#give me Magnus Blitz and Hearth being so used to only talking in ASL to each other that they just do it out of habit
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Something that drives me absolutely crazy about the Magnus Chase books, is whenever there’s a conversation between characters that Hearthstone is a part of, where all the other characters present know ASL (for example, Hearthstone, Blitzen, and Magnus), but none of them are signing. Like, you can all speak ASL, one person cannot speak out loud nor can he hear it when you speak out, so why are you not speaking the one language that everyone present can understand? I know that Hearth can lip read, but that sounds like a pain in the ass to do when it’s not actually necessary and especially when there are multiple people speaking.
#give me Magnus Blitz and Hearth being so used to only talking in ASL to each other that they just do it out of habit#and forget that some people around them don’t understand ASL#or Magnus and Blitz still using ASL with each other even when Hearth isn’t there because they’re just so used to it#Magnus should’ve started using ASL exclusively with Hearth when at his dads place as an extra Fuck You to the asshole#magnus chase#hearthstone#blitzen#blitzstone#magnus chase and the gods of asgard#rick riordan books#also disclaimer: I not deaf or hard of hearing in any way nor do I actually speak ASL or any other sign language
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Magnus Chase and a Plotless Hogwarts Fanfiction
Chapter 5: Some Blitzstone Hogwarts Fanfiction
full story: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11429727/chapters/25766073
(lots of spelling mistakes. too lazy to correct them, Sorry)
Blitz's was sitting in his office when he heard someone knocking in the door. He was so engrossed in his sketch that he didn’t look up. Instead he just said "Come in" under his breath.
After a few seconds he heard the knocking again. Blitz looked up to see Hearth peering through the half open door. Blitz dropped his pencil.
"Hearth. Awesome come here I want to show you something" Blitz said as he signed. Hearth came into the office and started walking over behind the desk to see what Blitz wanted to show him. "I thought you had class this period?" said Hearth who had noticed the lack of students leaving Blitz’s classroom. "Oh I let the go early. It’s the first day so I didn’t want to push them too hard" Blitz signed. He was too focused on putting away his sketches he didn’t notice Hearth roll his eyes and signed “Professor push over”
He got up from his sketches and grabbed Hearth by the hand and excitedly dragged him over to the giant wardrobe at the back of his office. Blitz office was filled with fabric and sketches. He had trunks full of other fashion items. It might be very packed but everything was in order. Even his buttons were organized by style, colour, and size in one of the trunks. Blitz was so excited he didn’t even notice Hearth blush deeply when Blitz grabbed his hand. Blitz opened the wardrobe and pulled something off the hook on the door.
"It’s a new scarf. Yours is too Christmassy for the fall. Plus this one I enchanted. Here try it on" Blitz said reaching up and pulling off Hearths candy cane scarf to put on the new one. Hearth focused very hard to not blush or pull back when Blitz’s arms went around his neck to wrap the scarf perfectly. Blitz leaned back and stroked the front of the scarf on Hearths chest to straighten it out. He took a step back and examined the effect the sky blue scarf had on Hearth. Blitz had spent all summer stitching an eagle to the edge of the scarf. He had found a way to turn bronze sheets into soft delicate thread. The bronze eagle stood out in the sunlight streaking through the window. "So the two best things about this scarf are that I enchanted it to always be warm. Like it has been sitting by the fire. I know you get cold easily so I thought you could use it" signed Blitz as Hearth started stroking the scarf around his neck. Blitz couldn’t read his expression which made him nervous so he kept talking and signing. "The eagle is embroidered with actual bronze threads and it flaps its wings in the wind. Adds a little imagination and whimsy don’t you think?"
Hearth looked down at the stitching or the eagle and touched it gently with his fingers. His face was still straight and unreadable like it usually was. Hearth looked over at the candy cane striped scarf Blitz had put down on the desk. Blitz frowned. "You don’t like it. I’m so stupid." Blitz started saying when Hearth looked up. Hearth waved his hands to cut blitz off. “I love it. Can’t accept it. Too beautiful.” Hearth signed rapidly Blitz stared at hearth for a few moments. Then shook his head. “But I want you to have it” Blitz signed. Hearth began to shake his head vigorously looking down his shoes. Without looking up he signed. “Can’t give you anything back” Blitz put both his hands on hearths shoulders. Since he was significantly shorter it forced Hearth to look up at him. “Hearth I made it for you. I want you to have it. It’s a gift you don’t owe me anything. Also if you don’t take the scarf I will come up there and strangle you with it” Blitz said slowly but firmly. Hearth pursed his lips and averted his eyes. Blitz let go of him. Hearth started stroking his new scarf again. Blitz went over to the desk and picked up the candy cane striped scarf and examined it. Hearth had worn it so much since Blitz first gave it to him 2 years ago when they started teaching that the knit was starting to unravel on one end. It also now had a small burn hole. Hearth watched as Blitz ran his hands over his candy cane scarf. “You have completely wore this to death.” Blitz said rolling his eyes. Hearth reached forward and yanked the scarf out of Blitz’s hands. “It’s my favourite” Hearth signed. Blitz rolled his eyes. “Well I can fix it for you. But you have to promise to wear the blue one until then” Blitz said a sly smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Hearth gave him a false annoyed look but then handed over the scarf. Blitz went to wrap it around a mannequin. He would get to work on it tonight before bed. Blitz pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. “Ready for dinner?” he signed to Hearth. Hearth nodded and they both existed the office.
At dinner Blitz couldn’t help but feel full of himself. Magnus, Alex, T.J, Mallory Sam, Amir and even Ale complimented Hearths new scarf. Every time someone said anything about it to Hearth he would just point to Blitz and sign “Blitz made it. He’s a genius”
Every time Blitz saw Hearth that week he was always wearing the scarf. It made Blitz smile like an idiot. Something about knowing Hearth treasured the scarf Blitz had spent so long making just for him made him feel warm inside.
Both Blitz and Hearth were completely oblivious to the gossiping of their students. When Hearth started wearing the new scarf all the students knew immediately where it had come from. Only Blitzen would have the skill to make a scarf like that. Every time Blitz and Hearth would walk with each other down the halls, or sit down together at meals everyday students would hide their spying trying to confirm their suspicions and gossip.
Blitz was up late Saturday night reading in his arm chair when he heard knocking at his office door. Blitz thought it was odd or someone to be calling so late at night so he got up to answer the door. There standing in his socks, black muggle sweatpants and baggy t-shirt with his cloak around his shoulders was Hearth. “Hi” he signed. “Hey” Blitz said back. “What are you doing here its 2 in the morning” Blitz started to sign as he talked. Hearth moved his head back and forth looking uncomfortable. “Wondering if you had finished fixing my scarf?” hearth signed lightly. The ASL equivalent of whispering. “Hearth its 2 am. Why do you need to all of a sudden?” Blitz signed. Hearth paused for a long time his hands suspended like he was debating how to answer. Then he signed. “Can’t sleep. Wanted my scarf because it helps sometimes” Hearth signed looking embarrassed. Blitz blinked a couple of times as his brain processed what hearth had signed. Then he waved his hand and stepped out of the doorway inviting Hearth inside. Hearth strode over to the arm chair in the corner of the office and pulled a book off the shelf to read. Pretty much Hearth’s usual spot for hanging out with Blitzen. Blitzen went to take up a spot on the small love seat. He opened his book he was halfway through. They sat like that for quite a bit. They didn’t talk but they had grown so use to being in each other’s company. The only difference this time was that the light shining through the window was from a crescent moon. Blitz enjoyed having Hearth around. Hearth didn’t say much but his presence was always comforting. Blitz was happy to know Hearth felt the same way. It honoured Blitz to know that when Hearth was feeling scared or lonely that the person he wanted to be near was him. Blitz finished his book and put it down on the coffee table. He looked over to see Hearth fast asleep snoring slightly. The book had fallen out of his hands and laid in his lap. Blitz stood up and picked up the quilt that was folded on the couch. He waved it open and gently laid it over Hearth. He grabbed the book and put it down on the coffee table making sure to leave it where Hearth had left off. He quietly turned off the lamp, although it didn’t matter how quiet he was since Hearth couldn’t hear. And then walked over to his bedroom. He crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.
Blitz was awoken to a loud piercing sounds. Startled he practically feel out of bed. His heart was beating out of his chest. He ran out to the sitting room only to discover Hearth measuring out coffee grinds into a press. Hearth looked up as Blitz ran into the room. His hair was dishevelled from sleeping in the chair, but he looked happy and well rested. On the fire a kettle whistled like a banshee having come to a boil. Blitz must have still looked like he had been awoken by an air raid siren because Hearth signed. “Are you ok?” Blitz face relaxed as he took in what was happening. He wasn’t being attacked and that it was just Hearth making coffee. “Your kettle” Blitz said as he signed “I think it’s done” Hearth looked over and noticed the steam pouring from the lid of the kettle spluttering into the fire. Hearth ran over to the fire and removed the kettle. He walked it over to the press and poured in the boiling water. When he put it down he signed. “Sorry, forgot kettles whistled. Didn’t know it was so loud” “It’s ok” Blitz said sitting down on the couch and running his hands through his hair to try and fix it slightly. Hearth finished making the coffee and slowly walked over balancing the mugs so they didn’t spill on Blitzes white carpet. Hearth passed Blitz a black coffee, just how he always drank it, while hearth stirred his 3 creams 3 sugars cup of diabetes. Halfway through his coffee Hearth put his mug down and turned so that Blitz could see his hands. “Thanks for letting me stay last night.” Hearth signed. “No problem bud. Your always welcome here you know” Blitz said making sure not to mumble since his hands were busy being warmed by his mug. The corner of Hearth’s mouth twitched up which Blitz knew was Hearth smiling. Blitz finished his coffee and then put his mug down as well. He turned back to Hearth. “May I ask what was wrong? Why you wanted to stay last night” Blitz asked signing as he did so. Hearths corner mouth smile disappeared and he resumed his unusual head facing downward to avoid eye contact position. Blitz waited for a few seconds before putting his hand on Hearth’s shoulder. Hearth looked up. His eyes were tinged green and he looked like he was trying to hold back tears. Blitz gave him a few seconds before signing. “It’s ok bud. I’m here for you” Hearth nodded and raised his hands slowly. “My father sent me an owl last night. My mother is dead” Hearth signed. He didn’t seem to upset at this fact. His facial expression didn’t’ waver. But he shifted uncomfortably. “My father said it was my fault. Said some things. I couldn’t sleep after. Brought back memories.” Hearth turned his head away from Blitz so that Blitz couldn’t see a tear fall down his face. Unfortunately for Hearth Blitz was too observant. Blitz put his arm around Hearth’s shoulders and rubbed his knee hoping to comfort his friend. Hearth breathed in deep trying to hid a sob and then wiped his face on his robe sleeve. He then reached into his pocket and handed Blitz a folded crumbled piece of paper. It looked as if Hearth had balled it into his fist before shoving it into his pocket. Blitz uncrumpled the letter and read it.
It is my duty to inform you that because of your actions you have caused the death of another family member .I am writing to inform you of the passing of your mother Greta. Although I am sure you couldn’t care less about your family. Your mother passed away early last week when she was hit by a muggle vehicle on her way home from the country club. She was so distraught from the terrible things her friends had informed her about your activities during tea she did not see the vehicles coming. It has taken me some time to figure out where you were to send this letter. I was even more disheartened when my staff informed me that you had taken up a job as a simple public servant to the disgraceful institution that is Hogwarts. When I thought you could not embarrass the family more you seem to find new ways to disgrace the name Alderman. If your abnormality and slack of intelligence couldn’t be worse you have found yourself in the service of a muggle born teaching the mud blood offspring of muggles, ancient runes of all things.
For your transgressions against me and my family with both your ineptitude and fault in causing the death of my son and wife I promise you I will get my revenge. Such actions shall not go unpunished.
From the desk of Mr. A Alderman
Blitz felt his hands shaking as he read the letter. His face flashed red with anger. He wanted to say something rude about Hearth’s father but no words were strong enough. Hearth had assumed a curled position with his head practically burring in his lap with his hands over his face. Blitz threw the letter down on the table and rubbed Hearths back. After a few seconds Hearth couldn’t hide his sobs anymore and Blitz felt him shudder with tears under his hands. Blitz reached over and hugged Hearth tightly rocking him back and forth trying to comfort him. Blitzen knew about Hearth’s brother. One night while they were hanging out together Hearth had told Blitz with trembling hands about how a Lethifold had killed his brother. Hearth and his brother had been sleeping when the creature entered their room and ate him. Hearth being deaf had not heard his brothers cries and was too late in realizing what was happening and altering his parents. Ever since Hearths parents had hated him more than usual. The Alderman’s were a wealthy noble pure blood family. The fact that their eldest son was deaf was a disgrace. When Hearth’s brother had died they blamed him. They told him it should have been him that should have died. They made Hearth work to repay a wergild. He wasn’t allowed to leave their house he had to pay to eat and sleep and spend all his waking hours working off his debt to pay his parents back for the death of his brother. When Blitz had first heard the story he was disgusted and angry. Hearth was the kindest person Blitz had ever met and his best friend. It broke his heart to know what hearth went through until he decided to run away. They stayed like that for so long Blitz lost track of time. Eventually Hearth got a grip on himself. He took one last deep breath and wiped his face on his sleeve and raised his head. He weakly signed “Sorry” “Hey none of that. Don’t apologize” Blitz said reaching out to grab hearth hands to stop him from signing. This admittedly was very rude and he knew Hearth hated being silenced, but he couldn’t let Hearth put himself down further.
“Hearth I don’t know what to say except that you’re safe here. We are your family. And were not going to let anything happen to you.” Blitz said Hearth shook his head and pulled his hands back to talk. “You don’t know my father. He’s powerful. And now he knows where I am. I need to leave. Keep you guys safe” Blitz’s eyebrows scrunched together with confusion and irritation. “Hearth that is the stupidest thing you have ever said. And let me remind you once said my orange tie went well with my purple robes. I’m not letting you go anywhere.” Blitz started saying. Hearth cut him off by singing rapidly and shaking his head. Blitz reached up against and wrestled his hands still. Hearth now looked slightly angry. He tried to fight off Blitz but Blitz was much stronger. “Hearth, please listen to me. I promise you that nothing will ever happen to you. I will personally make sure your father will never lay a hand on you. Also you can’t leave. I wouldn’t, scratch that, I can’t live without you. You’re my best friend. You’re pretty much the only person who get me and I can trust 100%. Without you … I don’t’ know… I couldn’t do it. I love you bud.” Blitz started rambling desperately. Hearth stopped struggling let his hands falls down. He leaned forwards and his head fell onto Blitzs shoulder. Blitz put his arms around Hearths shoulders patting his back. He then rested his chin on the top of Hearths head. The familiar sent of cedar and wood smoke met his nose. Blitz didn’t know why he did it but he turned his head and kissed hearth on the top of the head. He immediately regretted his actions. He wasn’t thinking, it just seemed like the thing to do. But now as hearth raised his head to look at Blitz. He wished he had a time turner. Kissing your best friend on the top of the head might not be something friends do. Blitz started cursing to himself in his head. ‘Idiot idiot idtiot’. Blitz had always held a place in his Hearth for the tall deaf wizard since they met. There was something about his grey eyes and sarcastic nature that he was drawn to. He knew Hearth was tough and didn’t really take anything from anyone. Yet as Blitz got to know him he also got to see the very rarely seen vulnerable Hearth. The Hearth that made Blitz want to roll him in blankets and hug him to sleep. Blitz trusted hearth more than anyone and Hearth trusted Blitz back. The only person Blitz had trusted and loved this much before was his father, who was now gone. They did almost everything together. Blitz would have been crazy to not fall for the guy. Yet he always pushed these felling and thought back to the bottom of his thoughts. He didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize their friend ship. Yet in his moment of distraction he slipped and like an idiot forgot that hearth and him weren’t like that. They were just friend. And friends definitely didn’t kiss each other on the heads, especially when the other one is in such a vulnerable sate. “Did you just kiss me?” hearth signed very carefully and slowly so that Blitz completely understood. ‘YOU STUPID IDIOT BLITZEN! NOW YIUVE DONE IT.’ Blitz heard the voice in his head yelling at him. Blitz started at Hearth like a deer in the headlights. Scared to move or answer. Hearth titled his head pushing the answer out of Blitz. Blitz simply nodded. Then started babbling and signing clumsily. “I’m Sorry. I didn’t mean to I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t mean to make…mmmph” Blitz was cut off as Hearth quietly leaned forward and just as clumsily as Blitz signs pressed his lips up against Blitz’s lips his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Blitzes eyes were wide with shock. He tensed up and sat still like a statue. The kiss was brief and when hearth pulled away and saw blitz’s still shocked expression he signed something so quickly that blitz didn’t catch it and jumped up. He started quickly running for the door. Blitz came to his senses and reached out to stop hearth. He managed to grab the guys candy cane striped scarf and pull him back. Blitz stood and forced hearth to turn. Hearth refused to meet his eyes. Something the elf often did when he didn’t want to talk. Probably a defence from years of being verbally abused. But blitz wasn’t mad at Hearth, he was more confused. He leaned forward and made hearth meet his eyes. Hearth slowly raised his head and stated signing “Sorry” over and over again. “Why are you sorry?” Blitz signed. “I should be the one who’s sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you. It wasn’t appropriate” Heath shook his head. “No, I wanted you to. I shouldn’t have been so forward. I should have asked. I wasn’t thinking. You probably hate me now. My father is right I’m a freak, not normal. Normal respectable wizards don’t … they don’t.. They don’t fall for their friends like that” “Hearth I could never hate you. Don’t say that. Please” Blitz stammered trying his best to sign what he was saying with trembling hands. “Listen Hearth I really like you. And I know this isn’t the place but better now than never I need to tell you that well. I really like you, not like friends.” Hearths eyes were unreadable. His expression stayed blank like usual. Then Hearth did something Blitz wasn’t expecting. “I like you too. I want to be more than friends. I have for a long time” Hearth signed. They stood still together for a while too scared to move as if the air between them would explode. Eventually blitz reached his hand out and gently held Hearths hand. “Can I kiss you again? I would hate for you to only have your first kiss as pathetic as the one you gave me” Blitz said trying to force a smile and some humor into his words. It must have worked because Hearth smiled lightly and nodded his head. Blitz stepped closer and grabbed hearths scarf to pull down his face. He pressed his lips up against Hearths more forcefully than Hearth had but at the same time he kept it gentle and tender. He put both his hands on Hearth hips and pulled him closer trying to push his feelings into Hearth through the kiss. Blitz felt heath slump slightly as he pushed harder into the kiss. Hearth hands went up and around Blitz’s neck. Hearth lips moved under Blitz. They were moist and obviously unexperienced. Blitz lingered the kiss for a few seconds more then pulled back and pecked hearth at the corner of his mouth before pulling away completely. Blitz kept his hands on hearth hips and looked up at him. Hearth blinked a few times like a newborn owl blinking at the sun. Blitz smiled up at him still trying to comprehend what had just passed between them. “Do you want to go down to breakfast?” Blitz asked letting his hands fall off of Hearth to sign as he spoke. Hearth nodded and blitz reached out to take his hands. They walked out of blitz office hand in hand. Once they got to the hallway the let their hands spate but stayed walking close to each other conversing in ASL.
The whole time during breakfast Blitz thought about the letter Hearth had received from his father. Blitz didn’t know what he was going to do about Hearth’s father but one thing was sure. No one was going to lay a hand on his Hearth.
#blitzstone#blitzen#Hearthstone#hearthstone/blitzen#magnus chase#alex fierro#harry potter crossover#magnus chase and the gods of asgard
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