All are welcome (not Octavian tho)
328 posts
She/Her pronouns, you can call me Liz, proud creator of the Three Percy's AU
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 12 days ago
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I wanted to meme before the big day.
Not yet, Brutus.. not yet..
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 12 days ago
Adapted from this text post by @the-delta-42
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 14 days ago
You ever think about what gym classes at Brooklyn Academy of the Gifted are like? Because I’m just imagining them playing dodgeball or something and it coming down to the 21st nome kids plus Drew and Lacy who turn out to be far more athletic than everyone thought. All of their other classmates are just sitting on the sidelines after getting out and trying to figure out what the hell kind of group/foster home Sadie & co. are from, and what the hell kind of summer camp Drew and Lacy go to
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 15 days ago
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 22 days ago
“That ship only exists through headcanons” who cares like really
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 22 days ago
Odysseus: I would trade the world to see my son and wife
Eurylocus: bro
Odysseus: *sacrifices Eurylocus*
Eurylocus: bro wtf
Odysseus: you're my world bro
Eurylocus: b r o
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 23 days ago
The Aphrodite Cabin has definitely listened to audiobooks of the Twilight saga via cassette tapes or something
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 1 month ago
sorry he bit you. It’s his coping mechanism
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 1 month ago
I think "I Can't Help But Wonder" might be the single funniest song in the entirety of EPIC: The Musical. And it has nothing to do with the song itself, the song is incredibly tender and sweet and emotional. But every time I listen to it I remember that they haven't even left the weapons room lmao. Some guy is watching this heart-wrenching Father-son reunion from like 5 feet away, crashed out on the floor with an arrow in his throat. There are at least 6 dudes in here still choking on their own blood while that gentle acoustic guitar is going. Odysseus and Telemachus are weeping and hugging and completely ignoring that the floor might be a blood slip 'n slide. Good for them, that shit is hilarious
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 1 month ago
a quick psa to anyone recently getting into greek mythology and is a victim of tumblr and/or tiktok misconceptions:
-there is no shame in being introduced to mytholgy from something like percy jackson, epic the musical or anything like that, but keep in mind that actual myths are going to be VERY different from modern retellings
-the myth of medusa you probably know (her being a victim of poseidon and being cursed by athena) isn't 100% accurate to GREEK mythology (look up ovid)
-there is no version of persephone's abduction in which persephone willingly stays with hades, that's a tumblr invention (look up homeric hymn to demeter)
-as much as i would like it, no, cerberus' name does not mean "spot" (probably a misunderstanding from this wikipedia article)
-zeus isn't the only god who does terrible things to women, your fav male god probably has done the same
-on that note, your fav greek hero has probably done some heinous shit as well
-gods are more complicated than simply being "god of [insert thing]", many titles overlap between gods and some may even change depending on where they were worshipped
-also, apollo and artemis being the gods of the sun and the moon isn't 100% accurate, their main aspects as deities originally were music and the hunt
-titans and gods aren't two wholly different concepts, titan is just the word used to decribe the generation of gods before the olympians
-hector isn't the villain some people make him out to be
-hephaestus WAS married to aphrodite. they divorced. yes, divorce was a thing in ancient greece. hephaestus' wife is aglaia
-ancient greek society didn't have the same concepts of sexuality that we have now, it's incorrect to describe virgin goddesses like artemis and athena as lesbians, BUT it's also not wholly accurate to describe them as aromantic/asexual, it's more complex than that
-you can never fully understand certain myths if you don't understand the societal context in which they were told
-myths have lots and lots of retellings, there isn't one singular "canon", but we can try to distinguish between older and newer versions and bewteen greek and roman versions
-most of what you know about sparta is probably incorrect
-reading/waching retellings is not a substitute to reading the original myths, read the iliad! read the odyssey! i know they may seem intimidating, but they're much more entertaining than you may think
greek mythology is so complex and interesting, don't go into it with preconcieved notions! try to be open to learn!
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 1 month ago
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 1 month ago
Athena: I was talking about Telemachus, I know I fucked up Odysseus
Athena: I've done it! I've created the perfect warrior!
Everyone: You fucked up a perfectly good king of Ithaca is what you did. Look at him, he's torturing Poseidon and hunting the suitors for sport.
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 1 month ago
Percy: "Don't I get a kiss for good luck? It's a tradition right?"
Rest of CHB:
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 1 month ago
Something that drives me absolutely crazy about the Magnus Chase books, is whenever there’s a conversation between characters that Hearthstone is a part of, where all the other characters present know ASL (for example, Hearthstone, Blitzen, and Magnus), but none of them are signing. Like, you can all speak ASL, one person cannot speak out loud nor can he hear it when you speak out, so why are you not speaking the one language that everyone present can understand? I know that Hearth can lip read, but that sounds like a pain in the ass to do when it’s not actually necessary and especially when there are multiple people speaking.
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 2 months ago
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I did this for the final part of my animatic but i loved it so much i wanted to post it
He would definitely own a Blåhaj and take care of it like it was his son
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 2 months ago
I think that I've already talked about it but I'm going to do it again anyway.
So we already know that Heracles was both Perseus' half-sibling and great-grandson, right? And there are already people making jokes about this little aspect on the Internet. But what many people either forget or simply do not seem to talk about is that Perseus had a grandson named Tyndareus, who was the husband of Leda whom Zeus banged in the form of a swan. So if the idea of old Perseus realizing that his father left his granddaughter pregnant sounds awkard to you then imagine old Perseus finding out that his grandson's wife laid eggs AND that two of the babies who hatched from them seem unusual.
Are we sure that dude didn't die from a heart attack after figuring out that Zeus is messing up with his family tree again?
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whydoesthiskeepappening · 2 months ago
He could have still chosen Aphrodite, but immediately (and I do mean immediately) followed it up by saying something along the lines of “because love is what has already granted me the most beautiful woman in the land, my darling wife, Oenone”
Aphrodite would be happy to be picked, Hera would like that he’s respecting his marriage, and Athena could appreciate him having the wisdom to not ask for a new wife in front of the goddess of marriage while still married to his current wife.
Listen Paris may be my enemy but there’s still something to sympathize with in regards to his choice with the golden apple. Like no matter who he chooses, he is doomed. He will have two equally cruel goddesses orchestrating his downfall regardless of his judgement. He and everyone he loves will die, and there is nothing he can do about it. So he chooses love (or at least something resembling it from his perspective. consent is important kids.) He chooses to be cherished and happy for a short time, because no amount of wealth or wisdom could save him from divine wrath.
Still my girl Helen didn’t deserve any of that shit so fuck him.
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