#Miscommunication + good communication is my guilty pleasure
kdramacrybaby · 1 year
My favorite drama couples
In no particular order and some minor SPOILER warning!) → Feel free to add your own favorite couples to the post, so we can share the love.
Sh**ting Stars (Oh Han-byul / Gong Tae-sung):
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They are one of my absolute favorite couples in any drama I’ve watched so far. I don’t know what it is about them, but they are just so good together! (And it doesn’t hurt that the actors have an amazing chemistry). Enemies to lovers is a guilty pleasure trope for me, and this does it perfectly – they bicker so much in the beginning, but slowly realize that they actually make a great team, and they come to rely on each other a lot. They actually communicate properly, sharing their worries without being judged, and the drama never relies on something as silly as miscommunication as a point of drama for them. It’s not often a drama makes me actually smile like a complete lovesick idiot when watching, but this just goes straight to my heart. The drama might not be my fave overall, as it has its own issues, but I’ll watch it 100 times over for them.
Hidden Love (Sang Zhi / Duan Jiaxu):
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At first, I didn’t think I was going to like this drama too much as I was unsure about the whole age gap thing, but oh my word. This drama had me giggling like a teenager with a crush, and I was unable to stop smiling for most of it. They are so stinking cute together, and the fact that they actually communicate their thoughts and feelings with each other throughout it all is so important – especially with how their relationship started. I feel like I’m just repeating myself from what I said about Sh**ting Stars, but both of these couples just make me happy to watch. This relationship in particular has raised my standards so high, I’m probably going to end up single for the rest of my life. This drama really is all it’s hyped up to be and more.  
Happiness (Yoon Sae-bom / Jung Yi-hyun):
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A fake marriage of convenience between two best friends, who both secretly have feelings for each other ?- sign me the fuck up. Two strong people who support each other through everything (in this case, an outbreak of zombies in their complex) – what more could you ask for? They just get each other, and both are willing to walk through hell and back for the other. We sadly don’t actually get to see them together all that much after they’ve finally confessed, but they acted like a couple anyway, so I’m not too sad about it. 
Fight For My Way (Ko Dong-man / Choi Ae-ra):
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They have known each other for so long and, though they bicker, they are always the first to defend the other no matter what. They support each other’s dreams the best they can (though Ae-ra does have a problem with the fighting, and she tries to make him quit by making him choose between her and fighting, which I am not about, but I do get she’s just scared he’ll get hurt again). Either way, there is just something so pure about their love and the way they both slowly realize just what their feelings have evolved into as they grew up together.   
Doom at your service (Doom / Tak Dong-kyung):
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These two had a rocky start, but I also feel like it only made them work better as a couple. The iconic lines: “So my plan is to love you, then I'll be able to live without losing anything.” / “Then let's do it right, love me to the point that you want to destroy the world for me.” are forever ingrained in my mind. It’s about both of them learning what life could actually be if you let yourself feel and live for yourself instead of living for everyone else. They help each other through it all until they both realize they deserve love, and I find that really beautiful.
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Kindle Unlimited Book Recommendations
Picking Peaches by Ansley B Calloway
Sexual Content Level: 1/5 (not closed door, but not graphic)
Page Count: 208
Days It Took Me: 2 days
Star Rating: 4.5/5
Review: Picking Peaches is a lovely, wholesome romance featuring former pro athlete and current single dad, Ashton Reid, paired with quiet, reserved relationship blog writer Georgia Mitchell. Total beach read, this book is rather simple. You’ll love this if all you want is something sweet without a lot of character growth. Not all romantic comedies can be EmHen books so don’t go in with expectations of a beautifully crafted emotional journey that parallels an equally epic romance. Georgia and Ashton’s romance is more Fearless and Speak Now than the complex, understated romances Emily Henry pens that are more akin to Folklore and Midnights. Luckily, our love interests have the emotional bandwidth for healthy communication. There’s no third act breakup or miscommunication. Just a dose of a rather precocious child, a cat with a proclivity to run away, and two neighbors who, miraculously, spilt a pack of condoms that aren’t put to use till much later.
Behind The Net by Stephanie Archer
Sexual Content Level: 4/5 (several sexual scenes that span many pages, focus on female pleasure during sex)
Page Count: 408
Days It Took Me: 1
Star Rating: 3.75/5
Review: I’ll admit it….a good hockey romance is my guilty pleasure. Now there’s nothing to be embarrassed about guilty pleasures. They don’t set out to be Pulitzer Prize winners. They are often smutty, featuring equally well endowed and emotionally mature men, and the overlooked girl who’s actually a knockout. Behind the Net is no exception. Jamie and Pippa, former high school classmates reunite unexpectedly when Pippa takes a job as young NHL player, Jamie’s assistant. Both Jamie and Pippa feel a strong connection, or so the author claims they do. Perhaps the biggest critique of this novel is that Pippa and Jamie’s connection is simply told to the reader rather than shown. However, the sexual scenes are well written and plentiful to make up for the lack of plot. Again, books like Behind the Net don’t set out to be groundbreaking literature. They are supposed to be fun and a little ridiculous. Books like this let girls who weren’t noticed in high school have that fantasy of being loved by the cutest boy.
Ranger by Rebecca Sharp
Sexual Content Level: 3/5 (virgin hero/experienced heroine, several sexual scenes that extend multiple pages)
Pages: 344
Days It Took Me To Read: 2
Star Rating: 5/5
Review: I stumbled across Ranger on tik tok. The author self described the main male character as being inspired by Spencer Reid. Ranger and Spencer share several similarities, including their love of sweater vests, their sweet dispositions and even sweeter sweet tooth. Ranger, along with his bothers, own and run private security operation. When Sydney is in need of help her temporary landlord Ranger is eager to step up to the challenge even if that means marrying her. Their marriage of convenience grows into something very real and very strong somewhere along the line. While Sydney grows and finds herself all over again, the real growth lies with Ranger. He discovers that he can not only give love, but is worthy of receiving it. Rebecca Sharp’s dedication describes it the best however.
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bg-sparrow · 2 years
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers! ✨
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!) Three and a half? Four on a good day. I've come a long way in 18 years, and I am always looking for ways to improve my craft. Seeing how much I've learned in that time, I can only imagine how much more there is left to learn.
2. Why do you write fanfiction? I love being able to share stories with others who are already invested in the people, places, and stories of canon. I get to feel like I have a say. I like that my audience already knows so much without me having to world-build, too. It's a great community.
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works? I'm a lot older than your average fanfic author these days, so I just have more experience in general on how to tell a story and what elements work well in certain places. I also research the crap out of everything I do because I don't like to spread misinformation, even in fanfic.
4. Are there any writers that inspire you? @knickynoo, @writingwife-83, @alydiarackham, @florencia7 @perrydowning - to you all, while you don't know me, I adore your works, and they inspire me to provide a worthwhile experience with a quality story. Thank you for sharing all of your amazing works with your fandoms and helping me become a better writer for it.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of? I'm big proud of Where You Are (Time Circuits Series #2). That story took forever to sort out the logistics, but it so paid off. It's my favorite big story in the series. Also really proud of Principles of Compromise because I came back after eight years and finished it!
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily? Dialogue. I love writing dialogue. It's what keeps people engaged and the story moving. People don't skip the dialogue!
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most? Starting. Once I start, the words will just keep coming; I know that. But I get stuck on starting so much.
8. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write? I find my OC from the Time Circuits Series, Emma Brown, easy to write because I've literally been writing her for seventeen years. Marty and Doc also get a mention because they're with her in all the stories. I'm also super good at Tony Stark, I'm told. And Cutler Beckett and Buford Tannen, my bad boys. ❤️
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write? Recently, Clara Clayton, but only because I had little experience in writing her before Part 3. I'm comfortable enough with my take on her, but I always hoped others might tell me it was enough.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for? I like drama and comedies. Angst can get fun, too!
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most? These crazy people whose lives revolve a time-travelling DeLorean.
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about. I am very excited about the Secret Santa I'm working on right now, and I'm planning notes on a sequel to Once Upon a Time in the West! It will likely be titled "Once Upon a Time in the East" and follow Marty and Buford toward the East Coast in pursuit of a mutual enemy.
13. First fandom you ever wrote for? I guess Harry Potter? First one published was Pirates of the Caribbean.
14. What’s your favorite fandom to write for? Right now, Back to the Future. I've known these movies for 33 years, and I feel confident enough to write about them.
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for? Bewitched (2005), Stranger Than Fiction, Copying Beethoven, and Die Hard.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)? Arranged marriage, time travel, unplanned pregnancy, silly miscommunication/ misinterpretation
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for. Soulmate, A/B/O, coffee shop
18. Wildest fic you’ve ever written? FFHQ for sure: Nina Cue is the newest secretarial substitute at FFHQ, a fan fiction production company. Being a “sub” is quite a unique experience — floating from fandom to fandom each day to fill in for the characters’ secretaries. The charming, insufferable James Norrington sets the tone for her foreseeable work life. With fellow subs Reese and Josh to share in her wins and woes, Nina just might survive the parties, paperwork, flirts, rivals, and drama.
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between? I'm all for any, depending on the mood. I wrote an OC x canon with the utmost respect for canon in mind, so I guess in between?
20. Gen fic or shippy stuff? I do tend to get shippy, but I'm just a romantic and I can't help it. Not like a romance novel-level romantic, but a small-things-are-big-gestures romantic.
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!) I have spent ten years writing Marty McFly and my OC, Emma Brown, and I must say, they go well together! I actually also really enjoyed writing for Elizabeth Swann and James Norrington even though they weren't the ship in the story! People were rooting for them and they knew it wasn't the endgame lol. I also wrote a lot of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts (Pepperony)! Apparently I've just got a knack for these two!
22. Do you listen to anything while you write? I do have playlists cultivated to go with each specific story I'm working on (mostly film/ TV/ video game scores), but when music isn't helping, I'll listen to rain or thunderstorms!
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas? I think a lot of original ideas can come from prompts and challenges! I'm about to start a sequel on a little side story I wrote for Cowboyvember, and I'm taking it so seriously! But the ideas within the story are fairly original.
24. One-shots or multi-chaptered works? Usually one-shots because TIME. But if the work count isn't crazy, I'll do multichapter.
25. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them! I do! For Time Circuits Series, I think about Marty and Emma having those four daughters Marty joked about. I think about going back to write the 1985A version of their counterparts' stories. Maybe an origin story for Doc and Emma's mother. For "Once Upon a time in the West", I'm about to work on the sequel, "Once Upon a Time in the East".
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try? Yes, and I'm actually starting to try it for the first time in my "Once Upon a Time in the West Stories" — sexuality. I've written pretty vanilla stuff my whole life, but I want to give this stuff a shot because I know how to be respectful and tread lightly (but appreciate being told otherwise if that's not the case as I'm not experienced).
27. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received? This one has stuck with me since it was posted to Where You're Going (Time Circuits #1) on FFN in 2015, and it's the one that inspired me to maintain these expectations as I continued the trilogy: "I am completely head over heels for your story! Emma is a wonderful character and I think she has a good amount of Doc in her, which I've seen other variations of his daughter lack. Also I love how you've incorporated her into the story so smoothly, giving her a sub-plot that intertwines so well with the movie but doesn't feel forced at all. While reading I actually found myself forgetting that she wasn't actually IN the movie. Your writing style is wonderfully lively and I can't wait to read more!"
28. How well do you handle criticism regarding your writing? So, I was writing an excellent piece for a creative writing assignment in college. The next day, the professor hands out copies to the entire class, and they DESTROY it. And I was hurt and embarrassed at the time (yay, RSD), but it was THE BEST THING that EVER happened to me as a writer. I use the one class period EVERY SINGLE TIME I WRITE as a lesson, motivation, and key to putting my best out there. Thank you, Dr. Craig. After that, I can happily handle whatever criticism people want to throw at me.
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out? I did that with "Once Upon a Time in the West". I made Marty bisexual, though he's kind of in denial about it and still leans more toward women. I've never touched anything like that before. And I wrote about depression a lot in the story. Also new-ish territory now that I'm writing with experience.
30. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst? Both.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them! I never shut up about Emma Brown, the teenage daughter I gave Doc Brown in my rewrite of the Back to the Future film trilogy. She's a little brainy like her dad but not quite there yet, heavily sarcastic to the point it's a shield/ coping mechanism, loves peanut butter and old sitcoms, outgoing, outspoken, has terrible handwriting, and an unspoken romantic. Her mother died in childbirth on Aug 9, 1968. You can find out more about her — and see her — here!
32. Summarize a random fic of yours in 10 words or less. "Marty and Buford begrudgingly respect each other sort of"
33. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process? I do it all between working motherhood. I write on my work computer, my phone, my couch, my bed, my desk, my dining room table. I have full-blown conversations with myself in my notebooks as a kind of Roundtable of Ericas discussion for figuring out big plot points and they never disappoint!
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of. This excerpt is from Where You're Going (Time Circuits #1), Chapter 14: Of the Essence, in which Emma has been tasked with writing the letter to warn her father about the Libyans and turns to Marty for help. That letter always has to come from Marty for me, and this was how I made that work (and snuck in some romance):
"I can't do it."
Marty looked up from the television as Emma fell into the couch next to him, defeated.
"Can't do what?"
"I can't write the letter!" she half-whispered in frustration. She grabbed the throw pillow at the far end of the couch and pushed it into her uneasy stomach as she tucked her feet up under herself. "I don't know what to say! What do I say? Should I tell him everything or be as vague as possible? Do I tell him who I am? Is that even relevant to the whole thing? I don't know if it should be short or long or scolding or sorry or just…euragh!"
Her overwhelmed nerves sent her forehead between his shoulder and the couch with a helpless, muffled grunt of resignation. Marty's eyebrows raised at her outburst.
"I need your help," she practically whimpered.
Marty sighed, calmly looking over at her crinkled mass of loose waves spilling over his shoulder. The television's light gave her rounded back and calves sharp contrast, but the firelight touched her wild tresses with all of the soft warmth of an oil painting.
He swallowed.
…What the hell, McFly?
Suddenly, her breath found that exposed part of skin where his shirt had ridden up against the cushions, and he blinked at the sensation, rolling his neck slowly to ward off the goose bumps travelling up his spine.
Now was not the time to be dwelling on such things - such things as Emma recently being able to desensitize him as easily as throwing a switch, for example. And when exactly had "recently" started?
He should not have even entertained acknowledging this stuff right now. Whatever "this stuff" was. Not when she was on the verge of legitimately wigging out. You'd think the girl had misplaced her organic nomenclature notes to the point of searching the freezer again.
The situation at hand, however, was way more serious. Doc didn't get shot by terrorists because Emma couldn't find Chemistry notes. And regardless of what involuntary thoughts, feelings, and reactions he had "recently" been having towards the girl stuffed into his shoulder blade, she was a friend that needed him above all else right now.
Carefully, Marty shifted his right side into the arm of the chair.
Already emotionally numbed from her escapades at the writing desk, Emma hadn't the mind to do anything but bat her eyelashes as Marty laid back into the corner of the sofa, took the throw pillow from her, and dropped it to his lap. Emma hazily stared at Marty's arm outstretched beside her. He nodded to himself, the fingers of his left hand extending a quick, fluttering invitation to come closer. Her eyes met his in a wordless exchange, and he simply reached for her.
Before Emma could let herself overthink more things than she was already overthinking, she boredly told herself to shut up, stretched out on her right side, and let her head settle into the pillow. The curve of her neck relaxed as black and white flickers from the television danced along it. In some other state of mind, she would be incredibly proud of herself for not flinching as Marty's arm draped over her, fingertips barely touching the pleated waist of her silken nightdress.
Right now, his contact seemed a necessity, not a desire. She needed somebody, something to reassure her that all three of them were going to come out on the other end of this thing okay. It seemed to be all catching up to her after being bombarded with the questions posed while writing the letter to her father; one wrong move was all it took. Emma putting one word out of place, Marty pushing his father out from in front of a car, Doc miscalculating by a single decimal place – everything hung in the balance of the simplest things that shouldn't require any thought or no-never-mind.
Instead, she folded her knees up over her churning stomach. She sighed again as Marty's thumb grazed a small spot on her arm. Rin Tin Tin came back from commercial break.
"What do we do?" Emma asked at length.
Marty looked down at her, lowering his fist from the side of his face. Her rosy nightgown and Doc's oversized robe cascaded over her and off the couch, much as her hair had sprawled into his lap. He couldn't count how many times they'd hung out on the couch at the end of a long study session or because they simply didn't want to do anything for the rest of the day. And, yes, they'd sat shoulder-to-shoulder occasionally and dozed off that way, but having her laying at his side with his arm around her like this?
Friendly casualness, comforting, what have you; everything aside, this was a first.
And it felt like they'd done it a hundred times.
Swallowing, Marty gently clutched the excess of robe at her waist. "We'll write it together tomorrow."
"Do you think we're going to be okay?"
Marty's heart sank. Emma, who had been barreling headlong through this week so very brave-faced, was finally beginning to show the hope wilting within her. He sat back into the couch. Of all the difficult questions she had ever asked him, this was one of the hardest.
"Of course we are," he whispered, trying to convince himself as much as her. He curled his hand over hers. "We're going home tomorrow night, Em. Where your dad is alive and waiting for us."
Emma's throat thickened. Her lips shook.
"I miss him, Marty."
He squeezed her hand and didn't let go.
"So do I."
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want! When I got back into writing last year, I planned to wrap up the fics I'd left unfinished and be at peace with fan fic, maybe be more of a reader than writer after that. Now, I'm putting out more than I ever have, thanks to finding the BttF community on Tumblr; they just want me to keep writing my crazy adventures and I want to share them! So maybe I'm not done writing just yet. :)
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breitweisergallery · 5 months
It's me, your favorite person! For the 35 fanfic questions: 5, 6, 7, 10, 16, 19, 23, 28, 31, 35
My love!!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
Currently published, it would probably be until it doesn't hurt. I've got one currently in the works (I think I'm about halfway done with it!) that I'm incredibly proud of.
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
Dialogue!! Dialogue is incredibly easy for me.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Consistency. It's one of the major things I edit for when I edit. Finding that consistent balance between character, setting, and dialogue.
10. What’s your favorite genre to write for?
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
So many. Miscommunication/lack of communication, cheating, plenty of dead dove-y tropes, doomed by the narrative, chosen one (and the immediate follow-up of refusal of the call).
19. Do you prefer canon-compliant, AUs, or something in-between?
It depends on the original material. I generally like things that steer closer to canon than AUs, but a good AU doesn't hurt.
23. Do you prefer prompts and challenges, or completely independent ideas?
I miss doing prompts and challenges!! I keep hoping to return to them more (side eyeing the bingo card in my inbox that I have barely touched).
28. How well do you handle criticism when it comes to your writing?
It depends on whether I've asked for it or not. Generally, I like receiving criticism and comments on my work if I ask for it. If it's someone I don't know in the comments? Fuck 'em.
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
This could be it's own post LOL. I have so many. Breaking it down by project:
Prodigal Son: Choi Seunghyun, Choi Seungwan are the two who stick out in my head, but there's a full cast to that. It was a political thriller k-drama a friend and I came up with that lives in my head rent-fucking-free. Seunghyun is a politician and Seungwan is his teenage son.
Tookverse: it's literally an entire alternate world of idols I designed. It started as part of envious and ended up expanding to its own thing. I love these guys. I've got a soft spot for two of the 2nd generation groups, and one of the 4th generation groups.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
Omg okay okay okay, so. I've been working on this fic hoping to get it out in time to rec it onto a rec list. It's currently around 10k, and the third member of a polycule has been mentioned (NOT BY NAME) and that's it. I think I'm probably about halfway done with it. A character I wasn't expecting showed up and created an actual plot to this story and now it's a lot more than just the 3-5k of pining I was expecting it to be. It's also a POV I haven't ever written before but I've been super enjoying it.
Questions for Fic Writers | Send Me Asks!
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thechaoticreader · 7 months
Shook Book Review #1:
This book made me start a new series, where I talk about books that I'm shocked I liked as much as I did! A guilty pleasure of mine is hate reading shitty Kindle Unlimited romances and making fun of them and I go into them knowing that I wouldn't talk or think about them again outside of my book journal and maybe making it into my reading wrap-ups. This is dedicated to all the dumb romance books that are better than I ever would have expected!
*Disclaimers: reviews are for READERS 🖤 and this is all my opinion and experience reading the book, if you disagree thats totally fine but please be respectful!*
Title: Never Have I Ever: Had A Bromance With A Teammate
Series: Never Have I Ever, book 3
Author: Willow Dixon
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Reading Method: ebook (KU)
Genre(s): Gay, Open door MLM Romance
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Miss Willow Dixon made me feel things I haven't felt since I was a queer teen reading smutty fan fiction (but in a good way). She had me giggling, blushing and kicking my feet! The prose may not be technically brilliant, but it was effective and easy to read.
Our main characters (Jax and Matt) had the healthiest relationship I've potentially ever read, their communication ESPECIALLY during the spicy scenes was incredible and so so heartwarming. The bisexual awakening parts and how Matt handled his sexuality was so mature and shockingly this had really good queer rep! The chemistry between the characters was great and their feelings/relationship was very believable and not all that cliche! Mind you, I've never been a queer man but I am a queer afab non-beanie and the feelings Matt felt surrounding his potential queerness echoed the experiences that I had coming to terms with my sexuality in university and the experiences of a lot of queer people I know. There was no miscommunication/cheating/jealousy just some internal conflict that they talked about like best friends would! The book also didn't fall into the violent homophobia for plot thing that many queer books do, which I commend. They were normal characters who just so happened to be queer and pretty much everyone treated them as such which was really refreshing. There was no trauma porn vibes, and it had some pro-sex work themes as well! The exploration of sexuality in a safe and non-judgemental environment where communication and safety were priority was once again refreshing!
Overall this was very very well done, I had a fun gay time reading it and would absolutely recommend it for folks who want good, fun, light, smutty MLM books! This is a series but all books can be read as stand alones and I'm excited to read the rest of them!
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
828. part 2
This was prompted by @thetruefor3stspirit! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
That comment had been a weird one to hear from the human and Nines spent the remaining car ride to the precinct thinking about it. They hadn’t been working together for long, but long enough for Nines to confirm what others had told him about the man: He was rude, impolite, swore more than was good for him and still thought of androids as machines, as objects. He could play along well enough, but Nines still was met by derogatory terms and jokes about his kind. Gavin hated Connor to the bone, couldn’t care less about androids and Nines knew he was sorted in somewhere in between those two.
For this assessment the human’s words had been strangely out of character.  Maybe he had misunderstood something? Maybe it was one of Gavin’s frequent self-hating jokes, telling him that no one would take him as someone as bad as himself. Yeah, that had to be it. Anything else was impossible.
They worked relentlessly on their case, Gavin checking the evidence at hand while Nines accessed public CCTV and how many TR models were currently active in Detroit. Unfortunately, none of them got any results from their research. The evidence they had wasn’t enough to find any trace of the murderer, even after a thorough autopsy of the android victim. The footage was conveniently deleted, looped or obstructed and there were far too many TRs to just go around asking for a spare, ripped out Thirium pump. If anything, that told them the TR in question wasn’t working alone as they had neither the ability nor the computing power to hack the cameras that fast and effectively. Except for if their suspect was a RK900, of course. Then all that would be possible with just one unit. Nines really wished it wasn’t the case.
‘Hey, Gavin, Nines? You’ve got a new crime-scene to look at. I would hurry, it’s still fresh.’ Gavin was immediately up and picked up his jacket from the chair. Nines followed shortly. It had been two days since the last one and everyone knew they had enough open cases already. That could only mean… ‘What’s it, Chris? Any details?’ ‘Ripped out Thirium pump.’ ‘You are shitting me’, Gavin uttered. ‘Nope. Same shit as last time.’ ‘Phck.’
‘Phck, please don’t let this be some serial killer, please!’ Nines was processing the information the DPD had already gathered, ignoring the emotional outburst from his partner. ‘Victim is another android. It looks… awfully much like our last victim. It is very much possible that they were murdered by the same person.’ ‘Shit. Detroit really doesn’t need this kind of bullshit.’ ‘Don’t worry, Detective. At least they only target androids.’ Gavin clenched his teeth. Nines had quickly lost his uncertainty around him that had clung to him the first days of them working together. Apparently, the machine had concluded his assessment of him in keeping his distance. And what was that last comment for? Phcking androids. ‘Yeah, at least they only target androids’, he hissed at the droid. What had he thought? Nines was just a prick like any other.
They arrived at the scene and as Gavin entered the kitchen of the house, he near gagged from the chemical stench. It hurt in his nose like spilled washing agent. Only then he could squint at the body. And holy shit, that was a lot of blood. The blue liquid gathered in a pool underneath the android. It was still visible though and that let his brain run at top speed. ‘This happened less than two hours ago, right? As the thirium is still liquid?’ ‘That’s right, Detective.’ ‘And the hole in his chest is the same size again?’ ‘Correct.’ ‘How long would you need to erase all camera footage?’ ‘Detective, I am not-‘ ‘How long?’ ‘If I wanted to be as thoroughly as our suspect, it really just depends on the amount of cameras.’ ‘Well, look out of the window, I immediately counted at least five in those shops.’ ‘I see thirteen.’ ‘Ugh, smartass. How long then?’ ‘More than two hours. But we would need a warrant and it could still be a TR-‘ ‘Phck warrants, if this is a serial killer, do you want to wait until the next android dies?’ ‘What is it to you, Detective.’ ‘Phcking… Would you just hack the shit? Come on, we can argue about it later and we don’t have to tell anyone. We’ll get that footage eventually anyways.’
Nines scowled at the man, who was already kneeling in front of the victim, putting on gloves to lift the android’s clothing. Then he started to find a way to access the footage. ‘No.’ ‘What is it?’ ‘The murderer is a RK900.’ ‘Shit. Where is he now? I will call in backup.’ ‘And what will you tell them how we found it out?’ ‘I’ll bullshit something for them, okay toaster? Just find him, quick!’
They had found the RK900 by hacking several surveillance cameras on their way and had to fight the android in the end to subdue him. Both had the bruises to proof just how strong a RK900 unit was and Gavin swore to never anger his partner the way he had had his fun with Connor. They interrogated the machine and tried to find out where the rest of them were hiding but were met by it stating his missions and how they were not authorised to be told the information they searched. The RK900 was stubborn in his programming and created enough problems for the police that two permanent android guards were positioned in front of his cell. Or the cell next to his first one he had smashed the reinforced glass of. The machine tried everything to get out of there, displaying his brute force and disregard of his own health. He had severed his own hand to cause an electric surge on the lock of the door and had always doubled his efforts when he sensed an android outside. He babbled on about deviancy being a plague, a malfunction and that all free androids had to be eliminated.
‘It’s a fucking Terminator’, people commented. ‘How could someone build something like that?’ ‘God, this is scary.’ No one seemed to notice how everyone subconsciously kept their distance to Nines after the day the android had freed himself a second time and not only broke the glass, but also an arm and a leg of the guards before Connor could send the android into forced stasis. No one noticed how the heart rates of everyone not over two metres away of Nines spiked. No one noticed how Nines tried to make himself smaller, to not move too much in the precinct and kept seated in front of his terminal, even during break time.
‘Hey, lighten up a little.’ Nines flinched at the sudden contact of a hand on his shoulder. Who still dared to- ‘You’ve been red all day, tin-can.’ Of course. ‘Don’t you have work to do?’, Nines grumbled, scowl deepening as the human sat himself on his desk awfully close. Yeah, we got it. You are not scared. You have a death wish anyway, thinking androids are below you. ‘I actually have, yes. But it’s time for a break and your disco-light is damn distracting.’ ‘You never take your break, Detective.’ ‘Yeah, but you do. So why is your metal ass still here and not over there with drunkard and poodle?’ ‘None of your business.’ ‘Fine. But you know, keeping your distance to them won’t solve your problem.’ ‘What problem?’, Nines asked, his question more a threat than anything. A threat the human ignored as always: ‘They are scared of you because you are the same damn model than the idiot in our holding cell. You know, it’s funny, you predicted that scenario last week and somehow missed the whole thing playing out in front of you.’
‘I saw it, Detective’, the android snarled. ‘Don’t you think I would be the first to notice?’ ‘Well, you are not doing anything about it, so… no?’ ‘What is your problem? Just lean back and enjoy the show. You might lose an android on the force over this. Thought that would be a win for you?’ ‘I think you are overexaggerating.’ ‘What? You being happy when I’m gone? I don’t think so.’ Gavin sighed and slipped from the table. ‘You are a real pain in the ass, you know? Continue like this and I really would be.’
He yawned and walked over to Connor’s desk and Nines thought that would be the end of it. Until he was surprised by two folders repeatedly being smacked together. Nines looked over to the detective, who kept on doing this with two of Connor’s open case files while marching down the bullpen. Then he let them sink to his respective sides and yelled: ‘Attention, dipshits! The android in the holding cell is the killing machine here. I thought the DPD would only hire people who had the braincells to show for it, but apparently you all cheated your end exam or something. My partner isn’t the phcking serial killer and you assholes better don’t treat him like one. I need a fully operational partner and I won’t let you all pull him down, understood?’ Gavin had all the attention of a shocked crowd screaming through the precinct loud enough the people in the lobby had to hear it and the human nodded into the silence. ‘Good.’ He had arrived at the entrance and casually threw both folders into a – thankfully empty – trashcan. The man added a ‘Phcking Kindergarten’ to his speech and exited the precinct.
Nines had been left to the attention of his co-workers after Gavin had went outside and couldn’t help but blush and turn around to his terminal. What the hell had the human thought doing this? An hour later Gavin came back, holding a coffee from a local coffeeshop. He strode through the precinct as if it was a day like any other and sat down at his table across from Nines, ignoring the whispered talks of everyone else. The android however heard them loud and clear. ‘What the hell happened to Reed?’ ‘I know right? He hates attention!’ ‘Yeah, more importantly he hates androids. Didn’t you hear what he did before the revolution?’ ‘No. What?’ ‘I heard he was one of those guys abusing thrown out androids.’ ‘Holy shit. They let someone like that work at the police?’ ‘I know, right?’
Nines shook his head trying to concentrate on the screen in front of him again.
‘I bet he did it because Nines is convenient for him. Just some android he can command around.’
‘Poor Nines, stuck with such an asshole.’
‘Must be the worst. I wouldn’t last a day partnered up to Reed.’
Nines looked over to the man silently sipping his coffee, completely focussed on the photos of the crime-scene laying before him. He really seemed as if his head was in a different world, being able to ignore all of this. He had to hear it. How could he filter it out that well? As Gavin looked up to type up the report for this case, Nines interrupted: ‘Why?’ ‘Hmm?’ The man put down his coffee and looked at him innocently as if he hadn’t just guilt-shamed all of the precinct to be nice to him. ‘Why did you do that?’ ‘What? Bought me a coffee? I had my break and well, I couldn’t exactly stay after-‘ ‘You know exactly what I mean, don’t evade it!’ ‘Why did I defend my partner, you mean? Didn’t think I had to explain that. I’m keeping my promise, tin-can. Even if not, partners are supposed to have each other’s back.’ ‘What promise?’ ‘Last week? In the car? Don’t tell me you forgot that already!’ ‘You meant that?’ ‘Did I mean tha- Of course I meant that! Why else would I say it? Did you think I was joking?’ ‘At least I didn’t think you were being serious. You hate androids.’ Gavin leaned back in his chair and sighed. ‘Listen, Nines. I don’t hate androids, okay? I used to demolish thrown out machines. I could as well had been vandalising bus-stops or graffiti dicks on walls. I can’t care less about androids, that’s right. I couldn’t care less for humans either. But I care about the persons around me and what is right and what is wrong. Why else should I choose to work at the police? It definitely isn’t the nice work atmosphere and the great retirement policy.’
Nines just stared at the man, who quickly evaded his eyes. That was the most honest the human had been to him so far. Or had Nines just never noticed it? He thought back to their talk in the car. Had he really meant every word he had said? In the lights of his recent actions he might have. And Nines realised the chances weren’t too bad that he had let himself become a victim of prejudice. Everyone had told him the detective was an asshole, someone who hated androids and would rather see one in a ditch than save one on the job. He had been wrong to believe them. Gavin was a good partner, caring and compassionate about his job.
‘Thank you’, Nines said in all honesty, thinking back to what he had thrown at the human back in the car.
I don’t want to be pegged as someone like you.
‘Hmm?’ The human looked up at him again and Nines couldn’t shake the feeling Gavin had already been back at thinking about their case, not even bothering what Nines’ evaluation of him was once he made clear how he thought about the android.
‘I think I would be honoured to be put in a box with people like you.’
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tennessoui · 2 years
(1/2) i've had this really specific scene in my head that takes place in an omegaverse canon au and i'm sharing it with you in the hopes you like it as much as i do. but basically alpha!anakin and omega!obi-wan, only anakin doesn't realize obi-wan is an omega. obi-wan has been on suppressants for ages, after all, and is very good at suppressing his instincts. but this isn't stopping anakin from being just. stupid in love with him.
(2/2) obi-wan is completely oblivious, but anakin is in their quarters reading, like. guides on alpha/alpha and alpha/beta relationships and courting rituals and overall just doing the Most because he does Not care what obi-wan's secondary gender is (because obi-wan is His no matter what) but he Does care about presenting himself as the best possible mate. meanwhile obi-wan is finding all this research strewn about and he's like huh. padme's an alpha, is anakin trying to impress her?
Honestly I do love stories where Obi-Wan is an omega and hides it for some reason (guilty pleasure is that he was beta/unpresented until Qui-Gon dies and he has to take care of Anakin) so Anakin doesn’t know and is completely blindsided and has no idea what to do with his suddenly omega master.
Especially if he’s already made peace with the fact that he’s in love with someone whose designation doesn’t match his. Even if no other beta or alpha turns his head, he’s really and completely in love with Obi-Wan. So love that part!!!
Also imagine that same dynamic and alpha/beta relationships are actually pretty common on Stewjon because omegas are rare, so Anakin reads that and is like “oh look at all these courting practices from his home planet he will definitely recognize my interest if I present him with a Folack leaf in the light of the full moon!!” and Obi-Wan (woken up in the middle of the night by his enthusiastic former padawan and grouchy about it) is like “anakin what the fuck”
(Both the Folack leaf and the alpha wilts a bit at this)
(But the alpha rallies at least)
I do adore miscommunication like this (the kind where nothing was communicated in the first place), but god I feel like there has to be some sort of resolution where Obi-Wan gives anakin his blessing to search for his mate (that they’re both convinced he’s already found) outside of the Order with whoever he wants, another alpha or a beta, and do whatever makes him happiest, he has obi-wan’s permission
And anakin takes that as permission to try and bite obi-wan, to which obi-wan rears because because what the fuck!!! He meant another alpha or beta??? And anakin is like yeah!!! You!!!
And obi-wan splutters out “???? But I’m an omega???!!!” And anakin takes like 2 minutes to reboot but when he does he’s like “OMG!!! I’ve been doing the wrong research!!!! I don’t know the first thing about courting omegas!!!! I harvested SO MANY FOLACK LEAVES THEYRE USELESS NOW I GOTTA GO RESEARCH” and takes off to the archives
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thedeviljudges · 3 years
I've been thinking about this lately. Idk why but I feel that Yohan and Gaon were in a sexual relationship. They had feelings for each other but just buried them and stayed as sexual partners. Also remember that scene where Yohan asking Gaon if he wants ramyeon. I think you might get the meaning behind it. Just like netflix and chill. I just can't get rid of this thought. I kind of believe that these two had a sexual relationship. Also I remember Gaon wearing slippers (same ones as Yohan's) that also made me think about this. And remember that scene where Gaon just longingly staring at Yohan's bed? That scene also made me believe that they were sexual partners at some point.
What are your thoughts on this? I love your explanations. They're so good and useful. Love to hear what you think about this one as well. I maybe wrong cuz we all see things differently. Maybe I understood everything in a wrong way? Idk lmao. But wanna know what you and other TDJ fans think about this..
Thank you!
here's the thing about consuming and interpreting content: there's not really a right or wrong way (although i do think there are some exceptions to this. it's very nuanced).
regardless, i don't think you're wrong for seeing it this way as i understand what you mean. the tension between gaon and yohan is very palpable, and i do read it as there being some kind of underlying sexual tension, if not chemistry as a whole. they really are two solid matches with so much friction but so much love by the end of it. it's tumultuous and the lack of communication certainly does help.
it reminds me of this one post someone made, to which i do not have on hand, but they basically described gaon and yohan's relationship as interesting simply because both were so hot headed, so to speak. the circumstances and they themselves were quite volatile because of their differences but also because of how much alike they were, that when everything settled and they didn't have the barrage of miscommunication and other outside sources, it's why the end is so peaceful between them.
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basically what this is saying is that they grow because of each other and their nature, while so rough around the edges, mellow each other out. so i think we have all the setup there for some kind of physical relationship with both of them being confused by their differences, the push and pull that they have, that it's not difficult to imagine that it's a possibility. especially if we read between the lines.
i think a lot of the examples you pulled can certainly be used as evidence of this POV. so i don't think you're wrong for seeing yohan and gaon starting off sexually.
for me, i don't view it that way, but i'm pointing out that you're not wrong either even though i have a differing view. also, i'm sure there are many who might agree with you as well.
for me, i think it could've started off that way but eventually fell to the wayside. the reason? when yohan crowds gaon up against the bookshelf in his office, i do fully think that was yohan's attempt at seduction and throwing gaon off guard (we see him throwing him off guard multiple times in various ways; yohan eventually admits this wanting to do anything to have gaon on his side).
i made a text post once about how yohan's office is very much a venus flytrap, where he can easily win over anyone. it's his domain, and nothing is going to shake him in his element (except gaon later on, lmao). was yohan's intention to fully go sexual with it? i don't think so. i think he was pushing his boundaries to see what it would take for gaon to join him. why not rule out sexuality? yohan is not above using people's guilty pleasures to influence them.
(we've also had discussions in fandom whether yohan has used sex as a tactic and whether he's done it out of obligation to a cause rather than for actual pleasure, and that's a whole other topic of conversation. i like sticking by my hc that he hasn't been with anyone. just uses seduction to get what he wants [tying back to his difficulty to connect with anyone] but i do think there are some good points to be made about this as a strategy).
i think after the seduction tactic fell through, yohan had to resort to other methods to pull gaon in, and he eventually did. but within that, yohan realized that there was so much more to gaon than what meets the eye. it took him his guard and flipped the script. instead of yohan being fully in control, gaon had some of it. i think that had yohan... not second guessing himself, but it really did have him rethinking certain decisions at home, falling into the family trope and seeking out kindness from gaon in a way he scolded elijah for because at the end of the day, he is only human and craves everything he never received as a child.
and that's where there is a duality at play. yohan is soft with gaon in his home, talks to him, lets him in, but also pushes his boundaries to make sure gaon stays by exposing the reality of the justice system. i think gaon derailed yohan so much that he had to fall back to plans b, c and eventually d just for gaon to marginally trust him. his tactics for gaon changed especially as conflicting feelings played a part (yohan fighting loving gaon but needing his fire and the only way to get it was to play the villian).
i explain all of this in this way because for me, i don't think that really leaves any room for sex or physicality. yohan was too busy executing his plan and simply trying to understand gaon after all of the confusing and kindness he exuded. while gaon didn't trust him, eventually did, and realized yohan needed a lot more kindness than anything sex could do for him.
so with the examples you listed about those possibly being indicators of a sexual nature, i see them as more points of references of their building relationship of trust. while the ramyun one in particular is very suggestive culturally at this time, i do think we could ask ourselves whether yohan knew what that phrase meant (applying the discrepancy between generations and what they go through with linguistics). or another layer of the writer's intent to be conspicuous about the underlying gay tonality of the devil judge, not to imply sex but to reference queer coding.
i'm not sure if i fully fleshed this out enough to make sense, but i hope i do!!!! and i do want to reiterate that the way i see it is just my own. i'm sure others in the fandom, even if we collectively agree on some things over others, might see it differently. and please keep in mind that EVEN IF fandom agrees on ideas outside of canon, still doesn't necessarily make it true. it's just what the majority believes and is not an actual indictor that we're al right.
i say this to really hone in on the fact that this goes for popular text posts or anyone talking about interpretations and post-canon content. all of it is very biased and subjective (although there are very, very valid arguments for certain things that leave it difficult to argue that what isn't canon isn't... technically canon. for example, there are people that don't see tdj as a gay love story - to each their own - but there is overwhelming evidence that it is, that we can use to back that claim up).
so i hope that answers your question - from my perspective, at least. anyone else is more than welcome to chime in with their POV. so anon, even if i don't see it the way you do, it's all perfectly fine and just as valid.
ALSO!!!!!!!!! i did want to point out that there is an author who is pretty much writing a story right now with this premise - what if gaon and yohan’s relationship did start off sexual in nature. you should definitely check it out because it is wonderful.
your kiss tastes like heaven - no_detective
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a-big-apple · 3 years
I S T !!!
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Definitely, though I don't feel guilty lkjdsfjkldsf! It's no secret at this point that I like to wallow in a good whump, and sometimes there are kinks I find interesting that I'll go looking for to read or write a little of for my own fun. And anything about Pearl having a really fucking hard time is so wonderful to me. I have a high tolerance for darkness when it's about Pearl. I'm not sure what that says about my coping mechanisms but oh well!
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I like a lot of tropes! But in SU my specific catnip is Mom!Pearl, really does it for me in any setting! More broadly, I'm also a sucker for a slow burn.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
I'll read anything written by the right person, but I'm not really a fan of fake dating or other related things where lack of communication and miscommunication are the source of tension and humor. I guess this is maybe in conflict with my love of slow burns, but if it's a burn where they could be together if they just said a few words, that frustrates me. I prefer a burn where circumstances make it hard for them to be together in some way, physically or emotionally, and then when they make it work the payoff is really great.
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justoceanmyth · 4 years
words that look like music really caught my eye.. are you open to sharing anything about that one?
Oh boy I was hoping that someone would ask about this one! I have just... so many feelings about it. And also so much to say about it.(Though unfortunately I don’t really have anything written so no snippet here😞)
First of all, it’s a Kataang Soulmate AU, which there are simply not enough of, so I’m going to be glad to finally start helping fill that void for those who share my guilty-pleasure.
It’s the AU where you have the first words your soulmate says to you written on your body somewhere, in the handwriting of your beloved. With an important worldbuilding addition:
The four nations all have different writing systems, though they share the same language. There are also some regional differences depending on the nation, and where the Fire Nation has colonized the Earth Kingdom the two scripts have fused. So there aren’t exactly four different systems, which makes things a little more complicated for everyone looking for their soulmate
This means that when the Fire Nation wiped out the Air Nomads, their script went extinct (not totally, there are a couple scholars who can still read it, and also Bumi) But in short, Katara can’t read the words she has. She doesn’t know what they say, (and there’s some juicy tidbits about her family trying to figure it out that I have planned for the fic)
That’s where the title of the fic comes from-- Kya telling her daughter that she can’t read the script, but that the words look like music.
So when Aang wakes up from that iceberg he’s the only one of the two that knows he and Katara are soulmates. And when she doesn’t seem to have any recognition, he thinks she’s trying to take things slow at first. Then he thinks she’s ignoring him. Because it would never occur to Aang that she wouldn’t know at least what Air-Nomad script looked like, let alone how to read it.
The other problem, is she’s never actually seen her words herself, because they are on her back, along her shoulder-blades. (Where wings would be, if she had them) Incidentally, her bindings pass right over her words, meaning that Aang never sees them, even while they’re practicing waterbending together. Katara relied on her family trying to draw out the words in the snow for her in order to see them. Which also means that she can’t identify Aang’s handwriting.
After Aang realizes that she’s never seen Air Nomad script, which only happens a while into book one (he has a lot on his plate okay?), he’s too nervous to actually come out and tell her that they’re soulmates, because Katara realizes that his soulmate is from the Water-tribes, and since he hasn’t said anything, it can’t be her. So she’s feeling not good about things, and they’ll be arriving at the Northern Tribe soon, and so she distances herself from Aang, (it doesn’t help that his words are the generic “Uh, sure?” that was her response)
Basically, through a comedy of errors and miscommunication (well failure to communicate effectively), it’s a slow-burn Kataang Soulmate AU, which I am very excited about writing.
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septiembrre · 3 years
For the fanfic ask game! I! M! S!
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Ugh, if I'm being honest, half of the Brio tropes are definitely my guilty pleasures. Like, I swear I push myself to be a healthy, thoughtful communicator in my irl relationships, but miscommunication in budding relationships and fic pining as a result? So good!
But, in-canon Brio are SUCH poor communicators they... truly take it to a next level. So, sometimes I'm either interacting with fanon or creating fanworks myself and just really making this face -> :O and thinking y'allllll use your words! I know this is an unpopular opinion, and a lot of folks love Brio because of their hyped toxicity, but I often find myself thinking that these aren't my morals and these straight ppl need to go to therapy!!!!! Like, if Rio's got some pull with a doctor somewhere to help him out with his scrapes, where's the therapist at? I know I need to accept that their communication as a couple is a lost cause but I struggle.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I wish I had something cool to share! However, soon, I'll finally be able to talk about my Mystery Box fic and I c a n n o t wait!
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
This time I'll give shout-outs to misunderstandings, pining, bathroom sex and... cucking.
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snickiebear · 3 years
11. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
11. Feral women. Angry, mean, cold, calculating women. In fiction or any media we don’t see a lot of women who are mean and angry and cruel and cunning without making them the bad guys. I love a bloodthirsty bitch of a woman who is not a bad guy. she is the woman who will do what it takes but she isn’t evil. I want more cold women and cruel women who don’t put up with the Emotional Bullshit that women are accused of. I find writing that so liberating and i do try my best to write them the way i would want to see. 
16. literally anything with fluff. there was only one bed. who the fuck hurt you? i’ll kill them. one person, who is badass, is down for the count and their love interest goes BATSHIT. Battle couples are my fav cause they’re badass and protect each other and I LOVE THEM 
17. Im being 100% honest, i hate Mates troupes or like miscommunication ones. Soulmates are different cause those often are written so so well and soft or angsty and i do love a good soulmate one. But like ABO or Mate troupes/fics aren’t my style so i don’t read or write em! Miscommunication just frustrates me to no end, im a pretty straight forward person in general so seeing such shitty communication makes me want to tear my hair out HAHAHA 
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astroismypassion · 4 years
Hi astroismypasion, I recently sent a donation on kofi. Would love to know things on my chart interpretation. My birth chart info is Nov 1st 1991 20:41pm :)
First of all, thank you for your kind message. I really liked how you worded it, you instantly came across as an elegant and kind individual! 
Also, a side note about your birthday number, which is 1. I often notice Scorpios have it or they have 10. So I consider it a leader’s number. But it’s also a lonely path or so it seems. I guess it really is lonely at the top! ;) 
Thank you for buying me this delicious hot beverage. I drank iced black coffee with rice milk while writing your interpretation. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I did writing! I listened to Lorde - Everybody wants to rule the world. 
Your dominant planets are: 1. Sun, 2. Pluto and 3. Mercury. Your dominant signs are: 1. Scorpio, 2. Virgo and 3. Capricorn. Your main mode is Fixed. You are Water dominant. 
If you have any siblings, they are Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius or Cancer. You have Virgo IC. Your parents might have been over critical, nit picky, nagging and complaining about you or to you. They might have compared to your siblings, friends, schoolmates or neighbours. You learnt how to read, write and speak very early on. Your parents emphasized how important it is to have realistic goals and views. They wanted you to pursue something pragmatic and useful. A bit of your 4th house is already in Libra. You are not emotionally close to your parents. You might have more of an intellectual, mental bond. They provided for your physical needs, but emotional needs not so much. You have Venus in the 4th house as well. Your parental figures encouraged you to go after your desire, wishes and what makes you passionate. You might be a private person and not many people know what you truly value and like, apart from family members and close friends. You value security, safety, comfort, home, family and nurturing. You like to take care of your family members. You have Sun sextile Moon. Your parents agreed on the style of your upbringing. They were in sync in how to raise you. You have Sun conjunct Mars. Your father encouraged you to go after your wants, desires, passions. You have Sun square Saturn. He might have restricted you in your career choice, professional life. He might have not been encouraging in the area of the 10th house or your career path. You have Virgo Jupiter in the 3rd house. You might have a lot of siblings, cousins and family relatives. They might have foreign origin or different cultural, religious background. Your family relatives might live abroad or in another city, country. You have Scorpio Sun in the 5th house. You felt like you have never known your father well. Or that he was a secretive, hard to know man. He might work as an artist, of some other 5th house topic, education, work with children or younger people. He might also do a physical job due to Scorpio here. Somewhere where there is heavy lifting involved. He might be a bit of a researcher as well. He might also one his own business. Or made a career out of a hobby. You have Virgo Moon in the 3rd house. Your mother sacrificed a lot for you. She is a bit nagging, want you to do errands for her or house chores, but she is a hard worker. She is talkative, witty and intelligent. She likes to gossip a bit as well sometimes. She might have been over critical of you, too logical and not in touch with her emotions, so you tend to rationalize your feelings as well. You just talk yourself out for your moods. 
Your friends are Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Gemini and Virgo. In your romantic relationships you attract Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio, Virgo, Gemini, Capricorn and Aquarius. You have Virgo Venus in the 4th house. This represents people you attract, what you value and appreciate. You attract hard working people, who are family oriented and like a sense of security, safety and comfort. You have Scorpio Mars in the 5th house. This represents how you take action, how you approach your crush, things you’re passionate about and what ignites your excitement. You might like to research different topics and subjects for fun. You might like to create your own art. You are passionate about your hobbies and interests. You might like to read about crime, research, detectives, psychology, relationships and their dynamics for fun. You might attract obsessive, strong, a bit stalkerish people. You might attract a bit childlike and immature partners. You take love affairs and dating very seriously. You have the potential of becoming a serial dater, but you still take relationships seriously. You are cautious and a bit guarded when it comes to entering a love affair. Your 7th house is full of surprises, you have Neptune, Uranus there. You might know how to cut people off. Some of your relationships can end as quickly as they have started. You might also idealize other people or not really see people in your romantic, business and platonic relationship for what they are truly. They could confuse you, so what ends up happening is plenty of miscommunication, abrupt changes and sudden events. With Uranus there, you need a lot of personal freedom, space when it comes to how you like your relationships. You dislike anyone telling you what to do in this area. 
You have Capricorn North Node in the 7th house. This indicates your life purpose. You might have a hard time picking up just one single career and stick to it. You could be pulled in many directions. You might be into business. You could also like a work environment where there is structured and you know what exactly is expected of you. You might like counselling, administration, public relations, public administration, business, commerce, therapy, advising. You could be an authority when it comes to platonic, business and romantic relationships. You might be inclined to partner with others. You will be the boss. You have Neptune and Uranus in the 7th house. This means you might have an unconventional, unique and non traditional approach to your platonic, romantic and business relationships. People don’t know what to expect from you in this area. You are unpredictable here. Sometimes you can appear too cold, too detached or that you are taking things too seriously. You might also be all about business and no pleasure. There will be an emphasis on the 5th house in this lifetime, because you have so many planets there. You have a stellium in Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Mars and Scorpio Pluto. You have a natural leader energy. You might like to be number one in the field of your choice. You have that Scorpio stellium in the 5th house. You might be very intense about things you are passionate about and even sports. You might be a hobby just so you can master it. You like working with young adult, education, children, in the arts. You might be fond of singing, performing, dancing and acting. You have Cancer Ascendant. This is how you view life, how you approach it and the path that you will walk in this lifetime. You might view yourself as being too sensitive, too emotional and that everything affects you on a personal level and easily. You have Pisces MC. You have Aries and Pisces in your 10th house. You might be attracted to solitary work or even fancy being self employed. You might have a knack for business and advertising. You could advertising something and people would want to have it. You have a lot of potential to heal others. You might be interested in astrology and tarot and different types of healing. You could be an entrepreneur, work in sale and you have very business oriented mind. Here beware of not taking yourself too seriously and be all work and no play. You might be very “cut-throw” in business, work and on your daily job. 
You have Virgo Part of Fortune in the 3rd house. This is your natural good luck, your good charm. You are at your happiest when you are of service and helpful towards your peers, siblings, neighbours, people in your immediate environment. And when you organise and plan your communication, writing, speaking and conversing. You might be inclined to writing self help books. Or on topics of improvement, organisation, health, pets, advising. You could be attracted to counselling, counselling or health fields, such as nutritions, dietetics. You have Capricorn Lilith in the 7th house. This is where negative Capricorn traits can show up. You can be too cold, too strict, an authoritarian in the area of 7th house (platonic, business and romantic relationships). You have Capricorn Juno in the 7th house. This indicates your ideal soulmate, your ideal partner. You might like someone who is compromising, stable, a provider. Someone who is ambitious, motivated, career and relationship (platonic, business and romantic) oriented. You have Sagittarius Ceres in the 6th house. This is how you wish to be nurtured and how you nurture others. You might like to give them personal space and freedom. You do errands for them or show small acts of kindness. You might show your love through actions. You could also be bluntly honest with them and tell them like it is. You have Leo Chiron in the 2nd house. There is a past wound, a hurt when it comes to your talents, skill set, your creative self expression and creative endeavours. You might have felt shamed or made feel guilty for your creative self expression. You have Venus trine Saturn. You might be attracted to older or more mature partners. You might like younger or older people than your own age. You have Venus trine Neptune. You might idealize your lovers or put them on the pedestal. You might dream of movie like or fairytale like meeting. You are attracted to creators, performers, artists, musicians, people who play instruments. You have Venus sextile Pluto. You might be rejected by certain people. Or you can have lovers that would think about you years after you have broken up. You could have obsessive tendencies when it comes to love. Or you are affected deeply and transformed every time you fall in love. You have Pluto and Jupiter currently transiting 7th house. You might expand your definition and views or transform them completely when it comes to platonic, business and romantic relationships. Or all one on one relationships. You have Saturn currently transiting 8th house. You might feel like you are isolating more, spend more time alone. You might have felt a bit restricted, limited in the area of 8th house (such as others people’s resources, spirituality, occult, mysticism, deep trusted bonds with others). You have Capricorn Eros in the 7th house. I checked your Draconic chart as well. This indicates your “inner you”, how you are “on soulike level”. You seem to have Draconic Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Virgo Rising and Gemini MC. 
Your chart ruler is the Moon. The chart ruler is in the 3rd house. This means your personality (ego, self esteem, self worth, self image, character, personality traits, physical appearance and face) will develop through 3rd house topics (communication, talking, speaking, writing, connections with siblings, neighbours, peers, schoolmates, people from your local town, your elementary and high school friends). Your personality might shine through bets in those areas and topics. This is a part of your life purpose along with Capricorn North Node in the 7th house. If you are interested in this topic, here is an additional video on these topics by an excellent fellow astrologer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBu9sY2RHJI . 
The ruler of the 1st house is in the 3rd house.You may seem like “the girl (or boy) next door. Life is oriented toward communicating, gathering information and daily interactions. You gossip about the way people look.
The ruler of the 2nd house is in the 3rd house. You spend money on communication gadgets. You earn a living by working at an elementary school or make money from blogging. Your survival needs are always on your mind.
The ruler of the 3rd house is in the 5th house. Daily conversation revolves around children, hobbies, creativity, theater or the arts. Your communication style is creative and entertaining. Experiences of early education affect your ability to be creative. You have a child-like and playful communication style.
The ruler of the 4th house is in the 5th house. You find emotional security through performance. One parent influences your creative passion. You use your heritage as a means of personal expression.
The ruler of the 5th house is in the 4th house.You want your family to approve of your hobbies, interests and romantic partners. You bring creative projects home with you. You keep a scrapbook of family memories. You are self-expressive around family members. You are privately creative.
The ruler of the 6th house is in the 3rd house. Daily habits are formed around writing and communication. You like being able to take short trips around town while working. Your daily job is a way to make connections with people.
The ruler of the 7th house is in the 8th house. You choose an intense partner. You want to be with someone who can handle your emotional baggage. Partners add to your financial debt.
The ruler of the 8th house is in the 8th house. You enter sexual relationships for sex. You get emotionally entangled with other people to form deep connections. Your attitude to life and death affects your ability to deeply connect with other people.
The ruler of the 9th house is in the 7th house. You marry or have a significant relationship with a person from a foreign country. You can be condescending to your partner. You want a partner who has an equal interest in traveling. You want a partner who has the same level of education.
The ruler of the 10th house is in the 7th house.Partners should have the same ambitions and goals in mind. You gain recognition and social status through your partner. Ideally the partners should have equal status and equal standing. Partners should have balanced careers.
The ruler of the 11th house is in the 5th house.You are friends with all your romantic partners. You bring your social awareness to your children. The people you connect with are self-expressive and entertaining. You belong to artistic groups. You’re in a band. You are a huge fan of the arts.
The ruler of the 12th house is in the 5th house. You bring imagination to your art. You create music for meditation. You take dream-like photographs. There’s a sense of loss even when you’re having fun. Meditation is fun for you.
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serpentstole · 4 years
Tasty Drama Clickbait Title
While the timing of this post might feel like I’m responding passive aggressively to recent miscommunications and disagreements, the topic is something that’s been floating around in the back of my head for at least a year now, and I want to address it to the tumblr occult community as a whole rather than any individual member of it. I think I’ll put this under a cut to spare peoples’ dashboards, but it felt worth saying at length for the sake of being very clear with my intentions.
Most of us do not present ourselves as an authority or a teacher... but I think we recognize how easy it is to be seen that way by the young or inexperienced. And I do want to emphasize that it’s often the young and the inexperienced on this site, because its users do skew that way, and there is often no way of knowing the exact age of the person you’re talking to. Unless you genuinely only interact with mutuals, you will eventually bump into someone who’s far younger than you, and roasting them is probably a bad look.
If someone is annoying, or very obviously trying to pass themselves off as more experienced or mature, or is painfully sincere but equally misguided, there’s always the good chance that they’re a literal teenager, or else a very young adult. I’m not saying to support glitter jars and emoji spells, but to remember that some people are still developing the skills they’ll need to deepen their understanding and polish their research methods. Having someone they respect and look up to scoff at them or mock them isn’t really how we encourage those who are trying to do better and find their path and learn how to research properly. It would likely be better and kinder to ignore them at that point, or else tell them you don’t have the time or interest to teach or inform people beyond what’s provided in your public posts.
I won’t name some arbitrary point at which some newer practitioner is “worthy of respect” or has shed the uwu/fluffy/woowoo label because it honestly seems to be judged differently by different people, and I think it’s typically a journey and process for that person.
I’m not as learned or experienced as I perhaps come off at times, and that’s because I’ve learned when to shut up, and what I can do research for myself, and who I have the sort of relationship with where I can ask for help. I like to think we all understand that this sort of awareness is learned over time. I cringe at what I’ve said and done a year ago, let alone five, six, or seven years ago. I still wonder if I’m being too annoying, or asking too many questions, or if something I’m unsure about will seem laughably basic. It’s like we’re expected to be experts the moment we’ve decided to take our practices seriously, and I think it’s an unfair standard a lot of us hold both ourselves and each other to.
I think poking fun at the people who are a little annoying or a little embarrassing can be a guilty pleasure... especially if they’ve done something to annoy or offend us. But I hope we can strive to remember just how much is likely done in ignorance. We aren’t all at the same point in our journeys or on equal footing.
If you’re sitting there thinking to yourself, “I haven't’ done this sort of thing” I’m very glad, and this post isn’t about you.
If you’re sitting there wondering if you maybe are guilty of this kind of behaviour, thank you for taking the time to consider it, but please remember this post still isn’t explicitly about you. We basically all do this to a degree. I have done this to some degree. I am not vague-posting or disappointed in anyone specific. I just want us all to collectively do better, and be more patient with one another. Peers should be talking more honestly to one another when issues arise in this so called community, and its newer, earnest members shouldn’t be laughed out of it.
This post is unreasonably long but I hope that what it lacks in brevity it makes up for in clarity, because all this can be a touchy subject at times and I didn’t want it to feel like I was attacking any singular person or group.
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bumblequinn · 5 years
20 Questions for 2020
i got tagged in a thing by my friend @puppystorm! it’s been approximately one million years since i did one of these so why not :>
1. Do you make your bed?
ehh i mean, i tidy things up alright, but i’ve never understood the top sheet. my bed is always against a wall and tucking it in is just too much. for what, so i can have One Extra Bonus Sheet? tucked over the already adequate fitted sheet and mattress cover?? whom am i, Princess of the Pea??? get outta here!!!
2. Favorite number?
37. it's the funniest number. no i will not elaborate
3. What’s your job?
i make the music for @slarpg! the game is good and you should play the demo!!!
i’m also my house’s resident housekeeper, what with the sweeps and the mops and the scrubs and the litter boxes and so on. i often don’t keep quite as on top of it all as i’d like but i try :’>
4. If you could, would you go back to school?
to be honest i don't know. i have felt kind of aimless since i finished. i think the structure and purpose would do me a lot of good. but what would i study? if i could do it over i'd study music, but i've learned enough on my own time that i could hardly justify the expense of formal education for it. so i'm just not sure.
maybe i'd study how to fix our planet so we're not doomed lol
5. Can you parallel park?
i give myself a solid B+ on parallel parking, a C on actual driving, and an F- on not zoning out when i'm traveling at 75 miles per hour
6. A job you had which would surprise people?
lol slarpg apparently! i've been in a few hangouts now where it came up and someone was like "that's YOU???" still surprises me hahah :')
7. Do you think aliens are real?
before recently i was kinda torn bc y'know the whole fermi paradox thing, if they're out there how come we can't find ANY signs??? but based on the state of the world and plausible trajectory for the future, coupled with the fact that all complex life on earth owes its existence to one freak-ass cell that vored a bacteria without digesting it, makes me think-
a) intelligent life is likely hella rare and complex life might just be as well, and
b) intelligent species might be too inclined to destroy themselves or their homes for expanding across planets/star systems to ever be a thing that any species survives long enough to accomplish.
not that there is any shortage of other people who have speculated this for a very long time already, and with much more eloquence and pizzazz. still, the thought makes me sad...... I Want To Believe
(aliens absolutely have not visited us tho lmao #SPICYTAKEHOURS)
8. Can you drive a manual car?
i'm not sure how a car constructed out of manuals could hold itself together but gosh darn it i'll try
(this post is getting long. more below the cut!)
9. Tattoos?
nope! it's one of those things i like appreciating on others but have no desire for doing it myself. i'm that way about a good handful of things really. i hope that doesn't make me boring :')
10. Favorite color?
THE TRIFECTA: pastel blues, violets and pinks. they remind me of a quiet sunset i think. and of the crystal gems. i want my wardrobe to be filled with them.... one day!!!
11. What’s your guilty pleasure?
........jane the virgin  👀 💦
yes i know gina rodriguez is a butthole irl don't yell at me i KNOW
12. Things people do that drive you crazy?
tear each other to shreds over minor things, especially online. assumptions, miscommunications, mistakes, whatever, the vitriol is everywhere these days and it just... it brings me down, dude. people even seem to take glee in it. i had to ditch twitter cos i just couldn't take it there anymore, but it's everywhere.
please practice patience, mindfulness, deescalation, and meta-communication. learn to pause and think critically before you reflexively lash out at others. you will hurt less and cause less hurt for others.
13. First thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
a firefighter. which is hilarious. i am a toothpick lesbian with Weak Nerd Arms who can’t open jars. lemme just BODY SLAM your DOOR and FIST FIGHT your FIRES
14. Favorite childhood sport?
yes i'm calling that a sport i'm a DISASTER not an ATHLETE
15. Do you talk to yourself?
DUDE yes. all the time. ever since i was a kid. i think back then it was a coping mechanism for being bullied a lot and feeling super alienated. i would lie in bed at night and have "conversations" with my stuffed dog rover and pretend he would talk back. eventually i grew away from that but the self talk stuck.
i think it helps me process what i’m thinking & feeling. i guess journaling would be the more "normal" way to deal with that? but i don't feel bad for doing what helps me sort thru things in my hyperactive radio static brain. it's other people who got a problem if they think it's bad!
16. What movie do you adore?
there are so many i could pick from and they've changed so many times in my life! let's just go with three.
into the spider-verse: for being a dazzling achievement in animation, design, audio, scoring, and writing. it's just a pure fun experience of sensory wonder on all fronts and a huge step forward for animation in film.
annihilation: for both the unforgettable imagery and the pure dread it instills, but more than that—for being the first piece of media i've come across that perfectly hits with a merciless gut punch the essence of trauma, what it feels like and, ultimately, how it changes you. (if ppl have suggestions for other movies that do this pls let me know!!)
halloween 3: for having the most absolute buck fucking WILD premise i have ever seen in my life. it's a straight up roller coaster yall. fucking preposterous and it doesn't even care. it revels in the batshitness. i love it.
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
ehhh not really. i'm too impatient. my lil adhd brain is like "GOTTA GO FAST!!!" so i generally get bored with puzzles and puzzle games. i like stuff that's reflexive and gets me in a flow state, like thumper and celeste. (zelda puzzles can be kinda fun i spose!)
i like mixing music though. mixing feels like a puzzle to me. fitting all the different pieces together. it's a lot of fun (when it isn't frustrating lmao).
18. Tea or coffee?
T E A all day binchhhhh! unless it’s black tea then T E A up until and no later than 4 pm BINCHHHHH!
19. Phobias?
this might be weird but... being seen and known.
story time: on my second or third birthday, a bunch of other kids were there (presumably kids of my parents' friends, it's not like a 2 year old has an independent social life right). so, when it came time to do the happy birthday song, and everyone gathered around the table and started singing, i got up... and crawled and hid under the table.
i've always had a complicated relationship with recognition. i want to be acknowledged, of course! i want to be a part of people's lives. but paradoxically, something about being the subject of anyone's attention scares the shit out of me. sharing myself, being reminded i HAVE a self that is perceived by and impacts others has always been deeply challenging for me.
i don't know why. maybe my parents didn't do too hot with me as a baby and i got some messed up issues with attachment right out the gate lol.
it can be lonely honestly. it's been a challenge in relationships and in friendships and i've messed up stuff because of it. but i've grown a lot and am starting to feel more like a person and more comfortable with existing as a social being! baby steps. :)
20. Favorite kind of music?
[[[[vibrates]]] YES
The Inevitable Part Where It Asks You To Tag 5 People
i pretty much never do this but NEW YEAR NEW ME TAG YOU’RE IT
@moth-fuzz @grizzlybutch @leafcrunch @lycanrocc @comickit
(but for real you can pass if this ain’t yr jam i ain’t your boss lol)
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hobbitsetal · 5 years
For the OC game--any OC of your choosing!
i’m gonna show a little love to my girl Anise :)
Full Name: Anise BaltienGender and Sexuality: female/straightPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: Litorian/humanBirthplace and Birthdate: Haedelst (parents’ home), May 13Guilty Pleasures: she really loves silly frilly impractical things like lace, makeup, dressing up...Phobias: she’s scared of the idea of freezing to deathWhat They Would Be Famous For: Anise is honestly the kind of person who will always live a quiet, small, happy life, but she could be famous for her singingWhat They Would Get Arrested For: she would murder for her family.OC You Ship Them With: Luka BaltienOC Most Likely To Murder Them: nobody hurts Anise, she is too sweetFavorite Movie/Book Genre: rom-coms all the wayLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: dramatic miscommunication/refusal to communicateTalents and/or Powers: she can sing, paint, cook, and keep houseWhy Someone Might Love Them: she’s very sweet, soft-spoken, caring, and overall just has good vibesWhy Someone Might Hate Them: because of who she associates withHow They Change: learns to trust faeries a little more and give more graceWhy You Love Them: she’s just so nice :’) tbh she’s based partly on my older sister and sisters-in-law and they’re all domestic sweethearts with sassy streaks; i just really appreciate the women in my life!
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