#Mizu Kiri
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pikahlua · 7 months ago
MHA Chapter 429 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 僕の"個性"が「家系のどこにも属さないとつぜんへんい」だと聞いて ぼくの"こせい"が「かけいのどこにもぞくさないとつぜんへんい」だときいて boku no "kosei" ga 「kakei no doko ni mo zokusanai totsuzen hen'i」 da to kiite I heard my quirk is "a sudden mutation that didn't belong to any of the family's lineages."
2 パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじも大じぃじも急に優しくなくなった パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじもおおじぃじもきゅうにやさしくなくなった PAPA mo MAMA mo SHISUTAA mo ojisan mo obasan mo baaba mo jiiji mo oojiiji mo kyuu ni yasashiku nakunatta Papa, Mama, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Grandma, Grandpa, and Great-Granddad all of a sudden stopped being nice to me.
tagline 1 ある少年の独白ーー あるしょうねんのどくはくーー aru shounen no dokuhaku-- A boy's soliloquy--
3 皆は僕を縛りつけて地下室に閉じ込めた みんなはぼくをしばりつけてちかしつにとじこめた minna wa boku wo shibari tsukete chikashitsu ni tojikometa They tied me up and locked me in the basement.
4 恐くて悲しくて泣き叫んでいたら こわくてかなしくてなきさけんでいたら kowakute kanashikute nakisakende itara I was scared and sad and crying out.
5 口が大きく開かないよう縫われた くちがおおきくひらかないようぬわれた kuchi ga ookiku hirakanai you nuwareta My mouth was sewn shut to prevent it from opening wide.
6 何年経ったかわからないある日 なんねんたったかわからないあるひ nannen tatta ka wakaranai aru hi One day, after I don't know how many years passed,
7 「この国は終わる」と言って 「このくにはおわる」といって 「kono kuni wa owaru」 to itte they said, "This country is finished,"
8 人抱えの水と菓子パンを放り込��だきり ひとかかえのみずとかしパンをほうりこんだきり hito kakae no mizu to kashi PAN wo hourikonda kiri and after they threw in what water and pastries they could carry
9 皆は二度と現れなくなった みんなはにどとあらわれなくなった minna wa nido to arawarenaku natta none of them ever appeared again.
tagline 2 No.429 私が来た! 堀越耕平 ナンバー429 わたしがきた! ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 429 watashi ga kita! Horikoshi Kouhei No. 429 I Am Here! Kouhei Horikoshi
10 しばらく経って しばらくたって shibaraku tatte After a while,
11 もの凄い衝撃と共に地下室にキレツが入ったので ものすごいしょうげきとともにちかしつにキレツがはいったので monosugoi shougeki to tomo ni chikashitsu ni KIRETSU ga haitta node with a tremendous impact, a crack entered the basement, so
12 なんとか外に出ることができた なんとかそとにでることができた nantoka soto ni deru koto ga dekita I managed to get outside.
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1 久し振りの日の光はとても痛くて恐かった ひさしぶりのひのひかりはとてもいたくてこわかった hisashiburi no hi no hikari wa totemo itakute kowakatta The light of the sun for the first time in such a long time was very painful and scary.
2 何がいけなかったのだろう なにがいけなかったのだろう nani ga ikenakatta no darou What was it that I did wrong?
3 何でこんなに悲しいのだろう なんでこんなにかなしいのだろう nande konna ni kanashii no darou Why am I so sad like this?
4 とにかく僕は とにかくぼくは tonikaku boku wa In any case, I
5 ずうっと恐くて悲しいのに ずうっとこわくてかなしいのに zuutto kowakute kanashii noni am always so scared and sad,
6 なのにどうしてこの人たちは なのにどうしてこのひとたちは nanoni doushite kono hito-tachi wa so why is it these people
7 笑っているんだろう わらっているんだろう waratte irundarou are smiling?
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1 人の喜ぶ顔が好きだった ひとのよろこぶかおがすきだった hito no yorokobu kao ga suki datta I liked people's happy faces.
2 だからヒーローを目指したのに だからヒーローをめざしたのに dakara HIIROO wo mezashita noni That's why I aimed to be a hero, but
3 お茶子ちゃんは おちゃこちゃんは Ochako-chan wa Ochako-chan,
4 ヒーローらしく正しい事をするだけでよかったのに ヒーローらしくただしいことをするだけでよかったのに HIIROO rashiku tadashii koto wo suru dake de yokatta noni it would have been fine to just do the correct thing like a hero would. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 395.)
5 ぐうっ guu "Ggh."
6 なのに余計な事"考���て"… なのによけいなこと"かんがえて"… nanoni yokei na koto "kangaete"... You nevertheless think about unnecessary things… (Note: Still a flashback to chapter 395.)
7 私は わたしは watashi wa I
8 ヒミコちゃんの命の上に生かされた ヒミコちゃんのいのちのうえにいかされた HIMIKO-chan no inochi no ue ni ikasareta was made to survive over Himiko-chan's life.
9 私のした事は わたしのしたことは watashi no shita koto wa What I did...
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1 麗日さん‼︎ うららかさん‼︎ Uraraka-san!! "Uraraka-san!!"
2-3 デクくん DEKU-kun "Deku-kun,"
4 どうして doushite "why..."
5 ここが koko ga "this place..."
6 どうやって… dou yatte... "how did you..."
7 なんとなく…! nantonaku...! "Somehow or other*...!" (*Note: This "somehow" has an implication that the answer is unimportant to the speaker, like "It's not a big deal," or "Never you mind that.")
8 ワン・フォー・オールでとんできた WAN FOO OORU de tonde kita "I flew up here with One For All."
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1 此処は ここは koko wa "This place is"
2 大切な話をした場所だから たいせつなはなしをしたばしょだから taisetsu na hanashi wo shita basho dakara "where we had an important conversation, that's why."
3 そうやなくて sou yanakute "That's not what I mean."
4-5 一旦家帰るって言ったやん いったんいえかえるっていったやん ittan ie kaeru tte itta yan "Didn't I say I'd go home temporarily?"
6 帰れてたら帰れてたで良いんだでも かえれてたらかえれてたでいいんだでも kaeretetara kaereteta de iinda demo "If you had gone home, that'd have been fine, but"
7 此処にいると思ったんだ ここにいるとおもったんだ koko ni iru to omottanda "I thought you'd be here."
8 ……何で ……なんで ......nande "......Why?"
9 …見られたくないのに …みられたくないのに ...miraretakunai noni "...I didn't want to be seen."
10 ごめん gomen "Sorry."
11 でも…見せてほしいんだ でも…みせてほしいんだ demo...misete hoshiinda "But...I want you to show me."
12 だって麗日さんは だってうららかさんは datte Uraraka-san wa "Because, Uraraka-san,"
13 いつもそうじゃないか itsumo sou ja nai ka "aren't you always like that?*" (Note: He's talking about how Ochako has been keeping up a happy facade for a while but he wants her to let him see her sadness.)
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1 入試の時だって にゅうしのときだって nyuushi no toki datte "Even at the entrance exam,”
2 私の"個性"ごめんね勝手に わたしの"こせい"ごめんねかってに watashi no "kosei" gomen ne katte ni It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you, but...
3 でも転んじゃったら縁起悪いもんね でもころんじゃったらえんぎわるいもんね demo koronjattara engi warui mon ne well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall. (Note: This is from chapter 3.)
4 合否のポイントのことだって ごうひのポイントのことだって gouhi no POINTO no koto datte "even about the points [I needed] to pass,"
5 私のポイント分けるって出来ませんか⁉︎ わたしのポイントわけるってできませんか⁉︎ watashi no POINTO wakeru tte dekimasen ka!? Can you give him some of the points I earned!? (Note: This is from chapter 4.)
6 ずっとーーー zutto--- "all the time---"
7 ーーいつも --itsumo "--always."
8 でもデクって「頑張れ」って感じで でもデクって「がんばれ」ってかんじで demo DEKU tte 「ganbare」 tte kanji de But "Deku," well... It just screams, "Do your best!!"
9 なんか好きだ私 なんかすきだわたし nan ka suki da watashi I kinda like it. (Note: This is from chapter 7.)
10 自分の事より じぶんのことより jibun no koto yori "More than yourself,”
11 他人を優先して! ひとをゆうせんして! hito (kanji: tanin) wo yuusen shite! "you make other people your priority!"
12 体育祭の時だって たいいくさいのときだって taiikusai no toki datte "Even during the sports festival."
13 いつも itsumo "Always,"
14 ずっと! zutto! "all the time!"
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1 デクくん落ち着け! デクくんおちつけ! DEKU-kun ochitsuke! Deku-kun, calm down! (Note: This is from chapter 211.)
2 ずっと救けられっぱなしだ! ずっとたすけられっぱなしだ! zutto tasukerareppanashi da! "You've always been saving me!"
3 彼のヒーローアカデミアでいさせて下さい! かれのヒーローアカデミアでいさせてください! kare no HIIROO AKADEMIA de isasete kudasai! Please let him stay at his hero academia! (Note: This is from chapter 324.)
4 僕のヒーローだ! ぼくのヒーローだ! boku no HIIROO da! "You're my hero!"
5-6 だから…君の強さだけに寄りかからない だから…きみのつよさだけによりかからない dakara...kimi no tsuyosa dake ni yorikakaranai "That's why...I won't rely on only your strength [alone].”
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1 手を握るだけで心が和らぐんだよ てをにぎるだけでこころがやわらぐんだよ te wo nigiru dake de kokoro ga yawaragunda yo "Just holding hands soothes the heart."
2 …ヒミコちゃん ...HIMIKO-chan "...Himiko-chan."
3 ヒーローが辛い時 ヒーローがつらいとき HIIROO ga tsurai toki When heroes are hurting...
4 私のせいで死んじゃった わたしのせいでしんじゃった watashi no sei de shinjatta "It's my fault she died."
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1 私が刺されなかったら…‼︎ わたしがさされなかったら…‼︎ watashi ga sasarenakattara...!! "If I hadn't been stabbed...!!"
2 余計なこと考えたから…‼︎ よけいなことかんがえたから…‼︎ yokei na koto kangaeta kara...!! "It's because I thought about unnecessary stuff...!!"
3 人に血を分けられる"個性"だったの…‼︎ ひとにちをわけられる"こせい"だったの…‼︎ hito ni chi wo wakerareru "kosei" datta no...!! "It was a quirk that could give out blood to people...!!"
4 あんな形でなくても…!見つけられる方法がなかったかなあっ‼︎ あんなかたちでなくても…!みつけられるほうほうがなかったかなあっ‼︎ anna katachi de nakutemo...! mitsukerareru houhou ga nakatta ka naa!! "Even if it didn't seem like [it could do] that...! I wonder if there wasn't a way I could have found that out [sooner]!!"
5 もっと早く…!!! もっとはやく…!!! motto hayaku...!!! "[If I had been] faster...!!!"
6 気付けてたら‼︎ きづけてたら‼︎ kudzuketetara!! "If I only I had realized!!"
7 もっと motto "[If I had been] more..."
8 子どもの時に会えてたら違ったかなあ⁉︎ こどものときにあえてたらちがったかなあ⁉︎ kodomo no toki ni aetetara chigatta ka naa!? "Would it be different if we had met when we were children!?"
9-10 誰がヒーローを守ってあげられるだろう だれがヒーローをまもってあげられるだろう dare ga HIIROO wo mamotte agerareru darou ...who protects the heroes?
11 僕も ぼくも boku mo "Me, too."
12 転弧…死柄木弔に…同じ事引きずってる てんこ…しがらきとむらに…おなじことひきずってる Tenko...Shigaraki Tomura ni...onaji koto hikizutteru "Tenko...about Tomura Shigaraki...I've been dragging around the same things."
13 この戦いをこれまでと同じように消費していかないように このたたかいをこれまでとおなじようにしょうひしていかないように kono tatakai wo kore made to onaji you ni shouhi shite ikanai you ni "I hope I don't let this fight consume me in the same way as I did before."
14 AFOに言われたよ オール・フォー・ワンにいわれたよ OORU FOO WAN ni iwareta yo "All For One told me,"
15 おまえのしようとしてる道は茨の道だって おまえのしようとしてるみちはいばらのみちだって omae no shiyou to shiteru michi wa ibara no michi datte "the path you've chosen is a thorny one." (Note: This is a reference to chapter 316.)
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1 それでも…ーー soredemo...-- "Even so...--"
2 余計なお世話でも手を差し伸ばしていけば…き��と必ず‼︎ よけいなおせわでもてをさしのばしていけば…きっとかならず‼︎ yokei na osewa demo te wo sashinobashite ikeba...kitto kanarazu!! "even if it's none of my business, if I reach out my hand...then surely, definitely...!!" (Note: This line isn’t cut off, but the conclusion of what will “surely, definitely” happen is implied and unspoken.)
3 あ‼︎マジでいたア‼︎ a!! MAJI de itaA!! "Ah!! They really were here!!"
4 麗日あ‼︎俺らも来たぞ! うららかあ‼︎おれらもきたぞ! Urarakaa!! orera mo kita zo! "Urarakaa!! We're here, too!"
5 お茶子ちゃんのばか! おちゃこちゃんのばか! Ochako-chan no baka! "Ochako-chan, you idiot!"
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1 言ってくれるの待ってたのよ何でも思ったら言っていいのよ いってくれるのまって���のよなんでもおもったらいっていいのよ itte kuraru no matteta no yo nandemo omottara itte ii no yo "I was waiting for you to say [something]! Whatever you're thinking about, it's fine for you to say it!"
2 ブッ飛ばしてたけど ブッとばしてたけど BUttobashiteta kedo "They flew you over here, but"
3 残り火大丈夫か? のこりびだいじょうぶか? nokoribi daijoubu ka? "are the embers okay?"
4 うん un "Yeah."
5 え e "Eh?"
6 "残り火"…ってえ…それって "のこりび"…ってえ…それって "nokoribi"...ttee...sore tte "'Embers,' you said... That's..."
7 待て待て まてまて mate mate "Wait, wait!"
8 なんで言ってくんねーんだよ なんでいってくんねーんだよ nande itte kunnenda yo "Why didn't you tell us?"
9 ワン・フォー・オールは完遂した ワン・フォー・オールはかんすいした WAN FOO OORU wa kansui shita One For All completed it, (Note: This word means something like "carried out, accomplished" but in the officials keeps getting translated as "completed.")
10 義勇の力が紡ぎ上げた力の結晶を ぎゆうのちからがつむぎあげたちからのけっしょうを giyuu no chikara ga tsumugi ageta chikara no kesshou wo the crystallization of power spun by the brave and righteous.
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1 今度は こんどは kondo wa Next time,
sign 青山送別会‼︎ あおやまそうべつかい‼︎ Aoyama soubetsu-kai!! Aoyama farewell party!!
2 皆で紡げていけたら みんなでつむげていけたら minna de tsumugete iketara if we can all spin it [together]...
3 チャートの拡大? チャートのかくだい? CHAATO no kakudai? "Expanding the chart?"
4 ええまァ一環ですが ええまァいっかんですが ee maA ikkan desu ga "Yes, well, that's part of it."
5 もち復興の目度がたってからですよ もちふっこうのめどがたってからですよ mochi fukkou no medo ga ta tte kara desu yo "Of course, it's for after the reconstruction is further along."
6 今回の戦い俺たちヒーロー以外の活躍が大きすぎた こんかいのたたかいおれたちヒーローいがいのかつやくがおおきすぎた konkai no tatakai ore-tachi HIIROO igai no katsuyaku ga ooki sugita "In the battle this time, there were too many great feats [done by those] other than us heroes."
7 現職業ヒーローと併せて"英雄"もピックアップしていきます げんしょくぎょうヒーローとあわせて"えいゆう"もピックアップしていきます genshokugyou HIIROO to awasete "eiyuu" mo PIKKUAPPU shite ikimasu "Along with the current professional heroes, we'll pick up heroes* as well." (*Note: The word used for pro heroes is from the English, "hero," pronounced as HIIROO in Japanese. This new list of "heroes" Hawks suggests uses the Japanese word for hero, eiyuu. Not coincidentally, "UA" gets its name from reversing the kanji in eiyuu: ei・yuu -> yuu・ei.)
8 人気制度を失くす方に傾くと思ってたが にんきせいどをなくすほうにかたむくとおもってたが ninki seido wo nakusu hou ni katamuku to omotteta ga "I was thinking you'd lean towards losing the popularity system, and yet..."
9 功罪の罪に目を向ければそりゃそうですが こうざいのざいにめをむければそりゃそうですが kouzai no zai ni me wo mukereba sorya sou desu ga "If you shift your focus to the cons over the pros, that makes sense, but"
10 俺は功を捨てずにアップデートしたいんス おれはこうをすてずにアップデートしたいんス ore wa kou wo sutezu ni APPUDEETO shitainSU "I want to update it without throwing out the good points."
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1 どんな"最高"にも手には限りがある どんな"さいこう"にもてにはかぎりがある donna "saikou" ni mo te ni wa kagiri ga aru "No matter if you're the greatest, your hands have limits."
2 より多くを救えるとしたらそれはきっと職業ヒーローじゃない よりおおくをすくえるとしたらそれはきっとおれたちじゃない yori ooku wo sukueru to shitara sore wa kitto ore-tachi (kanji: shokugyou HIIROO) ja nai "If more can be saved, it's probably not [by] us (read as: professional heroes)."
3 最高のヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー さいこうのヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー saikou no HIIROO ga takusan iru you na-- "It seems like there are a lot of greatest* heroes--" (*Note: Grammatically in English this would read as "there are a lot of great heroes," but the word used here is a superlative, "greatest," used since chapter 1. All Might called Izuku the greatest hero, then later called both Izuku and Katsuki the greatest heroes, and now he's saying there are even more "greatest heroes" than that.)
4 えぇ ee "Yes."
5 ハア HAA "Hah." (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
6 ハア HAA (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
7 何で なんで nande "Why"
8 僕だけ ぼくだけ boku dake "am I the only one"
9 こんなに‼︎ konna ni!! "like this!!"
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1 ボク! BOKU! "Child!"
2 あのあと あの子はヒーローに助けてもらえたのか あのあと あのこはヒーローにたすけてもらえたのか ano ato ano ko wa HIIROO ni tasukete moraeta no ka After that, was that child able to be saved by a hero?
3 今でも寝れなくなるときがある いまでもねれなくなるときがある ima demo nerenaku naru toki ga aru Even now, there are times I cannot sleep. (Note: This line implies that the reason she couldn't sleep was because she was kept up by the previous question of wondering if "that child" was saved.)
4 あの日緑谷出久がもたらしたモノ あのひみどりやいずくがもたらしたモノ ano hi Midoriya Izuku ga motarashita MONO "What Izuku Midoriya brought about that day,"
5 応援でもなんでも…"何かせずにいられない" おうえんでもなんでも…"なにかせずにいられない" ouen demo nandemo..."nanika sezu ni irarenai" "whether it's cheering someone on or otherwise...'I can't help but do something.'" (Note: Hawks is saying Izuku inspired within people a feeling or thought like "I can't help but do something," which first manifested as them all cheering Izuku on.)
6 あの日きっと皆に届いた…そしてその先にはある筈です あのひきっとみんなにとどいた…そしてそのさきにはあるはずです ano hi kitto minna ni todoita...soshite sono saki ni wa aru hazu desu "I'm sure it reached everyone that day... And there must be something after that."
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1 もう大丈夫だからね もうだいじょうぶだからね mou daijoubu dakara ne "It's okay now."
2 "おばあちゃんが来た"からね "おばあちゃんがきた"からね "obaachan ga kita" kara ne "Because Grandma is here."
3 おーい ooi "Heeey!"
4 どうした2人とも! どうした2りとも! doushita 2ri tomo! "What's up, you two!"
5-6 ヒーローが暇な社会 ヒーローがひまなしゃかい HIIROO ga hima na shakai A society where heroes have [too much] free time.
tagline デクたちが起こした風はやがてーー次号最終回ポスターCカラー! デクたちがおこしたかぜはやがてーーじごうさいしゅうかいポスターCカラー! DEKU-tachi ga okoshita kaze wa yagate---jigou saishuukai POSUTA C KARAA! The wind brought about by Deku and the others will eventually-- Next issue final poster C color!
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infriga · 4 months ago
I saw other people were thinking of names for the characters in Fan Letter so I thought I'd give it a go myself since it's fun lol. So these are my name picks if I had to name them:
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I'd probably pick Mizu for Nami's fan cause Nami means wave and Mizu means water so a wave affecting water so profoundly seems fitting and Mizu is a relatively common name to reflect how she represents the average person.
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I'd probably name the older greengrocer brother Ward as a reference to windward/leeward which are sailing terms that mean facing into the wind and away from the wind respectively because Luffy's name is a reference to luffing which is a sailing term, plus ward can also mean to guard or protect something.
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Likewise I'd name his younger brother Tack as a reference to tacking which is a similar term to luffing, since he's an overachieving younger brother like Luffy is lol, and also the type of tack you're on influences which side of the boat is windward or leeward. It could also be short for attack which is the opposite of protect and sort of alludes to the difference in the brothers' personalities.
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Brook's fan I'd name Anastasia since Brook was largely inspired by Slash and that's the name of one of his most popular songs. I also think it fits her.
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For the Chopper fan he was hard to think of one for but I came up with Murdoch since it means warrior of the sea to go with his moniker "king of the waves", and because doch -> doc -> doctor lol
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The Mihawk fan I'd call Torizawa because it can mean rumour or gossip, and tori can also mean bird, like a hawk huehue.
I was also toying with calling the Zoro and Franky fans Kiri and Nuki respectively because kirinuki means newspaper/magazine clipping or the cutting for a scrapbook, plus kiru is Zoro's favourite word (it means to cut/slice), but it's more of a joke/pun name for the two of them cause I couldn't think of anything else 😂
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imagination-overreaction · 1 year ago
I recently read this post and it hit me--there's so much in-your-face symbolism in this show, surely the writers tucked more into it for fun, right? Especially with all the other bird symbolism in the show I'm also just a sucker for symbols and double meanings lol. So when I saw the sparrow mentioned in the Kinuyo scene I just had to look up possible sparrow symbolism, and much to my delight I found the folk tale "Shita-kiri Suzume" (literally: "tongue-cut sparrow").
in the Tongue-Cut Sparrow, an old man has a sparrow that he loves dearly. While he is away, the sparrow eats starch the man's wife had made, and the greedy wife cuts the bird's tongue out and flings it out to the wild. The man goes to find the sparrow with the help of the other sparrows, and he recieves treasure. His wife, hearing of the treasure, goes to find the sparrows and get some herself. She doesn't receive treasure, but instead she receives a basket full of monsters that kill her (in some versions I believe the sparrows lead her off a cliff, but either way they directly kill her).
BES loves to compare the women to birds: Akemi is the songbird, Mizu is the phoenix, and Kinuyo is, of course, the dead sparrow. However, this show doesn't seem to like to make the symbols be just one thing: Mizu is the phoenix, but she is also presented as the samurai and the onryo. Each part of the samurai story has a different comparison, so it wouldn't be a stretch to apply that logic to the Tongue-Cut Sparrow story. (unrelated note: I absolutely adore the puppetry scenes, and how the puppeteers fade out more in each segment until they're invisible. 10/10 artistic choice, but anyways)
That old man loved his sparrow. Even though it was technically free in the wilderness, he worried about it, he worried about the harm it had to endure, and he needed to find it. Kaji needed to protect her Kinuyo after she was taken away, even after she was technically freed, after her only way to communicate was taken away from her by someone driven by greed.
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unolvrs · 2 years ago
uhh, there are both upcoming works and upcoming updates! i have sneak peeks for each one! but here they are:
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少年A (jjk ft. male!reader; possibly megumi/reader)
In a remote village in Sapporo, a thirteen-year-old first year student in an unnamed junior high school allegedly killed three classmates known to bully his best friend who they had driven to suicide. (Or, none of that is true.)
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少年A (or: Boy A) was initially made as an OC out of nowhere. i shared him to a few friends before i realized that the set-up of him being nameless and just being called 'Boy A' was perfect for a reader-insert. and before i knew it, i was already writing everything down and it was really, really fun. the term 「少年A」 is something akin to 'John Doe' and it's mostly a name used to minors involved in a crime. there are lots of criminal 「少年A」 in japan so if you want to read about them, i'd give you a big trigger warning because the most well-known 「少年A」 was involved a horrific case.
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2. among dawn flowers (the face of god), an extra chapter
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i always get notifications about comments concerning dawn flowers and i've read all of them. thank you for your very kind words! they make me feel very happy every time i read them :D i'll be replying to them soon. but the most common comment is about gojō's... well, reaction to everything and what he truly felt for the main character, and there were a couple of misunderstandings in the comments too. i would normally just leave the misunderstandings be to let people have their own interpretation but i've been getting lots of comments and DMs about dawn flowers all the time, so this extra chapter happened. it has the following AUs too:
zen'in naoya marries tengai-san instead
tengai-san survives
tōji snatches up tengai-san (not at all romantic but a found family of sorts because their dynamics are really interesting! because they're the people who neither needs the least!)
and idk, maybe some more? i'll be reading through the comments again!
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3. kirigakure-centric naruto fic
“Kirigakure didn’t need help. They needed salvation.”  No one knows anything about the Mizukage. Only that she’s kind. She likes to smile. She likes seafood like every other Mizu-born. And that there’s something inexplicably wrong with her. There’s something wrong with the Mizukage whom the Kiri-nin call a ‘god’. —or, Wataru Wataru was never really a powerhouse, in this life or the last, but she’s resourceful. She knows cults, pyramid schemes, and corrupt politicians like the back of her hand, so of course, she becomes the Mizukage and becomes a god along the way.
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it's highlighted because it's undergoing editing... but yes, the mizukage cultist fic that i was talking about a month ago. it currently has four chapters in my drafts. i'm testing the waters on whether or not i can maintain it. so far, i have everything planned... like the timeline... it's too detailed.
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4. shintō pjo fic
Beyond the eastern seas, Sen'no Hyōran wages a one-man war. (Or, if all she needs is the Golden Fleece, if all she needs is to steal that damned thing, then she will. Those Greeks standing in her way or not.)
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of course, there's also the writing of kill the goose (3 chapters in my drafts now!), rain on my parade (a very slow rewriting), sunday without god (i wrote the next chapter and it was too long like 8k words and i'm not even halfway done so i'm stuck)! and posting some comm'd works that have been rotting in my drive for months!
some possible fics but no promises:
floating blue (nanami/reader)
Aoi's josei romance manga life starts when she's saved by Nanami Kento after almost falling down the train tracks! (Or, it turns out that Aoi is the main character of a supernatural josei manga! She's so excited!)
starts off as a cliché josei manga set-up bc aoi is a josei manga protagonist! then turns deep :D might become a reader-insert instead but without the [name] insert things. just second pov. this was really meant to be a rom-com than a sudden "omg! i'm in a supernatural josei manga!" might write bc it's a cute concept.
the prostitution of learning (jjk & male!oc)
There is no other main character but Kikuchi Eita. (Or, defeating enemies, exorcizing Curses, facing conservative higher-ups, there’s no adversity that Kikuchi Eita cannot push through because Kikuchi Eita is the main character. That is until Itadori Yūji.)
i made this guy before 少年A and while eita is my favorite oc i've ever created in jjk, 少年A's story is easier to write. but the prostitution of learning is a bit more complicated even just with eita's planned CT and while i'd love nothing more than to write this one, idk if i'd have the time but i really want to!
willow diaries / 柳日記 (kakashi/oc)
Kakashi gets a nobleman's concubine pregnant. Whoops. (Or, I no Yanagihaya's honorable brother-in-law said to surprise him. She did.)
first of all, it's not cheating or infidelity. said nobleman is dead. anyway, i think this is the most likely to be written bc i've written the first chapter a hundred times but couldn't get satisfied. anyway, this one's fun. and i love civilian ocs! especially writing nobility. the research was a pain but i loooove this one.
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pls... don't ask me about frog in a well :"") i'm working on it! idk, froggie's become that weird cousin idk if i wanna talk to or not. it's awkward between the two of us right now bc ik i could start writing the chapter anytime and get it done and over it quickly but i've been lazy and focusing on other stuff hehe <3
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sakuradeservedbetter91 · 1 year ago
WIP Name Game
Thank you @thechaoscryptid for tagging me 🥹🥰❤️
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs
😅😅😅 Okay, so my wips folder is super duper fucking long, so I'm just going to post the names of my wips that I'm either focused on right now and hopping between working on, and ones that I definitely think about and want to finish and tinker around in from time to time. I will not touch all my wips that are random one offs I want to write bc I have too many of those, so we'll save those for a rainy day 🤣
Naruto—Only One Horse
Naruto—I was made for loving you
Naruto—Put your head on my shoulder
Naruto—Mizu Kiri
Naruto—The worst pirate I've ever seen
Naruto—Love across universes
Naruto—The Mummy
Naruto—ILY our love is true
Naruto—Ranch Dressing
Naruto—Hey cowboy
Naruto—Clothes off
Naruto—My anaconda don't
Naruto—Two weeks notice
Naruto—Keep your boots on
Naruto—Midnight snacks
Naruto—Norman Fucking Rockwell
Naruto—Destroyer of men
Naruto—The Great War
JJK—Kiss the Girl
Tagging (no pressure if you don't want to, sorry if you've been tagged before!)
@lindtluirae @petriikore @tipsyraconteur @ryekiree @alittlewooy @bl1ndbraavosi @umechaw @mayskalih @mspixiepixie
Also if I didn't tag you and you want to play, go ahead and have at it 🥰
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quirkydoodler · 1 year ago
マグダラなマリアの「ティータイム」 ・ “Tea Time” (Magdala na Maria)
Huge kudos to the help from two friends I had to help with the spoken parts :] this is such a quirky song, but it’s so fun!
Below cut are lyrics sectioned off in Japanese, Ro-maji, and English versions!
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<<SPOKEN>> さあ!休憩! みんなお茶の準備して!
<<SUNG>> ティータイム 七色のフレーバー 退屈 霧のように消える ティータイム お砂糖は控えめに お菓子が甘くなくなるから
<<SPOKEN>> クララ!アールグレイ!
<<SUNG>> ティータイム ミルクを入れるのは 渋くなる二杯目から
ティータイム 想いを馳せるのは はるかなる シルクロード
お酒なんてドラッグ コカインと一緒 時間の無駄よ 紅茶が一番
ティータイム ティータイム お茶は喜び お茶があれば大丈夫
<<SPOKEN>> ローズマリー! サボってるとあなたの分ないわよ!
<<SUNG>> ティータイム お茶に欠かせないのは バームクーヘン クッキー パウンドケーキ
ティータイム ババロアと フォンダンショコラ クレームブリュレ キャラメルシブースト!
お茶と甘いお菓子は いつだって一緒 離れはしない 君と僕の様に
ティータイム ティータイム 愛は喜び 愛があれば大丈夫
ティータイム ティータイム 水がなければ
ティータイム ティータイム お茶を飲めばいい
ティータイム ティータイム お茶は喜び
ティータイム ティータイム お茶があれば大丈夫!
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<<SPOKEN>> Saa! Kyuukei! Min’na ocha no junbi shite!
<<SUNG>> Ti- taimu Nanairo no fure-ba- Taikutsu Kiri no you ni kieru Ti- taimu Osatou wa hikaeme ni Okashi ga amakunaku naru kara
<<SPOKEN>> Kurara! A-ru gurei!
Hai, kashikomarimashita!
<<SUNG>> Ti- taimu Miruku wo ireru no wa Shibuku naru nihaime kara
Ti- taimu Omoi wo haseru no wa Haruka naru shiruku ro-do
Osake nante doraggu Kokain to issho Jikan no muda yo Koucha ga ichiban
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha wa yorokobi Ocha ga areba daijoubu
<<SPOKEN>> Ro-zu-mari-! Sabotteru to anata no bun nai wa yo!
Hai! Gomen nasai!
<<SUNG>> Ti- taimu Ocha ni kakasenai no wa Baumuku-hen Kukki- Paundoke-ki
Ti- taimu Babaroa to Fondan shokora Kure-mu buryure Kyarameru shibu-suto!
Ocha to amai okashi wa itsu datte issho Hanare wa shinai Kimi to boku no you ni
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ai wa yorokobi Ai ga areba daijoubu
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Mizu ga nakereba
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha wo nomeba ii
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha wa yorokobi
Ti- taimu Ti- taimu Ocha ga areba daijoubu!
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<<SPOKEN>> Come along! Break! Everyone get the tea ready!
<<SUNG>> Tea time The flavors of seven colors Boredom It disappears like a mist Tea time Go easy on the sugar Because the sweets will become less sweet
<<SPOKEN>> Clara! Earl Grey!
Understood, certainly!
<<SUNG>> Tea time As for adding milk Do so after the second cup, when it becomes bitter
Tea time The hurrying thoughts Of the Silk Road that becoming far away
Things like alcohol are drugs The same as cocaine They’re a waste of time Black tea is the best
Tea time Tea time Tea is a delight If you have tea you’ll be alright
<<SPOKEN>> Rosemary! You won’t get your share if you slack off!
Yes! Sorry!
<<SUNG>> Tea time The essential parts of tea are Baumkuchen (German tree cake) Cookies Pound cakes
Tea time Bavarois (Bavarian cream) and Fondant au chocolat Crème brûlée Caramel chiboust (pastry cream)!
Tea and sweet treats always go together They’ll never be apart Just like you and me
Tea time Tea time Love is a delight If you have love you’ll be alright
Tea time Tea time If you don’t have water
Tea time Tea time It’d be great if you drink tea
Tea time Tea time Tea is a delight
Tea time Tea time If you have tea you’ll be alright!
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sinners-inc · 1 year ago
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I'm going to be making some son art in a more serious manner later on. But have a living Zabuza.
In my AU he survived the fall into the waters and eventually washed up somewhere in the Kiri marshes. He's going to be replacing Mei as Mizu in my AU as well but that will be on a later date.
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writings-ofthe-heart · 1 year ago
remade xd (NOT UPDATED!)
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Legend ; everything SFW!
💌 - Fluff
💤 - Angst
🌞 - Drabbles, headcanons
👾 - Platonic
💋 - Romantic
Call Of Duty
; Blue Lips 💌💋
; To Be Added
; Star Gazing (Requested) 💌💋
; Did you think of me? 💤💋
; Clumsy! reader (requested) 💌🌞💋
; More to be added!
Overwatch 2
; What would they listen to? (Requested) 🌞
; What would they listen to? (requested) 🌞
; How dating Lucio, or being bsfs with him would be like! (Requested) 💌👾🌞
; High spice tolerance! reader w/ Lucio (reqd) 👾🌞
; What would they listen to? (requested) 🌞
; What would they listen to? (requested) 🌞
; High spice tolerance! reader w/ Genji (reqd)👾🌞
; High spice tolerance! reader w/ Kiri (reqd) 👾🌞
; Headcanons 🌞💋
Blue Eyed Samurai
; "I like your hands." 🌞💋
; Mizu and reader on the mountain ���💌
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carsinoska · 2 years ago
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Album: Elsie Ruby no Houseki Bako Artist: Otsuki-sama Koukyoukyoku
Elsie Ruby no Houseki Bako
obake yanagi wo toori sugita fukai mori no oku no oku ni tsuta no karanda furubita yakata yonayona kikoeru hanashigoe
mou sugu papa ga mukae ni kite kureru no! yasashii mama ga dakishimete kureru no! tanoshige ni hazumu koe de shoujo wa tsugeru   tsuki akari wo se ni shite
kin no kami to furiru matou rubii wo yadoshita akai me de warau warau   hazumu kowairo wo motte takaramono wo miseteageru! hiraita bako kara koboreru no wa hora, zenbu kirei na houseki-tachi
seken uzumaku uwasa hitotsu mina wa kuchi wo soroete iu mori no oku ni wa bakemono ga iru ashi wo fumiirete wa naranai to
tasogare-doki ni mori ni haitta mama modoranai yukue shirezu ni natta amata no hito tada hitotsu osanai kage mikaketa to iu jouhou dake nokoshite
kiri no you na me wo utagau katachi wo nasanu igyou wo itoshisou ni tomo to yobi naderu shoujo zururi zururi haideru yami kowakunai kara sou, anata ga kuru no matteita no
kin no oukan wo mushin ni atsumeta bin no biidama wo hikari ni sukashita sore to nani ga chigau to iu no? atashi mo houseki wo atsumeteru dake
kin no kami to furiru matou rubii wo yadoshita akai me de warau warau   hazumu kowairo wo motte takaramono wo miseteageru! hiraita hako kara koboreru no wa hora, zenbu kirei na houseki-tachi
anata no hitomi mo, totemo kirei da ne? hora, "Noar"   gohan no jikan da yo!
Tadashii Kazoku no Tsukurikata
Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Quickly, quickly, caress my head! Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Love only me more! Look only at me!
reshipi wo hirogete junbi wa ii? mazuwa o-mizu wo baketsu ni kunde tanso, sanso, suiso wo youi shita nara chisso mo sukoshi bakari hitsuyou mitai
buatsui hon wo hiraite nandomo renshuu shita toori ni shiranai kotoba no jumon wo tonaeru junbi wa yokute?
yasashii papa no tsukurikata wo oshiete ageru ne? suteki na mama no tsukurikata wa minna ni wa naisho da yo? tadashii kazoku no tsukurikata! jumon wo tonaete shiawase kazoku ga atashi ni mo mou sugu dekiru kara!
karushiumu, rin genshi, kariumu genshi kodomo no atashi ni wa muzukashii keredo takusan o-benkyou shita kara kitto jouzu ni kazoku wo tsukureru hazu ne!
houseki bako wo hikkuri kaeshite watashi no okini-iri wo ageru ne? osoroi no rubii mo ii kedo sore yori tokubetsu na iro wo!
kashikoi papa wa umi no you ni fukai safaia wo kawaii mama wa hana no you ni azayakana emerarudo! ningyou ni naifu tsukisashite mekakushi wo shita nara rousoku tomoshite kurayami ni mahou wo kakechaou!
dorodoro tsuchikai ga ugokidasu hako no naka no hitomi ga mitsumeteru sukaato no yami ga ugomeki karera ga atashi no na wo yobu
Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Quickly, quickly, caress my head! Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Love only me more! Look only at me!
hitori de sabishikattan da yo doko ni itteta no? atashi no suteki na o-tomodachi shoukai shite ageru
yasashii papa no tsukurikata wo oshiete ageru ne? suteki na mama no tsukurikata wa minna ni wa naisho da yo? tadashii kazoku no tsukurikata! jumon wo tonaete kondo wa minna de shiawase ni eien wo ikiyou!
hora hayaku atashi wo dakishimete!
Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Quickly, quickly, caress my head! Quickly, quickly, give me a hug! Love only me more! Look only at me!
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tenjin-no-shinja · 3 months ago
This is another chapter of a fairly well known story from the Kojiki so I'm mostly going to be posting about the different kami who were born to Izanami Ōkami and Izanagi Ōkami.
Order in which the names are listed are the birth order 
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Birth of Japan
❶First 淡路島 (淡道之穂之狭別) Awaji Island Awajinohonisawake ❷One Body with Four Faces, Shikoku 伊予(愛比売) Iyo Ehime 讃岐(飯依比古) Sanuki Iiyorihiko 阿波(大宜都比売) Awa Ōgetsuhime 土佐(建依別) Tosa Takeyoriwake ❸3 Children of 隠岐の島(天之忍許呂別) Oki Island Ame no Oshikorowake ❹Another with One Body with Four Faces, Kyūshū 筑紫(白日別) Tsukushi Shirahiwake 豊(豊日別) Toyo Toyohiwake 肥(建日向日豊久士比泥別) Hi Takehimukahitoyokujihinewake 熊曾(建日別) Kumaso Takehiwake ❺ 壱岐の島(天比登都柱) Iki Island Amehitotsuhashira ❻ 対島(天之狭手依比売) Tsushima Amenosadeyorihime ❼ 佐渡の島 Sado Island ❽The Final Island, Honshū 大倭豊秋津島 Ōyamatotoyoakitsushima
Also learned that 秋津 Akitsu is the old word for dragonfly... and that Honshu is supposedly shaped like dragonflies fucking each other
The other islands born were:
吉備児島 Kibi no Kojima
小豆島 Shōdoshima
大島 Ōshima
姫島 Himeshima
五島列島 Gōto Islands (5 island archipelago apparently there's over 140 of them... so the name is a bit amusing to me)
双子の島 Futago no Shima
This was followed by 6 more small islands that were born in the Seto Inland Sea, and Kyūshū
The next were the kami of the earth born to Izanami Ōkami and Izanagi Ōkami: 土の神 Tsuchi no Kami (kami of soil), 石の神 Ishi no Kami (kami of stone), 岩の神 Iwa no Kami (kami of boulders), 家の神 Ie no Kami (kami of the house),海の神⇒大海神 Umi no Kami, Ōwadatsumi no Kami (kami of the seas), 川の神 Kawa no Kami (kami of rivers), 泡の神 Awa no Kami (kami of sea foam/breaking waves), 波の神 Nami no Kami (kami of the waves), 水の神 Mizu no Kami (kami of water), 風の神 Kaze no Kami (kami of wind), 木の神⇒大屋毘古神 Ki no Kami, Ōyabiko no Kami (kami of the trees/forests), 山の神⇒大山津見神 Yama no Kami, Ōyamatsumi no Kami (kami of the mountains), 野の神⇒草野姫 No no Kami, Kaya no Hime (kami of the plains/fields)
After this they took a little break cause they were exhausted 
霧の神 Kiri no Kami (kami of mists), 山頂の神 Sanchō no Kami (kami of mountaintops), 谷の神 Tani no Kami (kami of valleys), 暗闇の神 Kurayami no Kami (kami of the darkness), 迷いの神 Mayoi no Kami (the book makes a bit of a joke that this kami went wandering, since the name literally means Lost Kami), 天鳥船神 Ame no Torifune no Kami (a kami of boats, that shares the name with the giant flying boat that soars through the sky they ride), 食べ物の神⇒大宜都比売神 Tabemono no Kami, Ōgetsu-hime no Kami (kami of food, she has like 15 alternative spellings of her name so I just went with the first one)
With all of these kami born, the seasons could happen, flowers could bloom in the plains and on mountains, while rain and snow could fall. 
In this way, the law of heaven that Izanagi (men) must speak first and invite Izanami (women) was decided by divination by the gods of Takamagahara, and since then, various living creatures such as birds, fish, and animals have followed this rule and men have been the ones who try hard to invite women.
Their names have the older Japanese word for inviting someone, 誘う Izanau in them. 
They continued to reproduce, and gave birth to 火の神 Hi no Kami, kami of fire, 加具土命 Kagutsuchi no Mikoto. His flames were too powerful and resulted in Izanami Ōkami suffering from severe burns to her birth canal.  The bodily fluids and such also resulted in several more kami being born:
From her vomit the couple: 鉱山の夫婦神 Kōzan no Meotogami⇒金山彦、金山姫 Kanayamahiko and Kanayamahime (kami of mineral ores)
From her feces the couple: 粘土の夫婦神 Nendo no Meotogami⇒埴安彦、埴安姫 Haniyasuhiko and Haniyasuhime (kami of clay)
From her urine two kami were born: 彌都波能売神 Mizuha no Me no Kami (a water kami), and 穀物の霊 Kokumotsu no Rei⇒和久産巣日神 Wakumusuhi no Kami (kami of agriculture)
They mention the daughter of Wakumusuhi no Kami is 豊受氣比売Toyoukehime, who is enshrined in the outer shrine at Ise Jingū, and is the kami that protects the bountiful grains.
The kami that was born from the tears of Izanagi Ōkami is called 泣沢女 Nakisawame. 
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iiftaa · 10 months ago
pukul 7 kurang 12 menit, aku sudah sampai di sebuah rumah berwarna putih gading. rumah itu cukup luas dengan halaman depan yang dihiasi dengan aneka tanaman hias.
setelah memarkirkan motorku, aku segera menuju pintu depan rumah itu, berniat untuk memencet bel.
*tingtong* bel pertama tidak ada jawaban.
*tingtong* barulah bel kedua mendapat jawaban dari sang tuan rumah.
pintu rumah itu terbuka, menampilkan sesosok laki-laki tinggi besar yang mengenakan kaos berwarna hijau army.
"eh, udah dateng lu, Ta." ujarnya.
"hehe. iya, Bang. tadi Mama nelpon katanya gue disuruh ke sini." jawabku. laki-laki yang aku panggil bang tadi adalah Ryno. anak sulung Mama.
Ryno langsung mempersilahkanku masuk.
"langsung ke meja makan aja ya, Ta." ujarnya.
aku hanya menanggapi dengan anggukan sopan.
aku melangkahkan kaki menuju ruang makan keluarga itu tanpa ragu sedikitpun karena aku seolah sudah hapal denah rumah ini secara keseluruhan. hal ini bisa terjadi karena aku sudah menghabiskan lebih dari separuh hidupku mengenal keluarga ini. mulai dari Mama, Papa, Ryno, Axton, Thea, Mbak Isah, bahkan hewan-hewan peliharaan keluarga ini. Maru si kelinci; Coconut, Mizu, dan Tedy si marmut; Kousuke si hamster; serta Chipsy si long haired chihuahua yang suka menggigiti boneka-boneka milik Thea.
"eh, udah dateng kamu?" itu adalah suara Mama.
"iya, Ma." jawabku.
"kena macet ngga?" tanya Mama sambil menyiapkan piring di meja makan.
"ngga, Ma. Asta naik motor, jadi bisa nyelip-nyelip." jawabku sambil membantu Mama menata piring yang tadi dibawa olehnya.
tidak perlu waktu lama untuk makanan siap di atas meja. setelah semua siap, seluruh anggota keluarga berkumpul di ruang makan. Papa duduk di kursi paling ujung, kursi yang biasanya ditempati oleh para kepala keluarga seperti di film-film. di samping kanannya ada Mama, disusul dengan Axton. sedangkan di samping kiri Papa ada Ryno yang duduk bersebelahan denganku. aku sedikit heran karena ada satu anggota keluarga yang kurang. Thea tidak ada di sana.
"ayo, pada nyobain rendang sama ketupat bikinan Mama kolaborasi sama Mbak Isah." ujar Mama. "yang kurang suka ketupat, ini juga ada nasi putih." lanjutnya.
semua orang yang berada di meja makan saat itu menyantap masakan Mama dan Mbak Isah dengan lahap. sudah tidak diragukan lagi skill memasak Mama. masakannya lah yang paling enak se-antero Jabodetabek kalau aku boleh hiperbola.
30 menit berlalu, semua sudah selesai makan. Papa, Ryno, dan Axton memutuskan untuk kembali ke kamar mereka masing-masing karena masih ada pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan, sedangkan aku membantu Mama membereskan piring bekas makan bersama tadi.
"kamu pasti heran ya kenapa Thea ngga ada?" ujar Mama seolah bisa membaca isi pikiranku sedari tadi.
"eh?" aku menatap Mama dengan tatapan terkejut.
"Thea ke Sydney, Ta." jelas Mama.
seketika aku membulatkan mataku. "Sydney?" tanyaku.
Mama menjawab dengan anggukan. "iya, Sydney, Australia." jelas Mama.
"dia berangkat sehari sebelum lebaran." lanjut Mama.
"kok ngga ngabarin Asta?" tanyaku.
iya, aku tahu. mungkin pertanyaanku terdengar seolah aku adalah orang yang harus serba tahu apapun yang dilakukan oleh Thea, tapi aku benar-benar keheranan kenapa Thea pergi (bahkan ke luar negeri) tanpa memberitahuku sama sekali.
"jangankan ngabarin kamu. Mama tau dia ke Sydney aja sehari setelah dia sampai sana." jelas Mama.
aku semakin mengerutkan dahi mendengar penjelasan dari Mama barusan.
"dia ngga cerita ke kamu sama sekali?" tanya Mama.
aku menjawab dengan gelengan. "terakhir ketemu sama Thea sekitar tiga hari sebelum lebaran, Ma. dia ngga cerita apapun yang menyinggung sama keberangkatan dia ke Sydney." jelasku.
"dia berangkat sama temen-temennya. Mama tau karena waktu sampai sana, dia video call Mama buat ngabarin kalau dia baik-baik aja dan dia ngga ngelakuin hal yang aneh-aneh." ujar Mama.
"terus Thea kapan balik, Ma?" tanyaku.
"harusnya sih flight malem ini ya. kalau ngga salah nanti jam 11an pesawatnya udah landing."
"oke. kalau gitu nanti biar Asta yang jemput Thea ya, Ma." ujarku.
"ngga usah, Ta. biar nanti Ryno sama Axton aja yang jemput di bandara. kasian kamu nanti jadi pulang kemaleman." jelas Mama.
aku tidak bisa mengelak perkataan Mama karena aku juga sadar bahwa besok aku harus berangkat pagi ke kantor label rekaman karena ada beberapa klien yang ingin bertemu.
"kamu ketemu dia besok aja habis pulang kerja. gimana?" ujar Mama.
aku hanya bisa menjawab dengan anggukan.
"Ta, Mama tau kalau kamu sayang sama Thea." ucap Mama tiba-tiba.
aku hanya bisa menautkan kedua alisku saat mendengar perkataan Mama barusan.
"kenapa? kamu kok kaya kaget gitu? lagipula tanpa kamu bilang pun, semua perlakuan kamu ke Thea itu udah mengindikasikan dengan jelas kalau kamu sayang sama dia." ujar Mama.
"Mama juga udah kenal kamu bukan cuma setahun dua tahun. Mama kenal kamu sejak kalian berdua masih lari-larian pakai kaos dalem sambil mainan pasir di halaman rumahmu dulu. Mama percaya sama kamu, Ta. Mama percaya kalau kamu ngga mau Thea kenapa-kenapa, jadi bantu Mama buat jagain anak bungsu Mama terus ya, Ta?" lanjutnya.
entah kenapa tiba-tiba udara di sekitarku terasa sesak, namun dalam waktu yang bersamaan ada perasaan hangat yang aku rasakan di dalam dadaku. "iya, Ma. Asta bakal berusaha untuk selalu ada buat Thea." jawabku.
selanjutnya, Mama maju untuk memeluk dan mengelus kepalaku.
"terimakasih, Ta." ujar Mama.
"you don't need to, Ma." jawabku.
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pennydreadfulbook · 2 years ago
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“There she is, Madame President.”
Rory, Penny Dreadful: Chapter 29: The First Woman
Baby Rory + Rory 2.0
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mizukiri · 3 years ago
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"You must know by now that not much can pry Father away from His important work."
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loveoaths · 4 years ago
@sunchascd​‘s temari  ♡ ‘d  for a starter !  
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back home, there is an old joke about suna nin. it goes like this:
a kirigakure shinobi is on her way home when a wounded suna nin asks for help. the kiri nin says, “wow, i didn’t know dogs could talk!” and kills the suna nin dead.
hey, haku never said they were good jokes.
haku can’t help but remember this joke as the sunagakure delegate enters the diplomat chambers, her chin high and eyes sharp. with her back to the door and her confident yet defensive and reserved posture, she is startlingly more like the average kiri nin than rumors suggest. then again, she is the first suna nin haku has met eye to eye aside from a battlefield; they are struck with the sobering reminder that the little they know of suna nin is likely steeped in inaccuracies, prejudice, and worse. this is an opportunity to learn something new.
❛     You must be Temari-san, I am Haku, a diplomat of Kirigakure.   ❜   haku says, standing as she joins them. their eyes are warm, too warm for the typical kirigakure shinobi, but their watchfulness is a knife in the night. ❛    Mei-sama is indisposed at the moment, so I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for the moment. This way.    ❜  they guide her to a side door.  ❛    Perhaps we can chat and get to know one another while I show you the premises.    ❜  
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insanescriptist · 5 years ago
Geopolitical maps of Mizu no Kuni, must now include the fact that Kiri has hot springs.
Kiri isn’t on the ocean; look on the official map and it’s pretty much in the middle of the largest island of Mizu. Beyond that, cool air and warm water is how you get tons of fog anyway as the temperatures equalize.
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choconanime · 3 years ago
heyhey! I wanted to ask about your bsts OCs, especially Zinnia‐– what're their introductions, and relationships with other cast members?👁
I really really miss interactions n stuff in this fandom cause it's so little,and it makes me so so happy seeing your posts ♡♡♡
Aw thank you! Happy to hear that my silly lil posts make you happy it makes my day fr💕 and i totally get where your coming from,i miss interactions especially now that I'm very into bsts n there's so few of us so trust me when i say I'm as happy as you are too see your posts too 💕 it always a joy to interact with other's.
And omg I'm so glad you ask🥺(a lil to happy KSNSK) I'll try to give a simple ver and then the long one under read more just so it isn't to much( this game gives me the biggest amount of brainworks like oh my god)
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For introductions:
Zinnia: My main muse💕(who i def don't have bias for). An introverted kitchen staff, and childhood friend of Qu. Used to be much more quiet and enigmatic,now she's doing her best to be openly kind and even big sisterly. Has a penchant for getting into trouble, though mostly unwillingly. Also quite a tall lady,tall as Sin may i add n that's without heel's bcuz she sure loves wearing them (i made her so tall that I forget who's actually tall tall in this game like you know i have it bad when i call Ran/Mizu a midget n then see their actual height n go NVM THEIR TALL each time). Also is clear she has her issues as some days she's not doing so hot.
Closes to(I'll leave it simply to people she hang the most,I'll talk more in under "read more"): Mizuki and Qu but Kongou and her are quickly building a close friendship. Kiri,Io and Adami are people she often hang outside of starless
Role: Kitchen staff+ if she was part of the game she would just be the player emotional support LMAO
Kiri: The second one who invaded my brain a lot(despite originating from Blackstar i have more content for her in paradox live fandom since she's multi fandom of). An extremly loud and extrovert chuuni, talks with riddle and lies mix in, you never know when she's telling the truth. Seem to have history with Kei,Heath and even Saki but is clear saki doesn't remember her.
Closes: Heath,Io,Adami and Zinnia
Role: Comes to starless to hang like any other fan,avid fan of W and as a radio hostess she's uses it to be like go to starless @@@@+ if she was part of the game she will be that one npc that once in a while will pop up n always chatter with player n just confuse you(in a lighthearted way!!) before saying smt cryptically concerning n leaving.
Io: The one oc who's here to lighten up the mood out of the 4 of them LMAO. Care-free and laid-back as fuck to the point where here being high and her being well,not high is not that different LMAO. Despite popular believe she isn't a slacker quite frankly she works and care's a little to much she just knows when to slack n give herself some time off.
Role: That one npc that only appears if zinnia or Kiri are around LOL but if for whatever reason your in the sketchy side of town she always stumble across player to help them out.
Close: No one from canon(for now),she's close with each girl tho!!!
Adami: The one oc Born from one ship dynamic idea JSKSKSKS (criminal/spy x detective/cop lives rent free). The private detective who's in search for her lost family member. Because of her desperation she became good at what she does despite the dangers that it brings alongside it. The "strict" mom friend who can't seem to relax all that much.
Role: the private detective who here taking a break,she doesn't mean to put anyone unsettled she literaly has no time to change to casual.
Closes: Takami :))) but also kiri and Zinnia (she an Io bicker a lot so she's like "no we're not friends" Io: "You say that as you allow me to stay at your house while drunk for a week")
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With that you basically have the gizz of them🥺💕hehehe so thank you for asking if you want don't be afraid to reblog with your saki introduction snd relationship with other's is only fair hehe or even make a seperate post n tag me I'll reblog it😩💕( this is a free invite to any other oc haver too pls KSKSKSK)
Now for more details we'll down below, disclaimer: is a lot WHOOPS
OKAY WJSKS ZINNIA HAS A LOT SO I HAVE ILL JUST START RAMBLING BCUZ WHO KNOW WHEN ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY WILL COME😂👏 I'll keep it only zinnia bcuz the post is already so long I'm so sorry, almost a year in this fandom n i been holding this info in my brain,the flood gates are open but like most of the girl's despite the brief description Don't have a lot(except Kiri following close) SWEATS but most if not all my attention goes to Zinnia LOL. Also /grovel so sorry if some character are ooc still learning about them!(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)i could proven wrong at any moment and thats thrilling NANS JK
On the side note:wanna make clear for those who are yumejoshi (self ship/ ships oc x Canon) idc if we share favs lmao quite frankly pls come at my door n bark about your favs i am very much desperate n very much would love to support you 💕🥺
Zinnia has the most "routes"(aka different au with different boys i like for funsies) but is obvious i have two main one's (Qu and Sin) although.... three wouldn't be far off as hes barking at my door(Ran pls sweetie don't u see i have my plate full STOP).
She actually works in starless before the new starless! So she's well acquaintance with a few if not most boy's so that's why I wanted to keep the relationship ship part under here bcuz sKSKSK girl has so many this is how much i think of her to the point i know what's her opinion on most of the cast and who's she's closes to LMAO.
Team k: She isn't close to anyone yet she's no stranger either,she rarely very...very rarely passes to check this team unless like they request smt from her but overall there isn't much.
Kei: not much to talk about here, nothin against him just she's a lil iffy with Kei bcuz similar to kokuyo she was a lil against the change he brought and unfortunately she doesn't hang around much outside those she's closes(she's so awkward with strangers jsjsjs)so she has a hard time reading him.
Sotetsu and Yoshino: they know her n she knows them,not close by any means but no strangers either however because of Zinnia appearance (she looks like she glaring at you+ she tower Yoshino easily) Yoshino does act a lil intimidated by her( not by a lot but is clear he's just trying not to upset her bcuz she snap once at someone else n he went YEP don't want that vs Sotetsu who's like idk man you literally talk about food n she'll give you an essay there's nothing unsettling about her).
Ginsei: since he was in W i think he's the only one "closes" ish to her, is like when you get along with a classmate very well,you could be friends if you guys decide to hang out more but you don't?well that's them especially since both are sensitive of their looks they can relate to that pain( Ginsei hates being call ikemen and Zinnia hates being call hot/sensual/mature)
Gui... bro idk she's neutral about him(funny she has a route with him), but thanks to seeing him hang with Ginsei she slowly gets a better read of him n finds him cute at times especially when he's asking about the menu n she's like "....he's like a clueless puppy...cute..."<- big sister instincts kicks in
Team W: the opposite of team k I HAVE TO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT SKSKSKS🤡🤡🤌 The designated aniki adjacent bcuz fuck it we ball with this decision,i decided W is her found family HONK
Kokuyo: The "i took one little shit why do i have now two now???". Thanks to Mizuki she got close to kokuyo back at old starless, they didn't interact unless kokuyo had to help in the kitchen and even then she would just give him the cold treatment or be kinda snappy at him (at least her tone) N he wouldn't bother her much anyway so he didn't care she did her job...that isn't till he saw Zinnia give food to Mizuki for free or when Mizuki stole money not just for him but for her too it's when he went from okay miss talk💀what the fuck going on here. Results Zinnia isn't so far from Mizuki situation (basically living in the streets) and just kinda became her big bro over time. She's very thankful of him so outside of starless it isn't odd to see her with kokuyo bcuz she invited him out for drinks.
Akira: "WDYM YOU HAVEN'T EVER ENTER A KARAOKE ZINNIA" "WELL NOT IN A WHILE" "ALRIGHT WERE GOING" "NO" another one that turned to be her big bro over time. I think Akira was the one who also made everyone realize the girl has her issues because when he accidentally flirt on her( he didn't knew her age n zinnia always appeared twice than her actual age doesn't help she didn't even like... mention anything or want anyone mentioning she's a child for reasons),she um...reacted really badly LMAO and after that he went to apologize ofc even invite her out to the arcane as an apology...it isn't till she said what's that??? That he went 🧍‍♀️"wdym...what's that..." Zinnia: "well,um...i know what it is but never exactly enter one" Akira:"EVER?" Zinnia:"EVER SJSJ" Akira: "ALRIGHT WE'RE CHANGING THAT LETS GO" n he just act as the fun big bro. While he don't flirt with her he's definitely a tease (aka. Treat her like a bby sis which makes Zinnia slightly irritated but she doesn't dislike it)
Sin: THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND I HATE HIM She unfortunately has a route of him and very unfortunately this could easily become a 50 page essay about trust and time can lead to a very dedicated relationship and how much of a simp i am but we're not here for that,mister funny crown men spoke his first words at her and the woman was immediately confused but ironically that brought comfort? She's comfortable with people who are quirky or deliquents bcuz that's the environment she crew up with so she just kinda immediately went from "oh God he's a weirdo.....guess i can lower my guard a lil"->cue to zinny feeling comfy in asking sin questions,both didn't really talk that much (unsurprisingly) and still don't but you can see Zinnia has a lil crush on him now from how immediately she smiles when she sees him or how hard she tries to understand him n his interest, in return Sin how can I word it...like he's not in her business but he's definitely like "Your your own woman,i know this but if you ever need help I'll be here" type n i do HC he does enjoys when zinnia, route or not, comes to him for assistance,maybe it's nice for him to feel like he can be trusted so wholeheartedly even tho he has his worries if she should be trusting him and why?Zinnia has trust issues so... out of all people why she choose to trust me....
Takami:Not much since he's new but seeing how the other 3 member's we're close to her,he treated her kindly out of courtesy (like hey i see she's close to boss should make sure i get along too).
Taiga= Not much either since again he's new, she only has given him a smile n wave but compared to Takami she is... intensely interesting in what he's doing (Akira: Well that's new showing interest in stranger's?hehe?~ zinnia: ah! Well-not like that! We just haven't had a tech savvy person so I'm very curious of what's he's doing that's all...)
Team P: Back to i don't have a lot LMAO mainly bcuz i haven't read much of them 🥺💦 May skip them this time bcuz this post already so long but her overall impression of them ranges from "Quite a fine gentleman hello been a while since we talk Rindou-san", "He's the one who took in Qu i should be polite,hello Maica-san....."<-clearly anxious,Menou is similar to GINSEI where like they do get along but aren't close granted she's a lil iffy about him at times bcuz can see Menou being a lil to direct in asking sensitive questions which has made zinnia unsettled at time's,Yakou.... Actually wouldn't be surprised if she didn't even talk to him LMAO bcuz she only knows the new members bcuz she visits those she's pretty close if not she would be oblivious to some,tho when they do talk can see they just neutral with each other like yeah he's/she nice.
Sinju (she has a route with him,the token of p rights)is the one she n him would get along,even be friends but unfortunately she snap at him once on a really shitty day(she screamed at him to back off) n after that he's been very nervously "h-hi zinnia" n zinnia inside: GUILT IS KILLING ME but in the outside she tries to play it cool even tried to go out of her comfort to be a lil more open by asking him out to hang out(it was awkward).
Nekome:"Nekome-san....." "Zinny^^🌸""...You haven't change much ,welcome back" "Oh?~ your actually capable of speaking now? My i feel like i miss your big baby steps" "....nvm goodbye" (IDK MAN like she isn't distrusting of him bcuz he's already Mr sussy so i mean yeah i guess he's fine? She never knew how to feel about him so she always been neutral/keep on shielding herself from him).
Team B: FOUND FAMILY PART 2 +#!(#( no i don't have biases wdym JSJSJS is a team that started with her being iffy but they snatch her legs n went "anyways she's the big sister....for the most part"
Mizuki: Zinnia "lil brother",he's a lil shit on purpose to her( kicking her/calling her old woman/ stealing her lunch) and she's an overbearing big sister on purpose on him (aka treats him like a baby but like in the "I'm going use my talking "to a baby" voice on you"/ there's also the joke she purposely puts him between her tits n he hates it bcuz he's suffocating HSJS). But aside from trying to annoy each other it's clear how Zinnia personality comes out immediately, she's free to be loud,casual and even childish self at times with him like is really freeing! Another member she owns to a lot, actually considers him a family n to a point she calls him consistently brother, even when she mad at him and him at her they never really stay far away from each other. Truthfully when not being siblings tm she acts very big sisterly towards him+ the cheat code to get zinnia to trust u easily.
Lico(she has a route with him): They did not get along, did not help he immediately recognized her bcuz of his previous work which like...with the new people she's usually does her best to at least be polite with them but him?fuck every improvement she been making she's going back to being misses snappy pants @ him(def not bcuz I'm scared),so to they were at odds mhm,did not took kindly he was Flirty+shit talks a lil to much to her liking+he knows her like it was a combo that she just nope nope nope-> sees Mizuki being happy with them-> eats her goddamn feelings n starts tolerating him i guess...(author note: they became fashion buddies LMAO)
Heath(sorta have a route): "hello." "Hello... um You guy's did great" "oh...thanks" didn't spoke again after that initial introduction when B first came out but slowly as Zinnia keep hanging out with B( daily annoyance for Mizuki+ also have some fresh water guys water+ "also Kongou about work-") they just bonded as the quiet friends->suddenly Mizuki isn't the only one with big sister treatment @ you too fucker-> "I know your younger but nee-san-" "NEESAN????(cue to her ascending the skies above he trust me holy fuck guy's).
Ran(HAS A ROUTE N IS KILLING ME): off the bat they kick it off well, he's friendly and wild+ gets along with mizuki+ acts cute= literally the opposite of Lico ,this is a man gain her to warm up a little to quickly....or so it seemed lolol she doesn't trust him girl has her issues but we're skipping that just know it wasn't long before she doted on him as much as she doted Mizuki (only she was more genuine n less annoying) which kick it off to a good start,TBf she's really prefers people she can "feel familiar with" n him having a similar braincell to Mizuki just speed up making her warm up to him.
Kongou: "The one guy i show cute pics of my dog" NSNSKSKS Like all out of starless he's the only one who sees and interact with Zinnia the most like ofc before b even form she was already warm up to him and his kind and pacifist personality really makes her feel comfortable to be like "i think is okay...to take the leap and trust him already...i think"-> cut to her n him just chatting all the time on the kitchen like even Qu,her childhood friend is like impressive you made her talk this much n there's Kongou like man idk if that's impressive i just mention how we can make this cute cake n she's suddenly rambling about all the ingredients. They support each other and slowly(more like quickly) Kongou becomes someone Zinny would call family.
Like C is the main reason i made zinnia(b being the second) a lot of their themes like freedom n independence/self identity is smt i base zinnia would lack bcuz slowly learns that from them 💕also everyone has a route in this team bcuz bias privilege i guess JKASKSK
Mokuren: "Yeah i guess it's fine" she said to them once before in old starless when she was cranky pants n that made Moku go "what do you mean my dance moves are just fine-" cue to her n them just stuck in the practice room till zinnia give them her honest opinion-> Zinnia actually getting mesmerized by their dance move-> Obv boosted their ego more but the time they spend together they did took notice how much yearning zinnia looked at them with,like she wants to be free and dance too but she keeps saying no any time they ask to join so it slowly became a goal to try to make her dance and to keep sure that yearning always stays they invite her a lot to C practice room.
Qu: Childhood friend's with ups and down, It's clear something is up with them considering they seem to hold back from telling each other feelings. Despite that Qu is very caring toward Zinnia and Zinnia is always worried about him which he can't help but chuckle. Qu and Zinnia are often hanging out starless or coming togher when schedule coincide. Qu the one who help her restart her closet with clothes she wants to wear and be proud of wearing, her hype friend absolutely does not let her wallow in her apartment for to long line "girl were going outside oh,also hi doggy- actually being your dog." Main one helping her out in being more polite since she used to speak very informally and loud and that kinda keep people away from her thinking she's a deliquent (did not help her old fashion clothes looked like she was one).Not like he found that a fault though...but she wishes to change n move forward and he's here to help.
Kasumi: He is a token,a crumb of aniki adjacent( n i know he's canonly a big bro) because he does act like it at times when Zinnia clearly been seen in distress but aside from that another one that can make zinnia easily talk bcuz he does over her (not) biggest secret: she's a foodie. Like he can literally talk about sweets of any kind and she's bouncing out off him happily,it's refreshing to see how comfortable she is talking to someone else that isn't her closes friend's,it's like that one acquaintance your more than happy to hang but there isn't many opportunities.
Hari: Did not like him nope,Maica was lucky bcuz he had Qu to introduce him n she went "ah so i can safely warm up to him got it", Hari is absolutely 100% a new member with no one to back him up nor was he Taiga where like at least she can be like "is dat vidi games?", she did not trust him especially after realizing he's a rich boy,sure she greet him with a smile he's no Lico but it's clear she didn't want to be alone,would get easily distressed if she was and would leave so it quickly turned awkward when mokuren invited her, didn't help the other 3 member where close to her so Hari always attempting to win her over her trust.
Zakuro: "Oh another weirdo....Mhm don't like you use a nickname already on me tho...", Another one she just smile at but after introduction she sorta kinda kept her distance and they kinda keep it like that(especially since Zakuro was making rounds of being up to no good from the get go,like he knows what he wants the tea n the drama n he isn't afraid to get it LMAO to get in your noise n zinnia went: ah reminds me a lil of menou...NOPE) till recently they been warming up,it's been a real slow burn with these two but she doesn't get quiet around him like she did before so that's an improvement.
Unei: @ go eat
Haseyama: do not,under any circumstances leave her alone with him unless you want to see her get an ptds episode 🤡🤡🤌
Iwama: Oh she's straight up hugs him when he first came back to starless so safe bet to say she close to him.
Saki: "Do you need water? A hug? Wanna hang out? Your okay? Did you eat? I have a bow if you need to tie your hair-...oh your good you say okay ....sorry, haven't have many chances to meet another girl here even less be friends with them so i worry."<- avoiding saying that kitchen stuff obviously have said all the shenanigans that gone down with Saki n she is very much worried but she's awkward at times so how to address it....
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