#Mitchell hoo
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 23 days ago
The Aphrodite Cabin has definitely listened to audiobooks of the Twilight saga via cassette tapes or something
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spookedbees · 6 months ago
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Aphrodite cabin playing dress to impress because i think they'd love it aka the real reason chb isn't allowed to have technology
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freddie-77-ao3 · 8 months ago
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froggie-at-home · 6 months ago
will solace and his small touches with his friends.
he runs away from angry ares kids after a successful prank, his legs brushing against cecil's. he drags nyssa away from the fire by the back of her overrals, his fingers brushing against the back of her neck. he finds and puts on glasses for malcolm, when he searches for the pair. he brushes the hair away from mitchell's eyes when he tries to choose between two nail polishes. he lightly bumps heads with lou ellen while they laugh together over funny spells. he hugs drew's shoulders when she starts talking about her siblings. he gives a plate of food to annabeth when she locks herself up in cabin 3.
sometimes after, he caresses nico's scars on his hands. he ties alabaster's hair in a tiny ponytail during a stressful night.
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iheartgirlzn · 4 months ago
hc that all the aphrodite kids are duos with/dating an ares or hephaestus kid somehow
leo and piper (obviously). they’re best friends and practically siblings.
nyssa and drew. LESBIANS. THEY ARE GIRLFRIENDS. need i say more??
silena and clarisse/charles. charles is silena’s boyfriend and silena is clarisse’s girlfriend. (this is canon rick told me himself.)
mitchell and jake are friends… MAYBE boyfriends. idk i just think mitchell having a crush on half of cabin 9 is rlly funny.
AND THEN harley & lacy!!! they’re best friends and bully their siblings together :3
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kaityeliza · 5 months ago
anyways aphrodite cabin head cannons!!
mitchell is super super good at doing hair
drew & selina were super close but grew apart when selina became a spy
drew had a feeling she was the spy but didn't want to say anything
drew, lacy, valentina, & mitchell were all kind mad at piper because they thought she was being ungrateful
especially mitchell *i feel like he got claimed after a while at camp
mitchell & selina were the same age
mitchell & valentina are super close
valentina has been at camp for a long time (about 6 or 7 years)
mitchell and lee were bestfriends
at least one of them is an influencer and it is in fact mitchell
nyssa & drew!!!!
i mean mitchell is like really famous (internet wise)
piper 100% knew who he was
she didn't say anything
lacy is really short
lacy is the only blonde one
valentina's costa rican
mitchells dad is a fashion designer
they're all nepo babies
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months ago
do you have any piper hcs? if so id love to hear about them (especially any including her and drew siblingisms) /nf ofc !!!
I got you!!!!
She isn't half cherokee,she's just cherokee.Aphrodite took the form of a woman of his tribe for Tristan but also half cherokee isn't even a thing because the culture sees multiracial people as simply 'cherokee' even if there's other races in there
She's a trans soft butch lesbian!I know Rick tried to write her as 'unlabeled' but lbr,he's just a lesbophobe as a bi woman she's 100% not into dudes.Her getting bullied by white cis femgirls was only made worse by her transition and thus she was traumatized out of femininity and her arc in Hoo is learning to be a proper tfem butch over a tomboy
She is also autistic and i love my autistic sister so much🩷
Also no weird ass light hair and eyes,her hair is black and glows a warm dark,dark,dark brown in sunlight and she has big brown eyes like a baby strawberry cow.She usually lets it hang loose but eventually she starts wearing braids again to signify character development
She's a huge Sanrio fan and makes custom merch of it.Her favorite is Hello Kitty and she's a he/him lesbian Daniel truther and Frank instantly agrees when she brings it up.Her dream date is a Sanrio Store spree(Onyx take notes)
I think she would use scene extensions/dye styles but not actually identify as scene,she gives more punk rock princess.She's Avril Lavigne but not a poser and she plays the drums and has an energy drinks chugging time record and Gir stickers Grandpa Tom gave her to try to be a cool granddad(it worked)
She really likes cheetos,especially hot cheetos!!And corn based foods as they take her back to good times!Nobody is allowed to joke on that second part though or Piper or Lex will deck them for being racist
Tim Drake kinnie and both proud and embarrassed of it(FR SHE IS SO TIM-CODED).Lex got her into Batfam!!
Casual gamer when it comes to consoles but hardcore into arcade games and her bowling skills go crazy
'This is a scar i got from a scorpion on a beach day when i was 5,the bite was NARLY and i cried all over the place but now i'm so proud of it because it makes me look all cool and rugged,and this scar is from when i saved Annabeth from a Hydra and she was so mad she finished the job for me,and this one's actually not a gunshot wound but a burn i ended up with when i went sick-o-her mode on Hera and this one-'
Takes Onyx on dates for fairy bread,stunts and yap.Also reminds him to wear protection gear /silly
Valentine's Day and Halloween are tied for her ultimate holiday
Local party thrower and instigator
Can't do a handstand and it brings her misery.Can't pronounce the word 'french' itself properly despite speaking it from birth and uses it to torment Percy
Speaking of which,Piper and Hazel AND Frank torment her together through their widely different french dialects
Does vine compilations
Her and the rest of the Aphrodite Cabin including Silena who survived the acid and came out with burn scar disabilities are basically 'The Elite' at camp but Lex teared down their walls through their friendship with Drew starting in TTC so by the time Piper arrives,they're chill with her habits and over their internalized misogyny.Cabin 10 is the number one spot you go to for love advice and the number two spot for trans healthcare(number one is Mr D. since....well yeah lmao)and her and Drew are basically messy autism vs neat autism but it's purely comical with no beef and they work things out
Heavy into sea junk thanks to her Aphrodite kid status but also from tagging along on Percy and Lex dates(she exaggeratedly wolfwhistled whenever she caught them kissing or even just being physically affectionate)
Sit on her lap wether platonically or romantic or a secret third thing,she loves it when people do that to her and will even do your hair and squish your stomach while you do
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beuatifulbuttercup · 7 months ago
I like to imagine that the Aphrodite cabin has like a ten step night routine and you’re not allowed to miss a single step. They take that seriously.
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iamrizaka · 7 months ago
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they are seven months old
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mediumgayitalian · 9 months ago
fic rec friday 19
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
Falling For You (Literally) by peanutbutterapple
Will Solace was positively sure of two things. 1. He was unwaveringly devoted to his boyfriend of nearly a year, Nico di Angelo. 2. Of all the demigods at Camp Half-Blood, the Aphrodite kids were not to be toyed with.
love how theyre still working on their relationship in this one!! like they are clearly into each other and they know that but that is not Enough to sustain a relationship. cool commentary that relationships take work AND the work doesnt have to be hard/bad, there just needs to be effort. loved that.
2. I got a boy back home who's unlike any other by sunburst_city
“Ew,” Will says when he pulls away, licking his lips and grimacing at what Nico assumes is a mixture of stale sweat, dirt, and other things Nico would rather not think about. “You taste nasty.” “Excuse you. You try chasing down a rogue hellhound across a fucking bayou.”
this one was so cute!! it's a small thing but i love the dynamic where nico is such an Explorer you know. because it's very uniquely solangelo in terms of pjoverse!! they don't both want the same things. will is more of a homemaker and always has been. he's not a fighter and he doesn't want to be. he holds down the fort at home, he makes sure everyone is okay, he keeps people in line. whereas nico is right in the throes of the battle, in the middle of everything. they went on an adventure together and it was really hard for both of them. i like reading stuff where they have their own thing and they're very proud of each other for it.
3. fall asleep until it's only you and me by by sunburst_city
There is something frighteningly tangible about all her dreams involving Percy Jackson. 6 instances Annabeth dreams of Percy.
4. Overhead by cabeswaters
Will and Cecil really need a new phone and Nico is weak for boys with freckles. (Or, Will overhears a conversation he wasn't meant to and for once it's not a bad thing.)
overheard is the best trope of all time idc. truly elite. there is nothing more romantic than discovering your beloved talks and talks and talks about how much they love you to others!! it is flattening!!
5. Watch Me While I walk Away by @buoyantsaturn
“Actually, I’m taking over the route - Connor, nice to meet you,” the driver said, before going through the usual sign here, first name, last initial spiel. “Thank you very much, and I’ll see you around!” 
oh being that whipped is EMBBARRASSINGG truly i get him. mitchell u are so real. and will is correct it is just like legally blonde how LUCKY
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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pjo-ship-polls · 23 days ago
Will Solace
These are only for romantic pairings, not platonic.
The ships in the polls are the twelve (12) most popular ships for each character based on the number of fics on AO3. The fandom's top two ships (you know the ones) aren't included in these polls to make the results actually interesting (sorry not sorry).
Ship List:
Percy/Will (willercy) 
Jake/Will (willake) 
Jason/Will (solgrace) 
Nico/Percy/Will (solangelson)
Will/Leo (willeo) 
Nico/Will/Leo (soldezangelo)
Nico/Jason/Will (solangrace) 
Will/Travis (travill)
Apollo/Will (willpollo) 
Will/Drew (drewill) 
Mitchell/Will (mitchwill)
Will/Connor (willonnor)
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kastalani123 · 2 months ago
Cabin Ten Headcanons, go!
Ages go: Piper (15), Valentina (15), Drew (14), Mitchell (13), Lacy (12)
Time at Camp goes: Mitchell (5 years), Drew (3 years), Lacy (1 year), Valentina (6 months (came ~2 months before the Titan War)), Piper
(both previous points are at the time of TLH)
Drew became counselor because she was. The only one capable. She was the only one not bursting into years every two seconds, the only one who could shove away her emotions into a little box at the bottom of her heart and ignore them
(one of the reasons she was so cruel was because she couldn't understand how her siblings were so "weak" and didn't want to let that continue)
(not an excuse for her behaviour, btw! She was still very much in the wrong. But it's an explanation good enough that her siblings can forgive her after she works for it a bit)
Mitchell and Valentina feel kinda shit about the whole situation for a while after, once they've talked it all out and they realized how much Drew didn't want to be counselor and have those responsibilities, Mitchell because he was next in line and Valentina because she was the oldest, but Drew shuts it all down by pointing out that she was the only one not crying herself to sleep/awake ever day for weeks after the war
Lacy is the baby of the Cabin, obviously. No one's allowed to mess with her (counselor Drew was an exception because of everyone's shitty mental states. She's making up for it with a lot of friendship bracelets and nail painting)
That's part of the reason Drew was with Lacy at the Brooklyn Academy for the Gifted. Lacy wanted to check it out, try and see if she wants to go to school and be a summer camper, and her Cabin was not letting her go alone, hence Drew, the one with the least qualms about doing anything to protect her. Lacy was kinda bitter about being babied like this, which is why she's petty and antagonistic about Drew when talking to Sadie. Drew just doesn't want Sadie and Carter around her sister because they have ✨ weird vibes ✨ (also known as: Egyptian gods in their heads)
Drew is v much an "actions not words" type of care person, unlike most of the Cabin. It makes her clash with newcomers before they learn how to read her, because while the rest of the Cabin is being all affectionate and verbal, she's throwing out jabs and hardly bothering to talk and simultaneously making sure they have all of the self-care products they like and such
Mortal families!
Valentina's mom is a museum curator that cheated on her stepdad. It got revealed when her older brother got them some of those online ancestry tests for fun. Stepdad almost immediately began applying for divorce and custody (of her and her two younger half-siblings); the information came out a week or two before she ended up at Camp and she's staying there until the adults sort everything out (parents are in the know about mythology, but not the war)
Drew's mom is a model; not huge, but enough to have the fame hit her in the head. She was a super-controlling, influencer type of parent, always showing a dolled-up Drew off. A satyr brought her to Camp and she decided not to go back, but still deals with the effects of her parenting; it's the reason she's so closed off and focused on appearance, and she probably has an unspecified ED of the "I need to count exactly how many calories I'm eating" type
Mitchell's dad was a photographer who died when Mitchell was 5; he was then raised by his uncle until he got to Camp, when it was decided it'd be best he stay (uncle is not in the know about mythology, he thinks it's a boarding school for neurodivergent kids; Mitchell usually spends school breaks with him)
Lacy's dad is a glass blower who married her stepdad when she was 6, bringing an older sister with him. Stepdad turns out to be Clear-Sighed, found out when a new teacher joins Lacy's school and he questions the goat horns; the satyr then brings Lacy to Camp, since there's no point in keeping up the charade. She sort of flips-flops between Camp and home throughout the year, but will eventually settle on being a summer camper with the occasional visit to Camp during the school year (her family is in the know, though it took a while for her dad to get it; they know about the war, which is why they agree to the chaos of Lacy constantly moving between Camp and home)
Drew is some flavour of aroace because. I am aroace. And also, I love the idea of an aroace Aphrodite child. She never thought the Right of Passage thing was really that big of a deal and only got into it when she realized the romantic relationships around her only seemed to ruin lives (cough cough, Silena and Beckendorf, cough cough); she didn't really realize how much of an impact that sort of deliberate heartbreak can have on both involved parties. Piper helps her figure out she's aroace because she's the most pop-culture educated in her immediate vicinity; Drew proceeds to have a bunch of angst about being a child of love that doesn't experience love and can she really be like that? But her siblings always shut it down and get her like. Pins and bracelets and stuff. They're mostly the tackiest things ever, but she wears them constantly anyways
Mitchell can see attraction and has accidentally blurted out who likes who numerous times; feelings about this are complicated, because it's embarrassing as hell, but he has also started like. Half the relationships at Camp
Drew uses a pink battle axe with a heart-shaped hole as her preferred weapon. It's kinda based on a tabar/great axe, shape-wise? It's pretty big and Piper laughs when she first sees it, then proceeds to get her ass kicked in five seconds because Drew is a demigod and a veteran and she can fight, dammit
(I know it's not the most practical weapon, and she would know swordfighting as well, but. Rule of Cool, y'know?)
Lacy has a crossbow and joins a lot of shooting competitions against the Apollo Cabin
Mitchell and Valentina both use swords, but Valentina's still trying out other fighting styles to find her favourite. Mitchell also likes poisons, of both the normal and mythical kind. He has totally tried to replicate the poison Medea made to kill Glauce and Creon; he's pretty good with curses. Chiron is... Trying to find the balance between encouraging and cautious and failing horribly, always overreacting one way or the other. His siblings are all very proud though
Mitchell has a pet goose that comes and goes as it pleases. Everyone but Cabin Ten is terrified of it; they were sure the harpies would tear it apart on its first night at Camp, but they've been spotted shrieking and flying away from it. It's not allowed to take part in Capture the Flag and similar activities, but still ends up biting people and helping Mitchell anyways. Dionysus loves it, Chiron has given up on trying to control it, Aphrodite has blessed it with longevity
Valentina introduced Drew and Mitchell to Mean Girls. They have worn pink every Wednesday since. It also played a part in Drew's self-realization and healing journey, since. Well. It's not hard for her to see herself in Regina George
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freddie-77-ao3 · 9 months ago
Lee : Dammit! LOU! CECIL! WILL ! Will : What?! It wasn’t us! Lee : Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, DREW! CONNOR! MALCOLM ! Connor : Not us either!! Lee : Oh...Then who set the big house on fire? ellis, clovis, and mitchell: *whistling*
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froggie-at-home · 7 months ago
a bunch of fake tweets, i had fun
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mrsoftthoughts · 9 months ago
The Aphrodite cabin deserved better writing
Specially Drew Tanaka, she was done so dirty as a 2d character that just exist for make piper look good.
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kaityeliza · 4 months ago
mitchell from the aphrodite is most definitely famous like influencer wise and piper most definitely used to watch his videos
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