#Miyazaki family
scaredyfurry · 6 months
haruto Miyazaki
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thearsonistofarland · 10 months
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Boy and Heron good
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mesaprotector · 6 months
just thinking about elden ring + how absolutely amazing kalé's questline would've been if they hadn't cut it. genuinely would've considered doing the frenzied flame ending just for that. i feel while elden ring has good character writing overall it has nothing that would've hit on that level
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brunhielda · 3 months
Because this is becoming THAT blog-
The one where I review old movies we all have already seen, but I personally, have not seen for years until recently.
I just watched “An American Tale.”
If you were a child of the 90s, you just thought- “There are No Cats in America 🎶? THAT American Tale?”
If you had that thought, you likely already know. If you have not had the absolute joy- buckle up. I am going to rant about a classic.
First of all- This is Don Bluth.
His movies do not get worse with age.
They get BETTER.
And American Tale is example number ONE.
No, it is not fond memories or nostalgia glasses, you can breath, and then go treat yourself to a viewing.
Secondly- the man did not dumb down or sanitize his history.
He said “I’m going to tell the immigrant story” and then opened with a fucking ethnic cleansing.
I said what I said.
The movie is set in the early Russian Empire, a time full of anti-Semitic sentiment and enforced laws, also seen in “Fiddler on the Roof.” Fiddler on the roof might actually be tamer on the subject.
Every other historical note in this movie is on point and easy enough to look up in a history book, if you have the common sense to realize that names have been altered.
The Statue of Liberty was not built by a pigeon, for example. It was built by a Frenchman. (Frederic Auguste Bartholdi).
I don’t know of an “honest John,” but I did guffaw out loud when he started taking names of the dead at funerals to add to his vote count. Ghost votes were very real, one of the reasons people are still so twitchy about voter fraud today.
I do not recall a moment in 1886 when the minorities of New York managed to run off prominate members of authority… but with how on point everything else is? It would not shock me.
Thirdly- Bluth DID NOT FLINCH
I don’t remember who said it first, but both Bluth and Spielberg had a belief that you could put very sad and scary things in children’s films, as long as the ending was happy.
This movie has multiple nightmare moments. Cats, monster waves, more cats, bugs and fish, and of course, the horrifying “Mouse of Minsk” (iykyk).
The thing is, it’s not even how they are drawn. Like, yes, the image is scary, but it’s the storytelling around it. It’s the lighting change. The soundtrack. The horrific sound effects. Seriously- whoever did foley on this film deserves all the awards- you make me scared of the kitty kats, and I LOVE cats. 🐈
Some people will question whether or not it is appropriate for small children. I would say maybe wait until they are six, and watch it with them, but they should watch scary things if they can. Being scared in appropriately safe space teaches you how to react to fear and handle moments when you are scared in real life. It is my major argument for Halloween. But each parent has to do as they think is best for each individual child. In any case, watch this one first before showing it to your kids- definitely more scary than you remember.
Finally- the animation on this film is a national treasure. I honestly hope this film is in the Library of Congress collection.
There are animation techniques here that don’t exist anymore.
Sparks. Sparkles. Glimmers. Stars in the Night Sky. Smoke billows.
Actually, I almost paused the film on a smoke billow. Sony is doing some things in the recent “Spiderverse” trilogy that are insane- and part of it is their mixed animation.
All the smoke billows? Hand drawn.
They look the same as Bluth’s smoke in this film, which is making me wonder if one of their artists studied under him. Maybe not- maybe they just did their homework on good hand drawn cloud formations. Either way, realizing how close they got to the master work in this film made me appreciate them even more.
Speaking of insane animation-
I don’t know WHO Bluth felt he had to show off to, but this man could DRAW WATER and he fucking knew it.
Like water is hard to do, ok? Like hands, Da Vinci had notebooks full of sketches of the substance, proving it to be the bane of the artistic existence.
Most water in hand drawn animation comes in two forms-
Flat water color with pretty things floating in it to distract you-
Or drawn over a live video of water that they spliced into the image.
Even that was hard to do, and they used a technology no longer available to us. It looks pretty cool honestly.
But no, not DON fucking BLUTH.
Not only can this man hand draw water without the underlying video, but he draws it moving in multiple different ways. He shows it from the top, side, and sinking underneath (with moving bubbles and shifting light, no flat blue for him).
The more I watched this film, the more I realized that if Milt Kahl had the head swaggle, Don Bluth had water, and by God was he going to use it.
He wrote plots AROUND the idea of water, so he could showcase it in every scene. “Rock-a-doodle,” and “Pebble and the Penguin” come to mind. “Anastasia,” “Thumbelina” and “All Dogs Go to Heaven” all feature action scenes in water. Heck- the one in “All Dogs Go To Heaven” came out of no where, and makes so much more sense if it was just Bluth wanting to show off.
“An American Tale” had the travel by boat sequence and our main hero being thrown over board. He could have left it there. NOPE. There were puddles and sewers and fire hoses and action scenes at the docks.
And the few scenes without water? Let’s throw some scary sparks in there. Maybe some smoke billowing. For funzies.
Also- we’re going to have a Love Song with the most incredible Night Sky you have ever seen and a Comedic song featuring fun house mirror distorted reflections because WHY NOT???
I think he was trying to make sure Disney regretted him leaving, the way you dress up when you know your toxic ex will be there, and I love that for him. 🩷
Also- the backgrounds are all beautiful water color. I love a good water color.
Also- yeah, the sound track holds up. The songs are just as catchy as they ever were- if you have ever seen this movie you WILL find yourself singing along.
As previously mentioned, when it comes to the scary parts, the composer UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT and the music easily fits into a good horror film.
And finally- the music at the finale when everything is made right, and the happy ending is finally here, is the most heart breaking thing you will ever hear. You will cry. Watch the movie, but bring the tissues. 🤧
This movie is definitely worth a watch.
This movie is more than worth a watch, it should be mandatory for elementary history and college animation classes alike.
But also it’s just fun. 🤩
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641incibalik · 1 month
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wanderingmausoleum · 3 months
how it feels to not really care about miquella and have no strong opinions on the things about him that were revealed in the dlc
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Yuki's Sun
Based on the manga by Tetsuya Chiba
Directed by Hayao Miyazaki
Tokyo Movie Shinsha, 1972
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live-and-die-in-la · 5 months
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My neighbor, Lance. God, I love this show so much.
“This is weird, right?”
Bob’s Burgers: 03x05 An Indecent Thanksgiving Proposal
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animebackgroundmusic · 5 months
"I don't get it." by: (K)NoW_NAME: Makoto Miyazaki from: Spy x Family
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artisticalchemy-7 · 1 year
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Monkey D. Luffy - AI Art - Ghibli astestic
Instagram: artisticalchemy_7
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fantomette22 · 2 years
Ok I'm once again asking
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I now the big one/down left on the 2nd pic is basically Annalise...But everyone else?! They could be anyone...
I love it it's beautiful but it made me goes insert conspiracy theory meme
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octobertomarch · 11 months
A never-before-seen snap of Twilight having a crisis during the early days of preparation for Eden Academy Admissions Interview:
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Lol you know the reference. If you don't, then go read the tags
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coffeebookslovegt · 1 month
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Un corazón es una carga pesada.
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shysheeperz · 8 months
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cosmicgesture · 10 months
i know people are saying the dub of the boy and the heron is bad but. it's really not.
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