#Mineral supplement
makestrong · 5 months
A Brighter Smile and Stronger Teeth: My Positive Experience with PowerBite
For years, I've diligently brushed twice a day and flossed regularly, but I still felt a nagging worry about my dental health. My teeth seemed a little sensitive, and I wasn't sure I was doing enough to keep them strong. That's when I came across PowerBite, a unique "thermal" mineral supplement that promised to revolutionise my oral care routine.
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Intrigued by the Thermal Technology
PowerBite's concept immediately piqued my interest. Unlike traditional supplements, it boasted a special thermal calcium blend that supposedly interacts with your mouth temperature. This, they claimed, triggered a "transformative chemical reaction" that bolstered tooth enamel and even helped reverse early signs of decay. While it sounded innovative, I was a little sceptical. However, the positive reviews and the promise of a more natural approach to dental health convinced me to give it a try.
A Pleasant Experience
PowerBite comes in tablet form, and the dosage is a single chew per day. I found the tablets to have a mild, minty flavour that was quite pleasant. Chewing them provided a slight cooling sensation, which felt refreshing. Most importantly, incorporating PowerBite into my routine was effortless. It seamlessly slotted into my existing brushing and flossing habits without adding any extra steps.
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Noticeable Improvements in My Smile
After using PowerBite for a few weeks, I started noticing some positive changes. My teeth felt noticeably stronger and less sensitive, particularly to cold drinks. Brushing also felt smoother, and I even swear my smile seems a bit brighter. While I haven't had any recent dental checkups to confirm the remineralisation claims, the overall improvement in the health and feel of my teeth has been significant.
More Than Just a Supplement
PowerBite feels more than just a regular supplement. It's a proactive approach to dental health, one that works alongside your existing routine to fortify your teeth from the inside out. The thermal technology may sound unconventional, but in my experience, it seems to deliver real results.
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Would I Recommend PowerBite?
Absolutely! If you're looking for a way to elevate your oral care routine and give your teeth an extra layer of protection, then PowerBite is definitely worth considering. With its easy-to-use format, pleasant taste, and noticeable benefits, it's become an indispensable part of my daily health regimen. While it's always best to consult with your dentist before starting any new supplements, I would highly recommend giving PowerBite a try.
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health-product-dental · 5 months
PowerBite | Supplements - Health; A Great Game Changer For My Present & Future Fitness Journey
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from 2019, I worried about my dental health. Like many Americans, I wasn't a huge fan of the dentist, and flossing, well, let's just say it wasn't always a daily habit. The inevitable result? Twinges of sensitivity, a growing concern about gum health, and a fear of cavities. Then, I discovered PowerBite, a dental health supplement that's changed my routine for the better.
Power of Nature for a Healthy Smile
PowerBite isn't your typical, chemical-laden supplement. This product is all about harnessing the power of nature. The ingredients list is like a trip down the health food aisle, with Mediterranean Sea salt, wild mint, and clove oil extract all featuring prominently. These natural wonders work together to combat the bad bacteria that can wreak havoc on your teeth and gums.
Easy to Use, Big Results
One of the things I love most about PowerBite is its ease of use. Forget messy powders or complicated dosing schedules. PowerBite comes in convenient tablet form, and all you need is one chewable tablet a day. It has a pleasant, minty taste, so it's actually quite enjoyable to take – a far cry from the chalky supplements I've tried in the past.
Feeling the Difference
The best part about PowerBite? It actually works! Within a few weeks of using the product, I noticed a significant difference in my oral health. The sensitivity I used to experience with hot or cold drinks became a thing of the past. My gums felt firmer and healthier, and my breath certainly felt fresher throughout the day. While I still make sure to visit the dentist regularly, PowerBite has given me the confidence to know I'm doing my part to maintain a healthy smile.
More Than Just Whiter Teeth
It's important to note that PowerBite offers more than just a brighter, whiter smile. Healthy teeth and gums are essential for overall health, and PowerBite plays a role in that. By keeping bad bacteria at bay, the product can help prevent gum disease, which has been linked to a number of health concerns.
A Great Investment in Your Smile
While PowerBite isn't the cheapest dental health product on the market, I believe it's a fantastic investment. The cost of a single cavity filling or gum treatment can far outweigh the price of a bottle of PowerBite. Plus, the feeling of having a healthy mouth and fresh breath is simply priceless.
If you're looking for a natural, easy-to-use way to improve your dental health, I highly recommend PowerBite. It's a great addition to any oral hygiene routine, and it might just be the smile saver you've been searching for.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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eidonionicminerals · 1 year
Ionic Mineral Supplement | Eidon Ionic Minerals
Eidon Ionic Minerals offers a wide range of bioavailable liquid mineral supplements for optimal health and wellness. Shop now for Ionic Minerals and experience the difference.
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tj-crochets · 8 months
Hey y'all! Do you have any advice about making smoothies? Like, what kinds of fruit and veggies go well together, what combos very much don't work, and especially if you have any advice on what frozen fruits or veggies work best. I am thinking about trying making smoothies but I know pretty much nothing about it lol
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biophilianutrition · 4 months
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Wellness & Beauty Rituals
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eatclean-bewhole · 2 months
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confirmed-for-trash · 28 days
I went down a YouTube rabbit hole yesterday and learned that Etsy is completely okay with sellers listing bags of dirt, clay, soil, chalk, and other rocks and minerals specifically so people can buy and EAT THEM WITH THEIR MOUTHS. no porn or sex toys allowed, sorry, but you CAN buy a fucking... bag full of kaolin clay. and eat it. never mind the fact that there could be lead, cadmium, asbestos, bacteria, fungus, and other contaminants in there. listen to the worms in your brain that are telling you to eat dirt it's fine you'll be fine
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ahedderick · 7 months
Mineral mystery
I'm eliminating a lot of backstory, here, but in brief I decided a while back to try Magnesium and Potassium supplements to try to deal with persistent muscle cramping and spasms. The only thing is, when I looked in stores for potassium, the only brands I could find had a dose of - this seems ridiculous - 2% of the rda. Two percent? What would that do for you if you were, indeed, low on potassium? I checked several different brands, but they were all the same. Eat some bananas? Well, yes, but
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it would take 11 bananas, DAILY to get your whole requirement. More broadly, it would take about ten different items off this chart, DAILY to get enough potassium from diet alone - assuming one was able to absorb it perfectly (which is not a given). So getting a supplement seems reasonable - but I cannot find one. I thought I found a 550 mg one online, but in the fine print it wasn't. 550 mg of "potassium gluconate" only equals 99 mg of potassium. Which is right back at that 2%-of-rda number.
One website I saw indicated that "some" supplements with doses larger than 2% rda can cause "bowel lesions," but there didn't seem to be any reasonable conclusion about how someone could supplement their diet if they needed to.
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horce-divorce · 1 month
Salty drink should be subsidized by the fucking government, so many people have POTS now and literally the remedy is just salt.
Anyway Ive run out of salty drink and I'm fucking DYING. Like my pots is so bad I'm almost passing out just fucking walking around, and I'm NOT deconditioned right now!!!! It's just the lack of salt!!! What the fuck!
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natureshealthremedy · 2 months
NEW: Find Antioxidants in 300+ Foods
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Check out our NEW online tool to find the amount of antioxidants in 300+ food items.
Our ORAC Food Database is so easy to use with a scrollable tab and search bar.
Visit >>https://bit.ly/ORAC-Food-Database and see for yourself just how useful (and fun!) this amazing tool is to use.
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tonyglowheart · 4 months
..huh. so I always kinda thought eh idk if the meds are really doing anything, on account of how I still have the depression
but I just realized. it's been a hot second since I've been, like, really anxious or stressed about anything. And shit used to stress me out from time to time, you know?
...so maybe the meds ARE doing something, lmao, just not uhh the like thing I was mainly hoping it might magically do something on
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scarecrow-in-a-hatake · 6 months
Hatake-san! No, you do not pay for gifts. It’s hardly a trouble. I don’t have much in the way of fresh venison bones because as a civilian we’re only allowed to hunt during certain parts of the year… but I do have a few dried antlers and some rawhide. I will give them to you when I finish your throw quilt, and you will not pay me. You will say ‘Thank you, Oba-san,’ and you will scratch your dogs behind the ears for me. Understood? Good.
Make sure you’re eating well and sleeping enough too, honey. Real food and rest, not those awful ration bars and a sporadic schedule of cat naps!
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Yes, Oba-san. Thank you, Oba-san. Will do, Oba-san.
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girderednerve · 9 months
had an argument with my partner over literally nothing & then suddenly & awkwardly started sobbing while standing outside by a creek (humiliating) & then we talked it out & it was completely fine (love is real) but for some reason my scalp? was like, twitching? i have had eyelid twitches before but like my whole upper face was convulsively twitching. is this like, aging or stress or something? because it sucked & i did not like it
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biophilianutrition · 11 months
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Wellness Rituals
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healthaid1 · 1 year
Omega-3 Supplements Benefits
Essential Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids are very important for all systems of our body to function normally. Flax Oil and Fish Oil concentrates are high in Omega-3 fatty acids beneficial in maintaining a healthy heart, circulation, brain function, mood, and joint mobility.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
reasons why dimitri should be in engage and probably every fe game forever:
intsys gets my money ✔️
chris hackney gets... someone’s money, but money nonetheless and a somewhat regular voice acting gig like he deserves for himself and his family ✔️
i get dopamine and also serotonin no matter what each new game fe comes out with bc it won’t matter as long as dimi is present ✔️
list of people who are happy in this situation: intsys (consistently getting my money in which i basically work to get money to pay it to intsys)
chris (gets nintendo’s money or smth but also gets to keep playing the good wonderful dimi dims)
me (continual dopamine and serotonin due to the presence of dimi dims)
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