#Miracle Flair
lev1hei1chou · 4 months
Dad!Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Synopsis: How can Gojo say no to his precious miracle? Masterlist
Gojo strolled through the grocery store aisles, his child happily seated in his arms, their eyes scanning the colorful array of goods. They had a strict agreement – no more toys. Their home was practically bursting at the seams with stuffed animals, action figures, and toy cars. Spoiling their child wasn't on the agenda.
But fate had a funny way of testing resolve.
"Look, Daddy! Look!" The child pointed excitedly at a shiny new toy display, their eyes widening with wonder.
Gojo's heart sank as he noticed the coveted toy, a miniature version of their favorite superhero. He braced himself for what was to come.
"No, sweetie, we talked about this," he said, trying to keep his voice firm yet gentle.
The child's enthusiasm quickly turned into a full-blown tantrum. They flopped onto the floor, kicking and screaming with all the dramatic flair of a seasoned performer.
"Please, Daddy, please!" they wailed, fat tears streaming down their cheeks.
Gojo glanced around, feeling the eyes of other shoppers on them. This was not how he envisioned their trip to the store.
"Okay, okay, shh," Gojo whispered, crouching down beside his child. "Let's make a deal. If you stop crying, I'll buy you something special."
The child's sobs subsided into sniffles as they looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Really, Daddy?"
"Really," Gojo confirmed, offering a reassuring smile. "But you have to promise to behave, deal?"
"Deal!" the child agreed eagerly, wiping away their tears.
With a sigh, Gojo rose to his feet, maneuvering the cart towards the checkout counter. He could already imagine the look of disbelief on your face when they returned home with yet another addition to their toy collection.
As they waited in line, Gojo surreptitiously glanced around for the perfect distraction. Spotting the ice cream display nearby, a mischievous grin tugged at his lips. Ice cream before dinner? Why not? It's much better than a new toy.
"Hey, kiddo, how about we get some ice cream?" Gojo suggested, trying to sound casual.
The child's eyes lit up with delight. "Ice cream? Yay!"
Gojo quickly grabbed three cones, hoping the promise of sweet treats would keep the peace a little while longer.
With ice cream in hand, they made their way out of the store, the child happily slurping away at their treat. As they approached the car, Gojo leaned in close, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.
"Now remember, no more tantrums, okay? You got your ice cream, so you gotta be good," Gojo said, wagging a finger playfully.
The child nodded eagerly, their cheeks smeared with chocolate and vanilla. "I promise, Daddy!"
As they drove home, Gojo couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Who would have thought that a simple trip to the grocery store would turn into a negotiation worthy of diplomatic peace talks?
Back at home, they were greeted by you, who raised an eyebrow at the sight of the ice cream cones.
"Ice cream before dinner?" you questioned, a hint of amusement in your voice.
Gojo shrugged, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Just a little treat for our little negotiator here." He raised a cone at your direction and beckoned you to take it as a 'consolation'.
The child beamed proudly, holding up their half-eaten cone as if it were a trophy of victory.
You chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief. "Well, I suppose one ice cream won't hurt. But what's this?" You gestured towards the toy tucked under Gojo's arm.
Gojo feigned innocence, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh, just a little something I couldn't resist picking up."
All you could do was laugh. "You two are incorrigible."
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Anne Bancroft (The Graduate, The Miracle Worker)— This woman aged like fine wine. Anne's presence is magnetic. She's the focus if any scene regardless if whether she's meant to be or not. She is gorgeous in everything she did, and really carries that classic vintage flair.
Kim Novak (Vertigo, Bell, Book, and Candle)— She fought as much as she could to be able to preserve her own identity within the crushing hollywood system. She refused to change her czech last name and fought for a higher salary once she discovered her male counterparts were getting payed significantly more, which was an incredibly risky thing to do. She went through so much hollywood bs like she was forced to drop her affair with Sammy Davis jr. She played her iconic role in Vertigo thinking about her own oppressive and significant changes she had to undergo in order to fit in the tight hollywood mold which i think is partly why the movie is so beautiful and timeless. She is a gorgeous soul and a great artist.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Anne Bancroft propaganda:
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“legendary milf. she does sultry so well but also tenderness. has a tony And an oscar for acting.”
“Obviously she’s a phenomenal actress overall and she plays the number 1 milf of all time in The Graduate. She IS the Mrs. Robinson that Simon & Garfunkel are singing about. If you’re not a milf lover though, I highly recommend Don’t Bother to Knock. Marilyn Monroe is also in the movie, but hoo boy I had eyes for ONE woman and it was not the blonde! It’s one of her earliest movies, she is strikingly beautiful in it, and I turned to mush whenever she was on screen. Also she was married to Mel Brooks for 40 years, and given that long marriages are a rarity in old Hollywood I’m happy to see it”
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Kim Novak:
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rishiguro · 2 years
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ft. alhaitham; ayato; kaeya; heizou; childe
a/n: i should be studying
warnings: major character death
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if there was one thing that ALHAITHAM was then it was that he was rational, operating on nothing but logic. he was a proud person, confident in his abilities and his calculations. he couldn’t have been wrong, he was never wrong. he thought everything through, ever possible scenario ran through his mind. so where did he fail? why did he fail? he never did. he was sitting silently on the floor with furrowed eyebrows as his mind raced — you no longer being able to calm his thoughts. he was a purely rational being. but was it bad that he wished for something as irrational and impossible as a miracle?
AYATO’s jaw was clenched with his eyes tightly shut. he took deep breaths, trying his best to suppress the whirlwind of emotions that he felt inside of him. “please take them away and take care of them,” he ordered to no one in particular, his face still mostly expressionless with his eyes still closed. he couldn’t look at you, he couldn’t allow it. he was the head of the kamisato clan, cultured, polite and more importantly, he hated being in the center of attention. he had to stay calm and breathe, not risking to taint the image his subordinates had of him. and he remained calm and collected in front of everybody — until he felt safe in his bedroom, sobs wrecking his body.
KAEYA never understood how he managed to end up with you because to him, you were everything. you weren’t opposed to his open flair for drama or his supposed lazy self, no, you happily bantered with him and pushed him to his limits. he loved how you were so honest and vulnerable with him. but right now he wished that the two of you had never met. he stood frozen, his sword gripped tightly in his hand, as he looked at the body on the cold floor, surrounded by lifeless hilichurls. this was a prank, right? you would soon get up and end this ordeal with some sort of dramatic speech just like he did, right? so why were you so cold in his arms?
you had always known HEIZOU as a cheery person. he was a free spirit and extremely stubborn. so it was only natural for him to never give up, no matter how hopeless the situation was. “open your eyes, come on,” he demanded, doing his best to sound as light hearted as ever, like this was nothing but the usual banter you two engaged in, “don’t play with me, i know you can hear me” he cradled your body, rocking the two of you back and forth while tears ran over his cheeks. “come on, you can do it, please. for me?”
it was no secret that CHILDE thought of himself as the bad guy. albeit kind and friendly on the surface, he was a warrior, brash and thriving of the feeling of being alive. yet he would do everything in his power to protect the people that he loved. but he failed. “no, no, no,” he whispered, running to your body. he threw himself onto the floor, pulling you into his lap. “don’t, please, please don’t” his breathing grew haggard as he looked down at your unmoving face, realizing that you had stopped breathing. it was only then that he let out a loud sob and pulled you closer, wailing into your lifeless form.
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sister-lucifer · 6 months
Teach Me Better Than I Know Now: A Preview
Ticci Toby x Gender Neutral Reader WIP
Genre: Fluff
cws: brief mentions of Toby’s trauma regarding his abusive father, non explicit mentions of depression/depression like symptoms
For as long as Toby remembers, he’s been nothing to nobody. 
He was born into a house that didn’t want him; a father who treated him like shit under his boot, a mother who didn’t care enough to save him, and a sister who was stolen too early to make a real difference. 
When he left that house and stumbled into the real world, it wasn’t all that unfamiliar. He couldn’t keep a steady job, couldn’t find any proper motivation, could barely function on his own. He couldn’t make himself shower or eat or brush his teeth with any sort of regularity; his body was practically rotting alive. 
By some miracle he managed to sneak into a community college with a bit of clever flair on his application and the lucky desperation of an underfunded educational institution. It wasn’t anything fancy, that’s for sure, but it’s better than nothing. Maybe this would help him get a worthwhile job, at least, once he figures out what he wants to do.
He didn’t have any expectations, any hope, any dreams…
That’s how it’d always been. 
He kept his shoulders slumped and head down as he entered the classroom on his first day. He kept his gaze on his ratty shoes for as long as he could until he had to look up to find a seat. Tired eyes like glassy, hazel marbles rolled lazily over the empty rows, a permanently addled brain doing its best to calculate where would be the least terrible to sit. 
That’s when it happened. 
That’s when he saw you for the first time. 
It was a lucky coincidence that you looked up at the same time he turned towards you, but it felt like blessed providence. His eyes widened as they fell on you, rapidly flicking over every detail of your glowing face. He was bolted to the floor as you took a moment to observe him, and he watched in slow motion as your perfect lips curled into a smile.
A real, genuine smile. 
Not a sneer or a mocking smirk, not a quick flash of a grin just because it’s common courtesy. 
You were really smiling at him. 
You even did that cute little head tilt and everything, your eyes crinkling at the corners as your face scrunched to accommodate that beautiful smile. 
That was all he needed—you had him on the hook from the jump, and you had no idea. 
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deception-united · 4 months
Hello there. I wanted to know what's a good fantasy term for a race of humans that can wield the natural elements. (fire, water, earth, etc.) I already have something in mind, but I'm still not fully convinced to use it. Some examples would be great.
Hi, thanks for asking! Here are a few ideas:
Aetherians: Suggests a connection to the elements as fundamental forces of nature.
Arcanians: Implies a deep understanding and mastery of arcane energies, including elemental.
Thaumaturges: Though this technically suggests the ability to perform miracles or wonders through magic, it can suggest mastery over the elements through context.
Eldritchians: Again, this doesn't specifically relate to elemental powers, but evokes the sense of ancient power and mystery.
More specific to an element:
Lumians: From the word "luminous". Suggests their ability to harness light and energy.
Umbrals: Derived from "umbra", the Latin word for shadow. Hints at their control over darkness and the unseen elements.
Geomancers: Focusing specifically on their mastery of earth and stone, with "geo" meaning earth.
Hydromyths: Combining "hydro" for water with "myth", showing their mythical status and connection to the seas and rivers.
Pyroclasts: Evoking images of volcanic eruptions and fiery power whilst emphasising their control over flames and heat.
Ignisians: Rooted in the Latin word for fire, "ignis".
Aquarans: Derived from "aquatic" or "aquarius". Suggests their affinity for water.
Terranites: From "terra", the Latin word for earth. Shows their bond with the land.
Aerians: From "aer" (the Latin word for air), indicating their mastery over this element.
Or you might want to stick to something more simple:
Elementari: Combines "element" with "-ari" to give it a mystical flair.
Vitalians: Suggests their vital connection to the elemental forces that sustain life.
Naturans: Highlights their innate connection to the natural world and its elements.
Celestials: Suggesting a divine or otherworldly origin, with powers over celestial bodies like stars and moons as well as elemental forces.
Overall, a good way to go about it is to find a root word (either English or derived from another language), and add a suffix that denotes a group or race of people, like "–ians" or "–ials". Hope this helps ❤
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yuesya · 1 year
The sudden earthquake is… not entirely unexpected, in retrospect, although it’s certainly overkill. Suguru knows that Satoru has a flair for the dramatic, and Shiki is always eager to join her brother’s chaotic schemes. Without a voice of reason around to run herd on them, those tendencies of theirs are probably even worse in this world.
… In this world where Geto Suguru is dead, killed as a curse user intent on committing mass slaughter. He still has trouble imagining what his alternate self was thinking, honestly. Sorcerers are only a minuscule portion of the entire population; what did he think would actually happen if he’d somehow managed to succeed in basically wiping out humanity?
Utterly inconceivable.
“That was Gojo-sensei, right?” Itadori’s voice sounds from behind one of the makeshift barricades. The Itadori in this world is a little more jaded and solemn than the cheerful first year student that Suguru remembers, which is… saddening. But then, considering the boy’s experiences –Yoshino dying, Satoru and Shiki being sealed, Nanami dying, Kugisaki in a coma, Sukuna using his body to kill and kill and kill in Shibuya… and, more recently, Sukuna switching to Fushiguro as his new host…
It’s a miracle that the boy hasn’t broken beneath the pressures and horrors of everything that’s happened since he became a sorcerer. He’s a strong, resilient boy, although Suguru dearly wishes that he hadn’t been tested in this way.
“Seems about right for Gojo,” Tsukumo responds. The tall woman stands up, brushing off dust from her hands. There’s a large scar down her midsection, courtesy of the fight against ‘Kenjaku,’ but between three Special Grades, they’d been able to win decisively, even though the slippery man had managed to escape at the end. “Can’t imagine it being anyone else.”
Boy had it been weird, fighting ‘himself.’ The memory of the fight is enough to make Suguru cringe. He knows that it’s not actually ‘him,’ but seeing his body being saying those sorts of things and making those expressions…
If Suguru’s Satoru or Shiki had been here to see it, they’d never let him live it down, gods.
“Thank you for unsealing Gojo-sensei,” Okkotsu nods towards the angel-winged girl drifting down from the sky. Kurusu smiles, making an ‘okay’ sign with her fingers. “… Where is he, though? And that earthquake just now, too… is he–”
Suguru’s head snaps up; Tsukumo looks up, too, half a beat behind him.
“He’s here.”
Satoru’s teleportation is a thing to behold. One instant, there’s nothing in the air above them, then in the blink of an eye, he’s standing there. Prison Realm clearly hasn’t been kind to him and Shiki. Satoru is definitely looking a little ragged, and his clothes are significantly tattered. But despite that, he looks down upon them with glowing eyes, calm and confident–
A single blink. His composure wavers, and breaks.
Then, he’s standing right in front of Suguru. The suddenness of the motion causes the dimension-hopper to startle, taking half a step backwards–
“… Suguru?” Satoru –and there’s no doubt that this is all Satoru, even if he’s not Suguru’s Satoru– frowns. His Six Eyes gleam, sharp and analyzing. “No. You are, but you’re still not…”
“Bit of a long story,” Tsukumo cuts in. “In short, this is Geto Suguru from another world parallel to ours, where he decided to go the path of teaching like you did instead of bloody revolution.”
“Can you please not put it that way?” Suguru rubs a hand against his forehead, distinctly pained.
“What? I think that summary explains things pretty well. Right, Gojo?”
Satoru hums, straightening up with a thoughtful sound. “Huh… from another world, you say?”
The students finally catch up to them, swarming around Gojo-sensei like excited puppies. It warms something inside Suguru’s chest to see them like this –the students of this world are (understandably) wary of him, given his alternate self’s actions, but it’s clear that they care for and trust their Gojo-sensei.
He’s not surprised, when Satoru pulls him aside for a private chat, eventually. If the relationship that he and his sister had had with their Suguru was anything like what he had with them back in his world…
No, Suguru definitely isn’t surprised.
It’s also a good chance for him to ask his own questions, because this confusion has been gnawing at him for a long time. “How did Kenjaku get the drop on you, with Shiki watching your back?”
The familiar-unfamiliar man tilts his head. His lips move, forming a single question that makes Suguru’s blood run cold.
“Who’s Shiki?”
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oraeliaa · 4 months
Writing a ghoulcy standalone with the working title “stories, confessions and smut”
Here’s a preview-
Honestly, the fact they hadn’t found themselves in a sticky situation yet was nothing short of a miracle - so when time finally ran out; when they stumbled upon a group of raiders on the road… it was almost a relief.
Cooper knew that it had to happen, eventually, so as he dragged Lucy to the ground by her belt and shoved her behind a crumbling Corvette, he thanked his lucky stars there were only 4 of the fuckers.
The first two he took out easy - clean shots, the idiots running straight for him. The other two were a bit more of an effort, ducking down themselves until it was as much a game of hide and seek as it was a good old fashioned shootout. He toyed with them, let them think they’d scared him - then launched himself over their little barricade like he was vaultin’ onto the back of a horse and shot the first mid-landing; the second moments later.
If the little bit of extra flair was to show off to his Vaultie? Well…who would blame a guy?
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teenytinyapprentice · 10 months
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NPC appreciation week: day 4 - Miracle Mask / Azran Legacy
Leonard Bloom and Swift These two were never in a room together in canon (to my memory anyways) but I gotta adore Targent agents with a bit of personal flair haha - two characters we never really get to know much about but they have such stand out fun appearances and personalities! I think they're frenemies for sure... (feat. Bronev's weird little ferret that only showed up once ever...)
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stilin-ski · 3 months
if u elaborate on cheerleader jace owlbears porter id be soo 🫶🏻🫶🏻
happily here we go:
-jace keeps his hair just a little longer than we see in canon bc he likes when the other squad members do double french braids with little bows at the ends to give it a little flair. porter also. very much likes this.
-jace has the cheer pants and the cheer skirt and wears both depending on his mood.
-porter is whatever the bloodrush equivalent to a defensive linebacker is, so he's used to getting hit and getting hit hard. that's his job, stay on defense, protect the ball, go down if he needs to. it doesn't really effect him anymore, especially since they have magic and can just do a quick cure wounds or lay on hands if anything too detrimental happens.
but jace is absolutely not okay the first time he sees porter take a hit after they start dating, and some of the other cheer squad members have to stop him from running out onto the field when a time-out is called so they can check on porter. he spends the rest of the night fussing over him after the game because he's got too much anxious energy to sit still.
-they've fucked in the locker room dozens of times, but they've only gotten caught like five times, maybe? which is a miracle on its own because they are not fucking quiet. it's always been a toss up on who threatens the poor soul who happened to walk in. most people are honestly more afraid of jace bc his magic is still very, very unpredictable at that point.
-they are very territorial over each other but they do not need to be bc everyone knows they're so crazy for each other that trying to insert themselves in their relationship is a death sentence.
-every prom they throw insane after parties. jace always spikes the punch. and they sneak off to fuck in a classroom at least twice.
-they break up once, and jace seems fine about it, but porter is a wreck. and not like... raging, throwing shit. he's just obviously so devastated and desperate to fix it, and he's constantly scanning the halls, the cafeteria, the courtyard for any sign of jace. when jace leaves his letterman in his locker, along with some old t-shirts jace had taken over the years a few days after they break up, porter openly cries about it before he goes to the gym and breaks a few punching bags. obvs they work it out within a few weeks, but porter takes it really hard and once they're back together, jace finally admits that he hadn't been sleeping much since they broke up because he didn't have anything that smelled like porter anymore and that's what had been keeping him calm when wild magic surges would hit suddenly.
-they're high school sweethearts, basically. they grow up, they get married. end up teaching at augefort. in this au they do not ever become evil, just a weird grown up version of their a little bit fucked up dynamic from high school where its like. they're in love but maybe there is such a thing as too in love, you know?
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n3kk1tty · 2 months
Idk if you are into stranger things but I have a silly thought- stranger things takes place in the 1980s specifically 1984-1987. AND- Billy came from California!!- seeing as how his father is constantly telling him NOT to be gay- I was thinking that maybe billy got a little too involved with the lost boys vamps 👀
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100% your on to something. There isn't anyway that Billy wasn't involved in the vampire gang but unlike Micheal his transformation to a vampire and welcoming into the coven didn't happen suddenly but he was in the process of being welcomed in.
I mean he's the perfect candidate if he's a sexually repressed kid who had a terrible home life not able to be true to himself and not to mention his rage from all of that he would 100% be lured by the vamps. Maybe started with a friendship leading maybe a bit more casual spiciness but before they can turn Billy he gets yanked away to Hawkins. Here's the kicker though.
They planned for Billy to eventually get tired and run back to them or need them to 'rescue' him. They know Billy's leaving they can't rush it though because they end up having to sneak Billy a vile of something with a note the night he's leaving town. They're barely even able to convince Billy to stay in Santa Carla with them before he's being shoved into a car. What's time to immortals though. So the note has the strange message if Billy ever needs help or wants to finally ' join the gang' there's a number and instructions to drink the vile and give them a call.
The stranger's things story goes through normal till you hit Billys death/ sacrifice. Here's the thing even though Billy has still yet to drink the vile he keeps it on him to remember his ' friends' . When Billy gets skewered they think that's it for him but the vile breaks into his open wound. He ends up getting rushed to the hospital because he has a heart beat still at the end of the fight so they are hoping for a miracle. For some unexplainable reason Billy is starting to heal to the point when he gets to the hospital no one's questioning in the panic thinking it has to deal with weird mind flair shit. What happens when you've lost a shit ton of blood.
The hospital will give you blood transfusions. So while Billy is in a coma but his brain and heart functions are still good he's slowly going full vamp. Billy wakes up a little to tell Steve to call his friends and so while Billy falls back into a medicated coma Steve does this favor for Billy. Bam the lost boys are on a mission to get to Hawkins.
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Anne Bancroft (The Graduate, The Miracle Worker)— This woman aged like fine wine. Anne's presence is magnetic. She's the focus if any scene regardless if whether she's meant to be or not. She is gorgeous in everything she did, and really carries that classic vintage flair.
Dalida (Le masque de Toutankhamon)— She's probably mostly known for her songs, at least in my country, but she *also* had an international acting career! Ah, Dalida. Queer icon, tragic figure, very talented singer and actress - in Arabic, English, French, Italian, and more! Magnetic, sensual, even from one very early films [link] or a young Dalida, singing and dancing! [link]) That unique gaze, the strong, compelling jawline, the deep, sexy voice - what's not to love?
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Dalida propaganda:
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Anne Bancroft propaganda:
“legendary milf. she does sultry so well but also tenderness. has a tony And an oscar for acting.”
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“Obviously she’s a phenomenal actress overall and she plays the number 1 milf of all time in The Graduate. She IS the Mrs. Robinson that Simon & Garfunkel are singing about. If you’re not a milf lover though, I highly recommend Don’t Bother to Knock. Marilyn Monroe is also in the movie, but hoo boy I had eyes for ONE woman and it was not the blonde! It’s one of her earliest movies, she is strikingly beautiful in it, and I turned to mush whenever she was on screen. Also she was married to Mel Brooks for 40 years, and given that long marriages are a rarity in old Hollywood I’m happy to see it”
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Round 2
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it’s one of my favorites and constantly gets stuck in my head. the recap, the dancing, the brady bunch, the breaking of the fourth wall, it’s got everything
Galavant was always self-aware but this song lets us know the fourth wall is going down, hard.
A New Season really leans into the meta elements of the show and is hilarious. Also, it really fuels my belief that if galavant was ever renewed the necromancy jokes would be top teir
“Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but four pirates walked the plank last week. Middle of the ocean. Just walked right off”
Great intro to season 2
Richard and Galavant’s buddy-ship is the greatest thing ever
Gotta love a good fourth wall break, right? The dramatic swell at the end as they list a bunch of shows up til “Give into the miracle that no one thought we’d get!” is a favorite of mine. Also love how the music changes slightly for each group of characters as we check in on them (and the big change at the bridge for Isabella.)
I Love You As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone has that excellent Spanish dance flair, and is also pretty darn good early characterization for Magdalena
BANGER. aro anthem.
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justaboot · 1 year
I’ve never been so interested in a HBO au until now 👀
I doth beseech thee to graciously bestow upon me a greater abundance of knowledge pertaining to the subject of HBODT, in the form of an infodump or fanfic
the boys were born early in a pitch black cave system.
infodump incoming a month and a half before the boys were supposed to be born, Donald and Scrooge go deep-diving in an underground city. Apparently a luck demon was wreaking havoc on its citizens, and Scrooge and Donald go down to capture it, but things go south fast. They'd all but padlocked Della to the couch at home with Gladstone as a babysitter, but when they don't come home, she dragged his ass all the way out there and goes after them. They rescue them with great dramatic flair, capture the demon, (Gladstone was very clever about it, and Donald was furious), but in all the mess, della goes into premature labor. They get about halfway out of the caves before they can't go any farther, it's pitch black, they've got half a canteen of water, no supplies, no drugs, a dying oil lamp, and one uncle who paid attention in lamaze class. Multiples are all but impossible to deliver naturally, they get tangled, they can't all turn down, they don't work. They've got nothing to do but try.
Huey's the only one already head-down. It's impossible, it's a miracle, and gladstone's a thousand percent sure its him, but they make it through his birth.
The other two aren't as lucky. They're not coming, there's too much blood, one of them is kicking too hard in the womb, della's losing strength. There's discussion of c-sections. Huey's not breathing right.
Scrooge slips away. He draws out the demon, ready to deal. He'll release her again, on the condition they all make it out of here, safe and healthy.
She's not interested. Grant four lives for the freedom he took from her? No, she wants more. She wants his.
She lays out two dice on the stone. Luck demon. Let him roll for how many years he'll have left. Won't total more than twelve. He rolls, but she won't let him see the result.
Then she's gone. Miraculously, luckily, the boys are born fine, Huey's breath stabilizes, Della's got the best story she'll ever have, Gladstone's on cloud nine because there's no way that wasn't his luck, Donald's suspicious, and no one can believe they actually made it home.
Scrooge tells no one. He has no idea how many years he rolled, but he's got at least two years to find a loophole.
Then the Spear happens. Everyone leaves. His health starts declining, but its slow, and he's retired anyway. He wonders if he even cares anymore. Bentina's the only one who notices, and he tells her to shove it or leave.
Then the kids come back. Donald just thinks he's changed, grown older and bitterer and slightly slower. He takes pills, now, because he's just old. The kids and audience don't realize that some of the adventures are looking for cures to impossible illnesses, curse breaking, loopholes. He's started searching again behind the scenes.
Season 2, the kids and audience figure out somethings wrong when he starts looking for a cure in earnest. It comes to a head, and he comes clean about what happened, and why. It's been eleven years. He rolled two six sided dice. It couldn't have totaled more than twelve.
I don't know how or why, but I think Magica cures it in the end. because that'd be cool. You can figure it out.
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gamerbearmira · 7 months
Rock band au - Backstory…kinda? 
Alma had already built her own following on her own youtube channel when the kids were like…teens? Many albums and such in her day. She toned it down a notch when she was 54, that’s when Dolores and Isa were born. (Her channel name was “Young Crimson” and changed to “Abuela Crimson”. She still drops some music from time to time.) She has done a world tour and released many albums and singles. 
Pepa had started her own music in her 20’s to mid 30’s. (And she happened to meet Felix at one of her small concerts). Her youtube channel name was “Thunderstorm” of course. She had done some world tours and whatnot as well. 
Isabela was ten when she took an interest in rock and frequently went to Pepa or Alma for music recommendations. Same for Mirabel as well, but she was nine when she started her love for rock/alternative music. Camilo was only eight when he started out. 
Over time their styles gradually changed the more they got into alternative fashion and such. Alma and Pepa mainly helped of course.
Isabela got her guitar at fourteen, Camilo got his drum set at eight (a year after her) and Mirabel got her guitar at nine (a year after them). 
I also wanna add the Pepa sometimes featured in Alma’s songs when she was in her teens + young adult years. So when she branched off to do her own stuff she already had a big following. Mirabel, Isabela, and Camilo kind of did the same when it came to her. They asked if they could be background vocals and she couldn’t say no, she folded like a wet paper towel. 
Three years passed and the three grandkids kind of worked up a good foundation in knowing how to use their instruments. Mirabel had an idea and decided to go to Alma about it first. Alma looked it over and she truly liked the idea and…made it into a full song with her daughter and three grandkids help. (Isa was nineteen and Camilo and Mirabel were twelve at the time the song was made.) 
The song was released on Pepa and Alma’s youtube channels. Since Mirabel made the song she was the lead singer. Everybody loved her voice seeing as it was a twelve year old singing at such a deep base and loud base.  
An Idea came to Mirabel’s mind…why not just be a full band? They already had the foundation for it and a huge following. It wouldn’t- well…starting a band was not easy but they already have a few things going for them. 
She asked her tia and abuela if they could be a full band and of course, both women were on board. Isabela and Camilo were absolutely ecstatic when they were told the idea. 
“Waiting on a Miracle” was released on April twelfth, four months later, “Illusions of identity” (written by Camilo) was released on August fourteenth. Four months later, “Flora and Rage” (written by Isabela) was released on December sixteenth. Each song had Pepa and/or Alma featured in them. 
Five songs by the second year; “Surface Pressure” (By Isa), “Thin ice” (by Pepa), “Hard Work that no one sees” (By Alma), “Shaken emotions” (By Mirabel), and “Constant heartache” (By Camilo). The youngest three had their first tour that year as well!
By the third year five more songs were made. Which made the band have a total of eighteen songs out! And they will be going on tour this year as well. All of which had music videos. 
I was thinking of Alma joining but…decided against it for some reason??? Anyway, her stage name is Abuela Crimson! The kids & young adults absolutely love her and see her as the coolest grandma in the world. 
I’m not sure what to do for a group name tho…maybe “The unwanted”? I’m not sure, I’m just going for somethin’ edgy with 2000’s flair. 
Also, I like the suggestions! More than what I thought of honestly. 
Other stuff-
Mira and Isa’s Parents (and sister) couldn’t be more proud to see them on stage with their Tia, Primo, and sometimes Abuela. Agustin and Luisa manage to cry every single time.  
Felix and Dolores love seeing them up there, even if Lolo has to wear headphones that muffle the sound a bit, she can still hear and loves every second of it. Felix a head bopper all the way through…to the point of getting whiplash.
The band mostly tours a few months before summer comes around. That way, when summer break comes, they can just have fun as a family. 
UNDERSTANDABLE‼️‼️ also. I was thinking, the time?? Is weird. So for Alma to have had a YouTube channel in her late 30’s/early 40’s, we’ll say when YouTube released, that means that this takes place farther into the future than now. Cause if she took a break at 54, Isabela and Dolores would’ve been born in like 2018 😭😭 BUT. A way around this is
A: Change the ages or Time screwing
B: Change the release of YT for this AU
C: Alma was popular before YT, but grew even bigger when YouTube came around. This could also let the AU take place in the mid 2000 and the 2020s.
Idk, just wanna understand the time <333
ANYWAYYYYY EVERYTHING ELSE IS SO COOL 💪💪 I like how they were pretty young when they got into the rock/alt music scene, that’s so rad <333 you know how loud they must’ve been when they got their instruments. All of them at different skill level for a minute and playing different songs. Like wow 😭
Also Mirabel proposing the band and being the first of the grand kids to release a song. THAT’S WOAM 🗣️🗣️ not surprising that they joined together and then got more popular. Song names are so cool, so creative 🦈🦈 ALSO ABUELA CRIMSON RAHHHHHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅
Glad you like the suggestions <333 another one. You know how for bands, especially rock and metal, people wear face paint to concerts based on the band theme or their favorite member? Like KISS and ICP?? Yeah they have that too <333 Antonio sometimes wears it, but it varies 🗣️🗣️
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Felíx is literally like. The most insane person at a concert. From row. Screaming Pepa’s name and stage name.
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quantomeno · 2 months
My ranking of the 'And that person is you!' scenes from Professor Layton
Ah, the iconic 'finger point' scene. They are Layton's trademark and it's so much fun when you know it's about to happen. You can feel the tension build.
But these moments are not all equal. Which scene will reign supreme?
Because these scenes involve big revelations and plot twists, this list will be rife with spoilers for both trilogies and the movie.
7. Azran Legacy
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Firstly, the audience already knows who it is and no one else in the room could be it even if we didn't know. The other issue is that it's just got no build-up: Layton gives his spiel and then does the point. The room is cramped and there's not much drama or flair. By far the greatest problem though is that this felt like a side story. Bloom himself felt like wasted potential in some respects, but this whole mystery didn't seem all that important in the grand scheme of things. I honestly don't remember it that well and I am pretty sure he only stole a few artefacts that weren't plot relevant. It feels like they just wanted a pointing scene and this was the only logical place to put it.
6. Lost Future/Unwound Future
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It is far too short, but the reveal has much more heft than Azran Legacy's. It is somewhat obvious that it's Future Luke once you realise what's happening, because only Don Paulo could be the other option, but the Clive revelation is still a massive twist. I give this scene bonus points because I like Clive's reaction to the accusation too.
5. Eternal Diva
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I like this one, but it also feels a bit tacked on. The 'who has the key?' thing feels like it doesn't need deduction because they could just check everyone's pockets (and she's literally just holding it), but what saves it is that it ties into the bigger mystery and the revelation of Janice/Melina's identity. It feels impactful by the end, even if the initial tension feels overblown.
4. Miracle Mask
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This one feels a fraction lacking in drama, but it makes up for it with its position/significance in the story. The wind blowing at the pivotal moment adds some nice flair. I would say it's also quite a shocking twist. It is what I would consider the baseline 'finger point' scene because it contains all the key features that make a good one, but I just don't think it has the same sensation of suspense that it needs to rank higher. Its execution is not as great as some.
3. Curious Village
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This one lacks the trademark phrase, and it is also obvious who's the 'criminal element', but it makes up for it with the atmosphere of the room: it gives a classic murder mystery vibe, where all the key players have been gathered to learn the truth. It is scenes like this that makes me wish CV was a more traditional murder mystery because it has all the hallmarks of it. I am tempted to put this one below MM, but I feel this one is a touch more elegant and I value that.
2. Spectre's Call/Last Specter
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This is one of the few times the game manages to surprise you with the revelation and has actively worked to make it seem like it was someone else. The foreshadowing of Doland, out of focus, standing behind Clarke, and Luke staring at his father, fully believing his own dad has been terrorising the town... and then how the camera pans from Clarke to Doland. It is a cleverly laid out scene and it has a great feeling of drama.
Pandora's Box/Diabolical Box
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I could watch this scene on repeat forever. It is gorgeous. It also gives classic murder mystery vibes which I love. The suave coolness of Layton stirring his tea and calmly telling Chelmey he's go thee wrong man: perfect. Everyone's shocked reactions are fun and add to the tension. The pause after Layton's reasoning, and the shots of those involved leaves us with a delectable moment of suspense. Every shot is framed perfectly. And the revelation: it is not really surprising given we see Flora get kidnapped and she just made the comment that gave Layton the proof he needed, but it is still such an outrageous idea that Flora killed Dr Schrader and stole the box. The shots of everyone during the aforementioned pause at least try to create the illusion that it could be someone else. It also resolves one of the earliest mysteries of the game. The cherry on the cake is Luke's reaction (I love him so much). It is moments like this that make me want to put PB as my favourite game, but alas... I love LF too much.
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encantobigbang · 2 years
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Event Info / FAQ / AO3 Collection
The Encanto Big Bang Event was a collaborative creative project by the Encanto fandom, taking place from October 2022. These 57 stories were written and illustrated by over 100 artists and writers, who signed up to collaborate with a partner.
Thank you for being a part of the Encanto Big Bang! The miracle really is you. 💛
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All Works of the Encanto Big Bang:
🌠Bruno's Haircut by @rinnysega / Artwork by @sketchnwhatevr
🌠The Other Bruno by @cheetee / Artwork by @clownmoontoon
🌠Games, Wine, and Tears…? by @becstuffs / Artwork by @fnafgamer4373
🌠Pandeb-oh no! by @msmacabre310 / Artwork by @catmintarts
🌠Branching Out by @sorryiwasasleep / Artwork by @notmichealangelo
🌠Of Selflessness, Stubborness, and Sickness by @katzoo12 / Artwork by @the-little-robyn
🌠Madremonte's Garden and the Wakos' Cave by @empty-cryptid / Artwork by @unskilled-dabbler
🌠Shelter from the Storm by @beggars-opera / Video (!!) by @cloudy-encanto
🌠A Time for Building by @waitingonavision / Artwork by @aeshnalacrymosa
🌠El Milágro de la Bebé by @usedtobeguest123 / Artwork by @lvnamuraart
🌠Mirrored Time by @breannasfluff / Artwork by @lvnamuraart
🌠Non-Luminous Zone by @youmaycallmeyourhighness / Artwork by @firinnie
🌠Bruno and the Dragon by @ramblesanddragons / Artwork by @greenvillainredemption
🌠Are you there, God? It's me, Julieta by @metaphoricaltigers / Artwork by @rats0ut
🌠Florecita's Hour by @fireroll / Artwork by @rats0ut
🌠A Flair for Dramatics by @starlightomicron / Illustration 1 by @scribbles-by-hinata / Illustration 2 by @lighttanks-blog
🌠Traditions and Habits by @starlightomicron / Artwork by @glitternightingale
🌠The Triumphant Return of Madrigal’s Marvelous Rat Theater! by @encantowishes / Artwork by @hectic-hector
🌠Blue Skies by @strawberryxfieldz / Artwork by @shuinami
🌠A Thousand Words Never Spoken by @peachhoneii / Artwork by @prophetic-hijinks
🌠Sewn Misery by @azarthepigeonlady / Artwork by @eli-endza-030
🌠Man of the House by @impossiblefangirl0632 / Artwork by @rialerthorston
🌠this is a life (free from destiny) by @tolucawritessometimes / Artwork by @vikigyt
🌠A Not-So Normal, Normal Day by @coolunclebruno / Artwork by @piepelu
🌠Quédate Conmigo by @missdarhk / Artwork by @mmollymercury
🌠That's The Thing About Illicit Affairs... by @princesa-pens-and-pizza / Artwork by @dizylizy
🌠Potions and Mariposas by @bitsy83 / Artwork by @blairaptor
🌠The Wake of a Miracle by @immabethehero / Artwork by @stain-is-the-name
🌠Rulebreakers by @missilestorm1 / Artwork by @sketchyp0p
🌠Tornado by siredbamon / Artwork by @clopinasworld
🌠Hills to Climb by @acewithapaintbrush / Artwork by @littenstinymittens
🌠Watch for the New Moon by butterflygirl386 / Artwork by @gw-doodlez
🌠Dancing in the Dark by @the-montage / Artwork by @kabumek
🌠Hija Mío by That_crazy_Angel / Artwork by @summersofsalt
🌠the light after darkness by planetundersiege / Artwork by @pepa-brainrot
🌠Design choices and sisterly bonding by @lunadarkia / Artwork by @omgcheez
🌠The Chameleon and the Healer by @readitwriteit / Artwork by @alexthebordercollie
🌠A mystical journey by @naoko-world / Artwork by eirieniel
🌠Milagros by @sokkas-first-fangirl / Artwork by doss.97
🌠All That Shines Is Not Porcelain by @hourglass-dreams / Artwork by MAFBR_
🌠Tres Otros by @avatarvyakara / Artwork by @silvercdeer
🌠 and you feel the world is spinning (with no ending and no beginning) by @certifiedbraingenius​ / Artwork by rainbowlecat
🌠 Confessions of a Closeted Gay by @theglareyousee​ / Artwork by jaimarieart
🌠 Old Habits Die Hard by @justheweirdo​ / Artwork by @ro-bun​​ 
🌠Temporary by @untoldstories113​ / Artwork 1 by blackdragonsama / Illustration 2 by noni_art_16
🌠 Buried by @untoldstories113​ / Artwork by @orchidlatte​
🌠 The Ring by @lizzywrites1​ / Artwork by @overly-dramatic-artist​​
🌠 A Spoonful of Sugar by @azucareraart​​ / Artwork by @flimsysquid​​
🌠 Modelling Can Be Fun! by @venluming​​ / Artwork by behnletthal
🌠 Bad Luck Birthday by @eventide-13​​ / Artwork by @thatskindarough​​
🌠 Dulzura y Solemnidad (Sweetness and Solemnity) by @thecrazyashley-blog​​ / Artwork by @neon-green-eyes​​
🌠 Uncertain Souls by @nephilimsvoice​​ / Illustration 1 by @badwaves​​ / Illustration 2 by itel
🌠 Growing Pains by @sharknadoslutt​​ / Artwork by @geckodoodles​​
🌠 In-Between by sadelsa / Artwork by @captaincravatthecapricious​​​
🌠 sand from a broken hourglass by @imperfectemeralds​​ / Artwork by @corasparasol​​​
🌠 Untitled by UC_Glue / Artwork by @spanishmonkeys​ 
🌠 Pockets full of stones by @ambidextrous-space-samurai​​ / Artwork by @encantoartdump​​
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