Fast food is a yes, keeps you out of the stores. Anything else I should keep in mind to help?"
Bakugou thinks, but just holds onto you with a little nuzzle, "Not now. Yer doin’ it."
Happy and soft, you smile, "Okey~"
After a minute, he's matched your breathing, and you only move when he lifts his head to chin up at you from his spot. You smile expectantly seeing him less harsh around the edges and looking at you on the softer side of pitiful. Like he's looking to you for the solution-- neck bared and showing a rare vulnerability.
"You're my hero, Kats," you dote on him. Hands through his hair, scritching at the base, "y'know that right?"
"Damn right."
"And you aren't anywhere near throwing in the towel over this."
His smirk returned, "Damn right."
Bakugou’s neck received more soothing treatment again– making his eyes flutter, 
"Because my Lord Explosion has way too many baddies left to murder before he allows anyone get to his getaway driver, right?"
Finally showing signs of his spark back, Bakugou growls his pleasure. 
"Y'talking about murder does things to a man, baby."
"Thought it might... I mean every word though. You take such good care of me, Kats. Let me do the same for you sometimes, ok?"
"... Yeah alright," he finally caves easily with tepid palms smoothing over the back of your thighs. Still keeping you close, forehead falling to rest against you, you feel finally content that your presence has helped him. 
All your one-sided concerns now settled, you feel glad that your update to Kirishima later will share that Bakugou’s okay– and will likely add in a fair heads-up that he might still be pissy with him come Monday.
After some cursory scratches across his shoulders, you remember to hold out a hand by his eye level. Bakugou hums when he notices it, and raises his hand to hold yours-- only for you to dodge it, and keep it open.
Let me have it, silly.
After checking ‘what on earth you were getting at’, he tilts to see your fingers open again. The blond head of hair at your chest sighs, decides, then takes the lone hearing aid out and returns it into your open palm. With careful depositing, you set it on the counter behind you with the note-to-self to put it back with its mate– and return your hands to yours.
Bakugou centered himself by breathing you in. Once he had you snug in his arms again, he pressed a firm kiss through your shirt, hoping you felt everything he couldn’t say behind a tight throat. 
You thought it silly, but with him resting fairly tame right on your chest, you thought you'd try a little enrichment for him:
That stupid song from the pop-up takeaway truck was still stuck in your head, so you started humming it to him. 
With how high you stood above him doling out scritches to his temple, you missed how his eyes opened for a flash in recognition of today’s current brainrot love ballad; but you didn't miss how he pressed in closer to you and really listened.
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fan-goddess · 2 years ago
Helloooo love! I'm a fan lurking in the dark with a request idea for Aemond x Reader. Would love to see your take on Aemond trying to win Reader back (his wife) after she found out about Alys. Maybe this happens after the "Dance" , Aemond survives and they have to deal with the aftermath of Alys. Reader loved him with everything she had so she feels betrayed and turns cold to him and maybe because of Alys, something also happened to her (idk lost pregnancy perhaps but PLEASE exclude this if you don't feel comfortable writing it). Basically take everything you find interesting from this request and work your magic - I trust you like no other!!! Thank you I send you all the love there is - you are very very talented and please know there are many like me that think you are truly brilliant, I know it!!! :*:*
Authors Note: Oh my god thank you this is so freakin sweet! 🥺 I’m happy to take the request and spin my take on this, hope you enjoy it! :)
Also, some of the stuff Is made up like the time between Daemons death and end of the war. I don’t know it so I made it up. If you don’t like it take it up with my dms
Word count: 2.6K
Warnings: Cheating, miscarriage though it’s not explicit, she’s kinda depressed? Not sure how to describe it,
Taglist: @blue-serendipity
The Sequels: The Depressive one, The happy One
If Aemond ever regretting not killing anyone throughout the war he technically started, most would’ve immediately assumed that he wished he never killed his nephew. Though they were wrong. Yes, Lucerys’ death became one of the many causes of the war and in turn deaths of so many people, but his death didn’t result in the loss of you and your child.
Alys’ death could’ve though.
When he first met Alys, he had been nearly immediately enraptured and enamoured by had. She was quite different to you. While you had always been headstrong and never afraid to tell Aemond what he needed to do or to be, Alys had been more docile and had no issue in telling Aemond all the things he wanted to hear.
He regretted the first time he laid with Alys in his bed. Though that regret went away the more time he spent with her and the more times he laid with her. He begun to think of possibly taking after Aegon the conqueror, thinking he’d have both you and Alys by his side when Aegon most likely drank himself to death.
That fantasy was soon ruined when he got that letter.
Dear Aemond,
Do you think of me as a fool? I know about that fucking woman Aemond. I know about Alys. I don’t know why you have decided to betray our marriage and honestly, I don’t think care I can bring myself to think about it nor care anymore. This letter was originally going to be happy. A letter letting you know what we prayed near everyday from the seven had finally come true and been answered. I was with child. Our child made purely of what I had thought was love. Though that changed when I was informed of what you had done. I mourned for what we could’ve had. I cried and refused to believe it at first, though soon I came to my senses. Yet it was too late. Our child is dead Aemond. I woke up a few days ago to heavy blood staining our bedsheets. The child was barely two months according to the maester. I wish for you to know it is your fault Aemond. I do not wish to ever see you again. I wish to never hear from you so if you attempt to reconcile or send a letter I will pay for our child’s blood with your own. You have dug your grave Aemond. Don’t try and dig it deeper. If you are to die in battle, I hope it is painful. I hope you suffer like I have.
From, your wife
From your former wife
Aemond had felt his heart plummet to the floor when he read that letter. He could not stop the tears that fell to the floor and stained the letter he still was holding. The ink blotting and staining the page so much the words were becoming near illegible.
He attempted to head into battle with the faint hope that you’d forgive him if he killed his uncle. Though even he knew deep down that no amount of deaths could fix anything. Yet even still he tried. He defeated Daemon, with blood of which Targaryen man he did not know staining and pooling on his ripped armour.
Aemond came home where he was met with his mother and brother, who both congratulated him on his victory. Though even with their congrats he could see the disgust that lingered in his mothers gaze as she looked at him. It made his shame all that more prominent.
He would’ve gone to see you, but Aegon stopped him before he could, claiming he was holding a feast in his name for the defeat of Daemon. He tried to look for you in the amount of people that came, yet he couldn’t. And he didn’t dare ask his mother if you would be coming in fear of her glare and disappointment.
That night he wonders something. Maybe it would’ve been better if he did die by the hand of his uncle? Then it would’ve saved him from all this torture. Though he can’t say he didn’t deserve it. Aemond can only wallow in his drinks that he keeps being given and his own sorrow.
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Aemond was back home. The words the maids said echoed in your head. He’s here, and no doubt going to attempt to reconcile. If there was one thing you ever learnt about your husband, was that he never quit at anything he started.
You already made bets with yourself on how he’d attempt to do it.
Maybe he’ll try flowers? No that’s too much of a common move for Aemond to pull… Maybe he’ll bring you some jewellery? No that’d make him feel like he was buying for your forgiveness. Like he was buying something for a mistress. Well… he’s been there and done that…
There is always the chance Aemond will not even attempt to reconcile. Hopefully becoming too overcome by the grief and pain of the loss of his and your child that he’d respect your wishes after reading your own pain on paper. The maids still look at you worriedly, especially when they find you sitting near the window. You know why they worry, you mourned Helaena and Jahaerys and you know you will not become like her.
Aegon was also the one who told you about Alys, and when you lost your child and screamed for the whole of the castle to hear, it was Aegon who ran to you to mourn with you and hold you while you cried for a life you may have been able to have. He held you in the way a brother would hold a sister. He even cried with you and helped clean you of the blood. Oh the blood…
It’s been a few long months, but the war between the greens and the blacks is finally over. Aegon is celebrating by holding a massive banquet and all the lord and ladies who supported him are invited. Even though Aemond knows it will not happen, he secretly hopes you will come to celebrate.
Though as he keeps sneaking glances at the door all night he eventually comes to term with the fact you’re not coming. He can only swallow more bitter wine and ignore the fact he’s drinking it like a fish in water now.
He’s attempted to reconcile from a distance ever since the incident but everything he has sent to your chambers has come back in shreds. The flowers from the garden you loved to look after, heads torn from their stems and cut into a thousand pieces. The books he sent on your favourite topic, you had more restraint on them and simply chucked them from your window onto unsuspecting bystanders bellow.
Aegon told him delightfully how after he delivered the books to you, they were seen immediately thrown from the window and one had supposedly managed to hit one knight straight on the head, effectively knocking him out cold.
Though if anything those small acts of defiance made Aemond wish to reunite and return to you even more. It reminded him just why he fell in love with you in the first place. Your wit and your wisdom made him fall head over heals for you, literally.
He had tripped in front of you and some other ladies of the court due to the load of books he was carrying. He had not yet gotten used to the visual impairments the loss of his eye provided and did not see the thrown goblet in his path. Aemond had effectively turned scarlet when the ladies began to mockingly giggle at him, it nearly made his heart beat straight from his chest when he saw you come to his help. “You need to get some help with those. It’s not that bad to ask for help you know? Means you aren’t a stubborn twat.” You grin.
He wished he could go back to those days. They were simpler. They held no knowledge of the war they would face. It held no knowledge of the bastard from Harrenhal.
Aemond had not tried to reunite with you in person. He knew you’d most definitely follow through with your threat and spill his blood. It’s why he attempted to send you items instead through the maids. Though it’s very obvious those weren’t working either. That’s when he got the idea to write you letters. There was easily a chance that you would burn them or tear them the moment you saw the writing. Yet even then Aemond knew he had to try…
“Princess. I have another item sent from the prince for you.” One of the maids said as she carefully approached your bed. The sun had already hit its peak that day, though you could not bring yourself to get out of bed. The only time you could bring yourself too was either with the help of your maids, or when Aemond sent a supposed gift to you which you’d immediately destroy.
“What is it this time?” You sigh. “Is it something that I am supposed to eat? Because if it is i’d like it if you took to the servants quarters and give it to them and not-“
“It’s not food related my princess. It’s a letter.” When you look towards the maid you can see the sad expression clear on her face. This maid has brought you many of Aemonds attempts at reconciliation.
“What is your name?” It does not give you any sort of pleasure when the maid looks shocked at the fact a princess is asking for the name of a maid. “Its not a trick question I want to know your name.”
“Klarisa my princess. My name is Klarissa.”
“Klarisa do you think I should read the letter my bastard of a husband as written to me?” You look carefully at Klarisas face, the decision of your lifetime hanging in a mere maids hands.
“To be honest with you my lady…” Klarisa takes a deep breath and puts on a sympathetic face. You appreciate that she wishes to give you honesty, though that sympathetic face makes you want to punch her. “What the prince did was inexcusable after the way the two of you acted before… her. You got to have a husband who loves you and cared for you, that itself is much more than most of the women who are forced into a marriage can hope for. The prince is trying to make up for it and is also respective your boundaries. Not many could say that they got to have a husband who did even one of those things. So yes my princess, I believe you should read the letter.” You take a deep breathe and loosen your hands, which seemed to have clenched so tightly your nails all but pierce into your palms.
“Give me the letter then leave. If you see the prince, do not tell him that you for once got me to think about even looking at his weak apologies. Just put your head down, and walk away. Do you understand Klarisa?”
“Yes my princess.” Klarisa moves swiftly to the doors to your chambers, opening it and moving forward, only to stop for a moment and turn on her heels towards to. “I hope you get what it is you seek my princess. For your own sake.” She turns back to the door and closes it behind her, leaving you alone with the letter in your hand which already feels like it’s burning you. Yet you prevail, and slowly open the letter to read it.
Dear ñuha jorrāelagon,
I will not waste my breath in attempting to gain your forgiveness. I know better than anyone that when you stick your mind to something you keep it that way. Though what I will say is the truth, which I know will hurt you and anger you more than anything but i know it’s what you wish to hear.
Alys was a woman I believed to be falling in love with. She was something what I believed I needed in my life. A woman to be docile and to whisper all the things I needed to hear in my ear. Though after your letter, it became my wake up. I cut off all contact with Alys after realising how much I hurt you. I regret that woman everyday I have not been with you. You are the only woman I need to be with. I love that you are not docile and will not take any man’s shit (as you so clearly and often tended to put it). I love that you challenge me and encourage the debates we so often hold. I love you Rhaella, more than any woman before in my life. I’m sorry it took another woman and the life of our child for me to realise it. I understand wholeheartedly if you wish to never speak to me again. But I hope with this letter, if you ever do decide to read this, which after all my other attempts seem unlikely, you at least know that there will not be a single day that I do not wish that I did not kill that woman when I killed all the other strongs. You are my life. My world. And I hope you know that.
From, Aemond Targaryen
You’ve never felt like you wanted to cry this much since you lost your sweet baby. You can feel the tears leaking down your face the entire time you read Aemonds words. Some of your tears drip onto the page, leaving some of the words to blur together into illegible blobs of black ink.
You feel the urge to destroy the letter. The same urge and desire you felt when you got into contact with all of Aemonds other gifts. Though you resist this time, and instead of destroying the letter, you smooth it out and place it delicately under the mass amounts of pillows that seem to always near take over your bed. That night, for the first night of the many you’d stayed in your room during your isolation period, you slept the whole night in your bed with no nightmares to wake you screaming.
When Aemond was standing in the corridor in the shadows and hadn’t picked up on any whispers from the maids passing him of any destruction or damage coming from your chambers, he assumed you must have kept the letter.
He does not hold though any hope that you read it. For all he knows you’ve simply just ignored it or ripped it and used it to keep your fire alight.
When he is waiting for the maid to come out of your room though, he could not help but feel hopeful when the maid takes longer than usual to come out of your room. “Well?” He asks as he steps from the shadows when the maid eventually comes out and nearly passes him. He does not dare to actually ask whether or not you took it. Even though he so selfishly wish to help hold her down and demand for
It surprises him and angers him when the maid looks at him and yet does not acknowledge him. What did you tell her? What does she know?
Aemond grabs the arm of the maid as she attempts to pass him without any real acknowledgment. “Your prince asked you a question.” He growls. He nearly felt sympathy for the woman when she looked at him with fear in her eyes. But he is not Aegon. He can control his desires towards the maids.
“The princess asked that I not speak to you. Please let go of my arm, my prince…” The maid half begs. Aemond lets go of her arm reluctantly after a moment of thinking. Why would you tell the maid to not talk to him? Maybe you really read the letter and do not wish to appear weak to him? Though only if you knew that you could never be weak in his eyes, his strong independent wife.
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khunyuki · 8 months ago
"I am not going to fall in love, Yuu. Not until we find a way home"
<Observing Deuce>
Sypnosis: You made up your mind not to fall in love the moment you arrived at Twisted Wonderland with your bestfriend, Yuu. With plenty of responsibilities on your shoulders in both worlds, do you even have time for romance? At least that's what you thought... Until a certain someone's actions caught your gaze.
Oneshot Pairing/s: Deuce Spade x reader
Notes: Deuce is one of my favorites so I'll make him first <3 I'll try to make Y/N as gender neutral as possible
Masterlist: TOC
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To be a magicless student at an all-boy's school like Night Raven College, you must never ever let your guard down. Letting your guard down means exposing yourself to danger. Danger could be something as simple as tripping over a rock or something as extreme as getting involved in overblots left and right. You blame your bestfriend and your monster cat for that. With how careful you were being, they contribute with their recklessness and ability to get themselves involved in trouble tenfold. Truly, you wouldn't do anything to compromise your safety on purpose.
You weren't the luckiest person in the world but your luck becomes non-existent when in the presence of those two. You don't mind though, they spice up your otherwise boring life. Besides, you love those two to death and would do anything for them. Still, you don't appreciate the misfortunes befalling upon you whenever you guys are together.
A prime example of that misfortune would be this situation you are currently in right now. You were just exiting the library with a stack of books in your arms when you heard your name being called.
Just hearing the voice is enough for you to know who the owner is and you lift your head up to see Yuu waving at you as they headed towards your direction. You waited for them to arrive before greeting back.
"Hey, Yuu, what's up? Kinda rare for you to be alone at this time"
"Grim's at detention with Ace and i'm on my way to Monstro Lounge cuz Azul apparently wanted to talk to me about something"
"You better not go signing contracts involving us without my permission. Otherwise, i'll go and grill you and that freakin' octopus alive"
With eyes as sharp as knives, you glared at your bestfriend who just laughed sheepishly. Both of you knew that your threat will very much come true if Yuu ever as signs another suspicious contract with Azul again. And that if your hands weren't occupied at the moment, you will definitely come with them there.
"I won't, I won't! I promise! But what's that stack of books all about?"
"For tonight's study session. It covers everything related to our homework so we could finish quickly and enjoy the rest of the sleepover"
"Can't I just copy yours?"
Seeing Yuu deflate at the mention of homework made you laugh a bit. Who doesn't hate homework? Certainly not you, you just preferred to get it out of the way fast so you no longer have anything to think about. Yuu proceeded to say their goodbye and left which reminded you that you're still in front of the library doors.
Just as you were about to take your leave as well, the library doors opened which caused the person leaving to knock into you causing you to fall along with the books you were holding. Without even bothering to help nor offering an apology, the person who bumped into you left with a huff. With your delayed response, the bastard already got away before you got your hands on them.
"Y/N! That bastard I-"
The blue haired male with a distinct spade on his face immediately knelt down where you were currently sitting on the ground as soon as he got to you. He gently put his hands on your face as he inspected you closely for injuries.
"Are you okay?"
With a soft voice, in contrast to the delinquent-like voice he let out earlier, he asked if you were alright. His piercing eyes looking straight to yours combined with his hands on your face made you physically unable to move, leaving you no choice but to stare straight back at him.
"Yeah, i'm okay. What are you doing here?"
As soon as he heard the word 'okay' he instantly let you go as he breathe out a sigh of relief. Maybe he didn't notice how close your faces were to each other earlier since he was now picking up the books you dropped. You thought nothing of it, just a normal interaction between friends, that was until you saw the red dusted on his ears.
"I- I met Yuu around the corner and they said you were here so I rushed then I saw that bastard bumping into you without apologizing. Woah this is heavy, were you planning on carrying this all by yourself?"
Seeing him get up made you realize that you were still on the ground and you didn't help him pick up the books you dropped so you immediately got up and dusted yourself. The both of your started walking to Ramshackle dorm after you finished.
"Yeah, it's for our study session later"
"This is quite... a lot. But it's nothing for an honor student like me"
Seeing him gulp and somewhat deflate like Yuu did earlier then suddenly declare that he is an honor student made you laugh. You weren't laughing at him being an honor student but rather his expression, it was kinda cute. Maybe what you saw earlier was just a fluke, your mind must've been playing tricks on you. There's no way Deuce Spade would blush because of you... right?
On the way back to your dorm, you engaged in a conversation with Duece like you always did. He didn't give you back the books insisting he could carry them all which left you with nothing to hold. That's why you chose this time to observe him closely, his expressions and how he acts around you.
Looking back, you never got to closely observe Deuce ever since you got here. You were busy adjusting after arriving and staying alive from the first overblot incident that you forgot. Ace and Deuce who helped you and has been your friends since then had gained your trust so you didn't see any point in doing so. Were you wrong in doing so?
Ace was annoying and would often get on your nerves so you spent more time learning about him than Deuce who had been nothing but kind to you. You've observed almost everyone you frequently interacted with so you could say with certainty.
Amongst everyone, Deuce was the only person you never bothered learning about deeply. Why exactly was that? And why was it that you were only realizing this now?
Maybe it's time to finally learn about Deuce Spade.
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Introducing Deuce Spade
Deuce Spade is one of the first few people you trust the most, having been your first friend in Twisted Wonderland along with Ace. Being in the same class has proven wonders in your relationship as you keep seeing each other and hanging out thus deepening your bond. The life and death situations you encounter together made you closer so you now see him as a person you can rely on no matter what.
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Your Relationship
As a friend, Deuce Spade is someone you can always rely on as he has proven himself dependable every single time. He is kind and polite, quite a gentleman when it comes to you. You can see with the way he is always looking out for you that you are important to him. After finding out about your non-existent physical capabilities, he brings it upon himself to protect you from harm and away from danger. He will always make sure you are okay, taking your emotions into account.
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After you got home from Styx Headquarters, Deuce's protectiveness seems to have gotten worse which caused you to see things you haven't before. You are now suspecting that he is somehow interested in you.
Listed below are the things he does to catch your eyes:
Deuce would carry your things for you no matter how light or heavy it is
The starting point of this observation diary is when you saw him blush after he helped you pick your books from the ground. Even before that happened, Deuce has always been helping you in carrying things. Be it your bag, your groceries, or even Ramshackle's couch. You remember how he would constantly ask you if you need help first before taking your things but as time goes by, it became so natural you didn't notice it anymore. Looking back, it seems weird how when he's around you'll just pass him what you're carrying and he'd gladly accept it.
Deuce will always choose you first. Be it talking or confiding secrets
You are reminding yourself that the two of you are just friends. It is normal for friends to tell each other stuffs and keep it as your secrets. If are with other people, Deuce will greet you first then the others, after that he focuses his attention on you. If he has good news, he will tell you immediately. If he has bad news, he will hesitate but eventually relent. It was because he made you his emotional support that you felt compelled to do the same. That's why you'll tell him about things first even before Yuu or Grim know.
Deuce is always fun to talk to and provides great comfort to you. He's a great emotional support and would ask if you're alright. You'd often find yourself staying up late just texting each other dumb stuffs. You're that close to the point that you're even talking to his mom and you also get along well! It is because of Deuce that even if you have problem, you wouldn't be heavy-hearted cause he's always by your side to make you feel better.
While you feel annoyed by it at times, you didn't mind because it's Deuce. He has a way with you that if he asks or tell you something, you'd listen intently. If it was any other guy like Ace, you'd definitely bite his head off. Maybe it's because unlike other people who demands you to do things, he will ask you first for permission.
Deuce will always protect you
You remember that time in the mines, he noticed you were running slower than them so he grabbed your arm so you wouldn't get left behind. That's when it started. You admit that your physical capabilities are low so you let him be if it will save you from the hassle or danger. During overblots, Ace and Deuce are always with you guys and Deuce will remain by your side to protect you. He would hold your wrist so he can drag you away anytime or pull you behind him, he would cover your body with his if necessary.
That's why when you're involved in trouble, he would always go to your first so he could protect you and drag you away if necessary. At school, there are thugs that like to pick up fights whenever they can. Sometimes, you'd get caught up in them which is something you hated. If you're lucky, a passing student will be someone you know so they can provide help but if you're unlucky, you just have to rely on dirty tricks. Deuce couldn't always be there but he would drop everything and run so fast just to get to you in that very instance.
If you're hurt, he'd beat up the bastard who did that to you. Even if it means breaking his promise to his mother, he will do it to protect you. So you will always stop him before he could which will make him grateful to you but regrets he couldn't protect you. His past doesn't scare you nor is his reaction to those who pick fights with him. It's because you trust that he will never bring you harm.
Deuce is a extremely reliable and a gentleman
His reliablity is the main reason he got your trust in the first place. After arriving in Twisted Wonderland, he's one of the first few who treated you with kindness and offered his help. He's proven it to you in multiple occasions so you know that you can always count on him. Not only does he come to your aid when you ask, he'd even offer it first and perform well. If he couldn't then it's fine cause he'd worry more than you anyways which will make you feel like it's nothing to worry about at all. That's why even if he isn't the person fit for the job, you'd still choose him in the end.
This was something you also unknowingly got used to whenever you're together. Deuce will always open the door for you and let you in first. He will offer to carry your things no matter how light or heavy it may be. He'd ask for your permission first before doing things. He'd let you sit first or place a towel for you to sit on. The list goes long for the things he does for you in his acts of service. He may not be a gentleman like Riddle, he tries still hard to do so.
Deuce always partners up with you
This may seem silly but you became partners in Alchemy because he keeps asking you to from the start. You didn't like it at first because Deuce isn't that bright but he isn't as reckless like Grim or Ace which makes him ideal. As time goes by, you also always choose to partner up with him first and not Yuu. You find him comfortable and fun to be around, even if you're studying together and you have to teach him. Most of your time is spent together with him as you hang out even without your other friends.
Deuce is really cute
You can definitely say that Deuce is handsome after looking at his face. His looks cannot be compared to others like Vil, Epel, Malleus, Lilia, Silver, or Leona but he's definitely above average. His face is pretty but that isn't what you like about him.
You like how clumsy he is at times like when he was talking to the plants in the botanical garden. Or when he unknowingly leans close to you and you lean back then he would be startled and apologize when he realizes. All of his reactions are cute yet genuine.
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After you started to observe Deuce in earnest, you notice how he actually does like you in that kind of way. The things he does with you are things he doesn't do with others. Normally you do not like this kind of development, going as far as to avoid it but... It seems you have developed feelings for him as well while watching him closely. Scratch that, it seems that you've always liked him back and have only realized it now. It is always the little things that move you and that is what Deuce is about.
Your priority is to find a way back home however your heart seems to insist that you wanted something more with him.
Whatever shall you do?
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It was just a spur of the moment as you were still deciding on what you should do. An unbirthday party at Heartslabyul just ended so Deuce is walking you back to Ramshackle. You would've gone with Yuu and Grim but you had to talk to Trey about something first and before you knew it, it was getting late. Trey asked Deuce to chaperone you back as he knows the two of you are close friends. But you can see it in his eyes that he's rooting for Deuce.
"Hey Deuce, do you like me?"
You asked Deuce as you admire the Rose Garden of Heartslabyul. You felt him stop in his tracks which made you stop as you stare at him going red.
"Umm... That's... Yes"
Maybe he thinks you were trying to reject him that he was almost crying in shame after being so flustered and admitting it.
"I like you too"
You gave him a smile. It wasn't wide with joy nor sad with sorrow. It was a normal smile that you always show to him. Something that he's used to and greatly comforts him. It wasn't just your words that makes Deuce's heart beat so fast, it was your smile that shows the ease of it as if you liking him was the most normal thing in the world.
"Wanna go out together?"
You weren't planning on confessing but you certainly weren't gonna reject when he nodded his head. His disbelief and shock wasn't gonna stop you since you could see how happy he is when you held his hand in yours intertwined.
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eringobragh420 · 6 months ago
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♣️ Pairing — Seth Rollins ♥︎ f!OC ♣️ Summary — Seth believes he's doing the right thing. (Part 1/?) ♣️ Word Count — 3.1k 🛑 Warnings — Attempted suicide, depression, infidelity, eventual smut 18+ ♣️ Notes — Not sure if there's an audience for this one lol if so, let me know! There will be eventual fluff and smut. ♣️ Taglist — If you'd like to be added, please click here! ♣️ MASTERLIST ❤️ Song is "Reputation (Just To Save Yours)" by Post Malone
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He looked at the black suitcase in the corner of the hotel room, his cross-body fanny pack sitting atop the clothes inside. His heart pounded as he thought about what was waiting for him inside the zipper. It was time. If he thought about it hard enough, it was past time. He should have made this decision long, long ago. A clatter in the bathroom drew his somber brown eyes to that door for a brief moment—his fiancée, his everything, his reason. His gaze slid back to the bag. He didn’t know exactly how she would react, though he knew she would be upset. He only hoped she would understand in the end—he was doing it for her. He was finally putting her before himself.
take my own life just to save yours drink it all down just to throw it up take my own life just to save yours
He glanced down at the phone in his hand, having forgotten momentarily he was holding it all, and there, staring him right in the face, was the ultimate nail in his coffin. A breathy chuckle escaped his lips at his own dark humor. TMZ had posted on their Instagram two nights ago another article depicting him as a cheater, this time with a woman he hadn’t told his fiancée about. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t true, or that he didn’t know the woman, or that his fiancée claimed it didn’t bother her because she had finally learned to trust him after all the other times. It mattered that these articles would never go away, made up relationships or rendezvous would never cease to be written about, and his fiancée would be forced to face them, deal with them, and question her faith in him every time a new one was published. And it was his fault. He expected and agreed to be punished for the rest of his life for his transgressions, but not her—she didn’t deserve it, and he wouldn’t allow it any longer. Surely they wouldn’t continue to run these kinds of stories if he were—
“Are you okay?”
Seth Rollins snapped out of his stupor and looked at her, his beautiful fiancée, as she exited the bathroom. Her scent billowed into the room, and Seth’s eyes fell closed as the brief memory of buying her the Versace perfume flashed through his mind. She’d fallen in love with it, not so subtly hinting at a fresh bottle for her birthday every year since. Her honey-colored hair was curled to perfection, makeup a masterpiece, and her outfit on point. She was going to nail the interview, he knew it. His timing was bad, he knew that, too, but it was now or never. Everything was in order. He hadn’t expected the interview to be rescheduled. 
take my own life just to save yours i got a reputation that i can’t deny you’re the superstar, entertain us
He smiled at her as she crossed the room, extending his arms to envelope her within. One last time. His eyes fell closed once more because now that he was holding her, how was he supposed to let her go? She felt so good against him, so right, so pure. And he’d been nothing but cruel and deceiving and a user. He didn’t deserve her. Nobody deserved her, really, but certainly not Seth Freakin’ Cheater Rollins. He smelled her hair for the last time, inhaling deeply, hoping her scent lodged itself into his nostrils so he could smell it while he’s… He felt her breath on his neck, her small hands squeezing his much larger back. He didn’t know where he was headed in the next few hours, and he didn’t much care, but he kept faith he would one day hold her like this again. After, though. After he paid for his transgressions. If he ever fully did.
entertain us but please don’t wake me up i betrayed us but us don’t give a fuck
“This is stupid,” she said, pulling away suddenly. Seth held on, which was unusual, and she noticed. However reluctant, he let his hands slide away from her warm body. “I’m not gonna get this job. We both know it.”
“Bullshit,” Seth replied, swatting his hand. “There’s no one better for the job.”
He wasn’t just saying that. Her ideas, so far, had been brilliant and well-received by the WWE Universe—the couple choosing to ignore the mass sympathy the fans had for a woman who had been repeatedly cheated on and humiliated by one of the most popular superstars. Whether they liked the direction the storylines were taking or simply felt sorry for her, she had won an interview with Triple H himself for a job opening in Creative. She no longer wanted to be on the show—she wanted to write for it. She was a talented performer, that was for sure, but she would be even more deadly with a keyboard.
“Seth,” she said, looking up at him from nearly a foot away in height.
“I mean it,” he said. “Please don’t second-guess yourself. This is what you’re supposed to be doing. I know it.”
“But what if—”
“What if you don’t get the job? You go back to wrestling and try again next time and if it doesn’t work, you keep wrestling, which you love, and then you retire. What if you do get the job? You live the rest of your life doing what you love and then you retire.” He left himself out of the picture on purpose. “It’s a win-win situation.”
After a moment, her expression relaxed, her eyes softened, and she smiled. God, he would miss that smile. “How do you always know what to say?”
kill myself today kill it all away broken path i made please just stay away
Seth swallowed, a small smile flickering across his thin lips. He did always know what to say—especially when it came to convincing her to stay with him after another night of fucking someone other than her. “I also know,” he started, ignoring the self-loathing thoughts constantly fluttering around in his battered brain, “that Trips hates it when people are late for meetings.”
She glanced at her Apple watch and her eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Oh, God,” she whined pathetically.
“Calm down,” Seth chuckled. “Deep breaths. Shoulders back. Chin up.” She followed each order without question, her body ramrod straight as if presenting herself to her commanding officer. “You’re gonna kill it.” He instantly regretted his poor choice of words, but she had no idea why they were in such bad taste, and his heart ached. It would be just like him to humiliate her one last time before putting her through what might prove to be one of the most difficult events of her life. It’s for the best, he kept telling himself. She would hurt for a while, but it would go away and she would find someone else and she would forget about him.
“I love you,” she said softly.
The Visionary inhaled as deeply as his lungs would allow to keep the tears from pooling in his eyes, to keep from grabbing her and squeezing her and never letting go, to keep from confessing his true intentions once she left the hotel room. He looked into her eyes for the last time, held her hands, fingered the enormous diamond ring he’d purchased in the hope that he could buy her forgiveness for one transgression or another. Christ, he really didn’t think it would be this hard to say goodbye without saying goodbye. He knew what he was doing was the right answer, so why didn’t that make this any easier?
i know i fucked up before, but i won’t do it again and i got a lotta things that i wish i would’ve said and i’m the same damn fool when i’m wearing that hat again i know i fucked up, and i can’t make it right
“I love you, too,” he replied after clearing his throat, which he played off as having dry mouth.
He tried to stop it, but she pressed her lips to his, and his eyes squeezed shut and his body somehow froze and melted all at the same time. He cradled her face, thumbs caressing her silken skin, and he realized too late that he should have memorized every peak and slope of her lips because she was pulling away too suddenly, and he was leaving very soon. She giggled, and his heart fluttered, stomach rolling. She quickly reached up with her thumb to wipe away her lipstick from his mouth before grabbing her purse, blowing another kiss at him, and then she was gone. And he was alone.
watch yourself, i can’t slow down this is who i am, can’t be anyone else, so don’t let me go, save yourself just save yourself, just save yourself 
Seth grabbed the small bag from his suitcase and tossed it on his side of the bed. He filled two plastic cups to the brim with water from the tap and set them on the end table. He clapped his hands to maintain focus—adrenaline was zooming through his veins and his heart was slamming against his rib cage and he could feel the tiny doubts in the back of his mind chiseling away at the wall he’d built to block them out. He unzipped the fanny pack, pulled two pill bottles out, and placed them beside the cups of water. At the time he was prescribed these antidepressants, he’d assured the doctor he hadn’t been suicidal. He hoped Dr … WhateverTheHell didn’t blame himself for not seeing any signs. Especially since Seth had been laying his happiness on fairly thickly for those around him as of late to avoid suspicion. So far, so good. Staring at the full bottles, he pulled his blonde and brown hair into a high bun so he would be able to lie comfortably on his back on the bed. His mahogany eyes closed, and he saw her in a beautiful, flowing wedding dress, walking toward him on a deserted beach in Hawaii where she’d told him she’d always wanted to get married. She wouldn’t be headed toward him when she got married, and Seth believed she would be better off because of it. Smiling at how happy she looked, the former Shield member opened his eyes and felt a wave of calm crash over him. It would all be okay. He started toward the pills when he heard the lock click on the hotel room door.
“Sorry!” she exclaimed, rushing into the room, bringing with her that pretty perfume and positive, albeit anxious, energy. “I don’t know where the hell I think I’m going without my keys.” She crossed the room, snatched the keys from the table not two feet from where Seth stood, and he knew she could hear his heart clobbering his chest or his uneven breathing, or she would see the sweat forming at his hairline. Fuck, if she realized what she walked in on … 
“Just to the parking lot,” he automatically replied, and his eyes snapped shut for a quick second, in complete disbelief he’d allowed himself to speak at all when he knew his voice would crack like it just did, quiver slightly as he drowned in the accumulating adrenaline. But if he hadn’t spoken, she’d have been suspicious. This was the biggest lose-lose situation of his life.
“Hilarious,” she said, standing on the ball of one foot to lift herself so she could kiss his cheek, which she again wiped free of her lipstick. She was going to have to reapply at this rate. Seth’s smile was small and quick and he dared not meet her gaze. “Love you.” As she headed back toward the door, she glanced in the direction of the nightstand, toward the pills and the cups of water, and Seth worried he was about to pass out. But she continued on, disappearing behind the door, and Seth collapsed, one hand on the mattress, the other clutching his stomach. 
i was born to raise hell i was born to take pills i was born to chase mills i was born to cave in i was born to fuck hoes i was born to fuck up i was born … what a shame
When the nausea passed, The Architect started toward the pills again. He froze mid-step, waiting for her to come back, and after nearly a minute of waiting, he took a seat on the bed beside the table. He opened both bottles with trembling hands, set the caps down, and he folded his hands in his lap. After several deep breaths, he poured five or six white pills into the palm of his hand, launched them into his mouth, and swallowed a few gulps of water. Less than twenty seconds. He could do this. He wanted to get them all down, both bottles, before he lost consciousness, to be sure he got the job done. He could do this.
take my own life just to save yours drink it all down just to throw it up take my own life just to save yours take my own life just to save yours i got a reputation that i can’t deny you’re the superstar, entertain us
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She unlocked the black SUV and climbed behind the wheel. She tossed her purse onto the passenger seat and checked her makeup and hair one last time as she inserted the stupid key into the ignition. She was going to be so late—Hunter probably wouldn’t even open the door for her at this point, and she wouldn’t blame him. Her hands fell into her lap, her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath. She could do this. Seth had been so supportive throughout her journey from superstar to writer, and while she could easily let herself down, she simply could not disappoint her fiancé. Grabbing the steering wheel once more with one hand, she maneuvered out of the hotel’s parking lot, and onto the busy roadway.
This was going to be her year, she decided. With a job in Creative on the horizon, she would also be getting married in the near future. The thought brought a smile to her face. She hadn’t yet told Seth, but she’d already been wedding dress shopping a few times. She went alone, told no one, and disguised herself as best she could while shopping so her secrecy wouldn’t get back to her fiancé. Of course, several days after trying on wedding dresses, a routine doctor appointment informed her of the child growing inside of her, a baby belonging to herself and Seth Rollins. A decidedly unplanned pregnancy, she’d been more than excited to find out anyway, and she imagined an incredulous, yet thrilled smile gracing Seth’s thick beard once she shared the news with him. They hadn’t really had the conversation about whether or not they wanted children, but with Seth having turned over a new leaf, she just knew he would handle this life-changing event better now than he would have last year. He would be shocked, of course, but happy nonetheless.
Violet was so proud of Seth. Everything he’d overcome, his relearning how to be in and sustain a healthy relationship, and especially the mental help he’d sought all on his own. He was seeing a therapist, and his psychiatrist had prescribed antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication, which he was taking regularly without a single complaint. He’d given her opportunities and plenty of reasons to leave him, but her love for him outweighed the anger and resentment. Neither of them could ever forget all the cheating, the lies, or the public opinions dumped on them in the wake of each transgression. But they could move on, and that’s what Violet intended to do.
She smiled, random memories floating through her mind as she came to a stop at a red light, just before the white line. Seth had been so attentive to her while being compliant with his medication and doctor appointments, surprising them both. He held her hand more, pressed whisker kisses to her cheek, and even slapped her ass while they were grocery shopping. Most importantly, he spent his nights at home. He’d had his pills at the ready when she’d left him a little bit ago, causing Violet to again swell with pride. 
Her eyebrow twitched.
As the moment became clearer in her mind, she recalled both bottles of antidepressants had been on the bedside table. Both bottles. Why did he need both bottles? 
Her head tilted.
Next to both bottles of antidepressants had been two full plastic hotel cups of water. Of course he used water to swallow the pill—just one pill; the other bottle had been entrusted to him due to his traveling and the possibility of misplacing one—but he didn't need two fucking overflowing cups.
She shook her head, a brief, uncomfortable smile splitting her lips because what she was thinking was outrageous. Not possible. Seth wouldn’t do that to her. 
He’d been nervous when she’d gone back for her keys. Her eyes snapped shut, only to open at twice their normal size, and she saw—playing right in front of her unblinking, unseeing eyes—Seth glance at the table with the pills and water. He’d looked right at them, and she had looked right at them. 
Tears welling in her eyes, she upended her purse, dumping the entire contents onto the passenger seat. Swiping things to the floor, she snatched her phone and, with trembling hands, managed to place a call to her fiancé. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. Four …
“Hey, it’s Seth. Leave me a message. I’ll get back to ya.”
Violet ended the call. She sniffed, salty rivers winding down her cheeks, leaving pale trails in their wake, washing away her perfect makeup. She pressed send once more, listening to the ringing, and she tugged at her lips with quivering fingers. Seth’s voice-mail answered again at the very moment the traffic light turned green. She tossed the phone in the general direction of her purse as she hit the gas, turning the wheel hard to the left so she could make a U turn.
She saw the truck as she was turning, but by the time her desperate brain registered the danger, her foot wasn’t fast enough to react before the blue cab of the semi slammed into the front of her SUV. The sounds made by crunching metal and breaking glass and the squealing of the truck’s many tires were the loudest she’d ever heard. Her body bounced against every surface, head meeting the driver’s side window and producing a crack of its own, and her light blinked out.
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ezrasxfics · 19 days ago
some theatrebunny angst perhaps? maybe gangle feeling as if nobody really cares much about her and jax has to convince her otherwise? :3
(also hi ezra hope your days goin good)
you gotta be kidding me, you have plenty of people who care.
gangle pov
just.. another day. another day of looking at those fake smiles, hearing those forced words of reassurance. i know that none of them actually like me, so why do they have to keep pretending like they do? i mean, i’d hate for them to hate me, but i also hate them having to lie to keep me happy. i don’t want to be a burden.
at least one person doesn’t have to lie.
i glance over at jax, who’s messing with ragatha, as usual. he messes with all of us. it must be lonely, living like he does, but at least people don’t lie and pretend to like him. i can’t deny i’m a little jealous sometimes - he can just.. get people’s true colours out, in a way. it’s actually really interesting to watch.
he catches my eye, and starts to head over here, causing a small panic to set in me. i like being a spectator, not a victim.. is that cruel? i mean, im a cruel person, so why am i questioning that?
“hey, crybaby, how the hell’re you so down with that freakin’ happy mask of yours on?” he questions, and despite the wording, there’s not even a hint of malice behind his tone, just curiosity. surely there’s an ulterior motive, how would someone like him ever be.. well, not nice, but bearable??
“i guess.. i’m just tired of feeling like a- a burden-“ i stammer, looking up at him with wide, worried eyes. “everyone’s always so nice to me.. and i think they feel forced to-“
“bullsh*t,” he interrupts bluntly, making me flinch. “what reason to those guys have to hate you? you’re a decent person. you’ve not really done anything wrong, have ya?”
“i mean.. no, but-“
“yeah, no. it’s a one word answer, babe, and you’ve just finished it. you said no. so, you’ve done nothing wrong, they have no reason t’ hate ya. no ifs or buts, got it?” he interrupts again, eyebrows furrowed in sheer confidence in what he’s saying. but.. why is he being so kind? is he trying to lie like everyone else-? no. what would he have to gain from lying to me.? he’s not gonna risk his whole reputation just for a joke, right?? but, he could-? NO!! no, gangle, for once you need to take things at face value. he’s being nice. accept it and move on. let yourself enjoy the moment, it might be the only time this ever happens.
“yeah.. thank you, jax. i appreciate it— i’m sorry for bothering you-“
“you apologise way too much. it’s kinda pathetic-“ he jokes, but i can see the lightheartedness in it, and actually find myself laughing along.
why am i feeling like this? i’m supposed to hate him.. he’s caused me nothing but suffering since i got here, and yet, here i am, finally getting along with him? hoping things will change, and maybe we’ll be friends..? or more..? okay, maybe i’m being a little delusional on that part.. but i love the enemies to lovers trope, maybe a little too much..! i’m projecting again..
oh well, i guess a girl can dream.
and you know what they say, make your dreams come true.
hey!! i’m actually doing pretty good, thanks for checking in!! i hope you’re good too, and thanks for the request!!
reblogs appreciated!!
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danikamariewrites · 1 year ago
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Vampire!Eris x reader
Summary: Eris Vanserra, King of vampires in Prythian, and his bride-to-be celebrate her decision to truly spend forever together. @erisweek2023
A/n: I give you king vampire Eris and his very devoted queen! Eris week has been so much fun, I’ve loved reading everyone’s fics/hc/posts/blurbs, edits, and art! This fandom is so freakin talented and I’m so happy to be on here with you guys❤️ I decided to add links to pictures from Pinterest that I pictured while writing this so don’t forget to click on those besties
Warnings: blood, drinking blood, murder, and I wanna say suggestive
Walking through the garden the skirts of my night black gown dragged over the gravel, my hand outstretched to graze over the soft leaves of the maze of rose bushes I'm following. Reaching the center of the garden I take in the vivid colors of the flowers in the sun.
Closing my eyes I lift my head to take in the comforting embrace of the sun one last time. Tonight is my Turning Ceremony. When Eris proposed last month he gave me the choice of joining him for true eternity as a Vampire, or staying as just Fae until I faded into the After World.
I didn’t think Eris would be able to handle my passing after only a thousand years together. And I couldn’t let my love be heartbroken forever.
Deciding to take a reprieve from the sun I head further into the garden where the roses reside. The white roses are my favorite. Along with the white marble and stone gazebo Eris had built for me when I first moved to the castle.
He took me in when my village kicked me out after accusing me of my fathers murder. I wanted to go somewhere that no one would follow. There had been rumors about the castle on the edge of the dark wood. People were terrified of the place, not even looking in its direction if they could help it. But not me. I had come up with my own stories about the dark castle as a girl. So that’s where I went.
Mine and Eris’s relationship took time. But it was well worth the wait. The King shows me nothing but love and kindness.
I stop and smell the roses. They look so lovely, reflecting the sun's bright rays. I suppose the next time I see them they will look more gray. I have no problem giving up the day time. I was always more of a night owl anyways. My parents constantly struggled to get me to go to sleep at a proper time.
Sitting, I close my eyes again and listen to the creatures of the day. I smile to myself at the buzz of the bees, the rabbits rushing through the brush, and the birds calling to each other. Letting my unbound hair rest behind my shoulders, letting the warm breeze wash over me. Days feel busy but peaceful. It’ll be nice to sit out here at night with Eris. In a quieter peace.
A male behind me clears his throat, one of the Fae day servants. I turn to look at the male over my shoulder with a small smile, “Francis, how are you?” He returns your smile, “Well my lady. And you? Your big evening is coming up.”
“Excited. I just want it to go well. For Eris’s sake.” Francis nods in agreement. “Speaking of the King, he requests your presence in his study.” I stand and let Francis lead me back through the garden and through the iron gate back to the castle grounds.
When we reach the doors to Eris’s study Francis stands to the side, letting me take it from here. Knocking on the door I hear Eris’s gruff voice tell me to come in. He must be concentrating on something.
I gently swing the door open and close it quickly. The grand chandelier and candles are the only light source in the room. I notice Eris has the heavy, dark velvet curtains pulled tight against the windows, not wanting to let a sliver of daylight in.
Eris’s study is one of my favorite rooms in the whole castle. It just feels so…him. He has items from things he is interested in scattered amongst the shelves, maps from ages ago, books that look like they would turn to dust if you held them.
The sofas were quite comfortable as well. When I first started getting to know Eris, and was comfortable being around him alone, we spent many nights here just talking. Enjoying a drink or two until one of us would call it a night. Or a day in his case. Mine soon.
I step up the raised platform where his desk sits and stand next to him, laying a gentle hand on his shoulder. Eris perks up and smiles at me. He takes my hand from its resting place and places soft kisses all over the back of it. “My sweet, how are you feeling today?”
“Happy, my love.” Eris’s smile widens at my words. He was overjoyed when I told him I would turn for him. I don’t think I had seen that much emotion from him. Eris hadn’t stopped showing me that joy.
Eris pushed his chair back, patting one of his muscular thighs for me to sit on. I drape my arms around his shoulders and sit, resting my head on his chest. “Are you nervous at all?” I adjust my neck to look up at him and start to play with the ends of his long auburn hair that’s tied back today. “A little. I just want everything to be perfect is all.”
Eris hums. “It will be my sweet. I will be there with you every step of the way.” Eris brings his hand to cup the back of my neck. His thumb brushed over the small puncture scars from his fangs when he marked me as his. I shiver at the touch.
“Thank you, Eris.” He kisses the top of my head and stands, placing me on the ground as well.
Cupping my face with both hands he stares deeply into my eyes. “I love you so much, y/n. I don’t say this enough, but you have made me the happiest male in the whole world. And I’m so happy it is you who will be by my side forever.”
I feel tears prick at my eyes as Eris rests his forehead against mine. “Oh Eris, you make me so happy too.” I rise up on my toes and connect my lips to his in a short but passionate kiss. It pained me to pull apart from him but I must get ready for tonight. The party will start immediately after sundown and the other lords are already on their way.
“I have to go, my love. I’ll see you later.” Eris gives me one last parting kiss after walking me to the doors. As I walk down the hall towards my chambers I wring my hands to get out my nerves. Tonight would be perfect. And everything will be fine.
Ophelia finished pinning my hair up in a soft, romantic bun with a few strands of hair left loose in my face. When she moved away I turned to check my dress one last time. Staring straight at my reflection I smooth down my red silky dress.
“It’s time my lady.” Ophelia said in a sing-song voice. She holds my door open for me and I float out into the hall.
As I get closer to the ballroom the chattering of our guests gets louder and louder. I stop behind the closed double doors and wait to announced.
I take one last deep breath before putting a stoic look on my face. To show that I’m ready and willing to take this next step.
Eris’s lead advisor announces my arrival and the doors open. Revealing the crowd parted down the middle of the room. Eris’s throne has been moved in here for the occasion. He sits at the end of the makeshift aisle. A long blood-red carpet separating us.
He looks otherworldly in his white suit. The gold embellishments glinting in the candle light that surrounds him. Eris smiles at me, beckoning me forward. Giving me a look that says, you don’t need to worry my sweet it’s just you and me.
I take a step, then another and another. Remembering to pace myself. To not look too eager or too hesitant.
I finally reach Eris with a stupid grin plastered on my face. All stoicism melting away. Before I could kneel at his feet and expose my neck to him he stood.
There were scattered murmurs among the crowd. I couldn’t be bothered to worry about what anyone was saying. Not when Eris is holding my chin between his fingers and looking at me like I’m the only person in the room. “Remember,” he whispers, “I’m here every step of the way.”
I give him a small smile and nod. “Ready?” “Ready.”
Eris turns me to the crowd. As he gives his speech about this being the first Turning Ceremony in two hundred years and he’s glad to give the lords and his subjects to celebrate, I look around the room. I take in the vampire lords for the first time. They’re all so different. I’ll have to ask Eris more about the different courts if I’m to be his queen soon.
As Eris finishes his speech and my attention is brought back to him. He leans down to whisper in my ear. “You smell divine, my sweet. Sinking my fangs into you this evening will be even better than before.” Eris noses down my neck, taking in my scent.
He stops right at my puncture scar and licks. I start getting impatient and push my neck subtly at his mouth. He lets out a breathy chuckle that tickles my skin. “Someone’s eager.” You tsk at him. “Close your eyes and breathe.”
I do as he says in anticipation of the feeling of his fangs sinking into me. After a few more seconds that euphoric pain spreads through me. The intimate scene taking place in front of everyone causing my cheeks to have a pink tint. I bite my lip to hold my moans back.
Eris sucks and sucks and I feel something else. This pain is different than when Eris usually feeds on me. This was the venom Eris prepared me for. It was excruciating. My skin feels tight and clammy. My brain going fuzzy. I feel my canines expand and become sharper.
Eris releases me, wiping at the blood still trickling from my neck.
I can already feel the venom affecting me. Changing my needs and instincts. My mouth feels dry and my tongue heavy. Like a lump of sand I can’t swallow in the middle of my mouth. The mingling of different scents overwhelms me.
Before I know it Eris is sitting me on his throne and snapping at two guards off to the side of the room.
They bring in a Fae female dressed in simple dark robes and force her to her knees at my feet. She looks up at me, closes her eyes, and tilts her neck for me. She must be one of the many Children of the Blessed who sacrifice themselves for these rare rituals.
“For you, my sweet.” Eris says, his voice echoing around the still silent room. I can practically hear everyone holding their breath in anticipation. “Drain her and complete your Turning.” Eris backs away to stand with the court Lords.
I don’t need to be told twice. I grab the female on both sides of her face. I yank her towards me with my new found strength and lean down to sniff her neck. Just like Eris did to me. Her blood is the best thing I’ve smelt in my whole life. Better than any dessert or meal. Better than my favorite white roses.
Without a second thought I bite down into her supple skin and drink like I’m new to the world. The nameless female I drink from occasionally screams from the pain I’m inflicting on her. In the haze of my feeding I’m sure I tried to tell her to be quiet.
Once I feel her go limp I don’t stop. I can’t stop. Not until she’s dry. Not until I’m satisfied.
I can taste the last of her blood coming up. It reminds me of the last of the liquid left in a teapot. I detach myself from her, letting her body fall to the floor. Blood dribbles down my chin and onto my exposed chest. Looking up I search for Eris.
Eris was staring at me with piercing, wild eyes. The corners of his pale lips upturned in a wicked grin. He was looking at me like he had never seen something so beautiful. The sight of me covered in blood, committing myself even further to him brought him joy.
I started to wipe the female's blood from my chin, smearing it on my hands. Eris was before me in an instant. His pale slender hand wrapped around my wrist bringing my hand to his mouth to lick. To taste what my first drink tasted like.
A low growl came from his chest as his eyes closed. I fell forward, still a little weak from the venom and feeding for the first time. My bloody hands leave marks on his crisp white jacket.
Cheers erupt around us. Our guests ecstatic to have a new vampire in their midst. I smile up at my stunning fiancé. The love of my life. My King. I feel like I’m seeing him in a whole new light. Like he’s brighter, more clear.
My smile shows off my fangs and the blood coating my teeth. “Hi.” I whisper at him. The party was in full swing now. Our guests back to chatting and enjoying the music.
“Hello, my sweet.” Eris thumbs at the sharpness of one of my fangs. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” His voice smooth and deep.
“Shall we join the party?” He shakes his head a little, “Not yet. I want to admire you like this for a bit longer.”
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nuatthebeach · 1 year ago
I’ve noticed in your posts you always mention Harry’s endgame is Ginny or no one, but you’ve never mention it the other way around? I’ve always thought those two loved each other equally and they were each other’s endgames in every universe. Do you believe Ginny doesn’t love Harry as much as he loves her? Or that his love isn’t enough for her? I don’t think anyone could love, support, or make Ginny Weasley as happy as Harry Potter could, and I don’t think any man or women could make her feel the way Harry could, and vice versa.
hahah, i do do that a lot, don't i
the following is my opinion, and my opinion only:
to your point, yes, i totally 100% believe that ginny loves harry as much as he loves her. to be explicit, in canon, it is harry or no one for ginny. they have just gone through hell and back for each other that, personally, i just do not see them even considering being with anybody else after the war. the series ended in a way that implied that harry's main priority was going to be centered around building something with ginny, and judging by the fact that ginny never said she was going to wait for him, there's no canon evidence to suggest that she didn't wait in her 6th year (though, obviously, there were more pressing matters at the time.)
to me, it was always inevitable that they would fall back together. they would, of course, have many problems to deal with (harry's communication issues, ginny's fresh grief, harry coming to terms with ginny's very dark circumstances, ginny's sense of self-preservation, amongst so many other things that i think @whinlatter's Beasts does a phenomenal job of tackling, and i can't wait to read more. (those dang eggcups goddamnit 😭.)
now why do i talk more about harry loving ginny than vice versa? frankly because fandom seems adamant on proving just the opposite. and i absolutely refuse to give an inch about it. at risk of pissing everyone off, i'm also more likely to read ginny/other, if not for any other reason than to spite the haters. plus, ginny's love life is so interesting; if you think about it, she really "dated" all tropes of men: the toxic guy (tom riddle, if you count intimacy as not just romantic), the "nice guy" (michael corner), and the guy who's just generally a great person but not the one for ginny (dean thomas). how could you not want to read about it? and it's so beautiful, thinking that after all of that, she finds her way back to harry.
and...(tw) harsh truth alert... 🚨
honestly? truthfully? there just is more canonical evidence of harry caring about ginny. (again, this does NOT mean that i'm saying that harry loves ginny more than ginny loves harry.)
why? because unlike ginny, we can actually see inside harry's head. we know for a fact he thinks of her as his greatest source of comfort from book six. we know for a fact he thinks of her like family since book seven. we know for a fact that she is his last thought before he freakin' dies. we do NOT know for fact that ginny thinks these things because we cannot see inside her head. while ginny's feelings for harry are an interpretation (a heavily evidence-based one for sure, duh, i'd be stupid not to think that), harry's feelings for ginny are just...reality.
it's like arguing evolution vs gravity. one is a theory, and the other is legitimately a law.
though you'll still have people argue that neither are true, and...well. welcome to the harry potter fandom.
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those70scomics · 5 months ago
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Fictober Day 9: "don't listen to me, listen to them"
That '70s Show Fanfiction
Hyde paced W.B.'s office at Grooves's headquarters. Angie was present, as was Jackie. She'd taken time off from her busy-as-hell schedule for this meeting.
"It's a dumb idea," he said. "I shouldn't have even brought it up."
"It's not dumb, and I'm happy that you told us about it." W.B. grasped Hyde's arm, stopping him near W.B.'s desk. "You're turning twenty-nine in less than two months. You're engaged. You should want more."
Angie's facial expression showed that she'd been waiting for this day. "I dreamt of running a record store since I was a kid. Then of running all of Grooves someday, and now I'm the company's senior VP of operations. You're allowed to pursue your dreams, too."
"I've already got more than I ever freakin' dreamed." Hyde glanced back at Jackie, who'd remained silent so far. "It ain't fair to to risk it all."
"You don't think creating Grooves was a risk?" W.B. said. I was married to Angie's mother, who was pregnant with Angie. We needed the security of a regular paycheck, but her mom wanted me to be happy. And my risk eventually paid off more than anybody could've imagined."
Hyde gestured in defeat. "I can't imagine this workin'."
Jackie stepped toward him and touched his hand. "Neither can I."
"But don't listen to me. Listen to them."
Hyde stared at her. "Who the hell are you, and what've you done with my chick."
"Steven." She jostled his hand. "I'm redesigning my whole spring collection. I can't imagine that working either, but I'm doing it anyway. This time next year on October ninth, 1990, you'll have put out your first record on your own label."
"A sub label of Grooves Records, of course," Angie said with a smirk.
Hyde bowed his head and hunched his shoulders. "That's nepotism."
"That's expanding the family business." W.B. patted Hyde's back. "I'm not taking an opportunity away from anyone else. You've earned this. The demos you've played me, you have the ear, son."
Hyde sat in the closest chair. His legs were shaking from what was being said, being offered.
"You've been apprenticing under Frankie Branch to learn audio engineering, music production, for how long?" W.B. continued. "Picked up the guitar expertly in three years of lessons and learned as much by listening to songs. Taught yourself bass guitar. Became Cam's favorite drum student, and that's saying a lot."
Angie gazed at the high ceiling and shook her head. "Edna and Bud gave you no chance to realize you have perfect pitch. You didn't understand what you were capable of. You've had to play catch-up in your mid-twenties."
Jackie stood in front of Hyde and rubbed his arms over his long sleeves. "Your childhood was stolen from you. You once told me all the doors were locked for you but one. Your family, your true family, has unlocked so many. You've walked through a lot. Don't shut this door and walk away."
Hyde covered his face in his hands. His emotions were getting to him, breaking through his defenses. As a kid, Formans' folks signed Forman up for jazz guitar lessons, which he abandoned. Only the acoustic guitar remained, and Hyde played that thing every second he could at the Formans' house.
He used Forman's beginners' workbook to learn tabs that were printed alongside sheet music. Hyde couldn't read music for shit, but tabs he got. Songs on the radio, on records, stuck in his skull like recordings. He figured out how to play the guitar parts himself and, back then, had no clue why could do that.
He understood now.
"Son, are you all right?" W.B. said.
Hyde raised his head and wiped his eyes. "Yeah. Just ... when ya don't believe something's possible for you for so damn long -- and then it happens? Kind of a mind fuck."
"So you'll start your label?" Jackie smiled at him with such hope, such support, he would've fallen in love with her if he hadn't already fallen twelve years ago.
Jackie cheered, and W.B. congratulated him in a proud, fatherly way Hyde was still growing used to.
"What are you going to call it?" Angie said.
Hyde grinned. "Burn-Out Records."
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reblogdirect · 1 year ago
Yuu: What if the headmage could lay down eggs?
Grim: He’d always have a supply of eggs nearby! He could make omelets all the time.
Yuu: It’d be weird if he were to just eat his kids like that.
Grim: True… what a waste of eggs it’ll be then.
Yuu: Perhaps but like would you like to eat eggs that come from him?
Grim: Now that I think about it… That’s freakin’ disgusting! Ain’t no way I’d do that.
Yuu: Even if you were about to die of hunger and that was the only thing you could eat?
Grim: What about YOU, what would you do in that case?
Yuu: I’d be open to discussion if it was someone else than the headmage.
Grim: What?
Yuu: I mean, there’s a list of fairly good-looking individuals who could lay eggs and I’d have an egg-based dishes banquet.
Grim: Are you for real? …Who are those people?
Yuu: I’d rather not disclose that.
Grim: Now I’m curious.
Yuu: Well, this is the kind of info for me to know, and for you to wonder about.
Ace: *who had been listening to them silently* You know the more I listen to you two the more I’m convinced there’s some type of delirious gas or something in Ramshackle that’s slowly eating at the both of you.
Yuu: With all the mold there, it could very much be true. But just so you know, you’re not part of my list.
Ace: Like I’d wanna be part of that cursed list!
Grim: Nyahaha, guess he’s not good-looking enough, huh?
Yuu: His personality is enough of a turn-off.
Ace: Oi! I’ll let you know that I’m a handsome and popular guy enough!
Grim: It’s so lame to say that out loud.
Yuu: Shh, don’t say that to his face.
Ace: I said I’m as good-looking as they come!
Yuu: It’s okay, Ace-kun sweetie, we love you as you are.
Ace: I’m not the one who’d consider eating eggs someone would lay!
Grim: Yeah but you’re someone who wants others to eat the eggs he’d lay.
Ace: You know very well that’s not how it is! I just don’t like the fact that you implied I wasn’t good-looking enough to your standards, like who cares about your standards anyways?!
Yuu: Given how worked up you are, you definitely care about them.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year ago
I'm so happy you liked the resident evil 8 Au! I totally agree that Miranda's new favorite is Mirabel (mostly because she has no obvious mutation and also partially because she's one of the few lords that isn't completely sterile I'm pretty sure most of them are Mirabel doesn't care but Miranda thinks it means she was a more perfect almost vessel and she is a physical embodiment of how far she's come) and I was thinking the same thing about her ability around moths and butterflies I was also thinking that she would be able to make her own silk kinda like a moth/butterfly and she can use the strands to cut like knives or simply make clothes depending on what she wants to do with it. I think the idea of the wings being dragonfly wings is amazing! I am imagining her true mutated form is very insectoid-like and she tries to keep it hidden from her family as much as possible. I agree that Miranda sprung it on her with her family showing up at random but I was thinking instead of Mirabel being the one to infect them it was Miranda or Miranda told her to do it because I feel like Mirabel thinks that she's cursed and is a monster for being what she is. I think their gifts go wonky like sometimes they work sometimes they don't think because it's protecting them from mutating. I think the relationship with Donna is spot on I don't think Monroe would try to manipulate Mirabel I feel like karl would do that a little more. I think also that Alcina at one point was fostering Mirabel when she was younger (only while her house was being built) so she saw her as another daughter until Miranda took her away which makes me think that she would be a little jealous of Julieta/entire family. 100% agree that in her mind her little portion of the village was like a miniature encanto and she treated it as such making hers the most prosperous and the most healthy area I imagine that she has a orphanage kind of near her house that she runs and keeps employed and stocked on things I imagined to try and keep loneliness at bay before her family showed up that she had maids she obviously has no extreme punishments for simple mistakes and allows them to frequently visit home and see their families and actually pays them well she of course is also forced to do experiments somewhere in the house like the other Lords and I think she has a basement specifically meant for that and she blocks the rest of her family from going to it. Speaking of the encanto I imagine that Miranda actually did a mass kidnapping to try and bolster the numbers in the village and to try and clean up a little bit of the bloodlines in the village. With the Ethan situation I think she would obviously try and petition for him to go to her house in the beginning but Miranda obviously does not allow it and she tries to help him as much as she can from the shadows until he gets to her house from there it went exactly how you put it.
OF COURSEEE I FREAKIN LOVE RESIDENT EVIL. I literally beat 5 and 6 with my friend, have watched a ton of play throughs, and am currently playing 2 and 3 (remake). You could say I like it a lil <333
ANYWAY I'M GLAD YOU AGREE❗❗ I mean she's always associated with butterflies, so why not associate her with bugs in general? At least in this au. I chose moths and butterflies as the main, but really it's a multitude of them. Also making her own silk, very cool 🤭🤭 you think when she'd make clothes and they'd just straight up be like armor because it's strong 😭😭 I mean it's strong enough to slive through things.
Karl probs would manipulate her, but she's just not with trying to take her down, even though he's constantly plotting against Miranda. I only say Moreau is manipulative because he tried to make Ethan feel bad for him and then tried to kill home boy (fun fact, that ENTIRE fight couldn't been avoiding if Ethan just took the flask from the window and dipped. What aas he lingering for anyway 😭😭)
Miranda forcing or honestly infecting the family herself would make sense. I imagine she tried to use the Madrigals as experiments, especially Antonio. And I wouldn't be surprised that of the villagers taken, Miranda just took a bunch of villagers to experiment on. Any that miraculously survived probably got dumped back into Mirabel's village. Which I'm glad you agree she thinks of as a Little Encanto <333 Mirabel HATES doing experiments, and especially after Julieta comes, does her best to heal the survivors and send them on their way. She doesn't like it, and outs it off as often as she can 🌚
Her final form being insect like is so cool 👁👁 I can't draw monster to save my life, but I can attempt ❗❗ again, just a mixture of a multitude of bugs. No eyeballs. Idk what it is with Resident Evil and eyeballs, they freak me out EVERYTIME without fail. I think she rarely uses it; it's a lot small than the others forms, but still pretty decently sized. She definitely hides that side from her family, heck she probably hides it from herself 🥸
Also silly idea. Miranda did probably make Casita just. Collapse, I mean it's a house and it's MIRANDA. I imagine all of the Madrigals have some kind of injury from the event, and if they did, they tried to argue with Mother Miranda (despite Mirabel's protests) and learned the hard way that she doesn't tolerate stuff like that and "punushes" them. She doesn't kill them, because she know that would break little Mirabel's heart, so she keeps them alive, but essentially silwnces the Madrigals.
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Lady D being jealous is so real 😭 yeah, she's got her own daughters, but there's something different about Mirabel. Maybe it's because she so small and cute, maybe ut's vecayse she got to actually play some role in actually raising her, I mean her three daughters were technically adults, and Mirabel was only a kid. I think the Dimitrescu sisters and Mirabel do get along to some degree, considering they're both somewhat bug related. But only so close 😀
Mirabel genuinely trying to care for her part of the village is sweet <33 she really does try and give these people the lives she knows they'll never truly have. She visits the orphanage several times a week. And despite how gloomy and decrepit the village it, Mirabel's just a little bit brighter. And Mirabel DEFINITELY tried to take Ethan. But Karl just had a bit more sway than her, and Miranda knows of Mirabel's habits of "letting people go". Mirabel knew better than to argue, so after she was reprimanded by Miranda, she piped down. Lady D hated Karl a little but more after that. Imagine how surprised Ethan is when he gets to her part of the village, and she just so easily gicws up the heart flask of Rose 😭 and Mirabel HELPS HIM. He trusts her more than the Duke probably 🗿 Maybe when Mirabel can't directly help him, she sends out her family members to deliver "packages" (typically it's just something to help heal or some spare ammo she had swiped from Karl).
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year ago
ahsoka still calling anakin a 'good master' after everything he fucking did to her oh my god, ENOUGH!
cowboy hat man won't give it a rest. he wants to throw ahsoka in everything and have her ascend to glorified creator's pet status, but he still can't figure out how to feature her without making her whole worth and existence about anakin. a two year relationship that ended with the master nearly murdering his padawan gets to be highlighted repeatedly, as if it was the most emotionally resonant thing to ever happen to ahsoka and anakin. instead of literally any other relationship that could be explored more.
screw ahsoka's other relationships from the jedi temple or the clones. she can hang out with rebels characters who are reduced to hollow husks of themselves while she has the charisma of a plank. but let's remind everyone how special and awesome she is because anakin was assigned to her for a short time. ahsoka is almost fifty years old now, were the options really that limited? screw respecting anakin's kids who achieved their own legacies and played important roles in the rebellion, defying what he chose to become. luke and leia are barely present in these galactic events and it's rare for their names to be mentioned at all. and who the hell is padme at this point?
ahsoka's writing has been unimpressive for a while now and i haven't cared about her story beyond fandom osmosis. but her show probably isn't even servicing people who actually liked her from tcw anymore, it's about whatever caters to filoni's warped perception of these characters.
Not only is it egregious because we know Anakin is a child murderer, Ahsoka NEVER moves on or comes to terms with it! She just keeps wallowing in it so Filoni can wank off to Anakin licking Ahsoka's butthole. Also: two years. There's no way she's near as speshul to him as Padme (the woman he was in love with for 10+ years and his wife) or Obi-Wan (his Master who was like a brother to him, again for over a decade) or Shmi (his freakin' mother and likely his one point of stability in a chaotic childhood as a slave). Don't even tell me that if Anakin was dropped in the World Between Contrived Time Travel he would save Ahsoka over any of them lmao. Or drop her like a hot potato if he had to choose between Ahsoka and Luke, his son and the last remnant he has of Padme (her son), Obi-Wan (guarded and trained by), Shmi (her grandson) and pretty much the one person he was able to commit an act of true, unselfish love for (killing Palps).
I do feel bad for the fans since I've seen plenty of comments that it's "not her" and that RD's portrayal is just so flat and devoid of smirky smugness/cheekiness/whatever. I personally may hate it but it is part of her character. And you're right, why is it only people she isn't connected to? She barely knew the Rebels crew and mostly as Fulcrum, so a professional relationship, not a friendship. Not to mention Sabine being forced into a Jedi Padawan role despite NEVER showing Force sensitivity or any interest in being a Jedi, and she lived with two of them for years. She had plenty of opportunity to ask Kanan if she wanted to be trained! But nah, we gotta give Ahsoka a Padawan and throw in some forced girl power stuff on the side. (As a former little girl who deeply craved female representation in the male-dominated stories I loved, I can tell you, little girls can tell when it's forced.) (Also Sabine choosing to force herself into a Jedi role out of grief for missing Kanan and Ezra instead of actually being into it or confronting her feelings of loss could've been a really interesting character moment. But nah.)
Side note but I also find it interesting that Rex is barely in this show. Wasn't Rex Ahsoka's clone counterpart? They're very close friends? He's still alive and kicking and could help her out? That would be a really cool relationship to explore? Or did Filoni realize he can't whitewash a real Māori man the way he can animated clones?
(Also I saw this ask before bed and woke up thinking about Mara Jade and Jaina Solo, a female teacher-student relationship that was so badass, and now I want Mara Jade being Rey's teacher and helping her confront her relationship to Palpatine and Rey having the guidance of someone who Gets It, can you imagine. We could've had it alllllllll)
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twisted-art-wounders · 3 months ago
Here's a Breaking The Seal question to help motivate you: what was the end goal for this story? Not the ending of the story: I mean your goal for writing the story. Like, what did you want to achieve by using the Yugioh characters in this (freakin' amazing) storyline?
Well it always bugged me that Yugi was taken out half way through the season and was basically held captive like a damsel in distress but mostly as a tool to further sell the fact Atem screwed up royally and there are consequences to his actions and all.
Which is fine cause it does help push Atem's character forward but it still feels like a slap in the face to Yugi who again it feels like the producers just didn't like him as a main character. And in a franchise were they gotta sell you those cards a protagonist needs to be "cool" to move the product (thus why Kaiba has so much merch and screen time) and sadly the ppl who will mostly buy the cards and watch the show wanna see the cool guy not the guy who reflects kindness and doesn't look like he'd hurt a fly. And yeah I know there are other shoenen protags who are like him as well but circumstances are different in this one compared to the others.
So yes it ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way how Yugi was treated in DM; Manga and even Toei did way better and I'll die on that hill despite their flaws they still treated Yugi better then DM did. So with the power of creativity and years of having to sit back and watch my favorite character continually be left out of like EVERYTHING I decided it was time to change that.
And at this point I was more willing to actually write a thing since whenever I try to make long form comics I bail out part way though (Comics take ALOT of work ppl.) so this seemed like the better move.
So I made my first Fan Fic Leviathan Rising but that AU takes place after Yugi was taken and sorta turned into my own fun thing were I actually give character to main antagonist of that season (Leviathan) and sorta turn him in to an OC which I love <3
So for this fic I decided to explore what would happen if Yugi was made into the true antagonist of that season. Truth is Yugi could be just as evil as any person but he actively chooses to not be a total asshole if he can help it. Also I watched season 3 of Tangled the Series (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) and while I have my issues with Cassandra's turn to evil and how they handled it I still liked it. So I figured I'd like to take a crack on that same idea of the villain manipulating the hero's closest friend into their greatest enemy.
Thus DOMA Yugi is born! and since I love exploring Yugi as a villain (Black Mirror and Final Yugi AU) it seemed to fit. Since last fic Yugi was unwilling to be part of the evil this time he is (of course he's being manipulated all the way so far...) And at this time in the fic he has gone to DOMA's side so we'll read how that turns out soon :3
(sorry it took so long to answer you! I've been really busy and this sat in my inbox for months T.T; )
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hauntedwitch04 · 1 year ago
Bdays cake
brother!Den Winchester x sister!reader
(Dean x Cas because Destiel is my ship and they deserve to be happy)
Words: about 2.0k words
Warnings: sad Dean (my love), John Winchester (in this account John Winchester is a worse enemy and more evil than Lucifer, at the end I kinda love my Luci :) ), lovely Cas, lovely moment between siblings
Author's note: Hi! Here another one shot fo the series for my birthday. Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm kinda freakin' out because i have my first exams of uni :). Hope you like it loves, with love your witch Becky
p.s I'm at season 6, so plese be kind with comment if i got somethign wrong :)
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Bday plan
Dean loves cakes.
And this I think is a universally known truth.
And he's also a decent cook, if we have to be honest, but if we really have to find something that he can't cook, well that's cakes.
Today is your birthday, his beloved little sister, whom he still finds hard to believe has grown up enough to be 19 years old, yet just today he had gone to the supermarket to buy candles, since the nine had now been lost since you celebrated your nine years many years ago and the one they had used the year before for your 18th birthday had melted after Cas had used it as a Christmas candle, thinking it was a badly made candy cane. As a matter of fact, the cashier had smiled at him when she had seen his purchase, along with all the ingredients for the cake she is making, and had asked him how old you were and he in turn, trying to be cordial to the old lady had replied that you would be 19 the next day, today. The lady had smiled even more and told him something like, "It's bad to see one's children grow up so fast, I guess all you would want is for your little girl to still be little." Those words had upset Dean a bit because: first, he had not thought he looked so old that he could have a 19-year-old daughter (Cas, in fact, had spent hours trying to convince her beloved husband, who had been staring at himself in front of the mirror, that he didn't actually look that old and that the lady probably couldn't see that well); second, that indeed perhaps those words were true.
You were born out of a one-night stand, had with a woman in some state that he doesn't even remember, of his father; in fact all Dean remembers is that one day, when he was in his early twenties, his father had walked through the motel door with a bundle of blankets in his hand, and inside in that comfortable chest was you. His life had improved with a simple little human, in fact that day had changed his life, and for that it was the best day of his existence.
Sam had been leaving him for a while, and he had never felt so lonely as he did during those years, and then you had come along, and everything had improved so damn much. Sam had learned about you from a call at two o'clock in the morning from his brother as soon as you had arrived, and immediately asked him to come over to find out about the new addition to the family, and loving you immensely from the first time he had held you in his arms, and found out that Dean was already going crazy not wanting to miss a single thing with you and buying every baby thing he saw in the supermarkets.
For a long time he had been trying to keep you out of his life, leaving you with Bobby and a few other trusted people, but then he couldn't keep you away from himself anymore, coming to see you every chance he got even driving days at a time without stopping, because you were always his light, his tender little reason for living.
Over time you had grown and become a great hunter, having great teachers.
You have always been related to both of your brothers then, but with Dean there has always been a special relationship, you have always been accomplices, each other's halves, and because of that until he met Castiel, Dean was convinced that you were his soul mate.
And it hurts him to see you grow up, to see you become an adult, you his sweet, innocent little girl making drawings to hang on Bobby's fridge with you, your favorite big brother and a gutted monster on them. (Dean also will never confess it to you, because he is too used to not letting on how he feels, but he still has in a box in the back of his closet all the things you gave him when you were little, a box full of mementos, candy, labels and especially all those drawings, wanting to somehow trap little baby you).
But coming back to this moment, we left our Dean intending to read the recipe for your favorite cake, thinking it was very easy, much easier than the website would have you believe. So he takes the ingredients he had bought the day before and begins our great hero's adventure against the most treacherous monster of all: the bakery.
A few minutes pass and already the oldest Winchester finds himself covered in flour, butter and something he cannot recognize, and all having not even opened the flour yet, and for that he does not understand how it was possible.
Cas at the door lets out a small laugh as she looks at her busy husband, who upon hearing it looks up and gives him the middle finger.
"Are you still sure you want to do this? We all know you're not a bad cook, but when it comes to pies you're not exactly the best person for the job." Confesses the angel, approaching Dean, then trying to wipe his cheek before leaving him a kiss in the small area he had obtained.
"She deserves it. I-I have to make her a cake, I have to do something to show her that she is very important to me, she is my little girl, I love her." The man says, gradually shutting off his voice, hoping her husband would not hear the last words, still ashamed a little that he might look weak in her eyes, even though she had now seen him in all his lowest moments and had loved him even in those moments. Cas shakes her head, as we all are doing after all, and looks at the man she loves enough to deny her past and embrace a new present, dreaming of a wonderful future.
"And just tell her what you told me? Don't think I'm not happy that you want to bake her cake, I'm convinced it's a wonderful idea, but it would be even better perhaps if you bake the cake together. She loves to bake, especially cakes for you, why not do it together this time?" Proposes the shorter man of the two, looking into the eyes of Dean who was currently holding back tears, feeling for the umpteenth time as wrong, useless and incapable as when after a hunt gone wrong his father scolded him and beat him until he almost fell unconscious after yet another beer too many.
"Precisely because of that, I have to do it for her. I know perfectly well what it's like to have the need to make sure you do everything to make others feel good, without thinking of yourself, and I don't want her to feel that way too, that the cakes she bakes for me are a duty. I want to return the favor, and for once do it to her." Winchester counters, trying to hide his distress from the piercing blue eyes of the angel he loves so much.
"Then let me help you." Cas begs him, taking his still soiled hands, not caring that he too is now covered in flour, before wrapping leave them to wrap his arms around the waist of the man who had stolen his heart ever since he had seen him in Hell, causing him to plummet, literally dare I say it, from his home.
Dean doesn't find the strength to answer right away, but shakes his head vehemently, before saying in a low voice that he had to do it alone, that he couldn't be helped or the guilt would grip him for who knows how long. This time it is Cas's turn to shake his head, commenting as loudly as all the Winchesters he knows thus emphasizing that John is not for a dick's sake like his sons by reiterating once again the eternal hatred he feels for that existing being who had helped bring his favorite siblings into the world, highlighting how they were frighteningly the same: stubborn, proud, and stupidly and bravely the most selfless and good people he knows.
The sweet and affectionate scene between the two, to the detriment of us poor readers, is interrupted by a voice, yours, which you cannot help but comment on the angel's words.
"Well my dear, you have bound yourself to us with a bond worse than a pact with Crowley himself by marrying that old man." You laughingly comment, looking around the kitchen a bit as you wonder what happened: whether a bomb went off or your brother and his husband decided to have crazy sex while cooking themselves a romantic dinner.
"What happened here?" You ask, then rest your eyes on Dean's red ones, which had let go a few minutes ago in a silent cry on Cas's shoulder.
The angel mumbles an excuse and runs out of the kitchen, leaving you alone, and you immediately hug your brother, not knowing what else to do.
"Sorry, I don't know what else to say. Sorry for not being what you deserve, I wanted to make a cake to celebrate your birthday, but I couldn't even make a fucking easy cake. I am a terrible person, I failed, just like dad failed. I wanted to be better for you, I wanted you to have everything I didn't have, and I feel like shit because I couldn't do it." Dean confesses tearfully as he clutches your figure in your mighty arms, and you can't help but cry in turn and hold him even tighter to you, and sob against his chest.
"Don't even joke about it, you have always been, are and will always be great. You are the only reason I didn't run away from Dad, because I wanted you, and I love you so much, that I can't leave you even for a second because you are a fundamental part of my happiness." You answer, in a voice just loud enough for him to hear you. "I love you, because of what you do and what you are, not because of what you feel obligated to do."
"I love you too little one, much more than you know." He confesses in turn. You stay like this for a while in each other's arms, doing nothing and enjoying each other's presence, until you propose something.
"How about we go see a movie, maybe one of the cartoons we like so much, and then tomorrow, since it's my birthday, we'll all have a cake together, with even those two assholes behind the door who are trying to hide." You comment, seeing Sam and Cas come out of the corner where they were hiding.
They, a little guilty, apologize but you say it's nothing and together they all went to see a movie together, like the beautiful and happy, if a little unfortunate in some (many) cases.
Now the story does not end here, but how about giving these poor people some privacy, I think they have suffered enough already. I hope this little story, good continuation and good research to the next fanfiction to read, from your prophetess Chuck-no sorry Becky is all, with love, to our next fanfiction.
@cheyennep3107 @mortica-raven13 @theviewfromtheotherside @supernatural-lvr @imnotcryingurcrying-blog
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nerves-nebula · 28 days ago
Hey mate, sorry if this is weird but. You said your beastie was some kinda programmer/IT person right? And one time she took a job that she only worked on for three hours or something which smoothed your finances for the rest of the week?
How did she find that job? Also what is her current education level and is she going for a degree currently?
Asking because I need to go to uni soon and I am. Scared! And lost!
my beastie? my frEAKin animal?? lol
ummm i dunno what you're talking about because she works a normal 9-5 it's just that she works from home so sometimes she gets her work done in like 3 hours but it's still a full day job. and she works 5 days a week so. i mean it's for sure better than most jobs but yea.
also: it's coding lol she's a coder girrllll. she's got a bachelors in computer science from a normal ass college. She got her job through this placement company which trained her for a specific job and then passed her onto the company that wanted her trained for them. the placement company took a big chunk of her money for the first like 2 years but now she gets the full sum. but even when they took a lot of her money it was still enough to move out and buy and apartment and support me financially.
i've heard some people saying that computer programming doesn't pay as much anymore and maybe that's true wherever they are but from where I'm standing (direct beneficiary of her MONEY) computer programming is like. more lucrative than any job I ever thought I'd ever have. she makes more than my mom did when my mom had like 5 jobs and needed to support half a dozen kids
typical answer but that's what she did. though i wouldnt suggest it if you're not up to it. my brother (evil one)(i hate him i hope he dies) tried to go into computer science shit and do programming because he convinced himself there was no money in a math degree (math is like the only thing he's good at) and then he fucked up and failed (which to be clear is fine it's fine to fail at college and its good to drop out if you want to. but i hate him and he only failed because he self sabotaged in the first place) and had to end up switching and getting a math degree anyway cuz his grades on computer science shit weren't high enough
you could also go to a trade school and be like an electrician or something. learn to fix refrigerators or something. that's what i wanted to do in the first place, i wanted to save few thousands dollars and take a course to learn to wrap cars. or maybe i could learn to install window tint on cars. or maybe not! because those industries are full of men who love cars which is not a demographic famous for being chill about trans people.
also are you english or something? you sound like it. i dunno what its like there, sorry. anyway.
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loving-elvis · 1 year ago
Ugh, I am so freakin' annoyed right now. Some idiot on TikTok was calling E a "groomer" as usual, and when I tried to point out how they were wrong, they were like "lol he took that trip to Vegas with [Cilla] when she was 16, gave her drugs and purposely wrote fake postcards to throw her parents off the trail so he could f*ck her and keep her all to himself. SHE WAS 16. You're as bad as him if you don't think that's grooming."
Is any of this true? I figured I'd come to you about this since you're the expert in this community. I don't understand how people can be so wrong and dumb at the same time. It's like they're proud to be misinformed.
Good evening, Anon!
I'm flattered that you think that about me, I'm certainly not an expert--I'm learning new things about this man every day 💖 But I will try to answer your question as best I can!
Like many stories surrounding Elvis that get stirred up in our social media age, it's only partly true. We just have to sort out the truth from the (frequently blown out) fiction. The 'grooming' story is only one of many that seem to surround him.
Yes, she did visit him when she was around 16/17, after insisting for a while and he did take her to Vegas. It's important to remember that in 1962 that Vegas was a refuge for him. According to Peter Guralnick, "It was, for Elvis, momentary respite from all the self-doubt, from all the questions lying in wait, lurking in the shadows, waiting to assault him."
So yes, she arrived in LA, and then he and the Mafia guys drove to Vegas. They would spend two weeks there, taking in shows, and he would take her shopping and getting her hair and makeup done. He introduced her to the drugs he would take to stay awake and then get to sleep. He refused to sleep with her, even though she kept insisting, until they were married. ("Elvis in Vegas" by Richard Zoglin, pg. 103)
It's important to remember that Elvis was human. Talented, amazingly beautiful, humble, and so charismatic that it's hard to believe that he existed at all. But he was also flawed, made mistakes, did stupid things. He wasn't perfect, and that's just one of many reasons why I love him so much, and why I adore him. And it's why what makes his accomplishments so remarkable 💖
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